#I just love Pina he's such a nice guy
fisheito · 5 months
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wasn't sure if i could stick to a proper theme for morv week but i like morv so i made him happen
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sinningforrory · 1 year
stupid // stan uris smut
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a/n: hey everyone! it's been so long since i've posted and a lot of people have been sending me requests but since my first and only fic i've uploaded on here has gained 1,000 notes i thought i'd gift you guys this fic as a thank you. i'm gonna try and upload a lot more now because i appreciate so much the love my writing gets fr thank you guys so much. hope you enjoy and as always, reblogging really helps me out so if u enjoy, pls don't hesitate!
WARNINGS: dom!stan, submissive!bratty!reader, slight choking, mention of drugs (if you squint) SMUT, majorly NSFW minors please dni, thank you!
SUMMARY: Your parents best friends' son. The picture perfect grade A student of the perfect suburban family. And a cocky douchebag. You hated him. But, since you both got into the same college, Stan has been making it clear that he definitely does not hate you...
Stanley. Even his name irked you. I mean, who in their right mind births a beautiful baby boy and names him Stanley. What a stupid name. It fits him though, that’s for sure. Stupid Stan with his stupid family and his stupid friends and his stupid studying. He was just so stupid that you wanted to bash his brains in any time he so much as breathed around your presence. 
Of course, he hadn’t necessarily done anything to warrant your intense hatred towards him. He just irritated you. You were Jewish too so you’d always see each other at the Synagogue and your parents were enamoured by Stan’s stupidness. They saw it as ‘perfection’ instead though. They were always bothering you about how you should ‘aim to be more like Stan’ or ‘Stan’s parents told me he got an A in this class. So why are you getting a D?’ He drove you insane. You weren’t Stan, you weren’t stupid like Stan so why couldn’t your parents just love you for you instead of comparing you to that stupid, stupid boy.
Due to your parents being very good friends with Stan’s family, you saw each other a lot more than you’d like. And every time you were there you took every opportunity to be nasty to Stan just to wear off some steam. But that made it even worse. It wouldn’t matter if he was a dick to you too. But no. He’s NICE to you. And you know he’s doing it on purpose to get on your nerves because every time he compliments your hair and sees you glaring knives into his eyes, he does a subtle smirk to himself as if he’s fucking won this silly little game you play. He knows he’s driving you insane and he’s proud of himself for it. What a fucking douche.  
It had always been this way. Stan irritates you, you’re a bitch to Stan, Stan eats it up, Stan irritates you, blah, blah, blah. It was an endless cycle of hate. 
However, something had flipped in Stan the summer before you both left for college. Luckily enough, you’d both managed to get into the exact same ivy league as each other so you would be stuck with Stan for the next four years. When you found out you immediately wanted to bash your head into a wall repeatedly until you woke up from this absolute nightmare that was Stanley Uris. 
The news that you had both gotten into an ivy league warranted a celebratory party for the both of you. The idea from your lovely mother, of course, and at said party, Stan was acting a lot stranger than normal. So strange to the point where you were currently hiding in the bathroom with your back against the door breathing heavily as if he was chasing after you and about to knock the door down with an axe.  
It started in the garden. You wore a white summer dress with tiny yellow flowers scattered among it. Stan was looking very punchable in cream khakis and a navy polo. Unbuttoned, of course, because he could never look TOO tidy. You stood by the refreshments, sipping a virgin pina colada when Stan strutted his way over with a teasing grin on his face, ready to ruin your relaxed mood. 
‘So, I guess we’re going to college together. It seems you really can’t escape me, can you, y/n?’ He leaned against the table next to you, taking a sip from his beer. You glared up at him, already infuriated by the fact that he was leaning down with you stood up straight next to him and he was still taller than you. 
‘Oh please, Stanley, don’t pretend to be so happy about this when we both know you are just as excited about this as me.’ 
He gasped in mock surprise before laughing softly at the frown on your face, ‘Oh, come on, princess, you know you love me. I guarantee that you would miss this adorable face as soon as you knew you couldn’t see me anymore.��� 
He smiled at you gently before moving his sunglasses up to rest on his curls and taking a sip of beer. 
You moved to stand in front of him, making a move to leave the refreshments and flee to your room (or anywhere away from Stan). ‘Bite me, Uris.’ 
‘If you insist, princess.’ He smirked at you and folded his arms over his chest, his muscles straining under his polo. 
Your eyes widened slightly, shock evident on your face at his words. He had always been overly saccharine with you but he had never flirted with you so boldly. Shaking yourself out of your daze, you scoffed before walking off with your pina colada into your kitchen for some snacks. 
5 minutes later, you were still stood in front of your fridge, supposedly searching for food but instead, you found yourself staring off into space. You could not scratch that smug image of Stan out of your brain, his words engraving themselves into your memory, messing with your mind. 
Worst of all, you found yourself repeatedly wondering why you liked what he had said to you. Pulling yourself together, you closed the fridge door but immediately jumped as you saw Stan standing right where the fridge door had been resting. 
‘You look a little lost, princess, is everything okay?’ He was stood so close to you that your chests were half an inch away from touching. You gazed into his eyes for half a second before realising what you were doing and coughed before putting some distance between the two of you. 
‘Uh-uhm, I’m fine thank you, Stanley. Just couldn’t find what I was craving.’ 
He nodded his head understandingly before taking a step forward so you were nearly chest to chest once again. ‘What exactly are you craving, y/n?’ 
He hadn’t meant to sound so enticing, or maybe he had, but the way he said that with his gravelly voice and his tiny smirk made your thighs involuntarily clench together. 
‘E-erm, just some guacamole dip. My mom always hides it from me though because she knows I’ll eat it all before the other guests can have any.’ You fiddled with the hem of your dress, avoiding eye contact with the boy in front of you. What had gotten into you, why was he making your confidence dissipate so easily and why were you suddenly acting like a nervous school-girl?
Stan’s eyebrows furrowed before an evil look took over his features. He was planning something, you could tell. And you didn’t like it. 
‘Oh, you mean.. this guacamole? The one on top of the fridge? That I can reach? But you can’t?’ 
Your eyes trailed along his veiny, muscular forearm before they met his slender, mocking hand where you found it gesturing towards... of course: the dip. 
Frustration filled you head to toe as you realised that Stan, once again, had the upper hand. Your jaw ticked as your eyes finally met Stan’s cocky, patronising eyes and you had to resist the urge to make those smug, brown orbs black and blue. 
‘It seems that you have something you need to ask me, darling. Because, let’s face it, we’re not gonna have a stare-off all day in front of this fridge. So, let’s hear it: “Oh, please, Stanley. I need you to get me that dip off the top of the fridge because I was born with incompetent height and I can’t do it without you, Stanley.”’ 
You crossed your arms over your chest as you listened, painfully, to Stan mock you with such arrogance you found it hard to resist whacking him with a frying pan. However, to Stan’s surprise, before he had the chance to continue making fun of you, there was no one standing in front of him anymore. 
Where had you gone? he thought. That’s unlike you, to admit defeat so easily. Where was your usual snarky bite back, attacking him on his ‘unusually long legs’? 
But before he could get too worried, there you were. Returning into the kitchen to fight back to Stan.... with a chair. 
Wordless and emotionless, you put the chair down in front of the fridge, stood on its seat and grabbed the dip, finally retreating from the kitchen, not before throwing Stan a victorious wink before you disappeared around the corner. 
Truth be told, you had no idea how to respond to Stan’s unusual behaviour so instead of arguing back like you would normally do, your mind blanked of insults completely and you did the next best thing that you could think of: beat him at his own game. 
It was obvious that something about Stan had changed since the last time you had spoken and Stan seemed to think he was one step ahead of you. What stupid Stan didn’t know was that you were nowhere near as Stupid as him and knew that the only way to irritate him like you used to was to give him a taste of his own medicine. 
Sure, you weren’t exactly completely against the idea of flirting with Stan for fun. He was obviously a good-looking guy; you knew because he would never let you forget it. And you would never pass up the opportunity to get a hot guy flustered. 
This was how Stan wanted to play? Fine. He’d better prepare to lose. 
It had been two weeks since this little game you and Stan were playing had begun and you couldn’t hold out much longer. The tension between the two of you had sky-rocketed and even the slightest twitch of a smirk in the corner of Stan’s mouth had your panties pooling with desire. 
You had an inkling that Stan was in the same boat as you were as your lingering caresses on his arm or leg when laughing with him and his family seemed to make him blush much easier than before. 
The point of why you were doing all of this was still vaguely swimming around in the back of your mind: do not be the first to give into your temptations. Don’t sleep with Stan. 
However, with Stan so perfectly positioned behind you so your butt met his bulge as he leaned over your petite frame to reach for a glass, you had to take deep breaths to remind yourself once again: don’t sleep with Stan. 
You gulped and took a deep breath of relief once he removed himself from his position behind you to lean on the counter next to you. His gaze burned into the side of your face and you met his eyes briefly just to find him with a cocky smirk plastered on him. 
Your blood boiled (with rage or desire, you didn’t know) but you looked away without giving even the slightest of a reaction. You could never let him know how much his actions affected you. 
It was that dreaded time of the week when you go over to the Uris family’s house for dinner and after eating a delicious meal cooked by Mrs Uris you did the routine of standing in the kitchen and drinking an iced tea with Stan whilst the adults got drunk in the living room. 
Usually, you and Stan would bicker pointlessly during this time of the evening, but tonight it was completely silent between the two of you with only lingering gazes and glares thrown from one to the other. The tension could be cut with a butter knife. 
However, your torment was put on pause as, suddenly, Mrs Uris appeared at the kitchen door. ‘Hello sweeties,’ she hiccoughed slightly, clearly tipsy. ‘I know that the kitchen is very beautiful but you are welcome to go up to Stan’s room if you want. Stan certainly won’t mind a beautiful girl like you to be up in his room, y/n.’ She winked as you blushed and Stan coughed out an embarrassed ‘Mom!’. 
She then made her departure, giggling to herself softly as she went. Stan then coughed to get your attention and gestured with a jerk of his head to the direction of his room, indirectly asking if you wanted to take up his mother on her offer. You shrugged before making your way up the stairs to Stan’s room. 
Stan’s room. What a place to behold. You hadn’t been up there since you were about 12 and had to work with Stan on a class project. It had changed a lot since then. Posters of bands that Stan listened to were plastered all over the walls and clothes were scattered all over the floor, and let’s not forget to mention the faint aroma of marijuana. 
Stan manoeuvred you out of the doorway, his fingers gracing your waist ever so slightly with his bulge pressed against your lower back as he shimmied past you. 
He jumped on his bed, his arms and legs in a starfish position on either side of him, and closed his eyes with a big sigh. 
You carefully sat yourself down next to him on the bed, feeling too hesitant to lie yourself down next to him. He leaned up against the bed frame with his hands behind his head as he studied your appearance precariously as ever. 
‘Why do you hate me?’.
The question took you by surprise. It was so out of the blue and even more so out of character for Stan to be so straight-forward. You blinked delicately before shrugging your shoulders at him. 
‘Do you want the honest answer or the answer that you want to hear from me?’ You pressed, speaking so quiet that it was almost a whisper. 
He glanced swiftly over you for a second before responding, ‘Honest.’ 
It wasn’t like you weren’t expecting Stan to want that answer but the fact that you had to admit it to yourself now, let alone to Stan, was enough to make you faint from nerves. 
You looked away from Stan and fiddled with your fingers as you spoke in hushed tones. ‘I envy you. You have better grades, better looks, better charisma, better music taste, better style... a better life. You are better than me in every way. And I despise you for it.’ 
A masked look of shock ghosted over Stan’s face before it was replaced once again with a stony expression. He sat up straight so that your knees were touching and he placed a hand on the centre of your thigh. 
You looked up at him and connected with his gorgeous hazel eyes. He ran his tongue quickly over his lips before his eyes locked onto yours. ‘Now, we both know that’s not true.’
It was as if your body was moving with a mind of its own. Slowly, you were leaning in towards Stan as if you were magnetised to him and to be too far would hurt you in unimaginable ways. ‘How do you mean?’ You breathily responded, your heart pulsing rapidly.
He was so close to you now that you felt his breath against your lips. ‘Because I envy you ten times more.’ And with that closing sentence you felt his lips crash immediately into yours. 
All the tension from the last few days swarmed around you both like a storm of arousal and need. His kiss was passionate and rough as he pressed his lips into yours with so much want but his hand on your leg was gentle and sweet as he caressed your inner thigh gently with his thumb. 
The constant nagging of your brain screaming at you ‘Don’t sleep with Stan’ was shoved into the back of your mind falling to deaf ears as Stan moved his hand ever so slightly higher up your leg, falling to play with the hem of your dress as he detached his lips from yours to suck on your collarbone with the obvious attempt of planting a hickey. 
Stan skillfully moved you both up to the headboard so that he could deepen the passion of your kiss and you quickly maneuvered yourself so that you were now straddling his lap. 
His growing erection pressed into your centre as he trailed his smooth hands down to the flesh of your hips, his lips dragging down your jaw to find solace in the crook of your neck.
You felt like you were on fire, Stan’s touch was magnetic and no matter how you’d been trying to resist him, it was impossible. You were addicted to how he made you feel. 
Neediness began to bubble through your tummy and you could tell Stan was feeling the same way as his hands were digging into your hips harder than before. Then, his hands began to carefully drag your hips across his hardness, slowly at first. 
You could feel every bump of his length through his thin sweatpants and your hands moved down his toned body to fiddle with the hem of his t-shirt. 
His hands began to move faster, dragging your thin panties over his hard, clothed dick. He detatched his lips from your neck when you began to let out tiny, little moans of pleasure, thankful for the little bits of stimulation Stan was feeding you. 
His eyes trailed down your body, admiring every single bump and curve: the strap of your dress falling off your shoulder, your soaking panties rubbing against him as his hands moulded perfectly with the fat of your hips. They then fell on your face, growing darker at the sight of your furrowed eyebrows, messy hair and plump, red lips from you biting down too hard on them. 
Likewise, you were admiring Stan, his sharp jawline clenching and unclenching every time you dragged yourself over his most sensitive spots, his hair uncharacteristically messy from your hands tugging on his curls. He noticed your movements speeding up and he flashed you a dangerous grin; a grin that would make even the biggest prude on the planet drop her panties to her knees. 
Acknowledging your shaky hands still fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt, he slowed the movement of your hips with his strong hands and dragged you painfully slow now, refusing to let you continue with the rapid pace you’d set before. 
“You want this off, baby?” referring to his t-shirt. You nodded shyly, hands still fiddling with the hem. 
“Want me to take it off for you? Are you too dumb to do it yourself?” He stared up at you with a patronising look on his face. You groaned annoyedly, but deep down your cunt throbbed with anticipation.
“Just take it off Stan, don’t be a dick.” You glared down at him but your glare immediately switched to a look of shock as Stan’s hands had stopped your hips moving completely now, denying you any release that you were desperately craving. 
Narrowing his eyes playfully, he tutted at your lack of control. “Now, that’s no way to ask for what we want is it, sweetheart?” The corner of his lips tugged up satisfactorily as he took in your menacing glare, but also your glossed over eyes indicating your desperation for his cock. 
‘Oh, how cute,’ Stan thought pityingly. ‘The poor, little slut’s already gone dumb and I haven’t even fucked her yet.’
You breathed through your nostrils fiercely before succumbing to the begging of your aching clit and gave Stan your best doe eyes before tugging pathetically at the hem of Stan’s crumpled shirt. ‘Please take it off Stan, I’ll do anything, please..’ You pressed down on his length for extra measure just to make sure he would give you what you needed. 
A low hum of appreciation mixed with a strangled groan of pleasure escaped Stan’s throat and he mulled it over for a few seconds with that irritating smirk plastered on his face before nodding, clearly satisfied with your begging before he lifted his slender fingers to his collar and removed his shirt - finally. 
You took a moment to appreciate the art that was Stanley Uris' abs and sighed contentedly. It seemed your hands had a mind of their own as you wasted no time in rubbing your hands up and down his beautiful torso, gliding over the valleys and hills of his defined muscles.
"Enjoying yourself there, princess?" Stan chimed, clearly cocky that you'd spent about 30 seconds just groping him absentmindedly.
Tearing your eyes away, you glanced up at Stanley's face, adorned with a shit-eating smirk, one of his hands resting behind his head, the other still gripping the fat of your hip, rubbing gentle circles into your flesh.
Slightly embarrassed but, nevertheless, growing quite needy now, you rolled your eyes.
Eyes narrowing at the evil spawn, you thought 'The ego of this man is absolutely atrocious. How dare he try and make fun of me for admiring his physique when if I decided to strip naked right now, his reaction would probably beat mine.'
And then it clicked.
Focusing back on Stanley's disgustingly smug face, you did something you'd never done for Stanley Uris in your entire life.
You gave him a real genuine smile.
The apples of your cheeks beamed down at him and your eyes sparkled lovingly at the boy who was now slightly confused and, albeit, a little bit scared.
Slowly, you leaned down over Stan so your breath tickled his nose and your lips brushed gently against his, just in time to see his cheeks tinge red and his eyes flutter closed, like a naïve teenage girl who was experiencing her first kiss.
Aw, how cute.
Finally, you pressed your lips to Stanley's, so softly Stan thought he might've been kissing a cloud, and just left them there, in a gentle peck, before sitting up again to admire the look of bliss on Stan's face.
His eyes were fluttering open again and his breathing was shallow but fast.
This was the real face of Stan; he had finally taken off his mask for you.
He was so pretty, obviously you knew that already, but you couldn't get lost in his beauty again or your plan wouldn't work.
Then, when he dazedly smiled up at you and made to pull your head down so he could kiss you again, you teasingly began to lift up the hem of your dress until it had been lifted over your head and discarded somewhere on Stan's bedroom floor.
There you sat, on Stanley's clothed, throbbing cock, in just your white silk panties, the little bow just oh so enticing, and your bare, perky breasts on display for Stanley's greedy eyes.
His lips parted ever so slightly as he not-so-discreetly took in a sharp intake of breath. His eyes roamed hungrily over your exposed chest, and you knew you had him when his needy little hands reached up to thumb your erect nipples.
Arrogantly, you smirked down at him, your sweet, loving smile erased. However, Stan failed to notice, too enamoured by your naked body, like a toddler in a candy store.
"Aw, you're like a needy, little puppy, aren't you Stanny?" Your heart beat fast as you finally dropped the sentence you'd been waiting to release since Stan's cocky demeanour had surfaced.
Stan froze as he realised what you had done and his jaw clenched automatically, clearly embarrassed that he had let you entice him just how he had you not even a few minutes ago.
Narrowed eyes were glaring into yours and your confident façade faltered slightly as you realised how deep in shit you were now.
He was gonna ruin you.
However, Stan didn't flip you over dominantly so he was on top of you, or rip your panties off in anger like you had expected him to.
Gradually, he eased himself up his headboard so his back was resting comfortably against it and so the two of you were eye-level, 'innocent' doe-eyes levelled with furious, narrowed eyes.
His hands gently gripped you hips and moved you a little further up his chest, so he could remove his sweatpants, so slow and so patient you were so confused.
He looked deadly, that's for sure. But you'd expected him to be rough with you, teach you a lesson for being so naughty. All in all, other than being clearly vexed, he was treating you like you were a china doll.
As soon as his sweatpants and boxers were discarded, he moved you back to your old spot on his lap and carefully caressed your hips, his thumbs hooking under the straps of your thong and pulling at the sides, fiddling with them gently while intently drilling into your eyes with his own.
"You wanna be in control, huh, sweetheart?" He muttered so quiet you could barely hear but so full of malice your heart immediately sped up.
You had no idea what to say. No, you didn't wanna be in control. You wanted Stan to bend and contort you into any position he wanted, you wanted him to fuck your cunt until you couldn't even form a coherent word, you wanted him to paint the canvas of your body purple, pink and black, in the form of hickeys, bruises and mascara stains.
And you knew he knew that.
You knew by the look on his face, the restraint in his jaw, the rage in his eyes that he definitely did not want that either.
So why was he doing this?
Just as your brows started to furrow in confusion, Stan's thumb had started to rub harsh but deliberate circles over your clothed clit and you let out a gasp.
He tilted his head to the side slightly, furrowing his brows in faux confusion. "Is that... not what you want, baby? You see, I'm just a needy little puppy, right?" He spat at you, evidently fuming but clearly enjoying seeing you in such a state.
You shook your head and dropped your it onto Stan's shoulder, moaning softly as he used one hand to hook your panties to the side while the other found your soaking wet hole and gently inserted two very long fingers.
But, immediately he removed them.
Your head shot up in irritation but you relaxed and hummed contentedly as you realised that Stan was finally lining himself up with your entrance.
You lifted yourself up slightly to make room for his 'oh my god that's scarily big why am i only just noticing this' cock, fluttered your eyelashes closed, and waited for the stretch of him pushing up into you... but it never came.
The first thing you saw when you opened your eyes was Stan's eyes, still level with yours, looking bored and his hands, once again, behind his head, biceps flexed and causing a big distraction for you.
He looked at you pointedly, but, realising you still didn't get it, rolled his eyes and motioned for you to sit on his cock.
At this point, you would've jumped off a cliff if Stan asked you to if it meant he would grant you some form of release, so you carefully began to lower yourself down onto his tree-trunk of a dick, the stretch of it stinging slightly but the depth of it stimulating you in all the right ways.
You let out a guttural moan as you sat on the base, his cock bottomed out inside of you. You gripped Stan's toned shoulders with force and wiggled about slightly, trying to adjust to this new, amazing feeling and, as you wiggled, you noticed a slight tremor in his mask as his jaw clenched and his eyebrows briefly furrowed in pleasure.
But, as quickly as it faltered, it reappeared and Stan's stoic, unimpressed gaze fell on you once again.
"Well?" He rasped, as if what he wanted was the most obvious thing in the world. "You're in control, right, babe? I'm not moving a muscle."
You knew immediately that he was not kidding, so you bottled up the impatience you had for this stupid, stubborn man and put your game face on.
You could get off without help from Stan, of course you could. You didn't need his touch when you could do a perfectly good job with your hips and your hands.
'Fine.' You thought, glaring at Stan with pure hatred in your eyes. 'Suit yourself.'
So you began to move up and down on Stanley's cock, feeling every vein and twitch as you dragged your walls all over his length, coating it in your slick.
You gripped Stan's flexed biceps, his arms unmoving from behind his head as his eyes flickered between watching your face slowly morph into a dreamy, fucked-out expression, soft, pretty moans escaping from your parted lips every time the tip of his cock would prod at your g-spot, and watching your glistening, stretched out cunt swallow up his length, each time producing more and more slick so every time you slammed back down on his base, you could hear a squelching noise.
The only sign Stan was giving away of him holding any emotion was the twitch of his jaw and brow growing more frequent as the speed of your bounces grew quicker and harsher.
Soon, your bounces grew erratic as you craved your release, the only noises in his room being your desperate whimpers of pleasure, the sound of your wetness, and skin slapping on skin, along with the occasional grunt of approval from Stan.
However, you started to grow tired and out of breath as it had been nearly 5 minutes of you bouncing up and down on Stan's length, with no help from him and your determination to beat Stan at his own game was overwhelmed by your desperation to cum, and you knew you had to admit defeat because you were never gonna cum if you carried on like this.
Reluctantly, you sank down onto Stan and stilled with him deep inside you as you breathed heavily and whimpered with the desperation to cum deep in your tummy, your clit throbbing, begging for release.
Stan's furrowed face quickly changed to that of faux sympathy as he moved his hands to rest on your waist, rubbing gentle circles into the skin. "Oh baby, are you tired? Do you need my help?" He asked, patronising you just a little bit further by stretching out 'need' just to annoy you.
You had no time to be annoyed, however, because you could feel your release creeping just that little bit further away from the loss of stimulation, so you nodded your head frantically, practically begging Stanley to help you with your pathetic little doe eyes, glossy and desperate.
"Please, Stanny, please I need it, I need you, just please make me cum." You whined, your lips ghosting his ear, and gently kissing his cheek just for good measure.
That was all Stan needed to hear as he grabbed your neck, squeezing gently as he brought your face back to his and kissed you harshly, bruising your lips with his teeth as he dragged your lip with him, pulling away, and then releasing it.
"See, that wasn't so hard was it!" He smiled gently at you, pecking your plump, red lips and squeezing your neck in approval, before he moved his hands back to your waist, his grip turning nasty and he lifted you up right to his tip, then plunging his hips upwards into yours.
You choked on your moan from the sheer force of his thrust but soon gained your voice back as he continued his rough, rapid thrusting up into your eager pussy, practically dripping, begging for a long overdue orgasm.
You collapsed your tired aching body on top of Stan, your head buried in his neck, muffling your high-pitched moans from the ears of your drunk parents downstairs.
Stan moved his hands down to your ass and gripped the flesh harshly and his thrusts were slamming repeatedly into a spot that made you clench fiercely down on him and shriek with overwhelming pleasure.
Stan groaned into your ear as you continually clenched around him, whispering filthy praises into your ear making your legs tremble and your stomach flip as your impending orgasm was getting closer and closer.
"Can you hear yourself, princess? Can you hear the noises your pretty pussy is making?" The squelching of your wetness was embarrassing to say the least and you could feel Stan smirking without even having to look at him.
As he kept hitting that same spot, you could feel yourself so close to the edge as your legs trembled and your moans grew louder and higher.
"I'm gonna- I'm gonna come, Stanny." You managed to babble out through your whimpers as you felt that overwhelming rush of pleasure build up deep inside you.
Stan lifted your head up and grabbed it with both of his hands whilst still thrusting repeatedly in and out of your sopping cunt, forcing you to look into his eyes.
He had a look of pure concentration adorning his face, brows furrowed, jaw clenched and hair messy, letting out little breathy moans of his own every now and then.
"That's it princess, I wanna see that pretty face when you come all over my cock." And the coil snapped.
You let out a scream of pleasure as your entire body jolted, your orgasm washing over you, your toes clenching and your pussy spasming around Stan's length.
You collapsed onto Stan once again, letting out tiny moans, clearly exhausted from the intensity of the orgasm Stanley had given you, and the spasming of your cunt had clearly not been lost on him as his relentless thrusting had begun to grow sloppy.
Stan was moaning quite loudly in your ear now, a death-grip on your ass cheeks as he fucked up into you, chasing his own high.
You knew he needed a little push so you sat up slightly so you could whisper in his ear breathy and raspy like someone who was recovering from one of the best orgasms they'd ever had in their life, "I want you to come inside me."
The words that make every man orgasm on the spot did not lose their effect on Stan as he let out a loud groan of ecstasy and his thrusts slowed until they came to a stop, clearly having done what you asked.
He dropped his forehead to yours and grabbed your hands, fiddling with them as you both caught your breath.
Holy shit.
You didn't know what to do as you both just lay there gathering your thoughts, attempting to comprehend what just happened.
However, you knew you couldn't stay in this post-orgasmic bubble forever so you gently lifted yourself off of Stan's softening dick and got up to look for your dress.
You were halted, however by a hand closing around your wrist.
Turning around, Stan was lazily grinning up at you with a look of victory on his face as he was dragging you to lie back down on the bed with him and you couldn't help but smile back at him, full of a mysterious feeling for the boy who was just so beautiful.
How could you say no?
Climbing back into bed with him, you both turned to face each other, him still grinning at you, and you studying each and every freckle and blemish on his skin, realising that you loved each and every one of them.
You loved them.
Oh my god.
You loved Stan.
Suddenly, you burst out laughing and Stan jumped slightly before a grin erupted back onto his face as he asked what was so funny.
You managed to get through your laughter, barely, the words that you never thought you'd say in your life. "I- I'm in love - with - with you." Before you immediately started giggling again uncontrollably.
Stan joined in on your laughter, his shoulders moving up and down from the force of his laughs as he breathed out "I'm in love with you too."
You both laid there giggling uncontrollably like a pair of middle schoolers, laughing at your own stupidity.
Once the laughter died down you smiled up at Stan and nuzzled yourself into his chest, planting a few soft kisses there as he pulled you in closer and buried his nose into your hair.
You were drawing shapes on his arms, daydreaming in the comfortable silence when you heard Stan mutter into your hair something inaudible.
You sat up gently looking at him quizzically for a second until you noticed the look of pure adoration on his face that was directed to you before he said gravelly and clearly exhausted, "I hate you so much." before he buries his face into your neck and peppered you with kisses.
You giggled and whispered, "I love you too, stupid."
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
Lay all your love on me
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Summary: Jake has fallen for Penny’s niece working as a bartender at the Hard Deck for the summer. Too bad he doesn’t know how to show it.
pairing: jake seresin x penny’s niece!reader
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of an age gap, j*ke being an asshat, pet names, smut at the end, am I forgetting anything??? pls lemme know! MDNI 18+
feel free to send me a message or ask with requests/ ideas pls <3
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It was the third time this night Jake had seen you talking to that scumbag hanging near to the bar top. What did he have that Jake didn’t? Girls didn’t even like short guys (said scum bag was an inch shorter but Jake would be damned if the world didn’t know). He had never felt like this before in relation to a woman, usually they were the ones pining for him from afar. It was a pathetic sight to see for the rest of the dagger squad,
“Seriously bagman who pissed in your beer?”
Jake looked up from where he had been perched against the pool table and scowled at Rooster, did he ever shut his mouth? Now his gaze had finally been diverted from you he felt a surge of anger as he clenched slightly too hard around the neck of his beer bottle.
“Just go talk to her, with some of that Texan charm hopefully she can look past how horrifically you bombed yesterday.” Rooster smirked into his Stella.
At the reminder of yesterdays occurrence Jake squirmed in distaste.
“Come on ‘bombed’ is a bit harsh,” Bob spoke back to Rooster in Jakes defence.
Phoenix snorted so hard into her beer that some shot out of her nose and Fanboy let out a squeal as the nose beer hit his arm, alerting everyone in the hard deck (and probably a five mile radius because damn who knew fanboy had pipes) of their group. Payback began to pat Phoenix on the back and coaxed her back into a normal state of breathing but not before you could turn and mouth “you okay?” To Phoenix to which she replied with a forced smile and a thumbs up which appeased you and allowed you to turn back to ‘scumbag’.
“‘Bombed’ is putting it lightly Bob, don’t coddle him.” Phoenix croaked, and Jake finally spoke up “Look I didn’t mean what I said, I know I fucked up, bad.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Last night…
You and Jake had been dancing around each other for for a while now, it marked the third week you’d been in Miramar as you had been banished to your aunts for the summer because your mother had insisted you get some sunshine before your last year of college. Spending three months surrounded by hot navy men seemed ideal to you and you had hoped it involved a lot of beach time but alas, your dear aunt penny had roped you into becoming her newest bartender after the last had quit after a run in with a piano, a tray of drinks, a man named after a male chicken and one rowdy cover of great balls of fire.
The game you and Jake played was simple, you knew he was a flirt, heard the stories from your aunt of his heart of gold but sluttish tendencies with civilian girls in town for the summer. You knew you couldn’t be one of those girls but god was he making it hard.
Jake strolled up to the bar where you were drying glasses with a rag and tapping you sandal covered foot to the pina colada song. He leaned on to the bar top and let out a low whistle.
“That a nice sundress Sweets, I didn’t realise we were dressing up for each other now,” Jake drawled raking his eyes up and down the ditsy floral sundress you had worn (admittedly for him but he didn’t have to know).
“In your dreams flyboy,” You scoffed with a smirk looking into his eyes. The wedge sandals gave you a small amount of height advantage but your eyes still had to wander upwards to meet his.
“Every night, doll.” Jake pestered you further
“Sweets or doll? Which one is it?” You questioned but he didn’t falter, he never did.
“It’s whatever you want it to be,” Jake whipped out the big guns expecting you to simper, “darlin’,”
You looked him straight into the eyes and couldn’t help but giggle,
“Seriously cowboy? How often does that one work? Got all the southern belles swooning I imagine?” You snorted watching a flicker of embarrassment twinge in Jake’s eye but he stayed strong.
Truthfully, that’s why Jake hadn’t given up on you, you were funny and clever (probably much more than him) and dished it right back when he was being obnoxious, which was something Jake admired so deeply. Sure he thought that you were beautiful but so would anyone, it started out embarrassingly enough with Jake wanting you to be another notch on his belt but he couldn’t deny his desire to know more than just what you looked like in his bed. He wanted to make you snort when you laughed too hard and not feel embarrassed about it, he wanted to be lectured by you when he said something stupid and mostly he wanted you to tell him how much you loved him after doing all of that. His insecurities crept up within him so slowly, he had never had to deal with that type of feeling before, especially for a girl so much younger than him.
So in true Jacob Seresin fashion he did what he knew best, became a cocky son of a bitch.
“Sweetheart there are girls in this room begging for me to call them darlin’,”
You rolled your eyes with a hint more malice than what Jake was used to (and perhaps something which coloured you slightly green with envy). Then instead of doing the correct thing and backing down he amped it up.
“Don’t act all high and mighty when you’re dressed like that doll.” Jake knew he was digging himself a hole.
“Like what Jake?”
He knew he’d overstepped, you never called him Jake, always ‘flyboy’, an affectionate ‘bagman’ after you’d heard your favourite pilot Phoenix say it, and Jake’s personal fave ‘cowboy’ when his accent drawls our far too smoothly than humanly possible.
“Like a slut.” He spat far too casually for your liking. He was appalled at himself, embarrassed that he’d call you something like that. Jake pleaded that you tell him off, shout and scream and make regret opening his mouth. Rather you span on your heel to serve the next patron and didn’t look his way for the rest of the night. It was so much worse.
Your lack of verbal sparring, heated glances and winks when ‘Slow Ride’ was punched into the jukebox for the umpteenth time that night had Jake on a whim of nausea that couldn’t even compare to pulling 7Gs in his F-18.
He wandered back to the group looking sullen and Bob who had been silently observing the interaction was the first to pipe up.
“What happened?”
“I called her a slut.”
“WHAT?” Phoenix shrieked grasping your attention from the bar. Your ears twitched at the sound but you knew you couldn’t look back at them. Jake had humiliated you.
“I dont fucking know whenever I look at her my brain gets scrambled and I..” Jake trailed off to look at you and felt his heart drop to his stomach whilst you readjusted the the wrap neckline of your dress to cover your cleavage and and struggle to pull the skirt of the dress as far down on your thighs as it could go.
Phoenix seethed watching you as well,
“You are going to go over there and apologise to my favourite bartender we’ve ever had, otherwise I will literally shoot you down at our next training session.”
Rooster coughed up,
“Or Penny will never let us back in here again,”
Jake squinted at him in confusion, “I mean I know she’s got the sign but what does she have to do with this,”
Rooster smiled with a knowing look that Jake feared so so deeply,
“You didn’t know Hangman? That’s Penny’s niece.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
After his failed apology attempt that Jake had tried to spew at you at the beginning of the evening he hadn’t been back up to the bar, leaving the drink ordering and collection down to his teammates. Penny hadn’t seemed out of the ordinary with him at the end of last night and Jake wasn’t surprised. You were a big girl who could handle her men issues on her own without running for help. Which is why he felt so foolish to be one of those dudes you discard after a stupid [read misogynistic] mistake.
Watching the scumbag return to the bar top for the 7th time this past hour (yes Jake had been counting) he finally plucked up the courage to walk over to you.
Before he could fully make his way away from the group, Rooster caught his wrist and pulled them close together.
“Are you sure about this?”
Jake had never been one to listen to Bradley but he felt the urge to currently.
“Look Jake I can’t watch you go over there and apologise just to continue your journey of trying to get into her pants. She’s sweet, she doesn’t deserve that.”
Looking Rooster in the eyes it became so obvious to Jake how badly he had fucked up.
“I dont just want to get into her pants.”
Rooster snorted as Jake put emphasis on the word ‘just’. Jake rolled his eyes and continued.
“I feel like shit for making her feel bad about herself. I really fucking like her Bradley and i need her to see that.”
Rooster nodded and released his grip on Jake, pushing him forward,
“Go get her Loverboy!” Jake cringed as you turned to see Roosters outburst.
Powering ahead just in time to see scumbag reach to touch your bare arm Jake yanked his hand out of the way.
“What’s your fucking deal?” the guy grumbled and Jake took advantage of his height and stared the guy down.
“Do her a favour and get lost buddy.”
Whilst you would have previously enjoyed Jake coming to the rescue, your mood was still significantly dampened by the events of last night.
Was that seriously how he saw you? Just some slut who was the easiest way for him to get some attention. You hated that he made you doubt yourself and you hated yourself even more so for still craving him.
Whilst the scumbag stumbled off into the direction of some other frat boys Jake fell into his spot and looked up at you apologetically.
You beat him to being the first to speak up.
“Do you seriously think after that shit you pulled, you have the right to be jealous over who’s talking to me?”
Jake went to speak again but you cut in.
“I suppose you’re here to tell me how slutty this outfit is,” you gestured down at your cut off jean shorts and tight fitting crop top. Jake wanted to admire you but felt it best not to. He cringed at your use of ‘slutty’ but figured you deserved to let it out of your system.
After turning around to serve someone else who had turned up at the bar you returned back to Jake looking slightly more willing to hear what he had to say.
“Look doll,” you rolled your eyes albeit more playfully than last time he had seen the action, “I’m really really fucking sorry. I’m such a dick and i can’t believe I said that to you.” You looked into his eyes and waited for him to continue. He took a deep breath, knowing he had to say it.
“I like you so much it’s embarrassing, to the point where I’m so cocky it makes my head hurt because somehow it’s easier for you to hate me for being a dick rather than pity me for being down so bad for you.” Jake stopped his rambling to look up at you and see you giggling. God he’d fucked this situation even further. Now you were never gonna speak to him again, just laugh at how embarrassing this grown ass man was for falling for you. Recognising the slight spiralling look in his eyes you decided to put him out of his misery and speak up.
“You are so stupid lieutenant.” You smirked at him and Jake felt embarrassed at how his body reacted to you addressing him with his rank. You continued on, “You are so stupid if you didn’t think I was just as down bad for you.”
Jake quirked an eyebrow at you, begging he wasn’t just dreaming this up.
“Jake I’ve been sold on you since the minute you walked into this bar with that smirk on your face after calling me your favourite pet name of the hour.”
“Doll you don’t know how glad I am to hear that,” Jake beamed at you, “and I’m so fucking sorry again-” he began.
“If you don’t close your mouth and kiss me right now lieutenant,” and with that Jakes lips were on yours. It was sweet, he tasted like the bitter beer he had been sipping and the emergency tictacs he kept in his back pocket. He reached his hand around your head and guided your further into the kiss until you pulled back. Jake worried he had gone too far too soon and opened his mouth to apologise again. Instead he followed your line of sight to see your aunt staring disapprovingly down from the entrance of the bar. Until she burst into a fit of giggles, you turned your head shyly and buried it into Jakes chest and he lifted your chin with his finger.
“Care to explain what your aunt seems to find so funny doll?”
Penny walked behind the bar and began attending to patrons as she spoke to Jake with a knowing smile.
“I warned her of navy boys, told her how me and her mother were back in the day, and she assured me hurriedly that she could never be like that.” You blushed as your aunt continued on. “So imagine my surprise when I walk into my bar to see you Hangman, all over my niece.”
Jake smiled sheepishly, but spoke with his usual confidence, “Well if there’s one thing I can assure you Penny m’dear, it’s that I won’t be anything like your Maverick.”
You smacked Jake on the chest lightly at the mention of your on and off again uncle whilst Penny snorted. “ I can only pray.”
You pulled away from Jake to begin helping Penny wipe down the glasses but she immediately started shooing you away with her rag. “Please darling, do us all a favour and alleviate the heavy sexual tension which has been wreaking havoc on my bar for the past month.”
Your mouth hung open as you were reminded of your aunts often unnecessary candour. Jake laughed from behind you and yanked you up by the hips so you were sat on the bar top. Spinning round to face him your felt his hot breath hit your ear.
“What do you say doll? Let’s get out of here, I have a few ways i can think of making it up to you.” You pulled back with a blush on your face and nodded hit with a sudden loss for words.
“Get her off my bar top would you.” Penny gestured in your direction to Jake.
“Gladly.” He smirked placing his strong hands on your hips. You could feel the warmth of his skin on the sliver of your midriff that was revealed by the short nature of your tight top and denim cut offs. He picked you up and placed you down in front of him which made the height difference oh so much more appetising now he was staring right down at you.
“Let’s get out of here.” You smiled up at him tugging him by the calloused hand.
Jake turns as he’s being dragged out by you and winks at a staring and shocked Rooster and Coyote. Phoenix looks up from where she was about to kick Bob’s ass at pool and makes a mental note to text you later to get as many details as she can.
Finally leaving the Hard Deck and the cool night time sea breeze is refreshing on your flushed cheeks. The sunset is in its last stages as Jake checks the time. 21:52.
“Not to be presumptuous, but would you like to come back to mine?” Jake speaks almost, nervously? You squeeze his hand in reassurance and look up.
“I thought you’d never ask flyboy.”
Jake guides you through the hard deck’s gravel parking lot to his truck in the far corner where a tree hangs down lowly over it. You snort as you realise how fitting Jakes truck is to his personality. It’s shiny and big but you can see his air freshener dangling down revealing a Yankee candle spiced cinnamon scent. Suddenly not feeling very patient anymore you drag Jakes face down to yours with both hands and lock your lips together. It’s much more heated than the kiss in the bar, which is probably due to the confidence found in not being watched by a group of Jake’s workmates. Jake slips his tongue into your mouth making you moan out in surprise.
“God you sound so sweet doll” Jake groans against your ear moving his kisses along your neck getting sloppier as they go along as to drag out more sounds from you.
“Jake please,” you whimper almost embarrassingly far gone from just kissing. He pulls away from your neck to open the door to the drivers side of his truck and you whine from the loss of contact.
Jake chuckles at your needy state and helps you climb into his lap in an action far too gentlemanly for the current situation. Face to face sat in his truck your need for Jake only grows as he bucked his hips up into you causing you to whimper into his lips.
“Sorry doll,” Jake chuckles, “you just feel so good on top of me.”
“Easy cowboy,” you simper, “I could still walk right out of this truck if you keep teasing.”
“You wouldn’t,” Jake smirks, seeing right through your lie. Nevertheless, he continues his ministrations of kissing down your neck as you grind your hips down into his. The friction of his trouser seam and your shorts bumping against your clit with each movement was addictive.
You pull away from Jake’s latch on the base of your neck and begin to unbutton his shirt. Jake helps you as the heat verges on uncomfortable. Once his chest is bared to you a knot of fire ignites in your stomach as you trace the hair that leads down his chest into a happy trail with your finger. Jake hums contentedly and reaches for the bottom of your shirt.
“As adorable as the little top is doll, I’m much more interested in what’s underneath.” Jake signals for you to raise your arms to aid him removing your shirt and you do. Your shirt is abandoned on the passenger seat as Jake stares at your bare chest. You become slightly self conscious at his silence and reach to pull you hands in front of your breasts until Jake groans.
“God you’re fucking perfect,” Jake pulls your hand that was going to cover yourself and places it between both your crotches onto his hard cock. You both moan out at the sensation. Jake reaches up to unbutton your shorts and you aid him in pulling them down and tossing them to rest with your discarded shirts, thanking the lords you opted for a cute lacy baby blue thong today instead of your trusty my little pony pants that were a common wear for you. Jake groaned again loud enough that you had half a mind to shush him.
“Doll are you actually trying to kill me?” Jake asked you with an air of honesty. You giggled in reply and reached to toy with your clit through your panties. “Yep, you definitely are.”
Jake replaced your fingers with his and pulled your panties to the side to catch a glimpse of your wetness.
“All for you lieutenant,” Jakes whole body audibly twitched at that admission and he pulled you in by the back of the head for another deep kiss with his hand that wasn’t between your legs. As you kissed messily with your free hands palming over his length Jake increased his speed and plunged his middle finger into you. You moaned against his mouth at the intrusion and whimpered trying to find something coherent to say.
“Jake please I’m so close,”
“I know doll, please cum for me.” Jake begged whilst he circled your clit once more with his thumb. Feeling you clench around him Jake repeated his actions over and over as you squirmed against him, thrashing gently as pleasure overcame you. Jake watched in awe as the girl he has dreamt about for the past month came all over his hand. Breathing hard you kissed Jake messily again as he removed his fingers from you. Parting from the kiss you watched Jake stick his fingers into his mouth and suck them clean, involuntarily clenching as you eyed his actions. Jake opened his eyes and made contact with your lust blown ones and smirked.
“Now let me actually take you back to my place doll, show you what else I can do.”
You smacked his bare chest endearingly and moved over to the passenger side to dress yourself in his button down shirt for the short drive back to his place. Jake looked over and smiled seeing you dressed in his shirt lit up by the moonlight filtering in from the windscreen, and it filled him with pride to see you finally as his girl.
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a/n: this is my first piece of writing ive actually decided to post so please comment and re blog and tell me what u think !!!
yes it was inspired by the abba song LOL i watched mamma mia yesterday and couldn’t stop thinking about jake and the whole “i wasn’t jealous before we met, now every man that i see is a potential threat,” (queue sick fighting moves)
i was also thinking about doing fics w bob and rooster inspired by mamma mia/ abba songs so whatever you want to see just lemme knowwww :)
thank u for reading
- honey <3333
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writingwhimsey · 2 months
Married to The Enemy- Shingen Ch. 47
Chapter 47
It was the last day of the beach trip. There was a big party being held on the beach. It was an event for all of the houses along the beach. Everyone staying in them would be in attendance. There was going to be music and games and plenty of food. There was also going to be a bar set up for the adults and a makeshift dance floor.
“You seem to be rather excited, my love.” Shingen said as he pulled up his swim trunks.
I had just changed into my bikini and was tying a sarong around my hips. “Just excited to go to a party with you.” I replied, smiling at him. “I mean it’s not that often I’ve attended one of these parties and had the sexiest date.”
Shingen smiled warmly at me as he walked closer, his arms wrapping around me. “You say that, but I think I am the one with the sexiest date.” He said, warm lips brushing against my forehead.
I grinned at him. Shingen never ceased to make me feel so loved and treasured. I stretched up to press my lips to his. “I love you.”
Shingen smiled. “I love you, too.” He replied, pulling me closer for another kiss.
“As much as I enjoy being right here in your arms, we should finish getting ready.” I said after a moment.
“Allow me to help you finish then, my angel.” Shingen replied.
I was turning around then as Shingen reached for my brush and began to brush out my hair for me. His touch was always so gentle and loving each time he helped me with my hair. Once he had it brushed out, he was reaching for the claw-clip I had laid out and pulling it up for me, leaving my bangs and a piece on each side framing my face.
“Seriously, how are you so good at this?” I asked as I inspected my reflection.
Shingen chuckled. “I’ve been watching you enough…and maybe I’ve watched some of those…what are they online tutorials?”
I felt myself melting. I knew Shingen had been having Sasuke help him learn how to use his phone more…but to know he had done so, to watch hair styling videos? I mean how sweet can one man be?!
It was then I felt Shingen’s thumb brush the corner of my eye. “Why are you crying, my angel? What sin have I committed to upset you so?”
I was crying? Man, I didn’t even realize. I shook my head and smiled up at him. “I’m not upset…I’m crying because I’m happy.” I answered. “You’re just so sweet and wonderful.”
Shingen’s arms wrapped around me and he pulled me to his bare, broad chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head above his heart. “You are far too adorable.” He whispered to me.
We stayed like that for a moment while I collected myself. We finished getting ready and were then heading out of our room to meet Shoko and her family. “Are you guys ready?” Shoko asked, grinning.
“Yes.” I answered, smiling happily.
We all headed to the beach, which was setup almost like a festival. There were lanterns strung up. Kids were running around playing. “Mom, can we go?” Kaito asked.
“Yeah, we wanna play with the other kids.” Ren agreed.
Shoko smiled at her boys. “Of course, go have fun.” She answered.
“And make sure you play nice with the other kids.” Kenji added.
“We will! Thanks!” The boys shouted in unison before running off to go play with the other kids.
“Alright, kids are happily distracted for the rest of the festivities.” Shoko said. “Time for us to all cut loose now.”
The four of us walked around the party together. We played a few of the beach games that were set up before we decided we were hungry. We grabbed some food and took it to a little picnic area that had been set up for all party-goers.
“You know, I think we should go grab our lovely ladies something to drink.” Kenji said to Shingen.
“You might be right.” Shingen agreed.
“I’ll have a pina-colada.” Shoko told Kenji.
“I’d like a strawberry margarita, please.” I told Shingen.
“Anything you wish, my love.” Shingen replied, pecking me on the lips.
“We’ll be right back.” Kenji said, giving Shoko a peck on the cheek.
The two men were then getting up and heading to the bar to grab those drinks. Shoko was grinning at me. “So, how have you two been enjoying your beach trip?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me.
I giggled. “It has been wonderful. Thank you for inviting us out.”
“And you’ve been enjoying getting to see yous husband walking around shirtless a lot.” Shoko teased. “Pretty sure he’s been enjoying you in your bikini.”
I giggled again. “Well…yes. That why you and Kenji enjoy coming out here? So you have an excuse to see each other hal naked all the time?”
Shoko giggled. “Why of course. There is nothing better than a beach vacation.”
“Oh my gosh! Ava! Shoko!” A high-pitched voice called from behind. A voice I hadn’t heard in years…a voice I dreaded hearing.
“Please tell me…” I muttered looking at Shoko.”
“Ugh..I didn’t think she would be here.” Shoko replied. “What did we do to deserve this hell?”
Shoko and I both turned to see our worst nightmare. Akemi Nakamura…our high school nemesis. We both put on fake smiles. “Akemi…”
“I can’t believe I am seeing you two here.” Akemi said, coming up to us and sitting down with us. I hated to admit it…but she was still just as pretty now as she had been in school. Thick, long glossy hair. Perfect figure. Still a pretty face and bright smile that hid so much malice. “What brings you guys here?”
“Just enjoying the party.” Shoko answered.
“Oh yeah, you married Kenji Abe, so you’re staying at his family’s beach house right?” Akemi asked.
Shoko smiled. “Yup. Our boys really love staying here.”
Akemi turned to me. “Guessing they invited you? You’d never be able to stay at a private beach house without them.”
Akemi…always had to rub it in my face that she was from a rich family and I wasn’t. Shoko’s family wasn’t poor, but they weren’t rich either. But they had lived comfortably. Kenji’s family… well they were a different story, but they hadn’t always been so well off and unlike Akemi’s family they remembered that and were kind to everyone.
“I invited Ava because she’s my friend.” Shoko said.
“Of course.” Akemi replied, waving her hand dismissively. She then looked at me. “So, how have you been? I heard you had moved away to become a fashion designer. How’s that working out?”
Every question from Akemi was always a dig. She put on a nice smile and pretended to be your friend, but it was always so she could get dirt on you. “Good. I may not be famous, but I get plenty of work doing custom pieces for a select clientele.” I answered. I wouldn’t let her get to me. I wasn’t the same girl I was in high school. I had been to war and lived with the freaking Devil King!
“Oh? That sounds interesting.” Akemi replied. “Do any pieces for anyone big I would know?”
If you had paid attention in school…yeah you would know their names. I thought. I shook my head. “Not likely.”
“Well, maybe I could commission some work from you.” Akemi said. “If you can come up with something worthy of me, I could wear it and show it off. I bet I could get you some big names.”
“Ava is quite busy.” Shoko said. “I barely even got her to agree to come on this weekend trip. I’ve seen her waiting list. It’s kilometers long.”
I smiled at Shoko. She had always had my back when it came to Akemi and her little digs.
“Well, I am merely wanting to help out an old friend.” Akemi replied. “You know my family has always run in some pretty important social circles.”
Ugh, if only we could get her to go away. I’d been honestly having a wonderful time until she showed up. I’d also like for her to be gone before Shingen got back. She had a way of making me feel so insecure and I really didn’t want Shingen to see me like that…at least not again.
Shingen and Kenji…
Shingen and Kenji stood at the bar that had been set up, waiting their turn to order drinks. Shingen couldn’t help but to watch the bartenders as they made the drinks. Things had certainly changed over the last five hundred years. But they had also remained the same in some ways.
“So, what do you think you’ll order for yourself?” Kenji asked. “I’m partial to a simple beer myself.”
“I’m usually a sake drinker.” Shingen answered. Granted that’s because it was the alcohol most available in his time. Though he had heard of some other drinks in the port cities of the Sengoku. Imports, but they weren’t as plentiful as they were now.
“Classic.” Kenji replied. “There’s a place that makes a really good sake in the city. It’s also a restaurant. Maybe you and Ava should join me and Shoko sometime for dinner there. A double date. You know, just while you guys are in town. I know Shoko has been really happy to see Ava.”
Shingen smiled. He had a feeling Ava would like this. “Sounds good.” He agreed.
It was soon their turn in line and the men placed their orders. They chatted a bit more while they waited for the drinks to be made. Once the bartender had finished, he handed them the drinks and then moved on to the next person in line.
Shingen and Kenji walked back to the picnic area, where their wives were waiting. They were both surprised when they noticed another woman sitting on the blanket with them. Shingen could tell even from this distance by the tense set of Ava’s shoulders, that something was wrong. He could see her face and saw a strained smile that didn’t quite reach her beautiful green eyes.
“Uh-oh.” Kenji said, confirming Shingen’s fears.
“What is it?” Shingen asked.
“That other woman over there…that’s Akemi Nakamura.” Kenji answered. “She’s one of those people who sees herself as above everyone else just because her family comes from money… and for whatever reason she’s always been especially mean to Shoko and Ava…more Ava than Shoko.”
Shingen frowned. “That’s not good.” He instantly didn’t like this woman. Anyone who upset his beloved was a terrible human in his book.
“No.” Kenji agreed. “She pretended to be nice. Pretended to be their friend just so she could dig up dirt on them and use it against them. Everything she says is a thinly veiled insult. She used to find out who Ava and Shoko liked, just so she could make that guy her next boyfriend and rub it in their faces.”
“That’s terrible.” Shingen said. Granted, the pretending to be a friend thing was kind of what Shingen’s spy network did…but it was also a different time and still not quite the same thing. Shingen didn’t like that this woman had clearly hurt his wife. “We’d better go to their rescue then.”
“Agreed.” Kenji replied with a nod. I won’t let anyone hurt you, Ava. Shingen thought as he made his way towards his wife. And he knew exactly what to do in order to make her feel safe and happy even when faced with something like this.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @oda-princess @kisara-16 @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic
@bjorkshire-pudding @eventinelysplayground might want to get some more popcorn ready :)
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mdeathinside · 2 years
I genuinely can't believe that people read the whole Beastars manga and still think that Riz & Pina's friendship was unnecessary and came out of nowhere when the whole Murder Resolution Arc points in that direction:
Because Riz & Tem's relationship is meant to be a representation of everything wrong in Beastars. Their society fears conflict, so they try to avoid it, BUT they do it wrong.
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When the other boys of the drama club leave the school, Legoshi notices that carnivores and herbivores coexist and live together in peace. Later on, when they end up in the BAM, Bill tells him that they are happy BECAUSE of the BAM, because they can have a place where they eat meat.
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Basically, what Bill is saying is that carnivores and herbivores can live together and be in peace, as long as carnivores still have a space for themselves to show their real instincts. It is the same idea their whole society has: carnivores want to eat meat, so even if it is wrong, as long as they do it in a hidden place away from herbivores, the peace outside the BAM will remain.
Later, Juno comes up to a similar conclusion. Yes, the infamous "What's wrong with segregation?" For some reason, she's been criticized a lot for that lol, even though she's just saying what everyone else thinks is the right thing.
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And, even if she's wrong, her reasoning does make sense (from a logical point of view). She understands that predation cases reinforce herbivores' bad views about carnivores, and in consequence, it makes carnivores' lives harder. So, she sees the same solution Bill and society see: as long as each has their space, and as both sides hide the worst parts of themselves while being kind on the outside, they can maintain peace.
However, that doesn't work, and Tem's death is the perfect example of this.
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Riz believes that other animals like him just because they think of him as a "cute, nice bear". But the thing is, Riz doesn't want to be liked just because of his virtues, he wants to be liked completely as he is, to be accepted despite not being perfect. That's why, when he tells Tem about the pills, he feels happy: he has just admitted that he can be a lot more intimidating, and Tem offers to spend more time with him regardless. Riz believes that, since Tem already seemed to be fine with that information, then he would accept him and love him even if he saw him as he is naturally— bigger and stronger.
Now, of course, the execution goes terribly wrong, BUT, Riz's reasoning is actually right. The thing that can solve all their problems and make them all happy is to accept the other completely, with their flaws and all, and not just ignore that which they might not like.
In fact, that's exactly what Els does with Bill: she calls him out on ALL his mistakes, but she admits that, despite his flaws, he's a good guy at heart. She's not ignoring his wrongs, instead, she acknowledges them, and accepts him as a friend regardless.
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THAT is what Riz wanted. For someone to see him as flawed as he could possibly be, as dangerous as he could possibly get, and still love him anyway. Beastars is not the typical "oh, you're not so bad after all!", nor the "I guess we are not so different, huh?" NO. That's not how true acceptance works. Beastars is the exact opposite: it is "Yes, we are different, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to understand each other". It's a "Yes, you are flawed, terribly so, but that doesn't mean you're undeserving of love".
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Riz was happy when Tem pointed out he was scary and when he called him a monster, because it was the first time that someone, FINALLY, saw him as something more than a cute bear. Someone, finally, saw him as something else than perfect, and that is good! Because no one is perfect, because we are all flawed. The point of the story is to accept that imperfection is good, and is part of the beauty of life.
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Riz, in his fantasy, believed that Tem had seen him as monstrous as he possibly could be and had still seen him as a friend worthy of love. Unfortunately, what truly happened was that Tem, who up till then had never actually seen carnivores as a real threat, suddenly had to face what everyone else told him: that carnivores hide their true, dangerous self.
The big tragedy about their story is that none of them are wrong. Tem did exactly what society taught him to: be nice and friendly to carnivores, and they'll be nice to you. He just saw Riz as another classmate, another boy just like he was, not even aware of their differences.
But that's the problem with the whole Beastars' world: you don't truly accept someone until you know everything about them, and that includes the negative things. Ignoring stuff you don't like solves nothing. As Riz realized, the way to shorten the distance between carnivores and herbivores is to show yourself as you are, with all your virtues and flaws, and hope for others to accept you as such. You can't hide what you're afraid to show others because you don't wanna be rejected, because it will eat you from inside, and that's what ends up causing carnivores to lose it: the stress from trying to be what others want you to.
And that's exactly why Riz's headaches and side effects went away when talking to Tem: the pills are just a narrative device that works to show how, the more "likable" carnivores try to be around others, the more it hurts them. It's not a placebo effect, but it is only an example of how things get better when we just talk and listen to one another.
Seriously, if you paid attention to the whole story, you'd see that Pina was literally the only one who could give him the relationship with a herbivore that Riz longed so much for:
Pina, who knew that he ate Tem. Pina, whom he threatened more than once, Pina, whom he literally hurt just to get Legoshi mad. That sheep, who saw the worst of him, accepts him anyways, deems him deserving of forgiveness, and befriends him. Pina is what Riz always wanted: someone who could see him as a complete monster and love him regardless.
Herbivores' and carnivores' relationships are about taking that risk, accepting that things may go wrong, but trying to be better together anyway. Yes, Riz does deserve to be in juvenile because he made a mistake, BUT he also deserves kindness, and someone willing to help him, and Pina is the one animal that can do that for him. Just like Riz & Tem's relationship represent the mistakes most make, Riz & Pina's represents the way to do things better.
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jjpopeclub · 3 months
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pairing : jj maybanks x pope heyward
fandom : outer banks
summary : when kook!jj meet the prettiest bartender!pope and they end up fucking in the toilet. not gays, but not so straight ?
warnings : smut. anal. slight dubcon. alcohol. boys kissing and fucking (yea, gay stories dumbass), mentions of smoking. cheating. and tell me if i forgot one...
enjoy ! likes and reblogged are appreciated ! <33
It was a summer night when kook!jj had the idea to go in a gay club. He went there alone because of shame. He wore baggy-style loose pants that fell on his hips, revealing the band of his white boxer shorts, with a white top. He wore a silver chain around the neck. He only hoped that there was no one he knew because he would never assume going to such a place, especially when he had a girlfriend. She was nice, it was not the problem but he was curious. The club was by the sea, the music was loud, the sound was heard all the way to the beach. He had entered without any trouble, and had already attracted the attention of several boys. Uneasy, he had approached the bar counter, sitting on the high stool.
He had looked up at the bartender. Maybe a little too long because he had caught his attention.
— “ You look lost, first time here ? Do you need help?”
— “Actually, i just want a Pina Colada.”
— “ This is your first time here.”
— “ Can you tell that much?”
— “This is not the place most frequented by kooks of your kind, let’s say.”
— “ Kooks like me? What do you mean?"
— “You don’t look like us. I mean , you don't look like the guy who loves boys. ”
— “I have a girlfriend.”
— “I have a boyfriend. Fine.”
JJ was not surprised by the information. The bartender was too handsome to be single. He had nodded, and the waiter had begun preparing his cocktail before sliding the glass over the counter.
— “ How much do I owe you?”
— “It’s on the house.”
— “Seriously? You have no reason to buy me a drink. I can pay. I have so much money that I could pay for everyone here.”
— “So kook of you, JJ.”
— “ You know my name?”
— “We were together in class. You obviously never spoke to me, you were too cool for that.”
— “You never spoke to me either."
— “We wouldn’t have been friends in every case. I was a serious person, studying all the time. While you were going out with your friends, skipping school, you had no reason to give attention to someone like me. Tell me what you’re doing here. You’re looking for someone, you want to have fun, you want sex?"
— “I don’t want anything.”
JJ had finished his drink and headed for the dance floor. Dancing was the only thing that kept him lucid. He was dancing, the neon lights moving on his body. The music was loud, screaming in his ears. He felt the perspiration on his body and on his muscles, the moistness of his hands, the drops of sweat on his forehead, but he also felt the looks on him, the attention towards him. The alcohol started to rise after a few minutes. It was hot, terribly hot. It felt out of control. He had closed his eyes, letting the heat rise. He had ordered the same cocktail several times at the bar as if it wasn’t enough. He needed more than that.
JJ had slipped a cigarette in his ear. He was going out to smoke for a short time, but first he had to go to the bathroom. He had gone to the door of the W.C., pushed some men to pass, and he had lowered his pants in front of the urinal. He began to feel the influence of alcohol, he began to feel drunk. He had pushed the door of a cabin before sitting on the toilet to catch his breath. He had a violent urge to throw up. His body made him understand that he could not store the amount of alcohol inside.
He had begun to vomit. Plenty of times. He must have been hard to see. He was miserable. He had lit a cigarette, started smoking when it was forbidden but he needed it. He was going to die if he didn’t let go a little more. He sat against the toilet wall, no matter how dirty the floor was.
— “You shouldn’t smoke here.”
—“ Aren’t you supposed to do your job and not babysit me ? I’m okay.”
— “I can see no.”
— "Damn it, man, I’m fine."
— "I’m just asking you not to smoke here."
— "Leave me alone."
JJ stood up. And pushed away the bartender named Pope. He remembered him. He was one of his classmates, a former nerd who had good fucking grades, who studied hard and would surely have a chance to succeed in life. JJ judged him before he pushed him.
— "I don’t want to hurt you, okay ? So bd nice.”
— "What? You’re gonna call the security dogs, can’t you handle this yourself?”
“Just put out your cigarette.”
The blond had pushed his cigarette against his lips before approaching Pope and blowing in his face. He was so close to him that the smoke seemed invisible, that he could almost touch his mouth. Pope had snatched the cigarette, throwing it in the toilet.
— “ What are you doing? What the hell is your fucking problem, man ? ”
— “ You know, I’m patient, but I can’t stand being disrespected.”
— “Fuck you.”
Pope had laid JJ against the wall, his hands behind his back.
"You may be a Kook on your field, but here you are nobody, JJ. And I think you’re going to have to remember that.”
— “What are you playing at?”
— “ Oh… seems like you have a strong kink for domination, JJ? Do you like it when a Pogue crushes you against the wall?”
— “Don’t say anything more, you might regret it."
— “Go ahead, Maybanks. Make me regret."
Pope slipped his fingers on JJ’s belly. There were bruises on his skin. He had stroked the smooth part of his abs, lifting his t-shirt. He knelt before turning the blond face towards him, sliding his own tongue on the stomach of JJ.
— “What are you doing?"
— "Do you want me to stop? Just say it. ”
Pope got up and put JJ’s chain in his mouth, before kissing him, mixing his tongue, silver chain and saliva, all in a kiss. JJ was ashamed, ashamed to be excited for so little but when Pope’s mouth had moved away from his, he had aggressively pushed his lips against his, violently pinning him against the opposite wall. The cabin door was still open but he didn’t care. He felt needy, he wanted more, he wanted this man. It was an emergency.
— “Are you asking for more? Use your words, boy. Tell me how much you want to be fucked, tell me how much the slut you are wants to be caught? Tell me and you will be pleased.”
— “Pope…”
— “No, I want words. Can’t my little blond give me some? Can he kiss me like crazy but can’t give me some words ? I’m sure you do.”
Pope had pulled JJ’s underpants, looking down at his bulge. He had teased the boy by catching his boner with his mouth, sniffing his smell. JJ had pushed his hands over the bartender’s hair, clutching them in his fist.
— "Do you sleep with boys every day?"
— “I don’t think it’s any of your business."
— “I don’t want to get a sexual disease.”
— “ But who said I was going to fuck you, JJ?”
— “What?”
— “You think because you’re a Kook you can have it all?”
— "I think you want me as much as you want. Don't lie to me. »
— “ Let’s see who comes first . You want some fun, I will give you. Deserve to ride that dick, cowboy. ”
Pope had taken out a condom from his back pocket. He had ripped the plastic out with his mouth and rolled the condom over his dick. He was clearly tough.
— "Lub?"
— "Oh no, it’s exclusively for nice boys."
— “Are you serious?”
— "It’s going to hurt a little at first. But you’re going to take it well. Lick my fingers.”
JJ had obeyed. He had opened his mouth before starting to suck, he had everything in one move, pushing the fingers quite far against his throat. Pope had been impressed and destabilized to see so much confidence and so little clumsiness from the blond. He had helped him put everything in his mouth, rubbing his fingers against his tongue until he felt drool invading JJ’s lips. He was so docile, licking his fingers with eyes so precious and innocent. The sounds of sucking became so loud, so intense.
Pope had added a finger, opening JJ’s mouth more widely, while watching the third disappear between his lips. He had praised him for going faster. When the blond almost threw up, he had pushed even deeper.
— “You can take that. You do that well, JJ. It Makes me feel good. You like it when I say your name while you do such dirty things? Your dick is so hard you could come in your underwear. Or, you may have already come.”
— “No….”
— “Yes.”
The bartender noticed the wet patches. He lowered JJ’s pants before turning it facing the wall, to put his fingers in the back hole. He came and went, slow enough for the boy to get used to it. He found the kook so attractive, especially when he moaned so weakly, standing against the wall, legs skaking.
JJ’s hole was tight, a little too tight. Pope had to stretch more than he expected. And that was what killed the boy trying not to fall. It hurt but he didn’t want to backtrack. He really wanted to be fucked. Maybe it was the heat, the alcohol, the whirlwind of his thoughts, the effect of this gay club, or the presence of Pope, he didn’t know. And in all that, he hadn’t seen his partner’s dick yet. Was it big ? When the bartender spit in his hole before adding another finger, he shook his hands.
— "Go easy on me. It hurts. I swear, I will kill you. "
— “If my boy wants something, he must ask for it nicely. Otherwise I risk treating him with as little respect as the way he talks to me. And he wouldn’t want me to hurt him any more, would he?"
— “ I will kill you. I'm not joking, pray for your life, pogue. "
— "Yes, Maybanks kill me while I fuck you. Be that bad boy you think you are. ”
Pope got up and pulled out his cock. He had still been kind, taking the time to come in slowly before coming out softly, letting the boy get used to his size. He could feel JJ’s body shaking.
How could it hurt so much? The pain was unbearable to him but he didn’t want it to stop. Pope had penetrated him again, pushing his cock further. While giving calculated and strong strokes, he had grabbed the jawbone of the kook, to kiss it. They Lost themselves in a French kiss.
— “ How does it feel? Do you like it? Is it your first time?”
—“You’re hiding your true side, Pogue. So studious, so smart, but not so innocent.”
— “You hide your true side too, Kook. You have a big mouth but you like to have your mouth so full. You like sex with a man. I bet you’ve never had so much fun, even with your girlfriend. How does it feel to be cheating on her, to be with a man while she thinks you’re home? Should we send her a picture, show her how well you take my dick? How quickly do you come when you’re touched by my hands? Do you think we can tell him how gay you are when it comes to wanting to do things with me?”
— "I don’t want anyone to know.”
— "You should not be ashamed. That is your true nature."
— “No…”
Pope bit his lip to shut him up. It had stopped, retreated slightly before entering again, pushing his length into JJ’s hole.
— “You like it, admit it. It’s not like you can deny it now.”
JJ’s phone had vibrated. It was his girlfriend. Pope had smiled.
— “ I think you must answer. ”
— “Don’t do that.”
— “Too late. I picked up.” He answered the phone. “Yes?”
— "Who is that? I want to talk to JJ."
— “I think JJ is too busy to answer. Right, JJ? You want to talk to your girlfriend?”
The blond had mumbled something, and Pope had accelerated his brutal strokes, letting his body slam against his partner’s. Damn, it was so good. He had caressed the boy’s pale, warm lower back.
— "What are you doing?"
— ”Do you want to tell her what we’re doing, JJ? Or is it a secret?”
— ” A secret? ”She said.
JJ had ripped the phone out of Pope’s hands. The object had fallen to the ground but he didn’t care. He had come, his cock was shaking, bouncing every time Pope came and went inside him, crushing him against the wall.
— “ Do you want to come a second time?"
— “I have to go see my girlfriend…”
— “Are you going to go home and pretend that nothing happened? Oh no, let me tell you that you’re going to go home and think about it. You’ll think about it so much that you’ll jerk off on your bed, you’ll try to do yourself some good, but it won’t work. And you know why?”
— “ Why?”
— “Because you will need me, you will need me to make you come. Not your girlfriend, not someone else. Just me, Pope Heyward. Remember my name, you’ll need it to find me. Now be a good boy, and tell me how many times you will touch yourself after this. I bet as more as i fucking you right now. ”
~ ~ ~ ~
©JJPOPECLUB's. do not copy.
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Quick thoughts. Chozen and Daniel scheming to fake befriend Terry is something Terry did in TKK3 to Daniel. Not on the same level at all but, there was a slight amount of revenge/karma there.
It's what 18-19 hours between LA and where Miguel went. That means Johnny's got both Robby and Miguel in the car back for 18-19 hours. And they didn't dare even give us a glimpse of that?
Chozen scammed Anoush and Louie at golf. Some how before I never caught that. Which means Chozen got some revenge for TKK2 and losing all his money to Daniel. (Chozen's walking ahead of them, grinning and counting cash, Daniel laughs and tells him good job, Louie tells Anoush he told him there were golf courses in Okinawa, Anoush says "He said he never played before")
Chozen said it was beginners luck, Louie says he's been hustled, Anoush calms him down when Chozen asks if they've insulted his honor, by telling Louie he's not at a blackjack table in Atlanta city, you can't trash talk a karate assassin.
So....Chozen's not an assassin. But that's what Amanda called him and now that's what Anoush has called him.
Terry's at the golf club. "How'd you hit 'em?" "They let anyone join these days." (I mean Terry's older and richer, he might've already been a member and you might never have known. "Or did you slither in through the garbage chute. By the way how's your sensei search going?"
Daniel why are you poking the bear? Why are you rubbing this in Terry's face?
Terry views it as possible casus belli, act of war or to provoke war.
Terry tells Daniel that he has more friends then Daniel does...which sadly, probably true.
Terry says if Daniel backs down, Terry won't retaliate. No repercussions, just stay out of his way.
This is my backyard, Daniel....in a way we don't know, but Terry might've been here longer. You've been here what 30 years? Terry's supposed to be older than you and as far as we know, has lived here his whole life. Like in TKK1 you didn't even want to be here. That doesn't mean it's not your backyard and you don't have a say in what happens there, but making it seem like Terry doesn't belong in his own city either...
This was a choice
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Who does this? Sabrina the teenage witch? But like 90s version. The wave your finger in a circle to do a spell.
I can't tell whether he's having fun or if he's laughing and pissed off.
I also like that Daniel isn't alone for this conversation/threat. Chozen's right there. "You're playing with fire Danny-boy."
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I don't fully get what that means. I love it. But a fire with gasoline that explodes might not hurt just Silver, but also both Chozen and Daniel and the whole valley...
Which might be why Silver, no longer charmed by Sensei Joe, scoffs and asks for their drinks to be put on his tab.
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lol anoush
Nothing. Just wanted to buy us a round of drinks.
DANIEL LARUSSO!!!! You literally just poked a bear and you're not going to warn them????? Tell them! Warn them that if that guy comes near them to run. Like Daniel you know how dangerous he is and you're like nice dude buying us drinks. You gotta update people on this stuff for their own safety.
Somewhere there's a universe where Louie and Anoush thank Terry Silver for buying them drinks and try to befriend him because wow what a nice guy and it goes VERY BADLY
Like literally Anoush is like heck yeah pina colada time for all my men here.
Anoush: Act like you've been here before, I want the most expensive tequilla you gota
Which is both wild responses to random stranger is buying them a drink.
I do enjoy Anoush and Louie's old married couple bickering. "Pina Coladas, we're not at a Sandals resort." "What's wrong with Sandals? Everything's included"
Johnny learning he did something illegal...4/5 seasons later. 🤣
He cleaned off his van.
Miggy made breakfast, Johnny's there too.
It looks like maybe Miguel can't cook. Burnt toast and yaya's kinda picking at it.
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Are you telling me for 18 hours Robby and Miguel didn't say a word? The most awkward 18 hours on the planet?
Yaya is happy Miguel is home but needs him to leave asap and go bother sam so she can throw out the breakfast he made her without offending him. The Diaz's have Simply brand Orange Juice.
"I think I need to make an apology meal for Sam too"
Followed immediately by Carmen having taken a bite and unable to hide how bad it is.
Although I think this was also supposed to be the first hint that Carmen was pregnant.
Sam is eating uncrustables and drinking Starbucks.
Apparently both Sam and Anthony view the grape uncrustables as comfort food. Sam ate the last two
ANTHONY EXPLAINS THE MILK LOCKER. They put milk in a bag in Kennys locker.
I feel like that leaves more questions than answers. How did they do that without making a big mess just setting it up and without anyone seeing/finding out?
Now that Anthony puts it that way...he is right.
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Both Miguel and Robby have now run away. Just Robby was wanted by the police.
Without karate Sam's hanging out with Moon and Yasmine again.
Okay so there's a couch in the guest bedroom and it's not good. Chozen's having a rough time sleeping on it. Daniel says there used to be a bed in there but it got destroyed when Cobra Kai broke in, but I didn't see any kids go into any bedrooms. They stayed in the weird like square with a line through it. Halls between the living room to the kitchen and the dojo. The dojo is not the guest bedroom.
Chozen is the one who recommends they beat silver to the punch by calling on one of his old friends before Silver can call upon them. Aka Mike Barnes.
What's weird is generally the flash backs might be things the person having the flashback would know or remember. I mean there's a scene of Ali smiling that Johnny remembers but couldn't have. Or at least it wasn't directed at him. But this one's weird because it's literally Mike Barnes telling Silver whose in a bathtub that he bought himself a champion. Daniel was not in Silver's house then.
Johnny offers to teach Miguel how to cook.
Carmen telling Johnny she might be pregnant, a reminder that condoms aren't 100%. And not all forms of protection are 100% either.
Johnny rushes to help Carmen up as if he's already thinking she's much further along then she is. She said she's a few days late.
Johnny's so surprised he says he'll pull the van around then he drops his keys and spins in a circle and Carmen gently pats his shoulder and says with a near laugh "Maybe I should drive. "
Aurora changes Hawks reaper tattoo. Rico is out. It's a lotus for a new beginning and a flower was pretty much his only choice to cover the reaper. Demetri went with him and once again held his shirt. (Miguel also came but is mostly frustrated from trying to contact Sam from the waiting section) Everyone's back with their OG friend groups this summer.
Like I get Demetri is trying to warn him, but Demetri you giving relationship advice is wild. You've had one girlfriend and it's Yasmine and you're still dating. You don't know what's code for breaking up.
Hawk balancing it with "Moon is really big into communication, maybe Sam just really actually wants to talk"
Essentially Yasmine is texting Demetri. 🤣
I feel like Miguel and Sam should just communicate as Miguel and Sam not having Hawk and Demetri and Yasmine and Moon advising.
Daniel and Chozen stalking Barnes.
The way Daniel realizes the way he talks to Chozen has to be more careful because what he says about Barnes applies to Chozen too.
Daniel your car literally says LaRusso Auto Group, please never use that car to try to sneakily tail someone. It's like Johnny trying to tail using the cobra charger or the eagle fang van. Neither of you are sneaky.
What is that a handsaw? (Johnny would probably know) Good for cutting pipe.
Chozen. I can't.
That one good for cutting bone.
Why on earth didn't Daniel research Mike Barnes? Like surely a quick search would've show he was a furniture king. Or hell even pulling up a map app would've shown him that he's behind a furniture store and everything they've got, the tools, the men, are all there working as staff for the furniture store.
This is one of those moments where I think the trauma is making him not think straight. He frequently jumps to conclusions and people like Amanda sort of reign him in. Johnny sometimes corrects him but Daniel doesn't listen to him. Chozen I think just is gasoline to the fire and makes it worse. Part of it I think is that Chozen's know Daniel as an adult for maybe less than a week, and he heard this guy who did all this stuff one summer needs his help, perfect, a great way to regain some honor and make his uncle and the Miyagi's proud. But he doesn't know that if he himself jumps to the worst possible conclusion: that's good for cutting bone, Daniel is not going to be like or it's a table saw and they're cutting wood. No Daniel's going to follow whatever logic Chozen's running on half the time and be like oh no, our Okinawan assassin says that's good for cutting bone, this is a nest of evil and murderers.
And it's not.
Like you kinda have to shock Daniel out of it.
and with what a trickster Chozen is half the time I don't even know if he's being serious about the cut through bone, I think he's joking, but I don't think Daniel can tell when he's joking, like I don't think he could always tell when Mr. Miyagi was joking unless it was more obvious or he was laughing. But Chozen doesn't do that.
So it either comes off as two dumbasses with no brain cell between them because they left it at home, or Chozen making lots of jokes and Daniel not always catching on, or thinking Chozen is serious (Here to murder Silver, I don't think he actually truly is, at least not right now)
But I also feel like part of it is that I doubt Daniel fully prepped Chozen on the situation. And Chozen is just like operating on high alert that everything is a danger.
Like half of Chozen's words and his delivery is such...Dad trickster/jokester vibes. Which I feel like just fits with his whole thing. His very serious face until he bursts out laughing delighted by his jokes. He did that after a whole day of messing with Daniel in Okinawa, he did it with Anoush and Louie.
But I don't think Daniel gets that, so he takes everything at face value. So I think the "I can take all of them, that's good for cutting bone." was Chozen making jokes not realizing that it just sort of upped Daniel's nervousness and guard. Like yes Chozen is here and ready to protect and fight but he never got the Daniel-san manual from Mr. Miyagi which is why I think this is a very earnest thing:
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Because yes Daniel can't go in alone in the off-chance that it's a true fight, and he also can't go in alone if he's hoped up and upset. He needs back up, especially if there's any danger. (I know Chozen comes flying in there ready to fight)
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So I googled these and got nothing for either the company or the brand type except the cursed knowledge that Tiger King/Joe Exotic came out with his own brand of condoms. So I think they made this up for the show.
And also like Carmen said, condoms aren't 100%
"There's no way these were purchased a real pharmacy" Makes me wonder where Johnny buys stuff.
I do actually like that for both of them this is new, that their previous kids were surprises that neither were fully prepared for. Like they're starting this journey together.
Though Johnny is so nervous he feels like he's going to be sick.
And I get that Carmen is upset that Johnny's so nervous especially around another baby and that Johnny needs to figure out how not to be that guy again. Which is fair, but being a Dad again when he just is finally has both Miguel and Robby talking to him. When his other father duties are starting to work out and not being this soul crushing failure I think seeing another guy too frazzled and realizing how much of a new responsibility that is freaked him out.
Tie dye robes are cute at he spa Moon takes them to.
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I am happy that they've all grown as people and become friends again. i just do wish that like Yasmine apologized for being mean to Aisha and also for believing what Kyler said about Sam and joining in on that abuse.
Sam: I already have nightmares about drowning in shallow bodies of water. (I.e. her nightmare of Tory holding her head down under the surface of the Mr. Miyagi koi pond, which wild because I don't think Tory's ever been there???? And also you'd think that'd make her too scared to go near it again)
Demetri got Yasmine a charm bracelet and a charm for every fight they have. And he seems proud when he says she can barely lift her arm now. Dude how much money are you spending?
I think Demetri and Eli forget that while they're nerds, they're rich nerds. Miguel is not and all his money was stolen.
I love the delivery of 'that's a new one' from the sales girl.
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The necklace Miguel thinks of getting Sam. Reduced to $182.
I love that eli is like if there's less tentacles it'll be cheaper. 🤣
Daniel I think to an extent that's trespassing if not 'breaking and entering' without the breaking. But great hustle!
Daniel, just because everything he's saying sounds like it's related to you and your entire life does not mean it has anything to do with you.
Barnes out here just living his life until Daniel literally comes rushing in to derail it.
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Also...Daniel omg. You and Demetri man.
He also steals his phone to yell at 'silver'
Daniel can never just lose the boy who cried wolf rap, it's based on true lived experience but he keeps leaping without looking.
Poor Michelle, she's like what happened to my furniture guy?
Mike Barnes/Michael Barnes having been karate's bad boy and banned for life from karate can't shake the sounds like a villain in every day life but clearly his customers are here for it.
This is Phil.
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Barnes out here like, it's fine, this guy I tortured and terrorized for money just popped up and ruined a sale but I'll live.
Japanese cedar chairs will be done by the time the school opens and they'll pick up the florentine table. Daniel made him lose part of his commission. It's down to 40%
This is why if you had googled the place or even tried to go in the front door you'd have seen that it was a furniture store. But we leapt before we looked.
Johnny following youtube mom vloggers to prep for the baby. I know it's supposed to be funny or whatever that he's swaddling beer. But I also think it's nice that he's actually trying to catch up on all this stuff that he doesn't know. I mean he found out that there's a baby possibly on the way, not even confirmed, this morning. And he's like well I'm so nervous I feel sick, the best way to handle that is to tackle it head on so let me practice. I don't have a baby, but I have beers and towels, and beers are breakable so...
Like he truly does always try and teach himself things if it's important.
We have orange sodas now, some hostess cupcakes, red bull, peanut butter, some chips.
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And of course one of his coors escapes and breaks which I think does not help his feeling of I'm going to screw this up, again.
I mean he essentially heard Carmen and was like I'm going to study.
Healthy organic diet= Johnny cleans his fridge.
The space needs to be baby friendly = no poster of girls, Johnny swaps it out for a light house.
Look in every nook and cranny for mold pests and other hazards. Cue cockroach.
Also want to point out that Carmen and him haven't even talked about living together (probably not enough space) But he's still prepping his space.
Johnny you dumbass, you shouldn't have consumed that beer, even if you were holding your breath or whatever safety reason you thought, it was still sitting out when you sprayed. And then he just lays on top of the carpet he just sprayed.
He really should know better from having worked as a maintenance man. But I think he just doesn't give a shit when it's his own safety beyond the bare minimum. That or we can blame netflix for this one.
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Mikes soon to be gone furniture store.
"If there's one guy in this world who doesn't owe me an apology it's you."
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I mean I feel like that is one of the thesis's of the show.
Furniture co-king (the co-king is his wife, and it's his father in-law's place)
Daniel: You're LaRusso 2.0
Moon and Yasmine are in the Laker's Halloween costumes: You're one of the girls
Robby in his Cobra Kai tournament gi: You're the girl who broke my heart.
Eli in his white gi holding his trophy: You're the girl who lost.
Miguel in his Eagle fang gi: You're my girlfriend, Sam. Why can't you just be supportive.
(Both Eli and Miguel look at her really sadly)
Tory: I know exactly who you are princess.
Sam and Miguel are really on the same journey. They're both trying to figure out who they are which for teenagers about to go off to college in a year or two, is very fitting. They just also have all this karate soap opera making figuring it out harder. And Miguel pointed out last season how hard that all is with everything the LaRusso's expect from Sam. Places he might not be able to go due to finances.
Dark Sam, voiced/introduced by Tory:
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Sam has spent most of her life probably hearing about what a great man Mr. Miyagi is, how their karate that they learned from him is better. How they're the good guys. Which putting her in that situation of the world is black and white meant she couldn't allow for gray, she wasn't allowed to be a teenager who made mistakes, which is probably why she didn't tell her parents whenever she wanted to throw a party or got into trouble because good guys don't get in trouble. She's not allowed to make mistakes and I think that is just too much pressure in just general life. Add karate and fighting to the mix and it just explodes.
Now she's questioning whether she is good or not, which is unfair to her. Because people are people, they make mistakes they're not all good or all evil. Life isn't like that and to hold herself to that impossible standard as well as all the other teenagers and people in her life means they're either evil or they've been put on a pedestal where if they make a mistake they will fall and shatter.
I feel like for dark Sam they did her make up like Tory's which is a fun little choice. They also gave her sai's, while the light version has a bo staff.
Essentially she's gotta find balance but the dark side kicks her ass and disarms her and terrifies the white version when Moon opens the tank.
Sam: Having a terrifying metaphorical fight with herself trying to figure out who she is while balancing all these identities of how other people see her and trying to discern who she is and how to balance this feeling of good and evil within herself when she's not been allowed gray.
Moon: I was a drop of dew glistening in the moonlight.
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Daniel I don't think Mike Barnes counts as Cobra Kai. I guess well, you might think you yourself were cobra kai, so that means Barnes is also cobra kai. But like the actual students of Cobra Kai, the ones that were in it longer than a few weeks/months don't want to fight you most of the time. Bobby, Jimmy, I highly doubt want to fight you. Johnny really just wants to do a fight for fun. Like sparring.
And I mean heck, Barnes is in the same boat as Johnny. Essentially all these dudes want to fight you for fun and the only one who got to (and who wasn't Cobra Kai) was Chozen because he pretended to take it very seriously and had information you wanted.
Ah, thee fact Barnes pretends to fight is what got Chozen. I was trying to remember why Chozen comes flying in to fight Mike Barnes, but then he mistook the play fighting for real fighting and came in to defend. As promised.
This is why you don't leave Chozen in the car by himself. He got worried.
Chozen stomped on I think that was Barne's knee, ow.
Mike Barnes punches Daniel in a face and he lands into a chair.
No one ever successfully really stops a fight in this show and everyone who does usually get's hit/hurt. I think the best result was prom night where they all ended up in the pool and Stingray turned it into a pool party.
Great question:
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But also you shouldn't leave Chozen in the car for long in this heat. Not cool Daniel, you didn't even crack a window. He might be from Okinawa and you might not actually film in LA but, still summer in LA Chozen would be miserable in that car.
Johnny for 4 seasons, as well as pretty much everyone for 4 seasons:
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"If this is misunderstanding you better call ambulance." and the way Barnes looks at his guys all knocked out and bloodied on the back dock and then at Chozen who meets his gaze, and then like goes whoops, sorry and looks away, all my bad. Kudos to Yuji on those expressions that was great.
Welcome to the karate soap opera Barnes. Please make sure to include karate on all your insurance policies.
I don't know what Johnny is making, but it's kinda nice he's got his door open, so Miguel can just come in. Though he probably shouldn't because it's probably open due to the insecticide. Johnny doesn't care about himself being in that but he does care about Miggy.
Miggy's look around, sniff and then looking at Johnny horrified with a "What is that smell" 😂
Paint thinner or pesticide? Johnny you should not be in there.
Johnny thinks about telling Miguel he might have a baby sibling before realizing he doesn't actually know for sure and that he and Carmen should talk before saying it so immediately changes to "Don't worry about it, just making a few changes" Which seems to be building a lot of new random sharp edged furniture. Dude what are you even doing?
Johnny went grocery shopping and just filled his fridge full of milk. Pretty sure that's supposed to be a joke that he's bought milk to live in his fridge for 9 months. But I don't know how he could've been alive this long and not known that babies don't drink cow milk. But who knows. Maybe he got it for when the kids are over. Or even for himself.
Johnny got a new chair. It's now white and leather/faux leather looking. It used to be yellow and cloth. He also got a new couch. Black leather. I think well they couldn't have been kept quite the same after the pesticide.
There is something funny about Daniel and Chozen getting into a fight at a furniture store and Johnny also being at a furniture on the same day, not getting in a fight and just getting new furniture/running errands.
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Johnny....what does this even mean???? Omg.
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Johnny giving actual good advice here. "I've been there, how about the truth, we all get shit wrong sometimes. Some of us get it wrong a lot. If you own up to your mistakes you always have a shot at making things right. You don't have to have it all figured out. Just be honest with her. See where it goes from there"
Miguel here agreeing with me that that's some actual really good advice.
Johnny seems surprised and agrees.
Well they got Daniel an ice pack for his face. They all have ice packs.
Barnes tells Daniel about the shady attorney Silver had off the books. Barnes made them put TKK3 in writing, he was promised 50% of Cobra Kai.
Chozen relaxing into the tufted blue suede couch. Barnes goes into sales mode.
Chozen: How much?
Barnes: 1,200, but for you? 2,000
Those poor guys having to move Chozen's new couch. (Lol at realizing Johnny and Chozen bought couches on the same day, Chozen what are you going to do? Take it back to Okinawa with you later?) "Careful, don't get blood on couch" while both pillows are tucked under his arms.
Daniel leaving a voice mail to the attorney, just seems so unsafe after Terry's threat that morning.
Sam and Miguel meet to talk at Miyagi-do.
They've left the whole romeo and juliet/ west side story for like teen movie drama about breaking up before going to college and because you're trying to find yourself and it's hard to meet each others needs at the same time.
Miguel apologizes for leaving like that and everything back through to prom where he wasn't thinking of her or them as a couple.
Sam says she respects him taking the time to find himself and go on that journey and apologizes for being so wrapped up in the tournament.
Miggy's little happy smile until she says but.
I mean this is a fair ask, and I think this is very mature of her to be like hey, I need time to figure out who I am too.
Like this whole conversation is maybe heartbreaking but is very emotionally mature of both of them. They're talking, they're listening.
Sam says she needs a break and in tears that 'she's not okay right now'
Miguel holding it together because Sam already is struggling enough as is, crying as he walks away and dropping the $182 necklace onto the ground. The one that probably cost everything he had.
Oh wow, Johnny truly swapped out all his furniture. Even the eagle painting is now a sunset and he bought a plant. Dude did some interior decorating and it's...modern looking.
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Does he have more than one tool box, or did he lose his beaten up old metal red one?
He has 2 plants!
Lol, he said he baby-proofed the whole apartment today too, and try to stick your finger in a socket? Lost cause.
Aww he adjusted his headphones to fit around her stomach of his old Walkman, however it's so big that it pretty much goes 100% all the way around her to her back because she's maybe like I dunno a week pregnant?
Baby playlisit: Sabbath, Metallica, Dokken
Carmen votes Metallica
See, he really just had to get used to the idea here. His freak out was like 1 hour after learning about the possibility. He needed to do something physical, actionable, and think all day and he did.
Also the amount he got done in a single day after breakfast is impressive.
Encino Oaks Country club, new morning. Daniel likes to spend his mornings in there "Nothing like a good steam to start the day off right" His little yawn and stretch and Morning to whoever came in is kinda sweet.
Also Daniel fully wearing a robe in a steam room just seems like a fainting hazard.
I do like Silver coming in through the darkness and the smoke. Very villain move.
He's also more dressed for a steam room...aka not dressed.
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This is such a choice. It's literally Terry Silver sneaking up on Daniel somewhere he feels safe and confronting him somewhere where he's alone and no one else is around, essentially saying this was a bad move, I found out, I know how you found out about this person and then threatening Daniel.
Is the golf club the same as the country club, because if so that should've been a note that Silver had joined his country club. But they didn't show the name of the place beforehand. Like they usually do when they show Encino Oaks
"I told you not to play with fire" and then to make a point literally burns down Barnes's furniture store. That's truly hitting the nail on the head there. And Barnes's has been aware of everything for like five seconds, gave one tiny bit off information out and then lost his whole business. Good thing Chozen got his couch when he did.
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irkimatsu · 6 months
Thinking about Eurovision in Hell because of course I am. I bet Hell's broadcaster has the bitchiest commentators, I'd love to hear them
Charlie and Angel are fully invested in the Contest. God, Angel doing a Eurovision performance... he'd fucking slay, I'd vote for him. Charlie finds something nice to say about all the performances, even the more, um, abrasive ones. Angel, on the other hand, is a bitch. He could be a guest commentator one year. I love Angel.
Husk finds it all vaguely annoying but is interested in following the betting pools. Some of the stuff that has high odds baffles the hell out of him, though. The odds are all on that guy with puffy green sleeves? He has a fucking bowl cut! And what is this music?! (Just relax and have some pina colada, Husk~) He'd bet on a middle-of-the-road ballad that he genuinely likes and get so pissed when it gets booted from the semi.
Alastor complains about a music contest having a visual element. It should have stayed radio-only! Voting for a song based on its staging completely misses the point! What a bunch of nonsense. He's not participating on sheer principle.
Sir Pentious is trying his best but keeps asking obvious questions. Leave him alone, he died almost a century before this was even a thing, be patient with him
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mamaspeckles · 8 months
I’ve already had one of my messy cousins drunkenly jump ship. Had to get SO many emergency staff to save him but we were in shallow waters so it was chill “He jumped ship didn’t he?” “Yep.” “….Should we save him?” *Me already walking away to get let my relatives know* “I’ll go let our aunt knooowww and the lifeguuaaarrrddss” (In all fairness this guy has like….cheated on all three of his different baby mamas. Doesn’t pay child support and I’m surprised he was even invited so….I may sound like a bitch for not having much sympathy LMAOOOOO) ANYWAY HE GOT KICKED OFF HE HAD TO HAVE THE FUCKING COAST GUARD COME GET HIM.
I’m gonna see if I can send some celebrity drama ideas because oh I LOVE the thought of Mads just eating problematic celebrities UP in her songs. >:3 I’m an observer of chaos and BOY do I love to channel it HAHAHA ❤️❤️❤️
ALSO I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU ARE ALIVE AND WELL!!!(I ALSO ASKED FOR A SIP OF THAT PINA COLADA 👹) butttt!!!!! I am hyped to see what your mind gives me this time! Also I am feeling nice and more confident to post a story/headcanon today so stay on watch for that;3 or maybe 2 stories/Headcanons idkkkk
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alister312 · 1 year
playlist attack!! 15 songs for @adventurecat85 for the @spinthetags south park olympics
I do so love Kenny and Butters/Vic’s connection to Hawaii and each other and the idea that they go on trips there is the best. I’ve never been to Hawaii, but I do love going to the ocean in the summer. One of the most important parts of any vacation but especially so for beach vacations, imo, is the soundtrack for it. It’s essential for building the right vibe and can help transport you back there when you’re far away (say, middle of nowhere Colorado). So I wanted to put together the playlist similar to what Kenny and Vic might have for their Hawaii trips!
explanation of my song choices below the cut 😎
Much of this playlist consists of yacht rock because that seems like the type of ocean vacation vibe they’d want. Yacht rock is a type of genre that normally consists of soft rock music from the 80s, aka tunes someone can chill to while hanging out on their yacht. Victor Chaos is absolutely the kind of guy who would have a yacht and I think Kenny would appreciate the soft rock (especially while high). The ones I chose I think also speak to their relationship, such as “Just the Two of Us” (them being left behind by everyone from their former friend group but remaining close friends anyway) and “Reelin’ in the Years” (reflecting on how different they are and how distant they feel from everyone else now).
Keeping in mind your idea of Kenny not having the resources he needs to fully realize his potential, I wanted to include some songs about the ocean with themes of working hard and wanting more out of life. There’s the very downtrodden “The Downeaster Alexa” and the slightly more hopeful “Son of a Son of a Sailor”. This marries in nicely I feel with Victor Chaos’ business personality which I wanted represented in “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”.
I wanted to also get some general island-y vacation vibe songs in here, the classics for setting the tropical mood. To me, that means artists like Jimmy Buffet and Zac Brown Band, as well as songs like “Escape (The Pina Colada Song)” and “Tequila”.  Since they are going to Hawaii, though, I made sure to put some very explicitly Hawaii songs in there. Getting in at least one of Elvis’ Hawaii songs in particular seemed important since he was very vital to Butters’ family’s connection to Hawaii.
While I think you could listen to this playlist on shuffle and have the time of your life, I did also put these songs in an order that I think makes them flow well together. I wanted to start high energy (those excited pre/early vacation vibes), get a little mellow (settled in relaxing/reflecting on their life together), then bring the upbeat nature back (refusing to end their special vacation on a downer note).
I hope you like this playlist and that it helps inspire thoughts of Kenny and Vic hanging out in Hawaii together! Sorry it's on Youtube 😅 I don't have Spotify Premium. Feel free to just add over all the songs if that's the platform you prefer.
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dailybeastarsthings · 2 years
Chapter 46 – For One To Show No Fear
The end of the year was rapidly growing near and thus animals were all looking for partners to kiss at midnight. This was also true for Pina, who was schmoozing with one of his many love interests.
‘Your horns smell really nice today’ he said to his girlfriend.
‘Thank you, I waxed them with honey to give them that extra shine’ she replied, smiling and blushing.
‘Well, I’m crazy about them’ Pina said smoothly.
‘You’re in the Drama Club, right? Do you like it there?’
‘Well, not to brag or anything, but I was given a huge role for the New Year’s performance. Are you gonna come see it?’ he tried to impress the girl, who was sitting on the edge of her seat in excitement.
‘Of course! Who are you gonna be?’
‘I’m gonna be the handsome youth who gets his soul stolen by the Grim Reaper. I’ll die at the end!’ Pina said cheerfully.
‘What, you’ll die?’ the girl asked in confusion. She expected something more exciting.
‘That’s right’ Pina said as he rested his head on his palm. ‘Tell me, Riona, if I died for real, would you mourn me?’ he asked as he leaned in for a kiss.
‘I think I’d laugh’ Riona replied coldly, blocking Pina’s lips with her palm, smiling sourly. ‘Who the hell is Riona!? I don’t think a guy who can’t even remember a girl’s name is even worth a funeral!’
With that, the girl jumped up, kicked Pina in the shin then stormed off. Pina looked after her in silence. He then sighed and shook his head before he headed to rehearsal in defeat.
‘Well, I did it again…’ he thought. After all, it was not the first time he messed up the names of his partners. ‘Girls really know how to hit you where it hurts. Now I’m too traumatized to remember names. Maybe I should just lay low until things get sorted out? Never! I just have to get it together then get back to action!’
Pina entered one of the restrooms on his way to the Drama Club. As he was walking inside, he thought about how the new casting for Adler was breaking the mold. A carnivore reaping an herbivore’s soul was way too realistic. Some might say its portrayal was taboo. Yet, all things considered, Pina was happy with his role. Suddenly, he heard a clank from behind then a shadow blocked all the light above him as he was about to relieve himself. He looked up, only to be greeted by the sight of Riz’s smiling face.
‘I’m looking forward for today’s rehearsal’ he said with his usual sugarcoated voice.
‘Oh, wow, you surprised me!’ Pina replied with forced cheerfulness. ‘But I think I’ll be leaving now. I’m not comfortable with peeing next to a murderer you know’ he said as he started to walk away.
‘I’m going to settle things with Legoshi at New Year’s’ Riz said, smiling.
‘I did figure out something was going on with him with the way he looked today… I was not expecting this, however…’
‘Oh, but that’s not all’ Riz continued with a shadow growing across his face. ‘You’re a part of this, too. You’re the only one other than Legoshi, who knows what I have done. So, when I’m done killing Legoshi, I’ll let all my emotions loose and devour you from head to toe.’
Pina was shocked by Riz’s words, he, however, didn’t want to let him rain over his parade and crush his mood.
‘From head to toe you say? I wouldn’t do that if I were you… These horns are clearly in the way and I really don’t think they taste very good’ he said with glee as he pointed towards his head.
Suddenly, Riz leaned in and sucked on Pina’s index finger. The Dall sheep was terrified as he felt the bear’s teeth and tongue playing around it. His leg’s trembled in horror until finally, what seemed to be a never ending moment, Riz let go of his finger with a slurping sound. Pina closed his eyes in fear, expecting a blood fountain emerging from the place of his late index finger, collapsing onto the floor.
‘Sorry about that’ Riz said, smiling, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. ‘I couldn’t help myself. Your fingers smelled like honey.’
With that, he left to partake in the rehearsal. Pina gasped as he sat up to check his hand and how bad the situation was.
‘They’re all still here! Thank goodness!’ he thought in relief before falling back to the tiles. ‘Who would’ve thought? I’m relieved to the point where I find myself lying on the filthy bathroom floor. I’m more desperate to live than I thought… I’m perfect for the guy who dies tragically at the end.’
After collecting his every ounce of energy and strength, Pina stood up and walked to the auditorium where the others have already been waiting for him. He quickly changed than joined the rest of the acting group. Sanu called for him shortly.
‘Okay, we’re going to start practice now’ he said. ‘Are the lights ready?’ Legoshi nodded. ‘Is the sound good?’ Fudge raised his thumb to show everything was fine.
‘Pina, you don’t look so good… Are you okay? Do you remember your lines?’ Juno asked in worry. She was not only worried for his club mate though. With this play, her reputation as an aspiring Beastar was at stake.
‘I’ll be fine’ Pina replied.
Juno was not the only one worrying about him though. He overheard others talking about him, how he only had the looks but never the talent Louis used to present on-stage. But Sanu signed for the pair to begin and so they did.
‘I’m Adler, the Grim Reaper. I have come here this evening to reap your soul’ Juno began her line. ‘If you have any last words, offer them to this scythe.’
‘If I begged for my life, would that satisfy you?’ Pina said his line while he lowered his head. He then sent a piercing look towards Juno. ‘Even if my life has been meaningless, my life is mine alone. My fear of dying is also mine alone. I won’t give you a testament… I’ll give you a heartfelt declaration instead.’ He clenched one of his fists and raised it up to his shoulder while turning towards the others. ‘You can take my life! But I won’t cower away from you!!!’
Pina panted after his line while the others were shocked at his powerful delivery of those words. Dom was so surprised, he even dropped a can full of red paint.
‘Are you alright, Pina? What’s gotten into you?’ Juno asked while the others rushed to Dom to help him clean up the spilled paint.
‘What do you mean?’ Pina chuckled. ‘I’ll go get some water. I’m parched.’
On his way to the locker room, he crossed paths with Riz, who was also amazed by his performance as well.
‘Did you see that?’ Pina asked while he patted Riz’s shoulder as he passed by him.
With that gesture, the bear’s suspicions became a reality. That powerful delivery was a declaration of war.
As per usual, Legoshi went straight to Gouhin after rehearsal to train for his fight at New Year’s. However, he also had the urge to see Louis to tell him about his resolution. That, however seemed easier said than done. He knew that after that incident back at the Shishigumi’s hideout, the lions would be on the lookout for him. After some thinking, Legoshi came up with the idea of crossdressing. To achieve the perfect look, Gouhin lent him one of his wife’s dresses and matching heels.
After Legoshi got dressed, Gouhin applied some makeup on him – some purple eyeshadow and peach blush to match the color of the dress. The final touch was a small floral headpiece to hide the scars above his eye.
‘I hope you don’t mind wearing this dress’ Gouhin said. ‘It must be shocking for you to learn that I don’t keep any dresses here. This one is only an exception because she was wearing this when we first met.’
‘Do I remind you of your wife?’ Legoshi asked almost absentmindedly. When he realized what he had just asked, he turned red in embarrassment. ‘Never mind, don’t answer that. I have to go now!’ And so he did, running out on the streets, looking for Louis.
Louis and Ibuki were sitting in their usual bar. They were almost regulars at that point. Ibuki was drinking some whisky, while Louis enjoyed a glass of plum wine.
‘What do you think would be more valuable stuffed… heads with manes or heads with antlers?’ Ibuki asked.
‘What?’ Louis turned his head towards the lion in surprise.
‘I suppose I should give you some context, huh?’ Louis blinked to indicate “yes” while he was taking a sip of his drink. ‘The clans here like to decorate their hideouts with stuffed animal heads, preferably the heads of the bosses of other clans.’
‘Do you think my small head would make for some fine interior design?’ Louis laughed.
‘I’m serious, boss! What will happen if some clan feels threatened by us and comes in with the sole purpose of claiming your head?’
‘Then you will die in my stead, Ibuki’ Louis said calmly. ‘I can’t die when things are looking so good for us. Besides, there’ll be rumors that my men ate me instead. I don’t want to sully the Shishigumi’s name.’
‘Of course. I’d gladly die for you, boss’ Ibuki said, and he meant every word. ‘Excuse me, I’ll have to use the bathroom.’
When Ibuki walked away, the bar’s entrance opened, letting in some fresh, crisp air, mixed with the scent of a floral perfume, making its way to Louis’ nostril. The clacking sound of heels soon joined the scent, too, which were headed straight to the seat next to the deer.
‘Huh, a female customer’ Louis thought. ‘Such a rare sight… But why is she sitting right next to me?’
He looked to the side to see, who he was sitting next to, only to realize that it was not a female customer, not even close. To his shock, it was Legoshi. He couldn’t help but stare, with his jaw dropping to the floor, literally.
‘Please don’t make this into a scene, Louis darling’ Legoshi said in a feminine tone.  “Darling” was a word he didn’t know he would actually call him, but he liked it. It meant felt sweet for him to call Louis darling. His upperclassman on the other hand was a bit surprised. There was an awkward moment of silence between them before Legoshi continued. ‘I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but first let me tell you that, yes, I’m Legoshi. I’m sorry if my crossdressing is not the best. I came here through trial and error.’
Louis couldn’t decide which emotion he should choose in this situation. He was happy to see Legoshi, yet he was also on the verge of laughing at the poorly executed disguise on him. However, he was also quite angry at him, the memory of their latest encounter still a sour thought in him.
‘What the hell are you doing? Why are you wearing a dress? And why does it kind of look good on you? Do I seriously have to kill you to make you stop acting like a psycho!?’ he thought. ‘I love you, but I’ll do it!’
‘There’s something that I absolutely must tell you today’ Legoshi continued before they heard the restroom door opening. As Ibuki started walking back to the bar, he was shocked by the unfolding scene. Louis nervously grabbed his glass, taking a sip of plum wine, while Legoshi kept trying to make eye contact with him.
‘What can I serve you?’ the bartender asked Legoshi, snapping him out of his thoughts.
‘What would you recommend?’ he asked nervously.
‘Well, for a wolf, I’d say that the “Howling Lady” would be the best fit.’
‘I’ll have that then, thank you.’
Legoshi became increasingly worried as the lion slowly made its way back to the counter. He sure made it back faster than it would’ve been ideal, making him have to act fast while remaining calm, to avoid blowing his cover.
‘This isn’t good’ he thought. ‘Louis is getting angry with me, I can feel it. I know it looks like I’m screwing around but I’m dead serious! I want him to listen to what I have to say! What should I do?’
‘Damn it, Legoshi! Whenever I pour my soul into something, you always show up to stir up my feelings!’ Louis thought. ‘How should I use this stupid disguise to make this idiotic underclassman suffer!? What should I do?’ ‘
‘The boss is an 18-year-old male and I don’t intend on interfering with his private life, but that female is ugly as hell!’ Ibuki thought. ‘She’s twice as big as him, too. I could probably show him 10, way cuter partners for him than that female. Someone, who’s a perfect fit for the Shishigumi’s boss! What should I do?’
‘Ibuki, leave us a lone, please’ Louis instructed, breaking the cycle of thoughts, which were stirring violently around the bar.
‘Understood, boss. I’ll be waiting outside.’ Ibuki said, leaving the two behind.
Louis couldn’t believe himself. It was the first time for him to set duty aside because of his curiosity. He was interested in what Legoshi wanted to tell him, but he wanted to mess with him, too.
‘Thank you, darling’ Legoshi said when Ibuki closed the bar’s door behind him.
‘Anything for you, sugarplum’ Louis replied. Legoshi was surprised by his response, but he had to remain true to his disguise to maintain his character. ‘So, what is it that you want to tell me, sweety?’
Legoshi then proceeded to tell Louis about the results of his investigation from beginning to end, leaving no detail out. He even told him about how he French kissed Riz to gather information. They both rolled their eyes, hoping that the other would be their first kiss.
‘So Riz is the killer, which means that his stuffed-animal act was just a façade he used to get by at school…’ Louis said.
‘Exactly, he’s awful! Legoshi agreed. His voice cracked a little. Keeping up his high-pitched sound was getting harder for his throat.
‘Well, if you know he’s the killer, then hurry up and turn him in already.’
‘Why does everyone keep saying that? It’s not that simple!’
‘It literally is though.’
‘No, as a fellow carnivore, I’m going to show him justice by using force! And if I lose, then I’ll just have to let him kill me. I already got a taste from his strength. He left me with this scar. But only because I got my guard down!’ Legoshi said, trying to save face.
‘Okay, that’s not happening. I cannot let you fight him one-on-one!’ Louis said, worried.
‘I’m going to settle things with him at New Year’s Eve. I want you to be there to see our fight, Louis.’
‘Why should I?’ Louis said, trying to pull up a wall. He was simply too worried for Legoshi. He didn’t know how he would handle the fact that he was dead.
‘Louis, please…’
‘How many times do I have to tell you!? I belong to the Black Market! I have nothing to do with school anymore!’
‘I’m not telling you to return to the outside world!’ Legoshi argued while he grabbed Louis by the shoulders, turning him towards him. ‘There’s a chance that this is going to end with my death and if it does, I want you to be there to see it! Don’t you understand? I- I…’ Suddenly, he choked up. The words that almost left his mouth were the simplest, yet most difficult to say.
The two both looked at each other with eyes full of determination. On Legoshi’s side, he was determined to fight Riz either way and to make Louis turn up for the event, while Louis was determined to stay out of that completely. Finally, Louis broke the silence with a chuckle. He couldn’t take Legoshi’s serious expression with that hideous makeup.
‘What?’ Legoshi asked.
‘Oh, please, your face is just too much like this.’
‘You laughed, right?’
‘Are you serious, how could I not?’ Louis said, almost rolling off his chair.
‘I’ll take that as a yes! We’ll be under the Gazura Bridge at New Year’s Eve. It’s in front of the school! I’ll be waiting!’ With that, Legoshi stormed off, surprisingly quickly for someone who was wearing heels for the first time.
‘Wait, I’m not going!’ Louis yelled after him.
A moment of silence settled in the bar, Louis took another sip from his glass.
‘Where did that big female go?’ he heard Ibuki from behind.
‘I rejected her.’
‘Oh, that’s a relief’ Ibuki replied while took the seat next to Louis.
‘Did you really think, I’d give in? She was such a fool.’ Legoshi ran back to Gouhin to wash up before returning to school. He was hopeful that he would see Louis at his fight with Riz, giving him that extra motivation and power, he needed. He was not the only one busy training. Riz was also taking some extra time, working on his condition. After all, there were only three days left until New Year’s Eve. He, however, had another trick up his sleeve…
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caxxxe · 3 months
I’m drunk, I like you. 
— So it’s real. Elyu vibes.  Sa Elyu nagsimula — sa Elyu.. ay, hanggang Elyu lang pala.
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It feels like we are reenacting what the movie scenes are. The confession. The days in Elyu. The days after Elyu. (Hindi nga lang mag best friend hehe)
To begin with, 
I’m hiding my feelings. I’m just admiring him secretly without anyone knowing. Wala naman talagang nakakaalam kung hindi sarili ko lang. It’s just simply “paghanga”. When I first saw him in Batangas, shet totoo yung nagustuhan ko siya slight dahil sa buhok niya na purple ata or gray na ewan and may itsura pala to kasi once ko lang ata to nakita sa Bro’s tapos nag hi ata? may kasama sya basta yun tapos alam ko pinag-usapan nyo ko na siguro kapatid ni jobee ganern. Going back to Batangas scene, it feels like slow motion when I saw him at the car window pa lang and fudge I still remember that. Pocha. 2 years ko syang inadmire palihim from the stories that he is posting, to the aesthetic feed he has. I don’t really like him that much kasi hanggang “admire” lang. Maybe I’m just attracted on his cleanliness, his style, humor or so whatever basta not that deep.
Excited ako bhie sa Elyu. Kasi Elyu yun eh, I will finally taste the bagnet, the El union coffee, see the sunset and experience the night life. And of course because of the movie. I’m not expecting any “love” or jowang jowa that time kasi nga strong independent woman ang lola mo. I am not looking for any flings or any thing basta ang gusto ko lang mawala yung stress ko from work and makasama sila. It was nice kasi parang kung ano yung dati sa Batangas, ganon rin naman. Sarap ng kwentuhan habang papuntang Elyu, mga biruan nila. Masaya. Sobrang saya. It was just a beautiful barkada moment.
The Inuman — Tavern. I never expect him na tabihan niya ko kasi hindi naman niya ko tinatabihan. Akala ko pa nga si Lordjie tatabi sakin BUT no, tumabi siya and so yon. Pinapalipat ka ni ate jessie para si Lordjie kata i ko pero di ka naman nakinig hehe. So, okay yung flow. Masaya. Typical inuman session with kantahan. The laughs. The entertainers na sobrang kalog. The alcohol through our esophagus. Normal inuman with bangers sound. We were in vibes kasi sobrang saya lang. We just clicked kasi ang sarap sumayaw nung time na yon. And in just a few moments, ate jess started saying, “bagay kayo, bagay sila bes” telling ditse. AND THATS WHEN I FELT THE STOP MOMENT. NAPATIGIL AKO KASI HALA SHET? WALA TO SA PLANO. Actually I felt like nanlamig ako kahit na sobrang init. HINDI KO TO INEXPECT. ANONG MERON? BAKIT NILA NAPANSIN NA MAY SOMETHING, NA BAGAY KAMI. Hindi to yung inaasahan kong marinig. Bakit may ganito? I JUST SMILED na lang AND KILIG patago. Kasi diba pocha, I was just admiring him from a far. I was just secretly having a little crush on him TAPOS eto? Ganon yung nangyari. I just couldn’t talk and answer when asking me kung gusto ko din ba siya kasi kinikilig ako. And same as him, bakit hindi sya sumasagot? 
I am so kilig but ofc i need to hide my feelings para kunwari wala lang, kunwari hindi ko siya gusto. Natatandaan ko pa na inalalayan niya ako kasi nag cr ako mag- isa, shez the moments. ETO YUNG MEMORABLE!! The holding hands while he is driving. I really want to experience that and shet thank you kasi pina experience niya sakin even just for a night. I still feel his hand on my hand char haha. The slow driving just to get us safe going home. I still remember and I will forever. ‘Front’ seat secret we won’t ever tell. Kaya ko gusto yung XXL eh!!! 
THE CONFESSION. I never expect na magkakagusto siya sakin. Him admitting “nahumaling” sakin since shs was so unexpected. Hindi ko kasi inexpect na magkakaroon siya ng gusto sakin kasi I feel na mataas standard niya sa babae. I’m not downing my self pero kasi parang iba magiging type niya. And also, I thought he’s in a relationship ever since Batangas or in years kasi siya yung tipo ng guy na parang malandi. Anyway, that confession was so real. I am real. My feelings are real. Lasing ako pero alam ko mga sinasabi ko kasi totoo yon eh. That’s how I feel to him. Hindi ko pinagsisisihan na umamin ako. 
Suddenly after the confession, naging awkward lahat. I saw his awkwardness. But at the same time I saw his actions toward me. Yung pinapauna niya kong maglakad… dati hindi niya yon ginagawa. Yung sinasabayan akong maglakad.. di nya din ginagawa sakin yon dati and even the paglilipat ng pwesto sa kalsada para hindi ako don sa part ng daanan ng sasakyan. I really appreciate that little things he did for me. We didn’t have that conversation together after that night kasi I am shy and siya din. Ramdam ko yung hiyaan moments namin. Sitting beside him pauwi and being his passenger princess was so memorableeee uaaaahhh. I really wanted to sing passenger seat while I am the passenger princess kasi sa FX ko lang siya na experience. AND HIM SINGING IT!!! The lines!!!! AND IVE GOT ALL I NEED RIGHT HERE IN MY PASSENGER SEAT!!! Naririnig ko yon HOYYY! 
— The last moments. OUR SKIN-SHIP AT ITS FINEST!!! BAT ANG LAPIT KASI!!! Kulang na lang maghawakan kami ng kamay. Pero for real, gusto ko sa likod kami umupo kaso nahihilo talaga ako kaya sa gitna na lang. Noong paalis na siya bhie, I want to hug him as if aalis na talaga siya kasi I just wanted to say thank you. Kaso nahiya ako saka andon sila ditse eh. I thought mageenjoy ako sa Elyu because of bagnet, the coffee, the vibes, the sunset, the beach, and the night life pero mas naenjoy ko ang Elyu dahil sakanya. 
— After the Elyu. Nasepanx ako sa feels. Pero thank God he started the conversation and yet, he ended it by seen zoned me. We just talked for a week and I don’t know what happen. Sadt diba. Story short. It was nice having conversation with him kasi may mga narealize din akong bagay bagay. His very matured enough to handle life and the way he leads the conversation and assured me. Naka help din naman siya about decisions ko sa buhay. I’m actually not mad or had any bad feelings about him, I just expect kasi na something will get deeper BUT I have to stop this feeling falling for him para hindi na mas maging deeper pa kaya nga I’m writing this letter for the last time. You not liking my mirror selfie story is a sign na I need to stop waiting for you. I need to stop this kind of delulu moments. Maybe when the time is right, someday kapag pwede pa, pwede na. Ayoko lang madaliin lahat kasi I still have my goals and dreams sa life ko. Same as him. He’s very eager to get that wants and dreams. I respect that. Ang sarap lang ulit maexperience kiligin parang bumabalik yung pagka high school ko kaso nakakatamad don sa getting to know each other stage ulit gggrrr. But I am matured enough na kapag nag stop yung conversation and hang me as seen, stop na yun. I will not ask someone to give me attention kasi I know my worth. I know na my worth, if people don’t appreciate my present I will also not entertain him. But I am open for the possibility. I’m still open for all the possible scenarios. I still have this thought na maybe after 1 year, pag umuwi ka, wala ka pa ring lovelife tapos ako wala pa rin… we’re both single, baka pwede. Ganern na thoughts. Real love can wait naman, no matter what any circumstances are, if thats really love. I’m just happy being single na nagagawa ko lahat ng hindi ko nagawa nung walang wala ako. The time when I’m in the dark because of wrong love and I don’t want to drown my self to that situation again, I lost myself because of loving wrong people. Hindi ko hahayaang matalo ulit dahil sa pag-ibig. Now, I don’t want to go back to my past because I love myself more. 
Gagraduate din ako. Tulad ni Carson, pipilitin kong makatapos sayo, gaano man katagal, kahit umabot man ng 7 years, makakagraduate ako. At masasabi ko ring, hindi mo naman kasalanan kung hindi mo ko gustong ipursue. 
Pakak. Elyu vibes are real. Kakanood ko at kaka ulit ko ng IDILY, ayan, naging carson ako. 
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April 30, 2024 11:27 PM
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x-lovely · 2 years
Puerto Rico Trip!
day 1
our airbnb was ass, didn’t like it but pool was cute. we went in a group = 3 guys, 3 girls (2 female cousins, her fiancee, 2 male family friends). we ate at a cafe, the waitress was so sweet. then we went in circles finding the rainforest. we went hiking/dipped our feet in. i hated it. i got to see nice views at the tower though. everyone loved my long nails, haha. then we went to the beach and it was so clean. there were people but we swam and there were no seashells. we had pina colada ice cream on the beach. then we went down the strip of bars and food and got some for the ride home. then we got mojitos that we never finished and jalapeno cheese fries that were so good. then we swam at the airbnb pool, got sorta tipsy then went to bed. 
day 2 
we saw a horse hehe. also our airbnb had a tanning spot at the top, it was cool. we ate food again (had a disagreement with my cousin but it was alright), then we went on a ferry boat and i got seasick. i threw up over the railing. but the view was lovely, i saw lots of roosters and cats and they were friendly. the empanadas were delicious and fresh. i loved the beach here too because it was clean and we were far away from people. then we went back on the ferry boat ride home and i wasn’t sick because i was too tired haha. we went around a bit and then called it a night.
day 3
went to another cafe and then went tot he beach where we went on a banana boat ride where they tried to make us fall off (idk why i agreed to it) but my knuckles were so red from holding on so tight but we didn’t fall off! then we swam around the beach a bit i didnt really like this one because too much sand in the water but then we went parasailing and guess what my ass threw up again over my shoulder i did not enjoy it at all but it was a vibe and the guy was nice enough to wash me off then this day was alright later on we went night kayaking and it was fucking hilarious because my cousin and i kept bickering but i saw two starfishes patrick starrr! i was worried because the tides were so wavy then afterwards we went to t-mobile district where there were bars and restaurants arcades music and games so we ate elotes (mexican corn) it was good and i had a good time for once and we played the arcade games and then went to the center and just vibed to the music and played the big connect 4 and then we went home 
day 4 
we explored san juan this day was so god damn fucking hot i hated it so much and i was in a dress and i wore a tight bra like who the fuck did i think i was and my nails were long as fuck i could not do it but we saw nice scenic views and i enjoyed the expensive ice cream and seeing the land and then i took photos with the parrots!! hehe it was a lot of walking and the $1 jello shot was soo strong ew so when we were driving on the highway it was so rocky afterwards i had to get out and throw up twice so on the trip i threw up 4 times it was wild i ended up with two blisters on my feet 
on the ride home we had a delay so spirit gave us a $50 voucher so that wasn’t bad i would say the trip was a 6/10 because we had many disagreements but we sorted it out afterwards and next time i would just be more natural with getting everything ready like i wouldnt do dramatic nails, my eyelashes were not worth it because they were $200 and i didn’t like it but whatever i spent $140 over my budget but i made everything back so it all went well and now we’re chilling!
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mdeathinside · 3 years
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I can’t stop thinking about this development. Riz actually thanked Pina for being there with him, not letting him feel lonely again. And it warms my heart that it was Pina who called him a friend; he has accepted him even when he has seen his true self, giving him the real friendship he desired.
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doccywhomst · 3 years
Martha Jones is my favourite companion. She deserved better from Ten. Which other Doctor(s) do you think would have been great for Martha to travel with?
oh my GOD, okay, it's happening- everybody stay calm, everybody stay CALM, stay FUCKING CALM
first doctor: initially, he's all hee hee hoo hoo wacky space granddad, but then he's always telling her to stay in the tardis and stand here and go there and wait and- she doesn't listen to a word of it. they don't mesh
second doctor: he radiates lethal amounts of crackhead energy and she isn't quite sure how to navigate that. might have to pair her with a slightly more down-to-earth doctor
third doctor: yeaaaah baby, now we're cooking with nitro-9. he's always saying stuff like "i'm a doctor of everything, miss jones" and "i have thousands of years of experience, miss jones" and then he immediately gets his shit wrecked and martha launches in to rescue him like
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fourth doctor: she's had to tell him off once or twice for sheltering her, but he got the message pretty quick and now they're constantly running head-first into danger. in fact, out of the pair of them, martha is the sane one. four is at the controls and she's like
fifth doctor: martha has family problems. that's established. i think she'd love to travel with five's posse of queer youth, if for no other reason than to get a lot of hugs and cool outfits. i want this now
sixth doctor: if he acts the fuck up, he gets smacked the fuck up, and he learned that almost immediately. now they have an unsurpassed mutual respect for one another. no strained relationship, no thin ice. just vibes. martha does have a love-hate relationship with the coat, though
seventh doctor: when they click, they click, but when they clash, they clash hard. they're both too stubborn for each other and it can create a Difficult Working Environment. i love seven but i'm not sure they'd play nice
eighth doctor: oh. oh ho ho. oh my god. can you even begin to imagine? his stories are so insane and terrifying, and his character is such a liminally-dwelling cryptid - i think she'd sense him in her vicinity like how birds sense tsunamis. at first, she's like "haha, this pretty guy is so silly, he's making me pancakes!" and then he does Something and she's like
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ninth doctor: sad bitches UNITE. this is lonely hearts solidarity. they sass each other to death out of spite for the world and then share a snuggie, pull out their VHS copy of The Notebook, and drink a pina colada with two straws
tenth doctor: we know how that went down….
eleventh doctor: like with the second doctor, i think he's slightly too rabid and alien for martha to deal with. he's always bouncing off the walls and spinning in circles and diverging neurologically and she just needs someone consistent to throw her tether around. we need a shoulder to cry on, STAT
twelfth doctor: unrivaled. unmatched. undefeated. they meet and she's like "you're the most fucked up old man i've ever met (affectionate)" and he's like "you're the most practical and level-headed person in my life (derogatory)" and they hit it off splendidly
thirteenth doctor: similar to eight. martha can feel the extremely disturbing and eldritch miasma that thirteen emanates and is immediately put off by it. nothing against thirteen, but martha gets within twenty feet of her and this warning message pops up in her brain
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in conclusion, i love martha very much and she's a bamf
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bestedoesmeow · 2 years
➳top gun men : on holiday 
ps : no offense to phoenix i love her a lot
ps2:since it's impossible for me to add top gun characters' holiday pictures i added the actors' you can imagine them as if they are their character's pictures :*
hope you enjoy readiiiinngg and imagining a getaway to your dream place with your dream aviator!
-Definetly a calm atmosphere lover he'd prefer to spend your holiday at a nice , cozy and non-crowded hotel in Turks and Caicos.
''Cocktail by the pool?''
''Did we bring the tanning spray you know the one-
-Definetly enjoys sleep until noon it'd be too much job for you to get him out of the bed and he would pull you into bed whenever you try to wake him up.
''I am gonna swim real quick.''Then wouldn't be back until you start to wonder if he is dead or something.
-He would use the mini bar a lot , especially would drink beers after swimming while waiting for you to finish with your shower.
''You ready yet?'' kind of impatient.
-Would make fun faces behind people in breakfast , dinner , lunch queues.
-Would comb his mustache at least three times a day...
''I need to workout a bit hun.''Then starts doing push-ups in the middle of the room instead using the hotel gym.
''Oh honey, we should try the spa.''
''You eatin' those?''
-One night he'd get too drunk and would try to flirt with you.
-He would suddenly get silent during one of your dinners and talk about how lucky he is to have you
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-He would probably prefer going to a nice exclusive hotel with a lot of late night activity and rich bar options in Greece maybe ?
''But we just got here Y/N.''
''No honey no i don't swim on first days.''
''Gonna take a quick nap before the dinner baby.''
-He'd watch you make sandcastles with a pina colada and a smirk on his lips.
''Did you apply enough sunscreen sweetheart?''
-Would play ''Jaws'' or ''Mermaids'' with you in the sea.
-He'd buy a water gun for himself and would make you scream and run around the whole hotel.
-He would prefer strolling around the city instead of staying at the the hotel after dinner.
''Wanna shower together?''
-Totally an airport dad he'd be there 3-4 hours earlier.
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-He would love a nice trip to a warm and small hotel in Northern Italy.
-Forgets his passport , comes into realization the last minute.
''Glasses , oh my god i forgot my glasses Y/N, what do I do, what do i do ?''Then he finds them in his shirt's pocket.
''Okay i am taking few deep breaths and I'll be okay.''
-He'd read those articles about planes or mechanics of planes he uploaded day before the trip , instead of sleeping.
''Oh you know I love you right, honey?''Kind of sudden love confessions.
-He'd suddenly start talking Italian quite fluently with other people, shooking the hell out of you.
''Oh yes honey i used to learn Italian and a bit French and Spanish but i am not fluent you know -
-He would fall asleep trying to keep an eye on you while you are swimming.
-He would help you in building a sandcastle kingdom.
''Oh shit my back my back Y/N IT'S BURNIING.''
''Did you call your parents to tell them we safely arrived ?''He'd ask with overly suspicous voice since he realized you probably had not.
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-Well I think he'd prefer the Bahamas?
''We can take the other plane don't worry.''
''Ssh , ssh honey calm down.''He would pull you into a hug in the middle of the airport even though he knows that you really need to worry.
-Surprisingly, he would wake up at 6 a.m everyday to run on the beach.
-Definetly an orange juice and breakfast guy.
-He would simply grab you by the legs and carry you in bridal style if the two of you decide to go swimming.
-Calm swimmer.He would probably prefer talking and flirting with you by the pantoons to swimming alone.
-You two would love a late evening swim so you would probably miss the dinner and have to attend the late dinner.
-Flannel shirt, white tee and chuck taylors with shorts for dinner.(HE WOULD DEFINETLY PULL THOSE OFFFF SO DAMN WELL.)
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-Maldives or Caribbeans bestie :*
-Not an airport dad at all but he'd be there on time.
''Passports , licenses , painkillers?''
-Would stroke your head slowly to sleep and he would be watching Batman : The Dark Knight while doing that.(on the plane)
''Let's get changed and have a late evening swim huh?''
-Definetly a breakfast person period.
''Can you apply this to my face very throughly honey?''
-He would take you to a nice fish restaurant for your first dinner there.
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-You are going to Turkey to Antalya or Bodrum maybe?
-He would play strategy games on his iPad throughout the plane trip.
-DEF. a pool guyyyyyy!
''You want to play mermaids?''
-He would gossip about the other Top Gun graduates.
-Always drinks cocktails while sunbathing.That's his rule bestie.
-He would ask you on a dance to Celine Dion's ''Because You Loved Me'' after dinner at hotel's bar , encouraging other couples to dance with you two.
-Would take too short in the shower but like really.
''I don't have time for that much scrub , scrub , scrub i am gonna be in the water in a few hours babyyy.”
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