#I havent talked abt literally any of them but they do exist and they're getting a story now cause I have Ideas
arolesbianism 9 months
Oopsie doopsie slips and makes another batch of side characters their own story in which they're the main characters
#rat rambles#oc posting#its the rest of the guys who were stuck in the lab with applebounce and pent before they all escaped#I havent talked abt literally any of them but they do exist and they're getting a story now cause I have Ideas#mostly involving some mind fuckery with the black good tee em#basically a mix of worldbuilding with the goop and mind fuckery with the gang but mostly the main character cause theyre having a time#Ive just been lsitening to the subway midnight trailer song and thinking abt them very hard#long long story short there used to be a society of folk who were mostly made of the life goop (similar to ari) but after cake got an#interest in the substance soon after his squad did their coup he basically got the place wiped out so he could use it as a goop source#but after a while he found out how to produce it in more convenient locations plus that goop was totally haunted so he abandoned it#the main gang of this story after having escaped the lab were looking for a place to stay after leaving and felt themselves inexplicably#drawn to this place and ended up getting stuck there rip#mostly because the place is trying very hard to keep everyone in it alive but is failing since the old dead ppl dont have bodies anymore#so in its desperation to revive them they drew in the nearest bodies it could detect that had ties to it#but since the gang arent full goop they kind of got split into two separate beings kind of#and by that I mean more so they had their memories and shit split from them but said memories cant exist fully alone#so they kind of just go through set routines and only interact with things that can fit into said routines#thats the messy bad way of explaining it but yeah#the main character is basically just going around finding the ppl they came here with and helping them find their lost memories#all while being haunted by seemingly hundreds of their own#this is all still in the brainstorming phase tho so expect all of this to be fleshed out more in the future#Ill need to work on drawing the main cast to show yall once I finish my current commission 馃憤
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magnoliamyrrh 2 years
believing in female solidarity and class conciousness and sisterhood while dealing with western feminists is actually a nightmare lmao
im so tired of making an effort, i truly am. im so tired. im tired of feeling like i have to teach Basic Empathy and Caring abt Others and Class Conciousness 101. im tired of being the only one whose making an effort in this relation. im so tired of it being the case that its only the westerners who lose their little marbles over whatever feminist points i may be be trying to make, and they somehow don't understand the irony in them prepetually calling so many nonwestern feminists fascists or whatever the fuck else. yes yes, indian feminists are just stupid for trying to ban pornography and surrogacy, please enlighten them. south korean women are just evil brainwashed bitches, that's why they're radical separatists - south asia in general having a separatist and radical wave is for no reason whatsoever theyre just nazis lmao. african feminists, so many of them, are white supremecists for not exactly parroting your western bullshit, yup yup this makes sense. islamic feminists are "suspicious" lmao for the language we use in our writings (analysis of material reality). lets completely ignore that the feministms of the nonwestern world call for the abolition of prostitution. balkan sex trafficking victims, which are most prostitutes and child prostitues in the west, spending years speaking out against all this and trying to change laws? naaah we know nothing, we dont know nothing at all, the well of westerners who have no idea what theyre talking abt will englighten us abt that, while calling for the death of women who dont agree with their sex work bullshit lmao. we also have a bad habit of joking abt unifying and killing men and killing sex tourists, we should probably stop that bc its real offensive and scary to the westerners too
all this god damn endless performative sharade about LiSteN to WoMen of CoLour and LisTen to ThIrd WoRld WoMen and liSten to NonWeSteRn WoMen and poOr woMen and SeX TrAffIcking ViCtiMs (wait nvm they dont even say that now, bc only "sex workers" exist to them, ever) et fucking cetera. yea lmao. they dont actually give a shit about marginalized women though
god help us. how the hell is the cognitive dissonance of this whole situation not hitting them exactly? with. literally basically any other feminist on this planet but the liberal/mainstream westerners you can hold an actual conversation and discourse and understand each other. everyone but them and their postmodern brainrot understands this is a class struggle and understands the root of the opression of the female sex. "ThErES nO UnIvErSalLiTy BetWeEN wOmEn" just shut it already jfc. the fact that we can have international conversations on our struggles basically already proves there is - its only you who cant get what planet youre living on, with the endless relativity and individualism and choice and language politiquing and patriarchal bootlicking
i know, because ive been doing it for years. and ive been watching the feminist movements of the nonwestern world for years. i also know the only reason why on this blog i Can actually for the most part say things without being crucified is bc most of yall arent western or white or both
and apart from the ones who outright lose their mind or feel incredibly comfortable speaking over you or talking down to you - dont rly know how they havent choked on the entitlement yet -maybe they're just fucking lost and too far gone. but. even the rest. who are less hostile or just privileged and dont know better. im just tired, just tired.
the internet is chock full of the opinions of nonwestern women on feminism. the internet is chock full of the accounts of sex trafficking victims, of child prostitues, of prostitutes, of experts on human trafficking. its fucking full of it. and its on tv, and sometimes in newspapers. god fucking damn it so much has been written on this, so much has been done on this, so many efforts movements organizations documentaries whatever the fuck. spains laws were changed by our trafficked women but somehow its like this fact doesn't exist to the westenrs, or the have the gull to explain that, actually, they're wrong.
it is of absolutely no pleasure of me at all to educate the western "feminists" on shit they could educate themselves on in approximately 10 fucking minutes if theyd bother to do a google search and give a shit, actually give a shit and maybe, for fucking once, realize theyre not always right and the center of the world. its of no pleasure to me at all to have to keep my cool and be nice enough that whatever i say isnt just dismissed, because if youre too fucking angry over god damn sexual slavery you're just an evil crazy irrational bitch. im tired. whatever the hell i say has been said by so many before, so many times, for so long, but its like its been said to a wall or yelled out into space
sometimes i wonder what the hell we must even do for it to even matter. rationality and calmness hasnt helped. anger hasn't helped. detailed accounts of what its Actually like to be trafficked or a child prostitute or a prostitute or a sex slave, havent helped. we have bore our pain and sorrows and trauma and soul and so often it doesn't mean a single god damn thing to them. what. what needs to happen. should we just start having mental breakdowns and screaming our throaths raw infront of them? no, they will not care or understand even then. should we show them what the sexual slavery of children actually looks like - except wait, theres undercover journalism and documentaries and accounts written on this. it matters not. it matters not. Whats next? Interpretive dance?? What else we got, should we maybe just start trying to communicate through telepathic waves?? i wonder if some of them are simply doomed to be deaf and blind and unfeeling
im tired of making the effort, and im tired of reaching across the isle hoping that at least some of them can change their minds and give a shit and open their eyes to whats actually happening, and how detached their "feminism" is from the rest of ours. im tired of having to explain to the western women whose ideology is responsable for, lmao, our peoples sexual slavery, that this shit is real bad, and lmao in actuality imperialism, but having to do it nicely enough while They are x30 times more hostile with Me. lord. if youre going to call me a fascist and cancel me irl, if were just throwing words around, can i just start calling them slavers? except thats not going to get us anywhere, except no matter how many times i want to just snap, i know that doing so as badly as i want to to their face isnt going to get anything done
. and.what choice do i have, really? i cant simply leave the western feminists to their bullshit. because what they think becomes law in their own damn countries and then affects us, it becomes international law as well because it is their country who lead the international community. the bullshit that they think, actually, unfortunately direcly affects us. and not only that, but it affects the women and girl-children most vulnerable and opressed in their own countries, whom are still our sisters whose pain and saftey i am concerned with. so i cant just leave them to it, and there is little choice then to not educate, or not try to at least try to reach across the isle. theres little choice but to have the hope that some of them can care and understand, and that some is better than nothing and worth it and a start..... even with how fucking tired and fed up i am and how i wish i wouldnt have to keep bearing my god damn suffering just so theyd get it, im still. frankly so willing to do it with someone who is actually willing to listen and change. i dont believe in canceling people forever, and i have the hope and knowledge that changing one persons mind is a ripple effect, for then they change anothers mind, and on and on
i just wish. theyd at least meet me halfway. im tired of making the effort to still see them as sisters and women whose struggles i care about, while for the most part they could give less of a shit
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buckys-metal-arm 1 year
OKAY SO I JUST FINISHED SECRET INVASION (I know I'm late to the party but it was airing while I was at Stagedoor and I have like no signal there and wifi is spotty at best) AND I AM 1. U N W E L L and 2. BREAKING OUT THE RED STRING REGARDING THIS GOING INTO THUNDERBOLTS SO STRAP IN
(spoilers below the break and also this is gonna be a long one)
So I know they've said the Thunderbolts movie is gonna have things to do with Vibranium, and I get that, but part of me thinks the Skrulls are gonna play a part in it.
Okay so I have a lot of thoughts so we're just gonna word vomit
This may be entire circumstantial evidence but looking at the lineup we have 3 people who fight with brute force in a hand to hand situation (Bucky, Alexei, Antonia kinda), 3 people who are shown to be amazing ranged weapon fighters (Bucky, Antonia, Yelena)
And also Ava bc I havent figured out how her specific power set factors into this theory but I think someone like her is just giid to have around for strategic/espionage/surveillance reasons.
We've seen in SI that Skrulls even without the Super Skrull machine have some sort of enhanced strength with Talos in like the first or second episode and then again during the Motorcade fight when he saves the President
(and we will GET to the president)
which for Super Soldiers might be an even match, like Steve and Bucky in CATWS
or at least they can take a lot more damage and heal a lot quicker than the others.
Ranged weapons, I mean there's a full on human/Skrull war going on now, you're probably gonna want at least some people who can stay out of direct fighting
or in the case of Bucky and Antonia, you can't have them taking damage all the time,
and then also having someone like Ava who can sneak around unseen and undetected is of course a good way to infiltrate Skrull bases undetected/figure out who all is a Skrull/again she's just generally a strategic advantage to any team she's a part of imo
The Vibranium could also still factor into it too
I mean Skrulls are an alien species and Vibranium is a metal from space like it isn't unheard of
Also I have a horrible thought that won't happen bc Chris and Scarlett are gone but Bucky and Yelena having to fight Skrulls that look like Steve or Nat respectively would make me U N W E L L
I don't think it would inhibit them tbh, I think it would go a lot more like the Mustang Vs. Envy fight at the end of FMAB where it's like "they're dead I know they're dead and the fact you're wearing their face isn't weakening me it's making me angrier"
Watch FMAB it's great
This is the scene though if you want what I'm talking about condensed, the specific spot it starts at is 4:18
Or Bucky fighting a Winter Soldier Skrull
The TRAUMA but also the CATHARSIS of Bucky LITERALLY fighting his demons
Looping back to the President I said we'd get to
Diet Trump over there is definitely not gonna be president by the time TB rolls around
like Fury said what he did with the Skrulls is definitely some one-term president bs.
By the time he's out of office there's gonna be such a spike in hate crimes(?) against Skrulls/general murder that no one in their right mind would back him for re election
(at least I think. I hope. I'm praying Marvel doesn't emulate real life in this respect)
So my thought is
I'm basing this solely on a rumor I heard months ago abt Ross's role Thunderbolts so big grain of salt here
that's how Ross becomes President
and , and he may run on a campaign stating he'll end the lunacy
and I don't doubt that he'd want to
but from what little I know about him he seem like an "ends justify the war crimes" type guy
so my thought is he's sending the Thunderbolts in to do something relating to Skrulls
The Super Skrull machine may be how we specifically get Red Hulk too
I know we established in She-Hulk that the Hulk blood can be injected and stuff
But my thought is maybe he recreates it or something
And when infused with Radiation instead of Gamma rays (I don't know science they might be too different idk) it gives us Red Hulk instead of the usual Hulks we get, or anything like Abomination
That one has less backing it I just think it's neat
But idk those are my theories pls tell me what y'all think I have so many thoughts
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figureinthedistance 5 years
its 5am so this may come w an extra dose of incoherence but like i rlly like classical music like i dont rlly kno a lot abt it + havent listened 2 anyone regularly other than Debussy but sometimes thinking abt certain aspects of the genre make me feel sick like the fact tht the idea of a cover vs an original like jst doesnt exist in it mostly bc like so much classical music u don't have originals obvs bc its so old but even like w contemporary classical music like cover/original is an arbitrary distinction + i def don't think the language is used + ppl talk abt like Mozart n Haydn n Tchaikovsky n sometimes ppl call them musicians + its like i get they played instruments but we've literally no idea what tht sounded like they're composers is composer a type of musician does jst writing music make u a musician u don't have 2 play it + its weird i guess bc its like theatre + i love theatre its one of my fav art forms like top 3 + theatre is the same where like sure certain actors n directors will gain acclaim n notoriety but like its the playwrights who are known + when we think of a play its seen as the playwrights play even if no one alive has ever seen a version of the play directed by the playwright or like in any way influenced by the playwright other than by the provision of the script. + i think thats weird but it doesnt rlly bother me but w classical music i am bothered like what level of creative input do u attribute to the musicians like to what extent am i listening 2 Erik satie + 2 what extent am i listening 2 Daniel varsano + phillippe entremont bc i only ever think of it as listening 2 Satie i had 2 check my music library 2 make sure i was spelling the musicians names right... like there's jst such a blur btwn performance + creation + it makes me feel sea sick like my stomach gets unsettled.... i don't even kno if Erik Satie is considered a classical composer bc he was avant garde right can u be both probably ppl can b both of anything. ugh i hate this so much tho. sometimes ill wanna get into classical music + I'll pick some composer + a piece of theirs 2 start w but then its like no now u have 2 choose from a dozen different performances + none of them are like the Official Version bc there is no Official Version. fuck i jst realised why it doesnt bother me w theatre its bc there is still an official version of the play + it's called me reading it on my own in my room.
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