#so they kind of just go through set routines and only interact with things that can fit into said routines
arolesbianism · 9 months
Oopsie doopsie slips and makes another batch of side characters their own story in which they're the main characters
#rat rambles#oc posting#its the rest of the guys who were stuck in the lab with applebounce and pent before they all escaped#I havent talked abt literally any of them but they do exist and they're getting a story now cause I have Ideas#mostly involving some mind fuckery with the black good tee em#basically a mix of worldbuilding with the goop and mind fuckery with the gang but mostly the main character cause theyre having a time#Ive just been lsitening to the subway midnight trailer song and thinking abt them very hard#long long story short there used to be a society of folk who were mostly made of the life goop (similar to ari) but after cake got an#interest in the substance soon after his squad did their coup he basically got the place wiped out so he could use it as a goop source#but after a while he found out how to produce it in more convenient locations plus that goop was totally haunted so he abandoned it#the main gang of this story after having escaped the lab were looking for a place to stay after leaving and felt themselves inexplicably#drawn to this place and ended up getting stuck there rip#mostly because the place is trying very hard to keep everyone in it alive but is failing since the old dead ppl dont have bodies anymore#so in its desperation to revive them they drew in the nearest bodies it could detect that had ties to it#but since the gang arent full goop they kind of got split into two separate beings kind of#and by that I mean more so they had their memories and shit split from them but said memories cant exist fully alone#so they kind of just go through set routines and only interact with things that can fit into said routines#thats the messy bad way of explaining it but yeah#the main character is basically just going around finding the ppl they came here with and helping them find their lost memories#all while being haunted by seemingly hundreds of their own#this is all still in the brainstorming phase tho so expect all of this to be fleshed out more in the future#Ill need to work on drawing the main cast to show yall once I finish my current commission 👍
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cherriegyuu · 1 year
crossing the line | two | kmg
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pairing: mingyu x fem!reader genre: smut, angst, fluff (ish) word count: 3.7k warnings: smut (18+), minors do not interact, oral (male receiving) kissing, swearing part one
this is part of my series, seventeen as songs from lover (ts)
Mingyu ➝ Paper RingsI hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this↳ Mingyu had always been your best friend and that line had never been crossed before, then, one day, you woke up naked ion his bed with a vivid memory of the previous night.
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Ever since he was a kid, Mingyu had this sort of life motto: regret nothing and own up to the consequences of your actions. And for twenty-six entire years, he managed to do just that. Of course, there were things he wished he could have done differently. However, once something is done there is no going back. He could apologize for it, had it been a mistake, or he could just move on.  And although he didn’t regret a single moment of the night he spent with you, the owning-up part was a little trickier than he had expected.  
Mingyu was sure that your reaction would be bad, he knew that you’d get scared. But he thought that you would stay back so the two of you could talk. Or, at the very least, follow through with what you had said to him. Tomorrow morning, we go back to what we are, was what you said. But when morning came and Mingyu finally woke up, you were no longer in his bed. The only thing left of you was your perfume on his pillow.  
He figured that he should give you time. You got scared and that was normal. He had known you for four years and he knew that you weren’t the kind of person who enjoyed changes. You loved your routines and being inside your bubble. It was a surprise that you had let him get close to you at all, even more so when both of you grew attached to the other.  
Chan said that it was weird but he and Soonyoung were happy that you were finally allowing yourself to just be freer.  
Mingyu wanted to be that person for you but was it so bad that he also wanted to be more than? 
Truth be told, Mingyu had been interested in you since the moment you met. You, on the other hand, didn’t seem at all interested in him so he didn’t press you. When you opened up to him and allowed him to get closer to you, he was dating someone else.  
It was around the same time he started to let himself be touchy with you, like he always was with all his friends, that he noticed that the way he first felt about you didn’t change or disappear.   
He had been idiot enough to stay with his girlfriend, thinking that maybe he was reading too much into what you were doing. Then his girlfriend started to get uncomfortable, the fights started and they just broke up. 
Though he didn’t feel nearly as heartbroken as he made it seem, Mingyu let you nurse him through his breakup. You’d sit with him for hours, his head on your lap while you played with his hair. 
“I think you’d look great with long hair,” you said randomly one day. 
“Why?” he looked away from the tv, eyes focused solely on you.
“You’re disgustingly handsome. I think you should try”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Mingyu started to let his hair grow and he was too lazy to get a proper cut so you were the one cutting his hair for him. I don’t want to hear a single complaint about this, you told him while he sat in the middle of your bathroom. 
It was physically painful for him to hold back from touching you. Mingyu was well aware that if you got scared you’d just run away from him and there was a high chance of him never seeing you again. And that wasn’t something he wanted. 
Desperate moments call for desperate measures. He needed, God help him, Soonyoung’s help.
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“So, how long will you keep avoiding Mingyu?” Soonyoung asked when you set his coffee in front of him. 
Your lifelong friend had asked to meet you once your shift was over, and you agreed. Much to your surprise, he had gotten there an hour early and was now just bothering you.
"Shut up and drink your coffee"
"Come on, there's no one here. Sit down and talk to me"
The problem with working at a café that had a homely feel was that your friends, honestly just Soonyoung, thought that they could just pretend that it was your own home. 
"I'm working"
He rolled his eyes at you.
"At your brother's café," he tugged at your shirt "Sit down, humor me for a second"
With a sigh, you dropped your body on the couch next to his. 
"He asks about you every single day, you know? He said you guys fought, so he's giving you time. But I don't think he will be able to hold himself back for much longer"
You pinched your nose, your heart suddenly aching at his works. 
Truth was, you missed Mingyu. Desperately. You regretted leaving his side the moment you closed his apartment door but you also couldn't bring yourself to go back.
You figured that you should give yourself a little time to understand what happened and maybe get it sorted out in your mind. But you couldn't stop thinking about him, about the way he kissed you — so tenderly, with so much care, as if you were something precious that he would never give himself the luxury of breaking. 
His touch was engraved in your body, just thinking about it made your skin electric. Mingyu was the first thing you thought about in the mornings, the last thing on your mind before you drifted off to sleep. He found ways to sneak up on you when you least expected it.
He texted you every day like he normally did, but you left all of his messages on read. You had been obsessed with your notification bar for the past three of weeks.
Though your actions said otherwise, you were scared of facing Mingyu, terrified that things between the two of you would change. 
"Tell me what happened" Soonyoung nudged you with his knee "Maybe I can help.  You know I always have killer advices"
There was no way you'd tell Soonyoung you slept with Mingyu.
"We just fought, it was stupid" you shook your head.
You watched in complete distress as the two working wheels inside his brain moved. Soonyoung went from furrowed eyebrows that said this fucking dumb girl to wide eyes.
"You guys fucked!"
You pressed your hands to Soonyoung's mouth, looking over your shoulder to make sure that your brother was still in the kitchen. Soonyoung kept his eyes wide open, his words muffled by your hands.
"Shut up!" 
He managed to push your hands away, looking over your shoulder before leaning on the table with his forearms, his voice barely a whisper.
"You're an adult, I'm pretty sure your brother knows you have sex from time to time"
"He doesn't need to know with whom" you pushed his head back. 
"Well, at least you're not denying it"
It would have been stupid to deny it when you felt as if you were walking around with a sign that said I slept with my best friend hanging over your head.
"Listen, I'll be as honest about this as I possibly can. You guys like each other, and have for a very long time. I mean everyone thinks you're dating" when you started to shake your head, Soonyoung rolled his eyes "I can count the amount of times I've hugged you in the past ten years. Twenty, if you're wondering. One for my birthday and one for yours, which I always have to force you to do"
"yn, you're not someone who's very into physical touch, which is fine. But with Mingyu? You guys touch each other the whole time, anywhere. The only time you guys weren't all over each other was when he was in a serious relationship, which mind you, you cried over"
Soonyoung was a fantastic friend, always. Despite his loud personality, at least around your group, he gave advice quietly. He never made a big deal of situations, he never went around screaming your secrets away. But in that moment you hated how much he was able to read you, like the only thing hiding your feelings was a thin glass wall.
"I didn’t cry" you sighed, dropping your head to the table.
"Sweetheart, you sobbed. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with you"
Soonyoung had laughter in his eyes, and at that moment he reminded you so much of the boy you met in high school. He had changed so much, from the way he dressed to the way he behaved. But still, somewhere inside, he was the same kid from ten years before.
"What are you afraid of?"
Of a life without Mingyu, was the only answer you had. 
You met Mingyu for the first time at twenty-two, fresh out of college, scared of life. You hated your major, marketing, and hated your job too. Mingyu had been a breath of fresh air, with wide eyes and a beautiful smile. 
It was always hard for you to let people close. You were just too shy and introverted but ever since Chan introduced you to Mingyu, you enjoyed his presence. He was always too much. Too tall, too large, too loud, talked too fast. But whenever he spoke to you, his voice was a little quieter, softer somehow.
Mingyu was larger than life itself and you were afraid you were too little compared to him. 
He was out there with his fancy corporate job, a financial manager, while you worked at your brother's café. It was what you wanted, yes, your shit degree had some use and you got to test out recipes with your brother. It was a much simpler life than the one Mingyu wanted.
"We're too different" you whispered, blinking away your tears.
You wanted Mingyu, not just like your best friend but in all ways one can have someone. You wanted to be able to kiss him whenever and do all the romantic shit you had seen people around you do.
"You're not and even if you were, what's so wrong about that? Don't people say that opposites attract?" he patted your hand "Won't you rather regret a decision than spend your life wishing you could have done something different?"
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Soonyoung's Words still echoed through Mingyu's mind hours after they spoke on the phone. 
yn thinks she's not enough for you.
He didn't know what he was supposed to do with that information. How he was supposed to convince you that you were more than enough? Not just that, that you were the only one he wanted.
As soon as he ended the call with Soonyoung, Mingyu had gotten up from his desk, ready to call it a day and go after you. Everything else could wait. There was nothing more important than you to him. 
It didn't seem to matter to his boss though, as he not only made Mingyu stay but also work over hours. Managers make their own schedule, my ass. It was already past midnight when he got inside his car. 
It was too late to go to your place and try to talk with you.  It was almost the middle of the night and Mingyu wanted to have a clear head to speak with you. He needed to be the most eloquent version of himself so that he could lay out in front of you, all of his cards, and hopefully maybe have you back in his life. Even if you were to remain just friends. 
So he dragged himself home, feeling defeated once again. Three weeks of no contact with you had been pure torture. His messages were read the night before, which gave him a little bit of hope, but still, he didn't get an answer. His phone calls were obviously screened. 
"Fuck" he cursed turning the lights in his living room on.
Mingyu rubbed his eyes to make sure that he wasn't imagining things. Because there you were, sleeping on his couch
In complete silence, or at least trying to be as quiet as possible, Mingyu took off his shoes and locked the door behind him. He never took his eyes off of you, scared that maybe if he looked away or even blinked you'd disappear.
He kneeled on the floor by your side, his hand immediately going to your face. 
Ever since you met Mingyu, four days was the longest period of time you went without seeing each other. Six hours was the longest you went without talking. Needless to say, those three weeks had been hell, both for you and him. 
You had been stubborn and Mingyu was determined to give you space. It was a lose-lose situation. 
“yn” he whispered your name.
Slowly you opened your eyes. And god, how much had he missed those eyes. Mingyu found out, very early on, that your eyes held all of your truths. You went about your life thinking that no one had a single clue of what was going on through your mind — and for the most part, you managed to succeed. But there were moments when you allowed him to see all there was to you. 
And maybe that wasn’t your intention but your eyes gave away your truth. You missed Mingyu, desperately so, just as much as he missed you.
“Sorry I fell asleep,” you said pushing back a yawn.
Mingyu smiled at you, his hand on your head, lightly massaging your scalp.
“It’s okay, it’s really late”
You nodded, eyes closing again.
“Can you lay with me?”
You tugged a little on the sleeve of his shirt.
“Yeah, give me just a minute”
Mingyu leaned down and kissed your hair quickly before standing up. He got out of his working clothes and grabbed whichever comfortable ones were closer to him. With a blanket in his hand, he went back into the living room. 
You scooted back onto the couch, your back pressed against the couch, giving Mingyu enough space to crawl in by your side. 
As soon as you felt Mingyu’s body next to yours, you wrapped your arm around his waist, getting as close to him as you possibly could. 
With a content sigh, Mingyu nested your head against his neck, his lips never leaving your forehead. 
It didn’t take long for him do fall asleep too.
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You were the kind of person who didn’t like sleeping in places that weren’t your bed, your home. In fact, you had a really hard time sleeping in unknown places. And yet, wrapped in the warmth of Mingyu, you felt as if you had slept for the first time in weeks. 
You missed Mingyu like crazy and craved his touch each waking minute of the day. 
You tilted your head back a little, to look at him. How you managed to go three weeks without him was unknown to you. But now that you were in his arms again, you would never let him go again. 
Even if that night had changed everything or nothing at all, you decided that you wanted Mingyu in your life in whichever way he was willing to be. 
Talking with Soonyoung had helped, more than you could have imagined. He walked you home that night, going over with you through everything that you felt, and why you decided to bolt in the morning. His answer was for really smart people, both of you are dumb as fuck.
During the entire day, you built up the courage to go to Mingyu and try and see if there was anything salvageable about your friendship. 
Mingyu stirred awake, his arms tightening around you, causing a small laugh to escape your lips. 
“What?” he asked, voice low and raspy. 
“You’re squeezing me”
It wasn’t a complaint, in any way, shape, or form. You liked the feeling of him all around you, almost way too much.
“It was intentional”
He squeezed you again, shifting on the couch and pulling you on top of him. His eyes were foggy with sleep but it was easy to spot the same thing you saw that night. The emotion you refused to acknowledge then. 
Longing and adoration. 
“Sorry, I left that day. I freaked out” You shook your head, pushing his hair from his forehead. You wished you could be more vocal about all of it, have prettier words for him "I thought that if I stayed our relationship would be over because I don't think I can go back to how we were before that night. I…"
You groaned and hid your face on the crock of his neck.
“I like you” you admitted quietly “I have for a really long time now”
Scared, you looked at him.
"I want it all with you, yn. I've liked you from the start. So can we, please, stop pretending that there isn't anything more than just friendship between us? We’ve had our fair share of miscommunication, missed opportunities, and unspoken feelings. Our friendship is everything to me, but I can't ignore these other feelings anymore”
His eyes never left yours. His emotions weren’t hidden in his sleeve, they were on full display for you. Everything that Mingyu was, he showed to you without any reservations.
So, instead of giving him stuttered words, you pulled his face close to yours, capturing his lips into yours.
The kiss was the same as the ones from the other night but also entirely new. That night you were friends testing the waters, entering unknown territory. In that moment, though, you were more. 
“I missed you so much” you whispered against his lips, trailing soft kisses down his neck. You felt his semi-erect cock under you, his hands on your ass “So much, Gyu”
“yn?” he asked as you moved lower on his body.
“I never got a chance to do this that night”
You kept on moving down over his body, nails lightly scratching the exposed skin of his lower stomach that was uncovered by his shirt. In one swift movement, you pulled his sweats and boxers down, revealing his cock. 
“I can never predict you,” he said with a laugh “Two seconds ago we were confessing, and now, look at you”
You ran the tip of your finger over the length of his cock while looking at him, trying your best to keep a neutral face.
“Do you want to talk some more?” you asked, voice sweet.
“Looking at you, all quiet and sweet, no one would ever… Jesus, fuck”
You didn’t wait for him to finish, taking him as deep as you could in your throat. You stood still for a second, eyes still on Mingyu watching his reaction. His head was tipped back, eyes closed, mouth slightly open. Slowly you started to bob your head up and down, one of your hands on his balls as the other held the base of his cock.
“Fuck, yn” he moaned. 
Mingyu snaked his hand on your head, fingers gripping your hair and slightly pulling it, while forcing your head down on his cock, making you moan in exchange. You pulled your head back, licking his tip and small drops of precum. You felt him twitch as you teased his tip with your lips and tongue, your hands pumping him up and down. 
Another moan left his lips, louder this time, followed by a grunt.
Abruptly he pulled you up. 
“If you keep going, I’m going to cum in your mouth”
You smiled at him, which made him moan again.
“That’s what I was going for” you complained, kissing his neck, hand going between your bodies, running down once again, until you reached him. 
“But I want to fuck you” he whispered against your ear, biting the sensitive skin.
Mingyu took your lips in his, his hand still on your hair. Without ever breaking the kiss, he stood from the couch with you in his arms, pushing his pants and underwear past his ankles. The pieces of clothes lost somewhere in the hallway.
“I’m going to stock this entire goddamn apartment in condoms, every single room” he grunted as he dropped you on the bed “Pants off”
“Aren’t we bossy” you teased with a laugh, but still complied “You too, shirt off”
He rolled his eyes at you, pulling his shirt over his head. How many times had you ogled his body over the years, watching the transformation of going to the gym every single day? And now he was in full display for you.
“I want to ride you” you whispered.
Mingyu didn’t complain, settling against the headboard of the bed.
“I’m all yours”
Something in the way he said it felt real, final. He was yours and you were his.
You climbed up his body and took his cock in your hand again, pumping him once, then again, before angling him under your wet pussy.
Slowly, painfully so, you lowered your body,  taking every inch of him in. You moaned, feeling full of him. Mingyu reached over and pulled your shirt off too.
Lazily you started to move up and down, deliberately so. 
“Baby, you have to go faster” he moaned, pulling your face close to his, nibbling on the skin of your neck. You knew he would leave a mark, and so did he, but you didn’t mind. 
Mingyu suddenly grabbed your hips with both hands, firmly holding you as he started to move his hips up and down, faster than the pace you were willing to give him. You wanted to torture him, but he could do just the same to you. He smiled when you clutched onto his shoulder, head tilted back.
“Ah, Mingyu, fuck” you cried “fuck, fuck, fuck”
He moved one of his hands, his thumb pressing over your throbbing clit, mercilessly rubbing in circles. 
“Ah… oh my god”
“Are you gonna cum, baby?” 
He pressed harder against you, hips moving faster. The sound of his skin hitting yours was loud, dirty, and enticing. 
“Cum for me, baby, all over my cock” he whispered.
With a cry, you felt your pussy clenching around his cock as your orgasms took over you. Your entire body shook as you held onto Mingyu, biting his neck while he fucked you, thrusting to the hilt, again and again, until he too found his release.
You pulled back slightly and kissed him.
“Give me two minutes and I’ll eat you out”
You laughed and pushed his face back.
“You don’t have it in you, big boy”
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @mirtaspace, @feat-sun, @wonvsmile, @mhlsymlysn, @immabecreepin, @miriamxsworld, @aaniag, @byunparklimchoi, @k-drama-adict, @maiamorrrrrrrrrrrr, @tomodachiii, @roguesthetic, @everyw0nu, @jj-ever-lovely-jewel, @bloomyroses, @bsshjsjsn, @sujiwonhao
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latenightdaydreams · 3 months
What about a pervert!König that finds a tiny!reader? Like small. Doll size? But König is sexually attracted to her and wants to keep her as a little toy? AHHHH sorry if it’s dark I just can’t stop thinking about it🤦🏾‍♀️
I love your writing! Thank you💛
Thank you!!💖
König x Doll Sized!Reader (fem)
Master List
Part 2
>cw: fem/afab, power difference, masturbation, voyeurism, confinement, non-con.
1.6k word count
Once König retired, he purchased land in the countryside of Austria. His new goal in life is to live a life of peace and comfort. Near his home, there is a small stream next to a field of colorful wildflowers. It’s like a little slice of heaven on earth; especially when he found you.
König found you walking in the field. He nearly stepped on you the first time. You’re tiny, like a living Barbie doll. After a few visits, you trusted him, coming closer to him to talk to him. You show off your little crafts that you make with what nature gives you.
You’re precious and have become somewhat of an obsession for König. Every day, you’re the first thought on his mind. To hear your tiny voice, see your eyes sparkle, just to be in your presence is a gift.
Today he packs a bag with doll clothes he recently purchased for you, a few sweets that you always request and lunch to share with you. This is his daily routine, eventually hoping to get you to trust him enough to willingly enter his home.
König arrives at the field and sits, opening up a picnic blanket before setting things out. In no time, you show up. The giant man stares down at you with a cheerful smile, moving over on the blanket to make room for you.
“Hallo, y/n!” König can’t control his excitement with you. “How have you been since I saw you last?”
“König!” You return the warm smile. “I’ve been well. How about you?”
His eyes travel up and down your body as you were a purple doll dress he gave to you yesterday. You’re so tiny, yet so curvy. He fantasizes about what you would look like with no clothes on nearly every second of every day. Do you look like a human woman?
“Well…” His gaze lingers. “I went shopping for you again.”
“You’re so sweet.” You smile while watching him dig through his bag.
König turns to you, holding a doll's bikini and another dress, but pink this time. You squeal with excitement as König hands them to you. He studies you, wishing you’d try them on in front of him.
“Do you like them?” He asks while handing you the bag of sweets.
“I do!” You pivot your attention to the sweets, tiptoeing to peer into the bag.”
“Can I show you photos of something I’ve been working on for you?” König asks while taking his phone out.
He opens his photo app to show you photos of a dollhouse that has been transformed to look like a modern, cozy home. König has been working hard to make it a lure to get you interested in a visit. As you look at the photos, he watches your face closely, trying to read your reaction.
“You did this? For me?” You gaze up in awe at your kind giant friend.
“All for you. For whenever you want to visit, you can have your own space to not feel overwhelmed.” He says so innocently.
“Wow…I would love to see it sometime.” You gaze at the image of the small closet with clothes he’s picked out for you. “All that’s for me?”
“Well, you are the only Fae I know.” He chuckles.
“Like… tiny person. Not exactly human. It’s a compliment. They’re beautiful, just like you.”
A small blush appears on your face when he calls you beautiful. He’s your first human interaction. For centuries, you’ve been told to avoid them, but König has shown you that not all humans are the same.
König lets the silence linger in the air for a brief moment before testing the waters once more. “Like I said, anytime you want to come over. I’d be happy to have you.” And he means have.
You look around at the flowers before turning back up to him. “I’d like to go now. For a short while.”
König’s eyes light up. He tries to suppress his excitement to not scare you off. With haste, he packs up his bag again. One of his large hands opens up on the blanket. “I can carry you since it would be a long walk for you.”
There is a look of hesitation in your eyes as you gaze down at his large calloused hand.
“I promise, I won't drop or squeeze you.”
With his promise, you sit in his palm. The feeling of your warm miniature body resting on his palm felt…his mind began to wonder what you would feel like sitting on other parts of him. Once you are comfortable, he stands, pulling the blanket up too.
Each step is taken with the utmost care to make sure he doesn’t trip and drop you. You look down from over his fingers and feel nervous being so high up. König’s heart is thumping in his chest at the thought of finally capturing you. Months of getting close to you have all paid off.
Inside his home, it feels massive to you. He closes and locks the door behind him, the latch making a loud clicking sound. “This is my home.” König speaks softly as he walks you around the first floor before bringing you upstairs.
“This is my office,” he opens the first door for you to look into, “then right over here is the bathroom.” König stalls in each room to let you look around. He watches as you look around in wonder.
There is one more door at the end of the hall that he opens. “This is my bedroom.” It’s simple but neatly organized. König isn’t a very materialistic man and it shows. He walks into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. You can hear the sound of the lock again, but think nothing of it. He walks to his bed and places you on it.
The soft surface under you is comfortable as you let yourself fall back onto it. A laugh comes from König as he watches you enjoy his bed. “This bed is so comfortable.”
“Then you’ll love yours.” König holds his hand out to grab you. Once you sit back down on his palm, he turns, opening his closet door. The closet looks more like a small bedroom, even complete with natural lighting. You look around, eyes falling to where the doll house sits in the corner. Slowly and gently, he sets his hands on the floor for you to get out and walk to it.
König stands back up and closes the door behind him as you rush to the dollhouse and explore it all. You run up to your own bedroom and look into the closet at all the clothes. “Why don’t you try some on?”
Without a second thought, you strip from your purple dress exposing your body to König for the first time. König would feel his cock instantly harden. You look beautiful, exactly like a woman. As your attention is focused on picking out an outfit, König shoves one hand into his pants and leans back against the wall. He grabs his cock and strokes it as his eyes are glued to your breasts bouncing and ass shaking. What does your pussy look like? Taste like?
You hear a loud huff coming from behind you. Slowly turning around to see König in the corner masturbating to you. You rush to put your dress back on, but he steps forward.
“Nein, stay like this.” His voice is shaky from pleasure.
König can sense that you’re uncomfortable. He kneels down and undoes his pants, quickly pulling out his cock. His other hand reaches out to try and touch you, but you recoil.
“Don’t make me get the jar.” König’s voice deepens.
A shiver runs down your spine. The jar? You look at him and realize he is exactly like every other human. All the stories about their perversions are true.
König watches as you just gaze up at him with an untrusting look. His breathing gets heavier as he looks at you. “Lay on the bed.”
You stand for a while before deciding to comply, his eyes following you like a hungry dog. As you lay down, he looks over your body with an intense gaze. “Touch yourself.”
For a moment you think about it, maybe if you just play along, he’ll let you free and then you can just hide from him forever again. You spread your legs open and begin to circle your clit. König watches in awe as his moans get louder.
Your body is perfect. If you were human, you'd be his perfect woman. He wants to run his tongue all over your body, touch every inch, but that can wait. For now, he will accept this...for now it's enough.
“Y/n.” He whispers before he sits up and cums on you.
Thick warm globs of sticky whiteness fall on your stomach and breasts, also scattering along the floor and bed. The smell overwhelms you, it’s repulsive. König looks at the mess he’s made and it only arouses him further. You look gorgeous soaked in cum.
König stands up and puts himself back in his pants, leaving you in there for a moment. He comes back with a towel and begins to clean the floor around you. “Clean yourself with the blanket, I’ll wash it.”
You comply and clean up, getting dressed again in your purple dress. Acting as calm as possible you smile up at König. “This house is beautiful, thank you again. I think I’d like to go home now.”
“This is your home.”
“Ja, es ist.”
Your stomach churns. “König.” You say in a pleading tone.
He stares down at you with a serious glare. Without a word, he slowly stands up and turns away, walking out of the closest and leaving you trapped within.
Part 2
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commander-rahrah · 11 months
Here's my idea that I would love to hear your opinion! Just to let you know this is quite self-indulgent XD What if GN!Reader knew that he was trying to use them from the start? They knew because they're quite familiar with people only talking to them because it's either because they can do something for them or they have something they need! They would still help him since they believe it's something he shouldn't need to go so far to have it. What do you think of it? I'm curious :3
UMMM YESSSS ANON YES! This is definitely something I have considered as well!! Tav isn't a naïve little target like Astarion is used too!
I imagine that Tav/Reader would probably admit to knowing about his plan not long after his own confession scene from Moonrise Towers in Act II. I think it would go something like this ♡♡
P.S.: I absolutely LOVED doing this, and my inbox is literally always open for stuff like this friends! :) It may just take me a hot second to reply!
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“I still can’t wrap my head around this,” Astarion’s voice was a hushed whisper in your ear, the two of you laying next to each other in his tent. You were close, but not touching — you were affording him space, allowing him to make the first move to initiate any kind of touch.
The intimate setting of laying across from each other in his tent was more than you had even expected. The candle stumps sat carefully around you basked everything in a gorgeous, orange glow.
“What do you mean?” You asked gently, your eyebrows furrowed.
“I’d imagine confessing to you in more ways than one… and never once did I imagine it would end like this.” He motioned to the two of you, running a finger tip across your knuckles before withdrawing. His voice was thick with emotion.
A soft chuckle escaped you, “What you thought I’d stake you?”
“Well… yes!” He said exasperatedly, before letting out a breathy laugh himself. Then he shook his head, turning serious, “I was manipulating you. Plotting against my master, with you as my shield.”
Your mouth twitched as you admitted, “I knew.”
“No, I don’t think you understand—“
You interrupted him, your face earnest, “No, Astarion. I do. I knew.”
Realization set deep in his features, his mouth hanging open just enough you could see his fangs, “How long had you known?”
You gave him a half smile, “Since the night you invited me to the woods.”
Your first night together.
“I— that was ages ago!" He sat up abruptly, his red eyes wide, "Why didn’t you say anything? Or better yet— gut me?!"
You sat up slowly, resting on your knees. “People have been using me for my entire life, Astarion. I know what they see when they meet me — a pretty face and nice clothes. Someone who is too friendly, too eager. People have been knocking on my door to ask for gold or sex or an invitation, anything they can get from me… as long as I can remember. Long before I met you."
Astarion was well aware of the mask you could so easily slip on when interacting with others. He hated it when you wore it. But now he understood you had been donning it to protect yourself, as much as he it did for himself too. But he still wanted to stalk and haunt every person who ever made you feel like you were a thing to be used, a means to some end.
Including himself.
Your voice snapped him back to the present, your voice hesitant, "But I had seen through your flirtations for a while now. It’s a force of habit for you, isn’t it?"
His throat bobbed as he swallowed, "Yes, it is."
Your expression crumbled, "I may have realized you were using me, but I didn’t realize how sex made you feel. I’m sorry I didn’t realize, I shouldn’t have indulged in that way."
The vampire waved off your apology, but curiosity got the best of him. "Why did you ‘indulge’? If you knew I was using you… if you knew that I'm... this."
You took a deep breath, before looking him in the eye. “Because I also recognized that what you were doing was a routine, a defense mechanism that you had been doing for longer than I’ve been alive. Because you were manipulated and used for your whole life too, weren’t you?"
Tears formed in the bottom of his eyes as he listened to you, but he willed them to stay back. His red eyes blinked furiously as he listened to you, his fingers intertwining together on his lap.
He wished you would hold them.
"You aren’t like your master, Astarion. And you aren’t what he made you to be either. You are a survivor. And when you were thrown off that nautiloid ship and found yourself in this merry party of misfits, you did just that — survive.
So… I let myself play mouse and get stuck in your trap. Just as I turned a blind eye to Wyll's sending stone. Or didn't ask Gale to explain what in the heavens he was doing with the amulet we had found. Because I trusted you, even back then. Cared for you far more then I should admit. But I knew you needed time."
His bottom lip trembled as you continued your own confession. He let his tears slip free as he saw your own break free. They stuck to your lashes and dripped down your flushed, freckled cheeks. Gods, even crying you were beautiful.
"But I regret that I laid with you — if I had known it caused you such pain I wouldn’t have done that. I knew that sex was apart of your repertoire, but I didn’t realize the anguish it caused you." Your face was pained as you admitted that, he could feel the self-loathing radiating off of you.
“It wasn’t all bad — those times with you were some of the most unexpected moments of bliss I’ve had in centuries." Astarion confessed as he grabbed your fingers and held them tightly. "But it still feels tainted, marred from my past with Cazador..."
“I know." You squeezed his fingers back, another silent understanding. "And we do not need to do such things until you are ready, Astarion. I mean it.”
He nodded, keeping his head down as he stared at the blankets you both sat on — willing himself to get his emotions under control.
You tucked your head to look up at his tilted face, "May I?" You asked softly, your hand hovering between you.
He swallowed as he nodded. You reached out slowly with your hand, before your thumb gently swept under his eyes and down the sides of his face, wiping away the tears that lingered on his pale skin. A sigh of contentment left him at your soft, simple touch. No one had ever touched him like that before.
He caught your hand as you went to withdraw it, your hands intertwined with his between you as you kneeled in front of each other.
Astarion was afraid to ask the next question on the tip of his tongue. But curiosity got the best of him. “So if you knew about my plan this whole time… when did you realize you— you’d fallen for me?”
Your entire face brightened as he asked, your eyes shining as you spoke, “Oh, from the moment you held a knife to my throat and barred your teeth.”
His heart soared, climbing up his throat as he almost choked from the happiness spreading through him.
“You masochist.” He laughed, grabbing onto the sides of your face.
“A romantic fool," You murmured as he placed his lips softly onto yours.
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If you enjoyed this, please feel free to check out more of my Astarion x GN!Reader on my masterlist!
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effloradox · 2 months
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An Act of Magic
pairings: hitachiin twins x gn!reader, haruhi fujioka x gn!reader
summary: after watching you struggle through a rough day at school, Haruhi gets her first real glimpse behind the curtain of how you and the twins interact with each other when most people aren’t looking.
notes: set early into the series but not tied to any episode in particular
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Haruhi noticed from the moment she walked into class that you were having what could kindly be described as a bad day. Your usually perfect appearance seemed frayed at the edges, like you’d tried to hide it but something was going on. You were quiet during classes, hardly ever raising your hand to answer questions, and it was so unlike you that Haruhi was beginning to worry.
It only seemed to get worse the later into the day it got. During your shared study period she caught you stifling a yawn no less than thirteen times and when the school day finally ended she fully expected you to head straight home. She only looks on with surprise as you walk the familiar corridors to the host club. Usually you walk straight towards the twin’s table so she’s surprised by the divergence to your routine when you instead head to an empty table in the back corner of the room that she swears isn’t usually there.
You drop your bag with more force than strictly necessary, all but collapsing into the chair and dropping your head onto the table. There’s a barely audible thunk as your forehand makes contact with the wood of the table and she winces slightly.
The next thing Haruhi knows, two arms are being leaned on her shoulders in tangent, and that’s how she knows it’s the twins and not Tamaki. Given how close the three of you are, she figures now is a good time to ask the question she’s wanted to ask you all day.
"Is it just me or do they seem more annoyed than usual?"
"This is what happens when they get the proper amount of sleep." Haruhi waits for one of the twins to start laughing, or give any sign that they’re joking, but it never comes. She blinks at them as a few beats pass.
"What?" The two of them roll their eyes at her in a way that makes her want to throw something at them but she waits for them to explain, which they finally do. Hikaru pulls a complicated looking graph from somewhere within his jacket. At the top is a chibi style drawing of you and the graph shows some kind of pyramid with an arrow pointing towards the bottom right angle.
"That's why we aim for them to get no more than 5 hours. Any more and they're too aware." As Hikaru pushes the graph into her face, Haruhi notices that along the X-axis it says ‘Hours of Sleep’ and she can only assume the Y-axis is related to your mood.
In an act of magic that only the twins could pull off, Kaoru seems to pull a coffee from nowhere and makes his way towards you. He knocks his knuckles on the table twice to get your attention and he succeeds, but the look on your face when you raise it from the table is downright murderous. Haruhi watches on curiously as the frustration on your face softens at the gesture and you take the drink. All the tension seems to seep out of your body as you take your first sip and the two of you begin to speak softly, barely audible from the other side of the room. It seems to be going well as Kaoru slips into the only other seat placed by that table. Haruhi only looks away for a second to examine the look on Hikaru’s face.
It’s serene, and so unlike the usual expressions that settle on the faces of the twins that Haruhi almost feels like she’s looking at a stranger. For the first time in a while, she feels like she’s overstepping a line bearing witness to this; like it’s something only the three of you should be aware of. Her eyes leave Hikaru’s face before he catches her staring and the two of them stand shoulder to shoulder watching as (Y/N) and Kaoru continue their conversation.
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tilebytiles · 8 months
star treatment - a.t. (part 1)
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summary: there's a strange man named alex that has a strange obsession with you, and he makes the strangest offer of your life. word count: 1.9k warnings: none
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There was a strange man named Alex.
You hadn't learned his last name yet, and as far as you knew, you never would. He never seemed like much for words (or interactions. or people in general, really), always settling himself at the same table in the corner of the café you worked at. The way the building was designed, large windows spanned across every wall except the back one, meaning he always basked in sunlight that beamed down as if he had been specially picked by God.
His routine was simple, almost to the extent of being mundane; not like you could complain, though, since you led an almost painfully simple life. He came in, ordered his coffee, did the bare minimum in terms of small talk, then sat at his precious corner table and sipped at his coffee every so often over the span of an hour, poring over documents he'd brought along in his briefcase or letting himself become entirely immersed in a book. You never pushed his boundaries, tried to go beyond the expectations you two had unintentionally set up, mostly because you didn't know how to. You weren't much for words, either, and as important as predictable days were to you, there was a small pang of guilt that came with the thought of shattering his routine to insert yourself further into it.
You hadn't expected today to be any different. Customers came and went, some more chatty than others, and you did your best to show them all the same kindness and cordiality, especially if they seemed like they weren't having a good day. You figured it was the least you could do to leave your mark on the world. The bell above the door chimed as Alex stepped in, dressed in his strangely typical cream-coloured suit and his crisp, perfectly white dress shirt. It was a bit odd that something so formal was the only attire you'd ever really seen him in, but again, you didn't think you could judge.
He stepped up to the counter, conveniently not halted by any other customers, and flashed you a small smile before his gaze snapped down to the countertop, much as it always did. He could never seem to keep his eyes focused on the same thing; they were always looking at the floor, the counter, the till, the wall, outside through the window, the other customers, their coffee and snacks, whatever he could possibly get his eyes on. Sometimes he looked you straight in the eye, but that was rare.
Normally, he would have recited his order by now, getting it out before you could even offer a 'hello', but he was still staring down at the counter, seemingly lost in thought. You decided to take the initiative and asked, "What can I get you today?"
His head snapped up, and his eyes widened for a moment before returning back to their usual size. "Sorry, uh - just the regular, please."
"Will that be all?"
"Yeah, thanks." You punched in his order as he was already reaching into his pocket, pulling out and opening up his wallet. He always gave you a bigger note than he needed to, insisting you kept the change. It had gotten to the point where you stopped arguing. You watched him, knowing there was no point in reciting the price; he had memorised it a while ago, even with tax. His movements halted, his fingers pausing as they crooked around the leather, then he slowly closed his wallet and looked up at you again. "Can I ask you something?"
You blinked in surprise. "Uh ... yeah. What is it?"
His wallet came open again, but instead of giving you his payment, he pulled out a small, folded piece of paper. It was slightly crumpled, you assumed from how much it might have jostled around in his wallet. Your surprise increased tenfold when he unfolded it and offered it to you. "I want to know if you'll come to this."
Slowly, you took the paper from him, your eyes scanning over the printed text. It was a rectangular slip with a baby blue background and a thin white border. The text was written in black, some kind of fancy font you didn't recognise. 'The chance of a lifetime!' it read. 'Attend the grand unveiling of the brand new Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino! Voucher valid for one person only.'
Your gaze wandered back up to meet his, which was ... anxious? It was hard to tell; the rest of his face didn't give much away. "A hotel?" you asked slowly.
He nodded. "It's, uh, it's been a dream of mine for a while. You've probably seen me ..." He trailed off, gesturing vaguely in the direction of his beloved table. "... with papers and such. I knew I had to invite people, and you were the first I thought of."
You had to hold back from letting out a sound. "Me? Why?"
He shrugged, his gaze drifting down to the till, then the floor, then back up to the counter. "Dunno. I've just seen so much of you, I figured it was only right."
You didn't really know what to say to that. You looked back down at the paper in your hands, mulling over the offer. You weren't sure what would make this hotel different from any other one you'd been in, but it was obvious he was antsy for you to come. You didn't want to be a jerk and turn him down. Besides, when was the last time you'd been in a hotel, anyway? It would be nice to get away from work for a bit.
"I'll come."
His face lit up at that, and he gave you another small smile, although you could swear it was bigger than the obligatory ones he normally gave you. "The, uh, details are on the back of the voucher. I look forward to seein' you there."
He started to walk away, but didn't make it more than two steps before you said, "Alex, you didn't pay."
With a sheepish smile, he returned and fished his wallet back out of his pocket. "I swear I'm not a thief. My mind is just ..." He made a waving gesture with his hand, his eyes widening for a moment for emphasis, and you couldn't suppress the small laugh that bubbled up within you.
Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, huh?
On the back of the voucher were the details, as Alex had promised, but there were also instructions that bordered on disconcerting. 'All you really need is your phone and your wallet!' 'Don't bring any extra clothes- you won't need them!' 'Bring your pets, whatever kind of animal they are!'
And so, you found yourself stepping off the train, feeling strangely emptyhanded. The stress that was put on not bringing anything beyond what was absolutely necessary made you nervous; what kind of hotel was this? The last one you'd been in didn't even have free pads or tampons.
Your walk to the address that was neatly printed on the back of the voucher was short, although the stiff silence around you and the fact that you barely knew where you were going made it feel longer. You eventually arrived at a large, empty lot, surrounded by a tall chain-link fence. There was a tall, imposing man dressed in all black at the gate, standing with his arms crossed and his eyes hidden behind sunglasses. As you approached, you couldn't know for sure, but you knew he was eyeing you with nothing beyond contempt and confusion. You pulled the voucher out of your pocket and held it up to him. Silently, he took one look at it, then nodded. He unlocked the gate and pulled it open, the metal creaking and groaning as it dragged along the dry dirt beneath it. You folded the voucher and stuffed it back into your pocket, stepping out onto the lot.
There was already a rather large group of people, the wind carrying their chatter to you before you could even reach them. They looked and sounded about as excited and nervous as you were. You didn't think Alex would have invited so many people to a hotel opening, especially considering the hotel was nowhere in sight. You didn't even see Alex.
And then it hit you.
There was a fucking rocket.
Your jaw dropped at the sheer size of it; it was arguably one of the tallest things you'd ever seen, and you couldn't believe you were less than a kilometer away from it. The outside was coated in sleek silver metal, the screws they'd used to hold the thing together imperceptible from where you stood. There were windows scattered symmetrically across the outside, you guessed so people could marvel at the cosmos. As you got closer to the group of people, you realised they didn't seem even half as surprised about being so close to a goddamn rocket as you were. Had you just not gotten the memo?
As if he could sense your unease, Alex came up beside you, practically grinning. It was the happiest you'd seen him; the most emotion you'd ever seen on his face, actually. "Y/N," he said softly. "I'm glad you came."
"That's a fucking rocket," was all you could manage, pointing at the large contraption. "Why is there a rocket? Why does everyone else not seem impressed that you're loading us into a rocket?"
He gave a dismissive wave of his hand, muttering, "They're all press. They've been in the know about this whole thing for a while. Sort of, uh, against my will, I suppose." He sighed a little at the thought. "To answer your first question, though, there's a rocket because we're going into space."
You stared at him like he had just deconstructed Einstein's theories in front of you. "Why are we going into space?"
"That's where the hotel is."
"You built a hotel in space?" you all but yelled, making some of the people you now knew were journalists glance over at you.
He shushed you, doing a gesture with his hand and everything. "Yes, it's in space."
"And you didn't think to tell me when you invited me?"
He offered an apologetic smile. "In hindsight, yeah, that was, erm, a bit of a dick move. I'm sorry. But you're here now, yeah? Don't worry, it's all completely safe."
"Alex!" a man yelled from the door into the rocket. Like something out of a film, there was a metal ramp leading up to it. "We're ready to go!"
Alex nodded and headed for the ramp, leaving you absolutely bewildered. He ascended, the metal remaining both motionless and completely silent, then stopped and turned once he reached the top. "Thank you for coming, everyone," he said, needing to speak louder so he could be properly heard from where he stood. "I'm very pleased to have you all here. Once we're all situated on the rocket, we'll be heading up into space. It should take no more than a few days for us to get to the hotel, assuming there are no, um, kinks in the process. Once we get there, you'll all be staying for a week, and then we can come back and you can write your articles, yeah?"
Everyone began to pour into the rocket, and you remained at the back of the group, looking more like a straggler that had managed to sneak into the lot than someone that had been formally invited. When you reached the doorway, Alex smiled sympathetically at you and even gave your shoulder a small squeeze, as if that would make anything better. It didn't, but you appreciated the thought. "I promise it'll be fine," he said softly. "Just stick with me, yeah?"
What were you getting yourself into?
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shih-coulda-had-it · 4 months
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thank you for the kofis, anon who wants more gym bro!AFO content
ft. a 300+ word ficlet about Yoichi suffering at AFO's gym. this is an AU, probably, like, a college & no Quirks verse. that way, there can be Shigaraki sibling interactions that aren't charged with "I watched you murder our way into survival" memories.
TW for some kind of internalized ableism? Yoichi calls himself an 'invalid' once.
“Bend your knees, not your back,” Hisashi scolds for the umpteenth time. In front of him, facing the mirrored wall with an incredibly pained grimace on his face, Yoichi halfheartedly straightens his spine and does the bare minimum of a squat. Both of his hands are occupied with the barbell.
“You keep saying that,” Yoichi says, unusually snippy.
Then again, they’ve been at the gym for more than an hour now. For most of that time, Yoichi plodded steadily along on the treadmill while Hisashi went through cycling, rowing, and stair-climbing in quick succession. There is a pleasant warmth thrumming in his legs, one Hisashi thinks he can fan into a burn once he starts his reps.
Except he’s sworn to himself that before he can start lifting his own weights, he needs to kick Yoichi’s ass into gear. His little brother leads a sedate lifestyle in deference for his fragile body. But there’s such a thing as too sedate. Those skinny limbs need to bend before they snap.
“I don’t know why you can’t do this.” Hisashi circles Yoichi, casting a critical eye over his brother’s pale complexion. He made his brother dress down for the momentous occasion, and the muscle tank-track shorts combination is doing Yoichi no favors. He just doesn’t fill out the outfit like Hisashi does.
“Have you considered,” Yoichi grits out, “that you don’t know how to train an invalid?”
“Limbs are limbs. You have knees, you have the cartilage, you should be able to do at least one measly set of squats. Give me the bar.”
“I’m going to drop it.”
“Not on my feet—!” Hisashi catches the barbell as it falls from Yoichi’s white fingers, and he huffs in exasperation. “It’s not even fifty pounds, otouto.”
Yoichi straightens up with a groan, presses both of his hands to the small of his back and stretches. He doesn’t even watch Hisashi set the barbell aside; he squints instead up at the ceiling. “Are we done yet? Can I go? I promised Kudou and Bruce that I’d meet them for dinner.”
“Knowing them, they’d just feed you instant noodles,” Hisashi says. “Anyways. No. If you won’t do cardio, and you can’t do weights, then it’s isometric exercises for you.”
He drags Yoichi by the wrist to a wall, and joins him so they’re only meeting each other’s eyes through the mirror panels. “Keep your spine straight,” he advises, and Hisashi slides down into a squat, his knees crooked at a perfect ninety degrees. Cheerfully, Hisashi adds, “If you can hold this for a minute, then you can leave. I won’t even make you stay for the rest of my routine.”
“How aren’t you tired,” Yoichi gripes, and slowly, incrementally, inches down the wall.
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nethhiri · 8 months
Marooned: Chapter 6
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Light Smut, NSFW, Minors DNI (as always)
Innopportune Timing
Out of the kindness of your heart, you let Kid and Killer sleep in your treehouse. First, you had wrapped up your more important items into a big leaf, mostly so that Kid wouldn't go through your shit, but if you were leaving this island soon, you would have to pack it up anyway. There were only a few items you wanted to take with you, one of which being your gun. It was fairly unique and you had made it yourself a long time ago, with some improvements since then. It was essentially a double-barreled revolver, set into an over-sized hunting knife. The blade was nestled right between the two barrels. Actually, you were fairly certain you had it with you when you encountered the newly-minted Kid Pirates. See, the cool thing about it was that you could hold the blade to someone's neck and have someone else at gunpoint at the same time. Which is exactly how you had gotten the best of your two friends at the time, Killer under your blade and Kid in your sights. You had sea prism stone built into it, otherwise Kid would have made quick work of you. Much like now, your observation haki sucked though and the next thing you remembered after that was waking up in a med bay with a head injury. It had probably been long enough that they'd forgotten about it. They'd probably been in much more memorable scuffles since then. Still, you didn't plan on showing it off any time soon. 
Killer was able to take the little tincture you had created for him and had quickly fallen asleep. With both of them in the treehouse, there was very little room to move. You had taken your things and put them on the roof, where you had slept. Occasionally you would sleep there of your own volition just to watch the stars. The leaves that made up the roof weren't that uncomfortable to be honest. You didn't hear Killer cough once during the night. That was good. You really didn't want to use your devil fruit. It took a lot of energy from you and you still hadn't completely figured it out yet. Especially with sharing your resources, you didn't have the energy to spare. Just because Killer was quiet, didn't mean you had slept well. Kid had an awful snoring problem. The Kid Pirates are having the best sleep of their lives right now. That's probably why they haven't tried to find their bastard of a captain yet.
The following day, you went about your normal routine and left them to themselves. The little dose of human interaction felt unfamiliar and combined with being cranky from lack of sleep, you wanted time alone. You walked along the beach, picking some non-poisonous fruits and snacking as you looked out at the horizon. Squinting, you tried to make out any sign of a ship. Nothing. Every now and then you could hear branches being snapped near the edge of the jungle. Seemed like Mini was hoping to scavenge your scraps. The beach had nothing to offer except for several semi-recognizable blue or white pieces. Killer's helmet. Finding more of them occupied the majority of your time until the sky started turning orange. If you found enough of them, you might be able to fix it. Technically, he owed you enough already at this point, but you genuinely did enjoy fiddling with and putting things together again. 
Returning to your treehouse, you put the fragments with your other things and checked on Killer again. You saw where Kid had at some point collected things that looked edible. Appraising the pile, you tossed about three quarters of the stuff out the hatch of the treehouse. Well, if he ate any of that, he's probably busy shitting out in the woods. You shook your head. He doesn't learn. Sighing, you made sure Killer was fine for the time being, and made your way back out of the treehouse. 
For some reason you couldn't shake this 'off' feeling you had and your feet had taken you to the spring. It was your happy place, offering some calming, meditative setting. I guess I could go for a dip. You couldn't swim, courtesy of your devil fruit, but this wasn't salt water and the water was only chest deep. The sound of the small waterfall that fed into the pool was always nice to listen to and the coolness of the water felt refreshing on your skin after a long day in the hot sun. Wading into the water, the shirt-dress you wore was quickly tossed to the side. You dipped your head under the trickling water falling from the overhead rocks and attempted to detangle your hair with your fingers. After you were satisfied with your work, you rubbed the dirt from your skin until you felt as clean as you were going to get without a real shower. You floated on your back and watched the sky turn pink-purple for a while, while the dripping and gentle splashing soothed you. Wading to the edge, you rested your head in your arms crossed over the still-sun-warmed rocks bordering the water. At some point you were lulled into a light sleep.
Your eyes opened at the sound of violently rustling leaves. Soft moonlight soon illuminated the Red Menace bursting forth to ruin your peace. You didn't move from where you rested but let out a groan.
You lifted your head and gave him an annoyed look. Who are you? My dad? "You missed me that much? I'm flattered," you sarcastically replied. You went back to being unbothered, laying on crossed arms and letting your eyes close. You missed the light tint of pink that dusted Kid's features, not that you could have seen it anyway in the dark.
"NO. I thought ya were going to bring back food! I had to find myself a bunch of shitty berries!"
"Proud of you," you grumbled. You heard him growl in frustration, surely trying to think of something slick to jab at you. When you continued hearing silence, you thought maybe he stalked off. To your horror, you started hearing the muffled plop of fabric on dirt and the clinking of buckles being undone. "The fuck do you think you're doing?" The change in pitch towards the end of your question was the only thing that betrayed your slight alarm. You didn't look towards him, partially because you didn't want to give him the satisfaction and partially because you were afraid you might like what you saw. Goosebumps crawled down your skin as you tried not to imagine what he looked like. 
"Ya forget who yer talkin' to, girlie." There was a shift in the water as Kid stepped in. "I do whatever I want." And right now Kid wanted to cool off some of his frustration that he was still stuck here. As a bonus, Kid wanted to fluster you. It was amusing to him and he wanted a distraction from this predicament. Distraction, at the moment, came in the form of the bare skin of your lean-muscled back. How easy it was to imagine it pressed into the black, silky sheets of his bed...
Girlie. Heat rose to your face. Ew, why do I like that?  Splashes alerted you to Kid's presence at the opposite side of the pool. A relieved breath left your chest. You thought he would place himself uncomfortably close to you. Sinking lower in the water, you slowly turned to face him. An eyebrow quirked up as you took in the sight before you. His scarlet hair was plastered to his forehead and his eyes burned a dark orange. Pale, muscular arms, well an arm and one-fifth of an arm, were stretched on either side of him as he leaned against the edge. You accidentally caught his gaze and frowned when a smirk spread across his features. 
"Couldn't resist turning around I see." Kid wished you would sit up just a little more. The tops of your breasts were dangerously close to breaching the water's surface. 
"Oh fuck off. I can see you trying to manifest the power to see through water." Even with your scars, you had no lack of self-confidence. That being said, you hadn't gotten a look in a proper mirror, only reflections in the water, so you only had a vague idea of their extent. But, you were highly sought-after before this life, and the cockiness from that lingered. "Glad I can only see out of one eye. I don't have to expose both retinas to your ugly ass." It almost pained you to lie. Almost. The competitive side of you took over and you were determined to win this battle of wills.  
Kid snickered. "Killer's told me I've a fine ass actually." Amber eyes wandered over the parts of you that Kid could see. The moonlight reflected a soft silvery light where it touched your scars. It reminded Kid of the way moonlight reflects off ocean waves. Kid was no stranger to scars or disfigurement. It didn't bother him in the least. Especially since he could tell you wore it with purpose, the badge of a fighter. "I might be inclined to show ya if ya beg."
"Me? Begging?" You scoffed. "I didn't even beg for my life when this happened." You angrily gestured to the ruined side of your face. Fuck you revealed too much, you dumbass. You bit your cheek to cut yourself off from saying anything more. 
His eyes widened for a moment. Kid didn't expect that. He wondered how far he could pry. This started as a little fun game but he genuinely wanted to know your backstory. There were obviously a lot of pieces to it and you seemed to be hiding them purposefully. "What happened?" He asked bluntly. Kid wasn't one to beat around the bush. 
You let out an irked huff. "Don't." What business did he have trying to get to know you? At the most you would be a passenger for a week or two and then you would fuck right off to tie up some loose ends. Since you had been alone between when it happened and now, you didn't realize how poorly you would react at being asked about it. You mentally kicked yourself for opening up the door to this line of questioning.
"Ya don't have to be shy with m-," Kid started to tease.
"I said LEAVE IT." Your prior life as a captain led you back into the habit of issuing commands. As you said it, you had lunged forward and pushed a wall of water towards him. It was pretty childish to splash someone, but your temper was known to get the better of you. Great, now he's probably going to drown me. You retreated back a few steps.
Kid wiped the water out of his eyes, with a wicked smile. "Yer a rotten little brat, ain't ya?" Kid stalked forward. He took great pleasure watching you shrink backwards. 
Before you had the chance to do anything, his hand shot out towards you. Where you anticipated to be hit or grabbed, a cold sheet of water hit you. Holding your arms up defensively didn't do much to block the water from going up your nose. In a fit of coughing, you lashed out again but this time was weaker, since the coughing devolved into half-giggles. This was so stupid. I'm having a fucking splash fight with Eustass Kid. 
This went back and forth a few more times. You were... having fun? Simultaneously you were trying to get the water out of your good eye and blindly splashing towards where you thought he was. An iron grip closed around the wrist trying to get him wet. You had finally cleared your vision and your now-free hand attempted to pry his fingers from your wrist. "Fine! I'm rotten. Are you happy?" You were still half-heartedly laughing. Something burned in your lower abdomen. Oh. That was a feeling you had nearly forgotten. It only got worse when he turned you to face him. 
There was the wicked smile again. "No." Kid tugged you closer until he felt your free hand splayed out on his chest to keep some distance between the two of you. "As the winner, I believe I'm owed a prize." 
Yanking your hand back to no avail, you glared up at him. You wanted to take back your other hand too, but you didn't want him to pull you flush against him. Maybe I do. You cursed the basic human needs of your body for causing your will to falter. Sliding your hand further up his chest, you hooked it around his tree trunk of a neck, giving a little tug to make him lean down. You wouldn't give Kid the chance to make the first move. This was going to be on your terms and your terms only. Kid barely gave you resistance, and it was probably only because he was shocked you didn't fight him on it. 
The second your lips met, your wrist was released and you felt his palm press into the small of your back, forcing you to be pressed up against him. You growled out of annoyance, though it certainly sounded like something else to him. Fuck it. You nudged him towards the shallower area where he could sit and still be partly submerged, sliding your tongue into his mouth while you did it. Pushing him down, you were semi-straddled over him. The kiss was broken only when you both had to stop for air, panting. 
"One hand isn't enough," Kid mumbled into the skin of your neck. His hand alternated between grabbing your ass and titties, which were just as soft as he wanted them to be. 
You let out a low laugh. "That's funny... I was thinking the same thing." You could feel his cock against the inside of your thigh. It was befitting of the giant man under you. In other circumstances, this would be considered romantic, an island oasis under the moonlight. The burning feeling at your core was only getting more intense. Your fingers grasped at his red locks as you kissed him again, letting out a satisfied moan when he bit your lip and moved to do the same thing to your neck. 
Both of your heads snapped towards a chorus of whistles and cheers. "Alright, Captain!" "Any more where she came from?" "Hey, where's Killer?" 
Your eyes flicked to Kid. His face was as red as his hair. Not with embarrassment obviously. Just anger.
"OF ALL THE FUCKIN TIMES TO SHOW YER SORRY ASSES!" Kid smoothly bucked you off of him so that he could remove himself from the water. He snatched his clothes, tossing your shirt closer to you when he came across it. "ONE OF YA IS GONNA SUCK MY FUCKIN COCK TO MAKE UP FOR IT." He stormed over to the group and demanded to be taken to the ship. 
The group of mostly men weren't deterred by Kid's yelling. They were gathered around him asking if he was fine and about Killer. While they were focused on him, you lifted yourself out of the water and threw your clothes on. So much for ending your dry spell. 
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Steddie X You)
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A/N: This is that idea I told y'all about when my PTSD was really bad last week. I actually liked writing some of this out <3. It did help a bit. I wish I had them and a Red to help me through those rough days.
I did set this after the events of Season 4 so slight spoilers involving Max mostly. Im kind of excited to explore a bit more of Steve's PTSD involving the show. I did it a bit here. I also chose to utilize my own trauma as the readers trauma. I'll delve a bit more in the warnings.
Anyone struggling with their mental health, you are not alone <3. You're feelings are valid and we just have to take things one day at a time. I love you :)
Warnings: Steddie X Fem Reader, No smut yet, Fluff with the reader trying to make them feel better and vice versa. Angst, trauma involving the show is mentioned especially with Steve's feelings of what happened to Max, mentions of Eddie being blamed and the town treating him like trash, he does talk about his abuse as a child very briefly as does the reader. No details are mentioned just that it happened. Reader has a panic attack that the boys help her through.
I do expand on symptoms of PTSD and how the reader feels. Symptoms of mental health can be different for everyone so I focused more on what I experience with my own PTSD. As I progress in the chapters and she becomes more open with them I will most likely talk about things that happened to me. I didn't want to generalize what she was going through mostly because its hard. PTSD and trauma are complicated in it of its self so...
Word Count: 5314
You had been coming to this group for years because of your mental health. Your doctor suggested it stating that it might help you to hear from other people going through the same thing you were. Truth be told it never worked. The other people in this post traumatic stress support group were mostly military vets or officers who had just moved to Hawkins to “get away from the chaos.” You imagined it was a quite a shock for them when the earthquake hit…
While a lot of their symptoms and aftermath stories were similar to yours, you struggled to connect. If anything, you felt more alone. So why did you keep coming back?
Routine, maybe. Or the need to have any kind of human contact since you spend the bulk of your time by yourself at home. Hell, you even worked from home so the only living thing you interacted with on a daily basis was your service dog, Ren. You rarely ever spoke in group, choosing to sit there and listen to the other people speak. 
Since the earthquake, however, more people had joined to your dismay. Most of the citizens that came in took up most of the time talking about the event and how scared they were about what happened. You tried not to let the disgust show on your face when they spoke, understanding that everyone experiences things differently but they didn’t really know. 
They didn’t know what it was like to spend years replaying an event in your head even when you’re asleep. To have those moments where something that would be random to someone else meant something significant to you triggering a panic attack that knocked you on your ass for the rest of the day. They didn’t know what it was like to be so scared to even go to the fucking grocery store to get essentials without the fear that everyone is talking about you and judging you because you’ve been standing in front of the canned goods for a little bit too long wondering if you buy this will you actually eat it or will it just sit there for months at a time because some days you don’t feel like eating. 
Your PTSD consumed a lot of your life for most of your life whereas these people were just now stepping into it and were most likely going to step right back out. After a few months, you were correct. All those citizens gradually stopped coming in till it was just the regular survivors once again. 
After grabbing some coffee, you and Ren sat in your usual spot, waiting for the meeting to start. The dog grabbed your attention when he whined and without warning placed his head on the stranger beside you. 
“Oh. Hey, buddy.”, he coos as his big hand reaches down to pet his head. 
“I’m sorry. He probably senses your anxiety.”
“Well shit. He’s not wrong. I’m not really good at any of this.”, he gestures around the room. “But some of my friends insisted we come so…”
“Yeah, um…” The boy’s eyes glance up towards someone headed for the seat next to him and it takes you a moment to realize everyone else’s eyes on him as well. 
You recognized his face immediately, Edward Munson. The metalhead had been accused of being a satanic worshipper who murdered a bunch of teens a few months ago. He had been cleared of those charges thanks to the help of the old police chief, some detective journalism by Nancy Wheeler, and his friend… “Steve Harrington?”
“That’s me. Do I know you? My memory isn’t what it used to be.”
“She had school with us and graduated along with you, Harrington.”, Eddie sighed as he folded his arms.
“Oh. I’m sorry. What was your name?”
“You look different.”, you blurted before turning away from him and closing your eyes. “I’m…I’m sorry. Sometimes…my mouth moves before…before my brain catches up.”
Ren senses your heightened anxiety and places himself between your legs so you can pet his head, down his back. 
“Alright everyone, let’s get started.”, the overly cheery coordinator grins as he sits down and crosses his legs. While glancing at his clipboard, he addresses the circle. “Does anyone have anything they’d like to share before we get going?”
“Why is he here?”, someone sneers as they point towards the metalhead. 
“He should be in a cell not in group therapy.”, says another.
“Hey now. Mr. Munson is entitled to care just like everyone else and I expect you guys to treat him with the same respect we do everyone else. If that’s going to be a problem, I completely understand, feel free to leave and meet us at our other scheduled time on Thursday.”
Half the people in the room stood up and walked out, the last person slamming the door of the room for emphasis. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Steve pat his back comfortingly as Eddie lets out a deep, heartbroken sigh.
“Would either of you like to introduce yourself to the rest of the group?” 
The metalhead continued to glare forward as Steve spoke up. “As some of you may know, I’m Steve Harrington and this is my friend Eddie. Our other friend Robin suggested we try this since we, uh, we’ve been having some trouble lately.”
“Good, very good. Nice to meet you both. This is a safe space so please feel free to be open here.”
“Thank you.”
“Let’s, uh, let’s continue down the line here. Y/N? Do you feel like talking? I see Ren is on duty today. Something you’re anxious about?”
“Everything.” The man chuckles as people around the room nod in agreement. “I’m ok today, thanks.” 
The remainder of the meeting goes by smoothly without any incident and as it ends everyone rises to leave except the two people next to you. They expect you to leave as well but when you stand, instead of heading for the door you place yourself next to Eddie. He doesn’t move or make any gestures to acknowledge your presence and you’re ok with that. You aren’t really one for small talk or anything like that but something about his demeanor gave you a gut feeling that you decided to expand on. 
Your therapist was always preaching about learning to trust your gut and positive self-talk making your eyes roll every time. 
“Um, this is Ren. He’s a service lab for me because I, uh, I get shaky and anxious really easily. He can sense when I’m nervous or about to have an attack so he helps ground me. I can just pet him or he’ll let me hold him. At home, he’s trained to bring me my medication.”
Steve watches you speak, seemingly trying to get a read on you while Eddie continues to stare straight ahead. You can tell he’s listening though because his head tilted ever so slightly towards you as you began explaining things. Personally, he was so ecstatic to hear a stranger talk calmly with him but he couldn’t display that for fear of ruining the moment or worse, it being a lie.
“Do…do you want to pet him?” 
His head finally whips around to look at you as his eyes scan yours. Swallowing nervously, he sat up straighter, rolling his eyes in faux frustration as his palm reached out to pet the dog’s head. 
“Why Ren? How did you come up with that?”, Steve asked.
“The morning before I got him, I saw Footloose at the cinema. I like Kevin Bacon’s character and his name was Ren. Do you want to see something cute?” Without waiting for an answer, you stood in front of them and motioned for the lab to stand in front of you. Holding out your hands, you sang the Footloose theme song and he jumped up to place his paws in your hands to dance with you.
Both men smiled and you knew you’d never be able to explain why but it comforted you. 
“I, um, I know this town can be full of assholes but I hope you do come back next week. Craig, the coordinator, will take care of you. He’s a little quirky but he’s nice.”
Again, you don’t wait for an answer as you gather your things and Ren before heading out the door. 
When Steve got home that night, he immediately went on the hunt for his yearbook. 
“What are you doing, man?”, Eddie whined as he threw himself on the bed. 
“Looking for my yearbook. I’m surprised I don’t remember her. The guy said Y/N, do you remember her last name?”
Of course, he did. When you were in school together, he had a few classes with you especially English. Junior year you wrote a story that the teacher made you read in front of the class about a girl who was hiding in a forest behind a tree as she watched two monsters argue about how they were going to eat her when they found her. The other kids thought you were weird but he identified with it; picturing his parents fighting as you read.
Eddie never found the courage to speak to you but he was always your hidden knight, watching over you. One of the party boys had talked about how they fucked you and how much of a freak you were so he slashed the kids tires and spray painted “Asshole” in big, bold letters on his car. You probably didn’t remember but on valentine’s day he had slipped a note in your locker that was a drawing of you battling your monsters you had written about. 
“No. Come on, Harrington. It doesn’t matter. It’s not like we’re going back anyway.”
Steve paused his search as he sat down and crossed his legs. “Why wouldn’t we go back?”
“I don’t know if you noticed but people weren’t exactly excited I was there.”
“Fuck those people. At least one person was excited. Two if you count the dog.”
“Yeah sure. Let ruin that by bringing her into our shit. Plus, it’s not like we can tell anyone or talk about what really happened.”
Steve sighed as he got up to sit beside him. “Ed, first off, there isn’t shit to bring her into. Vecna’s dead; we killed him. Secondly, we don’t have to talk about what happened…just what happens after.”
“Really? You want to play that game, Steven? He may be dead but we still got shit. Max is still in a coma, Dustin is still struggling, the town is quite literally cut in half, and ALL of us still have fucking nightmares with all that other fun post traumatic shit. Things are still so out of whack we haven’t even told our friends about us yet.”
“They have enough on their plates.”
“Exactly. So, I reiterate, why do you want to bring this girl into our chaos?”
The man sighs again as he hangs his head making Eddie feel a little guilty as he leans his head on his shoulder while reaching for his hand.
“I don’t know. There’s just something about her that makes me feel comfortable and safe.”
“You came back.”
“Yeah, it took some convincing but…”, Steve grinned. “Hey Ren. May I?”, he asked before petting the lab when you nodded. 
“How are you feeling today, Eddie?”
The metalhead softly smiles at you as he tilts his head in your direction. When the meeting begins you can already feel that the energy is different. One of the regulars is extremely agitated today as his leg bounces and he folds his arms. As soon as Craig reaches him, he shouts his problem as he struggles to control the volume of his voice. Your eyes close as you try to stay present and remind yourself that your safe.
No, no, no. Please. I can’t have a panic attack here in front of all these people. Everyone will look at me. They’ll think I’m weak. No, no, no.
“Y/N?”, the coordinator calls your name and you fold into yourself. “Y/N, you’re ok. You’re safe.”
Ren places his front paws on your knees as he rests his head on your shoulder. You couldn’t do this, pushing him back as you stumbled out the door into the hallway before sinking to the floor.
Your service dog continued to do what it was trained to do as he ran after you and laid beside you in your arms. The sound of your bag and a bottle of water being placed beside you startled you but you couldn’t move to acknowledge it.
You felt your head being lifted and placed on something relatively soft as you continued to try and calm down. It took a few moments but once you felt like you could breathe you opened your teary eyes to see Eddie looking towards the window.
“Hey, hey, take your time.”, Steve soothed in a soft tone when you tried to sit up. “I grabbed your bag and some water. Do you need your meds or anything?”
“C-C-Can you help me?”, you asked as you reached your arms back to try and push yourself to a sitting position. He leaned over to help you adjust as you laid against the wall with your head on the metalhead’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for.”
“I didn’t want you laying your head on the hard floor. I hope that was ok.”, Eddie tenderly grinned. 
You nodded, watching heavily as Ren dug his snout in your purse before producing your medicine and placing it on your lap. 
“Good boy. Steve, in there is his treats. Can you give him one?”
He smiled as he did what you asked and your dog wagged his tail happily. 
“Do you need help?”, Eddie whispered.
“I don’t want to be any trouble.”
Without saying a word, he grabbed the meds from you lap and opened the bottle, shaking one into his hand and popping it closed. He placed the pill near your mouth and your eyes met his as you slowly opened, allowing him to place it on your tongue before holding the edge of the water to your lips and tipping it back. 
“You’re not any trouble. I…we…appreciate you being as kind as you have been to us.”
As he extended his arm to place everything back in its proper place, his jacket sleeve slid up and you noticed some slight scaring around his wrist. When he felt your eyes on him, he followed your glance, quickly covering it up as he leaned back. 
“Thank you for coming out here. You didn’t have to. I struggle with aggressiveness like what Jeremy did in there.”
“Is that not normal for him?”
“Usually, no but I imagine this earthquake and the aftermath hasn’t helped him with his flashbacks.”
“How has it been for you?”, Steve asked.
“Um, not to chaotic. I had a harder time a few months prior when this town was going crazy and playing police officers like they were the law or something. Oh shit. Eddie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even—”
“No worries, sweetheart. I’m used to it now; the stares, gossip, and questions.”
“Should you be?”
His eyes met yours again before quickly looking away as the door to the group area opened and people filed out. The man who had been yelling came over to where you were sitting and apologized in a much more gentle tone then he had previously. After accepting it and smiling towards him, you slowly wobbled to your feet with Steve helping to guide you.
“Are you ok to drive? We can take you home if you’d like.”
“No, I’m alright. I just need to eat something and get a little energy back.”
“Would you like to have dinner with us?”, Eddie offered carefully.
As the three of you entered the restaurant, your eyes darted around as your brain did its regular anxiety check. You made sure to clock where all the exits were and how to get to them, scanned the current patrons to make sure no one was someone who would hurt you, and marked which seat you would prefer to be in just in case you needed to run. 
When you glanced towards Steve, you blinked back surprise when you realized he was doing the same thing. 
“I have to leave, Harrington, but get it to go and we can eat in my van. If that’s ok with you.”
You nodded, panicking slightly as he walked back out the door, unsure of what he was hiding from. To avoid another episode, you did the same leaving the other man to order. When you made it outside you found Eddie in the driver’s seat smoking a cigarette, his eyes darting to you when you climbed into the passenger’s side. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I saw Jason’s parent’s eating at a table so…”
“I never thought you killed those kids.” As soon as the words blurted out, your eyes squeezed shut. “I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
Finger reached out to touch your arm causing your eyes to open again, meeting his kind chocolate-colored ones. 
“You don’t have to keep apologizing.”
When you apologize again, both of you let out a breathy, genuine laugh. 
“When I saw on the news what happened to Chrissy, I knew you couldn’t have done it. Yeah, you were always loud in school but you were also really sweet… at least from what I remember.”
You two jumped when Steve opened the back of the van and threw himself in. “Eddie, go.”
Without any hesitation, he started to put the vehicle in gear but he wasn’t fast enough as Jason’s father appeared by his window and aggressively knocked on the glass. 
“Where do you think you’re going, freak?! You’re the reason my son and his girlfriend are dead!”
“Go, Eddie!”, Steve commanded.
The metalhead slammed his foot on the gas and sped off with the man shouting behind him. The rest of the ride was silent until he parked near the hill that surveyed the town. You watched as he continued to grip the wheel like a lifeline as his chest rose and fell. You wanted to help but you didn’t know exactly how. They only thing you could think of was to grab his palm and place it on Ren’s head. The dog was used to limp pets as Eddie’s hand lazily fell down his back but he promptly rested his head on his lap as you praised him. 
Steve leaned over the seat and placed his arms around him as he whispered things in his ear furthest from you. After a few moments his hand began to move against Ren’s fur making the dog’s tail wag as the other boy released him from his hold. 
“Come on. Let’s eat.”
It was actually the perfect evening for eating outside. The van doors remained open as the three of you munched on your meals in the back. From this spot Hawkins looked different; less chaotic than it was.
While you guys ate you casually talked about yourself. They told you some general things about themselves and you did the same. Even though you felt safe with them you didn’t want to bombard them too much with the mess that was your life. You felt like they were holding back as well, omitting certain information they were afraid to tell.
“You can work from home, you know?”, you mentioned after Eddie brought up how hard it was to find a job because of who he was. “That’s what I do.”
“I could do that.”
“Wouldn’t that be hard for you, Ed? You’re very talkative and outgoing. Don’t you like thrive off of people or some shit.”
“Thrive off of people… No, Harrington. I’m not a vampire.” They grinned at each other when you giggled. “I mean it wouldn’t be much different. Everyone already thought I was a freak beforehand. Now I’m just a murdering freak.”
Everyone went silent as the metalhead turned away to glare outside. 
“You should stop saying things like that.”, you murmur. 
“It’s how they feel.”, he shrugs.
“Who cares how they feel. What matters is how you feel and the truth. You didn’t do it so stop saying it.” Eddie’s eyes jerked towards you as your tone got more agitated.
“Yeah, well, what would you know?”
“Eddie, stop it.”, Steve warned.
“It’s ok, Steve. I can handle this. I’m mentally ill not weak.”
“No one said you were weak, Y/N.”
“What makes you so confident I didn’t do it, hm? You weren’t there. Maybe I did.”
“No, Harrington. I’m curious. What makes her so confident? I have to know because besides my friends and my uncle you are the only person in this town who believes I didn’t do some satanic ritual to murder Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and Jason. That I didn’t hurt Max to cause that fucking earthquake. Why?”
Steve angerly threw the water bottle he was drinking from hard against the inside of the van making you jump.
“Jesus Christ. Are you fucking kidding me, Ed?! We finally find one person who believes the truth and you have to fucking question it! Who gives a fuck why she believes you! Just embrace it.”
He crawls out of the vehicle and begins to pace as he lets off steam. Ren puts his head on your lap and you pet him as you watch Eddie climb out as well and hug the boy from behind, resting his cheek on his back. 
“I’m sorry if I startled you.”, Steve apologized without looking your way. 
“You didn’t. I…I feel safe with you, both of you. That’s why I believe you. I can’t explain it, Eddie. I wish I could. My therapist says that because of my trauma I had to learn how to read people so I could protect myself and prepare just in case. You two…I just don’t get this vibe that I need to be afraid of you.”
“Like a superpower?”, the metalhead grins softly as he comes to sit back beside you. 
“You could say that.”, you giggle and his heart melts. Abruptly, you lean over and wrap your arms around his shoulders, feeling his body stiffen only for a moment before fully accepting it. “You’re a good person Edward Munson.”
Steve watches you both as he stands in front of you, also taken aback when you turn your love towards him by hugging him to, circling your arms around his lower back.
“You to, Steve Harrington.”
The following week you were happy to see they attended group again and seemed so much lighter than they had the other times they had come. As the meeting started, once again you felt that shift in energy. 
“Y/N, I know you don’t talk much here and that’s absolutely fine. I was hoping maybe we could talk about what happened last week.”
“Oh, um, I don’t want to make Jeremy feel bad.”
“I’m ok. I want you to talk about it. It helps me understand…”
You gnaw on your bottom lip at his answer as Craig looks at you with earnest eyes. “I, um, he got aggressive and I panicked.”
“He did get verbally confrontational. Was it the yelling or what he was saying that triggered you?”
“The…yelling doesn’t…doesn’t really bother me or what is said. It…how it was being said.”
“Huh. Interesting. Please, go on.”
“My mom…was always kind of…forceful with her words…”
You don’t see it but both the boy’s protective modes had kicked in beside you especially Steve’s. It takes all his energy not to comfort you in some way. Yesterday, you had hugged him and Eddie but you three had been alone. Right now, you were in room full of people and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He settled for casually extending his legs a bit so his knee was just barely touching your own. 
“I don’t want to talk anymore if that’s ok.”
“That’s fine, Y/N. How about you Steve? I noticed you and Eddie got up pretty quickly to make sure she was okay. I’m sure she appreciates that. Are you usually the protector of your friend group?”
He smirks slightly. “They would probably say I’m more like the babysitter.”
“That’s funny.”, the coordinator laughs. “I have seen you around town with some of the younger kids like Dustin Henderson and Mike Wheeler. You and Mr. Munson there.”
“How’s Max Mayfield doing?” Both their heads shot up to look towards the member that asked the question. “Is she doing any better? I heard her mom is wreck.”
“Jackie, you know the rules. We don’t gossip in here.”, Craig scolds. 
“I’m not gossiping! Max was dating that Sinclair boy, right? Who hangs out with Michael and Dustin who apparently hang out with them so…I just want to know.”
Ren, who had been laying on the floor by your feet, suddenly sat up and waddled between Steve’s legs before lifting himself up so his head was on the man’s shoulder.
“Hug him.”, you whisper as you reach out to rub the boy’s back.
Slowly, he wraps his arms around him and pets the dog’s head. “Good boy.”
“Let’s, uh, Let’s move on to someone else.”
As the coordinator began talking to another person, Steve got up to leave as you and Eddie followed behind. Unlike you, instead of sitting in the hall, he continued to the parking lot towards his BMW. 
“Steve, wait. Wait a second!”, the metalhead called to him trying to keep up.
“I’m fine. Let’s just go home.”
“If you’re fine then why are we leaving?”
“Because I know they are going to ask about her again and I don’t want to hear it so…”, he aggressively gestures towards the car. 
“Isn’t that the point of this therapy group bullshit? To talk or whatever the fuck you said. This was your idea. You can’t just drag us here and then leave when it gets hard.”
“Ok, well, you know what? You were right, okay? We can’t talk about what happened so—”
“But they aren’t asking what happened. They are asking how she is. They already think they know what happened.”
“Fine! Fine, Eddie! Let’s go back in there and answer her question! ‘Oh yeah, Jackie, Max is fine. Just all of her limbs are broken and she’s in a fucking coma but hey the doctors say she’s not brain dead! Always a silver lining!’”
“Steve…what happened to her wasn’t your fault.”
“Fuck this. I’ll walk home.”
The metalhead ran in front of him, trying to block him with his body. “What happened to her, me, Dustin, and Lucas wasn’t your fault. You killed him. You, Nancy, and Robin saved us all but you’re not fucking superman, babe. You can’t be everywhere at once and can’t protect everyone.”
Steve’s head hung and they clung to each other as Eddie embraced him. When they disconnected, they were almost startled by your presence, forgetting you were there entirely. 
“Hey, um, before my brain glitches, I drew you something last night.” Eddie digs in his pocket and hands you a folded piece of paper. 
When you open it fully, you softly smile at the image of you in boots and a superhero style outfit with your palm in the air as a zig-zag force field surrounded you. Next to you was Ren with his tongue hanging out and mask over his eyes. At the top was bold 3D lettering that read “LADY EMPATHY” with smaller print underneath; “Senses Emotions and helps heal the innocent with her trustee four-legged side kick Anti-Depressant.”
You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry but you loved it. No one had ever done something nice like this for you except that one time someone slide a drawing into your locker.
Your eyes met his as a light bulb went off in your head. 
“Do you two want to come over to my house? We can hang out and eat some food. I would like to show you something.”
Eddie glanced at Steve who nodded his approval. 
“Ok. Sounds like fun.”
“Wow, this place is really nice.”, Steve muses as he looks around. 
“Thank you. I don’t have much but I don’t need too much so…”, you shrug as you watch them move around. 
“You seem to like a lot of movies, huh?” Eddie walks around looking at your posters hanging on the wall. 
“I do especially the fantasy ones. It’s nice to hide from reality in movies like The Never Ending Story or Dragon Slayer. I can’t wait for Labyrinth to come out. You know that new Bowie movie?”
The metalhead chuckles when Steve shrugs. “He doesn’t know who that is, sweetheart. Steve isn’t exactly well versed in most media.”
Your eyes widen as you head towards your sound system and push in a cassette. “Let’s Dance” flows through the speakers and he bobs his head he listens. “Pretty cool.”
Eddie laughs harder when you playfully sigh as his musical ignorance. “Yeah. Welcome to my world. What did you want to show us?”
After disappearing into your room, you come back with a frame in your arms, the image facing your body. 
“When I was in high school, I was pretty good at being invisible but sometimes I wasn’t so lucky. The jocks would pick on me a lot and pretty girls like Tammy Thompson would make my life hell.” Steve sighed praying that he wasn’t one of the people who hurt you. “That was nothing compared to what I was dealing with at home. My parents…they, um, they weren’t nice with each other and sometimes…my mother would take that out on me.”
“I always loved English class because I could write about what I was feeling. One day a teacher had asked me to read something I wrote in front of everyone. I told him no but he insisted and as I stood there, I could hear people snickering. It was awful; I hate talking in front of people. But anyway, a few days later, I found this in my locker.”
You turned the frame around to display the image Eddie had drawn for you as you slowly moved toward him. 
“You have no idea what this did for me. In a world full of people where I felt like no one cared, this showed me someone was listening. Someone out there did care…at least enough to take the time to draw this and give it to me.”
Eddie’s eyes met yours as he spoke. “I related to it, your story about the monsters and the kid hiding. My father used to scream at my mother until it escalated. I would always hide in my room hoping I wasn’t next.” Steve came over to stand next to him and rub his back comfortingly. “Turns out I can’t fight any monsters, can I, Stevie?”
The boy growled under his breath as his hand fell. 
“You were always amazing to me. You seemed so smart and strong; I was so afraid to talk to you. I couldn’t stop thinking about your story so I drew that and slid it into your locker.”
“So…my superpower works? I was right about you. You are a good person.” You smile when he smirks in your direction. “You guys can talk to me…about anything. I won’t judge you or hurt you or anything. I trust you and I hope that you can trust me.”
They glance at each other and you see the hesitation in their look. They a definitely holding something back but you pray that one day they’ll feel comfortable enough to let you in. Little did you know, the massive secrets they could tell.
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tenpintsofsundrop · 1 year
Better Than Sleeping
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Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
You and Jason are friends with benefits. Though you have come to realize that the relationship doesn't always 'benefit' you when he ends up annoying you after a long, tiring day of training.
(He quickly makes you come to see that his annoying persistence can benefit you, even if you would never admit it aloud.)
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut. Set during Season 2.
Word Count: 5,300
Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
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Please read my pinned post before interacting.
This fic contains Dubious Consent. One character ‘wears down’ the other and ‘convinces them’ to have sex, and both of them display verbal consent that goes against their true actions and desires (they say no to having sex when they do truly want to) and they think of convincing the other person to agree as a kind of ‘game’. It is a relationship that is playful in nature, and this consent is based on bodily queues, facial expressions, and knowing a person’s safety and comfort based on being in a relationship with them for a period of time. If this makes you uncomfortable, please don’t read the fic.
List of detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: friends with benefits, this is primarily a smut fic, the reader character uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina, Jason is more dominant and the reader is more submissive (once the sex begins), the reader could be considered a brat, Jason calls the reader ‘babe’ (it is a canon event), Jason calls the reader ‘baby’, Jason calls the reader ‘good girl’, dubious consent - coercion (please see the above for an explanation about this), mentions of masturbation (watching someone masturbate), mentions of fucking someone to sleep/fucking someone while they are asleep, mentions of free use kink, mentions of cumming inside someone/unprotected sex, marking/biting, groping/touching through underwear (reader receiving), orgasm denial (toward the reader), ‘just the tip’, teasing, there is a point where Jason’s dick is inside her without a condom but he doesn’t cum, and he puts on a condom before fully penetrating (what would you call that?), begging, slight mentions of subspace (but it’s more so described as a lustful drunkness), there is implications toward the end of fucking someone to sleep/fucking someone while they are asleep with their permission. I believe that is everything.
You knew that becoming a Titan was never going to be easy. 
But fuck, this was a lot harder than you imagined it would be. Dick Grayson was quickly becoming your least favorite person. Between the 5am wake up calls and the endless workout routines, paired with the bland ‘nutrient filled’ meal plans he had everyone on to ‘fuel your bodies’ for training - he was becoming a menial drill sergeant that you couldn’t get away from. One of the only things that made it better was the fact that you had friends around - the ability to joke about him with Rachel, Gar, and Jason behind his back. Was it a bit mean-spirited? Yes. Did you feel less guilty about it whenever he added more onto the training routine? Also yes. 
You had no clue when these skills you were working so hard on were ever going to come into play. Every single night, Dick retired himself into the comms room full of computers to ‘monitor the city for threats’ - but he seemingly never found anything worthy of the team’s attention. At least not yet. So you went about the routine of training hard, becoming exhausted, falling into bed to sleep and then doing it all over again. 
Oh - and there was the other thing. The not so occasional part of your routine where Jason fucked your brains out. The fact that the two of you had developed a mutually beneficial relationship to help ‘relieve’ each other when you were horny, a quintessential friends with benefits situation. But with your muscles sore from training and your entire body so exhausted, that was the farthest thing from your mind on this night. 
After a long, hard day of training, the last thing you wanted to hear was a knock on your bedroom door. You hoped that it was simply Gar asking to borrow some of your body wash again (because he liked the smell), or Rachel asking you to kill a spider in her room, and not Dick alerting you to some surprise training drill that he had suddenly thought up. 
You shoved your pajama top over your head, finishing getting changed for the night, and rushed across the room to the door. When you opened it, you barely had time to gauge if you were pleased or displeased at seeing Jason before he spoke. 
“I’m horny.” He announced abruptly, being very abrupt about delivering his feelings. 
But it was in character for him, and didn’t surprise you in the least. 
You hated that your stomach jolted at his words, even if just out of Pavlovian habit. It had been only two days since the last time he had fucked you. He had caught you in the shower in the morning, snuck into the bathroom with a condom between his teeth and opened the shower door to join you while you were distracted meditatively washing your hair. It had been steamy, soapy, slippery, and goddamn wonderful. 
But it had left you sore and stiff before training, and you were wondering how much give and take there was - if you truly needed his cock. 
“Hello to you too.” You said, your tone just as dead tired as you felt. 
You wouldn’t admit that you were a bit horny too. You were tired, and you wanted to go to sleep. So that made you annoyed with his presence. (It should have made you more annoyed than you were.) 
Jason bit his lip, raking his eyes up and down your body with an intense heat lurking there. You glared back at him. 
Jason was intensely attractive. He was a good looking guy, that was just a fact. And while you did enjoy the way he was looking at you, staring you down like you were a porn star when you were slumped with exhaustion, wearing baggy old pjs with mascara smeared on your face with sweat, your hair a mess from the day - there was barely a spark stirred in your stomach at the idea of fucking him right now. You were just too damn tired. Dick had been running you all into the ground, instituting the same training that Batman had given him, and it was fucking exhausting. 
“So - can I come in?” Jason asked. 
He gave you a very expectant curl of his lips and tilted his head toward you when you didn’t say anything for a few seconds. You just stood there and stared at him bitterly. 
You sighed hard through your nose, not wanting to answer the question. 
Fucking him might be nice. A good orgasm before bed. But you needed to put what little energy you had left into your nightly routine and then get a good, long sleep before Dick woke everyone up at ass o’clock again. 
“No.” You finally told him. “I’m going to bed.” 
You turned and walked back into your room, but left the door open. You hoped that he would get the hint to leave on his own. You grabbed your bottle of makeup remover and a cotton pad and began taking off your makeup. 
You weren’t so lucky. 
“I’ll go to bed with you, babe.” He announced proudly. You could practically hear the smirk in his voice. 
He then came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. You felt the half hardness of his cock pressing into your ass as you wiped away your makeup with stern hands. You tried your hardest not to let him wear you down, even as you felt a tingle between your thighs. He was used to training this hard, so it wasn’t as exhausting for him. Clearly, he didn’t understand how tired you were - how badly you needed the rest. 
“Go get in your own bed.” You barked, your tone becoming more strained. 
As you leaned closer to the mirror to inspect your face, to make sure that you had gotten all the tiny specs of makeup off, you unintentionally arched your back, pushing your ass much closer to his crotch. Jason let out a quiet moan and you caught him smirking at you in the reflection of the mirror. 
He leaned in close, draping his warm body entirely over your back, trapping you there as he put one hand on the dresser and the other on the wall and leaned his body weight on you. You could have shoved him off you if you wanted to - but as you felt a tingling heat creeping up your back, you weren’t entirely sure if you wanted to. 
“Come on, babe.” He sighed into your neck. 
His hot breath on such a sensitive place caused a shiver through you that you would deny. 
“Why are you being like this? You know if you want a good sleep, getting fucked nice and hard is the best way to get it.” He told you, so entirely cocky. “My cock will put you right to bed, baby.” 
The words sent a hard jolt of electricity through you, settling a hard heat through you from your gut all the way to your face, burning uncomfortably through your skin. Combined with the way he ground his increasing hardness against your ass, you were forced to suppress a whimper. 
It made you even more annoyed with him - the fact he could play your body like an instrument he had finely tuned. And you reacted with that intense annoyance. 
“Why can’t you just masturbate like a normal person?” You scoffed at him, entirely firm, not giving away an ounce of weakness in your voice. 
“As if.” He held intense disgust in his voice at the very idea. 
He gave another firm dig of his hips, causing you to be pressed into the sharp edge of the dresser - a small twinge of pain that only added to the heat growing in your stomach. 
“Why the fuck would I resort to touching myself when I have the sweetest pussy ever to fuck right down the hall?” Jason explained. “But ya know, if you want to watch me jack off, that can be arranged.” 
Instead of responding to that, you just rolled your eyes. You hoped that he wouldn’t notice that subtle shift of lust in your features that said this was definitely a new fantasy of yours because he had brought it up. 
“You can’t deny that you need it too.” Jason whispered into your ear. 
“I need sleep.” You grunted in return. 
You then shucked out of his hold, using one of the evasive maneuvers that Dick had taught you in training, ducking under Jason’s arm when he wasn’t expecting it. Before he could blink, you were across the hall and in the bathroom. It was mostly because you knew that if you stood there any longer with his warm body pressed against your back, you would have given in far too easily. 
Naturally, Jason followed you. 
He stuck by your side through your entire night time routine, trying to wear you down. You weighed the pros and cons in your head without truly listening to him as the exhaustion seeped into your bones and battled with the lust growing inside of you. 
Jason brushed his teeth standing next to you in front of the sink while you brushed yours, all the while mumbling excuses through his toothpaste about how the sex would be good aerobic exercise to help with your training. By the time you got to doing your skincare, you ended up putting a face wash and moisturizer on him just to mentally drown out whatever he was saying - something about orgasms and endorphins and how it helps mental health. 
As you pulled back the covers to finally settle in, he snuck his way into your bed under the guise of ‘just cuddling’. Though you weren’t anywhere near convinced of that sentiment, you didn’t kick him out of the room or protect. You were surprised, but grateful when he took off his shirt, laid down, and seemed to finally shut up. You weren’t sure which you were more grateful for - the quiet or the stunning eye candy of his tight body on full display. But you didn’t question the fact that he had finally stopped nagging you. 
You crawled into bed beside him and settled into his arms. You gave him a kiss on the cheek as a goodnight (knowing that if you kissed him on the mouth, it would turn into something more heated). It was only about two minutes after you shut off your bedside lamp, shrouding the room in darkness, that the talking began again. 
“You could sleep through it.” He noted quietly. 
You sighed with deep annoyance. 
“If you want to. I could be gentle about it.” 
His voice continued on from behind you as he spooned you, one arm under your head underneath the pillow and the other laid almost possessively around your waist. 
Of course, he didn’t even have to be too descriptive for you to know what ‘it’ was. 
The idea of him gently fucking you while you fell into a lazy sleep was entirely too appealing. But he didn’t need to know that. He didn’t need to win. Especially not after you had put so much of your very little remaining energy into deterring him all night. 
“Go to sleep.” You told him with a huff, shoving your head further into the pillow. 
He simply chuckled. 
You hoped that if you just ignored him, he would shut up and go to sleep. 
You would never admit to him that heat bloomed in your stomach at the idea of Jason crawling into your bed when you were already in a deep sleep, using you for his own selfish pleasure and leaving you sore and full of cum to wake up to in the morning. 
“Hmm… no.” He replied, as easily as a petulant child, his breath fanning out over your neck once again. 
Your heated thoughts easily blossomed into a moan from your lips when he latched onto your neck without warning. He picked a particularly tender spot, sucking hard with teeth and the fullness of his lips, easily knocking the wind out of you. You shoved your heated face tightly into your pillow, praying that he wouldn’t notice your reaction. That he wouldn’t realize he so blatantly had you like putty in his hands. If he knew that, he would know that he could just take whatever he wanted and you wouldn’t protest. Not in the slightest. 
Jason already knew that. But he wasn’t just going to pull down your shorts and slam his cock into you. As much fun as that would be - he wasn’t barbaric. Plus - now that he had one of your sweet little sounds in his ears, he wanted more. He wanted to hear you beg for it after denying him for so long. 
He moved his arm from being so tightly around your waist, and pushed your shirt up. You tried your best to put up a wall of indifference toward this. He began skimming his touch oh so lightly along the roundness of your stomach, right above the band of your shorts. You knew he felt the shiver that ran through you, but you refused to say anything. You weren’t pretending to be asleep at this point, but it was a game to the two of you. You still refused to give in. 
But he was playing to win. 
He shoved his hand into the waistband of your shorts, touching you outside the fabric of your underwear. His skin felt like he could have burned you, even through the fabric. You had to make a conscious effort not to buck forward into the touch. When his fingers skimmed across your hotly beating clit (when had you gotten so turned on?) you swallowed another whimper and steadied your voice. 
“Jason.” You said his name firmly, like a warning bell. “If you don’t behave yourself, I’m gonna kick you out.” 
“I don’t think you will.” He whispered into your neck, defiantly cocky once again. 
He sucked another hard, hot mark onto your skin as he cupped your pussy whole in his palm and began grinding the heel of his hand against your clit. 
You let out a wobbling moan and your body thrashed, your energy so depleted that you could no longer hold back your body’s natural reactions to him. You were met with the hard wall of his body behind you, so firm and perfectly hot as he pressed himself tighter into you. 
He gave a satisfied grin into your skin and only doubled down, putting more pressure on your throbbing clit and causing hot waves from that point, adding to the rolling boil that raged under your skin. 
With the beautifully firm pressure and Jason’s talent, the way he knew your body so well, you could have come from this alone. Especially as the pleasure throbbed through your core, your underwear became more soaked through and it was all so beautifully smooth and wet. 
Jason began grinding his cock - still trapped inside a pair of sweats - against the back of your thigh. He groaned into your neck when he felt a pleasurable tingling of his own spreading through his gut, though he craved to be inside of you. As much as he was enjoying this - the sweet, needy sounds falling from your lips, the way your thighs clamped around his wrist, as though desperately trying to keep him in place while your hips humped against his hand like a bitch in heat - he knew that he needed more. 
And he was going to make you beg for it. 
When he felt the signature twitch of your legs that said you were about to cum, he stopped. He held his hand completely still, his strong arm easily pinning your hips down to the bed to prevent you from humping against him and simply taking what you needed. In that moment, he even curled two of his fingers up to shove the fabric of your underwear inside of you slightly, creating a sharp sting that reminded you just how empty you were feeling. 
“Jay-!” You let out his name in a petulant whine, about to scold him for the ruined orgasm, but he cut you off. 
“You gonna ask me nicely now?” He rumbled into your ear. “Admit you were wrong?” 
You wanted to bark out ‘either make me cum, or go to your own damn bed’ - but you knew that Jason was just as petty as you were. At that point, he would have gotten up and left for his own bed just to prove a point. 
“You’re keeping me awake right now.” You huffed out, trying your best to sound annoyed. (Which wasn’t too difficult, considering how badly the ruined orgasm had frustrated you.) “My point still stands.” 
Of course, sleeping was the farthest thing from your mind now. The sexual frustration had injected a new wave of energy through you, and you knew that you wouldn’t be able to rest until you were truly satisfied. 
Unfortunately, Jason knew that too. 
“Okay.” Jason sighed quietly, giving a click of his tongue. 
He then completely pulled his hand out of your shorts and pulled away from your body. It seemed like he was moving to get out of the bed - you worried you had accidentally triggered that signature pettiness in him. 
But as usual, Jason Todd surprised you. 
You bit your lip to hold back a cheer when he reached for the waistband of your shorts and underwear pulled them down all at once, exposing your hot, soaked cunt to the cool air of the room. (At some point, the blanket had been accidentally shoved off you.) You took a glance over your shoulder and of course, he was shoving his pants down to his knees. You caught a glimpse of his long, thick, hard cock bobbing out of the fabric in the darkness. But you didn’t dare to spend too much time admiring it, for fear of making him too cocky. 
You relaxed against your pillow in satisfaction, waiting for Jason to grab a condom out of the bedside table’s drawer so that he could literally fuck you to sleep. 
You were surprised when he scooted back toward you, pressing himself right up against your back once more. He proceeded to simply press his hips against yours - his cock laid flat against the bare folds of your leaking pussy, immediately becoming slick with your wetness. But be made no moves to grab a condom or even tease you by pushing inside of you raw. 
(Which - yes, the two of you had agreed to always use condoms, but it was secretly a fantasy of yours that he would go against the rule because of his overbearing need to feel you raw - or even the need to cum inside of you). 
But instead of doing any of that, Jason seemed to be settling in to relax. 
Jason draped himself across your back, wrapped his arm around your waist again, and gently laid his head on your shoulder. But he made no effort to move, or fuck you. Your pussy throbbed with need, feeling the hot, hard length pressed against you, entirely unmoving. When you clenched around nothing, you let out a wave of slick that you knew he could feel right on his cock. You felt a groan catch inside his chest, but still, he didn’t move. 
“Jason.” You breathed out, having to question him after a few more moments of silence and stillness. “What are you doing?” 
“Going to sleep.” He answered, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. “I thought you wanted me to just shut up and leave you alone so that you could get some rest?” 
That. Little. Shit. 
You resisted the urge to elbow him in the face. 
Obviously, being so close to you, he felt your entire body tense up with anger and annoyance. He was only able to partially hold back his satisfactory laughter. When the quiet snickers met your ears, you became even more annoyed. 
“Jason.” You scolded him gruffly. 
“Oh? I’m sorry,” He said, entirely sarcastic. “Did you want something?” 
“Did you want something?” You parroted back, mocking his words in a childish voice. 
Essentially, you had no more clever comebacks left. He had won. 
“I guess I can give you something for your troubles, babe.” Jason sighed, as though it were a grand inconvenience to him. “Maybe just the tip, though.” 
“Just the tip.” You sighed, finding yourself repeating his words once again. Though this time your voice was dead and sarcastic rather than mocking - mostly because you didn’t believe him. 
You knew that in Jason land, ‘just the tip’ meant slamming his entire cock into you after the tip lingered in your entrance for a moment. You clenched down on nothing again at the thought. 
Once again, you were expecting him to grab a condom so he could fuck you freely without worry. You were surprised when he peeled his body away from you slightly and reached down to grab his cock. After a moment of rubbing the fat cockhead along your folds to get it nice and wet, he did as promised and pushed the tip inside. 
It was the first time he had ever been inside of you without the barrier of a condom, and feeling his hot, raw skin touching yours - even just a little bit, made you gasp. 
Your voice was whiny even to your own ears, so needy for him after so much teasing. Upon instinct, feeling that painfully empty ache coming from deep inside you, you arched your back and attempted to shove your hips toward him - attempted to pull more of his thickness inside of you. But Jason was quicker, and he had his hands on both your hips, shoving you down onto the bed so hard and fast that the tip of his cock fell out of you with a wet pop. 
It was a sound that made heat beat through your cheeks, and the feeling of his wet cockhead brushing against the backs of your thighs took your breath away. 
“Oops.” He chuckled, and moved to slot himself back into position.
You had no clue why it was so dizzyingly hot. 
But this time he held you down firmly so you couldn’t simply fuck yourself back onto his cock. You moaned as the thickness of the cockhead popped back inside of you - you yearned for more, but he stayed still. 
After a moment, he began to move his hips so slightly, feeding no more than an inch of his cock into your throbbing cunt before pulling it back out. It was an entirely careful movement on his part where he fed you the first inch, and didn’t let the tip pop out again, in pathetically shallow thrusts that could barely be called sex. Your pussy ached, tingled, yearned for more. 
You mentally cursed Batman for teaching him such good self discipline and him using it for this.
“Jason.” You whined, trying fruitlessly to fight against the firm grip he had on your hips in order to fuck yourself on his cock. 
“What, babe?” He chuckled, leaning down to kiss a line across your shoulder. 
“You know what.” You replied, your tone even more frustrated and whiny. 
You wiggled your hips desperately, trying to get more of him inside of you. You yearned to feel the perfect ache of his thick cock splitting you open, hitting all of those perfect spots so deep inside of you. 
“No, I don’t.” He told you, his voice somehow steady and confident. “You’re gonna have to spell it out for me.” 
You couldn’t see it or feel it, but his hips were trembling and his abs were tight with the pure resistance of his self control. All of the energy he was using not to slam his cock into the tight, warm velvet of your cunt, especially as he felt it leak so freely around the tip of his cock, knowing how badly you needed him. He wanted nothing more than to watch you whine and babble and fall apart on his cock - but he wanted to win just a little bit more. 
There was a distinct pause. The last shreds of your own stubbornness hanging in the air, even as your cunt throbbed with need. 
Even if Jason couldn’t see your face from this angle, he could feel the warring in your body. He knew you too well. And he knew how to break you down so perfectly. 
��If you want anything more than this,” He told you, emphasizing the point with another pathetically shallow thrust. “If you want anything more than just the tip of my cock,” His voice was low and silken and creating even more heat that almost drowned you. “Then you’re gonna have to beg for it.” 
“Fuck you, Jay.” You whined out in protest, once again trying to fight his grip on your hips to fuck yourself against him. 
He viciously dug his fingers into the fat of your hips, causing a sharp sound from your throat at the beautiful pain. 
He leaned down and pressed his lips to the back of your neck, and growled out his next words in a low tone that dragged through your insides in the exact spot where his cock should have been. 
“Come on.” He urged you on. “Fucking. Beg.” 
That was when you broke. 
At least you hadn’t given in too easily. 
“Please,” You whined out breathlessly. “Please, fuck me! Fuck me, Jason! I need it.” 
“What else?” Jason asked expectantly. 
You could have killed him. But when your desperate cunt unconsciously clenched down on the fat head of his cock and you felt yourself growing only more hot and needy, you knew that there was only one thing to do. 
“I’m sorry, Jay, I should have - I should have just asked nicely in the first place. I do need it. I need your big cock inside of me so badly.” You poured it on thick, emphasizing the last words in the most pornographic voice you could muster, hoping that he was running low on self control as well. 
And he was. So he was very satisfied with this. He grinned into your skin, leaving a surprisingly tender kiss on the back of your neck before he mumbled out ‘good girl’ - something that made you moan out sharply. 
You let out a sharp noise of disappointment when his cock popped out of you again. 
“I need a condom.” He told you, giving you a reassuring pat on the ass. “As much as I’d love to cum inside you, we do have an agreement.” 
You weren’t sure which was hotter - his sex-thick voice admitting that he shared one of your deepest fantasies, or the fact that he was caring so deeply for you, making sure that he protected you with a condom even when you were in that floating headspace and willing to let him do just about anything do your body. 
Your mind was swimming contemplating it, and next thing you knew it, he had the condom on successfully. He then slammed his cock inside of you in one firm, smooth movement. Any thoughts were easily pounded out of your head by the practiced movement of his hips.
“Better now?” Jason grunted into your ear. 
You could practically feel his smugness radiating through his cock, spearing into you. 
But you were now alight with intense pleasure, warm satisfaction rolling through you - so you couldn’t bring yourself to truly care about how smug he was. Every bit of cockiness he had, he did back it up with a pretty big dick that he knew how to use well. Not that you would ever say those words aloud to him. Not even on your deathbed. 
“Just shut up and fuck me.” You ordered, though it was breathless and had no bite. 
“As you wish, babe.” He replied, and then doubled down - his hips fucking into you with an intense fury. 
You moaned like a whore at this, finally feeling that dizzying fullness that you had been craving since he had snuck his touch into your shorts. Jason drank up your sounds and easily wanted more - more of your perfect pussy squeezing around his cock, more of that wetness coating his inner thighs, more of that filthy wet smacking as he fucked into you. 
He leaned down, draping his body fully over yours once again, creating a pleasantly smothering weight on top of you as you laid on your stomach on the bed with your face nearly drowned in the pillow. He slowed the pace of his hips to a dangerous torture of a grind, fucking you so deeply now that you were sure you could feel him coming up inside of your throat. You let out a wounded noise, and he hushed you gently. 
“Shh, babe, I’ve got you.” He whispered into your ear. “Gonna make you feel so good.” 
He moved one of his hands from your hip and shoved it between your body and the bed, and once again he was cupping your mound fully in his hand - but this time there was no fabric barrier, and he was settled deep inside of you. It was filling your whole body with lava, turning every place he touched you to boiling ash. You were sure that you would have dissolved into nothingness if not for the anchor of your cunt hanging onto his cock, keeping you grounded in reality with that slight nip of pain as your muscles clenched onto him. 
“Now say thank you.” He told you, his voice so gruff in your ear, so thick with desire that it made you dizzy. “Thank me for giving you my cock.” 
He used two precise fingers to rub circles on your neglected clit, immediately sending shockwaves through your body that made your muscles jump and jolt. 
You gulped for air and struggled to move your face out of the fabric of the pillow, and Jason saw this. He moved his other hand and slid it under your cheek, gripping under your jaw to fully lift you up. 
He stilled his hips completely once again, causing a pained sound to emanate from your lungs as you clamped down on his cock deep inside of you while he continued to relentlessly work over your tender clit. He gave you a couple of seconds to catch your breath. But you were so cock dumb that you had to be reminded of the goal. 
“Come on, baby.” He encouraged you, pressing his lips to your cheek that he wasn’t holding onto. “Say ‘thank you’.” 
“Thank you.” You easily repeated back, now completely pliant to his desires. “Thank you for-for your cock.” 
“Good girl.” Jason praised you once again. 
Then he began fucking into you once more - it only took a few careful thrusts of his hips and the talent of his fingers on your clit to finally bring your orgasm to life. He shoved his tongue into your mouth as you screamed through it, imitating some sloppy version of a kiss while you flailed and creamed on his cock, your body becoming truly boneless and tired as the orgasm rocked you. 
When it was finished, he was still throbbing hard inside of you, and you let out a whine of disappointment. You were absolutely dead tired now, and you couldn’t even think of how much energy it would take to finish him off. Mister ‘Twice In A Sunday’ could last quite a long time, and that didn’t exactly work for you in that moment. 
“You can go to sleep now, babe.” He whispered into your ear. “I’ll clean you up when I’m done.” 
He began thrusting into you once more, and you couldn’t help but let your eyes drift closed. 
It ended up being a good night for both of you.
A/N: This is another fic of mine that was originally supposed to be like 1k or 2k and it ended up this long lmao. So I hope you enjoy it! I have been reading a lot of fics that use 'just the tip' as a trope or a prompt, and it reminds me so much of Jason (especially the Titans version of Jason) - where he would be whiny and begging for sex, and be like 'come on, just the tip' and originally that part of the fic was going to be a bit different, but I do like the way this turned out. So definitely let me know what you think of this, and keep in mind that right now (as of July 24th, if you don't have timestamps on) my Titans smut requests are still open. (And if it's in my pinned post that they're still open, then they are). So definitely send me a request for any of the Titans characters if there is something you'd like to see! I love being inspired by requests.
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
Hello, gorgeous!
First of all, thank you for the joy of reading the first chapter of Tough And Sweet (Like You And Me).
I just have one question: Will future chapters show us Gale’s POV as well? Personally, I’d love to see young, shy Bucky through the eyes of an older Gale.
HIII sweetest human!! <3 no thank YOU for reading omg and for the kind words plsss :')) and for giving me an excuse to talk ab this LOL. tldr: future chapters no, future parts/drabbles yes!!
i was actually so indecisive about this when i started plotting the fic because while i enjoy reading fics with alternating povs just as much as fics without them, i've never written one with them and i wasn't sure if i'd enjoy/be good at switching mindsets like that!
i ultimately decided to stick to john's pov for that reason, but also because i thought as the reader, having to see things through his eyes and only being able to guess about gale the way john does would be more intriguing, especially with john's view of the world/interactions warped and/or rose–tinted by youth, inexperience, emotional dysregulation, etc.
BUT sooo much of what i have written in my drafting doc is from gale's pov because i love picturing this bucky through his eyes too, it's just such a fresh and new dynamic for me to explore as someone who primarily writes mota–verse buckbucky, and what we see from john's pov is so different from how gale sees things of course lol.
like it drives me insane thinking about how this poor man was literally just living his peaceful life, fine with being solo, going through the routine every day of work and then bike club and then home, and suddenly he's got this golden retriever of a boy attached to him like a magnet, and he's being kept on his toes dealing with the bundle of energy, and each day is now unpredictable and as exciting as it is stressful and he has no one to blame but himself lol. and the way we don't get to see the self–restraint he has to have and the struggle to be responsible and do what's 'right' while also dealing with his own feelings, because john isn't aware that's going on inside gale's head!
i could go on and on about his side of things aughghgh so i think eventually i'll end up doing a pretty lengthy oneshot sorta thing of certain events in the actual fic through gale's eyes (kinda what i plan on doing with yadiym for john's pov) bc goddd i have so many thoughts about how all of this would be playing out from his perspective!!! if not a oneshot, then drabbles like this one i hope.
if i had the time and if it wouldn't be boring to read i would honestly just rewrite the whole fic from gale's pov once it's done because with every scene i write, i'm like ooo i wanna dive into his pov and talk about what he's thinking and seeing so BAD but i can't bc we're in john's head </3 i just love analyzing john through his eyes and ik i've yapped ab this so much in past posts but gale does see so much of his younger self in him, that's why he has a lot of patience and takes a liking to him so fast, even if he doesn't realize that right away. :')
at the very least i definitely want to write pwp oneshots/drabbles set in the TAS universe from gale's pov so i can gush over describing how pretty and sweet and mouthy john is LOL i'm sure i'll add the fic itself to a series like with my dog–coded fic so that i can build on the au with oneshots once it's done >:-)
this is such a longwinded response (what else is new!) but you poked the bubble in my brain that's been agonizing over wanting to delve into gale's pov so <3 this is much more rambling than your question warranted but thx JSDKG
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whumpshaped · 1 year
Stray 1
hi im here to bring u a fun lil interactive thing bc i felt inspired. will this have a second chapter before november? uhhhhh idk man...... anyway have fun
tw institutional/systemic pet whump, second person pov (and you're the pet!), forced to eat gross stuff, memory loss, past trauma, dehumanisation
You stumble out of the facility with the vague understanding that you want to leave. You can't quite remember why, you can't quite remember what you had before the facility, and you can't quite remember what's so bad about the place... but something in you is screaming at you to run.
So you run.
Even as the evening air clears your head, the memories don't come back to you. You have no concept of life before being a pet, outside of a few flashes of faces you think you might've known at one point and places you might've frequented. It's not a lot, not even enough to convince you they aren't dreams that lodged in your head for a little too long.
Maybe this is a mistake, honestly. You're basing your entire escape on these flashes, and a weird gut feeling. Now you're on the run from the Pet Protection Agency, and you have zero idea how to survive as a stray. It'd be so much easier to turn back around and give yourself up... but god, this nagging feeling in the back of your mind just won't leave you alone. You have to keep running.
Days pass, and you learn what kinds of food in the dumpster are still fit for consumption. Weeks pass, and you learn how to seem semi-normal. How to blend in and pretend you're a person. Months pass, and you're starting to run out of stamina. Of drive. Of motivation. It's getting colder, too. You're thinking of turning yourself in again.
You don't even make an effort anymore. You stay in the same alleyway, go through the same dumpster... Sometimes you venture a bit further out, but at this point, you're entirely over it. If the PPA's people find you, so be it. Being a stray is miserable.
But one day, a small offering appears on the ground. It's a little plastic bowl with some kind of paste in it. It smells... suspicious. It's definitely not for you– no, that's not true. It's definitely for you, but it's clear that the person who left it doesn't... know who you are. What you are.
You crawl a bit closer, your stomach rumbling loudly. Maybe just a scoop. A bite. Maybe it's not that bad. Maybe eating cat food is fine, under certain circumstances. Maybe you can trick yourself into liking it, even.
Well... as soon as you try it, you realise that won't be happening. But food is food, and you're desperate. You can only hope it won't poison you.
The empty bowls disappear every morning, and a full one appears every evening. The routine soothes you somewhat. Of course it does, you're just a pet, and pets need routine — another reason why it was utterly stupid to run and throw yourself into a life of uncertainty. But in an odd turn of events, you accidentally found someone who seems to care, and that's comforting.
One evening, while you're furiously rubbing your hands together to create some semblance of warmth, you hear the stranger enter the alley. You hear the telltale scratch of the bowl against the ground as they set it down, and your mouth waters despite knowing how gross the food is. But you don't hear them leaving.
"Here, love. I've brought you some food," they — he? — say softly, and you realise your mysterious patron saint is planning on staying this time. He wants to see where his food is going, clearly. An infinite number of options and fears run through your head all at once.
What if he's with the PPA? What if this has all been a setup? What if he's going to be angry about you not being a sweet little animal? What if he's a horrible person who's just playing you? What if– what if–
i'm gonna start a separate taglist for this so lmk if u wanna be on it :) also no promises whatsoever abt the updates i just felt rly in the mood for smth like this tonight
@whumpsday @the-scrapegoat
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bekkachaos · 1 month
Hiiii Bekka 💕💕💕💕
I am so intrigued by all your wips!
Please tell me all about (or maybe even share a snippet of 🥰):
-soulmate AU
-Truman show AU
-addict Buck/spiraling Eddie AU
Hi darling!! Thank you so much for asking, I love talking about my wips (instead of writing them 😅 teehee).
Here's a bit of info about these wips and a snippet from one 🥰
Soulmate AU
You can't lie to your soulmate, so from a very young age Eddie decides that he's just never going to lie, because he doesn't want to know. He thinks the odds are against finding your soulmate in the millions of people in the world anyway, so why ruin a chance to be happy with someone else?
Buck on the other hand, has always dreamed about finding his soulmate, he's kind of a romantic like that. Such a romantic that he practically lies to every woman he meets, and every time he does he gets that pang of disappointment when it works so easily.
Truman Show AU
This is way more of a vibe than an on track fic just yet! But I had the idea that Buck was given up as a baby to a reality show set to follow a boy in every moment of his life from infancy through adulthood, and baby Buck soon becomes the heart of everyone's home, from the TV. The Evan Show is the most popular tv program ever, with peak audiences for his milestone events like his first day of school, his first kiss, even the day he tragically lost his father in a freak tsunami.
Now, Buck is nearly 30, with a beautiful redheaded fiance (😏) and a perfectly routine life. Only, it's too routine, too perfect. Things are starting to feel weird...
And then there's Eddie, who moves to LA with his son and gets a job as an extra in "The Dome" playing some part out of the way just filling up the world and making it seem real, he never even has to interact with Buck, at least not until he comes running panicked and looking for a place to hide as he questions the world around him. Eddie feels just as panicked, but somehow manages to talk him down and gets him to go home.
The next day Buck comes to visit Eddie and thanks him for what he did, asks him if he would let him buy him a beer to thank him. Eddie says he has to think about it, but that night after work Eddie gets called in with the director who said that his exchange with Buck the day before sent the ratings up, and they want to promote him, want to add him into Buck's friend circle. Eddie gets the impression it's either say yes or he's immediately out of a job, so he agrees.
What he didn't expect was to start falling for the most talked about man in America, and the more he falls, the worse he feels about the life Buck's forced to live, and he wonders if there's anything he could ever do to get him out.
Addict Buck / Spiralling Eddie AU
(this is one I've been thinking thinking about a lot and have so many ideas for, it was supposed to be smaller and for last year's angstfest buuut the idea got away from me and I didn't want to rush it!)
Eddie is at his lowest. His parents took him to court to take Chris away, and won. So they forced him back to Texas with them, leaving Eddie alone in LA. They won't even let Eddie talk to Christopher, telling him that he needs to let him adjust first so he doesn't confuse him. Eddie starts getting angry, so Lena (from his firehouse at the 136) suggests taking out his anger constructively by fighting. It's too good an outlet for Eddie, and he quickly ends up fighting in an illegal underground ring for money, leading to him getting suspended from his job at the fire department. The fighting ring starts to feel like the only thing Eddie has left, even though he knows how destructive it is, he doesn't care. He doesn't care about anything.
That thought is weighing on his mind when he's walking to the edge of a bridge and staring out over the river by some abandoned workshops, wondering what the hell the point is anymore when he can't even talk to his son.
That's when he bumps into a stranger in the dark, clearly high on something. They have a tense exchange and Eddie leaves, but for some reason he revisits that spot again a few days later and the stranger, Buck, is still hanging around.
They build up a kind of friendship, and it soon becomes clear that they are exactly what the other needs to pick themselves up out of their low spots (even if they're a little reluctant to do it).
here's a snip x
He closed his eyes and sucked the biting air into his lungs, filling him with cold, fanning the fiery anger that consumed him and escaping back through his split lips in a heavy cloud. "You know most people think your breath doesn't do that until below freezing." Eddie flinched, turning back to see a tall man approaching slowly from behind, hands shoved into his front pockets and eyeing him with a tilt of his head. "Excuse me?" was all he managed in reply. "When you can see your breath in the air, doesn't have to be freezing, hell, only needs to get to about 45," he said, making an 'o' with his lips until his condensated breath came out in a long thin line.  Eddie eyed him warily. He hadn't seen him when he arrived at the bridge, there's not much around save for a few derelict buildings and a foot path leading towards the overpass. On top of that, he could see the way his pupils were dilated, he was high on something, or maybe coming down.  "I'd say sorry, that I didn't mean to interrupt, but I guess I did," he said, keeping his distance from Eddie but not taking his eyes or his curious gaze from him. Eddie just grunted back at him, not sure that he should turn his back on him. He could probably take him in a fight, as long as he doesn't have a knife, but he doesn't really want things to come to that. His knuckles were still cut and bruised from his fight earlier and his brow throbbed from the left hook he'd been too slow to dodge. "Want to tell me what you're doing out here?" the stranger asked, and this time Eddie really didn't care what happened next, so he turned his attention back to the black over the bridge. "Could ask you the same thing. You always sneak up on people? Start conversations about the air, how cold it is?" he said roughly. "Only when they're holding as tightly to the bridge rail as you are."
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dira333 · 5 months
The I'm definitely not a creep Fanfic Rec - @shoulmate Edition - part 1
I don't think it's a secret that I'm a huge fan of Shoulmate's works. I just love how she manages to mix humor with real life. There are so many plot twists you'd never expect as well as heavy hitters that make you think.
Since I don't read suggestive or spicy stuff you'll not find her whole masterlist on here, but it's a pretty close call.
I organized the list from A-Z because I could never choose a favorite, but it's too much for one post, sooo.... have fun with A-I
The one where you get carried on their shoulders - Reblog Edition (Absolutely adore her take on this for Ushijima)
Drabbles edition - Suga, Daichi, Bokuto, Akaashi - short reader
Friendship fics
Akaashi/Bokuto/You when you need someone but you don’t think you need someone - part 2 (This one I read again and again and again)
Hanamaki/Matsukawa/You  - Care Package
Akaashi (@luvring just saying)
Akaashi - Mondays are the worst (One of my absolute all-time favorites. I read it everytime Life sucks)
Akaashi - Migraines (the plot twist had me clutching my chest)
Akaashi- when you need someone but you don’t think you need someone 
Akaashi - he attracts the crazies (Friendgroup of Bokuto, Kenma, Kuroo…) (I live for Friendship centered fics)
Akaashi - office pranks (I wanna do this to him so bad)
Akaashi - Love at first sight (ft Jackals) - if I could get a free wish I'd probably wish for a part two of this... Just for Bokuto trying to set them up
Aone - You meet Aone at a conference (this one was written for me!)
Aone - Teddy Bear on the Court (We live on Futakuchi slander)
Asahi (@screamin-abt-haikyuu I already sent you this, but you know)
Asahi - Panic Haircut (That could happen to me)
Atsumu (Shoulmate always makes me fall in love with Atsumu a little more)
Atsumu - proposals and princesses
Atsumu - Red String of Fate part 1 - AO3 Unraveling
Atsumu - Playing with your daughter
Atsumu - Portrait - Part 2
Atsumu - nothing fits
Atsumu and the happy birthday stomach bug
Atsumu - important questions (yes, Shoulmate, prove again how good you are at plot-twisting)
Atsumu - weighted blanket
Atsumu - Therapy (an important, lovely read)
Atsumu - when other things got more important (angst)
Atsumu - learning to clean (ft sakusa)
Atsumu - Birthday wish
Atsumu - of contracts and falling in love part 1 part 2 part 3 
Atsumu - taking thirst traps (vent fic) (not as suggestive as it sounds)
Bokuto - hard days
Bokuto - good listener
Bokuto - when you need someone but you don’t think you need someone - part 2 (it's the Akaashi and Bokuto friendship fic but I'm totally feeling Bokuto in this)
Bokuto - Birthday Surprise (it's so Bokuto coded I could cry)
Bokuto - taking his sweatshirt (YES!!!)
Daichi - breaking a law never sounded so good (No one gets Daichi's funny side as well as Shoulmate)
Daichi - Daddy
Ennoshita and crushing on your coworker (heart eyes)
Goshiki - Period Pains (I howled at this. Ushijima and Goshiki interactions are too pure)
Hanamaki is the love of your life
Hanamaki - Confessions part 1 part 2 part 3 (I have to say I got secondhand embarrassment at the end but it's so precious!)
Hinata - showing off
Hinata - showing you off  (YES!!!)
Hinata - Hinata from the concrete (such an interesting take on it!)
Hinata - Pixel Buds
Hoshiumi - Don’t look now but… (plus Team Japan) (I cackle everytime I read this)
Hoshiumi - not a run-through-the-airport kind of love
Iwaizumi (I know he's not my favorite, but these fics make me like him a lot)
Iwaizumi - who has the best arms of Team Japan?
Iwaizumi - getting old together - only a horizon away
Iwaizumi - Oikawa is the best matchmaker part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, AO3 Going for Gold
Iwaizumi - bad with directions (this was so funny)
Iwaizumi - Morning routine
Iwaizumi - matching costumes
Iwaizumi - Costume Party (this was sooooo sweet)
Iwaizumi - the blind cat
Iwaizumi - where our life is
Iwaizumi - can you please take my phone from me
Iwaizumi - Team Interview - falling for the manager (ft Team Japan)
Iwaizumi - checking each other out
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maliciousblog · 5 months
Selfish (Yangyang)
Getting out of the shower you slipped into a baggy tshirt and a pair of baggy swear pants loosely tying your hair into a pony tail.
Walking into your kitchen to heat up some leftover pizza from the night before.
While you waited for it to heat up
You started to rummage through the contents of your fridge looking for something to drink only to stumble upon a sad looking can of coke nestled under some produce.
You grabbed the can as the microwave beeped grabbing your food and heading to your pc.
Setting it on the table while you plugged it in setting it up for your next streaming session.
You were a relatively popular streamer.
You had a small fanbase who were loyal to you and tuned in to each one of your streams religiously.
On more than one occasion you did have an encounter with an over enthusiastic fan but for the most part they were relatively harmless so it wasn't much of a bother and you continued to interact with them from time to time.
On streams you just did whatever you were in the mood for wether it be reaction videos or playing games or just casually chatting along with the viewers.
Today was one of the days were you didn't have much energy so you just decided to just interact with them as you had your meal playing some music off your playlist answering any questions they had.
As soon as you logged on to the stream.
A ding alerted the attention of someone who was deep under a pile of paperwork struggling to reach his deadline.
He tried his best to ignore it. He couldn't help it maybe just for a little while.
Just a little peak.
It wouldn't hurt to watch for a little while. Right?
He set aside the folders on his desk to make way for his phone so he could watch you comfortably.
A couple of minutes had turned into almost half an hour.
He could stop no matter how much he tried.
He didn't want his boss catch him slacking off. So he opened a window discretely on his screen to a corner while plugging in an earphone and covering it with his messy hair.
That way he could hope to atleast finish a little work.
While he watched you.
Your streams were the highlight of his day.
No matter how bad his day went watching you never failed to lift up his spirits.
He had become attached to you in his mind it wasn't a para social relationship it was real for him.
He couldn't help just watch you when you streamed he had to have access to you whenever his heart desired.
It was selfish of him.
But what you dont know wont hurt you.
Atleast that's what he told himself.
As the sun began to set he started to pack things up heading back home.
He lazily opened the door to his apartment.
Walking into his home office.
The walls of which were filled with monitors.
Connected to little camera's he had placed all throughout your house.
It didn't take him much effort to get your address. He sat down on his chair stretching his back as you watched you go through your routine.
Day in and day out he watched you.
It gave him a sense of ecstacy watching you go about your day being foolishly oblivious to his preying eyes.
He watched as usual but something was off today.
It didn't seem right he leaned in closer to the screen your were dressed up.
He just thought that you were going out with a friend worried that it was a little late. He didn't want you to get hurt.
But his little fantasy was ruined when he saw the door to your apartment open and a man step in holding a bouquet of flowers.
He watched as you embraced the man accepting the flowers giving him a kiss in return.
This couldn't be happening. You were his.
He could do better.
He could do better than any man.
How dare you accept flowers from another man they weren't even the kind you liked.
He started to see red.
As he he began shattered the glass of the screen.
Going hysterical.
Watching you wasn't enough anymore and watching you in the arms of another wasn't ever going to happen again.
As he stood infront of your apartment replying the scenario in his head.
He wondered if what he was doing was right.
He had often wondered about this and had played different scenarios in his head. Thinking about what if one day watching you from a distant wasn't enough.
It didn't matter now he had already crossed the line long ago.
As he typed in the pin. The door to your apartment beeped open as he entered.
He sat there waiting for you to return running the events that led to this day.
His train of thought was broken as he heard you open the door to your dimly lit apartment only to be greeted by the shadow of a man looking right at you with the most unnerving smile you had ever seen.
"You're finally home honey did you have a good time whoreing around".
He said as he approached you.
You turned on your heel to run away.
When you felt a searing pain spread through your scalp.
And he grabbed the back of your head pulling you back.
Landing on him chest as he silenced your cries.
Closing his hand in on your throat.
You desperately tried to get a little air in your buring lungs trying everything you could.
But he wouldn't budge until he saw your body go limp from the lack of oxygen.
He got off work a little early today. It was a special occasion so he had to.
On his way back home he stopped at his favorite restaurant ordering takeout.
While he picked up his order.
He decided to stop by the florist to get a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
As he set the table.
He watched you. You seemed happy it was your anniversary after all.
He happily chatted away about his day.
As you were bound on the chair in front of him sending him a smile as you listened to him.
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swabsandcream · 1 year
A New Start [Part 2]
Detective Dick Grayson x Fem!Reader
A/N: I just want to say I appreciate all the positive feedback for the first part. This is my first time writing a fanfic, so I hope you guys like this part as much as the last. 
Summary: As Y/N and Dick begin to build a connection between one another, a new problem comes up that sets them at odds.  
Warnings: Profanity, mentions of violence 
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After Y/N and Dick’s little heart to heart moment, they proceeded to go to work on the ongoing robbery investigation. As she sat at her desk and scanned through the evidence files Dick had given her, she allowed her mind wonder off to a more interesting topic. 
Y/N felt at ease now that she had managed to get on her partner’s good side, but she also began to have other feelings towards him. She could tell from that small interaction that he has seen and been through a lot of bad stuff, just like her. On one side, he has this kind of edge that tells you he’s not the kind of person you want to mess with. On the other side, he is compassionate and caring for those who he feels a connection with.
Y/N allowed herself to remain zoned out as she continued to think about Dick. What is he like outside of work? What does he enjoy doing in his spare time? Does he have a girlfriend? These intrusive thoughts clouded her mind to the point where she didn’t notice her partner was out of his chair and packing his things to leave. Dick, putting his coat on and throwing his bag over his shoulder, let out a deep sigh and turned to look over at Y/N.
“Well Y/N, it was nice to meet and talk to you, I’m heading out for the night. See you first thing in the morning alright?” He waited until she rose her head up to give her a warm smile.
“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” She smiled back and watched as he started towards the door.
Y/N watched as Dick walked out the front doors, feeling slightly ashamed by the impact he seemed to have on her although they just met. Despite her feelings, she decided that she wouldn’t try to act on them. After losing her old partner, she felt that it would be best to avoid getting too close to her new partner. She couldn’t handle losing another partner, let alone one that she cared deeply about. 
“Working late tonight new girl?” A woman’s voice caused Y/N to turn around and meet the eyes of an officer, who appeared to be on her way out as well.
“Oh no. I’m just preparing for tomorrow, hopefully we’ll be able to find a lead in the case.” Y/N waved to the officer, receiving a thumbs up in response as the woman continued walking.
Y/N had left shortly after, returning to her mediocre apartment in a semi-decent neighborhood not too far away from the station. She did her usual nightly routine and called it a night, prepared for the busy day tomorrow. 
It was now morning time and Y/N was standing in front of her long mirror giving herself a once over. She made a few changes to her usual plain black and white wardrobe, adding a bit more color. She convinced herself that it was only part of her journey to turn a new leaf. Satisfied with her new look, she grabbed her keys and the personal items she wanted to decorate her new desk with and headed out to work. Arriving to the police department a few minutes later, Y/N entered the building with a gleeful smile on her face like yesterday. Her smile dropped as soon as she saw what appeared to be an empty precinct. Confused and concerned, she went over to her desk to set her things down then heard the captain’s voice calling out for her.
“Detective Y/L/N! We’re all in the meeting room waiting for you.” She sped to the meeting room, where she could see everyone had already taken a seat, and Captain Nelson was standing behind the podium in front of everyone. In the very front, sat a tired-looking Dick with a cup of hot coffee in his hand. Y/N took the empty seat next to him, still confused about the unplanned meeting.
"Morning partner." Dick says softly as he sips his coffee, taking notice to his partner’s appearance being much more vibrant than the day before.
"Good morning, Dick. What's all this about anyway?"
"No clue.” Dick kept his eyes on Y/N as she looked around the room, still trying to make sense of what was happening. Their attention was quickly grabbed by the captain, who was ready to start the meeting.
"Now that everyone's here, I'd like to inform you all about a potentially new problem we'll have to face in the near future." Everyone watched the captain as he turned on the monitors behind him. On the screen were two surveillance shots of a man dressed in a red and green kevlar suit with a black mask on his face. He appeared to be in the middle of fighting a group of men.
"We got a call last night about some caped crusader single handedly fighting six men all by himself. By the time our people got there, they found all six men bloody and badly beaten. The vigilante was nowhere to be found."
Y/N couldn't believe her eyes. She had only heard stories about him, but never thought she would end up in the same city as him.
"Holy shit...is that Robin?" Y/N said as stood up to get a better view of the monitor, still in disbelief. Dick quickly turned to glare at her, surprised she was able to identify the person in the images so fast.
 He chose to remain silent and observe the reactions of his colleagues. They were all expressing a disapproving attitude, some of them even cracked jokes about the suit. All except for Y/N, who seemed to be thrilled by the revelation, almost like she was a fan. Dick tuned out everyone around him and focused only on Y/N, who only spoke highly of Robin. 
“You guys can say what you want but that guy is badass. To take on six guys all by himself is unreal! I wonder if Batman is here too or if he came by himself.”
"Don't know, and don't care. I refuse to let these mask wearing freaks come into my city and do whatever the hell they want. They think they can do our jobs better than us, but what happened last night wasn't justice. I want to know why he targeted them specifically.” Captain Nelson was clearly a part of the disapproving crowd, cutting off the monitor and stepping from behind the podium to assign the new task.
“Detectives Kurt and Rodriguez, I’m assigning you both to the vigilante case. The rest of you, continue with the robbery investigation and report to me as soon as you find a lead. Thank you, dismissed.” Y/N and Dick left out of the meeting room together, both watching Kurt and Rodriguez complain about the new assignment on the way back to their desks. 
“You seeing these guys? Just ungrateful. I would kill to take on a case like that.” Y/N turned to Dick, quietly walking alongside her. He just flashed a smile and continued walking. She noticed that he hadn’t really said anything during the entire meeting, but she just assumed that he was indifferent to the vigilante stuff.
They both went back to their desks and started working. Y/N couldn’t take her mind off of Robin and Dick couldn’t take his mind off of Y/N. He wondered how she would react if she knew that he was the man underneath the mask. Y/N on the other hand wondered about the motive Robin had to go after those men like that. They clearly weren’t good guys, but there are bad guys all over the city. Why them? Why now? The more she thought about it, the more she became invested in the case itself.
 Y/N took a quick look around to see if anyone was close enough to see what she was doing. Once the coast was clear, she used her computer to access the arrest records of the men who were detained after the Robin situation. All five of the men’s mugshots were displayed on her monitor and she could see the damage Robin had done to these guys, but there was one missing. She knew that his injuries must have been so severe that he had to be hospitalized. 
“What if this guy was the target and the rest of them were just collateral damage?” She muttered to herself, slowly piecing the mystery together. Her thoughts were interrupted by Dick slamming his notebook on the desk in front of her. Before she had a chance to react, Dick was already hovering over her, expressing his newfound enthusiasm. 
“I got it Y/N. This is our lead right here I just need you to-” Dick stopped as soon as he laid eyes on Y/N’s monitor. She was looking into the guys he beat to a pulp last night. Panic started to set in as he recalled her being listed as a proficient level detective in her files. He felt like there was a good chance she could uncover his secret, so he had to do whatever it takes to keep her from being successful.
“Y/N, we need to focus on the case that was assigned to us. No going off on our own, remember?” 
“I know and I’m sorry, but I just-”
“Don’t let your curiosity get the best of you. If I catch you looking into the Robin stuff any further, I’ll have to report you to Nelson. Trust me, pissing off the captain is the last thing you want to do.” Dick’s tone came off much sterner than he wanted it to, but he needed her to get off the Robin thing as soon as possible. Part of him felt guilty as he watched her remove the photos of the men from her screen, her silence and sullen expression said more than enough. 
“I’m going to take our lead to the captain and see what he says. If it’s good enough, I could get the green light to hold a stakeout.” Y/N sat in silence, staring at Dick while he briefly explained how he got some intel from someone he knows about a location where the stolen money is being stored.
She wasn’t giving him any sign of affirmation, making it clear that she wasn’t happy with him. Dick took the hint and walked off to the captain’s office. She felt like he was overreacting about her looking into the Robin case, but he was right about her not being focused on the task at hand. After sitting and thinking to herself for a few minutes, she made the conscious decision to give her full attention to the robbery case. But first, she wanted to know the name of the sixth man involved in the case. Y/N put her eyes on Kurt and Rodriguez, who were both sitting at their desks, presumably discussing the case. She figured all she had to do was go ask them for the guy’s name, but as soon as she got up to approach them Dick was already on his way back. She sat back down in her chair and acted natural as Dick came to stand on her side of the desk, towering over her again.
"Nelson gave us the green light for the stakeout. We should exchange numbers since we’ll be doing this together, in case anything happens.” Dick pulled his phone from his back pocket, unlocking and holding it out to her. Y/N obliged, saving her number into his phone. She looked back up at him to give him his phone back and watched as he parted his lips to speak. 
“Also, I want to apologize about the threat I made earlier. I just really want to get through this case Y/N, I’ve been busting my ass these past few weeks trying to catch these guys.”
“Dick, I totally understand. I’m sorry too, and the bird boy is off limits from now on, I promise.”
“Oh, that’s a good one.” Dick and Y/N shared a laugh before falling into a moment of silence. The prolonged eye contact between the two spoke volumes to one another. There was something there that neither one of them wanted to acknowledge at the time, especially since they were about to spend a few hours alone together the very next day. Y/N turned away first, trying to find something to do in effort to ease the tension.
“Okay, I’m just gonna-” 
“Yeah, me too.” Dick hastily turns away and moves back over to his desk, plopping down into his chair and raising his hands to hold the back of his head. He stared blankly at his computer screen, trying desperately not to shift his eyes over to his partner.
As much as he wanted to fight his growing attraction for Y/N, he couldn’t. After a failed relationship with Dawn, he promised himself that he wouldn’t get involved with another woman for a while, that is, until Y/N showed up. She just had to be his type, confident, strong-willed, and intelligent. Her unknowingly being fascinated with him and his ‘extracurricular activities’ only made his feelings stronger, along with the fear of her finding out and possibly ruining his acquaintance with her. 
On the other side of the desk, Y/N quietly tended to the decorations she brought from home, trying to keep her mind and eyes off the alluring man sitting a couple feet away from her. It wasn’t long before her attention was claimed by said man, who made her look at her left at a fellow detective, who had his right hand in the back of his pants, scratching aggressively. Dick and Y/N snickered at the man, finding his actions both humorous and disgusting. This provoked jokes and playful banter between the two as a result, which lasted until it was time to say goodbye. Y/N was the last to leave again, or she thought she was as she made her way to the door and caught Rodriguez still at his desk. With no hesitation, she redirected herself over to him to ask the million-dollar question. She had a hard time convincing him that her questions were just out of curiosity, but after a few words of reassurance, he finally gave her the answer. Tyler Hackett.
Tag: @igotanidea​
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