#I just have feelings and I wanted to write them down kthanks
daybreakrising · 2 months
okay quick little post with my thoughts on the update. i'm gonna have to go and watch a playthrough at some point bc i zipped through it at 3am and probably missed some stuff in the process bc my brain is Shit but-
i am so very, very intrigued by the yaoqing trio for a number of reasons & i absolutely believe there's some ulterior motives going on as to why j.iaoqiu and m.oze were sent down to the shackling prison beyond "hey we want this mortal enemy of our people under our watch kthanks". i feel like we got a glimpse of one of them with j.iaoqiu already so i'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out. and sending m.oze away in the midst of the fight? yeah, highly sus. they have a plan for sure.
also absolutely love the dynamic between the two of them. i want to sink my teeth into their background so bad. they're clearly highly aware of each other's capabilities and i've touched on this already in dms but like....... i believe m.oze was being truthful when he gave his practical answer of 'no point getting myself killed trying to save him' to j.iaoqiu's capture, but also... he doesn't need to save him. he knows what j.iaoqiu can do. (he's also probably exactly where he wants to be - just a theory, we'll see how it pans out eventually i guess)
some slight negatives based on what we've seen so far:
not enamoured by all of the new characters, which isn't necessarily anything to do with the characters themselves but the writing. y.anqing, the prodigy, getting stamped on again? that's getting real old, hyv. i'm hoping that will be redeemed later but i don't have high hopes for it. i just want to see a glimpse of this prodigy he's supposed to be without him going up against insanely powerful people who are basically playing with him, if anything. let me see what he can actually do on a more level playing field. i'm sure that's what they're trying to do with this weird little rivalry thing with y.unli but it already feels skewed against him from the start and i... hate that.
and the insulting dismissal of everything that happened to the high cloud quintent by saying they "went their separate ways" ????? what the actual fuck ???? now i might be biased bc i love the HQC, but. come on. no, no. a group of people who choose to disband to seek new paths - that is "going separate ways". not a group that is viciously torn to pieces by grief and death and suffering. fuck that one general in particular.
that aside, intriguing plot so far. i love the new enemies (look, i'm a sucker for anything wolf-adjacent), and i'm hoping that bc she's been named specifically a few times, we'll get to see j.ingliu again. please, hyv, please don't disappoint me on that.
and bc i care so very little for march (and find her voice incredibly grating, no hate to the va ofc), i was spam-tapping through all the dialoguue of her swordplay event (except for the bit involving j.iaoqiu bc... well, i'm biased) so i may have missed any lore that might have been dropped in there, but i also found the whole "teach march swordplay" thing very boring in general >_> so i may have to look that up again
i'm reserving full judgement on any of the characters until this little interlude chapter is complete and we've seen everything we're gonna get, but so far i'm fairly neutral on most of them. l.ingsha does seem interesting, i will say, but we've not had enough of her yet to form a proper opinion.
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adenei · 3 years
Happy Birthday Accio-broom!
It's @accio-broom's birthday tomorrow, but she's going to be busy off gallavanting doing fun things so I'm gonna drop this little gag gift early! This is part ONE of your gift. The other will actually come tomorrow!
Happy birthday to the best beta and internet friend out there. I'm so glad to know you! 🧡
And now, I give you Miracles Happen, Ron's POV (and if you haven't read the real Miracles Happen, you'd best get on that right now. kthanks)
Sunday, October 13, 1996, 00:12 am
Dear Diary er, Journal?
Eh, whatever, this is stupid anyway. I’m only using an extra stack of parchment, which doesn’t even come close to that bloody book Hermione has her nose stuck in all the time. Oh, right, Hermione. That’s the whole reason I’m writing this down.
She’s been acting strange lately. I feel like I barely see her anymore, she’s acting stressed—YES, more stressed than usual, and what’s worse? She won’t tell me anything. It’s almost as bad as the time turn—oh, no, I hope she’s not dabbling in that again! She doesn’t need it.
Harry says I shouldn’t worry, but he never thinks she’s acting out of the ordinary. Sometimes I wonder if his glasses even do anything since he doesn’t notice half the shit that goes on if it’s not related to his hero complex…
Huh, maybe there is something to be said about writing your thoughts down…
This is the third Saturday where Hermione’s disappeared. Ever since Tonks showed up, Hermione can’t be found for hours at a time. Something is going on with her, but I just don’t know what. It can’t be the time turner, she promised she’d never do that again, and it’s not like she’s added any classes. So, I guess I’ll rule that out. Maybe I should make a list of possibilities. That’s what Hermione would do, right?
Things Hermione could be doing when she disappears
Time turner (Nah, we sort of destroyed them all last year at the Ministry—accidentally, of course!)
Getting extra help from a teacher? (no, not likely)
Helping the house-elves in the kitchens (ha, not that they would let her)
Tutoring younger students?
Having tea with the Queen? (yeah, right. I doubt Hermione even knows wizards and witches have royalty).
Meeting up with a secret boyfriend?
That has to be it. If it was anything else she’d tell me, right? But why wouldn’t she want me to know about it? Okay, so maybe I overreacted a bit with the whole Viktor thing during our fourth year. But he was too old for her! I was just looking out for her!
She can date whoever she damn well pleases. But why is she keeping it a secret? It doesn’t make sense.
At least now I have an idea. Maybe I’ll try and ask her questions, see if she lets anything slip. I’ll be back with more if I can get anything out of her.
Until next time...or not.
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secret-engima · 5 years
Do you have any HCs for And A Child Shall Lead Them verse?
Hmmm lemme think! I might end up accidentally repeating HCs from earlier posts, if so I apologize.
-Queen Aulea lives for longer in this AU because it takes longer to have Noctis. The Kingsglaive were her idea in this AU because Aulea is awesome like that. She also had a major hand in running it up until her death post Noctis’s birth so the glaive all Loved Her Dearly and are monstrously protective of bby Noctis because that’s THEIR QUEEN’S KID. The last thing they have of her. They will Protecc.
-Noctis in this has a Dyslexia problem that makes him 100% more cranky about doing his homework/reading things. Ignis tends to read aloud to him just to help all their sanity even though Noctis has regular sessions to help his dyslexia issues.
-Everyone picture Noctis refusing to spell Ardyn’s name in any written correspondence because he keeps mixing up the y and the d and possibly the r and its easier to just write Uncle. Ardyn is very bemused by this.
-Prompto joined the Crownsguard because he looks up to Cor like- a LOT. He also wanted to help serve the country that took him in despite him being Nif. He joined the Guard and not the Glaive even though he has magic potential because Cor runs the Guard and Prompto was afraid of what people would think if his barcode was discovered.
-Cor actually personally talked to Prompto when Prompto signed up because he remembered that this was the kiddo he rescued from a lab. He explained that yes, he knew about Prompto’s barcode and if Prompto joins the Guard then Cor would help cover for that. Prompto, once he got over near-hyperventilating at being in the presence (and CONVERSATION) of Cor the Immortal, gratefully accepted the offer.
-Prompto only meets Noctis during the invasion and subsequent fall but oath or no oath he would already die for this kid okay? Okay.
-Noctis loves Prompto basically instantly because Noctis is scared and he just got separated from his dad and home and Ignis is worried and Gladio is angry so when Prompto comes up to a distressed Noctis and smiles like the sun and asks if Noct wants to play King’s Knight ... Prompto is instantly Noctis’s new favorite person.
-Prompto just wants to know how a ten year old is so much better than him at video games. Like- he knows all the jokes about being beaten on the internet by kiddos but SERIOUSLY, Noctis is blowing all of Prompto’s high scores out of the water.
-Noctis discovers Prompto’s barcode during a splash fight gone a little too intense. Prompto starts panicking and Noctis has no clue WHY, just that Prompto is scared of this thing on his skin so Noct reaches out and grabs that wrist and puts his hand on it very solemnly and pushes his magic into the mark like how his dad used to gently pump magic into Noctis’s cuts and scrapes. Prompto goes very quiet in awe as the mark turns soft Lucian blue and Noctis looks up and innocently asks if its better now. It’s not, Prompto should still be freaking out, but- but his prince is so SWEET so all Prompto can do is smile a watery smile and say, “Thanks, Noct. That helped a lot.”
-Then Gladio and Ignis show up wondering about why Prompto was panicking and why Noctis’s magic just flared and OF COURSE Noctis tell Ignis about the mark, because Ignis fixes everything and Prompto has another meltdown that ends in him having a lapful of cuddly possessive prince and Ignis calmly explaining that of COURSE they don’t hold a tattoo given to him as a BABY against him don’t be silly.
-Side note that magic thing Noctis did to Prompto’s mark permanently turns it blue. It still works to open Nif doors and stuff, but it’s blue now and Noctis can always feel it. He uses it to track Prompto’s position and will spontaneously warp to him via the magic left in the ink. Prompto gets used to being tackle-hugged by his prince. Ignis is actually pleased with this because it means Noctis has a quick escape to a trusted adult now.
-Ardyn sees the mark one day after inserting himself into the group and he snaps his fingers and is like “I THOUGHT you looked like a young Besithia. So glad you didn’t inherit his temperament.” and Prompto and co are like WHAT so Ardyn blithely tells them about the cloning program and Prompto needs to go throw up in the bushes now kthanks.
-Noctis listens with a solemn expression on his face and then asks if that means there are MORE Prompto’s out there that need to be rescued. Ardyn tries to explain that most of them are so poisoned with scourge by the time they’re eight months old that there’s really no point but Noctis has the bit in his teeth now.
-Ardyn may or may not disappear for a few weeks and then come back with like- four bby clones and a fifth clone toddler in his arms that he promptly herds over to Noctis and is like HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEPHEW. I RESCUED ALL THE ONES I COULD AND THEN BURNED DOWN THE FACILITY ARE YOU PROUD OF ME.
-Don’t mind Ignis and Prompto having a joint meltdown in the corner over there, they’ll get over it.
-Luckily this would be toward the tail end of the Roadtrip so Ignis does not need to juggle infant and toddler care along with Fleeing the Enemy Empire for very long. He still holds a grudge against Ardyn for it tho. Because HIS BLOOD PRESSURE. ARDYN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING.
-Regis is Very Confused when he finally gets his son back and his son has four bbys and a toddler with him that he very firmly announces are all his brothers even though they are blond.
-Somehow they end up being Cor’s kids. Cor is .... very unsure how that happened but he thinks Noctis’s puppy eyes were involved. Also he may have formally adopted Prompto in there as a package deal and also thanks to the young Crownsguard for saving Noctis during the invasion? He is now a dad of six???? Someone pls explain????????
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backslashdelta · 3 years
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cookiedoughmeagain · 6 years
Haven DVD Commentaries: 2.12 - Sins of the Fathers
Commentary with Eric Balfour, Lucas Bryant and Emily Rose.
As might be expected there is a lot of ridiculous randomness and interrupting and talking over each other*, interspersed with short-lived attempts to be serious and concentrate on the plot. It’s hard to capture everything that’s said, particularly the humour, but there are some interesting points in here I think. Happy to take questions if anything doesn’t make sense:)
[* Eric sounds a little more echoey than the other two, so I don’t know if he’s speaking from a different place which would maybe contribute to the talking over each other aspect.]
Eric: “Did you see how good my hair looked right there? My hair looks amazing. I actually gauge the quality of episodes by how good my hair looks” Lucas: “I think most people do.”
*General agreement on the fantasticness of the director for the episode, Lee Rose*
Lucas: “So this felt a bit different from shooting the finale for the first season, because then it was the finale finale, and we were almost crying every day. This episode is episode 12, the season finale, but we knew that we were going to shoot the Christmas episode after, so it sort of felt strangely anti-climactic.”
[As we see Audrey and Duke park up their cars and speak to each other on the street] Eric: “I remember at one point they were going to cut this scene out, and I was really glad they didn’t.” *agreement from Emily* Emily talks about the “temperature” between Audrey and Duke being important at this point and there’s discussion about how they have just found out that she is supposed to kill him, and reference to “or was it the other way around?” Lucas: “It changed a couple times didn’t it? Who was supposed to kill who?”
*Emily approves of her outfit*
As Audrey confronts Vince and Dave about knowing Lucy, Lucas talks about how he loves this scene because we get to see Audrey really go for it. Lucas: “I think people are always a little bit shocked when you are allowed to throw down, but I’m really glad that you got to. It’s beautiful.” Emily: “I think it took Richard off guard for a bit. It was a really cool scene to get to film.” Lucas: “I think the fans wanted to see you finally lose it. Like, why doesn’t someone just grab these guys and say what the ____ is going on. And you got to finally do that.”
Eric offers a theory that when Audrey disappears in between the Troubles she goes to a Sandals resort.
Emily: “I think what’s great about this episode as well is to see these two [Vince and Dave] at odds with each other. Usually we think they’re in cahoots, but now this episode when Audrey leaves, they’re at each other’s throats as well.” Eric: “Actually I’m kind of hoping for an episode where we find out that they’re not brothers, but they’re actually lovers.”
[As we see Vince give Audrey Lucy’s ring] Lucas: “Do you want to talk about this ring, Parker?” Emily: “This ring? Well I remember when they were talking to me prop-wise, it’s a bit reminisceint of the ring that you also have.” Eric: “Could they not afford a second ring? It’s the same ring?” Emily: “No it’s not the same ring.” There’s some joking about, maybe we could only afford the one ring, then Lucas starts to say “I think some people [fans] picked up that there might be something too those rings,” and then changes track with an “Oh my goodness,” as the screen cuts to a shirtless Duke. As Lucas and Emily joke about getting distracted, Eric talks over them to point out that it is a Falling Whistle’s necklace that Duke has.
[After Duke’s ‘Dad?’] Eric: Why do they always use the worst takes of every performance? I know that I did a better, ‘Dad?’”
[As the credits play] Eric: “Remember that there used to be different music that we all loved, and when we heard this we were all a little disappointed that this became the theme song? But now? I kind of love it.” *agreement from Emily* Lucas: “I dream this most nights. This is the sound track to my dreams.” Eric: “Do you have the deep house remix?” Emily: “You need to come up with that, DJ.” Eric: “Somebody already did, I think. It’s already out there.”
[As we see Audrey arriving (late) to the crime scene] Lucas: “So this is the first time we’ve seen each other on screen since that fated moment right? That thing that happened before.” Emily: “And you’re giving me grief.” Lucas: “Because I don’t know how to deal with my feelings. About … feelings.”
*general joking agreement about how Arlo McMartin is an awkward name to say*
[As Nathan is asking Audrey out to dinner] Emily: “Here’s a fun fact about this scene. There were some people who won a contest, and won the chance to drive all the way to our set and be background people for the day and so they are in the back by the cop cars because they won a contest and drove all the way out to Nova Scotia to be on set that day. Sorry, we probably should have talked about the specialness that just happened.” [As the view switches to the Rouge] Emily: “Oh my gosh look how good Eric Cayla made that rusty boat look.” Lucas: “Look how good Mr Balfour made that wifebeater look.” [Me: While I thoroughly agree with the sentiment, how is this an acceptable name for an item of clothing? If it’s not a vest can someone please invent a new name for it? kthanks.]
Emily: “And we got the opportunity to have a really well-known guest star who I have a really hard time pronouncing his name.” Eric: “I think they did such a good job, because we look so much like each other. He is actually a really good actor he just … doesn’t look like he could be in the same gene pool as me.” Emily: “Well but it was a choice, right? I remember when they were talking about casting him, they were saying they wanted to cast a young version of your dad.” Lucas: “So sci-fi fans were very happy to see Mr Battlestar.” Eric (surprised): “Oh is he on a ….?” Emily: “Yes, huge.” Eric: “Oh. See, nobody tells me anything.” Emily: “So that was a little sci-fi shout out. A meta sci-fi moment.”
Emily: “This is a story I hope they go down with more with you Eric; with your father feelings.” Lucas: “You’re very good at father feelings.” Emily: “I love it when I get to see your father feelings come out.” Eric: “I don’t think you want to.” [I think. There’s definitely a wry kind of ‘be careful what you wish for’ laugh] Emily: “Yeah but that initial impulse you’re having right now, we wanna see that.” Lucas: “Let it come out in your work.”
Lucas: “And I just want to mention that I love, and my wife loves Mr Balfour … I don’t need to get into that right now ‘cos I’ll get a little heated, but you, I think I’ve said this before, but I love to see how you are very funny. You’re a very funny man. This is a very funny scene, I think.” [Simon and Duke talking in the Rouge.]
[As we see Audrey and Nathan walk into the graveyard to talk to Kyle] Emily talks about how the order of the scenes changed and Lucas adds, “There were some people online who picked up on that, I was reading something,” where people were wondering about the transition between scenes, “and it’s absolutely true, that this was a scene that was cut from somewhere else at first.”
As Audrey is telling Kyle he needs to watch his mouth, Emily is talking about seeing the actor in the Tudors, but Eric interrupts her with an emphatic, “That was hot. I like when you say that ‘you need to watch your mouth mr’.”
As we see Arlo’s body in the coffin, Eric asks if the effects were all practical make up and Emily tells him Yes, then adds that they might have enhanced it in SFX.
As Audrey and Nathan are in the station, Emily and Lucas talk about always having weird stuff written in the files and joke about writing silly notes to each other.
[As Vince and Dave come into the station] Lucas; “Now, there was one of the greatest lines in that little scene, and it got cut out! What the what! After Vince and Dave come in and say ‘We heard blah blah …’ I say ‘Why do you guys even ask me questions?’ Remember?” Emily: “Yeah!” Eric: “They always cut out the best lines.” Emily jokes about how he represented Vince and Dave’s lines as ‘blah blah’ and Lucas jokes, “Well that’s kind of how I see the world.” [i.e. everyone else’s lines blurring into insignificance besides his own]
As we see the Rev. Emily talks about watching Immortals and seeing “Mr McHattie” turn up in the middle of the movie.
[As we see Simon telling Duke about Mrs Holloway’s camp fire story] Eric: “You can tell this was an early morning shot because my hair’s still wet. I must have got to work late.” Emily: “It all comes back to the hair Ladies and Gentlemen. He has a hair ritual in the morning.” As Eric is describing his hair-drying method, Emily adds some details and “And I get to see this every morning ladies and gentlemen, aren’t you jealous.”
As Nathan and Audrey are making eyes at each other in front of the computer screen Emily: “It was a fun scene to shoot.” Lucas: “It’s fun to get to do playful, physical comedy.” Emily: “Well especially with scenes like that because it’s not about what we’re saying, it’s about what’s not being said.”
[As Kyle is looking at the list of Troubled names with the red X] Eric: “Hey isn’t that down the street from where I live?” Lucas: “Yes. But don’t tell people though.”
[As Nathan is telling Audrey how his Trouble was triggered] Lucas: “See this is the scene that was cut from the other one. This is how it started before.” Eric wants to talk more about the list of Troubled names (and his idea that everything should look old like it’s from the 1800s and burnt around the edges), but Emily brings him back to this scene: “You know what’s funny though; he’s talking about how bad you are right now Duke. Or about how you guys had your bromance back in the day, he’s talking about your history.” Lucas: “I like that there was a reason.” *agreement from Eric* Lucas: “One of them. I’m sure we’ll learn many more. And just to talk about how amazing I am for a minute .. because we never touch on that ..” Eric: “We talk about how beautiful your eyes are all the time. Your sensitive, sensual blue eyes.” Lucas: “Oh thanks man.” Eric: “Your deep masculine voice.” Lucas: “No but this speech, this story changed like 90 times in the last 7 hours before we shot it. Remember?” Emily: “Oh my gosh, that’s right! You had a whole page of dialogue and it got changed, and finally it was at the point where you were just like, it needs to be this, cut it to what you need it to be.” Lucas: “My tiny brain can only handle five changes.” Emily: “You did a great job.” Lucas: “Well and I think the story itself, the last one that was decided upon, was great. But it’s just funny how such a lynchpin piece can be changed so many times right up to the moment.”
As Audrey and Nathan walk up to the Fresnel grave, there is some discussion about the pronunciation (Emily having initially pronounced the S) and then about how the interesting part about this styrofoam gravestone is that Emily’s cell phone and sides [which google tells me are the pages of the script that will be shot that day] are hiding underneath it. Emily: “Let’s talk about how many hiding places does Emily have in a scene for her cell phone and her sides.”
Emily: “It was raining a lot this day.” Lucas: “It was raining a lot this whole episode.” Eric: “What are you talking about? It was raining a lot this whole season.”
[As we see all the ghosts walk up to Aurey and Nathan in the middle of the graveyard] Lucas: “So this ghost stuff was fun because we would shoot me seeing them, and then we would shoot Emily’s perspective where she couldn’t see any of them. And so I had to act like they were there.” Eric: “I think it would have been cool if all of those people were in their funeral clothes that they were buried in.” Emily: “I guess the idea was that they were all in what they died in.” Eric: “Yeah. I don’t get it.” Lucas: “Balfour, we have to explain how much to you? All of it?” Eric: “Yeah, pretty much.”
Lucas picks up on the American flag by one of the graves, “a very important prop to convince people that we are in the states and not in Canada where we actually shoot.” Between them Emily and Lucas say that Novia Scotia means New Scotland, Lucas adding “I have no idea why it’s called that.”
[And then the three characters are coming to stand under the trees by the bronco] Emily: “Here we had one of my favourite blooper moments of all time that I hope they see in the blooper reel. Not only did it take us a good two hours to do this little tiny scene, because water kept dropping on our faces and they had to shake the tree to get the raindrops out, but Lucas has one of his shining blooper moments where he has to say Arlo McMartin. And having trying to film the scene for an hour, we were dying about all of the rain and then he couldn’t say that and we almost couldn’t complete the scene.” Lucas: “Yeah. And it was funny, and also quite tense. Because people were like ‘guys come on, really; you have a 20 second window of no rain to get this out.” Eric: “We almost stopped that day, remember? We almost shut down production.”
And then they discuss how they did have to shut down production one time in the season, the first time they’ve had to do that. Lucas: “Of all those rainy days, there was only one that we got, screwed.” Emily: “Because you can only shut down production if there’s thunder and lightning that could zap the generator. Not when it’s a monsoon and raining horizontally at your face.” Lucas: “Right. We don’t worry about people, we worry about the generator.”
[As Nathan comes back to Audrey and Duke there is a general ‘here it comes’ (about Lucas’s blooper] Lucas: “Look at Balfour trying not to laugh.” Emily [laughing]: “I know!” Lucas: “And me, trying not to laugh.” Lucas: “Thank god Mr Nick Campbell comes back.” [Garland] Emily: “This was a really cool thing, having Nick Campbell back.” Lucas: “Yup. I love my dad and missed him all season.” Eric: “Dude’s awesome.” Emily: “And your scene was incredible together. I came to set early to see it.”
Emily: “Look how good your truck looks.” Lucas: “Look how good this whole show looks. Let’s talk about Mr Eric Cayla.”
[As we see Garland and Nathan talk] Emily: “I love this scene, it makes me so happy. It’s the kind of scene I want to put a warm blanket around me and sit and just watch it happen.” Lucas: “He’s so easy. Real, fun, serious.”
Emily: “I remember there was a big question about what shirt to put Nick in, because they wanted everybody to be in their clothes that they died in, so when you look at the explosion of the rocks in the last episode when he exploded, the back side of all those rocks have this plaid on them, and it was a big problem because they needed to be able to green screen the ghost stuff later on and it had strips of green in it and so they were concerned about that and were thinking about switching the shirts, but it looks like they made it happen.”
Lucas: “I’ve probably talked about this before, but we are so blessed to have guys like Nick and Richard and John.” *Agreement from Eric and Emily.* Emily: “They enrich the story so much.” Lucas: “Absolutely.” Emily: “And this is just a great example of a scene that’s written well and acted well, and you can just sit and enjoy it.”
Lucas tells Eric to talk about his ride, nothing that having the steering wheel on the wrong side confused some people. Eric: “Oh yeah, this is a landrover that was built in the UK.” Emily: “That’s a request that I would have for next year is that I actually get to have a cool car.
[As Audrey and Duke spot the red X on the road and walk up to the house] Emily: “OK this house was creepy. I went up in it and it had an entire attic with children’s drawings and writing on the walls, and there were these secret staircases.” Lucas: “You think children are creepy?” Emily: “It was a huge attic of old art, with children’s scribbling on the walls.” [There’s a little pause and then] Emily: “The owner was really great, she was really sweet.” *laughter from Eric and Lucas* Eric: “Nice save!” Emily: “That’s the coolest part about filming in Chester, there’s all these old houses. Our producer stays in a house with all these weird staircases in it, it’s just weird. And this town has one of the oldest taverns in North America.”
[As Duke and the Rev. talk on the veranda outside the house Audrey has just gone inside] Emily: “How did you feel about this new direction in the relationship between the Rev. and the Duke? It was very unsettling to me.” Lucas: “I was wondering why Duke is protecting the Rev. in this scene, what’s going on?” Eric: “In this scene? He wasn’t protecting the Rev.” Lucas: “Well why didn’t he tell Audrey that he was there?” Eric: “Because he was afraid that he would hurt Audrey, so he felt no choice but to go with him.” Lucas: “So he was actually protecting Audrey?” Eric: “Yeah, he was protecting Audrey.” Lucas: “Right.” [Me: Don’t you know by now Lucas? Duke is always protecting Audrey]
[As Audrey and Nathan talk to Kyle’s wife outside their house] Emily: “This was one of my favourite things to do here, for the first time Audrey and Nathan in this small town actually acting like they’re someone else. … And that’s a big thing we always wrestle with on Haven, is the size of the town. It’s a small town but yet it’s big enough that not everybody knows each other.” Eric: “Yeah, well I think we get confused being where we shoot the show because the fact is everyone *does* know each other. You have to get pretty far outside of town before people don’t know your middle name.”
As Kyle’s wife is walking through the woods Lucas talks about how she was having to walk through the mud wearing heels, it had just rained, and we learn that Emily thought “for days” that the actor was really pregnant. Emily: “I’m an idiot.”
Emily: “These poor background guys; they show up for the day to be part of Haven, and we tell them to haul people out of vans, and carry them.” Eric: “That guy was already passed out and they re-chloroformed him.”
Emily: “This was just a really interesting episode because there was a lot of, doing the scenes with the people there to see them, and then doing them without them there.” Eric: “Yeah, and I actually had fun doing the scene over and over with Stephen McHattie there and then with him not there and just be talking to air.” Lucas: “Some of these people were from this town, and it was a totally different experience shooting there this year because people had seen the show, and all of a sudden it was a show on TV and they I think for the most part liked the show and liked how it portrayed their town so people were much more excited to have us back this season and I felt totally embraced by the community, and they were super helpful despite us getting in their way all the time. It was a really nice feeling.” Eric: “This was my first year living in the town, because last year I lived in Halifax., and besides the drunk lady who would show up on my doorstep at midnight, I had a great time. This is a perfect opportunity to give a shout out to Nicky Butler who owns Nicky’s Inn, my favourite place in the world. I love that woman.” Lucas: “Fantastic mother of us all in Chester.”
[The scene outside the shed with the Rev. and Simon and Garland] Lucas: “So this is the longest scene ever…. There’s all sorts of things going on, people are seeing ghosts, people are not seeing ghosts, he’s realising that he’s Troubled, and how can we save him - it was mental. And we’re all standing, for the most part, still. Emily: “So then what you end up doing is shooting it in directions, like pieces of the pie. You shoot one side and then just go around the circle, shooting all that’s happening.” Lucas: “Right. And I think Mr Balfour did a stand-up job of selling this whole scene with his dilemma. And we sort of all revolved around his issues - as we in real life do too.” Eric: “Yeah, mostly about my hair.” Lucas: “But it was fantastic because there was not really much else to hold on to but I think Eric was fantastic in this scene and it all  worked in the end and it was kind of amazing.” Eric: “I thought this music worked really well.” Lucas: “And although it looks sunny there, this was the day we had to shut down - because the generator was going to get wet.” Emily: “It felt like a snow day at school, I was kind of giddy about it all.” Lucas also mentions the issue with the rain and the ghosts; that they couldn’t have the ghosts with their shirts getting wet because that wouldn’t make any sense when they can walk through gravestones and can’t pick up whiskey glasses. And also makes the point about how rain typically doesn’t show up on screen. And Emily mentions that they had a tarpaulin covering them, so they were dry but then that creates its own issues because you can hear the rain hitting it.
[As we see Duke’s eyes turn silver] Eric: “Whoa, great eyes! I hadn’t seen this part before. That looks crazy.” Lucas wonders if the effect is different from the one he original saw, but then he and Emily decide it’s just because they’re watching it on a better TV now. Lucas: “Shawn has a terrible TV at his house.”
[As Simon and Garland fade away] Eric: “This whole thing feels very much like the movie Ghost. I wish Whoopi Goldberg was there.” Lucas: “Me too. I wish we had a pottery studio.” Eric: “Yep.” Lucas: “Yep. We haven’t seen Duke’s pottery studio have we? Actually, maybe in season three when we see Nathan’s home, we get to see the pottery studio.”
[As Audrey picks up the gun and arrests everyone] Eric: “Your favourite line.” Emily: “I so did not want to say that line. There was a note about we had to show that Audrey was in control…. I played it down, I didn’t know how else to do it.” Lucas: “I think you did a very stand up job, Parker.”
[As we see Vince and Dave arguing] Emily: “I often wonder how they do these scenes without really knowing what the thorn in their side is. But you guys have a little bit of that too. Well you know it now, but you had to play that opposition with each other without really knowing what the history was.” Lucas: “Right. Well, we just went off real life basically.” *general laughter* Eric: “Well except in real life you’re usually upset that I won’t cuddle with you, and that’s what creates most of the tension.”
[As we see Audrey getting kidnapped] Emily: “Oh gosh I did not want to get tasered. I fought for every other way of getting knocked out possible. I wanted to get hit over the head with a gun. … So now we’re coming up on the end of the finale that actually changed pretty drastically.” Lucas: “Changed a million ways from Sunday.” And they both tell each other how they can’t talk about what it was originally going to be Eric: “We can talk about one thing, when we get to it.”
[As we see Nathan come into the Rouge] Lucas: “There were a couple takes of this where I came in shouting, and my daughter was outside and heard me screaming ‘where is she?’ and then I just hear ‘Why is Daddy yelling?’ so my wife had to hustle her outside.”
[As Duke and Nathan start to fight] Emily: “So disappointing, we thought they were actually on the road to being good friends.”
As we see the tattoo on Nathan’s arm, there is a general ‘!! What does that mean?’
[As the credits start to roll] Eric: “So originally, you never heard that gunshot. That was something added, I think that was a Scott Shepherd idea. Which I’ve got to give him credit for; that was a really fun idea.”
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levittbe · 7 years
folks 1.0
The life of an observant introvert often means that you see everyone else’s excitement, but you never get to really experience it for yourself.
Throughout my time at university, I realized that I spent a lot of time observing everyone around me, but never fully engaging. Whether it was because of intimidation, lack of interest, my anxiety or my depression, I missed out on a lot of really great friendships because I watched more than I experienced.
So what now? I have all of these memories of watching other people’s lives go by... but rarely any of my own.  I don’t know what to do with them, as I get so flustered whenever I think about how I didn’t engage enough to be actual friends with people. They’re a reminder of the experiences and happiness that I missed out on. A reminder of the folks who now look at me with either pity or confusion, or even frustration.
So, since memories don’t just disappear, I wanted to do something productive about them. So I decided to write. I’m not a writer and this is by no means meant to be something of use to anyone but myself (read: Future Amber, it is horrendous writing, but don’t be discouraged kthanks).  But I wanted to just create a space where I can think about the people I met in my life and where, regardless of our status as strangers/acquaintances/colleagues/friends/etc., I can appreciate them for what they taught me.
I won’t use real names, but everything else will be as accurate as I remember them. I met some pretty amazing, selfless, brilliant, and forward-thinking people during my time at Stanford, and I want that to be on full-blast.  Regardless of the fact that they’ll forget about me (such is the life of a wallflower), they’re still great people and I want to recognize that. If not for them, then for myself.
So... these will be done whenever I feel like getting around to them. It’s like a public journal, which means it’ll get done in chunks because that’s how I journal - sporadically writing down memories I want to keep.
Til then,
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sapphic-snafu · 8 years
good morning lovelies
as a history major I feel it my duty to make this rant about executive orders because i hate them, know why? cause they’re not even constitutional aight
let’s go
alright let’s start with why they exist in the first place
george washington needed them to give military commands because our army was shit and we really needed to oh i don’t know be independent 
and speaking of independence, abraham lincoln used an executive order to do a little thing you might recall is named the emancipation proclamation 
(but they weren’t really called executive orders until 1907 when the state department was like hey we should probably write these down and number them)
FDR used them for the new deal which may or may not have destroyed the country i mean that’s really up for debate but i think it had its good points
truman used them to integrate schools and public places
so they can and have been used for good
but you know what else they’ve been used for 
building a wall between the us and mexico and keeping syrian refugees out and rolling back the aca and building the dakota access pipeline 
all of these things are things i don’t agree with and you might and that’s fine 
but what’s not fine 
is the lack of constitutionalness constitutionality of executive orders
me, a teacher: who can point to me where executive orders are in the constitution
student: nobody 
me: that’s right because it’s not there kids
me, still a teacher: yes johnny isaakson you have a question who is surprised
johnny: yes how can we stop these executive orders 
me: well johnny are you a member of the supreme court
johnny: no
me: then i guess you’ll just have to run for senator of georgia and ignore your constituency won’t you
people have tried to construe the first clause of the second article of the constitution that’s like “take care that all laws are faithfully executed” and make it an excuse to let the president do whatever they shitwant but anybody who knows me knows I have always hated this for so many reasons
first, executive orders not subject to congressional approval so there is basically no check in place unless congress literally passes a law effectively overturning it and we all know how long that will take and even if it manages to pass both the house and senate, the president can veto or just leave it on his desk unsigned 
nextly, the only real check on exec orders is a supreme court decision which takes even longer and if you’ve appointed only your friends to the positions it’ll take even longer (ahem trump cough) 
third, these orders give way too much power to the executive like i get it in times of war they are necessary to deploy forces in a timely manner but listen, we can’t be in a state of war 24/7 even though i know we want to so the only justification i can find for ending the overuse of executive orders is to chill the fuck out america 
fourth, i know every president has used them and trump is no exception but seriously these are really dangerous when they’re used for things like ruining a water source for an entire community or denying that climate change exists and all this can happen without any effective check in place and that is scary 
fifth and finally, if you can issue an executive order as president, why would you ever let congress make a decision if you can just make it happen with a single signature like there is no motivation for the president to leave any legislative power where it belongs
i mean if you think exec orders are just the president doing his constitutional duty then you can’t impeach the president for “fulfilling his constitutional duty too well” 
so the gist of this is let congress be the legislative power and let the president be the executive power and never the twain shall meet 
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secret-engima · 5 years
My shipper brain is at it again, how do y’all feel about another vote? Namely, who should Cloud!Prompto in my Clouds and Moonlit Skies verse get shipped with? So far I’ve thought of a few and I’ll give some reasons for why they might be fun/good to write.
Cindy - I really like the thought of the dynamic between them that would form? They’d know each other as kids because Cid would come to investigate post the Cor-Adoption thing and discover Prompto is a prodigy greasemonkey and insist Prompto come over to Hammerhead for a weekend every two weeks or something. So, Prompto and Cindy would get to bond over engines and cars and stuff. I’d get to show snips of their relationship settling into a solid, steady sort of friendship where Cindy is the cheer and good sense and Prompto is the quiet and pragmatism with a touch of Reckless that keeps Cid on his toes (ie, yelling at Prompto for dragging Cindy into another adventure of some kind). 
Then ... idk something happens, possibly Prompto complaining about the court ladies always chasing him and Cindy abruptly offers to be his fake-date because her Paw-Paw will never admit it but Regis gave him a fancy title years ago so technically Cindy’s like- a duchess or something silly like that. Prompto would agree and Cindy would get to have fun horrifying all of high society and from there they just- click. It would be funny. Six months into it Prompto would suddenly set his tool down and look up at Cindy over the engine they’re repairing and go “Are we- dating? For reals?” because those last five coffee dates and long drives on Prompto’s motorcycle hadn’t been publicity stunts. 
Cindy ponders it and goes “Well, shoot. Ah think we are.” And then they both kinda shrug and go back to their day until it hits them in the middle of the night in their respective homes and they have a moment of WAIT WHAT.
Aranea - This one would take longer to swing because Prompto would need to be a teen/young adult to even MEET her but it would, in general, be funny. The utter deadpan, reckless son of the Immortal and the snarky, sassy mercenary would be a great dynamic. Especially since Prompto HAS some experience in mercenary work from being Cloud and could totally understand her priorities. They’d meet ... idk where, out in the field probably, and Aranea would find him oddly charming for a Lucian while Prompto would appreciate her professionalism, even if it’s ENEMY professionalism. Then they keep running into each other on non-conflicting missions and the Tension between the two keeps rising as they try to subtly one-up each other and frankly by the time Aranea OR Prompto realize they’re crushing on an enemy soldier, Aranea’s crew are all Screaming Internally because it is SO OBVIOUS that their commander has fallen for the Immortal’s kid. Just- you could cut the Tension between those two with a KNIFE.
There’s probably a fight that devolves into a spiteful make-out session in there somewhere post Realization and that fight-to-make-out and other in-battle flirtations starts becoming a Trend. Aranea’s crew and any Glaives coming with Prompto on mission are a united Suffer. Nobody adds it to the reports because Cor reads those and frankly no one wants to DIE kthanks.
And then something Dramatic would happen unrelated to the romance, probably Aranea learning just how corrupt and horrible Niflheim really is, and she’d just- up and defects to Lucis with all her airships. When freaked out Lucians contact the fleet cheerfully hovering outside the Wall, Aranea says she and her entire crew are mercenaries that just ended their Niflheim contract because Niflheim violated one of the terms, would Lucis care to hire them instead? When the stunned Crownsguard on the radio lamely and weakly asks if they have any ... uh ... reliable work references or something, she cheerfully says to ask the Brat Leonis, he’ll put in a good word for her. In the war room of Insomnia, all eyes swing to Prompto, who refuses to blush as he honestly admits she does good work and is honest. As long as they pay her well and don’t do anything too scummy, she’ll be fine. Prompto can feel Cor’s eyes drilling into him because FUNNY, Prompto never mentioned meeting her in his mission reports before.
Crowe - Less hyped on this one than the previous two, but it’s ... it’s an option? Could be funny. The Glaive already have Opinions on Prompto from how he and the Captain interact, but when he’s of the age of consent one of them (probs Tredd or maybe even Luche) dares Crowe to ask out the Son of the Immortal. They don’t expect her to actually do it or for Prompto to blink, shrug, and accept.
From there they honestly start dating just to wig out the glaive, but it evolves form there into an actual relationship.
Lib is a Meltdown in the corner throughout the process. Titus supports their relationship and is unaware of the Shovel Talk tradition so he mostly just pats them both on the shoulder and says if this all goes up in flames, he’s not stabbing either party on the other’s behalf.
Tifa reincarnation? - I’m not particularly a TifaxCloud shipper (nothing against it, I just can never find fics with that pairing that Really Sell Me on it, everything is usually too angsty or too crackish) but it ... MIGHT be fun to explore those two meeting again and slowly rebuilding a new relationship and giving the Romance Thing a try. Maybe. Not really sold on this at all but throwing it out there because Tifa’s a nice character.
Honestly IF I was convinced to put her in this, I’d really rather ship her with Seph/Titus because THAT would be a fun pairing to explore.
Actually I might end up doing that one so Tifa might have just gotten knocked out of the Prompto Pairing vote unless she wins by a massive landslide. Hmmmmmmm.
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