#I kinda did this to storyboard
amenti-aardwolf · 2 years
Kinda late, but oh well. I felt like drawing in the middle of the night. Even though this Single Pringle doesn't really celebrate Valentine's Day, why not use the holiday as a prompt?
This is for my batim au, where a young Henry is turned into a "perfect" Bendy and trapped in the studio, disoriented by his transformation and unsure of what to do. Long story short, his wife, Linda, finds him and rescues him. Though his condition is irreversible, they still love each other and try their best to live life as normally as possible.
Linda isn't much of a dress person, but she knows it's Henry's favorite color and thought it would be nice to wear it for him on such a special day. She refused to give up her comfy work boots and the dog tags she never leaves home without, though. (Quite understandable)
Henry can alter his ink to where he looks more like he did when he was a human, but he's been feeling awful tired lately, and both he and Linda decided that he shouldn't use this ability unless absolutely necessary. They still don't know much about his inky anatomy, and the last thing they want to do is push his limits too far.
Granted, he tried at first so they could have a "normal" Valentine's Day, but Linda shut that down very quickly. She'd rather have her husband be a healthy demon than a sickly man; She'd love him regardless.
Henry was set on giving his wife a special Valentine's day, though, so he pulled a few tricks and managed to get ahold of a bouquet of daisies and a child-sized suit jacket. Linda's still not sure how he did it, as he promised he didn't leave the house (an act he's supposed to avoid so he doesn't get seen and taken away), but her heart is warmed nonetheless.
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1driedpersimmon · 1 year
(Temenos chp2, sorta, spoilers!) I really liked this small interaction in this scene so I thought I might try and give it a go! 🤭 I took a lot of liberties with the acting, hope you guys like it! hehe
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 years
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the battle at broken moons
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cakemousse · 2 years
This could be a stretch, and I am putting my clown makeup on (hesitantly though)
So during the ladynoir scene in Exaltation, where Ladybug said that it’s clear Chat Noir doesn’t have feelings for her anymore, to which he replied that it’s not exactly that, he still loves her, but as a friend now.
But what if that’s all a lie?
I know that scene has one of the prettiest colour schemes within the whole episode itself, the red and black contrast with the orangey light from the fire that was caused by Glaciator himself.
And Chat Noir has half his face in the shadows, while the other is brightly lit
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compare that to Ladybug’s
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where the left side of her face is lit up in the orange light too just like his, but her right side isn’t concealed at all.
I don’t know about you, but while watching this scene, my eyes were guided specifically to the half of chat noir’s face that’s brightly lit (which bravo, I’m sure that’s the goal of this scene).
But more importantly, I can’t help but think that having half his face hidden within the shadow, he’s hiding something, he’s not being true to himself. In dark places, we cannot really see what’s going on, and for this effect to appear on Chat Noir’s face, I believe he’s hiding something from Ladybug, from us the audience, he has something that he isn’t willing to share. Specifically, he’s hiding/concealing the fact that he still loves her romantically.
And note that they squat at the same place throughout, from their talk to the point where Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, and look at the difference in lighting on Chat Noir’s face after Ladybug told him that he’s going to need to trust her on this
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The shadow is gone, there is nothing to hide, because it’s “like always.” Chat Noir wholeheartedly trusts Ladybug, that part is never going to change, it’s the same in the past, it’s the same now, and it’ll be in the future.
No matter what might have changed within their dynamic from here on.
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piesa2 · 8 months
im always in between not considering myself a comic artist and then also when i do make a comic im like wow i love comics
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cursedauxiliary · 7 months
Oh my god, I was like, hey lets read that silly webcomics with the funny penis anatomy and then I ended up sinking it like 3 hrs and its 4am
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commanderfloppy · 1 year
random question for you: what's the deal with rococcus's time in the vigil? it sounds like it was a Ride (TM) @kerra-and-company
Yeahhh it kinda was, I’ll start from the beginning.
TW: Uhh death and talk about war and stuff.
When Rococcus was born he had dream with a very clear cut Wyld Hunt, he was a soldier and fought a dragon..ok well we know what you’re doing.
So after about a month of getting to learn some basic principles of the world and Ventari tenants he is sent off to join the Vigil. He is ok with this because ‘my hunt is pulling me towards it and I like the idea of protecting people :)’
Once in the vigil baby recruit Roco gets taken under the wing of an older sylvari who was also called to join the vigil, Delwyn.
Rococcus really appreciates this new mentor and also develops a bit of a crush on them? (Kinda, it never fully formed since they still kept their distance sometimes so roco never really felt any solid attraction, kinda that ‘this person is really cool I like them as a friend…I think?’ Limbo)
The first year or so in the vigil are pretty good! The missions Roco went on were mostly focused on helping people escape the grasp of dragon corruption, clearing travel routes, getting aid. There were rough moments and some losses, but he was helping people and this was his destiny it’s fine it’s good..
Then the pact formed and the fight turned to Zhaitan. This is when things started to go to shit. Roccocus already felt a lot of strain from the fact that the pull of his Wyld Hunt got a lot more magnified the closer they got to Orr, the pressure of knowing this is what he’s meant for and that it was getting closer was a lot.
Once the assault on Orr started a lot of casualties happened, including ones full of squadmates he once knew, and because he’s a guardian (with purifying flame magic) it fell to him to thoroughly burn those fallen soldiers so they couldn’t be revived by Zhaitan, even those who hadn’t quite died yet (Delwyn helped by putting them out of misery swiftly before the cremation happened though).
So yeah now he’s here at this shit ass place that smells like dead things, basically everyone he’s known has died and he was the one who had to see them dead. And this whole time as horrible things happen around him an invisible string of fate is pulling him along, closer to even more suffering, (which he’s becoming less equipped to deal with because all this stress is making his magic start to fuck up and get weaker).
This all comes to a head during the final attack on Zhaitan, through some way (possibly the airship they were on crashing) Rococcus and Delwyn are stranded on the ground as the air assault continues, but things are close to being finished. While the injured Roco and Delwyn wait for rescue, some leftover risen from the ground assault attack them. He tries his best to provide cover with his magic, but it doesn’t work well enough and the barrier breaks. Delwyn is shot dead before his eyes as the last risen falls.
He sits there on the battlefield, the pull in his chest dissipates, it’s done…he’s done… everything is over
So uhh all his friends died and he got fucked up…have this drawing…sorry
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pink-octopede64 · 1 month
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nobody knows their relationship like i do (i also don't because the show they're from is lost media and i'm going off on literal nothing)
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limewatt · 4 months
went insane, listened to the same song over and over again for a solid 9 hours, vividly pictured a whole amv in my head. i have memorized the song and the moving pictures i imagined
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amielnitrate · 9 months
i miss mr. robot so much...watching that show as a kid fucked me up for the better
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swampjawn · 7 months
Dungeon Meshi just keeps getting more consistent as we get closer to the dragon.
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(^Another beautiful cut from Kai Ikarashi, who did the childhood memory sequence from the living armor fight, as well as a bunch more from that episode)
The first half of episode 8, focusing on Marcille and Falin's magic school days, can't help but feel very reminiscent of TRIGGER's past work on Little Witch Academia.
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In fact it was a fitting crew for this episode, because episode director Yuuichi Shimodaira, storyboard artist Yuuki Yonemori, and of course series director Yoshihiro Miyajima all had significant roles on Little Witch Academia (Shimodaira and Miyajima directing several episode each, and Yonemori doing key animation).
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Yonemori even mentioned on Twitter that it felt nostalgic.
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This whole section is all about character acting, and draws a stark distinction between the body language of Falin and Marcille.
This straightforward little cut of tiny Falin carrying her dungeonium illustrates her whole essence through simple character acting. You can infer that she's carefree and whimsical from the way she bounces up and down with each step, and that she's physically kinda weak from the way she sways a little as she lifts the jar onto the desk.
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And same with this walk cycle when they enter the tiny dungeon! She wobbles clumsily back and forth and her cheerful confidence shows that she's done this dozens of times before,.
If you were to draw a straight line from her head through her spine, it would rotate back and forth, pivoting at the feet rather than the hips, which makes it feel like she's not really bending her legs as she walks.
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Meanwhile, Marcille carries herself in a way that's much more reserved.
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But she sees an openness in Falin that she hadn't considered as a possibility, and in the modern day, we can see that she's influenced by her. She's mostly dropped the air of importance and dignity, and now allows more of her own clumsy, energetic nature to shine through.
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In fact you could see this burst of energy (the type of frantic jerky movements that we see her do all the time in the modern day) earlier as the first instance where she was inspired by Falin and momentarily couldn't contain her excitement.
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There's more yummy animation analysis juice where that came from, because I broke down the whole episode in this video! (and the second half is where the animation really starts to be off the proverbial chain) Thanks for reading and watching if you're interested!
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inbarfink · 8 months
After all these years, ‘I Remember You’ is still one of the great highlights of Adventure Time Storytelling. And not just in the basic ‘what???? Silly children’s cartoon does something SAD??? HOLY SHIT MIND BLOWN’ way. But with the execution of that Something Sad. How it manages to pack so many Complex Emotions into just 11-minutes of television. And especially the way it utilizes the basic Adventure Time format for that purpose.
So Adventure Time is a Board-based show. Each episode has an outline pitched and written down by the writer’s room, and then this outline goes to a team of (usually) two Storyboard Artists who develop that simple outline into a full story. And with the show’s art-style deliberately eschewing staying perfectly ‘on-model’ in favor of having the animators take direct reference from how the different storyboarders draw the characters
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And the show being generally extremely versatile in terms of themes and tone - AT has allowed a lot of their Storyboarders to really express themselves and their unique artistic vision as part of the Big Collaborative Narrative that is Adventure Time. 
Now, the Boarders who worked on ‘I Remember You’ are Cole Sanchez and Rebecca Sugar. These two were a Storyboarding Duo from the start of S4 and until Sugar left the AT Crew during S5, and they always struck me as a curious combination. I think really from all of the individual boarders working on AT during that time, these two really are the closest to having like… Totally Opposite Artistic Sensibilities as boarders. 
With Sugar favoring a style that is very loose and sketchy and also very rounded. Focusing on expressions and subtle body language and lighting. And being famous for going deep in depth into Big Moments of Emotional Catharsis
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And Sanchez having a very clear art style that emphasizes strong silhouettes and clear lines that suggest flatness. Focusing more on major poses and the character’s positions in the space. And having just a really great eye for AT’s brand of silly humor.
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Like, I almost kinda suspect these two were paired together so they can each cover for the other’s “weakspots” in writing ‘Adventure Time’. 
And there were a few episodes that did some really interesting stuff with this very contrasting pair - ‘Jake the Dog’ is another example. Giving most of the Farmworld scenes to Sugar and most of the Time Room scenes to Sanchez both plays to their personal strengths as storyboarders and helps to emphasize the strong emotional contrast between these two scenarios. 
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And ‘I Remember You’ is actually kinda unique among Adventure Time episodes cause… Most episodes will have the two boarders alternate between working on the episode throughout it. Like you’d have Boarder A draw a bit and then Boarder B and then Boarder A again… But “I Remember You” is divided between Sanchez and Sugar… basically perfectly in the middle.
So the entirety of the first half of the episode was boarded by Sanchez
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Until Ice King pushes Marceline and then leaves the room in shame.
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And then, Sugar takes over.
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And, like, even if you don’t know anything about the Behind the Scenes of Adventure Time or who Cole Sanchez and Rebecca Sugar even are - the Shift is noticeable. The shift in tone, in narrative focus, in the subtleties in which the characters are drawn. 
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The entire first half of the episode has this thin veneer of just being a Silly Goofy Ice King Episode. Sanchez’s talent for Adventure Time’s brand of comedy is on full display… but there is also this underlying feeling that Something is Happening just under the surface. And these hints of the Big Emotions of ‘IRY’ expressed via Sanchez’s kinda goofy style really create this balance between putting the audience into a false sense of security that this is just a Very Normal Episode about two characters hanging out and the Tension constantly brewing in the subtext. 
And then it all comes to a blow.
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And then the Shift happens. And now we are in Sugar’s court.
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And this subtle shift in the artstyle and storytelling also coincide with Marceline finally openly expressing her feelings and the Reveal of Simon and Marcy's shared past. The episode changes focus from Ice King's silly antics to Marceline's feelings. Everything changes, everything in the first part of the episode gets recontextualized and... even on the most basic level, the episode is now Noticeably Different.
I would almost say that Sanchez’s half of the episode has Ice King define the tone, while Sugar’s half of the episode has Marceline define the tone. But more than anything it’s the catharsis. The reveal and release of those emotions that were building up so expertly through the Sanchez half of the episode. All of the Sugar-boarded scenes in this episode are really heartbreaking on their own, just through the tragedy of the story and Sugar’s expert knowledge of howto convey emotion in the visual medium - but it’s so enchanted by what came before it.
“I Remember You” is truly a great testament to how ‘Adventure Time’ could use every aspect of its medium to tell a great story in such a short time.
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vixnarts · 30 days
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Sorry that I haven’t been posting on Tumblr. I’m not active on here because the platform isn’t my favorite. But since I’m hated by the dragon artist community in the HTTYD fandom on Instagram. I’m going to post my drawing here. I’ll come back to posting more of the creepypasta proxy x supernatural AU soon. Now without further ado, let’s start off with my opinions on both Httyd movies.
HEADS UP: if you do not like these opinions about the third movie, please do not attack me or anyone else that agrees. I will block (depending on the comment) or delete the negative comments.
Toothless (THW): There were so many things with this movie that pissed me off, starting off with Toothless himself. He stood out like a sore thumb. His design is atrocious with the squished eyes and the eyebrows. The few things that were good were the Deathgrippers and when Toothless was angry. That’s it. Also the light fury was shit and she looked like a condom. Anyways, Toothless was butchered so bad in this movie. He was a slobbery horny fuck and made out with his own shadow. He was disgusting to the Light fury (Thanks for smacking him in that scene when Toothless was being a creep doing those tropical bird dances). Now with his markings, they’re vaguely there. When he’s flying you can kinda see em but not really. Aside from the deathgrippers and Toothless’s angered expressions, the entire movie was shit. And DO NOT get me started with the light fury and those ugly ass looking night light things. I preferred the old storyboard where Toothless was reunited with a pack of night furies and Drago returned. Don’t believe me? Look it up. Side note: I also liked the soundtrack of this movie. With this atrocious movie, it’s like DreamWorks took away all Toothless mysterious aspects and made him act like a rubbery mutt (no offense to dogs, dogs are way smarter than what DreamWorks did to Toothless)
HTTYD (2010): Oh boy, I loved this movie since childhood. The animation, the dragons actually looked intimidating, and my favorite of all Toothless. I loved him, his design especially. He actually scared me as a kid while watching this on DVD. Toothless in the first film was by far the best (as well as HTTYD2 Toothless, tho I like the first movie better) he was sassy, protective of hiccup even when Astrid was gonna attack. What I loved about Toothless’s design was his tiger shark leopard print markings and that he acted like a cat. I loved the way he moved in flight and walking. Another thing on what I loved about Toothless was that he was actually mysterious and unknown. No one never knew about his species it was all unknown. It would’ve been cool if DreamWorks added the concept light furies in the movie. That would be dope.
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jess-the-vampire · 4 months
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Professor Caduceia and Snakely
Checked out the storyboard for the deleted s1 episode "Homesick"
You can read it here : https://t.co/WpZJFWbR48
I just loved these cut villains, one whose design def seemed like it was given to raine when they got cut. (I wonder if the color palette was similar, but we don't have a reference to that so idk)
Thoughts on the cut episode below:
An episode where king and owlbert of all characters bond is kinda neat, especially since it provides owlbert himself a bit more character here.
The opening is def far different from any of the final ones we ever see in the series, in fact it feels like it should be taking place during the episode but it can't be given we see hooty from being sick to not being sick in pretty chronological order?
A focus on the healing coven was nice to see, especially since we never got that in the show itself, and get some idea of their powerset and what they do magic wise.
So Manny was an ambulance driver, and Camila was a nurse in this. People originally assumed camila was a nurse when the show started, and it makes me wonder if that was changed between seasons at some point cause clearly the crew decided to change her profession and it's unclear why.
you can use your palisman as a communicator? and an umbrella? I do think it's so weird that even at the very end of the show, they establish brand new rules for palisman. Like them being able to shapeshift into objects is straight up not explained and just sorta....happens in the show, like i feel like hunter would have no issue hiding flap if this is a thing. (It also kinda makes stringbean's ability slightly less unique) Like this is displayed in these boards, but they kept it even in the show itself, and i think palisman might need a proper rulebook.
On that same note, owlbert uses magic in this board, like we kinda knew palisman could do some magic without a witch, but this is the only time we've seen one use it to fight another witch that wasn't the batqueen. Like owlbert tries to full on blast people in this. I don't know if removing this episode makes this ability less canon in the world itself since they still can do magic in the show, it's just worth noting that palisman, according to this board, CAN fight back, even if they're not incredibly strong it seems. Certainly the kinda thing that makes you think on other episodes tbh.
This episode also brings up the idea that eda actually CAN and DOES bring human food to the BI, which never happens in the show, in fact luz implies she gets to eat very little options there, so this idea seems no longer canon?
The demon hunters at one point don't even seem to recognize owlbert as a palisman, which does not entirely make sense given they seem to be mostly common to the townsfolk, so I'm kinda glad for that plot hole being gone.
Caduceia makes it out like the emperor's coven forced her to teach? and she thought handing over a house demon to belos would get her out of teaching as if it were some kinda punishment or job she was made to do? I have questions
side note, house demons are called rare in this, like they're not common, not sure if this still applies in the final show, but yeah.
there's some very sweet moments in this with luz and eda especially, but also some funny moments, and some jokes that land a little less....i don't think we needed Caduceia to be kissing her snake like that from that angle, even if it was meant to be a little uncomfortable.
one reason i think this episode did get cut? we got a glyph in this
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a healing glyph, which has some ties to water based on it's symbol
i'm guessing since they kept the main glyphs element based, a healing glyph would of stuck out and been a bit weird. Like it just heals people, it doesn't produce water despite looking close to the alchemy symbol for water, and well....we already got ice so this would be redundent.
so yeah, this episode introduced a new glyph that saved them in the end so it would of come back in future episodes, but to keep it simple that would mean cutting the entire episode as a whole just to keep the four.
Since they enjoyed Caduceia's design so much, they must've repurposed it for raine somewhere down the line.
very fun insight into a scrapped episode.
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toasted-melow · 9 months
✨️Fashion fashion fashion✨️
💎✨️Look at the most gorgeous andfashionable frogs in Mount Rageous💎✨️
Ahhhhh it was really fun to make thisanimation I really missed animating stuff withthe updates and such it was kinda hard towork with it but yeah did all my best in it cuzthey really deserve a lot of love an dollydeserve the bestEven the song it really fit them vibe am I right?? 😩💖
App used in:
Flipaclip: for animating and storyboard(mostly everything LOL)
Ibispaintx: for the drawings only
Capcut: for the effects only
Hope ya all liked it like and share areappreciated 😊🌈✨️
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snyderside · 3 months
I am not exactly sure if this classifies as an Au or headcanons since Trolls Band Together was kinda short and for the life of me I kinda hate when movies are rushed and we get the cut scenes afterward only as a storyboard(I also tend to like the concept art more than the official art)
But enough of me ranting and more into me getting into what I think/want to happen to Brozone when the band split up
(I choose to call it their solo career)
John Dory(19):
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Seeing John Dory's entrance attitude and smugness truly made me think yeah this guy is definitely full of himself and in major denial about some things and what really confirmed my suspicion was when he said "I was the oldest I had no choice but to lead!"
So for his solo career, I thought maybe he did some odd job like bounty hunting, or perhaps he played hero with a small town with a small population of trolls or some other anthropomorphic species. Of course, anyone he would save or any group of bounty hunters he'd join didn't like him because he enjoyed taking control of the situation so much or bossing everyone around. He never liked being alone but he kept driving people away, so eventually he knew solitude was his best option, therefore living in Ronda alone in a forest. He did feel regret for driving his brothers away but only because he knew he was more familiar with bossing them around than some random strangers he'd just met. He kept the mindset of "Why should I feel bad when they're the ungrateful ones!" and "All I've ever done was look out for them, and I stepped up when Mom and Dad died!" after those thoughts he couldn't help but think "What are you doing John Dory?"
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I thought it would be funny if almost everyone at his little restaurant on Vacay Island or should I say Brandy's restaurant...well her dads knew who "Bruce' really was except Brandy. I like to think Bruce went to vacay island because either his therapist or himself thought he should relax more so he went on a "vacation". He chilled out, gained a little bit of weight making him lose his six-pack, and most importantly tried to win the heart of Brandy because she seemed to be the only one not falling for his charm. Brandy played a tsundere type of approach when it came to all his advances on her, but then it all came to a game of volleyball as Bruce's way of showing his dedication to her, of course some of the other players used his small stature against him and he was getting his butt handed to him. He was only able to score a single point (IDEK how volleyball works) and the way he leapt into the air had Brandy star struck, the that that was holding his hair back snapped and he used nothing but shear will power to spike the ball. I mean sure Bruce lost but did he really? He got the girl in the end so it's all that counts right?
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(So I don't really have much for clay because I used most of my ADHD superpowers on the other guys and there's not too much I can go on from the movie)
Now Clay just looked around for jobs, it was retail, then tried working at some corporate building but it all didn't exactly work out because none of his co-workers took him seriously. Feeling out of options Clay walked aimlessly eventually finding Viva and the Putt-putt trolls, at the time imagined them looking more post-apocalyptic and slightly barbaric and frankly chaotic, Viva needed drastic help because she was just a little kid like Clay. Clay offered to help her mainly because he has a tiny bit of OCD (Saying this because of how grumpy he looked when John Dory went off and did his own thing and him practicing and worrying before Brozone performance.) and Viva thought/thinks so highly of him and thought of him as serious which is all Clay ever wanted so he just felt at home...and may or may not have developed feelings for her in the long run. Still, hey I've already got into a Romance segment.
I'm going to leave this here and not do Floyd because I'll talk about his little solo career journey in an OC ramble. (I have no shame.)
Thanks for reading have a lovely day!
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