#I just don't care
a-jar-of-beetles · 2 months
kipperlipper this and cornkettle that, have you considered that id rather be discussing the political landscape of rat city?
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unforth · 5 months
@esper-aroon has enabled me, so here let me scream at y'all about The Imperial Uncle.
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Okay, so I recently read The Imperial Uncle (Huang Shu) by Da Feng Gua Guo from Peach Flower House and I really loved it??? It's first person pov, mlm, about the Emperor's uncle Jing Chengjun, who is mistrusted by everyone simply because of who his parents were and his position, and so he's basically given up on trying to convince people that he's actually a nice, decent person without ulterior motives. He's super trapped by his position, and there's so much he can't say and do, and he's also a hopeless romantic, like, from his own mouth all he really wants is to sleep beside and wake up next to someone who actually gives a shit about him, and even that is basically out of reach in his life. Like, the book starts with his wife (who he has never once had sex with) storming into a meeting he's having and announcing he's a cuckold and she's pregnant.
But also, this poor bastard really thinks he knows what's going on and his very smart. Very unreliable narrator. He's actually kinda a hilarious, impulsive himbo. But the TL:DR is that his loneliness and isolation and the extent to which he's politically trapped routinely lead him to make absolutely terrible decisions.
E. Danglar's translation is absolutely gorgeous, too, and... idk, if you love political plots, melodramatic idiot main characters, a dose of pining, and a slow burn that eventually pays off, come take a look??? (some people think it's a love triangle??? idk, I never really got that vibe, I never felt it was really in doubt which of the two potential dudes he'd end up with, but maybe I only feel that way because I got it right, lmao).
Anyway, I can't stop thinking about how these two idiots end up finally finding each other and getting together, and I have an entire AU in my head (a modern corporate one) and part of another (canon divergent from like a decade before the book starts), and I just want people to love this book as much as I did and scream with me about it.
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alder-saan · 10 months
Dottie being the most unhinged morally grey female villain, absolutely OBSSESSED with Peggy Carter in the way the Joker is obsessed with Batman.
This scene literally existing:
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The fandom: "let's ship Peggy with this useless character that is Angie!"
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plusfuckingultra · 18 days
Google AI keeps tryna keep me from writing my own posts and wants to "help write"
bitch it's MY blog, I WILL be stupid and I WON'T BE STOPPED
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spidey-bie · 7 months
I debated posting this but here we go.
Fic Idea:
18th century AU where Hobie got bitten and uses his powers to free slaves as an agent on the underground railroad and fight for freedom.
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heretherebedork · 5 months
I'm sorry, I cannot take Porsche and Aob's suffering with any degree of severity or care because the show hasn't given me any reason to care. Why should I care that Jump is 'cheating' on Porsche when Porsche literally blackmailed him into sex and then treated him like shit and then jumped into caring for him with no preamble or development? Am I supposed to care when Aob's personality changes every other scene and is constantly shifting goalposts of who he is?
I want to care but this show spread itself too thin with too many couples and then went ahead with offscreen development (I guess?) that means the emotional depth they want to show with 'because I'm not his boyfriend' and 'I am prepared to suffer' just don't hit because why should I care? I have been given no reason to care or reason to take their feelings in this situation seriously.
And that's my problem with the show. I am being told that these characters are experiencing deep emotions but, as a viewer, I don't much care. At least not personally.
I am invested in Teena and Zouey because we saw their depth and their connection. I am interested in First and Soong because I got to see their depth and their care and their growth. But everyone else just kind of sprung fully emotionally formed without any preamble or growth and so I don't care.
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somewandomnoob · 6 months
why must x-men: evolution fanart on pinterest be infected by fucking watcher grian
I don't fucking care about watcher groan I just want the silly blue fuzzy dude.
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hotrail · 19 days
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grayblacklight · 11 months
So, I've been playing Pokemon Grand Colosseum, (you know, one of those balancing and difficulty hacks but for Colosseum) and I've gotta say, I've been having a blast. I'm actually using plus and minus starts, a bunch of my favorites got buffed, Misdreavus is a fairly type so there's even more things that don't affect Misdreavus, there's been some real challenging fights, and Mirror B is in this game. that last one isn't part of the mod but it's worth mentioning anyways.
So yeah, this is the definitive way to play Colosseum -hell, it's probably the best way to play a console-level mainline pokemon game, I mean it's only competition is probably the equivalent gale of darkness hack, XG. But all of that's to be expected, and I knew about all of this going in.
What I was not expecting was for them to also go out of their way to not only change up Rui's look (because yes, she's got some new drip), but also some of her dialogue. Which I did not realize until she said this:
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10/10, one of the best Pokemon games I have ever played - easily in the top ten, maybe even top 3
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scaryscarecrows · 9 months
Question for the author: isn't it fun eavesdropping in on the militia chatter while playing Arkham Knight? Most of the time i just prowled above trying to hear more conversations😂
You, me, and everyone else, apparently:
There's a few missing, but most of them are there. Fucking dweebs.
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pedro-pascal · 4 months
perdo is reed richards
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impostoradult · 2 months
i just want everyone to know that I cannot possibly be fussed to care about the eclipse and I cannot wait to stop hearing about it
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axelofthekey · 3 months
I need to say something
The last thing I care about in QSMP is the shipping.
And to be honest 90% of it bothers me lmao.
I'm glad for you all that you like it but it's all WAY TOO CLOSE to real-person shipping and real-person fanfiction. It's fucking WEIRD to me.
This is also literally the only thing that has ever gotten me into Minecraft streaming. I otherwise have never consumed Minecraft creators and my perspective was that it was a younger person's community. And now I do get the sense that ya'll are just...Really horny for shipping. I feel like I'm in high school again and everyone in the anime club is a yaoi fangirl. 🤣
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wrecklesspp · 1 year
I had a dream where Craig just went around building things like shelves and drawers and shit so now it's basically Canon actually
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shpiin · 1 year
Saw your post about Sasha/Raz and it got me thinking: People are asking the wrong questions when it comes to shipping. Instead of asking "why not put these characters onto a ship," I think you need to take out the "not."
Why SHOULD Razputin Aquato and Sasha Nein have a relationship? WHAT exactly IS the relationship they have?
If someone wants to see a mentee/mentor ship possibly highlight 'hero worship is actually a crush the child may have on the mentor," and see if the mentor reciprocates, ships like Raz/Sasha and Izuku/All-Might can fit.
If someone wants to explore an adult manipulating a child and having a fall of a hero moment, that can work fit Raz/Sasha as well, especially considering how Psychonauts always has one of Raz's heroes fall but he gains a new connection to them, for better or worse. For a ship like this, I also believe some characters, such as Milla Vodello might abhor her partner for choosing to do this. Characters who care about Raz would probably see his changes in activity, behavior, and energy (his family) or get hurt in the process of Sasha trying to form a romantic relationship with Raz (The Zanotto family, Otto Mentallis, Milla Vodello, and the other Senior Agents).
Damn I don't know why they SHOULD be in a relationship, if I ship them I don't think I would have any reason besides "I feel this way"/"they're cute together, I like it"
But next question, I think I could I would answer by saying that it’s more like a relationship like you wrote “an adult manipulates a child and falls like a hero”
They would definitely have a manipulative relationship and also possibly abusive to some extent, you know, I especially like the idea that Sasha is possessive in attitude to to Raz
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heretherebedork · 9 months
You can't tell me Mew isn't the best character anymore! That unhinged glint in his eye at the end of the preview... he's CRACKED and about to unleash HELL. Thrilling.
He needed this as a defining event so we could pinpoint the cause for such a radical shift in a character.
When I think of what he'll do, I think the show has done some great gardening. Mew knows the only thing Boston cares about is his father's campaign, and that Top will be so desperate for another chance, Mew can play him like a fiddle.
The show's REALLY about to begin now.
I guess?
I mean, I still can, fyi.
Mew is still absolutely not in my top characters in the show. Or even close. He's doing the exact plot I predicted and hoped wasn't going to be true but whatever, fine. Great. I'm glad you're enjoying it so much.
Look. Mew just doesn't work for me because he's just... he's exactly who his archetype is and everything he does is going to play into it and that's... that's great. I suppose he'll be more interesting for a while, at least?
But I am not invested. I don't care. I don't hate him, he's fine, he's just not half as interesting as I hoped he would be. The wronged virgin getting revenge on his boyfriend and friend is just... exactly what it says on the cover. And that's fine.
I was just hoping for something more complex than that. For something deeper and something different.
But it's fine. It'll be fine. It's just that I have absolutely no investment in their relationship because it was, and is, exactly as straightforward as it seems. Which is good and grand and fun in a BL but not as much so in the messy gays being messy show.
Mew is, genuinely, a virgin who found a guy, fell in love, had sex and then found out he was cheated on and is going to seek revenge. Top is, genuinely, a reformed player who gave up casual sex, drugs and a ton of other aspects of himself in order to date Mew because it made him wanna be better like that. And that's... that's just exactly what it says on the cover level of their relationship and adds no depth and their chemistry is fine and I don't care about that I just don't care about them.
Because they are exactly what it says on the tin. Because the depth that the other characters have isn't there. Because they are not playing with tropes or idea or working around different plots. They just... are exactly what they say they are and that's that.
I get it. I'm glad people are enjoying them. They're both good actors and everything they've done in the show is absolutely fine and well acted and makes sense.
It's just not drawn me in and still hasn't.
I mean, the most emotion Mew got from me was when he punched Ray only to reveal that Ray had give him the proof that Top was cheating and he punched him to hold up his own plan. That got the most reaction out of me but I suspect the show isn't going to honor the feeling I got from that considering they look like they're right back to being besties holding hands next episode.
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