#don’t worry I feel guilty about being annoyed so it’s fine!!!!
fractallogic · 1 year
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Okay so like I think this is what I need to do tomorrow in a relatively fine-grained denomination and also in order for what needs to happen when
The real question is whether I can keep myself on task enough to actually be able to accomplish it all (including the bed by 10 PM part)
Guys I am STRESSED and OVERWHELMED and it is my OWN DUMBASS FUCKING FAULT (also partly my dad’s because I was genuinely no longer expecting to go out of town this weekend because he was taking so long with the arrangements, so I had started to assume that oh, I’ll just have a normal week this week, and NOW I think I’ll even have to try to do some work this weekend???? Which is bullshit, but also depends on WHETHER I CAN KEEP MYSELF ON FUCKING TASK TOMORROW because I would REALLY LIKE TO LEAVE MY COMPUTER AT HOME (but actually probably can’t if I’m supposed to get comments to the team back by Thursday and tomorrow is full. So. Fuck))
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captainfern · 1 year
Captain John Price x fem!reader
[“Breed” by Nirvana]
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• summary – you and price meet up off base. you fuck lol. • rating – 18+ [mdni] • wordcount – 4.6k • warnings – fem!reader, praise kink, breeding kink [i'm being so fr it's in bold], unprotected piv, oral [f!receiving], price is a whore for you <3, strong language
(let me know if i missed any warnings! ok hope you like <3)
You had been off base for all of four hours.
It was supposed to be a weekend away from your colleagues and the cutthroat environment of a military job. You planned on enjoying a peaceful couple of days with the company of excessive amounts of alcohol, a spa, and that one situationship you had been dealing with for the past year.
So now, before your holiday even begun, you were already regretting even leaving.
You sat in a quaint little bar: complete with all the bells and whistles to make it seem like a 1920’s speakeasy. The light was dim, settling the room in a golden ambiance, as people conversed with each other, nursing crystal tumblers of dark liquor or caressing the thin neck of martini glasses.
You reclined into the plush leather sofa beneath you, a glass of— as the familiar bartender described it— your usual in your hand. You swirled it around your glass, watching the liquid slosh against the sides as your “situationship” rambled on about something (you had stopped paying attention five minutes ago).
“I mean, he drove to work in a Porsche and I drove a Jaguar,” Max downed the rest of his beer. “I think we both know who has the superior taste in cars, don’t we?”
“Mhm…” you hummed, taking a sip of your drink.
Max had never been the most interesting person— hell, he was actually really fucking annoying. His only redeeming quality was that you could fuck him and not feel guilty about leaving the next morning. Convenience, really.
Max peered at you over the rim of his pint glass, cocking his head to the side as he placed it back onto the table. “Something on you mind?” He asked, sounding genuinely worried.
You looked up at him, slightly startled. “Oh, no, sorry. It’s just been a long day—”
“Okay, great, now can I finish my story?”
You blinked at him as he continued, rambling on with no real punchline to his story— he was just trying to make himself seem richer. At this point, you were cringing. Embarrassing.
After a while of putting up with… whatever the hell Max was even talking about, you excused yourself. You popped to the bathroom, drawing out the process of washing your hands by a good five minutes, before reluctantly exiting the bathroom.
You collided with a wall.
Well, it wasn’t a wall. The wall was a man.
The body you crashed into immediately steadied you: two strong arms wrapping around your upper body, pressing you gently to a taut abdomen. You gasped out as the wall, smelling strongly of bergamot orange and whiskey, settled your firmly on your feet and held you within arms reach. Large hands gripped your shoulders, completely enveloping them.
You screwed your eyes shut, waiting for a drunken insult of some kind. “Shit, I am so sorry—!”
You looked up, locking eyes with your captain. Captain John Price, the man responsable for leading your taskforce.
“Captain? I… I am so sorry.” You rambled, taking a step out of his reach and fidgeting nervously with the hem of your shirt. “I wasn’t looking where I was going—”
He laughed, deep and melodic. “S’all right, love. You didn’t hurt yourself, did you?”
“No, sir.”
“Oh, none of that crap,” he smiled, nudging you softly. “John’s fine. Or Price, if you really prefer it.”
You nodded, hiding a small smile. “Alright, Price.”
Price looked you up and down, taking in your attire and the way you had dolled yourself up. He let a small smile fall onto his lips as he leaned back against the standing-table he was situated at, elbow across it.
“Who’s got you dressed all nice, love?”
You rolled your eyes. “I was meant to be on a date, but it isn’t going well at all.”
His smile faded. “What’s the matter?”
“Oh, nothing major,” you said with a shrug. “Just an old… friend. He loves to talk about himself, and he hasn’t asked about what I’ve been up to since I got here.”
“And how long ago was that?”
“Two hours.”
Price let out a low whistle, shaking his head slowly. “Sounds like a right arsehole, that one. Why don’t you just head on home?”
“I’d feel guilty—”
“You kill people for a living, sergeant,” Price quipped, grabbing his whiskey tumbler and raising it to his lips. “I doubt you’d feel guilty about leaving this tosser.”
You watched him take a sip of his drink, licking the liquor off his lips as he placed the tumbler back down. You sighed, realising that he was probably right, before squaring your shoulders and setting a determined look on your face. Price laughed at your expression.
“I’ll tell him I’m leaving.” You said.
Price chuckled, giving you a wink. “You go do that, love.”
You left Price and crossed the bar, to where Max was sitting on the couch, smiling at his phone. He was typing fast, and didn’t even look up when you cleared your throat to get his attention, now standing just a few feet from him.
“I’m leaving,” you said simply. “Thanks for… the company, I guess.”
Max looked up, shutting his phone off and shoving it into his pocket as he got to his feet. “Are we not gonna fuck?”
The words leaving his mouth sounded horrid, and you withheld a grimace at his desperate tone. You shook your head, “No, we’re not.”
He scoffed. “So this has been a complete waste of time, then?”
You stared at him, dumbfounded as he shoved past you and vanished out the door. He left you with the bill and, not only that, but he was your ride— and you heard the unmistakable sound of his Jaguar revving it’s engine and tearing off down the street.
You blinked, dumbfounded, at the door, trying not to let the stinging of embarrassed tears fall from behind your eyes. With a frustrated sigh, you were about to head to the bar and pay when Price stopped you, walking into your path.
“Come on, love. I’ll take you home.”
You shook your head adamantly. “Price, no, I’ve gotta pay—”
“I’ll put it on my tab,” he said simply. “Now, come on. I’ll take you home since that fuckwit wants to leave a lady stranded here.”
He ushered you gently out the door, a large, warm hand on your lower back. He didn’t let you protest: he just simply guided you out into the chilly night air. His body heat was warm against your back as he led you towards his car. His smell was intoxicating. You had the sudden urge to just whirl around and rub yourself all over him, collecting his scent like a cat.
Um, what the fuck— suddenly crossed your mind.
When you both reached his car, he opened the passenger door for you and allowed you to slide into the seat, before closing it and moving to the other side, clambering into the driver seat and slotting the key into the ignition, the car rumbling to life.
Once out onto the main road, he cast you a quick glance, both hands on the wheel, running his thumbs along the seam of the wheel’s curve. “We’re you staying?”
You gave him your address, and he raised a brow. “A penthouse suite, eh? We are clearly not being paid the same.”
You laughed, warm in his car. You smelt that same scent of bergamot citrus and whiskey floating through the car. It was tainted with cigar smoke and mint. You wanted to get the smell tattooed into your fucking brain.
The drive to your flat was comfortable. You talked with Price as though he was an old friend and not your boss. He seemed to enjoy your company, too: sparing subtly glances in your direction whenever you laughed, or whenever you got particularly excited when telling him a story. His eyes twinkled.
A few minutes later, Price had pulled up outside your building, killing the engine and hopping out of the car. You went to protest, but he moved and opened your door, beckoning you outside with a small wave of his hand.
“I’ll be walking you to your door, sergeant,” Price said, almost sternly. “I’m a man of my word. I said I’d take you home, so I will.”
Ignoring the heat in your cheeks, you allowed him to gently lead you across the foyer and into the lift. You hit your floor level and as the doors closed, you suddenly became aware of how close you and Price were to one another. You could feel his body heat. You could feel the gentle brush of his chest against your back every time he breathed.
Maybe it was the small amount of alcohol coursing through your veins, but you suddenly felt hot. Like, underwear getting wet kinda hot. In the corner of the lift, you shifted your legs, pressing your thighs together as the lift travelled upwards.
No way you’re horny right now, you thought as the lift doors opened.
You were quick to depart, hurrying down the hall and reaching your door in record speed, fumbling to get the keys out of your purse. You felt Price sidle up behind you. When you finally got the door open, you pushed it and stepped into the doorway, flicking the light on before turning and looking up at Price.
“Thank you so much for bringing me home,” you said sincerely. “And I am genuinely sorry if I ruined your night.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said. “You didn’t ruin my night. I’m always here if you need me, love.”
You bit your lip. The way he said that was way to hot for the way you were feeling right now. You could feel the flush creeping up your neck, and it seemed that Price took notice.
He cocked his head to the side, appraising you. “Are you alright, love?” He asked, reaching a hand out and placing it heavily on your arm. It was a solid form that was warm and strong and you had a sudden urge to just bite it.
What the fuck.
“Y-yeah, I’m okay.” You said. Liar.
Price raised a brow, looking at the way you squirmed under his gaze. Now, he wasn’t stupid by any means— he could read your body language like a book and it made a triumphant smile flicker across his face.
He shifted the hand on your arm and dragged it to your chin, gripping it carefully and lifting it, forcing you to look up at him.
“What do you want, love?”
You blinked at him.
He tutted. “Don’t get shy on me now, sergeant. Tell me what you want. What’s getting you all worked up, huh?” He stroked your jaw, your cheek, running his thumb over your bottom lip. “You like the way I talk to you? You like when I call you love?”
You let out a quiet whimper, nodding. He smiled down at you, leaning in as though he was about to kiss you. But he stopped, mint and whiskey laced breath fanning across your face.
“Use your words when you speak to your captain.”
You swallowed. “Yes.”
“Yes, sir.”
He hummed, pleased. “That’s a good girl.” And then pressed his mouth to yours. It was possessive— his tongue breached past your lips, plunging desperately into your mouth as you tried to keep up. You wound your arms around his broad shoulders, sliding fingers into his hair and gripping the strands. He groaned into your mouth, pushing you further into your flat without breaking the kiss.
He slammed the door shut and locked it blindly, opting to move you around and slam your body up against it. He cupped your jaw with one hand, shifting his other to run down your side, brushing over your hip and settling on your upper thigh. He squeezed it as he slid one leg between yours, jutting his knee upwards and pressing it against your clothed core.
You let out a strangled whimper, choking on the possessive nature of the kiss as Price pressed your body against his knee, using the hand at your hip to help you move against it. You stuttered on a moan, breaking the kiss to take some short breaths, the pressure on your core alleviating the building sensations.
“This what you want?” Price grinned against your jawline, placing kisses there. “You want me to make you feel good, love?”
You nodded desperately, moaning out a pathetic “yes, sir,” before he was whirling you around and guiding you deeper into your flat. He eventually found your bedroom, and pushed you onto the bed. Your back hit the silken sheets, and he wasted no time in following you; pressing his body to yours and immediately reattaching his mouth to yours hungrily.
As the two of you kissed, he gently began to pry your clothes from your body. He slipped your shirt off, making quick work in popping off your bra. He moved down, planting kisses along your chest and across the swell of your breasts. He then drew his tongue, hot, over your right nipple before taking it into his mouth. You moaned loudly, huskily, gripping at his hair as he sucked. He moved to your left one, and repeated the process until you were a whimpering, needy mess beneath him.
After a moment, he leaned back and admired the hickeys he had created over your soft skin, running calloused fingers over them.
“This okay, love?”
You nodded, reaching up and looping your fingers around his belt. “Yes, sir.” You whined, finally managing to undo the buckle on his belt.
But he stopped you, gently pushing your hands above your head before he dipped down and kissed you again. The way he licked into your mouth made you squirm, fingers flexing beneath his strong grip. He released your arms, running his hands along the bare skin and all the way past your shoulders, over your breasts and along your sides.
His eyes never left yours as he popped the button on your pants, pulling them down your legs and throwing them across the room. When the cool air of your room hit, you realised just how wet you were— favourite pair of underwear, soaked through. Your face lit up in embarrassment as you felt Price’s eyes drift down your body.
“S’all for me?” Price uttered, finger skimming the edge of your underwear. He hooked his finger beneath it and let it go with a snap against the plush fat of your thigh.
You felt hot all over when you mumbled out a “yeah.”
“Yeah?” He pulled your underwear down your legs, dragging his hands heavily along your skin alongside it. Like your pants, he flicked your underwear across the room. Then, his hands were on your thighs and in the blink of an eye, you were flipped over.
Price lay on his back, arms wrapped around your thighs. You straddled his chest, hands resting on his pecs. Your fingers brushed through his chest hair as he looked up at you, an expectant look on his face. Your stomach flipped.
“Price…” You whined.
“Sit on my face, love.”
You hesitantly shook your head. “I don’t want to hurt—”
“Come on, darling,” Price drawled, tugging you forward. “You won’t hurt me.”
You let out a stuttered sigh as your thighs rested either side of his head, and you slowly sank your aching cunt down onto his face. You huffed out a load moan when he licked a stripe up your folds, before plunging his tongue right into your dripping heat. You snatched at his head, pulling his hair as your hips shifted against him— his nose nudging your clit, his tongue drawing animalistic sounds from your mouth.
“That’s a good girl,” Price uttered against your core. “Ride my face, love. Take what you need.” He had an iron grip on your thighs, helping you rock yourself against his mouth. “Such a pretty, wet cunt. Tastes so fucking good.”
You moaned at his words. Your captain speaking to you like that with his face drowning in your cunt. What the fuck—
“P-Price…” You breathed. “Gonna… gonna come.”
He moaned against your cunt— the vibrations making that coil in your stomach tighten. He squeezed your thighs, running his tongue up your folds and swirling it around your clit, repeating this action a few times.
You felt yourself drawing tight, a thin sheen of sweat gathering across your bare skin. “Price—”
“I know, darling, I know,” he said. “Come for me. Come in my mouth like a good girl, yeah?”
“Yeah, fuck, Price—!” You came with a moan of his name, gushing into his mouth as your hips stuttered against his face. You felt him groan beneath you, tongue working you through your orgasm.
After a long moment, Price re-surfaced— shifting you carefully onto your back and hovering over you. You smiled hazily at him, seeing his beard slick with you, shiny. He hummed, pressing his mouth to yours.
“Such a good girl, aren’t you, sergeant?” He said into your mouth.
You could taste yourself on his lips, his tongue. You hummed a response, too busy stroking his facial hair, feeling your own arousal sticky on your fingers.
When Price pulled back, his lips were flushed and his dark eyes glassy. His eyes scanned your face.
“Price?” Your thumb stroked his cheekbone.
“You gonna let me fuck you?” He grumbled, deep and low from his chest. “Gonna let me fill this pretty cunt?”
Your eyes widened momentarily as he shifted his gaze down your body. You arched off the bed when his hands went back to travelling down your sides. He sat back on his heels, spreading your legs as wide as they could go, warm hands on your inner thighs.
He stared at your dripping core, and you watched him harden even more in his pants.
“Such a pretty cunt, eh, darling?” Price ran two fingers along your folds, collecting a shiny mix of your arousal and his saliva. He brought his fingers to your mouth and shoved them roughly passed your lips. “Tastes fucking heavenly, too.”
You choked on his fingers, moaning. Wrapping your tongue around them, you noticed his pupils dilate even more as he watched you.
“Jesus…” He pulled his fingers out, then began tracing them along your core again. He watched his fingertips slip between your folds, and then watched the way you writhed in anticipation each time his fingers skimmed your aching hole.
“Fuck, just— Price, please—” You warbled, body hot. You could feel your arousal leaking out of you, pooling below your arse on the bedsheets.
Price laughed lowly, before sinking two fingers into your desperate cunt, right up to the knuckle. You keened, a high-pitched moan filtering between your lips at the intrusion. His digits were thick, dragging against your gummy walls, stretching you open with obscene squelching noises.
He cooed at you as he added a third finger. “Take it, darling. Such a good girl taking all three, aren’t you? This pretty cunt’s so good for me. Just for me.”
You moaned and wiggled against the bed as he pumped three fingers inside you. You felt full, satiated. Your slick was dripping down his hand, his wrist and sliding into the hairs along his forearms.
“Making such a mess, and I haven’t even given you my cock yet…” Price drawled as you fluttered around his fingers, hips bucking.
“Price, sir, need you to fuck me.”
He didn’t relent the movements of his fingers, and you felt your second orgasm building strongly within you. He tutted, clucking his tongue as he thrusted his fingers into you. “Want you to come on my fingers first. You can do that, can’t you, love? Come all over my fingers before you can come on my cock.”
You whined, forcing yourself to nod and nod and nod as your orgasm towered over you, looming like a shadow. “F-fuck, m’gonna—”
The words died on your tongue as your orgasm ripped through you, a blinding pressure released from your abdomen. A wet gush of arousal flooded beneath you, and you felt it. As you shook, legs trembling, chest heaving, you heard Price chuckling to himself as he retracted his dripping fingers.
“Such a messy girl,” he mused. “Look what you’ve done.”
You used your remaining strength to look down at where he was— his shirt splattered with your arousal, wet dripping onto his lap. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, but Price prevented you from shying away. He dragged himself up your body and placed kisses as he went— ending his exploration by settling a deep kiss to your mouth.
“You gonna let me fuck you now? You deserve it, don’t you? Been such a good girl for me, letting me eat that pretty cunt.”
Such lewd words coming from your captain’s mouth— a man of such impressive status and honourability— was slightly disconcerting. However, you couldn’t find into yourself to care, nor think about the HR nightmare the two of you were in the midst of causing.
All you were focussing on was ripping open your tear-lined eyes and watching as the captain— your captain— shed himself of his dress shirt and then his pants. When he pulled down his boxers, you literally tossed your head back and moaned, much to the amusement of Price— who chuckled lowly at you, gripping his cock at the base.
“Want it that bad, darling?” He mused, leaning forward to run the head of his cock up and down your glistening folds.
“Yes, fuck—!”
“Ask nicely,” Price placed a couple of soft kisses along the underside of your jaw. “Good girl’s ask nicely, don’t they?”
You whined out some pathetic excuse for a please, lifting your arms to thread your fingers into his hair as he hovered over you. His body was heavy against you: the weight of his cock firm against the soft skin of your inner thigh.
Price lined himself up with your dripping cunt, slowly pushing in. He released a low groan from the depths of his chest as his cock slid into your tight heat, your cunt fluttering around him. You joined him, breathing out panting moans as he sunk deeper and deeper.
With one final push, Price’s cockhead was nestled up against the plug of your womb, pulsing within you. He dipped his head into the crook of your neck, breathing heavily.
“You feel… Jesus Christ— you feel so good, love. So tight around me,” his voice had a whiny undertone. “Can I move, darling?”
You nodded, full. It’s like you could feel him in your chest.
With a deep grunt, Price dragged his cock all the way out until the wet tip of him rested at your entrance— before he pushed back in roughly. You jolted, moaning as he set a pace that you hadn’t at all been expecting. You felt the need to be stabilised, your hands groping across his shoulders, down his back, along his arms. Your hands travelled down his torso, feeling the rigid planes of muscle and wiry hair.
Price panted in your ear. “Such a— fuck— such a good girl. Being such a good girl for your captain, darling. Making me— hngh— making me so proud.”
Your stomach and cunt fluttered simultaneously at the praise, eliciting a moan from both you and Price. He was truly fucking you into your bed: the mattress creaking along with the bed frame; the cushioned headboard knocking gently against the wall. Somewhere across your apartment, your radio was playing— you’d left it on before you left for the evening— and Breed by Nirvana was playing. Fitting for the occasion, considering—
“Fuck, gonna come in this tight fucking cunt,” Price groaned. “Gonna fill you up so good. Gonna stuff you full ‘o me.”
You writhed beneath him, back arching off the bed and aching nipples brushing against his chest. You were getting close, judging by the way that familial coil was tightening in the depths of your belly. Tighter and tighter as he fucked his fat cock harder and harder into you, deeper and deeper against your cervix.
A thin sheen of sweat lay across your skin, glowing. Price didn’t care, clearly, as he peppered kisses across your chest, sucking bites onto the base of your neck as he rutted into you, hips slamming against yours. You felt one of his large, warm hands slide from your waist and across your pelvis, settling a finger on your sensitive clit.
You whined, and he shushed your gently. “Take it, darling, take it. I know you can… come on.”
Price rubbed tight circles against the bundle of nerves as he fucked you, hitting that same spot within you that had you seeing stars behind your eyelids and whimpering his name repeatedly.
It only took a couple of seconds for you to reach your peak.
“Price, m’gonna come,” you gasped, trembling and snapping your eyes open. “Please, sir—!”
He groaned, gruff and pleasure-strained. “That’s a good girl, darling. ‘Course you can come. Come all over my fucking cock and show me how much of a good girl you are for your captain.”
Yeah, that was it.
You came, for lack of better words, violently. You legs shook, knees trembling as you arched your back off the mattress. Your body pressed tight to Price’s, his cock angling deeper as he fucked you through your post-orgasmic haze. Your breaths came in pants, face flushed and clit throbbing.
Price meanwhile was nearing his peak as well. He was fucking you into your silken sheets like a scene out of some kind of porno— large hands gripping at your waist, your thighs; eyes travelling hungrily down your body to where his cock repeatedly entered your tight hole. His cock was completely slick with you, his pelvis and lower stomach splashed and glimmering with your arousal.
“Gonna fill you up so good,” Price groaned, eyelids fluttering for a moment. “Come so deep in this cunt you’ll feel me for weeks— ruin you for any other man, eh, love? That fuckwit from the bar has nothing on me.”
You didn’t even have the energy to moan like you really fucking wanted too. Everything he was saying was going straight to your aching cunt, and it was probably sending you to an early ovulation. You felt like you craved him.
Price suddenly grabbed your hand, bringing it downwards to where his cock slammed into you. He pushed your fingers around your hole so that you could feel where his fat cock entered you over and over again. You moaned at the feeling, just as Price knocked your hand aside and folded you in half— pressing your legs up against your chest. A mating press.
He was huffing now, drawing near his climax as another one built within you.
“One more time for me, love.” He said and Jesus Christ you didn’t need to be told again.
Another orgasm overtook you before you knew it was there: drowning you and leaving you gasping as you gushed around him, hands gripping the back of his neck for support. You sighed out his name, airy and exhausted, as his thrusts began to lose rhythm.
“Good girl, good fucking girl,” he uttered. “So good for me. Now ‘m gonna fill this cunt so good— shit— fucking breed you nice and full. Might take, eh, love? You’d love that wouldn’t you? Love being all nice and fat with my kid, and I’d fuck you whenever you wanted— hngh, Jesus— give this needy cunt my cock whenever you wanted.”
These words were coming out of your captain’s mouth… Soap is never going to believe you.
Price let out a low, almost whimper of a sound as he thrusted sloppily a couple more times. “Take it, darling, fuck. Take my come. Fucking take it like my good girl. So proud of you.”
He came with a shudder and a deep groan: warmth flooding your insides and splashing deep into your cervix— helpful thanks to the fact you could feel him in your guts.
The both of you breathed heavily in tandem until his cock softened inside you and he pulled out carefully. His come oozed out of your hole, and he shoved it back inside with two fingers.
Price cleared his throat. “I’m gonna have to do a lot of paperwork to get us out of whatever mess we’ve just put ourselves in.”
You sighed. “Let’s not talk about work when you’re knuckle deep in my pussy.”
Price stopped talking, leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips.
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It’s SO funny to me when I see movie fans writing alex as this daddy dom, himbo guy because Alex is so!!!
If you scream at him a little too loudly he’ll probably cry, just not in front of you. He falls in love really hard and deeply but it takes him so long to accept that he can also be loved hard and deeply! He has the highest grades ever 1) because he’s smart and 2) because he bases his self worth on making others proud, on being useful. He overworks himself, he runs to clear his head until his feet bleed, his coffee is bitter but so are his thoughts. He’s a softie, who writes his bf love letters and who probably giggles and kicks his feet while reading what henry writes back to him. He can absolutely destroy you in a debate, don’t even try to argue with him he’ll win each time. He talks a lot but he has never been listened to. His rivalry with Henry started with a bad meeting and also with constant comparison, because everyone compared them both, and it was just a constant reminder than Alex will never be enough. Henry was born on the spotlight, Alex wasn’t. Henry was white, Alex wasn’t. Henry had everyone’s support, Alex didn’t. *He is a jester and a devoted knight. He knows hundreds of fun facts and will tell you. He loves Texas despite the bad memories of his childhood and teen years it brings. He feels guilty for making his sister worry so much. He loves his mother despite everything, and she loves him too, but they have an unusual, almost unhealthy relationship. He needs to prove himself every minute of the day. He works as a distraction. He puts on a façade around everyone, golden boy, America’s heartthrob, no one sees his house key, his glasses, the hundreds of papers hidden under the windowsill, the pills stolen from Liam. Someone teach this man healthy coping mechanisms. He is a child of divorce, and this affects him more than he lets on. He is actually a huge nerd. He grew up poor. He was in denial about his sexuality for years. He definitely has abandonment issues. He might be impulsive sometimes (storming Kensington palace after being ghosted by Henry) but he usually thinks things through, and is very reasonable. He makes lists, tons of them. He has undiagnosed adhd and this has shaped him as a person in a way I can’t even describe. Before Henry, bea, and Pez, he didn’t have any friends aside from Nora and his sister. He grew up catholic. He is a romantic. And a dork. He is just as passionate about history as Henry is. But Nora makes friends, and Alex ends up with acquaintances who think they know him because they’ve read his profile in New York Magazine, and perfectly fine people with perfectly fine bodies who want to take him home from the bar. None of it is satisfying—it never has been, not really, but it never mattered as much as it does now that there’s the sharp counterpoint of Henry, who knows him. Henry who’s seen him in glasses and tolerates him at his most annoying and still kissed him like he wanted him, singularly, not the idea of him.
Always the talker, never the heard. Always good, never enough. Always ogled, never seen. Always the first son, never Alex.
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hariboz · 7 months
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“when you don’t tell your boyfriend you’re sick and still perform!”
pairing: idol!bf!ricky x gn!idol!reader
genre: fluff, tiny angst (?)
warning: mention of headaches, blurry vision, nausea and similar symptoms, softie bf!ricky, that’s it i think?
notes: ty to nonnie for requesting this!! i got a little carried away but i got into a pretty good flow writing it so i hope you enjoy 🥹🫶🏻 also!! this is my first time writing idol!reader so i hope it feels somewhat realistic…? as realistic as it can be i guess 😵‍💫
word count: 1.8k (😵‍💫 how and why…)
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five, six, seven, eight.
five, six, seven, eight.
five, six, seven—
“y/n, are you okay?” the voice of your leader rips you out of your trance, your tired eyes meeting in the mirror. you nod and put on a bright, although fake smile in hopes of being reassuring, though you’re not sure you were being all too convincing — either way, none of your members pry, because they understand. they understand the need to push through, especially now with all these end of the year award shows happening; you simply can’t afford to be sick, to fall behind and to be absent from such huge events. so, you decide to push through the dizziness, nausea and pain. you’ll take some medication later, it’ll be fine. (at least that’s what you’re telling yourself when you catch yourself stumbling from the dizziness when you get ready to practice your solo entrance.) even though there is a silent understanding between you and your members, there still is one person you know you won’t be able to convince, no matter how hard you’ll try — your boyfriend and professional overthinker in regards to your well-being, ricky.
it’s quite cute, the juxtaposition of his public image and the way he tends to worry. did you eat? does your throat hurt from vocal practice? did you trip during dance practice again? (a question that’s especially annoying considering you told him about tripping once, roughly six months ago. he refuses to let it go.) he sends you teas and throat sprays to make sure your voice is taken care of, secretly checks the soles of your shoes to make sure they aren’t getting slippery, somehow manages to pack you little snacks you can munch on when you haven’t eaten anything before practice again. he’s very rarely stern, much too soft-spoken and gentle towards you to speak to you in a more serious manner when he’s worried, so he shows his care and love through these things — which makes you feel all the more guilty when you straight up have to lie to him when he asks if practice is going fine, if you’re feeling well, and letting you know how excited he (along with gyuvin, he mentions) is to see you perform in person up close.
you try your hardest to get better before the performance, you really do. well, as much as you can between hours and hours of practice and barely any sleep, at least. all your efforts seem to be in vain, though, because the day of the performance seems to be the worst day yet — if you had a choice, you would bury yourself under every blanket available and not leave your bed for at least a week, that’s how awful you feel when you and your members are picked up from your dorm during the wee hours of the morning.
unfortunately, the little perfectionistic gremlin that lives at the back of your mind refuses to let all these weeks of practice go to waste, so you muster up a brave smile through your shaking pupils and tell your worrying members that you have everything under control — you’ll smash this performance just like all the other ones, even if you have to do it while being a little dizzy. it’s no big deal, you’re a professional after all.
your stylists is making some last minute adjustments to your outfits when a gentle knock sounds through the room, a very familiar blonde head of hair popping in. you rush over to ricky, his arms snaking around you immediately. “hey, handsome,” you mutter as you observe his face, a small grin playing on his lips. “you’re not looking to bad yourself, hm?” his voice is smooth as he brushes some of your hair out of your face, careful to not interfere with your hairstylist’s hard work. you’re thrown off your balance a little when another dizziness spell hits you out of nowhere, the look on ricky’s face immediately morphing into one of concern, “are you okay?”
you muster up a smile and just nod, eyes blinking rapidly to dispel the black dots bouncing around in your vision, “yeah, i’m just a little nervous,” you reach up to adjust his collar to avoid meeting his worried eyes, “i’m fine. just freaking out a little, that’s all.” you can tell ricky doesn’t entirely believe you, but he trusts that you would come to him if there was something wrong — so he reluctantly lets the subject go. he steals a quick kiss to your lips, whispering a “good luck, i love you.” before he turns to leave to make any last preparations for his own performance.
your first wave of regret overcomes you when you stand ready beneath the stage, you and your members getting into position to perform the intro to your performance. your head feels like it’s about to split and your hands are shaky, but it’s too late to turn back now — as queen sunmi once said, the show must go on.
your second wave of regret comes when you’re actually on stage, all the lights, the music, the screams and your in-ear monitor feeling less like the dream you’ve worked so hard to achieve and more like your own personal hell. your group having your own amazing entrance with one of the stage elevators excited you at first; unfortunately, right now you’re preoccupied with managing your expressions to make sure you won’t let any irritation or discomfort slip.
your third and final wave of regret comes when you stand in the middle of the stage in this massive venue, tens of thousands of eyes on you as you start to perform your solo part of the song — your head is pounding and you can barely hear your own voice through your in-ears anymore, your steps are shaky and imprecise, your vision is blurry. you manage to push through, somehow, but it’s clear in the way your chest is heaving once the lights go out that you’re not well.
the atmosphere is very much tense in the part of the audience where your fellow idols sit, all of them having to cover their very obvious concern with faux excitement — you pulled it off well enough, but it’s clear to every single one of them that you’re sick and that you probably should not have performed. ricky especially has to keep his expressions in check, because the mix of worry and concern but also frustration and maybe a little anger is raging heavily inside him right now.
the worry and concern are obvious, the last thing he wants to see is you being sick, much less performing in that state. the frustration is bubbling inside him because he knows that you know better, that even the chance of you hurting yourself even worse by performing while sick is enough reason to sit out one performance. the anger is entirely directed at your staff and maybe some of your members, your leader at least — they must’ve seen that you were unwell, no? and they still let you on stage? is that not what managers and leaders are for, to take matters into their own hands and to know what’s best for their members? it all comes to a head when your members join the other idols in the audience while you’re nowhere in sight.
ricky is getting restless, his hands sprawling against his dress pants, occasionally pinching the fabric to keep his mind occupied. gyuvin and matthew both gave him little reassuring pats on his back but neither did much to comfort him, his mind entirely preoccupied with worrying about you and counting down the minutes to when he will finally be able to check up on you backstage.
it’s about an hour later when the award show is finally over, and for once ricky is the first one to rush backstage, a little ahead of all of his members. he swerves past staff and security and doesn’t even bother knocking on your group’s dressing room, ripping the door open to find your shocked but still very exhausted eyes staring up at him in surprise, “ricky?”
he’s in front of you in the blink of an eye, squatting down to meet you eye-to-eye, his hands gently cradling your face, “are you okay? for real, this time?” his brows are furrowed and you feel a little bad for thinking that he looks pretty handsome all serious like this. you nod sheepishly, apology ready to spill from your lips when he squishes your cheeks together to silence you, “shhh, you listen to me. never do that again, okay? do you know how scary that was, watching you perform like that? what if something had happened, you know you could’ve—,” he stumbles over his words a little, clearly worked up, “i don’t know, fallen off stage or something. you could’ve fainted! or you could’ve broken something or— i don’t know, just, promise me, don’t do that again.” ricky’s once so stern voice turns soft towards the end again, never really able to keep up his serious tone for long, especially towards you.
“‘m sorry, just didn’t want to let anyone down,” you mumble, leaning into his touch. his cold hands on your face feel incredibly nice, a stark contrast to your feverish face. he sighs and one of his hands comes up to brush your hair away from your face, his hand stroking your head softly, “i know, but still. don’t do stuff like that, okay? talk to someone when you’re not feeling well. your managers, your members, me — there’s so many people you can go to, okay? anyone, as long as you tell someone,” you nod along to him, and maybe it’s the guilt of making him worry so much or the fact that you’re overwhelmed from the amount of affection coming from him while you’re still a little delirious, but you feel like you need to lighten the atmosphere with a little joke.
“even gyuvin?” the gentle expression on his face falls almost immediately, replaced by a very unimpressed stare. you break out into quiet giggles, muttering a “sorry” before pressing a kiss to his cheek. ricky grumbles a little before getting back up, running his hand through your hair gently one last time. “i have to go back now but i’m ordering you some soup to your dorm later. you’re on bedrest for the next few days, you hear me?” he tries to sound stern again and puts on his best serious face, but his façade is broken when you smile up at him so tiredly, the exhaustion clear on your face.
“thank you, i love you,” you call after him when he turns to leave, ricky sending you a flying kiss before leaving the room, “love you too.”
(your fourth wave of regret came when you realised ricky formed an alliance with your members, all of them exchanging “y/n intel” to make sure all of them can keep an eye on you while you’re recovering.)
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bexalert · 10 months
Jojo characters reactions to you being hurt
(Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Dio)
(mentions of violence)
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Jonathan Joestar:
• Since he can heal, he’s not too worried
• But he’s still freaking out a bit inside.
• He’s SUCH a gentleman
• “Are you alright? Here, let me carry you.”
• Even if you’re fine, this man is watching you like a hawk.
• He just doesn’t want to lose anyone else :(
• If it’s a more severe injury, broken limb, stab wound, etc. He’s more jittery
• Like if you’re visibly in pain he’s gonna feel awful.
• “Please don’t cry- it ok. I’m here.”
• If he can’t be there, he’s gonna have Speedwagon or Baron watching you.
• He’ll fight for your honor 😤
• He’ll just do to your attacker what they did for you
• And a little bit more 🤭🤏
• But he’s still honorable! So he won’t go too far
• He knows you’re capable he’s just really worried and paranoid.
• He just cares so much :(
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Joseph Joestar:
• He’ s gonna be making jokes
• Not because he doesn’t care, he just wants to make you feel better
• He’s so confident it’s almost annoying
• “Don’t worry, Joseph Joestar is here!”
• *wink*
• But if someone did this to you, you best believe Joseph is messing them up.
• “You made a big mistake hurting Y/N!”
• It’s gonna be night and day
• He’s so gentle and nice with you
• And then he’s beating someone half to death
• If it’s a more severe injury, he’s PISSED
• Tells Caesar or Lisa Lisa to watch you while he murders someone
• Skipping the witty quip
• Just going straight into destroying them
• He’s gonna be a lot nicer if you’re genuinely hurt
• Doesn’t want to make jokes if it’s more serious
• “Everything’s gonna be alright, Y/N.”
• He’s not leaving your side
• If medicine isn’t making you feel better, he will.
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Jotaro Kujo:
• If silent but deadly was a person
• He’s not even gonna have to fight whoever hurt you
• He’s just gonna walk up to them and they’re already on their knees apologizing
• “Don’t apologize to me.”
• Now they’re desperately apologizing to you, and you’re confused cuz it’s just a scrapped knee.
• You’ll have to tell Jotaro that you’re ok and it’s not a big deal.
• Cuz at this point you feel bad for this random guy
• But if it’s a severe injury
• This person is fucked
• He’ll make sure you’re ok, and leave you with one of the other Stardust Crusaders
• And then Star Platinum is killing someone
• And Jotaro is just glaring
• You are not leaving his line of sight
• “Are you ok?”
• You won’t notice, but he’s gonna be hyper aware of what you’re doing
• Helicopter parenting
• He’s gonna make sure you’re happy and safe.
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s very worried
• If it’s something small, he’s probably not gonna go after whoever did it
• He’s just gonna make sure you’re ok.
• “Are you hurt? Let me see, I’ll help.”
• He’ll patch you up, and you’ll go on about your day
• But if it’s a worse injury
• He’s FREAKING out
• His eyes are going all wide and he’s gonna go straight to you.
• If it’s an easier enemy, he’ll stay with you and have Hierophant Green get them, or vice versa
• But if it’s another stand user, he’ll leave you with the Stardust Crusaders and destroy them 🥰
• He’s making it quick, cuz he just wants to make sure you’re ok
• He feels guilty that he couldn’t keep you from getting hurt
• He doesn’t want to seem clingy, but he’s gonna stay right by you’re side
• “I’m sorry you got hurt. I won’t let it happen again.”
• And he means that
• He’s going to keep you safe
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Dio Brando:
• oh boy
• You gotta try and calm him down
• Like you’re frantically trying to convince him not to kill this poor dude
• “How dare they touch you?!”
• If you’re able to convince him to leave the guy alone, his mood will be soured, and you won’t hear the end of it.
• But eventually he’ll let it go
• If you’re seriously injured, however, he’s not letting it go.
• He’s going to take his time and make them suffer.
• He’ll have one of his lackeys take him away, and make sure you’re fine.
• If you’re not, he’ll get you the best care
• And he WILL make this person suffer
• “They will not get away with doing this to you, believe me.”
• He’ll do to them what they did to you, but tenfold.
• And he’s gonna be clingy, but will deny it
• He’s gonna act like he’s on top of you 24/7 for your sake
• But he was actually just really worried
• He knows that he has many enemies, and doesn’t want you involved
• He’s not gonna forget about it for a while.
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mollysolo · 2 years
xavier with prompts 42, 43, 77 and 51 ?? 😳
All I Need To Hear
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe X fem!Reader
Summary: You and Xavier stop talking after he starts ditching you to spend more time with Wednesday.
Warnings: Some arguing, friends to lovers trope, jealousy
Prompts Used: "Will you please just talk to me?" "I want to settle things and make us right again. I can't bear to see you so upset with me." "I have always loved you and I don't think l'll ever stop loving you." "I love you, without end."
Word Count: 1k
a/n: ngl, this is kinda dramatic but i hope y’all like this anyways!
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So far, it had been exactly two weeks and two days since you had started ignoring your best friend, Xavier.
And you’d admitted it to yourself now that your reasoning for ignoring him was pretty stupid. But you were still hesitant to start talking to Xavier again, worried that he might be mad at you for suddenly pretending as if he didn’t exist.
Your reasoning for ignoring him being Wednesday Addams. She started attending Nevermore almost a month ago and ever since then, Xavier had been absolutely infatuated with her. He had even started canceling any plans you had last minute, just to hang out with her.
And you were growing quite tired of it, so you gave him a taste of his own medicine and began ditching him whenever he tried to hang out with you. Which in return, had started to annoy him just like you wanted it to.
Later that day, late in the evening while you laid on your bed in your dorm, you heard someone impatiently knocking against your door.
You rolled your eyes and groaned as you got off of your bed, “Coming!” you yelled out as you made your way to your door.
You opened the door to find an upset Xavier, his fist in the air as if he was going to knock again right what you opened your door.
You began to glare at him right away, “What?” you ask, an annoyed tone to your voice.
He then forced his way into your dorm and started to pace in the wide space in between you and your roommates beds.
You shut the door behind him and muttered, “Sure, come right in.” under your breath, an annoyed tone still to your voice.
“Will you please just talk to me? Tell me what I did wrong.” he desperately requested while his pacing continued.
You rolled your eyes once again, this time directly at him, “What’s it to you? Why does it matter to you if I ignore you or not?” you replied, trying to maintain an angry facade. When truly you felt a bit guilty for making the boy you loved feel this horrible.
"I want to settle things and make us right again. I can't bear to see you so upset with me." he told you, an anxious tone to his voice while he stopped moving and looked directly into your eyes.
You felt shy under his gaze, looking away as you started to respond to his heartfelt statement, “So, when you ditch me for Wednesday, it’s fine. But when I start to ditch you, it’s a problem?” you angrily questioned.
He looks at you with furrowed brows, “Is that what all of this is about?” he asked, you look at him once but don’t respond, “She’s just a friend, (y/n). You should know that.” he paused again for a moment, observing your reaction.
Your arms were crossed over your chest and you had a sad look on your face, that angry facade disappearing easily once he began to pour his heart out to you. He even noticed that tears had started to well up in your eyes, making him frown.
"I have always loved you and I don't think l'll ever stop loving you. Okay? You are truly the only girl I have my eyes on." he admitted as he let go of the breath he had been unconsciously holding, “I went to Wednesday for advice on how to admit my feelings to you since the two of you seemed to get along well her first week here.” he said, finishing off his confession.
You quickly uncross your arms and cross the room so that you were now standing right in front of him. You then looked up to meet his eyes and softly cupped his face in your hands, the cold temperature of your hands making him briefly shiver and smile.
One of your hands then shifted down to hold one of his hands in yours, “I feel stupid. I should’ve just talked to you about it instead of being so dramatic. I’m sorry.” you told him, your eyes still fixated on his.
His free hand started to hold your face while he responded, “No sorries. I probably would’ve reacted the same way if it was the other way around.” he replied while he gazed at you lovingly, his cheeks a bit pink.
A few tears fell down your cheeks as you listened to what he had to say. He was always so kind to you even when you felt like you didn’t deserve him or his kindness.
You looked down at the floor once then back up at Xavier, “I love you, without end.” you confessed to him, pure sincerity in your eyes as tears continued to fall from them.
He quickly wiped your tears from your sensitive cheeks and you leaned into his touch, his own cheeks still blushing while he watched you react to his affection.
He had started to stare at your lips shortly after this and you swiftly decided that you would stop his staring by kissing him. So, you grabbed the collar of his hoodie and pulled him towards you, successfully pressing your lips to his.
His lips felt soft and pillowy while he kissed you, causing a wave of comfort to wash over you. You felt safe with him.
The way he kissed you made you realize how blind you had been to his clear attempts at flirting with you prior to this. And as he desperately kissed you back, you also felt both of his large hands come up to cup your face again, never wanting to let go.
You pulled away from his lips moments later with a soft smile on your face, he smiled back at you and leaned down to press his forehead against yours.
Neither of you felt the need to say another word as you remained in this sweet moment. Which you both hoped would never end.
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whore-era · 1 year
delinquent!ellie williams headcanons 18+
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has the MEANEST MUG FACE at everyone but her close loved ones, especially you. she shows you the softest side to her bc you naturally just draw it out. ellie will literally have the grouchiest face, but once she sees you, it will be all soft heart eyes around you and you only! everyone else though? fuck them. they will get a bitch face and a middle finger thrown their way!
is guilty for always manspreading, but it's okay because it kinda stirs something inside you anyways. you guys will literally be anywhere, and she'll sit with her legs spread with her hands behind her head and you'd find yourself walking over and plopping yourself on her lap.
is extremely territorial and possessive of her girl, but not in a way where she's controlling you by any means. ellie is aware of how gorgeous and sexy her girl is, and while she has no problem with others looking, she draws the line at people approaching you. you would be at a party, talking with your friends, occasionally looking across the room at her. while giving each other loving glances, some guy approaches probably saying "hey girl, you lookin' finnneeee as hell tonight, you wanna get outta here?" and she'll already be behind him, fists balled up and hissing, "get the fuck away from my girlfriend."
would absolutely beat someone's ass for you. if someone is disrespectful to you or looks at you the wrong way or god forbid, lay their hands on you, it's automatically on sight for her. "but you should'a seen the other guy, babe. he's got it worse," she'll say, as you're sat on the sink with her in between your legs, tending to her small cuts and bruises. "what'd i tell you, els? you can't keep getting into these stupid fights because one guy says something dumb about me." "yea, baby, i know. i just hate when people say shit about you," she coos, "you're absolutely fucking amazing, and everyone should know that by now." you both end up kissing in the bathroom and it always ends up with you being bent over the sink taking her strap-
you would CONSTANTLY be on her ass about everything. since she does have a short temper, you always find yourself having to check her and and lecture her a bit, and she lowkey kinda loves it? ellie thinks you're hot as hell taking a little bit of control and telling her what to do, and every time you do have to lecture her, she'll look at you with desire in her eyes and respond with "yes, ma'am", "alright, baby, whatever you say", "mhm yes, baby m'listening" even though she quite literally is hyper-focused on how sexy as fuck you look lecturing her rn.
always putting her hands on you! whether it's rubbing your ass when she's cuddling you, holding your hand when you're out and about, or putting her hands on your hips and waist when she wants to be close to you. 
showing how she feels about you in actions rather than words. ellie has a tough time expressing how she feels for you directly in words, and sometimes her message that she’s trying to send doesn’t always sound…right. so she’ll do little acts of services for you like picking up lunch for you on days when you’re extremely swamped with work and assignments, organizing your books and backpack when you fall asleep on your desk from studying, picking up your favorite snacks when you need a lil cheering up, and helping you take off your clothes when you’re extra exhausted from the day. 
always assuring you’re safe. ellie will always make sure you never have to travel alone and tries to walk you to and from class, but if she’s busy she’ll bug dina to do it. she’ll always ask where you are and who you’re with just to make sure you’re safe and alright, periodically checking in with you with texts (even tho it can be a lil bit annoying but u never say anything bc u know she’s just worried). baby u ok taking the bus alone? yes els i’m fine babe. u sure? i can come get u rn. no my love u don’t need to do that. swear. yk what babe let me ask dina if she can- ellieeee….
a/n this one was rly short my apologies ;P
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h-hollieskz · 6 months
introduction | masterlist
->pairing: bang chan x f reader (no pronouns or anything he just uses ‘mommy’)
->word count: almost 1000
->synopsis: chan feels bad for waking you up night after night when he arrives home from work so you try to make him feel better
->tw: chan feels really guilty, more fluff than I’m used to so it’s probably cringe, calls reader mommy, he humps reader’s leg :3, cums in his underwear, I think that’s it tbh
->authors note: I wrote this in 30 minutes at midnight and I haven’t edited it so uhhh proceed with caution perhaps? (My brain goes to mush after 11pm)
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You wake to the tired grumble of your boyfriend’s voice, stumbling through your bedroom door. He was muttering about something, walking to the bathroom and you soon hear the steady stream of the shower. You peer around the room with foggy eyes, not yet fully awake.
It was 3am. Chris had an annoying habit of doing this- working late then waking you as he arrived home at ridiculous hours in the night. After a few minutes you groan, pushing yourself to your feet to get a glass of water from the kitchen.
You open the cupboard, pulling out a glass and making your way to the sink. The water turns on and you grip the counter for support as you struggle to stand steady. Quickly gulping down the cool liquid, you jump as you feel Chris, hugging you from behind. His hair was still damp and he wasn’t wearing anything apart from his boxers.
“Chris-“ you grumble, gently pushing him away, quickly feeling the absence of his warm skin on yours. “Can’t you be just a little quieter, it’s 3am for fucks sake.” You place the empty glass back down on the counter, turning to face him.
“Sorry.” He mumbles, looking down at his feet. A bead of water drips down his forehead whilst he looks genuinely apologetic.
“It’s fine.” You breath. “I was being dramatic. Come on.” You take his hand, practically dragging him to your bed.
Both of you clamber in, and just as you think you’re going to fall back asleep, Chris decides to begin apologising again.
“I really am sorry you know.” His voice sounds so melancholy- the sound of sadness. You want to huff and complain again, this being the second time he’s interrupted your sleep, but he just sounds so sad. Slowly, you reposition yourself to face him. He’s staring up at the ceiling, not showing any signs of trying to sleep. His hands are folded on his stomach and he doesn’t react as you prop yourself up to lean ever so slightly over him.
“I know.” You whispered. “Like I said, it’s not a big deal Channie, I was just grumpy.”
“Yeah but…” He trails off. You cup his face in your hand and lean down to press a gentle kiss to his lips.
“It’s fine baby.” You reassure him, brushing his hair out of his face. “Just sleep, you look exhausted.”
The sun is shining brightly through your window when you finally wake up, the curtains already open. The duvet is messily strewn back where the mattress is empty and you can hear the sound of cooking from the kitchen. You can smell it too.
For the second time that morning, you clamber out of bed and into the kitchen, rubbing your eyes that were still adjusting to he light.
You saw Chris at the stove looking the same as he had earlier, only this time wearing an old shirt. His curls were dry now, sticking up in all sorts of angles that he seemingly hadn’t bothered to fix. Smiling, you greeted him, dragging a hand through your hair. “What are you cooking there, chef?” You joked, pulling yourself up to sit on the cold marble counter.
“An apology.” He mumbled, refusing to face you.
Was he seriously still worried about that? You hadn’t even been that annoyed. “Chris…”
“I know it’s stupid, but you’re right. I just miss you okay? When I get home I want to see you but it’s selfi-“
You cut him off by kissing him. When you pull away, you say, “I told you already Chris, it’s not a big deal, you don’t have to do this for me just for my forgiveness, okay?”
You pull him into a hug, you being on the counter meaning that his face was only at the height of your chest. You cradled him, pressing more kisses to his head and lips as he wrapped his own arms around you.
“See, it’s okay baby.” You tell him.
It’s hardly noticeable at first, but as the two of you hugged each other closer, and kissed each other more deeply, you could feel him gently rutting against your leg, his length half-hard already. You hook your finger under his chin, averting his gaze to your eyes.
Pressing your leg deeper into his crotch, he starts to speed up and you deepen your gaze. “Baby, are you so desperate you’re trying to get off on mommy’s leg?”
Ragged breaths escape his pouted lips as he gasps, “I’m sorry mommy, I’ve missed you so much.” Red hot shame engulfs him
Your hands trail down his chest, stopping to fiddle with his sensitive nipples, relishing in how he whimpers at your touch. “That’s okay Channie.” You say with a dominating tone.
His eyes scrunch shut, lost in pleasure as he digs his head further into your chest, just wanting to be close to you. He mumbles something so quietly and muffled that you barely hear him.
“What’s wrong baby?” You ask.
“M- gonna come.” His ears are bright red.
“Okay then.” You run your fingers over his lips, slipping your tongue into his mouth for a messy kiss as Chan moans into you, coming in his underwear. His face contorts with shame, but as you slip down from the counter, telling him how much you love him, he melts into your touch.
“You want to go clean up?” You ask. Chris only stares behind you, suddenly jumping at the pan he left on the stove, pulling the burnt-black bacon and eggs off the heat, turning it off. He smacks a hand to his forehead, rolling his eyes at his own stupidness.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers.
“Ugh don’t worry about that. Turn the heat off, we’re going to have a shower to clean up.” You say, pulling him away.
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goosita · 6 months
Playing With The Boys
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pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
𝙻𝚒𝚎𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚜 𝚂𝚗𝚘𝚠 (𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚗: 𝚂𝚗𝚊𝚔𝚎) 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚘𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚝 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚝 𝟷𝟸’𝚜 𝙽𝚊𝚟𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚒𝚛 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗. 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚗, 𝙻𝚒𝚎𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝙿𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑, 𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗’𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚘𝚝.
series masterlist
//part one//
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“Don’t worry about it, Coryo. I’ll be fine in a few months,” Sejanus chided, leaning back on his hospital bed.
It hadn’t been anyone’s fault, honestly. Coriolanus was flying during a training mission, Sejanus in the back seat as always operating their radars. Coriolanus was dodging other jets in a simulated dogfight, but had been caught in the jet wash of the plane ahead of him. The stream of air moving so fast from the tail end of the other plane had caused enough turbulence in the air that Coriolanus lost control of his aircraft, sending them tumbling into a spin. He tried as hard as he could to recover it, but they’d had no choice but to eject.
While Coriolanus had been mostly unharmed by the emergency ejection, landing gracefully albeit a little hard and gaining a few new bruises, Sejanus’ parachute had caught on his arm. He had been left with two different breaks in the limb, putting him out of commission for a few months, minimum. Admiral Highbottom had him grounded until at least May.
“I know, I know. I just wish I could have saved it,” Coriolanus replied. He knew he should feel more guilty about his injured WSO, but he felt annoyed at himself more than anything for not being able to control the spin his aircraft had gone into. Coriolanus held himself to a high standard, one that he wasn’t sure was even possible most days.
“It happens, man. There was nothing you could do.”
Coriolanus sighed and nodded, knowing Sejanus was probably right.
“Have you heard who’s gonna take my place yet?” Sejanus asked curiously. Coriolanus shook his head.
“No clue, but there’s talk about bringing someone in from District 10. I’m supposed to meet them this afternoon.”
“Well, whoever it is will be in for a joyride with you,” Sejanus teased, grinning at his friend. Coriolanus chuckled and shrugged.
“We’ll see, I guess.”
“Lieutenant Snow?” Admiral Highbottom snapped, standing in the doorway to the infirmary. “Come with me please.”
Coriolanus gave Sejanus a look before he followed Highbottom out, eyebrows raises curiously. Sejanus gave him a smile and a thumbs-up.
On the other end of the administration building, you stood patiently and at attention as Admiral Highbottom escorted your new partner to meet you. You watched as they approached, a little surprised by the height and shock of white-blonde hair on your new pilot.
“Lieutenant Snow, meet your new WSO for the time being,” Highbottom said, gesturing to you.
“Hello, Lt. It’s nice to meet you,” you offered with a smile, holding your hand out to Snow. He smirked and shook it, nodding.
“Likewise, ma’am.”
You weren’t sure if you liked his wolfish grin. It was a lovely grin, sure. Rosy, pretty lips parting to show off straight white teeth. Something seemingly arrogant simmered just below the surface, though. Nonetheless, you brushed it off. You’d met plenty of egotistical pilots in your career, you were sure Lt. Snow would be no different.
“I’ll leave you two to get acquainted. I expect you on the flightline at precisely 06:00 tomorrow, Lieutenants.”
“Yes, sir,” you both said in unison. You didn’t miss the way Snow’s eyes slid over to you, smirking. Once Highbotton was gone, he turned to you fully.
“Shame they throw you in the backseat with a helmet and visor, with a pretty face like that,” he commented. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“I see you’re no better than most of the other men here,” you snarked back, crossing your arms. Of course he would think it was fine to make comments like that towards you. Most of the guys here did, too.
Being a woman in the military was hard enough, and it got even harder when you’d advanced through officer training and flight school. You fought hard for every ounce of respect you’d gained, though sometimes it still wasn’t enough.
“It was a compliment, you know. All I said was that you’re pretty.”
“I didn’t ask for your opinion, Snow.”
He chuckled and raised his hands in defeat, shaking his head. “Alright, alright. Bad approach, I guess. I’m sorry.”
You looked at him wearily, unmoving. He was most certainly not sorry.
“Right….so, 06:00 hours then?” he asked.
“That’s it? You don’t want to…talk? About anything?” you said, confused by how brief he seemed to want to keep this initial meeting. Part of working together as partners meant you two needed to make sure you got along, understood each other and your expectations of one another.
“I’d prefer to let my flying speak for me,” he said, smiling. “We’ll talk tomorrow, during the briefing.”
His icy stare remained on you while he waited for a reply, unwavering. It almost made you want to shrink. Almost.
This man was strange; Snow was everything you’d come to know about young pilots, but something about him was still different. Other pilots acted cocky for the sake of convincing everyone else and themselves that they were good at their job. They spit out a lot of game, but it was obvious most of the time that it was overcompensating. Coriolanus Snow apparently felt no such compulsion to assert his dominance in that way. It was like he knew he was better than the others, without question. He did not suffer from imposter syndrome.
“Fine,” he repeated with a breezy chuckle. “You have a wonderful rest of your day, ma’am.” He nodded to you politely and walked off down the hall, leaving you confused slightly.
What is it with this weirdo? you though, sighing as you made your way back to your assigned barracks. You figured you’d find out in the morning.
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a/n: aaaaand we’re off! icymi, i also posted an index of aviation terms! i just wanna make this as enjoyable as possible for y’all, but i realized not everyone is hyperfixated like me lmao. do feel free to come talk to me in my inbox!! lmk what you think so far :D
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ghulehunknown · 8 months
Papa Headcanons - Sick Days 🤧
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Rated PG!
These are my headcanons of how the Papas act while sick vs reacting to you being sick.
Thank you BugbiteWrites on AO3 for the idea!
When he’s sick:
Ignores his symptoms for as long as possible until he can no longer deny them
Downplays his symptoms even when you act very concerned for his well-being
Insists you stay away so you don’t get sick too
Worries about his plants while he’s too sick to care for them
When you’re sick:
Babies/dotes on you
Insists you go to bed immediately even if it’s just the sniffles
Makes you tea with the herbs and things from his garden
Keeps asking if you’ve taken your medicine
When he’s sick:
Pretends he isn’t sick but knows when to admit defeat
Looks very grumpy, clearly annoyed he couldn’t just avoid the germs
Worries about the state of the Ministry while he’s unable to work, but trusts you and the ghouls will keep things running
Doesn’t ask for much except he really wants blue Gatorade
When you’re sick:
Insists you stop working and go to the doctor
Immediately sends a ghoul to get medical supplies for whatever your ailment is once you get a verdict from the doctor
Is still very busy but makes time to check on you
It was his idea to bring you a humidifier and you think it’s helping
Hand feeds you chicken noodle soup
When he’s sick:
When he starts feeling the symptoms he over exaggerates them
Acts like he’s dying when he’s just got a little cold
Asks “Is that you, <name>?” and coughs weakly everytime you enter the room
Very sad he can’t have sex while he’s out of commission
Says “If I’m getting sick then so are you!” before kissing you and giggling. He just wants to lay in bed with you while he feels bad 🥹
When you’re sick:
Very dramatic, acts as if you may die if he doesn’t help you
Probably would give you an entire bottle of cold medicine because he thinks more will get you better faster
Likely does more harm than good when “helping you” but he’s trying, he’s just a little dumb
Keen on the idea of “playing doctor” with you but he has no clue what he’s doing, he’s just horny (“I must undress you immediately! And…put you into something more comfy…”)
If you’re sick first and do end up getting him sick too he acts annoyed, and reminds you every 5 minutes that you’ve sentenced him to death
When he’s sick:
He is NOT brave, in fact he cries a little if his tummy hurts
Feels guilty for taking time away from work
You catch him scribbling away at his desk before whisking him back off to bed
“But…but how will the Ministry run if I am not there?” (It’ll be just fine, Copia…)
Wants you and only you to take care of him
Keeps asking for cheese (even though that’s probably what gave him a stomach ache)
When you’re sick:
Takes you to urgent care even when you insist it’s just allergies
Attempts to make you soup but burns it. (You don’t care because your sense of smell and taste is gone)
Checks on you frequently and keeps taking your temperature
Has alarms on his phone each time period you’re supposed to take more medicine and feeds them to you himself
When he’s sick:
He denies, denies, denies he is unwell
Finally he succumbs and lays down, exhausted and claims he “doesn’t know what’s going on”
Once he actually lays down he admits he might be sick and acts like a baby
Gets a little more grumpy than usual because he doesn’t know how to communicate his needs while he’s feeling bad
When you’re sick:
Doesn’t want whatever you’ve got so he calls the medical ghoul to come check on you
Buys you a “get well soon” balloon from the store
Keeps asking if you feel better yet
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highdreaming · 1 year
Preferences: Protective Things He Does
💢 All the works are pure fictions, for entertainment purposes only so please, read it at your own will.
Find more at: Masterlist
» Pedri + Gavi + João Félix
AN: Please like, reblog and give me feedback!
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He knows you’re someone that enjoys staying home most times, not really being a very outgoing person and he’s more than fine with it. He usually doesn’t go out much either, you two keeping company to each other while watching a movie. 
But sometimes, when you’re forced to go out - to a Barcelona’s party or event to accompany your boyfriend, Pedri makes sure to keep tabs on you all night. He hates to leave you by yourself and always makes sure to check up on you, even if the other WAGS are there to keep you company. 
Pedri knows how stressful and socially awkward it can be for you and he tries his best to make sure that you’re doing alright and having fun. 
He always finds you, pressing a sweet kiss in your temple while asking into your ear if everything is fine and promising that you guys will leave as soon as he’s finished with whatever press/publicity he has to do. 
All the girls love to swoon over his actions, commenting how sweet Pedri is for always looking out for you while his teammates love to tease him about the whipped boyfriend he is. 
But in the end Pedri only cares about your well-being and as long as you’re fine, he’s happy.
"Hey, honey. Everything good around here? Give me just more 5 minutes and then we're good to go."
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Gavi has a bad temper, which is activated every time he reads all the negative comments you get online because you’re dating him.
All those nasty people that keep hitting your self-confidence, making you feel bad about yourself when in reality he’s the one who feels lucky to have you in his life. Your social media is often flooded by comments and messages telling you that you don’t deserve Gavi. 
It makes his blood boil to read them and he can’t stop himself from stalking all those accounts, blocking and reporting all of them, one by one. It’s his guilty pleasure, one that you don’t know about. 
It’s annoying and tiring to say the least, cause they always make new accounts but it’s worth it when you mention to him that occasionally the hate stops all of the sudden.
It always comes back, but he loves to retaliate against those people that are complete jerks to you and sometimes even exposes them by mentioning them in his own social media, making sure everyone knows what type of disgusting people are out there, hiding behind a screen. 
Plus, he also reports all the pervert male comments under the pictures you post ;) only this time, it’s because of jealousy. 
"Someone keeps reporting the hate accounts? Really, is that so? Wow, that's nice, right?"
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João Félix
João’s life is quite busy and it’s very frustrating for him that he can’t always be there for you as much as he wants to because of all the practices, games and traveling. 
He constantly worries about something bad happening to you while he’s away and because of that, João insists on texting and calling you when he’s not around. 
He just wants to check if you got home safely, reminding you to lock the doors and windows at night, to make sure you activate the alarm system before you go to bed. 
If you don’t answer his calls or take too long texting back, he’ll get so anxious especially because he’s far away, unable to do anything in case there’s an emergency.
João will probably spam you a bit and if he’s feeling too uneasy, he might check the security cameras of the house to make sure you’re safe and sound. 
Sometimes you might get a bit annoyed at his protective side, but you never lash out on him, knowing that he gets afraid of the dangerous times we live in.
"Hey, are you okay? Okay, that's good. I just got a bit worried cause you didn't text me all day. Now that I know you're fine, I feel way better, babe."
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Please don't ignore me :(
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How I think the bayverse bots would react after having an argument/ disagreement with there s/o
This one includes Drift, Crosshairs, Bumblebee, Hound, Hot Rod and Optimus
Cade calls reader kid a few times but he literally calls everyone younger then him kid so don’t worry😭
Drift was stressed. He felt like Optimus was relying on him more and more ever since the TRF came after the autobots. Meditating was something Drift did to calm himself down so that’s what he went to do. He sat on the far side of the junkyard trying to clear his thoughts before you came over to him to tell him something before he interrupted you and went off. You just looked up at him bewildered that he would blow up at you for no reason at all. You scoffed at him before speaking in a hurt tone “well if you wanna be alone then we can arrange that!”. It literally took him like 10 seconds to realize that he shouldn’t have done that but you had already walked away. You decided to give him the silent treatment for a few days. It was hard for him to watch you walk right past him and not even look his direction. Once he finally decided enough was enough he cornered you and gave you a genuine apology. “I’m so sorry my precious flower I didn’t mean to yell at you, I wasn’t thinking clearly but that still isn’t an excuse.” He said to you as he kneeled down and bowed his head in shame. How could you not forgive him? Especially as his bright blue optics were full of guilt. He looked like a kicked puppy. “It’s okay Drift, I understand. You just were really stressed out.” You said reassuringly to him to make sure he didn’t feel TO bad. He still felt super guilty and took you out on a drive through a really nice country area and told you how much he loves you and loves being with you.
We all know Crosshairs can be a rude jerk (once in a while tho) so it’s no surprise you two finally had an argument. He just being snapping, rude, irritated for no reason and just overall an asshole that day. “What’s your problem Cross? You’ve been so…bitchy to me all day! If I did something wrong just tell me!” You said in an annoyed voice, finally having enough of this. Your words just seemed to piss him off more. He looked at you and went off about how you never leave him alone and how everyone is always on his ass etc. You huffed and walked away not wanting to deal with him anymore. It had been a few hours and he still didn’t come looking for you which actually kinda hurt. You assumed he just didn’t care or felt no remorse but that quickly changed when Cade came over to you. “Listen kid, you needa go make things right with your hissy fit boyfriend over there cus apparently you two got in a fight and now he won’t talk to anyone!” Cade said slightly out of breath from running across the junkyard. You were shocked. Not only because of what Cade told you but because Crosshairs literally never told anyone anything so it was a bit of a surprise he told Cade you guys had an argument. You sighed and went to look for him and when you finally found him he was facing away from everyone with his arms crossed like a child that had just been sent to time out. It was actually kinda funny but this wasn’t the time to laugh. “Crosshairs…I’m sorry that I said you were acting bitchy. I-I didn’t mean to say it like that, I just wanted to find out why you were so rude to me today…” You said in a soft voice as you stepped closer to him. “No, it’s fine. I’m the one who should be apologizing, I didn’t mean to yell at you love.” He sighed and turned to look at you. You smiled at him and walked up to him. He picked you up and placed you on his shoulder and proceeded to tell you how much he loved you for the next 10 minutes.
Arguments with Bee were extremely rare like EXTREMELY rare, but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen from time to time. It was late when the two of you got back to the junkyard and to say you were pretty pissed was an understatement. He was being reckless and dangerous with you so you scolded him (and yelled in a very angry manner at him) until your throat was sore. He made a sad little wiring sound and slumped forward, clearly ashamed of himself. You left without saying a word. You woke up the next morning to the sound of something tapping on your window. You groaned and got up to open the curtains and when you did you saw Bee kneeled down and tapping at your window. You sighed and went outside so you could see him fully. You put your hands on your hips as he looked down at you with his light baby blue optics. “Bee listen, I-“ before you could finish he cut you off with a static sound. A few moments later the lyrics to careless whisper started to play out of his radio.
“So I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you~
Never without your love~
Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd~”
A small laugh escaped your lips and you let out a little smile at him. You rolled your eyes playfully at him. “Okay okay, I forgive you Bee!” You chuckled lightly. “Good-I love you” his radio buzzed out between crackles. Just as you were about to go back inside his radio buzzed once more. “Love me, love me, say that you love me~” The cardigans, nice band choice. You turned to look at him with a large smile. “I love you very much Bee.” He made a happy little clicking and wiring sound as he bent down to you. You placed a hand on the side of his muzzle and gave him a small kiss before going back inside.
Hound was know for being reckless and making poor decisions and this was another one of those poor decisions. The day started off fine until Cade said he needed him to come with him to check out a demolished town about a two or so hours from the junkyard. You heard Cade say something about “traces of energon” and you automatically knew this wasn’t going to end up well. Hound and Cade left the Junkyard for over 6 hours which you made you worry. A twisted sick feeling in your stomach as you prayed that they would come back unharmed, and well they did come back, they didn’t come back unharmed. Cade explained how the TRF found them and how they had to get out of there. Cade was scratched and bruised everywhere and Hound looked worse than you’ve ever seen. After patching up Cade and fixing Hound they got the scolding of a lifetime. Cade went inside his trailer while you decided to walk away from Hound and settle this more in the morning. The next day you went to go find him and went off about
how reckless he was being. “I just don’t understand why you have to always put yourself in these situations! I-i was worried sick a-and I thought you weren’t going to come back!” You said in distress. Hound looked extremely guilty and regretful. He knew how much you worried for him. “I’m sorry Y/n, I really am! I didn’t think twice about it but at least we got out alive. Damn fleshy no good back stabbing humans…” He muttered the last part. You sighed and looked up at him. “It’s fine Hound, I was just really worried. Just please try not to be as careless next time.” You said softly to him. He met your gaze and nodded. “I won’t, I promise. I love you Y/n.” He said. “Love you to Hound.” you said with a light smile.
Hot Rod:
This takes place at Sir Edmontons castle when Bumblebee and Cade arrive so like reader lives at the castle with Sir Edmonton.
Hot Rod was acting strange around you. Giving you short replies to your questions and barely speaking to you ever since Cade and Bumblebee arrived at the castle. It upset you that suddenly he just stopped talking to you but there was only so much you could do. You decided to take a walk through the gardens to clear your head and on the way you found Bumblebee. The two of you chatted a little bit until you saw Hot Rod in the distance and waved to him. He waved back and looked like he was about to come over until he noticed Bumblebee standing next to you and turned away. So that’s the problem. He was mad about you and Bumblebee spending time together. Bumblebee made a small wiring sound and shrugged as he looked down at you with a confused expression. “It’s nothing personal Bee, I’ll go talk to him…” you sighed and went in the direction where Hot Rod was going. Once you caught up to him you realized you were walking near the edge of the cliff that met the ocean. The sunset casting a beautiful orange glow onto the castle grounds. “Hot Rod, what’s wrong? You aren’t speaking to me lately.” You asked him softly as you walked next to him. “There is nothing wrong Amour.” He said a bit irritated. “Don’t lie to me, I saw the way you looked at Bumblebee. And it’s no coincidence that as soon as he shows up you stop talking to me so please just tell me what I did wrong!” You pleaded in a hurt voice. Hot Rod sighed before coming to a stop and kneeling down in front of you. “I’m sorry chérie, I just feel like as soon as Bumblebee came you stopped speaking with me as much and I got jealous so I stopped talking to you.” He admitted in a remorseful tone. You could see the guilt on his face as he refused to make eye contact with you. You felt just as bad, it was never your intention to ignore him, you were just curious when you got to meet another autobot for once. You placed a hand on the side of his face gently. “Hot Rod, I’m so so so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to seem like I was uninterested in you, I was just curious about finally meeting another autobot. I would never try and replace you my love.” You said to him with a soft expression. “ I you didn’t mean anything by it Y/n, it was irresponsible of me to act like I did. I love you more than anything.” He said as he placed his hands around your waist and lifted you up. “I love you to Hot Rod.” You giggled before kissing him gently.
Optimus Prime:
Because Optimus wasn’t really in the last knight that much until the end of the movie I’m just gonna stick with the junkyard for this one sorry guys🙏
Optimus was tired. He was tired, stressed, sore and exhausted from everything. For months he had been protecting the autobots, you and Cade. He had been protecting his friends. His family. You noticed how tired Optimus was and you barely ever saw him anymore. You wished he could catch a break but he always overworked himself. One night he looked rougher than usual and that’s when you finally spoke up. “Optimus, you need to rest. You’ve been working your ass off day and night to keep everyone safe and happy but you don’t take the time to make sure you’re safe and happy.” You said as you paced around in front of him. His deep gravely voice braking you out of your trance. “I’m not a child Y/n, I know what I need and I do not need to rest.” His comment made you clench your fists. You were simply trying to look out for him and he gives you some snappy little comeback. You knew it wasn’t his fault, he was exhausted and obviously frustrated with everything going on. A sigh left your lips as you muttered a small goodnight to him before walking away to get some rest yourself but all night you couldn’t stop wishing that he was at rest to. Optimus watched as you walked away, a feeling of guilt ate away at his spark. You were trying to do what was best for him and he pushed you away. After talking a bit with Cade about the little argument he decided to finally get some rest and deal with it in the morning. Once morning finally came Optimus spotted you walking to the auto shop in the middle of the junkyard. You heard his loud thunderous footsteps and looked over at him, your expression a bit gloomy from what happened yesterday. He kneeled down to you and looked you deep in your eyes. “I’m so sorry for talking to you like that the other night my sweetspark, I didn’t mean to snap and you were right, I do need to rest.” He said in a deep tired voice. He looked so guilty but only sincere with his apology to you that it made your heart flutter. You smiled softly at him before speaking. “It’s okay Optimus, I’m just glad you’re starting to realize what’s best for you.” He nodded and gave you another apologetic look before standing up again. “I must go out with Cade, he needs me for something but I will be back shortly. I love you Y/n.” Optimus said before transforming into his truck mode. “Love you to Optimus and be safe.” You said back to him as he drove off towards Cade. You couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.
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yunacoeur · 1 year
loser in love - kim taerae
a/n: i’ve been working on this for about a week now and it’s still shorter than i expected it to be. oh well, let me know if you like this! also who do i need to bribe at wakeone to give me jeonghyeon bc i miss him!!!! need him so bad
word count: 3.8k
zb1 | kim taerae, sunshine x grumpy au, angst, cute ending, communication issues trope, he fell first but she fell harder trope, college au, reader kinda sucks but they mean well <3
your professor assigns a two-person project in your philosophy class. it’s a paper on whether or not socrates was innocent or guilty of corrupting the youth.. or something like that. given you got a decent partner, it would take just a couple sessions at the library to get it done. you’re not even paying attention until someone walks up to you while you’re reading something on your phone. you look up to see a guy from your class you haven’t spoken to yet, though his reputation precedes him (yours must as well. he seems like he knows who you are). 
his name is taerae, you… think. he’s in the same friend group with sung hanbin and kim jiwoong, which already means he’s popular and well liked if he’s good enough to hang around with those kinds of guys. he’s always got this bright smile on his face, like a literal ray of sunshine walks through those doors every monday, wednesday, and friday. 
“hi,” he says to you, “i’m taerae. you’re my partner, right?” so you were right.
“yep,” you respond plainly. 
he awkwardly waits for you to maybe say something else, but when you don’t, he says, “are you available to meet at the library today? so we can get a headstart?”
yeah and did i mention he’s an amazing student? you couldn’t even imagine doing an assignment the day it was assigned, let alone actually do it, but it’s one less thing to worry about in three weeks and your future self will thank you.
“yeah, i can do 3,” you say and he smiles that bright smile that could make your heart flutter.
“alright, i’ll see you then!” he says, and then he’s off. 
you’re left right where you started, sitting at your desk, staring at your phone. you look over at the couple next to you, being way too excited that they got paired together. they’re doing way too much pda for a classroom and it reminds you, once again, that love is weird. not your style.
the first time you go to the library is 3 weeks before the due date.
“so which argument should we use? i think guilty would be more interesting to write about, but innocent is probably the easier side to defend.” he says, looking over at you after going over all his papers with that stupid smile again. it’s kind of annoying how immediately likable he is. 
“i don’t care. up to you,” you mumble, getting your laptop setup to write up your guys’ outline. 
he seems discouraged that you’re only responding to him shortly, but he refuses to give up, much to your dismay, “i want you to pick.” he says, small smile this time. his dimple is still visible, of course. 
“fine. we’ll argue that he’s innocent. what’s your email so i can share this doc with you?” you say, looking up at him, making brief eye contact. 
he’s silent for a second, just looking at you. 
and then suddenly it’s like his soul comes back into his body. “oh, sorry,” he says lamely, typing in his email on your keyboard and handing your laptop back you. he gets quiet for a second, and it makes the atmosphere weird and almost tense.
you feel the need to break it, “do you want to write the introduction and then first two arguments and i’ll write the third argument, the counter, and the conclusion?”
he smiles. you don’t even know why he would be smiling right now, but he has this look of fondness on his face, “sure. let’s work for an hour and then take a break. okay?” he says and you nod. 
you pretend not to notice the way he keeps looking at you, opening his mouth like he has something to say, and then giving up on that thought and going back to typing. 
“hi bestie,” you say as you walk up to taerae’s usual seat in the library. and there he is as always at this time. he doesn’t even know himself how he got you to show up here everyday (even if you barely did any work. you had finished your parts of the paper a week ago, but keep showing up to accompany him until he was done.) he can’t figure out why you keep showing up but he wont tell you to leave. 
“hey,” he says, not looking up from his laptop. 
“i got you something,” you tell him. he looks up, curious. 
you got him coffee when you got one for yourself, the exact thing he told you he liked last time.
it makes his heart skip a beat. maybe more than one.
“do you believe in ghosts?” he asks you as you type up a different assignment. the question catches you off guard, and you choose to stop your assignment and humor him for a second. 
“i guess so? why?” 
“why do you believe in ghosts?” he asks.
you laugh breathlessly, considering the true answer that you believe, “it just makes sense that they do. especially if their soul had unfinished business.”
“like what?”
“i dont know,” you shake your head, giggling at his persistence, “maybe they left someone they loved dearly behind, and they have to watch over them.”
loved… to love someone so dearly that you soul won’t rest until they find peace. your peace connected to theirs. how beautiful…
“do you ever feel like you’re missing out?” he asks, suddenly. a part of you almost already knows what he means. you were always more similar than you gave yourselves credit for.
“what do you mean?”
“i’ve never been in love. always so focused on music and my studies,” he admits, looking over at you, “am i missing out? it is nice to be in love?”
“well, unfortunately for you, you picked the one wrong person to ask,” you laugh at his defeated face, “ i’ve never been in love and i don’t really think i want to. it sounds lame. like i just wanna love my friends and myself. i don’t think romance is for me.” 
“yeah..? that sounds lonely,” he comments, but you shake your head.
“not lonely, just no one to break my heart.”
“if we keep going at this rate,” you say as you walk up to him and pull out your laptop, “we’ll probably only have to come to the library one more time. so this is what it’s like to be a good student.” you laugh to yourself as you sit down. he smiles faintly.
“yeah, for sure,” he says. almost looking down, like what you said upset him in some kind of way. it doesn’t make sense why. why would he want to keep working on philosophy assignments more than they have to?
the supposedly ‘last’ time you go to the library is d-5 from the due date.
“do you really hate romance?” he asks, bringing up the topic again. he seems weirdly hung up on it.
“no, i never said i hated it. just not for me,” you sigh, “i’m not really a people person anyway. there’s no one i’d want to date even if i wanted to be romanced.”
it’s d-day. a beautiful wednesday.
“hey!” taerae says, catching your attention as you get up to leave class. 
“what’s up?”
“can you meet after your classes today? would 3 work?” he asks, knowing full well you just submitted that paper with both your names on it. it was a+ material, what could be wrong about it?
“why? the project is over,” you say bluntly. he smile falters just a bit, but he catches himself and continues on.
“i… need your help to study,” he says, like he came up with it on the spot. 
‘you need… my help?’ you wanna say, but you don’t. you don’t call him out. 
“okay,” you say, “but i’m not staying long. just long enough to ‘help’ or whatever. see ya, tae.” you get up to go, but his hand stops you, grabbing your arm. 
“hey... uhm.. please come,” he says sincerely. something about this feels deeper than just ‘studying’. his eyes are showing how vulnerable he already feels. 
 “i will, taerae. i promise,” you say, “i'm honestly offended you think I'm gonna stand you up.”
he laughs with a bittersweet smile, “sorry!” as you walk off to your next class.
he’s sitting at one of those benches outside the library when you walk up to him. he doesn’t notice you at first, just playing on his phone. he looks so peaceful. 
and then he notices you, and smiles that signature smile, “hey! thank you for coming,” he says.
it’s just a tad bit confusing why he’s so hellbent on the idea that you wouldn’t want to come see him, or that it’s so important that you’re here. 
“i’m taking it that you don’t need help studying,” you smile back at him, and he shakes his head, “didn’t think so. you’re a star student.”
“i try my best,” he says, and you scoff at him. he barely tries. he’s just good at everything (except for math. but that’s math’s fault for being too complicated for him).
you shake your head at him, “okay, what did you wanna do?”
“i actually wanted to tell you something,” he starts. that smile of his fades when he gets anxious. he puts his hands in his pockets to hide how clammy they’re getting. you urge him to continue but he’s struggling to find the words, “i-i’m sorry, it’s hard to talk about.”
“it’s okay, tae, just breathe,”
he frowns, seemingly gaining the courage to say his thoughts, “i- i know this is- this is not what you want to hear because you’ve told me how you’re not romantically interested in anyone and you don’t want a relationship. you’re really clear about that and i respect that.”
he closes his eyes as he braces himself for how vulnerable he’s about to feel. he’s preparing to bare his heart out to you, when he knows you can’t care for it like he needs. 
“and i don’t want to make you feel pressured, but it feels wrong to hide it from you while i monopolize all your time,” he says, lowering his face to hide it from you. you can still see how red his ears are getting though, “i had to go and fall for the one person i couldn’t fall in love with.” he says it more to himself, like a criticism. ‘how could i do something so stupid, so self-destructive?’ he’s probably thinking, "I have feelings for you. i'm sorry."
“taerae…” you whisper, coming closer to try and comfort him, putting your hand on his arm. 
he shakes his head again, looking up with you with those darling eyes that make people fall for him left and right, “and it’s not fair to you, but it’s not fair to me either. you don’t want to be in love? that’s fine. but you can’t go and take my heart and write your initials on it like it belongs to you, and expect me to not feel it pounding in my chest for you. that’s…” it’s ironic that so many people probably have feelings for him and yet he’s here, baring his soul out to you, “cruel.”
his eyes, intentionally or not, are piercing into your soul in turn. it’s like he can see every last piece of your being, and it’s frightening to be that known by someone else. they’re pulling you in like a siren song, making you want to give it a chance, give him a chance. his eyes are doing every last thing to make you his, promising you to only ever be yours, to never hurt you, to always make you happy. 
maybe that’s why you left him there with nothing more than a squeeze to his hand and a “i’m so sorry,”. it was easier than looking into those beautiful eyes and tell him no. easier than watching his heart (with your initials on it) shatter.
and so you continue on with life. soulessly, you suppose, but every day keeps coming whether or not you want it to.
you keep checking your phone. it doesn’t even make sense why, because he’s probably too embarrassed and upset to text you. and he has every right to be upset at you right now. you left him when you got scared and haven’t even tried to say sorry, much less give him a proper response since that day. he has every right to be pissed at you.
and the shitty part is you know he’s not. because he’s taerae. because he was never mad at you. not when you bugged him when he tried to study. not when you barely worked during your library meetups. not when you were late and not when you were rude to him when you first had to start working together. 
he’s never been mad at you and you know every time you walk past him, he stops to look at you, hoping you’ll turn around, and the fact that you don’t is breaking him even more. all you know is that if he uses those puppy eyes on you one more time, all your resolve will crack. 
not falling in love was your main goal during college. years of being alone, part by choice and part by circumstance, made it so you felt you were better off by yourself. it’s hard to want other people when you’re not used to feeling wanted, and being in love just seems so scary.
were you in love with taerae? that was the real question, wasn’t it?
because he wasn’t that close of a friend. you had barely known he was more than an npc a few weeks ago, and you didn’t really know him that well. he was an enigma, a being you knew existed but nothing beyond his existence. and he wasn’t particularly charming. he was awkward. he was dorky. he didn't dress that well. he was really passionate about things and those things completely consumed him. he initially seemed like an anti romantic up until now, too focused on his passions and life to even think about love.
but every time he had said a dumb joke, you laughed. every time he tried to impress you with how cool he was, sure, it was kinda dorky, but you were impressed. and when he smiled at you, it felt like the world was okay in that instant. he gave you his jacket when he was cold once, he got your coffee before your study session once, and he cheered you on. 
maybe you did love him, but he must have given you no other option. nothing else you could do besides helplessly watching as he fundamentally changed who you were.
was it so bad to be in love with taerae? he’s beyond kind and has endless good will to give the world. and of course it was scary to be in love, but taerae wasn’t scary. he wouldn’t break your heart, he’d give you peace of mind and comfort. 
nothing sways you to talk to him quite like another person trying to flirt with him does. they’re attractive, a little mysterious, and intriguing from the get-go- if taerae’s crush on you was indicative of a type, they’d be his perfect match. 
they’re so clearly into him, you wonder if you looked like that when you hung out with him. maybe passerbys thought you were a couple before you were even friends. 
and he’s so clearly letting them flirt. he’s not making moves, but taerae doesn’t make moves like that. he wants to move slower than that. he doesn’t want to get into their pants, he wants them to romance him. he wants to feel courted. you’re not sure what you did to romance him, or how exactly your attitude made him feel courted. 
and it’s so hard to watch him be flirted with because you were the one who left him there. that could be you right now, but it’s not. taerae is letting someone else flirt with him and letting someone else tell him jokes and smiling that bright smile at someone else. that’s what really hurts. 
but you let them be while you jealously sip your coffee, talking to your friend sitting next to you.
“you need to talk to him,” they say, “you need to tell him about your feelings. even if you’re scared. he deserves honesty and you deserve to be happy.” 
and they’re right. you know they are. friends tend to be right about this kind of stuff.
and it takes all day to build up the courage. the second you think you could do it and make it out alive, you run over to his dorm room. it’s across campus, and you really could have just walked, but that means more time left alone with your thoughts, which is a big no no right now. 
it’s early in the evening, but even still you’re grateful that junhyeon took pity on you and took you to his dorm room that he shares with taerae. he left you guys alone to ‘talk’ he says with a smirk. if only you were sneaking in for something fun like that. and not to pour your heart out onto his floor and just hope that he’ll be okay with cleaning up the mess. 
“taerae!” you say as you burst into the room, locking the door as soon as junhyeon annoyingly shouts, “you're welcome!”. he looks up like a deer in headlights from his desk to see you tired, out of breath, holding the door against junhyeon until he gives up. he furrows his brows in confusion.
“what’s going on? are you okay?” he asks, "what's wrong? did someone say something?" he's got this look of protectiveness in his eyes. you wonder briefly if he thinks someone hurt your feelings and you came running to him for comfort. it's charming.
you shake your head, “i made a mistake and i came to fix it,” you say, that look in his eyes coming right back. like you’re back in that moment at the library. like it’s that fateful day again, with light wind in the forecast and pollen in the air. you remember nothing but how beautiful kim taerae looked and how painful it felt to run away. 
“i’m listening..” he says, trying to get you to continue, to say your side of everything, because you’re lost in thought and forgetting that he’s standing right in front of you.
you sigh, thinking maybe it’s best to back out, turning around to try the door. hopefully, junhyeon didn’t put a chair outside to keep you trapped so you could do 'things'. you almost commit to leaving, telling taerae you didn't have anything to say at all. it was easier than facing him. that’s when you see it. 
“what’s this?” you ask, pointing to the new bracelet in his pile of usual jewelry. 
“oh… my friend just got that for me, actually. i don’t think you’ve met that friend yet,” he says.
“was it the friend in the courtyard?” you ask, looking up at him. he can’t decipher the look in your eyes, but he nods. you’re half expecting a ‘how did you know i was in the courtyard?’ but you know he’s not going to pry like that. 
“taerae, i-” you start to say, and he looks up again, that hopeful look in his eyes. if you were a better person, you would have noticed how he looked at you the first time and never, ever let someone hurt him. even yourself. 
but you weren’t that person. you’ll learn to be that person now, though. his pretty smile depended on it. 
“i’m so sorry for leaving you there,” you say, getting right into it, “i’m sorry i never gave you a proper response to what you told me, and i’m sorry it’s taken me so long to gather my thoughts. i’m so sorry, i feel horrible for how you must have felt when i left after you said all of that.” 
“it’s okay,” he tells you. it’s not and you both know it, “you don’t have to feel the same about me. that was my fault for falling for you and coming on so strong about my feelings. you weren’t ready for it and i scared you. i was in the wrong.”
and it hurts to know he’s still going to apologize after all of this. he’s too kind and too pure of heart. 
the bracelet comes back to your mind. and you have no right to be jealous because that person did nothing wrong. they were honestly probably a good distraction for him while you were being a coward. but the bracelet, a marker of something of theirs being on his wrist. the thought left a disgusting feeling in your stomach. it was clear in that moment exactly how you felt. 
you come closer to him, suddenly emboldened by the jealousy of a gift another suitor got him and the fact that he was so wrong in his assumption of how he felt. he takes a step back when you get a little too close, like he’s nervous. not scared, but timid about what’s going on. his breath hitches when you look down at his lips like you could devour him. you were so obvious. 
“taerae,” you say, and one last time, he looks up at you with doe eyes, “i thought i didn’t have feelings for you. and then i watched myself break your heart. i knew right there and then that these emotions couldn’t have been caused by anything other than me having feelings for you. i didn’t want to admit it, to you or myself, but…” you trail off, forgetting the last words of your sentence when his eyes find your lips, like he wants to have you now, finally knowing there’s shared emotions there, “i thought i didn’t feel anything romantic for people at all, like i was soulless, and you proved me wrong.” 
“...why did you run?”
“i was scared. i’ve always been afraid to fall in love. i kept thinking, ‘what if he broke my heart?’. i realized how dumb it sounded because… it’s just so unlike you,” you smile at him, seeing all the innocence and kindness in his eyes, and wonder how you ever could have felt scared to fall for him, “and i saw them flirt with you. i told myself i couldn’t be jealous, but it’s hard to not be. i wanted you first, kim taerae. i know it’s not up to me, but they couldn’t have you. i couldn’t let that happen.”
“...come take me then,” he says, still staring at your lips. he really won’t make the first move, will he? you smile to yourself as you step closer, pressing your lips to his briefly, pulling away, and then again, just… not so briefly this time. he pulls away first because lord knows you couldn’t have, “so what happened to ‘i never wanna fall in love’?”
“i didn’t want this initially, you know. falling for you was never a choice,” you say. he laughs with all his chest.
“such an anti-romantic. glad i could turn you,” he smiles, “i’m just happy, in all your hatred of romance and pickiness for people, you picked this loser.”
oh taerae, you’re not a loser. you’re just in love.
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ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
Hey, this is my first time requesting something, but I was wondering if you could do the ROTTMNT boys x a reader who’s like terrified of needles? Like the sight of one is fine but once they hear about a finger prick or a shot they freak out and start to cry? It’s kinda weird but I experienced something like this earlier and I just got the idea… Thank You!
Hope you love it! :) <3
rottmnt x reader
S/O with trypanophobia/deathly afraid of needles
hurt/comfort? gn reader, romantic? but could be read as platonic.
mentions needles, wounds, and stitches
PLEASE just ignore if any info in this is wrong I’m not a doctor man
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You had gotten injured on a mission and had a pretty nasty, deep cut on your thigh.
Not to worry, Donnie’s first-aid in on the way. So there you were in his lab as Donnie observed the cut through his goggles.
“Yeah, that’s gonna need stitches…”
Your stomach dropped, your horror evident as you squeezed your boyfriends hand. “Stitches?…with, like, a needle? No way!”
“What? Are you scared?~” Leo teased (fucking idiot), laughing a little bit.
“No! I am-” Your stomach flipped and your breathing hitched as Donnie pulled out a special needle and thread from his kit, images of it piercing your skin filled your mind. “Oh god…I can’t do it.”
“Relax! You’re in good hands!“ You looked up at Leo horrified at his words, before both turning to look at Donnie. “Hey! I’ll have you know-“
“Shhhhh! Y/N, really, you’ll be fiiine just calm down bro!” Leo patted your back. Obviously, this was not helpful. First of all, being told to calm down NEVER soothes anybody, and second he called you ‘bro.’
“Mm-mm. No! No way! Look, it’s-“ you hissed in pain as you gripped your leg to cover your wound, “…fine.”
“Not really, Y/N…” Donnie sighed, threading the needle.
“Yeah! What if it gets infected and we have to like, amputate your leg?” You knew Leo was trying to help, but he really wasn’t. Why the hell would he say that anyway? (fucking idiot)
“No, please! I can’t!” You squirmed trying to get up, desperate.
Leo lightly grabbed your shoulders, trying to gently lay you down on the table, “Relaaaax. I know you’re scared, but I’ll be right here the whole time, I swear. Besides, I’m sure Donnie is gonna numb it or whatever, right?”
Your breathing was extremely uneasy tears spilling from your eyes. “No! Stop.”
Leo grabbed your hand again, squeezing it. “Come on, Donnie, isn’t there anything else you can do?”
Donatello sighed, rubbing his temple. “ I suppose…we could try to just patch it up with some gauze, but I’m not sure it-“
“Great! Then bust out that gauze.” Leo rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb.
He didn’t really show it, but he was extremely worried and did feel a little guilty for not taking you seriously at first. He hated seeing you so distressed because he didn’t really know what to do.
“Why not?” Raph looked at Donnie and then down at you, he didn’t really understand.
“I just can’t, Raph, please.” You squeezed his hand tightly, your chest was tight and your face went pale at even the thought of having a needle in your arm.
“He has to Y/N, you’re hurt. Tell em’, Donnie.” Raph nudged Donnie and he sighed, a little frustrated.
“Well, Y/N…it could get seriously infected if you
don’t-“ Donnie began to thread the needle.
You began to squirm, trying to get up but Raph gently squeezed your shoulder with his free hand to keep you down, his face wrinkling in concern. “No! I-…I can’t! Stop, please!”
“It’s ok, Y/N. Raph’s right here, no one’s gonna make you.” Raph couldn’t stand to see you so afraid. “Donnie, can’t you just like, put a band-aid on it?”
To which his younger brother raised an eyebrow, a little annoyed, “No, Raphael, I can’t just ‘slap a band-aid on it.’ …but I suppose I could patch it up with some gauze and medical tape.”
“Awesome! See, Y/N, you have nothing to be afraid of.” Raph smiled down at you, trying to be reassuring. He didn’t completely understand, but he did know he wasn’t going to just let you be distraught if there was another solution.
“Don’t worry, Donnie’ll take care of you. He’s the best in the business, baby!” Mikey beamed, not realizing what you meant. Donnie smirked at his brothers compliment, nodding a small ‘mhm.’
“No! Really, it’s ok! It’ll, ah! Heal just fine..” You looked down at your leg, the stinging, throbbing pain still surging through it.
“Nuh uh! Come on, Y/N. You’ll be fine!” Michael rubbed your back as Donnie dug through the first-aid kit and pulling out, in your opinion, an un-fairly sized needle and some thread.
You felt undeniably terrified in that moment at the image of being stitched up and having a needle pulled through your skin over and over. The color left your face, your adrenaline rushing. “No! I said no! Mikey, please!”
Mikey frowned, feeling your terror with you. “Uh, Dee…maybe you should just patch them up with some bandage.”
Donnie looked between both of you, before shaking his head, “Alright.”
“Good! No needles. You’re ok, Y/N. I’m right beside you.” Mikey smiled in his usual optimistic way and he put his arm completely around you, but was definitely still saddened. He’d never seen you so frightened before, even when you were attacked to be put in this situation in the first place. He made a mental note of this event for future reference.
“Why not?” Donnie furrowed his brows, pushing up his goggles with his free hand, squeezing your hand back in his other one.
“Please. There has to be something else you can do.” You looked at him pleadingly, and he narrowed his eyes, thinking for a second.
“…I don’t know, Y/N. It would be a lot safer to just do stitches. For example, it could get infected, or scar, or-“ He began to thread the needle, tying the end.
“No! Donnie, don’t!” You thrashed around, trying to hastily get up, the pain in your leg worsening at the pressure.
“Y/N, hold still!” Donatello grabbed your arm gently to hold you from standing up. He didn’t comprehend how deep your fear was. “I know it’s scary, just hold on-“
“No! Stop! Get it away from me, I can’t!” You struggled, kicking your feet and tightly gripping his arm. Tears formed in your eyes, your breathing quickening.
Donnie pulled back, dropping the needle back into the kit. He wasn’t expecting that reaction, his eyes softening into concern as he finally realized your genuine terror.
He sighed, a little frustrated but trying to be understanding, “Ok. Alright, how about just some bandage and gauze? Is that ok?”
You nodded, still a little anxious as your hands shook slightly. “Sorry, Donnie…”
“Don’t apologize.” He gently and carefully wrapped the bandage around your leg. He definitely didn’t show it properly, but he did feel bad. He didn’t mean to scare you and if he had known, he wouldn’t have even suggested it. It bothered him to hear how genuinely afraid you were. He would just have to remember for next time, but hopefully there wouldn’t be a next time.
Still working on and accepting requests!!! :)
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mouschiwrites · 8 months
HI POOKS!! So like this idea popped into my head so if it's alright with you could you do hc's for Ninjago where the ninja have a s/o who gets brain washed during a mission and is forced to fight their partner. (one of the ninja) To make it interesting, when the reader is brainwashed they say really hurtful things but the ninja have to keep it together because they know the reader doesn't mean it. At the end, when the reader is back to normal the ninja of that scenario tells the reader about everything(and what they said) and the reader feels guilty which leaves the ninja of that scenario telling them that it's fine and they're just happy the reader is safe. Hopefully that made sense thank you so much pookie!!❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Me when you 💖
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Anyway teehee here you go!!
Ninjago - Ninjas When You Get Brainwashed
When you attacked him, he thought you were just being playful
Bad timing, considering you were on a mission, but not exactly alarming
You guys love to play fight and banter, so it took him a minute to realize that something was wrong
It was the look in your eyes that gave you away; there was no humor, no affection, nothing but rage behind those e/c irises
"You hit like a toddler! And you look like one, too, with that stupid spiky hair!"
Kai felt his heart twist at each insult
Knowing that you weren’t joking around made the words lose their hilarity
It also made him hesitant to fight you back; he didn't want to exacerbate whatever was going on here
So he just tried his best to dodge, blocking the blows he wasn't quick enough to evade
He asked you what was wrong, but only received more degrading remarks in response
Your incessant attacks with no acknowledgment for anything he said or did clued him in on the true nature of your behavior
Realizing you were brainwashed, he refocused his energy to thinking of a way to snap you out of it
Only one idea came to his mind; it was stupid, it was risky considering you were trying to kill him, but it was all he had
He stopped dodging you, letting you lunge at his throat
As you dove in, he grabbed your collar and pulled you in for a kiss
At first he felt you resisting, but he held on, and gradually you melted into his touch
When you pulled away, the hatred in your eyes had disappeared
You put your hand over your mouth, disgusted at your actions
“Kai, I’m so sorry! I think I got brainwashed—I didn’t mean any of that.”
“Don’t worry about it, my flower. Nothing I haven’t seen from you before, right? I’m just happy you’re in your right mind again.”
You smirked at his remark, leaning in to peck his cheek
He took your hand, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles
“Come on, we’ve got a mission to finish.”
Jay shrieked when you pounced on him
He knew right away that something was wrong
You’d never do this; not to him
And the words you used… completely out of character
You and Jay were always sweet to each other, even when you were teasing
So your sudden barrage of insults and blows was much more than strange
Being a science fiction nerd, he guessed that you’d been brainwashed first try
He wasn’t serious when he thought of it at first, but he quickly realized that this was the only logical explanation
He couldn’t think of anything else that would cause you to act like this so suddenly
Mostly because he was preoccupied running from you and trying not to cry as you degraded him
He refused to lay a hand on you; no matter how brutish you were with him, he was determined not to hit back
So he just ran
Eventually you backed him into a corner
Your taunts were just getting annoying at this point—now that Jay had processed that it wasn’t really you, they just seemed redundant
You walked closer, slowly, talking all the while
"Tch, look at you... I can't believe I ever agreed to date you! Look at how pathetic you are!"
Jay’s hands balled into fists as he only got angrier
When you got within range, his body moved on its own
He clocked you on the side of the head, hard
You stumbled to the ground, and Jay gasped as he realized what he had done
“Y/n! Y/n, are you okay? Oh my stars, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“…Jay? Oof, what ha… oh. Oh no. Jay, honey, I’m the one who should be apologizing! I didn’t mean any of that! Oh, sweetheart, are you okay?”
You brought yourself up to a sitting position, cupping Jay’s face in your hands and examining it with concern
You knew that he could be sensitive, and considering what you just did… you were on the verge of panicking
He just closed his eyes, leaning into your touch with a soft smile
“I didn’t listen. I knew it wasn’t you. You’d never do that to me. I’m so glad you’re back, Y/n.”
Your relationship with Cole is fairly stable; you rarely have disputes because you're both pretty easygoing, which means you're willing to accommodate/compromise before any conflict arises
The minute you attacked him, screaming hurtful words, he knew that something was up
He tried asking what was wrong, but only got a kick to the shin in response
Luckily he’s a pretty sturdy guy, so he stood his ground, blocking your attacks while trying to speak to you
“Y/n! Just—ow—tell me what’s wrong!”
He was really trying to be patient with you, but it was a little difficult with each new soon-to-be bruise planted on his body
His waning patience combined with the knowledge that you were on a mission eventually motivated him to restrain you
He wrapped his arms around you tightly, pinning your arms to your sides and lifting you off the ground
“Let me go, you… piggish brute! You unlovable barbarian! Release me!!”
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong!”
He squeezed tighter with every insult, eventually forcing the breath out of your lungs
You went quiet for a few moments, and that’s when he finally decided to put you down
You stumbled, having almost just fainted, but he caught you in his arms
With your body in his lap, Cole brushed a strand of hair away from your face
“Can you please tell me what’s going on now, my love?”
“Cole… I think I was brainwashed. I’m sorry, I… I can’t believe myself—”
“Not another word. That makes sense, actually. I’m just relieved that you weren’t mad at me or something. And I’m glad that you’re safe now, of course.”
He kissed your forehead, lifting you bridal style, making you giggle
He planted you on your feet and interlaced your fingers before nodding forward, urging you to follow him to complete your mission
You hadn't even said or done anything and Zane was able to detect that subtle difference
He didn't know what it was at first, so he prepared himself for anything as you ran at him
Judging your behavior, he quickly determined that you must've been brainwashed
The only trouble now was figuring out how to bring you back to reality
There were a hundred ways he could think of to un-brainwash someone... but which one would work?
"I don't know why I ever thought I could love you. You're a robot! You try to act human, but you'll never be like me. You'll never be enough for me."
This particular insult shook him out of his thoughts
The pain in his heart stunned him just long enough for you to pounce, pinning him to the ground
But as he fell, he reminded himself that this wasn't really you; the words that fell from your lips weren't your own
Now that pain bubbled into rage; you were being controlled, and you didn't deserve that
"Get. Out. Of. Their. Head!"
With a sudden burst of strength, Zane launched you off of him, switching your positions
Now, having you pinned, Zane glared into those hateful eyes
You entered a staring—no, glaring—contest
Gradually, as Zane squinted harder, gritted his teeth tighter, he saw your eyes soften
Eventually they fluttered shut for a moment, and when they opened again he knew you were back
His face immediately lit up, and he beamed at you
You smiled back as it all returned to your memory
"Thank you, Zane. I hope you know I didn't mean anything I said."
"Yes, yes. I'm only glad you're safe."
"Good. ...Uh, can you get off me now?"
Both blushing furiously, you scrambled to your feet
Zane awkwardly (but much to your relief) changed the subject by prompting you to return to your mission
You and Lloyd always talked things out when you had problems
You never took to petty insults during these talks, either
So when you came barreling at him, cursing him like an evil sorcerer, he knew something was up
At first he tried asking you what was wrong, but seeing that his words didn't register, focused instead on dodging your attacks
As he jumped around, avoiding your mechanically fast-paced blows, he noticed a strange look in your eye
It was as if a mask of hatred had been plastered on your face, and the real you was trapped behind it
Keep in mind this was a very slow realization; Lloyd had to divide his attention between dodging your hits, blocking out your words, and trying to figure out what was going on
In the time it took him to figure this out, you had worn yourself out quite a bit
Your breathing was heavy and ragged, and your form was becoming sluggish
Lloyd was losing energy too, but not quite as quickly
He decided to keep dodging until you wore yourself out
When your punches became slow and weak enough to bear, Lloyd stopped his agile movements and planted himself square in front of you
At this point, you were so tired that your punch to his chest was a mere touch, a brush of the knuckles against his green gi
"You... worthless... wannabe..."
He cupped your face, staring deep into your eyes, trying to get a glimpse of the real you inside
The sound of your name stirred something in those dull, disdainful eyes
He said it again, softer now, and the mask broke
"Y/n. You're safe now. It's okay."
You slumped against him, murmuring apologies into his shoulder as he smoothed your hair
As much as he wanted to let you recover, he needed your help to finish the mission
He held out his elbow, earning a smirk from you as you placed your hand in the crook of it, allowing him to escort you forward
She was NOT having it
The very first insult you spat sent her into a rage almost rivaling yours
"Still can't believe they let a girl like you on the team. I mean, talk about a weak link!"
"Excuse me?!"
Her rage blinded her, and she fully engaged you in combat
You were both fighting with everything you had, making quite the commotion
Insults and fists flying, you'd never guess that you guys were actually dating
The thought occurred to Nya only after she had bested you, pinning you to the ground with her knee on the back of your neck
Still angry, she demanded to know why you did it
The fighting had disoriented you, shaking the effects of the brainwashing for just a second
"Nya, I... Gah! Get off me, brat!"
It was brief, but she saw you fighting to get out
Realizing at once what was going on, guilt flooded Nya's conscience
But she didn't let you go just yet
"Come on, Y/n! Fight it!"
"Stupid! Stupid stupid stupid—stupid brainwashing..!"
"Y/n? Is that you?"
"Yes. Yes, it's me. Oh, Nya, I'm so sorry..."
"I think we should both be a little sorry. I shouldn't have jumped you like that without thinking. But I'm glad you're back; you're a fighter."
You smiled at her when she offered her hand to help you up
Still holding her hand, you pulled her into a quick kiss
"We both are. Which reminds me... Shall we get back to the mission?"
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Thanks for reading! And thanks to the sweet anon for this request! Take care loves <33
(divider by saradika)
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ivymyers · 1 year
Clingy (Revali x Reader)
Personal project. Enjoy! (requests are open)
Warnings: a little bit agnsty, point of view does not make sense, I wrote this kinda fast, Revali being a dick
“She’s so…goddamn clingy.”
You flinch as you hear these words uttered from Revali. It didn’t feel good, but he wasn’t finished and you could confirm who was definitely talking about.
“She always wants to spend time with me, I’m lacking in all my skills because of it. Y/n is such a distraction.”
You get that he likes to show off and brag, but saying this crap to the champions was too far. You had made such an effort to get them to like you. It hurt that Revali was killing your progress behind your back. Not to mention how absolutely hurtful this all was. All the times he wanted to hang out with you, you thought he was being sweet, different than how he was around others. It crushed your soul that he would say such hurtful things.
You ran out before you could hear the responses from the other champions.
All week you avoided Revali, whenever you thought of a fun idea for the pair of you, it was shot down by the neverending repetition of that phrase. Over and over it played until you couldn’t do anything but think about that.
You sat on the flight deck to feel the rushing wind in an attempt to drown your feelings. As the tears fell down your face you couldn’t stop thinking about what your Rito lover had said, even though a week had already passed. He called you clingy. What an awful thing to be called for trying to express your feelings. Although, you were finally beginning to see the reasoning behind it. You heard the footsteps behind you and immediately knew who it was.
“Y/n? Hey, I just wanted to see if you wanted to do somethi- are you crying?” His heart stopped when he saw tears.
“What?” you quickly wiped the tears from your cheeks.
“Y/n are you ok? I’m worried. You haven’t wanted to do anything with me all week.”
“I’m fine.” You say coldly. 
“Y/n what’s up?” Revali actually looks a little concerned now. “Do you want to talk somewhere?”
“No, I said I’m fine. Wouldn’t want to waste any of your precious training time.” With that you stormed off. Leaving Revali mildly confused.
[timeskip to later that night]
It was the middle of the night when you slipped out of the hammock. He probably thought it was annoying to have to share with you anyway. God, you were so annoying weren’t you? Once the tears started they wouldn’t stop, so instead of trying to calm yourself down, you just curled into a little ball to comfort yourself. 
The sound of you in distress woke Revali. Immediately he was terrified when you were missing from the Hammock. Hearing your sniffles from the corner made him feel sick. He hated it whenever you weren’t feeling your best. Instantly he got up to go sit down next to you. 
“Angel…what’s wrong?”
“Nothing Revali, I’m just trying not to act so…Goddamn clingy I guess.”
The room got quiet very fast. To see you in distress made Revali  anxious, but to know he was the one who caused it? He felt extremely guilty, and pissed at himself. 
“No, it’s fine, you don’t need to justify yourself, I understand, I’ve been putting myself first in our relationship too much. It’s my fault you haven't been enjoying yourself. I feel so bad Revali.”
You stared at him with tears flowing down your face and he wished he could take it all back. You were his whole world and he crushed you.
“I’m sorry y/n. Those words were…god I’m such a dumbass…” he closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “What I said to them last week, none of it was true. I was showing off and…it’s something I need to do less of. Please. Come back to the hammock with me, I couldn’t bear it if you left me.”
You followed him slowly and silently, thought jumbled and confused.
Revali, on the other hand, was freaking out inside. This distress he caused you, what if he messed you up permanently? He knew it would take time for you to regain his trust…but the way you feel must be ten times worse than how he does. He made a mental note to take you to your favorite spot in the morning and make your favorite meal. But for now, you were already asleep against his chest in the hammock.
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it was kinda all over the place.
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