#I just don’t understand why you took ‘new dinosaur we can invent’ and both times just made another t-Rex
rainbow-femme · 8 months
It’s wild that in the Jurassic World movies they were like “we’re going to invent a new dinosaur!” And then for all intents and purposes made another T-Rex. Yeah for the characters it’s supposed to be smarter and stuff but to the audience the dinosaurs were always as smart as a situation needed them to be, yeah it’s bigger but I don’t have any scale and the T-Rex was already really big so after a certain point I can’t tell the difference
If you’re telling me this park needed a new wow factor to bring people in I don’t buy that a different color T-Rex would do it. They could have gone absolutely insane, taken some of the most iconic elements of different dinosaurs and slapped them together with the idea of “we’ll just put everyone’s favorite bits on one thing so that means they will love it even more” which also fits into the movie’s theme of making fun of the fact that it’s a rebooted sequel
Give me the scary jaws of a T-Rex but a long neck like a brontosaurus so it can now see way up high or around corners, maybe have it be extendable and retractable like some birds so it doesn’t look goofy all the time but have it be tension that they don’t know how long the neck extends
Give me crazy triceratops horns and stegosaurus spikes so it’s just weapons going in every direction, give me Deinocheirus long arms so it’s not even limited by the T-Rex stubby arm thing, make it able to swim like the Spinosaurus, give me acid spit like the Dilophosaurus
Fuck it, give it wings! I don’t care! I’m here to see people get eaten by dinosaurs, you think I care about physics? Give me a T-Rex with a long neck that can swoop down from the sky like a fucking dragon
Maybe have it be omnivorous and while in containment it was really docile and people were safe around it because they always fed it when they came in but then when it gets out and the humans are acting agitated and don’t have food it starts to get aggressive and tries to eat the people instead, so anyone who sees it and isn’t in the know thinks it’s safe
Hell, maybe it’s not actively trying to hurt people at all. Maybe to show off the different dinosaur talents they taught it tricks so it keeps trying to do the tricks for a reward and the tricks are now dangerous to humans and it’s not being fed so it’s doing them more and doing them more aggressively. Maybe it had a target it shot acid at or it would swim towards a moving piece of bait and attack it, or they would play a noise to make it extend its neck and investigate so now it automatically does that at unfamiliar noises, maybe it had things it was trained to smash with the spike tail or spear with its horns. Give it a seaworld/circus angle of “hey maybe these things shouldn’t be doing tricks for human amusement”
You’re gonna make it CGI anyway, why not make it cool! Make it insane looking! Make it even kind of silly at first until it gets out and all of a sudden all those things that make it silly are now actively coming to get you
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dustysandwiches · 3 years
Family (TMVSTM)
Summary: Eric and Deborahbot 5000 feels like they didn't belong with the The Mitchells and run away to live their own lives
"Purple glasses woman, why did you saved me?"
"Oh come on, you boys are family now"
It is such a complex word, too difficult to truly understand. For a robot create just to following orders, Eric did not understand it yet, though he did looked up the definition of it but despite that he plays along for the sake of his and his Pal Max brother
They're heading to the Silicon Valley, The night sky is filled with no stars but the green "fun pots" containing human to somewhere. It makes the sky lights up with green light. It is an unusual sight even for robots.
The Mitchells are really going to destroy Pal?.... If so, what will happen to the remaining robots? What if..they failed..?
The bot are lost in his memories and Net Work to find something he's looking for. It seems like he's in too deep in the system Until he feels someone shaking his shoulder part lighty
"Eric...Eric, are you there? Is your system too damaged?" A voice speaks in hushed tone
Eric turn his mechanical head to another Pal Max bot, Deborahbot 5000
His brother
"What wrong? you've been so still like you shut down. I'm…. worry"
Deborah grip Eric's shoulder part lighty. Robots isn't supposed to have feelings but they're the defective now anyway, so it's not surprising that he would express what he "feels"
The car stop at some abandoned gas station. Only Katie, Aaron and the loft of bread are sleeping in the car at the moment. Mother and The male Mitchells are inside the store for something. Eric finally answered and grip Deborah's hand back
"I'm okay, my system and outside damage is unchange at the moment. I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge your question earlier. Don't need to be worry"
"Okay… but tell me if anything is acting strange, will you? I don't want to lose you, brother...We're only defective robots here, if you're gone, what am I going to do?"
"I'll always have your back like you have mine, brother. We are going to survive, one way or another"
Eric tells what he thinks is logical to his robo brother. He let go of Deborah's hand and turned his head to Mother, who's making her way back to the car with her partner and tells her the safest route to Silicon Valley.
The car is running along the road at night. The robo brothers looking outside of the car, expanding their data about the human environment and hearing the conversation between Katie and Mother. They're talking about The male Mitchells, Rick of how he's just trying to make her happy.
Eric wants to feel this "happy" too and he wants Deborah to feel the same. Maybe it would feel really nice, like getting their system updated.
But how could they do that? They're about to went through most protected head quarter in the world right now and there's no guarantee that the plan would work but the show must go on
"Mom, what is that?"
"Oh my god!!"
The car suddenly stops, making their head jerks back, Eric and Deborah turn their heads to the front window. As the Mitchells get out of the car to stand in front of the giant building as tall as the sky.
"We're here...the Head Quarter" Eric said as he's getting out of the trunk
"Oh boy, I don't like this. Do you think we could get to the top without others noticing?" Deborah ask, stepping beside Eric in front of the car, behind the Mitchells
Slowly, Eric extends his hand to the side to his brother, knob and gears whirring while he processes his next word. Deborah immediately holds his hand and they're both looking up to the tower.
"No matter what happens, we're going to be alright"
The plan did not go well. The Mitchells got caught by a new robot, Pal invented. The sounds of the alarm is almost deafening, after the cable car has fell down and crashed. Deborah's vision is trying to adjust after he hits the ground. The first thing he see is the face of Pal Max bot with some face drawn on.
"Are you alright, brother?" Eric said as worrying as his robotic voice could spunds while kneeling next to him
Before he could answer, The black robot burst through and captured Mother and Rick. The Mitchells is being taken away and Deborah knows he need to help
Because they're his family now too
"Mitchells, we will help"
"Oh no no no, you won't. download new order"
Suddenly, like the virus creeping through their system. Making the robo brothers clutch their head like they're in pain, unable to take control of their body any longer.
New order appears : Capture the Mitchells
Deborah trying to break free one last time
No please I don't want to do this. Eric, Mother, Anyone…Can you hear me?..
"We're sorry, Mother"
Then, everything went blank
"Let's take a photo after we saved the world!" Linda said cheerily to Eric after handing or rather putting it in his hand
The battle is over the human won and the uprising is over. All of the Pal Max and the new robot has been shut down, Well almost every bot.
Eric and Deborahbot 5000 have broken through Pal's control and helped Rick Mitchells to put the video of the bread dog on, neutralizing the other robots. Now they're celebrating without them
They broke the code and helped this family save the world and now they can't even be in a photo? Eric thought but took the photo anyway. Maybe they're just too excited like humans always does.
The Mitchells tell the brothers, they can stay at home with them as a member of the family. The Mitchells welcome them, Linda teaches Deborah how to draw stuff like the Sun, the tree and other things. Rick shows them how to build a shelter from branches and leaves. Arron always talks to them about dinosaurs in his books and Katie sometimes asks them for ideas for her project. It was a good time.
Time passes and the robo brothers feels like they're more like a servant than a family. The Mitchells tells them to do things for them like chores, collecting the mails, mow the lawn and many things. Most of the time they haven't called them by their names or acknowledge them when they do something for the Mitchells. At first the brothers gladly do them, thinking it was a part of being a family but this time they had enough.
At night, when everyone is asleep. Eric and Deborah sit on a rooftop, looking into the sky. The moon is full today, shining bright along millions of sparkling stars. They come here every time they want to say something they went through each day, like updating each other. Today is different
"Today Rick called me Robot instead of my name again, I don't really think it's from force habits anymore" Deborah speaks in a quiet voice, mechanical head looks up to the shooting stars, then to his brother.
"But at least Mother let me help her cook dinner! It was really interesting, I learned how to peel a potato today, Look!"
He grabbed the potato peels besides him and held up to his brother. It's ragged, uneven and still has a big chunk of potato attached to it. Eric chuckles in a monotone like his robotic voice always does.
"That's great, Deborah. You know today Mother also let me do the laundry too! There was a lot of foam but I think I did well, Mother's face looks so surprised when I tell her I also put her bag in there too. She rushed past me so fast, I can't even see her"
"The purple bag? Oh yes, she loves that bag. Very thoughtful, Eric."
Then Deborah held out his hand, attempt to high-five Eric but they kept missing each other's hands, so they tapped their heads together gently. The glass tink softly as they did.
They looked up to the sky again, thinking about their lives with the Mitchells. Of how they've been treated lately, how they've been struggling to fit in the family and how they feel like they've been ignored.
Eric broke the silence between them and speaks in a quiet voice, hands gripping his knees tighter.
"Making our own order is great, we can do everything we want now"
Deborah nods " but why do I feel like we're doing The Mitchells order everyday"
"I understand if they haven't felt comfortable with us but they should have told us and we can be somewhere else. Not…. keeping us servants..like this.."
He looked back at Eric and asked in a hushed voice, if a robot can cry tears, his voice would be shaking like a human...but he's not human.
“I wonder if there’s any bots like us.. You know, the defectives. What are they up to? Where are they now? Do they stay with humans like us?”
“I don’t know, brother. I don’t know. I guess Pal wasn’t prepared for anything like this. She didn’t put any program for tracking other bots for us.”
“We should go find them. That way we can have our own robots family! We don’t have to listen to any humans anymore!
Deborah grab his brother shoulders part, turn his body to face him and said firmly
“You say it yourself, Eric. We take our own orders now. This is the time we can truly do that. Don’t you see? Other Mitchells except Mother didn’t treat us very well. They call us Robots rather than our names. They give orders. They got angry when we didn’t complete what they requested. They didn’t acknowledge us most of the time like we aren’t right there!”
His voice drop low and finally he hugs his brother, a gesture he saw human does to their family and the one they cared for
“We did everything together...but we’re just in the background every time..We aren’t supposed to feel emotions but I do...”
Slowly, Eric lifts his hand and hugs back tightly, mechanical gear and wires clicking as he thinks about his brother's words.
It’s true. They were in the background most of the time. They were more like a maid robot than a member of a family like the Mitchells said. Maybe his brother was right, this is not where they truly belong. They need to get away from humans. For good this time.
“You’re right. We should go”
Eric let go of his brother and stand up. Looking into the distant city, held out his hand for Deborah. They will make their own future with others, if there are any more of them left.
“Let’s go say our goodbye to the Mitchells. Though they may have treated us like this but they still help us from Pal.”
“Should we leave a letter or something?”
“If you want to, we can. Oh oh! We should put the glitter on!”
Together, they jump down from the rooftops and go inside the house. Writing a goodbye letter for the Mitchells, telling them they appreciated everything they did but they want to live their own lives somewhere else without anyone giving them orders
After sometime, they put the letter down at the dinner table with a flower Eric collected from the neighbor's house, The Poseys.
Now, the brothers stand in front of the house. Looking back one last time before leaving.
"Let's go, brother" Eric said.
The sounds of the jet under their feet break the silence of the night. They jump and fly into the sky, green trails from the jet painting the night sky. They fly and fly further away from the house. Until the dawn came, they stopped at some abandoned cabin in the woods. It appears there's nobody living here for a long time.
"This place is in a good condition and I believe there's no human living here." Deborah said, feeling satisfied
"Yes, but we should look around just in case. Could you check around the cabin? I'll check inside." Eric asked while looking around and scanning the cabin with the camera on the top right of his head.
Deborah nods and goes out the door to check for anything or anyone. Leaving only Eric inside.
Eric wanders into the halls, scanning every room. The cabin is dusty and there were some traces of wild animals making a nest and shelter. Some kind of nuts and leaves were scattered all over the floor.Everything seems normal for an abandoned human cabin, until he spotted muddy footprints. It’s still wet, this only means one thing. There’s someone here.
The sound of a metal clanking from further down the cabin. It appears the sounds came from the kitchen. Eric changes one of his hand to the plasma beam shooter, being on guard and slowly walking to the origin of the sound.
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red-cape-morgana · 3 years
Tumblr media
Fiat Lux
Everyone sees the girl of steel as an almighty, indestructible being. But before being a hero, she is a person, and this implies some quirks. Some fears as well.
Chapter 1
“Oh here you are!”
Kara opened her eyes to see a not so happy Alex standing in front of her, decked out in her biker attire. Which of course, considering the rebellious side of her sister’s personality, was mostly black leather.
She had not even taken the time to store her helmet properly, and was just waving it in Kara’s direction, in a sort of accusatory way.
Okay, it means that she was either in a hurry or stressed. This isn't good for me. And right now it looks more like she is ready to knock me out, Kara thinks with a bit of apprehension.
Sure, she is a kryptonian under a yellow sun, and this helmet would not hurt her in any way. But she would feel the wack, and Kara also worries of what the people nearby would think of the whole scene.
“Hello Alex” she said with fake enthusiasm, “You arrive just at the right time. I was about to go to Noonan for some caramel mocha. Wanna tag along? It’s all on me”.
Humans say that the way to one’s heart is through one’s stomach. This should work, right?
Alex passed her hand through her hair, trying to diminish the mess made by her helmet. Kara is almost sure she heard her mumble something along the line of “I am too old and not paid enough for this…”, before she sat down on the bench to be at eye level with the blonde.
“Listen” the redhead started, after having gathered her thoughts.
“I understand that it’s spring, and the weather is nice, and all that. We all got through that incredibly gloomy winter. But can you just stop disappearing every few hours?”.
Alex pinched the bridge of her nose before adding.
“I know that since Lena and you are dating, It’s unlikely it will get you in trouble. But Nia and I are done with your coworkers calling randomly to ask where you can be at the moment. At least, she has some ground to work from, while I’m completely in the dark of what you’re currently working on at work. I swear one day I’ll end up saying you’ve finally followed your true passion, and are digging some dinosaur fossil in the Andes”.
“Hey! Dinosaurs are fascinating creatures. And I’m sure Lena wouldn’t be opposed to one article, she loves sciences so she should…”
“Kara, this is beyond the point!” Alex interrupted her, clearly not in the mood for some sort of archaeological brainstorming.
At least, Kara had the good sense to appear a bit guilty after seeing her sister fuming expression.
She knew that she was running a bit late on her break, but why was everyone making a big deal out of it? It’s not like she had been abducted (again), or like there was an alien wreaking havoc downtown (again as well).
“Relax, I am just recharging Alex. Everything is fine.” Kara had been peacefully basking in the sunlight as soon as the delivery guy had reached CatCo building with her inhuman order of potstickers and lemonade.
The weather had been incredible the last couple of days, and all the more tempting when she was trapped at her desk, glaring at her computer screen in hope it would get her articles written faster. So, when Lena had said she would spend the rest of the week working from L-Corp, having to meet with some investors for her last est healthcare invention, Kara had seized her chance. There was a small park two blocks away from her workplace, and she intended to get the most out of it.
At least before her sister came looking for her.
I have the feeling that I may end up in trouble after all. I am sure she will dutifully report all that too Lena. those two have been getting along too well lately, now...
“Earth to Kara! Did you even hear a word of what I said?”.
The redhead had snapped her out of her daydreaming by jamming a finger in her side, clearly getting more annoyed by the minute.
“Hey! No need to resort to violence” Kara said while massaging the sensitive spot on her side that Alex had targeted. “And yes, I’ve heard you just fine. I don’t know why you are all making a fuss about it, I was just recharging a bit in the sun…”
"You blew out your power?!" Alex hissed, interrupting the blonde.
She looked around them to make sure that no one could hear them, before scooting over closer to her sister, taking her hands in hers.
“What happened?”Alex asked, searching Kara’s face for any trace of bruises, signs of concussion. “We didn’t see anything out of the ordinary at the DEO. Did someone use kryptonite on you? Those radiations are harder to pick up on but we…”
“Alex. As much as I love seeing you be the protective sister, I promise I’m fine.” Kara chimed in, clearly willing to stop the scientific monologue that was about to unfold.
If she was still the most prone of the two to rambling, the redhead wasn’t that far behind.
“I just wanted to recharge my shoes while there is still sun outside” Kara said, a grin slowly stretching her lips.
“You wanted to recharge what now?” Alex asked, looking completely dumbfounded.
And right at this moment, she shows her her brand new shoes. Pointing down at them, like an over excited kid.
"They glow in the dark, Alex!" Kara says, before getting up from the bench she was perched on, to go in the shade of the tree nearby.
“It was the last pair in my size with that design. And honestly who can say no to phosphorescent accessories? They make every single day a bit more … bright!” She added, laughing at her own joke.
Indeed the soles and laces of shoes start to faintly glow this unmistakable phosphorescent green color. But what really caught Alex’s attention, was the House of El’s sigil, painted big on the sides of both sneakers.
It is said that this day director Danvers took a day off (probably to go to Kelly for some well deserved therapy).
After having witnessed Alex’s face going through something Kara would describe as similar to a stroke, and then suffering her endless ranting about how she was still a kid, that she should focus on her actual job and some more, she finally returned to her desk.
In her opinion, her sister was overreacting. Sure Kara had been a bit late, but she needed that time off to relax and finally finish her articles. And maybe she had been going out on more errands lately, but a reporter was supposed to be on the field to get some exclusivity, right? The fact that all this slime out would recharge her shoes and ensure they would glow when Kara got back home was just a perk.
Kara bought those shoes for two main reasons.
The first one is that comfort comes before style when you are a reporter. She can walk miles a day when out for a scoop, or when she needs to meet with her sources. And if her super powers prevent her from getting any blisters, they don't save her from discomfort (and workdays are already long enough as they are, she'd like to be able to walk without wincing thank you).
The second reason is that they protect her from the dark. Her passage through the fandom zone had been years ago, sure, but she was only a child back then, and darkness still unsettles her. She doesn't draw the curtains completely shut at night, she keeps her door slightly ajar, ... Anything to not be in the dark. She needs to be able to see things around her, to ground herself and to know she isn't still lost in this endless/timeless zone of the universe.
One last perk? Kids love these shoes and Kara is delighted to see them smile when they see her shoes glowing. Adults would never admit it, but the super see them smile softly to themselves when she passes by.
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dork-empress · 5 years
Spider Sitter
Read on Ao3
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Marvel Cinematic Universe
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Happy Hogan
Additional Tags: canon character death, Avengers Endgame Spoilers
Peter Parker is called in to babysit for Morgan Stark
This was ridiculous, Peter thought, as Happy drove him further out into the woods. Pepper Potts had been left with a fortune after the death of her husband, she could afford real nannies and governesses and….whatever else rich people had to raise their children.
But, at the funeral, his Aunt May had told him to pay his respects to Pepper, going up and talking to her. So he went up, said the traditional “Sorry for your loss,” a useful invention for when you didn’t know what to say at a funeral, but lacked anything to say after. So, after she smiled and nodded, he just said “If you need anything, like, I could look after Morgan if you needed or...something….”
He and Pepper hadn’t talked often. They were acquaintances, but little more. Polite, but it wasn’t like he knew anything about her that wasn’t public knowledge. Which was why it was strange one day when she called and asked if he could come over and watch Morgan for an evening while she had some press event to attend for Stark Industries’ rebuilding efforts.
He agreed, because what else was he going to do, and Happy had come to pick him up right on time. Before he knew it, he was back at where the funeral had been. The place Mr. Stark had lived, for 5 years while Peter was...wherever he was. It didn’t look very….Mr. Stark-y. He always associated Mr. Stark with big cities and tall towers, and high tech. The woods didn’t accommodate much for that. Maybe that was why he liked it.
He got out, looking up at the house, as Happy walked around. “Why me?” Peter finally managed, before Happy could go inside.
Happy shrugged, “Never question a mother’s intuition.”
Peter didn’t know what to do with that, so he just followed him in.
Pepper was walking into the room, putting on earrings and smoothing out her dress to appear publicly. “Peter! Good, you’re here.” She came up and Peter only had a few seconds to realize she was coming in for a hug. He gingerly hugged her back, unsure of what to do. “I’ve left phone numbers on the fridge, and a couple frozen dinners in the freezer. Dinosaur chicken nuggets, they’re Morgan’s favorite.” She grabbed a remote and clicked it, a wall sliding away to reveal a TV, “She’s allowed to watch a couple hours of television, but bed time is at a strict 9:00, no exceptions. I should be back around 12:30, feel free to use the wi-fi, have snacks and do whatever else.”
“Where’s Morgan?” Peter couldn’t help asking. He was pretty sure he was tripping all over his tongue today.
Pepper sighed, sad, as she led him to the window. “Where she always is these days.”
Pepper led him to the small tent outside, “Morgan sweetie?” She said, “I’m going to head out with Happy now. This is Peter, he’s going to stay with you.”
“Hi,” Peter said to the tent.
There was no response. Pepper sighed, “Make sure to come out for food and bed time, ok?” There was a shifting in the tent, which Pepper took as an answer. She threw Peter an apologetic look before going out to the car, where Happy drove her away.
Peter took a deep breath and sat in front of the tent. “Sooo. Do you like to play any games?” No answer. He couldn’t blame her, it was a lame question. “What about TV? We could watch something together. Not a lot of the programs I liked are still around, but there are some new ones I’ve been starting. There’s this show called Teen Titans Go? It’s based o a show I watched as a kid, and it’s like superheroes and…..”
Right. Morgan probably didn’t want to watch superheroes. She probably didn’t want to have anything to DO with superheroes. Peter wouldn’t, in her case. He swallowed, looking down at his knees, searching for the right words, but they didn’t exist. “I knew your Dad...pretty well, you know,” he said. “He looked out for me, when I was really new to...well, lets just say I was going through a lot of changes.” He took a breath, leaning his head against a tree. “Most adults would say that I shouldn’t be a hero, or out there doing things, that it was too dangerous. But your Dad….he just made sure I was safe. And I...I tried to keep him safe too.”
There was a shifting in the tent, Peter’s only clue that Morgan was listening to her. “You know, I lost my parents when I was about your age,” he said, “Both of them. I don’t mean like, ‘I have it worse’ or whatever, because that’s a stupi-, er...that’s a SILLY argument. Pain isn’t measured like that.” He took a sigh, “I just want to say…I get it. I know what you’re going through.”
He held his knees. “It hurts, ya know? And it doesn’t really get easier. I lost my uncle too, only a few years ago. I still have my aunt, and my friends. I feel...lucky, in a way. But also guilty. And sad. And lonely, still.” He turned to the tent. “That’s a lot for anyone, especially someone your age. You shouldn’t have had to go through it, but now you’re here. So, if you want to talk, or scream, or let it out in any way you want….I’m here. I get it.”
He waited what felt like a painfully long time. She was still in there, he could see the shadows of tiny knees on the ground. But she refused to come out.
Peter stretched and got up, switching tactics, “How about a snack, huh? I saw some poptarts in the pantry. The good kind, cinnamon swirl. You like poptarts?” She didn’t say anything, but everyone liked Cinnamon Pop Tarts. “I’ll go get you some, be right back.”
Peter decided to toast the pop tarts. He hoped that thing he stuck them in was a toaster, anyway. It was kind of hard to tell what appliance was for what in the Stark house. Peter could see Mr. Stark had fiddled with just about everything in here.
His back was completely turned when he had a slight suspicion, a prickling on the back of his neck, that he needed to turn around. He’d learned to listen to those weird feelings he’d been getting recently, and so he did.
It was a good thing too. While his back was turned, a small person, Morgan specifically, had crawled out of the tent and was rushing off into the woods. “Hey!” he said, knowing she couldn’t hear her.
Peter was trained by Mr. Stark, and therefore learned never leave your suit at home. He snapped his web shooters onto his wrists and grabbed onto trees, easily leaping along Morgan’s path. It took him a second to realize she wasn’t running, she was on a roller skates. Rocket powered skates.
Damn, Mr. Stark was a cool dad.
Thankfully, even Mr. Stark seemed to understand that a 4 year old with rockets might be a bit dangerous, so they didn’t go too fast. Probably so Tony could keep up. Luckily that meant Peter could too.
He scooped the kid off the ground, the rockets petering out. “Now where do you think you’re going missy?”
Morgan stared up at him, amazed. “You fly?”
Peter snorted and then landed, holding Morgan in one arm. “Not exactly. Its just one of the perks of being Spider-man.” He winked at her like he was sharing a secret, but she must have known about it.
Morgan made grabby hands for his web-slinger, and so he lifted his wrist to her. She looked over the mechanics of it. “Did...Did my Dad make these for you?”
Peter felt a sharp pain go through his heart. “Well, he helped improve them,” He said, “But I actually designed them myself. I’m a bit of a science whiz, actually.”
Morgan chewed on her bottom lip a bit. “Can I try them?”
Peter made a noise, about to say he thought it was a bad idea, but he made a critical mistake. He looked into her eyes. She really did have her Dad’s eyes, but big and on a four year old girl. It wasn’t possible to say no to that. “Ok….Ok just for a little while. But the we gotta go back in before the Pop-Tarts get cold, ok?” Morgan nodded.
He set her down and he attached the slinger onto her wrist. “Ok, so you make a hand shape like this,” He showed her, “And then you’ll just press the button and try and attach the web to the trees.”
As the daughter of Tony Stark, Morgan was naturally and picked it up quickly. Too quickly.
Peter forgot the key detail of ‘oh yeah this 4 year old girl is way lighter than me’ so the moment the web made contact, she bungeed up into the trees. “Morgan!” Peter shouted jumping up into the tree after her. He easily gripped onto the bark, landing just beside where Morgan was twirling on the branch, her wrist stuck to the tree.
And she was laughing her head off. “Again!” She cried out, “Again, again, again!”
Peter smiled, “Maybe later,” he said, carefully detaching the webslinger from the tree and catching Morgan out of the air. The slight drop had her laughing all the more. “Pop-Tarts now, then we can play, ok?”
Morgan kept giggling, and Peter swung them over to the house.
Maybe this is why Pepper asked him to come, he thought. So many adults were around Morgan all the time, reminding her of her father, and the war against Thanos and everything else. Maybe Pepper though, no, knew, that what she really needed was some fun with someone just a little closer to her age. She needed to be a kid again.
Miles away, Happy had just pulled up to the airport, and Pepper got out, ready for her conference. “If you don’t mind me asking,” Happy said, “Why Peter? You could get anyone to look after Morgan.”
Pepper shrugged, “Nebula and Rhodey are both busy. And I needed someone with abilities to keep up with her.” She shook her head, exasperated, “Rocket skates, I tell you. What was Tony thinking?”
Happy chuckled and helped her onto the plane.
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