#ignore the claws please
amenti-aardwolf · 1 year
Kinda late, but oh well. I felt like drawing in the middle of the night. Even though this Single Pringle doesn't really celebrate Valentine's Day, why not use the holiday as a prompt?
This is for my batim au, where a young Henry is turned into a "perfect" Bendy and trapped in the studio, disoriented by his transformation and unsure of what to do. Long story short, his wife, Linda, finds him and rescues him. Though his condition is irreversible, they still love each other and try their best to live life as normally as possible.
Linda isn't much of a dress person, but she knows it's Henry's favorite color and thought it would be nice to wear it for him on such a special day. She refused to give up her comfy work boots and the dog tags she never leaves home without, though. (Quite understandable)
Henry can alter his ink to where he looks more like he did when he was a human, but he's been feeling awful tired lately, and both he and Linda decided that he shouldn't use this ability unless absolutely necessary. They still don't know much about his inky anatomy, and the last thing they want to do is push his limits too far.
Granted, he tried at first so they could have a "normal" Valentine's Day, but Linda shut that down very quickly. She'd rather have her husband be a healthy demon than a sickly man; She'd love him regardless.
Henry was set on giving his wife a special Valentine's day, though, so he pulled a few tricks and managed to get ahold of a bouquet of daisies and a child-sized suit jacket. Linda's still not sure how he did it, as he promised he didn't leave the house (an act he's supposed to avoid so he doesn't get seen and taken away), but her heart is warmed nonetheless.
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treasureplcnet · 7 months
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inverness here they come!!!!
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rxttenfish · 28 days
while aaravi remains firmly within "yeah miranda has a difficult personality and isn't very easy to get along with + has many rough edges which are slowly being worked on but still going to be an issue" after having been very much so within the camp that miranda is a Vexing Bitch upon first contact/getting to know her, she DOES go from "miranda is unpredictable and dangerous as a merfolk and large macropredator and her emotions are inscrutable and random" to "merfolk aren't very hard to understand or predict and it's very easy to stay on the safe side if you keep basic rules in mind and don't freak out the second something unexpected happens"
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#miravi.txt#just. thinking about it!#thinking about specifically how merfolk (like most other animals) growl/hiss specifically as a deterrent#like if you start really upsetting miri and she wants space and you to Please Stop#she will probably turn her face away from the other person or turn her body away from them#while growling or hissing and pulling her fins back#and will open her mouth to bare her teeth or gape her mouth open to show her teeth (including heavily panting)#where the point is ''i will hurt you if you touch me/get closer/dont stop so please dont do that''#but a lot of people read it as her being either obtuse (if she turns away from them)#or outright aggressive for the showing of teeth and growling#when shes really not. shes being very polite in merfolk terms in giving multiple chances to avoid violence#shes going ''i am worried i might have to hurt you so please reconsider'' in a way thats very readable if youre another merfolk#who will then step away or give her her space and switch the tone of the conversation#to see whats wrong#whereas her being more deliberately aggressive/violent usually comes with minimal vocal cues at all#or (if shes specifically threatening someone such as in the case of getting aggressive over perceived threats to her social bonds)#she will often turn towards them and open her mouth and flare her fins#often deliberately closing the distance and making herself appear Extra Large#she WILL growl here but will never hiss (hissing being a more defensive sound)#and will often smack her tail against the ground or show her claws or otherwise demonstrate how large and how scary she is#as a deliberate point of ''you crossed a line and this is what is going to happen to you if you dont make it up right now''#which! both require VERY different responses but might look similar to a human!#and might end up coming off as unpredictable or random in her actions and cruelty!#when shes not! shes just doing things the way a merfolk does them#which means aaravi realizes VERY quickly after learning about all of this#just how many cues miranda gives that people are starting to make her uncomfortable and feel Not Okay#that are ignored or written off because theyre merfolk cues#merfolk are very tolerant of stress but have basically no concept of escalation of violence for that reason#because if youve ignored every chance to prevent something dangerous up until the point it goes too far
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perthwise · 2 years
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been working on a werewolf oc :O3
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redwayfarers · 2 months
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And when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you do whatever you want, what do you call it?
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Freedom or loneliness?
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 months
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prominence12 · 10 months
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I am just loving this big, beautiful wizard and her deranged boyfriend. I imagine the smooches must be awkward on account of all the teeth.
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redhotarsenic · 8 months
Me when. My brother is getting so so entertained by his videos that he’s running a full commentary and giggling so so much and he’s so LOUDDDDD
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thorninyourpaw · 1 month
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does this shirt look kinda big to you guys? maybe i need to size down a little i'm basically swimming in it
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dispotatorulzz · 2 months
In my heart I have a cool tail and ears and cool awesome claws . Alas my physical body fails me
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feech-phylicia · 1 year
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you threatened not to update if no one commented but hopefully this counts too bc I couldn't NOT sketch albert ice skating
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parhamsiphagluis · 2 months
I made a new oc and can’t decide if I’m gonna make it a Regretevator one or not
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It’s just a amalgamation of references
(it’s only like four but whatever)
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But whaddya guys think of her?!
I really like it she might be my new favourite oc 🫶
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pinecone-gremlin · 5 months
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A big ol' happy family (mostly)
(Slightly gory picture underneath)
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prettyblondguys · 6 months
Am I allowed to be negative on here about stuff for a minute? Pretty please?
I don't really think that things are gonna change for the better/ get better for me at this point tbh
#Like. I know things constantly change and nothing stays the same but I don't really think it'll get much better y'know.#Lik#I get paid 8.50 an hour to fucking wipe 3D glasses off and retrieve golf balls and get covered in gross mystery liquid bc im in charge of -#-- trash and I have to argue with grown ass men about a claw machine not working.#I don't really think that's gonna change and I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to move out of this house or live on my own or anything -#-- like that or start dating or be the type of normal I want. Just a lot of decisions leading up to me being stuck here forever and yeah.#Shit sucks#Tbc I'm NOT fishing for It gets betters or stuff like that. If I could turn comments off for this post I would lol I really appreciate any#-- concern and stuff but I am Okay#I'm still doing everything I'm still going through the motions even tho the motions suck ass. It's just that I'm constantly --#-- positive and that gets really really hard sometimes lol. Like. My mental health doesn't do well if I'm not forcing myself to be --#-- disgustingly positive so I am. A lot. But it's HARD and sometimes I just wanna admit that no actually it DOESN'T feel like everything --#-- is gonna be okay and that I actually do kinda not like my life lol#I'm good I'm fine I'm just bitching and moaning#I . Wrote this last night bc I couldn't sleep but sent it to the drafts of hell lol. Today's gonna be so fun /sarcasm#Besties I'm fine please please please seriously I'm good#Just pretend Tumblr has a Turn comments off feature lmao#Y'all can seriously ignore this#Will probably delete later but what's the point of Tumblr if not to embarrass yourself by oversharing lol
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honeyedmiller · 6 months
i’m sorry but sam hartman has to be one of the most attractive 24 year olds i’ve ever seen in my life like are you fucking kidding the man was carved out by the greek gods themselves. i’m on my KNEES
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Gideon the Ninth, feat. the minimum one (1) dick joke.
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