#night hood
minnieearsposts · 1 year
I need to start drafting for summer updates y’all so help a homie out 💕
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glassheadcanon · 8 months
Dear Yuletide Santa,
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This will be my 3rd Yuletide (every year has been a lot of fun)! Thanks so much for being willing to write in one of my favourite, tiny fandoms. Gifts are enabled in AO3, so treats are more than welcome.
While "optional details are optional", of course, here are some prompts in case you need more ideas, but please don't let them stop you from chasing your own plot bunnies - the most important thing to me is that you find joy in what you're writing.
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General likes: Characters as narrative foils; unreliable narrators; Banter (snark, companionable snark, wordplay); Fluff (especially slice-of-life); Found Families; Hurt/Comfort; heists/capers; action, adventure, the martial arts, battle couples; unresolved sexual tension; mysteries/investigative work, casefic; travel and exploration; secret/hidden/fantastical worlds beneath our own; Magical Realism; finding beauty and humour in the everyday/commonplace; the supernatural, fantastical and whimsical; missing scenes, pre-canon, post-canon; crossovers/fusions; crackfic, crack treated seriously; breaking the Fourth Wall; teamwork, especially with a motley crew
Fic/narrative styles: Open to reading different POV and tense styles, AUs, 5+1, fix-it fic, canon-divergent, drabble collections, non-standard formats, epistolary, verse - whatever inspires and works best for you!
DNW: Nothing Explicit or NSFW (Gen-Mature is fine); nothing needing Archive Warning categories such as graphic depictions of gore, violence, or sex, no rape/non-con, underage or incest (canon-typical violence is fine); no unrequested shipfic (mention of existing canon relationships is fine), sexuality or gender headcanons
...onto the fandom-specifics!
Fandom: Night Hood | Les exploits d'Arsène Lupin (1996)
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It's set in the 1930's, and from the Art Deco aesthetics to the witty, competent protagonists, these lighthearted adventures of this classy, suave, master-of-disguise version of gentleman burglar Arsène Lupin, his slowburn romance with bold investigative reporter Kelly Kincaid (and the found family/team-as-family vibes with her young protégé Max and Lupin's driver/sidekick Grognard) vs. their nemesis: billionaire arms manufacturer Karst, and his cunning and stylish team of Countess May Hem and Steel - are little known and woefully underappreciated. (Check out its TVTropes page for more of an idea what it's like.) Plus, it only has the slickest opening theme/intro sequence of all:
(Fave characters are Lupin, Kelly, and Max, but feel free to add Grognard and any other tagset characters as needed for the sake of the plot/dynamics!) Prompt ideas:
Casefic, pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes - anything that's fodder for more Kelly/Lupin companionable snark, banter, and UST, especially if they're situations where Kelly and Max hold their own more for a change (instead of needing to be rescued by Lupin) and/or brings to life 1930's Jazz Age Paris and New York's music, culture, fashion, and style
A crossover with Dorothy Sayers's Lord Peter Wimsey/Harriet Vane (even Bunter and Miss Climpson) and/or Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot characters (Chief Inspector Japp, Hastings, and Miss Lemon) would be absolutely fabulous
Kelly and Lupin encountering the infamous Dorothy Parker and her literary peers of New York's Algonquin Round Table
Fandom: Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
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Gally/Alita is one of my very first, all-time favourite anime characters. I've also watched the Battle Angel OVA, read all volumes of the first manga and its sequel, "Last Order" but haven't read "Mars Chronicle" yet. So far, I've greatly preferred the original Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm manga series (much more solid character/plot arc and satisfying ending, to me) to Last Order (far too much filler plot and gratuitous fan service, for my liking). But I digress.
What I appreciate about it: the application of martial arts in a sci-fi setting, kickass protagonist with amazing fight agility; she's a truly noble-spirited and kind-hearted hero and given this, how she navigates a dog-eat-dog post-apocalyptic world with single-minded determination. (Alita's my fave character, but feel free to include Ido or any other tagset characters as needed for the sake of the plot/dynamics! One exception: DNW for this particular fandom - I'd greatly prefer you leave Hugo out of the story)
Prompt ideas:
Alita exploring her new home and discovering more about everyday life in "Iron City"
Alita learning to use her new Berserker body and its combat capabilities
Motorball training sequences, matches, and other missing scenes filling in Alita's rise to Motorball champion (if you're familiar with the manga, feel free to more fully develop her respectful and mutually-strengthening competitive rivalry with Jashugan, which was never touched on in the live action film, and if you're interested, more of his "Maschine Klatsch" martial arts style vs. Alita/Gally's Panzer Kunst, and/or work in the story of how she came to wear the number 99)
Pre-canon of Alita's time learning Panzer Kunst/as a soldier for Mars
Fandom: バケモノの子 | Bakemono no Ko | The Boy and the Beast (2016)
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What I appreciate about it: the depictions of Tokyo (recognized so much from past travels here), the isekai, the found family vibes (especially between such a motley crew of disparate personalities - like Kumatetsu's larger-than-life, let-it-all-hang-out braggadocio bravado and how it inevitably conflicts with just about everyone), how Kyuuta/Ren learns the martial arts (and all of the training sequences). (Kyuuta/Ren and Kumatetsu are my fave characters, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - such as Kaede, Soushi, Tatara and Hyakushuubou, for the sake of the plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas - mostly post-canon:
Kyuuta/Ren as an older adult in modern Japan - are there situations in his new life in the human world, in which he's able to apply the martial thinking and skills he learned from life in the Beast Kingdom?
What's it like for Kyuuta/Ren, living his life with the spirit of Kumatetsu now residing within him? What conflicts or arguments might they get into, and over what?
Under what situations would Kyuuta/Ren return to the Beast Kingdom in the future? What circumstance might threaten the Beast Kingdom to such an extent that it forces the spirit of Kumatetsu and Kyuuta/Ren to return, and use his/their combined abilities to fight for its survival? How might this cause tension between the obligations of his human adult life, and his obligations to his friends in the Beast Kingdom?
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
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What I appreciate about it: One of my all-time fave OTPs (though if you're not one for this pairing in a romantic sense, no worries - above all, I love their friendship as well so feel free to stick to the platonic angle if that's what you're more comfortable with). I just really enjoy how well they complement each other in personality, and would love to see more of how this works out whenever they have to team up. And call me biased, but the gorgeous, nuanced voices of both their English VAs (Gideon Emery and Nicole Fantl) really sold it for me. (Fran and Balthier are my fave characters, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
Pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes, heist/caper fic
How Fran and Balthier met, and what situation made them decide to team up for good
What moment in the history of their friendship solidified their trust in, and loyalty to, each other?
In what ways did Balthier being Hume and Fran being Viera challenge or put a strain on their friendship/relationship?
How the two managed to survive the crash-landing of the sky fortress, Bahamut
Swashbuckling sky pirate adventures with or without the airship Strahl; battles, and/or thievery - e.g. plans to steal an arcane treasure go awry and they need to use their wits and prowess to succeed (and of course they do - in style! :D)
Times when Fran's sensitivity to Mist either helped or hindered combat/these goals
Fandom: X-Men The Animated Series (Cartoon 1992)
What I appreciate about it: besides the epic opening theme song, you mean? :D The nostalgic early 90's vibes and fashion, any time there's lighthearted, snarky dynamics, and they competently coordinate/use their unique mutant powers in combination as a team; Rogue and Gambit is one of my earliest OTPs and the poignancy of their predicament with Rogue's ability has always held a special place in my heart. (Rogue, Gambit, Storm, and Beast are my fave characters in this fandom, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
Pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes or casefic
Christmas at Xavier's mansion, or New Years' Eve with the team
A fun girls' night out with Rogue, Storm, Jubilee, and Jean Grey turns into an adventure
Danger Room training sequences/combat practice
Rogue x Gambit in New Orleans
The first time that Rogue and Remy were able to safely touch, or the moment they did that was most memorable to them both
Fandom: Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex (full episodes available to watch online for free via Adult Swim!)
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What I appreciate about it: GitS (1995) was one of my very first fave anime films, and this series perfectly captures the cyberpunk vibes, the great dynamics and loyalty between members of a competent investigative team (especially between the Major, Batou and Togusa) and the philosophical issues surrounding the mind-body connection, sense of self/agency and the nature of humanity in a hyper technological age. The addition of the Tachikoma AIs in Standalone Complex bring an element of light-heartedness to the team that I've always enjoyed. (The Major, Batou, Togusa, and the Tachikomas are my fave characters in this fandom, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
The personalities of the different Tachikoma AI, and how they interact with each other and other members of their unit (especially Batou, Togusa and the Major)
How the Tachikoma respond to and navigate the aspects of everyday human life we take for granted, especially how they might attempt to interpret human emotional/interpersonal experiences they observe
Casefic, "heists", fun with hacking and infiltration
What if the Tachikomas and/or the other team members like Batou and the Major had to do a "ghost" dive on each other and/or their "ghosts" temporarily switched places/got trapped in each others' "shells"...what hijinks would ensue?
The friendship and trust between Batou and the Major; exploring whether or not there might have been room there for something more to have developed under the right circumstances
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so I was putting stickers on a little notebook today in therapy and I saw these DC stickers and I've been so obsessed with @minnieearsposts night hood, bluejay, way down we go and she hates me fics (even tho I know next to nothing about DC) that I had to put them on!!!
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I couldn't find a red hood/Jason sticker but I had to make sure my pro-Dick (no don't take that out of context, irl friends echo & marissa, I'm begging you) allegiance
(bonus: deadpool and vampire axolotl stickers:
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luckysheikah · 1 year
I'm so desperate for Lupin content I'm watching Night Hood
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batfam-belfry · 2 months
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Jay has had enough of the pacifistic garbage
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fanaticalthings · 25 days
I want an AU where after Jason gets brought back to life, he channels his inner rage and turmoil into the academics instead of murder
Talia has like infinite money and a crap ton of influence, so she can absolutely get Jason the best tutors and can easily get him into the most prestigious schools if Jason wanted to (she doesn't need to do that though because Jason's just smart enough to get into them on his own)
The major he chooses? Med.
Why? Because Bruce dropped out of med school.
Jason practically flies through all the secondary education that he needs to catch up on and is already en route to earning his bachelor's AND his master's.
And it'd be so incredibly funny if the way Bruce and Jason reunite in this AU was purely by coincidence.
Bruce (as Brucie Wayne) offers to show up as a guest lecturer at Hudson University (the school Dick attended but dropped out of so double points for Jason), maybe to talk about future career paths and job positions at WE idk
So as Bruce is just wandering around the campus, he randomly bumps into a student and immediately puts on the Brucie act and is all "Oh my, I'm SO sorry, I'm just a klutz haha" only to stop dead silent when he makes eye contact with a very alive, very grown Jason Todd, who also stops dead in his tracks, mouth agape, staring at Bruce like the world's about to end
And before Bruce can get his thoughts straight, Jason just bolts out of there like his life depends on it, and Bruce is just in shambles for the rest of the day.
It doesn't help that the person giving Bruce the tour is all like "Oh yeah, that's Jason, he's one of the heads on our student council haha, anyways, this way, Mr. Wayne." and Bruce is just stood there bluescreening.
Alternatively, it'd be kinda funny if this all happened AFTER the events of UTRH where after the final encounter with Bruce and Joker and the whole explosion, Jason's just like "yk what, maybe I'm just gonna turn over a new leaf and pursue a higher education"
So while Gotham's still reeling from the aftermath of Jason's near takeover as the top crime lord and Bruce is still painstakingly trying to figure out where his son went, the whole time Jason's just been chilling on a school campus and Bruce just so happens to bump into his son (who, last time they met, tried to kill Bruce and blew up the building they were all in) and Jason's just all normal-looking with his textbooks and nerdy glasses and Bruce doesn't know whether to scream or cry.
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blackbatbbg · 6 months
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This will never not be fouly funny.
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allthegothihopgirls · 3 months
batboys playing scrabble except there's a dictionary on-hand at all times solely for the purpose of fact-checking jason every time he tries to make up a word and gaslight the others into thinking it's real.
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theerurishipper · 29 days
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I tried something new
Part 1 -> Part 2
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minnieearsposts · 9 months
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pinkiemachine · 8 months
An oldie but a goodie…
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Part 2…
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betterthanbatman1 · 8 months
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"Jason Todd was a menace of a Robin"
WRONG Jason Todd was a sweet lil lad who liked to read fucking Shakespear
He also beat Joker to death after Jason died, Dick is probably the most angry Robin to ever traffic light his way through Gotham.
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lustwithoutlore · 4 months
Barbara: What did you get Dick for his birthday?
Jason: I got him a Glutemaster
Barbara: Really? Me too!
Stephanie: I also got him a Glutemaster.
Duke, gesturing to himself and Tim: Looks like we had the same idea.
Jason, sighing: Kill me. Please tell me you didn’t get Dick a Glutemaster as well.
Cass: I got him… a Glutemaster 🥰
Dick, surrounded by Glutemasters: THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!
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butwhyduh · 4 months
I love stories where it points out how deadly all the robins are.
Yeah Jason’s guns kill with amazing accuracy but he’s literally assassin trained with multiple teachers around the world in hand to hand combat.
Tim might be a tech genius but he’s also trained by Lady Shiva. He welds the bow staff like an extension of his arms. He has the least amount of pre Robin training but can keep up with the others.
Damian is trained by the league of assassins and he can use a sword non-deadly which is amazing control. That’s before he learned how to be robin.
Dick tho, everyone sleeps on. He’s learned flexibility and balance that none of the other bats could even dream of. He’s learned from multiple combat artists. He can go through a weapon cache and use anything he grabs. The bow staff, escrima sticks, throwing stars. He literally wears no armor because he’s amazing at not even getting touched by his opponent.
I think it’s great when they point out how hard they work to not kill their opponents.
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ivysangel · 5 months
Thinking about the nastiest, filthiest, most depraved sex with Jason. Visually, it's kind of violent, but really, it's not; you just need each other very carnally. There's no salvaging the clothes you were wearing, and the ones you wear over the next few days will have to cover you up enough so you don't get mistaken for the victim of a mauling. It didn't matter, though, didn't matter if you looked like you'd been hit by a truck or were brought to the brink of death and revived because nothing mattered when he was balls deep in your soaking cunt. 
Every single time Jason hit that sweet spot deep in you, you felt like you were on the verge of dying and ascending to the great beyond. The edges of your vision go dark as you leave deep bloody scratches anywhere you can reach, refusing to be the only one who looked like the victim of a violent crime when it was over. Your legs shake uncontrollably as he draws another earth-shattering orgasm out of you, making you slip further and further into the light. 
You always come back to him, though, the out-of-body experience ending when he bends you into a new position, whispering in your ear how good you are for him. It would happen again, and again, and again until you were sure you were gonna die on him or something, sure that every stroke of his cock was gonna be the one to take you out. Death's cold, clammy hands never touched you though, just Jason's warm ones wiping drool from your mouth, and lightly tapping your cheek. "You still with me?"
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