#I hope its ok its my first time writing smut too rip
wordsbymae · 2 years
Today I’m thinking of like a Jekyll and Hyde type yandere? Maybe he’s like a psych grad who entered into a research study gone wrong, because he needed the money, and the result was that his consciousness was split into two. He’s generally a quiet, levelheaded person, if a bit frantic when he really gets into his studies, but gentle. Then there’s the other half, who’s very wild and uninhibited and does what he pleases, whenever he wants. The other scientists at the facility are fascinated and choose to hold our yandere in their lab until further notice. This would obviously not be good for anyone’s mental health, so they have an idea. They were going through a list of his acquaintances and happened across the name of the Reader. Reader and the yandere weren’t all that close, with the exception of a very small crush that he had on them, but never acted on. So Reader gets abducted and is now being used as another piece in the experiment. And this is where the stark differences between the yandere and his other side start to come into play. They start fighting more often, the original wants to take things slowly with the reader and woo them, and be kind and sweet. Whereas the other would much rather rip off their clothes and pound them into the nearest mattress. In fact, I think the darker side could end up being very jealous of his opposite because it looks like the reader likes his counterpart more than him. This would lead to him fucking the reader endlessly over and over again because they’re not allowed to forget how he makes them feel. I imagine that at some point the two of them compromise and agree that rather than fight all the time, they’ll simply share the reader, so they each have them for one week. And the reader dreads the days when their little scientist has to disappear and hands them over to his other side.
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How'd you know? Huh? How'd you know that I was weirdly obsessed with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde when I was younger? Huh? How'd you know I had a huge crush on an old-timey literature figure. You've been reading my mind or something?
Ok but in all seriousness,,,, and I know I say this a lot,,,,, but I LOVE Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde tropes, Like I'm obsessed. Your idea is just absolutely amazing and I have to write something now!! (If that's ok with you, I can delete it if you want). I have unfortunately decided to not write smut really anymore, just cause (and I'm gonna sound sooooo lazy) its a bit too much work for me, and I always struggle with it, but maybe in the future, but at this stage gonna stick with smutty talk or implied stuff. Anyway!! Hope you enjoy this!
I kinda skipped straight to when Jekyll is telling the reader of their compromise, cause you set the scene so well! Also, I used their first names cause it made more sense for the reader to call them that, so henry = Jekyll, Edward = hyde. Also for some reason, Edward is australian? I didn't realise it till the end but I wrote his dialogue like a rough Aussie guy, my bad.
Lots of love, mae xx
TW: Implied past rough sex (I didn't really say whether it was dcon or not so you can choose, but the reader doesn't like hyde, like at all) vulgar talk, implied smut, hydes a real dick. Jekyll is a sweet boy and I love him your honour. gn!reader (i do always give the reader really sweet -therefore trad fem- nicknames, but no gender described)
The room was cold, barren and lonely. Yet despite its stark white walls and the shivers that wracked your body, you would rather be here than with him. Your body still ached from the last time, despite it being days ago, and deep bruises still rested along your hips in the shape of large fingers and hands. He loved taking you from behind, you were sure it was because it made you feel small and made him feel even bigger than he already was.
You weren't normally given your own room but after your last run-in with Edward - that beast- the researchers gave you a small mercy by allowing you a short time by yourself. They made it clear it wouldn't be for long. Hyde, they said, was deemed too unruly, when you were gone. You promptly told them you didn't fucking care.
You sat silently on the bed, knees pressed to your chest. Watching the door. You knew they would come back for you. You only hoped Henry had everything under control by then. You sighed as you watched the metal door creak open and three male scientists dressed in lab coats and holding clipboards waltzed in. Usually, armed guards would accompany them if you were with Henry, they never knew when Edward would make an appearance.
"Subject zero zero seven two, please stand for transport" one ordered.
"My name is-" you tried, sick of them dehumanising you. They called Henry and Edward by their respected last names, but you? At this point, you were sure they saw you as nothing more than a chew toy.
"Your name is not of consequence. Now please stand for transport" The larger of the three spoke, hand resting on his walkie-talkie. You knew they were seconds away from calling the guards in. With a deep sigh, you stood.
'Please, please, please let it be Henry' you begged whoever or whatever was listening.
"Darling! You're back! Thank goodness, I was getting worried. Are you feeling ok? Did they feed you? Have you slept? When was the last time you had a bowel movement?" Henry rushed, hands holding your cheeks as he checked you over. His honey-brown eyes were a welcome comfort and his smooth hands calmed you. I was him, it was Henry.
"Henry, I'm fine! Really. Yes, they feed me, yes I slept and ew why would I tell you that?"
"Consistent bowel movements are a sign of good health. So?" he sighed.
"You don't need to know everything little about me Henry," you said, looking up at him with sad eyes.
"Yes I do, how else am I going to make sure you're ok? It's the least I could do, after...well, you know" he whimpered, hands finding yours. His fingers danced along the back of your hands before folding into palms and holding tight.
"It's not your fault I'm here Henry. It's theirs" you comforted, thumbs stroking his.
"That's not what I'm sorry about"
"I don't wanna talk about him. Please" you begged, turning away from Henry to make your way to the bed. Henry's and yours, and Edward's if you were being honest, the room was a mix between comfort and chaos. The white walls were covered in Henry's equations and sketches, most of which were drawings of scientific topics such as the anatomy of a Golden Wedge Tail Eagle, or you. To be honest most of his sketches were of you, pretty little things of you doing the most mundane of tasks. You weren't vain, but they did make you smile. The bed was filled with pillows and warm blankets, and crates of fiction and non-fiction books littered the outskirts of the room. Hanging from the ceiling were pretty little pot plants, many of which had vines and leaves that dangled down. It was a relatively large room, with an attached bathroom and a small window above the bed that Henry would use to teach you astronomy.
It was a pretty room, and it comforted you, as long as it was just you and Henry. You choose to ignore the marks left by the headboard of the bed on the wall or the blanket covering the crate filled with drawings of you doing vulgar acts, lewd and naked. For such a brute, he was quite a talented artist. You had begged Henry to destroy them, but he said Edward would be mad if he did. Henry was a sweet boy, but his other side was not.
"Actually" Henry began, "We do need to talk about him"
"Why?" you asked, fear filling your heart.
"Darling, you know if there was a way to get rid of him-" Henry stopped, and a shudder ran through him. The tell-tale sign of Edward not liking what he was hearing. Henry took a deep breath and continued "- if there was a way to separate him from me, I would...but there isn't. And we have to be practical about this"
You nodded for him to continue, despite wishing he would just shut his stupidly handsome face up.
"I can't keep fighting him. He's stronger, more aggressive, one day he might just figure out a way of getting rid of me, and I don't want to have to leave you behind with-" he stopped again, but no shudder, he had caught himself before saying something that would make Edward really mad, "I don't want to leave you" The unspoken 'with him' rested in the air " So we came to a compromise" he finished, a smile on his face.
"A compromise?" from your place on the bed, you tucked your knees into your chest.
"Yes! It was his idea actually, and a great one at that!"
It wasn't making you feel too great.
"I have one week with you and well Edward has the next. And we alternate. A week each. No more, no less"
"No!" shouted, standing from the bed to your feet. "No"
"Darling please" Henry begged, rushing to you, hands resting on your cheeks.
"You know I don't like him, Henry" you sniffled, tears making their way to your eyes, "He's cruel"
"He was just acting out, that's all! But now that we will have equal time with you, he will calm, I know it."
"What if he doesn't? What if he's worse, what if he doesn't let you back out, what if-" you began to panic, this was truly your worst nightmare. "Henry, I can't lose you to him, please, please stay. Please fight. For me?" you begged, eyes filled with hope. Henry was kind to you, Henry loved you. Maybe you even loved Henry.
"Darling, I promise you he won't hurt you. Promise, and I promise he won't keep me locked away. He might be a, well a dick" - henry didn't like to swear- " but he is a man of his word."
"Well, I suppose I have a whole week to get ready anyway, right?"
"Ah about that"
"He wanted the first week"
You stepped back from Henry. You felt betrayed.
"It was his idea for the compromise so I let him have the pick of the weeks" Henry guiltily explained.
"You let him?" you huffed, falling back onto the bed.
"Darling-" a shudder, "he wants to come out now, he says he already missed the first day with you-" a stronger shudder "I have to go"
"Wait! Stay just a little bit, please?" you asked, running to hug Henry. You really, really didn't want him to go.
"I'm sorry darling. Don't worry though, I'll be back before you know it"
With a sweet kiss to the cheek, he was gone. You hated it when they changed. Despised it even, the cracking of bones, and the sound of muscles tearing. You took large steps back and watched in disgust as Henry's average height grew, how his hands went from those of a researcher, smooth and clean, to large and thick, with rough skin littering them. His hair grew too, a beard made its way forth, his eyes changed too. From honey brown to icy blue. Cold and unfeeling. Edward took a second before groaning in relief.
"Fuck me! Finally outta that fucker's shitty little body!" Edward shouted, stretching his arms and back.
His eyes fell on you.
"Well hey there sweet cheeks, long time no fucking see" he grinned, eyes racking over your body. You gave him a cold look before looking elsewhere.
"Oi! Look at me when I'm talking to you! You think you're better than me don't ya love. You and that piss poor excuse for a man."
Edward made his way over to you, blocking you against the wall, Henry's sketches scratched at your neck and back
. "But ya ain't better than me darl, me and you both know that. Oh Ed, oh Eddie! Oh fuck me Ed!, remember that love? You were begging for my dick then weren't ya?" he laughed, his poor imitation of you leaving a sour taste on your tongue. "And I gave it to you alright, better than that fucker ever could, bet he can't even keep it up, eh? Well does he?" he mocked.
You turned your head away.
A hand smacked in front of your eyes, giving you a shock, you turned your head back to him, his eyes digging into you, a smirk lingering on his face.
"youse two are always scheming to keep me away aren't ya. But no longer, eh. You and me gots the whole week to ourselves. Wonder what we can get up to yeah?" his mouth made its way to your neck and you shivered in disgust ...or was that excitement? Sometimes you think you hated him so much cause you didn't.
"You and me gonna have a whole lotta fun eh darl, I'm gonna fuck you so hard all your gonna think about when you're with that fuckwit is my cock fucking you wide open, like the good fucking whore you are. And I promise I won't tell your little mate how much you liked it."
"Promise?" you whimpered.
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thomase1 · 2 years
So, hello there.
I saw @mischief2sarawr 's post and felt the need to write a little something.
As somebody whose birthdays always end up a catastrophe, I felt this personally. So I whipped up this little drabble. My first ever story published here hehe. English is not my native language so I apologize for any grammatical errors or weird phrasing.
Oh and @lokisgoodgirl I stole your sas tag list I hope you dont mind. 😁
Reader × Loki
Warnings: everything that can go wrong goes wrong, Loki thirst, smut, restraints (not on you), maybe size kink, a grain of angst if you squint.
You will have to take it as surprise so I dont spoil everything, but I think the sas wont mind.
I hope.
Ok, I did get carried away a little it seems, word count ~3,500
[AN: If you got notified again, sorry, I edited it since the errors really bothered me and also changed a few things. :)) ♡]
So here goes nothing:
It was your birthday.
And it is terrible.
Nobody from the team even wished you a happy birthday.
They all forgot it seems like.
And to top it off, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
It started with small but annoying things, like the coffee machine needing new water, fair enough.
Then new beans, alright.
Then a cleaning, fucking hell.
And then you noticed that you are out of milk.
Just your whole breakfast was already ruined, moldy bread, rock solid butter,... it just kept going.
After that, you went back to your room, opening the package with clothes and other small things you ordered for yourself.
The shirt was a different color, the hoodie was itchy instead of soft, the leggings were far too small and the jeans ripped open, a cool breeze confirming. Your ass open for anybody to see.
You just clumped it all up and threw it in the last corner of your room, trying to forget about it.
And it just kept going after that, small accidents like spilling your juice, burning your food and stubbing your little toe.
It was the worst day you have ever had and the worst of it all?
Its not even a small birthday, its your 30th.
So for the others to not remember that, after year and years of beeing a part of the team, to say it stung would be a giant understatement.
So you decided to just go back to your room and sleep, maybe the universe had a little mercy on you and would let you sleep peacefully.
On your way back, your nerves and frustration finally took over, tears brimming in your eyes. You felt them spill, running down your cheek as you reached your door.
Opening it, you felt you are not alone, its just part of your instincts to sense other presences around.
Then you smell it, a familiar smell, a smell you loved.
Frest like snow.
Smoky like a campfire and...
Oh how you love this smell.
It makes you weak in the knees, the fact that you had been crushing over him for a long time only adding to it.
You two always flirted, you are good friends but never more. Much to your dissapointment.
But what the hell is he doing here?
You were facing your living area, a soft cough ripping you from your thoughts. You turn around and find...
Loki, sitting cross legged on your coffee table, his arms tied to his torso by some beautiful golden chains. (An: lets forget about the ones at his feet since they dont look like they do much anyway.)
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"Darling, why are you crying?", Loki speaks, takeing you from your thoughts once again.
You hear the chains creak against his leather, leaning forward as if trying to reach you. You forgot about the wet streaks coating your cheeks, how embarrassing.
"What is this? Did somebody do this to you?", you ask him, dodging his question.
"I meant to surprise you.", his eyes sparkle with mischief.
"Well you're the first to even talk to me today. But why the chains? You could have just visited.", you ask, oblivious.
"Are you trying to tell me nobody wished you a happy birthday?", he asks with furrowed brows.
"Yes. Now whats with the chains Lokes?"
He huffs, not sure if its frustration or amusement.
His mouth agape looking at you, "So thats why...", he trails off, shifting his gaze to the side,
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"Y/N, I am your surprise."
You knit your brows, the little wheels in your head turning at overdrive.
"What do you mean? What am I surpossed to-", and then it hits you.
HE is your surprise, all wrapped up for you.
"Have you figured it out now? I am at your mercy, do with me as you please.", he looks down at his feet, but you can hear his smirk.
This day suddenly got a whole lot better. You finally wipe your face and walk towards him.
"At my mercy, huh?", you smirk, delicious ideas flooding your mind.
You have wanted him for so long. Never would you have thought of him as a sub to you, but you certenly are not complaining.
But what to do out of all the things on your mind?
Slowly, you dragged your finger along the chains, following the edges of them. You slid your finger to his leather armour, feeling his chiselled chest underneath.
Loki kept his head down, but his breath became almost shaky, he is enjoying this as much as you.
You took your fingers and ghosted them up his neck, his breath cathiching in his throat. Then you trailed them along his jaw, oh how you love his jaw. You fantasize about it a lot, how it you feel buried between your thighs.
With a smirk you take his chin between your thumb and pointer finger. His tiny stubbles prickling your fingers, pushing it up so his eyes meet yours.
His gorgeous eyes capturing you once again. Those shades of green and aquamarin... so unique, never have you seen anything like them. No crystal or diamond could compare.
"So, what should I do with you, prince Loki?", you asked, hearing him take a deeper breath.
The use of his title aways thrills him, it isnt usual for anybody here to use it.
He whines as you take away your fingers, his gaze glued to you. Makeing a circle around him, you notice the pointy chain digging into his back at one spot, so you twist it a little feeling him relax slightly.
"Thank you.", he breathes.
You smile behind him and run your fingers though his hair. So soft, it feels so good to run his wavy locks through your fingers. You lightly scratch at his scalp, his head leaning to your touch.
If he were a cat, he'd be purring.
With your other hand, you go down his spine, all the way from his neck to his ass. His gorgeous, royal ass you just want to bite into like a juicy apple. The thought makes you squeeze his cheek, a sharp intake of air coming from your gift.
Your fingers keep wandering, around his waist to his stomach. You can feel his abs through the thick fabric, straining against it. You take your hand away from his luscious mane, another whine of his makeing you smirk deviously.
Sinking to your knees, you press your front to his back, laying a hand each on his knees.
His breathing quickens rapidly.
Ever so slowly you go up his thighs.
Oh how you wanna ride his thighs, use him like a toy.
You stop to squeeze the inside of his thigh, a tiny sound that can only be described as a moan sounding in your ears. Its so addictive, you instantly crave more.
Torturously slow, you make your way up his flesh. You can feel him shiver against your back as you stay only inches from where he wants you. Where you want to touch but enjoying to tantalize him far too much.
So you make your way back to his knees.
You keep them there for a while, takeing in a whiff of his hair since its right in front of you.
Who wouldnt? It smells divine, you cant even describe it.
It somehow masculine, yet feminine. A little fruity and yet spicy, but overall just natural.
As you keep smelling his hair you, more or less consciously, your hand travels up again, this time even closer to his jewels.
Again, its stays there.
"Please-", Loki whines, trying to shift towards your hands.
Devilishly, you take them away and stand up, takeing all touch from him. Never would you have dreamed about it, but Loki wiggels in his restraints and lets out a keeing, a begging sound.
You circle him, your core throbbing from neglect.
Standing im front of him, "What do you want? Miss my touch?".
He whines, "Yes, please... touch me.".
You snicker, "I will be honest, I really enjoy you like this. Whining for my touch.".
Lowering yourself, you straddle his spread legs, Loki getting cought by surprise as you hurriedly grab his ckeeks and kiss him.
He tastes sweet, his lips are soft and warm. I bet they would feel good against my ear, moaning as he fucks me from behind.
He needs a second to kiss you back, but when he does, its with the same level of enthusiasm. It doesnt take long for it to get heated, your tongues fighting for dominance in a desperate dance.
One of your hands makes contact with his clothed cock, his jaw going slack when you run your hand up and down. You break the kiss to look at him. Jaw hanging open, pupils blown wide in ecstasy and breath coming in ragged.
"Do you like that my prince?", you ask, kissing the shell of his ear.
"Y-yes- gods please-", he groans, bucking his hips toward you.
"Get rid of your pants.", you whisper in his ear and in a flash of seiðr, their gone.
Your palm makes instant contact with his length, the god hissing out in arousal. You may be strong willed, but you cant help look down.
The sight makeing your, already wet, pussy flood your panties.
His cock certenly is of godly standard, your hand looks tiny around him. His head is an angry red and precum is leaking from his slit. The sight spurs you on to hardern your grip and gradually stroke him up and down.
A moan leaves his lips, his head sinking to your shoulder, inviting you to run your free hand through his hair again.
"Somebody is excited huh? How long have you been like this?", you whisper against his hair, movement steady on him.
"I-its been a w- aaah while.", he moans.
You let your hand go over his cock, his words makeing you even hornier. He lets out a groan which he muffles on your shoulder.
"Was it before I was even here?"
He shivers, "Y-yes.. oh gods- Ive been wai- uuuh waiting for y-you.", you hardened your grip, you thumb pressing down on the vein on the underside of his girth.
"Poor thing.", you mock, feeling him tremble.
Slowly, you stood up, hearing Loki cry out, "No! Pl-please dont stop- dont leave me like this, please!".
That honestly made your heart ache for a second, you know he has a massive fear of abandonment, so it probably wasnt entirely sexual.
"That wasnt my plan, this was.", you say softly, takeing off your shirt.
He looks at you stunned, groaning as he lets his eyes wander over your cleavage.
You drop it on the floor, moving to take off your pants, "I would never leave you. Especially not like that.".
You lets them pool on the floor, looking at him to watch his reaction. He adjusts his posture, cock standing painfully tall.
You hook two fingers under the waistband of your slip, "I want to savour my delicious gift. I would be insane to walk away from you.", you slide them down, letting them drop between your feet.
You see his jaw clench, eyes savouring every inch of you.
Gracefully, you walk towards him, wasteing no time to straddle him again, letting his cock rest against your dripping heat. He throws his head back with a groan from the contact.
Your breath quickens too, it feels heavenly to finally feel him. You rocket your hips against him, your clit gliding up and down. His veins in contact with your sensitive bud makes you moan, head falling forwards to rest on his chest.
The chains poke against your forehead, so you tell him, "Remove them, all of it. I want to feel you.".
He obligates and vanishes his top and the chains, feeling his bare torso against you.
"Please-", he pants, feeling him buck his hips.
You have no objection to that, so you lift your hips and line him up. Slowly you sink down, feeling him stretch you like you have never been bofore. Both of you let out a deep moan, his cock twitching inside you.
Its almost hurts a little, which only adds to your excitement. You stay like that and look up into his eyes, dark of lust.
For a second you both you look into each others eyes when he asks, "Can I touch you?".
You nod, laying your arms around his neck. He greedily feels up and down your body, hips moving a little from excitement.
Then his exploring comes to a halt at the band of your bra, "Is it ok if I..?".
"Yes, do it.", you encourage and feel the clasp getting undone. He helps you take it off and flings is across the room, his hands cupping your breast.
He squeezes them and plays with your nipples, you buck your hips, moving in circular motions. Both of you moan at the feeling, his head sinking to your cleavage peppering small kisses all over it.
You cant take it anymore, you need to move, so you push yourself to have him in only by the tip, sinking down in a hard thrust. Its feels so good, you do it again and again, Lokis hands gripping your hips firmly, helping you with leverage.
You kiss, moaning into each others mouth. He starts meeting your thrusts as he gets desperate.
He begins to groan and thrust harder and harder, his veins and ridges gliding against your sweet spots, clit meeting his pelvis with every thrust.
"I- I'm close- is it ok if-", he groans out of gritted teeth so you interrupte him.
"Yes, its ok- let go-", you tell him, cupping his cheek to kiss him.
He tightens his hold on your grip, surely leaving little bruises behind, but you love the feel of it.
His thrusts get more desperate, erratic.
He stills, pushing you down on him as he spills inside of you.
You didnt come, but its ok, this was a true pleasure. He rides himself through his high and wraps his arms agroud you.
"This was so nice, thank you Loki.", you tell him, stroking his hot cheek.
"Was? Darling you did not finish, we are far from done here.", he tells you, cupping your cheek to look at you with a wicked smirk.
"You wanna keep going? But you just-", you question but he heckles.
"Oh we are miles from my limits. I am a god my dear.", he pecks your neck, trailing lower to your ear. He leaves bruising kisses there, your sex clenches at the feeling.
"Mmm, you like that hm?", he mumbles against your skin.
You stretch your neck for him to grand him better access.
"What do you want me to do with you? I am your gift.", he asks you.
"Just take me. Fuck me how you want to.", you groan, feeling the excitement reignite.
"Your wish is my command.", he grabs your waist and stands up with you.
Instinctively your arms and legs wrap around him. He walks over to the next free wall, pushing you against it carefully.
He takes your knees and pushes them up, holing you up and spreading you. His mouth starts to trail your throat, gently nipping at it.
You try to move your hips but fail, "Patience kitten.", he tells you firmly.
You whine at him but he ignores you, kissing your cleavage and speading hickeys all over it. Is he marking you?
Just as you think about it, he thrusts his hips, even his semi hards cock feels like heaven.
His seed spills out and you moan from the sudden pleasure as he keeps on thrusting, feeling him harden inside of you. His thrust stay in a slow rhythm, each thrust bottoming out iside of you.
"Lokii...", you moan.
He groans from your sounds, engulfing your lips with his as he changes his angle. He now hits your g spot perfectly, you cry out from the pleasure, moaning his name over and over.
You grip his shoulder and claw at his back with the other hand, needing to hold on to something. The coil in your stomach tightens, fast, and he can feel that.
"Thats right... say my name- youre squeezing me so well, gods-", he throws his head back and you admire his muscular neck, a vampires dream.
You are a moaning mess, wanting release but also not wanting this to end.
"Close- I'm... ahhh... please dont stop-", you keen feeling your limbst tingle. You sink your nails even deeper into his back pulling a gutteral moan from him.
"Come with me- for me Y/n.", he lets one of his hands leave the hollow of your knee and meets your clit, pressing down on it.
"Ah fuuuuck Lokiiii-", you climax as he starts stroking your clit.
Your channels clench around him, spurring on his orgasm, "Oh gods- fuck- s-so good-".
You feel him come inside of you, thusting into you deeply, holding himself there. He keeps moving his finger on your clit, prolonging your high.
"Your still milking me- your such a good girl-", he starts riding you both though your highs, only stopping when you cry out in overstimulation.
You sink your head to his shoulder, trying to catch your breath. He rests his chin on your head, calming down hilself.
After both of you have calmed down a little, he grabs your other knee again, walking you both to the shower. He sets you down, pulling out, and steadies you.
Your legs are jello but you can stand.
"That was amazing, best fuck ever. We should do that again some time.", you tell him honestly, makeing him chuckle.
"Oh trust me, we will. You are mine now.", he pecks your lips.
"You wanna date me?", you ask surpised.
"Well yes, except if you dont-", you shush him by kissing him, that should answer it.
You both take a shower and help each other clean up. Which may or may not have lead to him fingering you while cleaning you up.
He held you steady the whole time. Not beeing able to keep from kissing one another, the shower took a long time.
After you finally got out, both of you dried yourselfs. You already wanted to blow dry your hair when Loki dried his and your hair with him seiðr.
"Wait, couldnt you have just cleaned us up with your magic then?", you ask him suspiciously.
"Sure. But takeing a shower together was more fun.", he says, makeing a fingering motion with his fingers.
You giggle and slap his arm but your pussy got wet once again. He is holding your mind hostage and you started dating about an hour ago.
"Wait, did you put the chains on yourself? Why did you make them so tight and uncomftable?", you ask him.
"Yes I did. I wanted it to be realistic and I placed that one piece of it deliberatly to dig into me.", he smirks.
"Why would you do that?", you are a little dumbstruck.
"I was curious if you would notice and wanted to see what you would do.", he explains to you.
Your mouth forms a silent 'o' and you nod in understanding.
"Now, lets get ready, I want to take you somewhere.", he snaps his wist and both of you are clothed.
He is dressed in his black Gucci suit, the one you always longed to tear off his body. Sometimes dreams do come true, well, you have yet to take it off of him, but youre sure that can be arranged.
He dressed you in a black cocktail dress with no straps, leaving your collar bones free. It gives you a nice cleavage and the skirt is covered by a layer of tulle, small forest green accents stitched on it.
"Wow, its gorgeous Loki. And you look so handsome, I love that suit.", you tell him with a beaming smile.
"Well thank you darling. I really did a good job, that dress is fit for a queen like you.", he admires, spinning you around.
You giggle and wrap your arms around him, kissing him passionatly, loving, "Thank you Loki, honestly. You turned the worst birthday Ive ever had into the best.".
You see his eyes sprakle, "Now, lets go before I cant hold back from tearing that dress off.".
With a bit of protest you let him lead you to the rooftop, the elevator doors open and reaveal fairy lights, dance music and a bartender mixing drinks.
But also the whole team, shouting "Happy bithday!".
You are taken by surprise, your mouth dropping open as Tony hands you your favourite drink.
"You didnt forget?", you ask them getting teary eyed.
"No! Of course not! We thought it was a cruel plan, but my brother insisted on it.", Thor defends.
"He told us he had a plan and well- I think its clear what it was.", Tony says, gesturing to your neck.
Embarrassmemt floods you as you realize Lokis hickeys are at display for all the team to see.
"Yes. While that may be partly true-" Loki says and looks at you, whispering, "are you alright with me makeing it official?".
You answer him with a nod, getting more anxious to how they will react.
"We are now courting.", he announces, not beeing able to contain his excitement he smiles from cheek to cheek.
"Finally!", say Wanda and Nat in unision.
"Took you long enough brother. Congratulations.", booms Thor, strideing to him, clapping him on the back proudly.
You hear Loki groan very subtly at the harsh treatment.
Oh Thor, always miscalculating your strengh.
"While I cant understand it, congrats guys. Now, lets get this party started!", Tony says, turning to the bar.
And that is how Loki and you started dating.
And also the best birthday you ever had.
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@lokischambermaid @fictive-sl0th @wheredafandomat @sarahscribbles @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbsblr @maple-seed @xorpsbane @holdmytesseract @loopsisloops @simplyholl @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @thedistractedagglomeration @mochie85 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @xorpsbane @tbhiddlestan83
@tessathechild (since you asked me to tag u in my fics hehe)
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crushculture03 · 10 months
Chapter 26
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Warning smut & angst
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Time skip about 2 months
The past two months have treated both jules and Matty pretty decently, the two had yet to talk to each other yet, which jules was content about, but Matty on the other hand was dying to contact her again.
Ever since he saw her storm out of the concert, he has been unable to get her out of his mind. But with the release of the new album and the idea of a new tour looming over his head, he tried to push her out of his mind and focus on what lay ahead for him and the band.
For Jules though, that night of the concert 2 months ago had changed her view on him slightly, how could he write a song saying he loved her and then go write another saying their love died on its own, when it was truly his fault that their love came to an end.
But unfortunately or maybe fortunately, their efforts to stay away from each other would soon end, when Jaime would invite both of them to a party dirty hit was hosting....
Jules nervously made her way up to the roof, where the party was being held, everything in her hoped that Matty wouldn't be in attendance tonight; with the new album out she expected him to most likely be busy. Unfortunately when she stepped off the elevator, her hopes were shattered when she spotted him at the bar. She quickly pulled her phone out and hurried to a more secluded part of the roof, praying he hadn't noticed her.
"Charli he's here I thought he would be busy, and since he's here that probably means she's here" jules texted her best friend, immediately charli texted back, "Shit I'm sorry jules, just try to ignore him, I'm here if you need anything" she reassured her friend. Jules sighed, not knowing if she should leave or stay.
"You ok there?" an all too familiar voice asked her, "Go away Matthew '' she mumbled, those were the first words they had spoken to each other in months.
Unfortunately for Jules, Matty decided to sit next to her instead of following her wishes. "What do you not get about me asking you to go away?" she huffed, finally looking over at him with anger and hurt prevalent in her stare. "I just wanted to check up on you, that's all," Matty said, putting his hands up in surrender.
Jules scoffed, "I'm fine thanks, where's your little pet? You should keep her on a leash you know instead of letting her harass me "Jules snapped. Matty sighed, "I'm sorry I don't know why she would post something like that" he responded back, "Whatever, she got what she wanted which was you so can't she just leave me alone" jules responded, quickly grabbing her purse and getting up to leave. "Where are you going?" Matty asked, quickly getting up from the bench as well and following her to the elevators, "Somewhere far away from you Matthew" she sighed.
She soon felt his hand grab her wrist and gently turn her around, "Jules, would you please just talk to me?" Matty pleaded, Jules looked at him, tears threatening to spill from her eyes at any minute. Luckily they were still in a pretty secluded area of the roof and no one was there to disturb their conversation. 
"Why should I matty? Huh what the fuck could you possibly say to me right now? Are you sorry?" Jules said, ripping her wrist out of his grasp. "That you didn't mean to hurt my feelings, that you wanna be friends?" she said, tears now finding their way to her eyes and spilling slowly down her face as she moved closer to him.
"You broke my heart Matthew Healy, no, you shattered it and just as I had mended it, you come back and ruin it" she snapped, matty was taken aback at jule's sudden outburst. "What are you talking about ruining it again? I thought you were with pretty boy ross?" Matty commented. "We broke up," she quickly responded, trying her best to wipe away her tears as they fell. "Oh, i-i'm sorry" , Matty said.
"You know things between jade and I have been pretty rocky lately" he commented, looking down at his shoes, "She keeps asking me to sleep with her but I refuse everytime, guess it just doesn't feel right" he commented, looking back up at jules.  Julie scoffed "Aw can't get your dick hard for her can you? Well guess what, Healy , you broke up with me! So you don't get to imply you miss sleeping with me, when you're the one who ended it in the first pl-" but before she could finish her sentence she felt a pair of lips meet her own.
Going against her better judgment, Jules kissed him back, she missed the way his lips felt against hers, when they kissed she felt like she was home. But reality set back in and she quickly pushed him away "You have a girlfriend matty, we can't" jules whispered, that kiss had tore her walls down, and all of sudden the anger she felt towards him seemed like a distance memory, she knew it was wrong but she wanted him, no she needed him.
"I don't care Foreman" he whispered, before pulling her back in for a quick kiss, "let's get out of here" he said, as he guided her to the elevator. As soon as the doors closed behind the two, he pushed her up against the wall, immediately using his lips to attack her neck. Jules let out a soft moan as he found the sweet spot on her neck. He quickly pulled away as he felt the elevator stop in the lobby, once again he gently took her hand, and led her to the nearest taxi.
Once the two arrived at his house, he quickly unlocked the door and dragged Jules up the stairs and to his room. He gently pushed her down on the bed, admiring the way her blonde curls fell around her.
She quickly reached up and grabbed his tie, tugging him down to her level and connecting their lips, matty put both of his hands on the space around her head, in order to steady himself over her.
"You're so gorgeous Julie, '' he whispered in her ear, as one of his hands slowly creeped its way up her thigh, slowly making its way up to where she needed him most.
Matty's hand stopped as it came in contact with the cotton fabric of her underwear, the girl gasped as he slowly applied pressure to her clothed core. "Fuck i've missed this" he responded, and quickly dipped his head down to met her lips once again, "You're soaking wet just for me arent you love" he teased. "Always" she responded back, which made him smile.
"Matty" she breathed, "yes love" he hummed back, "please i need you" she replied back, and just that sentence had him putty in her hand.
He quickly pulled away and removed both his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers only, he quickly helped Jules out of her dress so she too was just in her undergarments. He admired the girl beneath him, god how he had missed this sight.
Matty quickly kicked off his boxers, eager to start the night's events. Just as his fingers hooked themselves on the side of her cotton underwear, Jules stopped him "Matty are you sure about this? What about her?" Jules asked, mentally kicking herself for bringing jade up.
"I've never been more sure about anything in my life jules" he responded, and with that he quickly yanked her underwear off, discarding it somewhere in the room. He slowly entered her, trying his best to savor the moment, Jules let out a soft moan at the contact, ' god how i've missed this' she thought.
Once he was fully inside of her he stopped for a moment and looked down at her once again, "I love you Julie" he whispered, then leaned down and kissed her, as he did so his hips adopted a steady rocking motion.
"I love you too matty" she moaned back, the pleasure she was experiencing was a feeling she had missed. They knew what they were doing was wrong, matty was still in a relationship and jules should be mad at him for what he did, but none of that seemed to matter at the moment. All that mattered in that moment was the love and connection the two felt for each other.
After a few minutes, Jules felt the familiar feeling of euphoria rising in her stomach "matty" she whispered, as her hands dug their way into his soft curls, "I know baby" he responded back, feeling the same sensation she felt. Jules finished first, the wave of euphoria washing over her as she softly tugged on his curls, matty soon followed in his bliss, his hips slowing down while the two rode out their highs. He placed one last kiss on her lips before pulling out slowly and laying down next to her, the two sat in silence as they both tried to process what had just happened.
"Matty" she whispered, finally breaking the peace, he turned on his side to face her. "Yes darling" he smiled and gently pushed a loose hair from her face "I meant it when I said I love you" she replied, searching his face for any sign of regret, "I meant it too" he replied, and pulled her into his arms.  And for the rest of the night the two peacefully slept in eachothers arms, not worrying about the repercussions that the night would cause, the only thing they cared about was being held by the person they loved.
A/N : Ahhhh i hoped you all liked it! i've been planning this chapter for so long and love how it turned out! also i definitely don't condone cheating but jade is lowkey kinda a bitch and jules and matty are meant to be tbh! anyways hope y'all enjoyed!
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nothing more
Tags: Smut, angst, kinda fluff
“Ngh! Levi!...Levi..harder...yes..YES...fuck...Fuck...Levi!” you screamed as your back arched off the bed and your body convulsed in a mind-blowing orgasm. Levi smirked as he kept pumping into you, his hips smacking against your thighs as your arms wrapped around his back. He was so close. He leaned forward, leaning his weight onto his right hand as he continued to pump into your quivering body, and freed his left hand in order to fondle your breast. 
You moaned again, feeling the tingling of your sixth...or was it seventh orgasm building in your gut. As Levi pinched your nipple between his fingers, you keened, breath coming out fast and hot. “Please Levi....please...cum inside me Levi...please!” you begged. 
Grunting, Levi felt pride swell in his chest as he could feel you come undone again, your body gripping his cock tight, bringing him ever closer to the edge. He could feel his self control crumbling as you begged for his release. With another grunt and a soft groan, he slammed his cock into you as deep as he could while smashing his lips to yours in an attempt to muffle your scream as you came simultaneously.
As you caught your breath, you thought of how you ended up in this situation. 
It was three months ago when Levi first approached you. You and him had been working closely together for years now, both working up the ranks together. You always had to push back in order to get assigned leadership roles due to the fact that the military was still run by old men. It too you years to prove yourself just as capable if not more than those fuckers who just had to show up and were assigned high ranking leadership roles, or were handed command just because their father or uncle was the previous commander. You worked yourself to the bone to get where you were. 
That was what actually first drew you to Levi. He never questioned you, never undermined you, and always took what you had to say to heart. He valued your opinions and strategic skills, and often relied on your opinions. Somehow, in the years of working together, you felt yourself drawn to him, and him to you. 
But this was the military. It was no fun and games. Lives were gambled with every day for the greater good, and families were ripped apart all too often. 
You knew how Levi felt about relationships, given that you had seen him through a number of committed relationships only to lose his significant other to illness, injury, or the depth of a titan’s mouth. You were also with him when he steeled himself against the emotions that threatened spill over after his last partner left him, saying she would rather be with a man who might live long enough to see his grandkids. That was when Levi vowed that he would never pursue a relationship again. 
Months later, you and the captain had been drinking tea alone in the mess hall after hours when he asked you. “Hey, Y/N, I’ve been thinking. How do you feel about having sex? With me?” 
You of course, choked on your tea and had to take a moment to compose yourself before confirming what you thought you heard. “Did I hear you right Levi? Are you asking me to have sex with you? Are you out of your mind?” 
The onyx haired man sitting beside you in the dimly lit hall didn't even blink. “Think about it Y/N, we have both seen too much death and destruction to delude ourselves into thinking having a relationship is possible while doing this job. I have my needs and you have yours, and, seeing as we have been friends for years, it is only logical that we would be the best match for this. Let’s forgo this relationship nonsense, and just enjoy the freedom of a friends with benefits situation” 
You had surprised Levi when you agreed with him almost immediately after his explanation. He had expected you to put up a little more of a fight. 
Having finally caught your breath, you drifted out of your thoughts and looked over at the sleeping form of Levi beside you. As much of an insomniac as he was, Levi never failed to fall asleep after you and him had a session. Wrapping an arm around your nakedness, you managed to gather all your clothes and dressed yourself quickly before slipping out of Levi’s room without a sound. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to fall asleep next to him.
Your emotions swirled in your chest as you deluded yourself. I’m fine with this...this friends with benefits thing is great! Why would I need anything more... 
The truth was, you had been in love with Levi for years. When you first met, he was the cold, ruthless cadet that was always just slightly better than you at everything he did. And oh how you resented that. But over the years, after working so closely together, you became the one that knew and understood Levi the most. Even when Erwin could not get through to him, you could. Levi would always listen to you. 
The next time Levi asked for your company was the night before the Rose Ball. The Ball was a major headache for Erwin and the other high ranking officers as much as it was a much anticipated event. All the cadets looked forward to a night of feasting and dancing, while Erwin and the others looked forward to a chance of wooing some of the wealthier patrons into opening their chequebook. You had been looking forward to the Ball as well, and had been thinking of asking Levi to attend it with you. It wasn’t like you had anyone else to ask, and truth be told, you’d rather go with Levi anyways. 
The door swung open, revealing piercing grey eyes that scanned over your form quickly before you were ushered into the room. Before the door even had a chance to close behind you, you were roughly pushed up against the wall, Levi’s hands already all over your body, ripping your blouse off as his lips sucked harshly against the soft skin of your neck. 
“Y/N” breathed Levi as he continued to nip and suck at your skin, while you writhed in his grasp. As he worked your blouse and undergarments off, his eyes flashed to yours for a brief moment, lust filled pupils obscuring the grey you so admired. You barely had time to whimper out a soft “Mm..Levi” before his mouth descended over your breasts, sucking and licking until your core was dripping with need. As Levi slowly and expertly worked your body, you could not help but rock your hips into his, puffing your chest out slightly as you felt the hardness of his cock straining against his pants. 
Feeling bold, you reached down and began working his belt off, hands sloppily unbuckling him and all but tearing apart the button and working the zipper down before grabbing a handful of his cock. This earned you a particularly enticing grunt and a soft whisper of “Fuck, Y/N...thats it...”
Wasting no time, you shimmied off your own pants with one hand while the other continued to stroke Levi and by the time your pants had pooled around your ankles, you had already turned your body to face the door you were pressed against, Levi’s cock still in your hand, but now positioned exactly where you needed him. 
Levi obviously understood, and wasted no time in bending you over and grabbing a handful of your hair while thrusting into you all at once, giving you no time to adjust. “Fuck, Levi, you feel so good inside...” You breathed, tears prickling your eyes at the intensity of it all. 
It was nearly an hour later when you both finally collapsed onto the bed, completely spent. Knowing you had about 3 minutes before Levi insisted on dragging your sorry ass into the shower and change the sheets, you figured this was as good a time as any to finally ask him. 
“Hey Levi...about the Ball tmr...” your started 
“Oh. Yah, that reminds me. You would not believe this Y/N.” Levi suddenly sat up and turned towards you. “You would NOT believe what eyebrows did.” Levi repeated. “He set me up with a bunch of old geezers’ daughters tomorrow for the Ball. Apparently they all wanted to meet me and so Erwin arranged me to be their guide and official date. Official date to a bunch of little rich brats just so we can get their daddies money. Tch.” Levi lay back down and scoffed, his hands running through his hair. 
You swallowed thickly, trying to get the lump out of your throat. Of course Levi already had a date. Scratch that. He had multiple dates. As much as you tried to reason with yourself that Erwin was the one who set it up, you couldn't help but feel the jealousy pool in the pit of your stomach. 
As much as you prepared yourself for the scene in front of you, it still hurt to see a beautiful woman in Levi’s arms as they twirled around the room to the light music that was playing. Levi had his typical pokerface on, but you could see traces of a smile on his face. This irked you even more as you knew how rare those smiles were. As the dance finished up, Levi was swarmed by his posse of young aristocrats. They were all dripping in gorgeous jewelry, and each tried to outdo each other - bosoms were a mere breath from escaping the confines of their corsets. As much as Levi hated politics and the insincerity of such events, he knew how important funding was, and so bit back a sigh as he allowed himself to be dragged onto the dance floor once again by one of the young ladies. 
You tugged at your own dress. It was a plain grey dress with sequins. How funny was it that just mere hours ago, you felt the most beautiful you have ever felt, and suddenly now, you felt underdressed and plain. You were about to turn around and retreat to your quarters when you heard someone clear their throat behind you, and a light tap on your shoulder. As you twirled around, you hoped it would be Levi, but instead you met the deep blue eyes of Erwin looking down at you with a kind smile. 
“Commander Y/N, may I say you look absolutely divine tonight.” Compliments came easy to Erwin, who was used to schmoozing for funds, but you still felt your cheeks heat up with warmth at the prospect of your boss paying you such attention. You giggled to yourself as you hid your blush and whispered a soft “thank you” back to him. 
“Shall we?” 
You had to take a step back and blinked a couple times before you registered Erwin’s outstretched hands. He was asking you to dance. 
Hesitating, you saw out of the corner of your eye that Levi was still twirling around the room with yet another woman, her hands wrapped around Levi’s neck and his hands around her waist. You felt your heart clench in your chest and shook your head a little, willing your tears not to form. Steeling your heart, you took Erwin’s hands and fell into an easy rhythm, with his hands placed softly against your waist as yours gently rested on his broad shoulders. Erwin told you about the various women around the room as you danced, whispering to you their background and family situation as well as his strategic plans for how to increase the budget for next year. You laughed easily at the jokes and stories Erwin told you, revealing how that one particular aristocrat in the corner there had once wet themselves in front of Levi during an interrogation. As the music came to a close, you parted from Erwin, the both of you sharing a broad smile before you respectfully bowed and retreated to the refreshments table. 
You absentmindedly stirred cream and sugar into your tea, and started when you felt a light tapping on your shoulder. Turning around, your tea sloshing in the cup, you were surprised when your eyes met Levis. He had a scowl on his face, eyes narrowed and grip now tightening around your wrist. 
“Le-Levi...Is everything okay?” You managed to stutter, setting down your tea and gently prying his hand off your wrist. 
“Dance with me Y/N.” Was the reply. 
You faltered, your feet getting tangled with the hem of your dress as Levi all but dragged you out onto the dance floor, as the next dance was gearing up. This was so different than the dance you shared with Erwin. There was no warmth this time with Levi, just rigid movements and frustration. 
As you hesitantly placed your arms around Levi’s shoulders, you felt his hands grip your waist. As you leaned in, a sweet, flirtatious gaze in your eyes as you tried to tease the tense man. Any onlooker would look at the two of you dancing and presume you were whispering sweet nothings to him.
“Hey Levi, one of those royal ladies tried to cop a feel or something? What crawled up your ass?” you murmured. 
He only scoffed, barely looking at you. 
His rebuff was like a stab straight to your heart, and your footing faltered once more, your heel catching Levi's ankle. 
Grunting, Levi let go of you and pushed you an arms length away, causing you to sway a little, just narrowly avoiding all the other twirling couples around you. 
“You weren’t so clumsy dancing with Erwin earlier!” Levi spat “What, I’m not good enough for you or something Y/N?” 
You spluttered, mouth open and closing in disbelief. You couldn’t help the tears that filled your eyes once more as you didn't even bother with a reply, choosing instead to turn on your heels and weave your way through the crowd, back to the refreshment table to catch your breath.
Levi watched your retreating figure and scoffed again, one hand reaching towards his cravat and loosening it slightly. The emotion that was swirling in the man's chest was one that he hadn't felt in many moons. The green fire of jealousy swirled within him as he watched you twirl around the room with Erwin. Erwin of all people. He barely registered the pampering of the girl that was in his arms, filling his nostrils with the sickly sweet scent of vanilla and custard that she apparently bathed in before the dance. All he could see was how close Erwin was to you, how easily he made you laugh in his arms, and how you looked so comfortable, so carefree, so at peace.
A soft hand placed on his cheek roused him from his reverie and it took all his restraint to avoid recoiling from the touch. Another lady had sauntered up to him, inviting him to dance. She was all over him from the beginning, her hand stroking his cheek as she pressed her bosom up against his chest, giving him an eyeful. Her voice was dripping with lust, her eyes lidded and lacquered lips parted. Yet, Levi was unmoved. 
You sighed, heart clenching once again in your chest as you watched Levi from across the room. You couldn't understand why the strongest man you knew would allow himself to be touched in such a way by the lady in his arms. You could practically hear him screaming to himself in his head about the germs and grime. Placing down your teacup, you took one more lingering look at Levi before plodding across the hall to retreat to your room. You barely made it halfway when clawed hands came and ripped out the pin in your hair, as another tore at the sleeve of your dress. 
You whirled around, hands up and ready to fight, only to find yourself surrounded by Levi’s posse. 
“Who do you think you are, you little commoner peasant? Dancing with our Levi?” 
“You think with your slutty dress you can entice our captain?” 
“Look at her, trying to show us up with your boobs pressed up like that”
Their voices tore at your self esteem as their nails tore at your dress and hair. You wanted to fight back, and god knew you could have all of them on their asses within a minute, but you knew what that would do to your reputation and most importantly, what the repercussions would be on the funding. So you just took it. Your eyes were empty and dead as you took in their words, cutting deeper and deeper into your heart. 
No wonder Levi was just using you. How could he fall in love with someone like you. Independent, sarcastic, and as good a cusser as anyone on the squad. You were drenched in sweat half the week, and in titan blood the other half. Your body was lean, no curves and soft edges like these women in front of you. Your hair was soft, but nowhere near as soft and smooth as the tresses of these ladies, and you barely used water to wash your face, your beauty a far cry from the carefully made up faces of the ladies before you. You felt the bile rise up in your chest, feeling sick that you ever once entertained the prospect of Levi and your unorthodox relationship blossoming into anything more.
By now, the ladies had run out of things to insult you with, and, as the next song was gearing up, craned their necks to look for Levi. They were surprised when the man they were looking for appeared in front of them, eyes roaming over your now undone hair, hairpin on the ground, and the loose threads of your dress sleeves. As your tired lifeless eyes met Levi’s, you thought you could see a moment of worry in his eyes before his mouth curled into a smile as he gestured to the ladies around you. 
“What seems to be the problem here?” Levi inquired, stooping down to pick up your hairpin. 
“Nothing Captain Levi, we were just teaching this commoner a lesson!” 
“Thats right Captain! We saw her forcing you to dance earlier and came to tell her to back off.” 
“Is she anyone to you captain? Why did you dance with her? Why not with one of us?” 
At the last question, you raised your eyes to meet Levi’s. Your breath caught in your throat and your heart drummed against your chest waiting for his reply. 
“Tch. She's nobody special, just a colleague. Let’s get back to the dance floor ladies, no need to worry about her.” Levi’s words were the final nail in the coffin for you that night. Hot tears finally fell from your eyes as you met his eyes with absolute fury. You gave him the best glare you could as you turned once again on your heels and ran for the doors, ripping off your earrings and necklace as your feet took you to your room.
It was hours later when Levi knocked on your door. When you pretended not to hear it, he let himself in. Looking at your figure, huddled in the corner of your bed, he sighed and sat with you. 
“Look, Y/N...” He grimaced, unable to come up with the words. “I had to do that. You understand. It’s the politics. If they knew our relationship, donations would have dwindled.” 
You knew his words made sense, hell, you would have done the same thing. But somehow it didn’t lessen the pain. 
You plastered a fake smile on your face and looked up at him. “Levi, it’s fine. I just had a rough night. Nothing to do with you. I understand why you did what you did, and its fine. Really.” How you managed those words without your voice wavering was a feat. However, it seemed to be good enough to fool Levi, and if it wasn't he was wise enough not to press the issue any further. 
Rubbing a hand across the back of his neck, he reached into his jacket pocket and took out what he came to give you. The cravat he had wore that night. 
You had given this cravat to him a week ago, and its colour was the thing that caught his eye. It was a gorgeous light smokey grey. It never occurred to him that it just happened to be the same shade of grey as the dress you wore that night. 
With another soft smile and a soft hum in reply to Levi’s “Goodnight Y/N”, you curled yourself up into bed and willed yourself to forget everything that happened that night as you fell into an uncomfortable sleep. 
Something was wrong with you. Every time Levi looked at you, your eyes would dart away from him and you seemed to shrink into yourself. At strategy meetings, you would relay your thoughts to Erwin rather than bounce ideas off him, something you used to do without a second thought. You even chose to take on additional training schedules, teaching an additional class of recruits during what used to be shared break time between yourself and Levi. Your smiles and greetings were the same when Levi passed you in the halls, but the cheerful “Morning Captain” was a far cry from the “Heya Levi!” that you used to call him. 
You almost never met him for tea during the night anymore, and Levi suspected that you had either quit caffeine, or brought in a kettle to your room in favour of drinking in the mess hall. 
However, the base was busy, the Ball having done wonders for the reputation of the squad, and Erwin was beside himself with the donations. There was now more than enough to go on many more mapping and research expeditions, and new equipment and better food could be ordered without worrying about budget shortfalls. Levi knew how busy you were with all these new donations, and continued to operate on the belief that you weren't avoiding him as much as you were swamped with work. 
He couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Why he cared so much that you stopped calling him “Levi” and switched to calling him “Captain”. Why your smile no longer came as easily when it was directed at him. Why your usual independent, sunny self seemed to be carrying a dark cloud around. He figured it was stress from the work.
Deciding to confront you, he decided to drop by your room that night and see if he could help you destress. 
You knew it was Levi as soon as he knocked on your door. There was an unmistakable aura that the man exuded that gave him away. At least, that's what you told yourself. Deep down, you knew it was Levi because of the way your heart clenched and suddenly started hammering in your chest. 
Letting himself in following your greeting, you smiled when you saw Levi walking in with two cups of tea. You gestured towards your desk, a small army of teacups stacked in the corner. 
“You’ve been avoiding me Y/N?” Levi cut straight to the chase. 
“What? Captain. You’re imagining things. I've just been busy is all.” Your voice was soft, detached. 
The clack of ceramic against your desk startled you and you looked up to see Levi, fists at his side, his eyes deadly as they looked into yours. 
“Cut the bullshit Y/N. Spit it out. I’m sick and tired of Captain this Captain that. What crawled up your ass and died that made you like this, because you certainly don't act like this towards Erwin!” 
The dam broke. 
You stood up slowly, and instead of answering his question, you merely placed a soft hand on Levi’s shoulder and sighed. 
“Look Levi, I’m tired of all this. All this pretending. Let’s stop our arrangement. From now on, you don't have to look out for me anymore, and you’re free to look for someone else to get into an arrangement with. But it’s not going to be me anymore. I just can't do it.” 
Brushing past the man, you left your own room, not giving Levi a chance to say anything in reply. 
The next few weeks were awkward. You never realized how close you were with Levi until he removed himself from your side. He really did begin to treat you like a normal colleague, small nods as he passed you in the halls, a soft pat on the shoulder for a job well done. He even began to bypass your opinion, choosing instead to meet with Erwin or even Hanji. 
You dealt with it all, after all, it was your idea to end the arrangement. You had hoped the distance would quell the feelings for Levi that swirled in your chest. You knew you had no chance with him, after all, the ladies from that night were right. 
In a misguided effort to make yourself feel better, you even set your sights on another commander named Sara that recently transferred from another unit for Levi. You knew she had a crush on Levi, so you actively encouraged her to do the things that you knew Levi liked. You taught her how to clean to Levi's liking, how Levi liked his tea, how to properly prep his horse etc. 
You hid behind a pillar as you gestured towards Sara. She had it set that she wanted to confess to the captain, so you gave her the best tips. Bring tea, catch him at the end of the night when he's in a good mood, and be direct, not shy. 
You gave her another thumbs up and a wide smile even as your heart screamed inside your chest. 
As Sara rounded the corner of the door, you lost sight of her, but could still hear their faint voices. 
“Captain Levi sir, sorry to bother you” came Sara’s sweet voice
“Ah, Captain Sara, how are you settling in?” was Levi’s curt reply. 
“I just wanted to bring you some tea and let you know how much I appreciate you taking me under your wing after my transfer...and to let you know that, Captain Levi sir...I like you!” Sara managed to spill out all her thoughts in one fluid sentence. 
Levi sounded calm when he sighed. “Look captain, I am flattered. I’m sure a lovely young woman such as yourself have many men falling at your feet. However, I have to make it clear that I am in no position to be in a relationship, and while I accept your feelings, I am unable to reciprocate. My apologies.” 
That night, you had woken up from a nightmare, drenched in sweat. You could not remember the dream itself, but the fear and despair stayed in your heart as you caught your breath. It wasn't till half a candle length later that you retreated back to bed, freshly showered and fresh cup of tea in hand. 
You barely had time to take a sip of your tea before your door was swung open, and a wild eyed Levi barged in. Before you could even ask what the problem was, Levi barrelled himself into you, hands clenched around you, one fisted in your hair and the other behind your neck as his eyes searched yours. 
“Levi...” You breathed, unable to understand what prompted the man to suddenly behave this way. 
It was as if his name on your lips restarted him, Levi's eyes refocusing and grip loosening, but hands still remained around you. 
He buried his face in the crook of your neck and breathed in your scent. He took your left hand in his as he searched for something on your hand. 
“I had a dream Y/N. A dream you were getting married...to Erwin.” Levi managed “I couldn’t believe you of all people were going to leave me behind, and I had to check.” 
You were still puzzled, eyes finally meeting Levi's wild ones as you wrapped your arms around him and cooed softly. 
“Levi...why would I be marrying Erwin? And even if I did, I wouldn’t leave you behind silly, we’re your best friends after all.” 
You evidently said something wrong as the next second, Levi was on top of you. He had pushed you down onto your bed and his chest was heaving. 
“Don’t you say that. Even if you were married to Erwin? Even if? Y/N? Even if?” Levi yelled
“God dammit Y/N. I can't do this anymore. I endured you dancing with Erwin, I endured your cold behaviour towards me, I endured your little game with Sara, hell I even endured having to stay away from you, but this I cannot endure. Tell me, do you love him?” 
You didn’t know what to do. Frozen underneath Levi’s form, your emotions went from anger to frustration to disbelief. 
“Levi...what are you talking about. You enduring things? What about me” you managed, voice strong “I had to endure you dancing with a gaggle of girls all night, I dealt with their insults, and worst of all, I had to deal with you dismissing me as a nobody. Do you know how long I’ve loved you for you knucklehead? All those stupid sessions, I never should have agreed to it.” Your eyes were slowly filling with tears now, and Levi was so surprised at your confession he let you go, sitting back on your bed.
You lifted yourself up into a sitting position as you continued 
“I knew how you felt about relationships Levi. I know how dangerous it is for us to fall in love. So I left it. I let myself believe we were truly together on those nights. I let myself believe that you loved me back. But at that ball, when those girls were insulting me, I took it, because I knew it was for the donations. But when you told them I was nobody, I realized you were never going to love me back. Thats why I distanced myself and decided to end the arrangement. I couldn't pretend anymore Levi. But now you come and accuse me of loving Erwin? How do you think that makes me feel?” you screamed back. 
You tears had stopped by now, and you hiccuped slightly as the fatigue finally caught up to you. All the feelings that you had bottled up were finally out in the open now. 
Levi didn't say a word. He lifted your hand and reached into his own pockets before placing an item into the palm of your hand. 
It was the hairpin from the night of the Rose Ball.
Eyes swimming with emotion, you looked up at Levi to see him gazing at you with a soft look in his eyes. 
You let him pull you in, and kiss you on your tearstained cheeks. You let him nibble sweet open mouthed kisses along your jaw and press love bites along your neck. You let him hold you close to his chest as he collected himself. 
“Looks like we were both stupid huh Y/N.” Was his first words to you. 
“I realized I loved you that night I saw you dancing with Erwin, and my first thought was to punch him out. My next thought was that I wanted you to myself, and instead of telling you that, I said things I didn't mean.” 
You held your breath. Scared to breathe in case this was all a dream. 
Levi continued “When you started treating me differently, I thought I had misread the situation, I thought you had fallen for Erwin. When you ended our arrangement and started training that starry eyed Sara I thought I was strong enough to love you from afar. But after tonight...After walking you down the aisle and giving you away to Erwin...I....” Levi faltered, voice trembling for the first time. 
You reached out with you hand, placing it gently against Levi’s cheek before leaning in and connecting your lips. 
“Ngh! Levi!...Levi..yes..YES...fuck...Fuck...Levi!” You screamed, as your hands fisted in your lover’s hair. His arms held you down as your hips bucked, as his face remained buried between your thighs, every flick of his tongue making your legs quiver.
Licking his lips, Levi gave you a lopsided grin and a kiss before a groan fell across his lips as you took this moment to grab his straining cock in your hands and pumping. Flipping your positions, Levi let you straddle him as you kept pumping him, enjoying the view of your nakedness atop him. 
He closed his eyes for a moment, and nearly choked as suddenly, it wasn’t your hands around his cock but your lips. 
As you looked at him with lidded eyes, sloppily licking at him, Levi swore that he had never seen anything sexier in his life. 
Growling, he pawed at you, urging you to straddle him as he sunk himself into your wet heat. 
Your belly clenched as Levi fully sheathed himself into you, your head thrown back and hips quivering in delight. It didn’t take too long before you were screaming your release on top of him, his hands around your breasts. 
Flipping your now boneless body, Levi settled on top of you, and entered you once more, somehow triggering the starting waves of another orgasm within you. 
As he pumped you chanted his name, along with whispers of “I love you...I love you Levi.” When he came, emptying inside you, you both didn't move. Wrapped around each other. 
Levi pressed a kiss to your sweaty forehead and bundled you up to shower off with him. 
It had taken some time, but you were finally together. Both unable to escape the feelings that drew you together like a magnet. Nothing else had changed, the job was still dangerous, and politics were still present, with you having to entertain the gentlemen and Levi having to dance with the ladies. What was different though, was the fact that everyone now knew who you were, and what you meant to Levi. Both of you were too scared to admit it, but sometimes, there are two people that were just fated to be together. Nothing more, and nothing less. 
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sunmoonjune · 2 years
gods and monsters
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pairing: gojo satoru x fem!reader x geto suguru (poly!) [pacific rim!au]
warnings: minors dni!! gore, death, injuries, blood, allusions to wanting to die, enemies/rivals to friends to lovers (I guess?), fighting, monsters, angst with a happy ending, single parent au! with megumi (I can’t resist this trope with satosugu for some reason), tons of fluff too!, heavy suggestive themes but no actual smut, reader has a brother, reader is never referred to as [name] or y/n, only as nicknames or ‘Red’ (a pilot nickname), plenty of references to the first Pacific Rim movie, apologies for any ooc behavior :((
word count: 27.6k
a/n: ok, so maybe I have a problem. I definitely didn’t intend for this to be so long, I just kept imagining a new scene and getting more ideas and I just couldn’t stop writing them down. somehow satosugu rattles my brain and makes insane amounts of dopamine just like rush through me. anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this fic, it’s definitely a monster :D 
here’s the ao3 link if Tumblr crashes
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The last time you were in a Jaeger, the smell of smoke and ash filtered through your lungs and the grime of blood and soot rubbed your wounds raw under your drive-suit. The metallic sound of gears grinding and fire roaring are dull to your ears as the influx of graphic, hellish memories filter through your consciousness. 
The once two-hundred foot hunk of metal had been brought to its knees, left arm ripped from its side and electrical fires clouding the air around its hull in a dark haze. The Scarlet Dragon, previously a crimson-red, Mark-3 mass of destruction, was now nothing more than scraps – the dull, sanguine metal tilting forward to collapse onto the coastline. 
As the whirring of the Jaeger’s engine silences, the air is filled with only the sounds of roaring flames and waves breaking against the machinery. Inside the Scarlet Dragon’s cockpit, you - the only remaining pilot, fight for your life: battling against the needles dug into your spine and attempting to free yourself from the technology that bound you to the pilot seat. When the hair thin needles finally pull away from your skin, you heave a wet cough, choking on the smoke that fills the hull. Left arm numb and nearly paralyzed, blood dripping into the drive-suit, you pull yourself to your knees. 
Ears roaring from the fight and the breach in the Dragon’s hull, you can’t hear anything over the ringing sound that echoes in your skull. Shrieking a pained cry, you fall onto your hands and knees, unable to support your own weight with your injuries. Eyes shifting over to the side of the cockpit, you exhale an anguished sob at the empty space to your left. There’s a gaping hole in the Jaeger’s left side, where both the arm and half the Scarlet Dragon’s head have been ripped to pieces. 
The space of the missing pilot’s seat stares menacingly back at the only remaining form in the Jaeger’s skull. 
An agonizing sob rips from your throat, tearing a guttural sound from your lips. A bolt of pain echoes through your heart, the screams of your copilot still filtering through your ears and the mind-melding agony of their body being torn apart still lingers under your skin. 
Shaking your head to get rid of the memory, you drag yourself to the cavernous hole in the Scarlet Dragon’s cockpit. Hands slicing open over the pointed shrapnel, you manage to pull yourself through the massive gap in the crimson metal. Your body falls a few feet to the packed sand below, a throbbing bolt of pain flowing through your chest, where cracked ribs and bruised skin lay. 
Laying immobile on the sand, you can’t hear anything over the memory of your brother being ripped from his seat, crying out his name as sparks crack through the empty cockpit. Around you, fires continue to roar as the shattered Jaeger continues to fall apart.
It’ll only be moments before rescue helicopters manage to reach your location – the tracker in the drive-suit is seldom wrong. All your broken form can do is force yourself to breathe. The rise and fall of your chest sparks only more pain, but it’s all you can do under the circumstances. You almost give into the darkness, ready to join your brother and succumb to the agony that overtakes your senses. However, the echo of your brother’s voice sinks into your brain, startling your senses and reminding you of the reason you became a pilot. 
Heaving another sob, you cry out as the shift of your ribs throbs painfully in your chest. The sounds of a helicopter’s wings beating through the air fill your ears, and a shining light burns brightly into your cornea as the search light finally finds your defeated body. Outside your mind, there’s a cacophony of noise as search-and-rescue soldiers scramble to save your broken form; orders are being shouted through headsets and questions are passed about the vital signs that your drive-suit is still reporting. 
However, you can't hear any of it over the memory that still flashes back and forth in front of your vision. You can still see your brother’s face when he turns to look at you. His eyes were wide and anxious, lips parted as he tried to pass along his final wishes. You can still feel his shock and agony through the Drift. 
Every moment of his dying anguish was your own. 
You were still connected in the Drift when he’d been torn from his seat. All his thoughts - all his feelings - were your own. Connected in both mind and body in the Jaeger; you could feel his pain as if it was your own skin being ripped from bone. 
After being ripped from the cockpit, you were left in agony. Chest screaming under the weight of both your emotions coupled with your brothers, your brain seems to crumple under the strain of piloting the Scarlet Dragon on your own. 
Jaegers were not meant to be piloted alone. 
The mental and physical strain was too much for a single neurological system to maintain. With your copilot gone, the weight begins to sink onto your skull. It feels as though the mass of the machine itself was collapsing onto your body. With no one else to share the load, you were forced to battle the remaining monster alone; the first soldier to ever pilot a Jaeger and slaughter a Kaiju alone. 
When you cough out another breath, there’s blood on your lips. Your cracked, possibly shattered, ribcage has likely pierced your lungs. It’s agonizing to breathe, but you keep the rise and fall of your chest as steady as you can. 
Around you, there’s chaos. Soldiers, having reached the sand from the rescue helicopters, are frantically pulling gauze tight over the wound in your chest. You don’t even have the energy to wince when the fabric is pulled tight across your ribs. There's more shouting, but it's so muffled to your eardrums. A soldier waves a flashlight over your eyes, scanning your pupils and attempting to gauge your response to the stimulation. 
The soldier clicks the light off, whipping his head over his shoulder to shout something at another. Their eyes are frantic, bodies stiff as they load your form into a rescue stretcher. Once it’s secured tightly by rope to the helicopter, the soldier gives a circled wave of his hand, a muffled shout of confirmation ripping through his headset. 
As your body is airlifted into the sky, a final glimpse of the Scarlet Dragon’s defeated form reaches your weakened eyes – the sanguine metal glinting in the fading sunlight. Smoke still burning high into the sky and orange flames licking at the crushed machinery. 
It’s one last look at the Mark-3 Jaeger; a final farewell to the piece of machinery that you had once held so dearly in your heart. 
As you turn your head away from the burning metal, the fading sun shines into your eyes as you begin to succumb to the weight on your body. Darkness closes around your vision, and despite your best efforts to hold on, each breath becomes harder than the last. With a fading breath and eyes drooping closed, you make a promise. To both your brother and yourself, you promise that your fight is now over. You can’t imagine continuing on with another pilot – the thought of someone else in your head, poking through your memories, your thoughts and dreams – terrifies you. With your brother, it was different: only nine months apart, you had practically been twins. You’d been at each other’s side for everything, and the thought of piloting a Jaeger with a copilot who wasn’t him, was a task too daunting to imagine. 
So you promise. As your body succumbs to its wounds and your mind fades to darkness, you promise. 
This was the last time you’d ever be in a Jaeger. 
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It’s six years later when the Marshall finds you. 
You've been working on-and-off jobs, just trying to make ends meet and keep yourself busy. The work is good. It’s not healthy, but burying yourself in a strenuous job doesn’t leave much time for your brain to relive old memories. For the past year and a half, you’ve been working on the coastal wall. It’s not a job you had planned to ever take, knowing it wouldn’t withstand any Kaiju stronger than a Class Two, but it pays pretty well. The added bonus of manual labor ensures that you’ll be too tired in the evenings to stay awake and lament in past tragedy. 
You’re hauling a bag of powdered cement to the next workplace when you hear the familiar sound of helicopter blades beating against the wind. It’s loud, but not overpowering as the sounds of metal scraping against each other and saw blades whirling fill the atmosphere. You ignore it in favor of finishing your tasks, continuing to lug heavy bags over your shoulder before continuing onto the next job. 
When the final bag hits the floor with an echoing thud, the atmosphere falls quiet. The silence is eerie and unsettling. You’re used to the wall being filled with chatter and boots scuffing against concrete. The sounds of metal being welded and tools rattling come to a stop, a foreboding stillness falling into its place. 
Eyes fall to your form. Workers turn their heads to look at you, their gazes slip away from their tasks in order to settle on you. You ignore them, continuing to adjust your gloves instead. Tightening the straps around your wrists, you fiddle with the thick material. You can feel eyes piercing into your skin, but it’s nothing you’re not used to. Being a Jaeger pilot meant all eyes were on you, a feeling you had hated when you were on active duty. Now, the feeling just irks you. It settles like grime on your skin, and you long to wipe the feeling off to get rid of their leering stares. 
The echo of heavy footsteps is heard behind you. The steps are sharp and dutiful, each step falling in the exact succession as the last. They’re military footsteps, you easily recognize. However, you already had a lingering suspicion when the room fell quiet. You don't look up. Instead, a deep sigh filters through your lungs as you stare directly in front of you. 
“Long time no see, Marshall.” 
Your voice fills the quiet room, echoing through the silence as you greet your former employer. When you turn to face the stoic face of the Marshall, your lips tighten in their blank expression. You greet him with a sharp nod; it’s been years since you’d saluted your former commanding officer, and you’re not sure you’re ready to start again. 
“Officer Red.” 
You stare at each other for a moment, neither speaking a word as the silence in the room becomes uncanny. The workers have not returned to their posts, still watching the two of you in a quiet stand-off. Their gazes are inquisitive and you hate the way it burns into your skin. 
It’s been a long time since you’ve been referred to as your ‘call-sign’. The name ‘Red’ had been tagged to you like an aviator’s call-sign after you and your brother became synonymous with your Jaeger. The Scarlet Dragon had been your namesake, giving you the sort of nickname after the machine’s sanguine red color. 
Eventually, the Marshall’s body turns, inclining his shoulder to motion behind him. His deadpan expression does not change, so neither does yours. 
“May I speak to you for a moment?” Though it’s phrased as a question, you know the Marshall is not asking for permission. He turns on his heel and begins walking back towards the helicopter, knowing there won’t be any prying eyes or inquisitive ears further away. You dutifully follow. You’ve never been one to defy direct orders, even if he’s no longer your commanding officer. 
Your footsteps match in time, the pilot’s mindset never quite leaving your brain. When you exit the wall’s interior, you’re met with a blistering cold. It’s snowing out, thick white flakes clouding the skies outside the overhang you and the Marshall take shelter under. The thick winter coat keeps you warm, but you still sniffle at the change in temperature. 
“With all due respect, Sir -” you begin. “Could this not wait a few more days? You know I’m headed to visit Megumi at base - why come all this way?” 
You know the Marshall is well aware of your near weekly visits. They had to be cleared by his signature, so there’s no reason he would be unaware of your planned stop at your old headquarters. You don’t often go further in the base than the little orphanage housed near the front, but you still visit frequently. The little house positioned not far from the entrance of the secluded base is home to the few orphaned children that live in the Shatterdome. Most are kids from pilots that haven’t survived; they’re taken care of by the medicinal staff on site, and all their needs are provided for. Some get adopted and others don’t, but you still visit weekly to see Megumi. 
The kid’s almost ten now. 
He’d been so young when his parents had died, only a few years old when Toji Fushiguro and his wife’s Jaeger had been destroyed. They’d been close friends of yours - the Fushiguro’s, and their deaths had been a heavy toll in your heart. The incident weighed greatly on your consciousness, leaving you and your brother devastated for months. Toji had been a childhood friend of your family. You and your brother had grown up alongside the burly child, though your brother had always been closer to Toji than you. 
However, it had been you, that Toji had pulled aside after Megumi’s birth. 
He’d muttered grimly under his breath, hands clutching your forearm when he’d made you promise. Toji’s eyes were wary, as if unsure of what he was asking, but he continued nevertheless. He shifted on his feet, looking down at the floor and grunted under his breath. Toji was never good at showing emotions, unlike his wife. Though he persisted, his words spoke in silent volumes as he asked you to take care of Megumi should anything happen to his wife or himself. 
You hadn’t realized the weight of his words then. It had seemed silly since you were all so young - just in your early twenties. However, you agreed, knowing that you would never let anything happen to Megumi should the worse occur. 
When it did happen - the worst, you mean - you and your brother had been shattered. You mourned the loss of your friends, stepping away from piloting for a few weeks to cope with the gaping hole that had been left in your heart. However, you knew you couldn’t grieve for too long – there was someone who needed you more than you needed to mourn. 
While there was still a bleeding wound aching in your chest, Megumi Fushiguro had just lost his parents. It was a blow more devastating than much else - one you and your brother had already experienced. You knew that you had to be there for the kid. He wouldn’t understand yet, being too young to realize that his parents were truly gone, but you followed through on your promise to Toji. 
You looked after Megumi in the following years, becoming his only parental figure aside from your brother. Though he was older than you, your brother became more of a friend for Megumi, rather than a parental figure. You, on the other hand, cared for Megumi like a mother, knowing that he had no one else to lean on. You had not let the higher-ups force the boy into the base’s orphan program at first, insisting that you could care for him on your own. However, after some persuasion from the Marshall, you realized that letting the boy stay at the orphanage did not mean you wouldn’t be his primary caretaker. The Marshall signed off on the order, letting the program know that Megumi was not to be set up for adoption. You expressed wanting to adopt him when he was ready, a sentiment you made clear to Megumi in his later years. 
For now, you resolved with visiting him weekly at the base. When you had the chance, you tried to drop by as often as you could, making your face known to the few other children at the program. For now, Megumi was content with waiting at the base’s orphanage, knowing you didn’t have a stable place to reside just yet. You weren’t ready to take him away from his only friends either, knowing he’d bonded strongly to Itadori Yuuji, another one of the children cared for at the base. 
The Marshall answers your question with a quick shake of his head. His fists are held in front of him in a wide stance, his shoulders set low as he begins to explain. 
“The Jaeger program has been scrapped, Red. Command believes that the Wall is sufficient protection for the future and has revoked funds towards the Jaeger program.” 
You still. 
The coastal wall will not hold as Command believes. You’ve seen footage of Class Three Kaiju tearing through the wall in less than an hour. It will not protect the human population in the future as they believe it will. A sinking feeling forms in your gut. Without the Jaegers, there is little hope for a future without the destruction of the Kaiju. 
“They’ve allowed enough funding to finish the year through, then all Jaeger’s will be decommissioned and the pilots will be dismissed. No further machines will be built.”
You shift on your feet, wringing your hands together in the thick gloves that cover them. A lingering anxiety is beginning to settle in the depths of your stomach.
“So, what does that mean?” You whisper, still not understanding his presence at the wall, nor his urge to speak with you. 
“It means we have enough funding to take one final shot at The Breach.” 
“But, Sir -” you start, stepping forward with a furrow in your eyebrows. 
The Marshall raises a hand to silence your interruption. You fall silent, recognizing the command and knowing you’ve stepped out of line. 
“We need as many pilots as we can get to run an operation like this. Only six Jaeger’s remain, and we have even fewer pilots.” He finishes. In the silence that follows, you recognize why he’s come to the wall. He hasn’t come to inform you of the program’s demolition, nor the dismissal of the pilots – he’s come to ask you to pilot a Jaeger. 
Already shaking your head in disagreement, you step back away from the Marshall. There's twisting in your stomach and a faint ringing in your ears. You can still feel the phantom pain in your left arm, and you rub the shoulder to ease the ache. 
“Sir, I’ve been very clear that I no longer wish to pilot a Jaeger.” Your words are firm and final, offering no room for argument. You’ve had this conversation with the Marshall before. It ended in similar circumstances, with your refusal to enter another machine and the Marshall’s exasperation. 
The Marshall opens his mouth to protest, beginning to offer an argument to persuade you to change your mind, but you cut him off.
“I was still connected to my brother when he died, Marshall.” Your words are heavy and your tone offers some sense of guilt. “In the Drift, I felt everything he did – every glimpse of fear and every wave of pain. I can’t do that again. I can’t let another pilot in my head like that.” 
The Marshall sighs, looking down at his feet. It’s the first time he’s looked away from you since he’d arrived. You know that your brother’s death weighed heavily on his mind too. Your brother had been a good pilot and an even better friend. Nearly everyone on the base had known him, including the Marshall. He feels the same lingering guilt in his chest at the memory of the incident. 
“Officer -” The Marshall begins. “I’m not asking you to come back to pilot – not yet, anyways. I’m asking you to come back to the Shatterdome. If you won’t enter another Jaeger, at least help train the cadets. They could use the knowledge you have.” 
You sigh, looking away from the Marshall again and consider his offer. You know if you return he’ll continue to attempt to persuade you, but it’s not as if he wouldn’t persist regardless. Though you’ve sworn off piloting, helping the new recruits with real combat experience could aid in the operation to take The Breach. 
Besides, the offer to stay closer to Megumi is tempting. 
“Red.” The Marshall’s tense voice fills the silence. “You’re the only pilot to ever survive controlling a Jaeger on your own. We can’t lose that kind of strength.” 
You toe the snow with your boot, mulling the offer over in your head. The smell of the Shatterdome nearly wafts through your senses as you reminisce in memories of the place you once called ‘home.’ While it brings back agonizing memories of those you’ve lost, you also filter through happier memories; those with old friends, sharing dinners and loudly laughing over the cacophony of the cafeteria’s dining area. You muse about the happier times when you and your fellow pilots gathered around small tables to play card games and share stories in the faint light of the Jaegers. 
Looking back up at the Marshall, you take a deep sigh and offer him a tense-lipped, barely-there smile. You pull your arms over your chest, crossing them to rest against you. 
“Alright, Marshall.” You decide. “But I want plenty of time to spend with the kid.” 
He nods, accepting your terms as he lets out a breath of relief. When he sets his shoulders back into a stiff, formal position, there’s a sense of reprieve on his face. It’s as if he had expected to return to the Shatterdome alone. With a roll of your eyes, you tilt your shoulder back towards the entrance to the Wall. The bitter cold is starting to sink under your coat and you ache to return to the interior. 
“Let me pack my things, Marshall.” You finally decide. “I can be ready in fifteen.” 
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When you step foot onto the wet concrete of the Shatterdome, it’s as if nothing has changed. The smell of oil and metal fill your senses, and the sounds of gears grinding and engines whirling enter your ears. It fills you with an aura of pure nostalgia that settles over your chest in a blanket of both fond and painful memories. The weight, though heavy on your ribs, is almost comforting. There's so many good memories that have a way of drowning out the mournful ones. 
The rain falls in constant sheets, beating against the black material of your umbrella. Though loud, you find a bit of peace in the thunderous sound. Your addled brain welcomes the white noise as you take in the sights of the Shatterdome. 
Towering walls greet your entrance, the familiar stone unchanged to the whims of time. You and the Marshall enter through the massive doors; they’re meant for Jaegers, the sliding machinery on the floor beneath you indicative of their necessary transportation. Since no Jaeger is being shuttled to battle at the moment, the doors remain open for soldiers to move to and from the Shatterdome. 
Sliding into the elevator in silence, you shut your umbrella and shake off the excess water from its damp sides. Neither you nor the Marshall speak, but you’re grateful for the silence. It’s been years since you’ve entered the main hub of the Shatterdome, only entering the front rooms to visit and take care of Megumi. You had previously feared the rush of agonizing memories that you worried may take hold of your grieving mind. There was an inkling of caution in your gut, a suspicion that if you gave into the grief and visited your old ‘home,’ you would find yourself drowning in a sea of guilt with no anchor to grasp onto. 
Now, the feeling is still there. It sits at the bottom of your gut in a solid lump that continues to twist your intestines in knots. However, it's less profound than you had imagined. While lingering, it doesn’t clog your throat or squeeze your chest tight. There’s a burning in your throat, but you’re able to suppress it. 
There’s a feeling of enduring excitement, one you did not think would reappear when you entered the Shatterdome. While you had ceased the thought of piloting again, being around the Jaegers - around your old home - brought back lively memories. There are flashes of moments between your and your brother, of you and the Fushiguro’s – moments where you were so genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. 
With a sad smile and a burning behind your eyes, you look down at your feet. You can barely resist the urge to cry, sucking in a breath to suppress the tears that push against the back of your eyelids. You’re unsure if they’re tears of grief or tears of happy nostalgia, but you refuse to cry in front of the Marshall. 
He doesn’t appear to be looking at you, for which you are eternally grateful. Shuffling on his feet in the silence, he alerts you of the elevator reaching the main hub. You look up, eyes a little weary, but give him a determined smile nonetheless. The Marshall, ever a stoic man, merely returns the gesture with a slight incline of his head, and you find yourself chuckling under your breath. 
When the elevator thuds against the bottom floor, you regain your steady balance and set your shoulders back with a determined huff. The creaking metal slides open and you’re met with the familiar noise of the hub of the Shatterdome. Carts are moving around, shuffling necessary gear to their proper terminals, and soldiers are striding back and forth. There’s sparks in the air from machinery working against the metal of the Jaegers and the familiar smell of steel in your nose.
It feels like home. 
As much as you wish it wasn’t, the Shatterdome had always been your home. 
Stepping out of the quiet elevator and into the chaos, a small smile graces your features. You inhale deeply and take in the sights of the Jaegers before you. It had been so long since their magnificence caught your eyes. They stand so tall, so daunting to any normal human. To you, they’re beautiful – machines of great capacity and eternal strength. You can almost feel the familiar hum of the Drift under their gaze. 
You shake off the haze. While you still find yourself reveling in your love of the machines, you’re not quite ready to relive the Drift.
In front of you, there’s figures approaching the elevators. They're familiar, tall statures standing out of the crowd of nameless bodies. A wide grin falls onto your lips as your mouth stretches open to greet them.
“Kento! Yu!” 
The familiar pilots of the Black Flash, a Mark-Four Jaeger of incredible speed and strength, smile as they approach you and the Marshall. Both men are tall, the crowds of soldiers parting to let the two pilots through the wake. The Black Flash is the second strongest Jaeger ever created, and the combination of its speed and agility with the intense drift compatibility of Kento Nanami and Yu Haibara makes the Black Flash a formidable opponent. 
However, you simply know the two as old friends. 
The Black Flash was once the Scarlet Dragon’s sideman. The four of you fought valiantly at each other’s side, rebounding off each other’s movements and brainstorming strategies as if it was the four of you connected in the Drift rather than two. 
You held the two men dearly in your heart, the bonds between the three of you was nearly as close as you and your brother. It had been so long since you were able to spend moments in each other’s presence, having been interrupted by both your grief and your departure from the Jaeger Program. 
You drop the formalities, chest aching in a nostalgic glee, and take off towards your old friends. Footsteps colliding with the ground at a rapid pace, you let ecstatic joy propel you towards the two. 
Kento Nanami’s chest huffs a deep laugh when your body collides with his front. The impact is swift and powerful, nearly knocking Nanami off his feet, but he takes a step back to balance the combined weight of both your forms. Haibara laughs heartily at your side, his hand clapping Nanami’s shoulder with a wide smile. Nanami lets his arms wrap around your back in a friendly hug, squeezing tighter when you grasp him just as firmly. 
You huff into his shoulder, overcome with both the joy of reuniting and the ache of separation. A piece of you regrets ever leaving the Shatterdome, You’d left behind good friends and Megumi, the kid you hoped to one day adopt when he was ready. However, you knew the separation had been good for you. There were too many painful memories in the Jaeger base to keep your grieving mind from recovering. 
Nanami squeezes your form tight once more before you shift to hug Haibara. Your embrace with the darker haired man is just as firm, the two of you swaying in good natured joy as you hold each other tight. 
“We’ve missed you, Red.” The warm tone of Haibara greets your ears. He mumbles the words just loud enough for you and Nanami to hear. When he lets you go, you smile happily at him with the weight in your stomach beginning to lift. 
“God - I’ve missed you guys too.” There’s a hint of regret in your voice, the tone low and weary. You shuffle in between the two men, happy to be back at their side. 
“You look good, Kid,” Nanami mumbles as he scans your figure. You had dug up the old uniform from years back, the material not too worn as it rubs against your skin. It feels nice to wear the suit once more. 
You nudge Nanami with your hip with a giggle. “I told you not to call me that! I’m older than you, Kento.” 
The blonde lets another soft chuckle fall from his lips, looking down at you as you laugh. He’s happy to see the smile on your features once more. When you’d left all those years ago, there had been nothing but cold-faced grief on your face. It brings a twist in his stomach to see the glee again. 
The name had been one he’d picked up from your brother. Despite being a year younger than you, Nanami had always been the responsible one between you and your little quartet of chaos. Your brother had followed in the leadership role after Kento, despite being the oldest of you four. He had always taken to calling you ‘Kiddo,’ a name that Nanami soon picked up after years of fighting alongside you. While you were still older than him, Nanami nearly always acted older than you, taking a more responsible stance than you and Haibara. The nickname ‘Kid’ seemed to fall too naturally from his lips.
“You been taking good care of my kid while I was gone, Kento?” 
Nanami nods in reference to Megumi. Since you were not living at the base and could only visit so often, Nanami had taken over caring for Megumi when you weren’t available. It wasn’t difficult, seeing as Nanami was usually visiting the orphanage for a certain pink-haired bundle of joy anyway. You were ecstatic when Megumi and Yuuji got along well, so happy that your future son got along well with Nanami’s future kid. 
The two of you planned to adopt the respective boys as soon as you were able. It was taking a little longer than expected, seeing as Nanami was still a pilot and you were out of commission for a while, but you still dreamed of being able to care for the dark haired boy as your own. 
Nanami nods, his glasses glinting in the light of the jaegers as he moves. “Gojo-san and Geto-san have been helping too.” 
Your eyebrows furrow. 
The mention of the two pilots has you frazzled. You never got along well with the pair, always rivaling them in training. Neither of them were very close to you or your brother, just competing against each other in passing, but you never took well to their cocky attitude and over-confidence in battle. While you didn’t necessarily despise either of them, you were still quite unsure of your feelings for either pilot. 
You had heard their Jaeger, Limitless, had skyrocketed in fame after your departure from the program. Their Mark-4 Jaeger was incredibly strong. It was propelled by the strongest drift compatibility ever seen. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru had an incredible closeness that launched their drift compatibility to unknown heights. They seemed to be able to read each other’s minds even without the Drift connecting them. Their Jaeger was by far the strongest the program had ever seen. Like Toji and his wife, Gojo and Geto were connected by more than the Drift – having been together since the moment you met them. 
Lips turning downward in a frown as you think of their daring grins, you grimly reply. “What do they want with Megumi?” 
“Nothing, Red -” Nanami responds. “They’ve just taken to the kid. He’s got a good heart, you know?” 
The mention of Megumi has the frown on your lips drifting away, instead a warm smile taking its place. While he wasn't a very emotional kid, often keeping a neutral face and keeping his voice monotone, Megumi had a big heart. He always made sure to make the other kids feel welcome, and even was the first to reach out to Yuuji when he’d been brought to the orphanage. 
“Yeah,” you sigh. There’s a warmth in your eyes when you speak of the boy, something Nanami has noticed. “He’s a really good kid.” 
Haibara laughs, swinging his arm over your shoulder as he nudges you towards a direction over your shoulder. 
“Why don’t you tell him yourself?” 
At his words, your head whips upward and over your shoulder. A few yards away, stands a little boy with ruffled black hair and dark eyes. While his features are settled into a sort of blank look, there's a shine in his eyes when he sets them on you. His little body seems to almost jerk upwards as he realizes who has entered the base. With his mouth falling open and eyes widening, he cries out. 
Your heart stutters in your chest and you inhale a sharp breath as your feet begin to move towards Megumi. He’s always taken to referring to you in a more formal manner, something you never minded. It still seemed to warm your heart and squeeze a lump in your throat when he still referred to you as his mother. You hadn’t really expected it. Megumi wasn’t one to refer to people as such, always speaking with good manners and calling others by their last names with the proper formality attached. When he first referred to you as his mother, you think you nearly cried. Knowing that he treasured you as his mother despite everything that happened was a gift you would never take for granted.
You drop to your knees when you’re close enough, allowing Megumi’s little body to crash into your chest. He looks so much like Toji. The features of your old friend bring a sense of warmth to your chest as you hug Megumi tight. You laugh with tears stinging in your eyes as you wrap your arms around his small form. Though he's almost ten, Megumi will always be a young boy in your eyes. He’s growing everyday, but you still feel the same sense of motherly affection when you see his face. 
“Hey, Bub,” you mumble sweetly. “How are you feeling? Did ya’ miss me?” 
Megumi nods against your chest, hair rubbing at your collarbone. There’s a little grin on his lips, one that many don’t often get to see, and it causes you to let out a little giggle. He squirms slightly when you squeeze him tight, always a little shy when it comes to affection. Megumi buries his face in your neck and a watery smile forms on your lips when you feel him mumble a little affirmation into your skin. 
You grin again, hoisting the boy onto your hip as you stand. Megumi clutches your neck, legs hanging over your sides as you carry him. His expression is blank again, but you can see the little hints of joy in his features. His lips are curled just the slightest and his cheeks and eyes are relaxed. You bring your face closer to the boy, bumping your foreheads together with a giggle. Megumi pushes a little hand against your cheeks, whining a little when you rub your foreheads back and forth. While he’s still bashful when it comes to affection, you treasure every touch that Megumi allows. 
Nanami and Haibara follow behind you, with the Marshall allowing them to show you towards your bunker. There’s soft smiles on both their lips, savoring the sight of you and your nearly-adopted son. The sight is familiar to them, one that used to be commonplace before you left. While you still frequently came back to visit Megumi, neither man had seen the welcome sight of the two of you together in a long while. 
“What are you doing here, Fushiguro?” Nanami questions. His voice isn’t angry, only curious as to why the younger boy had been wandering the main hub. It was quite the distance from the upper level orphanage, and even though Megumi had grown up on base, wandering around was still a little dangerous. 
“I heard Okaasan was coming home today,” he mumbles quietly into your neck. You bounce a little from side to side as you squeeze the boy tight, heart singing with a glee that you seldom experience without Megumi by your side. 
Haibara ruffles Megumi’s hair with another laugh, turning back to Nanami as the three of you laugh amongst yourselves. Your conversation is only interrupted when the alarm sound of a Jaeger being transported echoes through the hub. Gears start to grind as the Shatterdome’s transport system comes alive. Jaegers are transported on moving platforms as soon as they dock, the massive machinery moving the Jaegers slowly and steadily back to their designated hangers. 
When you turn towards the opening doors, the wind whips from outside as the hulking, dark form of Limitless becomes apparent. You clutch Megumi closer to your front, shielding his smaller body from the cold that sweeps into the indoor hub. As soon as the Jaeger’s feet lock into place, it begins to shut down, allowing Main Control to disconnect the pilots and take over for docking. 
You don’t tear your eyes away from Limitless’ massive build. You clench your jaw as the sounds of the two pilots begin making their way down to the deck. Apparently, some press had forced their way on site; their camera drones hovering over the Jaeger’s body and whirring in the air. Cameras begin to flash as Gojo and Geto emerge from the transport elevator that connected them to the cockpit. 
A rush of noise fills the hub as reporters begin shouting questions at the two pilots, and your lips draw back in a sneer as the two smirk and give the cameras cocky looks. You despise pilots who fight for fame. A sinking feeling of animosity lingers in your stomach as you watch Geto and Gojo answer questions and boast yet another Kaiju kill to the crowd. Turning away from the shouting, you look back at Nanami and Haibara, tilting your head towards the bunkers. 
“Do you want to help me get settled in?”
Haibara nods, his gentle smile still lingering though he senses your unease. He and Nanami turn to make their way out of the hanger, feet twisting to move when a shout is heard from behind. Both men stop in their tracks, turning back to look at you, as if asking for your next move before proceeding. You sigh deeply, clutching Megumi tighter as he buries his head in your neck. He isn’t a big fan of the flashing lights that come with the crowds of reporters – something you’re very aware of. 
“Hey, Sunshine!” The call comes from an all too familiar voice, one that you weren’t particularly excited to hear. 
You whip your head over your shoulder, barely looking back at the two approaching pilots. Still wary of the journalists who begin to edge closer, you shoot a glare at the cameras. You despise being filmed by the media, especially after they pressed and crowded you after your brother’s death. They should know better than to approach, which it seems like they do. With a grunt you finally look back at Gojo, the white-haired pilot being the one to call out for you. 
“What do you want, Six Eyes?” 
Gojo doesn’t seem perturbed by the mutter of his call-sign, simply sticking his hands in his pockets and continuing to saunter over to you. Geto trails behind him, a similar sort of smirk on his lips. You often forget how similar they are. Though Geto hides it better, they’re both menaces in their own way. The two pilots amble towards you, an aura of confidence exuding from their forms. 
“Here to reclaim your title?” Gojo questions, a grin falling too easily onto his features. His question furthers the ache in your gut, and you hoist Megumi farther up onto your hip. You shift him to face away from the pair, not wanting the boy to be involved. 
“I’m afraid it might be a little difficult,” Geto continues, finishing his partner’s question. “Seeing as the Scarlet Dragon is out of commission, of course.” 
You barely conceal a wince at the mention of your Jaeger. You can’t tell if he meant to jeer at your dead co-pilot, but the slightest edge in his voice still causes your body to shake in a scarcely hidden rage. Huffing out a deep sigh over the lump in your throat, you lean your head against Megumi when he tries to comfort you with a little squeeze. He likely can’t understand the conversation, but he probably senses your rising anger. Your heart throbs at his touching comfort, letting your forehead bump his before you turn to address Gojo and Geto.
“I couldn’t care less about your kill count, Stitches.” The words come out in a grunt, the tone clipped with a hint of anger. “I’m not here to pilot.” 
“Then what are you here for?” Gojo questions, his hands crossing over his chest. His head is held high, and you hate the aura of superiority he’s protecting. “Last I checked, this program has no place for washed up pilots who got a little scared.” 
You freeze. 
The pit in your stomach is turning over itself in rage. Your skin is hot and the hairs stand on end. Barely able to repress the angry words you ache to spit back at the white-haired pilot, you instead fix your eyes in a cold glare. Face dropping to a blank, unnerving look, your lids shrink into a bitter look. 
From behind Gojo, Geto lays a hand on his lover’s shoulder. He squeezes firmly, a sinking feeling in his gut erupting. You’ve gone too far, his knowing look says. Gojo doesn’t turn to face him, but Geto knows he understood, their bond too deep to miss the silent comment. 
“Fuck off, Gojo.” You spit, pressing Megumi’s head back into your neck with the other hand to shield his ears from the words. You’re already turning to make your way back down the hall, the silence of the hub now seeming too loud. “That’s low, even for you.”
You don’t stick around to hear either man’s response, already shuffling away with Megumi now clinging to your front. Nanami and Haibara send blank looks over their shoulders, flanking either of your sides as the three of you begin to exit the quiet room. 
“I won’t have them belittle me in front of my kid,” you mutter as you walk away. Geto doesn’t think he was meant to hear the words, but the twisting in his gut intensifies when he does. He rubs his hand down Gojo’s back with a rough sigh. 
From over your shoulder, Megumi’s little head peeks out from over your shoulder. His dark hair ruffles against the wind from the still-opened bay doors, and his deep blue eyes look back at Gojo with a glimpse of sadness in his pupils. Gojo can’t seem to maintain eye contact with Megumi, a twisting feeling of guilt turning in his stomach. He looks down at his feet quickly, before turning to look at Suguru. 
The dark-haired man seems to give Gojo a similar look, one of a guilty sadness that only his lover could decipher. Both men keep their emotions hidden well. They’re too aware of the clicking of cameras behind them, instead choosing to communicate in the silent way they know best. Gojo shrugs off the sinking feeling, sighing deeply and turning back to the cameras with a practiced smile.
“Sorry,” he mumbles under his breath towards Geto. “You know how they make me.” He offers a flick of his hand towards the reporters, the clicking of their cameras echoing through the silence. His gesture is vague, looking like a wave, Gojo’s moves practiced so that the camera cannot differentiate the angry undertone that Gojo wants to project. 
“S’alright, ‘Toru,” Geto mutters back, his words hidden as he speaks from behind Gojo’s back. “But it’s not me you should apologize to.” 
Gojo nods silently, resisting a glance behind him. 
Behind the pair, your form disappears behind the elevator doors. With tears barely concealed, you press your face back into Megumi’s hair, letting his little body squeeze you tight as Haibara rubs a hand across your shoulders. 
Sniffling a little, you pull back to give Megumi a watery smile. Memories of your brother and your last mission are hard to hide away, but you manage as you keep looking down at Megumi’s bright eyes. You don’t want to give Gojo and Geto the satisfaction of shaking you. 
“Hey, Bud.” You whisper the words quietly, managing to muster a slightly cheerful tone. “You want to sleep in my room tonight?”
Nanami and Haibara muffle their chuckles as Megumi nods his head fervently in response to your question. You giggle, placing a kiss on Megumi’s dark hair despite his protests. Away from the chaos, the four of you manage an atmosphere of quiet happiness that you’ll never fail to miss. You savor their peace, looking back up at your old friends with watery eyes and a sad smile. Haibara leans into Nanami, the three of you happy to savor your friends once more.
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Over the next few weeks, you can tell Gojo and Geto are trying to speak to you. Every time you stumble into the cafeteria area of the main hub, Megumi by your side - like always, both pilots perk up at your entrance. Gojo is usually the first to stand, stepping out from the table he’s seated at with his lips pressed into a gentle sort of smile. His eyes are covered, something he’s done since you’d met him, whether by dark glasses or a blindfold. You don’t know how he sees when the white cloth covers his eyes, but you’ve never had the opportunity to ask. 
When Gojo shifts to make his way towards you, Nanami is typically the one to step in. He shifts, covering your form with his own so Gojo can’t see you. Haibara takes up your other side, chatting easily with you and making silly faces at Megumi to make the shy boy giggle and hide his face in your leg. Haibara doesn’t take any insult to Megumi’s shy, blank-faced behavior, used to the boy’s mannerisms. You’re grateful to both him and Nanami for their seemingly never ending patience. 
Later in the afternoon, when you’re headed to watch over a class of cadets, you catch Geto’s dark eyes from the other end of the hall. They’re softened, as if there’s some lingering ache he wishes to soothe, but you ignore it. Despite how kind he looks, with gentle eyes and a soft smile, you turn quickly into your designated training space, letting the door fall shut behind you. 
Over time, you find yourself noticing the two more and more. When there’s no reporters around, Gojo and Geto seem more easy going. Gojo, still as energetic as ever, slings his arm over Geto’s shoulders and whines something that you can’t hear. The teasing frown on his face is silly, and you turn away to muffle a giggle when Geto shoves his head away with a jesting smile and a roll of his eyes. Gojo’s whines increase in volume as his lover gently shoves him away with a laugh, but they quickly cease when Geto nudges him with his elbow and presses a quick kiss to Gojo’s head. 
It’s quick. You almost miss the subtle movement of Geto’s lips against Gojo’s skin, as though you weren't meant to see it. Their affection for each other is subtle, as if they don’t like when the gaggle of media outlets catch their subtle touches. You sort of understand it, your own hatred for the flashing cameras may make you biased, but you understand the avoidance. Perhaps they don’t want their relationship in the limelight, something you have to give them credit for. 
Despite all the confident smirks and easy remarks they hand out to reporters, it seems the two pilots hide a similar distaste for the media as you do. 
However, you’re still not ready to speak with either of them quite yet. The twisted knots of anger still sit in your stomach in reference to the stab Gojo had taken on your first day back. Though, with each passing day, you begin to wonder if the enduring rage is focused at the two pilots, or if it settles into your gut next to the guilt that still lingers after losing your brother. 
Either way, you know you’ll have to speak to them soon. Nanami and Haibara can only keep them away for so long. 
It’s at a routine training session when you see them next. A few days a week, you take charge of a group of cadets and pair them against each other. In one of the Shatterdome’s practice halls, mats are laid out so that the hardened concrete floor doesn’t hurt anyone. In this room, your chosen pairs fight against each other, sometimes bare-fisted and sometimes with wooden staffs. As they battle against each other, in a match to seven points, you gauge their drift compatibility. 
Each time a pair takes the floor, you watch each movement. You mark notes on the clipboard in your hands, writing down remarks of battle strategies and techniques of each cadet. You compare compatibility against other cadets, lining them up with their next partner to see if they’d make a better match than the previous. 
As the next opponent gets thrown to the floor, a wooden staff at his head, you dryly call the match. “4 points to 3.”
Scribbling down your notes with a frown, you go through the list of cadets you’ve been tasked to train. There’s both negative and positive feedback, however, more improvements have been listed than anything else. 
“What’s your problem?” 
Your head shoots up at the angry voice. One of the cadets from the previous match stands at the head of the mat, his lips pulled back in an enraged look. He scans your form, stiff in the pilot’s uniform despite your status as a Captain. Your posture is formal, keeping your head held high and feet shoulder width apart. 
You know both Geto and Gojo have been watching. Their forms linger at the back of the room, eyes scanning each match as you do. You allow them to stay, not wanting to call them out in front of all the soldiers. You find that you honestly don’t mind their presence that much. They’re both quiet, eyes flicking back and forth from the match to you. You manage to keep yourself calm under their gaze, a little perturbed at the hopeful feeling that washes over you knowing that they’re still waiting for you. 
At the kid’s voice, Geto stands straighter. His eyebrows furrow and his lips turn downward into a frown. His black hair is tied back into its usual bun, a few strands peeking out from his bangs. They shift when he stands upright, leaning into Gojo’s side to murmur something that you don’t catch.
“Excuse me, Cadet?” Your voice is clipped, eyes scanning his form. He addressed you out of order, his panting form seeming angry despite his win in the previous match. 
“Every time a match ends, you make this face - like you’re disappointed in the outcome,” the cadet grunts. One end of the wooden staff he’d been using is placed against the ground, his body leaning onto it for stability. 
You tilt your head, scribbling down another piece of information before you look back at the kid with a blank expression. “I am disappointed. The match could have ended three moves previously.” 
The kid huffs out an irate sound, shifting on his feet. “How do you know?” 
“His weight was forced onto his non-dominant side. You had the upper-hand, yet you failed to knock him off balance when you struck his chest rather than delivering a blow that would force him to fall.” 
Your explanation only seems to anger the cadet. He steps forward, lips pursed and eyebrows pulled together in rage. He nearly snarls as he approaches you, but you’re not intimidated. Silence has fallen over the room, the other cadets watching closely as the boy attempts to make his way towards you. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you watch Geto move from his place against the wall. He steps forward, stomach twisting when Gojo lays a hand on his chest. Neither man has taken their eyes off you, keenly watching your body for any command that you may need help. Gojo knows you’re strong – especially after the conversation you’d had. He knows that you’d ask for help if you need it. Though his stomach twists too, wanting to knock the kid away from you and soothe your anger, Gojo knows that you can handle yourself.
“You think you can do better?” The cadet snarls, almost at your feet. You haven’t moved, stance still formal and head held high. This kid doesn’t intimidate you, even if he was taller or broader than you. Refusing to move, you lock eyes with the boy, pressing him with a blank look and dead eyes. 
“That’s enough, Cadet.” You command, voice sharp. “I am your Captain, and you will address me as such.”
Not backing down, the cadet continues to advance. Geto nearly moves to step forward once more when the kid speaks again. 
“Why are you holding back then, Captain?” He sneers the words in a cocky tone. “You scared or something? You must be some kind of coward, then – it’s probably what got your brother kill -” 
His words are cut off by the sharp point of your hand jabbing roughly into his kidney. Your movements were so quick, even Gojo missed them. When the cadet doubles over his stomach, one hand clutching the area where you’d punched him, you pull the staff out of his other limp hand. It comes free quickly, your hands sliding over the material with practiced ease. Before the cadet can move, you pull the end of the staff upwards, knocking the dull end under his chin with a resounding thud. 
He cries out, the contact of the staff against his skin likely ringing through his head. As he does so, you’ve already dropped low, spinning with your feet and swiping the end of the staff under the cadet. With his balance interrupted, he falls to the ground with a dull thump, body hitting the floor as he wheezes for breath. 
You’d laugh if the contemptuous anger wasn't sitting in your throat. He’d gone down so easily, just as you’d explained, yet he failed to see the error in his tactic. 
You step forward, feet brushing the clipboard you dropped. Standing over the boy, you point the dull end of the staff under his chin. The silence in the room is loud, the other cadet’s seem to hold their breath as you frown. With his chest heaving and his chin pointed upwards away from your threatening staff, the boy’s eyes shake. 
With the cold glare still in your eyes, you snarl down at the kid, “Don’t ever speak my brother’s name again. Do you hear me, Cadet?”
At your feet, the kid seems to shake. He’s challenged a direct order from his Captain, something he’s just realized. You’d knocked him on his ass for it too. Eyeing his form up and down with a pitiful curl of your lip, you huff with distaste. 
“Next time you step out of line, I’ll drop your ass like a sack of Kaiju shit. Do you understand?” 
Nodding fervently again, the boy’s chest shakes as he pants. He’s still clutching his chin, eyes wide in comparison to his previous anger. You press the end of your staff into his chest with your eyes fixed on him.
“I said - do you understand, Cadet?” 
“Yes, Captain.” He mutters quickly, shifting his eyes to avoid your angry gaze. 
“Good. Now get out of my sight,” you command. The boy scrambles up, nearly tripping when he tries to run towards the exit of the training room. 
Gojo muffles a laugh under his breath, hiding his smile behind his hand as he does so. The ache in his gut vanishes, and in its place lies newfound warmth. The white haired pilot feels his stomach turn, but this time it’s not in anger or guilt. With your body movements so agile and your words so commanding, Gojo feels a twinge of heat in his stomach. The way you take charge of everyone in the room, standing tall and holding your head high is enchanting. Gojo finds himself looking at you even long after you’ve turned away. 
Geto is no different. Despite the sultry look he sends Gojo in a good-natured tease, Geto too feels the lingering arousal in his gut. When you turn to face the rest of the cadets with the faintest smirk on your lips, Suguru swears he can feel his pants tighten in the slightest. 
“Next two cadets, step forward.” You gesture to the training mats, tossing the wooden staff in your hands towards the oncoming soldier. When he catches it, you nod firmly and turn to pick up the clipboard you had dropped. 
Standing up and regaining your formal stance, you peek a glance at your two onlookers. Gojo and Geto are leaning against each other in the back of the room, mumbling something between themselves. There’s a smirk pulled onto Geto’s lips, something you’ve grown used to seeing. It doesn’t spark the same rage it used to, now only bringing you confusion. You’re unsure of your quickly changing feelings for the two pilots, and you don’t necessarily have time to decipher them for now. 
When Geto looks up, he meets your eyes. His smirk changes to something a little more gentle, and he nods his head softly in question. Though this silent language is something you often see passing between him and Gojo, you seem to be able to decipher it quickly. You okay? The nod seems to ask. 
You return his gesture with one of your own, watching as the two exchange another look before turning to make their way out of the training room. You don’t know why the ache in your chest sings when they leave. 
As the door falls shut behind him, Geto is already moving to hang off his lover. Resting his weight onto Satoru’s back, Suguru throws an arm over his partner. Laughing under his breath, Suguru pokes his finger into Satoru’s ribs. 
“You thought that was hot, didn’t you?” Suguru’s voice is teasing, another sultry smirk pulled onto his lips as he addresses Satoru. He’s not angry. God - Suguru could never be disgruntled when it’s apparent that he feels the same way. The ache in his gut is the same for Suguru as it is for Satoru. They’re aligned in more ways than one - always have been. 
“I did not!” Satoru groans as he shoves his lover off. Though his voice is whiny, Satoru’s reply is lighthearted. His tone is bright and there's a faint pinkish tint to his ears, a clear sign he’s growing embarrassed. This side of Satoru is one even Suguru doesn’t often see. Though he tries to pull it out of him, more often than not, Satoru is typically very composed. While his childish demeanor may appear otherwise, deep underneath, Gojo Satoru is usually in control. 
Though Suguru loves to be the one to grace the tips of Satoru’s ears in that faint pink, he decides he loves it all the same when it’s you that brings the blush to his lover’s features. 
“You did!” Suguru teases, moving back to lean against Satoru again. Behind closed doors, the two are incredibly touch starved, usually leaning onto each other or just linking fingers whenever possible. “S’alright, ‘Toru - I’d let her ruin me too.” 
Satoru’s gaze shifts back to his partner, letting his weight fall onto Suguru’s as he sighs. 
“And what if I want to be the one to ruin her?” His voice is sultry, the tip of his head tilting to look down at Suguru in a dangerously suggestive manner. His lover returns the salacious gaze, licking his lips as he leans closer to Satoru. 
“Then I guess we’ll have to take turns.” 
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A few hours later, after your class has long finished, you find yourself climbing the high rising platforms that scale Limitless. The Jaeger is undergoing routine maintenance, something that occurs after every fight in order to ensure its systems all run perfectly. Since it’s positioned in the center of the other hangers, you have taken to climbing the supports for other mechanics after hours. 
Letting your feet dangle over the edge of the metal platform, you sit and face Limitless in all its glory. It’s technically the first Mark-4 Jaeger you’ve ever seen. The Scarlet Dragon had been the last of her kind, a nuclear powered Mark-3 Jaeger of uncanny ability. Geto and Gojo’s Jaeger was created a little while later, allowing the technology to boost their new machinery into Mark-4 capabilities. 
You admire the engine as it softly whirs, letting Main Control run tests late into the night. Inhaling deeply, you savor in the scent of salt air from the ocean coupled with the metallic smell from the Jaegers. The calming scent does wonders for your addled brain.  
After the incident during training, you found yourself stewing in some existential guilt. It took a long time to work yourself out of the guilty episode that haunted over your head, but the night air seemed to help. Now, you sit and watch the mechanics tinker, allowing the repetitive motions of their work drown out the turmoil in your head. Rubbing your fingers together, you begin picking at your cuticles once more: a habit you could never break. 
Over your shoulder, the sound of metal clanging reaches your ears as someone climbs up the high-rise platform behind you. You don’t speak, simply allowing them to join you, despite your mind being elsewhere. Too lost in memories, focusing on the events of the past and trying to determine if you really were a coward, you don’t hear Geto and Gojo climb onto the metallic terrace.
You’re broken from your trance when there are two forms settled on either side of you. They’re quiet for a moment, letting the clicking of tools and the humming of Limitless’ engine fill the space instead. It’s nice, you decide; sitting beside the two pilots is comforting in a way you can’t understand. 
“You alright, Pretty?” It’s Geto’s voice. The deep timber is unmistakable as it sends faint shivers down your spine. He’s looking at you, his eyes scanning your face and attempting to gauge your feelings. In your turmoil, you miss the nickname, one that would have sent your heart into stuttered beats and your stomach in knots, if you were paying attention. 
On your other side, Gojo is staring out at his Jaeger. He appears to be mulling something over in his head, though you can never be quite sure with the blindfold covering his eyes. 
You nod, a little numbly. It’s difficult to explain. You’re not quite sure what you’re feeling, but there’s too much of it. You don’t know how to explain that to either man, simply letting out a little hum. There's a tightness in your chest that you can’t describe and your stomach feels heavy. Geto seems to understand, shifting a little closer. 
After another beat of silence, it’s Gojo who speaks. 
“I’m sorry, by the way,” he starts, still mulling over his words as he speaks. “I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way.”
You know he’s referencing your first meeting weeks ago. Nodding, you finally turn to look at him. Gojo’s upper body shifts to face you, and despite his eyes obscured by the blindfold, you don’t think you’ve ever seen Gojo look so sincere. His lips are softened into a gentle smile and his shoulders are relaxed, a position you’ve only seen him express under the presence of his lover. When you don’t respond, Gojo continues speaking. 
“I get a little heated with all the reporters hanging around, and I pushed you too far. I’m sorry.” His words are precise and to the point, something you greatly appreciate in communication. Though you often have a little trouble expressing your own feelings, Gojo seems fairly adept at ensuring that you understand his own. You appreciate his concern, finally breaking free of your haze for another moment and gracing him with a gentle smile.
Gojo returns your soft smile, a tumble of butterflies in his stomach erupting into a flutter when he takes in your sweet look. From behind him, Geto’s shoulders soften as he leans forward. His eyes curl into a loving grin, his own chest singing with quickened pulses as he watches his lover interact with you. It’s one of the first conversations the three of you have had without some sort of lingering anger. Geto savors in the peaceful aura that settles over the three of you. 
It appears you have judged Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru too quickly. 
While they can both be complete menaces, they also have a deeper, calmer demeanor that shines so brightly when they’re alone. Both Geto and Gojo went out of their way to ensure that you were alright after training today, even mentioning the incident to the Marshall. After ensuring your well-being, the Marshall had the cadet shifted to another training schedule, a much more rigorous training meant for lower cadets. The notion made you stifle a smile when the Marshall had forwarded the news. 
Gojo, while sometimes silly and overdramatic, was nothing short of incredibly caring. You’d heard from Nanami that he’d been sneaking in treats for Megumi and Itadori whenever he could, a sentiment that warmed your heart. Geto too, got along well with the kids. You’ve often seen Itadori rush towards him whenever he was out with Nanami. Geto’s strong arms hoisted up the toddler, lifting him onto his broad shoulders as he conversed with Nanami and Haibara. You lingered in the doorway, unsure if any of them had seen you. Savoring the pleasant environment, you watched Gojo crouch to greet Megumi, who Nanami had picked up alongside his own son. Megumi, ever the ‘emotionless’ child, pushed past Gojo’s wiggling fingers as he asked for a hug.
You giggled under your breath as Gojo whined about wanting a hug, but you later watched Megumi climb into Gojo’s lap when they were eating. 
“I think -” you hesitate, as if still trying to decide what to say. “I think we got off on the wrong foot.” 
Geto chuckles, turning his head back to Limitless as the three of you smile. “Yeah, I think so too.” 
Gojo nods along, his own lips stretched into a gentle grin. 
“Do you think -” you try, attempting to word the question you’re trying to ask. The words fall flat on your tongue as you try to speak them, but Gojo picks up where you left off.
“Would you be alright with starting over?” 
With a happy sigh, you nod your head fervently. Eyes wide, but happy, you look back at Gojo with a determined grin. Geto laughs again, agreeing with a warm look in his eyes.
After a beat of silence, the three of you burst into giggles, feeling a little silly for a moment. Your body relaxes, letting the anxiety melt off your shoulders as you sink in the comforting presence of Geto and Gojo. The storming sea that tormented your mind begins to melt away, sunshine peeking out from the clouds as you finally grasp onto an anchor to hold your ship steady. 
When you finally quiet into another beat of silence, there’s a warm hum under your skin. It makes your skin hot, but it’s a pleasant heat so you don’t mind. It melts away the icy cold that once had a tight grip on your chest. 
In front of you, Limitless’ chest plate is being removed, the core exposed as the three of you marvel over the engineering that maintains the Jaeger. It’s magnificent, unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. You can remember why you wanted to become a pilot in the first place as the awe of the Jaeger’s core never ceases to amaze you. 
With a warm sigh, Gojo mumbles under his breath, “Beautiful, isn’t she?”
You nod, not taking your eyes off Limitless. 
Next to you, you’re completely unaware of Gojo’s eyes on your face rather than his Jaeger. His question honestly hadn’t even been addressing you, but rather Geto. On your other side, Geto’s eyes glaze over with a warm, loving look as his sight focuses on you and his lover. 
Neither man is looking at Limitless. 
Instead they’re transfixed on your form as you revel in the beauty of the Jaegers. 
As Geto hums in response to his lover’s question, both men know that Gojo was not referring to the Jaeger, but rather you: the shine of your eyes glistening in the glow Limitless’ core and your soft lips pulled into a sweet smile. 
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You get a month of your newfound, growing relationship with Geto and Gojo when everything goes to shit. 
Awoken by the shrilling alarm, you quickly slide off your bed and shuffle towards Megumi’s. Since you’d established a more permanent residence on base, the orphanage had allowed him to sleep in your bunker most nights, something you cherished deeply. 
Hushing him gently as he rouses from his sleep in a panic, you hoist his drowsy form into your arms. You sway on your feet, brushing your fingers through Megumi’s hair as he whines, sleepily. Rubbing the fog out of your eyes, you pull the handle by your door that silences the alarm.
“M’sorry, Bub,” you whisper. Pressing a soft kiss to Megumi’s forehead, you continue to sway gently to send him back to sleep. He’s far too grown for this sort of treatment now, but you can’t help but baby him sometimes. You don’t get many chances, so you savor in the feeling when he allows it. 
“Go back to sleep, ‘Gumi. S’just a warning alarm for pilots.” 
He hums against your neck, grasping your shirt in his fists as he quickly falls back into a slumber. You’re jealous of his ability to knock out so quickly, humming as you settle him back into his bed. 
When Megumi is settled, you glance back at the red screen in the middle of the room. Scanning the contents of the alarm, your stomach seizes tight. You bring a hand to cover your mouth as you gnaw on the tip of your finger.
A Category Four Kaiju is headed towards the coastline, only about twenty miles from the Shatterdome. It hasn’t reached the land yet, but left unchecked, it will soon. It’s the first Category Four Kaiju in years, the last being - well, you can’t finish your thought. 
You nibble on the tip of your finger as you scan the list of pilot names that is being dispatched. A sinking feeling begins to form as you read both Limitless and Black Flash as two of the appointed Jaegers. Your breath catches in your throat and your other hand comes up to fiddle with the front of your shirt. Shifting back and forth on your feet, your mind races as you debate your next move. 
If you head to Main Control, you’re unsure if they’ll allow you to stay. While you may be a Captain, the Marshall is very particular about those who are allowed inside the Command Deck during operation. You’re not sure you’ll be any help either. With the anxious pit in your stomach growing, you'll likely be unable to provide much aid to the battle strategists nor systems control. Both Limitless and Black Flash are likely already prepped for dispatch at this point. The pilots will be in their drive-suits, hair-thin needles sliding into their spine as they connect to the framework of their Jaegers. Drift commenced, both teams are probably headed out of the Shatterdome. 
You continue shifting, trying to resist pacing along the concrete floors of your bunker so that you don’t wake Megumi. With a sigh and a glance back at your son, lip still gnawing at the skin of your fingers. You have another training session in three hours. There won’t be much you can do until then, though you know the anxiety in your stomach will keep you awake. There's no use trying to fall back asleep now. 
Climbing into Megumi’s bed, you slide your body behind the little boy. He mumbles something in his sleep and turns over, sensing your shift. With his dark eyes barely blinking open and his lips tucked into a sweet, sleepy pout, Megumi crawls forward into your lap. You lean back against the wall behind you, legs laid out in front of you so that Megumi can settle between them. 
Knocking your head back, you gently hit the concrete wall with your skull. Letting the cool material distract you, you brush your fingers through Megumi’s hair. When Megumi lets out a little huff, a sign he’s comfortable, you smile gently despite the tight grip of worry in your chest.
Closing your eyes, all you can do is wait for the pilots to return. You refuse to scan through tabloids, not wanting the constant updates to twist your stomach in nausea. You allow a sense of anxious calm to settle over the room, sitting and waiting for the hours to dwindle away on their own.
When three hours finally pass, the silent ticking echoing through the room and splitting the quiet atmosphere, you slide out of Megumi’s bed and hoist him up into your arms once more. Meandering through your morning tasks, you get both you and Megumi ready for the day. You shuffle into your uniform and zip the suit up to your neck, adjusting the fit as you do so. 
After ensuring Megumi was alright, you swing by the orphanage. Crouching down beside your son, you allow yourself a little giggle when an energetic ball of pink fluff comes barreling your way. 
“Fushiguro! Red-san!” 
Megumi, knowing his best friend’s routine, steps aside just as Itadori Yuuji reaches the two of you. Yuuji crashes into your chest, a movement you had expected. With your arms open wide, you smile as the pink-haired boy grasps hold of you. Despite seeing him just yesterday, it warms your heart that Yuuji still exudes the same excitement each and every time he sees you and Megumi. 
“Hello, Yuuji-kun!” You mumble warmly as he squeezes you tight. Bent at the knee and crouched low, Yuuji is able to wrap his arms around your upper body to hug you tight. You squeeze back just as firm, allowing the little boy to pull away when he’s ready. 
When he does, there’s a vibrant smile on his cheeks, one that radiates happiness throughout the room. You wonder how anyone could resist his sweet smile, knowing even Megumi fell for his kind demeanor and ecstatic grin. 
“I have to go to work this morning, Yuuji,” you remind the boy. He frowns a little, a signature pout pulling his lower lip into his mouth. You have to look away to resist giving into his sad smile. “I’ll be back before you know it! Can you keep Megumi company while I’m gone?” 
Nodding fervently, Yuuji moves away to stand by his friend. It’s quite funny, you muse. Megumi’s blank-faced expression looks a little silly next to his energetic friend. However, you know Megumi is very happy to spend the day with his friend. He may not look like he does, but Megumi treasures his close friends well. 
You give the boys another gentle smile before standing back up. Looking back at Megumi you ruffle both boy’s hair and chuckle at the whine it raises from both. Your son softly smacks your hand away, and your chest shakes with your laughter. 
“Alright, boys. You know how to contact me if you need anything, right?” Both boys nod diligently, hair shaking as they wiggle. 
With a final wave and a greeting to the nearby staffing nurse, you head back out into the winding halls of the Shatterdome. Despite the swarms of soldiers wandering through the hangers, there’s a tightness in your chest that makes you feel so lonely. Without an update from the Marshall, you are left to stew in your worried anxiety, clutching onto the hope that both Jaegers and their pilots will return safely to base. 
Entering your usual training area, you force a stoic look onto your features and set your shoulders back to appear composed. The group of familiar cadets are already waiting inside, ready for another lesson. You forgo combat training today, knowing you’ll be too absent minded to pay close attention to each cadet’s compatibility. Instead, you turn their attention to group exercises. You separate them into smaller groups and point them towards one of the obstacle courses in the indoor training gym. It’s a physical course, but it takes teamwork to complete. Each obstacle can only be surpassed if all four group members work together. You hope the exercise will tune their relationships so that they one day may battle seamlessly together. 
A few hours into your training exercise, your hands tighten in their stiff position behind your back as a Lieutenant steps into the truing grounds. The cadets look up from their places, shifting to turn their attention to both you and the newcomer. 
You hold up your hand in a silent command, and the soldiers turn away, proceeding with their exercise while you step away. 
Stomach in knots, you feel your heart begin to beat wildly in your chest. You know the Lieutenant is here to inform you of both Limitless and Black Flash’s status. With a stuttering pulse and tense limbs, you follow after them as they step away from your group of students. You’re grateful for the space, not wanting the cadets to see your unease. 
When they come to a stop, they pivot on their feet to address you, “Captain.” 
You nod, settling into the appropriate stance with your arms still stiff behind you. In this position, you’re able to resist the urge to pull at your cuticles. It’s difficult to stop yourself from shifting on your feet, but you manage as you press your lips together tightly. You suck in a breath, nodding as the turmoil continues to contort inside you. 
“Lieutenant,” you reply stiffly. Your tone is clipped, but thankfully they don’t seem to take offense to your firm tone. It’s apparent that you’re worried for the outcome of your friends. Despite your hopes to appear professional, you must reveal an inkling of anxiety in your tense stance and apprehensive eyes. 
“The Black Flash and Limitless have returned to the Shatterdome.” 
Inhaling sharply, you nod and allow them to continue. Eyes hard, you keep your stance stiff despite the ache in your chest and the longing to sag under the anxiety. 
“Pilots Nanami and Haibara have sustained minor injuries, but are otherwise unharmed.” The update has your shoulders sagging in relief, but the lack of knowledge of Limitless keeps your stomach turning. 
“And the others?” You prompt, eyes scanning the Lieutenant for signs of grief. 
“The Jaeger Limitless endured heavy damage against the Category Four Kaiju. The hull was breached during battle and the mechanics failed upon their return. Limitless will be decommissioned upon the Marshall’s command – the destruction is beyond repair.” 
You suck in a heavy breath and nearly step away from the form in front of you. The sinking feeling returns, and a lump swells in your throat. Chest tightening, you swear you can hear your pulse in your ears. A hull rupture. You’re too familiar with the words. Memories flick past your eyes, and they’re difficult to shake away. Flashes of concern race through your head, and you can barely manage your next question. 
“The pilots?” You muster, voice a little shaky. “Are they -” 
The Lieutenant makes eye contact for the first time since their arrival. “Pilots Gojo and Geto are recovering in the emergency Medbay. Gojo Satoru experienced severe injury to his arm during battle and was transported alongside Geto Suguru as soon as they finished docking.” 
Recovering. That’s good. Recovering means they’re not dead. That’s all you can think as you thank the Lieutenant for the update. You dismiss them with a nod. 
As soon as they disappear around the corner, you let your shoulders sag. Collapsing inward, you heave a shuddering breath and suppress a sob of relief. Heavy injuries, the words bounce around in your head. Heavy injuries are alright, as long as they’re both still breathing. You can handle the recovery. It’s difficult to even think of any other scenario. You’re not sure you can handle losing another one of your friends. 
Hunching over, you rest your hands on your knees and muffle a sob. Squeezing your eyes shut, you allow your chest to shake through another panicked breath. There’s both relief and worry still rolling in your chest, but you try to remain optimistic. 
Pausing for a moment, you take a deep breath before righting yourself. Swaying on your feet, you push back the lump in your throat and the tears that ache behind your eyelids. Stepping back into the training area, you beckon your group of cadets back to your side. 
With a short explanation, you dismiss the cadets early, knowing you’ll have to let the Marshall know later. The ache in your chest that longs to rush to Gojo and Geto’s side is too strong, and you know you won’t be able to focus on the training session any longer. 
Waving your hand, you watch the cadets exit the space before you push off your heels. Trying your hardest not to race, you take quick strides towards the Medbay. You can’t explain why your heart pulses against your chest so rapidly, nor can you decipher the discord of emotions that ache in your mind for both Geto and Gojo. All you can do is continue navigating the winding hallways of the Shatterdome, bringing your steps closer to the two pilots that have been ingrained in your mind lately. 
It’s only moments later when you push open the Medbay doors with a resounding thud. Eyes shift to your form, but you ignore their curious gazes in favor of locating a nurse. Striding towards an unoccupied shift nurse, you question Geto and Gojo’s location. They meekly give you the room number, before you turn quickly on your heel towards the correct direction.
Scanning room numbers with a racing mind, you finally locate the one you’re looking for. With a lump steadily pushing into your throat, you force open the door gently despite your rattled mind. 
Suguru is the first you lay eyes on. 
He’s got bandages wrapped around his shoulder and gauze pressed against his cheek. Hair ruffled and falling from its bun, there are wrinkled lines of worry on his forehead, but he seems otherwise unharmed. You let out a heavy sigh of relief, one that turns Suguru’s attention away from his lover and towards the door. 
When he meets your gaze, he lets out a shaky breath. You let your chest sag in relief once more and follow his command as he waves you forward. 
Stepping towards him, you let your heart jump into your throat as you finally let a tear squeeze past your eyes. It sinks onto your cheek, and Suguru aches to brush it away with his fingers. He wants to feel the softness of your skin under his fingertips and force away all the melancholy that has your face twisted into such sadness. 
Though, he knows he doesn’t look much better. 
With his arm bandaged from the nasty scrape, Suguru got lucky. The fight could have ended much worse if not for Satoru’s quick thinking. He lets out a heavy sigh that sounds too much like a sob. Motioning with a wave of his hand, you approach Suguru with a sad smile. 
“Suguru,” you nearly whimper. It’s a watery sound, barely able to be forced out of your throat with the lump that sits in the way. The dark-haired pilot’s eyes soften into a look of loving agony that you can’t quite place. The sound of your voice strikes a chord in his chest and he hates the way it makes his heart throb. Allowing himself a moment of weakness, Suguru’s hand reaches out when you’re close enough to his side. 
Looking weaker than you’ve ever seen him, Geto’s hand extends towards you. Heart stuttering, you grasp ahold of his outstretched fingers and allow him to pull you into his side. Suguru, uncharacteristically small under your gaze, wraps his arms around your waist. Pulling you into him, he rests his head directly onto your chest, hiding the teary eyes he’s barely managing to suppress. He hums a broken sound, muffling it into the thick material of your uniform. 
Your heart aches at the sound, bringing your hands up to rest them on his shoulders. Geto clutches you tight, hands gripping your hips as he inhales another shuddering breath.
Over his shoulder, you finally get a glance at Satoru. 
He’s laying in an infirmary bed, eyes shut but without his blindfold. Looking beaten, there's gauze wrapped around his forehead, likely from a head injury, and his arms are wrapped in similar material. It’s his left arm you're worried about – the one that had been sliced open when the hull ruptured. A deep slice ran along the length of his arm, sanguine smudges evidence of the blood that continued to leak through the bandages. You wince in memory of a similar scar that now runs along the length of your own left arm. 
“How is he?” You whisper, voice just loud enough for Geto to hear. Your chest is a bit lighter now, the anxious turmoil being soothed by Suguru’s fingers as they rub gentle circles into your hips. The motion makes your heart stutter and your stomach flips, but it’s a much more pleasant feeling that the bubble of worry. 
Still pressed into your chest, Suguru mumbles his response into your form. 
“Alright, I think. He took a hit meant for the Black Flash,” Geto mutters. His chest vibrates with his words, the feeling radiating into your own skin and sending shivers down your spine. 
“What?” You mutter under your breath, a little confused. You pull Geto’s face out of your chest gently. Placing one of your hands against his cheek, face heating a little at the intimate gesture, you question him. “What do you mean?”
“The Kaiju was smarter than we anticipated,” he grunts, face pulled into a frown. You nearly brush your finger across his soft lips, but resist the urge when Geto continues speaking. “It separated us from Kento and Yu. When it was in Black Flash’s blind spot, it lunged to take them out, but ‘Toru had already forced Limitless in between. The Kaiju’s teeth damaged the hull, and Satoru was too close to the shrapnel that was expelled.” 
You suck in another breath, eyes looking back at Satoru in his bed. Still asleep, he looks more peaceful now that you can see his eyes. Though he’s injured, you’ve never seen the tension leave his form as it has now. Letting out a little huff of relief, you mentally thank him. Satoru saved the Black Flash today. Without him and Suguru, you may not have seen Nanami and Haibara again. 
With a tight chest and pursed lips, you shift your eyes back to Geto. He’s looking at you now, eyes still soft and a little watery. It’s hard to tell, but you’ve gotten used to both Geto and Gojo’s emotional intricacies in the past few weeks. You know he aches for his lover. He probably feels a little guilty too, something you know you’ve taken your fair share of as a pilot. 
Brushing your fingers over his cheek, Suguru feels another pleasant hum radiate through his chest. He loves the feeling of your skin against his, longing to press his body further into your own. Looking back at his wounded partner, Suguru sags against your chest again with a heavy sigh. 
“S’alright, Suguru,” you whisper once more. “You’re both safe now.” 
You’ve never felt closer to either pilot than you do now. Whatever strings connected you before, are now pulled taut; no more loose loops and tangled knots. You can almost feel the bond between the three of you sing stronger with each passing moment. The notion fills you with another bout of warmth. 
Letting yourself be a little selfish, you lift the hand that was pressed against Suguru’s shoulder. Hesitantly, you drop it onto his scalp with a shaky movement. Unsure of proceeding, you go still with a racing heart. Suguru, who’s heart now matches yours in pace, softly nudges his head further into your stomach. With his permission, you let your fingers delicately scratch against his scalp. His soft, silken hair brushes against your skin, and he lets out a quiet, audible groan when you scratch once more. 
The sound has your ears heating and brain stuttering, but you continue your motions regardless. Suguru appears to melt, his body going lax against you as he tilts his head further into your fingers. With a soft smile, you let your heart hum happily despite the emotional turmoil. 
You’re interrupted by the sound of the door opening once more. 
Turning towards the entrance, your eyes meet the little form of Megumi, who shifts back and forth on his feet with wary eyes. He’s fiddling with his hands and looking a little perturbed. Leaning away from Suguru, who nearly audibly whines when your fingers leave his skin, you shuffle towards the door and drop to your knees. 
“Hey, Bub,” you mumble, hands coming up to grasp his smaller fingers in your own. “S’going on?”
Megumi’s lips press together as he peers around you to look once at Geto and then at Gojo’s sleeping form. He wrings his fingers together again, feeling nervous. You notice his eyes linger on Gojo’s injured form, his body nearly rocking back and forth as he fidgets. You manage a little smile and lift off your knees, offering your hand to your son. 
“S’okay, ‘Gumi. Gojo’s alright now.” Your words seem to ease the boy for now, but he still flicks his gaze back and forth between you and the white-haired pilot. “You wanna see him?”
Megumi manages a little nod, grasping onto your fingers as you lead him towards Gojo’s bedside. Geto’s eyes follow you, a gentle look in his gander. He loves to watch you and Megumi interact, feeling a little bubble of warmth in his stomach when you ensure the boy is comfortable with every new interaction. Shifting in his seat, Geto offers a little wave at Megumi, who sends a small smile back. 
Crouching again, you pick Megumi up into your arms. Fidgeting as you place him onto your hip, Geto stands to shuffle over to your side. You flick your attention to him for a moment, ensuring that he's not in any pain as he moves. Suguru waves off your concern, coming to stand behind you and Megumi. 
The three of you stand at Gojo’s bedside, your fingers rubbing comforting circles into Megumi’s back as he scans Satoru’s injured form. With perfect timing, Gojo is just beginning to wake. His pupils shift behind his eyelids and he muffles a little groan. From behind you, Geto lays his big hand across Gojo’s forearm. 
When Satoru’s crystalline blue eyes open, he's met with three figures standing over his bedside. True to Gojo’s nature, he musters a little smirk that raises the corners of his lips. You nearly scoff lightheartedly when he murmurs under his breath. 
“Aw, were ya’ worried about me?” 
Geto chuckles when Megumi turns away from Gojo, pressing his face into your chest. You let out a little giggle as well, shielding your son from Gojo in his faint embarrassment. Even with his injuries, Satoru still manages to muster his energetic demeanor, hiding a wince when he sits up on his bed. 
You send Gojo a look, eyes soft and expressing your thanks silently. He meets your gaze, a sweet look in his own vibrant, blue eyes. Satoru sends you a little nod, letting his fingers brush against yours when you’re close enough. The touch sends a little shiver down your spine and Megumi wiggles against you. 
In the light of the infirmary, the four of you are in your own little world. 
Geto watches happily as you and Megumi speak quietly to Gojo, your son’s body now sitting on the edge of Gojo’s bed. Geto savors in the secluded atmosphere, – just the four of you and no one else to interrupt. He hopes there are many more moments like these, especially some without an injured partner. With a soft sigh, Geto finally presses closer to you, and you let him. He rests his chin on your head with his chest pressed against your back. Exchanging a knowing look with his lover, the two of them sink into the happy aura and let themselves relax in the presence of you and your son. 
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Satoru recovers steadily, his arm healing nicely and scarring over in the days that follow. The stitches were removed a little more than a week later, the wounds having closed without any signs of infection. When you greet him that afternoon, Gojo pulls your body next to his, comparing his scarred arm against your own. You laugh when he murmurs that you now match, enjoying that Satoru can find little bits of happiness even in his own pain. 
Limitless, the once hulking, Mark-4 Jaeger is decommissioned shortly after they had docked. Both pilots had been devastated, watching as their beloved machine slowly powers down for the last time. You stand at their side, rubbing Gojo’s side when he’s forced to look away with a tightened chest. Geto leans into you, forcing a deep sigh as he wonders what will happen next. 
You are informed a few days later, of a new Jaeger, one that’s been remodeled and updated from its previous Mark-3 status. With a sharp, breathy inhale, you listen as the Marshall reveals the news. 
The Scarlet Dragon, after its final battle, was refurbished. Brought back to life after tragedy, the Jaeger’s core had been saved, allowing mechanics to rebuild its body from the ground up. Now standing taller than before, the new Jaeger is no longer a sanguine color. The metallic, shining white illuminates a rainbow shine when the light hits the paint. It’s beautiful. Unlike any other built before it, the machine stands tall and proud under your stare. 
No longer The Scarlet Dragon, the new Mark-5 machine - first of its kind - has a new name: The Rainbow Dragon. 
Built with your previous Jaeger in mind, it looks just like the one from your memories. Though the paint is different and it’s taller than before, with new weapons and updated technology, you can still see the Scarlet Dragon before you. 
The ache in your chest feels heavier than ever. You can almost feel your brother at your side as you stand in front of the Rainbow Dragon. After the Marshall had explained the machine he’d hidden from the public eye, you’d taken refuge in its hulking form. Mind racing, you consider the Marshall’s terse words.
“First of her kind,” he mutters under his breath. “As the first Mark-5 Jaeger in history, the mechanics had to work around the necessity of a stronger, enchanted Drift mechanism.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“It means: the Rainbow Dragon needs three pilots.” 
The Marshall hadn’t continued, but you understand the subtext regardless. 
The new machine was capable of immense strength and agility, one that surpassed any Jaeger before it. However, in order to operate the new apparatus, it needed a third pilot to handle the heavier neurological load. You hadn’t asked who he was going to choose for the job, but you already knew who his choices were. 
Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru were two of the best pilots the Jaeger Program had ever seen. Their abilities would be wasted anywhere else. Both men were incredible pilots, capable of thinking on their feet and coming out victorious despite heavy losses. 
The third pilot had to be someone that knew them well. Someone that understood their emotions and their bond – a soldier who had experience operating a Jaeger and knew how to handle the Drift. It had to be someone who was close to both Geto and Gojo, being able to understand them even without the aid of the neurological connection. 
The Marshall didn’t need to say a name, because you already knew you were the only pilot he considered. 
Quickly after dismissing you, you shuffled into the new hanger. Climbing the rafters, you pulled your heaving body onto the high platforms in front of The Rainbow Dragon and finally collapsed. 
Feeling weaker than ever, you mulled over the information, letting your brain spiral into darker territory as you relived your final moments in The Scarlet Dragon. The memories are painful. Seeing your brother ripped from his seat and your voice rubbing raw as you screamed for him, you felt tears drip from your lower lids. Lifting a hand to scrub them away, you huffed a small sob. 
The task seems too daunting. You’re not sure you’ll ever be ready to climb inside another Jaeger, your memories too strong and the wound still fresh. Your chest is heavy, a weight sitting on your ribs as you recall your loving brother. 
“Hey, Kiddo,” his voice rings in your memory. “Look at me, Kid. Everything’s gonna be fine, okay? M’always gonna be right here – you can always find me in the Drift.” 
The words have never left you, radiating through your being as his deep voice murmurs in your mind. You know he’d have wanted better for you. He always pushed you to greater heights, claiming you deserved more than what you were given. The weight in your chest seems to only get heavier when you think of him. You know he wouldn’t want you to stop fighting because of him. He’d probably drag your ass back into a Jaeger himself, if he could. He’d be murmuring under his breath the whole time, grunting good-natured jabs as he pushes you into the pilot’s seat. 
Startled out of your thoughts as someone climbs the rafters behind you, you scrub your tears away as their form enters the metal overhang. You’re surprised to see both Nanami and Haibara, your son’s body between their feet. 
“Hey, Kid.” Nanami’s voice breaks the silence. His lips are pressed together, eyes soft as he takes in your watery eyes and sad smile. 
Megumi crawls forward quickly, his little hands coming up to your face to gently wipe away your falling tears. You melt at his comforting gesture, wrapping your arms around his body to pull him into your lap. He settles into you swiftly, wiggling his form to situate himself. 
Nanami and Haibara settle at your sides, the four of you sitting in a quiet silence for a few moments before you break it. 
“I assume you heard the news?”
Both men nod, their heads shaking as they shift to look at you. Megumi leans back into your chest, looking out at the Rainbow Dragon in wonder. Dark eyes wide, your son gasps at the magnificence of the Jaeger before you. 
“Okaasan, do you miss your brother?” His little voice questions. He’s taken to fiddling with your fingers, rubbing his own short ones against the tips of yours as he speaks. 
Megumi was young when your brother died, so you don’t expect him to remember much of him. He knows you were close with him, especially with all the stories you tell the younger boy. Though he may not recall your brother clearly, Megumi can still see faint flashes of both you and you brother, alongside two blurry figures that he assumes are his parents. He doesn’t remember either of them, they had died long before he could ever recall their faces. Since he was young, you were his only parental figure – something he’s more than fine with now. 
You nod softly, looking down at Megumi as Haibara rubs a hand across your back. Leaning into your friend’s hand, you whisper back to Megumi, “Very much.” 
Voice watery, Megumi leans his head back against your chest to look up at you. Hair ruffled and dark eyes shining, the boy’s lips turn upwards in a small smile. 
“He must have been a very good person,” the boy mumbles as he twists your fingers. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be so sad, right?”
Nodding again, you look back up at the Jaeger before you and mull over Megumi’s words. Nanami and Haibara are still silent at your sides, but you savor their quiet comfort regardless. Your two oldest friends already seem to know when their muted solace is appreciated, letting your son be the one to speak. 
“Would he be mad if you wanted to fight again?” His words startle you, your eyes shooting back down to look into his curious ones. The tiny orbs are inquisitive, full of questioning wonder that you’ve seen before. 
After a moment’s hesitation, you consider your son’s words. You don't think your brother would be mad if you were to return to a Jaeger. In fact, you think he’d be ecstatic if you continued to fight even after his unfortunate death. It’s not necessarily his memory that holds you back, but your own fear. 
You’ve long dreaded the connection that’s made between pilots, too anxious that the strain of the Drift with another copilot would bring you too much pain. You were still connected to your brother when he was killed. Every moment of his dying agony was your own. You didn’t think you were ready to experience that kind of anguish once more. 
“I don’t think so,” you reply softly. Squeezing Megumi tight in your arms, you press your forehead into his hair.
“Are you scared then?” 
Without lifting your head, you nod against Megumi’s hair. His words aren’t angry, nor are they accusatory. He simply wants to understand why you never return to piloting, always a little uncertain about your reasons. 
Megumi nods his head in understanding. He continues looking out at the Rainbow Dragon, letting his fingers stroke comforting circles into your hands. Your son is remarkably intelligent. For someone his age, Megumi is keen and able to understand complex emotions even without experiencing them himself. He’s caring too, making sure to silently comfort you with little strokes of his hands as he speaks.
You’re so incredibly proud of him. Despite all the tragedy in his life, your son is immensely wise and so exceptionally kind. You feel your heart squeeze with a warmth as your softened eyes leak a few tears into his hair. 
“Yeah, ‘Gumi,” you whisper, only for him to hear. “M’scared.”
“That’s okay, Okaasan!” He replies cheerfully, his voice light and energetic despite the gloomy atmosphere. “I can be strong for you!”
Your eyes crinkle as they turn into a sweet smile. Heart singing, a surge of warmth fills you as Megumi speaks. You couldn’t be more happy to have Megumi as your son. 
“I’ll be right here the whole time,” Megumi croons. “And then when it’s all over, we can finally go home.”
Letting your body collapse into Megumi, you weep a little sob. Home, you think. That sounds nice. The idea of a little beach side house, Megumi’s little body running around in the sand and the salty smell of the ocean in the air. Your heart aches as you imagine it. After everything is finally over, you finally want to buy the house you’ve had your eye on. You want to adopt Megumi and take him home as your son, officially. 
You’re surprised when the images of Geto and Gojo sneak into the fantasy. Their forms dance in the sand, Gojo flicking water at Megumi as he squeals. Heart full, you hum pleasantly. Nanami and Haibara join the sight soon, Yuuji’s pink hair peeking out from behind Megumi. Your little family. 
Nodding fervently, you press a kiss to Megumi’s hair with a determined sigh. Nanami and Haibara watch as you set your shoulders back, their own chests fluttering with happiness as the youthful determination finally fills your body once more. 
“Okay, ‘Gumi,” you whisper. “One more fight, then we finally go home.” 
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Three days later, and there’s no time to test your drift compatibility with Geto and Gojo. 
The Marshall, after speaking with the lead research specialist, wants to make a final attempt to close the Breach. With new information regarding the opening between worlds, he’s certain that this final shot will work. 
You’re nervous – more than you’ve ever been in your life. It’s been a long time since you’ve put on a drive-suit, twinging a little when the thin needles insert into your spine. You’re a little stiff, but it feels good to be back in the suit. It feels natural once again, the material shifting as you walk. Heading into the cockpit of the Rainbow Dragon, your stomach quells in anxiety. 
You’d said goodbye to Megumi a few moments ago. The Marshall promised to look after him while you were gone, your trembling hands thanking him. You pressed a kiss to Megumi’s hair, promising to be back soon. There was no need to say farewells, you were confident. You would not be leaving Megumi behind again. He would not have to let go of another parental figure. 
He sent you a warm smile, pressing his own little kiss to your cheek. It was uncharacteristic of him to be so affectionate, but you blame it on him sensing your nerves. 
Inside the Rainbow Dragon, Gojo and Geto are already preparing the Jaeger for dispatch. There’s muffled conversation between them, a sense of lingering unease in the cockpit. The Marshall had not informed them of their third pilot. Neither Gojo nor Geto were sure of the choice for the empty pilot’s seat in the cockpit. 
Though, both pilots already knew who their choice would have been.
There was only one other person in the Shatterdome who knew their minds inside and out. Though they’d only been ‘friends’ for a few months, both Geto and Gojo knew you were fine tuned to their intricacies by now. It was evident in the way you helped Gojo pull his pilot uniform over his wounded shoulder weeks ago. As if you knew the exact movement that would bring him pain, you maneuvered the uniform over his arm, ensuring that he didn’t have to make any motion that would hurt him. 
Gojo saw it in the way you helped Suguru pull his hair into a bun when his own shoulder ached after their battle. His lover’s eyes fell shut as your fingers brushed against Geto’s scalp, his smile warm and endearing as you carefully tied the elastic. 
The three of you worked seamlessly together now. 
From over his shoulder, Geto mumbled something as he fidgeted with the helmet in his hands. The black drive-suit fits his build well. Broad shoulders and thin waist, Gojo finds himself scanning his lover’s body with appreciation. 
Looking up, Geto rolls his eyes when he meets Gojo’s sultry gaze. Wiggling his eyebrow childishly, Satoru laughs when Geto shoves him away. It’s amazing they both can play around like this before a mission. Though the atmosphere is taut, nerves on end and soldiers tense around them, Geto and Gojo still manage to keep a lighthearted facade. 
As the two continue pre-ignition procedures, footsteps entering the cockpit cause both their heads to raise from their hunched positions. The steps stop just before the far right pilot’s seat, a beat of silence echoing through the room before you break it. 
“I hope you don’t mind if I take the right,” you grin. “My left arm was shot to shit.” 
Geto’s head whips in your direction so quickly, you have to muffle a giggle. His black hair falls in front of his face in his shock, the strands of his bangs blocking his eyes for a moment before he shakes them away. When his gaze meets yours, you suck in a breath at the look in his eyes. They're softened, pupils shining with an endearing expression that makes you want to melt under his stare. Geto looks at you as if he’s been waiting for you – not just now, as a pilot, but forever. He and Gojo have been waiting for you, whether they knew it or not. 
Gojo’s smile widens, a laugh falling from his lips as he lets out a little cheer. His heart squeezing, he takes in your figure. The dark drive-suit suits you well, the material standing out against the pale interior of the cockpit. It’s you, he thinks. It’s always been you. They’ve been waiting for you. 
Nodding, Geto motions for you to take the right pilot’s seat. Gojo falls easily into the middle one, allowing his recovering left arm a little break. Settling into the left side, Geto feels a sense of ease spread through the room. It feels natural, your presence. It’s as though they’ve been battling with you this whole time. You fit so seamlessly between their personalities, taking everything in stride and working to better both them and yourself. 
“You look good, Sunshine.” It’s Gojo who speaks, his voice cutting through the silence. He’s looking at you, crystalline blue eyes taking in every inch of your figure as he had Suguru. Both of you look enticing in your drive-suits. 
“Thanks, ‘Toru,” you mumble in reply, ducking your head to hide your flustered expression. You hope neither of them notice, but it wouldn’t be in their character. 
“He’s right,” Suguru continues. “You ready, Pretty?”
You manage a shaky nod, settling your body back into the pilot seat behind you. Geto and Gojo follow suit, shifting to press back into the needles that attach themselves to your spine. Hair-thin and minuscule, you’ll barely feel the spines in a few moments, but the initial injection is never comfortable.  
When the three of you are finally settled into place, you begin pulling up the screen in front of you. Clicking your right arm into the brace that will allow you to control the Rainbow Dragon’s own left arm, you let the practiced motions of preparing the Jaeger drown out your nervous turmoil.
The Rainbow Dragon is a three-armed Jaeger, with a rotating middle that allows the limbs to switch positions in the middle of battle. While you choose to operate the right side, it’s likely the section could change. It’s not too drastic of an adjustment. Though some of the nerves are touchy, your left arm should be able to handle the fight just fine. It will simply be a little less reactive than your right. 
“Hey,” Gojo breaks the silence. He’s turned to face you, bright blue eyes tracing your features under the helmet you had slid on. His voice is soft, something you don’t often hear. “Let’s go somewhere after this. Just us – you, me, Suguru and Megumi. Some time alone for the four of us.”
Geto hums a happy sound, obviously in agreement. His dark eyes turn back to you, letting the pupils trace your features with an endearing look. In the cockpit, there’s some sense of a peaceful calm despite the stressful situation that continues outside your little world. It sends a bolt of warmth into your chest and you return Suguru’s sweet look, your cheek beginning to ache from the wide smile that settles on your lips. 
“The beach,” you decide after a moment’s hesitation. Stomach twisting, now with butterflies rather than nerves, you address them both. “Megumi’s always wanted to go to Okinawa.”
Geto shakes his head with a laugh before turning back to Satoru with a smile on his lips. “Okinawa it is then.” 
Before the Drift even commences, the three of you slide into a connection of your own. Minds so finely tuned to each other, you barely even need the drift to tell you what the other is thinking. You’re already imagining the beach. The white sand brushing against your toes and Megumi’s laughter in the air as the four of you take some well needed time away. In your own world, you finish preparing the final steps to dispatch the Rainbow Dragon, turning to face Gojo, your designated lead pilot. 
“All systems are a ‘Go,’ Six.” 
The white haired pilot’s lips curl into a smirk at the name, sending you a teasing look as you address him by his nickname again. It’s different now. While you used to throw the name at him with a subtle hint of distaste, now the name ‘Six Eyes’ means something else. It's spoken with a manner of confidence, letting Satoru know that you are placing your complete trust in his efforts as your lead pilot. 
Gojo turns to face his lover, receiving his consensual nod from Suguru before he addresses Main Control. “Rainbow Dragon is a ‘Go.’ Commence the Drift.” 
At his command, a voice repeats Satoru’s command in your ear. Settling back against the pilot seat with a lingering nervousness in your gut, you make contact with Suguru. His warm smile underneath the helmet soothes some of the anxiety, trying to comfort your racing mind. It’s been a long time since you’ve drifted with another pilot, and the first with a pilot who isn’t your brother. 
Taking a deep, controlled breath, you shut your eyes and allow the swelling of the Drift take over your mind. It starts with a subtle pressure, building until it presses at the forefront of your consciousness. When you succumb to its strength, you’re immediately met with flashes of memories. 
At first, they're yours. 
You see your brother's face as you and the Fushiguro’s laugh. The four of you are stuffed into your small bunker, clutching drinks as you giggle amongst yourselves. The swell of nostalgia presses against your chest as you feel the ache of grief pushing against your ribs. You look so happy here. 
When the memory gets pulled away, you know both Geto and Gojo are watching too. The Drift links all three of you, so they see every scene as it flashes by in front of you. Instead of feeling nervous, there’s some warmth in your chest that comforts you. You’re not afraid of them seeing your past. You actually find that you’re grateful they can see these memories, you know it will bring you closer together. Being able to physically feel every emotion from the others is both a blessing and a curse in the Drift. 
Another flash floats in front of you, and you’re holding Megumi for the first time. 
You remember the tears that dropped down your cheeks as you held his tiny body in your hands. He was so small, little tufts of dark hair fluffy against his forehead and dark eyes already open. Megumi looks up at you for the first time in his life, and you couldn’t resist the tears that fell from your eyes. His birth mother is asleep, having passed out with Toji at her side as he passes his son into your arms. Your brother is at your side, his head peeking over your shoulder as the two of you finally meet the child of your lifelong friends. 
You watch as your heart swells with love at the sight. You hadn’t known then, that Megumi would one day be your son. Though, you can’t find it within yourself to wish for anything different. He’s the perfect kid, even despite both of your flaws. 
When the memory is pulled away, it’s replaced by a painful one. 
You watch as Toji’s Jaeger falls apart, the machine collapsing under his insurmountable grief. Toji had lost his wife in a similar way you'd lost your brother. Pulled from the Jaeger by the hulking body of a Kaiju, Toji had crumpled under the weight of his lost love. Both himself and his Jaeger had been destroyed in the process. 
You remember crying out for both your friends, chest seizing as a sob wracked through your chest. It was up to you and your brother to finish off the Kaiju, not given a moment’s hesitation for the grief that swelled in your throat. 
There’s the flash of you holding Megumi’s body tight, his inquisitive eyes not quite understanding the situation, but squeezing you back regardless. He’d been so young.
Another blur passes through you, Geto and Gojo’s chest sinking under the weight of your own subtle grief. You don’t allow yourself much else, knowing you can’t immerse yourself in the memories. Following after one, ‘chasing the rabbit’ as the Marshall says, would only disrupt the Drift and cause the Jaeger to fail. 
Though they ache to comfort you somehow, both men allow the next memory to pass, watching with wide eyes as they are met with the sight that had previously ended your piloting career. 
Breath caught in their lungs, your voice crying out in their ears, they watch as your brother is ripped from his seat. Feeling every moment of your brother’s dying agony, they ache as you did. It’s painful, incredibly so. Gojo wishes to reach out to you, though he knows he can’t. 
They only watch as your past, broken form sobs as you finally finish the Kaiju once and for all. When you collapse against the coastline, the Scarlet Dragon defeated, there’s a crushing pain in both their chests. 
You resist falling into grief. 
Instead, you let these agonizing moments propel you into some kind of vengeful confidence. You won’t let these people die in vain. Toji and his wife, your brother, all those pilots before you – you will not allow their sacrifice to be for naught. 
With your head held high, your memories finally finish, allowing Geto’s to take their place. 
Each crucial moment of Geto Suguru’s life flows past your mind. You watch with your breath caught in your throat as he meets Gojo Satoru for the first time. They’d been young, only teenagers at the time, but they look so similar. Wide smiles on their cheeks, you watch as Geto shoves Gojo away with a laugh, the two boys playfully wrestling with each other. 
Another rift fades, and you watch two little girls appear before you. One blonde and the other dark haired, your eyes follow Geto as he hoists both girls onto his hips. Carrying them both with a warm smile, Suguru cares for both girls as his own. The sight makes your chest squeeze again – he’d be such a good father. 
You’re ripped from the sweet moment as the spectacle changes. Now, it’s a memory of pure agony. With wide eyes and a breath stuck in his throat, Suguru finds the two girls, eyes blank and blood dripping from their skulls. It’s clear they’ve been trampled, likely from a crowd of people trying to escape a Kaiju attack. Satoru and Suguru had been away, called to pilot their Jaeger as they left the girls in the care of a neighbor. Likely abandoned by the caretaker, the twins were mercilessly slaughtered before either man could even say goodbye. 
You nearly cough out a sob as Suguru’s grief overtakes you. It’s similar to your own, and you find yourself aching to comfort him as he did you.
As the sigh fades away, Satoru’s memories take their place. You’re not very surprised to find Satoru doesn’t have many happy memories that don’t include Suguru. From the pictures that flash through your consciousness, Satoru wasn’t allowed much of a childhood. His clan elders seem to rip him away the moment he had the strength to stand and walk on his own. 
Though, despite the unhappy memories, there’s ones of joy slipping in between. There's genuine smiles filtering through the cracks, images of his laugh as he lays on Suguru’s lap. A wide grin is on his lips as he sits in between Suguru, Nanami and Haibara in one of their bunkers. 
For a moment, you think the Drift has finally finished as the images fade away. However, you’re startled as one final sight flashes before your eyes. 
You don’t know whose memory it is. It could be either Suguru’s or Satoru’s, but you know it’s not yours. 
You know because it’s your body standing before your own eyes. 
In that moment, with your form sitting on one of the high-rise platforms in front of Limitless, you feel every moment of Geto and Gojo’s emotions. There’s joy and kindness, and some sort of longing that sits in your stomach and has your heart doing all sorts of flips. Your breath is stuck in your throat, a lump holding it there as you watch yourself turn to look down at the person. 
There must be some sort of difference in this memory because you swear you appear more beautiful than you’ve ever seen. It seems as though, in this person’s memory, they see you in such a pure way – as if they see you in a much better light than you see yourself. This person sees authentic, sheer beauty as your form turns to look at them. 
They see you in a light in which you’ve never seen yourself. 
You appear more beautiful than any instance you’ve ever seen before. In this memory, time seems to slow as your lips pull into a gentle smile and wave down at the person looking up. Your heart seems to catch, a pure longing taking its place as the person waves back. When your past body waves the person to join you, you swear you’ve never felt lighter.
There's so much pure joy and genuine aching for your presence, you think you might cry. You feel giggly and ecstatic, like a school girl all over again. It sets your heart alight, twisting your features into such a soft expression. 
You know it’s not just Geto or Gojo’s memory now. 
You can recall finding both pilots looking up at you in the rafters, their smiles and happy eyes gazing up at your body. You remember waving to them, gesturing for them to join you, with your own set of butterflies in your stomach. 
It’s not one of their memories – it’s both. 
Whatever joy and longing you’re feeling, is coming from both of them. They appear to be linked in such a way that they felt the exact same ache for you. Sharing both the memory and the feeling, the sight before you flickers and you fear you may cry. 
Not out of sadness, but from genuine love. 
You’ve never felt so honestly and authentically loved as you do now. Absolutely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of affection that swells in your chest, you fear you may sink too far into the memory. The tightness in your chest crescendos, but it’s not an unpleasant feeling. 
When you’re finally pulled from it, some kind of bond just snaps into place. 
Suddenly, you know exactly how the three of you feel for each other. There's no lingering questioning, no deceiving guesses that leave all of you confused. You know now. It’s always been you – just the three of you and your son now. 
As you meet the gazes of Satoru and Suguru, there’s a confident smile on your cheeks. You feel their joy and their swelling devotion as you settle into your new place – between the two of them. 
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It's about an hour later, when you’re standing at the brink of the Breach, that the nerves finally return. It’s almost suspicious – you’ve made it this far with no problem. There’s been no sign of any Kaiju, not even a surge of energy from the Breach. It’s worrying, but for now, you take it as a good sign. 
But you need a body. A Kaiju body is needed to bypass the Breach. 
That’s what the research analyst had discovered. In order to pass through the rift between worlds, the Breach scans the Kaiju’s DNA like an identification tag. In order to pass through, you need a Kaiju - dead or alive. 
Perhaps they know this. You've underestimated their intelligence as a species before. Maybe they know of your plans – can tell that your kind intends to collapse the rift between your world and theirs for good. It’s suspicious, but you have no other explanation. 
As the Rainbow Dragon stands side by side with the Black Flash, two other Jaegers stand behind you, the darkness of the water seems to close in around you. Deep beneath the ocean’s surface, there's so little light. You can only see a few meters in front of the Rainbow Dragon, just enough to make out the edges of the Breach. It glows even despite the depths, a sentiment you’re grateful for. It casts a faint light around the edge, allowing you to keep the Black Flash within your sights.
“Any sign, Kento?” It’s Satoru’s voice that carries through the unnerving silence. Main Control had gone quiet too, all of you waiting in suspense. 
“Nothing, Gojo.” 
You turn to look at Suguru, a tense lipped frown on your face. He returns the look with a little nod, settling your nerves in the slightest. You have nothing to fear with them at your side. With Nanami and Haibara as your wing-men, you know the five of you are strong. 
Scanning the ocean floor in front of you, left hand clenching in your drive-suit, you feel the weight of the mission settle onto your shoulders. It’s your Jaeger that carries the payload – the Rainbow Dragon is the one assigned to pass through the Breach. 
“Rainbow Dragon!” The voice of Main Control filters through your earpiece. “Signatures are rising – two Category Five Kaiju are breaking through the Breach!”
The Rainbow Dragon whirs as your fists lift into a defensive position. The plasma cannon in Suguru’s right fist faintly hums as it prepares for battle, and the razor sharp sword retracted into your arm is cocked and ready to deploy. Settling your weight onto your toes, the three of you are ready for a fight. 
The Black Flash shifts at your side, Nanami and Haibara preparing for their own skirmish. From behind you, the four pilots of the Jaegers on standby begin to approach your location. It’ll be a fair fight: two Jaegers for each Kaiju. A Class Five Kaiju will be a tough battle, but you know you’re ready now. 
As the first monstrous head rips through the barrier between worlds, the Rainbow Dragon is already leaping forward with a metallic clang. The Jaeger’s chest twists, allowing you to catch the beast’s pincer jaws with your fist. Satoru, already in tune with your plan, reaches out with the third arm, grasping onto the Kaiju’s other clicking pincer. 
With a heavy grunt, Suguru already has the plasma cannon locked and loaded. Pulling with all your might, you feel your arm strain against the strength of the Kaiju as it tries to pull away. Yanking its jaws apart, you hear Satoru shout. 
“Now, Suguru!”
He doesn’t need to say it, already understanding the order inside your own heads, but Suguru follows through regardless. With a cry, the plasma cannon fires twice into the Kaiju’s rib cage. It’s not enough to kill, but it’s enough to stun. An inhuman roar escapes the hulking creature as the shots embed into its ribs. Glowing blue blood leaks into the water as skin is ruptured. 
From behind you, you hear the sounds of the Black Flash engaging in their own battle, Nanami and Haibara’s voices blending together as they fight seamlessly together. 
Another Jaeger, deemed the White Serpent, is not far behind you. Taking up your side, the Kaiju finally breaks free from your grip and knocks you away. You grunt heavily as the pressure pushes against your ribs. Falling onto your back, the Rainbow Dragon is quick to right itself onto its feet, torso twisting so that Satoru can push the three of you upright. 
“White Serpent,” you shout into your headset, “Three-o’clock!”
The Mark-4 Jaeger twists at your cry, pushing its fists into the head of the Kaiju as it charges them head on. The weight of the beast is strong, pushing the Jaeger backwards in its attack. It struggled under the snapping pincer of its jaws, the pilot’s grunting as they strain to hold it back. 
“Hold on!” Satoru commands, the three of you already pumping your legs to rejoin the fight. “Red, engage!”
Feeling his command send bolts of energy through your right arm, you click your hand into place. The razor sharp sword propels from the Rainbow Dragon’s right forearm, locking into position as you charge for the Kaiju. Muscles straining and legs pumping, you push off the ocean floor with a leap. 
Propelled through the ocean’s current, you twist your arm with a mighty swing. Arching though the darkness, your sword cuts flesh, separating the Kaiju’s arm from its body. Landing roughly against the floor, you look up from your position on one knee and watch the beast let out another monstrous sound. 
The White Serpent is knocked away with an angry swipe of the Kaiju’s claws. The pilots cry out, but are otherwise unharmed, Jaeger only sustaining minor damage to the hull. 
As you shift to ready for another attack, you’re startled by a sharp cry from Haibara. “Rainbow Dragon, on your six!”
Broken from your focus, unable to twist out of the way, the second Kaiju’s jaws close around your Jaeger with a sharp snap. Suguru twists the Rainbow Dragon, forcing his body into place instead of Satoru’s. It’s the left arm that gets enclosed in the Kaiju’s jaws, not Satoru’s. The other Kaiju, having broken free from the Black Flash’s hold, charged from behind, latching onto your left arm in revenge for its own kind. 
“Suguru!” You cry out, left arm enclosed in a blinding pain. The black-haired pilot lets out his own sharp cry, eyes screwing shut under the agonizing pain of the beast’s jaws. Chest seizing, a weight crushes your chest. This scene is too familiar. Red lights flash through the cockpit of the Rainbow Dragon as a portion of its armor is pierced. A warning alarm flashes as an oxygen tank ruptures, alerting you of the decreased levels. 
This won’t end the same way your brother did. 
Arms twisting, you cry out as you twist the Jaeger’s torso. Right arm locking into place, you force the blade of your sword upwards with all your strength. Satoru follows through, a click sounding as the plasma cannon on his own hand charges. 
With a mighty grunt, you push hard, muscles staining under the combined weight of the Jaeger and the ocean’s pressure. The sword slides into the Kaiju’s throat with a grotesque sound. 
You hold the Kaiju steady, sweet dripping into your suit as Satoru follows through. Despite the agonizing pain and rush of depleting oxygen, the white haired pilot engages his plasma cannon, firing three simultaneous rounds into the Kaiju’s chest. Unable to struggle away with your sword embedded into its throat, Satoru successfully pierces the monster’s ribcage with his aim. 
You hold your breath as the beast falls quiet. 
Monstrous, growing blood leaks into the water as the Kaiju goes still. Your sword retracts into the Rainbow Dragon’s forearm with a clang. Chest heaving and arm burning, you look back at Suguru. His eyes are droopy, panting as he tries to catch his breath. He’d taken the full force of the Kaiju’s jaw, his neurological link connected to the left arm before any other portion of the Jaeger. 
You don’t speak, but you feel the rush of comfort from Suguru’s side of the link. He’s alright, he tries to communicate, for now. You nod, shifting back to look at the Kaiju.
“Six,” you grunt, not taking your eyes off the lumbering corpse at your feet. “Check for a pulse.” 
A grin stretches onto Satoru’s features as the whirl of the plasma cannon fills your ears again. It’s a little animalistic, but you can’t resist the stutter of your heart at the expression on his face. 
Satoru fires another two shots into the beast’s ribcage, splitting the Kaiju open and allowing its chest to collapse. It's grotesque, but well-deserved after the pain it brought Suguru. 
“No pulse,” Satoru confirms when the Kaiju’s rib cage splits open and its heart is pierced with a final shot from his cannon. 
Grinning, the white haired pilot turns back to Suguru. Alarms are still flashing, and you take a moment to scan the oxygen levels of the Jaeger. A tank ruptured, oxygen is decreasing fast. 
“Satoru, if we’re going to do this – it has to be now.” 
His gaze lingers on Suguru, ensuring that his lover is alright before the Rainbow Dragon twists and locks into place again. 
“M’alright,”  Suguru grunts, trying to shake off the needles that feel like they’re piercing his skin.Now facing the remaining three Jaegers, you watch as the Black Flash struggles against the weight of the final beast. 
“Kento! Yu!” At Satoru’s command, the Black Flash pushes the Kaiju a step backwards with immense strength. 
Your feet pump again, pushing against the weight of the machine. It follows your command flawlessly, forcing its body through the ocean floor. Nanami and Haibara struggle against the final Kaiju, standing before the edge of the Breach.
With your minds linking, you understand Satoru’s plan. Sliding the sword out once more, you continue to push forward, forcing the last amount of energy you have into the charge. Chest heaving and panting, you tire under the force, but you continue. Sweat drips from your forehead, but you ignore it. 
Hardened eyes and teeth gritted, you reach the Black Flash. Sword pushing forward, you force the blade through the Kaiju’s chest as the other two arms of the Rainbow Dragon grasp onto its body. Your combined weight forces both your form and the Kaiju over the edge of the Breach. 
Chest seizing as you fall, you continue pushing your sword through the beast with a guttural sound. It finally gives way, slicing upwards and through the monster’s ribs. Glowing blood leaking into the water, your two bodies fall through the Breach with a bated breath. 
This has to work.
Eyes squeezing shut, the Kaiju in your grasp takes a final breath as your form finally breaks through the rift between worlds. 
Huffing out a breath, you pant as you try to regain your standing in the cockpit. Head racing, you barely internalize the success as you turn to look at Suguru. His eyes are drifting shut, barely able to keep himself awake under the pain of his arm. Growing dizzy from the lack of oxygen, you look downwards, watching gas escape Suguru’s own oxygen line. It must have burst sometime in the fight. 
Scanning the screens in front of you, you read Suguru’s vitals with a stuttering heart. His pulse is slowing, likely from the lack of air. Before you can move to help, Satoru is already pulling his own oxygen tube from his drive-suit, a sharp sound echoing through the silence as he pulls Suguru’s out. Exchanging the lines, Satoru sacrifices his own air for his lover, allowing Suguru to take a deep inhale as it reaches his lungs. 
You fight off your own lingering pain, feeling your chest sink as the reality of the situation dawns on you. Inside an entire other world, it’s up to you and your two pilots to detonate the payload and destroy the Breach. However, with Suguru fading fast and Satoru giving up his own oxygen, you know it’s a difficult task. 
Sucking in your breath, you begin the ejection procedure for Suguru’s pilot seat. Clicking away at the screen in front of you, you turn to Satoru. 
“’Toru,” you mumble. You’re in his head, he already knows what you must be thinking. There’s an empty, viscous twisting in your stomach as your eyes soften. 
When the white haired pilot turns to look at you, his eyes are hardened with a protective look. His chest tight and breath catching, he can already tell what you’re planning. “No.” 
“Satoru, please,” you whisper. You have very little options now. There’s only so much you can do. With the other Kaiju finally taking in the Rainbow Dragon, you’re sure there’s monsters already closing on your location. As you drift through the water, red lights flash as the oxygen levels continue to drop. 
Satoru shakes his head again, a horrible lump swelling in his throat. He can’t let you do this. It’s far too dangerous, and the idea of leaving you alone in this Jaeger, with Kaiju surrounding you and no help within sight, Satoru doesn’t think he could ever leave you alone now. 
“I can’t -” he brokenly cries. Voice twisted with a watery grief, Satoru feels like his ribs may collapse into his chest. Heart aching and eyes burning as they hold back tears, Satoru nearly whimpers. His head is racing as he tries to conceive another idea – any other idea. 
“Satoru,” you murmur, eyes soft and heart aching. “Let me do this – you know I can do this. I can detonate the payload alone, there’s not enough oxygen for the two of us.”
He shakes his head again, lungs seizing. Mind racing and breathing heavily, he locks eyes with you. Breath catching, there’s nothing but sincerity in your eyes. You can do this – he knows that. You’re an experienced pilot, perhaps even more than he, but he can’t force down the angry, terrified lump in his throat. It’s the thought of leaving you here. 
Either way, Satoru has to leave one of you alone. 
If he follows Suguru, it’s you he’s leaving in this dangerous, life-threatening mission. If he stays, he’s risking his own life and your little residual oxygen, leaving Suguru to escape to the surface on his own. 
He can’t think. 
There's too much happening, thoughts racing but he can’t seem to grasp onto any of them. Stomach twisting and eyes beginning to burn with tears, Satoru chokes on a sob. 
“Take care of Suguru for me, ‘Toru,” you whisper. “Right now, he needs you more than me.” Your voice is quiet. It’s just you and your copilots now. Main Control can’t hear you, connection breaking when you disappeared through the Breach. It’s just you, Satoru and Suguru, who is fading fast. 
“Promise me,” he nearly sobs, voice watery and catching in his throat. “Promise me you’ll follow right after me. You detonate the payload and you get out – please, promise me that.” 
You shakily nod, a sob of your own choking your throat. You push back against it. If you cry now, Satoru will never leave your side, you know it. But Suguru needs him now, his injured body needs medical attention and he can’t escape his life pod alone when he hits the surface. 
“I promise, ‘Toru,” you firmly reassure, soft eyes not leaving his own teary, crystalline ones. “We’re going to Okinawa, remember?” 
Satoru nods fervently, another sob breaking through his chest and echoing through the cabin. You inhale sharply, trying to resist your own cry. When Satoru gives you the command, you lean onto the screen before you, shaky fingers clicking against it as you set up his own ejection procedure. 
With alarms still flashing and red lights glaring into your eyes, you take a deep breath as the Suguru and Satoru’s pilot seats begin to lift. Tilting horizontally, you make eye contact with Suguru’s dark, hazy eyes once more as the life pod closes around him. You feel the Drift begin to leave your body as both pods are forced upwards, out of the Rainbow Dragon with a firm push. Link disconnecting, you’re left with the lingering emptiness and longing from both Satoru and Suguru’s connection.
Going limp, you finally let the sob escape your lips. Tears are forced out of your ducts as you turn back towards the front of the Jaeger. In front of you is nothingness. It’s a blank expanse of another world, only a few structures apparent in the midst of the void. You can tell there are Kaiju closing on your location, the radar screen blinking with light as they approach fast. 
With a determined huff and hardened eyes, you move quickly. Losing oxygen fast, you start pulling up the detonation procedure, only to grunt in frustration when the screen presents an error. You cry out, shoving the screen away as you turn towards the manual override switch. 
It’s on the other side of the cockpit. 
You’ll have to disconnect from your seat to reach it. If you’re quick, you can race there and back, reaching the ejection seat before the detonation timer finishes. As soon as you hit the override, the countdown will begin, and you’ll have little time to escape through the Breach. 
Breathing heavily and forcing the tears away, you push down the panic. You think of Suguru and Satoru. You imagine them on the beach, Megumi by their feet as they splash in the waves with a happy laugh. You long for the picture to become reality. 
In another determined breath, you pull up the ejection screen, leaving it open so that it’s ready when you settle back into the seat. Looking back at the override switch, you nod your head and unlock your drive-suit. 
With aching limbs and a heavy body, you force yourself to take quick steps to the side of the cockpit. You push against all thoughts of stopping, your sore frame begging you to give in, but you continue. Reaching the switch, you force the heavy safety frame away and take a final deep breath. 
Thoughts of Megumi in your mind, you harden your eyes and yank with all your might. 
As the switch flips, alarms begin blaring as the Rainbow Dragon informs you of the countdown. The numbers flash in front of your face as you push yourself back to the pilot’s seat. Body heavy and mind racing, you force your body to move faster than you ever have before. You can barely breathe. The lack of oxygen begins to push against your head, causing you to sway on your feet as you grow dizzy. A ringing pain pushes at your temples and your chest seems to grow even heavier. 
Reaching the seat, you force your body back in, feeling the needles slide back into your spine, you’re already clicking at the screen. Confirming ejection, your body begins to raise towards the ceiling of the Jaeger. In the flashing red countdown, you hold your breath as the last glimpse of the Kaiju’s world reaches your eyes. 
As the life pod reaches the ceiling, the Rainbow Dragon begins to eject your limp body as the countdown flashes its final three digits. You can’t hold your eyes open any longer. A heavy weight presses against your chest and your skull, and you can’t resist the drooping of your eyelids. With your heaving chest and dizzy mind, a final glimpse of the beach flickers across your closing lids. 
When the countdown finally flashes ‘zero,’ you're already unconscious. 
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The moment his life pod reaches the water’s surface, Satoru is pulling open the hatch that exposes his body to Earth’s air. He inhales a deep breath, chest heaving as he savors the oxygen he greatly needs. 
Gripping the edges of the pod, the inflatable sides holding itself above the water, Satoru scans the surface for other life pods. His heart is racing, and despite having all the oxygen he could ever need, it still feels like he can’t breathe. White-knuckles grip the metal ridges of his pod, the other clutches his chest. 
As soon as a second pod reaches his vision, Satoru is already lifting his body with great difficultly and diving into the ocean’s depths. Inhaling a deep breath before he goes under, the crystalline-eyed man begins paddling towards Suguru's pod. 
The lid breaks away, allowing Suguru to breathe deeply as he battles the grip of unconsciousness. His lungs finally expand, allowing the oxygen to filter through his chest. Long hair brushes against his cheeks, falling loose from its place tied atop his head, Suguru feels his arm throb painfully. Though there is not a flesh wound, the nerves have been electrocuted in the fight to regain control of the Rainbow Dragon. 
Though the wound stings painfully, he can barely focus on the throbbing as he pulls himself upright. His mind is screaming. The last he remembers is a final glimpse of your sweet eyes as his life pod finally ejects from the Jaeger. He’s frantic, eyes now scanning the horizon line as he tries to find you and Satoru. Splashing is heard to his left, and Suguru whips his head over his shoulder to find white hair dripping with sea water. 
“’Toru!” He cries, voice cracking. 
Satoru manages to pull himself out of the water, lifting himself onto the side of the pod with a heavy breath. With minimal injuries and a wide-eyed look, Satoru feels his chest caving in. He’s barely settled onto the raft when his hands are pulling Suguru’s body into his. Hands fumble against skin as a shuddering sob leaves Satoru’s lungs. Suguru responds with a weak sound of his own, bringing his uninjured hand upwards to clutch Satoru close. There's relief in their grasp, but it’s not enough. 
Pressing his face into his partner’s neck, Satoru allows a few tears to leak onto Suguru’s skin. They’re both shaking, feeling weaker than ever before as they clasp each other tight. Suguru’s hand wraps around the back of Satoru’s neck, pulling him as close as he can. Both panting, the lovers lean into each other, too weak to hold themselves upright without the support of the other. 
When they find the strength to pull away, Satoru presses a wet kiss against Suguru’s forehead, inhaling deeply as tears continue to fall from his eyes. His watery gaze begins scanning the ocean’s surface, counting the seconds as he searches for the third pod. 
Suguru can feel each second stretch into minutes as his good arm pulls Satoru’s form tight. They're both looking now, breaths short and hearts racing, an ache sinks into their stomachs. It rolls through their gut, feeling sick as they continue to search. 
The faint sound of Main Control is screaming questions into their earpieces, but neither pilot can focus long enough to listen to their frantic voices. There's too much happening: the suspense of not knowing whether the Breach has collapsed, nor if the Black Flash and the other Jaegers escaped. However, the only thought pressing at the forefront of their minds is you. 
Satoru knows you would follow him. 
You promised him, and he knows that you don’t take promises lightly. 
All they can do is wait. Worrying his bottom lip in his teeth, Suguru can feel his pulse in his throat. Satoru’s no different, his fingers fiddling in the strands of Suguru’s hair as he pants. 
The second the third pod breaks the surface, Satoru’s hands leave Suguru’s skin. His mind is in shambles, heart in his throat as he leans forward and dives back below the water. Suguru is not far behind. 
Despite his injuries, there’s too much protective concern in his head. No part of him can resist the longing ache that pushes against his ribs. He has to reach you – has to see the light reach your eyes and feel your heart race under your skin. Pushing against his wounds, Suguru continues to swim in your life pod’s direction. 
Satoru reaches your side first. 
He can’t seem to breath; you haven’t pulled the hatch that opens your pod. Something is wrong, and Satoru feels as though his world may be collapsing before him. 
Pulling himself out of the water, he leans over the window of the raft that allows him to take a glimpse of your features. His world momentarily stops when your eyes don’t open. Scrambling for the latch on the outside of the pod, Satoru yanks on the lever just as Suguru is pulling himself onto the edge. 
With a hiss, the top of the pod slides open. 
Shouting is still ringing in their ears, but it seems to quiet. There's a stillness in the air as Suguru reaches forward. There’s a horrible twisting in his chest that feels as though his heart is being pulled from the cavity. An empty void will be the only thing left if he doesn’t see your pretty eyes open under his gaze. 
A broken, mournful sound echoes through the silence of the empty ocean atmosphere. It comes from Suguru’s chest. Black hair falling into his eyes, Suguru can’t hold back the sobs that leave his lungs. They’re angry, forlorn in a way neither pilot can describe. 
Satoru feels his own tiny whine escape his lips. For some reason, he can’t seem to move. Frozen, hands hovering over your still body, Satoru’s whole world stills. He's not quite sure if he’s breathing, but his wide eyes can’t leave your form. 
You’re so limp. Eyes shut, there’s no steady rise and fall of your chest. The notion makes Suguru shake harder. You look so empty now. 
“Hey, Pretty,” Suguru whimpers, voice barely loud enough for Satoru to hear. “S’us – S’Suguru and Satoru.” 
He brushes his trembling finger over your cheek, feeling the delicate skin beneath his own. When there's no response, Suguru falls forward, body unable to keep him upright. He feels so weak, so empty as he cries out. Pressing his forehead against your drive-suit, he longs to hear the pulsing of your heart in his ears. 
Satoru finally manages to pull himself from his shocked haze. His hands furiously shaking, he places one against your hair as he begins to weep.
“C’mon Sunshine,” he manages to whisper. “Ya’ promised us.” 
The combined weight of their unsurmountable grief begins to settle over them, a vacant hold filling the place in their heart where you used to reside. 
“Gojo,” a voice echoes in the pilot’s ears. It’s quiet, tone stern as Satoru strains to hear it. He can’t manage a reply, but he tries to listen regardless. 
“Is there a pulse?”
Suguru feels his heart seize. All breath leaving his lungs, his limbs go lax at the question. He’s unable to reach forward, too scared that if he lays his fingers on your pulse, his fears will finally be realized. If there’s no steady thump against his hand, Suguru thinks he may finally collapse. 
He swears he thinks this is how Toji Fushiguro must have felt. 
When his wife was pulled from the Jaeger, the grief must have been so heavy on his shoulders. The pain of losing his one and only must have pushed him so far into his head, that even his son couldn’t pull him out. When Toji Fushiguro finally succumbed to the agony, both he and his Jaeger were destroyed. 
Suguru thinks he understands Toji now. 
When Satoru finally drops his shaking hand to your pulse point, his long fingers trembling against your neck, the seconds bleed into hours. Every moment is silent agony as Suguru waits. Finally pressing his fingers into your pulse with a delicate touch, all time seems to stop. 
A beat passes. Then another, and Satoru feels nausea pressing acid into his throat. 
Another second of anguish passes. 
Then, Satoru lets out a shattered, painful sound. It rips right from his chest as he leans forward and pushes his forehead into Suguru’s shoulder. Limbs shaking, Gojo weeps out his answer, “Yes.” 
And time seems to start once more. 
Suguru’s shoulders sag in relief, letting another sob of relief echo through his being before he’s leaning upright. His movement startles Satoru, but he can’t resist the urge to feel more of your skin against his. Pulling your torso out of the pod, Suguru lets it fall back against his chest. Your body pressed into his front, Satoru sags over your legs with his own torso pushed against yours. 
Amidst them, there’s so little space, Satoru swears not even air exists between you. 
With Suguru’s arms now wrapped around your waist, he buries his head in your hair and squeezes you tight. Satoru follows, his own shaking limbs stretching over you and his other lover as he lets his body finally collapse in relief. Suguru’s good hand slides down your arm, slithering to reach the pulse point at your wrist. He has to feel it himself.
When the faint beat of your heart throbs against his skin, Suguru’s lips press a faint kiss to your neck with unwavering relief. 
“You’re squeezing me too tight.” 
The tiny voice sounds between them. It’s a little sound, barely heard over the ones of their own cries, but Satoru immediately pulls himself away. Head lifting from your chest, his wide, crystalline eyes take in your drooping ones. 
Now awake, Suguru finally feels the warmth of your skin pressed into his neck. Tired eyes finally open, he finds himself deflating further into you as if there was more space to fill. He huffs out a short laugh in between his sobs, your teasing words finally sticking home in his head. Satoru finds himself following, a chuckle of disbelief shaking his ribs. 
You feel the sun’s warm rays on your skin and pull a faint smile onto your lips as you take in the beauty of the Earth’s domain, finally free of the rift between worlds. 
Before any of you can speak, Satoru is pushing his hand behind your neck and yanking you forward. Your weak cry of surprise is muffled by his lips. Wet and messy, Satoru kisses you with every nerve in his body alight. Tears still falling from his cheeks, he sighs a breath against your mouth and savors the feeling of your skin in his hands. Without a beat of hesitation, you respond in kind – your own mouth moving to return Satoru’s emotional kiss. Heart swelling with the influx of genuine affection, you press your hand against Satoru’s stomach and let a breathy, pleased sigh filter into his mouth. 
Neither of you can think to end the warmth of your kiss, but Suguru is already pulling you away. With his fingers under your chin, he turns your head towards him and scans your features for any hint of discomfort. When he finds none, he too leans forward to connect your lips with his own. 
Suguru’s kiss is lighter than Satoru’s, but it’s no less meaningful. He’s gentle, pulling your chin forward to feel every inch of you against him. Noses knocking and salty lips sighing breathy sounds, you can’t imagine a more perfect feeling. Satoru presses into your other side, the weight of his body grounding you as you let your other hand brush against Suguru’s cheek. Pushing a stand of hair aside, you push your lips further into his with a pleased sound. 
When you pull away, Satoru is already moving to kiss his lover with the same amount of passion as before. You allow yourself to sag into their weight, closing your eyes to skin into their bliss as they press into each other. 
As the three of you collapse into weak laughter and the steady beat of the wings of a helicopter reach your ears, you can’t imagine being anywhere else. Pressed between Satoru and Suguru and sinking into absolute bliss, you shake with laughter as the white haired pilot finally speaks. 
“You fucker!” he whines as he presses his head into your chest once more. “Don’t ever do that again!”
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Hot, white sand presses in between your toes as you take in the beauty of Okinawa island. Six weeks have passed, and after sufficiently celebrating the program’s victory, Suguru and Satoru sweep you off your feet. 
They pick up you and Megumi, pulling the two of you to the airport with wide grins and hushed words. When you finally step food onto the beach, Megumi’s mouth falls open in an awed expression. His dark eyes seem to sparkle from his place in Satoru’s arms. Squirming lightly, your lover sets him on his feet. 
The three of you watch with giggles escaping your lips as Megumi races to the water’s edge. Sticking his toes in the teal blue waves, your officially-adopted son turns back to look at you. 
“Okaasan!” he cries happily, racing back to you with a happy smile. Satoru and Suguru lean into each other with a giddy feeling in their chests as you and your sun wander back to the wet sand. 
You point out a shell to your son, smiling brightly when his wondrous, wide eyes feel the smooth material under his fingers. He clutches it tight, looking up at you with a grin. Turning away to find more, you look back at your partners. Waving them closer, you drop a little lower to flick Suguru with a wave of salty water when he’s close enough. 
With an indignant shout, Suguru grins wickedly. Megumi watches you squeal, laughing when Suguru lunges for you. With a smile of his own, Megumi giggles a sweet sound as his mother is chased by her lover. 
“Suguru, no!” You laugh, racing to hide behind Satoru. Your other lover stands tall, feeling more light than he thinks he’s ever been. 
“You started this, Pretty,” Suguru teases, his sultry eyes scanning you from behind his lover’s back. “I’m just finishing it!”
Satoru laughs, crossing his arms over his chest as he feels your hands grasp the fabric of his shirt to hide yourself. Heart warm, Satoru gives Suguru a knowing look. He��s met with a devilish smirk, the two scheming between themselves. 
Satoru is silent when he ducks quickly, dropping to his knees to allow Suguru ample distance to grab you. You cry out, moving to lunge away, but Suguru is much quicker. 
You squeal once more as Suguru's hands slide over your waist. With muscles honed from years as a pilot, the long haired man has no trouble lifting your body over his shoulder. He hums a sultry sound as Satoru laughs. Standing straight, he heads back to the water with your squirming body in his grasp. 
“Megumi, save me!” 
Your son giggles and shakes his head, enjoying his parents laugh and playing without a care in the world. 
When Suguru reaches the water, he swings you back over his shoulder and unceremoniously drops the both of you beneath the waves. Your laughter is cut short, submerged beneath the warmth of the waves. Reemerging with a gasp, your wet lashes bat against your cheeks as you grasp for Suguru. 
From the beach, Satoru is sneaking up behind Megumi, attempting to muffle his own scheming laughter. You watch the white haired man pluck Megumi up from the sand, loving the sound of their laughter. Then, Satoru is pulling your son into the waves next to you, the four of you sitting in the shallow waves together with bright smiles and happy hearts. 
A few hours later, when the four of you are dried off and relaxing in the little cottage you’ve rented, Satoru slides up behind you. His hands on your hips, his strong arms pull your back into his chest with a hum. You sigh into his embrace, leaning back into his touch with a stuttering heart.
You’ve decided that no matter how many times he or Suguru touch you, their skin will still light a fire to every nerve ending you possess Their touch brings a tingle to your body, twisting your stomach with butterflies and sending a giddy feeling into your chest. 
“Where’s Suguru and Megumi?” You question, eyes falling shut as Satoru presses a feather light kiss to your neck. His hair tickles against your skin, but you refuse to break away from his grasp. 
“Hmm,” Satoru sings, “Nanami and Haibara called. Yuuji wants Megumi to spend the night at their place.”
The two retired pilots followed your trip to Okinawa, renting a cabin not too far from yours. You mentally thanked your old friends, wondering how you got so lucky. 
When Satoru presses closer, you can feet the hint of something throbbing and pressing against your back. His pants are tight, but it’s no surprise to you – Satoru is constantly horny. Muffling a laugh, you turn in his arms to face him. 
“Ah -” you murmur into his chest as the two of you rock side to side. “So we have the house to ourselves, huh?”
Satoru hums again, his hands slowly dropping lower as you move. “M’rubbing off on you, Sunshine. I swear you’re as insatiable as me.” 
You grin, a sultry smirk pulling on your lips. Dropping your own hand low, you follow the line of Satoru’s abs with light fingers. Head dropping back in a groan, the sound allows arousal to collect in the space between your thighs. A bolt of seductive heat turns into a steady hum. You let your fingers sink a little lower, brushing against the edge of Satoru’s pants. 
Before you can move any further, there’s a dark hum from the doorway. 
Freezing in place, the sound of Geto Suguru’s deep, salacious voice echoes from the doorway, “Getting started without me, Pretty Girl? Awfully naughty of you –”
You nearly whine at his words, sinking into the dominant aura Suguru's exudes over the room. You don’t have to turn over your shoulder as Suguru is already pressing his chest against your back. His defined muscles and tightened pants push tight into you and you sigh a pleased sound. 
Suguru mirthfully chuckles, looking up from your form to meet Satoru’s bright eyes. As always, the two connect on another wavelength, already planning their next movements in their head with confident smirks. 
Suguru drags a finger down your spine, his touch sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. Oh, how he loves to see you shake under him. 
“S’it, Pretty baby,” he sings as you melt into him. 
Satoru hums again, pushing you tighter into your other lover as he drops his head to suck marks into your skin. Pulling at the hem of your - his shirt, actually - he fiddles with the material with his fingers. A whine escapes your lips as you arch into their touch, arousal collecting between your legs. 
“Don’t worry, Angel. We’ve got ya’” Satoru murmurs into your skin. “’Gonna fuck you so good, My Love.” 
Suguru makes an acknowledging sound, beginning to pull the shirt from your skin so he can feel the heat of your skin against his. When it falls to the floor, his own laying beside it, he lets out an appreciative sound as his fingers lift to flick gently against your uncovered breasts. Chuckling as you whine when he tugs, Suguru presses closer. 
“S’right,” Suguru purrs. “Wanna ruin you tonight, Pretty. ‘Gonna let us?” 
The rapid, consenting nod that follows shortly after is all the affirmation the two need. Tugging you towards the bed with a laugh, your little world begins to turn on its own, finally complete.
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reader: I’m so fed up with others not finding me intimidating!
reader, pining satoru to the wall and looking over at suguru: do you feel threatened?
suguru and satoru: no
reader: then what do you feel?
suguru and satoru: ...
suguru and satoru: horny. 
a/n: holy shit. this is way longer than I intended it to be but I’m so glad I finished it. I really hope y’all enjoy this one!! 
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the-little-ewok · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where One of my three favorites from the Star Wars series (Anakin, Luke, Or Poe) Surprises the wife!reader by coming home early without telling them and make it smutty? I just keep thinking of those military reunions on YT
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Gif by the beautiful Salome-C More than just "I love you"
Poe Dameron X Wife Reader Rating : 18+ / E (By interacting with this post you confirm you are over 18) Wordcount : 2300 (ish) Warnings : Bit of angst, bit of fluff, bit of smut, brief fingering, unprotected sex Summary: Poe comes home early from a mission and needs you to help him forget, if only for a moment.
A/N : I wrote this from Poe's perspective and I'm sorry it's a little bit sad but its still fluffy! (Also I loved this idea and the lil, make it smutty ;) ) Beta by the lovely mypedrom
Poe pauses in the doorway to watch you for a moment, fast asleep on his side of the bed, your arms wrapped around his pillow, the crisp white sheets slipping off your shoulder, allowing your skin to be exposed to the soft moonlight filtering through the window.
His heart flutters at the sight and a warmth blooms in his chest that you're his, that you actually agreed to marry him, that you love him just as much as he loves you. He still can't believe his luck, and if he's honest with himself, he doesn't think he ever will.
Both of you barely had any time to adjust to married life before he'd been called away on another mission. He remembered all too clearly the way you'd smiled and assured him it would be ok, that you had a few days together and that was more than most got. You had assured him there would be time afterwards, to enjoy each other, to settle into married life, to build a home together, to make happy memories. You assured him that you would be alright.
But when he left, the memory he left with was one of you biting back tears, nails digging into your palms, voice trembling with emotion as you shouted to him that he better come home, or you would fly out and kill him yourself. He'd never tell you how much it hurt to see you that way. He'd never tell you the way it carved open his chest and ripped out his heart. To see you sleeping peacefully was a soothing balm to the worry that had pained him far worse than anything the First Order had done.
He sends a silent thank you to the Maker that he made it home to you. Out in the vast emptiness of space, when things had seemed at their worst, when hope was almost lost, and he could have allowed himself to be lost too, he thought of you, and how he would not let that memory be the last he had of you. It had given him the will to fight, to pull back from a stunt that probably would have gotten him killed, it had given him a purpose to come home. He was determined to see you happy again, to see you smile again, and that, is what brought him through. A possibility of more happy memories with you.
And he had made it back, surprisingly in one piece, and a whole week earlier than promised, but somehow still late.
He hadn't warned you that he was coming, unwilling to let you get too excited in case he got delayed, or worse. If you had known, he knew you would have sat up all night, waiting patiently for his ship to appear in the sky. He's glad now, given the hour, that he hadn't mentioned it.
He'd intended to arrive during the afternoon, to surprise you when you least expected it, to watch your eyes light up with excitement, to feel your lips against his when you welcomed him back with kisses that steal his breath. Instead he'd found himself quietly tiptoeing into your room in the early hours of the morning, fumbling in the dim lighting.
Poe sighs, running a hand through his hair, messy and damp from his helmet. He should shower, or at least clean up a little bit before he crawls into bed beside you, but you look so soft, so warm, so inviting after long hours of loneliness, that the thought leaves him almost as soon as it appears.
Right now, he needs you — your arms around him, your lips against his. He needs you to anchor him to the ground and make him forget about the terrors that have invaded his stars.
Carefully quiet, so he doesn't scare you awake, he shrugs off his shirt and pants, kicking them off to the side, where no doubt tomorrow you'll notice them and scold him for leaving things thrown around the room. The thought of your exasperated complaints makes him smile, realising he's even missed that.
He's surprised the dip and creak of the bed doesn't wake you as he kneels at the end, but you don't even stir, you're breathing steady and deep. It almost makes him feel guilty for wanting to wake you, but he knows there's no chance of sleep for him tonight, and the moment he lays down beside you, you'll wake anyway. He might as well make your reunion worth waking for.
Taking the edge of the thin sheet, he tugs it gently, slowly allowing it to slip down over your body, exposing more of you to his gaze.
He pauses as you stir, just slightly as the cold air begins to hit your skin, blindly reaching out and tangling your fingers in the sheet, trying to pull it back up. Poe holds it tightly, preventing any movement, and when you frown he gives it another playful tug.
That gets you to stir more, turning in the bed and exposing the full view of your naked form to him. Maker, how he stops himself jumping on you then and there, he doesn't know. If it was any other night he came home to his wife naked, he would have. But he won't rush this. He wants to savour the quiet moment, to drag it out and enjoy every possible second before reality crashes down on you both once more. So, patiently, he tugs the sheet gently out of your grip and off the bed.
Trusting you're well on the way to waking by the way you groan in annoyance, he dips his head and starts to press soft kisses against your leg, working his way up as his hands slide higher to map the soft flesh of your thigh.
He keeps his eyes on your face, watching as your eyes flicker open slowly, as though fighting the urge to drift back to sleep, your gaze glazed and unfocused.
"Poe?" You whisper his name, your voice sleep gravelled, hopeful and scared. He understands your fear. He knows all too well the nightmares that make you worry - one day you'll wake to him, and he won't really be here, he'll be gone forever, stardust scattered through space.
"I'm here," he assures you softly against your flesh, moving his kisses up to your thigh. "You're awake. I'm home."
"Poe," it's less of a question now, and it comes in a more desperately surprised voice as you finally, fully wake. His heart fills with love at the way your hands scramble to touch him, to pull him to sit up, to check him over.
"Hello wife," he smiles playfully, but you miss it, too busy checking over cuts and bruises, new scars, still red and angry, marks of battle that weren't there before. He allows you this, he doesn't wince or pull away from your gentle touches as he might have with others. And when your hands frame his face, he holds your worried gaze steadily.
He takes his own account of you then — the dark circles under your eyes that tell him this is maybe the first time you've slept soundly in weeks, the redness on your bottom lip that tells him you've chewed it more than once in worry, the tears filling your eyes, full of both grateful happiness and concern. Bringing a hand up he cups your cheek gently, brushing his thumb against your skin to wipe away the tear that breaks free to cascade down your cheek.
"Don't cry. I'm here," he whispers softly. "I'm sorry I woke you up."
"What happened out there?" Your scared question brings back a familiar ache in his chest, the echo of memories flashing across his vision. His stomach gives a sickening lunch, and his tongue is suddenly heavy in his mouth, unable to choke out the truth. He'll tell you tomorrow, when the sun has risen on a new day, when the silence that followed yelled call signs isn't so fresh in his mind, when the flashing lights of exploding star fighters behind his closed eyelids are no longer bright enough to blind him.
"I don't want to talk about it," he shakes his head softly, pushing away the thoughts of all that was lost. He won't think about that now. Not yet. No, for now he needs you — the distraction of you, the hope and light of you, to dispel the dark thoughts that churn in his mind.
You nod slowly, understanding him in a way only you can, brushing your thumbs against his skin as you hold his face. The touch of your hands makes his eyes flutter closed for just a moment, safe in your embrace. Your presence alone chases away the shadows that have clouded his every step.
"I missed you," you whisper softly, pressing a sweet kiss to his mouth. When you pull away his mouth chases yours, capturing your lips and kissing you desperately. His hand slides around the side of your neck, holding your lips captive against his as his tongue slips between your teeth. He needs you close to him, he needs all of you, and when he feels you return his kiss with the same intensity, he knows you need him too.
Nothing he could imagine, no memory he could conjure, would ever come anywhere close to the feeling of having your body against his. His lips re-familiarise themselves with yours, drawing soft moans from you as he presses you back to lay down, his body covering yours, slotting himself between your legs. As your hands slide down his chest, your kisses just as desperate and insistent as his, he finally feels some of the tension he's carried drop from his shoulders.
When you pull apart his eyes drink in the view of your body, the familiar stirring of passion only intensifying with each flicker of his gaze across the flesh laid out under him. You truly are the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
"If I'd known you started sleeping naked, I'd have been back weeks ago," his fingers slide across your flesh as he talks, wandering over the peaks of your breasts and tiptoeing down across your hip, familiarising himself with every curve as though it was the first time all over again.
He kisses the edge of your mouth as you sigh prettily beneath him, before his lips follow the line of your jaw, dipping to press a kiss under your ear and then slowly down your neck, enjoying the soft moan it elicits from you.
"I get hot sometimes,"
"You're hot all the time," he can't help but smile against your skin at your huff of amused laughter.
"You're already getting what you want. No need for the… compliments," the last word is gasped as he sucks a mark against your neck, replacing the one he left you with that's long since faded in his absence.
He allows himself a moment to admire it, letting this tongue sweep across the abused skin, before he brings his lips back to yours, his kiss passionate and needy. His fingers slide between your bodies, dipping down into the apex of your legs, letting out a low groan into your mouth at the wetness already gathered there.
"Someone was having a good dream," he teases, raising an eyebrow. Drawing his fingers up, he circles your clit slowly, reminding himself of all the ways to make your hips arch against him, your breath stutter and gasp. "I hope it was about me?"
"It wasn't," you gasp, your fingers gripping his shoulders as his work against you. Stars, he's missed this — the easy banter, the teasing, the way your eyes twinkle with amusement, the way they go wide, your mouth falling open with a low moan as he slides two fingers into you. This is what he needed, you, just you.
"Because a dream wouldn't compare to having me in reality, right?" He purposely curls his fingers against your walls as you try to speak, cutting your words off into a stuttered moan. You smack his arm in silent protest to his teasing, but he knows you're too distracted by the steady thrust of his fingers to think of anything else to say now.
When you do manage to choke out a word, between the whimpers and moans you shower him with, it's the simple syllable of his name. It's a desperate plea as you cant your hips against his hand, a sweet beg for more as your walls flutter against the press of his fingers.
"Poe," you whimper softly.
He shushes you gently, capturing your lips as he eases his fingers out of you with a slick noise. He can't deny you anything and his fingers are swiftly replaced by his cock, sliding through your wetness, letting out his own shaky breath at the feel of your heat against him.
He presses himself into you slowly, inch by inch, allowing you to adjust after the long absence, dropping his head to your shoulder as he shudders, letting out a low moan as your wet heat engulfs him. As he stills deep inside you, the world outside fades away, the terror and sadness, the hurt and worry. All that remains in his world now are the two of you.
"I love you," you whisper in a soft moan, wrapping your arms around him as you lift your hips to his. He knows your words are never just an "I love you." It's an I love you, I missed you, I'm here for you, we'll get through this. It's always more than just "I love you."
And when he repeats it back, a breathless mantra against your skin as he presses his body close against yours, entwining your fingers, drawing back his hips to slowly rock against yours, his own affirmations are hidden in the spaces between the words.
"I love you, I love you, I love you."
I love you. I missed you. I need you.
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spookysquish13 · 3 years
First time knife play with JJ Maybank
First time knife play with JJ Maybank
*Author note: I got locked out of my old account (spookysquishsworld) and am reposting all of my old writings
This morning there was a tiktok video going around where Rudy was playing with a knife. It brought something out of me, and i know everyone wants more JJ smut. So here yall go. I hope you like it.
ALSO if anyone has tips on how to format more easily, i write on a different app and then paste it into the text box… ??
JJ was sitting in the little cabin of the steering wheel of the boat, groaning that he was bored, leaning his head back against the wall. He takes out one of the fishing blades packed on the boat. He takes the blade out of its canvas sleeve, in a place that you could have sworn was slow motion. You are watching him through the back window of the cabin. Watching him take out the knife, you feel your eyes grow in size. Gulping quietly so you could continue enjoing the show started feeling your core grow hotter. JJ starts tossing the blade up into the air trying to catch it. The danger of him potentially getting hurt grew an excitement deep inside of you. You didnt know what this was. Why the sight of the blade excited you to your core. What would it feel like? Would it be cold? What would it feel like to give JJ all of that control. You knew he would never do a thing to hurt someone else unless provoked. You swallow hard trying to keep your hand out of your shorts. The others close by. Now JJ is starting to twirl the blade between his fingers. His face twisting with concentration, making his dimples come out. You could see one of his brows furrow. With the rings on his fingers, and the knife moving swiftly could have made you cum from the sight. JJ felt someone watching. He looked over his shoulder, still twisting the blade. You both made eye contact. JJ giving you a sexy smirk, his eyes growing a deep blue. You moved away quickly from the window and plastered your back to the wall aside the window. Trying to catch your breath from the sight of the sun kissed blonde with a shiny knife. —————– All of you have now returned from the boating adventure and you excused yourself into the bathroom of John Bs house. You splash cold water onto your face trying to collect yourself. You all were still hanging out but your heat never faded. As you unlock the door, you find JJ standing in the doorway across from the bathroom, his arms crossed. You started getting worked up again just from the sight of his muscles. “Hey, y/n, can I talk with you?” JJ asks. Motioning to his bedroom. “Where are the others? ” you ask JJ, your heart beat raises, feeling like you just ran. “I shooed them off” JJ says giving you a wink as he looks back behind him to make sure you are still following. As soon as both of you enter into his bedroom he closes the gap between you and backs you into the door, closing it behind you with a force that made you stop breathing. This is it, this could be the moment you were waiting for. JJ kisses you with such a force you could not keep the moan down that was escaping your mouth. His hands were on your hips, pulling you closer. Your head was spinning from his touch, you waited all day for this. JJ kisses from your mouth down your jaw, hitting all the right spots. Against your neck he says “Y/N, we need to talk about something.” You take a deep breath trying to focus on what he was saying. You try to untangle both of you, so you weren’t distracted. “Ok” you say sighing that he broke up something you were waiting for. “ I saw you watching me playing with the knife….” He trails off, you nodding you head, hoping that he could put two and two together. He was a smart boy. “…. I think I want to try something with you.” You heart jumps and your eyes fill with the same lust that he looked at you with multiple times before. “Im not sure how or why but watching you play with that knife did something in me that I didn’t know could happen….” You confess, letting all guard down, looking at your hands because you didn’t want to look him in the eye, you would have just died from embarrassment. JJ comes swiftly to your side and gently puts his hands on both sides of your face, bringing you to look at him.“Baby, there is nothing to be ashamed of, I know these thoughts can be scary and intimidating, but as long as we are honest with each other and talk about things before And after, we can do this. Honestly, it what I was thinking about while playing with it.” He kisses your nose, resting his forehead against yours. “I
was curious how you would take it, we already have been dabbling into some kinky things in the bedroom…” he continues talking as he wraps his hands around your waist. Closing your eyes with the feeling of him wrapping you into him, you laid your head against his chest. You were trying to memorize his smell around you. How his arms felt wrapped around you. “You know my rule, you can tell me anything and I wont judge. As long as you are honest and remember the safe word, we are golden. You remember the word right, babygirl?” How could you have forgotten, you sat in bed with him late at night, laughing and forgetting the world around you. You were trying to come up with a word that would completely pull both of you out of anything you were doing. Toilet. Toilet was the word you settled on. You talked about golden showers and both of you agreed that, that wasn’t something you’d be into. JJ spoke up, pulling you out of your memory. “Do you want to try? The gang wont be back for hours. The house is ours. We can be as loud as we want….” He kisses you hard and chokes you a little, the coldness of his rings makes you gasp against his mouth. “we all know you have trouble being quiet, princess” JJ says against your mouth smugly, knowing full well the power he has over you, to make you into a crumbling screaming soaking mess. He picks you up and tosses you onto the bed. He makes contact with your mouth and you moaned at the touch, kissing you so you wouldn’t notice, he blind folds you with the bandana from his back pocket. Kissing down your neck, sucking hickies into your collarbone, he slowly pulls out the knife from his pocket, the one you saw earlier, he lifted from the boat. The first contact was your shoulder, you gasped shockingly from how cold the metal was. Colder than you imagined, ice like.JJ drags the knife softly against your delicate skin, never picking up the blade off of you. He cuts one of your straps from your shirt, which makes you scream quietly from excitement. He continues to drag the blade up against your neck, against the sweet spot near your ear, and down your cheek. Your heart is racing and you are practically panting, drool tipping out of the corner of your mouth. JJ sees you drooling under him, a soaking and panting mess. He becomes hard and grinds his hips into you so you could feel what you do to him. “Open your mouth stick your tongue out.” JJ orders with a deep sexiness to his voice. This tone of his is one you love, one where he is taken over by lust and cant get enough of you. You close your mouth tight, being the brat you are, knowing there would be a fun punishment for this act of disobedience. JJ stopped grinding into you and lifted himself up off of you. He turned your hip to the side, your back still on the bed but your left hip in the air. He dragged his hand across your underwear, making brief contact with where you wanted him the most. All of the sudden you feel a smack and a sting. He spanked you, leaving a red hand print on your bare ass. The noise that escaped your mouth earned a growl from him. Your chest raising and falling rapidly from all of your excitement. “Open your mouth. Stick your tongue out. I will not repeat myself.” JJ says as you feel his hand around your throat. You stick your tongue out, letting all juices free flow. You feel the cold metal pressed flat against your tongue. You couldn’t stop drooling. You only ever could drool that much while you were sucking him off. When you feel the cold leave your mouth you start begging. “JJ please, I need you. Now, please.”“Tell me what you want, brat” He spat back at you, tightening his grip around your neck. Your head falls back and you beg him “Please touch my pussy, I want your fingers, your tongue, the knife, your dick. Please anything. I just need something. Please” The need you had for him almost brought you to tears. JJ drags the knife down your bare stomach, your shirt was long gone. You arch your back and JJ could see all the goosebumps forming. He starts biting your hips, sometimes too hard and there was blood popping out
of some of the teeth marks. He dragged the knife down to your panties and with one quick motion he cut off both sides around your hips. Tugging on the cloth he ripped them from the front so there was friction against your clit. You gasped so loud and was so shocked you gripped the sheets around you. Knowing if you reached for him there could be bad consequences. Biting and sucking at your hips again, he pushes your legs aside and finally gives you what you begged for With out any warning he pushes two fingers into you. Still feeling the blade, over a hip and down one leg tracing your ankle and then coming back up. “Baby, you are a dripping mess. I never knew you could get so wet and wanting. All for me.” JJ practically growled against you “Yes baby you are doing so well. I love seeing you like this.” You bucked your hips against his fingers, still inside of you. This Was all you needed to just about cum. He immediately removed his fingers and you whined so loudly you startled yourself. Edging you once before letting you get any closer. “OPEN"He demanded once again and you obliged you needing him more then a punishment He stuck his fingers in your mouth "Taste yourself, baby girl taste how wet you are for me.” You start sucking on the fingers in your mouth, tongue dancing around them like you were sucking them off. This earned a deep growl from JJ in your ear. A “please” escaped your mouth without even thinking. He starts to drag his fingers, softly barely touching your skin, down to your wet hot core he pushes you back over so you are laying flat on your back, legs wide open his for the taking. He flicks your clit just to tease a little bit more before giving you what you want. You were now open mouth panting and whining, some noises you didn’t even recognize. He put two fingers into you going at a pace you didn’t think was humanly possible, again things were slow motion you didn’t think he could go any slower. “Stay very still, do not move a muscle or I will stop he orders” JJ places the cold blade onto your clit and you move your hands deeper into the blankets bracing yourself so you didn’t move. He curled his fingers to hit your g spot and you almost cried. You needed him more than you ever needed him before. “p…..please JJ… please make me cum….. please baby….. I’ll do anything just make me cum……” you plead knowing you couldn’t stay still for much longer he removes the blade and you start to protest “Please…” as quickly as he removes the blade he replaces it with his mouth sucking and twirling his tongue so skillfully he starts pumping his fingers rough and hard, a pinky grazing your other hole his hand is now dripping from your juices “baby cum for me you are doing so well, you are almost there….” pounding your g spot over and over with his hand you feel the rings slipping close and close to your entrance, his fingers deep inside of you. your back raises from the bed as you feel the knife flat against your belly just enough to feel the coldness you release and scream like you were on a rollercoaster you were on one of your own high JJ had to use his arm to keep your legs open, holding you down still pounding you with his fingers making sure he gets everything out of you as you let go of the sheets coming down from your high he moves to place the knife on the bed and to slip the bandana off of your face kissing you everywhere on your face and finally your lips you lay there limp tears escaping your eyes you breathing so heavy you weren’t sure if you’d ever catch your breath He lays down next to you in awe and kisses you gently against the mouth you laugh against his lips unbelieving that you just came that hard “wow” escapes your lips as you run your hands through his hair his hand laying lazily on your hip “I didn’t know you could scream that loud Y/N” still laying there euphoric blinking to try to make sure this was reality, nodding slowly “you really liked that didn’t you y/n”“yes I had no idea…. i .. it… wow…. more ….” JJ giggled that he had you speechless “ I will be right back baby okay? Just stay here, Im so
proud of you” he put away the knife and brought you some water and covered you up with your favorite blanket you could make sense of words now…. “Wow JJ fuck, that was awesome. I had no idea” He came up behind you cuddling into you under the blanket kissing the side of your face “Im glad you liked it I can say its one of my favorite things now.” “Me too, i thought it would be different” “how so” JJ looks down at you making sure you were okay “that it would be more dangerous i guess” he feels you shrug against his arms around you “as long as you don’t jerk and move too much i have all of the control. I wont ever hurt you baby, I’m so proud of you. you did so well” “ JJ I’m glad we can trust each-other this much. I wouldn’t be able to do any of this if it wasn’t with you.” He kissed you softly against the mouth and your hunger reappeared How could it not with a sun kissed blonde god next to you “Your turn for me to make you cum JJ” You say climbing on top of him feeling his dick hard against your bare clit. Shuddering at the feeling since you were still sensitive, smiling. you both melted into the blanket, not coming up for air until the sun rose again
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pairing: mob!tom holland x reader
request: okok i have a mob!tom idea... what about tom having to work until veeeryyyy late at night cause he’s like drowning in paperwork and all that mob crap i wouldn’t know about... and when he finally stops he comes to your room to find you asleep and he’s like instantly relieved to see his princess after all that stress (can involve some smutty smut or else what’s the point). by anonymous
warnings: smut but it’s soft
word count: 1.7k
notes: ok i love this concept + this has been a wip for a while now and i’m honestly not sure how i like it, i kinda struggled for some reason but i hope you enjoy. this wasn’t rly what i wanted to post first and i’m kinda nervous tbh but here you go! just a short, sweet smut to get back in the groove <3
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There was something reassuring and almost soothing to Tom about coming home to you after a long day at work. His days were sometimes filled with blood, betrayal, violence, frustrations, and nothing good––but none of that would matter when he stepped into the comfort of your bedroom, the warmth of your embrace, basked in the light of your presence. 
He would often feel the tension rolling off of his shoulders as soon as he set his eyes on you, the light of his life. No matter how dark his days would get, how brutal his job forced him to become, you would always bring him back to you, with your words, your company. 
Tonight, was luckily not bloody, but rather boring and exhausting. Tom spent hours in a room with dozens of other men, bosses, associates of other mobs writing up agreements, making deals, negotiations over territories, clubs, money. He was done with them all the minute he stepped foot at the designated meetup location and even texted you throughout the meeting to get through it. As soon as everything was done he was the first one out of the door. 
You often tried to stay up and wait for him on long nights like these, but sometimes, you couldn’t overcome the fatigue, and Tom couldn’t blame you. As he stepped into your bedroom quietly, he perked up when he noticed the light was still on but smiled softly when he noticed your figure curled up on the bed. You were dressed in your pajamas, since it was technically early in the morning now, but you were lying on top of the covers, meaning you had tried to stay up but ultimately failed. 
Tom slowly closed the door, careful not to make too much noise and put his cufflinks away first, in the dish on the dresser, then he went into the walk-in closet and put his shoes away before undressing down to his boxers. It wasn’t until he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash up before bed that you woke up, the sound of running water stirring you awake. 
“Tommy?” Your voice was sleepy and saccharine, luring him to bed like a siren. “Is that you?” 
“Yeah baby, I’m here.” He dried off and shut off the bathroom light before making his way over to your side. He bent down and brought a hand to your cheek, gently holding your face as he looked at you with tired eyes. 
You cleared your throat, your eyes blinking up at him slowly. “Did you just get here?” 
He nodded, his thumb caressing your cheek, this close to lulling you back to sleep. “Meeting went on for ages. They just would not stop talking.” You knew he was honestly irritated, but the frown on his face and the furrow between his brows was nothing but cute to you and you couldn’t help but let out a quiet breath of laughter, making him smile down at you. 
“Get in bed with me?” 
“Of course.” He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead and climbed over you, pulling the covers out from under you and tucking the both of you in. You turned in his arms and placed a hand on his neck, looking up at him fondly. He looked at you for a moment before leaning in and pressing his lips against yours gently, leaving a few small pecks that got longer and longer until you were pulling each other closer, desperate to feel one another. You were breathing slowly and deeply, in sync, your arms wrapped around each other tightly.
You rubbed your thighs together, suddenly remembering how needy you had gotten when he was gone before you had fallen asleep. You took a deep breath and sighed at the feeling and Tom quirked a brow, immediately recognizing the sound. 
He pulled away slightly and brought his hand back up to your cheek, taking note of the glint in your gaze. “I know that look in your eye, darling.” He smirked softly. “Someone feeling a bit needy?” 
“Please.” You pouted, mind too tired to let out full sentences and Tom was quick to indulge you.
His hand trailed down between your legs and raised his brows when he felt the wetness on your panties. “See you kept busy while I was gone, hm darling?” You nodded innocently and he growled, capturing your lips with his, his voice hot and heavy with need as he whispered against your mouth. “Yeah? You touched your pretty pussy thinking about me while I was away? Such a naughty little thing.” He quickly slipped your panties off and out of the way and bit his lip at how you purred and arched under his touch, your body practically melting from the touch it was desperately aching for. 
You rolled your hips as his fingers swiped between your folds, spreading your mess around almost lovingly. Tom slipped a finger inside you and kissed down to your neck, making sure to leave a few bold marks just the way he liked. You felt him smirk against your skin before his tongue swiped against it, a second finger making its way into you. It didn’t take long for him to find and tease your spot with his fingertips––the feeling making you gasp and writhe under him, your hands desperately reaching to grab his hair in one and his arm in the other.
He pumped his digits in and out of you at a teasing pace until your skin felt hot and you could barely breathe, until he could see from the look in your eye and the way your lips parted, unable to let words pass through them, that you needed more. Soon enough, his fingers were quickly pounding into you, the sound of your wetness against his hand almost deafening in the quiet room. 
He nuzzled against your cheek adoringly as if he wasn’t touching your most sensitive parts. His voice was as soft as his lips as they grazed against your skin. “Come on lovie, fall apart on my fingers. Wanna feel you make a mess in my palm.” He pressed his thumb against your bundle of nerves and your fingers dug further into him, your mouth dropping open as you finally reached your peak. 
Your back arched slowly and you swore you could feel every muscle in your body from your head to your toes as the pleasure spread through your core, your stomach, and down your thighs. The world went silent for a few seconds until you came to again, the feeling of Tom’s lips against your cheek and his fingers soothingly rubbing between your legs bringing you back.
You blinked slowly a few times before turning to look at him, a lazy smile on your face. You slid a hand up to his jaw and closed the distance between you, thanking him through a passionate kiss. You tried to pull him on top of you and he obliged, sliding between your legs without pulling away from your lips. He pressed his hips down against yours and you gasped into the kiss from the feeling of the fabric against your sensitive core. 
Tom sucked on your bottom lip and pulled away teasingly slowly to look in your eyes, one of his hands caressing your cheek, the other holding him up. “Are you sure you’re not too tired, love?” 
You shook your head immediately, “Just want you. Need you.” 
He smiled and kissed your cheek. “Well my girl always gets what she wants, doesn’t she?” You bit your lip and nodded up at him cheekily, prompting him to kiss you again, this time on the lips. He pulled his member out and lined up at your entrance, swallowing your moans as he slid into you. He bottomed out and ground his hips against yours, relishing in the gasp you let out. He took both of your hands and pinned them on either side of you head, his fingers interlocked with yours as he started to thrust into you, his eyes watching you fondly and lustfully.
You whined and looked up at him, “Missed you Tommy.” 
“Yeah baby?” He moved closer and let his lips graze yours. “Well I missed this tight cunt too.” You moaned loudly, your head tilting back and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of you, leaning down to thrust deeper and slower, letting you feel every inch of him inside of you, all of his warmth on top of you. 
The two of you were holding on to each other, almost merging with how close you were––moaning and panting as you raced towards your highs. Your lips slotted together messily and desperately but still lovingly as you got closer and closer. 
“Can feel you clenching baby. Shit––You gonna come on my cock?” 
You wrapped your arms and legs around him tight and nodded, “Yes, please Tommy make me come––”
He slid his hand down to play with your clit the way you needed and groaned as his pace got sloppier, his thrusts deep and hard. “Fuck, come on darling, let go. Wanna feel you drip down my cock, that’s it––”
Your fingertips dug into his back and he buried his face into the crook of your neck as your back arched again, a sharp moan ripping from your throat as your body shuddered under his before he came undone soon after, biting your shoulder as he filled you up. 
You stayed like that, holding each other for a while before Tom started to get up slowly, kissing every inch of skin he could until he reached your lips, making you smile giddily. Though he wanted to stay in your arms forever if he could, he knew it was only right that he get up to clean you up. 
After gently dismissing your whines and pouts for him to stay in bed and kissing the back of your hand before promising to come back soon––it wasn’t long before he had tenderly cleaned you up with a soft washcloth and gotten back in bed with you.
He pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you again, resuming the first position you’d been in when he’d first gotten home. You placed your head on his chest and looked up at him sleepily with a small smile which he returned. 
He pressed his lips against your forehead and swiped his thumb across your cheek, lulling you to sleep yet again. “You are the love, the light of my life.” 
You smiled and leaned up to kiss him softly. “And you’re my home.”
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Locked Up Sub!Shiro(Voltron)x GN!reader
CW: Smut, Dom/sub dynamics, chastity, praise, degradation, choking, punishment, implied prostate milking, anal sex/pegging mention, hand job, teasing, ownership, master kink, sadism mention, threats of future punishment.
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: This is my first request so it is a bit different from my usual work but I hope you are still able to enjoy it. My regular writing will resume this week.
This was written for a male reader but like most of my writing, there aren't really any gendered terms so it ended up being gender-neutral.
“You know what Shiro I’m at my wit’s end,” you say angrily “I’ve let your behavior slide for far too long without consequence.”
“Listen I’m sorry” he replies desperately. “It’s just with the team I’ve been so stressed and-”
“No” you cut him off calmly “I understand how you feel but that is not an excuse, you broke the rules” you continue. “Now you’re gonna use your words and tell me exactly what you did”
“I touched myself”
“And I came without your permission’’
“You’re usually so good for me Shiro,” you say walking past him toward your bedroom “I’m sorry baby, but I have to punish you”
He follows you pleading “No please, I’m sorry I won’t do it again” his begging falls upon deaf ears as you reach into your toybox looking for the proper punishment. “ he continues trying to appeal to your softer nature “ come on master you know that I’m not bad, I just made a mistake. I was so needy and I just couldn’t help myself.”
Just as those words leave his mouth your hand moves from the flogger to the cage. If your good boy couldn’t help himself then it’s your responsibility to do it for him.
However, before you lock him up you decide to play with him a bit. “Aww you were needy for me Shiro?” you ask.
He doesn’t seem to notice your condescending tone as he answers “yes (Y/N), I missed you so much”
“It’s okay baby, I forgive you. Come sit” you sit on the bed, motioning for him to do the same.
He quickly moves to sit, he’s too busy falling into subspace to notice the cage you have sitting on the nightstand a mere few feet away.
As he sits down you begin groping his large, muscular frame, having your way with him as you whisper sweet nothings in his ear. You maneuver to sit behind him using one hand to grab his torso while sliding the other into his sweatpants.
“Strip for me baby,” you say, even though your tone was gentle you both knew that it was not a request but rather an order. Of course, he obliged, quickly getting up to remove his clothes before placing himself back in your embrace.
You take your hand spitting in it before slowly moving down his ripped body to wrap around his cock. He lets out a low groan closing his eyes and letting his head fall back onto your shoulder.
You use your other hand to push your fingers into his mouth, gathering some of his spit before moving to his chest to tease his nipples. Groans continue falling from his lips as you pleasure his body like he had been craving for so long.
“Does that feel good Shiro?” you ask lowly.
“Yes master, please” he whimpers out pathetically
“Please what baby”
“Please hngg- please faster”
Deciding to be nice you oblige speeding up your actions on his dick. He’s so wet by this point leaking precum all over your hand, the arousal sliding down his ass and dirtying the sheets.
With every second that passes he loses himself further until finally the only thought that remained on his mind was cumming. The only thing he desired was his release.
“Cum please master can I cum?” he begs, so blissed out that he could barely get the words out straight.
“Sure baby go ahead,” you say with a borderline sadistic smirk that was hidden from him.
“Hmmph thannnk you massterr” he slurs out the words before his mouth falls open in pleasure. Drool dripping down his chin in his fucked out state.
After a few more strokes of your hand, he releases. Squirting a big, thick, creamy load of opaque cum right in your hand. The volume couldn’t be contained in your palm thus making a mess all over his torso and your bed.
“Thank you” he repeats fully leaning back laying his body weight on you, exhausted from his orgasm.
While he’s still coming down from his high you reach over to your nightstand grabbing some tissues to clean him up.
After you deem him clean enough you reach over to the nightstand once again. Shiro lays on you eyes closed unsuspecting as you grab his soft cock beginning to position the cage.
He’s half asleep as he begins talking to you.
“I really am sorry for breaking your rules sir”
“It’s ok I forgive you,” you say while caressing his chest. You slowly begin to move your hand up.
“But just because I forgive you doesn’t mean you aren’t going to be punished” you whisper in his ear. Your hand wraps around his throat with one hand while the other finishes tightening the cage around him.
Once he fully feels the cold tight metal around his cock his eyes shoot open and he looks down. Sure enough, he was locked in a cage.
“Now let’s see if you can control yourself, Shiro”
It’s been 2 months. 2 months of torture according to Shiro. 2 months of deserved punishment according to you.
While some may say this was too cruel you had to make sure that he wouldn’t disobey you again. The punishment was only supposed to last a few weeks but then 1 week in you caught Shiro trying to cum around his cage. Clearly, if you wanted him to behave then you needed to be cruel.
And so it went. He spent every day trying to occupy his mind so that way his neediness wouldn’t lead him to disobey you.
In the mornings he would distract himself by making breakfast and packing lunch
During the afternoon he would absolutely bury himself in work.
His evenings were spent training. Hopefully, if he wore himself out, he would be too tired to be horny he thought.
And at night he would make a nice dinner before going to bed early. At least if he was asleep then he could cum in his dreams.
After the incident at the beginning of his punishment, Shiro started to avoid you. Not necessarily because he wanted to but because you would tease him relentlessly.
You would tease him in the mornings by whispering filthy things in his ear with your raspy morning voice.
You would give him orders while making him use your title in the afternoon.
You would undress him with your eyes while he trained before stripping off your shirt and joining him in the evenings.
You would follow him into the kitchen groping him from behind while he cooked dinner at night.
He may have been able to handle being caged if it wasn’t for you. It was almost as if you were trying to make him disobey you… again.
However, he stayed strong. After his first slip up he was finally able to control himself for the remaining time of the punishment.
And finally, after a grueling 2 months, it was over.
One night while Shiro was getting ready for bed you slowly make your way into the room closing the door behind you which alerts him to your presence.
“Hey Shiro,” you say in a flirty tone that usually occupied your voice when speaking to him.
“Hey” he replies with a heavy sigh mentally preparing himself for more of your teasing.
You make your way behind him and begin teasing all over his body until he stops you abruptly with a somewhat irritated look on his face.
“What’s wrong,” you ask with a teasing smirk adorning your features.
“Listen (Y/N) it’s been a long day can we please do this tomorrow?” he asks sounding genuinely exhausted.
“Aww baby, you had a bad day?” you ask sounding still teasing but a bit more sincere than usual.
“Yes it was hard and long and I would just like to forget about it” he states sounding defeated.
“I may have something that can help you” you resume your testing “but it will also be hard and long,” you say surprisingly able to keep a straight face at your admittedly juvenile joke.
You reach down to grab his caged cock as you grind against his ass.
“Master please don’t tease me right now i-”
“What makes you think I’m gonna tease you?” you ask cutting him off.
“That’s all you’ve done for the past two months” he whines
“Two months has it really been that long,” you ask despite already knowing the answer.
“Yes it’s been so long master” he begins to grind back against you “I don’t know how much more I can take”
“You’re right Shiro Two months is a pretty long time, you must be so pent up” you continue teasing slowly moving to rid him of his shirt.
“Yes master” he lifts his arms “I’m so full”
“Tell me, Shiro, have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes I have learned my lesson master, I will never disobey you again I promise” he all but yells out desperately “please just help me” he begs.
“You better have learned your lesson, if not then next time it will be worse” you threaten “if you disobey my rules again then I’ll have to lock up you’re useless cock indefinitely”
“Yes master I understand please just let me cum, milk me dry” he cries “Haven’t I been so good for you?”
“Yes, baby I suppose you have,” you say before moving from behind him. He whines thinking you left him high and dry again however all of his worries are pacified as he hears the telltale jingle of keys.
“My poor baby, it must hurt to be so full for so long,” you say with false sympathy lacing your tone “don’t worry tonight I’ll give you what you need” you slide his pants down beginning to free his cock from its confines. “I’m gonna milk you dry, abusing your prostate with my cock until you have nothing left to give” you state “unless you’re still too tired?”
“NO, I’M FINE” “not tired at all master I promise”
“Good because we have a long night ahead of us,” you say. Shiro was so caught up in the anticipation of being able to cum that he missed the sadistic undertones in your statement. This was going to be fun.
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fairyavengerwrites · 4 years
treat you right ⇝ steve rogers
content warning: explicit smut, 18+ MINORS, PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE. cheating, mild angst and fluff, oral (f recieving), fingering, vaginal fucking, mild size kink, dirty talk (Steve’s apparently freaky) unprotected sex (wrap it up ladies and gentz pls)
pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
word count: 1,859
author’s note: i think this came to me in a dream? so obvs it had to be written. was originally gonna be Bucky but I think it’s Steve’s turn. i happened to write this half delirious in the middle of the night, so even though i’ve checked it like seven times please expect spelling errors!! so... yeah, enjoy!
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You let yourself into Steve’s apartment at the compound, knowing that he wouldn’t mind you letting yourself in and waiting for him anyway, not once he saw the state you were in. 
You were beside yourself, really, brokenhearted and upset. You’d gone to yours and your boyfriend’s shared apartment after a long day, hoping to surprise him by coming home on time for once, only to find him balls deep in your bed. With the girl he told you not to worry about. And her best friend hovering by them, kissing him and running her hands all over him. You didn’t even let him explain, just beelined out of the apartment, right back to the compound.
Since starting this job, you and Steve had almost become inseparable, and he knew more about you than anyone else on Earth. He’d even known about your relationship troubles, and your suspicions of your boyfriend, advising you on what to do about the situation. Steve had also told you to break up with him, and now you were wondering why you hadn’t listened to him and done it sooner. Oops.
You were already settled on Steve’s sofa, partway through a tub of Ben and Jerry’s when Steve arrived at the apartment, immediately sensing your distraughtness.
“What’s the matter, doll?” He dropped his bag where he stood at the door, kicking his shoes off before striding over and dropping on the sofa next to you. You sniffled, feeling the tears finally brim at your eyes.
“He was cheating on me, Steve,” you answered tearfully, clutching the ice cream closer to you. “I got back to him i-in bed fucking that girl and her friend.” 
“Doll,” Steve said gently, extending an arm out to you. You instantly moved into him, burying your head in his chest as you started to sob. 
“You were right, Steve,” you hiccuped, muffled by Steve’s shirt and the sobs. He started stroking your hair, staying silent to let you express the emotions you were feeling. “I just- I feel so, so stupid! The signs were there, and I-I tried to be angry, but it still hurts.”
“Of course it will, doll.” Steve’s tone of voice was soothing, calming you down a little. “You were with him a long time.”
“A waste of four years,” you muttered, shuffling so that you sat up properly. “I hate feeling like this, Steve.”
“Well, how about this- a pizza and your favourite movie?” Steve prompted, still softly stroking your hair. You nodded, smiling faintly at him. 
“Now you know how to treat a girl right, Steve.”
An hour and a half later, you and Steve were one pizza and half a bottle of your favourite wine down, belittling every single aspect of your former boyfriend.
“And you know what I just cannot get my head around?” you said to Steve, placing your glass down on the coffee table. 
“What?” Steve prompted, nodding for you to go on. 
“I don’t even know how he was pulling all those girls! I mean, I don’t have any other experience to go on, but by god, he was terrible in bed. I always dreaded it each time.”
“He didn’t please you? Satisfy you?” Steve answered, furrowing his brows. You shook your head. You surprised yourself by how comfortable both you and Steve were discussing this.
“He would just rub me a little and then put in and he was done in five minutes,” you explained, sighing. 
“Nothing else? No foreplay?” You shook your head again, grimacing at the lousy memories. 
“No. It seemed nice for my first time, but it soon became unexciting.”
“I hate to see you not being treated right, doll,” Steve muttered stroking your cheek. All of a sudden, you became all too aware of your proximity to Steve, and you bet that you were close enough for him to hear your heart pound. The mood in the room had changed like the flip of a switch, and you could feel everything in that room. “You want me to show you how it’s done?” It took you a moment to understand, but you could feel yourself flush as you realised what he meant. You nodded eagerly, moving in just a little bit closer to Steve. 
“Use your words, doll, and I promise I’ll make you feel good. Make you forget that bum.” Both his hands cupped your jaw as you barely whimpered, already breathless. 
“Steve, I-I want you to m-make me feel good,” you stuttered, clutching onto Steve’s shirt. He flashed you a quick grin before caputring your lips in a passionate kiss, pulling you onto his lap with one muscular arm so that you were straddling him. That same arm kept itself wrapped around your hips, pulling you right up to his chest as he dominated the kiss. Unable to stop yourself, you moaned gently into the kiss, feeling yourself beginning to get wet in your panties. He never made you feel like this, not this fast. It was electrifying and you were loving it.
The hand that had been cupping your jaw moved down to your body, palming your breasts through your shirt. You started to softly roll your clothed core against Steve’s own, your instincts taking over, and you moaned when his teeth pulled on your bottom lip. His large hands temporarily moved from their places to pull your shirt off of you, and he paused to look at you, groaning whilst he unclasped your bra. 
“Shit, doll,” he muttered. His hands covered your tits, stroking your peaked nipples. “You’re a goddess.” You gasped when his mouth nibbled on your left nipple, stroking and pinching the other one. You gripped Steve’s broad shoulders harder as you started to roll your hips faster. Then, Steve swiftly flipped you so that you were lying on your back, caging you in his arms. He kissed you again, and your curled your arms around his neck. A moment later, he started making his way down your body, placing light kisses as he moved down you. You whimpered and sighed as you felt the ghost touches in apprehension of what he was going to do next, your mind marvelling at the possibilities.
Steve worked quickly at your jeans, peeling them off to reveal your panty-clad mound, your wetness leaving an almost embarrassing sized wet spot. Well, you would’ve been embarrassed if you weren’t so lust stricken. Steve groaned at the sight, and in the same moment ripped them of you. You couldn’t help but moan at the example of strength he showed, your hole clenching around nothing. 
“You’re so soaked, doll, all for me,” Steve growled, before he dived into your pussy, lapping and sucking like you were his last meal. You had never felt so good in your life, and the sensation was so overwhelmingly delightful. 
“Steve!” You moaned, tangling one hand into his hair. The other was clutching onto the sofa cushion for dear life. You could feel the pleasure building itself up and up and you held onto every bit of it.
“Taste so sweet, doll,” Steve muttered, sliding a thick finger into you. His mouth continued its attack on you as his finger started to slide in and out of you. Your eyes were squeezed shut as you let the pleasure take over you, losing yourself in the feeling. You continued to whine, unable to keep yourself still. Steve’s other hand placed itself over your hips to stop them from moving so much when he added a second finger. Then, all of a sudden, you felt immense pleasure wash over you in waves when he forced a third finger inside of you, feeling impossibly stretched, reaching a crescendo as you came. Steve did not stop his violation of you until you stopped squirming about.
“Steve,” you moaned again as his head poked up. He grinned at you, his mouth covered in your juices.
“That was beautiful, doll,” he said, crawling back up your body. “But I’m not done with you yet.” You whimpered, thinking of all the things he could do with you next whilst he started kissing you feverishly once again. You melting into him, hooking your arms and legs around him. You didn’t notice him strip himself of his trousers and pants, but you did feel his heavy, thick cock on your clit, creating friction on your lips as he grinded gently against you. 
“Now you tell me if this hurts, doll, ok?” Steve whispered, placing a tender kiss on your cheek. One arm balanced him above you whilst the other lined him up against your hole. You nodded, biting your lip as you looked at Steve. He promptly thrust into you, sliding until he was at full hilt. You gasped, this time uncomfortably as you realised just how big Steve was. 
“Want me to wait, doll?” he asked. You nodded, clutching onto Steve. His free hand moved onto your lips, circling your button gently as you forced yourself to relax. Moments later, you felt the ache ebb, and you urged Steve to start moving. 
“Please,” you begged, and Steve grinned at you, starting to slowly thrust in and out of you. Your head fell back as the delectable feeling started to roll over you again, clouding your brain. You couldn’t hold back any of the moans you let out, relishing in the heavenly stretch. “Steve!”
“I know, doll. You wanna cum again, huh?” He moved back down to your chest, nibbling on your nipple between words. “I wanna make you cum forever, doll, watch you orgasm over and over.” You couldn’t even respond, lost in the feeling of his cock filling you, reaching every inch of you. 
“Fucked you dumb already, haven’t I?” Steve didn’t stop his tirade as he continued rutting, speeding his hips up. “It’s ok, doll, I’ll keep ya stuffed as long as you want me.” You were near sobbing, screaming as another orgasm neared you. You never realised sex could feel this good, that it was supposed to feel this good. He was right, you never wanted to stop. 
“You gonna cum for me again, doll?” Steve asked, and you nodded eagerly, wanting it more than anything in your entire life. “Go on, then, doll. Cum.” His other hand, the one on your clit, moved faster, adding to your pleasure as you let it wash over you once again, this time wailing as you finished for the second time that night.
“Steve!” You cried, chanting his name over and over as he started snapping his hips faster. 
“So beautiful, doll. Gotta fill you up now, though, make you mine,” he growled. You were tender as he kept moving, chasing his own orgasm. You laid there, spent but satisfied as he stilled in you, finally cumming himself, filling you as promised and groaning your name. He stayed there, hovering over you and kissing you anew. 
“Steve,” you moaned gently. “That was.. that was so good.” You chuckled, throwing your head down. 
“Hey, doll?” Steve asked, and you hummed to let him continue. “I should’ve asked this first, but let me take you out tomorrow. On a date.”
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buckysgoldenheart · 3 years
Angel in the Dark
Demon!August Walker x Reader
Summary: After a one-night stand, or what you thought would be one, a demon drags you to his world and forces you to grow wings like he has so you would have to stay with him, unable to permanently return to Earth.
Notes: (So this is like a one-shot that is little snippets/summary of something I might turn into a multi-chaptered fic. I’m not sure if I’m going to do that yet or if anyone would even like this idea, but if it seems a bit choppy, this is why.) I know its been an age and a half since i posted anything, but college, ya know? Also to those who have made requests, I have started all of them and they are to be posted next. I just started this fic a long time ago. I havent written anything for a while so it might actually kinda suck. 
Warnings: Implied smut, kinda. Unhealthy attachment on August’s end. If I make this chaptered then there would be actual smut. I think cursing. Eventual Stockholm syndrome if continued.
Words: 1713
 Angel in the Dark
You didn’t believe in fate, not really. You didn’t believe your life was predestined or anyone else’s to play with. It was yours alone, to make choices, good or bad. Only you decided when you did things and where you did them. And no one would have ever been able to convince you otherwise, until you met him.
Seeing him in that club, kissing him before you knew his name, now you couldn’t help but feel was in some way a trick, manipulated in his favor. That maybe bumping into him, quite literally, was his orchestration. Maybe whether you spoke to him or not, he had his sights set on you, and a one-night stand was never going to just get to be a one-night stand.
It was all too simple. Meeting you and not taking advantage, kissing you but following your lead, sleeping with you like you meant something to him. It didn’t add up. You could sense the kind of man he was; dominating and possessive. Too dominating and possessive to be as gentle with you as he had been. And all of it fell into a perfect line for what you now realized he wanted from you: not just sex, but more; nothing less than your life. But admitting all of that to yourself was entertaining the possibility that you were stalked like prey and any training at staying away from bad men had been a useless waste of time.
It was the third day, third of eight. August promised the pain would subside as the days passed, but so far he was proving to be a liar, not to your surprise. Every few hours, the wings ripped your skin wider to accommodate their size as they grew from the inside of your body pushing out. At three days, they were now the span of a couple feet, shining an opalescent white in the glare of the sun.
As you laid on your stomach, frozen in place against the mattress, wings bloodied and draped across your back with your eyes closed tight, you tried to understand the depth of the pain; how it was able to hurt the way it did. The feeling couldn’t compare to anything Earth may dare to offer. So different, so unnatural in its entirety, and indescribably excruciating. It was merciless, not letting you escape, not letting you find the will to walk without your bones threatening to crack. You could barely speak for fear fire would thrust itself up from your lungs and incinerate your throat. It was all-consuming, swallowing your body whole instead of localizing where the skin of your back had shredded open.
“Just a few more days,” August said, and you flinched at his voice. Every time he spoke it was a shock he was still there beside you, with his massive, black wings hanging over the back of the chair he sat in. Those monstrosities weren’t attached to his muscled back when you met him; nowhere in sight when he was in your bed.
August dabbed at your broken and bleeding skin with a cool cloth, eliciting little whimpers passed your chapped lips. “I know it hurts, Angel.”
“Don’t—" You forced out despite the heat in your throat, acid on your tongue, waves of nausea you knew would follow. “…C-Call me that.”
He sighed and continued to wipe the blood from your naked body. “I wish you wouldn’t say that. When the time is up, you’ll feel so much better about this, about me, and you’ll see how beautiful they are. You’re already so gorgeous, the wings will only add to your beauty.”
“I di-didn’t want--
“Don’t talk, Angel,” he said. “I know how you’re feeling about this right now, but humans are not allowed to live in this world. I had to do this so you can stay.”
You screamed as the wings tore your skin open a few more centimeters, and August quickly scooted his chair closer to brush the hair from your face.
He softly shushed you the way one might soothe a kitten, before leaning down and placing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. “It’s ok. I’m not going to leave your side.”
You would have slapped at him, pushed him away with all your might if you had the strength, but your lungs were tightening, body burning as if it had been licked by the sun. You were dying, slowly morphing into a horrid creature from fantasies, leaving behind any trace of humanity. In your veins you could feel something coursing and altering your DNA. You knew you still looked like you, for the most part, but you weren’t you, not anymore. All because you met a man who got attached and wouldn’t let you go. All because he couldn’t remain in your world and decided with certainty that if he couldn’t be in yours, he would drag you to his. A place some believed in and some didn’t, a place no one could prove the existence of, now your iron cage.
It was five more nights of torture before you felt like you could really breathe again, and even then, the oxygen was just as foreign as the pain you had trudged through, and you found little comfort in it fully filling your lungs.
“You’re awake.”
His smooth voice drew your eyes away from the scenery out the bedroom window; the first glimpse of true, heavenly beauty you’d seen since he brought you here. But you weren’t convinced it wasn’t an illusion crafted by his devilish fingers for your comfort. Much like his own beauty, a trick tempting you to call off your desire to leave this world and go home. You tried your best to ignore how perfect he looked; the curls of his hair, the scruff of his jaw, the black wings you first saw the night you met him when they had suddenly appeared only after you’d slept together.
“And you’re standing already. I hoped to come help you, but you’re clearly much stronger than I was after I had to grow my own wings.”
Your eyes flashed in anger before your tore them away from his, back to the rolling hills overlapping one another outside your window. The breeze rustling your hair, the chirp of the birds, the glisten of the sun off the small lake dotted in the landscape, distracted you from August’s approach. You stilled at his breath hitting the back of your neck, but when he slipped his rough fingers through the layers of your shimmering feathers you couldn’t contain the shiver that shot through your body. His own black ones ruffled when his skin touched his creation.
“So beautiful,” he whispered.
“I’m glad you’re proud of your work.”
August let out a puff of air, a weak laugh. “My work? Angel, this was all you. I knew they would be beautiful if they were going to be a part of you, but you really outdid yourself.”
Twisting your body fast, you met him chest to chest, your eyes burning with a heat to match the devil. “I outdid myself? You forced this on me. You injected me with that—that poison without my permission.”
“And you survived. Not many can say the same. You’ve come out stronger.” Fingers trailed through your feathers again and you ignored the heat it sent to your core.
“I’ve come out of this wanting to kill you more than I did before,” You said, shifting the wing back and away from his reach.
Without a moment to pass, August gently grasped your chin between his thumb and index finger as his gaze landed on your lips. “That will fade with time,” he whispered, then inched his face closer. You shoved him away just before his lips could meet yours, and August stumbled back with a chuckle. “Certainly stronger.”
“I’m not going to let you kiss me,” you snapped.
“Not today, it would seem.”
“Not ever again!” Somehow the words felt wrong, each one more sour than the last. Wrong, as if your lips called to his and a portion of your mind was so disappointed at the fight you were going to force it through by trying to keep yourself away from him. But it was a small portion, and the rest of you was much stronger.
“We will see, Angel,” He crossed his arms. “You and I have eternity. One day you will wake up and realize I am all you have, I am all you want, and this memory will be lost. All you will know is me and my touch and our world.”
As he spoke, his eyes held a gentle sincerity that you wished wasn’t there. You wished the blue of them wasn’t so calm and casual and certain of the way he was feeling. Shaking your head, you matched his stance. “You’re a monster,” you said. “You really are, and here I thought I’d seen the worst of monsters, but clearly not.”
August slowly stepped back into your space again, catching you off guard with a flush to your cheeks as he loomed over you. But you kept his stare, even with your back against the wall, wings spread against the stone. “You may breathe your sweet words all you’d like, Angel, but it changes nothing,” He said, running a knuckle down your cheek. “If I am a monster, I am your monster, and I’m not going anywhere.” Smiling, his eyes glanced at your lips again. “Luckily for me…neither are you.”
@agniavateira​ @tumblnewby @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @summersong69​ @starlite13​ @mstgsmy​ @purplelove75​ @defffcc​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kissthatlifeaway​ @atomicpaperhairdouniversity​ @aquariuslavenderhoney​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @the-problem-of-leisure​ @amberlokabrenna​ @a-dlv​ @writing-about-current-obsessions​ @weallhaveadestiny​ @coffeebreathy​ @madbaddic7ed​ @petitefirecracker10​ 
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purplerain85 · 3 years
Neron ‘Creeper” Vargas x Reader
Words: not sure I wrote it through my phone But this ended up being a lot longer then I thought it would be. 
Warnings: Swearing, Smut, Oral female receiving, mention of male receiving, usage of toys, fingering, slight bondage.
A/N: its been a long ass time since I wrote something let along smut, but I got inspiration about Creeper while I was watching Mayan’s the last two days. So to say that I am nervous is beyond an understatement. I love comments, criticism good and bad and what I can do better. So I hope you enjoy.
@yourwonkywriter @hazlenutlatte​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @challengeahellcat​ @chibsytelford​ @angelreyesgirl​ @nessamc​ @twistnet​ @tellingyouastory​ @poor-unfortunate-soul-85​ @drabbles-mc​ @putas-in-suffering​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​ @withmyteeth​ @raewritesfiction​ @yosoynicolexo​ @chibbybish​ @imagineredwood​ @blowmymbackout​ @telford-writes​ @my-rosegold-soul​
Dom should have been his nickname short for Dominate! Because that is what Neron 'Creeper' was in every sense of the meaning and word!  As much as he tried to hide it but you knew as soon as you met him just the way he talked, the way he carried himself and you were bound to not only be his girlfriend but his sub who would like to push every single god damn button he had.... which is why you were in you current situation. 
You had met Creeper 6 months ago at at one of the Mayan's club house parties you came with a couple of girlfriends you stood out from the crowd in more ways then one. While your friends wore dark blues and black you wore a neon green mini dress with a black leather jacket. Your laugh was loud which made him smirk every time he heard your laugh. You noticed him staring at you an hour after you got there and as much as you wanted to go talk to him you were pretty shy and wanted him to approach you, but he never he just watched you. 
Then two weeks later he finally introduced himself and when he said his name was Neron but everyone calls him Creeper, "well that makes sense now" you thought to yourself. Then a couple weeks later one of your friends bet Angel that she could bet him at pool, which he lost and was a spoiled sport about. Creeper said he could beat anyone which made you Ha! out loud and he asked you to play which you accepted but made the bet not about money "if I win you have to take me out on a date!" You wagered, he nodded and said "sounds good, but if I win you have to suck my dick!" You acted shocked but very turned on while your friends "ooohhh!" You acted like you had no idea what you were doing, he got a couple balls and he got cocky saying things like "I cannot wait to feel your beautiful mouth around my dick" or "I cannot wait to fuck your mouth" then you turned and looked at him and gave him  a sinful smile and sunk every single one of your balls and Creeper stood there shocked and your friend laughed and said "I have known Y/N for almost 20 years she has never lost a game of pool!” You laugh as you put the cue stick down and said "I will see you at 7 tomorrow"
That was 3 months ago you started dating Creeper shortly after that night. It didn’t take long for you to notice he was holding back a little in the bedroom you could tell he wanted to do more then tap your ass (it literally felt a little harder then a tap) and grip your hair. You wanted him to choke you, pull your hair, slap and grip your ass, mark you. Little did you know in the beginning that all you needed to do was push some buttons and not listen when he told you to stop something. It happened when you at a club house party and EZ was behind the bar and you were being friendly with him Creeper saw it as you were flirting, and when he came up behind you and had his hand on your ass and whispered for you to stop flirting, you rolled your eyes and scoffed at him saying you weren’t flirting and went back to your conversation with EZ. Creeper gave him a look that you didn’t see and EZ excused himself. Creeper gripped your ass hard which cause you to jump a little and slap your hands on the bar and grip your nails in the wood, he told you again to stop with a smirk on his face and walked away.
You stood there shocked for a minute before you recovered and finally knew what you needed to do to get him to finally bring his dominate side out. You had to push his buttons and best believe you would. You put your plan into motion the next day it started with small touches while you talked to other guys, being very friendly with them, three days later Creeper was tense and moody. On the fourth day you text Creeper that you were going shopping
Me: Hey babe hope things are good, about to go shopping at [sex shop store name] to get a new toy
Creeper: WHY????? 
Me: Why not? Need something when you are not at home or on the road.
Creeper: That should be a given no toys allowed!
Me: Oh such a shame that I don’t wanna listen
Creeper: You come home with a toy and you will regret it!!
Me: I am calling bullshit, You won’t do shit!
Creeper: Woman try me and see
Me: Aren’t they Beautiful the purple one has thirty different speeds and the little one seemed fun it can be controlled by your phone :) 
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Creeper: Woman you just wait tell I get home.
Me: Pfft, OH OK (insert smart ass tone) off to my next stop. [Lingerie store] which I won’t show you later
What you bought*** 
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Creeper was on edge because he kept messaging asking what you bought and you ignored him which pissed him off even more. You finished shopping 2 hours before Creeper got home, you used his hide-a-key to let yourself in and got the toys out of their boxes washed and now they are charging, you hoped into the shower and got ready, you decided to go for your favourite black dress. Little did you know you probably should have gone with your least favourite dress.
You were in his bedroom when you heard the front door open and slam you gasped when you heard the door, Creeper shouted out “Woman where are you!” instantly you were very shy and very intimidated you have never heard his voice like that, but this is what you wanted, needed. Creeper walked into the room, he had rope in his hand and you didn’t even have a chance to get yourself into a “sexy postion” you were stood there with the egg in your hand and looked like a deer in headlights. But to Creeper you looked just as beautiful, he walked over to you tossed the rope on the bed and took the egg from your hand and looked over it, he had did his research during the day and downloaded the app for the egg he just needed to scan the code and get it hooked up. 
He looked at you and told you to “strip out of your dress” you looked at home for a second before he raised his voice and said “Now!” you finally found your voice you smirk and said “Make me” Creeper rolled his eyes at you and grabbed your throat, you moaned out so loud “if you wanted me to dominate you, all you had to do was ask, not be a pain in my ass” Creeper said. He kissed you roughly while his hand was still on your throat his other hand when up your side to the top of your dress right breast then while still kissing you his other hand left your neck and met with his other hand ripped your dress right down the middle, you pulled back and said “that was my favourite black dress!” Creeper isn’t even looking you in the face he is too occupied with your lingerie set, “this is going to be my absolute favourite set, and I wanna promise I won’t rip it off of you but I cannot” he says. He picked you up and tossed you on the bed and got on top of you and said “you going to be able to keep your hands to yourself or am I gonna have to tie your hands.... never mind you like touching so tying your hands it is.” he ties your hands to his headboard.
You moaned “please Neron, please for the love of god please mark me, choke me, spank me, own me.... Please sir.” You opened your legs wider and you could feel his hard on through his jeans. Creeper felt like he was going to explode from you calling him Sir, and said “keep calling me that”. He started kissing down your jaw down to your neck and sucked some bruises on your neck, he moved down to your breast and left some bite marks and reached over to the nightstand table and grabbed a bottle of lube and continued kissing down your stomach and hips and leaving more bruises and bite marks.
He bit your mound and grabbed the egg from his pocket then pulled your thong to the side and licked from your opening up to your clit you moaned and begged for more but he pulled away and grabbed the lube and added some to the egg and to you and started to push the egg in you tensed a little bit “relax baby” Creeper moaned to you, he got the egg in and pulled away from you and grabbed his phone and chair and took a seat and the edge of the bed then turned the egg on the lowest setting and instantly your legs closed and you moaned “sir!!!” his voice boomed “open your legs!” after a couple of breaths you managed to open them again, but they closed again the moment he upped the vibrations a couple notches. He huffed and got up and walked to the closet “where are you going? Sir please don’t leave” you whined. 
Creeper walked back in with a bar with cuffs on the end and walked back over to you he says “sorry” and rips your thong off and kisses your knees and your first orgasm hits you, then pushes your legs apart and attaches the bar to your ankles and opens the bar a bit so you cannot close your legs. Then returns to the chair and continues to up then lower the vibe until you cum two more times. Then he gets up removes his clothes grabs the 30 speed vibrator that you bought today and removes the spreader bar set the vibe to medium and brings two fingers to your clit and you jump and moan.
Creeper moved his fingers down to your opening and brought his face down to your core and inserted his fingers the same time he attached his mouth to your clit and swirled, flicked, pressed his tongue to you clit and moaned at the taste of your juices he slowly moved his fingers in and out of you. You moaned that you were about to cum he says “cum on my face, wet my beard” you cum hard and lose your breath for a couple seconds. Creeper moves up your body to your covered breast he pulls down the cups to revel your nipples and while he starts sucking on your nipples his fingers were still moving in and out of you. He kisses you once he pulls his fingers from you and puts them in your mouth and you suck them clean and moan around them, then he moves to his knees and slams into you and gives you half a second to adjust to him before he starts thrusting, you can feel yourself getting close and tell him you need to cum, he says “no not yet, hold it for me” you try and manage to breath a little then shriek when you feel the purple vibrator attach to your clit and start to pull on the ropes and beg “Neron Please please untie my wrist please Oh Dear God PLese!!!!!!” Creeper leans over and unties your hands and one instantly goes to his wrist with the vibrator on your clit to ground yourself and the other hand went to the one on your stomach and you laced your fingers with his and you are chanting his name and begging to cum. 
He tosses the purple vibe pulls out just long enough to pull the vibe out and tosses that as well then pushes back into and drops down to your face and grips your neck and your hair and kisses the air out of your lugs then bites your lower lips and says “I need you to cum, baby cum for me, cum now” he is thrusting his hips so hard then you cum hard so hard that you grip Creeper so hard that he cannot pullout, he loves cumming inside you so he isn’t concerned he cums, and again tries to pullout and again he cannot he looks at you and you look so fucked out he kisses your lips and cheeks, forehead. “Can you lay down on me please, you won’t crush me and clearly she is not ready to let you go just yet” you say. He lays down and snuggles close with you and says “I love you”  you smile and rub his head and say “I love you too”
The End
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Pride Lost, Feelings Found
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: They/Them
Word Count: 2.2k
Request: @summerstardust  “Could you do a Neville with a gender neutral reader. It can fluff/smut/bit of both 🤷, whatever you want. With the prompts: 4. "You think she looks at me? Am I invisible?”, 12. "I’ve always liked you, you’ve just never noticed.” and 17. "Make me fall in love with you.”
Maybe where Neville is secretly crushing on the reader from afar and the reader is told, in some way, about this and he just runs away from the scene. Then the reader follows and finds him and tells him that they want to get to know him.
Don’t feel pressured to use this idea, though. I am just feeling a bit angsty at the moment. Thank you! :)”
Summary: It all crumbles down before Neville’s eyes, but it’s replaced with something he’d never expect.
Warnings: angst but it turns to fluff!!
A/N: Ok ok, if you want a part 2 with what happens after reader says that? Lmk and I’ll probably write it! I’m so sorry this took so long esp for one of my favorite readers. I hope you enjoy <3
4. "You think she looks at me? Am I invisible?” 
12. "I’ve always liked you, you’ve just never noticed.” 
17. "Make me fall in love with you.”
Sometimes Neville wish he had never noticed (Y/n). But when you shine as bright as they did, how couldn't you notice? They bewitching, enchanting everyone around them with a simple smile, him included. However when miracles as amazing as (Y/n) come to be, so does a lot of attention. He adored everything about them, the way they always smeared their ink on their scroll when they wrote, how they’d walk into class every morning with that same sleepy expression, even down to the way they’d always have to pull their socks up because they got the wrong size and they’d fall down. They was his dream partner. But sadly, that’s the thing about dream lovers, they’re meant to stay dreams.
From as long as Neville could remember, he had been on the bottom of the social ladder. Hell, when your familiar (who is also a toad) causes a wild goose chase during your first years at a new school, it’s really not hard to understand why. If it had been someone else instead of him, he would've made fun of them too. He was a loser and no one would ever let him forget. Not his friends, not Malfoy, not anyone. But they did. In all his years at Hogwarts, (Y/n) had never made him feel like a loser. Every interaction the two of them had made him feel normal, like himself.
Granted every interaction they had was small. Accidentally bumping into them in the halls, a tight lip smile when eye contact was made. One time he thought (Y/n) was waving to him but was in fact waving to their friend behind him but luckily they hadn't seen (Malfoy definitely did..). Out of all the people who could have noticed the way he looked at them or the way his cheeks would turn red when they'd pass him it had to be Malloy. That was awful for a multitude of reasons. One being that for some reason, (L/n) and Malfoy were the best of friends. Everyday he wished that it was him who got sat next to them in potions instead of that weasel of a boy. The second reason being that despite knowing how Neville felt for them, he still had yet to do anything with the information. To most people, they’d be relieved if Malfoy found out one of their most personal pieces of information and had yet to do anything but, Neville knew better. Draco was a vile creature and if he hadn’t teased him about it yet, that surely meant something even greater was coming. Something truly awful and devastating. 
The first week after Malfoy found out had Neville staying up to the break of dawn, stirring around restlessly at the thought of what he’d do. Would he spill something on him when he was set to have a class with them, tape a note to the back of his shirt with the information on it, or worse...no, no. Not even Malfoy was cruel enough to do that! If anything, if he was going to tell (Y/n) he’d probably do it when Neville wasn’t around so they could come up to him and reject him at random. Although it was sad, what got Neville to sleep at night was imagining that they already knew. That (Y/n) was more than aware and it was only a matter of time till they’d reject him and his life would go back to normal without any pesky thoughts of how beautiful he found them to be.
Seamus’s words went in one of Neville’s ears and right back out of the other, sounding like white noise to the boy. He couldn’t listen to whatever idiotic thing he was going on about. How could he when (Y/n) was a few feet away, looking just as gorgeous as they usually did? It was hard not to focus on them, the way their pretty lips would curl into a smile, giggling at something one of their friends had said. He felt a smile grace his own lips at the sight, letting out a noise of protest as Ron chucked a cushion at his head.
“Are you even, listening Longbottom?” he heard him ask, still not ripping his eyes away from the (y/h/h) across the hall.
“You think they look at me? Am I invisible?” he asked in a hushed tone, as if he was to speak any louder, they would somehow hear them despite them being so far away. Seamus let out a loud snort, beginning to cackle as he slapped the boy on the back a bit too hard.
“Fat chance, Longbottom! You think (L/n) would notice you? They wouldn’t even notice me, and that’s saying something!” Seamus wheezed out. Neville shot him a pointed glare, fuming from the boy’s words. He shoved him off the couch, rolling his eyes.
“It’s not that people don’t notice you Seamus….it’s that they do for all the wrong reasons.” Dean pointed out, causing the other 3 to laugh, growing louder as Seamus failed to push himself off the ground. 
“Oh don’t worry, Longbottom. (L/n) will be sure to notice you soon enough.” he froze at the sound of the cold voice, turning around to look at the platinum blonde prince himself. Draco stood their, smirking. Crabbe and Goyle tried to nod along when in reality, they had no idea what their leader was going on about. Neville gulped, standing up to face him completely.
“W-what do you mean?” he asked him, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants. Draco simply shrugged, beginning to walk in the opposite direction. He turned around briefly looking the boy up and down.
“Means exactly what I said. Nothing more, nothing less. Well as much as I’d love to stay around and lose brain cells with you idiots, I’ve got better things to attend to.” and with that he left.
“Don’t worry, Nev. Draco is always just talk, I’m sure nothing will come of it.” Harry said, offering the boy a reassuring smile. Although Neville knew he meant well, he couldn’t stop the sinking, tight feeling in his chest. Draco had yet to do something so he had no reason to feel this way, but it was just a hunch that the worst was yet to come.
Even hours later, as Neville lay in his bed that night, all he could think about were the words that echoed throughout his head over and over.
“Oh don’t worry, Longbottom. (L/n) will be sure to notice you soon enough.”
He didn’t know if he was grateful for how vague that was or if it was the bane of his days. Draco could’ve meant anything by that, all he knew is whatever it meant the intent behind his words were less than kind. He turned again, sighing as he looked out the window. There was a full moon tonight, a beautiful silver halo of light dancing its way around it. 
“Merlin, save me please.” he pleaded quietly, to no one in particular. Every bit of hope, every positive thought laced in his words. Although he prepared for the worse to happen, he had a sliver of hope that it wouldn’t. That tomorrow he’d wake up and his day would be as mundane as usual, just the way he’d like it. And if he was lucky (Y/n) would give him a small smile in the hall.
Neville’s small sliver of hope had grown into an entire cake. Looking back on earlier in the week, he was worried for absolutely nothing! Malfoy once again was all bark and no bite which for once, he was glad for! He let out a sigh of content as he made his way from the library, heading in the direction of the main corridor. He saw Seamus give him an uncharacteristically serious look from the small crowd that was gathered around something. As he grew closer, in the middle of the circle he saw Draco stood on a crate as (Y/n) sat next to him, listening as he read something from a paper. 
“Nev, you might wanna...might wanna leave.” Seamus whispered to him. However, he looked as people stared at him, some giggling while some look sympathetic.
“Why? What’s going o-”
“Here’s another one I found in his bin! ‘Dear (Y/n), although I’ll never give you this letter, I can’t help but write about how amazing you are! When I saw you help that injured bird the other day, I wanted nothing more than to help you tend to it. I find it funny how even when you’re sad, you manage to brighten up my day.’ God how dorky is this loser? I can’t believe he fancies you so much (Y/n)!” Draco howled in laughter, a few others joining him. Neville found himself at the forefront of the circle, frozen in his spot. That was his letter! He had started writing them as a way of coping with his feelings, knowing that the person he fancied would always be out of reach of him. “Anything to say for yourself, Longbottom?”
Neville felt tears well in his eyes, the warmth of them mixing with the heat of his red flushed face. “I...I..” he looked at (Y/n) who look like they had something to say however, he didn’t wanna stick around to hear it. Without another word, he ran off, tears streaming down his face as soon as he was far enough from anyone. In his time of despair, he ran to his only place of comfort. The one place that he wasn’t Neville, the loser who just had his feelings ripped from safe keeping in front of half the students in his year. The place where he was just Neville.
He took in a deep breath of the familiar muggy air of the greenhouse, relaxing slightly as he took a seat on the ground. “God I’m so stupid!” he wailed, tears flowing down his face. His crying grew harder, harsh hiccups shaking and jolting his body as he screamed into his knees. He knew there was a matter of time before (Y/n) was to find out, he just didn’t know it’d be like this. If this was just the pain from them learning about his feelings, he didn’t wanna know how bad he’d be wounded when they came to reject him. Neville’s head jolted up at the sound of soft footsteps making their way over to him. He noticed the familiar pair of black shoes, turning his head as they kneeled down in front of him.
“I thought you may be here! You always seemed so passionate about plants during herbology so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to check here first.” (Y/n) said, placing a hand on the boy’s knee. He looked down at where they connected, feeling his face flush slightly from the contact. “You know, your friends care about you a lot. After you ran off, Ginny came up and socked Draco straight in the face. It was quite a sight really.” they let out a soft giggle at the memory. “Hermione went in to drag her off but when she saw how smug Draco looked, she couldn’t help but to join in. While they did that, your other friends set off looking for you and I did too.”
“Why?” he asked, catching their attention. The (y/h/h) gave him a confused look, tilting their head to the side. “Why did you come looking for me? Don’t you hate me now? Gross, stupid Longbottom having a crush on Hogwart’s sweetheart. How pathetic, huh?” he sniffled, ripping his eyes away from them. He knew if he was to continue to look, a completely new set of tears would be triggered.
“Why wouldn’t I? I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t! Although I don’t know much about you, I do know you’re a kind individual and you didn’t deserve what Draco did to you.” they said in a soft tone, moving into the spot next to Neville. They sat in silence for a moment before (Y/n) cleared their throat, looking over at him once more. “How long?”
“I mean, how long have you liked me for? I wasn’t even aware until today.” they queried curiously.
“I’ve always liked you, you’ve just never noticed. I don’t blame you for not noticing though, we’re from two different worlds. You’ve got everyone in hogwarts begging for a moment of your time and you hang out with some of the most elite and prestigious people in the castle.” he sniffled some, wiping his nose on his sleeve as he set his hand down on the cold cement ground. “It was stupid of me to let my feelings last for so long.”
“Why was it stupid?” they asked, scooting closer to him. Neville turned to look at them, losing his breath at their closeness.
“Because you don’t feel the same..not that I expected you to. You didn’t even know I existed until today.” he let out a huff of air. (Y/n) bit the inside of their cheek before placing their hand on top of Neville’s, tangling their fingers together.
“You’re right, I don’t feel the same,” they started, tightening their grip as the boy began to get up. “But that doesn’t mean I never will. Let’s get to know each other a bit more.” they leaned in closer, the feeling of both of their breath being exchanged like whispers amongst their lips. 
“Make me fall in love with you.”
TAGSLIST:@vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff  @clancyscookies @beewitchedlou​ 
@nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend​ @redpanda-poetry​ @vibingaesthetically​
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aetheternity · 4 years
Hi, I hope you’re having a lovely day💓 I love your Levi scenarios so much
Can you write a Levi smut where he completely dominates his s/o and they cuddle at the end 😉😉😉
Sure np 🥰 I hope you don't mind if I add cockwarming to this.
Warnings: Smut, Fluff and Cockwarming
Synopsis: Sugar Daddy Levi once again missed plans with you and you've had it
Five hours and counting. You thought as you looked at your watch. It wasn't like it was out of the ordinary for Levi to keep you waiting. But today it felt slightly more agitating.
Four hours ago he promised he'd be ready in time for dinner, three hours ago he told you to stay put and that he'd be done soon and an hour ago he promised his baby would get a sweet reward in her bank account tomorrow if she kept quiet.
At this point you'd pretty much had it with keeping quiet. You walked upstairs to the dismay of one of Levi's most trusted servants Eren and in a flash he was beside you.
"What're you doing?" He asked
It wasn't normal for him to talk like that with anyone else in the house but you. The two of you having had been somewhat close for years and you'd come to call him a friend.
"What does it look like?"
He hooked his arm into yours. "I can't even begin to explain how much crap you'll get if you disturb Levi again." He practically hissed. "You know how angry he can get."
"He'll also get angry if I tell him we talk in private and you have my home number."
Eren released you with a sigh. "Knock first."
You made your way up the stairs, knocking twice but ultimately just bursting into his office. His gaze when you planted your hands down on his desk was frightening to say the least but you braced yourself repositioning your feet as you spoke,
"I'm pretty sure we missed our dinner reservations."
He wordlessly pointed with his pen to the stack of papers on his desk, eyes still fixed on you.
"I know but-"
He tapped the stack with the cap of his pen.
Two more taps and he was finally relinquishing his gaze to his work.
"You can't possibly care more about your work than me!" You huffed, you couldn't quite see the look on his face but you knew he was rolling his eyes. You'd been a bit bratty lately but it was partly just for the fun of seeing how far you could push Levi in one direction. "Maybe I'll just get another sugar daddy." You spat
His pen froze and you could practically hear everything in the house including outside the house freeze. Like the universe was feeling your impending doom.
You couldn't really tell if saying things like that to Levi actually bugged him but those words had always been the perfect switch to make him do almost anything.
Levi blinked up at you before unfastening his belt, tugging it out of the loops. It quickly clattered to the floor. He beckoned you over and you practically raced to his side. In the same amount of time he'd undid his zipper holding his cock up before taking your hand to replace his.
You quickly dropped to your knees but he yanked you back up, seating you on his lap. "Levi.." You muttered
He sighed into your touch. It'd been a little while since Levi had let you hold his cock. The feeling of warm skin beneath your grasp made you squeeze your thighs closer together.
He got fully hard pretty quickly and once he was there he removed your hand. With a small tap of his foot to your ankle you were removing your shoes letting them clatter against the smooth hardwood floor.
He smoothly grabbed your waist turning you around and hiking up your dress. Your panties were the next article of clothing to go and you almost smiled when you noticed he'd stuffed it into his pocket.
It hadn't taken long for you to get wet enough for him to use to slick the tip of his cock and a bit of the shaft. Fingers raised up to your mouth, pushing past puckered lips to gather more lubrication. Once he'd finished he pressed his cock head to your entrance quickly sliding all the way in with a low huff that almost didn't register over your own moaning.
You immediately began to lift your hips but he held you down. Your confusion was quickly met with a tap of his pen on the same documents that had completely ruined your night the first time.
"Fuck, Levi!" You heaved in agitation.
His gaze drifted back to the stack on his desk, "Can't imagine why you're complaining. You were getting my dick tonight either way."
You let out a whiny moan when Levi scooted his chair a little closer to his desk somehow completely ignoring the way his cock poked around inside your walls. You leaned your head back in a temporary truce, toes curling as every inch of Levi filled you up.
He had your thighs spread in a way that kept your feet off the ground and you knew if you even dared to touch your clit he'd make you suffer. Though you did have one trick you could use..
Levi was definitely way more aroused than his face would let on. The slight twitching of his cock when you experimentally squeezed around him giving it all away. You shut your eyes, keeping the rest of your body as still as possible as you gave him another slightly rougher squeeze.
Delight filled your face the second you saw Levi's eyebrow twitch. You had him. Like always. Suddenly his hand flew up to grab your throat, fingers curling hard enough to make you gasp. You sucked in a breath as he tugged you closer.
"I asked for one thing and you can't do it?" His breath fanned your cheek, lips ghosting over your ear canal. "Clearly, I spoil you too fucking much."
He ripped his hand off your throat, returning to his paperwork expression never changing. In the heat of the moment a daze fell over you but once the current situation began to set in again you couldn't help but grind your teeth.
Almost an hour had passed by the time Levi finally picked you up, shoving your elbows against his desk with no warning. Your fingers scratching against the smooth wood, his cock retreating from your entrance to the tip before he was pressing back in all at once.
"Daaadddyyy.." The moan you let out was needy and whiny but you couldn't careless.
"Finally managed to get you to be quiet and still while I finished my work." Levi grunted, pushing your dress further up your hips. "Would've taken less time if you'd listened hmm? Little brat."
You both moaned in unison as the head of his cock hit your g-spot.
"Mm, is this what you wanted? That why you've been so childish?"
"Y-yes daddy.."
His pace wasn't too fast, just hard enough to get your knees shaking and your thighs inching apart.
He pressed in deeper and you gasped at the angle, the desk shaking under you. The low rattling of the poor furniture echoing off the walls. A burning heat already beginning to fill your stomach as he roughly held your waist in place barely pulling his cock out with every thrust.
A low growl from the back of his throat sent chills up your spine. His soft hand inching its way back down, thumb etching against the velvety skin of your belly. With a tight squeeze he was making your head fall back.
"Feel that baby?" He whispered, breath equivalent to fire setting your skin ablaze. He kissed the tip of your ear. "That's me. You like how I feel?"
Your toes curled, eyes rolling shut with every curve of Levi's cock stretching your walls. Your sweet spots throughly assaulted as you pressed back into his hips.
All you could do was let out a loud exhale in reply. Your hips probably properly red from slamming against his desk repeatedly. The other hand that had stayed on your waist ran its way up your back till it was cupping your face, forcing your eyes to meet his.
He grumbled, teeth grinding over the shell of your ear. "Yes, what?"
"Yes daddy.." You cried out.
The hand on your stomach reached back to cup your ass quickly being joined by his other hand spreading you open and pulling you back a little rougher. A deep groan crested off his lips as he plunged as deep as he could go. The sounds of your skin and his colliding impressively loud.
It wasn't like he hadn't fucked you against his desk before but the sounds of it creaking beneath you sounded way more intense than ever before but Levi didn't seem to give it a second thought.
Papers quickly begin to drop off his desk and the lamp on the edge teetering a bit.
"Daddy." You begged, fingernails scraping up small bits of wood.
"Go ahead, push yourself over."
It was tough with the angle and all but you managed to hook your hand between your legs involuntarily squeezing around Levi at the first stroke of your clit.
"Shit.." He panted
You absolutely adored the sound of him coming undone. The hitch of his breath and the way his leg twitched against you.
"Almost.. I'm about to.." You gasped, toes balled up against his floor.
Your hand curled into a fist, slamming against his desk a couple times before you were letting loose with an almost frustrated scream. Not even caring who could hear. Your throat had become impressively dry as you came squeezing so tightly around Levi that he paused for just a second weakly gasping.
"Ohhhh fuuccck." He grunted a little moan following it.
A hand shot up to your neck holding your head up while the other hand traveled up your dress. Smooth fingers pressing and squeezing at your nipples before traveling back down to your waist.
His breath was practically sulfurous on your already sweltering skin. "I'm soooooo fucking close.. I'm gonna fill your pretty pussy, ok."
You huffed, the hand around your neck tightening. His grey eyes fell dark, eyelids fluttering shut. The hand on your waist fell to his desk and you could practically hear his nails seeping through the wood.
His forehead fell to yours followed by an intense moan that would've definitely made you fall to the ground had you not been holding on for dear life. A plethora of curses tainting your ears as he fucked you through his orgasm.
Once both of you had settled down he stepped back allowing you to stand. With a deep breath you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer for a deep kiss. The feeling of Levi's fingers hooking under your thighs surprised you but you allowed it letting out a little chuckle as he hoisted you up.
His bare feet slapped against the floor as he quickly guided you to his room down the hall. He let the door slam behind him placing you gently on the bed.
His tongue slid its way between your lips as he tugged his pants and boxers completely off. Dark hair tickling your forehead and you couldn't help but reach up to brush it aside.
He pulled back sliding his thumbs over your shoulder and then over the fabric of your dress. "Off." He demanded
You quickly complied inching the dress down off your shoulders once Levi had unzipped the back. It quickly fluttered to the ground and you watched as Levi pulled himself up to the head of the bed. His hands quickly coming up to cup both sides of your bra before that was quickly discarded as well.
He let out a soft hum. "Hurry up, take this off me." He said gesturing to his jacket and button up.
"How long do you plan on keeping this pair of panties?" You questioned with a grin. The gorgeous white lace peeked over the top of the dark blue pocket.
"Leeevvviii." You pouted
"Tch, I give you enough money weekly to buy 4 houses you could fill with panties."
You smirked undoing the last button on his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders. It didn't really seem to matter how often you saw his chest it still brought heat to your cheeks. One of your hands slid up his toned abdomen as he tugged you back into a kiss.
You curved both your hands up to his jawline etching your thumb up something so sharp you swear it could cut diamonds. A smile brought to your lips at the thought.
It didn't take long for the tip of his tongue to prod its way into your mouth. His breath catching at the way you bit down as he pushed it deep inside. In the same instance he cupped your thighs yanking you into his lap poking his tip up to your entrance.
His eyes opened and your breath caught as he pushed inside. Lips parting with the arch of your back, your gasp heavy and thick bouncing impressively well of the walls.
"Oh god, Levi.."
The snap of his hips was damn near violent and you practically choked. "What have I told you about calling me Levi when I'm fucking you?" He grunted
"Mmm soorrryy daddy." You playfully pouted and he rewarded you with deeper thrusts.
He wasn't quite pounding against you this time but it was still intense enough to have your thighs shaking in his lap. You allowed yourself to softly squeeze around him immediately titillated at the low exhale he let out.
His eyelids fell halfway, cheeks already becoming full of color as he rocked his hips into you.
"I'll get a new.. reservation tomorrow...." Levi sighed, watching as his cock sheathed itself inside your clenching pussy.
"Still.. thinking about that?" Levi might work a lot but he always managed to find someway to make it up and sometimes that was your favorite thing about him.
"Mm." It was hard to interpret that as an answer to your question or a groan. Possibly both.
Your left hand tangled itself in his hair while the nails on your right hand dug into his shoulder with each deep delve of his cock. Soft moans spilling off your lips.
The bed heaved its own remarks with each clap of Levi's skin meeting yours. The coil in your belly only tightening as Levi reached out to palm your breasts. His touch remarkably delicate.
Your forehead fell against his, flinching a little at the mix of sweat coupled with his hair sticking to the sides of his face. Thighs spasming where they were squeezing around his body.
The strong sensation of Levi shuddering inside you continued to build and your head fell back again. Craving the sweet overwhelming climax that was slowly getting more and more heavy inside you.
You were met with a low moan into your shoulder. His thrusts were quickly becoming reckless and uneven. Within seconds the two of you were writhing uncontrollably.
"Dadddyy.. I'm there.." You cried out
The uncoiling of your stomach had you squeezing around Levi in every way possible. Eyes squeezing shut as your hips left your control completely. His own orgasm immediately following yours with a myriad of sweet moans. Body plastered to yours as if you were his lifeline.
You squeezed your legs closed as he pulled out placing you on the bed next to him. His grey eyes softening as he came down from his high, pulling you in closer till your chests were pressed tightly together.
"See, now how could work be better than that?" You giggled
He rolled his eyes but pulled you in for a chaste kiss tangling his legs with yours. "I never said it was better. But if you wanna keep living in your apartment you'll be grateful for the work I do."
"I'm always grateful, daddy."
"Don't you dare start me up again." He muttered, eyelids fluttering shut.
You waited until his breathing evened out and his body grew slack to lean into his ear. "Thank you Levi."
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daydreaming-nerd · 4 years
Draco Malfoy x Reader Smut
Sorry I’ve been gone! I’m super motivated right now so I’m gonna try getting a bunch of these done because I’m kinda in the mood if you get my drift ;)
Requests from anon: 
“ok, i have a kinky ass request, could you do smut with draco, where he spits in the readers mouth-”
“mean draco who loves degrading you (consensually of course) and face fucking and maybeeeeeee hes into knife play“
Summary: After spending too much time with Potter, Draco finally snaps.
Warnings: Angry sex, jealous draco, mouth spitting, dirty talk.
Harry and I had been good friends since we sat together on the train our first year of Hogwarts. While I wasn’t part of the trio I was still a good friend of Harry’s which really rubbed Draco the wrong way. 
Lately I had been spending a lot of time with Harry because he was needing some advice about Ginny from someone who wasn’t so close to her. Mostly he needed to get out, so most of the time we would walk around the black lake in order for him to clear his mind. 
Today was just like every other. It was a lovely spring day and Harry was unsure of how to get Ginny’s attention. 
“Why don’t you just buy her flowers!” I said after already suggesting poetry, chocolate and just plainly asking her out. 
“I don’t want to be so direct!” He exclaimed. “If she doesn’t wanna go out with me I gotta play it cool or I’ll never live it down!”
“Sometimes you have to put your heart on the line!” I said.
“What about you and that git Malfoy huh? How did you end up with a guy like him?”
Harry! I know you and Malfoy aren’t the best of friends but he’s sweet to me and for your information he won me over using poetry, chocolate, flowers and asking me out!” I laughed. 
Before Harry could come back with a sly remark thunder rumbled and almost as if we were in a muggle cartoon it started to rain cats and dogs. 
“Bloody hell!” I said.
“Let’s get back home,” Harry laughed. 
We started off right away towards the courtyard which ended up being a lot farther away than we remembered. The rain started to soak through my white school dress shirt causing me to shiver.
“Of course!” I sighed crossing my arms over my chest trying to conceal my black bra that was showing through and keep myself warm. 
“Here take this,” Harry said holding out his quidditch zip up. I looked at the back ‘POTTER’ was written in big yellow letters. I knew I didn’t dare wear it in front of Draco but I also wouldn’t dare walk into school with my bra showing through my shirt. So I took his sweater and  slid it on. 
When we got to the castle not a student was in the courtyard. Though I saw a dark figure standing in the doorway. When I got there I knew all too well it was my over protective boyfriend. 
“Thank merlin I thought I was going to have to go out there and find you,” He said pulling me into the entrance and out of the rain. 
“I’m okay just wet,” I giggled.
“What the bloody hell are you wearing?” he said.
“Harry let me borrow it,” I rolled my eyes at his jealousy. 
“Take the bloody thing off!” He said ripping it off my shoulders and throwing it at Harry.
“Would you rather her freeze?” Harry said getting pissed.
“Why don’t you stop trying to mark what isn’t yours Potter?” Draco said getting in Harry’s face. I had seen him and Harry quarrel many times these last few years but I had never seen Draco like this before. 
“Draco that’s enough,” I said putting my hand on his shoulder scared of what might happen next if I didn’t step in. 
“Shove off Malfoy,” Harry said stepping towards Draco. 
“You dare to-” Draco started.
“Draco that’s enough lets go!” I said pulling his arm. It was finally enough to pull him out of his trance. We started down the corridor but not without Draco throwing his arm around my shoulders and shooting Harry a death glare. 
When we returned to Draco’s dorm he slammed the door so hard he nearly broke it. 
“What is your problem?” I yelled tired of his childish behavior. 
He stopped his pacing and quickly backed me into a wall/
“All you’ve done all week is go on walks with Potter and today you come back wearing his sweatshirt?” He spat. I knew where this was going and the excitement rose between my legs. 
“You’re such a jealous fuck,” I shook my head. 
“You’re mine,” he said placing his hand on my throat. “Get on your knees you slut.” he said pushing me down. 
I kept eye contact as I unbuckled his trousers and peeled his boxers off his body.
“Suck,” he commanded.
I gripped his hard cock in my hand and began to kitten lick his tip driving him crazy. 
“Stop teasing y/n” he said staring me down.
I didn’t give in though. Instead I acted as if I could only take his head, which we both knew wasn’t true. This of course pissed him off even more. He grabbed the back of my head and forced his cock down my throat letting out a sinful moan.
“That’s a good girl,” He said fucking my face. “Be the good little cock slut we know you are.” 
I whimpered as his words went straight to my heat. 
“You like it when I fuck your face like this huh?” He said causing me to nod my head as best I could. “Yeah you do you little whore, just love to be used.” 
It wasn’t long until he was close to cumming.
“Don’t swallow yet, keep it in your mouth.” he said just before spilling his seed into my mouth. I could feel his cum sitting in my mouth as I waiting for further instructions.
“Open,” He said squeezing my cheeks together so I had no choice but to obey. He checked to make sure that his cum was still sitting in my mouth before spitting in my mouth. “Swallow,”
I did as I was told and swallowed opening my mouth to show him.
“Good girl,” He said grabbing my chin, pulling me up and throwing me towards the bed.
He started to undress me at a pace I had never seen before. He waisted no time pushing himself in starting at a brutal pace. 
“Ah Draco!” I screamed. 
“You like that?” He said fucking me even harder.
“y-yes!” I stuttered. 
“Can Potter fuck you this good?” He said burying his head in my neck leaving hickeys wherever he could.
“No Draco! Only you!” I cried out.
“Who’s pussy is this?” He said biting down on my shoulder leaving another mark.
“Yours!” I screamed feeling the knot in my stomach form.
“Louder!” He yelled sitting so he could see my face when I come. 
“It’s your pussy Draco!” I screamed feeling myself get near the edge. 
“That’s my girl,” He said reaching down to rub my clit sending me over the edge. He followed suit throwing his head back so I could get a view of his Adams apple before he collapsed next to me.
It took me a minute to catch my breath before I could speak again.
“You know I love you and only you right?” I said still breathless.
“Of course love, I just can’t help but get a little jealous when I see a beautiful dame like you being so close with the chosen one,” he rolled his eyes.
“He can’t be the chosen one when I choose you everyday,” I smiled. 
“You know what I mean,” He laughed before rolling over and walking over to his closet.
“what are you doing?” I asked.
He pulled out an emerald green sweater with ‘MALFOY’ printed on the back in gray letters. 
“You’ll wear this tomorrow,” He said handing it to me. 
“thank god, green is more my color.” I said pulling it close to my chest admiring how it smelled like him.
“Damn right it is. I can’t wait to fuck you in that tomorrow night.” he said getting back in bed pulling me into him so I was laying in his chest.
“That’s funny I can’t wait either,”
A/N: I forgot knife play and now I feel stupid so I guess I’ll be including that in a future fic. I hope you guys like this. Feedback always helps make my writing better and remember requests are open for Draco Malfoy right now so get them in!
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girlgirlgirlnormal · 4 years
Niragi x OC x Last Boss (Part 3)
Sooo, I wrote a third part! Noone asked for it, but I think I´m going to write more parts, just because I enjoy writing these characters and am having a writers block on my other project :/ And maybe I should proofread and edit the other two parts, but here you go!
But hey! This part is not smut but an actual game! 
I hope you enjoy it! 
part one - part two
“What the fuck where you doing?”, Hina was ripped out of her thoughts as Kuina approached her, whisper-shouting, “What happened?”
“I got laid”, Hina informed her friend, she had woken up sandwiched between Samura and Niragi. At first, she thought that she should be waiting for them to wake up, but it was still dark and they looked both so peaceful. If Hina was being honest, her body was still hurting. A quick look in the mirror had confirmed all the bruises and hickeys she had been feeling, all over her throat, chest, and thighs. Her bikini top only covered the most of her breasts, everything else was exposed. She had stolen a pair of shorts from the drawer, that at least covert the bruises on her butt and the hickeys on her upper inner thigh. She hoped they weren’t going to be too mad about her sneaking away.
“What?”, Kuina exclaimed.
Her eyes widened, as she saw the bruises on Hinas body, “You call that getting laid? You look like you survived your own death.”
“I had worse nights and I´m not even lying about that”, Hina smiled at the pretty girl next to her, “My last boyfriend”, she formed quotation marks with her fingers, as she said boyfriend, “used to do way worse and I still had to dance every night.”
Kuina gave her a sympathetic smile, “Look, I´m sorry about that, but I don’t believe that putting yourself in a situation in which you could easily get killed is going to help with your trauma.”
Hina rolled her eyes, “I did cum twice”, she informed Kuina grinning.
Loudly exhaling through her nose, Kuina shook her head. She was about to say something, but she stopped, grabbing Hinas hand and staring at something behind her. Mustering up a smile Hina turned, finding Niragi and Last Boss approaching them with fast steps.
“Good morning”, she greeted, as soon as the men were in a hearing distance.
Niragi was the first to reach her, one of his hands forcefully grabbing her hair, while the other held his sniper rifle, “Why did you leave?”, he asked angered.
Hina took a deep breath. That was the kind of behavior her old boyfriend had portrayed daily. At least she knew how to handle it.
“I needed to get something to eat”, she gestured towards the bar, her plate was still sitting there, only half eaten, “I didn’t want to wake you. You were both seeping so peacefully.”
“You ran away from us”, Niragi said, Last Boss standing behind him, with his arms crossed.
“I just went to get breakfast”, she said, “Why would I leave you?”
“She deserves a bit of trust after she’s been such a good girl last night”, Samura commented, still not raising a finger to help her.  
“I hope its ok that I borrowed some shorts”, Hina said, still not acknowledging her hurting scalp, “You kinda destroyed my bikini panties.”
“They look great on you”, Samura informed her, finally putting a hand on Niragis shoulder, “Come on. She´s just eating.”
Niragi looked her up and down. His gaze lingering over all the bruises and hickeys they had caused. His fingers unwinded from her hair and glided over her throat, amazed by how pretty the purple spots looked on her.
“I’m yours, remember?”, Hina asked smiling, “I won’t just leave.”
“We were wondering when your visa is going to run out”, Last Boss asked, stepping beside Niragi, “We are going to the game tonight. We want you to come with us.”
“My visa ends in two days”, Hina answered, “but it wouldn’t hurt to renew it a couple of days earlier.”
It would hurt. Walking hurt and she couldn’t even sit. Her ass and clit were still throbbing from being abused the night before.
“Good.”, Niragi said, “We’ll see you in the evening.”
With that they left as fast as they had approached.
“Why would you go to a game with them?”, Kuina asked, “What will you do if they sacrifice you?”
“Probably die”, Hina answered, sighing as she saw Kuinas frown, “If they can help me to survive here, I’ll take it. If I die, I die. There is really not much to do about it.”
“Why are you so indifferent about dying?”
“I don’t want to play games forever. I don’t really want to go back to the real world either. I have nothing there.”
She was lying. She had someone. Someone she would never see again. Someone she wasn’t able to have even back in the real world. She would not be able to have him once she got back. Her boyfriend would never allow it.
Hina spent the rest of the day in her room, trying to cool her core to ease the pain and waiting for the gong. The gong always announced that it was time to get ready for the next game. She hoped that it was not a physical game. She didn’t know if she would be able to fight or even run.
“Don’t be stupid”, she whispered to herself, “If you can dance on the pole after he had his way with you, you can run and you can fight.”
They had been nicer to her than he had been. Even the fact that Niragi choked until she had seen black spots dancing in her vision didn’t stop that from being true. He had been so much worse, and nobody had been able to protect her.
Sighing she made her way to the lobby. It was getting dark, it couldn’t take much longer for the gong to go off. Many people seemed to think the same way. The lobby was already fairly crowded as Hina approached. She couldn’t help but notice the lingering gaze of a couple of people, examining her bruises and hickeys. She held her head high. The sports shoes she was wearing were comfortable, but she couldn’t help thinking her dancer shoes would be so much more appropriate right now. She was used to strutting with platform heels, not giving a fuck about what other people thought about her or her profession or all the bruises she had all over her body. She smiled as she saw Samura and Niragi standing in the back of the lobby, talking to some other militants and walked over to them. They stopped talking and watched her move towards them.
“Good evening”, she greeted them, still smiling.
“Hey”, Niragi greeted back.
Last Boss just smiled.
They didn’t start a conversation. Hina did not know what to talk about, with all the other militants around them and the men did not look like they were interested in talking to her anyway. Niragi was back to talking to the others while Samura was still watching her. She looked up at him, still smiling. His tattoos looked nice. She wanted to trace them with her fingers, but she didn’t dare.
“You’re still wearing my shorts”, he said, “Why? You’ve been to your room.”
“I like them”, Hina informed Samura, “They´re comfortable and they are yours.”
“I thought the whole girl steals her boyfriend’s clothes was only a movie trope”, he deadpanned.
Boyfriend? Did he assume they were in a relationship? Did he want that?
Before she could say anything else Hatter was on the balcony, giving a speech about the games and how they all were comrades. Hina didn’t listen. Part of her wanted it to be true. She wanted to be able to go back to the real world. She didn’t want to play games to survive.
She was whisked away to a car with the militants and off to the game before she knew it.
They reached the venue, an old warehouse, in short time and went in. The phones were laid out in a small room in the entrance. Hina couldn’t help but notice how hot it was in there. For once she was happy that she was only wearing a bikini top.
She picked up a phone and let herself be squished between Niragi and Last Boss as the registration proceeded. There were 4 other people as the voice announced that registration was closed.
“Game code: 8 of spades. Game: The floor is lava. Game clear is achieved then players cross the warehouse and enter the safe zone. Time: 15 Minutes”
After the announcement the door behind them opened, unveiling a large warehouse. The floor was literally lava. Objects were floating in the lava, monkey bars and ropes were dangling from the ceiling. A big digital clock was counting back from 15 minutes. Hina sighed, stretching her legs.
So much for protecting me, she mumbled and watched as Niragi attached his sniper rifle to a harness and Last Boss examined the lava.
She watched as turned to one of the women that were not part of the militants and shoved her to the edge.
“What are you doing?”, the woman cried out, “Stop!”
“We need to find out if this is really lava”, Samura only explained, holding the poor women by her hair and shoving face to the edge.
“It cant be lava”, said Hina, all the attention was on her now, “I don’t think that the stuff could float in lava, it would be too hot. It still seems to be pretty hot and I would not recommend touching it.”
It was a thick blubbering substance and steam was rising. If everything she had seen on nationaly geographic was right lava looked different.
“Come on”, she said smiling, “we don’t have much time.”
With that she walked over to the far right of the room and jumped on the table that was floating there. This seemed like a decent starting point. Many other objects were floating nearby and some monkeybars were hanging nearby. Standing on the desk she assessed her next move. The chair, which was placed about a meter from the desk was the nearest object, but it didn’t had enough surface area to land safely. She chose to jump a little bit further and landed on a piece of driftwood. From where she was standing the best jump she could make was to a globe. She looked back. Samura had let go of the woman and was following her. Niragi was standing on something that looked like a sink. She was about to make the jump as a piercing scream echoed through the warehouse. She turned back, the militants all seemed fine, someone was struggling in the lava. The struggle didn’t last long. After mere seconds the person disappeared.
“Maybe acid?”, Hina asked, turning back to Samura.
“You didn’t let me check”, he just said, shrugging.
Hina leapt on the globe, landing on her stomach, barely able to lift her legs enough to not touch the lava. She could hear Samura jumping on the driftwood behind her as she started to lift herself of, trying to stand up, to be able to jump to the monkeybars. The monkeybars were leading straight to a spinning bed in the middle of the room.
“Time remaining: 10 Minutes”, the computer voice announced.
Hina had finally managed to stand up. The globe was slippery, but it wasn’t a far jump to the monkeybars. Once again she was happy about the muscles she had gained while dancing. She managed to grip the first bar. It was swinging back and forth violently, as she realized that the next bar was too far to just grab. She had to built momentum. She leapt, grabbing the second bars.
She heard a loud splash and someone else was screaming. A shudder ran over her back.
“Come on princess”, Niragi was already on the bed.
When did he get there? Taking a deep breath she leapt to the next bar. Only three more there left and she could jump to the bed.
Another scream. She couldn’t look back, but it sounded like a man. Fueled with adrenaline she made the last leaps. She was hanging on the last monkeybar as she felt it swing harder.
“Jump, Niragi will catch you”, Samura said, she could hear him leaping from one bar to the next, making it swing harder.
Hina nodded and using the swing she let go then she was nearest to the bed. Niragi did catch her.
“Nice”, he said, dragging her to the side so last boss had a place to land.
“Its easiest if we go that way”, he explained, after Samura joined them on the bed, pointing to his right, “the objects are smaller but the distance between them is shorter.”
Hina and Samura nodded. Niragi made the first jump. He made it look so easy as he made the second jump and landed effortlessly on his feed on a small barstool. After the bed had spun around two times Samura gave Hina a small nudge, “You first”, he said.
Hina nodded and made the jump, landing on her butt.
“Ouch”, she mumbled, standing up and making the next jump to the barstool that Niragi had already vacated.
Another scream echoed through the warehouse. Hina looked around. Only one of the other militants was left and the girl that Last Boss had threatened to push into the lava was a couple of meters behind them, sitting on top of a piece of driftwood.
She made the next jump. Only a couple more jumps were left.
“3 Minutes left”, the computer voice announced.
“Fuck”, mumbled Niragi, “Come on, princess.”
She jumped. Samura was close on her heels. She jumped again. And again. Niragi reached the other edge and started looking for the door to the safe room.
“2 Minutes left”
“Found it”, Niragi announced, opening a door. He left it wide open and went back to the edge, reaching for Hina, “Come on.”
Two jumps were left, but one of them was another globe, much smaller than the one she had jumped on before.
“You can do it”, Samura said behind her.
Mustering up her courage she made the jump, landing on her stomach. It took some effort to stand up, but the next platform, another sink, was close, so she made the jump. She turned back and watched Samura make the jump to the globe, somehow landing on his feed.
“30 seconds left”
“Come on!”, Niragi screamed, extending his hand to her.
She made the last jump and found herself in Niragis arms. Not even two seconds later they were joined by Samura on the edge.
“Go”, he said, shoving Hina to the open door.
Just as the voice started to count down from 10 Samura was the last of the trio entering the room. He wanted to close the door, but Hina stopped him. She wanted to help the others, but they were too far away.
“3”, counted the voice.
Sighing she stepped to the side, letting Samura close the door.
“Game cleared.”, the voice announced.
She felt herself being squished by two bodies, as Samura and Niragi hugged her while on the other side of the door pained screams erupted. They didn’t scream long.
Their phones beeped, showing that they had earned 8 additional days to their visa.
“Let’s go home”, Niragi said, opening the door on the other side of the room.
Sighing she followed the men out. The cool night air felt nice after the hellish heat inside.
“You were good”, Samura commented as they were seating in the car.
They had lost everyone else in the game. She was wondering why they were not upset over the deaths of their militant friends, but she guessed that it would make sense. She had known that they didn’t really have many friends in the beach.
“Theres an executive meeting”, Niragi informed her, as they reached the beach, “Go to Samuras room, we’ll come as soon as possible.”
Hina nodded and watched them walk away.
“How was the game?”, asked Kuina, who had approached her from behind.
“They did not sacrifice me to find out if the floor was really lava.”, Hina deadpanned, “What were you up to?”
“Just hanging out with Chishiya”, Kuina answered, “Did you just say the floor was lava?”
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