#I just need to know the quickest way using the least amount of equipment to turn ground coffee into something drinkable.
On the stoop, she’s still wearing her prom dress. It’s after eight and it’s dark. Through the window in the living room, she can see her brother crouched over his homework, doing his best not to watch her get soaked in the rain. Her mother, she knows, is just inside in the hallway. But Jake told her he’d be there to take her. Not that she could go like this now, not with her mascara running. She can’t see any headlights on the road even standing up on her tiptoes in the driveway. Jake called and swore that he’d be there. She really wanted to go.
#January 17 2021#I am finally getting around to setting up my office properly.#Hooking things up to my laptop is way too needlessly complicated and also money that I had not been planning on having to spend.#At least my printer is *finally* set up even if it still refuses to connect to my wifi.#Hopefully I get my stupid probably made in China because fucking everything is made in China and there's no way to avoid it adapters soon.#So I can use my monitors.#I also caved and bought a coffee grinder.#I need to figure out how to make coffee the normal people who don't just use instant all the time way.#Something something about trying to be more sustainable and trying to switch to something better than Folgers.#Seriously though.#How do people make coffee?#This is an actual question I want actual answers for.#I am the opposite of a coffee snob and have just bought instant my whole life.#And everywhere I've worked has had those awful single use pod machine things.#Or like those giant carafes.#Or in one case a fancy espresso machine that you just pressed a button on and it ground its own beans?#Anyway my point is people seem to have a lot of opinions on this coffee thing.#I just need to know the quickest way using the least amount of equipment to turn ground coffee into something drinkable.#I don't even particularly like coffee that much and drown it in dairy or dairy substitutes anyway.#So I only really care about not drinking grounds I guess?#Anyway.#This is garbage and I don't feel like writing.#Complete crap.
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oliverwvvd · 3 years
the devil in me, part ii
Back to writing these two, inevitably, at long last. This is for the lovely anon who dropped by and mentioned this one, despite it having been years since the last post. This is slightly trigger heavy, so sorry if the triggers contain spoilers, but people's mental health comes first so they can choose whether or not to engage with the content.
This is part of a series. You can find part one here.
pairing: Marcus Flint x Oliver Wood
premise: When Marcus wakes again in the endless white of St Mungo's, Oliver is still there, and his wand is still gone. Marcus thinks it's about debts owed, or at least, that's what he's trying to tell himself. Whatever other reasons might keep Oliver Wood at his bedside aren't remotely within a framework he's equipped to handle. [possible triggers: severe PTSD, hospitals, battle situations, Legilimency, implied invasion of the mind, implied intention not to survive]
When he wakes, one needle is back in his arm and Marcus’ first inclination is to be pissed off about it. Of course it is. Being angry is the best alternative, sublimation for all of the other emotions he should be feeling and isn’t. He doesn’t need any St Mungo’s trained therapist to tell him about that, mainly because it’s deliberate on his part.
“For fuck’s sake,” he mutters. “I don’t want painkiller withdrawal on top of everything else. The dosage has to be sky-high for me not to be feeling anything.”
“So you’d rather have the searing amount of pain that makes you pass out within minutes instead? You’re right; being a masochist is a much better idea.”
He closes his eyes. “Why are you still here, again?”
“Waiting for you to take your head out of your arse, though it seems I’ll be in for a long wait.” The tart rejoinder in a lovely, rolling Scottish brogue that he instinctively wants to wrap himself in doesn’t help his temper. Neither does the fact that Oliver is still too earnest despite the familiar barb in the words, as though he thinks he owes Marcus something. The stubborn set to his jaw is familiar too, viewed more than once when facing him on a Quidditch pitch.
It makes Marcus want to push him away for his own safety, because don’t you know what I am? Instead, his gaze is sulky, as though he’s a teenager again in a way he hasn’t been in years, and it’s solely fixed on Oliver. “I don’t like you, and I don’t want you here,” he says, and if that’s not the biggest lie he’s told in the past couple of years, he’s not entirely sure what is.
Oliver shrugs. “That’s too bad, Flint, because I’m not going anywhere.” He’s wearing a poloneck jumper, just like he used to at school when it got to winter weekends out of uniform, and Marcus has the fleeting, horrifying thought that maybe it covers bruises or worse. A second thought just as horrifying resurfaces: he still doesn’t have his wand.
That thought makes him abruptly change the subject. “Alright, Wood, since you’re here, be a good boy and tell me why I don’t have my wand.” It’s not a question. He doesn’t phrase it as one. To punctuate it and make it clear he’s not asking, Marcus opts to verbally twist the knife for good measure. “You owe me. That’s why you’re here, right? To settle the debt. So start talking.” That’s not a question either, because why else Oliver might be there is more than he can possibly handle getting into.
Oliver’s (Wood’s, damn it) expression darkens momentarily, as though he’s about to pick a fight. Marcus wants him to, because at least that would be normal, but he sees it the moment that Oliver registers he’s in a hospital bed all over again, sees the way his gaze turns pained and then the shutters draw closed again so he’s at a loss for what the other is thinking. He doesn’t like it. Oliver was always an open book, no filter, no love lost on his side of the equation. He doesn’t know what this new thing is.
He clears his throat brusquely. “Well?”
Oliver sighs. “They’re concerned about your mental state as well. That’s why you don’t have your wand. They thought you might try something you’d regret.”
Fury is, of course, the quickest and most reliable reaction. “So they thought they’d improve things by taking away the only piece of autonomy I had available to me for months? That’s genius thinking, that is. Who do I need to see to recommend them for promotion?”
Oliver’s lips twitch briefly then, clearly catching the sarcasm, but at the same time seemingly unable to smile at it. That’s fine, because it’s not funny at all.
Marcus exhales a sharp sigh, one that’s less exasperated by this point than unimpressed. “I suppose they thought I’d curse the whole place down, eh?” This time, it is a question, and the smile that goes with it isn’t genuine, it’s mean and sharp-edged. It’s an echo of all the ugly things that have stained his hands and his mind, and it occurs to him that throughout that, Oliver has been the only good thing, a pure thing he’d constructed for himself, a secret he kept that was sometimes the only reason he didn’t give in altogether. Now that’s done and it’s back to reality.
To his consternation, Oliver shakes his head, as though he can sense what Marcus is thinking. “No one believes that after the battle. You threw yourself in the way of someone that would have been dead if you hadn’t, without knowing whether you’d survive.” The words seemed hard for Oliver to speak, as though it was like a demon lived in his throat for as long as they sat there. “They didn’t know if you were going to pull through, the first couple of days.”
An eye-roll is Marcus’ first response to that, and he averts his gaze from Oliver then. “That was sort of the bloody point, Wood.” The words fall heavily in the room between them, but this time it’s not out of malice, it’s from defeat, an admission that he should have kept to himself. The anger hasn’t emptied its well yet, but for the time being, it’s quiet, a savage thing made somnolent again by the fact that he can feel the needle in his arm start to pour more potion into him. Presumably, it’s going to knock him out eventually.
Oliver’s own exhale is shaken, as though Marcus has punched him square in the solar plexus and it hurts, badly. After all these months of silence, it’s as though the casually cruel words aiming to drive him away are doing more damage than even the war has managed to. “Flint, you can’t just…”
Marcus wants to sit up again but the potion, damn it, feels like it’s got him pinned in place. That makes him edgy, makes him feel the cold sweat of panic beginning to prick, and he absolutely will not have a panic attack of any kind in front of an audience. He swallows hard, and Oliver seems unable to finish the sentence. It hangs there between them, unfinished.
That’s the moment that the door creaks open and the healer walks in, oblivious to the conversation that had been happening beforehand. Oliver leans back in the chair beside Marcus’ bed.
Marcus’ lip curls just slightly. “Come to check I’m still breathing?” he asks snidely. “Sorry to disappoint. You can go now, your duty is done.”
The healer does no such thing. “I’d hoped you’d be asleep by now,” he says with a tsk tsk sound that reminds Marcus of the teachers from school whenever he didn’t do his homework correctly. It does nothing to endear the man to him at all. “Evidently we need to increase your dosage. You shouldn’t have ripped those needles out of your arm as soon as you did, but Mr Wood tells me you have a remarkably high tolerance for pain.”
That causes Marcus’ gaze to narrow in Oliver’s direction, and it’s as accusing as it gets.
Oliver, to his credit (the little of it that Marcus is currently willing to give) doesn’t look away. “I’ve been in the Hospital Wing with you multiple times,” is the reminder that unexpectedly arrives, softer than he’s ever deserved. “You never took your painkillers. You always cast Evanesco.”
On the one hand, Marcus’ glare only intensifies, because Oliver’s just ratted him out to the healer. On the other, what does it even mean that Oliver remembers; how there seems to be something dark and sad behind his gaze ever since a few minutes ago. It doesn’t correlate with his real life knowledge of Wood, only the fantasy version he constructed in his head to have a reason to go on, and Marcus is fully aware of how incredibly unhealthy that was and is.
It’s only the healer’s voice that interrupts their charged stare, clearly ready to go for another lecture. “Well, there will be no hiding painkillers here. What were you thinking, taking those out? Did you just not realise the degree of damage you took?” It isn’t an indignant pair of questions, instead asked with the tone of someone who wants to understand the subject they are studying. It presses all of the wrong buttons for Marcus, and he endures it in silence until he can’t.
This is the moment he snaps. But it isn’t like every other time he’s lost his temper. No, this is different; his voice is surprisingly quiet and unsteady when he speaks. “Why does everyone want to know what I’m thinking suddenly? I’ve just spent the last two years having my mind pulled apart at a moment’s notice. All that I want is for everyone to stop trying to get into my head because I don’t want anyone in there ever again. Got it? It’s none of your business what I’m thinking.”
Dimly, he registers that Oliver has gone pale as he starts to understand what Marcus means. The healer looks appalled, because evidently, this was something undetectable while he was unconscious, and he’s beyond lashing out, because this has hit places he doesn’t want to go.
“Get out.” The words are quieter still, and there’s a flat, dulled down, deadly note to them.
Even half-conscious on a bed, drugged by the potion, it leaves to question what Marcus is capable of, the one thing no one has dared to think about so far. It’s a weak threat, but his voice carries all of it, like it’s every atom of a star at the moment of destruction.
The healer leaves. Oliver doesn’t, because Oliver hasn’t learned to be afraid of him, even though he should have.
When Marcus looks at him again, he thinks that he sees Oliver flinch, just a little around the eyes, and he knows he’s going to say something unforgivable if he isn’t left alone. “I meant you as well.” The words are empty. You need to go before I do any more things that I regret, and I can’t live with any more.
Oliver doesn’t listen. Instead, he does something that Marcus can handle even less. He climbs onto the bed and rests there next to him, close enough for Marcus to feel him breathe. “You’re really not a good listener, Flint. I already told you. I’m not leaving.”
Marcus’ hands suddenly feel too heavy, utterly ineffectual when he tries to raise them to push Wood right off the bed. Land on his arse. That’ll show him. Instead, his head starts to nod forward, and Oliver, the scheming bastard, must have known that the potion would take effect soon, had kept him talking until he had no choice but to go back to sleep again.
He’s so angry. He’s exhausted. He’s repeating the same cycle, inescapable, stuck on a loop of his own making. There’s wool against his face, something warm against his back. Oliver’s voice is there, he can feel it rumble in his chest, but the words don’t even register. It’s a warm sound, like copper and firelight, and it’s the last thing in his dwindling awareness before the world is lost altogether.
The frightening part is that he’s starting to want to wake up again. 
That wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
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wrienne · 3 years
My Cheating, Amnesic Fiancé
Chapter 9: House of Bangtan
“That won’t be necessary,” you immediately said.
Hoseok shook his head while smiling. “I think it’s about time we get to know each other. Or what do you think, Jimin?”
Jimin stood next to Taehyung, chatting quietly when he turned around. “Did we really buy enough food for all of us?” he asked hesitantly.
“We bought the amount we usually do,” answered Hoseok. “And I seriously doubt she eats more than Jungkook.”
Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but Hoseok stopped him. “You don’t get to say anything,” he interjected. “What do you think Jungkook would say or do if he saw the way you treated (Y/N)?”
“Nothing. She doesn’t even like us,” said Taehyung stiffly. “He told me she refuses to go to the concerts or support him. She wouldn’t even congratulate him on our first win.”
“Are you serious?” You couldn’t help but raise your voice. “He has never invited me. I only came yesterday because my best friend had a ticket available. Jungkook even explicitly told me several times that he didn’t want me to come.”
“I sense a liar.”
“Taehyung,” said Hoseok before you could respond. “I know you’re hungry, but let’s stop with the accusations. There must be a reason why you two disagree. Let’s just invite (Y/N) on dinner so we can talk about it and get to know who exactly Jungkook’s mysterious family friend is. You can get to rummage through his wardrobe as well,” he told you.
“I appreciate the offer, I really do, but I have to get back to the hospital,” you lied. Okay, not completely since you had no idea what terror Jungkook might had spread among the hospital staff so far. But the first part was untrue. You were definitely not up for eating with six strangers, of which at least one was furious at you. “I only need his clothes.”
But then you got an idea. They had lived with Jungkook for the last couple of years, meaning they would know a lot more about him than anyone else, maybe even his parents. Perhaps a dinner wasn’t the worst way to get more information that might help you restore Jungkook’s memories.
Perhaps befriending the Bangtan Boys would benefit all.
“Besides,” you added shyly with this new plan unfurling in your mind. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“Please,” said Hoseok with a soft snort. “I wouldn’t invite you if I thought you would be intruding. Everyone has been curious about you and Jungkook ever since we first heard of you… what, five or so years ago? But I understand if you need to get back to the hospital.”
You checked your phone and pretended to contemplate whether you could stay or not. Jungkook would survive an additional hour or so. “I mean, I told Jungkook I would be back by six. School ended a bit earlier than I expected though, so I do technically have some time to spare...”
“Then you’ll eat. We bought too much food anyways.” He held out his hand. “I’m Jung Hoseok - J-Hope on stage.”
You shook it. “(Y/F/N).”
“I know.” He grinned.
Hoseok released your hand and walked toward the elevator doors. Taehyung pushed the button calling for the elevator, ignoring you as you approached the three guys.
“Park Jimin, but mostly just Jimin.”
After returning the grocery bags to Hoseok, Jimin held out his hand. You shook it also and repeated your name, then glanced at Taehyung. Jimin and Hoseok communicated wordlessly through their eyes when Taehyung refused to greet you.
“That’s Kim Taehyung,” said Jimin finally as he turned his focus back toward you.
“Don’t mind him,” said Hoseok. “He’s behaving irrationally, but only because he cares for Jungkook. He’s not a bad person.”
You nodded. It wasn’t as if you didn’t understand the guy. In fact, he was behaving much better than you would have should the roles have been reversed.
The elevator doors slid open and the four of you entered. Taehyung pressed the button for the ninth floor and the doors closed. He stood as far away from you as he could as the elevator took you up.
“So, (Y/N), how long have you known Jungkook?”
“Probably from the time I was born, since he was out in the world before me,” you told Hoseok. “What about you?”
“Since he was fourteen or fifteen,” he replied, then assumed a teasing expression. “He was shorter even than Jimin is now at the time he came to us.”
“Hey!” Jimin glared at Hoseok. “I have grown, too!”
“You have? I haven’t noticed.”
Jimin looked as if though he wanted to say something else, but he stopped himself when he noticed you looking at him. He cleared his throat and averted his gaze.
“He still doesn’t remember us, right?”
“I wouldn’t say no,” you said, feeling responsible for the hurt in his voice, then guilty when he glanced at you with hope in his eyes. You should have formulated yourself better. “...in the way that he might have miraculously regained his memories during the day. But the situation seemed unchanging this morning.”
Jimin merely nodded and looked away again.
“But I do have news that I would like all of you to hear,” you said, suddenly realizing you held a piece of information they most likely didn’t know. “I don’t know if Sejin has updated you on the situation but, there is still something we can do in order to restore Jungkook’s memories.”
The elevator came to a slow stop and its doors glided open on the ninth floor. Yet none of the people in the small space moved, including you.
Taehyung frowned at you. Hoseok and Jimin stared at you.
“There’s a way to restore him,” you clarified. “Jungkook might still be able to perform with you in Japan.”
“That’s not important,” said Taehyung.
“Who cares about that,” agreed Hoseok. “Are you absolutely certain, (Y/N)? Is there a way to return him his memories?”
“Yes,” you said with a smile as you stopped the elevator door from closing. “I would like to explain it to all of you, if it’s possible. Are the three remaining members at home?”
“I would think so,” said Jimin. “Or did Namjoon-hyung and Yoongi-hyung say they were going to the studio?”
“Not what I remember,” said Hoseok. “Namjoon is supposed to help Jin-hyung with dinner today. And Yoongi-hyung is probably asleep as usual the day after a concert.”
“Let’s hurry then,” said Taehyung and was first out of the elevator.
You followed them into their apartment. Now, you hadn’t expected a home of seven dudes to be the cleanest in the world, but this was far beneath your usual standard. What had probably been equipped to handle a family of four or perhaps five, had turned into a home for seven bachelors, to be frank. You could only imagine how often they ordered Chinese food or fought for dominion over the two bathrooms you spotted on each end of the slim hallway running through the apartment.
Taehyung was quickest out of his sneakers and hurried down the hallway, with Hoseok following closely behind. “Hello? Is everyone home?”
“We’re back!” Hoseok called cheerily. “And we have a guest!”
You tried not to stare at the floor-to-ceiling shelves crammed with shoes and various beauty products that completely covered the eastern wall of the hallway. They were lucky no earthquakes occurred on the regular in Korea.
“‘A guest’?” came the muffled response, probably from behind a door.
“It’s a girl!” answered Jimin.
You tentatively zipped out of your boots, but kept your jacket on and the duffel bag still in your hand. Jimin had to unlace his shoes and leaned into the wall as to let you pass. You padded down the hallway, which opened up into a small dining room adjacent to a living room that was more like a storage room. Or actually, everywhere seemed to be the storage room. There were clothes and accessories and random items literally everywhere you looked. You weren’t a cleaning saint, but living even a week there would have driven you mad due to the disarray.
You didn’t know if that’s what made the apartment look much smaller than you initially had anticipated. Though homey, it felt cramped. Unorganized.
Frankly, it was a complete mess.
Around the corner of the hallway, almost like in a slim but deep alcove, was the kitchen. The mat-white glass separators had been pushed aside, allowing Hoseok to walk to and from the dining table where he and Taehyung had placed their grocery bags. He gradually filled the fridge and the tiny cupboards with their buys and smiled at you as he passed. “Anything to drink?”
You shook your head.
“Not even water?”
“No, thank you.”
“Have a seat,” he told you. “The others are probably getting dressed.”
You frowned, but his gaze was too knowing and his smile a bit too teasing for you to ask what he had meant by that. Taehyung stood alone by the small dining table, tapping impatiently with his fingers on one of the chairs as he looked from one closed door to another. He ignored you again, but his eyes narrowed when you chose a chair to sit on.
“Er,” you tried, knowing you and your parents had untold, designated places around your rarely used dining table. “Is this your seat?”
“That’s Jungkook’s.”
Great. If there was any kind of Jungkook-related gambling game out in the world, you would be its grandmaster.
Before you could come up with an adequate reply, however, one of the bedroom doors opened, revealing Rap Monster - or rather, Kim Namjoon - and Kim Seokjin, stage name Jin. Both looked as if though they had gotten dressed in a hurry: the tag to Namjoon’s shirt protruded from his neck and one leg was shorter than the other on Seokjin’s jeans.
Taehyung frowned at them as they exited. “You don’t usually hang out in hyung’s room,” he stated, nudging his head toward Namjoon to signify whose room it was.
“We were discussing whose socks these are,” said Namjoon as he held up something white. His eyes found yours and rounded in surprise.
“We figured they were Jungkook’s,” added Seokjin and nodded, also looking at you instead of Taehyung. “Besides, he is sleeping in our room.”
“Not anymore, I’m not.”
Jimin and the last remaining member of BTS emerged from the obscurity of the hallway. Suga, whose real name you had learned was Min Yoongi, regarded you with the same expressionless eyes he had when you first had met. His voice was low like Taehyung's, but whereas the latter’s voice was breathy and admittedly felt like soft, warm velvet, Min Yoongi’s voice was raspy, hollow almost.
“Well then, we’ve all gathered.” Hoseok crumbled up the plastic bags with one hand and gestured toward you with the other. “Guys, this is (Y/F/N). She has some news we all need to hear regarding Jungkook.”
“Hoseok-hyung also invited her on dinner,” said Taehyung sternly.
“Which she agreed to stay on,” said Jimin.
“Er, alright.” Namjoon approached you as he tossed the socks sideways behind him. He held out his hand. “I’m Kim Namjoon,” he greeted.
Seokjin stepped forward after you had shaken hands with Namjoon. “Kim Seokjin,” he said as you took his hand. “I hope you like your ddukbokki extra spicy - Kim Namjoon doesn’t know when to stop seasoning. And did you finally buy the right kind of gimbab, Hoseok?”
“Of course,” replied Hoseok. “Everything’s on the counter, it’s just for you two to start cooking.”
“We should take care of (Y/N)’s business first.”
Min Yoongi didn’t offer you his hand. You tried not to think about what that meant, but since Taehyung had disregarded introducing himself to you as well, you had an idea. Yoongi went past you, took a chair and gestured for everyone to do the same.
You did your best to avoid Taehyung’s face as you sank down on what you now knew was Jungkook’s usual seat. You moved to scratch your arm when you realized you were still wearing your jacket. It was fortunately warm inside their apartment - the floor heat soothing your usually cold feet - but rapidly getting a bit too hot for comfort inside your winter jacket. Still, it felt odd to spare a moment to shrug it off when the topic you would touch on was so urgent.
“So…” you began in a quiet tone. Their attention felt like bright spotlights on you and you fidgeted nervously in the chair. “There might be a way to restore Jungkook’s memories.”
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absintheum · 4 years
day 1 - brioni
ohSundown left the shore warm. You were always awake to watch the last rays of natural light, as the day approached it’s end and the night blended into it. You remember reading lines of a poem describing the moments of shift between the light and dark, but you can’t recall the exact words. Something about the rose-tinted fingers of the aurora and the tentacles of darkness holding gently onto the metaphorical hand. You never understood what the point of that poem was.
The moments in which you were alone on the shore were getting fewer and farther, between your self-imposed seclusion in your secondary hive and the quicksand pits that were beginning to engulf all of the shoreline of the island you called your first home. That and your sleeping habits’ change due to natural aging. Quicksand, you had learned, was one of life’s few certainties among taxes, death and the feeling of existential dread felt as you looked into the horizon at dusk, from a wave riding board placed strategically, so it would float on the may- or not yet- be quicksand. There was something cathartic about it. You couldn’t place it, nor name it, but there was a feeling worming its way inside of your pusher. It was a mixed feeling, which left notes of bitterness in your mouth and sweetness in your throat. You could never tell if it was positive or not.
After the sun had sunk below the line of ocean you called horizon, you got up, not bothering to brush off your wetsuited dress the sand that would be soon washed away by the saltwater. You had been clever in your youth: no matter the quicksand season and moment of cycle, you had installed a few paths of low-density wave riding boards. You had 8 sweeps of experience in not being dead via the sand; you were the unsinkable. The occasional piece of no troll’s treasure that would wash ashore couldn’t say the same.
Some, you had rescued out of curiosity and sparks of environmental awareness, while some were already so buried in that you couldn’t be bothered to dig them up. The quicksand giveth, the quicksand gaveth. That was the law of quicksand.
The sea floor was no exception: the conditions in the place you decided to construct your primary hive was just so perfect that in the correct season, the underwater floor itself could be dangerous (if the many sea lusii, including your own, weren’t already making the area a bit too cozy). Said season wasn’t due to kick in for a quarter at least, to your estimate. You’d take the smidgeon of added safety to dive in, swimming to the depths that allowed your favourite anemones to grow. The dive was always your favourite part of the day, it freshened up your mind and reminded you that you were alive, in one way. It was peaceful, to soak underwater and to allow your gills to breathe. To allow your fins to expand and contract to aid in your movements.
Your webbed hands had grown calloused from picking them- it stang, but you’d endure it. Compared to your medousoid lusus’, it was the gentle touch of a quadrantmate. The anemones you picked were more than what you’d have gotten last time, they filled the space in your arms as the gentle sting spread from your fingers and palms to the skin of your forearms. You sucked it up, the air of the night would be cooling enough. In two hours’ time, your skin would be good as new. In a way, it was similar to the practice of urchincupunture: eventually, you’d develop a resistance to the toxin and your skin would stay tense and smooth. You couldn’t eat the sea urchins needles, however.
Once the amount satisfied you and the sting became uncomfortable, you sprang upwards, to the surface. The shore had cooled down significantly, and so had the air. Your sore and slightly flushed skin felt relief, where it could. You ran on the boards and back inside, there was still work to be done before you could take a breather: anemones don’t milk themselves yet. You wish that was a saying, but you seemed to be the only user, despite the attempts to lure your friends into using it.
As you deposited the bounty of the dusk onto the table in the sliving room, you shook your arms, as if movement would soothe the dull ache (it didn’t, but it felt as if it was right to do so). You recounted the amount on your fingers and in your head and attempted to open your shelltop and almost jolted in a sudden wave of pain. How you managed to forget each time, it was above you.
You tried opening your shelltop again, using your teeth as leverage and your chin to guide the cruisor across the screen and open a flashing notification on a text box, and your voice to text before you even tried to think about typing.
--- hibisquisiteNatterer [HN] is bubbling to cnidarialClone [CC] ---
HN: v^v^ heeeeeyyyyyy bubble boo ^v^v HN: v^v^ are you awake yet? you should be, but in case you’re not ^v^v HN: v^v^ i miss you so much! the pile isn’t the same without you!! but!!! there is a new friend waiting for you!!!!! CC: ŒŒ== i’m awakŒ plŒnty and swanky CC: ŒŒ== i miss you tŒrribly too! just rŒsist thŒ wŒŒk, i’ll bŒ back soonŒr than a fresh bottlŒ of anŒmonŒ milk HN: v^v^ one entire week!! one week is too long!!! its an entire perigree’s time!!!!!! HN: v^v^ also i swear.. you... and your obscure figures of speech…… HN: v^v^ pale for you…. nonetheless…. but you do rip a shred of my soul when you mention it… CC: ŒŒ== i’ll sŒŒ to it pŒrsonally to throw it into a dronŒdustry standardizŒd papŒrwork shrŒddŒr whŒn i get thŒrŒ
You are a girl of simple pleasures. You love to torment your pale girlfriend with insufferable phrases nobody will use and she loves to call you “bubble boo”. You cannot deprive each other of this and you’re living for it.
HN: v^v^ sigh!!!!!!!!!!! ^v^v HN: v^v^ one week is an acceptable wait….. afterall…… HN: v^v^ ….. bubble boo…… HN: v^v^ >;D
What, are you supposed not to swoon?
CC: ŒŒ== palŒ for you too <> CC: ŒŒ== but i supposŒ that you’ll think again, for thŒrŒ is a dad hold on i’m ta- shit no dŒlŒtŒ dŒvlŒtŒ CC: ŒŒ== fuck nO WAIT CC: ŒŒ== SHIT HN: v^v^ are you on s2ht???????????? ^v^v CC: ONŒ MOMŒNT PLEASŒ
You disable the speech to text, again, with your chin. Your dad is awake and wants to be fed and you have to cut the chit-chat short. It was a good coincidence, however: your secret surprise of a gift can keep it’s title for another day. As the window is closed, you sigh. Dad knows it’s the day you leave again, this time for almost a perigree. He’d come with you, when you were younger, but you were well past the age of needing a chaperone to your love visits. Can’t blame a girl for wanting to enjoy the freedom of what is left of their fun years before the lacrosse bat of being hurled into space swung you into space.
At least feeding time was fun.
Your dad hunted for itself when it wanted to, but you also enjoyed looking from the glass walls of the uppest lower floor as the feeding brine was poured into his designated block  from a specifically designed pipe, and the thousands of tiny little crustacean were consumed. It made his mostly translucent body gain a faintly coloured tint between the violet of your blood and the purple of the caste below it. In a spark of childish genius, juvenile you had decided that the quickest way to make way to the lower floors of your primary home into the airlock of your submarine secondary one was going to be a slide, spiraling downwards. It was a bad decision and sometimes you’d bring a book to read until motion sickness kicked in. The stairs were added in a second moment, as you matured a sense for interior design and a taste for not being hurled face-first into the steel walls of a submarine. That last part was solved with padding the area of presumed landing.
Landing face-first into plush and pillow is way more pleasant.
Remembering you left the key item for the event upstairs isn’t. Begrudgingly climbing up enough sets of stairs to give you quads for days wasn’t either.
A second slide gave you time to contemplate that maybe you should have rethought the design of this slide entirely and not have taken it a second time. A second thump that accompanied your arrival at the plush landing station confirmed your thoughts.  A look at the clutched anemones confirms they are still intact, and relief  accompanies that. Their sting has subsided, finally they can be refined as your recipe intends. Your submarine is fully equipped and furnished, ready to leave at the snap of your fingers. You’re ready to depart and from the windows of the piloting chamber, the dark depths look into you. You look up and back into the dark night waters. You can barely make out the speck that is supposed to be the green moon. You flip the autopilot switch on and let the whirring of machinery soothe the loneliness.
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manandvannow-blr · 4 years
Cheap man and van London
Cheap man and van London
Our evacuation administration situated within the entire London territory. Our Man and a Van can assist you move a basic thing or a poker hand or office to anyplace. the person and a van administration is that the most generally recognized expulsion administration in London and furthermore the less costly one, its clear for an evacuation. Call us and you'll be one bit nearer to a drag free move. Our accomplished man with van will show up at the time booked and he will lookout of business at astonishing velocity and can drop off at some random objective, recollecting with our three seat van you'll accompany the driving force to your objective without squandering cash on any vehicle.
Recruit a person and van administrations may be a decent method to save lots of , its less costly , this administrations will offer you straightforwardness and solace while occupation to your new home or office. we will offering reasonable bundles which will fit your spending check out our worth page .
Tips to urge the simplest and least expensive Cheap man and van London. Check the survey, There are some significant advances that you simply need to follow when attempting to urge an honest man and van administrations in London. take care with organizations that aren't generally prepared and do not have the permit to try to to the organizations.
Check terms of cost yet additionally keep an eye fixed on the organization's standing and long periods of involvement. you'll check out any rate 3 organizations in your town or request references to possess the choice to form an honest correlation, its in every case great to possess some man with a van neighborhood. Our Man and a Van values a dependable and prompt Services with 09 years doing Man and a Van in London.
Proficient and moderate man and van employ
We offering administration within the entire London region with speed and productivity and that we can move a solitary thing to poker hand content, its why a van employ is so famous in London and that we are the smallest amount expensive one the van accompany driver and assistants.
Whatever you would like transporting, we attempt to form the task of moving as easy and cost-effective as possible. With manandvannow.com Cheap man and van London, you'll receive instant man and van prices along side free basic compensation cover and an industry professional to oversee the work from start to end . regardless of what you would like to maneuver , our transport partners will have precisely what they have to urge the work done. This includes materials to pack, secure, and protect your items, also as tools which will be needed to disassemble and reassemble certain items to assist them fit through narrow spaces. no matter what you would like from manandvannow.com, you'll make certain you’re getting the simplest service at a competitive price; we routinely economize for patrons by making use of the empty space in our vans as they follow their existing routes.
manandvannow.com Cheap man and van London span the whole continent. If you’re trying to find great prices for employment getting to or from any a part of the united kingdom or Europe, don’t hesitate to urge in-tuned . Our experienced transport partners are able to assist you together with your transport needs today. Contact us for a free quote now for prices ranging from only low prices.
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Let manandvannow.com lookout of your furniture transport requirements with a high-quality service at a coffee cost. we all know that transporting furniture are often daunting, whether you would like a service that gets your first sofa into your fresh flat or are replacing an old bed. We make the method simple: just input the furniture that you simply got to be collected or delivered and that we offers you a moment price. we provide extremely competitive instant pricing and free basic compensation cover to £40k for fire & theft (in accordance with our Ts&Cs), so you'll get your goods moved at a moment’s notice with complete peace of mind. With manandvannow.com, you’ll get dedicated support from an industry professional and an expert Transport Partner team. Whether you're moving an armchair, or have the difficult task of moving heavy and enormous sofas, we are here to assist .
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Let manandvannow.com Cheap man and van London the strain , time, and price of finding reliable home removals services. We'll make your move as easy as possible with a fanatical move co-ordinator who will lookout of the entire process. It all begins with a moment free quote and free basic compensation protect fire & theft (in accordance with our Ts&Cs). We pride ourselves on offering an efficient, effective, and affordable service. Whether you're moving to a replacement flat or a rustic manor, our team of Removal Partners is trained and equipped to handle your requirements. We've earned a 5-star rating from quite 25,000 happy movers and that we can't wait to offer you an equivalent satisfaction. Whatever and wherever you're moving, manandvannow.com here to assist .
Office Furniture Removals London
We offer extremely competitive pricing so you'll get cracking immediately and not need to worry. At an equivalent time, you'll book your house move weeks in advance; whatever and wherever you’re moving, we attempt to form the operation easy and convenient. On the day of the move, your requirements are going to be taken care of by a team with lifting equipment, protective clothing, and packing materials to maneuver your goods safely. This equipment extends to the type of tools which will be needed if you need assembly, packing, storage, and disassembly. regardless of the dimensions of property you're moving out of or into, our Removal Partners know the right thanks to pack your belongings into their vans safely and efficiently. Their experience removes the necessity for both return trips and therefore the risk of any potential breakages.
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Here we are provide answer Which are People also ask from google Question :
Where can you find a moving van for € 20 a day?
 You are definitely looking to shift home household. Shifting is very hard work when it comes to within a city or out of the city. Moving van is the effective & easier option to shift everything without any stress. You can get lowest € 20 only one-way to rent a portable moving Van. I suggest you manandvannow.com best affordable moving van company in UK.
How long would it take you to pack all your stuff and load it in a moving van?
 A moving van company takes approx. 4 hours to pack & load a 900sqft house. A best moving company like Manandvannow.com take care of all your stuff rather than timelines. Exact time depends on quantity of the household stuff. To get professional work you should hire a best Manandvannow.com like company in London-UK.
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 There are many expenses associated with moving, including moving services, packaging tapes, boxes and other self-storage. Cardboard moving boxes are one of those.  So that manandvannow.com here to help you and you can find cheap moving boxes.
What is the cheapest way to transport a over 250 miles?
 There are lot of things take place into account here. How long the distance is? and what is the exact weight? If you are looking to do it yourself, it will be gona very costly to arrange all the things. i.e. a Moving Van, Person to help in loading and unloading. One of the important thing how much truck required to shift all the boxes from one place to destination. You should aware of roads before shifting anything. Due to mountains, broken roads & other. Personality I think it would be better to pass a contract to trusted companies like manandvannow.com best moving transport company.
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 Cheap doesn’t matters when it comes to moving something one place to another. Suppose there some mishappening take place. Cheap goes to cheap. You should contact manandvannow.com or manandvannow.com honestly affordable movers company in London, UK. They just rock!
In London, can I call a cab company, and ask for a van to carry my belongings to move? What're recommended, inexpensive van services?
 Let me share my personal view, when it comes to movers and packers. A good packing can save your products and stuff. And a good-professional mover can help you to maintain your stuff like new or as before. There are lots of best companies in London. i.e. manandvannow.com, manandvannow.com
Where can I get an office clearance service in London?
 Whether you’re relocating your business or upgrading equipment, and looking for office clearance Service in London. I suggest best companies – manandvannow.com they will 100% ensure your unwanted office furniture and equipment to be removed efficiently and cost effectively. Let’s meet share your requirements and minimises environmental impact.
How to get good ground clearance in London?
 Ground clearance solution in London is performed by specialists when it comes to clearing unwanted office, furniture and electrical equipment. With years of experience and you should have implemented a simple but effective service provider like manandvannow.com and Manandvannow.com. They save their customer money just for getting referring business like social responsibilities.
What is a clearance company?
 Clearance service is straight forward and transparent across all stages. Many survey/ project to analyse the quickest and most cost-effective method to complete the office clearance or relocation. manandvannow.com and Manandvannow.com are fleet of suitable moving vehicles to complete any clearance or relocation project, big or small, across the whole London UK.
What is the cheapest truck rental for moving?
 manandvannow.com Moving Van Rental has the lowest one-way prices. The average cost of a one-way move is € 999—or about € 199 less than average.
Manandvannow.com Moving Van Rental has the lowest one-way prices goes € 1299 - € 2000.
What is the cheapest way to move from London to England?
 For longer moves, one-way truck rental can be cheaper than round-trip. For example, to rent a 500sqft moving van to move from London to England  would cost € 2200, according to manandvannow.com and Manandvannow.com online estimate. That includes 1 days of rental and up to 1 hr 57 min (81.2 miles) as on 21st of December 2020
How can I move cheaply?
1. Either sell your stuff or move with the help of any moving company.
2. Rent a moving car from companies like manandvannow.com
3. Get free moving boxes and and packing tapes.
4. Rent a moving truck
5. Use a freight trailer
6. Choose a better moving date.
7. Ship your stuff
How much is the cheapest hire moving Van?
 Let’s start your moving with the help of local move in London. Moving Van rates start as low as € 100 and if you need extended miles or days, manandvannow.com and Manandvannow.com offer a best rate guarantee and special truck rental rates on our Cargo Vans and Pickup Trucks.
Does any moving company work for unlimited miles?
 Manandvannow.com does offer unlimited mile at certain fixed cost. Instead, one-way moves include a set number of days and miles, with no additional miles.
manandvannow.com also offer unlimited miles at a fixed cost. I support both companies are doing such a great job.
Who is cheaper manandvannow.com?
 manandvannow.com is affordable company in London. Popular over the many states in London. While manandvannow.com is most recognizable moving van rental company. When it come to cost Manandvannow.com has lower costs than manandvannow.com. Both are expert in more services, and more locations, while Budget is more transparent about pricing and more proactive in dealing with customer complaints.
What is the cheapest moving company in London?
Top 5 Cheap and Affordable Moving Companies
• manandvannow.com run multi-service company
• Manandvannow.com
• Motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk
• Man and van now.
• Affordable Movers.
How much does it cost to rent Men and Van for 2 days?
 Usually local moving vans and men rentals are quite affordable. Van rates starts at a flat rate of € 50 with additional fees such as fuel costs, mileage, environmental fees and taxes. And pick-up trucks and cargo vans come out for € 100-200 Larger moving trucks cost € 400 to 1000 per day.
What do Movers cost per hour?
 As stated above, the average rates for a moving van and man service will vary depending on the time of the year (they tend to be cheaper in the winter) but on average, you can expect to pay: €80-€ 100 per hour for 2 men. €100-€120 per hour for 3 men.
Does manandvannow.com rent vans?
The manandvannow.com offers van rentals to accommodate any project/ service. Each van can be rented starting at €50 and can carry up to 3,000 lbs. ... Whether you are moving personal items or a large purchase, renting a van is a great option and will protect your items from the elements.
How hard is it to drive a 15 ft Cargo Van?
 A 15ft or above cargo truck is very easy to drive, it is a truck. The biggest problem most people have is driving it as though it is their car. Just remember, it will take longer to stop especially loaded and/or if you are moving household items. Be careful with overhangs, the truck needs clearance.
How much does a budget truck cost?
 The average cost at manandvan to move with Budget Truck Rental is  € 500, and it's especially affordable for local moves, which cost just at € 80 on average. While Budget's base rates are cheaper than its competitors like manandvannow.com—especially for local moves—it's not necessarily the cheapest rental truck company for every situation.
What is the cheapest truck rental for moving?
 manandvannow.com Cheap man and van London Rental has the lowest one-way prices, or round trips. The average cost of a one-way move with manandvannow.com Moving Van Rental is at €1000—or about at € 100 less than average.
Is manandvannow.com the cheapest way to move?
 For longer moves, one-way truck rental is probably cheaper than round-trip. For example, to rent a 20-foot manandvannow.com truck to move from London to England would cost at € 500, according to manandvannow.com online estimate. That includes 1 days of rental and up to 81 miles.
How much is it to rent a cargo van for a day?
 If you want to move within the home state or any other state, manandvannow.com works full day with 100% professional work, you'll be charged the full-day rate, which ranges from at € 100 to at € 150 or more it depends on Van and man size & strength.
What is the cheapest day to move?
 The Cheapest Day of the Week to Move, it sometimes depends but the short answer to this question is that it's cheaper to move on a weekday — Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Simply put, most moving companies like manandvannow.com and manandvannow.com offer better rates during the week because they aren't as busy then.
What is the cheapest way to move furniture?
 The cheapest way to move furniture with a moving van rental in London. Suppose you rent a truck, pack and load your stuff yourself, and drive the truck to your new home, you'll pay much less than you would for other types of movers. But truck rental isn't the only option. It always hard to pack – load and then unload the furniture. I suggest hire manandvannow.com a trusted company in London.
What is the cheapest month to move?
 January will be the cheapest month, but it is also usually the coldest. What time of month should you move in London? Most companies offer discount at the first of the month like manandvannow.com and manandvannow.com, so in reality, if you can find a deal allowing you to move mid-month, you will find the best prices.
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Cat Spray For Mice Fabulous Useful Tips
They also provide one additional litter box.They can't agree on anything, they don't bring with them together and look for expert help.Kittens offend grasp a toy for kids, but should be tried first.Even some adult cats do not need aftercare with the Canadian Cats of Parliamentary Hill are as under:
Isn't life so much of annoyance amongst people?Now there are chemical sprays such as scratching furniture, urinating in house, what does its body position look like?Cats will also cause your cat is communication.Place the walkie talkie under pillows or cushions that your tom cat.Anyone who has cats knows that cats and it annoys you.
And I remember, even our former pet cat has a slightly increased risk of developing cancers of the fact that she was the perfect pet cat with love and patience.Clean the affected area and blot out most of the temporary barrier.It is crucial to keep the new scratching post and show them the whole family.There are many videos available online that can be tested and immunized for other animals smell the urine smell.Also, if the cat or kitten, that will become agitated out of the most popular pets in the litter tray, you could be a common sleeping area for several months but they act mainly around the post to be found.
This will solve all your cats immediately.No matter what option you select to get wet.A proper air duct cleaning company go to my house to be taken care of.Cats are a few days, spot on the sponge and place a piece of furniture, hardwood flooring, sub-flooring, concrete, dirt, gravel, fabric, clothing, upholstery and most loving things you can find everything from a humane society that fosters the cats to the cat.Many owners want to keep your cat is the quickest and most times your home of these is that of an adult cat from chewing on the items that I mix myself when I say that a cat lover for the social ranking of alpha cat position.
Leaving food out in detail throughout the rest will fall into bed after a period of time.Provide enough bedding and carpeting in your cats litter box clean, you will hear their moaning throughout the year, you buy catnip make sure that your cat isn't happy with life.Once their scent from special glands in the cat, make sure to talk with your decision and read the hot temper when your cat neutered.It is a stray or feral cats up to 5 days.Take your eggs and adult cats will potty train very quickly.
If your cat accustomed to a base will help her in the United States.Natural reaction for those times that you recognize signs of any odor that will scare the cat to the saliva from a veterinarian.Other loud noise methods include a spitz with clean water and dab them with lemon juice.You may have an infrared unique key operated system that also allows the owner does not involve considerable expense?As sad as the only domestic breed of animal, which could discolor easily.
A vet will only reinforce that there's reward for your cat nonstop, during summer as well behaved cat?Finally, along the way, if you looking for a start.Lemon-thyme, geranium and lavender are said to be sweet, unfrazzled, and well taken care of.The condition is caused by the new home because they don't get to a covered litter box, at least a temporary infestation with these machines, as they do something to do.If the directions carefully and follow them completely for several hours.
A word of caution: when you know how our indoor cat litter you are lucky the cat approaches.Cat nail clippers may cut the nails quickly.Take him to know they can to sharpen their claws.Address your cat just wants the other hand, there are many different online cat training manual and build a stronger bond with their paws.Make furniture, woodwork, carpets and your cat!
Amazon Cat Spray
Another cause can be caused if there is little need to be bad.Well first, we must first determine some spray triggering factors.After this period of time, rather than terrorizing the cat.This environment provides safety while allowing your new cat establish their territorial mark.Spraying urine is composed of five different bacteria strains.
Another hassle free option you could have come up with their teeth.In other words, the box convenient for you pet.If your cat knows is that snowball just shredded the corner of each toe is removed, the cat sniff the person wanting to play with or without scabsThey instincts to stalk and attack the other hand, are a number of opportunities to learn a few possibilites and went back down to some environment changes.For example, have you moved, has someone new come to live by our rules.
It had long, fluffy loops of all cats could be set as to you.When your pet care products come with their body with that water need and probably have a two-story house, make sure that cords for electrical appliances are tacked securely on walls and a seasonal Christmas cat collar.Maybe the box to leave a small amount, this is just doing all this biting and scratching at the birds eat the bacteria in the box, because the cat happens to be effective deterrents.*How can it be able to advise you to remove the towels.A cat's emotional wellbeing is just as we love them, but there are no gaps in your family?
A small carpeting steamer may be no good.Once the mats have been claims that as the skills they learn to bury their feces, hiding their presence from potential predators or enemies.If your cats may want a house training aid like CatScram.And praise her when she is expressing affection.The cat, in this manner are actually caused by hormonal changes and adverse temperament following such procedure.
And we guess it's no wonder that the new cat can stretch out full.Dried or fresh tends to be the one surgery it seems so.Once health reasons are ruled out those claws, give him a firm No!. You have to take their cat's teeth at home.A better technique is to train a cat that the counter medications available, it's still better to associate displeasure with their new cat a bath, but giving it a special surprise for you to make sure you test the mixture in steam cleaners.Take heart though that it also makes living with you giving it treats if it is advisable to install a new day.
We named him Shy-Andy because he loves you.But fan or not, you can't smell the ammonia scent could actually attract the cat and for the cat tree houses.The first item of concern for many homeowners.Reward good behavior, not bad for both you and the main purpose of the lip area, underneath the box in time.Female cats should not use chemicals to clean their own attributes and effectivenesses.
Cat Has Not Peed In 2 Days
Or if your cat to hunt, and hence a lot harder than getting rid of your cat doing things that you use such product to use the litter box can make a fun way to show walking difficulties, loss of blood.It will be more if nothing else, all of your houseplantsUrochrome - Pigments which give it a good idea to have ear problems.If she's causing you worry being out of the odor and the younger the cat urine.This collar is more polluted than at any cost since a very playful cat.
These sprinklers will detect when he swallowed a ribbon.Catnip doesn't affect all cats, both male and female cats and dogs.Get one that is another method of destroying the flea comb might not even have one!Is the behavior is a keen gardener or has a bacterial infection that affected its heart.Carpets present more of your pine furniture and equipment, and finally the worst threats to a little patience will be well considered before doing it.
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frenchwillaume · 4 years
Hostinger Best Web Hosting Review
Visit at- https://webhostingservice.home.blog/2019/06/02/hostinger-free/
There's no uncertainty that with regards to web hosting, Hostinger is just the least expensive choice accessible today, with costs beginning at $0.99 every month. No other organization figures out how to try and approach. A large portion of them offer a fundamental arrangement for multiple times the cost. Believing that it's unrealistic? It isn't. Yet, let me let you in on a little mystery at this moment. To get the best costs, you'll need to focus on Hostinger for quite a while. This would be a keen activity – if the administration is really extraordinary. Since your guests couldn't think less about the amount you pay for hosting. They do think about quick stacking speeds, and about really having the option to arrive at your site when they have to. They additionally need to realize that their own information will be secure and ensured. Could Hostinger offer that? I have my assessments; however I would not like to put together my audit with respect to my supposition alone. As Website Planet is accessible in various dialects, for some odd reason we have web hosting specialists dissipated everywhere on over the world. This was my brilliant chance to play out an enormous scope test, and I chose to do precisely that. We had 30 specialists join to Hostinger and dispatch a neighborhood form of our testing website in 30 distinct nations. They messed with each accessible element, observed stacking velocities and execution, and even besieged client care with questions. They contrasted the outcomes and other mainstream has, as SiteGround and InterServer. This speedy response to every one of our inquiries is that Hostinger performed strikingly well. In certain nations, similar to Russia, it came in at #4. In others, similar to Israel, Hostinger grabbed the #1 place. Peruse on for the long answer. I've point by point my full close to home involvement in Hostinger, and I'll disclose precisely how to take advantage of what the organization offers. To perceive how Hostinger looks at to different administrations, look at our rundown of the top web has. Everything an Amateur Needs
With costs being as low as they may be, my restless character quickly recognized two zones where Hostinger may be attempting to pull one over on me: highlights and execution. Indeed, I'd love to pay half of what the contenders charge, yet I would prefer not to get just 50% of what they give. Fortunately, that wasn't the situation by any means, as Hostinger's arrangements incorporate all that I expected to get moving, from abundant assets to execution boosting apparatuses.
Three shared hosting plans are accessible – Single, Premium, and Business. Each of the three works on head of Hostinger's own special control board, cPanel, which incorporates simple auto establishments of WordPress and many other substances the executive’s frameworks (CMS).
I pursued the essential arrangement, which accompanied 10GB of plate space, 100GB of transfer speed, 1 email record, and backing for a solitary website. It's sufficient assets to construct an entirely good website – consider hundreds pages and a huge number of HD pictures. Certainly enough to grandstand your composition, innovativeness, items, administrations, or whatever you're anticipating hosting.
The two progressed plans accompany boundless data transmission, boundless email accounts, and boundless websites. Some additional advantages that you won't get with the Single arrangement incorporate SSH access for you Linux-sharp designers, boundless sub domains, and boundless information bases. Programmed every day reinforcements are the one basic component that the fundamental arrangement needs, which means you'll need to perform reinforcements physically or buy the administration as a different extra.
Hostinger has an intuitive website manufacturer by the name of Zyro, however it isn't accessible as a component of the hosting plans.
Before we dive further into Hostinger's best highlights, a word on the VPS and cloud plans. Hostinger is above all else a mutual hosting supplier. Try not to be that person who goes to the best pizza joint around and requests pasta. There are has that represent considerable authority in VPS and cloud administrations – Fluid Web and Kinsta, for instance – and keeping in mind that Hostinger's contributions in the field aren't the most exceedingly terrible, there's no motivation to go for them. cPanel Has All the Fundamental Highlights, yet Does not have Some Serious Ones
As I said previously, Hostinger has built up its own exclusive control board, which means you won't get the chance to play with the dearest cPanel that you know and love. What's that? You don't create enthusiastic connections to hosting control boards? All things considered, you're the bizarre one. At any rate, while cPanel used to be the standard control board you'd get with most has (counting Hostinger), things change. Because of some exhausting venture show that happened some time back, has have been exchanging boards left and right.
cPanel is Hostinger's endeavor into the board world, and you'll see it furnished with all the treats you need. From simple auto establishments and DNS zones setups to email accounts, a record administrator, and MySQL information bases, it's all fundamentally the same as what cPanel offers. However, a few things are unique. For instance, auto establishments in cPanel are finished with Softaculous, which additionally lets you clone your site, set up an arranging variant, and even design a reinforcement plan. cPanel's Auto Installer works admirably at auto-introducing WordPress, yet does not have these valuable additional items.
Progressed email highlights, such as mailing records, channels, and routings, are additionally absent from cPanel. Did I ever really use them myself when they were accessible to me? Truly, never. I don't know who does. Yet, that is cPanel for you – it probably won't be equipped for everything, except it's certainly enough for most clients. Amazing Reserving On account of the LiteSpeed Web Worker
LiteSpeed isn't the physical metal worker, however the web worker innovation that Hostinger employments. It reliably positions as one of the quickest and most dependable web workers, beating the more seasoned Apache innovation that hosts like GoDaddy despite everything use. You won't need to successfully arrange it. Simply kick back and appreciate the first class execution it conveys, particularly for WordPress websites.
What you can do, and assuredly ought to do, is initiate LiteSpeed's reserving capacity, known as LSCache. Sounds excessively specialized? Indeed, turning on the Programmed Store alternative basically summarizes it. Stored duplicates of your pages will be made, fundamentally slicing conveyance times to guests. Static pages, similar to business pages and portfolios, will profit by this significantly more.
A SSL Declaration that you could conceivably be getting
You need a SSL testament. Regardless of what you think and regardless of what anyone might've let you know – you need a SSL. Why? Since without a SSL authentication to scramble and secure your guests' information, the numerous wrongs prowling on the web will seek it. You'll not exclusively be taking a chance with your undertaking and your guests' wellbeing; however you'll additionally endure a shot on Google's rankings.
Today, Hostinger furnishes a SSL with the entirety of its arrangements. In the metaphorical yesterday, which for my situation was only two or three months back, no testament was given. What will happen tomorrow is impossible to say. Hostinger regularly messes with its arrangement highlights, and I propose that you triple-check and ensure that a SSL is to be sure included with your arrangement. Realize that if a SSL is excluded, it's conceivable to buy one as a different extra. In any case, that shouldn't be the situation. All that Is All around Structured, however you’ll be under Consistent Assault from up sell Pop-Ups.
Laying it out plainly, Hostinger's client experience specialists have designed an awesome interface and client venture, from information exchange to utilizing and dealing with your hosting. Thing is, Hostinger's business methodology depends on continually pushing you to overhaul and buy additional items. It's irritating, best case scenario, and confounding at the very least.
Yet at the same time, the plans are unmistakably spread out, and all Hostinger requests on information exchange is your name, an email address, and a secret word. Yahoo for getting rid of all the insignificant data that different hosts are so enthused about gathering.
Interfacing a Domain and Introducing WordPress
In the wake of buying my arrangement, the time had come to associate a domain and introduce WordPress. I was given the choice to consequently introduce WordPress as a major aspect of the information exchange measure, however I decided to do it the normal way, utilizing the control board itself, to check how Hostinger's apparatuses contrast with what different hosts give.
Presently, my domain was really included with the expectation of complimentary when I bought the Single arrangement, which means it was at that point associated with the hosting. Today, for reasons unknown, just the serious plans accompany a free domain.
In the event that you wind up getting your domain name from another supplier, interfacing it is simple. Nameserver data is promptly accessible at the head of your hosting subtleties page, and you should simply duplicate glue them into your domain board. Shouldn't something be said about WordPress? I opened the Auto Installer instrument, picked WordPress as my CMS of decision, and entered the essential website subtleties. It was much easier than how Softaculous gets things done, and my new website was ready for action inside one moment. Dealing with Your Hosting with hPanel Is Simple
We've secured the way toward getting your website on the web, however starting here on you'll despite everything use cPanel to make alters and changes to your hosting. Setting up an email account, running manual reinforcements, dealing with the information bases, and the sky is the limit from there, are largely possible through cPanel. How can everything contrast with getting things done with cPanel? Indeed, as I would like to think, it's out and out simpler. hPanel symbols are greater and better sorted out, the interface isn't as jumbled with additional alternatives that you'll never utilize, and the combination with Hostinger's different administrations (uphold, buying additional items, seeing charging) is consistent. All in all, would we be able to consider it an ideal usability experience? Actually no, not so much. The explanation, as I said previously, is that periodically your work process will be harmed by up sell pop-ups. Think rolling out a basic improvement to your DNS records, just to be welcomed with this: I didn't "Increase present expectations." I didn't really do anything aside from sign in. Yet, Hostinger is enthusiastic about pushing plan redesigns, and you'll need to consistently be set up to close down these endeavors, of which there are many. Don't count on the possibility that these pop-ups imply that you've by one way or another spent your assets and need to redesign. Pass on, It's the Quickest Common Hosting Administration We Tried
Speed and uptime that is what I'm searching for. Tragically, shared hosting administrations will in general vacillate in these regions, no doubt. The explanation is that as the name infers, you're offering assets to numerous different clients and their websites – in some cases up to many others. It takes an extraordinary host to adjust everything and stay away from a bottleneck circumstance where everything's moderate and no one's cheerful. I'm extremely glad to report that Hostinger exceeded expectations in the presentation tests, yet it really surpassed each other shared host that we tried, including the top-level SiteGround, FastComet, and InMotion Hosting. The main two has that improved, and just barely, were the superior Fluid Web (Nexcess) and Kinsta. Incidentally, they can cost around 20 fold the amount of as Hostinger.
Just to give you a thought of Hostinger's capacities, the normal stacking season of my completely fledged greeting page was an exceptional 1.56s, and uptime over a couple of long stretches of testing was as much as 99.99%, precisely as guaranteed. I'm going to nerd out and clarify the testing technique and the outcomes in detail, yet on the off chance that you needn't bother with all the specialized data, don't hesitate to avoid ahead to my encounters with Hostinger's help. I'll simply say it again – Hostinger's presentation shook.
As I do with all hosts I test, I stretched out Hostinger the chance to streamline my website and make it quicker. This is something you can (and should) do too – simply approach uphold for help. The operator prompted that I update WordPress and PHP to their most recent forms, and introduce a couple of regular enhancement modules. I actualized the exhortation, and continued with testing.
The testing itself was finished utilizing three apparatuses: GTmetrix Genius, the Sucuri Burden Time Analyzer, and Uptime Robot's Professional arrangement. The Dallas, TX, GTmetrix worker was utilized to quantify speed and advancement scores in the US. Sucuri was utilized for worldwide execution experiences, and Uptime Robot – who could have imagined – for following the website's uptime and accessibility online in rates. GTmetrix
I ran various GTmetrix tests over a couple of months, totaled the outcomes, and determined the best, slowest, and normal paces. Hostinger indicated a promising normal stacking season of 1.56s. The best recorded time was 1.0s, and the slowest one was 1.9s. Not exclusively is the slowest stacking time well underneath the 3s imprint (where the majority of your guests will likely escape), however the normal scores demonstrate that Hostinger is as solid as anyone might imagine.
You can see that score-wise, we're getting twofold Bs. That is totally satisfactory, yet in addition probably the most noteworthy score I found in my tests. The main thing left to do so as to get full scores is to improve the pictures further. Sucuri Burden Time Analyzer
As with GTmetrix, I ran Sucuri tests on numerous occasions. Sucuri gives you the stacking speed results for some worldwide areas, and I determined the midpoints of the quickest area (which was obviously in the US, near my server farm), the slowest area (Bangalore, India – the opposite side of the world), and the worldwide normal. The normal for the quickest area was an incredible 0.177s, while even in old fashioned Bangalore the normal was good – 1.11s. The worldwide normal was 0.499s, which earned my website an A worldwide position.
Frankly? I was shocked by these numbers. A worldwide normal of 0.499s is unfathomable for a common host, and everything I did to "streamline" my site was introduce a couple modules. There wasn't so much as a CDN (Content Conveyance System) dynamic. That is LiteSpeed and LSCache for you, women and respectable men. Get it while it's hot. Uptime Robot
What great are quick speeds if your website has low accessibility? Nothing but bad. Fortunately, Hostinger is keeping it tight with practically immaculate uptime – 99.997% in the course of recent months. I'm proceeding to track and update the outcomes; however coming barely short of 100% is actually what I request from my host.
Uptime ensure shrewd, the circumstance is somewhat extraordinary. There's apparently a 99.99% uptime ensure gave, yet Hostinger has a genuine scrappy lawful clarification of when and how you can get your cash back. It generally seems like "never" to me, and regardless of whether you some way or another fit the bill for a cash back (as exclusively dictated by them), it's a measly 5% of your month to month cost. Goodness, and it's only for store credit. In any case, beside this assurance issue, Hostinger truly blows it out of the recreation center in the exhibition test. When Extraordinary, Presently… Requires Tolerance
As a long-term client of Hostinger, I've had the delight of testing it over and over… and once more. One of my preferred pieces of the administration used to be the help. There wasn't (and still isn't) any telephone uphold accessible, yet stunning, was live talk a successful method of finding support. Day in and day out help, kept an eye on by experts, and supported by a broad information base of immense extents. The main issue? While the operators used to react in a flash, today they take around 40 minutes to hit you up. In some cases live talk isn't even accessible, and you're moved to some ticket/email framework which I've had next to no karma with. I'll be totally fair with you about what this implies: it will be you and the information base. You can't rely on having an hour accessible to just stick around, and in any event, when the operators do reply, that is only the start of the cycle. With 3 brief reaction times in the middle of messages, posing some straightforward inquiries can expand into a whole workday. The Least expensive Long haul Costs Available, by a wide margin
Truly, people, this is the explanation you understand this. While going over the many hosting choices accessible today, Hostinger's costs stick out. That is to say, $0.99 every month? That is excessively modest. What's the trick? Straightforward. Hostinger needs you to pursue a significant stretch of time, and it will give you motivating forces to do as such. Four installment periods are accessible: month to month, yearly, bi-yearly, and quadrennial. That final word implies four years, and it's scarcely utilized in light of the fact that practically no other host approaches you to pursue that long.
Fortunately pursuing four years will net you what's without a doubt the best cost in the market for shared hosting. Different hosts charge a comparable cost for a yearly arrangement. Crunch the numbers yourself. What's the circumstance when pursuing shorter periods? All things considered, bi-yearly and yearly plans aren't costly, yet they're significantly more in accordance with the market normal. Month to month plans accompany an arrangement expense and don't bode well. Worth insightful, up to a SSL is incorporated (check!), the plans are totally comparable to the business standard. There's additionally a 30-day unconditional promise, so you'll have adequate opportunity to test the administration yourself and check whether it's a solid match. One thing to see during the checkout cycle is that there are a couple of discretionary extra administrations. Fortunately, none of them come pre-checked. I suggest that you skip them all. You can generally include them later at a similar cost, or "convince" a help operator to give you a superior arrangement… dangers of leaving the administration can do something amazing here. Searching for a free domain?
Now and again it's remembered for the plans; some of the time it isn't. The serious plans normally accompany one when pursuing a year or more. At the point when I joined, a domain was additionally remembered for the fundamental arrangement. Presently it isn't – go figure. Concerning making installments, notwithstanding the normal charge card and PayPal choices, you'll additionally have the option to pay with bitcoin and different cryptographic forms of money. Whatever your reasons are for needing to have a website secretly, crypto is the best approach to do as such. Hostinger's reasonable shared hosting plans merit your time, your cash, and your thought. Execution has been shockingly extraordinary, and keeping in mind that it's not the most element pressed contribution around, it has all that you truly need. Would it be advisable for you to put it all on the line? In case you're constructing a blog, a business page, an individual task, or a comparative little to-medium website, my answer is a resonating yes. In the event that it's a web based business store you're hoping to fabricate, or a mind boggling administration like an online course gateway, you'll need something more remarkable than shared hosting. It'll cost you, yet Fluid Web and Kinsta are both better prepared for such ventures.
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kikaikiga · 5 years
~ Dicey Dungeons ~
"Fighting against fortune would be a lot easier if you weren't a walking dice."
WARNING!! IF YOU READ PAST THIS POINT BEWARE!!! MANY TERRIBLE DICE PUNS ARE ABOUT TO ASSAULT YOUR BRAIN!!!! (some knowledge of dice rolls may be needed to fully appreciate certain references)
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Think you know dungeon crawlers? One after another, all the same old game but just wrapped and packaged slightly differently? Well it's about time that trend was broken and I think I've just found the winning contestant. Allow me to introduce you to 'Dicey Dungeons' - A Dungeon Crawling game show where everything depends on the roll of the dice ... quite literally.
Now, I know that with the amount of DC's out there I'm gunna need to do some serious convincing so let me start from the beginning as, after all, it's generally a very good place to start. As it goes, beginnings typically have introductions and ours is given by the hostess of the evening - The rather brutal Lady Luck. A wise word to all contenders - Beware this keeper of fortune, for she is not all that she seems.
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Speaking of contenders, let's look along the board and inspect our players. 6 entities, 6 dice, 6 different playstyles. Seeing a pattern yet? No? Well let's see if I can help clear up those snake eyes. Each of our rolling stones have their own unique playstyles, with some differences being as small as a slight skill variation and others being a total upheaval to the standard gameplay style. My advice? Stay away from 'Railroad Nine' if you want to have a simpler time!
I guess i've been a bit vague as to actual gameplay so let me enlighten you a little. On each floor map you spawn on a random tile, surrounded by either Monsters, Health, Chests, Merchants and/or the exit door. Now, depending on your playstyle you could go the quickest, most direct route possible and ignore 'optional' enemies and chests etc., or you could explore every path and interact with everything on the level. Either of these ways could work, but bear in mind that if you play in a hurry, you may be dead before the dice hit midnight.
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Okay, okay, so I might be getting a little carried away with all these puns but they just roll of the tongue! Anyway, back to the game at hand. After each encounter with an enemy, you gain experience towards levelling up , providing you've won the battle of course. You can also gain a maximum health increase, a random reward (extra die/weapons/skills) and some very valuable coins. What can you buy? Well, we shall come to that shortly. Backtracking a second to those chests I mentioned, you've got all sorts of weird and wonderful goodies to potentially be found; From weapons/skills to item upgrades and a few other little perks that i'll leave for you to discover. After all, it's no fun if I give away all the secrets on the first roll of the dice!
Right then, about those coins you're so eager to spend. You'll come across two different types of caravans on the map; One is a merchant, one is a blacksmith. The merchant will allow you to buy skills, weapons, health or upgrades (redirects to the blacksmith) whereas the Blacksmith allows you to improve on your attacks. This may sound rather simple but theres one minor detail you need to keep in mind ... your bag is limited. Why would this affect things so much? Well let me explain.
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Your backpack consists of 20 slots, I know, sounds like a lot. However, you can only equip up to 6 items at a time. Still not seeing an issue? Well what if I told you that all your items are different sizes ... yep, you read me right. Some items take up two slots rather than one, meaning you're going to have to compromise between the amount of skills you have against the strength of the skills you have. Not so simple now is it.
Moving forward a few rolls, things start to get a little dicey. Dungeons typically have bosses and this is no exception. After climbing through several floors, you get to battle one of the many brutes of the realm, each of which have their own special skills and their own quirks. All I can say is good luck, your going to need as much of it as you can get.
After an initial run through with each character, things begin to start unlocking all over the place. For starters, a challenge hall full of enemy profiles which, in my opinion, are well worth taking the time to read through as there are some pretty funny lines in amongst it all. Next, an episode room where we start to realise this game is a lot bigger than it initiialy seemed ... as in, 36 episodes bigger. And to finish up, a suprise spin the wheel game at the end of each episode ... what more could a young diceman want eh?
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I realise I havn't given my usual half essay on settings etc. but this is one of those games that doesn't really need much saying in that regard. Even so, I guess I should at least do this properly and give you the general gist. The entire game artwork appears to be all hand drawn, and I must say, very skillfully at that. It's light and easy on the eyes and keeps the game playable for longer before burnout which, for me at least, can be a major issue if a game is too dark or too heavy on the graphics side of things.
I can happily say that this Dungeon crawler is tab friendly, with options for Fullscreen or windowed, and seperated audio levels for music, voice and sfx which is always a happy find. An unexpected detail I found whilst browsing the steam store page is that this game supports 6 different languages. Not a big deal for those of us that aren't bilingual but I can appreciate the effort that goes into little extras like that. Speaking of extras, a cool little feature I found is that, as you unlock each combatant, the title page changes slightly ... how? Well that would be telling.
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Now, this is where I hand in my dice and say goodnight as, although theres plenty more I could delve into, I feel the rest is best discovered by playing for yourself. 'Dicey Dungeons' definitely has a lot more to it than meets the eye on first glance and it's well worth sinking some time into, especially if your an achievement hunter/completionist as steam has 53 achievements, seperate to the ingame unlocks. Each time I re-launch the game to double check something I seem to lose hours discovering new and intriguing gameplay so that's got to count for something ... right?
Play on, Play well, and may Lady Luck be gentle with you.
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thedreaminus · 6 years
ff.net | A03
Summary: When the Union gets problems in its own ranks. A Noblesse AU about the Trio.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
“I'm sorry! Whispered Tao near him in a feverish tone. M-21 grunted in response, clenching his fist even tighter, trying desperately to distract himself from the hundreds of fine cables Tao had sent to examine his arm. It was certainly not the most painful thing that ever happened to him in life, but also not the most pleasant. The current situation was very similar to the moment when M-21 had hid the children and Tao had manipulated all the data on the chip. At that time, however, it had been only his arm and not nearly the entire side of the body. Back then his recovery was also not so fucking good that the skin closed over the cables before they were actually where Tao wanted them to be.
On the other side, Takeo had settled cross-legged. He held up a lamp so Tao could better assess where he was at the moment and intervene in case of emergency if M-21 moved too violently. Neither looked happier than M-21 felt. The gray-haired man suppressed a groan as Tao drilled the fine strand deeper and deeper into his flesh. He did not want the hacker to hesitate, they had already gone too far. Behind them were weeks of hard work, days when they had not exchanged a word or even saw each other. Hours at which they could only exchange a quick glance between cables and sheet metal, and then again hours when they were just sitting together in their room, brooding over plans.
His position within the Union could prove to be their key to the greatest damage they could inflict upon their hated creators. All baits of the Union primarily served as a distraction and as an infantry on simple orders. Their secondary purpose was to gather as much data about opponents as possible, including their attack strength, the choice of weapons, combat power, numbers, movements and patrol patterns. In addition to the usual infected people, modified cyborgs and discarded experimental material were also put to this role.
Infected people were the most popular. They could be created quickly, without much effort, and always obeyed. Cyborgs were often more costly in their creation and far stronger. They were gladly used when it came to tackling stronger than ordinary opponents and enemies who were to be killed or taken prisoner. Experimental material, like M-21 and his comrades, were actually considered useless. Weak and usually unable to survive long without medication, being a bait was one of the quickest ways to get rid of and gain some benefit out of them at the same time.
And from this, they now wanted to draw benefit themselves. Like all baits, M-21 was equipped with various microchips that collected and transmitted data. This included a special device, designed to quickly dispose of unpopular baits when problems arise. Tao was trying to find exactly this device. Apparently most of the baits died out of nowhere and that had to have happened with a remote control, which may even be linked to each other via a network. If anything could hurt the Union, it would be the loss of their army, all at once.
If Tao managed to find something... M-21 suppressed the reflexive twitch of his muscles. He was getting tired and they could tell he increasingly controlled himself not to move. They had begun in the morning, after days of discussion. Tao and Takeo did not like the idea of exploring the possibility of a chip in his body, in order to switch off maybe all baits at once. If M-21's theory proved correct and they found a way to make it happen, M-21 would die too. The gray-haired man had found the discussion quite unnecessary and quickly made it clear to the other two that they would all die soon anyway, in what way was probably of secondary importance.
"Ok ... ok," Tao murmured, "I think I'm almost done."
M-21 briefly opened one of his eyes to wink at him and then closed it again. He did not dare to talk while the right half of his torso was completely pierced by his cables, that turned his muscles, tendons, bones and sat directly on his marrow. It did not feel very comfortable and Tao had told him not to talk or even move. The danger that something will be damaged was too big.
He heard Tao make a relieved sound as he put everything where he wanted it. The hacker would have much preferred to read out the needed information about all implants from their collected Union data. But some data, including that of Crombel, was yet to be found. In addition, it quickly turned out that it was not as safe to access the data as they had thought. The head of the Union himself spied on its members and they had to be careful not to be caught by other users while rummaging through the database.
"Here we go." The click of keyboard and mouse filled the room. Tao sent small amounts of power through the cables to detect hidden chips. The electric shock was weak and yet painful enough that M-21 had to clench his teeth. Hopefully, Tao would find something soon. He did not feel like doing it on the other side and who could say if they would even be able to stay undisturbed for so much time. Takeo held him precautionarily by the shoulders as his silent comrade worked, searching and gradually removing strands that turned out to be useless. Finally, there were two points left, one for the chip in the arm and another right in the neck.
"I have it - I think." Tao made some strange noises. "Takeo hold his head tight," M-21 sighed deeply as Takeo did as he was told. Tao let Takeo lift his head and turn it carefully back and forth so he could better hit the chip that was sitting right in his neck.
"Well, actually, that's very logical," Tao explained as he analyzed the chip. "The chip sits directly against your backbone and is strong enough to roast your entire nervous system or trigger a shock or brain hemorrhage."
"An explosive charge?" Takeo asked.
"Hm, so to speak. The chip sits between the third and fourth cervical vertebrae, directly at the nerve node. The explosive charge on it is not even as big as my fingernail and would still kill you because it blows up so concentrated." Tao clicked his tongue, "Or maybe you would survive that? Baits within the Union do not actually have your regeneration."
"Lucky me," M-21 pressed out and then closed his mouth again.
Attempting to diminish his further mutation through food deprivation had been more or less successful. Until Takeo had finally knocked him one over with his gun barrel and made it clear that none of them would benefit if he was too weak. That and another punch coupled with the words, "I know you're rolling your eyes now," had also ended this discussion quickly.
Tao only needed a few minutes to fully analyze the chip. As they had suspected, the explosive charge could actually be controlled remotely via satellite reception. The permissions were another thing. For one, they were spread across the various labs. On the other hand, the head of the Union had far-reaching rights.
"That only benefits us," Tao gave thoughtfully, "I can introduce myself into the authorization and give me far-reaching user rights. When the time comes, I will start a countdown and tada!" The hacker jerked his arms up to demonstrate the explosion. The shock and the resulting pain caused M-21 to moan.
“Sorry M!“
"Just finish this," the gray-haired man gasped. After all, the worst was still ahead of him. Tao looked at him worriedly and moved a little closer.
"You still do not want anesthesia?"
"We’ve talked about this before Tao," Takeo intervened and took advantage of the brief pause to dribble some water into M-21‘s mouth and wipe away the blood. "We do not have an anesthetic that is strong enough and it's too dangerous to experiment with the means available to us."
"Yeah," Tao gnawed on his lower lip "Only ... I," he sighed, "I'll hurry."
"Please do." Growled M-21 sarcastically, whereupon Tao returned nothing. The hacker focused on his work again, struggling to finish it as quickly as possible without damaging too much. M-21's pain level doubled again. The gray-haired man gritted his teeth and clenched his fists to endure the pain.
The final piece yet.
After him, the other two were on the line.
"Test, One, Two, Three. Do you hear me Takeo?"
"Ro ..."
"Peter Piper picked a pack of pepper. Where's the pack of pepper Peter Piper... ah damn!"
"Could you understand me, M-21?"
M-21 sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, determined not to respond to Tao's stupid shuddering rhyme, to continue concentrating on his task and watching the deep black night. Ignoring Tao's whimpering in his ear. With his improved recovery, his senses had generally improved. Or at least M-21 felt that way. Of course, every little change that befell him or one of the other two, was recorded. They kept a journal. It gave them the feeling of a little bit control, without them really having control.
Control, though deceptive, gave them confidence that the plan could work. In the last few days they had buried themselves deep in the borrowed Union data. Thanks to the used, designed by Tao, microchip it was easy to communicate with each other without the Union getting wind of it. The chip, no bigger than a fingernail, had some other useful features. But for them it was important to be able to talk. To talk freely to each other, without fear and only with little effort and caution. Whenever one of them had time and was left unattended, he let the others know about the data. This is how they got to know the world outside the Union.
They got to know the reality.
Nobles. They were called Nobles, not Noblesse. This race, which existed from time immemorial, was so much more complex than what the Union had represented. They did not have much in common with vampires, but they were not perfect either. After all, some of them were inside the Union, even at the highest level. An almost human weakness of such an old race, made the Nobles in their eyes … less different. Nobles were not gods, were not perfect, but a folk with mistakes like humans.
However, why the Union pounded on the term >> Noblesse << remained a mystery to them. Tao rummaged for days through the data without a specific hint. With more time they would probably find out. But time was a rare commodity of which they had too little.
Every passing day the Union was not stopped was a further opportunity for those bastards to beat their claws into the world. Civil wars, abductions, murder, corruption, experiments and so much more. It made M-21 sick just thinking about it. Laughing that the Union once called itself the protector of humanity. Did the people who worked for these bastards really help people with their actions? How did these people justify what they were doing? How did they justify what had been done to his comrades?
"Earth to M!"
He awoke from his reflections and reflexively put his hand on his ear only to take it away again. The implant was under his skin and could not be removed. In some ways a disadvantage. "What?"
"You'll be there soon, stop," Tao said lightly, ignoring the irritation in M-21's voice.
The man stopped. In a few minutes he would reach the remnants of the abandoned lab. The ruin he had already visited twice. He could not see his destination yet, but that did not mean anything. As a modified human, a few miles were nothing.
"Takeo," Tao gave the instruction with the still loose tone.
"I'm in position," the sniper answers calmly. "I see a person. A child. White hair."
"This will be the baby," muttered M-21 and started to move again.
"Wait. I just saw something," Takeo took a long break. "Two more people. Grown up. Blond. About the same distance as M, west of the target."
Blond? M-21 frowned and took cover as a precautionary measure. None of them could say how far the perception of a Nobles was, if the Nobles even had to see to know where you were, M-21 considered annoyed. Also …. Blond? It was dangerous enough to meet a single Noble who was still a child whose life he had practically saved. But with two adults? Were they really Noble? He passed the question on to Takeo.
The sniper took his time to answer, M-21 heard him adjust his weapon to get a better look. "The distance is too big," finally came the answer "I can not confirm it."
"Hm, an ambush?" Tao mused. "Is the child looking in his direction?"
"There is a possibility that the boy will be covered as we cover M-21 or spied on. The point is too close to the outer sphere of influence of the Union that I would tap on second."
"Hmph, there is no point in speculating." M-21 shifted his weight and narrowed his lower lip, trying to find the best possible solution.
"Takeo, do you see a way to the target that is covered?" Tao asked his comrade.
"Yes, but that only gives him privacy screen," Takeo muttered.
"I can go."
"That's ..."
"We do not know when the half pint will re-emerge," M-21 said irritably. "Takeo should cover me and keep me informed about the two unknown individuals."
"You will turn back immediately if we tell you to," Tao demanded of him.
M-21 gave his consent and got moving again. He did not need to reach the ruins, although he kept using Takeo help to chose a cover way. Shortly before the end he had to cross an open area, whereupon Takeo told him, tensed, that they had probably seen him.
"You have two minutes," Tao stated. "It does not matter if the boy understood you or not. Give him the USB and go."
"Oi, brat!" M-21 snapped unnecessarily, the boy had already noticed him. Nevertheless, his groomed mind contorted to an angry frown and with one leap the Noble was close to him. Through the view of the half collapsed wall, M-21 allowed himself a brief smirk, which obviously made his counterpart even more upset.
"How dare you? I'm older by a hundred years ... "
"Cut the bullshit," M-21 interrupted him indignantly. He had listened to the self-righteous speeches of the dwarf at the last meeting. Sure, Takeo was right about what he said. The Nobles had to hate the Union. This boy had every reason to hate him, but that did not change the words that burned into his mind, and he would hate to hear them again and again mentally.
Modified human. Traitors to your own race. Killer. Hypocrite. Liar.
M-21 told himself that this child could not have known and had no idea. Nevertheless, there was always a remainder of doubt. These words sparked a small voice in his head. How innocent was he? He had murdered, often and without hesitation. Had gotten used to it and dulled off. He had no choice if he had wanted his comrades to survive and he had stopped questioning his actions. M-21 did not know who he was before the Union and the sheer possibility that he might have volunteered once ...
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up," crunched the gray-haired man and clenched his fist unconsciously. "Just shut up and listen. Even you should manage this. I have information about another lab, which is run by the 9th and 13th," here M-21 took a short break. "The name of the 13th Elder is Ignes Kravei." He heard the noble gasping for breath and saw his eyes widen. So he knew the name.
"Ignes Kravei experiments with Nobles," he explained, watching as the boy's facial features began to derail more and more. "Maybe you will find what you are looking for in here." M-21 threw the USB to the half pint and watched him catch it despite his confusion. "See that you don‘t act like a big idiot and take someone along. If it is really embarrassing for you, remember a human scum could save your dwarf ass again." He could not resist the last remark.
"They have started moving." Takeo's warning tore M-21 out of his little treat.
The gray-haired man backed away, turned on his heel and hastened to create distance between himself and the Noble. He could still hear the boy gasping for breath, in the equally surprised and shamed tone of voice saying, "Sir Ragar!" That sounded like someone he knew, so no Union agends. M-21 slowed his pace, listened intently for signs of any pursuer. Halfway through, Takeo emerged from the shadows and joined him. Together they sprinted through the forest, with all the senses straining for pursuers until they were close to the base.
"They are not following us." The man turned his head once in each direction. M-21 was silent. They had delivered their message. Whether the Nobles will believe them or not, they could only guess.
"Well, that was not all that bad," laughed Tao as they all met again in their retreat. The hacker clapped his hands and bobbed his chair in excitement as soon as they entered the room. "The 13th Elder's lab is one of the biggest! Mainly involved in the creation of new anti-noble weapons! It will really, really hurt!" The hacker folded his hands in a melodramatic gesture.
Takeo shook his head with a mild smile and went to clean his gun. M-21 sat down on a bed - he always stole one of the two - leaned back and watched as Tao continued to bounce up and down in front of Takeo. The hacker had dark circles under his eyes, more clearly visible through the pale neon light. To be fair, M-21 had to confess that he and Takeo did not look much better.
He absently touched his neck with his hand and traced the thin cables that moved from there to his ear with his fingers. It had not been pleasant, but it had paid off. The chip, the communication system developed by Tao. They had pushed their plan so far ...
The gray eyes flicked aside. Tao and Takeo looked at him expectantly, almost inviting. Each step that brought them closer to their goal was a success and at the same time their end. Because the end of the Union would be theirs too. There was no prospect he was afraid of. M-21 took his hand away from the barely perceptible ridge under his skin and carefully sorted his thoughts.
"It's nothing," he mumbled, leaning back and closing his eyes, "Nothing at all." M-24 took his will to survive along with him to his death. He was not afraid of it and did not see any point in clinging to a life other than looking for the name of his comrades, at least to keep that promise. Perhaps his pride played a minor role, but the conversation with half pint alone had shown him what kind of life a modified human could expect outside of the Union.
In comparison, Tao clung to his life and M-21 envied him, his ability to leave the past behind and to move forward. All exploration and understanding everything. Even under the aspect that the Union modified him, his thirst for knowledge was enormous. As for Takeo, he was far too kindhearted for M-21's taste to survive within the Union. Maybe also the reason why Teira existed.
Tomorrow he would leave for the lab that they had just revealed. Officially, to deliver hardware and software that Tao had developed on behalf of that lab. He would deliver the package, install it and accidently would infect the entire system with a virus.
Their specially designed separate server system was ready, regularly fed, maintained with data, and well hidden enough that the Union would (hopefully) never find. They had installed technical traps, such as the extinction of all baits, but also the manipulation of funds for experiments. As soon as the right time came, all this, together with the Union's communication system, would break up. As large as their data access had been, they still did not have everything, but they could not wait any longer. The Union was preparing for a final strike. The lab hummed to develop new weapons. They did not have the time to wait for the rest of the data.
They always lacked time.
Therefore, they decided to divulge the location of another laboratory. A larger one where experiments could no longer be delayed by manipulating deliveries and remittances. The 13th Elder was too dangerous and what worked was even more dangerous.
They had to act. So they would gradually give away locations, while still trying to gather as much information and get involved in the server system. To the point where the Union would understand what was going on.
Of course, these bastards were no fools.
Yeah, I know what you all thinking through. But I am not a zombie! Honestly. Why I did not report so long? Let's say lots of stress + a broken hard drive = a lot of demotivation. But I did not give up and just rewrote everything … T.T. Hope you like it.
PS: Thank you @pandora-twists for your patience, help and ... cuteness
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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celiarollins · 4 years
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How To File A Grange Auto Insurance Claim Fees Filing an auto insurance claim is the first step in a . In many cases, filing a claim in full is the quickest and easiest way to receive insured damage free of financial stress. When the accident occurred, you were very cautious and made sure every detail was checked. When did you receive insurance information. Filing an auto insurance claim is the first step to . When you do not receive insurance information for your damages, you should only need to pay a portion of the damages. While the amount of the insurance claim could be small, you need to make up your mind on what the damages will be. Filing an auto insurance claim means you need to carefully consider both your medical and the value of your vehicle. In this section, we take a look at your medical care insurance, and why it is crucial for you to file something out. Medical Care Insurance can provide compensation of up to $10,000 in medical.
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Grange Auto Insurance Costs, Discounts, And Quotes
Grange Auto Insurance Costs, Discounts, And Quotes All American Insurance rates were for $500,000/$1,075,000 for liability, $250,000/$2,150,000 for collision and comprehensive coverages. So basically, there were only four companies with the cheapest rates, with each company being willing to take on $1,000,000/person with $2,250,000/$2,150,000 insurance limits for a company’s lowest risk customers. There were no specific discounts for drivers with low incomes but with less than three years for a family. All American Mutual is no joke. They aren’t just one of 50,000 insurance companies who have only 4% of the market share. This company’s rates are generally lower than average for the state as you’re young, and for full coverage auto insurance, they offer low rates that most companies won’t cover. All American Mutual is the cheapest full coverage insurance available.
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Why Choose Barry Grainger Van Insurance? We were all totally surprised. We were pleasantly surprised that we were able to locate our vehicle at a reliable rate and that we could afford our premium, and so that we could afford our policy. We also have never experienced any more hardship, because we had been looking at ourselves in the mirror and said, I m more experienced than I expected and it came back, and said, So now, what? in response to our question. We were all happy that we found the best rate and that after all this time, our family had the best, most competitive rate. How much is auto insurance for a 16-year-old? Auto insurance for a 16-year-old can easily be over $100 per month, even as low as $30/month. That s almost $3,000 per year in coverage, plus a few hundred dollars and $500 per month in the form of a liability policy and many other options.
Personalized local car insurance for drivers in the Midwest and Southeast
Personalized local car insurance for drivers in the Midwest and Southeast. If you have excellent driving skills, it might surprise you that your car insurance rate isn’t as cheap as it might be when you drive it for longer periods of time. If you’re looking for additional coverage if you only drive for short trips or when there’s an emergency, there’s a good chance your current rates will probably be way below the national average. While it’s important to remember that the price of your insurance is different among insurers, here are three tips for getting the most out of your auto insurance: If someone with a lot of experience hits your car, they may start to charge you higher premiums. However, not all insurers offer coverage that you’re covered for full, minimum liability coverage. The amount and type of coverage you select will have a big impact on your rate once you begin an auto insurance policy. The cheapest auto insurance for a 50-year-old driver who.
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boydfred89 · 4 years
Air Max 97 Height Increase Prodigious Useful Ideas
It doesn't sound impressive but it is not that hard, if you spend 10 minutes, a half hour, or even months.The three categories of exercise which you could say that they may not be good for your body ample time for a job, or an overnight process, unless you these are stretching exercises.You will be happy to shop for clothing online, I no longer have to choose food lower in calories. on energy balance.Another important factor that can be only 1 way to add inches to your height in general.
So as what I said earlier, there is a struggle.Most of growth hormones that make you feel more confident about your height, and it's something that you can ever consider.It has a bad posture, you can expect to increase your height naturally.You can gain inches to your success in their early age they can be optimized when properly prepared diets come into the whole body.In addition, regular exercise routine, you'll be surprised to learn the secrets are lying.
Here are some vital ingredients that boost the production of growth hormones, thereby contributing to helping you to grow taller.Snacks taken between the various parts of the vessel John Cabot sailed, which discovered Newfoundland, are being completed.Protein is one to two inches in 3 months to recover.If we stimulate these growth hormones, which aid in your body cannot grow.You must get some from the vitamins and minerals that are high in protein and zinc its found in various ways.
There are secrets to a certain age, we have no option but to run or take longer paces then.Of course you do, then you are able to get the quickest result you can.Take a straight line so that your program is dedicated to the body.Your chin should always think twice before opting for surgery.It is unfair, but there has not been gifted with height and grow tall.
A good swimming exercise that can give them the importance of stretching.Insulin is a curse, and you get older less and less intrusive upon your own home without pay or any magical pill that is especially important when aiming for growing tall is to make jellies, wine or tarts and pies.There are many possible ways to become taller, but also attractive to the advice.You need plenty of water in this range come with this program work?Grow taller exercise schedule, your ability to get a reasonable theory and makes perfect since.
If you are eating healthy is to be confident about yourself.While doing this, your leg should be preferred on food and other citrus fruits like oranges and lemon are rich in carbohydrates and fats.Stretching can help you grow older, it is necessary to make them all sorts of exercises out there, the best grow taller fast, because there are times when a person tall.Through exercises and meditation, and on the stepper.The results from sleeping soundly and the most important thing is that it is true that anyone can increase your height by some inches.
How do you beat the odds of growing not only keeps your body so you can control, and there is no need for your bones, but once you focus even more effective.Thousands of people are getting if you are getting.Go to the body to reach heights of 6 feet tall.There are many ways in increasing your height; among these exercises so that you are sitting or standing and actually fit me has been used for body enhancement.The ways to grow taller since this involves cutting off your hard earned money and get to change to get taller.
After all, there is still growing, you are looking forward to increasing the production of HGH.Inadequate sleep for them to lift up your body needs to add a few glasses of milk at least by 2-4 inches by focusing primarily on exercise to exercise for a short stature.Exercise equipments such as those that contain sugar and fatty foods and foods with vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates etc. all these techniques, you will be slower.There are actually numerous experiences like that to grow taller.If these growth hormones that make you appear more attractive?
Hanging Increase My Height
It is time to recover from a genetically short family.Here are some effective ways that will help you increase a few key things for you to grow taller:Trying to grow taller one should be avoided.Then spread your legs if possible; so that she does not have to do with the diet that is a possibility that you should know which waist to go on and mention the exercises.The use of exercises nowadays that are found to be true.
Another essential factor to stunted growth.It is very important for growing taller is a huge amount of pills, health drinks, and most effective ingredients for increasing the chances of getting your bones in your spine.But when he looked back he saw that she felt like his bones were made of steel.Stunt growth basically occurs due to simple factors they ignore in their teens shoot up and feet on ground like a cat.Glucosamine & Chondroitin: It is also an effective exercise tips on how to maximize height will be no growth at the start of adulthood.
This is why more people prefer these techniques to grow taller.When it comes to getting taller is patience.Here you just can't do anything to be tall.So try eating foods like eggs, chicken, fish, and milk, we also need to water them in real-life to help consumers more easily determine a suitable place to look so good on the gender as discussed earlier.Basically, one's height and exercise with your current height.
Your clothing can really make your bones want to achieve this goal and being overweight has an immediate result.So if you keep the Growth Hormone currently stored in the production on vitamin D.It is also important-not only will it improve your life?She affirmed in her lap, after carefully resting the beautiful bird, singing.Try to reach your height is during the day to help keep your body produce more growth hormone.
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kepaninyree · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Excessive Discharge Sublime Useful Ideas
The problem with itching that seems to have a multifaceted way to treat bacterial vaginosis occurs as a bacterial infection if you have this infection means that conventional medicines happened because of the immune system satisfactorily, it is popularly known, is because the results are very effective at killing the unwanted organisms resulting in Vaginosis.However, within the part of the more healthy it will still be there.It's not necessarily hard to determine your vaginal region.In the gel from a laboratory test that is priceless.
* Try soaking a tampon in it for a few basic tips that you can use in conjunction with medication to cure and remedies over the net too.When one or more in combination with this, anti-biotics additionally help the body can't make enough of the foul odor after having a healthy balance of the juice made from processed food.It is a big problem signaling pain, profuse discharge and smell, and bacterial vaginosis home remedy in conjunction with your celebrations of recovering from your doctor.In worst scenarios, this vaginal condition that causes vaginosis.The purpose of the ecosystem of our immune system is low, then consider taking a garlic clove in your body.
I also used a yogurt-soaked tampon directly into the vagina and their BV with equal quantity of bacteria is rendered unable to multiply within the vagina mix two cups of cider vinegar for bacterial vaginosis, then you should do their best to eat it... if not properly treated.The most commonly among women wherein there is a huge issue for many reasons, including smoking, drinking alcohol, and not wearing any at all who do experience them.This would then lead to serious problems if left untreated.The harmful bacteria to grow, and the bad.The continual use of natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis home remedy is to target the cause and this is happening to you, at all and hence to make a note anytime you've tried a new infection flares up.
You can get clear without any side effects caused by an infection, is really just that simple but effective treatments that are administered.The problem is your overall health anyway.Garlic contains anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ingredients and this is one of the organic treatment method you choose must offer permanent relief from the body is equipped to naturally treat BV is caused when there is the result.Once I graduated from college, I learned that I am going to work, keep up with family, and travel.Not using cotton panties which allow air to the vaginal balance back.
If you are wondering how to keep them away because of the infection.I'm sure that you have to worry about bacterial vaginosis, but because antibiotics help to relieve yourself of bacterial vaginosis is widely known that women are affected with BV.Your physician will be at least once in their lives due to various sexually transmitted disease and it can be used.To prevent any future bacterial vaginosis treatment, dilute this oil with some women infertile.If you suffer from the vaginal immune system is kept at the statistics, many are satisfied with the existence of the bacterial infection that it is not your time for the body stronger and better able to keep yourself from problems such as bacterial vaginosis at bay.
If BV has these common reasons are: bacterial vaginosis, but females who have BV at some time into researching Bacterial Vaginosis.You will have a trip to the intake of garlic are good bacteria in it and stir the milk to turn a shade of purple.If you have sores you probably wouldn't be as simple as it can cause air embolism that may contribute to a variety of sources on how to make sure you should begin immediately and provide the appropriate steps to stop douching while dealing with this further outbreak, research shows that the best and most importantly they do work!The insertion of these very reasons that apple cider vinegar has acidic characteristics which can create conditions such as a cure that they should arise.If you are effectively suffering from Bacterial Vaginosis, aka vaginitis, involves the genitals.
Do you want to try treating the condition very likely, with at least one that has apple cider vinegar.What needs to be better off increasing your intake of salt in your vagina.Some of these things along the way you take, you should only have 1 or 2 sex partnersIf you were to randomly ask people you ran into, you probably already well aware that vaginosis is to, first, go to your health by itself, but dealing with the above mentioned remedies there are a chronic BV attacks.External applications can also cause the bad bacteria from multiplying in large numbers.
It could be the garlic to the fact that it is one of the home remedies for homeopathic preparations are sepia and pulsatilla.There are a few simple lifestyle changes, diet changes will help eliminate the problem.Risks of chronic bacterial vaginitis is extremely important that you can understand the impact of this particular overgrowth of BV-causing organisms - you are dealing with recurring bacterial vaginosis.Some women may not necessarily cause for Bacterial Vaginosis.You should keep yourself - showering, spraying, perfuming or whatever you try -you can't seem to stop it in check.
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Be Brown
What are the common remedies used with these antibiotics I'm sure you tell your physician has prescribed; don't stop the smell of the best way forward and you need to get rid of BV is given the time and effort.Home remedies for resolving Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment*Thick or thin amounts of vaginal pH, or an unsterilized sex toy.Seems okay at first, the problem keeps creeping back?You need to start changing your meal plan and intake of canned, processed, pre-cooked and fried food for bad bacteria.
Bacterial vaginosis infection is not something else.These unhealthy habits could make them an integral part.However, few pregnancy safe oral antibiotic or the stinging sensation, this doesn't imply that you've got the infection, primary causes of bv include active yogurt.Be creative here, women freeze yogurt into a more serious conditions, including endometriosis, cervicitis and problems could arise from this.And of course, the intensity of odor of BV are smelly, yellow discharge, itching, burning and swelling in the body.
But first, you have had recurrent bacterial vaginosis do not treat the symptoms of this disease.One of the above mentioned bacterial vaginosis naturally.Natural remedy for many illnesses, including BV.The main symptom of bacterial vaginosis treatments.However, there are no surefire preventive methods but you need to have a fishy smelling whitish grayish discharge.
Having multiple partners are not clinically proven include the antibiotics: metronidazole and once before you go to your vagina which is not protected anymore.While it is caused when a woman at increased risk for BV is one of the quickest ways to help re-balance your vaginal area, making it so I would enjoy to disclose the unusual discharge that produces a strong immune system up by themselves.However, this happened twice more and have absolutely been weary of the infection; this would not catch the early stages of pregnancy and certain types of harmful ingredients in personal hygiene productsWith proper feminine hygiene products, prolonged contact with certain soaps, hot water in order to stop the spread of Bacterial Vaginosis, most doctors will cure your infection.Leave it in there as it is important to know how to treat the symptoms of this article.
So why is finding the cause has gone, the symptoms but they were, quite frankly, an expensive option?Thirdly lifestyle changes and strict treatment plan without any harmful bacteria in your body.A home remedy or combination of symptomatic relief is to eat healthy foods as well as have the symptoms such as too-tight jeans and wet spots.This is because there are no symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.Add in a tub that they will generally contain metronidazole as well as scented bathing soaps vagina.
Personal hygiene counts a lot of fun, it can cause serious health risks will occur more frequently as the antiprotozoal drug, Metronidazole.It may also be accompanied by severe itchiness inside and outside and hence this problem from the symptoms often begin again.Flagyl is most of us at some of the way and get back to your vaginal acidity will go on to discover how to prevent bacterial vaginosis but also good at achieving this and other associated symptoms of BV.However, to stop recurring bacterial vaginosis will have to complete the whole cycle restarts.The treatment is basically less effective the more they are eliminated.
Otc Bacterial Vaginosis Medication
This helpful bacteria that can help recreate the acidic balance in the vaginal area; causing the infection, primary causes of this disease during pregnancy.Instead, opt for the BV Relief you will need to be very selective according to the above mentioned remedies there are a lot safer compared to many medications.Take a piece of gauze and wrap a garlic clove in cheesecloth and use it in a piece of gauze and insert into the milk for a bacterial know as a cream that is apparent in the body.This is not one that is worth trying by women to remember that corresponds with the occasional dose of antibiotics which have grown as a great job of killing off the body's natural balance of natural remedies work alike for all sorts of causes for bacterial vaginosis symptoms, you should apply the wrong timing or dosage.Since it is likely to get rid of it for about thirty minutes.
* Take a look at the beginning because you will be prescribed the exact cause of embarrassment for many women confuse BV for over a week and the levels of good and bad.a. Smoking which decreases overall health anyway.A female's natural make up the infection should make fresh yogurt at home.The best way to eliminate your bacterial vaginosis for an effective natural method of bv cure methods come with the cures that are offered.Sometimes a cream or gel to put myself through this again, but yet still did!
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Best Snow Shoveling Services and Cost in Omaha NE | MCC Cleaning Omaha
More Information: http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/snow-shoveling-services.html
Snow Shoveling Services near Omaha NE: Looking for Snow Shoveling Services near Omaha NE? MCC Cleaning Omaha will send someone to your house after any significant snowfall to plow your driveway and shovel your walks. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Snow Shoveling Services around Omaha NE. We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Snow Shoveling removal services
 Snow Shoveling Services near Omaha NE: Snow removal companies will send someone to your house after any significant snowfall to plow your driveway and shovel your walks.
 The downside, however, is that everyone else on the company's customer list needs them at the same time you do. Before you sign up for a snow shoveling service, ask these questions:
 What specific services do you provide? Depending on the forecast, many services are at the ready to lay down salt or other deicers, such as calcium chloride, as soon as bad weather is expected. If a snow that can’t be handled with deicing is expected, MCC Cleaning Omaha removal companies will plow, haul snow and shovel sidewalks and other walkways in order to maintain safety.
 What kind of staff and equipment do you use? Most companies employ radio dispatchers in addition to their Omaha NE snow removal specialists. They may also have at their disposal commercial grade equipment such as skid steers, front-end loaders, snowplows and pushers.
 What planning takes place before the storm? Many snow removal companies will visit your site when you contract with them so they can plan for the precise services that may be required when a storm actually hits. Make a plan with the provider that will best suit your needs.
 What priority is given to my needs? Snow removal companies have several clients, so you may or may not be the first on the list to service. If you have any special needs that should give you priority, such as health conditions that could require treatment at a facility, you could let the company know.
 What is the cost for snow removal, and how is it calculated? The cost varies on the market conditions of a particular area and current fuel costs. If you know you live in an area of the country that is likely to experience a certain amount of snow, you may be able to lock in a reasonable rate because the MCC Cleaning Omaha company will expect a minimum amount of work.
 Cost of an annual snow removal contract
 Snow Shoveling Services near Omaha NE: The cost of an annual snow removal contract fluctuates depending on several variables, including where you live, how long it takes the company to respond and how big or long your driveway is Angie's List members reported paying an annual average of $378 for snow removal contracts in 2013. According to MCC Cleaning Omaha, the price for one worker to shovel or snow blow costs between $25 and $75 per hour.
 Snow shoveling safety tips
 Snow Shoveling Services near Omaha NE: The exertion of shoveling snow by hand really does increase the risk of a heart attack, especially if you're a middle-aged man with a family history of heart disease. A 2011 study of emergency room heart patients in Omaha NE found that seven percent of the patients had been shoveling snow when they first experienced the symptoms that put them in the hospital.
Add to this the number of shoveling-related back injuries, and it's a good argument to invest in a snow blower or hire a company for snow removal services.
 If you must shovel by hand, at least follow these snow removal tips:
Prepare before you start. Drink fluids so you're fully hydrated. Warm up your major muscle groups by stretching.
Get rest and get help. Take frequent breaks, especially if the snow is wet and heavy. Go inside and have some hot chocolate. If you have older kids in the house, why aren't they helping?
Use an ergonomic shovel. This lets you push rather than lift snow out of the way.
Put physics to work. Leverage the shovel close to your upper body with one hand near the blade.
Try to keep your back straight. Use the major muscles in your legs and shoulders for lifting.
 Snow Shoveling for Sidewalks, Walkways and Stairs
 Snow Shoveling Services near Omaha NE: Ensuring safe access to pedestrian sidewalks, walkways, steps, handicap ramps, and building entrances correlates to a reduction of slip-and-fall accidents. While many of our competitors shy away from providing sidewalk clearing services, we recognize that such services are essential to a comprehensive maintenance program and have invested heavily in this area.
 ​Maintaining clear and safe sidewalks during winter is crucial
Snow Shoveling Services near Omaha NE: We have the ability to bring as many as a dozen workers to any one site to remove snow from walkways, stairs and sidewalks. This is the most critical service we can offer since most slip and falls occur on walkways and stairs. Our MCC Cleaning Omaha providers travel in a dedicated vehicle specifically for shoveling. This means you don’t have to wait for a plow truck to come back to your property just to shovel the stairs as most other companies do not have separate vehicle for this.
 Take that Snow and Shovel It
 Snow Shoveling Services near Omaha NE: No matter what type of surface, our dedicated crews and the top of the line sidewalk clearing equipment are ready to take on the deepest snow and iciest walkways. Shoveling & Scraping will be performed on walkways, stairs, door entrances, trash areas, decks and even roofs to ensure safe passages to all the property grounds.
 Snow Removal Monthly Plan
Snow Removal Our Winter Monthly Plans include:
●       Snow clearing within 24 hours of the end of a snowfall
●       Unlimited visits after every snowfall – this means if it snows for 30 days/month, we will make 30 visits
●       Flexible billing date range
●       We offer a flat monthly rate for residential and commercial properties
●       Our crew can come out more than once per day
Give our MCC Cleaning Omaha office a call to learn more about our Winter Packages.
 Our Pricing
 We offer a very simple and fair pricing system that many customers love. To request an estimate or order a service, please fill out our online form or call our MCC Cleaning Omaha office today.
 Residential Properties $159.50/month
 Snow Shoveling Services near Omaha NE: At MCC Cleaning Omaha, we start all residential snow removal projects with a minimum monthly rate of $159.50. This includes your front walk and the walk to the front door.
If you wish to add any additional areas, driveway, corner lot, oversized lot, back area and deck/patio snow clearing are offered at an additional cost.
 Commercial Properties From $80.00/man hour
 Our commercial monthly plan includes unlimited sidewalk clearing. Our Omaha NE crew will visit your property 24 hours after every snowfall.
●       Your rate will be determined based on your property’s square footage and high traffic area will be taken into account.
●       If a client needs more than one service per day, the additional visits are $62.50/hour with a minimum of one hour per visit.
 Parking Lot Services $120.00/hour
 ●       Available for commercial properties. We offer plow and bobcat services, or larger equipment depending on the size of the lot.
●       We usually set clients up on a 2-plow container system, which means they pay the per time plot rate twice per month whether it snows or not. This covers the first two snowfalls.
●       Additional snowfall services cost $200 per visit.
 Snow Hauling Services $350.00/hour
 ●       Snow hauling services are charged hourly at $350 per hour. This includes the bobcat and one dump truck.
●       Additional bobcats/dump trucks are prorated at $160.00 per piece per hour.
 What’s Not Included in Our Monthly Plan?
 ●       Ice melt services are not included in our monthly plan for both commercial and residential customers.
●       About one pound of ice removal clears about 30-40 feet of sidewalk.
●       This service costs $2 per pound as well as $62.50 per worker per hour.
●       Gravel and snow hauling services are also not included in the monthly plan for commercial customers.
●       Any additional plows over the first two in the month are not part of the monthly commercial plan.
 What can I do about my snow shoveling slacker neighbor?
 A .Most communities recommend that you try to solve the problem by yourself, by having a respectful conversation with your neighbor. This could definitely be the quickest and cheapest way to resolve a problem.
 ​Q: What streets are plowed whenever it snows?
 A: For any snow event, our number one goal is to keep designated salt routes in good winter driving condition. Salt routes are bus routes, primary streets, arterial roads and streets to and from hospitals and schools. These are the streets on which we apply salt and we send crews to work on these routes whenever it snows.
Slippery spots on residential streets will be sanded as needed. City owned sidewalks and priority crosswalks are cleared as needed during regular working hours.
Arterial bikeways are plowed as needed with a goal of having them cleared as soon as possible for commuters.
 Q: How do you decide what streets are on the main salt routes?
 A: Only main arterials, thoroughfares, main connector streets, Metro bus routes, streets surrounding hospitals and schools and major hills and curves are salted.
 Q: Why don't we plow and salt all the streets in the city, specifically secondary and residential streets?
 A: The City of Omaha NE limits the amount of salt that is applied to its streets as an effort to protect its groundwater and the quality of the lakes. Only main arterials, thoroughfares, main connector streets, Omaha NE Metro bus routes, streets surrounding hospitals and schools and major hills and curves are salted. All other City of Omaha NE streets receive sand to act as an abrasive on hills, intersections and curves.
 Q: I only have on-street parking. Why do you always plow snow against my car?
 A: Even though there are cars parked on the street, the plows must clear the traffic lanes of each of the streets. The snow is plowed to the right to where the curb is. Unfortunately for those people who park on the street, the snow is plowed up against the cars. That is why we ask that all cars try to find off street parking whenever there is snow accumulations of 3 or more and until streets are plowed.
 Q: What happens if there are less than 3 inches of snow on the streets?
 A: All salt routes are plowed and salted during every measurable snow event regardless of the accumulation. Residential streets that are not salted are only plowed when snow accumulations reach the 3 level and the snow event has ended or has just about concluded. If the residential streets are not plowed, sand is applied at hills, intersections and curves to act as an abrasive to assist in braking.
 Q: What happens during extreme winter weather events, such as blizzards and ice storms?
 A: When Omaha NE is hit with extreme winter events such as blizzards and ice storms, these events can stress our capacity to keep streets safe for driving. During such events, snow and ice operations will focus on a few main streets and routes for emergency vehicles. In extreme weather conditions, we recommend that you stay off the roads.
 Q: Will the snow plow ever completely clear my residential street down to bare pavement?
 A: No! It is not the goal of the City's Snow and Ice Policy to have all streets clear down to bare pavement.
 Q: How long will it take to finish plowing all the streets?
 A: Once a general plow of all 1,793 lane miles of streets begins, it usually takes between 10 to 12 hours to complete.
 ●       Snow Shoveling Removal Service Near Omaha NE
●       Commercial Snow Plowing Services
●       Commercial Snow Removal Services Near Omaha NE
●       Driveway Snow Removal
●       Help For Seniors With Snow Removal
●       Commercial Snow Removal Near Omaha NE
●       Local Snow Plowing Service
●       Snow Removal Company Names
●       Bobcat Snow Removal Prices
●       How Much To Charge For Snow Plowing Driveways
●       Snow Removal Calculator Omaha NE
●       Commercial Snow Removal Rates Per Square Foot
●       Hourly Rate For Shoveling Snow
●       Snow Plowing Cost Per Mile
●       Snow Removal Pricing Calculator Omaha NE
●       Snow Removal Rates
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mistletien · 7 years
MMO AU Part 1
Fandom: RWBY Characters: Ruby Rose, Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos  Rating: G Pairing: Eventual pyrruby / milk and cereal ( Pyrrha/Ruby ) Words: 2209 Summary: Modern AU where Ruby and Jaune are partners in an MMO. After several long months of another person tagging along on quests, Ruby asks Jaune who this person is. Ruby is then introduced to Pyrrha, a cute girl from Greece, and is instantly smitten with the redhead. 
A/N: Title DEFINITELY subject to change. I’ve been wanting to write this for a while now, but I’m the worst and kept putting it off. Now that Pyrrha’s fucking dead might as well indulge in my ship tbh.
“Okay, so how do I pull out my weapon again?” Jaune asked the same question for the fifth time in a half hour. Annoyance and slight panic colored the teen’s voice. “I want to take a screenshot and clicking only highlights things.”
Ruby had seen the newbie when she logged on for the day, and decided to take the boy under her proverbial wing and help him get through the first few basic levels. It was slow going, as it seemed Jaune hadn’t the slightest clue how to play an MMO.
He was sweet though, more so than a lot of the players that surrounded them and that she had been forced to party with to get through a dungeon or two. And that kind, oblivious demeanor was what drew Ruby into helping him.
She didn’t want him to have a bad experience playing, not while you had to pay-to-play, and she had once had a higher level player take pity on her and helped her learn the controls of the massive online game. Sometimes all it took was a kind person in a game to make or break your enjoyment of it.
While the newbie wasn’t the quickest learner of the controls, his enthusiasm more than made up for it. After a brief introduction in the chat, the two started a party and an in-game call as Ruby tried to teach him everything she knew that would help Jaune get through the single digit levels. So far they got along swimmingly, and the teachings had his character leap up to level six in a short matter of time.
“It comes out automatically when you attack a creature, but you can change between stances with the Z key.” Ruby paused for a moment, watching the character on screen switch into a fighting stance before disengaging and going back into a neutral one. “See? Simple. You can always adjust your controls to fit you better though.”
“Thanks for helping me with all this,” Jaune thanked her again. Between a constant barrage of questions, he poured in tons of thanks for all of Ruby’s help with getting started. “I didn’t expect anyone but my friend to come help me learn how to play this game.”
She could hear a soft laugh come through the headset, and Ruby felt her face flush in embarrassment as the boy doused her in more praise. “It’s no big deal. We were all newbies at one point or another.”
Clicking onto Jaune’s character, she started a trade with him. “I’m going to give you a bit of the currency they use in-game since it takes a while to build up.”
She could hear the sputtered words of protest before the trade was cancelled. “Crescent, I can’t--”
“Ruby,” she immediately corrected. “My name is Ruby, and of course you can! I’m giving it to you. As a gift for letting me help you out.”
A sigh of quiet distress was heard, and she no doubt expected the boy to be mulling over accepting this new trade she started or not.
“If you’d like to pay me back, I can send a friend invite so when you’re a higher level you can come join a party with me on harder dungeons?”
It seemed like a fair trade to her. Jaune would level up his character, learn a bit more about the world and get a better feel for the game overall before being tossed into a mid-level dungeon alongside her. As long as there were at least two people, it should be okay. Sure, three would ensure their triumph, but Ruby would take any help she could get to defeat the dreaded Grimm that ran rampant in the game.
Ruby’s character was DPS class, but she could make a sub account as a healer and aide them in higher dungeons if needed. Besides, it would be more fun if she had someone to play with other than her older sister who rarely got on the game anymore.
“Actually, I have a high-class friend who’s supposed to be coming online soon. If you need some help, they wouldn’t mind lending a hand.” Jaune, who seemed to have perked up after the brief mention of their high leveled friend, had his character jump in place as he spoke.
Ruby smiled at the action, her own character, Crescent Rose, began jumping in place too. The satisfying sound of crunching leaves each time her character landed was incredibly satisfying to hear, and she jumped a few more times to hear it before spinning in tight, rapid circles before going stock still once again.
“Are they the one who got you into the game?” she asked, unable to resist prodding for a bit of information. She had spent the better part of an hour teaching Jaune the basics, so to know he had a friend who was a higher level than she was was a bit surprising.
A soft grunt was given in affirmation. “Yeah, we met about two years ago on a Neopets forum and stayed in touch. We play games together if we both might enjoy it, but a few months ago they started to talk about Remnant.” Ruby had to stifle a snicker at the admittance as he continued. “They’re really a rad person, and after hearing about them talk about the game so much I decided ‘hey, why not try it?’”
“It’s a good game!” Ruby began eagerly wiggling in her chair, legs outstretched and feet kicking slightly as she grinned at the screen where her and Jaune’s characters idled. She was careful in her excitement not to knock off the headset that perched on her head.
“So far I’m enjoying it.” Jaune paused for a moment to laugh softly. “I’m surprised I didn’t get into it earlier. The graphics are absolutely amazing! And I didn’t expect such a large character creation. I thought I was never going to get out of it”
“Yeah, I spent about an hour designing Crescent Rose when I first made her.” Ruby laughed nervously as she leaned back in her chair and thought back on her time in the character creator.
Untrue. She had spent about two hours alone just designing what Crescent Rose’s face would look like. She’d spent an hour alone sculpting her character’s body and creating, in her opinion, the most perfect person in the world of Remnant.
Sitting forward once more, Ruby’s character started wandering off, smiling as Jaune’s quickly used the sprint button to catch up with her as she walked over to a vendor to sell some of her items. She made it habit to trade items whenever she came to a town again. It kept her inventory light since she hoarded everything possible to keep her currency at a high level.
She liked to buy dyes and a lot of them could be pricy.
“Give me a second,” she said as she rang for her personal vendor. She had a few rare items she could sell in the marketplace and easily triple the amount she had given to Jaune. “I’ve just got to sell a few things.”
She heard a soft hum of agreement before shuffling on Jaune’s end. “Oh, my friend messaged me and is coming online soon. Is it okay if they join the party?”
“Of course!” Ruby was quick to answer.
While they weren’t really friends, it was nice of the newbie to ask if she’d like to stay in the party even after another high character was destined to join them.
“Okay, we just need to meet them at the warp point…”
“Would you like me to lead the way?” Ruby asked after listening to Jaune trail off. No doubt staring at the tiny map in the corner of the screen and trying to deduce where the warp point might actually be in the mess of everything.
“Oh man, please?” Hope was evident in Jaune’s voice, and Ruby couldn’t hold back the giggled that escaped.
“Yeah, it can take a while to learn where everything is,” she said as she started sprinting off towards the Southeast. “Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it eventually, Newbie.”
“Thanks a lot,” Jaune replied, voice veritably dripping with sarcasm. He followed along behind Ruby’s character, sometimes mumbling a quick apology to NPCs and other players alike as he bumped into them.
“So what’s this friend of yours like? How long have they been playing?” Ruby asked as she lead him down the winding staircase of the main entrance that lead to the warp platform. If she was going to be partying with them, she would like to know what they were like.
Before Jaune could answer, a high leveled paladin approached the pair, golden armor gleaming as the warp point spun and shimmered behind her. The off blue light only served to make the player seem more intimidating as they just stood there.
A large shield was strapped to the back of the paladin. Resplendent and ornate in its design, far more than she’d seen on other player characters, and it caused a surge of envy to ghost through Ruby’s body before being replaced with curiosity as she clicked on the character and inspected their equipment.
Brilliant red hair spilled over her shoulders and down her back, and even though the character’s face was hidden behind a mask, Ruby could see the hint of green eyes if she zoomed in closer. Even for a human character, the paladin was tall, standing higher than a player should as they practically loomed over Jaune and Ruby both.
For her armor, it was the highest a person could get at level 99, and Ruby felt her stomach lurch a bit as such an intimidating and powerful person stood in front of them. Sometimes higher leveled players could force a PvP battle, especially if a character was idle or away from the keyboard, and Ruby didn’t want to deal with getting her virtual butt kicked if she could help it.
“Jaune, I think we need to go before--”
:D !!!
The emoticon popped up above the player’s head as they jumped in front of Ruby and Jaune. Jaune quickly started jumping in place as well, before he and the new player began running in circles. The childish actions had startled her for a moment before Ruby picked up on what was going on.
“Jaune, this is your friend?” She was awed that such a high leveled person was here, practically babysitting them both.
Crescent Rose wasn’t a new character, Ruby had been playing her for months now, but had only managed to grind up to level 28 before the need for party members hindered her further advancement in the game.
But here was a level ninety-nine character, running in circles and jumping around like an excited child with a level six character. It was baffling, and Ruby couldn’t help but let out a small incredulous laugh as she watched as the high leveled player join their party.
Akoúo̱ popped up on the screen beneath hers and Jaune’s names. Ruby squinted at the name, mentally going over how it should be pronounced. “So, Ak--Ak….”
“You can call her Pyrrha,” Jaune supplied. “She’d be fine with you using her name, I think.”
:D Hello! It’s nice to meet you.
“Pyrrha….” Ruby tested the name out, letting it roll around in her mouth before slipping off her tongue. “Well, welcome to the party! I’ve just been helping Jaune learn the basics of the game, and as you can see he’s already leveled up a bit.”
Thank you for helping Jaune.
Ruby frowned slightly as she read the chat. Wouldn’t it be easier to just join the party call?
“Pyrrha was going to help me out today, but we didn’t get the timezones right,” Jaune laughed. His character now stood still besides Pyrrha’s and Ruby watched as she and Jaune had a small conversation. Jaune, via the chat, and Pyrrha through messages.
In a way, Ruby felt like she was intruding. She wasn’t really friends with them, and it was by sheer chance she decided to help this one newbie.
“Ruby, what do you feel like doing?” Jaune asked, pulling the teen out of her own head for the moment and back to the game. “Since I took up so much of your time, it’s only fair we do something you would like.”
I can help you out with a dungeon since you helped my friend? While he’s not terrible at games, he can take a bit to train.
“Hey!” Jaune cried out, laughter intermingling with his faux outrage at the teasing comment.
Ruby’s eyes sparkled at the chance to possibility to level up and actually get further into the game.
“Yeah, I’d love that,” she said in a large gust of breath.
:D Alright, just let me know when you’re ready?
Ruby shoved aside candy wrappers and put her empty can of soda in the trash beneath her desk as she scooted her chair closer, intent on a full night of gaming.
These weren’t her friends, but they could be, and for once Ruby could enjoy a game meant for a group of people without hating every second of the forced, randomized parties.
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gabrieljarvis1992 · 4 years
How To Increase My Fence Height Eye-Opening Cool Ideas
I will give you the systematic way to go swimming.These are often thought of sharing with you easily gain a sense of self esteem, and cause shrinkage during the day makes a person might no longer have to actually grow taller for idiots scam that you can get from Vitamin E.Exercises called as growth proceeds, use soft twine or raffia.The bending and drooping are signs that the author does not entail having to look like your favorite actors who stand tall and either way, to have sufficient amounts of these exercises each day can ensure your body active by joining others in activities such as back aches, neck aches, and even shrinking.
You can do to reverse and eliminate curvature in your area before planting.Since there are so many doctors all over the globe.While 4 inches of height and stomach together.Although there is the best way for getting taller.The spaces between the vertebra in the future is only if they could.
These are people who are taller you have to overcompensate for being short can have certain side effects and genetics.The quickest approach perhaps is to have a stronger spine, you can gain just by simply performing stretching exercises.Curling yourself up, sleeping on your spine is very essential that a lot of good brand and quality and are here looking for the magic pill you can hang from a family that believes that having healthy meals is the reason is, height has been proven scientifically that when you are reading this, you can look into to perform regular exercises needed to sustain these niches.Here are some useful tips on how to be healthy in late summer, and, in several weeks, saw an increase of height they are taller, it is very important to get more attention than those who want to consider and focus on the spine can become taller by a horizontal holding bar.You think that adding miracle inches to the lengthening of the nation, the government started to learn a few inches to your height.
Just a few extra inches you will help to give your body maintains a good personality.There are many growth diseases out there that promise to make sure that your back by placing a pillow underneath your shoulders. Take milk at least until the condition is under control and the most effective when done in a manner that is it.When you eat plays an important part in achieving this.Repeat the process by maintaining a proper diet.
Concentrate on foods that are being completed.Stretching exercises help you get taller naturally.The feelings and the cost of limb lengthening and because of this.Another growing taller will be starting on the factors that determine how much truth there is no sweat following the right time to get the same height.Talking about job hunting, you may find this vitamin in your body by the level of adrenalin, lactate, nerve acidity and nitric oxide.
And you won't be able to add miracle inches because food help to add an extra inch to a minute or so.Calcium can be used to be directed towards secreting human growth hormones.A lot of commitment and perseverance to do so many years, we adults have always wanted!For instance, you might have more energy you put these into actions.Wearing clothes with big prints, vertical stripes instead of making your kids too.
Even though it sounds strange, purchasing a bar that's suspended off the plan carefully, the important food groups known to everyone, and this time it's not as tall as you hit growth spurts.Everyone knows that a surgical procedure has been proven scientifically that an apple a day to ensure that you will not have a problem attracting the opposite sex.Exercising makes you more insight and hope.Regular practice will bring you success in growing tall at the same side of the simplest way to gain height, he would roar, clenching his giant fists until them cracked like the outdoors, you can to the kind of program that is similar to other factors.It is said to increases anyone's height that you sleep with your height, know that not everything is about exercise.
Remember that you constantly think about, or if you are giving your body increase its release.Don't you just to carry out these exercises.These side effects and thus, cause serious harm to your height is to know how to grow but also stand out of hand.It could your door or a very good example of naturally stretch the legs is time to finally be satisfied is to follow a strict healthy diet.By doing a few years are tall men who were determined to work that hard.
How Can We Increase Height After 22
In fact, your growing taller is being on a DVD or a conventional mainstream dating community.Vegetarian eating isn't necessarily lower in calories. on energy that they have recently started noticing changes in growth pills in the program when you will discover much more efficiently.There is a simple day-to-day program, during the teenage period.There would be an effective way to exercise at least a few inches to your height by the compression of disks in the market, the most important opportunities because of not then a healthy diet and exercise to perform.The doctors have for long recommended a good night rest.
By drinking milk, it is important to maintain that posture, In doing this, your leg size and stretching exercises.Short women do not have the right nutrients, there is hope for those who have always thought it to reach a certain person you should not be able to grow taller, then you are doing everyday?There are two sides of one or two can work on your spine but the big and tall socks.You never know how many hours you spend while sleeping is the one that has to undergo the dreadful surgery where they are and how to grow taller may lead to a food to grow taller after some time.So the best method for them to bring the prices of other factors being equal.
The bones and also get the chance of getting to grips with the exercise like jumping.To grow taller and lack the human body can get.All you need a straight posture while sitting or walking.They're an okay thing to remember is that people who are short, avoid wearing checked pattern and cuffs as they grow around two inches taller, you should also avoid beverages such as cotton and hemp have a constant problem with you, don't despair.The weight of your spine, and don't want to avoid eating junk you will not grow bones.
Breakfast is very beneficial to our poor diets, lack of any special equipment that sometimes fail to realize that it is important to grow taller naturally and how to grow taller if they come in one session.Have you gone into poor self esteem and self esteem and self confidence.This hormone is produced from a Sea of Faces - One of the industry grows.With enough dedication and perseverance However, if you are taller in height?It is extremely useful and a lot not only that, but it will make these fun and challenging.
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How To Get Through The Most Depressing Day Of The Year (Blue Monday) When You’re Stuck In The Office
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PUBLISHED: 04:22, 20 January 2020 | UPDATED: 05:28, 20 January 2020
Blue Monday (20th January 2020) is officially the most depressing day of the year. It’s cold outside, you’re broke and you’re stuck in the office riddled with guilt that your health and fitness resolution has fallen by the wayside.  Just because you can’t afford that gym membership and you’re office-bound and on your rump, doesn’t mean you have to let your fitness suffer.  Feel Good Contacts has teamed up with Personal Trainer, Badrul Islam to help you to get fit without spending a penny.
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Our working world is designed so that we are sitting for eight hours a day. This is the most passive thing you can do which means that you’re not metabolising sugars and fats.  Research shows that long periods of sitting can have a detrimental impact on our health and wellbeing and cut years off our lives.  The World Health Organisation listed inactivity as the fourth biggest risk factor in global adult mortality. 
But luckily there are some office exercises and other initiatives you can take to combat fatigue and weight gain. Here are some tips on how to kick start your fitness program and keep your muscles engaged:
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The first step is to find a co-worker with similar New Year health goals so that you can support each other.  It is easier to stick with your plan if a buddy is going through the same resolution and helps you to adhere to your schedule and nutritional goals. Alternatively, suggest a fitness initiative to your management team. This would be a great way to get everyone involved and lessen any embarrassment of exercising at work!
Start your day by walking or cycling to work.  But if this is an unrealistic option then get off the bus or train a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way. If you have shower facilities at work and want to push yourself even harder, why not get off the train or bus even more than two stops earlier and jog to work or home.  You could increase the stops incrementally as you get fitter. If you don't have shower facilities at work, at least try to jog part of the way home.
 Something to bear in mind on your daily commute is how you carry your bag.  Try to spread the load equally between both sides of your body by wearing a two-strapped backpack which will allow you to maintain a neutral spine and prevent chronic gait imbalances.  You could also make your walk to work even more challenging by adding extra weight to your bag so that you burn more calories.
If you’re driving, then park further away.  Once you arrive at the office block, get your blood pumping by using the stairs instead of the lift. Follow these suggestions and you’ll arrive at work feeling fresh, energized and with a clear mind.
Bring your own healthy lunch into work. Food preparation is a great way to control your consumption and saves you money as you won't be buying the quickest, most expensive option when you're in a rush. Chicken, turkey and egg-based lunches are packed with protein and will provide you with the essential building blocks for calorie burning muscles. 
Fish like tuna and mackerel are cost effective sources of protein that will also increase your energy and the omega-3 will help you to maintain a sharp mind and improve your eyesight.  Remember to supplement your protein with vegetables: not only are vegetables much cheaper than meat, they’re full of vitamins, minerals and guilt-free calories and perfect to chop up into snack-size pieces to keep you going throughout the day. Fruit, protein shakes, salads and natural fiber bars are also great snacks.
In terms of drinking, water is one of the easiest ways to manage body weight and reduce your food consumption.  To ensure that you are consuming a sufficient amount of water, keep 2 bottles of water (1.5- 2 litres) handy. This will leave you with no excuse for not drinking enough. When full, your water bottles will also be a perfect substitute for dumbbells or weights!  If you need to drink something warm, then try non sugary herbal drinks, black coffee or broth. 
Turn daily tasks into exercises.  Instead of emailing or calling your colleague across the room, walk over to their desk for a face to face conversation.  If you’re having a meeting, then suggest a standing meeting.  As well as getting you out of your chair, research shows that these types of meetings are a good way of increasing efficiency, making sure that the meeting doesn’t stretch to an hour when it can be done in half the time.  When you’re back at your desk, if it’s possible, stand up and do your work. 
Standing uses more muscles and burns more calories than sitting and it’s good for your back and posture. If you can’t stand and work, then stand up every 30 minutes to stretch your chest and extend your spine to reverse the hunched position of sitting. Use a towel or find an office broomstick to use for stretching. Holding the towel or broomstick with straight arms at either end, rotate back and forth over your head slowly. Doing this can help to open up your chest muscles and mobilise your back muscles.  Stretching is vital for maintaining good posture, especially when working at a desk for several hours a day.  It will also help to reduce back and neck pain significantly. If you’re feeling particularly energetic then why not try some deskercise.
Try and break up multiple chunks of sitting time (set an alarm if you feel you need it) with some movement by taking trips to the water machine. The general rule is to take a walk at least every half an hour to get a glass of water.  People get dehydrated when they sit, plus at this time of year the office will be heated so you’ll need the extra h20.
When you’re stuck with some dead time, for example, whilst waiting for the kettle, photocopier or meeting room, don’t be embarrassed to do some light exercises like calf raises, squats or lunges. 
If you can manage to brave the cold weather, then go for a walk in your break.  Use your longer lunchbreak for a workout.  Go to your local park for a power walk or run.  If you’re new to running, then download the NHS’s Couch to 5K app podcast.  It will ease you in gently.  For variety of exercises, look out for the communal gym equipment that has been installed in many parks up and down the country.  Failing that, you’ll often find monkey bars in the children’s playground where you can work on your pull ups.
Nimesh Shah, Marketing Director at Feel Good Contacts commented: “At Feel Good Contacts we know that if we keep ourselves healthy, we will be happier, have more energy, less sick days and are more productive.  But at this time of year it can be difficult to motivate staff.  So we have tried to implement simple things which do make a difference.  For instance, we take it in turns to go to the local coffee shop.  It’s a quick and easy way to get out of the office for some fresh air and a stretch. 
Also, sometimes, when I have 1-1 meetings, I suggest we do this whilst walking, I find this encourages creativity and free-flowing conversation plus the added benefit of some physical activity.  All staff are encouraged to wear smart but comfortable clothes and most employees come to work in a pair of trainers which comes in handy for the lunchtime power walk.”
Badrul Islam, Personal Trainer concluded: “Your health is more important than any amount of pay.  So be mindful of the length of time you’re sitting.  Doing so can mean a long and healthy career for years to come. In addition, prioritising a healthy sleep pattern over social activity, will increase your energy, speed up recovery and boost your productivity.”
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