#I hope he'll win all the categories he's nominated
ohsenhun · 2 years
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I've been dreaming about that night 🧡
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levok · 1 year
I mean, he's been going to all these fashion shows lately I assume he'll be invited to Sweden's! 🤭 If I remember correctly he was recognised as one of the 'best dressed in Sweden' last year (?) so yeah, I would very much hope for him to win an award! 🙌 (Do people know the categories/nominees? Or is it a surprise thing?
Omar has been slaying the FWs this season, and I could easily see them wanting to recognize that - not many Swedes has been doing that! And as you say, he has been mentioned on their list before, so we know they have an eye on him…. + his association with Cafe mag lately. Last years winner 👇 I am full on clowning idc.
Oh yeah it’s a surprise - no nominations beforehand.
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pynkhues · 1 year
hellooo, how are you doing? Hope you’re doing alright! I don’t know how much you pay attention to or care about awards but heard Kieran is submitting for lead drama actor for primetime Emmy awards. I don’t know what my Thoughts are, but it IS the last season, so I have seen a lot of people discuss it.
do you have any feelings about awards for succession? To be honest, the biggest Personal burn was Alan Ruck snub over Nicholas Braun, so I just want that nomination for Alan, LOL.
Hi! I'm good, thank you! And ahaha, the timing of this ask is delightful, because I'm currently blowing up my group chat about it. I love awards season and follow it all pretty faithfully, so I was pretty excited to see the news this morning about Kieran submitting for Lead.
It's always hard with big ensemble shows like Succession to pick who should be submitting to what, particularly with a cast as stacked with talent as this one, but I do think Kieran and Sarah both should've been submitting as leads since at least s3 and s2 respectively, if not for the duration of the show's run. With Kieran submitting as lead now though, I do think we'll likely hear Sarah's submitting as lead too in the next few days.
It'll be good to have two Succession actors in as leads again too since Jeremy will certainly submit into that category again as well. Brian won't, I imagine, and I think he'll now be a lock for Guest Actor, which I'm kind of delighted by tbh. He really should've won Best Actor for s1 (but none of the cast was actually nominated for s1 at all which boggles my mind. The show itself was only nominated for three awards - Best Drama Series but lost to S7 of Game of Thrones [devastating], Best Directing for the Pilot which it lost to Ozark, and Best Writing for 1.10, which Jesse Armstrong did at least deservedly win).
I do think it's unfortunately pretty likely that Jeremy and Kieran will split the vote though for Succession, and probably lead to someone else winning (likely either Bob for Better Call Saul or Pedro for The Last of Us), but in my dreamworld they tie and both win, haha.
But yeah! I think the two biggest snubs for me are definitely Brian not even scoring a nom for s1, and Alan Ruck at all, but especially not for s3 when Nicholas Braun was nominated. I don't actually think the show's had a clear vision for Greg since s2, and I don't think Nicholas brings anything to the character that's not either on the page or just like - - him, whereas Alan's delivering such an exciting, empathetic, funny and nuanced performance as Connor. If he doesn't get nommed this year, I'll be really disappointed.
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the-invisible-queer · 5 months
Both my brain and dream Joe chose violence
I had a dream that we were at some fucking event but we weren't there together and we weren't talking
I was there as Nick's date for some reason
It was a small formal acting award show. Not the Oscar's. But fancy.
I remember sitting in the car on the way and Nick and I both opted out of bowties and he asked me about it and I was like "I don't fucking know how to tie a bowtie...he always does it for me" which the he was obviously Joe
Me and Joe broke up and were not really on speaking terms just tolerating each other
But have a date and when we saw them Nick kept asking if I was okay and saying we could leave early if I want but Nick was nominated so I was like "we're not leaving until you've got your award in your hand" but he was like "I don't care about the award...say the word and we'll leave" which I appreciate but it's whatever
Throughout the night Joe and I keep bumoing into each other when we're away from our tables but we don't talk just exchange weird looks
Halfway through the fucking show Joe gets on one knee and from where we're sitting looks like he's proposing to the woman and I look at Nick like "how long has that been a thing?" And he's like "I don't even know who she is I've never met her"
So me and Nick are both like wtf but everyone else seems to be so supportive AND SHE LEAVES
Me and Nick are like 😲 as is everyone else in the fucking room and Joe leaves and me and Nick are like fuck the award we gotta make sure he's okay so we both follow him outside and he's standing outside, leaning on the building, scrolling through his phone - the way he looked fucking killed me 😩
And we check in ask if he's okay and he's so unbothered by what just happened and he tells Nick to not worry about him and go Nick inside so he doesn't miss his big moment
Nick's hesitant to go back in but Joe's like "I'm fine...I've got them" and points at me and Nick gives me a look like silently asking if I'll be okay and I tell him I'll be fine and Nick goes back inside
As soon as it was just me and Joe he's like "glad to see it worked" and I'm like "what do you mean?" He says that he thought that showing up with a date would get my attention but when it didn't he had to "pull out the big guns" and fake a public embarrassment for himself
We got into an argument because I was like that's so fucking stupid and he felt some type of way about me being Nick's date and I was like "fuck this" and was about to go back inside but he apologized and I felt bad so I apologized and explained me being Nick's date was a last minute decision because he was too anxious to go alone
And Joe jokes like "I could have been his date if he didn't want to go alone" which made me laugh so hard for some reason then he asked me about my lack of a bowtie and I was like "you had me spoiled I never learned how to tie one" and he fucking unclips his bowtie and is like "now I know what to get you for your birthday" and clips it back on
And we're just standing there for a moment and he's like "I know what I did was stupid but it got your attention and that's all I wanted...so I hope this means you stop ignoring my texts"
And then we get into a lighter fight because we've both been guilty of ignoring texts and calls
And then he tells ne to go back inside because if I miss Nick's moment he'll never let either of us live it down so I got back inside perfect timing because Nick's category is being announced
Nick wins goes up to accept, gives his speech and I get a text from Joe that says "tell him I'm proud of him"
Abd then I woke up
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icapturedthecastle · 1 year
re: Rudy showing up or not if they win the MTV award--ThAt Man dOesN't show up 4 THinGs To DO w/the ShOw I'm GeNeRaL! bahasdfghjklshdhd
-or he'll show up late..
(This not hate on him btw.)
lol absolutely no hate to Rudy! He just hasn't seemed to be interested in doing much press this past cycle. And honestly, since the show exploded and every single thing he says or does is overanalyzed by a small but absurdly vocal group of fans, I can't blame him for pulling back from social media/press events! That would be enough to give anyone anxiety, and you can't blame people for protecting their own mental health. It would be a bummer if they won and he wasn't there, especially since the whole cast is nominated in another category, but who knows! All we can do is vote and hope, I suppose.
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songbirdstyles · 2 years
Give us ur predictions for everything!!!! I’m lowkey scared because it could actually go anyway omg
ME TOO, this is the most excited i've been for it in a while. i'll split it into who i think will win versus who i would want to win and why (for some categories, not all)
best actor - it's definitely gonna be will smith, and i really don't think i would be mad no matter where it went. i think he's an AMAZING actor and tbfh, should have gotten oscar hype a long time ago. i personally really preferred benedict and andrew garfield but i just think will smith has had such an amazing career that it resembles leo's and sandra bullock's oscar wins.
best actress - i reallllly want it to be jessica chastain, lol, and i think it will be. i fucking adore her and i loved the eyes of tammy faye (even though i have strong opinions on biopics and the oscar hype of it all). it reminded me more of i, tonya as a creative biopic which i absolutely love.
best supporting actress - it's GONNA be ariana debose as it should be! i really thought her, riff, and bernardo carried the performances of the movie. i wish they got some oscar love too!! but ariana was truly extraordinary. i think she really showed up and out as anita and was clearly the defining performance of the film. she really held her own against the 1961 performance (and in my opinion did better). i also just love her and i love how her career has progressed rahshduee
best supporting actor - i have like no strong opinions on this category because i didn't really think any of the performances in he category were like SHOWstopping (of which i would equate 'showstopping' to bardem in ncfom or j.k simmons in whiplash). however... troy kotsur in coda is, in my heart, the true winner. he's definitely gotten the precursors for it and i just loved him in it.
best picture - rah. i think it's going to be belfast or the power of the dog - i think belfast is exactly the kind of film that the academy loves, as is the power of the dog. (also, would a TPOTD win make up for the brokeback shitshow??) i really like all of the films in this category though. i would be very happy with a drive my car win, but i think i would basically be fine with most of the nominees. it was a good year for film!!
best director - sue me..... i think it should be spielberg. WSS is one of the most beautifully directed films i've ever seen!!!! i mean come on!!!! i don't think he'll win just because of how many times he's been nominated and won but i really adore how the movie was shot and directed. i fear it will be jane campion which is fine, but i think besides my spielberg hopes i would want it to be kenneth branagh.
i feel like these are the main categories but i can do others if ppl are interested LMAO! give me your thoughts
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