#I hope you don't find it annoying
bungouchronicles · 6 months
How to boop someone without having to wait for one of their posts to come up on my dash? Send search.
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royalarchivist · 11 months
Quackity: Oh, it's gonna be so cool to see how this develops. I'm excited, I'm gonna try my best. I'm not the greatest at Minecraft whatsoever, I did nerf Green Team a little bit by accident on the second day. My bad! But, you know, I'm so ready to just grind out and see what we can do, and I just–
I wish everyone saw it with the same amount of, like, kind of enthusiasm. I think all of this and all the development and all the potential arcs, that's going to fcking allow for something absolutely incredible.
And if anyone ends up clipping any of this, something I do want to say is I implore people to view everything with a lot of enthusiasm. No stress, no anxiety, just a lot of enthusiasm. Because, again, this is going to allow for a lot of cool things in the server. Not just now, but in the future, too.
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demodraws0606 · 3 months
People complaining about Tsukasa5 already are pissing me off, because like, it's so unbelievably obvious what this event is trying to do and the fact that people are so hung up on "urgh dur tsukasa strong why can't he do a wall climb".
Like, first of all, a lot of Tsukasa's strength has been used as comedy before and also it's never been said that Tsukasa could specifically do a wall climb before so people calling this a retcon or a stretch is really dumb to me.
Sure we can make jokes about it, but this is not like a serious writing problem or anything.
Also are we just gonna ignore the fact this event is literally just a reference to his 3rd event in a silly trenchcoat. Or the fact that this is obviously meant to be WxS's downtime and training arc to prepare them to face the loose plotpoints in the future?
His inner dialogue when chasing the ninja is very clearly a reference to the whole Pheonix thing, how he can't reach it no matter how hard he tries.
The wall climb is like an extremely fucking on the nose metaphor to him climbing over his issues as an actor.
THERE IS ALSO THE WHOLE THING THAT HINTS THAT TSUKASA CAN ONLY OVERCOME HIS PROBLEMS IF HE HAS HELP FROM OTHERS (AKA tsukasa would've literally BEEN INJURED, if it wasn't for the fact the troupe's leader was there).
In fact this literally followed an event aka Tsukasa 4 where he FAILED to do his role correctly.
It's almost like this event is meant to be a transition point between Tsukasa 4 and 6, where Tsukasa builds up the knwoledge on how to face his problems.
But no this is just mid event because it's very silly and "wow plot is stupid why can't tsukasa wall climb".
WxS fans are slowly just turning into VBS fans in terms of how whiney they're being i swear
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whenyoulosesmallmind · 9 months
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Nicklas Bäckström & the Washington Capitals (+ nickeovi) ― Immortality, Clare Harner | insp.
credits: x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Heyyyy!!! :333
how are things??!??!?? I haven’t checked tumblr in a while!!!!
is it ok if I request a Konig x f!reader where she gets flustered by him calling her his little wifey as you said in the one post? It’s ok if you choose not to obvs as I know you write Gender neutral, so don’t feel obligated!!
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Hey! It's been alright, but I've been super tired as of late! I've got the second theoretical exam on Tuesday, though! And once I pass that I will finally be done with all the theory! :D Also, the referenced post is this one!
König Calling his GF Weibi
I feel as though he’d be very sudden with calling you that. In fact, he’d likely be saying something along the lines of “Mei Weibi schaut heite wieda zuckasüß aus.” He never expected you to understand him, much less be interested in what he had to say about you. While he may not hide the fact that he was talking about you in the slightest, looking at you with those big, adoring blue eyes of his, he would be surprised when you turn to look at him, done with his impossible to Google translate German. Even if you had been learning the language for a while now, whenever he reverted to his own German you barely, if at all, understood him. And thus, you confronted him about what he had to say about you this time. König would chuckle a bit at your fierce demeanor this time when you were usually quite calm about him complimenting you in German.
“I’m not sure how I should translate ‘Weibi’, but I’ll try… Weibi is sort of like little wifey. My lovely little wifey looks sweet as sugar again today. That’s essentially what I said.” His accent was thick again, as it had always been, but it added to his charm. Although he was usually a rather sweet man, this took you by surprise. You were his girlfriend, not his wife, yet, so you weren’t sure why he would call you that. It was rather sweet, but you weren’t sure how to process this.
“A-ah, I see…” Looking away, you grabbed your wrist and gently rubbed the skin there with your thumb. A rather obvious gesture, König seemed to be delighted about this. As you looked him in the eye again, you saw a glimmer in his eyes. It wasn’t anything devious, in fact it was a rare sight to behold in the first place as he could sometimes be rather timid, despite being a behemoth. Unsure of what was about to happen, you turned to leave, a goofy grin on your face that you hoped he hadn’t spotted just yet.
“Well, Weibi, you can’t just leave me hanging here. Don’t go, where would I be without you?” He tenderly grabbed your wrist. Despite his usual gentle ways, there was some strength to him, even now. “You’re my lovely little wifey and I love you a lot, so don’t leave just yet.” Even as you struggled against his grasp on you, even as you continuously turned to face away from him, he always found a way to get to see your pretty face. Resorting to hiding your face behind your palm seemed fruitless as well, König, too, had two hands, after all. He was too strong, despite him barely using any of his strength. Curse him and the fact he was part of a PMC. One of these days, you were going to give him a piece of mind. Until then, he may run free. Holding both of your hands in his, he pushed you against the kitchen wall, trapping you against it and him.
“You like that nickname, don’t you?”
Using the opportunity that presented itself to hide further from him, you pushed your body against his, concealing yourself still. “It’s just… I don’t know if I’m understanding this the right way, but being your wife sounds kind of nice, actually… Like, it seems like a rather domestic nickname. If you were a bit more careful with your body, then I just know you’d make for an ideal husband too. The idea of someday being your real wife just gets to me, you know?”
He hadn’t even considered that up until that point. But you being his wife, him being your husband, it sounded like a dream. Letting go of your wrists, he wrapped his arms around you instead. “I know, Weibi. But don’t worry too much about it. I used to be far more reckless when I was younger. So I’m sure I will calm down in the future. Besides, why not make it a reality someday? Just the two of us in our own apartment, maybe with a kitten or two to take care of. I’d love to marry you someday, you’re the best girlfriend I’ve ever had. I love you more than anyone and anything else.”
König had the chance to be such an asshole in that moment, and despite that he chose to be a sappy idiot. Again, you were reminded as to why you loved him in the first place. Wrapping your arms around him as well, you breathed in his scent. That all-too familiar scent you’ve come to adore. The one that reminded you that no one could ever harm you, that you were safe, no matter what. He was so warm too, you couldn’t help but melt into him. “You’re such an idiot, you know that?”
He pressed a kiss to your temple before chuckling again. “Bear with an idiot for a moment? Just until we’re married and I’ve burned the certificate.”
“Because then I can’t return you? König, have you been looking at memes again?”
“Hush, Weibi. No one needs to know.”
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i think lestat really loves being fucking annoying and he's so real for that cause same. what's the point of telling my shitty joke if nobody groans? get mad at me. find me irritating. i am nothing if not a fucking nuisance
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wild-karrde · 7 months
I'm gonna say something, and it's not targeted at any one user in particular because I've seen this ramping up A LOT across the fandom, especially with the premiere coming this week.
People are allowed to have different expectations/hopes/opinions than you, and that's not a personal attack on anyone. They are allowed to do that.
You can hope a character comes back from the dead. In a franchise that has practically written the joke that only Qui-Gon Jinn can't survive a lightsaber to the chest, I think it's more than fair to hope Tech re-emerges (I have my own EXCEPTIONALLY dark theories on how that may go, but we'll see). It's also ok for you to want him to stay dead. You are completely allowed to think that his arc hard run its course and his death served a purpose.
You can like the clones' physique as it's portrayed. You can prefer them thicker. And having one of these opinions is not an attack on the other.
You can want a happy ending for the Bad Batch and can be sad if it doesn't happen. That's allowed. You can also expect them to all die and to have our souls crushed. And wanting one of those doesn't make you "naive" or "too dark" or whatever adjective for not expecting the other.
I could go on and on with examples, but all to say there's this weird passive aggressive atmosphere going on right now where people post one thing, and others in the same circles/community feel the need to post the exact opposite like it's some kind of weird debate. There's posts circulating that feel borderline shaming for people that have particular hopes for the season. This is Tumblr. People just post stuff that makes them happy. Posting something you enjoy or have a theory about on a show isn't an attack on someone else or their opinions. And if you don't like someone's opinions THAT MUCH, then just unfollow them. It's really that simple. I've done it without saying a word to the person I disagreed with.
It's just really strange to me that a community that thrives off of theories and possibilities and different character interpretations and twisting threads of canon into complex stories based on a single line of dialogue or passing glance would be getting chippy with one another for having the same types of theories and hopes for undetermined canon. This is media we all love, so can we please let each other have our individual thoughts and opinions about it? I have had PLENTY of differing opinions with my friends on here about things I did/didn't like in a show. They're still my friends though.
In addition, can we all remember that just because something doesn't turn out the way you wanted, that doesn't mean it's bad; sometimes, sure, it's bad, but what I've found is that most likely means it just wasn't for you. And that's fine. Not everything can/should be for you. So go write a fic about it. Seriously. We all live for AUs. Go do it.
Let's all just be kind to one another, yeah? Because lately it feels like we're stepping on one another's excitement, and I'm not here for that.
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skylessknights · 11 months
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EVILIVE 악인전기 (2023) EPISODE 5
(Please go and read this beautiful meta on how Dong-soo is constantly seeking Do-young's validation. It's making me go insane!)
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moongothic · 3 months
I'm a simple person
I see untagged Crocodile genderbends, I block on sight
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if you think it's exaggerating when i write my self-insert character bluntly jeopardizing a romantic scene to talk about feelings and philosophy, consider that i literally did that with a guy for like 3 hours last night
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lungfuls · 2 months
When the LA-based interior design influencer who is constantly purchasing $$$$ furniture and reselling it bc she was in the mood for something else informs her viewers that unfortunately, you CANNOT create a worthwhile space with cheap new furniture and you MUST wait until you find the perfect vintage piece secondhand and there is NO valid excuse for not doing so. -_- k.
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Gym Buddies Part 3 - NSFW
FINALLY I got to finish this. I think I went through like 3 different versions even before I got to the smut part lol. I hope the wait was worth it. To read the other 2 parts check my masterlist.
Pairing: Raphael x cis!fem!Reader
Rating: NC-17, everyone is in legal adult age.
Tagging: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @madammuffins @sharpwindow @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @tinkabelle19 @pheradream-15 @dilucsflame33
After the confession and the kiss in the Weights Room, you and Raph were going out and surprisingly taking things slow. There were a lot of passionate kisses, sure. The first few weeks were quite playful but also… not that different from how you normally behaved. And you were grateful for that. You were over the phase of rushing head-first into the new relationship just to watch it crash and burn later. Or so you told yourself.
The truth was you were nervous. You didn't want to lose Raph. What if he decided you two were just not... Compatible enough and- nope. Not going in that direction. 
You were on a mission today. Very important mission. To finally bed your turtle boyfriend. So, whatever the deal was you'd find out soon enough. To hell with nerves.
You packed your tightest yoga pants that made your ass look amazing and bonus points - they were red. No underwear for extra credit. The sports bra you chose had the lowest cut you could get without the girls spilling out. Your weapon of choice being yoga. He wouldn't know what hit him.
You have been practicing yoga for a while now on suggestion from your therapist. It calmed you down and helped with anxiety at the end of the day, especially when you couldn't visit the lair. Raph didn't know yet. You couldn't wait to show off.
You arrived at the lair dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt, sports bag over your arm as per usual. 
"Hey babe," you walked up to Raph and stood on your tiptoes to give him a kiss.
"Hey doll," he wrapped his massive arm around your waist. "Ready to be sweatin' today?" He joked.
He had no idea. You grinned. 
"Yeah, although I hope you don't mind, I wanted to do some of my yoga today instead. Hope you don't mind."
"Uh, sure, I didn't know you were into that stuff," he tilted his head.
"My therapist suggested it. It's good workout, keeps me nimble and grounded." You booped his snout. 
"Sounds like something Leo would enjoy," Raph snorted, side eyeing his blue brother who was currently sulking after being destroyed by Mikey in Mario Kart. 
As if he knew they were talking about him, Leo looked up and glared at Raph. Ralph just flipped him off.
"Well, I certainly hope that you will enjoy it enough to join me later," you bit your lower lip, excited but also nervous about your plan. "I'll see you later." You quickly left a peck on Raph's lips and scurried off to enact your plan. 
You changed quickly in your designated area. Then you went to spread your yoga mat and started with some warm up stances. 
Raph arrived a while later with a water bottle and towel over his shoulder. It was perfect timing as you were in a downward facing dog position. The water bottle slipped through his fingers as he froze.
"Hi!" You greeted him cheerfully, seeing him from between your legs.
He fumbled trying to catch the bottle before it hit the floor. He cleared his throat.
"H-hi," he said, his voice unnaturally lower than usual. He almost walked into the weights rack as you were slowly shifting your position. 
You went with the extended version of your usual routine. You practiced all the necessary poses beforehand so you wouldn't fumble or pull something by accident. You could hear the dumbbells being lifted but there was no actual purpose to them. Good. That was your plan. You always made sure to do poses that would expose your ass or chest facing Raph so you could see the hypnotized, dumbfounded expression on his face. It was taking everything in you not to laugh but you could also see the tent in his shorts. Excellent. 
All this teasing and anticipation were making you wet, trying to guess when he would snap. By the end of the routine you were a bit sweaty. The wet triangle on the bra was accompanied by your perky nipples poking through. 
"Whew," you sighed. "That was good, right Raph?" You turned to him as you grabbed your towel to wipe your face clean. "I am going to hit the showers."
The death grip he had on that dumbbell was starting to bend the metal. He hasn't moved a lick for the past 5 minutes.
"Uh-huh," he replied oh so intelligently. His eyes were transfixed on your body.
"Raph? You okay?" You approached him and stopped right in front of him.
Suddenly he snapped. In less than a blink you were now on your back on the weight lifting bench.
"The fuck you are pulling, doll?" He growled. One hand was pinning your wrist above your head, the other was on your waist.
You licked your lips, swallowing and looking innocently at him. 
"I don't know what you mean~" you replied.
"Don't give me that bullshit," he hissed. "I'm not stupid."
"I know," you said huskily. "I just thought you might need a bit of a push since we haven't yet- you know."
He placed his forehead on your shoulder and made a deep growl. 
"Doll, you are going to kill me and I am trying so hard to go easy on you," he said. Your wrists were released.
"Why?" You asked, stroking the back of his head. There was more to the slow pace then?
Ralph hesitated for a moment. "Well… me and the guys were joking around one day before you came along," he whined and you could feel him turning his face to your neck. His snout slid over your skin and he inhaled your scent. "That whoever ends up dating humans should be careful not to break them. You are so squishy," he mumbled. "And Mikey said that if anyone was gonna break their human it would be me…" He watched his hands, stroking circles over your hips.
Oh. Oh, silly Raph. 
“Babe.” You took his face between your hands. “You are never going to break me. Well, there are sex accidents but that happens also between humans, and if I ever land in ER because of your dick - No. Regrets. I’m gonna ride it so hard you gonna break.” You squished his cheeks staring him right in the eye. “You hear me?”
You could tell by the way his face heated up under your palms and how his pupils expanded that he got the idea.
“Any other questions?”
He shook his head.
“What are we waiting for then?”
He blinked slowly. The next thing you knew his mouth was on you, kissing you madly. His kisses were always intense but this one was making it especially hard to think, knocking your air out. His tongue was so hot in your mouth it made your core drip even harder just to imagine what would happen when it’d land on your sex. You moaned, scratching his scalp under his bandana. Then you heard your shorts ripping in half and now you were kneeling on the weight training bench. Raph's face was between your legs. His strong hands were on your thighs. You heard a loud churr as his tongue brushed over your folds and that was all the warning you got. You got your wish. He started eating you out like a man starving. He lapped at your juices, sucking and kissing your pussy. That talented tongue pushed inside and moved with purpose, fast. (“And furious”, you giggled to yourself between soft moans.) His forefinger found your clit and pressed to it, rubbing slow circles. You rode his face, gasping in delight. His other hand squeezed and slapped your ass. He was good at multitasking.
“Raphie~” you moaned. 
His tongue moved in and out of you, rubbing, tracing, fucking you. God, you needed that! You loved the friction. The roughness of his finger on your clit. The callouses. Your magnificent warrior. And now you were falling apart riding his face. 
The orgasm hit with a shudder and heat. You held onto your lover's head, squeezing him between your thighs to just fall backward into his lap. He was grinning at you like a cat who got the canary. You were grinning back at him like the canary who knew that could get so much good time out of the cat. 
Raph helped you sit up properly, you waited patiently for him to undo his pants. His cock sprung up ready and you could see the precum pearling at the tip. He was so big and you briefly worried about the reality of your ER joke. Eh, you only live once, right? Fuck it. Your reached down and slipped your hand over the proud dick. It felt so thick and hot in your hand. You squeezed and he groaned. 
“Babe, it’s all yours, don’t tease,” he whined. You giggled, pumping him a few times. Your fingers barely touched around his full girth.
“Oh, I know. I know,” you cooed. 
Using his knees as support you began to lower yourself on him. Slow and steady. You were already almost a slip-and-slide down there but he still was a challenge. It gave you an excellent opportunity to torture him a little. 
The head went in with no problem. You went down until you felt just a smidge of resistance, then gave him a small squeeze, watching his delightful expressions. He was clearly holding his breath, focused on your pussy, slowly swallowing him in. He groaned, licking his lips. Then you went up again, almost letting him slip out. He looked back up at your face alarmed. You winked and went down again, this time taking in more of him. Then back up again. Rinse and repeat. You did it two more times. 
You groaned, feeling yourself needing more but this was too much fun. During your performance, Raph got a hold of your breast, calloused fingers stroking your nipple. Oh yes, you were enjoying this. Until the growl. 
“That’s enough, doll.”
Raph gripped your hips abruptly and shoved you down. You almost saw stars, gasping. You knew he was strong. You knew how much exactly he could bench press. You never expected this skill to be used on you. 
Your turtle beu held one hand on your hips and the other under your armpit. You held onto his arms as he began to use you. Faster and faster. 
“Oh god, Raph!” You moaned. You held on for dear life. His dick was stretching you, rubbing you in all the right places. Faster, faster. You were out of breath. 
“FUCK” You both screamed out. You inhaled sharply as the second orgasm wrecked your body. You felt him pumping you full, so full you were making a mess of the floor, his and your (already messed up) pants.
You leaned against his chest, heaving. You could feel his heart beating through his plastron, going 100 miles per hour. You smiled.
“See, you didn’t break me,” you joked.
He laughed. “You are unbelievable!”
You both kissed.
“If you’re both done!” Splinter’s shout reached your ears and you blushed like crazy. “I would like to ask you to clean up after yourself!”
Right… the gym didn’t have doors. 
“Fuck,” you dropped your head onto Raph’s plastron, mortified. Could Earth swallow you faster?
“Sure thing dad!” Your boyfriend shouted back.
“Thanks, Raph! I just won a 20!” Mikey’s shout also reached you.
“Fuck you guys!”
All he got back was laughter and hollering.
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jerrythebug · 4 months
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It's WIP Thursday on a Sunday babes!!
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oh-meow-swirls · 4 months
it's kind of weird to me that they didn't bother releasing sushi and tempura internationally at all but at the same time i'm kinda glad they didn't cuz like. yo-kai watch was financially failing in the west by the time 3 released. i feel like if they had released sushi and tempura the franchise would've completely tanked before we got sukiyaki which would've sucked. honestly if anything i feel like it's more surprising that we got all three versions of 2 instead of them just releasing psychic specters but tbf i think yo-kai watch was doing well in the west when 2 released. 2 is just inexplicably what killed the franchise despite being a masterpiece-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#yw2#idk. i have a lot of thoughts on this stuff#still upset i didn't find out 3 released in america until a while after it did :/ could've gotten a physical copy if i'd found out earlier#but alas. i'm just stuck with a boring digital version. i mean the digital versions of yo-kai watch games are better but like. still#i never got maginyan in blasters even though i could've. the code or whatever was on the receipt but my mom bought it for me#from the nintendo website. and i don't think she checked it and i don't think i found out that was where it was until a bit after i got it-#i did get machonyan and jibanyan t/komasan t's codes entered though so i can get them on any playthrough now#unless i put the sd card in another 3ds since apparently it's system-based instead of sd card based??? which is really stupid#but you can probably bypass that with cfw and i do plan on modding my 3ds eventually#it'll just be a process cuz i don't have an sd card slot on my computer and idk if my moms would be willing to help#so i'll probably have to get a separate sd card reader or whatever. which i do think my moms would be okay with i mean#it's my system and they're cool with piracy lfskdjfjkfsdkljfd-#my moms are so cool <3 i just wish i could get them interested in yo-kai watch but they don't seem to care lfskdjfkjsfdjlksfd-#they determined the battle system doesn't sound fun but i might've just described it badly#i mean tbf. it is very annoying sometimes. especially when my healer just will not heal the other yo-kai#''DO YOUR FUCKING JOB TATTLECAST STOP LOAFING'' -me playing 2#that being said if 1's switch port ever releases in america i am totally playing it on the tv#i WILL force my moms to watch me play funni ghost game whether they like it or not /lh#if we do ever get 1's switch port i hope they make it a collection of some kind with 2 and 3 remasters too i would buy that in a heartbeat#i mean obviously i will buy any american-released yo-kai watch stuff in a heartbeat aside from maaaaaybe y-school heroes#(i'm sorry y-school heroes fans i just cannot get into it. from concept alone it sounds like i would not enjoy it)#maybe sangokushi too if we ever get that but i feel like we probably won't#idk if the franchise it's a crossover with is popular enough in america for that#i hope we get more english yo-kai watch content once ghost craft releases. kinda feel like it's testing the waters tbh#i know it's seemingly just a spiritual successor but still#i do hope that it being a spiritual successor doesn't mean yo-kai watch is over. i doubt that it will since like#punipuni still gets semi-frequent updates
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kozidraws · 6 months
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ricoka · 8 months
sometimes I wish you could post an opinion on a fandom blog without inviting a whole witch hunt or being accused of causing drama but alas
#I've not done anything and i won't do anything#it's just something that's annoying?? that you can't say anything without someone doing a bad faith interpretation of it#or projecting it on themselves or getting offended on behalf of a fictional character#the few times i saw someone actually say something slightly controversial all hell broke loose every time#like great that you're passionate but not everything is about you#not everything needs your opinion - especially if you can only give it like a lecture#not everything has malicious intentions#people disagreeing with you have a right to their opinions as well - as long as you respect theirs they should respect yours#the thing is - i don't think I've ever been in a fandom that didn't have to deal with like ship wars or someone doing hate campaigns#of a character or ship - i guess that's just the way it is??#but here it feels especially tiring because people don't usually disagree on ships#people are literally fighting and hating each other mainly over the same two characters!!! and their different interpretations of them#people disagree over what the right and moral way is to portray and ship those characters#and it creates so much tension because you can't associate with those people because they're doing it wrong#and are acting fucking awful about it#but those people are very exclusionary and if you don't agree with all of their points they don't want to talk to you either#you just float along hoping that you'll find some people who have a similar interpretation and will actually talk to you#it's so weird??? it's so isolating too??#and it feels like you entered a political landscape in your online fandom space#i will probably delete this and I'm not even sure my thoughts make sense#my thoughts spiralled a bit from thinking how some fan interpretations annoy me into disliking a character hahaha
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