#I headcanon the turts as some kinda neurodivergent
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So apparently most people don’t get only four hours of sleep average. Who knew?
Based on real conversation I had with myself lol. Literally my roommates suggested and medical professionals told me I had insomnia, and I was like “naw, I can sleep sometimes, surely that’s normal!” until I was drawing at 2:00am and it finally sunk in while I was listening to a podcast about it.
Must be nice to be a turtle living rent free in the sewers, able to take 2pm naps whenever and stay up till dawn. I love walking around when it’s dark, but it’s harder to do that in a city rather than on a farm! In the night you can see everything awash in silver from the moon, and the shadows are rich in color, the stars a direct parallel to the fireflies sparkling in the trees. The mist over the early morning fields is also so pretty, especially when the spiderwebs in the grass catch the dew :)
The city holds its own beauty at night. The hushed wind of a lone car as it passes by to places unknown, the shimmer of streetlights on cool pavement, the warm lights of distant windows reminding me that every inch of this place is full of life and people living their own stories.
Alas, sleep is also nice lol
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rockmilkshake · 3 years
Donatello from tmnt (any iteration of your choice)
Alrighty, I'm just gonna go with Rise Donnie since I'm more well-versed in Rise. (Typical of me, I know.)
First impression: I didn't have a whole lot of exposure to TMNT before I saw ROTTMNT clips and fanwork, aside from a bit of 2012 from when I was a little kid roaming the Nickelodeon website, so the best reference I had for how Donnie was was 2012 Donnie. Y'know: the stereotyped nerdy high voice, constantly called a smartypants or a nerd, a little more in-his-head than out-in-the-battle compared to his brothers, yadda yadda yadda, you get the gist. So it was a little surprising to see him depicted as a cartoony, muscularly defined, drone-flying turtle with an ego the size of a truck. And thick black eyebrows.
Impression Now: I like his character a lot! He's put in the best young kid character trope alongside his brothers, where he's overall a good kid and means well, but is also a little bastard. He also somewhat reminds me of how I was when I was 14: dramatic, avoiding feelings and sappy stuff, etc. And he's also one of the first techy hero cartoon characters I've seen in media that is more confident and proud (and arrogant) about his skills and capabilities as a mechanical genius, so it's kind of a breath of fresh air to me! I do think his episode themes kind of get repeated, (i.e. Donnie's Gifts, Mind Meld) but they also tend to have some very sweet moments. (i.e. Breaking Purple, Donnie VS. Witchtown)
Favorite Moment: He has a lot of good moments in the episodes based around him. So for my favorite tiny moment, I'd say the part in Donnie's Gifts where he's about to be like "you guys used the gifts the wrong way" but then just pushes that aside, says they’re great the way they are, and requests a group hug. (Which makes me somewhat sad/upset when later on in Mind Meld, he just....yeah) For a slightly bigger emotional moment, I really like the end of Breaking Purple when Donnie apologizes to Shelldon and they hug each other.
Idea for a story: I'm not sure if this part is asking for a plot I want in the canon or an idea that I have, but for the heck of it, I'll go with both. I do have a cool but VERY angsty fanfic idea that I want to put into motion at some point. It's basically a SAINW fic but with a small twist to it that causes a lot more distress and pain for the purple turt. As for a story idea for within the canon, I really really want/wish we had gotten a Raph and Donnie episode. The dynamic and the plot could've been fantastic!
Unpopular opinion: I kinda wish people would stop making jokes about him being/becoming a villain, cuz he's 14 and it feels weird to call a kid character that.
Favorite Relationship: Honestly? I really like Mikey and Donnie as a duo! The relationship between them is super good. It's the two youngest sibs of the group who are like sun and moon and they're chaotic as hell and adorable.
Favorite Headcanon: I'm a big fan of the Donnie autistic headcanons! He does fit a lot of ND symptoms (as well as his brothers) and I also am neurodivergent and like him so I love them! The downside to this is that it falls into the autistic computer nerd stereotype, because all autistics need to be interested in something functional in media for some reason, as well as fitting the "high-functioning" view/weird societal need for autistic people to be capable of doing big things to be respected. So yeah, I also like to see him as a person with ADHD because I like the idea of a person with ADHD thriving on their hobbies and projects! Especially I have trouble staying on track with my own stuff, even
(Sorry about the late answer, this was sent months ago and I just left in my drafts to gather dust jskgldjgldjldjhl)
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