#I hope that was a proper enough answer for you Anon!
unclewaynemunson · 11 months
I definitely think it takes Eddie a while to accept that Steve changed. He remembers what he was like in high school.
When Steve asks him out, for whatever reason, Eddie says yes. But he’s determined not to fall in love, because deep down Harrington’s still a dick. But he’s cute, and Eddie can smile and play pretend.
But then! Steve goes full happy relationship mode, he tells Robin (obv), introduces Eddie to the other adults as his bf, and is just generally being sweet.
I'm so sorry it took me ages to answer this one! But I really loved the idea of this (the good ol' steddie + misunderstanding about what they mean to each other with a dash of terrible communication skills my beloved) so i wanted to give it my proper attention, which i didn't have enough time for over the past few months. Buuut the words have finally found their way to my keyboard so here is the first part of what probably will turn into a 3-part ficlet, I hope it's something like what you had in mind when you sent this ask to me <3
Eddie has been acting weird all day. Maybe Steve is too much of a romantic, but he can't help it: he wanted to celebrate this day. Exactly a month ago, he asked Eddie out. And it's been good. They've spent a lot of time together. They've been on lots of dates, spent plenty of nights together... But today, things are different, somehow. Eddie is different. He turned Steve down for a dinner date, he didn't stop by Family Video during lunchtime, and when Steve shows up at the trailer to surprise him with flowers, he merely frowns and pulls back from their kiss before it can even properly get started.
'Everything alright?' Steve asks, trying to catch his boyfriend's gaze – which isn't exactly easy with how Eddie is turning away from him to not-so-gently put the flowers down in a corner of the trailer's living room.
'Yeah, sure,' Eddie mumbles, not really looking at him. 'It's just – I didn't really expect to see you today. We didn't have plans.'
Steve chuckles, trying to get the tension out of his chest. 'Didn't know I was expected to schedule an appointment before coming here.' He tries to play it off as a joke, but the tone of his voice doesn't really want to cooperate.
Eddie finally turns back towards him and Steve catches the end of an eye-roll.
'I'm just not feeling too great today, alright?' It sounds a bit stiff and Steve pauses. He wonders if he did something wrong, if he somehow invaded Eddie's space – even though he has showed up at the trailer on countless evenings in the past month.
'What's wrong?'
'Nothing,' Eddie answers, a little bit too fast. 'I told you, I'm not feeling so well.'
And now that he can see his face properly, Steve notices that Eddie is indeed looking paler than usual.
'Hey, don't worry about it,' he says. 'I can stay to take care of you, if you want to. We don't have to do anything. You can go to bed early and I'll keep you company. I can make you some soup, read to you... You could've just told me you're not feeling good, you know. I would've picked up some fruit on my way over here and stopped by the library for you.'
'You don't have to do any of that, Steve.'
Steve tries to ignore the fact that it's been ages since Eddie has last called him by his official first name. He doesn't like the sound of it.
'But I want to,' he says instead. He takes a step towards Eddie, lifts his arms to wrap them around him – but Eddie swats his arms away before he can properly embrace him.
'Don't.' He sounds cold and detached, so different from how he usually sounds. 'Don't act like this is something it isn't.'
'Like this is something –' Steve echoes, completely caught off-guard by this turn of events. 'Like what?'
'Jesus Christ, you really don't know when to stop, do you?'
'What?' He takes a stumbling step backwards, driven away by the force in Eddie's words.
'We're not – like that,' Eddie stutters out. 'We're just fucking around, aren't we? So you don't need to pretend. You don't need to bring me flowers. You don't need to take care of me when I'm sick. You don't owe me anything, alright? You can go home.'
Steve takes another step backwards, until his back collides with the door of the trailer. He blindly grabs the door handle behind him.
'Alright,' he says, trying desperately not to let his voice tremble audibly. 'I hear you, loud and clear. I'll – I'll leave you alone, then.'
Read pt2 here (Edit: it's actually 5 parts now. You can read the whole thing on ao3 here)
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nvuy · 5 days
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tumblr did not let me post this as a proper answer because tumblr hates me. BUT the council says: BEHOLD. an excerpt from my potential extended hijacked spin off boothill fic that that may or may not be potentially finished and posted so........... take it..................... anon you might not ever see this post but the brainworms are so huge and genius and i think you cooked......................
“Tha’s the hardest part… still bein’ here.”
There’s smoke in the air, and it curls around the windshield of your car. He’s called shotgun, as per usual, but that’s because you refuse to let him drive. Especially at night. He makes you feel sick when he takes corners faster than he slams the brakes at red lights.
The car hasn’t moved for a while. The drive had been rocky; there was no destination. Just away from the city for now. You’ve managed to find a secluded area deep in a stretch of trees, and there hasn’t been a car that’s passed on the dingy highway for ages now.
Smoking does nothing for him. He doesn’t have lungs to fill anymore, and the taste never appealed to him, but it helped take his mind off of everything.
Boothill felt the tug of the cigarette between his lips, and he let it go from his mouth before he watched as you shakily held it to your lips.
It’s disgusting. He snickers slightly when you cough and scrunch your eyes shut. You hand the cigarette back to him slowly.
You fan at your face, careful not to spill the half full bottle of wine balancing between your legs and the car seat. It’s one of the fancy brands Boothill snatched off the shelf on the way out of the bar from earlier after the manager had ordered him out. Something about not serving crooks. Whatever.
Your car reeks of smoke.
As much as the smell clogged your lungs, you hope it stays this way. 
“‘Specially since, y’know, it woulda been better if one o’ my dads lived, or my sisters, or even–” He takes another drag of the cigarette. “But, nah. Fate’s finicky like that. Leaves the worst ones standin’. That’s why we’re still around.”
And he’s right.
You take a sip from the bottle. You’re tipsy now. Definitely. You feel lighter than usual, and you’d worry about driving back somewhere to stay for the night.
You can’t drive in this state.
Boothill could drive back. You're too drunk to panic over how badly he swerves over the road.
And if he can’t, you could just sleep in the car for the night. It wouldn’t be the first time.
And, with him, maybe you would be okay.
Your vision is blurry, and there's an incessant burning beneath your eyelids. You quickly wipe your eyes. “Yeah.” God, you wish it was you who had disappeared. It would’ve saved your parents the heartache. You can’t even look at your reflection anymore. “Yeah, I get it.”
Boothill doesn’t say anything at first. He repeats your reply in his head like a mantra.
Instead, he blows smoke from his nose slowly in a long exhale, and then says, “I know you do.”
Furiously, you wipe your eyes again and tear your eyes away from the rearview mirror. You can’t will yourself to look. Though you feel nothing on your shoulder, you know the past sits behind you, and her hand rests on your skin like a weight.
Sometimes, it’s hard to even look at him, for when the metal of his body is reflective enough, you don’t see yourself, but her staring back at you.
He’s not sure what to say. Instead, he thinks it wise to potentially fry your car battery. He steals your phone charger hooked into the car and finds the slot that fits it best on his hip. Good enough. Hopefully it gives him enough juice to get through the next couple days.
“Oh, give it here.” You grab the wire from him. “You’re gonna break my damn charger.”
You peer at his ports curiously as he takes another drag of the silhouette, before you mumble something about the shape being a ‘USB-C’ and plug it into the right slot on his hip.
A small red light flashes to life above the port.
Boothill hums. “Thanks, sugar.” He doesn’t have to look at you, but the telltale scent of wine on your lips is enough for him to know. “You drunk?”
After a moment, you nod slowly. “Yeah.” Then, you twist in the chair to face him, bringing the bottle to your lips again. Your seatbelt is still on, even if the car has been parked for an hour. There’s a pang in your chest, and it tightens. “I miss her.”
She’s still staring at you in the mirror, but it’s not really her. Whatever this thing is, it’s not her. But it’s there, and it makes your heart race.
Boothill nods. “I miss my family, too.” He leans over and punches your thigh playfully. “But, I know your parents want ya to live for as long as you can. I know she would, too.”
You exhale. You’re beginning to feel sick now. Your stomach can’t take another blow from the wine, but you raise it to your lips anyway.
It burns when you swallow, like fire.
“That’s rich coming from you.”
He stops. Then, he turns away and raises his eyebrows in exasperation. “Just tryin’ to lift ya spirits.” Still, as exhausted as he feels, his rests a hand on your thigh. It’s comforting, the weight of metal, and it takes your mind off the fingers on your shoulders.
“I don’t think you’re the worst,” you mumble. You actually think you’re worse. Then, you shrug lightly. “I don’t want to lose you when you go.” You hear him exhale, somewhat to rid the smoke from his mouth, and also in the form of a sigh. “I know you won’t believe me, but I think I care about you.”
After you admit it, you pull the rim of the bottle to your lips again.
And then again.
And again.
Three sips later, you’re on the verge of collapsing, and Boothill snatches the bottle from your hand and stands it up by his feet on the car floor.
Your lips are stained a dark red, as is your tongue, and there’s a dark flush on your neck.
Sweat gathers over your skin, even if it’s freezing outside. The smoke is warm, and your legs are shaking.
“I just don’t want to lose you.”
Boothill turns his head and stares out the window. The stars are bright out here away from the city. It reminds him of home. None of that awful light pollution back there in that boring old planet that he loved to death.
If he could’ve, he would’ve taken you there.
That place doesn’t exist anymore.
He feels you would’ve loved his daughter. He feels she would’ve loved you a lot more.
“You ain’t gon’ lose me,” he whispers. He’s still not looking at you. He’s not sure if he’s lying, but he knows he wouldn't lie on purpose. Not to you. Not now.
He squeezes your thigh reassuringly. “I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
Boothill hears the sound of your seatbelt unbuckling, and a shaky exhale follows.
Maybe you’re drunk out of your mind, and his breath stinks of tobacco, and it’s awful on your tongue, but you leap over the centre console of the car as best you can and hurriedly press your lips to his.
It hurts, and it makes him dizzy, and you feel like you’re floating, but he reciprocates, pressing further against your mouth. Your teeth clink, it’s messy, it’s awful, but it satisfies a burning in your stomach.
You snatch his hat and toss it in the back seat. His nose is cold, and it smushes against your cheekbone.
It lasts too long, and not long enough, for after a moment, he pulls his hands off your hips grabs your chin gently to push you off him.
You try to fuse your skin with his. Your stomach presses to his. Boothill’s eye softens and a grin grows on his lips when you sigh in defeat.
He laughs gently. “Easy, beautiful. I know you’re drunk as fudge.” He instead moves your head to his chest and pulls you gently into him. “Just sleep it off. You’re g’nna have the worst hangover in the mornin’.”
You hum and shift in his lap.
It falls silent for a moment.
“You’re so uncomfortable,” you murmur.
Boothill chuckles louder and blows a teasing cloud of smoke on the top of your head that you frantically wave away. He stares out the window again, and all the while, his free hand gently pets the top of your hair. He’s mindful that his joints can very well tangle easily.
“I bet,” he answers.
You murmur something he doesn't hear. Despite your complaints, you still fall asleep on his chest before you feel him lean down and his lips press to your hair.
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kamii-2 · 2 months
Can you plsss write a wlw angst for KK?🙏🏻 my girls so underrated
hi anon! i seen this request really late and i feel so bad (this was sent on the 17th and it’s jsut now getting out) but hope you enjoy!!
warning(s): cussing, crying
genre: angst & fluff
pairing(s): kk arnold x fem!reader
kk and you had been together for about 6 months and you guys were always hanging out, but one day last week she just stopped going to your apartment. you were super confused and tried to talk to her but she wouldn’t answer or would be dry, you asked her friends what was wrong but they ignored you too.
today would mark an entire week since her ignoring you and you were fed the fuck up, you had enough. you know she had practice today so you went to the school’s gym and waited outside the door for her.
as her teammates walked out they were shocked to see you but walked right past you. when kk walked out she was extremely shocked but walked past like everyone else, but you were not letting it happen, so, you walked behind her and grabbed her by her arm. she yanked it back you you did it again but had a harder grip on her. you got in front of her and she looked mad as fuck. “kk what’s wrong like i have no clue what i did,” you asked her, “y/n you know what you did” kk said as she tried to push past you. “no you’re not leaving until i know why you’re acting like this” you told her and she sighed.
“multiple people have been telling me that you cheated on me with a bunch of different people.”
you looked at her with a shocked expression. you were mad before but now you were even more mad. “so instead of talking to me about you immediately believed them and decided to ignore me?!?” you didn’t mean to sound rude but you were super mad right now, “why the fuck would i cheat on you? and with who?” you said slightly raising your voice.
kk had started to tear up. she had realized how dumb she was being and felt so bad. once you realized she was crying you felt bad for yelling at her so you hugged her, she wrapped her arms around you and broke down. she wasn’t just crying because she felt bad bur because of the fact people literally hate you right now because of others spreading rumors about you cheating on her, she didn’t want to believed them but she couldn’t not when multiple people tell her the same thing.
“i’m so sorry y/n. i love you so much and i feel so bad, i don’t know why i believed them. please forgive me” she was crying and her head was buried in you neck as her hands were wrapped around your waist tightly. you were caressing her back and letting her cry. “it’s okay but you could’ve talked to me or asked them for proof before believing them. we could’ve broke up over people lying about me.” you told her, she lifted her head up and backed up a little so she could look you in the eyes. her eyes were red and she had tears on her face still, even when she was crying she was still hot. she leaned in and kissed you and you immediately kissed back, you’ve been waiting for her to kiss you again. you missed everything about her, her hugs, kisses, her personality, everything.
you pulled away fand hugged her. she hugged back then quickly pulled away to grab you hand and leave. “i’m taking you back to my dorm for a proper apology.” she told you while walking to her car, “woah, you’re already trying to fuck, and what about my car?” you questioned her. “we can get your car tomorrow and never said we were gonna but..” she looked at you with a smirk, you rolled your eyes in response.
when you guys reached the dorm she got in the shower and you sat in her room on your phone, you guys planned on watching all the for pitch perfects and cuddling (and maybe other things, if you catch my drift.)
when she came back in her room you were just sitting there still on her phone. she sat on the bed and spread your legs and laid in between them, you looked down at her and she smiled at you and you smiled back, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
“i love you” kk says as she gives you one more kiss, “i love you too” you say with a smile.
hey!! i hope you enjoyed the fic, this is my first time writing actual angst so i hope it’s not bad 😭 anyway i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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photo1030 · 5 months
Pls do a fic or smthing where readers old guy friend finds her and they reconnect and they’re both crying and Arthur is like who is this and reader is like he’s my closest friend from home I haven’t seen him in ages and Arthur is all jealous kinda
Hi, Kids!
So sorry for the wait. Life has been busy, but I've been plugging away on this one. Thank you so much for this "ask"! This was actually an idea that I had for my regular "Arthur x reader" fic, so I was happy to oblige. I wrote this to coincide with my reg fic and I decided to go more angsty than smutty for this one, so I hope that is OK for the Anon who asked.
**Special thanks to @readingcoco for beta-reading for me. Your help was priceless.
Summary: Arthur is none too pleased when you run into an old friend from your previous life. 
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*This is not my image. This belongs to Rafa on Pintrest. Beautiful work there.
Tagging: @daisybvck
The banging of an anvil echoes heavily in your ears, the deafening ringing thumping in your brain. You and Arthur have wandered into the busy town of Cripple Creek to see the local farrier. You have spent the last day hunting and while coming down through the valley pass, your horse, Blue, had thrown a shoe. Never one to neglect your horse, you insisted Arthur take you into the closest town to get him some attention immediately. 
Now, Arthur is a firm believer in taking proper care of one’s horse, as a man’s horse means his survival. But the way you fuss over this spoiled animal as if he were your child causes Arthur to just chuckle and shake his head at you. 
Coming out of the farrier’s building, you shield the sun from your eyes as you look around at the townspeople. The area seems pleasant enough. It is a depot location for one of the railroad lines, so there is a lot of traffic. People are coming and going, always in a hurry to go somewhere or nowhere. But always in a hurry to get there all the same. 
You passed several pungent livestock farms on the way here, but now you can inhale deeply, enjoying the fresh air being pulled into your lungs. A slight breeze kicks up, lifting the soft tendrils of hair that frame your face to sway gently in its wake.
Arthur looks over as he lights his cigarette, amused at how your eyes roll closed and your whole body relaxes in a rare moment of peace and quiet. He really should get you out of that camp more often. Maybe he’ll hold off a bit on returning home, and the two of you can spend some more time alone together.
You can feel the bulk of him leaning in closer to you as his gloved hand runs down your spine to land on the small of your back. “Well, what do ya think? Should we get a room for the night or just rut about in the woods like we usually do?” 
Your lips pull into a smile at his suggestion, and when you open your eyes, you are met with Arthur’s twinkling suggestively at you. Your face immediately brightens as you turn your body into him, hands finding their way to his broad chest. Your fingertips play with the upturned collar of his faded black button-down shirt. Giggling with excitement at the idea, you push up onto your tiptoes, your nose flirtatiously inches from his. Arthur’s hands settle comfortably at your hips, his arms enfolding you.
“Y/N? Y/F&LN, is that you?”
 A vaguely familiar voice distracts you from answering Arthur’s question, but you can’t quite place it. Turning your head in confusion, you search for the source, and suddenly, your eyes widen with recognition. 
“Robert?” Your gaze lands on a tall, slender man making his way through the crowd towards you. He is well-dressed in a blue and gold brocade vest and has auburn hair neatly combed back. He’s sporting more facial hair than you remember, giving him a distinguished look. He’s a bit older now, but you’d recognize that wide, toothy smile anywhere. An unexpected shriek of excitement escapes your lips as your hands slip away from Arthur. “Robert!!”
Arthur stands there dumbfounded as he watches excitement overtake your whole body as you run into the waiting arms of this mystery man. Who in the hell is this person? And why did you just abandon Arthur to embrace him like that? You and this strange man hug each other tightly, laughing and smiling as if God himself had gifted you each other.
“I thought you were dead, Y/N!” the man exclaims, holding you at arm’s length so he can take a good look at you. 
“I thought you went to Europe! I thought I’d never see you again!” you laugh incredulously. Shaking your head in wonder, you throw your arms around the man’s neck again.
Arthur stands quietly, eyebrows knitted together, lips pulled into a thin line. He doesn’t like this one bit. The only person he’s ever seen you this excited over is him. Arthur’s fingers tap impatiently along his belt where his hands sit idle, as he waits for you to finish this reunion. Eventually, he clears his throat to try to turn your attention back to him.
Finally remembering yourself, you turn towards Arthur. “Arthur, this is Robert, my best friend.” Arthur’s eye catches how your arm eagerly loops around the man’s elbow. “We knew each other as kids. We grew up together back east!” You continue to gush as you present your old friend to your current lover. “Robert, this is Arthur.” You motion to the mountain of a man standing to your right. 
Robert’s face lights up as he boldly strides closer, extending his hand out to shake Arthur’s. “So nice to meet you, Arthur!” His voice chirps with bravado and swagger, instantly making Arthur’s skin crawl. When Arthur doesn’t reply with the same enthusiasm, Robert turns back to you, eyebrows raised with curiosity. “So, is this your…husband?”
A slight giggle comes from your lips at the suggestion. “No, we’re not married. But he is mine.” You smile proudly at Arthur, your hand reaching over and squeezing his. Arthur smiles down at you as his body drifts slightly closer to yours. His strong arm snakes around your waist until you rest protectively against him. When he sees you beaming at him, it sets him at ease a bit with this intruder and he tries to relax a little. 
“Robert, is it? Well, Robert, looks like you and Y/N go way back, huh?” Arthur asks, trying not to come off as annoyed as he feels right now. 
“Oh boy, do we. We used to get in all kinds of trouble together.” Robert waves his hand in emphasis, then reaches out to tap your arm. “Y/N, remember when we used to sneak out and stay up ‘til 3:00 in the morning?”
You cover your mouth in embarrassment. “God, if my father ever found out what we were up to, he’d have taken a belt to me for sure!” you roll your eyes.
Robert’s dark eyes fall upon you with a sweet and nostalgic look, one held with affection of a time long past. “Used to be you and me, spitting off the edge of the world, right?” He leans over to wrap his arm around your shoulders, pulling you away from Arthur and into his side.
You smile affectionately back at your friend, nodding in agreement. “That’s right. You and me.” 
‘You and me’ - The phrase sticks in Arthur’s brain, a phrase you should only be using in reference to him… not some other random fella. His lip curls into a slight sneer of contempt, however, you are too caught up in the camaraderie with your friend to notice. 
“We need to catch up! Come on, let’s get a drink and a bite to eat. I want to know everything that’s been going on with you since we last saw each other,” insists Robert, tugging on the sleeve of your white cotton tunic. 
“Oh, yes!” You turn towards Arthur. “Can we, Arthur? We have time, don’t we?”
Right now, Arthur wants nothing more than to get you away from this man, this town and everyone else in the world. But he can’t say no to that wishful look on your face. He doesn’t have the heart to crush your hope. That has always been Arthur’s weakness:  he can never say no to you. 
“Fine, I guess we got some time to spare,” Arthur reluctantly agrees, trying to hide the disdain that threatens to break through his patient facade. You clasp your hands together, giving a little hop of excitement.
The three of you turn to head down the side of the street, with you and Robert chit-chatting incessantly the whole time. As you stroll along, Robert explains how he has become a lawyer and is traveling to California to take care of some estate affairs for a prominent family. He is just stopping for a layover in Cripple Creek to catch a connecting train.
Instead of going to a saloon, you reach a little restaurant along the main strip in town and head inside. Robert orders a bottle of the best liquor the bar has to offer, and you all sit around a table as he proceeds to tell you of all the gossip from back home. 
Robert is so animated and full of life and fun, not caring at all about the judgmental looks of others as he loudly tells you anecdote after anecdote. But he’s always been like this. For as long as you’ve known him Robert doesn’t care what anyone thinks and therefore is free to do as he pleases. This is something that you have always loved about him and why you were such good friends when you were younger. He was a breath of fresh air in a stuffy upper-class world. And to be honest, you always had a bit of a crush on him, too.
“So, David and Clare got married, you know,” he smirks. Of course, Robert is referring to your ex-fiance who you were betrothed to, who, as it turned out, was sleeping with your friend the whole time. 
“I figured as much,” you reply dismissively.
“Huge obnoxious wedding, of course.” Robert waves his hand with a flourish.
You huff out an unimpressed chuckle. “I figured as much,” you repeat again.
“Wasn’t even six months, and the rumors were flying about his infidelity.” Robert laughs at the absurdity of it. You roll your eyes and take a large swig from your glass. “You dodged a bullet there, my friend.” Robert gives you a wink. 
Arthur has to stifle a snicker at the irony of the man’s choice of language.
“Probably should’ve just married you myself,” smiles Robert. The statement makes you blush a bit under Robert’s affectionate gaze. But it is a statement that sets Arthur on edge. 
Arthur patiently pretends to listen as you and Robert continue to laugh and joke about old friends and the social scene you left behind, the pair of you growing more and more chummy, until eventually, you find yourself resting a hand on Robert's forearm as you speak. Arthur clenches his fist tightly under the table, his eyes staring at your fingers and watching as they absentmindedly dance along Robert’s arm. It is not intended to be a flirtatious move, as it is a mannerism that you often do when you are excited about what you are talking about. But it is an action that Arthur resents all the same right now. 
You try your best to involve Arthur in the conversation but to be frank, you are discussing people and places that he has no frame of reference for. The only thing that does pique his interest is the way Robert keeps referring to you. That certainly has Arthur's attention. But he has to be careful. He can see how happy you are and doesn't want his temper to burst your little bubble. However, if he had his way, he would be grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you to the closest hotel to make you forget your own name, let alone another man's.
Arthur hates that you have this “other language” and bond with someone who is not only outside the gang, but outside his class altogether. He’d forgotten where you came from and what you’d given up to be with the Van Der Linde gang and him along with it. And this conversation with this ghost of your past only confirms it. Arthur tries not to glare at Robert as he takes in the man’s fine clothing and clean hands that have probably never seen a day of labor in his life. 
The whole thing is a harsh reminder that Arthur may not only be holding you back in life but actually pushing you down. 
“So,” Robert finally turns his attention away from you, ”What do you do for a living, Art?” Robert asks innocently.
The very sound of Robert’s voice makes Arthur bristle. “The name…is Arthur,” he grits out. “And it’s none of your damn business what I do.” At this point, Arthur wants nothing more than to plant his massive fist in this pompous fool’s face.
You instantly pick up on Arthur’s annoyance. You can see his steel blue eyes set hard as his fist clenches around the glass in his hand. Arthur’s head tilts slightly to the side as he watches Robert, and you know from experience that he is measuring the man up. Robert is only being nice, ever the extravert, but he has no idea what sort of man is sitting across from him. 
“Easy now, Arthur,” you chuckle nervously as you pat his burly forearm. “Robert is only asking out of curiosity.” Arthur shoots you a look that you can’t quite place. “Arthur does a little bit of everything,” you quickly answer Robert to avoid further awkwardness. “He’s done bounty work, loan collecting, things like that.”
“Interesting,” muses Robert. 
“Well, I’d rather be an honest sinner than a lying hypocrite,” asserts Arthur as he levels his gaze across the table at Robert.
“I assume you work with horses quite a bit, too, then?” Robert pushes as his eyes roam up and down over Arthur.
“I do.”
“Figured as much. You seem pretty ‘rough and rugged’ like the cowboys we read about back in the city.” Arthur’s eyebrows knit as his mouth turns into a slight frown. “Oh, I don’t mean anything by it, friend! You look fantastic!” Robert insists. “In fact, I couldn’t be happier for Y/N. Looks like she’s got herself a real man. Those sniveling, uppity simpletons back home were never her type.”
“And I assume you are?” Arthur asks. This causes you to look at him questioningly. 
“Me? Oh, no. We were never like that.” Robert waves the comment off, not reading the underlying meaning of Arthur’s question.
“He’s right. Being married to Robert would be like being married to a puppy,” you joke, trying to lighten the ominous mood that Robert is thankfully oblivious to.
“True. But, you have to admit, we would have made quite the pair, wouldn’t we?” Robert leans over and nudges you in the side with that wide smile of his again. 
Arthur roughly grabs his glass of whiskey and throws it back, the bitter liquor hitting his throat, before he slams the glass down onto the table. 
“What are you gettin’ at, there, Robert? Hmm? You think Y/N would be better off with you than me? Is that it?” The icy stare that Arthur throws at Robert is cold enough to frost the windows of the room. His chiseled jaw sets tightly, his body tense as if about to explode. Your stomach drops as you realize that Robert has indeed crossed a line with Arthur, whether he has intended to or not. And you find yourself at an impasse:  do you stand by your man, or do you defend your oldest and dearest friend?
Finally, seeing that Arthur is not amused by his antics, Robert takes the hint and clears his throat nervously. “Well, it has been so wonderful to catch up with you, Y/N!” He stands up from the table and adjusts his vest, running his hand over his hair to make sure everything is still in its place. You and Arthur stand as well in anticipation of the farewell. You are reluctant to say goodbye to your friend, and Arthur is anxious to leave. 
The three of you silently file out of the little restaurant together and onto the busy sidewalk.
“I truly hope we can do this again sometime soon, Y/N. Maybe if I swing through these parts again, I’ll reach out.” Robert says hopefully.
“I’d like that, Robert. Please do.” You affectionately place your hand on his arm. “I’ve missed you quite a bit since I’ve been out here.” You give each other a tight hug, one that lasts a bit longer than Arthur’s liking. But then again, Arthur doesn’t like anyone touching you for any reason. 
“Arthur, it was a pleasure to meet you.” Robert smiles and sticks his arm out to shake Arthur’s hand again, which he reluctantly does. Arthur’s large hand dwarfs Robert’s as it clamps down extra hard. “Take good care of our girl, yes?” 
“Sure,” Arthur deadpans. “Our girl.”
Robert gives you both an awkward smile and turns to head back down the street towards the train depot. Your eyes follow him as your chest feels heavy at having to say goodbye to a part of your past. 
When you turn back to Arthur to thank him for his patience, you are met with his hard face. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he snaps. 
Sighing in exasperation, you cross your arms over your chest. “Don’t give me that.” You knew this argument was coming. 
“Just that you seem awfully close with that Robert fella.” The contempt in Arthur’s voice is not lost on you.
“Well, yeah, he’s my best friend.” 
Arthur’s jaw clenches just a bit more at your answer. “Uh-huh.”
Your head tilts slightly to the side, eyes narrowing as you study him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Like I said, you two seem awfully close.” His voice drops low and slow, almost spitting out the words like a spoiled piece of meat.
“That’s because we are. He was the only true friend I had, Arthur.” You shuffle your weight from hip to hip, becoming increasingly uncomfortable under Arthur’s scrutiny. You suddenly feel like one of his marks.
“Uh-huh.” Arthur’s simple responses quickly escalates your annoyance as you watch him pull a cigarette out of his pocket, striking the match on the nearby building with enough force that the wooden stick almost snaps between his fingertips. 
“Oh my God, are you jealous?” you ask, disturbed at the turn in the conversation. 
“Nope.” Dipping his head down, his eyes are hidden by his dusty, worn hat as his fingers bring the cigarette back up to his lips. 
“Alright, maybe I am,” he suddenly spins on you, face turning crimson. “Maybe I don’t like how excited you get to see another man. Maybe I don’t like you all laughing and smiling at someone else.” 
Your heart begins to pound in your ears, taken aback by his surge of anger. “Arthur-”
“Don’t!” he barks at you. “Just…don’t! I can’t compete with that, and you know it!” He points his finger accusingly at you. 
“Arthur, I'm not asking you to compete with anyone! In fact, there’s a reason why I left all that behind.” You step towards him, arms raised to embrace him, but he blocks your hands with his own.
“Save it!” And he storms off, leaving you standing there on the sidewalk. Butterflies swirl in your stomach, leaving you queasy. A storm of guilt, frustration, and yes even anger, rages inside your chest. You wrap your arms around yourself as you try to make sense of what just happened.
“Damn it, Arthur,” you mutter. 
Rather than chase after him, you decide to leave Arthur be and give him time to cool off. There’s no talking to him when he gets like this, as it usually escalates into a fight if you push it. You feel awful for making him feel bad, as you are well aware of how self-conscious he is. But then again, what about your feelings? You have every right to visit with an old friend and a dear one at that. Yes, you know how it looks. You and Robert always did have a special bond that bordered on the flirtatious side. But you love Arthur. And he knows that. You love him with a depth that could swallow the stars. And you are getting tired of having to constantly prove that to him.
After an hour of wandering the local shops to stall for time, you decide to find Arthur, knowing exactly where you’ll find him. Your boot heels click along the worn floorboard of the porch outside of the saloon. You can hear the chatter and piano music coming from inside. You look through the window, eyes searching for your target. Between the small sea of dusty hats and hulking shoulders, you catch sight of that familiar form that you seek. 
Walking into the building, your hands roll over each other, fingers intertwining, as you take a shaky breath when you approach Arthur at the bar. You glide onto the stool beside him, fidgeting slightly to get comfortable. He sits quietly, still brooding with a menacing vibe radiating off of him. You motion to the bartender, who walks over when he catches your eye. “What’ll it be, Miss?”
“A beer, please.” 
“Comin’ right up”. It only takes a minute for him to grab a bottle and set it next to the coin you’ve already placed for him. His thick, ready fingers pick it up off the bar top with a pleasant nod of approval as he sets about his previous task. 
You spin the bottle between your fingertips, looking at Arthur from the corner of your eye. “So, are we going to talk about this?”
He continues to sulk quietly, lifting a shot of whiskey to his lips and downing it in one. His jaw clenches at the sting of the cheap liquor, but he promptly pours another shot into the diminutive glass, the bottle half empty at this point.
“Alright, fine.” You take a swig of your beer.
“Where’s your ‘friend’?” Arthur grunts without even looking at you. 
“Robert is about to get on a train.”
“Alright, look, I’m sorry,” he interupts, slicing his hand through the air as if to end the argument right here. “Please don’t make a big deal outta this.”
“What were you worried about? That I’d run off with Robert?”
“Wouldn’t you?” he blurts out bitterly.
“You can’t be serious?” Your face twists up in shock. He only answers you with a snort of derision. “Arthur, I was excited to see an old friend. That’s all,” you stress emphatically. “You have to remember, I am surrounded by your people, your family, all of the time. This is the first time I’ve seen someone from my previous life.” Your tone unwittingly begins to take on one of annoyance as you try to plead your case. But it is an argument that is falling on deaf and angry ears.
“I’m sorry, I thought the gang was ‘your people’, too,” he bites back. Arthur can be a reasonable man until he is provoked, and then reason doesn’t factor in at all. 
“Well, they are,” you backpedal sheepishly at his harshness. Your gaze falters to land on the bottle in your hands before attempting to meet Arthur’s again. “But you know what I mean. You can’t be angry because I was happy to see someone from my life that, heaven forbid, didn’t involve the Van der Linde gang.” 
Artur just pouts in silence. You are getting really irritated at this point, but trying to remain calm and not cause a scene.
“So you’d just let me run away with Robert rather than talk to me and ask me to stay with you? Is that it?” you huff.
“Couldn't help but notice how excited you were to hear about everything back home. Almost like you miss it. Pretty damn clear after your little visit today that you don’t even belong here. Maybe you should.” And another shot gets poured into the glass.
Damn it, and there it is. The thing that always seems to be present in your relationship:  the idea that you still don’t belong, even after all this time and everything that you’ve done. Arthur still doesn’t see you as “one of them”. And it is a sting that doesn’t sit well with you at all. 
Your eyes begin to well up as you try to fight the lump forming in your throat. ”I can’t believe you just said that to me.” Your lips tremble slightly with emotion, a mix of betrayal and anger swirling and bubbling up inside you like one of Pearson’s stews.
The very insinuation is hurtful to you. You have turned your life upside down for the gang and for him. And yet, it seems it will never be enough. It’s as if you are being punished for having a decent life before you were thrust into this new one. You didn’t fit into society back east, and it seems you still don’t fit here either. 
“Stop with the theatrics. I ain’t in a mood for it.” Arthur slings back another shot of whiskey. 
“You really are an ass sometimes, Arthur,” you stammer in disappointment.
He immediately slams his shot glass down on the bar, shattering it. The action startles you, your eyes shooting wide open. Arthur finally turns to face you now, his eyes burning into you so intensely that it causes you to cringe. You know damn well that you’re not perfect. But, it always made you feel special that Arthur seemed to think so. But the look he’s giving you right now is plain enough for you to know that he no longer believes it. 
And the wounded expression on your face enrages Arthur even more. The sight of you cowering like a lamb to slaughter because of his anger is too much. He’s furious at the everything right now:  you, Robert, this town, and more importantly, himself. He grabs the whiskey bottle on the counter and whips it at the wall, sending shards of glass flying into the thick smokey air to rain down onto the immediate vicinity. 
With your breath shaking, you slowly stand and back away from him. For the first time ever…you are afraid of him.
The tumultuous noise alerts the bartender, who promptly yells at Arthur. “Hey, watch it! You gotta problem, you take it outside! Don’t be causing a ruckus around here!” He shoves his thick, meaty finger towards the doors. 
“Mind your own goddamn business ‘fore I give you a problem!” Arthur shouts back, now standing as well, leveling his gaze at the bartender. 
With Arthur distracted by the barkeep, you turn and push your way through the now-curious crowd and make a dash for the door. 
Your feet clumsily carry you down the steps as you sprint into the street, eyes watering and hands trembling from anger. 
“Hey! Hey! (Y/N)!” It doesn’t take long before you hear Arthur’s gravelly voice hollering down the street for you. 
“Leave me alone, Arthur!” you shout over your shoulder, not even bothering to turn around. Tears of anger are dangerously close to flowing as you walk even faster, your arms pumping back and forth to propel you further down the road. But Arthur is quick to catch up to you with his long strides.
“Where you goin’?” You can hear him quickly stalking up behind you, his spurs jingling heavily in the dirt of the street. 
“Doesn’t matter, right? I don’t belong here, remember?” You throw his words back into his face with such a biting tone. “Maybe I’ll see if there’s a seat next to Robert on the damn train!”
“Like hell you will!” Arthur yanks on your arm, his grip painful like a vice, spinning you around. 
But before you can even think clearly, your hand flies as if of its own accord, and you hear the sharp smack land across his cheek, cracking in the air before you feel the sting against your delicate hand. Arthur’s head snaps to the side from the strike, his eyes twisted shut from the impact.
Gasping, your eyes shoot open in shock as your hands immediately cover your mouth. You stand there, silent and trembling. Your chest heaves with broken breathing and choked sobs as you take a few steps back from him. You hate him so much right now. Not because of what he’s said, although that is bad enough, but because he has pushed you to this point. You never, ever want to hurt him. Arthur is dearer to you than life itself. You had never imagined raising a hand or weapon to the man you so desperately love, and yet, he has pushed you, backed you into a corner, to do so. 
“Oh…I’m sorry,” you utter, the sound barely a whisper. “I’m so sorry, Arthur.” Your eyes are glossy with unshed tears as your unwavering gaze never leaves his face, waiting with bated breath for his reaction. As you blink rapidly, a tear finally escapes your lower lash to cascade and roll over your hot cheek. 
Arthur freezes before his gaze slowly turns back to you. But what he sees shocks him. The very sight of you in your heightened state almost breaks his heart in two. Shame coats his insides as he realizes his jealousy has gotten the best of him. And the pain and fear in your eyes is worse than any bullet to the gut, rocking him to his very core. 
Arthur’s expression journeys from one of rage to shock to one of absolute remorse. He says nothing, which begins to terrify you even more. Arthur is known for his temper, even taking his frustrations out on you when needed. You pride yourself on the notion that Arthur may be difficult to handle but never for you. You have always been able to read him, to know his mind better than himself, which is why he relies on you so greatly. You set his world to right when it goes off-kilter. But now, you feel a great divide between you. You stare at him with no idea of what will happen next. 
Arthur’s strong arms extend out towards you as a silent apology. But instead of falling into them, you shrink back from him. He halts immediately, turning his palms up in surrender. But slowly, he steps a bit closer to you. Arthur reaches out again, wrapping his hands carefully around your biceps. He can feel you tremble slightly under his fingertips. 
Regret sits heavily upon his brow. You can see the self-reproach embedded into his eyes as he stares into yours, searching for forgiveness that he prays you’ll grant him.
Your eyes leave his face, a silent understanding settling between you as you focus on the buttons of his shirt, watching as his chest rises and falls with his calming breath. 
With a deep sigh, he silently escorts you into the privacy of the immediate alley, gently pushing you back against the siding of the post office. 
“You’re mine.” Arthur does not say this out of anger or possession. Nor has he faltered into a blubbering mess. He simply utters the statement as pure fact, no question.  
“Am I?” you stammer. Your eyes lift to search his, looking for any doubt that may still linger. 
“You sure as shit are.” Arthur’s voice is low but carries the loving undertone you always take refuge in as the slightest hint of a grin pulls at the corner of his mouth.
“Really? Ten minutes ago, you were ready to let me walk out that door. Told me that I shouldn’t be here.”
Arthur pulls his lips inward at the dismay in your quaking voice. “I shouldn’t ‘ve said that. That was me being a goddamn idiot. But, it is true, ya know. You don’t belong in that gang, Y/N. I keep tellin' ya you’re too good for it. You deserve the finer things in life, things like Robert can give ya.” 
Your shoulders fall with a painful sigh as your eyes gently drift shut again. You are so tired of having this same conversation over and over again.
“But,” he continues, “I do want you there. I want you with me. I need you, Y/N. We need you. It’s selfish, I know.” His chin bobs slightly in acknowledgement. “God forgive me, but we do.”
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted, Arthur. I want to belong somewhere. And to someone.” You look at Arthur with an almost desperate expression on your face. Your whole life, you’ve been floating like a leaf in the wind, bobbing about with no particular place to land. You thought you had finally found your place, your home, with the Van Der Linde gang, no matter how unlikely it seemed. And when Arthur threw it back in your face, it was like being pushed off a cliff to free-fall backwards with no one to catch you. 
He lifts his rough hand to cup your face, his thumb ghosting over your cheek. “I won’t ever let you go, Y/N. Not ever. Not even if someone else comes along.” Your eyes begin to flutter again as the feeling of his skin on yours reassures you. You wrap your own hands around his wrist, holding his hand in place as you lean your face into his warm palm.
“Arthur, I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. The way you make me feel when I look at you is why I could never look at another.” Your eyes sparkle brightly in earnest, the last of your tears rimmed along your lashes. 
He only hesitates a moment before he pulls you close to him. He secures you safely against him where you belong, your chest pressed up against his as powerful arms coil around you to lock you in. Arthur lowers his face to nudge your nose with his before planting his lips to kiss you slow and deep, taking your breath away.
When his lips separate from yours, Arthur briefly rests his forehead on yours before pulling back to look into your face once more. His eyes are intense and reflect a deeper shade of blue than you’ve ever seen. A wolfish grin begins to emerge under that peppered beard stubble as his finger tucks a rogue strand of hair behind your ear.
“Like I said, Y/N, you…are…mine.”
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waldau · 2 months
Hi love, can I request for Chan X reader, with the trope f2l?
here you go anon! this became WAY longer and a bit angstier than i expected (4k?? i thought i wrote like 2k), but it's all happy! hope you like it :) and here's the video in question. title taken from _WORLD by svt.
gender neutral reader. warnings: chan is initially tipsy.
won't let you down | 4,007 words | hurt/comfort, fluff
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this is the last time, chan tells himself, but he very well knows it's a lie. just like the past few times he's ended up like this, head resting against the scruffy but comfortable material of junhui's sofa, while seungkwan takes his phone from the table in front of him, unlocking it to call you.
it's happened enough times now that seungkwan finally knows the password to his phone, not that chan has anything to hide. he tries focusing on what seungkwan's saying to you, but there's a pleasant buzzing in his ears, and it would be a good environment to sleep if not for a) the angle of his neck against the aforementioned sofa and b) the music playing in the background, lee dokyeom trying to match the choreography while balancing a shot glass on his palm.
"there," seungkwan says, pushing the phone back into his hand. "try not to fall asleep till they get here."
easier said than done, especially when chan is much more of a lightweight than seungkwan is, even if he can hold his alcohol well. chan pockets his phone and tries adjusting his head a bit more comfortably. when he closes his eyes, he feels sleep tug at them, but it's not enough to knock him out fully.
a little jolt of guilt runs through him when he realizes tonight is your designated night in — you like having time for yourself, whether it's to catch up with old friends or make time time to check out vernon's movie recommendations. you shouldn't have to pick chan up from something that's his own fault.
he thinks about how you never once complain about what you do for him. there’s always an amused smile on your face, defending his tipsy self from his older brothers while you manoeuvre him out of the room, a steady arm around his shoulders, the way you let him rest his weight on you even though he’s so much more muscular than you are, and the way you sometimes let him loop his arm through yours as though you’re a couple—
he stops at that.
seungkwan's great when it comes to feeding his delusions, talking about how you definitely like him and that chan's the only one not seeing it, that he's kind of an idiot for dragging it out this long, that he should put everyone out of their misery and ask you out already.
again, it's easier said than done. chan's not like seungkwan — outgoing, with no hesitation when it comes to finding something out. chan doesn't act till he's absolutely sure about something, always thinking about the long-term consequences of every little action. and he could put everyone out of their misery by asking you out, but he’s not prepared for the misery that’ll ensue when you don’t answer the way he hopes you will.
unfortunately, there’s no proper way for him to ask you, his best friend, if you like him the way he does you.
chan just lets the buzz in his head drown out the thoughts crowding up. he will find the answer one day, somehow. he has to. just...not tonight.
he must have fallen asleep sometime between thoughts of wonwoo on the karaoke and you, because his eyes blink open to the sight of you kneeling in front of him, a concerned look on your face.
and gosh, does he hate it. he hates seeing you concerned when you look at him. he's still never gotten used to how your smile has been making him feel, and he doesn't think he ever will.
"hey," you say softly, moving to rest your hand on his thigh. an involuntary shudder passes through him, and you take your hand off before he can say anything. he mourns its loss almost instantly. "seungkwan said you had a bit too much to drink. you okay?"
the tattletale. chan stretches his neck and winces when a spear of pain strikes the left side of his head, going as fast as it came. "mm. look who’s talking."
you frown at him. "how much did you drink, chan?"
"i...don't know." it's true — he lost count after the first six shots. everything else was drowned out by being forced to sing on the karaoke or watching minghao try his hardest to sing some korean classics from the early nineties. it was fun, but there’s always the regret that follows the fun, and it’s strong this time. he looks at you apologetically, hoping his face is enough to make up for the words he can't say.
if he were a neon signboard, he wonders what the words above his head would be every time he looked at you — i'm sorry? for loving you the way i do? or i love you? but i've never been able to say it the way i mean it because i'm afraid of losing you.
you sigh and stand up. "get up," you say gently, giving him your hand to steady himself.
it's not the first time you've danced this dance, but it still makes chan's heart beat as though it's never happened before. it's muscle memory from here — he stands up on his feet, wobbly for a few moments till you slide an arm around his waist to hold him in place, his arm around your shoulders.
you’re wearing the hoodie he’d given you for your birthday. he can feel it before you see it, a drunk grin spreading across his lips. you look good in everything you wear, but this? chan’s weak.
you fuss about his hair looking messy and run your hand through it twice, fixing it to your liking. then it’s the default goodbyes, the promises to text everyone once he's reached home safely, and to hydrate himself so that he doesn't wake up the next morning wishing he'd never woken up.
but he doesn’t have to worry about all of that when he’s with you. you always make sure he’s taken care of, and it’s the only thing on his mind when both of you stumble out of junhui’s building, the cold night air making chan shiver and freeze for a second. his hand catches on the fabric of your hoodie.
“i’m sorry,” he says, suddenly feeling nervous to meet your eyes. you shouldn’t be here in the first place.
“did you do something i should be worried about?”
“then why are you apologizing?”
“i always do this.”
"and i always do this," you say, opening the door of your car and gesturing for chan to get in. "you're speaking as though i mind."
"i'm drunk. you should be sleeping. and...wait, you don't mind it?"
“no,” you say patiently, slotting your key into its place and starting the car. “we’ve had this conversation before, too. i don’t mind it. it’s not as if you don’t look out for me when i’m feeling down. i don’t know anyone else who would watch my favourite movies with me even when they’d rather be doing something else.”
"that's because you're my best friend," chan says, almost cringing at how earnestly, how easily, those words come from him.
"do you understand why i don't mind now?"
it's easy to give you anything, but chan still gets bashful about taking anything from you. he's much better at it than he used to be when you first met. he just huffs in response.
"what would you do without me, channie?" you ask, pulling out of your spot. it's an innocent question, slightly teasing, but chan takes it seriously. do you have any idea of what that nickname does to him?
"i don't know," he says honestly. "i don't want to know."
you sigh fondly and flick his thigh. "don't get all serious on me. i'm not going anywhere, and you know that."
sometimes chan wonders what you’ll do if you ever find out about what he feels for you. you’re too kind to let him down directly. maybe you’ll give him some time to get over you, so that you could go back to being friends again. or maybe, a cruel part of him thinks, you’ll cut him out of your life for good. neither option sounds good.
he can either take a step and watch the glass break, or never take a step and never find out what could have been. he’s precariously balanced in the middle, surviving on the quiet moments he has with you, moments that could be something more.
"i love you," he says, his words abrupt and almost harsh in the silence of your car.
"just because i'm driving you back home?"
or he can be right in the middle, where you don't understand how his love you is different from yours. it's not the best place to be, but he gets to be true to an extent.
"you know it's not just that." see through me, just this once?
"i do," you say, not looking at him. "i know." again. maybe next time.
it's muscle memory again, when you open the door to your apartment, flicking the lights on as chan clumsily kicks off his shoes. it’s not long before he’s had a glass of water and a tablet you pressed into his palm, not moving till he had it in front of you. he types out a clumsy i’m home now text to the group before he chuckles at the realization — none of his friends once assumed he was going to make it to his own place.
with his face washed and the headache dulling to a slight throb, he’s pretty close to passing out on your bed. he almost whines when you tell him you have some work left to do.
with the door shutting behind you, chan pulls the covers over himself, vaguely aware of how uncomfortable it is to sleep in skinny jeans. it’s not like you’ve never shared the same bed before, but it’s the first time he’s slept by himself in your bed. and the first time he’s been here since he’s realized his feelings for you.
chan tosses and turns as he tries to will himself to sleep, straining his hears to see if he can get any hints about how much longer you’re going to take. you’ve somehow not made him take his jean jacket off, despite the fact that you usually insist on making him remove that “atrocity” of an item before sleeping, but it’s what keeps him warm when he pads out into the living room to see why you’re still not done.
"...do this again," he hears you say into your phone. you're standing in the middle of your living room, looking like you've been pacing around for a while now. "i can't. i can't keep pretending everything's okay. this is like, what, the fourth time in the past three months?"
do what again? and who are you talking to, so late at night? chan wants to ask you if there's anything he can do, even though he knows nothing about what's wrong, but you speak again. he tries not to make too much noise as he takes a few steps ahead.
you groan into the phone. "what do you mean, drop hints? what do you think i’ve been doing? i’ll lose my mind at this rate. and i just can't tell him i can't keep picking you up from your parties every time you get drunk because i— hey. that's not the issue here. you know that."
chan's stomach drops.
there's no one else you pick up from parties, that much he's sure of. but you've been counting? and you're...annoyed by it, but you're too kind to say that to his face? he feels like crawling out of his own skin.
you sigh. "i'll try telling him the next time he's awake and feeling better, okay? no promises."
chan's already turning back to head to your room, mortified with every step he takes. he shouldn't even be here. he should be on the couch.
how long have you been feeling that way, without him knowing? how much longer will you be this nice to him until it inevitably slips out?
it’s not long before you slip into your bedroom, closing the door behind you without making too much noise. chan hears the clink of your toothbrush being put back into its stand and the sound of the light being switched off before you pull the covers and settle in.
chan tries to slow his breath to make it look like he’s sleeping, because he’s way too high strung for this. your conversation with whoever it was is still running through his head. probably one of his friends, and he can’t even be bothered to speculate about who it could be.
“chan?” you ask, breaking the silence in the room. he pretends to blink his eyes open but knows you’ve caught him when you ask, “not able to sleep?”
“not tired,” he says, voice cracking in between. you’re on my mind is far more damning than saying he can’t sleep.
“did i wake you up? i’m sorry.”
“no, it’s not that,” he says, a bit hastily. “just…had a bit too much to drink. i could run now if i wanted.”
“well, it’s a good thing i’m not going to let you.”
chan lets out a little chuckle. if only you knew what effect your words have on him.
“can i…?” you ask hesitantly, before he feels fingertips touch his own. he immediately locks his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand. it’s one of your ways of calming down when you’re stressed, and chan thinks he gets why.
feeling a bit brave, he lets his thumb stroke the skin of your hand. he does it till he feels your breaths even out, grip on his hand loosening. even when that happens, it doesn’t let go. he can’t.
but he has to, eventually.
seeing you sleeping gives him some time to collect his thoughts. he could just leave right now, before he makes thinks weird by overthinking again. he needs time to understand what you meant when you said you couldn’t keep doing it and yet you’re the one who held his hand to help him go to sleep.
surely you’re not going to be upset when he leaves a little earlier than he usually would, when he sleeps over at your place?
yet it feels like luck isn’t on his side when he pushes himself to get up, immediately hindered by a creaky spring in your mattress. your hand twitches at that, and he gets up in one swift motion to prevent any noise.
but when his hand is on the handle of your door, he hears his name being called out weakly. questioningly. he stays silent, hoping you won’t get up.
“are you leaving already?”
“just…forgot i left my light on. in the bathroom.”
“right.” he can’t see your face in the darkness of the room, but he knows you’re unimpressed right now. it is a weak excuse. “come back here, please?”
chan is powerless if you ask him something. against his best interest, he walks up to you slowly, standing near your bed.
“don’t do that,” you say, shifting to switch on your bedside lamp. “you look like a sleep paralysis demon without the lights on. sit here,” you say, patting the side of your bed.
something’s going to happen, chan can tell. he just doesn’t know if it’s something he should be looking forward to or not.
“i shouldn’t disturb your sleep, you know?”
“no. what you shouldn’t be doing is acting weird. you’ve been acting weird all night. did i do something?”
you look serious, chan realizes. there’s a small frown on your face chan wishes he could thumb out, or maybe even press a kiss to, to make it go. that’s what the problem is.
“you’ve done nothing,” he blurts out. “all me.”
“all you what?”
“it’s nothing.”
you sit up to push the covers off of yourself. “chan, you’ve been meek around me all night. i’ve never seen you do that. i’ve never seen you doubt yourself the way you did tonight. you know you can tell me if something’s wrong, right?”
and how is he supposed to do that, when it could be the very thing that could lead you to never talk to him again?
“it’s my fault,” he settles for saying. “and i’m working on it. i promise you’ve done nothing wrong.”
“are you sure you can’t tell me about it?”
“positive.” i don’t know what would happen if i did.
you don’t look satisfied, but you let it slide. “are you still not tired? do you want to watch a movie? make something? pancakes, if you’re hungry?”
chan can’t help the laugh he lets out. you always think about him, even if you’re the one losing your sleep here. it’s the catalyst to the last lock on his words breaking.
“i love you,” he says, and the remaining words tumble out naturally like they were made never to be apart. “i love you, and i’ve been trying to tell you for way too long, and i think i missed my chance, because you clearly don’t like me.”
“i…don’t like you? and you love me? chan, what?” you ask, scrambling forward, hands resting on his thighs again. he doesn’t shudder, this time. lets his words come out the way they’ve been slowly forming in him, like a storm that’s been brewing for a while. all that will be left to see is the aftermath.
“i heard you say you wanted to tell me something when i felt better, and that you couldn’t keep doing…it anymore. if you didn’t want to waste time picking me up from parties, you could have just said that.”
“oh,” is all you say.
chan deflates. “we’re…not supposed to have secrets from each other, right? why couldn’t you tell me that before?”
“it sucks that i had to overhear you say that. i thought you trusted me enough.”
“chan, listen—”
“i’m not scared, if that’s what you think. i—”
“lee chan!” you exclaim, suddenly taking his face between your hands. he’s rendered speechless. “listen to me?”
he can do nothing but nod, looking into your eyes. you’re looking into his own.
“lee chan, i love you. do you hear me? you’re my best friend in the whole world and i meant it when i said i’d love you no matter what. but i also love you the way you think i don’t.”
chan’s brain short-circuits to the point where he doesn’t even remember what he was talking to you about, for a few moments. “you…love me?”
“i do,” you affirm. “i have, for a while now, and i never thought i’d get a chance to say it.”
it feels like a weight is being placed on him but also being removed at the same time. the weight of your love seeping into his skin through your hands holding his face, through your cold skin that he always wants to keep warm, through your eyes that are looking at him nervously, waiting for his next words, through your breaths that sound a bit shorter than usual.
the loss of the weight of uncertainty feels like the most beautiful thing he’s ever experienced.
“you love me,” he says. testing. confirming.
“so much, chan, i— i’ve been trying to tell you every single time i picked you up from one of those parties—”
“—that’s what you were trying to say?”
“i— yes.” your hands let go of his face to cover yours, and he’s never wanted to see your face more than he has now. he gently pulls your hands off to make you look at him, and what he sees is real. it’s not you letting him down gently, it’s not you pretending, because he knows you too well for that.
and now he knows that you love him just the way he loves you.
“you weren’t supposed to…why did you even hear me talking?”
now it’s chan’s turn to become shy. “i just wanted to see how long it’d take for you to come back. i couldn’t sleep.”
“silly,” you say, flicking his forehead gently. you tuck some of his hair behind his ear, and your expression becomes serious. “but i want to, chan. i want to take care of you because you’re my best friend. i like doing it. i— i love you, and i’ll always be there to take off your makeup and listen to you talk and cheer you up because i love you so much.”
chan knows. he knows about every little thing you do for him, and he hopes you know how he’d do anything you asked of him. he doesn’t even need to say anything to get you to understand what he’s feeling right now.
“so…you love me,” he says, teasing, because of the glare you give him. “how long have you loved me?”
you shake your head resolutely. “you’re going to have to wait a while to find out.”
“but what if i wanted to know now?” chan pulls the best puppy face he can, and it works because you sigh and pull him back into lying down with you, his head in your lap, looking up at you.
“you really want to know?”
“it’s embarrassing.”
“that’s even better.” chan wraps his arms around your waist when you attempt to push him off. “i’m sorry,” he laughs, holding on to you. “please tell me.”
“i think…i think i’ve loved you since that night you fell off seungcheol’s bed because of how hard you were laughing. that night really cemented it for me. there really hasn’t been…anyone else for me, since then.”
the quietness of your voice makes chan’s throat constrict. “there hasn’t been anyone else for me, either, ever since i met you.”
you blink. “that long?”
“no! i mean— i didn’t think about dating ever since we became friends, and then not thinking about dating became thinking about dating you, and then—” chan pauses when he sees a smile on your face. “what?” he asks, a little self-conscious. “did i say something wrong?”
“i’m so glad i love you, you know?”
chan can’t take the way your face is straight and you’re just grinning at him like you didn’t steal his heart at an ungodly hour in the morning. “stop,” he mumbles, pressing his face into your stomach. “i’m really tired right now.”
“oh, now you’re tired?”
it take a little bit of moving to get yourselves under your covers again (chan’s jacket now sits on the chair by the desk, courtesy of you), and this time he has an arm around your waist with your head on his shoulder. it feels absolutely right.
“chan?” you ask, the single word drawn out in a way that tells him you’re on the brink of sleep again.
“promise i won’t wake up to an empty bed again?”
his heart squeezes at the reminder. “promise. i’m not going anywhere. i love you.”
you don’t need to say it back, because he feels the smile you press into his skin.
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"so? what does it feel like?"
“hm?” chan shifts in your embrace to look up at you. there’s really nothing better than coming home after a long day of practice, taking a shower and cuddling with you in bed, with you kissing his forehead. he feels really sleepy, but he tries staying awake for your question. “what does what feel like?”
“knowing what it feels like to like someone?”
ah. you watched the video, then.
“it feels…” it feels like everything, if he’s being honest. the best of all worlds. like the world sings every time he wakes up. like even the most mundane things like doing laundry and setting the table have a greater purpose, because he gets to do it with the love of his life.
“it feels like i’m lucky to be alive, because i get to love you.”
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched @minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu
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leerevoid · 4 months
A request from the ts discord!
The LI's with an MC who usually dresses really modestly dressing slightly scandalous for a date. Like, their usual outfit inudes long sleeves+pants, baggy clothing, layers, etc and the date outfit is tighter, exposes some torso when they move Juuuuust right, maybe has a chest window and lacy bits or something else scandalous
Thank you so much for your request, anon ! It was very sweet and I'm super sorry for the time it took me to answer it but !! here goes !!
The Love Interests when MC dress slightly scandalous, while they usually dress modestly -
Ais - Ais would be the type to tease MC as soon as he realizes they put some effort into it. He would make jokes, getting on MC's nerves slightly : “Someone is looking very nice today, Why is that, I wonder…?” But in the end, he would be very touched by MC's efforts to impress him for a date. If MC ends up being insecure with their choice of clothing, he would reassure them instantly, offering to hold their hand and kissing their knuckles despite the bandages, telling MC that in the end, they are beautiful to him no matter what, and he doesn't need these artifices to see how wonderful they are. 
“Your true colors are everything to me.”
Kuras - Kuras would definitely be excessively flustered and surprised MC decided to put in some effort to impress him. He would double check everything during the date, making sure MC is alright, wanting to step up his own game to make it a worthwhile experience for MC. He would be completely at loss for words, but MC would know just with his gaze how much Kuras loves and reveres them, his eyes completely on MC at all times, savoring the moment with them and the sight of their beauty. 
“You are breathtaking, tonight. I hope you can shine some of your light on me, one day.”
Leander - Leander would blush so bad. He would act all gentlemanly and proper, but on the inside, he would be dying to hold MC in his arms, and he would ask them just that. Thanks to his magic, MC would have absolutely no issue to reciprocate the contact. He would be so proud to be MC's significant other, looking at them with pure adoration as they chuckled at one of his stupid jokes. Leander would never leave MC's side during their date, getting extra cuddly and craving their contact.
“I just want to feel the real you, Love. Now won't you hold me some more ?”
Mhin - Mhin would be quiet, at first. They wouldn't understand why, out of all the people MC knew, they would dress up for them. Mhin would be so used to MC's standard fits that they would probably gasp a little seeing them, but would probably makes it pass as a yawn. This new outfit definitely makes Mhin see MC in a new light, the outfit they picked hugging their forms just right while not being too revealing, leaving some space to imagination. They would probably caress Mc's cheek at the end of the date, finally admitting how wonderful MC looked. 
“I do have to say… you didn't really need to go all out like this.. but it does suit you. It suits you so well.”
Vere - Vere would be proud of MC for finally rivalizing with him. He would show MC off to everyone, yet still holds MC’s waist possessively with one hand. They are his. MC feels a little like an expensive bag spurn around, but the excited swish of Vere’s tail is enough to reassure them and make them realize that he truly appreciate the effort MC put into this date. If MC let him, Vere would add his own little touch to it, giving MC an accessory or a shawl he particularly likes (and marking MC as their prey, and no one else’s). 
“Well, well, well… I have to admit that dressed like this, you could give me some serious competition in the Amaryllis District. But with that… Yes, you’re perfect like this. Now, they know who you belong to.”
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edgeray · 22 days
Hi Ray! Looked to see that you have requests open and I just wanted to hear your thoughts on mad scientist!reader who after learning about Arle’s past through the leylines, decides to request Nahida to take them to Irminsul to bring back Clervie? Can totally imagine Arle and Clervie being great parents to the HotH children (Arle being Father and Clervie being Mother)
Alternatively - what do you think happens with Mother!Reader and Arle in HotH? Reader reading storybooks to put the kids to sleep late at night with Arle at the side watching on as the proud Papa she is, all the stolen glances at each other when they think the other isn’t looking, all the looks of disgust from the children when they see their Father princess carrying their Mother the moment she gets home… (I’m really, really desperate for domestic fluff)
I am of the strong opinion that it doesn’t matter how strong Arle is, she doesn’t deserve to face all these responsibilities alone. She deserves someone as her equal and lover, one who respects her boundaries and loves her for her in a healthy relationship!
I’m going to hazard a guess and say that your inbox is probably flooding with requests, so if you don’t want to write this it’s okay, just treat it as ramblings (I’ll support your work regardless ^^)
A Home To Return To
(Arlecchino x GN! Reader)
A/N - Hi anon! :D Before I start, next time you request, do you mind giving yourself a name or something that indicates that you, are well, you! ^^ I’d like to put a name to my future anons so I can differentiate between you guys. Makes it a little more personal. When I got your request, I was not flooded with requests, but I think I got like… 5 or 6 requests in the span of the past 24 hours so… you are right. This is a bit shorter, but I think this is pretty good for a 3AM writing. It doesn't completely follow everything you included but it's still domestic fluff! Content warnings / info - reader is referred to as 'mother' but otherwise GN! reader, no warnings, a bit of angst on arlecchino's part 'cuz I couldn't resist but it's mainly fluff, i promise, 0.9 words
Thoughts on mad scientist! reader will be at the bottom, because I want to prioritize the domestic fluff 🫶. And yes, Arlecchino deserves the best for her partner! Good thing there's you! ;)
Arlecchino did not know what a home was. Home was many things, but a home was neither a place of comfort nor a place of safety. If home was the place of relentless pain and practiced violence done onto her siblings by one another, then she'd rather tear apart what a ‘home’ was, brick by brick if she had to, to undo as much of the atrocity that is Crucabena's vision of a home, and rebuild her own. Her vision, however, lacked clear guidance and direction. How could she know what a proper home looked like when she herself had never had one?
Years ago, she thought she found her answer in the shape of a pink-haired girl, with a white headband, and a Lumidouce Bell necklace. Arlecchino has learned that everything always returns to ashes, and so the inklings of what a home was died away like the girl's embers. 
Still, she has tried her best to create a proper home, built from her blood-spilt and cursed hands. But with such vile foundations, the House is still far from what she hopes for it to become, as far away from her vision as the stars of fate. She knows that she alone cannot craft the home that her friend sought out, not when the most she can do is contradict Crucabena's House of the Hearth as much as possible. Still, it is not enough. The House of the Hearth children still suffer under her rule, a meager improvement from Crucabena, and she detests the thought that her House could be comparable to that wrench's. 
But she alone was not enough. Arlecchino was many things, but a builder was not one of them. She could not build a home fitting for her and Clervie, and she could neither build a home fitting for her children. She aimed endlessly for an answer, and then. 
She finds you. Her answer. 
It is ironic, Arlecchino finds, that although you do all the same things that Crucabena does, you swell with the warmth that she lacked. Yet again, contradiction is her answer, just like Clervie had been. Like Clervie, she finds home within you. 
She returns home, like she does every time her Fatui business is done, and like other days, she awaits your greeting once she arrives at the door. She imagines the heat of your body, how it melts her frigid exterior with just your arms around her; your sweet words which sweep her fortified defenses away, much like how a sandcastle easily crumbles under the gentlest of waves; and your gaze softened and full of an emotion unfitting for someone like her, someone undeserving of love, of all things to associate with her. And yet you do. 
Except, when she returns that day, you are not there at the door. She uncharacteristically pouts–an action the Fourth Harbinger rarely degrades herself to doing. Her upset is apparent to the children that do greet her, with their directed sneers to one another about how the Knave sulks. 
“Father, Mother is currently reading a book to the little kids in the living commons,” one of her children comes up to her, a knowing glance at her. Arlecchino nods, and strides her way towards your whereabouts, nodding and greeting her children along the way, until she stops at the doorway of the room, gazing behind the couch as you finish the book you wrote yourself. She remembers it endearingly, as you based it after your encounters with her, and then the two of you's eventual engagement. 
It is here, where she affirms to herself, that she's found herself a home. A home close to the one that she longed for, a home suitable for her children. It is you that can thaw the iciness of reality for the children and for her. Surrounded by the young children, you've never seen more etheral and beautiful. 
“... ‘the end!’” You finish as you shut the book. “Did you guys like the book?”
The kids giggle, looking towards their Father's direction as Arlecchino waits expectedly for you to notice her. Still unaware of your husband's presence, you stand up, from the couch, placing down the book on a nearby table. As you whip around, you're met with Arlecchino's form. A charcoal hand outstretched to cup your side, the other moving to stroke your cheek.
“You're home, Arle,” you greet as you lean your cheek against her palm. Her red-crosses glances at your eyes. Like always, there is a tenderness in them, a tenderness that makes her weaker than any attack. 
“Indeed, I am.” 
You lean in, pressing a light kiss against her nose. Arlecchino responds by leaning her forehead against yours, enjoying your proximity.  
Unbeknownst to the two of you, the children around you gag at the sight. 
“A bath would do you well, my love.”
My love. Oh, how deep does her will plummet from those mere two words. 
“Are you implying something, darling?” The Knave teases with a lilt. 
You chuckle. “Of course not. Let me prepare you one, love.” 
“There is no need–”
“Arlecchino, let ‘Mother’ take care of ‘Father,’” you hum, pressing a kiss against her cheek. 
Arlecchino chuckles, closing her eyes and accepting defeat. “Yes, my love.” 
“Get a room!” One of your rowdier children yell, interrupting what you were going to say.
“Perhaps…?” You start, knowing that Arlecchino knew your question already. She nods, bending down to fix one arm underneath your knees and another behind your back before lifting you in a bridal position. You squeak out in surprise.
“Was this necessary?” 
“Hush, love. Bathe with me?” 
“Mmm… alright.” 
Arlecchino carries you down the corridor to your room, followed by the snicking of the House of the Hearth children. 
My thoughts on mad scientist! reader: 
I'll be completely honest to say that I do not know a lot of Genshin lore, so unfortunately for the mad scientist! reader idea, I can't say anything besides the fact that it sounds very cool. I love the idea of Clervie being resurrected, and I can definitely see Arlecchino and Clervie as being Father and Mother. Arlecchino and Clervie being Father and Mother has my entire heart; this is the Arlevie inside of me screaming out.
Though it makes me wonder why reader would do this in the first place, what does she get out of it? I'm not sure exactly what kind of relationship you had in mind with reader and Arlecchino in this, but if reader did this for Arlecchino solely out of her affections towards Arlecchino, then it certainly makes the mad part about reader accurate.
In that case, it makes for a very interesting dynamic between reader and Arlecchino, whether platonic or romantic; Arlecchino likes to think herself of a very sane, rational person and especially want to be away from more enigmatic people, perhaps like reader themselves. This could spin into a very interesting take about obsession vs. love, which I am all for it. 
Something else that has me thinking about this ask throughout the day is the motive of why exactly reader would do resurrect Clervie, so here's another idea that still makes reader a mad scientist. What if reader, Arlecchino, and Clervie were all children of the House of the Hearth and they were best friends? Reader and Arlecchino were the only ones to survive under Crucabena's reign over the House of the Hearth (maybe reader was under the tutelage of Dottore, so they were able to escape the Kingmaking event). Both reader and Arlecchino do not take Clervie's death well, of course.
With the passing of your best friend and being around Dottore, it's bound to make you a little insane. Like Arlecchino, you obsess over her death, never having gotten over her. After witnessing Clervie's shadow, you get inspired to truly make her alive again, not just a shadow. I don't know, this was just a silly little thought of mine.
<3 i wish i could pick my brain a little more but I think this is all I have, hopefully this satisfies you anon! 
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sentientgolfball · 10 months
Writing request! Phantom being a soft little attention whore and doing everything to get the flustered GN!Reader's attention? Doesn't need be NSFW, Phantom just wants some cuddle time.
Anon I need to thank you for adding fuel to my Phantom obsession
Also ignore how long this got
Tags: none! Just good old fluff
My request are currently open !
You had gotten to dinner later than normal because of some overflow work you were assigned. Being Sister Imperator’s assistant had its perks, but most of the time it left you with a stack of paper the size of your torso. That’s how you ended up displaced in the dining hall. Where you normally sat with the other Siblings who have been at the Ministry for a decent amount of time was crowded. You couldn’t justify trying to worm your way in. So you took up an open spot with some of the newer Siblings at the end of the hall. You were engrossed in your own world trying to get your brain to stop buzzing for the better part of the meal, only occasionally answering some questions or clearing up misunderstandings that you may have overheard. That was until you heard snickering. You looked up and noticed that the ghouls of The Ghost Project were seated at a table not far from yours. You also noticed that one of them, the quintessence ghoul by the looks of it, was approaching while Dew and Swiss tried and failed to hide their amusement. 
The Siblings you were seated with forgot about any conversations that might've been going on when the ghoul came to a stop at the head of the table, his tail wagging rapidly. The mask may have hidden his face, but his mood was clear as day. Everyone at the table looked at him with wide wonder-filled eyes. You just cocked your head at him with a small smile. His tail beat faster if that was even possible. 
“I couldn’t help but overhear some of you have never seen ghoul magic before.” He smiled so wide his fangs were peeking out from his lips. Some of the Siblings made small noises in affirmation too wonderstruck to formulate a proper response. 
“Well lucky for you I learned a new trick! Do you wanna see it?” All it took was one nodding their head for him to clap his hands together “Great! I’ll need a volunteer though.” 
You had never seen people move so quickly in your life. Each one of the Siblings was leaning over one another to get closer to the ghoul in hopes they’d be picked. He just laughed and held up his hands in a passive gesture. 
“Alright okay, how about…you!”
 The ghoul motions to the Sibling closest to him. He nods his head eagerly and waits for whatever instruction. The ghoul reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder. The air smells like ozone for a brief moment and you can hear a faint static noise as you watch tiny purple sparks dance to life and connect the two. Everyone at the table seems to be holding their breath watching with an intensity you don’t even see during Black Mass. You huff a little amused laugh and eat while you watch the display. 
When the ghoul removes his hand the Sibling is staring at him in awe as he beams down at him. There’s a confused murmur through the group and out of instinct you answer their questioning 
“Telepathy. Some quint ghouls have that ability.”
 It’s almost humorous how casually you talk about demons and magic. It goes quiet for a moment. You look up from your plate to see all of the Siblings and the ghoul staring at you. His mouth was half open and it was only then did you realized you definitely just interrupted him. You panic internally for about a second before you notice his tail never stopped wagging. He made a move to walk over to your spot at the table, but he didn’t get very far before he was yanked backward with a yelp. 
“Stop bothering the Siblings and eat your food before it gets cold or else you get leftovers in the den.” You recognized the voice of Cirrus from under the mask. 
The moment he was gone, they all began questioning the man who was lucky enough to be chosen. He tried his best to describe it, but it was obvious he was floundering under the attention. You weren’t completely exhausted yet so you decided to throw him a bone and began to explain what you knew of ghoul magic and some of the things you’ve seen it do. However, the entire time you spoke you couldn’t help but notice the little quintessence ghoul hadn’t taken his eyes off you once. Every time he realized you were looking back, he would wave and smile broadly, and every single time Dew and Swiss would tease him. You couldn’t help but laugh at the display, it was pretty cute seeing how excited he got. 
After you had finished and decided you had enough conversation for one night, you stood to leave, bidding everyone at the table a nice night. You made it approximately five feet out of the dining hall before you felt a clawed hand on your wrist. You stopped and turned to face none other than the little quintessence ghoul. His purring was filling the otherwise quiet hallway. 
You cock your head with a smile not quite reaching your tired eyes.
“Need something…?”
“Phantom.” He grinned.
He trilled happily “Say it again.” 
You huffed a laugh and took your hand from his grasp “Answer my question first.” 
He took his helmet off, shook his hair out, and looked at you with bright eyes, cheeks dusted a deeper purple. 
“Can I spend the night with you?” His tail wagged as he waited for your answer. 
That was not what you were expecting him to say if you were being honest with yourself. You had been at the Ministry for years now, so random demons offering a night of sin was nothing surprising. What was surprising was just how forward he was. Usually, it took the new ghouls a bit of time to gain that level of confidence and interest in the humans of the Ministry. 
When the silence dragged his face flustered deeper. 
“That’s not what I meant dear Sibling…I mean well not unless you’re offering.” 
You smile amused at the way his voice pitched higher awkwardly, you almost feel bad for your response.
“Not tonight Phantom. I’m exhausted from work.”
“Oh! Well that’s fine we can just—“ 
“I meant no to both sweetheart.” 
The wag of his tail faltered as his purring got softer. You didn’t miss the brief flash of disappointment in his expression before he tried to hide it. He lightly shook his head causing his earrings to jingle. 
“Well…can I walk with you to your room?” 
You laughed “Sure I don’t see why not.” 
“Great!” He immediately grabbed your hand and started walking down the hallway. You gave a light tug on his hand. He looked at you with a little ‘mmrr?’ sound. 
“Uh, Phantom…my room is that way.” You pointed to the right with your other hand. 
He smiled awkwardly making a noise of affirmation and turned to the direction you pointed to and began walking with your hand still in his. He definitely has not gotten used to his otherworldly strength because he was practically dragging you behind him. Eventually, you gathered your footing and were able to walk side by side. He kept glancing at you as he walked and would startle every time you caught him. 
When you arrived at the door to your room you dropped his hand ready to say goodnight. Before you could squeak even one word out he wrapped you in a tight but quick hug. You rolled your eyes with a smile and hugged him back with a pat on his back. When he let go you opened your door and stepped in but not before turning around to him. 
“Goodnight Phantom.” 
You began to close the door and noticed that he tilted his head to keep looking at you until it was completely closed. 
You smiled at the closed door for a moment before going about your before-bed routine. You flopped onto the horde of fluffy pillows and blankets and let the events of the day replay in your head. You let out a sigh feeling content at finally having a moment to yourself. It’s not that you didn’t like sitting with the new Siblings, but it felt more like babysitting or hanging out with a coworker. Then you thought to Phantom. You smiled to yourself. New ghouls were always so much fun, they were always so curious about everything Earth had to offer. It was even better when they finally got used to the company of humans and began seeking interactions. You would be lying if you said you didn’t find his behavior a bit endearing already. You had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time Phantom followed you back to your room. 
Turns out, that came much earlier than you expected. You had woken up a bit before your alarm and decided to just accept your fate and get up and ready for the day. When you opened your door to leave, you immediately tripped over something. The mass in front of your door let out a surprised yelp. You caught yourself before falling. When you turned around you were met with the sight of Phantom slowly sitting up rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“G’moring.” He said with a yawn that ended in a whine. 
“Phantom I did you…did you sleep there all night?” 
“Yeah, why?” He asked it so casually with a hint of genuine confusion. 
You stared at him bug-eyed
 “Why? You weren’t kicked out of the ghoul den already were you?” 
He cocked his head raising an eyebrow 
“Uhh no? I wanted to walk with you to breakfast but then I realized I didn’t know how early you got up and then I realized I usually sleep late. So naturally the solution was to sleep right here.” He emphasized his statement by tapping the floor with his tail causing the piercings to scrape against the stone. 
You laughed with a mix of amusement and disbelief “Naturally.” 
You held out your hand to him and he took it eagerly. You helped him up and he hugged you again. As you two walked to the dining hall, he wrapped his tail around your wrist. With how early it was there weren’t many people at breakfast which you didn’t mind. It was mostly older Siblings and a few Clergy ghouls. The Siblings gave you knowing looks and you just rolled your eyes in amusement. The only other band ghoul that was present was Cirrus. When she noticed the way Phantom was leaning practically on top of you she came over. 
“Bug I think you’re suffocating the dear Sibling.”
You shook your head as he whined “It’s fine Cirrus I don’t mind.” You reached up to scratch behind his pointed ears for emphasis. His tail beat heavily against the bench as a loud purr kicked up in his chest.
“Alright alright but if he does start bothering you, you know where to find me.” She said with amusement. 
“I can handle myself” you grinned at her “I know how to handle a ghoul.” 
Her tail flicked playfully behind her as she turned to go back to where she had sat. 
You finished breakfast rather quickly after that and untangled Phantom’s tail from your arm making him pout. You apologized and gave him a quick explanation of your job as Sister Imperator’s assistant and why you had to go so suddenly. He seemed to accept it despite his dejected look. You ruffled his hair and bid him a good day which caused him to brighten a bit. 
Apparently Phantom didn’t quite accept your explanation. Your task for the day, after finishing the paperwork you didn’t get to yesterday, was to run around the Ministry delivering said paperwork to whomever it applied to. Somehow every corner you turned you bumped into Phantom. At first, he would apologize, give your hand a squeeze, and then walk off to do his own chores, but after he realized you didn’t seem to be getting annoyed with the ‘coincidences’ he simply started to follow you around. He kept his distance for a bit genuinely not wanting to interfere with your job, but every time you turned and caught his eye and didn’t tell him off he would creep closer. 
By the end of the day, he was practically your personal escort, walking side by side with you asking you questions just to hear you talk with his tail curled idly around your arm. Little did you know, that soon became your new daily routine. You would wake up to him waiting eagerly outside your door so you could walk to the dining hall together. He would disappear for a bit to speed through his own chores before coming to find you no matter what task Imperator had you up to. When you finished you two would then go to the dining hall for dinner where you’d make faces and hand gestures to each other from the tables while the ghoul pack and your friends respectively tease you both. It didn’t take much longer before he started to sleep over every so often. 
As the months crawled on and the first tour date came closer you began to see less of him which made your heart oddly heavy. You tried, and failed, to not think too much about it. You obviously didn’t like him, he was just being friendly. You saw the way he interacted with the other ghouls and some other Siblings or the way he acted when you would sneak a peek at rehearsals. He was just affectionate! He liked attention! But he only walked with you. He only got up early to meet you. He only looked at you doing dinner. He only followed you back to your room. And his purring helped you sleep so much better than any weighted blanket. And the way his tail always betrayed his emotions. And how his eyes always lit up when he spotted you. And maybe your heart skipped a beat when he once confided in you after a rough rehearsal saying that you made him feel grounded. 
Aw, shit was all you could think as you felt your cheeks heat and the list of reasons grew. You shook your head slightly to clear it and returned to the task at hand. You had been working on a massive project for Imperator that needed to be finished before the band went on tour. It’s taken up practically all your time, you barely had time to get proper meals in. That also meant you’ve been having less and less time with Phantom. You could tell it was definitely affecting him just as much. The moments you two did get together he was even more clingy, if that was even possible. He also seemed more tired, he still was rather energetic, but he definitely seemed toned down. Your suspicions were confirmed when he got back from a longer-running rehearsal and his quintessence sparked to life without him even noticing. He also took to sleeping in your bed every night now, burying his face deep into the crook of your neck and passing out with his tail wrapped around your waist. 
You worked for a few more hours before leaning back in your chair to stretch. Your eye caught the clock on the wall and you cursed. It was well past midnight. Phantom’s rehearsal ended four hours ago. You found a good stopping point and quickly packed everything up and made your way to your room. You were ready to have to spend the night on your own for the first time in almost a month. You were already ragged from working all day and the idea of having your new routine, your only time with Phantom, getting disturbed made you feel even worse. You choked down the burn in your throat as you pushed your bedroom door open. 
“There’s my comet.” 
You gasped and looked up to see a rather exhausted-looking Phantom sitting happily on your bed. He was already in his pajamas and there were multiple books stacked on your nightstand. He blinked slowly and cracked a wide smile. 
You smiled in return and willed yourself not to cry in front of him. However, the way his brows knit together before standing up and walking over to you reminded you. Quintessence ghouls can feel emotions. He crushed you against his chest and kicked up a purr in his chest. You attempted to stutter out a mix of an apology and an explanation, but he just shushed you and practically threw you both backward onto your bed. You didn’t even care you were still in your day clothes, you didn’t want to move now that you were right where you wanted to be. And then you smelled it. The air had suddenly felt electric. The scent of ozone and frost filled the space. You felt a little tingle in your mind before hearing Phantom.
I’m so happy you’re here. I missed you so fucking much. I like you so fucking much. 
Your eyes snapped open. Oh. You definitely weren’t meant to hear that, at least not like this. However, your sleep-deprived mind couldn’t care less at the moment. 
“Hey.” You shifted your shoulder to get him to lift his head from your neck.
“Huh? What is it?” 
You gave him a quick, chaste kiss on his lips before pulling back and kissing his nose. 
“I missed you too.” 
It took him approximately five seconds to really understand what just happened as you sent him entirely offline. When his brain finally caught up, though, he laughed with so much genuine joy that it made your heart beat a little faster. He pulled you so impossibly close to him and peppered your whole face with kisses before leaving a long kiss on your lips. He nuzzled his face right back into your neck as you scratched between his horns. The silence was periodically broken with Phantom giggling to himself and pressing another kiss to your neck and shoulder. This went on until he ended up falling asleep with a slight smile on his face and a purr deep in his chest. 
You curled into his hold and never felt more content in your life. You closed your eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep soothed by his rumble and his weight. 
Okay. So maybe you did like him. Just a little bit.
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
My girl
Pairing : Mason Mount x plussize!reader
Theme : Angst (idk 😭) / fluff
I’m not sure if I did justice to your request, anon. I hope I did. I can’t make it 100% igau because I always feel the need to elaborate more so igau alone won’t make me feel satisfied. Sorry about that… oh and I used olenia as face claim because her settings made it easier for me to use, I’m sorry if she’s not what you imagine the reader to be 😭
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masonmount 1 year. She’s the reason I get up in the morning. She makes me feel enough and stop doubting myself. I don’t know what I’d do without her. Thank you for giving me a chance to be loved by you, darling.
username aww this is cute i wish we get to see her
sophiaaemelia i miss u guys!!
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ynusername Thank you for choosing me and loving me. I love you so much! ❤️
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You met Mason through a mutual friend. When he first approached you, you made it clear that you were not interested and if he was looking for a girl to play around, he could count you out but he insisted for you to go out with him for just one date and you could be the one to decide about the next one, either you wanted him to leave you alone or you wanted to give it another chance.
Mason was really nice. You thought he would be a cocky guy, thinking he was above everyone but he was everything but that. Your first date with him was an unanticipated one, you wasn’t hoping for anything but he really knew the way to win your heart.
And that was how he became your first ever boyfriend.
You refused to talk about this matter a lot but another reason why you had a hard time to accept Mason into your life was because you didn’t believe he would fell in love with someone like you. He was surrounded by models, social media influencers, heck, even some of his fans have ‘better’ body image than you. Sure, you don’t like to talk badly about yourself but it was hard not to do so when you were raised in a society that set an inconceivable image on women.
Mason knew about this though you rarely talked about it which was why he respected your decision to not have your face posted on his social media accounts.
“Mase…..can we agree on one thing?”
“What is it, sweetheart?” Mason took a step forward and took your shaking hand in his to leave a peck on your fingers. He had realised you were being quit this whole day so he asked you to have a cooking session together because he knew you loved trying out new recipes.
“I don’t want you to post my face on your social media.”
“That’s it…? You are not gonna ask why?” You immediately looked up to look at him, his answer made you stunned.
“I know the reason why, baby and I know you don’t like talking and explaining about it so I’m not gonna ask.”
“Are you mad…?”
“Mad? Silly, why would I get mad at you?” He chuckles and enveloped your figure in his arms, your head fitted perfectly around his forearm and he loved it so much. “I am not mad at you, baby. I just..I can’t…how do I put this in words. I can’t tell you to stop hating on yourself because I don’t know what you actually feel like. I’m not in your shoes. I don’t know what it felt like to grow up as a woman who was constantly being told by the society that you have to look this and that to be called pretty.”
And you heart bursted, not because he made you feel heartbroken, but because of the huge amount of love you felt for him.
“But I know very well how it felt like waking up in the morning being greeted by the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I know how it felt like falling in love everytime I see your captivating smile when we successfully tried a new recipe, I know how it felt like when my heart swelled in pride seeing how you got excited over cookies or cakes because you loved sweets. You are my girl and it’s my job to make you feel appreciated, to cherish and admire you. I won’t push you to step over your comfort zone if you are not ready, you know that, don’t you?”
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ynusername life lately 🤍
username girl are you holding mason at gunpoint
username mount is embarrassed to be ur bf
username maybe you should start following mason’s diet plan
masonmount my darling ❤️
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masonmount cheat day with my favourite girl 🍕❤️
username lmao if i were you i would have starved her
masonmount You have no right to comment about how I treat my girlfriend.
username i bet everyday is a cheat day for her 😭
username can she even fit your hoodie lololol
username IM CRYING 😭😭😭
You did read the nasty comments but it didn’t made you cry. Probably because you were used to it, not sure if that made it any better but there were days where it made you stared at yourself in the mirror hating every single part of your body, there were days where you had no appetite no matter how famished you were but Mason would always made it better, it was as if he could read your mind.
Mason did in fact could read your mind like an open book. He knew when your smile had a hidden meaning, he knew it when you looked at him and he could see all those black clouds hovering your head but he never pointed it out. He knew you didn’t like to talk about it so he helped you through his acts.
“Hi there, princess. What are you staring at?” Mason came home to see you standing in front of the mirror, hands on your hips and you just looked so broken. He stood by your side, arms wrapped around your waist to pull you close and you leaned on his chest in response and heaved a sigh.
“Nothing, Mase..”
“Do you wanna bake something tonight? It’s Friday. We always bake something on Friday.”
“Can we skip it tonight? I don’t feel like it…”
“Remember the beignets we saw from Princess and the Frog last night? I found the recipe on Tiktok.”
“Really?!” Your face instantly lit up and turned to look at him. You had told Mason how much you craved for the beignets but non of the recipes looked legit.
“Yeah! I think we have the ingredients already. Wanna give it a try?”
“Yes! Yes, please!” You squealed and hugged him, causing him to stumble back from the sudden change of mood.
So, beignets were your recipe of the week.
It was a success, which was a surprise. So now you have a plate of beignets and ‘Princess and the Frog’ on play.
“You know, princess..” Mason spoke all of sudden which caught you by surprise. The audio from the movie is now long forgotten.
“You know how you always told me you wondered why I chose you over anyone else? I wished you could see yourself from my point of view because when I tell you how perfect you are, how beautiful you are, I mean every single words I said. And I’m not talking about your appearance alone, you have such a good heart, Y/N. We used to meet up with Jason, our mutual friend, at the same old club, remember? One day I walked outside the club to get some fresh air and I saw you rummaging through your handbag just to give a heat pack to an old man who was walking home from a night shift. The other time I met you outside the club, you were calling out to this stray cat and I thought to myself, what the heck is she doing this time. Turned out you got a small pack of cat food, again, in your handbag so I saw you feeding the cat to which I had to stand on guard nearby because you were so busy talking to the cat that you paid no attention to your surrounding.” He poked on your nose which made you chuckled.
“It frustrated me so much that those people on the internet never bothered to know you, the real you that made me fell in love. I just— I wished I could just grab their heads and let them know what kind of person you are. It pained me to just constantly having to see all those comments on yours and my accounts because you didn’t deserve it, heck, no one deserved that but you told me to not entertain any of them because it would be like fighting with a wall. I always remember you told me to not fight with someone who speaks with their ears closed so I held myself but it’s just..”
“It’s okay, Mase. You have been the biggest help I could ever asked for. I think it was kinda hard for me to think that none of them actually have powers against me because I felt like they would always win but all this time, I have always won. I have a boyfriend who always made me see my worth every single day, a boyfriend who never missed to compliment me every day, a boyfriend who always respected me and I think I’ll manage…with you by my side.”
“Always, baby. You can always count on me.” He wiped your tears off and cupped your cheeks to brush his lips against yours. A single kiss turned into two, three, and a shower of kisses all over your face which caused both you and Mason to giggle at it together.
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masonmount I know how hard the internet has been on her and I know no matter how strong of a person she is, one can only bear too much before it break you down. Y/N is one of the strongest person I know and to see her breaking down from the comments that were quick to judge on her based on how she looked broke my heart. I am no saint and best believe, I don’t even deserve to be with someone as quintessential as her so if there was one who deserved to be judged, it should be me, not her. Please be respectful towards my girlfriend, and everyone else as everything you comment would linger in someone’s mind for god knows how long.
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Liked by masonmount and others
ynusername Life has been pretty rough lately but I was blessed with this man to help me through day and night. 🧸🤎
masonmount My beautiful princess ❤️
username i wish i have your confidence
username girl fck off ur just ugly no amount of confidence can fix it
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ynusername surrender to my vision 👑
masonmount my girl
username QUEEN
username 😍😍😍😍
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navstuffs · 1 year
Hello, first of all, YOUR WRITING IS GOD’S WORK, second of all, I need a second part of “I know it’s thick”, bc that took me out 💀 It was fucking fantastic. And last but definitely not least, you seem very sweet, and like an amazing person, keep up the good work 🥰💕👏✨
"I know it is thick." - Part 2
Pairing: Boss!Carlos Oliveira x GN!Reader
Summary: It is thick, and now you know it.
Warnings tags: SMUT SO MINORS DO NOT INTERACT PLEASE, blowjob (m receiving), public sex, under-the-desk blowjob while jill is in the room, porn with feelings (sorta), carlos always brazilian in my fics (foda-se capcom ESSE HOMI É DO BRASIL), translations at the bottom
Author's Notes: ANON YOU ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE!! the idea came to me while reading your ask and i was like WHY NOT? again, bear with me since smut is still a constant work in progress. also thank you so much for your kind words and requesting with me, i hope i deliver! <;3 @cerezzzita aqui miga 💖
part 1 | my carlos's masterlist
You would never have guessed you would end up like this. You see, after sending that text message, you thought you would have been fired or sued for sexual harassment within Carlos's rights.
Not that by late Friday night, you would be doing extra work. And by that, it means your legs spread apart, holding yourself back in the cabinets of the stockroom as your boss Carlos pounds into you, his big hands holding your hips with such strength it would probably hurt tomorrow. Not that you cared: since this whole thing started three weeks ago, you have discovered you had muscles that ached that you didn't even know existed.
As Carlos's ball hit against your ass, the slapping sound sounding pornographic to your ears enough to drive you crazy, you hold onto the cold shelves, your legs barely keeping you steady. Every thrust he gives inside you is more powerful than the other, seeming to reach deeper into you. It had to be that thick cock, you thank mentally. 
"Are you close?" Carlos wonders, and you imagine his bare ass looks delicious, his social pants on the floor.
You moan a pathetic yes and beg Carlos to touch you, and his hands find you, jerking in that delicious way only he could do it. It is unfair how well Carlos knew your body, although this only started a couple of weeks ago.
Three weeks since you stayed late and found out it was really that thick and you could barely fit in your mouth. Three weeks since this man gave you the best orgasm of your life. Three weeks doing extra work time.
With the way he is rubbing you, you don't take long to cum, biting your lips and closing your eyes to hold back a moan. Carlos gives you two final thrusts before you hear him muttering a curse in portuguese as he cums deep inside your walls. You stay silent for a moment, just the sound of your breaths before Carlos pulls out of you, his semen slowly dropping out of you.
You take a second to straighten yourself, your back hurting (it seems you are taking another ibuprofen tomorrow), when you feel Carlos pass a cloth between your legs, cleaning you gently.
"Oh, mhm, thanks?" You say unsure, and he smiles, giving you his handkerchief, with his initials sewn on it.
Carlos stares at you, wanting to say something. You are a little worried about it might be: yes, what you are doing is wrong, and you both know it. You are worried Carlos might want to end this sooner than later; you know he will have to. Or maybe he will finally invite you out? Maybe, you will end up fucking Carlos in a proper bed, not on top or under his desk.
"I will see you later, then." Carlos doesn't wait for your answer, and you ignore the pain in your chest, his handkerchief just the memory he left on you (along, well, with his cum). Again, this would have to end someday, right? It was just sex.
Two days later, you are under Carlos's desk a little after everyone leaves. You see, you went in there to end it all before Carlos could but, somehow, ended up with you on top of his desk, his head on the middle of your thighs. The things Carlos could do with his tongue were skills out of this world, and suddenly you can't remember what you wanted to do here.
You just didn't want him to stop.
So now, you are just repaying for the multiple orgasms from earlier, you tell yourself as his thick cock hits the back of your throat. It had nothing to do with the fact that you loved sucking him, the sight of his strong and hairy tights, hearing Carlos beg for your name, and how this powerful man seemed to melt in your arms because of you.
There is a sudden knock on Carlos's door, and you both seem to freeze. You look up, and Carlos gives you an urgent look, his eyes pleading for you to stay shut. "Please don't say come in," you beg mentally, but the door opens before Carlos can say anything, just with enough time to pull out of your mouth.
"Oh, I am so glad you are still here." Carlos's partner and your other boss, Jill Valentine sounds pissed. Carlos immediately pushes the chair into you, completely hiding your body, causing his dick to get close to your lips.
Jill vents about the challenging project the whole team has been working on, and for your relief, she doesn't pay enough attention to Carlos. Carlos gently tries to keep your head away from his cock, but you don't move. When he looks down in panic, you would have laughed if you could because Carlos knew exactly what was going through your mind.
When you test by licking the tip of his cock Carlos has to hold himself back against the chair, Jill still doesn't seem to notice. You try again, this time swirling your tongue around it, and Carlos curses.
"Puta merda."
"Did you say something?" Jill wonders, and you hold back a laugh.
"Puta merda this project huh, Jill?"
Jill continues her rant as your head goes down into Carlos's cock, slowly and torturous. Your boss has to hold himself into the table, his knuckles turning white as a low whimper dies down in his throat. His hands look for your head, you don't know if to pull you away or push you more down, but you don't stop.
"....and I am telling you, if this doesn't get solved by the end of the week, I swear I will cancel this whole deal!"
"Puta que pariu!"
"Well, I am glad you agree with me!" Jill exclaims, slamming the table. She finally looks at Carlos, who is sweaty, his chest rising up and down as he bites his lips. 
"Carlos, are you okay? You look feverish."
"I-I am fine, Jill. All good. Just sh-sharing your frustrations, that is it."
Jill thinks she heard a strange, slurping noise after Carlos says that, but the sound stops. Her phone rings before she can ask what it is, and she groans, frustrated.
"You know, we shouldn't work this late. Life isn't just work, you know?" Jill expresses, before leaving his office, waving goodbye.
You can hear the door closing, and Carlos roughly pulls out of your mouth. You gulp, anxious, wondering if you finally took too far and Carlos will end it all, when your boss's face appears under the table to stare at you, full of desire.
"You want to play like that? Fine. Let's see how long it takes for you to gag on my cock." Carlos' voice is low and threatening, bringing chills all over your body, especially your heat.
"Challenge accepted, boss."
Puta merda = Holy shit
Puta que pariu = Holyfucking shit
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nightangle9 · 1 year
If you are still open your request, can you write Jinwoo x reader that reader using his then act like him (say arise, summoning shadow army)? I hope you can understand this, English is not my first language😔
Thank you, please take your time🫶💚💚
Hello! Thanks for the ask anon 🙌 Hope you enjoy it 💖
Baby Say Arise~
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Pairing: Sung Jinwoo x Fem Reader
Warning: pre establish relationship, soft Jinwoo, fluff, a little sexual tension by the end
Summary: You tried to imitate your boyfriend but failed miserably.
You and Jinwoo first met during the hunter ranking test. He came out as a an S rank whereas you came out as an A rank hunter. You and him had a few intractions here and there but not enough to engage a proper conversation. It was not until the Jeju Island raid that you finally were able to work alongside him. It amazed you how powerful he really was. You started becoming more and more flustered around him, you weren't gonna lie you had developed quite a crush on the S rank hunter. That was when you asked him out on a date, you were shy and your hands were shaking but regardless you confessed to him about your fellings. After the date you both became closer and closer as the day came when you could proudly call yourself his girlfriend.
Day by day his shadows started viewing you as their queen. Afterall a King needs a queen right? Your curiosity about the shadows started to grow as you started to ask more and more questions to Jinwoo about their origin. But as any good boyfriend would do, he answered all of your questions no matter how irrelevant.
One day you thought to yourself about how cool Jinwoo looked whenever he said Arise. You wished to be cool like him. So you tried as he watched. Trying to give your best death glare as you looked at him with your hands in you pyjama pocket as you stood there for a while. Imagining how your eyes would turn blue and the world would bow down beneath your feet becouse of your power. That was defiantly not the case. You just looked silly. Jinwoo sat there watching you with a grin on his face as you did your "cool act". Lowering down your voice as you imitated him with your best effort. You said in an intimating tone "Arise". You stood there thinking to yourself how cool you looked, Jinwoo was out there laughing his ass off and even the shadows were clapping for you. You didn't saw any flaws in your perfect acting but by the stand of it Jinwoo definately did. Standing up from the couch, Jinwoo walked towards you. Firmly holding your chin in his hand. He spoke " That was quite cute, My dear Queen."
Author's Note: That was my first time writing a headcannon, I don't know if it's good or not but I hope you get some entertainment out of it ❤️
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
Hurt/comfort is my weakness. So Vash wakes up and leaves bed in the middle of the night to get a drink or something, but when he returns he finds his partner just sobbing on the bed. Turns out, they had a really bad dream about him, and waking up to an empty room had them scared he had left them for good. Lots of holding and cooing ensues. Thank you for your consideration.
A/N: HELL YEAH HURT/COMFORT LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO I'm such a sucker for prompts like this istg, although I made this so that Vash and the reader aren't dating (YET) so there's a biiiiit more tension, I hope you don't mind Anon.
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You didn't know if you were awake or asleep. Everything seemed so realistic that you couldn't tell if this was a figment of your imagination or the real world around you.
No Man's Land's sprawling wastelands spread out before you as you sat by the fire, its warmth washing up against your back as you gazed out at the dunes and the light of the worms in the night sky. A strong feeling of déjà-vu washed over you as you took a deep breath, the air warm as it filled your lungs.
"Vash, take a look at this!" You called over your shoulder to your longtime friend and companion as the worms began to swirl around, a beautiful display of light shining among the stars.
However, you got no answer from Vash.
'Hmm, maybe he just didn't hear me,' You thought to yourself, calling out again, a bit louder this time, "Vash!"
Again, no reply.
You felt slight concern go through you as you turned to look back at the campfire, where Vash had previously been sitting. But now, Vash was nowhere to be found.
You got up and walked over to the campfire, your heart beginning to race in your chest as you looked around, trying to see if you could spot Vash anywhere, but to no avail. You couldn't catch any glimpse of your best friend, and it was scaring you.
"Vash, where are you?! This isn't funny!"
You felt your heart beginning to pound frantically as Vash didn't suddenly appear, stumbling over the dunes while running back to you, trying to appease your worries with exclamations of "I'm here! I'm here, (Y/N)! S-Sorry, got lost in thought!"
You searched and searched and searched, but you didn't see so much as a footprint in the sand, indicating which way Vash had gone.
As you returned back to the campfire, your pulse thundering in your ears, you suddenly noticed that there was a piece of paper tucked under your sleeping bag, sticking out just enough for you to notice it.
With trembling hands, you unfolded the piece of paper, your heart plummeting as you read the words on the paper, written in neat, familiar handwriting - Vash's.
'I'm sorry. Please don't look for me.'
Your whole body was trembling now, your breathing getting shallower and faster as your mind and heart both raced. You couldn't hear anything besides your frantic heartbeat, trying to comprehend why Vash had suddenly left you behind. He had given you no indication that he was thinking of leaving you, only ever being his usual kind, caring and gentle self, always smiling at you and being slightly goofy.
'Why? Why? Why? Vash, where have you gone?!' Your mind repeated endlessly, over and over, begging for an answer that would never come.
You found yourself hunched over, hugging yourself tightly as your whole body shook with the sobs that finally escaped you, tears streaming down your face as you cried, your heart shattering in your chest as you desperately hoped this wasn't real.
"Vash!" You sobbed out, your voice breaking as you cried, praying he'd hear you and answer you somehow, but it was futile. Only silence answered.
How could this happen? How could Vash suddenly just leave you behind, without so much as a proper goodbye? Weren't you worth more than that to him? You believed that you were important to him, that you meant enough to Vash that he would at least talk to you if something was bothering him.
However, you also knew that your feelings for Vash were much deeper than that of platonic love. It was romantic love, given the way your heart used to jolt every time Vash blessed you with his sweet, soft smiles, or the way your skin tingled like electricity coursed through it whenever Vash brushed against you, or how you wished every embrace with him would last just a few moments longer. You were in love with Vash, and had been for a very long time.
Deep down, you'd hoped that maybe, just maybe, you'd managed to wiggle your way into Vash's heart the same way he had done to yours, but you didn't want to give yourself hope. Vash was a wanted man, and he was haunted by all the horrors he had seen, so you understood that romance wasn't a priority in his life, but a small part of you always hoped for something more to happen. You had never anticipated having to say goodbye to him, though.
You felt your panic rising and rising, to the point that you were hyperventilating now, clutching onto yourself so hard that you were certain your nails were digging into your skin enough to cut you in a futile attempt to ground yourself. The world around you fell away, no longer mattering as you felt yourself becoming dizzy from your panic and your cries and your tears.
'Oh, God... oh, God...' You thought, becoming frantic as all hell broke loose in your mind. How could you go on now? What were you supposed to do?
You must've hyperventilated so badly that you stopped breathing, because your eyes to flew open and you shot up in the bed you were sleeping in, a cry leaving your lips as you did so, panting frantically in an attempt to get back the air you had lost.
Your whole body was shaking violently as you looked around the room, trying to make sense of where you were and what was happening. You reached up and touched your face gently, and you could feel that your cheeks were wet - you must've been crying in your sleep.
As you slowly regained your senses, you recognized that you were in the room that you and Vash had booked for the night as the two of you continued on your travels. However, when you glanced over at the other bed in the room, you found it empty.
"No... no..." You mumbled, your heart stopping altogether for a moment before beginning to race once again. Was this real? Vash really left you behind? It hadn't been just a dream? You scrambled out of your bed, frantically looking around for any sign of Vash, or where Vash might've gone.
You didn't find anything, which made you begin to sob again, the panic you had experienced during your dream immediately returning as you shakily sat down against the wall of the hotel room, placing your head down against your chest as you curled up on yourself, holding yourself tightly as you cried.
You cried softly, every other sound muted as you were unable to process anything outside of your own thoughts and emotions at the moment. Your cries and your heartbreak blinded and deafened you to everything else around you, which is why you didn't hear the door to your shared room opening.
Vash tried his best to tiptoe back into the room, given that you had been asleep when he had left the room and he didn't want to wake you. Vash had found himself unable to sleep, his mind keeping him awake, but given how peaceful you seemed as you slept in the bed next to his, Vash had decided to just let you rest as he went to go tackle a few errands that needed doing before the two of you left town. Vash had had to restrain himself from gently stroking your cheek as you slept, contenting himself instead with just watching you for a couple moments, his gaze so soft that you would have had no doubts about his true feelings towards you had you caught him.
What Vash wasn't anticipating to see when he reentered the room was to see you curled up in a ball against the wall of room, sobbing borderline hysterically, your whole body shaking as you cried.
Vash's heart nothing short of broke in his chest at the sight of you falling apart, holding yourself desperately in an attempt to comfort yourself when you believed yourself to be entirely alone.
"(Y/N)? Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?!" Vash exclaimed as he ran over to you, quickly dropping to his knees by your side as he reached out, gently placing his hands on your upper arms.
You startled at his touch, your head shooting up as you looked to see Vash kneeling in front of you, his expression worried.
"V-Vash?" You choked out, reaching your shaking hands up to clutch at Vash's face, cupping it as you tried to figure out if this, too, was just a dream.
The moment your hands cupped Vash's face and you realized he was really there in front of you, you dissolved into another round of tears, this time tears of relief and happiness that Vash hadn't really left.
Vash's worry skyrocketed at the new onset of tears once you touched him, and his hands came up as he placed them on top of your own on his cheeks. He stroked your skin gently for a second before he decided to just reach out and pull you completely into his arms, holding you close as you sobbed.
"Shh, hey... what's going on, (Y/N)? What happened?"
Vash's voice was gentle and soothing as he held you close, rubbing your back comfortingly as he held you close, resting his chin on top of your head as you sobbed into his chest, clutching onto him as if he'd disappear the second you let go of him. It genuinely hurt Vash to see you so distraught, and it hurt even worse that he didn't know why you were so upset or what he could do to comfort you.
After a little while of you just crying and holding onto Vash, you eventually managed to relax enough to speak, still hiccupping and your voice thick with tears as you whimpered, "Y-You left."
Vash's eyes widened at your words, and as the pieces clicked in Vash's mind, his heart cracked a little bit more in his chest and he hugged you even tighter to him.
"Oh, (Y/N)..." Vash's tone was borderline heartbroken, "I'm so sorry. I'd never leave you behind. I'm so sorry I scared you. I'm here."
You just shook your head, unable to speak as you let your head rest against Vash's chest, your eyes closing as you just focused on all the details about Vash - the feeling of his chest rising and falling against you, his breaths fanning across your skin, the sound of his heartbeat against your ear, the feeling of his warmth radiating around you as he held you close. Had this been any other time, you likely would've melted into a puddle at being so close to Vash and for such a long period of time.
Vash's sheer existence calmed you much more and much quicker than any pitiful self-calming attempts you had made, and Vash sensed this as he just adjusted his hold on you, ensuring he could hold you closer and comfort you.
"I'm here," Vash mumbled gently, his lips right above your ear as he spoke, "I promise, (Y/N), I'm not going anywhere without you. We're a team, you and I, right? I'm not leaving you behind, ever. You-" Vash's voice cracked and jumped up an octave for a second before he cleared his throat and got out, "You mean too much to me."
Were you not so exhausted from all your tears and panic attacks, you likely would've felt the heat rise to your face and you would've been overjoyed to hear Vash's confession, but you were just so, so tired. So, you let out a small hum of contentment and snuggled yourself a bit closer to Vash, letting Vash know that you felt the same as your eyes fluttered shut.
"Come on, mayfly. Let's get you back to bed, yeah?" Vash said gently, shifting you slightly so that he could lift you up in a bridal carry before bringing you over to your bed. He tucked you in, but before he could so much as turn away from you, you let out another stifled sob.
"I-I'm sorry," You choked out, covering your mouth as you tried to calm yourself and put the pieces of yourself back together, which was proving much harder than you anticipated. You knew that, even though you were exhausted, there was no way you'd fall back asleep like this.
Vash just frowned, his expression sad as he looked at you crying again, his heart somehow breaking further. He didn't know how much more he could take before he, too, would break down and cry with you, wishing he could take the pain away and bear it for you. Unsure of where his sudden courage was coming from, Vash quickly shed his iconic red coat and took off his boots, placing his glasses on your bedside table as he slid in next to you in your bed, turning onto his side and pulling you into his arms yet again.
"I-I'm so s-sorry, V-Vash," you whimpered, burying your face in your hands as Vash held you close, with him just shushing you gently in response to your apology.
"No, no, no!" Vash exclaimed gently, "Don't apologize, it's okay, I'm so happy I can be here for you, (Y/N). It hurts to see you hurting, so don't apologize, please... just, let me be here for you."
You looked up at Vash's face, your own face tear-stained and your eyes red from crying, and you felt your heart stop for a second.
Vash's blue eyes were so, so soft, and filled with an emotion you couldn't quite place. He looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky, with a tenderness that made your heart flutter in your chest, and it made your breath hitch. A gentle smile was on Vash's lips as he looked at you, and you suddenly understood that Vash... might've felt more for you than you believed he did.
"Please..." Your voice was soft and, while still thick with emotion, conveyed your wish, "Stay with me, Vash?"
"Of course," Vash answered almost immediately, holding you close to him, his flesh-and-blood and resting under your head as he pulled you in, his prosthetic arm wrapping around your waist, "Always, (Y/N). Always."
There were so many things left unsaid between yourself and Vash, and you knew that you both could feel it, this... thing between you both, but for now, both of you just decided to enjoy your closeness and your embrace, taking comfort in each other's presence and warmth.
In both your mind and Vash's, words unsaid bounced around, hoping one day to be said as you both slowly drifted to sleep.
Please stay, Vash.
I'm never leaving you, (Y/N).
You're everything to me.
You're everything to me.
I love you, Vash.
I love you, (Y/N).
Taglist: @mossygalaxy, @ryuukami4, @spacioussoul, @iceoblivious
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acciocriativity · 10 months
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(Pictures are not mine, credits to the rightful owners)
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Surprise Prompt Event
Ateez Masterlist
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N/A: This was requested from anon! I hope you love it lovely anon 💕 Thank you so much for the request! Requests for the event are open 💖
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9th of August, the date shined bright the moment you opened your eyes. The calendar was right across from the bed and there was an unmistakable amount of markers and stickers all around it. The notification on your phone was right on time, too.
You went above and beyond to never forget Mingi's birthday by any chance, because even if he didn't think it was a big deal, to you, it was. It was the first anniversary you'd be spending together, the first of many, you expected.
It was still early in the morning, 9 A.M. Mingi must be at work by now, his schedule is still as busy as it was this month. There will be a little cake on his birthday live today at 6 P.M and then, only then, he'll come by your house, so you can have a chill night together by his request, but how could you leave it at that?
By the time the door cracked open, everything was set in place. Careful steps echoed through the living room, all of the lights were off.
Mingi's heart sunk in his chest, he didn't want a birthday party nor he felt like he deserved one for that matter. His wish was simple enough, right? A quiet night with his partner. But the lights were off, the house was silent. That could only mean one thing...
Why weren't they screaming happy birthday?
The kitchen light turned on. Your happy smile is full on view with a cute apron on and dinner set on the counter table.
There was no cake, no candles, no balloons and no one singing the happy birthday song.
He let out a happy sign and opened up his arms for you. Well, you didn't need to be told twice, right? You sprinted towards him.
His arms felt like home around you, comforting you and silently thanking you for what you've done for him, you knew that because he only held you this tight when he's getting emotional.
"How was the live today? I bet lots of atiny tuned in to wish you happy birthday, love", you whispered as you caressed his back up and down with the softest touch you could have.
Mingi hummed as an answer.
He was too lost in you to think of a proper answer, if he was honest with himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"What's all that in the kitchen?", his focus was behind the amazing dinner you've made.
There was a huge mess waiting to be dealt with, which could be normal, but the amount of bowls and spatulas on the sink indicated something sweet was in the making.
"We don't have a cake, so I thought I had the perfect excuse to make some cupcakes for us, I've been craving them this week", you said you looked up at him.
He chuckled to himself. It wasn't news that you had a sugar tooth and the house was always full of the mouth-watering desserts either you made or bought to share with him, and if you'd ask him, he couldn't change a single thing about it.
He was the first to take a step back and took in your appearance. Behind the apron, you wore a casual, but still just as beautiful outfit. At second glance, he noticed you wore his favorite on you. The color made your skin glow and your eyes pop a little more. The material hugged your figure just right, accentuating all of your curves.
He couldn't resist you when you were this precious, smiling to him like that, looking at him with this much love in your eyes.
He held your face on his hands and pecked your lips, once, twice, thrice... You started giggling.
"Mingi-", you tried to say as he pecked your lips once more. "Love-", once again. "The food! Aren't you hungry?", you took his face in your hands and he plucked his lips at you, causing you both to giggle some more.
So have dinner you did and just like you planned, the cupcakes were ready by the end of the meal. What you didn't quite plan was the absolute child Mingi would turn into as the cupcakes chilled.
"Why can't I have one now? Think about it, it's going to end up in the same place anyway, it's human nature to go to the ba-"
"Mingi", you interrupted his whining and he looked at you with the biggest and roundest eyes he could muster.
You almost, almost felt bad to say no for the fourth time.
"Why don't you help me with the whipping cream?", he jumped to his feet as you handed over the piping bag yet to be filled.
You barely turned around, and Mingi tried to reach for one of the cupcakes behind your back. You slapped his hand away before he could though.
"But babe...", he whined some more, but when he saw that you wouldn't budge, he had to pull his big guns to action.
His arms sneaked from behind you, finding home at your waist and hugging you tight while his head rested on your shoulder.
You felt his breath tickling your neck. It was too late to scape, you realized. When you tried to squirm away from his, he held you tighter in his arms. He knew how weak you were for him.
"You're so lucky that I love you, Song Mingi," you said after you took a deep breath.
He smiled.
For a mysterious reason, the cupcakes tasted even sweeter that evening.
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kitsuvil · 2 years
Hi im not sure if the requests were open or not so if not just ignore it
What about enemies to lovers with tighnari, but the reader has adhd, tighnari doesnt know this and just thinks the reader doesnt focus on his lectures just to annoy him
The reader also doesnt know that tighnari isnt aware of the fact they have adhd. They tought they told them before or someone else did and he is just being rude on purpose.
Now watch tighnari's emberrasment after he finds your adhd meds and goes "oh gods im an idiot"
— misunderstanding [tighnari x gn! adhd! reader]
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warnings/notes; fluff, comfort, adhd, mental health, does get slightly angsty in the depressed reader type of way but tighnari comes to fix it ofc <3 i think i made this way more emotional and comfort focused than it should've been sorry anon but i hope it still fits ;;
summary; your emotional breakdows for the past few weeks were all just a misunderstanding? tighnari should learn how to read better. proper summary is technically in the ask i'm just playing around hehe
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"Again, Y/N?"
"What?" Your eyes flicker back to the lead ranger who's berating you for disregarding his lessons. For the 6th time this week. You'd think that by now you'd have learned to stop drifting away from his voice and the lecture...
But all he could see is that you truly didn't want to pay attention, you thought that staring at the clouds and people outside mattered more than the instruction he was offering.
"Y/N, please, I understand if you don't think it's important to learn all this, it can be very extensive but... I don't understand why you would ask for extra tutoring if you don't care. Is it just to take away time from me?"
"No, I- I get you're really busy, I would never take advantage of you like that, I really want to learn this and become a better forest ranger..."
You'd told him before about how difficult it is for you to memorize the content you're supposed to learn. Everything seems to just leave your mind, entirely without your consent. One day you think you've got something entirely scaled out in your mind, but by the time you have to answer questions about it, you can only stare into nothing and rack your empty brain, just to find not even a hint towards the answer.
You can promise Tighnari that you'd paid attention that day all you want, but you don't have the evidence to prove it. The times you can remember something fully and it stays, you throw a mini-celebration in your head, feeling successful. Yet - you had to constantly remind yourself about the fact that it wouldn't be enough to become as good of a ranger as Tighnari, or even your colleague Collei.
Even the extensive tutoring you'd begged Tighnari to give you wasn't helping, you felt hopeless. Now here he was, getting upset at you for something you couldn't control. You knew he had his eyes on you every time you couldn't stop fidgeting from stress and the overwhelming feeling of what you had to accomplish that day. You felt so... Weak. Didn't he understand your condition? You were almost positive he'd read through the files that were stored somewhere in Gandharva Ville. He did that for everyone. Shouldn't he understand how debilitating having ADHD felt?
"Y/N. You're spacing out again. What do you need from me so that I can actually help you?" Tighnari raised his voice.
Comfort, you wanted to speak out. But instead, you just looked down at your lap in silence. It wouldn't do anything to suddenly spill out your stressors and illness to him. He wasn't a therapist after all, he was just a student, professor, and a ranger at the same time. He doesn't deserve to have more issues thrown on him. Either way, this was something you'd been told to deal with yourself your entire life.
"If you're going to be like this, the session is dismissed for today. I hope you'll be more focused within the class along with the rest of the trainees tomorrow. Be awake bright and early in the morning so you don't miss anything. Although, it seems like you're not getting enough sleep so I might be a little more lenient."
You heaved a sigh of relief, ready to go home and cry your stress out under the comfort of your blankets. At least maybe you could rest a little more in the morning, but it would just be another case of you being portrayed as 'lazy', when all you wanted was to be as active as the others.
"Thank you, goodnight Tighnari," you frowned.
You returned home and let the tears spill the instant you fell into your bed, feeling even more helpless than a few weeks ago when you hadn't asked him for help. He was acting like an ass to you for no reason. You really didn't comprehend why he couldn't have some mercy on you and try to help you learn in other ways that would be memorable.
A knock echoed through the building you slept in and called home. "Yes?" You managed to get out in between choked sobs as you tried to calm down and wipe your face, deciding on pretending to have just been asleep so that your eyebags weren't suspicious.
It was Tighnari who walked in, of course.
"I thought I'd get you some tea, to help you sleep. It's obvious you're not having a good time. I'm sorry if I'm too strict on you, but I can't help you if you don't put in the effort."
You untuck your head from your sheets.
"I've been trying so hard to put in effort, Tighnari. You just... don't care to see it. Thanks for the tea, you can put it on my bedside table."
"Y/N..." He pauses for a moment, coming closer while contemplating on what you said
There's a long silence after he places the hot cup down.
"Shit, Y/N, you're kidding me right?"
"Did I do something wrong again?..." You tensed up.
"No, I- How did I not see this. I'm an actual idiot. This makes so much sense."
You look towards Tighnari to see what was causing his mental spiral.
In his hands was a small bottle, a paper on it labeled as treatment for ADHD.
"Oh, yeah... Sorry, I forgot to take them today. That must be why today was worse than usual..." You rub your hands over your fatigued face.
"That's not it, I'm just... Y/N, you never told me you had ADHD? I've been so hard on you this entire time because I just thought you hated my lectures and teaching and me."
You freeze up after hearing his words, stuck in the element of shock.
"I thought you knew? There's no way you didn't know, it's on my files, isn't it? The ones you read about everyone?"
"You noticed that? I must've just entirely missed it. Y/N, I'm so sorry. No words can explain how I feel right now. I'm so guilty."
"Tighnari, don't stress over it too much. You don't know how relieved I feel right now, I thought you were just entirely dismissing my condition. Don't feel guilty, I understand it was just a big misunderstanding now."
"Still, I'm so sorry. Do you perhaps need some comfort, attention, anything? I don't have anything planned until class in the morning. You can explain things to me for hours, I don't care. My ears are always open to listening whether I like it or not anyway. We're going to plan out a guide that will help you memorize the content more, we can even do experiments and things, I will bring you to a proper forest ranger in no time. I wish I'd known this earlier."
The next morning, the entire group of forest rangers saw Tighnari and you exit from the same bedroom, tired with eyebags present, but you were smiling like never before.
You two were already closely acquainted, where could this go further now that he knew the truth?
THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE PLS IM SOBBING. like actually bcs like partway thru this i teared up and idk if it was the tighnari playlist i was listening to or the kinning what mc feels in this 💀 neurodivergent people unite (though this IS heavily based on how adhd shows itself to me, it'll rarely be the exact same experience for everyone!)
on a side note i rly hope this was written well for u anon, u are my first actual request and i think thats super sweet and i enjoyed writing this a lot, u get a special first request badge <3
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── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): nsfw, soft smut, kinda kinky, morning sex, kinda subby!flo, more like a pleaser
warning(s): MDNI, +18 ONLY read at your own risk, explicit smut, wlw sex, a bit of somnophilia (if you squint your eyes), vaginal fingering (r receiving), oral sex (r receiving), grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 0.9k
request: this was requested by the lovely 💦🍯 anon, sorry it took me so long to get this one done. I hope you like it, sorry it's kinda short.
note: I'm so happy with this one, I wanted to keep it cute and short and lovely and I'm so happy with the results. I hope you guys like it as much as I do. I'm not an native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Love you all! <3
requests are open! + check my rules here + masterlist <3
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The sunlight slipping through the curtains is what finally made her open up her eyes.
It was Sunday morning, Florence looked at her watch and realised it still was quite early to be up, especially since it was her day off and she planned on sleeping in.
Your soft snoring made her fix her gaze on you. She smiled to herself as she watched you sleep, finding some comfort in the way you breathe in and breathe out. You looked so peaceful, not a single trace of worry in your face.
She thought she should let you sleep a bit more, get some rest from the previous night activities the two of you had shared. She moved closer to your body, seeking both comfort and warmth. As she snuggled up to you, her hand trailed up your almost-naked body. Your unconscious body shivered at her touch and she softly chuckled at your reaction.
She slowly moved her hand further down your abdomen caressing your soft skin. Not getting a reaction out of you, she went to leave soft kisses on your neck and jaw. This time you did move your head, as if wanting to give her more access to your sensitive skin for her to kiss and bite as much as she wanted. Which she gladly accepted.
As her fingertips traced circles in your stomach, her lips were kissing, biting, bruising and sucking your skin. Soft whimpers and groans would come out of your lips from time to time, which only encourage her to keep on tasting you.
But it soon wasn’t enough, just kissing your skin wasn’t enough, she wanted more of you. She gave your jaw one last kiss and started moving her lips further down your body. She took the thin bed sheets covering your body off of you and left kisses and love bites all over your chest, but still wasn’t enough. Her lips brushed your nipples over the bra and she kept on moving south. She trailed a path of kisses down your stomach and finally reached the part of your body she had been desperately in need of.
She placed her fingers over your cover cunt and slowly traced tight circles right above your clit. That was what finally made your eyes open.
“Flossie?” you softly called out in a sleepy state. “What are you doing, baby?”
“Just relax, love. Allow me to make you feel good, alright?”
“Flo, I–,” a moan cut your words as she moved her fingers through your slit.
“You are so wet, Y/n. I can even feel how wet you are through your panties, love. Please, let me take care of you,” she almost begged.
You only nodded at her, your brain still asleep to give her a proper answer.
“Thank you,” she whispered, almost too low for you to hear but it still reached your ears.
She gently took off the cloth covering your cunt, and carefully spread your legs apart. She left kisses all over your inner thighs, a bite here and there, your breath was getting heavier as she did as she pleased. Your core was getting wetter and wetter as she made her way closer to where you so badly needed her.
She gave your cunt a kitten lick and then another, making you squirm and arch your back, pushing your core into her lips. She took the hint and finally went to suck on your clit. Your hand flew to your mouth to stop the loud moan about to escape from your lips as soon as her lips touched your sensitive spot.
She kissed, bit and sucked your cunt, and then gently pushed a finger inside of you.
“Shit,” you whimpered, not being able to hold back as the pleasure was becoming too much for you to handle.
She thrusted her finger in and out of you, at first at a slow pace, wanting to go slow, not wanting you to come right away, wanting you to enjoy the moment. Then she added a second finger, picking up the pace a little bit. You groaned as her fingers stretched you out, your right hand went to her short hair and pulled her even closer to your cunt. She moaned into your core, the vibration sending shivers up your spine, getting you closer to your release.
“Flo, please, I’m so close,” you breathe out.
She wanted to extend the moment, but you sounded so sweet that she couldn't deny you. She started to thrust her fingers in and out of you faster, as she sucked on your clit, whirling it with her tongue. You spread your legs even wider, wanting to give her more access but she was already as close as she could be, nose and mouth buried in your cunt.
And with a loud cry you came undone, repeating her name over and over again. She helped you ride out your high, still sucking and thrusting, getting all your juices, cleaning the mess you had made out of yourself.
“Good morning,” she said once she was done, and went to kiss your lips.
“Good morning to you too,” you chuckled in her mouth.
She laid right beside you, hugging you from your back, snuggling into your neck. You yawned as she wrapped her arms around you.
“You are tired already?” she joked.
“Yeah, I just need a second…” another yawned cut you off and soon your eyes were closed once again.
Florence giggled and decided to actually let you sleep this time, it was still early in the morning, sleeping in wouldn’t hurt anybody. She kissed your cheek and finally drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face.
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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seongminiz · 1 month
okay… well i will dump some thoughts here but ofc as usual no pressure😓😓 and i hope u feel better soon<333
i was having a LOT of thoughts but i’ll try to keep this message more concise at least.
1. i love matthew’s voice, when he sings it kinda like cracks a little sometimes? like in a cute sexy way i feel like his moans/whines would be just… the sexiest ever omg i wanna hear him so bad
2. and then also just like, jiwoong edging you at the country club but sorry like not edging but like teasing you? idk just like keeping you guessing if he has any interest or taking it a step further and like getting progressively more touchy with you the more he loses control but never gives you want you want fully, will put his hand in the small of your back when he’s showing you something, leaning in towards your shoulder, close enough you can feel his breath on ur neck (he would smell like whatever the most expensive, masculine, yet subtle fragrance would be) and maybe even when you get more bold, you’d get him alone, in his office or smth sitting on his desk while he’s in his chair, leaning towards him so your breasts begin to spill from your active tank top a bit😣 squishing your thighs together while you ask him to leave early on friday to go hang with your friends, “please jiwoong?” and your pout is so irresistible but he knows as soon as he gives you what you want, you’ll become uninterested.. you’re so spoiled after all, he knows you want him only because you can’t/shouldn’t have him. maybe he’d slide his hand along your knee to the hem of your skirt and you’d shiver immediately because you swear this is the most he’s touched you. ever. and he’d experimentally lift the edge of your skirt to push his fingertips a little further, sinking them into your soft flesh only slightly, but he can’t go any further he knows he’ll lose control, he looks up at you, moving that hand on your thigh to your chin, lightly holding your jaw, tilting your flushed cheeks to meet his eyeline “hmm,” he’d hum and tilt his head, your lips parting, so flustered, praying he’ll lean in and kiss you, your eyes are fluttering closed, but he lets go and says “yeah, you’ve been a good girl lately, you can go, that’s fine” and would push his chair back, standing up, you’d be face to face with his abdomen, watching the way his tight white dress shirt pulls against his firm body, gulping audibly. “run along.” he tsks when you don’t move, so you jump off his desk and scamper away.
yeah. i did not keep that shit concise.
- 🧁 anon
omg this is so long .... /pos i'll try to write answer without frying my brain halfway through it 🙏🏻🙏🏻
1. yesssss omg matthew whiny moans :(( n ngl i just think he would be soooo vocal in bed i feel crazy
2. i.... i genuinely have no words to express how this made me feel . U R INSANE . n like atp thats a whole fic damn‼️
[somehow switched to semi-proper grammar/writing halfway through this oops so like ,, ofc not proof read who do u take me for warnings ? pool sex , semi-public sex , dry (wet ? they r in the water idfk) humping , unprotected sex :3 kinda switch/subby leaning!matt , finger sucking]
but yeah he'd be such a tease :( at the end of the day hes just giving back the same energy u always give him , but since u r sooo used to getting whatever/whoever u want with no effort it pisses u off sooo much .. which unfortunately also just makes u want him more ,, n get even worse with ur own teasing :3 wearing shorter skirts n more revealing clothes everyday until jiwoong has to avoid u or he'll get hard on the spot just by seeing u ....
+ to bring back lifeguard!matthew in this mattwoong sandwich summer special country club insanity , the more jiwoong avoids u the more it makes u want to act out , the riskier the places u have sex with matthew become . he doesn't even mind that ur using him, as i said in the other post , getting to fuck u before his boss gives him a massive ego boost .
n im just saying , he rlly cant be blamed when he steals the keys to the pool just so u two can sneak in after closing hours .
'just to swim without all the other people around' he says , helping you out of your clothes between one kiss and the other . you both try to be quiet , not knowing if or when a security guard might come by and catch you, but it's hard when basically everything makes you giggle like two teenagers on their first date - and honestly, matthew would like to think of this as almost a date .... bless his heart , he's convinced at some point you're going to catch feelings for him like he did for you :')
matthew gets in the water as silently as he can, and before you can figure out how to do the same - half sitting on the edge of the pool, half trying to slowly push yourself into it - he grabs your waist and lifts you almost effortlessly before lowering u into the water with him (all that free time spent at the gym rlly paid off , didn't it)
you don't have much time to react before matthew kisses you, caging you with his arms against the pool wall (? is that what its called hwlp i hate the english language) and it turns into a heated makeout session pretty quickly , with only the thin fabric of your swimsuits separating u two ,, he'd get so whiny and sensitive just by grinding against your clothed cunt to the point you have to pull down his swim trunks for him or he'll just cum without even getting to fuck you properly :') he's so needy , doesn't even bother taking off your swim bottoms n just pulls them to the side , moaning so loudly as he sinks into you that you both kind of panic thinking you're going to get caught . when you're sure the coast is clear , matthew starts fucking you and he just gets so whiny and can't keep quiet , he has to bury his face into ur neck n bite all over it n your shoulders just to stop himself for moaning out loud again ,, idk , shut him up with your fingers in his mouth , that might be more efficient (n will get him to cum quicker)
n if jiwoong happens to walk by for some reason and catch you ,, just put on a show for him , he might be a little more lenient with your punishment if u do :3
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