#I just got thoroughly distracted 🤣
hawthornsword · 7 months
Bad Batch 3x4 thoughts:
I LOVE that despite Crosshair previously complaining that she doesn't have much of plan, she actually does. It's just high on goals and low on actionable steps. The step she has thought of, while nearly crashing to her death flying the shuttle, is to get coordinates of Tantiss so they can go back. Her plan is to rescue her brothers. ALL of them. It's not even a question for her. It's assumed, and she's surprised when that's not everyone else's priority too.
She's such a sweet sweet kid. She doesn't want to hurt anyone even though she can and has and knows sometimes she has to. She's so good.
"Stow it." - sounds like something Hunter or Echo would say, lol. I wonder how often she reminds Crosshair of his brothers.
I love that despite that Crosshair is theorectically the older, more mature, more experienced one, when Omega wants to try something - he lets her try. To try and fail is often how you learn, and she's so thoughtful and determined and eager that she is always working out how to make an obstacle into an opportunity. That is how highly successful people think. Crosshair sees this and gives her the room to try and to fail and to grow, all while his own respect for his sister is growing.
Omega: I don't want to hurt anyone.
Crosshair, internally probably: I DO!!!
🤣🤣🤣 "a temporary requisition of funds" - you can tell Sid has been her babysitter. She didn't learn everything from her brothers.
"And if you lose?" - Don't worry Cross, that's when you get to start shooting. 🤣
Omega continues to impress me. She was pretty annoying in the beginning of season one, but that's to be expected because she was a little kid. She's grown and learned so much and now she's showing so much maturity. She's not going to compromise her morals just because her scary big brother she wanted to rescue says so. Like yes, practically speaking, leaving Batcher behind is the safe thing to do, but Star Wars heroes don't win by abandoning their allies. That's one of the entire themes of the whole thing. You stick by your friends, no matter what, and that's how you win. She stands her ground.
"My skills are being wasted." Crosshair is willing to let Omega lead I think because he's out of his depth a bit in civilian territory, still used to a straitforward battlefield, while Omega's entire experience outside of Kamino is in situations like this. So despite that the adult should be taking care of the kid in this situation, she's the one who knows what she's doing. But he also points out to her not to waste the advantage he brings to the table, because he knows at this point that she's got a strategic mind and can factor that in in some useful way. They're becoming such a good team I'm so excited!!!!
"All right. Let's try things your way." She's responding to the imperial, but glances at Crosshair to indicate it's his turn to shine. Chef's kiss, 10/10. I adore little things like that.
Release the animals!!!! Yes, good, classic distraction shenanigans! Comeuppance for the villain without the heroes even having to do anything is so delicious. And they even got away with their credits! I'm having such a good time!
Hah, Omega being sassy. She's thoroughly into teenager-hood.
Oh shit the dramatic lighting on that shot of Hemlock standing at the crashed shuttle is gorgeous. Also really enjoy his quiet rage. He's such a good villain.
Poor Crosshair still can't quite let himself hope...
Oh god, that quiet moment of arriving home. That's beautiful.
Wrecker greeting her first, no hesitation, complete joy. And then Hunter following, hesitating. He must be feeling so guilty that he couldn't save his girl, that she had to do it by herself. So, so, proud, but wishing he'd been better so she didn't have to.
Wait, what, NO! I wanted the emotional Hunter Crosshair reunion damnit!!!!
Ugh, okay that was really good. I'm quite happy.
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drippingviolets3 · 1 year
I've been trying to find remnants of despair blogs through the tag and your posts are scrumptious.
Anyways, imagine reader who's a past classmates with the Remnants and they survived Junko's brainwashing somehow (probably was absent from school that day idk) and then they're just surviving around the city and stuff.
And somehow, idk how, they hijacked some broadcast system and just played Cupcake's remixes.
This would go on until they get caught by the remnants or something and they're like "sorry your honour, I was in a silly goofy mood 😜"
Blasting Cupkkake remixes to the RoD
•It could have started two different ways: Either you were out sick, or you just weren't close to your classmates, meaning Chiaki’s death didn't affect you (like me-)
•Either way you lucked out because you weren't manipulated into becoming a terrorist.
•Odds are Junko lumped you into Makoto’s class just so she could see what happens. Either you die and it's no big deal, or you make it to the final trial and everyone has to figure out who you are and why you're there. It's fun for her either way so she doesn't care.
•The remnants were also watching with great interest. So when the season finale comes and you exit the school with the other survivors, they’re on the hunt for you. I mean you essentially killed their leader after all.
•Anyways they all do some crazy shit with the corpse as we all know, then they're on the prowl.
•Everyone was taking this seriously, seeing how the world and humanity itself was at stake.
•Everyone except you that is.
•You felt like starting some shit for whatever reason, and what was the best way to do that?
•Well, they were about to find out.
•So picture this: It was all going to shit
• The remnants were attacking. The FF and you were all trapped inside a single building, and while help was on the way there were fifteen remnants or so against a bunch of random workers and you.
•You had to distract them so more people could evacuate, so maybe, just maybe, you could distract them for long enough to get the upper hand.
•You knew what you had to do.
•You grabbed your phone and pulled up YouTube, hooking up your phone and turning on the broadcast system.
•The remnants were caked in blood and reveling in the despair that washed over the place, and when the broadcast system turned on, they expected a surrender.
•Instead they got a blast of CPR/Misery/Reeces Puff theme song blasted at full volume while you and the remaining workers made your escape.
•I’m 99% sure half of the SDR2 cast have ADHD, and if they're anything like me they're going to get distracted trying to follow along with three songs at once. Plenty of time for a getaway.
•And for the few who don't focus on the music? Well they lost their targets and now backup was approaching their location rapidly, so they had to start running.
•The FF were not pleased with your tactic of escape because they're all boomers and suck a-
•So after thoroughly chewing you out, they finally asked you what you had to say for yourself. And your answer?
•”Sorry your honor, I was in a silly goofy mood 😝🤪🥳🤩😜🤣😂”
•To this day, no one knows how you managed to speak in emojis
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shubaka · 10 months
Ahhh not to potentially dox myself but I just saw Hadestown and I've got some time to kill on my bus ride home and I have a few thoughts, so!
Okay, so, first off, I really, really, really enjoyed seeing Matthew Patrick Quinn as Hades. He's so much more engaging to watch on stage than Patrick Page. There's a lot more emotion in his singing and acting. And normally I hate Hades' "Belladonna's kiss" bit, but I thoroughly enjoyed it tonight. He made a lot of really great choices 🤩 (Also his chemistry with Lana Gordon is a lot better with him than when I saw her with Patrick...)
I also really enjoyed Will Mann as Hermes. He has a warmth to his voice that I've missed since I saw Ben Kingsley in the role. I just really appreciate it so much more than what Andre de Shields was doing... Also, speaking of Kingsley, I really miss the little feathers they had on Hermes' boots once upon a time. They were such a cute touch. 😭)
Amaya Braganza's performance was pretty similar to Eva's overall, but there's a slightly huskier quality to her lower notes, which I really like.
I'm not going to lie, I was really looking forward to listening to another Orpheus, especially because the last time I saw Reeve he was putting on an almost caricaturistic quality to his performance that was super annoying and distracting (I really hope they did away with that directional choice since then). Anyway, J. Antonio Rodriguez was great. And during the walk out of hell, he played up the frustration and doubt nicely, so the inevitable look back was a lot more believable.
I'm also super pleased we got to see Audrey on the trombone again. <3
Oh, and they changed up the arrangement a bit with the a capella pieces for the fates. Some of the inflections and harmonies they chose were surprising and interesting and they sounded great. (I still miss Jewelle though ... also I need a version with Jewelle as Hades hahaha)
I'm still so disappointed with the swinging lights during "wait for me" though. Having the swing outward is not as effective as having all the lights going forward in one direction and lowering the stage lighting more (i totally understand they had to change it with their final set design for Broadway but uuugh it's such a shame!)
Anyway... I better shut up or I'll get distracted and miss my stop 🤣
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coconurt · 2 years
Me: *realizes I've never written Sasharcy or anything from Marcy's pov*
Me: *fixes that*
So I wrote this in early May before we knew how the finale was gonna go down, and this is so self-indulgent I really don’t know if anyone but myself will like it, but! Tossing it into the void anyway <3
Tagging the absolutely lovely people who encouraged me to finish this: @cowcowwow @insert-fictional-characters-name and @chaoticcerise
1.6 k - content warning for minor injuries, minor language, and mention/aftermath of possession
Her entire world was nothing but orange.
Ugly and impenetrable. Like a prison, keeping her mind chained to the thing. The horrifying amalgamation of voices that called itself the Core.
It was torture.
It was like that for months, or maybe years. It was hard to keep track of time. All she knew, all she’d known right from the beginning, was that she couldn’t take much more. But yet, somehow, she did.
Then, just as she reached her breaking point, different voices. Familiar ones, ones that monster had tried its hardest to make her forget.
“Marcy, please, come back! We know you’re in there! Remember us?”
“Fight it, Marcy!”
“We can’t do this without you!”
Voices. The right voices.
Then, green. Exploding all at once, in a burst of energy unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. All-encompassing. Intense, but freeing. It felt… right.
So much green. Then…
When she finally started existing again, everything ached. Horribly.
It was like she’d run a marathon, then been forced to walk back to the starting line. Her muscles were sore and her limbs felt bruised. Even her head hurt, which now felt… strangely empty. It was all she’d wanted for months, but now it just felt new and strange and awful.
Next she noticed something… comfortable. Her head and shoulders were being supported by something soft. It felt nice. It almost made her forget about the uncomfortable angle her legs were twisted at and the way her armor dug into her skin.
She tried to move, to wiggle her limbs, to open her eyes, to do something, but everything just hurt so much and her eyelids felt like they were made of lead and she was just so exhausted.
Slowly, sound began to phase back in. The ringing in her ears made it hard to pick out anything in particular, but she could’ve sworn she heard voices. Wait, no. One voice. Who was talking? Everything was fuzzy. And empty. And so painful.
“– open your eyes? Huh? Think you can do that for me? Come on, you gotta give me something to work with. Please, Mar. Just let me know you’re okay…”
Hm, she know that voice. It was a girl’s voice. Her girl. Well, one of them, anyway. Yeah, for her, she could open her eyes, if that’s what she wanted.
She blinked them open, only to shut them again immediately because frog the light was too bright, was the light always this bright?
(… when was the last time she’d seen sunlight?)
It took some effort, and a bit of time to let her eyes adjust, but she finally managed to open her eyes and keep them that way.
“Marcy!” a weary voice exclaimed.
Arms wrapped around her, squeezing her tight. Too tight. Too much. Oh wow, everything hurt. She groaned. At least, that’s what she thought she did. It probably came out as more of a whimper. A wave of dizziness crashed over her, and she felt like she might pass out again.
“Shit! No, Marcy, wait, keep your eyes open!” The speaker grabbed her face. Her hands were calloused, but gentle. “Just focus on me. Stay awake, you got that? Deep breaths.”
Marcy dragged in a shaky inhale, then another. Slowly, the black spots in her vision cleared, and a tired face came into focus above her. Bruises and scratches covered the girl’s face, and her eyes were bloodshot like she’d been crying. Long blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders and tickled Marcy’s face. Curiously though, dying flickers of fuchsia shimmered in those blonde strands and seemed to be steadily fading from her blue eyes. Weird. Must have been a trick of the light.
“There you are,” the girl praised. “How do you feel, Mar?”
“S- Sashy?” The old nickname slipped out before she could help it. She knew Sasha didn’t like to be called that anymore.
The other girl didn’t seem to mind, though. A smile broke out across her face.
“Yeah. It’s me,” she said softly. “You really gave us a scare, you know that? We weren’t sure — I thought I’d lost you again.”
We? Did that mean…?
“Is Anne here, too? Is… is she okay?”
Sasha ran a hand comfortingly through Marcy’s hair. “Yeah, Marcy. She’s here. She…” Sasha glanced over her shoulder at something Marcy couldn’t see. When she looked back, her face was contorted in worry. “She’s in rough shape, but she’s got people taking care of her. I think she’s gonna be okay.”
Anne was here? Rough shape? Had something happened? Marcy’s foggy brain chugged along, trying to make a connection. Weakly, she turned her head, attempting to make sense of her surroundings.
What she saw frightened her.
They were back in Andrias’ throne room.
It was in ruins. Stained glass windows, blown clean out of their fittings. Stone pillars, crumbled and leaning. Craters littered the mosaic floor, and suspiciously, she and Sasha seemed to be sitting in the center of one.
What horrified her most of all, though, was the helmet. It lay cracked and discarded several feet away, the ten faded orange eyes lifeless and dull.
What had happened? Why was…?
It all came flooding back to her, a torrent of memories seen through the lens of a mind that was not her own.
There had been a battle.
That thing — that horrible thing had made her… it had made her…
Her friends… Sasha … Anne…
Anne, I’m so sorry.
Guilt surged through her, leaden and unforgiving. Tears filled her eyes. Her brain was still too exhausted to process any of what she was feeling, so she did the only thing she could: she cried.
What started small turned into huge heaving sobs. Tears rolled down her cheeks, making trails through the dirt and grime that covered her face.
Sasha cursed. “Hey, what’s wrong? What- are you hurt somewhere? Hey, talk to me.”
Marcy choked on a sob and shook her head. She shuddered.
“Shit, you’re cold. Here,” Sasha gently let Marcy’s head rest in her lap as she unclasped something from around her neck. She pulled it off and draped it over Marcy. It was a fur cloak of some sort. It was warm and it smelled like Sasha, and though it was meant to be comforting, it only made her cry harder.
“Shh, Marcy, it’s okay. Don’t cry. That thing’s gone. You’re safe now. You’re gonna be okay.”
“B-but you’re not! I hurt y-you, you and Anne!” Marcy’s breath hitched. “I-I’m so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen, I never s-should’ve..”
“Oh, Marcy,” Sasha murmured. “I’ve got you.” Carefully, making sure not to hold on too tight this time, she wrapped Marcy in a hug. Marcy couldn’t do much except sob into Sasha’s chest while the other girl whispered little reassurances into the top of her head.
Eventually, the tears subsided. Sasha pulled back just enough to look Marcy in the eyes. She brushed her overgrown bangs out of the way.
“Mar-mar, look at me.”
Hesitantly, Marcy obeyed.
“None of what happened was your fault. You were possessed, for god’s sake. It wasn’t you.”
Yes, it was. “But…”
“Repeat after me,” she ordered. “It. Wasn’t. You.”
“It wasn’t.. me.”
“There we go,” Sasha said and smiled gently.
“But… I knew about the box, I knew what it would do. I should’ve told you and Anne from the start, I never should’ve made her-”
“Marcy, listen to me. We forgive you. We both forgave you a long time ago. We…” she hesitated. “We had a long time to think about things. We’re just so happy to have you back.”
Marcy managed a tiny smile. “I really missed you guys. Both of you.”
Sasha sniffed and swiped aggressively at a tear on her cheek. “We missed you too, you nerd.”
Marcy hesitated. Then, freeing her arms from underneath the cloak, she wrapped them around Sasha’s middle in a tight hug. The other girl fiercely returned it.
After a minute, Sasha released her. “Think you can try sitting up?” she asked.
Marcy grimaced, but assented, and with Sasha helping to support her, she was able to shift off Sasha’s lap and sit up on her own. The furry cloak slipped down to rest on her legs, so she readjusted it to drape over and around her shoulders instead.
Sasha’s eyes tracked the movement, and she smirked. “What do you say we get out of here, Marmar?”
Marcy experimentally tried to pick herself up off the ground, but her muscles felt like jelly. “Yeah, but… I don’t think I can walk-”
In one swift motion, Sasha rose to one knee, slipped one arm under Marcy’s knees and the other behind her back, then scooped Marcy into her arms and stood up like the course of action was never a question at all.
“- yet,” Marcy squeaked, any previous weariness temporarily forgotten.
Sasha tilted her head in a confident gesture. “Come on,” she said, the smirk still on her face. As if Marcy had a choice in the matter. Not that she was complaining, of course.
Rendered temporarily speechless, she managed a tiny nod while she tried to ignore the annoying heat rising in her face.
Sasha took care to make sure her cloak was still securely wrapped around Marcy’s shoulders before setting off to rejoin a few frogs from the resistance convening on one side of the ruined throne room.
Marcy knew things weren’t okay yet, and she knew they wouldn’t be for a long time. But at that moment, it was hard to feel distressed about the future when she was being held tightly by one of her favorite people in the present.
So for now, she enjoyed the feeling of Sasha’s strong arms around and beneath her, and she wondered how, after all she’d been through and all she’d done, she got lucky enough that she still got to have this.
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
First party hard of the Miami weekend
Hello there!
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I don't really know if I'll write that much today since I kinda didn't pay much attention? I got the gist of it tho, but honestly I was doing stuff while watching since listening to the idiotic Spanish commentators from DAZN was giving me nausea. Just disgusting and infuriating.
So, we got more whoring around today, this time it was Sir Lewis Hamilton's turn to leave his mark on our new favorite race weekend (or mine, at least, okay). He didn't have enough serving cunt yesterday, that he needed to add some thirst trap content along the way. These guys will kill me someday, I swear to God.
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Other than that, FP3 was more or less normal, if we can call it that, except for a couple things. First, Verstappen's close call, almost hitting the wall dead on. He braked nicely right before crashing.Car failure would've been nice today too, tho. Let's hope for tomorrow. The worst one was Esteban's crash, at the exact same spot where Carlos crashed yesterday. Funny enough, drivers have complained about that turn and surprise, surprise, who listens to drivers' feedback? Oh yeah, not the FIA. I truly hope he's okay to drive tomorrow, poor Este.
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But hey, let's complain about a particular driver's piercings, try to force him to take them out under threat of not letting him drive at all if he doesn't take them out and not say anything at all about the rest's jewelry whatsoever (wedding bands, chains, etc.). And all of this after taking 10 whole years to enforce one single rule ✌🏻
Anyway, Quali went on without incident thankfully, unlike yesterday and FP3 today. This track takes too much after Jeddah for my taste, it's not quite as bad buuuut it's still too similar, I think. I don't know. Plus, with all the incidents going on these last 2 days and the track being pretty shitty on its own (they had to re-pave last night some areas in the track), I mean... But so far this is the GP that keeps on giving so who am I to complain? I need to see if Charles whores around tomorrow too and makes my weekend almost perfect 😂
I barely watched Q1 and Q2, I only caught enough to see George and Kevin out in Q1, then Mick and Daniel out in Q2 and, finally, Lewis getting 6th and Demonic Sharl getting pole. That bastard flew like it was piece of cake. That last lap was actually pretty awesome, his so good, it's unbelievable the screech I let out when I saw he got pole 🤪 Now that I see again the picture that comes next, I laugh thinking about the challenge these 2 idiots have done over the week in Miami and the bromance seems funnier to me once more, look at them hahaha
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I'll be good tomorrow and write more thoroughly after the race, or at least something better/more detailed. It's 3:12am right now as I'm trying to finish this, after being distracted far too many times by SOA on the background. All in all, not paying attention to anything like the disaster I am 🥲 I'm so tired that I'm not even gonna proofread, so in the words of Negan (probably), excuse the shit out of my goddamn French and try to not take into account any butchery I might have committed here or there, please 🤣
Anyway, laters gators!
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