#I just set my alarm to 8:30 instead of 9
fractallogic · 2 years
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Okay so like I think this is what I need to do tomorrow in a relatively fine-grained denomination and also in order for what needs to happen when
The real question is whether I can keep myself on task enough to actually be able to accomplish it all (including the bed by 10 PM part)
Guys I am STRESSED and OVERWHELMED and it is my OWN DUMBASS FUCKING FAULT (also partly my dad’s because I was genuinely no longer expecting to go out of town this weekend because he was taking so long with the arrangements, so I had started to assume that oh, I’ll just have a normal week this week, and NOW I think I’ll even have to try to do some work this weekend???? Which is bullshit, but also depends on WHETHER I CAN KEEP MYSELF ON FUCKING TASK TOMORROW because I would REALLY LIKE TO LEAVE MY COMPUTER AT HOME (but actually probably can’t if I’m supposed to get comments to the team back by Thursday and tomorrow is full. So. Fuck))
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2tcs · 2 months
Day 6: Forgetting an important date and offense
DeadTired: Tim
TheBloodSon: Damian
WingDing: Dick
PurplePower: Steph
Shadow: Cass
GlowStick: Duke
UndeadDrama: Jason
SpaceCadet: Danny
Alfred: Alfred
B Less Batchat
Feb 9, 11:15 AM
“I don’t think you understand the 
importance of getting a third
party to” bla bla bla
I sware. Some of these old farts
just need to retire already.
But if they retired then the world might figure
out that we don’t need them.
Just a little longer Tim then your home free
Easy for you to say. I have three meetings
after this. And all of them could be covered
in an email. But I swear that none of these
Old hats even know what an email is.
ducks to be you
It’s okay. Take your time.
Fuds you
Autocorrect strikes again.
Please cease this irritating conversation.
Some of us have important work to do.
This is kinda the highlight of my patrol.
But I remember when I was in school.
Don’t let the teachers see you texting.
Tt. As if they would catch me.
Aren’t you at lunch right now
Damian? Besides you could
just put your phone on mute.
Ooo Snap!
That is irrelevant. You all need to
focus on your duties instead of
complaining about frivolous things.
Aw. Look how responsible you are!
Our little boy is growing so fast. 😭
Some day he will be all grown up
and too smart to hang out with us
I am already too smart for a plebian
like you Drake.
Sit down, pleb.
Oh before I forget
The 12 is my dd so I
won’t be available.
Might I suggest you all return to your
Feb 10, 8:30 PM
Where is everyone?
I’m in the cave but no one else is.
Check the time.
Young master. I can hear you all the way
in the manor. Please mind your language
And remember to place a quarter in the
Sorry Alfred
Feb 11, 6:00 AM
Master Tim. Master Danny. If you would 
please meet me in the kitchen at exactly 
6:30 am I would very much appreciate it.
Tim. I am sorry to inform you
that we are no longer friends.
Alfred? Tim hasn’t gone to sleep
since February 7th. He has set
up an alarm system to tell him
when you are coming up the 
stairs to the family wing so
he can pretend to be asleep
when you check on him.
Oh, hay! Thanks Tim! Now
I have my own theme music
for the day!
Why the heck is the Barbie song
playing next door…
Never mind. I just read the texts.
I′m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
I think Kory would unalive me if
I tried to eat your brother.
Feb 11, 9:15 AM
I hate to inform everyone but
Danny’s phone has unfortunately passed
What song was it playing?
Crazy Frog. Auto-tuned Crazy Frog.
Isn’t that song already auto-tuned?
This was worse. So much worse.
Think Alvin and the Chipmunks 
level of pitch with the weird 
auto-tune echo.
On this day we say goodbye to
a good phone. Taken from us
too soon. Please light a candle
for our fallen comrade. 🕯️
GlowStick has invited (888) XXX-XXXX 
to the chat.
(888) XXX-XXXX  has changed their name to 
Feb 12, 10 AM
Hay. Has anyone seen Danny?
He wasn’t in class today.
He is probably shirking his studies.
Come on Dams. Danny likes that.
Hay Jason. Danny’s apartment is
Next to yours. Is he home?
Feb 12, 3:16 PM
Just woke up. I didn’t hear him get
back last night.
Feb 12, 3:30 PM
Just went through his apartment.
He’s not there and it doesn’t look
like anything’s been touched since
I was over yesterday.
That’s not like Danny. Sleep is sacred
to him. He would never purposely
Stay out later than his normal patrol.
He never showed up for class. I’m on
patrol rn so I’ll keep an eye out for him.
I don’t know Cass.
I’m coming to Gotham tonight
To help look for him.
I’m going to do a few rounds
in the alley. If I can’t find him 
before patrol, I’ll have some of
my men start nosing around.
I will make sure the med bay is
prepped and ready. Please be safe
Of course.
Okay Alfi.
Feb 13, 7:35 AM
Hay everyone. I just got
back in Gotham.
What did I miss?
Danny! Where were you!
Dude! Are you okay?
Tt. I do not see a reason for you
all to be so concerned.
Young Master Danny. I am happy
To hear you are back. If you would
be so kind please come by the
manor, I would greatly appreciate it.
Of course Alfred.
Feb 13, 2:50 PM
Danny! Your back!
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littletealights · 3 months
What makes you think that Arthur is a person of color? :0 just curious.
so, at first, i thought it was me projecting but i think the first clue i got was eddie. yall might think i’m being dramatic but eddie was…suspicious from the get-go. in a normal situation like this, there’s actually 0% chance that it turns out the way it did for arthur.
but that’s beside the point. eddie knocks on the door and receives an unhurried response. he walks away to do.. whatever it is he was doing. arthur comes to the door, opens it, looks around and picks up some trash, muttering to himself. suddenly eddie has urgent business inside the office with a. flimsy excuse at best. strike one.
we, as the audience, know that arthur is being shifty because he’s just killed a man. eddie has been told, quite convincingly, that arthur was moving… boxes or something (im looking at the transcript, arthur just says ‘not furniture’ so…). and that arthur is working with sensitive documents. not sure if you know this but private detectives have to work with proper authorities to be allowed to operate legally. that means they work with the police and the courts. when a PI says a document is sensitive, they mean legally. they mean eyes only. they mean ‘come back later or i could lose my fucking license because you got the wrong look at classified documents.’ a building manager, especially their building manager, should know that. strike two.
he also asks for arthur’s partner, peter yang (who is, i can only assume, an east asian man). i should hope that i dont have to remind you that this is massachusetts in the 30’s we’re talking about, and what that means logically. but i will. america hated asian people the most they ever did until COVID in the 30s through the 60s. the only people they hated more were black and brown people. no matter how shifty and suspicious arthur was acting, eddie would’ve been… let’s just say ‘incredibly unlikely’ to ask for peter instead of the white man. strike three
there’s some little bits about subvocals and tone that i could say, but it’d be a lot and i don’t fully understand it enough to explain well why eddie set off alarms for me. because i dont have to. it takes 5 minutes (from 11:48-16:09 on spotify, so nearly exactly) for eddie to go from inconvenient, to annoying, to suspicious, to violent. and he ends the conversation with a very real threat of violence that essentially boils down to ‘don’t come back to the building again.’ eddie is a maintenance man. he did not have the power to evict anyone. unless, of course, they were a poc. so why was arthur worried about eddie when sneaking back into the building?
but, like i said, i thought i was projecting. projection and being-on-the-lam can easily explain arthur’s hesitance when delivering the baby and asking for a ride. or the gunshop in part 6. but the lighthouse? no, what really solidified it for me was the end of part 8.
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here’s what officer collin knows so far: a visibly disabled man has stumbled, confused and upset, away from a lighthouse and a body that CANNOT have been killed by a human; and it is dark outside. that’s it. using this knowledge, he then proceeds to beat said man. brutally. repeatedly.
in part 9 they learn he is blind and when that timid little fucker (mitchell) expresses doubt, collin says this
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this is something we like to call coerced confession. arthur did not kill that man (the lighthouse keeper). officer collin knows that arthur didn’t kill that man. (dont play, he knows.) but because it is convenient to say that he did, they’ll threaten and torture him until he says that he did.
now, friends, i’m not going to lie to your face and say that white folk are safe from the cops, youre not, i know. but what im also not going to do is pretend like there os any world in which this happens and arthur is visibly white. not in the thirties, not in america. despite being forgotten or unmentioned they are in the midst of the great depression, the exact last thing these small-town cops need is the arrest of a blind white man on their hands. regardless, i have never ever heard of a cop speaking this way to a white person unprovoked. i, on the other hand, have been spoken to this way myself.
this is already quite long and it doesn’t even cover the sheer magnitude of people who feel comfortable calling arthur (at his grown ass age of visibly-an-adult) ‘boy.’ or the wicked and downright racist way that larson says it, (genuinely. it sounds like he’s a middle school boy who discovered the word ‘fagg*t’ for the first time the way he says it. i couldn’t tell you how many times that word (boy) drove an ice pick through my fucking skull this season.) but i hope you can at least get the picture.
original post is here
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dollsonmain · 10 days
Anyway, the incident described earlier is why I think that, were I in charge of things like a store with a drink cooler, I would have a hose and a floor drain set up in the cooler, and all steel shelving so everything can be easily rinsed off when needed and the shelving itself would not be prone to mold.
Though I know that would be expensive af.
If I could have just grabbed a hose and given all the product covered in Monster a quick rinse off, that would have been ideal. It's all going to be sticky. All I could do was try to wipe things off with a damp paper towel.
So the stuff she added to my morning
First thing in the morning is to unlock the door, scoot inside, relock the door, and turn off the alarm.
Then I have coffee to start, which is set up the night before, lights to turn on, turn on the CCTV TVs, turn on more lights, other lights, then change the gas prices for the early morning promotion which I don't think we need to do at all because people come in and pay the full price before I open even.
And then I'm to heat up some of the breakfast sandwiches and put them in the little hot case, but only one of each! Only one! So I spend a lot of time refilling it. I could fit like, 3 of each, but no. Just the one.
Then I'm to start making more sandwiches to put into the cold case. That seems to be my job, now, making sandwiches from 6 am to 11 am because I'm supposed to fill both the hot and cold cases up again as they run lower instead of having a back stock of pre-made sandwiches in the freezer or in the cooler made the night before after hours when there were no customers.
Now I'm also supposed to heat up hot dogs on the hot dog roller at 8 am and take them off at 9:30 to put in the hot case. She doesn't seem to understand how hot dog rollers are meant to be used. They open the way they do and have a clear case like that because customers are supposed to take them from the hot roller, put them on buns, put their condiments, etc. The hot dogs are meant to stay on the roller until they're discarded.
Anyway, after taking the hot dogs off the roller I'm supposed to clean it, but I can't do that because I have to go into the back room to wash dishes and I can't watch the register at the same time. There's no window or anything.
Not that I can see between the new Zyn case and the old cigarette case anymore anyway. That was the only way I could see if there were customers while making sandwiches. Now I have to put everything down and walk around to see.
Very annoying.
I miss the Wegman's cheese department bull pit. It was so well designed.
And about the same size, now that I think about it...
Nostalgia scribble incoming.
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 1 year
the nanny part 3 | hangman x reader (saturn)
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note: finally a longer one? ish? it took a minute to write because i had a headache every day for the last week and then i had a take home organic chemistry exam that i needed to get done (gotta maintain that 4.0, school is important kids!)
warnings: swearing, very light angst, jake is pinning, saturn is in a relationship. lowkey jake is a simp.
i don't think that this is a warning but i've not explicitly said this either, but any female character i write is bisexual. of that isn't your cup of tea, i'm sorry.
word count: 2.6k
not beta'd we die like men.
inspired by: @roosterforme
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Jake was a mess. 
For no reason, honestly. He had typed out, deleted, retyped, deleted again, and then said said fuck it and opened up his notes app to try and type a message out to you about this weekend. All this weekend is, really, is a friendly chat between a dad looking for someone to help him out with his infant daughter that he didn’t know existed a month ago, and Penny Benjamin’s solid 10 niece that gave him a half mast when she was holding his daughter, for no reason. 
And when you called him Dad-man? His heart stopped. He thought about it all night. 
By the time Friday night had rolled around he still hadn’t texted you in regards to going out tomorrow, so when he got a text message from you, he was a little confused, he hadn’t given you his number… had he?
Hey dad-man! Rooster gave me your number since I hadn’t heard from you all week. Are we still on for tomorrow? I know that Avery is a little young but the San Diego Zoo is doing a little arts and crafts thing with the animals tomorrow we could check out? My treat? you had sent along with a link to the event and he smiles as he types out his message to you.
Hey! You know I honestly had like, 30 different messages typed out to send you but they were all ass ideas compared to yours. I’m sure Avery would love it even if she doesn’t understand what’s going on, lol maybe we could grab coffee or something from a cafe afterwards?
It’s a date, dad-man ;) you send back after a few minutes, which is quickly followed by: pick me up at 9? 
It’s a date, darlin he sends and then groans into his hands “darlin? Seriously? She’s going to nanny your fucking get, get a grip Seresin.” he sets an alarm for 7 am, not like he needs it though. Avery is awake and hungry by 6:45 then out for a nap by 8:30. 
He’s asleep just after 2 and at 6:45 on the dot he can hear Avery stirring through the baby monitor on his nightstand. He’s quick to stand up before her wails get any louder, changes her from any accident she could have had in her sleep and then heads downstairs to make her a bottle. While he’s feeding her, he has coffee brewing for himself so he isn’t a complete zombie when he sees you in a few hours. He gets Avery dressed and her diaper bag packed before he’s setting her in her bouncer in the bathroom so he can take a quick shower without leaving her unsupervised -- she has the time of her life listening to him sing. 
It’s 8:45 by the time he’s finally leaving. Avery forgoing her morning nap and choosing to fight him instead when he was trying to get her dressed, and then puking on his one clean shirt that he had that wasn’t his service khakis or a graphic t-shirt set him behind his schedule. He quickly found a shirt that he turned into a tank top, groaning at how he looked like a gym douchebag 
You were waiting on the steps of Penny’s house for him nearly 15 minutes past 9 for him, and boy were you a sight to see. He definitely regretted his choice of a dingey old Navy shirt but that was his own fault for putting off his laundry and choosing to favor doing Avery’s instead. You were wearing jean shorts you obviously cut yourself, sinfully short but also modest at the same time. The shorts were paired with a pair of tennis shoes and a plain white tank top and a… fanny pack?
You hopped into his truck with a “you’re late” but he just laughs and points to the fanny pack.
“The 90s called, they want their stuff back.” 
“Hey, don’t shit on the 90s. Plus fanny packs are back in. It’s so much more convenient than carrying a purse or other bag around, they’re less likely to be stolen, and both my hands are free.” you say and do a little jazz fingers motion and he just smiles and shakes his head. You put your seatbelt on and he’s pulling out away from the curb.
“Besides, you can’t shit on what I’m wearing, when you’re wearing that.” 
“Hey, be nice to me. Av puked on the shirt I was going to wear and I hadn’t had the chance to wash my clothes yet.” 
“Well, let’s skip the zoo. Avery won’t know the difference, we’ll go back to your place and I can help you clean up.” you suggest and he shakes his head.
“My laundry is not your responsibility. We’re going to the zoo.” he says in his dad voice and you just laugh.
“Whatever you say, dad-man.” you kick your feet up against his dash and if you were anyone else, he’d be telling you to get them off the dash.
The drive to the zoo goes by quickly and despite you calling dibs on paying the entrance fee, Jake is slapping his card down faster than you can even open your fanny pack. You shoot him a glare and he gives you a smirk that sends most girls falling to their knees. Keyword, most.
Jake pushes Avery’s stroller through the zoo while you walk beside him, making light conversation and getting to know each other as you make your way to where the kids' activities are located. 
You learn that he comes from an abusive home. His dad was an alcoholic who passed from liver failure not that long ago, flooding the family with relief. He has three sisters, plenty of nieces and nephews. You learned grew up on a ranch which explains how his legs bow out the smallest amount, his favorite color is green (of course), his favorite tv show, food, even the book he read recently. You told him about your life too, growing up in eastern Tennessee, your parents' accident, living with Penny and helping her raise Amelia to the teen she is today, your time in Vermont, why you picked education to go into. Jake easily saw you as someone that he wanted to spend more time with, it was a no brainer that you would be the one watching his daughter when he needed it. Hell, he could even see Avery calling you mom one day, in the distant future of course. 
You three had finally made it to the area of the zoo where the activities were being held and you take Avery out of her stroller and sit with her in your lap while Jake sits next to you. The warmth of your skin against his making him hotter than the San Diego sun. 
For the next hour you two sit, comfortable with each other while Avery mashes paint around the ziplock bag she was working on. Thankfully for the sun it dried quickly and you drew out a few animals on the rainbow colors covering the page. 
At only 4 months old, Jake is in such awe at how you talk to and how you treat Avery and even at how Avery responds to you. The babble that you do back to Avery, how sweet you talk to her, how she reaches for you, all of it. Just melts Jake. 
The time to walk back to the truck wasn’t long enough, in his opinion, and he was already planning a trip back when she was a little older and would appreciate it a little bit more. 
You put Avery in her carseat while Jake breaks down her stroller and puts it into the bed of his truck before shutting the lift gate. “Still up for coffee?” he asks just as you’re shutting the back door.
“If you are.” you say and give him a smile, he opens your door for you and offers you a hand and you just laugh and take it before hopping up into the cab and once you’re settled he shuts the door and walks around to his own side.
The drive to the local coffee shop he had in mind was surprisingly quick to get to, granted he did speed a little through some yellow lights to get there.
You don’t bother getting Avery’s stroller out, choosing instead to just undo her car seat and carry her in that way since she was sleeping peacefully already. You tell Jake your order and he stands in line while you go and pick out a table, a little table in the corner and you set Avery’s carrier the table after making sure that it was sturdy enough that you didn’t need to worry about bumping the table and having her shift too much. 
Jake comes and takes a seat since it’ll take a minute for the food to be prepared. “They didn’t have hazelnut, is caramel okay?” he asks since you had asked for a hazelnut latte.
“Caramel is perfect, actually. It’s my favorite flavor.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” he says with a smile and leans forward on the table and you give him a kind smile back.
“So dad-man. Think I’m fit enough to watch Avery for you?” you ask and he chuckles.
“I think you’re qualified to do more than that, but yeah. She loves you, I love you-oh I uh-” his ears redden and you laugh.
“No I get it, don’t worry.” you say as his name is being called for the food and drinks. You watch him walk away, shamelessly checking him out as he goes, you bite your lip softly but look away quickly when he turns around to walk back. 
“One chicken salad on a croissant with blueberry applesauce and an iced caramel latte with oat milk for Saturn,” he says, setting your tray down and you laugh and he sets his down before pulling his chair out. “And one of the exact same thing for me.”  
“Real original dad-man.” you say as you take a sip of the latte and you moan, “this is so good.” 
His breath hitches when he hears the sound and he shakes it off with a laugh, “yeah, the coffee here is the best I’ve had in the area. It’s nice that it isn’t too far from base or from home either.”
“Might just have to go a little out of my way in the morning to come here.” you say and he laughs.
“So, how did you get the nickname Saturn?” he asks as he takes a bite of his sandwich and a sad smile forms on your face.
“I got it from my dad. I don’t know why I took such a liking to the planet, but I grew up loving space. I wanted to be an astronaut, actually. He took me to our local planetarium and it was the first planet that I actually saw in the telescope and there was just something about the rings that really drew five year old me in. I wanted saturn everything. I even went as the planet for Halloween one year.” you say and he laughs.
“What were you just a yellow ball with circles around you?” he asks and you nod.
“Yeah pretty much, let me see if I have a picture.” you pull out your phone and he glances at your lock screen and sees it’s you and another girl kissing with fireworks in the background. He quickly looks away as you get into your phone, feeling an unnecessary stab to his heart. “Here it is!” you say and show him little you with a little bucket of candy, the biggest grin on your face and he laughs and takes your phone so he can look at it closer.
“You were adorable, what happened?” he teases and you make an offended noise and snatch your phone back.
“I’m still adorable! I’m just… grown now.” you say and he laughs.
You both sit there for a while longer, Jake running out to get stuff for a bottle before coming back in to see you already holding her and waiting for him to return. “You want me to feed her?” he asks and you shake your head.
“Nope. I got her.” you saw and take the bottle, she latches quickly to it and starts drinking away. “When you have me around you are doing nothing. Just relax, daddy. Let someone else take care of her.”
He feels relief at that statement, but also useless since all he’s done for the past almost month is take care of this little human that he helped to create. But watching you take care of her, so effortlessly, was so easy for him. He didn’t expect to be able to relinquish control of this aspect of his life so easily, and yet, it was almost second nature to him.
“So, are you able to start watching her on Monday? I return to duty then and-”
“Jake, it’s fine. I do nothing all day aside from helping out Penny at the bar. I would be more than happy to come and spend all day with this little baby.” you say, looking down at Avery with a smile on your face.
“I’m not, stealing you away from anyone am I? Boyfriend.. Girlfriend?” he fishes and you laugh.
“My girlfriend lives back in Vermont. She doesn’t have any plans to come visit any time soon so as of right now, the only person you and Avery are stealing time from is myself. But there’s nothing I can’t do with her that I couldn’t do by myself.” you say and he nods.
“How long have you two been together?” 
“Just over two years. We celebrated our anniversary just before I moved out here.” you say, looking back up at him and you see the look change in his eyes and you offer him a small smile.
“What about you? Any girlfriend that’s going to come out of the frameworks?” you tease and he shakes his head. 
“Nah, not really looking to date now that I have this little one to be thinking about.” he says and you nod, the conversation ending there. 
After Avery is done with her bottle you burp her and lay her back in her car seat. It’s nearing 3pm already and you have to get to the bar soon for your shift. Jake carries Avery back to the car while you run into the bathroom, splashing cool water on your face. 
You knew things were rocky with your girlfriend back home, and the last thing you ever wanted to do was get involved with your new boss, even if he was one of the most genuine and kind men you’ve ever met.
You make your way to Jake’s truck and he’s waiting for you outside, windows already rolled down so the back door can be shut and Avery won’t bake in the Californian sun. He opens your door for you again and you smile and climb up in the truck.
It’s a short drive to the bar and you hesitate getting out, you look back at him with your lip already between your teeth and you smile. “Thank you, Jake. I had a really great time.”
He returns your smile with a nod, “so did I. And I’m sure that Avery did too.” you laugh and look back at her.
“You’ll have to text me your address before Monday.” you remind him and he nods.
“I will.”
“Alright, well. Enjoy your night, dad-man.” you say, jumping out of his truck and he watches you walk into the bar, leaning his head back against his seat and letting out a deep sigh.
Of course you’re in a relationship.
@mandylove1000 @zbeez-outlet @emma8895eb @sinners-98-world @buxkybarnez @classyunknownlover @caidi-paris @classycolorpeach @eugene-emt-roe @mayhemmanaged @missemrose @fighterpilothoe @crystal-lily-101 @pookie-cleary @max-dalton @hisredheadedgoddess28 @elijahmikaelsonbitch @thegoddessc @yourfaveaquarius92 @blueoorchid @archaeologydigit @dempy @missathlete31 @hangmandruigandmav @alana4610 @h-ngm-ns @naya-neneya @desert-fern @dakotakazansky @horseshoegirl @roosterbruiser @startrekfangirl2233 @lovinglyeternal @sarahsmi13s @the-ms-mischief @that-one-random-writer @cassiemitchell @roostette @footprintsinthesxnd @roosters-girl @musesownmymind
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jose-berojos · 5 months
What the Fuck Are They Doing With Alcalá? A Comprehensive Overview
Jorge Alcala is one of my niche-favorite Twins players, thanks to a specific game in 2020 where he pitched two scoreless innings in extras to salvage the game that started out as Maeda's 8-inning no-hit bid. He was Duran before Duran: a flamethrowing Dominican righty who the Twins picked up as a 2018 trade deadline lottery ticket and converted to a major-league caliber reliever.
It's not been a smooth road: like many high-velocity pitchers, he struggles with command, and also has historic issues facing lefties. But in late 2021, it looked like he'd figured it out, giving up just 1 earned run across his last 14 appearances of the season with stellar peripherals and picking up his first career save. Heading into 2022, he seemed poised to work into a setup role, but he got hurt after two appearances and, like many others that season, had complications during the rehab process and never returned.
2023, then, was set to be Alcala's year, as one of many high-ceiling but limited track record relievers fighting for a leverage role to improve a bullpen that had been the 2022 team's weakness. And this is where it gets weird.
As a hard-throwing reliever with high-leverage potential, a history of arm issues, and coming off a season almost totally lost to arm injury, Alcala's third appearance of the season was in... a 3-run deficit (the first prolonged multi-run deficit the Twins had faced all season), where he threw 45 pitches over 1.2 innings. Having not thrown 30+ pitches in an outing since 9/15/20, his third appearance back from injury he was asked to throw 45. Six days later he threw 44 in 2 innings and gave up 2 runs. Another five days later he threw 41 in 2.1 and gave up 3 runs, and was promptly sent down.
His fourth appearance in triple-A, he threw 42 pitches in 1.2 innings. He was then called back up and made three appearances, all 20+ pitch count, all giving up runs, in progressively lower leverage before being relegated to mop-up duty in a 16-3 game and going on the injured list two days later.
Unsurprisingly, the injury was right arm-related; more surprisingly, sometime later it was upgraded to a stress fracture, which shut him down for three months. After a few rehab assignments, he came back for the last game of the season, where he gave up the game-tying run and threw 39 pitches in 2 innings.
So far in 2024, Alcala looks better than ever, but it hasn't earned him any more favorable usage. Like last year, about half his appearances have been for multiple innings, mainly in low leverage, with one 40-pitch outing. There was also the weird incident on 4/6 where they planned to have him throw a third inning before he complained of arm soreness. With his injury history, this sounded alarming, but he got two days rest and then threw back-to-back for the first time since 2021.
Though he's maintained an ERA of 0 so far, with 9 strikeouts to 3 hits and 3 walks, he was the first reliever sent down (over less experienced pitchers, or pitchers with worse performance but no minor league options) when Thielbar returned. Given his performance, heavy usage, and the arm soreness incident, this made sense as load management, but in his first triple-A appearance, he threw... 2 innings, 34 pitches.
I don't get it. From the outside, this looks like a shockingly uncharacteristic and localized case of mismanagement and wasted opportunities by the Twins. Alcala was an heir-apparent setup man just two years ago, and he's shown time and again he can still be that if given health and opportunity. Instead he's treated like a rubber-armed fringe long reliever.
Since I wrote the bulk of this post, Alcala made two more triple-A appearances, both single-inning and 20 or fewer pitches, and he sat for nine days between outings. His fastball velocity in these outings has rebounded to a more characteristic 99 mph max, 97 mph average, which is encouraging to see after his velocity frequently dropped during those longer MLB outings.
With talks of sending Sands down to triple-A to stretch out as a starter, it's likely Alcala will soon be called back up to fill that middle relief/spot-setup role. I hope this most recent triple-A usage is indicative of how they plan to use him at the major league level going forward. He deserves a chance to stick as a setup man, and the multi-inning, 30+ pitch usage he's been stuck in for the past year plus seems tailor-made to get him hurt again.
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bacchicly · 11 months
List time...but surprise today is actually a good day! I just need to get things outta my head to make sure I get my timing right...
Ok so I just put a pork roast in for dinner and it is currently searing at 4:25.... Turn down to 350 in 13 mins.. (likely around the time I post this)
Veggies gonna be:
- canned cream corn (heat 5 mins before serving)
- apple sauce made with the apples I am roasting with the pork (fish out and smash - possibly add more apple - out when I take out the roast to rest)
- baked carrots and parsnips (5 start prep)
Personal To Do List (listed in order of priority)
Install new latch on cupboard under sink
Clean up/ practice demo I am doing tomorrow at work
Pack for prompt departure in the morning to work for presentation in the morning
Pack for trip I am taking later this week (this is shocking I am a throw things madly in a plastic bag madly before I leave person - which I hate)
Work clothing; IT; meds; toiletries; jewelry; makeup?; find damn sunglasses and things I need to drop off at head office
Further (spend an hour more?) on my new budget tracking spreadsheet - after trying other people's solutions and failing...I am trying attempt #4567923 to get on top of family finances. This time I am prioritising a blended bi-weekly/monthly approach that I sort of do naturally. I am also building it around my actual payweek schedule. And have "coded" it to analyse based on those patterns.... I.e. what happens when it is a 3 payweek month versus a 2 payweek month? What are 1st paycheck of the month expenses vs end of the month? We'll see if this time actually helps for awhile. Sigh. I suck at all of this. Oh well if nothing else...when you talk about working/middle/academic/artist class people funneling their money back into the economy instead of saving...and how important that can be... Well let's just say I see myself in that picture...and I am torn about how I feel about it. Money is a huge source of shame for me.
Re-attach eye patches on Stringbean - take photos and share
Ok so here's the timeline based on all that...I am only putting in the musts and then I am going to come back and fill in what I achieve:
It's 3pm (as I type) and I've turned down the oven:
1 am - sleep - alarm set for 7 am
Key time points working backwards:
1 am / 2 am... Who is counting
10ish - kid to sleep
11:30ish - husband home
Got kid to sleep by 10:20... Then tackled more work. Got it done eventually. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
6:30 - latest time to serve dinner
9:15 - drive to hockey & home
Helped with purple hair washing; but also did some work work. Didn't have to drive... Husband got ride.
8:00 to 9:00 - kid bath, jammies & reading
Fed people at 6:45...before that tried to do some work work but my computer needed charging so I did more on the family budget.
6:20 - call folks to wash hands, plate, choose documentary for dinner, cats in "cat jail" (we keep them out of the dinning area for fancier meals since they have terrible table manners)
6:15 - heat corn
6:00 - take out meat to rest and tackle applesauce
5:15 - carrots and parsnips in oven
Put parsnips & carrots in oven early. Now I have an hour to do some work. I wish I had an office.
5:00 - start carrot and parsnip prep
Work through personal to do list for 2.5 hours
Finished doing the latch...but I had to use armature wire to create a custom latch for the one side...apparently I should have bought a bigger latch.
3:20 - post my list
2:45 - write list
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sage-a-licious · 2 years
Long brain dump post about argument with my aunt. I don’t expect anyone to want to read this.
My aunt has kind of taken over choosing/downloading books onto the iPad for my grandma lately. I didn’t know why but I was going along with it because my grandma liked the books and as long as she’s happy, whatever. But then, on Thursday afternoon, my aunt sends me a text asking me to resume looking for books because, “Mom does not want more of what I’ve selected right now.” So I get some options together and bring them down at dinner and say, “Aunty said you need a new book?” And my grandma’s like, “No! I’m trying the newest John Grisham.” Okay. So basically soon after that, my grandma decided she didn’t like the John Grisham book and told my aunt at breakfast. Instead of telling me anything she put a new book on. Okay, I thought I was doing this now but as long as grandma’s happy. Then at dinner I come down and she’s going over books with my grandma and I get further confused. It felt like I was getting cut out of a process I enjoyed without any explanation. So when my aunt was gone I asked grandma if she didn’t like the books I pick. She said she loves the books I pick. I told her how I felt cut out of the process and it was kind of hurting my feelings. She asked if she should say something to my aunt and I said no, I’d talk to her myself and not to worry about it. When I got upstairs she was on the phone and then I got busy doing other things so we didn’t talk about it that night.
Yesterday, after grandma’s dinner, she calls me and is like, “What the plan for the book tomorrow?” I said that I had some options and she was like, “Give them to me.” And I was like, “I’ll put it on tomorrow morning.” And she’s like, “Well I know how to do it. It’ll be smoother this way.” And me feeling left out rears its head real hard and I’m like, “Why are you trying to cut me out of this process?” And she’s like, “I’m not but sometimes Grandma needs a new book on a weekend morning and I text you and you’re asleep.” And I can’t really recall that happening but I guess it’s possible. And she says, “And a few weeks ago when the old iPad wouldn’t let me download a book on and I went to buy a new iPad because Apple said the old one was obsolete and you didn’t wake up until 9.” Again, don’t remember it happening this way but I’m like, “Okay and then I see the text and go downstairs at like 9:10. Grandma takes a shower at 8:30 and doesn’t start reading until 9 anyway.” And she’s like, “But sometimes I come downstairs and she has no book and she says you’ll put a new one on at lunch and she’s bored, I can tell.” “Okay, so text me to put a new book on earlier. She always tells me that lunchtime is when she wants the new book.” “She doesn’t want to inconvenience us. It would just be smoother if I downloaded it.” “Why does it need to be so smooth? You’re acting like this happens all the time and also she is asleep from like 10-12 every morning.” Then she starts repeating herself which is one of the things that enrages me and talking to me like I’m an idiot and I don’t want to get more upset so I just say, “Okay, we’ll do it your way. But for tomorrow can I just go down there myself one last time? I’ll set my alarm early.” “Why?” “Why are you making this so hard? Please just let me do it. I want this call to be over.” “Well no, because you got to say how you feel and take me through the whole thing and I want to do the same.” Then she starts repeating and condescending to me again and I interrupt her and say, “You want Grandma to be entertained at all times. I get it.” She’s like, “Exactly.”
We hang up. And I’m so mad. Shaking. And I go downstairs and put on a new book for my grandma and text the title to my aunt and she responds with Outstanding!!!!! Like we didn’t just have an argument. It’s the dumbest argument ever, I know. But she acts like my grandma is sitting in the dark, staring at a wall all the time and it’s my fault and that’s not happening at all. She has music, she has the radio and she usually has a book. This morning after the rage had cleared I realized it all started when the old iPad stopped working. So I went through my texts to see if she had messaged me and I didn’t respond. She messaged me at 10:44am that she was at the Apple Store buying a new iPad. She also insinuated that I must have been having problems downloading books that I didn’t tell her about. I corrected her that I hadn’t and she came home later all frustrated about having to spend the money for a new one. Thing is, she didn’t. We have another newer iPad already. She could have just plugged it in and had grandma use that. When I brought this up she said it only had one input so how would she listen and charge at the same time? I said they have adapters. So now the slightly older iPad just sits in my grandma’s house unused. And I think my aunt blames me?
Anyway, I also checked for calls on that day. I called her in the afternoon. She didn’t call or text me that morning. Am I supposed to know what’s going on telepathically or something? That’s where I am now. I feel better writing this all out. I know I didn’t handle this well but I think some of my feelings are valid.
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smalife1234 · 13 hours
This is our Eighth weekly smiles! Please enjoy the read!
What made me smile this week?
Monday, 9/16/24 - today, I woke up around 6:00 Am and then went on the bus on the bus me and. Our friends we're laughing! And then in the first period, we had a substitute like we've been having since Friday! We worked on a tiny worksheet for a while! During the first period, I got our channel semi-remodeled! I made a new channel banner since I thought our channel was missing something! But I got it done and it looks fantastic! Then, in the second period, we got this large packet, but I completed it on the first day and just continued to do work on my laptop 💻! Then, at lunch, I got a salad, but also lunch was a bit hectic! Our friend Nichole started dying of laughter! Because I made a disgusted face towards the banana 🍌 and I didn't expect her to start Dying! But I got scared since I have emetophobia (fear of vomiting), and I just sat there in anticipation of silence as she coughed and practically gagged during the whole fiasco. I randomly gagged twice because of the fear and because of how sort of nasty it was! I swallow the gag, feeling down, and then say throw the milk away! She was laughing, but I kept insisting she throw the milk away. After the whole ordeal, we laughed about it, and thankfully, we're ok after! Again I did not mean to kill my friend. Sorry, so that made us smile and gag! Then, in the third period, we worked on some notes and a worksheet. Then I fourth we worked on several papers that day! Like three of them, then we got home and chilled and got to enjoy/Experience the new world tour that Subway Surfers came out with! It was pretty fun! Then, later on, we started a new catheter schedule for Luz because she had a UTI on the 2nd Day of September! So, it was not fun we set my alarms since she needed to catheterize herself every two hours! Which is a lot of catheters a day! That's like 12 on lucky days! Excluding her other bathroom trips! And if she has a bad day at least 15! Which is baffling to me! During the whole night, she kept waking up and doing two out of four, which is better than nothing! This whole day was hectic, busy, and funny, but it surely did make us smile!
Tuesday, 9/17/24 - today, we woke up at 7:00 Am, which is the latest time we've ever woke up! But we got dressed and discussed their catheters even more! Then we went on the bus where it was very rainy! And gloom out! In the first period, two people were working on the air conditioning in Mrs. Brady's, and it tends to get very hot! In her room, they were turning the air conditioner off and on again, and during that process, we had a lockdown drill. After the whole lockdown process, they dropped three tools from the ceiling, and it scared me! LOL, then I changed my wonderful keyboard to me, and I have to say I'm digging it! It looks nicer and I've already typed many things using this keyboard! Then, in the second period, Luz ate a strawberry pop tart and a honey gram cracker. I started on the rest of my notes and then we got another worksheet! But I do know that there is a half day tomorrow woo hoo! Yay Wednesday! And that's on my chemotherapy day so it's just asking to be a good day! Currently, I'm done working on my notes but working on another set, and we'll finish that worksheet Tonight or tomorrow! Then, in the third period, we worked on some notes and presented our papers and what we learned! Then, in the fourth period, we finished some papers and then did a walking around activity for the last 30 minutes of class. Then, on the bus, someone was apparently eating, so we stayed for a few minutes behind, and then Mrs. Roberts came on the bus and talked to all the students and discussed that if we ate on the bus, we would be taken off the bus! So that was a little bit scary! But we're enjoying the bus ride home talking about different things :)
Wednesday, 9/18/24 - today was a half day whoo hoo! So we only have 4 hours of college instead of 8! So that was fun. In the first period, we did a small review paper that the substitute gave us while Mrs cox was away! I gave him 1.2, but I think he lost it, and I had to do it again. I answered the reviews, and most of them weren’t difficult. I got that done and turned it in, and then I chilled for the rest of class and worked on the descriptions for YouTube second period. We had a worksheet, and I got that done and some notes, done, but for the most part, I just chilled! Then I learned some news from the substitute! That it's National Cheeseburger Day! I didn't know that so happy national cheeseburger 🍔 Day! In the third period, we worked on notes, but Mrs. Breseler was having a lifetime of a struggle getting technology to work. It eventually ended up working, and we just got some notes done and then folded a paper. I can't remember what it was called. But it made me laugh as I was confused lol. Then, in the fourth period, we tried some in-chair yoga. It was incredibly hilarious, and it made us smile and laugh. We did some papers and a web quest, which I almost completed! But it's ok! But we chilled, and at home, we finally found my ring 💍! Yay, don't worry. It got lost yesterday after we had done the dishes, but our mom found it and placed it somewhere safe! So hooray it's found! Then I exported and worked on my wedding video and got it uploaded and it's scheduled!! I cannot wait for y'all to see it! One edit: while they were during their bath, I watched, and it made me a tad bit emotional! So I don't know how that will affect me! On my wedding day, I will know that those tears will be happy tears 🥹! Love you Emmie ❤️! But I chilled most of that night and showed my friend Emmie some funny reels that made me die of laughter! Today was hectic but it made me smile!
Thursday, 9/19/24 - today is a normal day, sadly, but that's ok! Today during the first period, we did a Kahoot, and I got first place! I got some of them wrong but that's ok! Then we worked on any missing or uncompleted assignments! Then, in the second period, I got a second chance at breakfast and got a blueberry muffin and some honey gram crackers! Which we're actually very good! Then we worked on a Bohrn structure sheet for the different types of elements on the periodic table! I got the models done and got most of the notes done. I just need to cut them out and finish the sheet! Which I'm really close to doing! So I got a lot of work done! Then, at lunch, my awesome friend Nichole bought me a bag of sweet, spicy chili Doritos from the vending machine! I thank her for that! Plus, there are my favorite chips! Then in the third period, we did a website/ review sheet and folded another bindle paper used for small evidence. As I was laughing at how I couldn't fold it, another girl smiled at me, and it made me smile! Then, in fourth, we worked on the rest of the web quest, did some notes, and worked on brain games! Then on the bus, my friends told me how good the day was! And then, on the way home, we saw a floating leaf that kept spinning. It was enjoyable to watch, and it made me smile. Now we're currently chilling! Then we got a yummy salad from Mom, but for me, it had too much pepper, so I put it up for grabs! Don't wanna waste food! Then we chilled, did a workout, and I overheated, which sucks. I should've used the spray bottle or my fan, but it was my fault, lol! Then we went to bed! Today made me smile!
Friday, 9/20/24 - this morning, I was so tired and could barely keep my eyes open, so as they were getting dressed, I slept a little while longer! Then I got dressed, and we just did a workout, which woke me up pretty well. Then, on the way to our bus, we saw our cat Charlie being a big ol loaf. It was way too cute! We just had to take a picture! But at the bus stop, we saw the moon, which is something we saw over 9 months ago, which is weird/cool! I took several pictures at the bus stop and the bus! I had a thrill looking at all the pretty sights! In the first period, we have a test! Hopefully, I do well! Sadly, I did not do well and got a 53 on the test! But for right now, I just got to chill for the rest of the first period! Then in second period we worked on another worksheet! And thankfully I got it done! Just in time and then I worked on cutting out Bohr models! I got that completely finished! And then our friend Nichole gave us the news that she got her Job!! I am super proud of her! Then in third period we watched a YouTube documentary on Jon Benet Ramsey! A six-year-old tragically Murdered, and the case has never been solved for 2+ decades. It was bone-chilling to hear everything that had happened! Then, in the fourth period, we worked on some notes and kept laughing that day! Then we went home and enjoyed the rest of our day knowing it was the weekends!
Saturday, 9/21/24 - today, I woke up around six AM, and then we chilled most of the morning until our mom called us, and we had to work for an hour! But we soon got it all done! And her area looks a lot better! Then we chilled and hung out until 5 pm, that's when our friend called us and said that she was coming over! It was unexpected, but it was fine with our parents! So we hung out until 8:00 Pm! Maybe even 9! It was a fun crazy hangout! But it also resulted in injury! Our Nichole did a trust fall, not knowing he was not behind her. She fell and hit her hand! Causing her to need a bandaid! And she almost cried! Obviously, I did not film it, but I did comfort her, and my wife made her laugh! Then we listened to booming music at 42 volume!! It was crazy loud! We have that in our vlog! And Emmie's Quadriplegic celebration video reminds me it's my wife's 7-month celebration 🎊 🎉!! I am super proud of you baba ❤️! After that, we chill for a while! And I needed to use my spray bottle since I overheated that night but thankfully wasn't doing as bad as Luz and Donny! They felt nauseous and almost fainted! God forbid we go into a truck without having a rough night 😂! But thankfully, everyone is doing ok, and today made me smile!
Sunday, 9/22/24 - today I woke up pretty late from the long time we stayed up! Last night lol but I started my 46th round of chemotherapy at 10 am and should end my chemo session around 7 pm! To get to the main point of today we're going to our grandma's house! For a fun Sunday family dinner 🍽️! Before Grandma's, we watched videos, and I typed Saturday's entry! I ate a bowl of ramen, and that was it so far. Lol before I got to Grandma, we filmed some content and then headed out the door. Currently, we're driving and enjoying the beautiful sky! But sadly I overheated as my nose was running and I felt so hot! But don't worry I'm ok! I keep feeling waves of heat help. But I thankfully got over it! Then we listened to Grandfather talk about football 🏈 lol! Then we had a delicious dinner of chili and yummy salad 🥗! It was very good and I enjoyed it very much! Then me and Nancy talked for a while until we had yummy brownies with nuts and vanilla ice cream! It was very good, and we had a fun time currently. I've been done with chemotherapy for 14 minutes (it's 7:14 Pm). We eventually said goodbye after a wonderful stay, and then we drove home. On the drive home, I saw some more beautiful sunsets! I enjoy that so that certainly made me smile! Today was but a blur and fun! Sadly, we have to go back to school tomorrow, but we'll get through it! But today was great and it made me smile! Now for the most important question ⁉️
What made you smile this week?
Img desc #1: the beautiful sky is shown as the sun is setting. There are trees and houses very darkened mainly focusing on the pretty sky! The photo is not edited.
Img desc #2: doc is seen on a Cruise. She is seen smiling in her electric wheelchair as she has a red strap on her forehead. Doc is seen wearing a pink short-sleeved shirt and beige-colored sweatpants.
Img desc #3: Emmie is seen smiling in a dark room while wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and a black blazer she is seen with her hair combed.
Img desc #4: Emmie is seen in a bathroom mirror she is near a white sink wearing a white long sleeved buttoned up shirt and a black blazer over her white shirt she is wearing grey colored jeans paired with a black belt. Or the buckle of her electric wheelchair her wrist are resting on the arm rest of her electric wheelchair.
Img desc #5: doc is seen up very high! She is seen smiling while wearing a hat and a green short sleeved shirt and beige colored shorts her Atrophied hands are resting on her lap she is giving a wide smile to the camera.
Img desc #6: doc and Emmie are seen in a group photo doc seen on the left is seen smiling while wearing a hat and a green short sleeved shirt and beige colored shorts and white shoes she is seen in her electric wheelchair. Emmie seen right of the image is seen smiling while in her electric wheelchair while wearing a white short sleeved shirt and light colored shirt and white shoes Emmies arms are seen resting on a service dog and her arm rest. They are having a fun time!
Img desc #7: doc's and Emmie's grandma and grandfather are seen in a photo when they were younger. Grandma is seen resting on the chest of Grandfather. She is seen smiling while her hair is neatly combed and fixed. She is wearing a red shirt and a Dr coat as she was a nurse back then. They are near a bookshelf. Grandfather is seen with Grandma on his chest. He is seen smiling while wearing brown squared glasses. His hair is combed neatly, and he is wearing a white shirt. The picture is framed and put up on the wall.
Img desc #8: shows Doc's chili they had at grandma's house! With a salad nearby the chili is in a white bowl and on a table. The food was delicious!
Img desc #9: shows the moon in the sky that very morning at the bus stop! The moon is seen Looking very pretty!
Img desc #10: shows docs breakfast that morning with honey grams and blueberry muffin with milk on a grey table. The blueberry muffin was delicious!
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fractallogic · 1 year
My day tomorrow requires the use of every single ounce of executive functioning that I have to figure out when I need to be on campus to get everywhere on time
Okay. I need to advertise my experiment to a class on campus so I can finish the last SEVEN participants at noon. It’s all the way the fuck across campus in a confusing and unfamiliar building, so tbqh I should leave my office no later than 11:20 (20-min walk, 10 min to find the room, 5 min cushion, on time = 5 min early)
I don’t want to schlep all my stuff across campus so I’ll actually go to my office first and put everything down, so I need to get to the parking garage at around 11, maybe a little before (time to find a space and climb the stairs and actually get up to my office and the lab on the literal other side of the building, then basically turn around and go back out the door)
There’s also a lab meeting at 12 on zoom, so I’ll need to have an electronic with me, but I don’t want to take my entire computer, so if I take my iPad I can just have a normal-sized bag
I don’t want to go all the way back to my office because at 1 there’s a defense I feel obligated to attend (she is the sweetest and friendliest person alive and one of the few people who does syntax here, and. I just have to go even if it’s really throwing a wrench in my day) still on that side of campus, so maybe I actually do want a backpack if only to not have to clutch my water bottle as I walk all around campus (and then I can just have my computer for the lab meeting, which is easier than a device)
And then at about three, when the defense is over, I can finally go back to my office and do some work
I also need to remember to pick a lunch and, I guess, hope that my bread isn’t moldy, because a PB&J or a protein shake are my only options for a non-microwave-using lunch
Also there’s a Gathering(tm) for the post-defense party at 5 or 6 that I don’t think I super want to go to, actually, because I’m tired and need to go to the grocery store and want to go to the gym and NEED TO DO SOME WORK AT SOME POINT SO I CAN SPEND MY GRANT MONEY ugh, but I guess I’ll see how I feel about it tomorrow.
SO ANYWAY if I want to get to the parking garage by 11, I need to leave by 10:45ish. If I want to have a reasonable length of breakfast and get ready in a manner that doesn’t make me forget things, I should probably be downstairs by 10:15 at the absolute latest (and more realistically, probably 10).
If I leave my alarm set for 8:30, I won’t get enough sleep, so I guess I’ll set it for 9:30 to give my dumb ass time to hit snooze once for an extra 9 minutes (why 9, phone???) and moan and whine and complain to get dressed and go downstairs and rescue the cat.
I should also wear tennis shoes tomorrow because I will get blisters if I wear literally anything else walking (and sweating) that much.
I have no idea how I’m going to gym, shower, grocery, and eat dinner. Maybe I should just go to the party so that the professors can feed me instead, go grocery shopping afterwards, and go to the gym Friday morning. Christ.
Maybe I should just leave at 3 (or 4, once I congratulate her and get out of the chatty crowd and stuff and walk all the fucking way back to the garage), go straight to the gym (arriving at? 4:15?), finish an hour later, shower, grocery shop, dinner? And get something super chill for dinner while at the store? Or microwave a frozen pot pie?
So before I leave, I need to
eat breakfast (overnight oats)
make lunch (PB&J, hopefully)
pack gym clothes (just wear the gym shoes, it’s fine)
and I think that’s all. And leave by 10:40-10:45. And resign yourself to not working tomorrow unless a big lightning bolt of energy comes out after I eat. Nnnnggggghhhhhhhhhhhh
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plusreaderswhenever · 3 months
Another Prince Dreambert + Reader
A cold night. You were lonely. Laying in your bed under a thin blanket, you begrudgingly moved the bare minimum you had to in order to check the time on the alarm clock on your nightstand. 8:59 pm. 
There was no alarm set currently, but you still wanted to get a good night’s sleep because you needed it so very much. You’d been suffering from insomnia for long enough that it was taking a toll on your health and mood. To make it worse, the low temperature was making it harder to sleep. You didn’t have any blankets other than this thin one, and your heating system was broken. 
You shivered with a sigh, there was no hope in sight. The clock struck another minute. 9:00 pm.
You weren’t facing that direction, and it was too quiet to hear, but on the dot a figure carefully opened the door to your room and hovered silently in, closing the door behind him respectfully. You had no idea Prince Dreambert had come to visit you until he placed a hand on your shoulder and whispered, “Do you want my help?”
You startled for a split second until you realized it was just him. Gosh, there was no warning. “What are you doing here?” You murmured quietly.
“I know you haven’t been sleeping lately- your eyebags and grouchiness would’ve told me even if I didn’t have the ability to sense how much and how well people sleep. I came to see if you were sleeping tonight, and just as I feared, it’s 9:00 pm and you still aren’t giving off any sleep wavelengths!”
“Then why did you come in here so quietly if you sensed that I wasn’t asleep?”
“Force of habit. I have a very high respect for sleep.”
“Ah. … Why did you come here though?”
“I wanted to see if I could try something that would help.”
“How are you going to help?” You’d do almost anything at this point, you must’ve snapped at like, five people today alone.
“I was thinking we could cuddle.”
“Cuddle- wh-”
“Do not fear, it is customary on Pi’illo Island for friends to cuddle. Honestly, I think it should be the case everywhere!”
With your trust in Dreambert and desperation for sleep, you accepted with no hesitation. “Okay. Get in here.” You gently grabbed him out of the air and dragged him under the covers with you, to which he did not struggle.
He immediately wrapped his arms around and pressed into you. His arms were even softer than they looked, like they were made of fabric and feathers instead of flesh and bone. You squished him, and the rest of his body was like that too. Interesting, you knew he could turn into a pillow but you didn’t know he was like one in his normal form, too.
You were still cold, though. Dreambert noticed your shivering and, reluctant to leave you a bit colder for a second but knowing it had to be done, carefully moved one of his hands to the blanket to inspect its quality. His expression shot from concern to shock. It was way too thin for this temperature! No one on Pi’illo Island ever had to deal with this little comfort! With a wave of his hand, he conjured a better blanket with just the right material and thickness and slipped the first one out from under it so you didn’t have to go a second without warmth.
“Don’t thank me, you’ll not relax. Don’t nod either, unless you nod off.” He whispered that joke with less excitement than he normally would so your mind would settle down. “Just let all the tension in your body and mind disappear…” 
He was so serious about this, ‘cause he usually was a little less… serious… he really cared about… sleep… and you… he cared about… …you……
When you woke up, you felt refreshed and invigorated! Your body was full of energy for the first time in what felt like ages, and you were happier than that time that one show you liked got a new season! 
What was this?! You looked back at your clock, and it said- 5:30 am?! How? You thought it was a lot longer than that!
You looked down to your plush-like pal still sleeping in your arms. You had him to thank for this! You let him sleep, ready to thank him so hard when he woke up.
Looking closer at his sleeping face, you could see a sewn-together seam running vertically up and down it. It was very well-made, and it was only due to being so close that you could see it at all. 
You wondered if pi'illos were born like you assumed, or if they were stitched together by who-knows-who. Their parents? Probably, but you didn’t want to ask such a rude question.
Soon, his shiny, baby doll eyes opened, staying half closed and sleepy for a second before seeing you. He laughed, “I take it you had a good sleep?” He already knew the answer, but wanted to hear your happy voice.
“YES! YES, I DID! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!” You shook him and then squeezed him close. “Oh, you are very welcome!” He patted your back quickly yet gently, through which you could feel his joy at being able to help you. “You can keep the blanket by the way.” “Thanks for that, too!”
You got up and lost no energy when you did so, which was a rare occurrence lately! Dreambert saw how surprised but happy you were, and floated up next to you to say, “You must learn a proper sleep schedule for this to last. Set a bedtime…” You joked, “Okay, dad,” but clearly you were listening to his advice. 
Your insomnia was cured after a few days, so you sent him a thank-you gift in the form of a gif of the night sky sparkling with the words “✨🌟Tysm bestie🌟✨” Appearing every so often. He loved it. <3
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upward-stair · 3 months
R+R 3: Time Perception and It's Hold On my Life
Since I was in elementary school I've always been extremely aware of time like how long it would take to get places, how long certain things took to do and how much time people spent preforming certain tasks. For the longest time I kept a watch and would compulsively check it every 30 minutes to am hour. Some days it was so bad I would check it even if I already knew the approximate or even the exact time. I no longer have a watch on me everyday but I do still check the time rather frequently.
Something that I find myself doing now that I'm more responsible for me own appointments and general schedule is I will mentally map out how long it will take for me to finish all task that atr nessisary for me to get to the main event of the plan. I'll provide an example using a doctor's appointment.
Let's say that I have a doctor's appointment at 9:30 am (I always start my days early). Either as I wake up or the night before I would think the following sequence in my head.
"I have my alarm set for 8:00am and waze(a GPS app) says that It will take me 27 minutes to get there. That means I take 15 minutes in the bathroom till 8:15 then I pick and choose an outfit in 10 minutes. I'll likely only use 5 of those minutes to actually dress up but the rest is for any sort of procrastination till the next task at 8:25. After that I will gather any materials I need for the outing(🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈/hj) till 8:40 to account for anything I miss doing before or as a buffer for if I wake up late, procrastinate or get side tracked doing something else. From 8:40 till 8:50 I prepare and/or consume breakfast. After that I prepare music for the ride there and hopefully arrive early on account of the extra time I built in. "
Its quite a lot especially considering it usually only takes one phone call from someone else or a demand from my mother to ruin the plan but I always do it for everything.
This also leads me into my need to be early and do so consistently. All for my senior year of highschool school always started at 8:10am but I always wanted to be in the building or at least at the parking lot by 7:42 am. It was to the point where if I was a minute late I would become stressed and anxious even though I would always be early or at least on time if I had stopped to talk to a friend or my partner or needed to complete a task prior ro attending class.
Another aspect of how it controls my life is when I can track information (I will be making a post about this eventually) from it. One thing that really annoyed me when I first started using Tumblr is that by default times and dates are all removed from posts. You can turn it on in settings but it made it feel as if I was always just looking at things that happened forever ago instead of recently. How I use time on posts for example is to determine the mood of my mutuals (very few on here usually more on Instagram and other places). If I see that a person posts that they are mad about something at 2pm. and they post something that they like at 4pm typically (obviously it's person specific but I'm generalizing here) they are over that topic or have pushed it to the side for temporary joy. In the other circumstance though 4pm post about the same thing or a similar thing means that I usually inquire about the topic if nessisary. It also leads me to track when specific actions took place based on memory (not based on post time but general time and sequence of events). If I lost my keys after coming home in the after noon at 3 and I know that at 4:10(I don't usually remember the time just the event orders) I was on a call where I was spinning them on my fingers and I accidentally flung it behind something but never picked it up then I will check there first. It also leads me to track people and their actions (not in a weird way. I am not stalking people even though it would be easy for me to). Say I know someone that can't drive has a date at 4:30pm and we have a text conversation from 4pm to 4:15 pm. If the conversation was on hobbies they maybe thinking about what they will say on the date especially considering if it's their first date with this person. I can also conclude that they may be taking public transport or may have hitched a ride with another friend to get there and Depending on where they live and where the date is I may even be able to note their location at a specific time based on how long they've been going for. Again not in a creepy stalker way. More of a you presented the information and I connected the dots way (instead of actively looking for it). Back to school, I did a similar thing with how I memorize the schedules of all my friends because they just talked about their classes at specific times.
thanks for reading and remember that windows and mirrors both show you the world but you can only pass through one of them
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teaandthoughts24 · 8 months
So we went out last night…actually let me start at the beginning. My roommate, we’ll call her AB, invites me and my other roommate, AW, out to a club bc her guy is going to be there and she doesn’t want to go alone. I’m initially excited of course but then I’m like oh i don’t know if I’ll go bc I’m tired. In reality, I’m thinking about my boyfriend because he doesn’t like me to go out without him which is totally fine because I don’t want to go to clubs without him. So I’m really not planning to go and then I’m like I’ll invite him and that way we can all go and have a great night right? So I call him and I’m like hey AB invited us out to a club tonight but I said no initially bc I want to see if you want to come too (we both worked that day and had work the next morning so I was really on the fence). To my surprise, he says yes and sounds excited about it so then I’m getting excited right. Now I’m getting ready, I’m cleaning, making sure my dog is set up Etc. He shows up about 30 min to an hour after our call, showers and then gets in bed and starts playing games. All cool, then I shower, I start doing makeup, it’s about 8:30/9 at this time. Then he's hungry so he asks me to make him a grilled cheese. I didn't really want to but i do it because i love him duh. Now it's getting later, I'm trying to figure out what to wear, I'm trying on my roommates clothes and stuff. He makes some comment about why I'm trying so hard to look good, and why im acting "lesbian" (whatever that means???). So im like ??? are you good? Should i go out in my work clothes instead?? so that pissed me off but i let it go. Around this time he's like im gonna take a nap wake me up to get ready. im like did you set an alarm he says no. cool. so im basically ready but then i realize he didnt feed the dog when i asked him to. now i gotta feed my dog, switch bags, etc. its a little hectic but i have a sec to get in bed and lay down. he tries to make out in bed but im like babe my makeup. so hes knocked out and around 10:30/11 im like waking him up to get ready. of course he doesnt want to get up. so i wake him up like 3 times and then hes just laying in bed. i really hate to repeat myself so i ask him if he still wants to go and hes like "well you cant go alone" or something like that so now i feel like hes cranky and he doesnt want to go. anyway AB and AW are fully ready, ready to call ubers and hes like putting underwear on. Anyway we (me, AB, AW) take a shot and then we all get in the Uber. Now we’re heading to the place, we’re on the list so we go right in, get to our table, get some drinks. It’s a club so you know the vibes. We eventually move to the dj booth bc the guy that AB knows is the dj (not her dude tho). Now we’re posted up in the dj booth, musics going, got some more drinks and I’m trying to throw some ass on my boyfriend. He just stands against the wall THE WHOLE TIME. He’s not dancing, not drinking, not smiling, not talking just standing on the wall. So I’m dancing on him the whole time, drinking talking with AB and AW, we met her guy, it’s a good time. Later in the night, AB leaves with her dude so it’s me, AW and my boyfriend. At one point he leaves (???) or I leave (???) details are fuzzy because I was wasted. Anyway, we’re going back to get into the dj booth, me and AW walk up first and then the security guy doesn’t let my boyfriend in because they don’t want guys up there anymore. I’m assuming because when it was a female dj there were guys and girls up there but then it switched to a dude and they wanted all girls I DONT KNOW. Anyway we (me and AW) walk back out because we’re not gonna ditch him obviously. We go back to the first table we were at initially and there’s a guy there that we met at a party with AB and again when we went to see this same dj dude at another club. He hugs AW and then hugs me. I think this pissed my boyfriend off because we were sitting there not talking I don’t think. Just sitting while AW is talking to this guy. I know she’s not into him so we start talking about leaving soon. (1/2)
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thebearcathideout · 1 year
Divine Intervention
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“Time is money,” we say. “I don’t have enough time.” “Time flies, time drags”
The most unbelievable thing happened last Tuesday. That morning, I unfortunately woke up at 11 AM. Keep in mind, my class starts at 10:05 AM. I thought this was impossible, as I had just set my alarm last night for 9:30 AM, so I must’ve not turned it on, clicked the “off” button in my sleep, or my roommate turned it off. And even worse, I had woken up at 8 AM, but gone back to sleep, because I had assumed my alarm would wake me up. What I did next was get out of bed (I never brushed my teeth or did my morning routine), and walked out of my residence hall. The grass was green, and you could see signs hung up on lampposts that said the name of the housing community.
I walked to the Fine Arts center —
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On my path to the Fine Arts Center.
running a small stretch of the way —
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The front of the Fine Arts Center.
and when I got there, one thing led to another.
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Where the first person’s desk was located.
I met one person-
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The part of the hallway where myself and the 1st person saw the 2nd person passing by.
that directed me to another person, who was just passing by on his way to his office on the first floor.
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The 2nd person’s office.
He found out that the room I was going to wasn’t “039A,” but instead “093A,” which was a dance studio.
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Where I told the 2nd person that I was 80, 85 minutes late.
I told him that I was 80 minutes late, now 85, because it was 11:25 AM.
Then I got to the dance studio. One wall was lined with mirrors, and there was a small staircase going down. On the opposite end of the room was a similar staircase, and sitting between these two staircases was a woman. She was caught off-guard by my appearance. Was she working in here, and didn’t want to be caught? She said that this was a dance studio for pop and tap, and I said that I was supposed to go to a tap class, but I was so late that it probably ended. She revealed that she was the TA for that class, and let me write down my name and pronouns (effectively serving as attendance and future record-keeping for the 1st day of class). Then as I was leaving, another woman came in, and she was the professor for this class! (She was barefoot, the TA wore socks.) She told me that everything was on Brightspace, including the syllabus. I asked her if I could find her email and contact information on the syllabus, she believed so. Another student (for the next class) standing at the door said that in the “people” tab there’s everyone’s names and email addresses. So while I was unlucky waking up late — this would have caused a normal person to give up, or have no idea what to do, as I did — I was able to change the room to the correct number, receive a special face-to-face meeting with my professor and TA, and have an idea of what the class is like on the first day. I think back to something that a friend of mine told me in my first year at Binghamton. He elaborated on it this year, now that we lived in the same residence hall, on the same floor: that I am emotionally strong, I can deal with some ridiculous situations. Maybe he was right. So really, am I unlucky or lucky?
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okay so! I drive the 30 minutes to the store where there's a bunch of firefighters, I go in to let them into the office and they explain there's 3 separate smoke detectors that went off but someone silenced them
had to text the store manager who confirmed that yes Chris, the district manager, remotely silenced them which is a huge fucking issue bc there could've been an actual fire so the deputy fire chief tells me we're definitely gonna get a visit from the fire inspector on Monday esp bc the emergency set of keys are old and don't work in addition to the silenced alarms
so I had to call the alarm company to see if they can reset the fire panel, they cannot and tell me we'll need to call in a tech and I have to go through the DM to do that. I call the DM and get his answering machine, I'm halfway through leaving a message when the firefighters tell me they were able to manually reset the fire panel so I had to backtrack and tell Chris never mind
so everything's all set, the firefighters are heading out and I just have to reset the store alarms. the keypad will not let me set the alarm bc there's an issue with the back rollup door. so I had to call the alarm company again.
this time the guy who took the call tells me he's not getting anything in the system for the store address or phone number, like there was nothing in the system at all which makes no sense. so after confirming the phone number and zip code multiple times I ended up ending the call and trying again.
next guy to answer immediately pulls up our store and gets ready to set the alarm manually so I don't know how the other guy couldn't find us in the system
then I had to go get gas before driving another 30 minutes back to the house. the only upside is that I get two hours of overtime for coming in for the alarm and my store manager told me to come in 8-9 instead of 6
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halyconicabditory · 2 years
Timed Writing 10/18
I hoped into bed last night at the early time of 10:30. I had just washed my face after spending the day watching movies instead of studying for my french midterm this morning. My overheated laptop warms the blanket it lays on, adding another factor of un-comfortability in my overheated room, saved by a $30 fan from bed bath and beyond. Time has tricked on and it was now 1am. The lights were turned off and it was a quiet space interrupted sporadicly by the creaks of the school issued bed with every toss and turn. A natural insomniac, I couldn't sleep. It was the worst mix of unease. The room was boiling, I was sweating, the fan blowing directly on me shared a chill calling for the blanket to cover me. The blanket created a sauna. The nerves of a midterm was running throughout my body. My stomach dropped and I was unaware if it was caused by hunger or nervousness. The dim light reflects off my face and creates a halo against my wall. Mindlessly scrolling through tiktok, switching through games of solitaire on my phone. "I need to go to sleep" I think to myself. I check the time. 3:45. Oh my god. I need to go to sleep. I set three alarms. 7:30, 7:45 and 8am. I turn my phone off and I close my eyes. I toss and I turn again. "Ok, maybe If I scroll through tiktok again it will make me tired". It did. I wake up to the annoying tone of an alarm. I toss and turn. I wake up again to the noise of the alarm. I toss and turn. I wake up AGAIN to the toss of the alarm. I look at my phone. Its 7:45. I turn off the remainder of the alarms. I will just close my eyes for five minutes. I started to dream and for some reason the most interesting and most remembered dreams happen in the period of time I was to rest for 5 extra minutes. The dream was all over the place. Rooms connecting rooms that are located in different areas. Friends hanging out with friends who dont know each other in the real world. My boyfriend shows me an email he recieves on his phone. The time: 8:36am. I jolt up. I awaken with fear. I look at my phone. It is 8:36am. I leap out of bed and rush to put on my clothes and run to my 9:05 class, in time for my midterm
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