#(with a couple actually being p spotty)
pynkhues · 1 year
hellooo, how are you doing? Hope you’re doing alright! I don’t know how much you pay attention to or care about awards but heard Kieran is submitting for lead drama actor for primetime Emmy awards. I don’t know what my Thoughts are, but it IS the last season, so I have seen a lot of people discuss it.
do you have any feelings about awards for succession? To be honest, the biggest Personal burn was Alan Ruck snub over Nicholas Braun, so I just want that nomination for Alan, LOL.
Hi! I'm good, thank you! And ahaha, the timing of this ask is delightful, because I'm currently blowing up my group chat about it. I love awards season and follow it all pretty faithfully, so I was pretty excited to see the news this morning about Kieran submitting for Lead.
It's always hard with big ensemble shows like Succession to pick who should be submitting to what, particularly with a cast as stacked with talent as this one, but I do think Kieran and Sarah both should've been submitting as leads since at least s3 and s2 respectively, if not for the duration of the show's run. With Kieran submitting as lead now though, I do think we'll likely hear Sarah's submitting as lead too in the next few days.
It'll be good to have two Succession actors in as leads again too since Jeremy will certainly submit into that category again as well. Brian won't, I imagine, and I think he'll now be a lock for Guest Actor, which I'm kind of delighted by tbh. He really should've won Best Actor for s1 (but none of the cast was actually nominated for s1 at all which boggles my mind. The show itself was only nominated for three awards - Best Drama Series but lost to S7 of Game of Thrones [devastating], Best Directing for the Pilot which it lost to Ozark, and Best Writing for 1.10, which Jesse Armstrong did at least deservedly win).
I do think it's unfortunately pretty likely that Jeremy and Kieran will split the vote though for Succession, and probably lead to someone else winning (likely either Bob for Better Call Saul or Pedro for The Last of Us), but in my dreamworld they tie and both win, haha.
But yeah! I think the two biggest snubs for me are definitely Brian not even scoring a nom for s1, and Alan Ruck at all, but especially not for s3 when Nicholas Braun was nominated. I don't actually think the show's had a clear vision for Greg since s2, and I don't think Nicholas brings anything to the character that's not either on the page or just like - - him, whereas Alan's delivering such an exciting, empathetic, funny and nuanced performance as Connor. If he doesn't get nommed this year, I'll be really disappointed.
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patchdotexe · 3 years
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mucking around with the markings base some more, this time with a couple new characters! or, uh, one new character (based off an adopt that didnt sell years ago) and one old character (from 2011) that got renamed and updated
these two are an experiment in layering markings, which is something i p much never do with limoli despite it Being A Possibility for ages now. i used to have a ref of the diff pattern mutations and everything.
emre (he/him, she/her) is still very much a wip but i like this design so far. the original adopt was kinda bare and this is definitely an improvement i think! he's an engineer and butts heads with irakus a lot on account of ier being a techbane and having a bit of a grudge against him for showing ier up whenever ie tries to be cool. he's not aware of this.
leiyd (he/him) is a calico like charles! although he's more splotchy while charles is more spotty. he's the most levelheaded in the squad so he's usually having to mediate between irakus, emre, and rucenn (not pictured). and also zeill (not pictured). zeill is not immune to rucenn. also leiyd is like the only limolus oc so far that like.. has an actual family??? he has a younger sister, teik! also i'm still messing around with how i spell his new name. how many vowels can i fit in this bad boy
edit: made the rest of the squad!
rucenn (they/them) is another unsold adopt like emre, and i.. really didn't change them much? just added some more leg markings (which i might remove lmao) and added a colour fade, which im.. also figuring out how i feel about.
irakus (ie/ier) is like. ier old art has ier main fur colour tinted??? which is something i dropped later but i'm bringing it back bc it's neat. also it's weird seeing ier with a long tail bc the base has one but ira ierself definitely doesn't FLHCFGCX also i keep futzing with them even while making this post. ira please
zeill (ey/eir) is the third "i made an adoptable years ago and finally repurposed eir into a full character" and i am Not sure how i feel about these markings. zeill is gonna get workshopped a lot i think. lotta messing with asymmetry this set huh. the shoulder marking isn't gonna be visible because ey's always in uniform :/ also trying to go for more organic shapes to contrast emre and irakus's sharp geometry, which is probably gonna take some getting used to
these guys are an experiment in how colours work. i have a lot of notes about Variations but not very many limolus ocs that actually Have those so i'm taking the opportunity and it's.. kinda working.
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shroomtalker · 4 years
ghostbur and dsmp!wilbur thoughts...
hello! this is being written at almost 5 am so super sorry if i don’t explain things well or it’s shorter than my last dsmp theory post. i’m using my last few brain cells to write this so, here we go! obvious spoiler warning ahead. :)
trigger warnings: death
How Ghostbur and DSMP!Wilbur split in half
we know from tommy's stream of dream being put in prison and the finale for season two, dsmp!wilbur has no recollection of who ghostbur is and calls him "some guy" and a lunatic. wilbur, the version we know that blew up l'manberg, is in the after life. but this leaves the question to.. who was ghostbur? or what was ghostbur?
after the inevtibale destruction of manberg/l'manberg (nov. 16th), dsmp!wilbur asked dsmp!philza to kill him on the spot. there is a lot of intrepertations of how phil ultimately killed him with his sword, however i will be going with the stab to the heart.
wilbur went corrupt. he lost his way and drove down to madness that lead to the end of something he created. something he soon realized was no longer a place of freedom, but more a political armageddon. but.. the wilbur we knew before his demise was caring to say the least. he was charismatic and realistic in the fight of rebellion against the greater dream smp and against dream himself. he was actually.. nice?
ghostbur is a very optimistic person with a couple of flaws (one of them being his lack of memory of what happened when he was alive). he cherished books that were from the past and had sentimental value. he saw everyone as friendly! i mean his sheep was named friend!
when dsmp!phil took his blade through wilbur's heart, a once distorted soul split into two. the past and the corrupt. ghostbur represents who wilbur was and alivebur who is now confirmed to be in the after life this entire time represents the person we knew. the person tommy, knew. when he died, the two halves of his heart fell out of place before they could go back to being one, which resulted into ghostbur being thrown into the mortal world while alivebur was kicking back. this would also make sense for ghostbur's memory. he stated in one of tommy's live streams that he remembers everything up until the election and a few spotty fragments of pogtopia. wilbur went corrupt during the pogtopia arc and the only "true" wilbur we knew was during the beginning of the disc saga.
But, what was Ghostbur's purpose?
ghostbur was a collector of some sorts; he held onto books like i mentioned before that held value. emotional, value. lets not also forget what blue means. when fundy asked what blue meant, ghostbur replies with something along the lines of, "blue is first transparent, then it sucks up all your sadness so it turns blue!"
ghostbur was known to pass around blue. a lot. quite frequently might i add too. he was doing this for closure. dsmp!wilbur never wanted to become corrupt. it only lead to his demise. but he realized that there was no other choice than to blow everything up. blowing up the remnants of pain solves all your problems, huh?
ghostbur can also be looked at being a sort of coping mechanism for dsmp!tommy, who really struggled with the death of dsmp!wilbur. the kid even said l'manberg was all he had LEFT of him. ghostbur being around tommy gave him a sense of security that he could no longer latch onto the more tubbo became political and the distrust errupting between their friendship. once the disc saga was finally done.. ghostbur left. his purpose was done. he helped tommy get through the pain to achieve a life time goal: getting the discs back.
i would also like to add when dsmp!wilbur said he didn't want to come back adn rather stay in the after life makes perfect sense for him. his main goal was blowing up l'manberg when he realized that it can no longer be what it was for, a place where man can do whatever he please. once destroying it, he asked phil to kill him because:
A) can't handle the pain anymore and needed to be taken out of his misery. B) he accomplished his goal and there was nothing more to be done, so death was the only option.
im super sorry if this one was really sad towards the end, i just wanted to share my thoughts since season three of the smp is kicking and wanted to close some of my theories. this was really fun to write so i hope you all enjoyed! again, if you have any questions/suggestions/anything to add on, please send me a message! <3
--- written January 31st, 2021 - February 1st, 2021.
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retvenkos · 4 years
🔥I would love a ship from ATLA/LoK, or PJO. I'm bisexual so any gender. My hobbies include reading, embroidery, Tae Kwon Do (black belt!), and baking. I am an I-ENFP(my values for I/E and P/J are very close). My Hogwarts house is Gryffindor. I sincerely dislike disloyalty and people who can't commit themselves. I'm an avid lover of all things science and academic, and one of my goals in life is to learn as many languages as I can (up to 5 rn!). Hope this is enough!
alright, so the usual disclaimer when it comes to pjo, i haven’t read the books in a while so my memory is probably spotty
I ship you with Annabeth Chase!
first of all, both of you are incredibly determined individuals, with big goals and the kind of attitude where you don’t think you can attain them, you know you can.
you would be quite the power couple, ngl.
i can imagine you and annabeth sparring together - you both like to be prepared for any situation, and if you can defeat each other in combat, well.... you can defeat anyone. both of you are extremely capable people, and you’re not afraid to admit it.
confidence looks good on both of you, and while i don’t imagine either of you as being incredibly big on praise, you will often tell annabeth in secret how amazing she is, and she will tell you the same.
another great thing about both of you is that you’re so very smart! you definitely love learning with each other, spending a good portion of your time amongst piles of books, being the avid readers who could also kill you blindfolded (which is so very iconic of both of you, we stan.)
you are definitely teaching annabeth how to bake - i don’t think she’s very good at it, she probably doesn’t really concern herself with it. if annabeth could sustain herself off of coffee alone, she probably wouldn’t even bother with food, but you definitely coax her into it, saying it will do wonders for stress relief, and while she’s still undecided over whether or not baking is good for stress relief, she is glad she can steal some sweets.
i also think that you’re language learning really inspires annabeth, and she probably tries to learn another just for you. she loves to listen to you talk in different languages - she loves the way your voice changes between each language (y’know, like changes in pitch or sometimes even cadence).
also, another thing that is great about you is that you know how to relax, something you definitely have to teach to annabeth. she can get wound so tight, she needs to just take a step back and take in a deep breath. you definitely teach her how to take things one step at a time, while still keeping a greater goal in mind.
you are great for balancing each other out and also psyching each other up at different times, and the two of you together are very cute, but also very deadly.
I ship you with Sokka!
alright, so at first you may be a little confused by this matchup, but allow me to enlighten you
first of all, both you and sokka are children of science and academics. you both think that there are perfectly simple explanations for everything, and you’re both by the book. in any argument the gaang has, you and sokka end up being on the same side of the argument.
secondly, both of you commit yourself to a cause and then believe in it wholeheartedly. the conviction that you and sokka both have is truly legendary. you will both stop at nothing to see your plans through, and if you ever get lost in your plans, sokka is right there with a detailed step-by-step approach that helps you gather your thoughts and ambitions. sokka keeps you on schedule, and you keep him hyped and believing in your plan.
then, both of you are easy going and popular people, energetic but with the capacity to relax and take things slowly. furthermore, you’re both charismatic and great at communication. together, you and sokka are vvv capable but also smart enough to know when to take a back seat, and able to go with the flow, which is such a great strength to have.
similar to annabeth, i think that you and sokka would spar together whenever you had the chance - especially if you, too, are a nonbender. it would be nice for sokka to have another nonbender in the gaang, but it would also just be great to have someone who sees sokka as an equal in regards to strength. i think you would be able to respect sokka’s talents and teach him new tricks without lording it over him.
another thing that i think is great about your relationship is that you are able to bring out sokka’s more emotional side. the two of you probably have deep conversations when you’re relaxing, and you are able to get him to calm down and talk about how he’s actually feeling. sokka is pretty turbulent in his emotions, but he’s able to hide that really well (usually using humor as an escape). with you, though, he doesn’t have to and the two of you have some good, deep conversations.
i also think that trust is a big part of your relationship - both of you really need someone you can rely on, no matter what, and you both are independent, yes, but you know that you have each other’s backs, too. as a gryffindor, you have a lot of loyalty, and sokka matches your loyalty in that he would do anything for those he cares about. and can be very selfless, when it comes to saving others.
also, can i just propose the idea of both of you geeking out together,,,, i think that sokka actually really loves learning, although he’s more hands on, and when you two start learning about your comfort subjects, you are dorks together
oh! and sokka loves how you know a whole bunch of languages! he is constantly asking you to teach him to say stuff, and it offers the perfect opportunity to prank him. at some point, he’ll stop trusting you, but until then... you get to have a lot of fun.
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
Hi jen! I know usually anons have specific requests but could you rec me a couple of fics ? Just something you think it's really great! I'm not feeling too well and i need to get out of my head for a while. (Thank you in advance!)
oOh, mannnn, that sucks, but I feel ya!! This is mildly tricky but also incredibly easy: you don’t necessarily need or want anything super angsty or kinky because you don’t feel great, and canon’s probably a no go (which is a shame, I’d be rec’ing that pube fic HARD bleepin’ CORE), so you need some good AU material that’ll err on the side of distraction, methinks. Because I’ll bet that you’ve read most of these, I’m gonna give you a few more than two, and if you HAVE read ‘em all anyway, come back over and tell me a little bit more about some parameters, and I’ll do another pass. These are just off the top of my head, but I can search with the best of ‘em, goddammit, even my own spotty bookmarking. Under the wiggly line, in no particular order.
Tuxedo Dress-Up, by Blake/ @newleafover, 11k, E. Louis is an aspiring song writer by day, a make up artist for drag queens by night, and masquerading as a full time real estate agent for his third most famous (and first most handsome) client Harry Styles.Or, five times they fail to fuck in a closet, and one time they get it right. (I will not rest until everyone has read this one!!!! I can rec it for pretty much every single scenario, and I barely restrain myself, I’m telling you)
Sing You Butterflies, by objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 22k, E. Harry’s a clumsy unicorn who accidentally stomps on a witch’s garden and is turned into a human as punishment, so he wanders into a nearby village covered in glitter, still figuring out how to walk on two feet, and meets the fairy-tale-fine Louis, who has to teach him how to live as a human and stop him from eating soap. (I’m putting two from Phoenix on here, but rest assured I’d rec all of hers, too, this is just an adorable fantastical story that completely immerses you in another world that’s still rooted in this one? talent, I tell ya...and I HIGHLY recommend all of P’s fic, she’s writing drabbles in so many universes if you want to explore)
Take Me Under the Blue, by objectlesson, 19k, E. Louis hasn’t even seen his legs yet. He doesn’t know how they work or how long they’ll be. Maybe they won’t suit the rest of Harry at all, and he’ll have to grow into them or something. It doesn’t matter; Louis has loved Harry for a year with scales, so he can’t imagine wonky legs putting a damper on his attraction.He supposes he’ll just have to find out. In the meantime, he wonders how the fuck he got here, in his squelching wellies about to save the love of his life from the sea and take him to bed and bang him for the very first time.It’s sort of a long story. (when I heard about this one before editing, I was scurred...but it’s so fucking GOOD, I’d read so many more installments, and I say this as someone who hates fish dick stories, p.s., there’s no fish dick)
just call me inspiration, by @hereforlou, 51k, E. The truth is Louis knows he’s going to hell, if there is such a thing, but it isn’t because he writes erotic fiction for a living. If anything, it’s because his muse, the reason he’s inspired to write about people shagging in increasingly creative ways everyday, is the sweetest, loveliest, most genuine (and completely oblivious) future children-book illustrator in the world. Or, the one where Louis is a writer, Harry is an art student, and they inspire each other in very different ways. (Just me as Liam, that’s all I’ll say)
Tied Down, by @ham-palpert, 48k, E. The most interesting case in Liam and Niall's careers falls directly into their laps, courtesy of an epic fuck-up of one Harry Styles, partner to the almost-infamous drug dealer Louis Tomlinson. The investigation yields an unexpected yet satisfactory outcome for Liam and Niall. For Harry and Louis, however, things are far more complicated. (A twisty mystery, and all is NOT as it seems, so read the tags and push through chapter 1; it’s more of a tense drama, if you want to go down that path)
Alien Roadtrip!, by @helloamhere, 16k words, E. For the first time in his life, Louis doesn’t know where he’s going. Harry doesn’t mind. Or roadtrip with desert feelings, too much snack food, and empty motels. Harry is definitely absolutely not an alien. That would be ridiculous. (great dialogue and miles of smiles/laffs in this one, plus you can pretend it’s related to that area 51 nonsense if you really want to)
I’m reading a couple of WIPs that might pull you in, too:
Harry Styles Cooks..., by @sunsetmog, 52k, E. In which Louis Tomlinson can’t cook, there’s a very special shower curtain, and Harry Styles used to be a baker.Or: Louis owns all of Harry Styles’ cookbooks, and he never intends to cook a single thing out of any of them. (this one is updating fairly slowly, but that’s okay, it’s literally Christmas every time I get that nota, AGGRESSIVE SIGHING OVER HOW MUCH I GRIN LIKE A LOON WHEN I READ EACH INSTALLMENT)
Cards Are Dealt, by @loutmlnsn, 26k, E. Louis likes his life; he likes his job, he likes his house, he likes his town and he loves his cat. It’s not exciting, per say, but it’s comfortable, predictable and quiet. It’s normal. It’s what Louis has always wanted out of life. What Louis never wanted out of life was an A-list actor for a neighbour, who at first glance appears to possess all the values that Louis detests in a human being. An AU in which Louis is a nurse, Harry is an actor, and first impressions matter just as much as everyone keeps saying. (I’m actually reading a few wips, but I tend to notice when they update...I don’t bookmark them until they’re done, though, and this last one just updated yesterday, so check it out! Harry Styles Cooks is my fave wip of all time, I will never forget I’m following it, lmao)
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barewiings · 5 years
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Name / Alias:  birdie Are you over 18?  Yes  /  No. Is your muse(s) over 18?  Yes /  No.
When was your blog established? uhhh 2017 according to the blurb on my sidebar 
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) /  Private (mutuals only).        
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) /  Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people). /// i always read abouts before i follow, and if i can see our muses interacting, i’ll give a follow. i’ve been overwhelmed lately though with how many people are on my dash who don’t actually interact with me, so i will unfollow if there hasn’t been an attempt at interacting made despite us following for a long time. also, if your muse’s universe is too niche or heavily based in canon, i might not follow just because leah doesn’t have verses set in canon universes 
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all  /  A little  / Some  / Mostly /  Strictly  /  Not Applicable.
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners  /  Single-Para  /  Multi-Para  /  Novella  /  All of the aforementioned. /// one-liners rarely stay one-liners for me tbh and i’ve written novella’s in the past before but just not on here ( i’m willing to! but the thread’s gotta be hella plotted ). 
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No  /  Gifs  /  Icons  /  Yes /  Sometimes.
Do you write on other platforms? No  /  Yes.   /// i’m on discord! but my activity on there can be very spotty as in i’ll forget about our thread on there for like a long time but when i am in the mood to rp on there, i’m very quick 
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted  /  Open-Ended Plots  /  Semi-Plotted  /  Fully Plotted Epics  /  All of the aforementioned. // love me some good plotting though since it gives me an idea of where things will go
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month)  /  Slow (3-4 weeks)  /  Average (1-2 weeks)  /  Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days)  /  It depends.    
What types of themes do you like? Adventure  /  Romance  /  Fluff  /  Angst  /  Smut  /  Violence  /  Tragedy  /  Domestic  / Family.
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy  /  Supernatural  /  Science Fiction  /  Historical  /   Horror  /  Comedy  / Romantic  /  Drama  /  Action  /  Adventure  /  Espionage  /  All of the aforementioned.
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  /  Yes  /  Sometimes.  // i’m like, not 100% how i feel about violence just because i don’t actually rp heavy violence a lot of the time? i think i’d feel more comfortable with it if it was like plotted out between muns rather than it being spontaneous since i literally have no idea how fighting works and if you throw in weapons im like o fuk 
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? no triggers! 
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  /  All of the aforementioned.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  /  All of the aforementioned.
Do you have OTPs? No /  Chemistry Only  / Yes.
Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes.
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual  /  Heteroflexible  /  Bisexual  /  Pansexual  /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual  / Demisexual  /  Sapiosexual  /  ( Grey ) Asexual  /  Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  /  Biromantic  /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic  /  Panromantic  /  Demiromantic  /  Sapioromantic  /  Aromantic  /  Still trying to figure it out.
Are you comfortable writing smut? No  /  Selectively /  Yes.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship  /  During plotting  /  After a couple IC interactions  /  Several IC interactions  /  Slow burn  /  Plot dependent  /  Never.  
Are you open to toxic ships? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  
Are you open to problematic ships? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  
Are you open to polyshipping? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  // leah is a muse that gets jealous and is very possessive so literally any attention from her partner that deviates from her makes her feel insecure, and in a situation like polyshipping, if there’s any inequality then the ship will burn bc leah will not have it
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never  /  Sometimes  /  Yes.  
Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope  /  Yes 
tagged by: @blithened​ ( thank you! )
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Doki Doki Sept 18
Hi guys, here’s the (possibly) long-awaited Doki Doki September review that I probably should have done earlier this past week or two... or three. It kind of got put off, plus I got a new game and a new book I was excited about, and there was a hospital-related incident and some back pains...
Anyway I don’t have much else to say right now so we’ll just get right into it!
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This months theme: First Day of School
As the weather gets cooler and we return from our summer vacations, we have to get back into the swing of things. This month’s theme is “Shin-gakki” or First Day of School. This crate is full of items to make school, or the workplace for those out of school, cute and fun!
For this month the Suteki Crate focuses on several practical Sanrio based character goods, namely My Melody, Sumikko Gurashi, and Jinbesan. I approve!
(As usual I forgot the picture until I started writing this.)
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I love the adorable pen pouch and memo pen, what about you guys? :3
(Also as a side note, in the comic for the month we’re introduced to a new boy character, Hibiki Shinosuke, who finds out first-hand why Tomomi is avoided in class. He’s really funny, so I hope we see more of him~)
Sumikko Gurashi Pen Case
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Our first item is this slim and adorably designed pen/pencil/other small stationery item case. It features the Sumikko Gurashi trying various school clubs, besides the tennis one I got there is also soccer, volleyball, soft ball, music, and basketball.
Besides the music one, I’m pretty happy I got this one because I like tennis. But they all would have been really cute, so I wouldn't have been disappointed either way.
These are also double sided, providing 100% cuteness on both sides!
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It’s also made to be discrete while safely snuggling the inner-contents; which means you could probably also use this on a daily basis if you didn’t attend school anymore or was going out for the day. They are on the small side so there are a handful of items that probably won’t fit, but there is also a variety of items that will.
I pretty much use it and the one I got last year (or maybe the year before?) to hold all the pens and pencils I get from these boxes!
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I really like these x3 not only are they cute, but they are functional, well-made, and I like how they’re sleek and slim with a very smooth cloth fabric, rather than bulky and hard, which were the types of cases I had growing up when I attended school.
They were plastic which made them hard and fragile, and they got dirty fairly easy (but to be fair that was sometimes my fault), but I usually made them last until the school year ended. They came in handy due to their bigger size (I could fit some of everything school related in one) and I always had tons of coloring options, and I always found a pink one to buy each year... but I’m pretty sure my middle school self would have preferred these.
Jinbesan Folder
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(Sorry the pics are kind of wonky, that’s what happens to a folder that’s been bent for a long period of time.)
Our next item is this large, colorful Jinbesan folder- which is pretty vital for pretty much everyone, no matter the grade. I know I had multiple each year, one for each subject like any other person.
There was a few different designs this was available in, and this one is also double-sided:
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(Keep in mind it’s a lot brighter in person than in this picture)
Again, I’m pretty sure I would have loved to use these when I was younger; not that I don’t now though :P but I do have papers I can use it for now so it’s not like it’s going to go to waste... I just need to fix it’s bendiness first.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This folder material is like a very sleek plastic (maybe vinyl? I don’t really know terms for these things >3<), so I like knowing that if it gets dirty then in theory it should be an easy clean. Prior to me opening the box it was already bent, but staying in the box so long didn’t help it, but that’s my own fault and I’m sure with enough weight I can flatten it again. At least this material can’t tear like paper folders.
Aggretsuko Plush Charm
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Who doesn’t love Retsuko? She’s become extremely popular as of late, and as the booklet points out, it’s can be really easy to relate to her sometimes when dealing with school and work (it also helps if you like metal, I enjoy it a bit myself).
This is a plush charm that was available in either form, the cutesy work Retsuko and the released death metal one. I hope I don’t get hate over this, but I actually prefer her normal cutesy appearance; but I can still be appreciative over this one too.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It’s very soft and squishy, I’m really impressed that as small as this charm is (It’s smaller than most mug in terms of height) it has a lot of perfectly stitched quality. There’s no quality issues, even the little hair tufts on the ears feel soft and silky. The ball chain is also pretty nice too.
My Melody Onigiri Maker
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Whether you make your own lunch or someone else does it, or if you just want a snack, it’s nice to have a cutesy element in some shape or form to make it feel all the more special~
This comes in 4 pieces to make the perfect My Melody onigiri (rice ball), as well as drawn and written details to help make it on the packaging; although it isn’t that hard to figure out just looking at it either.
Now as much as I love rice and try to test out food-based gadgets we get, I wasn’t able to do that with this one. I didn’t have the “supplies” and with the hectic things going on, I wasn’t really doing much in the kitchen lately. But I have seen several youtube videos about items like this so I recommend going there if you want to see more. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Whether I tested this out or not, I wouldn’t have had very much to say about it. You’ve seen one rice shaper you’ve seen them all, and I have tested previous ones I got and haven’t had any problems (besides the broken one I got like two years ago that they were supposed to be replace and never did).
I love cutesy looking food, even if they can take a bit more time to make, but food always seems to taste better when it’s personally worked on; it also helps to make picky-eaters a tiny bit less-picky :P if you like eating rice and would like to try these out, you can find a variety of them on Amazon.
Amuse Pen
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You can’t have a school themed box without a writing utensil of some type. So here we are, at our last item. An adorable pastel pen featuring the popular brand Amuse and it’s original characters.
It’s a bit hard to see here, but I got Alpacasso x3 which is the reason I like this brand, since I always had a soft spot for llama and alpaca- I like that they’re so popular now because I can enjoy them more frequently!
Anyway, each pen comes in it’s own themed color, with matching colored ink. It also has a wonderful and relaxing scent, it smells exactly like an eraser I got in a prior school themed box. But I still can’t identify the scent more than being a light sweet fruit with a hint of baby powder or cotton candy.
It smells really good, trust me. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
The pen quality is good, a tiny bit spotty but I think that was my fault for writing on the box rather than paper. Again it’s scented, and it has pretty sky blue ink, so I’m not sure it would be test or signature necessary friendly, but it’d be perfect for everything else!
Oh, also it isn’t a gel pen or fine tip, like what I usually prefer. But you know, I still really like it :3 I don’t have too many colored ink pens (unless you buy a really expensive pen or multi-ink ones, all we normally have are black, red, dark blue, and sometimes dark green) so I get excited when I can add to my collection.
In fact I pretty much stopped buying pens and stationery items from here because I get so many from these boxes.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 5 out of 5. I’m a teeny-tiny bit bugged by the folder, but that can easily be fixed so I’m not going to blame the box on that. I wasn’t amazed by the items or anything, but I liked them and I love getting to add to my pens and kitchen gadgets. They’re perfect for the time of year they were released and are very practical, so I completely approve!
Quality/Price - 5 out of 5. I’ll admit on terms of price I’m not sure where the box stands this month. The quality was excellent with each and every item, and because of them all being licensed I know that would probably make them costly depending on location. The problem with that is that where I live (and I’m sure in several other states/towns) school products are very cheap when school starts, and even throughout the year. So as much as I prefer cute items to plain ones... I’m not sure I’d go out of my way to spend triple times the amount just for a couple of them when I could use the same money to buy a lot of basic items. But to be fair I don’t know the prices of these things, it’s entirely possible they aren’t as expensive as I think.
Theme: 5 out of 5. Like last months, it’s extremely obvious even without the book. Every September they do a school themed box, but I like the consistency and I’m sure the other subscribers appreciate it too.
Total Rank: 15 out of 15 Cuties. When I first started this I wasn’t too sure how I felt about this box, it kind of gave me vibes from the previous one, where I enjoyed the items but I didn’t feel any sort of inspiration. I assume it stems from often getting “schoolish“ items in my other boxes, but at the same time I liked the concept of getting one box dedicated just to them. Plus I adore practicality considering how much gets spent on these and they have been doing pretty well with that!
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Sumikko Gurashi Case - Again pastels and designs, but just looking at it makes me feel happy x3
2. Amuse Pen - I love it’s pale pastels and colorful design... but the clippy part of the pen’s top that you attach it to things with kind of blocks the image a teensy bit, which is kind of annoying to me. 
3. Jinbesan Folder - I love how it has two alternate designs and is so smooth and translucent. Any time I see something Jinbesan related, I really want to hug it. I feel so warm and comforted looking at it~
4. My Melody Onigiri Maker - As much as I love cute pinkness, that’s all there really is going for it. 
5. Aggretsuko Plush - ...It’s probably really obvious right?
Alrighty, that will be doing it with another review :3 I hope you found it enjoyable (I’d say informative but lets be real it isn’t), and because I didn’t get my April Gacha Gacha box yet, I will be moving on to our October boxes! I’m so excited, not only was October my birthday month, but it features spooky-kawaii items for Halloween~
Until next time, stay cute!
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ahoyscoop · 6 years
Prompt: Peter fractures his arm after a bad fall and tries not to alert Mr. Stark, which ends up not working, because Tony has a panic attack at the sight of him.
Peter’s always careful of his swinging. He has to beーflying a hundreds of feet over New York isn’t exactly the safest thing he could be doing. On top of that, there’s Aunt May who’s already lost everyone, so. He kind of owes it to her to not die.
So he’s not exactly sure what went wrong after he realizes he’s free falling and everything is going way, way too fast.
Karen immediately jumps into action without Peter even saying anything. Thankfully, she’s quick with her, “Peter, I’m activating the Impact-Absorber, okay? It’s going to be alright. Hang on.”
Peter wants to ask her a million questions about what just happened, but he feels like he’s not really hanging on tight at all. Falling feels like time slows down, but Peter knows he’ll hit the ground soon enough. He waits for impact, but it takes too long. Too, too long. New York looks pretty as he drifts.
“Peter? Peter, you’re okay. It’s me, Karen. You fell after your web fluid weakened and your grip slipped. You are six miles from Stark Tower. Would you like me to contact Mr. Stark?”
Peter comes to, feeling like Karen’s talking in another language. She’s saying too many sentences at once.
“Karen, Karen.” He can feel his right arm moving around, waving, telling her to slow down, but his other arm feels off. Wrong. Twisted, almost. “Karen, can you- can you slow down? I-just. I-I’m not getting what you’re saying.”
“I apologize, Peter. It’s Karen here. You’re injured.”
Okay. Shorter sentences. Cool. Understandable. “How bad?” He’s used to receiving the shorter end of the stick, and he doesn’t exactly feel much pain, so. Shock’s the best drug, huh.
“You have a fractured arm after the landing. The Impact Absorber of your suit took most of the damage, but you landed awkwardly. Are you in pain?”
Peter slowly inches off the ground. “Yeah, it’s starting to kick in,” he admits.
“Contacting Mr. Stark.”
“What? No, no! Cancel, Karen! No! Mr. Stark does not need to know about this!”
“Peter, I’m instructed to alert Boss when you’re in pain.”
Peter can hear her sighing in his head but nevertheless, she cancels the command. He breathes a sigh of relief. The last thing Mr. Stark needs is Spider-Man on the bench.
Peter’s not usually this late. Tony slumps against the coach in the lab, his eyes closed. He’s actually looking forward to today’s session with Peter in particular since all his other projects have him drained. The kid has young eyes and can usually figure out a solution pretty quick. It helps that Peter doesn’t quit commentating while he works, which is always a nice distraction from the demons that constantly plague Tony.
His headaches have gotten increasingly worse lately and his attention span has decreased. He has to take breaks more frequently or black spots start dancing in his eyes.
“Hey, Fri, can you call Peter?”
She dials the call but it goes to voicemail. Knowing Tony, she calls again, only to receive no response. Tony asks for a couple texts to be sent out.
He waits.
The route to Stark Tower has never seemed longer. With every step, Peter feels a stab of pain shoot through his entire body, but he can’t risk taking a cab. First of all, he has his suit on, and he can’t change out of it because his arm’s bruising dark purple, and he can’t even move it anymore. He tucks his hand close to his stomach to avoid jostling it. So the route takes twice as long, despite Peter sneaking into the back of pickup trucks and taking the alleyways when needed. He decides that his best bet is to keep his arm tucked near his side, and by the time he gets to the Compound, his healing should take its course.
He doesn’t check his phone, because it’s in his left pocket. He doesn’t even notice it vibrating, because the pain is so disorienting. But he’ll be okay. It’ll heal soon enough.
Tony’s hands begin to shake thirty minutes after Peter should have arrived at the Compound. He’s anxious but he doesn’t want to invade the kid’s privacy all the time. Like, yeah, he’s overprotective, but he doesn’t want to make Peter nervous about it.
He’ll get here. He’ll get here. Soon. Soon enough.
Peter arrives in all his glory, an hour late, pain etched all over his face. Tony opens the door a millisecond after the bell rings, because he had resigned to waiting there to calm some of his nerves.
“Hey, Mr. Stark,” he says, but the words are barely making it out of his mouth. He’s making a conscious effort to speak clearly. “Sorry for being late. I- I fell, and I didn’t wanna worry you about it, and I had planned for things to go as normal today, but my arm just. It started hurting, like, a lot? And I don’t think the healing’s working properly? And I figured that you’d be kind of mad if you figured out how bad it was later, so-so, um, yeah, I’m just telling you now.”
All his words seem to come out in one breath, and Tony doesn’t know how he makes any sense of it, but somehow, his mind connects the fragments and his eyes are adjusting and they focus on-
A very dark purple, disturbing, slightly-in-the-wrong-place left arm that Peter’s clutching close to his stomach. His skin is ghostly colored and Tony knows that if Peter’s admitted to being in pain, then the pain must be on an entirely different spectrum.
He launches into commands, his brain, once again, a step ahead of his body. FRIDAY is responding left and right and there’s calls being placed and he can hear? See? Bruce, maybe? He can feel his hands trying to clutch onto something, anything, anything, because Peter’s hurt, but it’s not Toomes, or collapsing buildings, or anything. Peter’s fine. A little worse for wear, but overall okay.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Wait a second.
I’m falling?
Suddenly Tony feels arms around his shoulders, and he thinks he might be blind. Temporary blindness, they said. When he plummeted from the sky at a thousand miles an hour, and New York was falling around him, but he doesn’t remember seeing any of it. He doesn’t think he was able to. It was darkness, but Tony didn’t feel like he couldn’t see. So it might have been entirely bright. Either way, he’s taken back to that moment in the brief pummeling he feels.
Tony, Tony. Tony. It’s Rhodey. You’re okay. Just fine. Open your eyes, Tones. You can see, I’ve got you. Open ‘em.
It takes more than a few seconds to manifest, but he’s still falling through time. Only when he opens his eyes, Rhodey’s in front of him, and he’s looking very carefully at Tony, and holding him with even more care, as if Tony’s the most fragile person in the world.
In Rhodey’s world, he is.
He’s lowered onto the couch, but he can feel himself moving, restraining against Rhodey’s tight grip. He’s also….forgetting something. In the midst of that...panic attack, he realizes that he forgot Peter.
“Tony. Tony, don’t fight back. Relax, I’ve got you. Don’t fight it. You’re safe, in New York, everyone’s totally fine.”
He wants to believe it, but they said the same thing to him when Maria and Howard died. They said everything was fine, but they weren’t there for him anymore, and it was the worst lie he was told.
He doesn’t stop fighting Rhodey, because he can’t stop thinking about the news article from that day.
It feels like his brain’s walking through slush to effectively form a word, but he tries. “P...P..Rhodes- I, I-, please, Peter.”
He tries remembering what it was about Peter that made him anxious, but it’s too much now. He feels the panic rise again, and this time, he has enough sense to warn Rhodey.
“Rhodes, Fall. Falling. Catch me. Please.”
And then he feels Rhodey catching him again, because he does that best. The world goes a little haywire for him after that, but this time, unlike New York, he remembers.
The blindness comes in the form of white light.
Peter remembers entering Stark Tower to a frantic Tony, his hair a mess and eyes red, hands shaking. Peter had started to explain but things went haywire in seconds. Something triggered Tony, and before he could even try to listen for Tony’s response to his long explanation, Tony was making calls and ordering people for various tasks, but his words were slurring and Friday had heard enough of Tony in a panic state to understand him, apparently, because the next thing Peter knew, he was being whisked away to the medbay on a stretcher and Tony was falling. He doesn’t remember where the stretcher came from or how it got there so quick, or how it felt when they rolled him on his back and his arm was jostled violently, but it was so quick that it seemed to have never happened. He saw Bruce, who was in his white coat, and then there was Rhodey who was helping Tony who had collapsed, and Peter remembers that he had reached for Tony, because he was shocked to see his own arm outstretched like that, very dark and spotty and bloody,  and he didn’t know when it got that bad. Bruce had pushed him back onto the stretcher and told him everything was going to be fine, but Peter had felt confused and guilty because he had caused some part of this. He thinks he might have thrashed around and been a difficult patient, because there was a hint of green on Bruce’s neck, though it quickly went away and was softened with his smile. They tied him to a bed pretty quickly, so it must have been bad.
All in all, the whole ordeal makes Peter’s head hurt, so he tries to inch out of the bed in the medbay to find someone who can get him some pain meds. His arm’s in a sling and it still throbs, but he knows there’s definitely something wrong if his healing powers didn’t come into play.
He knows he can probably call someone by pressing a button, but there’s not much wrong with his legs, so he should be able to get up-
Bad idea, Peter thinks, as soon as his socks touch the floor. The sudden change in orientation causes a dizzy spell that he can’t just walk off, so he resorts to listening to his ailing body for once, and just-- Sits. Right on the floor.
They’ll find him soon enough.
Tony awakes to a high ceiling, and it takes him a few seconds to orient himself. Stark Tower. Ceiling. The Den. A figure pops into his view, and it takes a bleary second for him to breathe out, “Rhodey.”
“Hey, man. You gave us a real scare back there. Feeling okay?”
Tony tests his limbs and tries moving his hands, and everything seems relatively okay. “I think so, yeah.” When did talking get so hard? “Tired, though.”
“Makes sense. You had a panic attack, by the looks of it. Freaked out the kid, too, but he didn’t have to see most of it. He’s good now, though, don’t worry-” Rhodey says quickly, noting Tony’s sudden change in demeanor. “Here, lie back. Everything’s pretty okay.”
“He may have enhanced healing, but it’s not going to function properly if he doesn’t care for himself. I’m guessing he hasn’t had a proper sleep in about four days, Tony. Or a full meal. I actually found him on the floor. He may even be hallucinating at this point.”
Peter awakes to these sentences being spoken by none other than Bruce, who seems to be in a serious conversation with a frazzled-looking Tony. Has it really been that long since he properly slept? Or ate? He feels surprisingly okay, but then again, drugs really are something else.
Peter remembers that he definitely did get moved- his last memories certainly involve laying on the floor to rest his eyes. God, he’s a menace to deal with. No wonder everyone’s so concerned.
His heart rate must accelerate or something upon waking, because Bruce and Tony are by his side in an instant.
“Hey kid,” Tony says, but he’s not really smiling or anything, so Peter doesn’t know what tone to go for.
Peter goes with, “Hi, Mr. Stark,” and then he doesn’t know what else to say. His fingers find his way to Tony’s, and they wrap around and Peter feels okay again.
“You sure know how to make an entrance, Peter,” Bruce says, and he’s smiling all warm at Peter. He presses down on a couple areas and they must be bruised, because they make Peter wince.
Tony looks down at him sympathetically, tightening his grip around Peter’s (also bruised) hand. “I’m going to make you a suit entirely out of bubble wrap.”
“That’s not cool. I can’t swing around New York looking like a marshmallow.”
“It’s better than having you bedridden, Peter. You could have gotten even more hurt than you already are!” Tony’s voice seems to rise without him meaning to. “Sorry, I just- I can’t look at you like this. I don’t like it.” He pauses. “I can’t, I-I don’t want that on my conscious. Not again. Not you, Pete.” He breaks eye contact with Peter.
There’s no words he can say to make this better, but Peter also can’t move, seeing as Bruce has to restrain him to change his bandages so that Peter doesn’t unintentionally break the railings in the middle of the pain.
So, to say the least, it’s awkward when he says, “Sorry, Mr. Stark, I-uh-I really am. Honestly. I can’t really, uh, move, but like, would you mind a hug?”
The corners of Tony’s lips turn upwards just the slightest, and he lets Peter pull him closer with the hand he’s already holding, and they somehow make it work.
Peter can smell Tony’s shampoo and Tony’s holding him real tight, and it just. Feels really good. It seems to help Tony ease off the stress he’s under, too, because he closes his eyes against Peter’s neck and Peter can feel his eyelashes.
“Sorry, Mr. Stark, I’m sorry. I hope you’re okay,” he whispers.
“It’s okay, bud. I’m okay, I just, I-I get worried about you.”
The hug lasts for a long time, and Peter’s world mends itself slowly, piece by piece.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Justice Amy Coney Barrett finally meets the other 8 Supreme Court justices for a class photo That changed Friday when the court released its new class photo depicting the junior-most justice with her colleagues. Class photo or no, the 49-year-old Barrett has made her presence known, plunging into work, actively participating in cases heard by telephone amidst the global pandemic. While there have been some clear signs that her vote has solidified the court’s conservative majority, in other areas, Barrett remains more of a mystery — even drawing some concern from her allies. That’s because the court has not released opinions in the most controversial cases of the term dealing with the issues such as the Affordable Care Act, religious liberty, unions and the Voting Rights Act. The newly released photos and video suggests that the justices, fully vaccinated, might finally all be working out of the court building which has been closed to the public for almost a year leaving the majestic crimson curtain-lined chamber empty. It could mean that in the tense final weeks of the term, there is a possibility that some justices could actually discuss these fraught issues in person, or at the very least, from the same building. They have already announced, however, that they won’t physically take the bench for the remainder of the term that ends in June. In one area, concerning emergency petitions brought by houses of worship challenging state Covid restrictions, Barrett’s vote has already made a critical impact. When liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was alive, the court sided with states in early disputes that featured Chief Justice John Roberts joining his liberal colleagues. But Barrett — Ginsburg’s replacement — flipped the majority in later cases. On April 9, for example, a majority of the court penned an unsigned order siding with a pastor who sought to hold bible studies at home but was blocked from doing so because of California’s restriction. “This is the fifth time the Court has summarily rejected the Ninth Circuit’s analysis of California’s Covid restrictions on religious exercise,” the majority held, rejecting a lower court’s opinion and ruling in favor of the pastor. Roberts noted he would have ruled in favor of California but did not explain his thinking. Meanwhile, Justice Elena Kagan wrote for her two liberal colleagues rejecting the argument that the worshippers were being singled out for unfair treatment in violation of the First Amendment. California limited all small in-home gatherings — religious or secular — to three households, Kagan noted. She rejected the pastor’s arguments that the state was treating religious worshipers differently. “California need not,” Kagan said, “treat at-home religious gatherings the same as hardware stores and hair salons.” “The law does not require the State equally treat apples and watermelons,” Kagan wrote. Although the court earlier in the month dismissed one of the last election 2020 related cases, as Barrett took the bench last fall, the justices were staring at a bevy of potential election related petitions. Some supporters of former President Donald Trump were dismayed that the court, including three of some of his nominees, ultimately didn’t agree to take up requests to overturn election results. As the junior-most justice, it’s unlikely Barrett will be assigned some of the bigger opinions this term usually reserved for more senior justices, but she has already penned two majority opinions in under the radar cases. But those who fought for Barrett’s confirmation are eager to see how she will vote, particularly in a case concerning a Catholic adoption agency that refused to work with same-sex couples. Just this week, the court broke down along ideological lines over a case concerning whether a judge had to separately determine whether a juvenile offender could ever be rehabilitated before imposing a sentence of life without parole. In a 6-3 decision, the court said such a finding was not necessary, triggering a forceful dissent from the court’s three liberals who charged the majority with overruling recent precedent without directly saying so. Justice Sonia Sotomayor signaled her pique at her conservative colleagues charging they had gutted recent precedent. “The Court is fooling no one,” Sotomayor wrote. The justices are about to enter their busy season, racing to finish all opinions by the end of June, but they are also being pelted with requests to take up cases for next term. Barrett’s vote on the so called “shadow docket” could make a big difference particularly because the cases concern issues such as abortion and the scope of the Second Amendment. Before Barrett joined the court, Roberts’ vote was critical in those areas, but now there are five justices who can form a majority without him. One thing that Barrett has so far dodged is the more mundane assignments reserved for the court’s newest members. Barrett, for instance, will automatically be placed on the court’s cafeteria committee — relieving Brett Kavanaugh of his duties. It is a rite of passage — even a hazing — for new members, a task no one seems to relish especially because the cafeteria’s food has a spotty reputation within the court. Kavanaugh’s contribution during his tenure was a pizza-making station. Justice Neil Gorsuch dodged his responsibilities almost entirely, paling in comparison to Kagan, who brought in a frozen yogurt machine and set an impossibly high standard for any incoming future junior-most justice. Book deal Barrett has also gained some early controversy by reportedly signing a book deal with a $2 million advance — according to Politico which first reported the news and said the book would cover how judges are not supposed to bring their personal feelings into how they rule. Writing for Slate, Dahlia Lithwick said, “the notion of a justice who was rushed onto the court precisely because the president believed she would hand him the election if he needed her now holding forth on her mastery of open-mindedness is unseemly to the point of hinky.” Barrett is far from the only justice who has authored a book on the bench. Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, for instance, wrote a memoir based on her years growing up on a ranch out west. Justices Clarence Thomas and Sotomayor wrote books early in their tenure about their diverse family stories. Justice Stephen Breyer has penned books more closely related to the law as has Gorsuch. As for Barrett, she has not yet participated in speaking events, even over video, but an eventual book tour will likely produce an updated view of the justice who has yet to actually formally sit on the Supreme Court bench. Source link Orbem News #Amy #AmyConeyBarrettfinallymeetstheother8SupremeCourtjusticesforaclassphoto-CNNPolitics #Barrett #Class #Coney #Court #FINALLY #Justice #Justices #Meets #photo #Politics #Supreme
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sage-nebula · 7 years
Choi family post-canon headcanons
For the purposes of this post, “post-canon” refers to everything after the Secret Endings of Original Story. Another Story has absolutely no bearing here, neither do the other routes. Additionally, my MC was always MC 4, so in the event that she is mentioned, please keep that in mind as well, thanks. :)
As mentioned in another post of mine, both Choi twins end up attending therapy after the Secret Endings. Saeran is the first to go, after he takes some time to get acclimated to living in society / away from Mint Eye (and fully detoxes the drug he was addicted to for so long). Saeyoung attends some of these sessions with him, with his permission; the presence of a therapist helps them work through some lingering issues between them, as well as gives both of them the time and opportunity to find ways to work through their shared trauma of their childhood together. (Plus, it helps Saeyoung continue to help Saeran at home.) Additionally, however, Saeyoung also attends some individual sessions, so that he can get help working through some of his unique traumas, as well as his chronic severe depression. Both boys attend therapy for years, and it helps a great deal.
Saeran never attended school of any kind due to the abuse and torture he endured for pretty much his entire life. As a result, not only does he not have any degrees, but his knowledge is very spotty. He knows how to hack thanks to Rika making him learn, and obviously he can talk, read, and write . . . but that’s about it. Because of this, once Saeran has had some time to get acclimated and heal a bit, Saeyoung begins teaching him what he needs to know in order to get a high school equivalency degree. Again, Saeran has a good grasp of computers and mathematics, but Saeyoung teaches him history, geography, various sciences, some literature, some languages (particularly English, since that would be a useful one to know), et cetera. Saeran completes a high school equivalency correspondence course thanks to Saeyoung’s dedicated and patient teaching, and not only is Saeyoung quite proud of him, but for the first time in his life, Saeran feels as though he’s accomplished something real.
On that note, he probably got it under an alias. This might be where the name “Ray” comes into play in Original Story, because remember, the Saeran of Original Story / Secret Endings does not have DID / multiple identities. Getting a degree with the name Choi Saeran might be dangerous, if their father is still keeping an eye out for them, so he might get it under the name Choi Ray instead. To be fair, Saeyoung’s degrees probably have the name Choi Luciel on them, so it isn’t that farfetched. If nothing else, Saeyoung has demonstrated marked hypervigilance, so I could see him prodding Saeran to use an alias just in case. Better safe than sorry, and all that.
Also, this doesn’t have anything to do with the degree, but Saeyoung also teaches Saeran how to drive. He’s a bit nervous at first, letting Saeran drive one of his baby cars as practice, but he’s right there in the passenger seat and can quickly grab the wheel if anything goes wrong. Saeran does end up getting his license, but in all honesty he doesn’t like driving very much. It’s more knowledge for emergencies rather than anything else, and everyone in the family is happy with this arrangement.
Schooling doesn’t have to end there, though. By this point Saeran has been free for a couple years, so Saeyoung suggests that, since Saeran has a high school degree now, he should try university. Saeran doesn’t know what he wants to pursue in university, but Saeyoung assures him that this is fine. He can take a lot of different courses to see what he likes. Saeran is hesitant, but ultimately he agrees.
He attends a small university, where the classes are smaller and more personalized, rather than being giant lecture halls. MC, who due to her own circumstances had also never been to university, enrolls as well and signs up for all the same gen ed courses he’s in. She says that she does need the classes anyway, they’re general education requirements, and she wants to do this for herself, but Saeran gets the feeling that she’s really doing it because she wants to be there to give him support, so that he has at least one person in the class that he knows and is comfortable with. MC won’t admit it, and neither will Saeyoung, but he’s not wrong.
That said, MC goes to university so that she can get into graphic and digital design. It’s something that’s always been interested in, and not only does she want to learn more about computers (Saeran is teaching her some hacking on the side, since she wants to be helpful in the event of another crisis, and Saeyoung heavily looks down on hacking and grows upset when he remembers the things he used to do, so MC doesn’t want to trouble him by asking him to show her), but she wants to be able to create art and marketing materials for Saeyoung’s toy shop. So eventually she does have to take some classes separately from Saeran, but at first they’re in all the same ones, and they often pass each other notes during class / help each other out with homework and the like.
Saeran tests the waters with many different potential majors, trying out all sorts of things, and not hesitating to drop classes if they end up not impressing him. It takes him a bit longer than usual to graduate because of this (he graduates after MC, even though they entered at the same time), but eventually he ends up enrolling in a culinary course, and he really likes it. He pursues more culinary classes and ends up majoring in the school’s culinary program, with Saeyoung and MC both happily taste testing his assignments for him at home. Cooking calms him, it rewards him with delicious food at the end of it, and it also makes others happy with him. In his mind, it’s perfect.
When Saeran graduates, Saeyoung makes sure everyone from the RFA (which includes Vanderwood by this point) is there to cheer for him. And they are---they do. Everyone cheers for him, so that when Saeran gets his diploma, he looks out into the crowd and sees that he has a whole family there cheering for him, but none louder than his brother. Saeyoung is on his feet as he applauds---he even jumps once or twice, and he definitely shouts, “Yeah, that’s my brother!!” when Saeran gets his diploma. Saeran is a little embarrassed by this, especially since Saeyoung definitely has some overjoyed / happy tears in his eyes, but he can’t deny that it makes him feel loved and truly supported, too. Afterward there’s a huge party, and though Saeran offers to cook, everyone says no, they’re going out to eat, they can’t make him cook for his own celebratory dinner, that would be so rude!!
Saeyoung, as he states in Secret Ending 2, quits hacking after Saeran is rescued. He no longer works for the agency, he no longer does any freelance hacking jobs. However, he also didn’t do anything else during the first couple years, because he wanted to help Saeran get his high school equivalency degree, wanted to make sure Saeran got into a good university, et cetera. And this is fine; Saeyoung had tons of money saved up, as he tells Vanderwood. He doesn’t need to work right away. However, once Saeran enters university, Saeyoung starts work on opening up his own toy shop. It takes about a year (opening a new business is hard; there is so much work that goes into it, and plus, he has to make all the toys!), but he succeeds. It’s a small little shop, and unlike his dream, it isn’t built like an actual bunker (i.e., customers can get in without saying a passcode in Arabic :P). But it’s his, and it’s something he’s always dreamed of doing, and MC helps him run it (+ creates all of the graphic design that goes into promoting it). It’s a dream come true for him.
Saeran, meanwhile, has his culinary degree . . . but the restaurant business is highkey stressful, and not exactly the best for someone with his background. Saeyoung is still rich, so Saeran doesn’t really have to get a job, but he still does want to help out . . . and so what Saeran does is he opens up his own mini business, selling cakes, pastries, and other baked goods. It’s not a bakery / store, like Saeyoung’s, but once per week Saeran will make a bunch of different desserts, and take them down to the local market to sell them to whoever is interested. Sometimes he also takes orders from people who, say, want a cake for an event. He doesn’t make a ton of money this way, but he makes some, and he becomes pretty popular in their little section of the neighborhood. Also, again, Saeyoung and MC taste test for him, so honestly it’s a win-win for everyone involved.
Speaking of Saeyoung and MC, yes, they do get married. Saeyoung proposes on a moonlit night, out beneath the stars, and rather than a traditional engagement ring, he gives her a solar system gemstone bracelet, where the different gemstones were selected and arranged to look like each planet of the solar system (with added stones for the Earth’s moon, the stars, et cetera). They of course can’t get married at an actual space station, but MC arranges for the next best thing, which is a marriage at the local planetarium. The entire room is decked out to make it look like they’re standing in the middle of a nebula, with stars cascading over the walls and ceiling, a few planets visible up above (including Earth, because come on, let them dream). Saeran is Saeyoung’s best man, and Vanderwood, Zen, and Yoosung are other groomsmen. MC is an orphan without a family, so Jumin is the one who walks her down the aisle, since he’s the head of the RFA now. Jaehee is, of course, her maid of honor. Elizabeth 3rd is a bridesmaid.
Back when they first told everyone about the wedding, Saeyoung announced---without asking---that Vanderwood was going to be his maid of honor. Vanderwood was indignant for multiple reasons (Saeyoung never asked, and doesn’t he mean best man?), but nonetheless was indignant all over again when, later, Saeyoung mentioned off-handedly that Saeran was going to be his best man, of course. When Vanderwood demanded an explanation, Saeyoung explained that he has a best man, obviously, he can’t have a maid of honor. Obviously Vanderwood was going to be MC’s maid of honor instead. (“Yo,” MC said, waving.) Vanderwood didn’t know why he even bothered asking.
They do have actual wedding rings, but MC continues to wear her solar system engagement bracelet even after they’re married. It’s gorgeous, after all. She wears it every day, and Saeyoung is thrilled.
Saeran, understandably, really isn’t interested in dating for a long time (if potentially ever). It’s incredibly difficult for him to trust others. It’s hard enough for him to open up to his own brother (and sister-in-law), as well as the RFA; letting someone else in, when he’s already terrified of being used and/or abandoned again, feels impossible, particularly since . . . well, Rika was always smiling, she always seemed to care for him. Even if someone else seems nice, who’s to say they aren’t lying to him the same way? How can he trust that they’re not? So he stays away from dating, instead taking solace in the company of his two siblings (+ Vanderwood), as well as the RFA chat rooms.
That said, he does discover dating sim games, and he gets super hardcore into them. Dating sims are safe because the characters are all virtual; even if he gets a Bad End, it’s not real, and so there’s no threat. Additionally, he can make the characters really love him, and he gets super attached to them, going so far as to get merch of his favorites. In particular, he gets super into one that he plays on his phone and works in real time, to the point where Saeyoung and MC have to keep reminding him to eat / get a decent night’s sleep, since he has difficulties doing that while so into the game. It’s a bit of an issue, but he’s happy, and that’s what matters most.
Speaking of games, early into his recovery Saeyoung introduces Saeran to Backpack Monsters, since it’s a game that’s easy to play, easy to spend a lot of time on, and (bonus) there are always two versions each generation, so if Saeran likes them, they can play together and help each other complete the Backudex. At first, Saeran plays them quietly; he goes through X, Y, OmegaRuby, and AlphaSapphire on the 3DS that Saeyoung purchases for him, seemingly enjoying them but not commenting overmuch on them. When Sun and Moon are announced, however, Saeran is the one who brings them up, and he does so by saying, “We’ll have to each get one so that we can trade with each other.” Saeyoung is so thrilled that he spontaneously hugs Saeran. (He also gets Moon Version. Saeran goes for Sun.)
Oh, speaking of---as funny as jokes are that Saeran continues to be very >:( toward his brother forever, and while he is definitely still quite prickly at first, therapy and constant love and support do a lot to help him heal. Over the first few years spontaneous hugs like that are still a risk (and Saeyoung does realize immediately what he did and backs off, though Saeran assures him it’s fine), but as he heals and recovers he comes to crave that physical contact, and sometimes will ask for hugs himself (which Saeyoung always readily and happily gives him, as does MC). The idea that Saeran would always be irritated by or annoyed by Saeyoung is one that does not sit well with me, and thus is one I reject.
Moving on, Saeran also does get really into gardening. MC helps him find some small flowers (and cacti!) to take care of while they’re out shopping together one day, and Saeran also picks up books on flowers and flower languages. He doesn’t want to pursue a career in gardening or anything, but it’s a relaxing hobby and he likes to see his flowers grow. He also likes learning about the various flower languages, making arrangements, et cetera.
Despite his vast knowledge, flowers are one area in which Saeyoung actually doesn’t know a lot about. Flowers have never really been his thing. However, he wants to show interest in Saeran’s hobbies, and he also wants to give Saeran an opportunity to teach him things just like he taught Saeran, and so he asks questions about them and listens with rapt attention as Saeran tells him about the different flowers. Saeran gets the idea that Saeyoung is just indulging him (and he’s not wholly wrong), but he really, really appreciates the effort.
MC and Saeran also find an abandoned puppy while out shopping one day, early into Saeran’s recovery, and they end up bringing said puppy home (Saeran was hesitant, but MC assured him that Saeyoung would be fine with it). The puppy ends up becoming a family dog, but Saeran especially bonds with him, and is the one who gives him his name: Baskin.
Though that said, at first, Saeyoung and MC tell everyone in the RFA that they’re naming the puppy Elliot the 3rd. Jumin is pissed until they reveal they’re joking. (“he’s elliot the 4th lol,” Saeyoung says.) That’s when Saeran grows tired of the shenanigans and announces that the dog’s name is Baskin.
And THAT said, when Saeyoung and MC have their first child (children? twins? triplets??), they do say they’re naming their daughter Elizabeth the 4th. Jumin is actually touched by this (and Jaehee is horrified) until that’s revealed to be a joke as well.
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asocier · 5 years
Tumblr media
Name / Alias:  birdie Are you over 18?  Yes  /  No. Is your muse(s) over 18?  Yes /  No.
When was your blog established? 2013; remade in 2016 and again in 2019 ( this current iteration! )
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) /  Private (mutuals only).        
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) /  Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people). 
/// i always read abouts before i follow, and if i can see our muses interacting, i’ll give a follow. i’d like to keep this blog pretty lowkey though so i’m being more selective on this blog as to who i follow. if your muse’s universe is too niche or heavily based in canon, i might not follow since it’s hard to adapt my muses to that world. also, i keep my following list clean, so if i feel like our muses don’t click anymore/no interaction has happened in anyway, i’ll unfollow. 
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all  /  A little  / Some  / Mostly /  Strictly  /  Not Applicable.
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners  /  Single-Para  /  Multi-Para /  Novella  / All of the aforementioned. /// one-liners rarely stay one-liners for me tbh and i’ve written novella’s in the past before but just not on here ( i’m willing to! but the thread’s gotta be hella plotted ).
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No  /  Gifs  /  Icons  /  Yes /  Sometimes.
Do you write on other platforms? No  /  Yes.   /// i’m on discord! but my activity on there can be very spotty as in i’ll forget about our thread on there for like a long time but when i am in the mood to rp on there, i’m very quick
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted  /  Open-Ended Plots  /  Semi-Plotted  /  Fully Plotted Epics  /  All of the aforementioned. 
// i really prefer plotting with these muses since their personalities are very particular, and i’d like to know where things are going so the thread doesn’t go dead so quickly! like nate will literally just walk away from your muse if he’s not feeling the conversation asljdalksjd but alison and emile are more receptive of unplotted things, like replying to opens since they’re more friendly
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month)  /  Slow (3-4 weeks)  /  Average (1-2 weeks)  /  Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days)  / It depends.    
What types of themes do you like? Adventure  /  Romance  /  Fluff  /  Angst  /  Smut  /  Violence  /  Tragedy  /  Domestic  / Family.
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy  /  Supernatural  /  Science Fiction  /  Historical  /   Horror  /  Comedy  / Romantic  /  Drama  /  Action  /  Adventure  /  Espionage  /  All of the aforementioned.
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  /  Yes  /  Sometimes.  
// i’m like, not 100% how i feel about violence just because i don’t actually rp heavy violence a lot of the time? i think i’d feel more comfortable with it if it was like plotted out between muns rather than it being spontaneous since i literally have no idea how fighting works and if you throw in weapons im like o fuk
violence probably will occur on this blog though ( historically, my blog has had some violence on it ), but again, if it does, i’d really like to plot it out. 
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? no triggers!
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  /  All of the aforementioned.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  /  All of the aforementioned.
Do you have OTPs? No /  Chemistry Only  / Yes.
Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes.
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual  /  Heteroflexible  /  Bisexual  /  Pansexual  /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual  / Demisexual  /  Sapiosexual  /  ( Grey ) Asexual  /  Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  /  Biromantic  /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic  /  Panromantic  /  Demiromantic  /  Sapioromantic  /  Aromantic  /  Still trying to figure it out.
Are you comfortable writing smut? No  /  Selectively /  Yes.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship  /  During plotting  /  After a couple IC interactions  /  Several IC interactions  /  Slow burn  /  Plot dependent  /  Never.  
Are you open to toxic ships? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  
Are you open to problematic ships? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  
Are you open to polyshipping? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  
// for a muse like alison, i can see it happening. emile requires more emotional attachment and the reassurance that he isn’t going to be used. cedric and nate aren’t up for it ( especially nate tbh since he’s single-shipped currently )
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never  /  Sometimes  /  Yes.  
Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope  /  Yes
0 notes
kazaikos · 7 years
Dear Followers, all 3,895 of you.
I'm just going to come right out and say it, I'm closing up shop for this blog again. I know this would be the second time I've said I'm going on a permanent hiatus, but last time it was for different a reason, this time I'm not likely to pick it up again in the future. Here's the thing,
I've been absent for about a month and a half, this is partly because I'm on vacation, which is why I said posting was going to be spotty for awhile but it's also because I've been doing some thinking. Truth is, I'm losing interest in being active in the fandom. It's not that I've lost interest in Star Wars, or my favorite fictional couple of all time, it's not that at all. But, I'm finding it's a chore for me to upkeep the blog by looking for content in the very active community Star Wars has.
When I started, around the end of 2012 it seemed to me that the characters of Anakin and Padme had fans, and loyal ones at that, but they were scattered around the net. My only goal, was to round up all the art I could possibly find for them and showcase it in a way that would show how much love people had for this couple, and the Star Wars prequels in general. I also hoped that when people saw a bunch of fanart for them, they would be inspired to do their own, or be reminded of the prequels again if they had forgotten how much they used to love it.
After a year or so of blogging, like a train engine slowly picking up speed, I witnessed fandom growth, on tumblr and other social media platforms, for GL's last three SW films and the recent Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated show. Year after year, more activity then the last. This now huge community, became a haven for fans and so many of them happened to be artists. It was a real surprise and delight that appreciation was merging with art. Fan videos, fan-fiction, fanart and just a plethora of things in general were getting uploaded everyday. Content you could find through tag searching was easily buried by new posts pouring in. I can't say for sure if I helped at all, but numerous blogs sprung up and it was like the voices of those who loved George's stories, embolden by other around them, decided to shout out their love too. Fans becoming no longer concerned of what geek media said or thought and others just tired of the constant irrational hatred against the movies.
But now that prequel appreciation has reached new heights of activity, the still-recent acquisition of Star Wars by the Disney Corp. is changing the atmosphere, at least in my view. New and different fans are jumping on board because they love what Disney will do with the property. Some fans who love all six films are positive about the future as well. But, personally, I feel the train stops for me here. New episodes or comics etc. may come out for my/our beloved couple, but the era of time I was in love with is kinda over. George is no longer at the forefront of his creation, or even credited by Disney going forward. Unfortunately, Dave Filoni doesn't have a huge role to play either. I have not watched Rebels, I've heard mixed reviews, but honestly, my radar is on Anidala. As expected, their roles are near invisible since one character is dead and the other will always be represented as Darth Vader if Disney shies away from telling prequel-era stories. I guess, truthfully I'm just not interested in what Disney makes if George is gone. 
Now, I have stuck around for awhile, even after the cancellation of SW:TCW because the potential ending of our last source for new content didn't/doesn't deter me from fangirling over the pair. I could run this blog for as a long as I wanted, I've hoarded so much material. And even if nothing new canonically ever came out again, I would make or find more things to post, if my heart were still in it. Star Wars becoming disneyfied is not something I'm crazy about but this restless feeling I have is actually more about feeling like what I started out to do, has been accomplished.
There is so much love for Ani and Pad's now, so much for the prequels, and all this acclamation from brand new fans who came in after watching the animated shows. Maybe this growth sensation is a mistaken feeling, depending on you you ask and it's only an amplification because it's just easier these days for every fan to be active voices through easy-to-use social media. Regardless, the fan-base definitely feels alive and well. And now, It just no longer feels necessary to prove that A/P are well appreciated. Others have also set out to do the same and I'm so thankful for that. My personality is such that I want to begin new things in areas that seem empty or in need of repair, but when a task is complete, it's on to the next for me. For these reasons, I realize it's time for me to move on. It's also not fair to run a blog dedicated to what I love, with half-hearted enthusiasm.
So, it will be like before. kazaikos.tumblr will remain an archive, not deleted but not updated and my last update will be tomorrow. Heh, I never did get around to posting everything I collected, in fact I do have so much more, but for the past year or so, what I've been finding has been coming from tumblr anyways; or other platforms like instagram, facebook and twitter. Before, it was like scouring the net using word and picture searches and finding near-lost art on dead sites. I wanted to save and archive all of it before it was completely lost. Thankfully, with the trend of social media, it's easier for art to get an audience and remain afloat.
And as to this blog itself, there's maintenance I would have wished I completed before leaving, such as tighter tag organization but it's energy I don't have. Hopefully, all my posts are searchable. :P
Please don't feel the need to say goodbye again, if you already did so back in 2014, I don't mean to appear wishy-washy, coming back again that time was unexpected but I realized I had a bit more I wanted to do, this time it's final and hope to gracefully close the curtains. Much, much love to all those who followed and enjoyed the posts. I've enjoyed running the blog so much and salute the effort put in by the fans to keep the Anidala fandom vibrant.
You can still message me to this blog if you want, because I will still check my messages. I’m not gone as a fan, just as a blogger for this subject. 
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bowldeepfannish · 7 years
Someone; *watches Yuri on ice exactly once* WOW I LOVE FIGURE SKATING!! DAMN THEY NAILED THAT *squinting at wikipedia article* TRIPLE TOE COMBO(?) WOW HE KILLED THAT *squinting at another wiki article* SHORT PROGRAM xD MAn IM SUCH AN EXPERT ON THIS SHIT. WONDER IF I COULD GO TO THE OLYMPICS???? Me, a figure skater; i want death.
Don’t die Anon! And no need to get randomly so doom and gloom over random strangers over the internet whether you happen to be on the giving or the receiving end.
Just keep enjoying your sport on your terms, other people will enjoy it on theirs. Also figure skating is a bit of a marvelously odd beast blending both athleticism and artistry/performance, ‘acting’ even. It’s perfectly fine to enjoy either or both according to one’s own individual sensibilities and analysis skills. I don’t go into technical because expression and emotion are more my jam and I lack skating experience (temp rinks and rented hockey skates. ‘nough said) to gauge the minute points of a move/jump and I struggle even when I try replaying frame by frame. At least axels are easy to spot at a glance XDD. But generally over a more ‘muscular’ program I’d be more impressed with a technically easier program that has overall better flow  and ‘acting’ the program’s story and that moves me ad entertains me. I tend to prefer former competitive skaters programs actually. Then we get stuff like Yuzuru’s Seimei hence the best of both worlds so yay.
On top of that genuine interest and even pro careers can be sparked in different ways and by different means. Anime included. Among today’s YOI fans there are tomorrow’s  champions (and past, and present too. Incidentally have you followed some of them top figure skaters’ social media posts about YOI since more than 1 year ago now? )
CASE IN POINT AND QUICK HISTORY LESSON FOLLOWS. There are many roads leading to Rome  as we say or more than one-way street journey to reach your destination.
1) OUAT in my country  (we’re talking nearly 40 years ago dear readers and I was there walking the Earth ) they used to broadcast a lot of sport anime series.  We are a soccer kind of country and basicaly everything else gets very little coverage by comparison, or none at all. I can vouch for at least two generations of soccer players, tennis players, volleyball players  gymnasts and golf players getting their spark and/or gained support thanks to those series. Back then those anime were a mass phenomenon and a childhood staple /bonding experience. Everyone watched them and many wished to try the sports of their fav heroes :D. Fun times. Winning times too.
2) Even if I hadn’t watched YOI about 8 times and in three languages already and it hadn’t brought me much joy and lovely acquaintances in a hard phase of my life I’m very grateful to YOI because it led me to find out official reliable channels at last! to keep updated on figure skating and skaters as I had always wished to do (and did to an extent on other platforms since circa 2004. Regular-ish internet access yay) As I mentioned above in point 1) coverage for many sports has always been sporadic where I live and spotty at best outside of soccer, cycling and Formula1 because we are the land of Ferrari cars and Coppi and Bartali/Giro D’Italia among others yadda yadda .
For years I  and many others unless we happened to live near an ice rink (hint: rare) or belong in a skating fans’ circle could only glimpse something about figure skating ( I admit I prefer singles’ skating over the couples or synchro also my free time and internet is limited alas) through news articles, the occasional piece about Carolina Kostner exploits (and failures)  or whethever we were blessed with some mainstream TV  broadcast - often recaps or quick puff pieces -  about again Kostner, or Deborah Compagnoni and Alberto Tomba & Co. for skiing, or the temporary bonanza of Turin Winter Olympics 2006 .
Thank heavens for fervent Youtube uploaders of  real life figure skating from ancient to basically real time video shares. And Rocker Skating. And dedicated non-anime figure skating tumblr accounts. And the both national and international figura skating fans group  on facebook  - whose main/core base may overlap with YOI watchers but for the most past it doesn’t. They are  by average VERY gracious with all newbie fans whatever their walk of life or fandom btw. Just a tip. Because really those who love and/or practiced  the sport all started somewhere. Even you Anon - for constantly keeping people updated about old  present and new ice talents worldwide  and available streams for us poor fans who cannot subscribe to paid channels or won’t get any news at all on telly until the next Euros/Worlds/Olympics (because we are not in 4cc as a nation hence it’s not relevant #logic) - as long as Cappellini/LaNotte and/or Kostner skate there mind you. Otherwise who knows here TV-wise. 
Thanks YOI specifically for being a love letter to the sport and being such an uplifting humanistic watch about growth and understanding and meeting people halfway. With their quirks their flaws their own cultural background and all.
Thank you Anon for reminding me that YOI’s  above message is really one that is sorely needed ;P.
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Off the Bat
providentially-demonic submitted:
A short Harry Potter/MSA AU for you!
They had pooled their money, counting Galleons and Knuts and Sickles to be sure they had enough, though Lewis had assured her that if they came up short, his folks would be more than willing to help out. Vivi was determined they could afford it on their own. Arthur deserved the very best and if she had to shell out every single bronze Knut she had, she would get it for him, she’d declared defiantly.
It had taken some time to get away from Lewis’s parents, the Pepper’s considering the three of them under their guardianship during the shopping trip to Nation Alley, just off of the Bloody Angle, through the back wall of an old Chinese Laundry. It was Vivi’s third trip, Lewis’s second and Arthur’s first. Arthur had been unnerved and had clung to the back of Lewis’s shirt until Mama had taken his hand, leading him through the wall of moving machinery into the wonders of Nation Alley. America had all sorts of immigrants, not all of them of the muggle kind, evidenced by the centaur in a plaid shirt with a handcart, selling enchanted arrows. His thick greek accent stood out clearly over the babble. Brightly colored pigeons darted back and forth between buildings, like feathery fireworks. A witch on a battered Nimbus was trying to get a mangy tabby off of an awning, cursing in something that sounded like Chinese. A woman whose outfit seemed to consist of nothing but layers of colorful scarves that moved in an unseen wind held court at a sidewalk cafe table, attended by dozens of varied Kneazles, who watched everyone with intelligent eyes.
Arthur stayed attached Lewis’s mother, taking in everything but saying nothing, his amber eyes wide as saucers. Their first stop had been for new robes, Arthur’s old ones far too short and shabby now, and the old ones of Lewis’s getting shorter. Arthur was hitting a growth spurt and was already several inches taller than Lewis, and Mama had insisted with the winter quarter coming up, he needed ones that actually reached his ankles.
While he was being measured by the fussy seamstress and her assistant who looked suspiciously like a Brownie, Vivi had pulled Lewis away and they had snuck out of the shop. Vivi had unerringly lead the way to a brightly painted shop with a elegant sign depicting a white owl perched on the horn of a dainty unicorn. “Flit’s Fair Familiars” scrolled in looping letters under the hooves of the unicorn.
Lewis looked dubiously at the sign… “Can Unicorns be familiars?”
Vivi elbowed him sharply. “Does it matter?” She headed for the door.
Lewis followed her, but not without one last sideways look at the sign. “Kinda, yeah?”
Vivi rolled her eyes. “Hurry up. We don’t have much time before they notice we’re gone.”
“Can I get some owl treats while we’re here?”
Vivi pulled him away from the rack and past a basket of humming puffskeins. “Depends on how much this will cost first.”
Lewis followed her tugs to a darkened corner of the store, where she peered at a cluster of brown bats hanging from a rafter.
Lewis squinted. In all honesty, he didn’t think they looked anywhere near as cute as Page had, but he agreed with Vivi, Arthur needed a familiar, and one with a longer life expectancy than a rat. He’d wanted to get an owl, like his sweet little Poblano, but Vivi had pointed out that with his propensity for rats, mice and other rodentia, Arthur would not care much for a creature that made meals of them. Lewis frowned and backed up a step, hoping a change in perspective would make them look somehow more appealing.
He bumped into something solid and warm. “Now, what would the two a’you be doin’ in here without a keeper, eh?”
Vivi yipped and jumped a foot in the air. She whirled. “Professor Calder!”
Professor Calder regarded them both down the length of his nose. He’d forgone his robes and was dressed in a charcoal-gray cable-knit sweater over blue jeans, His black dress shoes contrasted sharply with the casual look of his attire. His long black hair was pulled back in a neat queue, unlike the usual braid. He tipped his head to one side, the corner of his mouth pulling down in a frown. “Well, I’m waitin’ for an answer.”
Lewis bit his lip, trying not to shrink back behind Vivi. He really didn’t want to get in trouble with Mama. and he just knew the Professor would remember this when classes started after break. “Um, I— um— I need— needed s-some owl treats f-for Poblano,” he stammered uncomfortably.
Vivi sighed and reached back to thump his shoulder. “You can’t lie for beans, Lew.” She squared her shoulders and looked up at the much taller man, meeting his green eyes squarely. “We want to buy a new familiar for Arthur. He’s been really down since— since Page died.”
Calder’s stern expression softened. Arthur had holed up in the classroom several times after the rat’s death, despondent, and Calder had helped the three of them chose a final resting place for the much-beloved creature, helping a crying Arthur make a headstone for the makeshift gravesite. “Ah. Dontcha think Arthur should have some say in this?”
Lewis started to nod, but Vivi shook her head fiercely. “No. It has to be a surprise, because if he tries to help us choose, he’ll start thinking of Page again and be sad. I want him to be happy again. And it has to be something that lives a lot longer than a rat. I can’t see him go through this again in just a few years.” She looked defiant, but her hands were shaking. She knew how much trouble they would be in if Calder took it upon himself to take them back the Pepper’s.
Calder’s shrewd gaze slid over the cluster of bats in their roost. “You were thinkin’ a bat then? Knowin’ the lad’s got a soft spot the size of an ocean for squeakers.” He reached up and scratched one of the tiny bats under the chin.
Vivi’s shoulders relaxed and she heaved a sigh. “I read up on them, They live between twenty and thirty years in the wild, and wizard-breds always live longer than no-maj kinds. And they look cute, which he’d like.”
Calder laughed, a rolling sound of amusement, startling the bat he was petting. “Clever Vivi, always readin’ up. Careful, lass, if you’re not careful, folks’ll start thinkin’ you’re in the wrong house.”
He glanced over his shoulder at the proprietor, “Bundle my order, then, there’s a love, Aislin—  and have it sent on up to the school. Charge my classroom account and keep a couple o’sickle’s back for each of the courier owls. They’ll ha’e earned it.” He waved at the young woman behind the counter and turned to the door. “You two come with me.”
The two students warily followed him across the cobbled street to Porlock’s Potables, a wooden building that smelled of fresh hay. He grinned at the serving girl and ordered two warmed butterbeers and “A glass of the usual, love.”
He ushered Vivi and Lewis into a booth in the back corner and sat across from them. “So you were thinkin’ a bat— did you have any ideas on what kind?
Lewis hunched his shoulders and cupped his hands around the warmed mug the serving girl set in front of him. “Something big and clever. It need to be to carry things.”
“An’ t’stay safe from the school owls, eh? Good thought, lad.” Calder tossed back his glass of something dark and potent-smelling before pulling a small mirror from his back pocket. “I might be able to help with that. Ptero, answer your mirror, wouldya?”
A lean, tanned face appeared in the mirror, large glasses giving brown eyes an owlish look. “Ello, mate. What ya needing today? I just—”
Calder laughed and waved a hand. “Nothin’ for me, friend, but I ha’e a couple of friends here lookin’ for a bat for their friend. Needs to be fairly large, so the owls hereabouts don’t think lunch. Any recommendations?”
“Course! I have some flying foxes I been breeding for the local nightwatch witches, lovelies one and all, and I ain’t just talking about the bats.” The face on the mirror offered a broad wink.
“Spare me talk of that. You think one of them might do?”
“Oh, better even. My roosts are smart as whips and clever as Kneazles with their wing-claws. I got a couple rares that the watch canna use. Too noticeable-like and easy as one-two-three to spot on a dark night, so’s the witches can’t use them.”
“Rares? There somethin’ wrong with ‘em, Ptero?” Calder leaned forward, his easygoing smile slipping away. “You wouldna be tryin’ to pawn a sick beastie off on me students, wouldya?”
Ptero paled under his tan. “No, all my roosts are healthy as can be. I have them checked monthly by the local wizarding council. No, I got me a couple of piebalds. One of my roosts threw a couple of pups with leucism. Whiter than white with black mottling. Smart as or smarter than their roostmates and in good health, I swear, just too easily seen for nightwatch. But that wouldn’t be a bit of a problem for a student, now would it?”
“Can we see one?” Vivi demanded, up on her knees in the booth so she could see the mirror.
Ptero nodded and stepped out of range of the mirror, though his voice still came through. “Here now, spotty-gal, might have a place for you after all.”
He came back into sight with a bat the size of a small cat clinging to his shoulder. He hadn’t lied, it was mostly white with black patches on its thin wings and a small patch like a cap on its white head. It had bright intelligent eyes and squeaked softly at them through the mirror. “She’ll be getting a bit bigger, she’s not quite weaned yet.” Ptero added, scratching the white chin inil the bat went all but cross-eyed with bliss.
Vivi was instantly in love, Lewis could tell by her expression. “She’s perfect. How much?”
Ptero looked crafty for a moment until Calder cleared his throat. “Um, for you nine Galleons and seven Sickles; that’s at cost. Course there’s still the matter of getting her from here to there. Shipping costs, even by floo network.”
Before Vivi could look sick at that, Calder waved a hand. “I’ll worry about transport for her.”
Lewis spilled out their money pouch and was counting out coins with care, one at a time. It took nearly everything they had managed to save, but they had enough.
Calder watched him count and nodded to Ptero. “We’ll be takin’ her then. I’ll contact you with details later.” He tapped the frame of the mirror and it went dark.
Vivi squealed and hugged Lewis and then, to Professor Calder’s surprise, attacked him with a hug as well. He tossed his head up like a startled horse but warily patted her on the back.
“Alright, then. You two should be gettin’ back. I’ll send an owl with pick-up details. I should like to be there when you give her to the lad, though.”
Lewis nodded and handed him the money before grabbing Vivi’s hand and hauling out of there. He hoped Mama hadn’t missed them yet!
“Lewis Pepper!”
Oh no.
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years
1. Can you remember what you were doing at 8:15 this morning? I had just gotten up again. I woke up an hour before, but I ended up falling asleep again.
2. In your phone’s contacts, who is the first person listed under the letter ‘R’? When did you last see that person? I only have one person, which is my brother, Richard. I last saw him on Christmas Eve-Eve.
3. If someone is sticking their nose into your business where it isn’t wanted, how would you deal with that? Would you say something to them? I likely wouldn’t say anything to be honest.
4. What did you have for lunch today? Or, if you haven’t had lunch yet, what do you think you will have? Ravioli stuffed with ricotta cheese and spinach.
5. Is there someone you desperately want to see/speak to atm, but you can’t? I want to catch up with Ty and grab some lunch or coffee or something soon, but I don’t know when that can happen. We haven’t hung out since back in October. We were hoping it would be the start of us hanging out more often again, especially once he was on winter break. Of course something came up on my end regarding my health, so that hasn’t been able to happen so far. It sucks. :/
6. Do you and your significant other have a special song? What is it? I’m single.
7. If you HAD to sing something on karaoke, what song would you choose? Ahhh you won’t catch me doing karaoke.
8. Can you remember the last time you felt ill? What was wrong with you? I feel that way all the time on some level for one reason or another. I have chronic health issues, physically and mentally.
9. What time is it now? Are you tired? It’s 6:16PM (it feels so much later), and yes of course I’m tired. Always.
10. If you wear make-up, do you take it with you, to reapply throughout the day? Does your make-up stay for a long time after you first apply it, or do you find that you need to reapply often? Are you wearing any make-up atm? I only keep lip gloss with me, but even that I hardly ever reapply. My eye makeup stays, but the eyeliner smudges a little at the corner of my eyes sometimes. All that requires is me wiping it away. I don’t ever bring any of that makeup with me to touch up. I am not wearing any makeup at the moment, no.
11. What if you found the last person you kissed, in bed with the last person you texted? Uh... that would be Joseph with my younger brother. No. Just no. My brother is seventeen first and foremost, so no. For two it would just be messed up to have my ex with my brother. Just not cool.
12. The last person you held hands with - have you ever kissed them? On the cheek.
13. Can you remember what your parents bought you for Christmas last year? Yes, as it was only last month. My memory can be spotty sometimes, but I do remember that. One of the gifts I got was a Ninja Coffee Bar, which is awesome. I bought a few different Torani syrups to make flavored lattes and such. Sometimes I’ll get fancy and add whipped cream and toppings, ha. Oh, and it came with a built in frother for the full latte effect.
14. Think about the person you fell hardest for. Why do you think your feelings for this person were so strong? How is he/she different compared to everyone else you’ve had feelings for? I never had a connection with anyone like the one Ty and I had. We just...clicked. We brought out good things in each other, and uplifted one another. We supported each other. He seemed to genuinely care about me. He seemed like he really did want to get to me, like who I really am. My likes and my interests and such. When we talked, he really listened. He’d remember little things I told him about myself. We used to text each other everyday for hours. He’d send me things he saw that reminded him of me. We hung out a couple times a week. It was always him who initiated it, so I knew he really did want to see me and it seemed like he really did enjoy being around me. We’d go out for lunch or grab coffee at Barnes and Noble and look around. He’d come over sometimes and we’d watch a movie or play board games. He’d invite me over for coffee and dinner. He included me in his life, and introduced me to people that were important to him. That meant something to me. We often talked about trips we wanted to take together someday. We wanted to plan a road trip. Things were SO good between us at one point, and I guess that should have been a clue. They were too good. I really thought it could have been my first real relationship. I definitely saw it going in that direction. Then it all changed, and now it’s gone. Time has never been on our side. I want to try and get back to where we were, but I worry that it’s too late. :/ I want it all back. 
30. Have you ever caught your friend cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend? If you have, what did you do about it? If you haven’t, what do you think you would do? I didn’t catch her because I knew it was happening. She told me. I didn’t do anything about it except offer my advice when she asked for it. I don’t support cheating, but I couldn’t tell her what to do. Like I said, all I could do was offer advice and my opinion when she asked for it. Other than that, I did not get involved.
31. When your last relationship ended, how long was it before you felt ready to think about being with someone else? I was heartbroken over Joseph for a year thinking no one else would ever come along and have interest in me again, and then towards the end of that year Ty came into my life. I was afraid to go down that path again with someone else and before Ty, I didn’t have any interest in doing so. Then he came along, and turned it all around.
32. Has any of your friends ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend that you found attractive, and you would secretly have liked to have for yourself? No.
33. How many guys do you know named Matthew? I don’t know any, actually.
34. Think about the last person that made you cry. Would that person be there for you if you needed help? It was myself and things that I’m dealing with.
35. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to sleep last night? Do you remember what you talked about? It was my mom. We were just watching a show together and talking about that.
36. Has someone of the opposite sex made you cry at any point during the last 24 hours? No.
37. Is there anything you would like to say to your most recent ex? No.
38. If your friends are sexually active but you aren’t, does that bother you? Have you ever felt pressured to have sex before you were ready, because your friends had done it? It doesn’t bother me that they’re sexually active and I’m not, it would just bother me when they’d make comments about it. They’d say things about how I need to “get laid” and need to just do it. How they’d set me up with someone. They’d make comments about my lack of experience whenever they’d talk about theirs. Or about what I should do with so and so when I was talking to a guy. Pushing me to do things with that person. That’s what bothered me. It’s none of their business. I have my reasons for why I haven’t yet, and that’s my own personal decision. When the right person comes along and I am ready, then it will happen. I’m not rushing it or doing it just to do it.
39. In your opinion, what is the difference between having a crush and being in love? Have your own experiences helped you to realise that there is a difference? There’s a huge difference between a crush and being in love like seriously?
40. Did the last person you hugged have any of these letters in their name: T, R, K, P, J? Not in their first name.
41. What’s the most unhealthy thing you’ve eaten in the last 24 hours? Well, today I had a big cinnamon crunch muffin with my coffee this morning. After lunch sometime I had loaded cheddar potato wedges with a Dr. Pepper. Soon I’ll be having a burger and onion rings. After that, I’ll have my nighttime treat of Oreos and coffee.
42. What was the last compliment you received from someone of the opposite sex? I don’t recall.
43. Who did you last say ‘I love you’ to? What colour are that person’s eyes? My mom; brown.
44. If you took away the first and third letters of your name, what would you then be called? Tphanie.
45. Name 7 things that make you happy, and explain how it might affect you if you had to give them up. I’ll do the first part of the question. <<< Same.
1. My family.
2. My morning cup of coffee with a muffin or donuts. Having one of those with my coffee has become apart of my morning cup of coffee routine, and I look forward to it everyday.
3. My favorite foods.
4. Alexander Skarsgård.
5. Taking trips.
6. Giraffes.
7. Fall and winter related things.
46. Think about your Facebook profile photo. What kind of assumptions do you think a stranger might make about you, from seeing that photograph? Would any of these assumptions be correct? Well, right now it’s a photo of my chocolate lab, Brandie. I’ve had it as my profile since a few days after she passed away last month. Someone would likely assume that that’s my dog, which would be correct. They’d also think she was a beautiful dog because she was.
47. You buy a bar of chocolate, but you decide that you don’t want to eat it now, and put it in the fridge. When you go back later, half of it’s gone - someone else has started eating it! Who are you most likely to blame? My brother or my dad. Probably my brother.
48. Choose 5 friends, and talk briefly about each person’s longest/most serious relationship. Who was the relationship with, and how long did it last? Naaaah.
49. Do you think it’s wrong for someone to commit themselves to a long-term relationship at a young age? Explain. I wouldn’t say it’s wrong.
50. Is there something happening in the near future, that you’re looking forward to? Yes, actually. It’s nice having something to look forward to.
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21 questions!
1. Name : Kym
2. Nicknames : ...Kym XD
3. Zodiac : Scorpio
4. Favorite Musician or group: Florence and the Machine, Daft Punk, Too Many Zooz/Moon Hooch, etc/too many to remember 
5. Favorite sport team : Chudley Cannons? XD lmfao  I don’t do the ‘physical activity’ yo, I fucking lost the body lottery!
6. Other blogs : If there was I wouldn’t tell anyone who didn’t need to know. 
7. Do you get asks? Sometimes.
8. How many blogs do you follow? Not even gonna check, I don’t care. XD
9. Tumblr crushes? I don’t even do this with people irl...
10. Lucky number : Eh I just like the number 8 because infinity upside down.
11. What are you wearing right now? Black pants, a My Hero Academia tank top, white socks, black shoes with coffee cups print on them, a heart-shaped goldstone necklace, metallic teal nail polish about 1/4th chipped off, and my Buzz/Jessie couple headband/bow. :P
12. Dream vacation : I used to wanna go to another country someday esp somewhere pretty/exotic like Japan but hell I’d just like to be able to take my kid to a water park or amusement park or smth rn...
13. Dream car : Yeah any one of those planet-friendly ones, fuck being forced to sip on dino szyrup...
14. Favorite Food : My pineapple-pepper-carrot-chicken curry in tomato sauce over rice or mango/other fruit with chili if I’m being healthy, if not hot cheetos/hot lays/chips w salsa/anything else to cure the spice cravings.
15. Drink of choice : Water, preferably cold or at least cold-ish. Sometimes maybe a juice/tea. Only veeery rarely a soda.
16. Instruments : I’ve tried a few times but I never had any talent for anything but singing, and only for a painfully brief few years before puberty laid waste to any talent I once had XD;;
17. Languages : Just English fluently. I’ve studied a lil bit on others but can only remember tidbits from any one. Mostly just a few basic things from Japanese and Spanish, a few less than that for French and Chinese...
18. Celebrity crush: Eh that was a thing when I was a teen, but tbh? The closest thing I ever had to a real “celebrity crush”/someone I really admired and thought was super cute personally, not that I’d ever try to pursue them myself ofc but like could see try finding a future mate like that if possible? Was Alan Rickman, and yeah, good night sweet prince...
19. Random fact: I actually really am trying my best to be a good person, despite quite a lot of people saying otherwise... But then those people telling me that... Tend to usually act pretty shitty in my opinion, so...
20. Favorite ecosystem : The beach is really pretty but I’m thalassophobic/kymophobic, so... XD;;; I like there to be water, deserts are pretty too but if we’re talking somewhere I’d pick to live/potentially forever, it has to have a good amount but not too much water... So no artic, and fuck climbing, no mountains... Fuck forests too, forests/woods/jungles are scary, beautiful too tho ofc and please lets keep them around but some other weirdo can do live in one lmao... So uh I guess I’m a damn gazelle coz that probably seems to leave only grasslands/plains or smth... XD;;
21. Favorite cat species : Look idk about species but I like black cats and white cats and orange cats and all other color cats and stripey and spotty cats, all them tabby cats, the cats with extra toebeans, the cats with no goddamn hair at all, I LOVE JUST ABOUT ANY AND EVERY CAT AS LONG AS IT’S NOT RABID OR SOMETHING OKAY? XDDD
I tag whoever! Idk, Crappy or Michelle, if you guys or anybody else wanna, no pressure tho! 
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