#I knew when I saw the word luminous that I probably wouldn't find it
void-botanist · 2 years
Find the word tag game
I was tagged by @lividdreamz to give this a go! My words were rich, luminous, sweet, milk(y), and pure.
Triad, Aza's POV
Seriito came from his hotel room dressed in dark, rich browns, with his middling-brown herringbone peacoat buttoned over his turtleneck. “Not wearing the dress out, huh?” The door clicked shut and they started to leave the hotel. “Nah, it’s gorgeous, but I just wanna have a quiet night with you. It’s more of a party, club dress.”
The Fourth Android (prev draft), Dez's POV
She went to the grid’s tank access, a round-cornered metal door set in the back wall. The door came away from the seal in the frame with a sticky sound, and as it swung open, a sweet musty smell spread into the air. Past her shoulder he could see a tank completely covered in the orange-red of iron rust. Tirias sighed hard through her teeth and turned back to them. “You’re fucking kidding me.” No one had taught him the sign for fuck, but he couldn’t infer any other word from her expression. It was then that he realized he wasn’t looking at a rusty old metal tank—he was looking at a normal clear glass one full to the brim with rustmold.
The Fourth Android, Anni's POV
She couldn’t tell how tall they were with the difference between the boat and the dock, but they looked slim, with grey bark that furrowed vertically so it looked like their body was covered in red-brown stretch marks. Their eyes were the same brown, with whites that were actually the milky green-tinged color of the wood of a new twig.
Triad, Aza's POV
Most of the time she didn’t think about it, but in that moment she envisioned her revenge, over and over again, a hundred different scenarios where her parents knew they’d been owned and embarrassed and one-upped. Social humiliation. Property destruction. Mind games. It was all technically possible, difficult at best, and not at all in line with who she actually wanted to be. But she couldn’t help feeling that without an extreme, there was no way she could make her parents bleed the way she and Seriito had. The thing was, nothing had to be this way. They had tried to break the idea gently. To slip it in subtly. But it wasn’t like they didn’t know their parents—didn’t know it would become a tabloid sensation and a drop-dead drag-out battle for dominance. But what could you expect? Their parents, through a combination of their own trauma, a belief that the only way to make their past suffering matter was to continue on as monarchs, and pure obstinacy, had rejected them out of hand again and again.
I'm tagging @cnjosephs and @frank-in-space (no pressure though!). Your words are network, salvage, cute, endless, and luminous.
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imaginethewitcher · 7 years
You know I love fluff but it's time. Time for a bit, a teeeeeeny tiny bit of angst. Dettlaff just has to get one angsty request or else it wouldn't make any sense. SO. I think it should play during the DLC somehow? Maybe. Aaanyway. How about the s/o gets... kidnapped? And Dettlaff and let's say... Triss? are super worried and idk? First how do they react upon finding out about the kidnapping and second finding their s/o. :D Which shape their s/o is in is up to you! I hope this is okay!
First time angst! :DThank you for requesting and doing a mervellous job on editing!
Dettlaff: The party at Orianna’s estatewas well visited. Elegant dresses, exquisite masks, expensive wine, enchantingattractions, visionary painters and poetic bards gifted this most splendidsoiree. You wore a red mask accomplished by golden embellishment, a gift fromDettlaff, together with a lovely invitation. You arrived too early so you satdown by the snacks. From the rich variety of delicacies, you chose a chocolatesoufflé. The warm core of oozing chocolate tasted like the best thing you’veever eaten. While you took the next bite happily, you felt a hand on yourshoulder. In expectation of Dettlaff, you looked over your shoulder, a smilealready forming on your face, only to realize it was a complete stranger. Helooked like every other guest, dressed in silken clothes and an extravagantmask.“Is something to your concern? I’m just a guest here, if you have questionsthen it would probably be better to ask a servant”, you said.“I was looking for someone”, he replied.“I’m sorry, but then you better turn to one of the servants or Lady Orianna. Idon’t think I can help you in that case”, you said slightly annoyed. Youweren’t in the mood for conversation with strangers today.“Actually, I think you can help me very well with my concern”.“Excuse me?”. What was the problem with this guy? Why was he so persistent? Youhoped Dettlaff would be there soon.“I’m looking for someone you seem to know very well”.“And who is that someone, if I may ask?”, you started growing suspicious. Therewas something strange happening.“Are you familiar with a man dressed in a black coat wearing a golden brooch ofan insect?”.It was Dettlaff he was talking about, but what did this person want from him?Dettlaff’s impulsive side might have made him some enemies, however, most of themwere too scared of him to take action, so it mostly stayed by a mere harmlessannoyance.“You must confuse with another person. If you may excuse me, I need to go”,just as you stood up he said something in your direction, something that heshouldn’t be in knowledge of.“His being may deceive most laities, however not everyone. His true appearanceshould better stay hidden, don’t you think? It would be a shame if thisgruesome truth would spread in Toussaint”.“How do you know about this?”, fear started to grow inside of you. The knightswould hunt him and humans would avoid him, seeing nothing more than a beast.“That’s nothing of your interest but if you want him to stay unharmed youshould come with me”.You were hesitating. This was an obvious trap.“What is it you demand from him? Is it money? We don’t have much of it”.“I’ll repeat myself, it’s none of your concern. And now come with me. A soireeis a wonderful occasion to spread the word”.There was no other choice than to follow the stranger. Reluctantly you camewith him to one of the alcoves to wait for Dettlaff.
As Dettlaff showed up to the colourful soiree, the event was already at peak.The melodic music, the scent of various perfumes and flowers and the magicianshowing luminous illusions were admired by many guests. Dettlaff, however, didn’t look out for the different whimsical attractions, butfor his rendezvous this evening.  Knowing you he first went to the tableswith various appetizers, but to his surprise, you weren’t there.‘They wouldn’t be late, they are mostly way too early’, he thought, ‘and Iwould have met them on my way here would they have left the soiree’.He looked around, but couldn’t spot you in the crowd. The mask would have stoodout from the others. Suddenly a servant approached him.“Are you Dettlaff van der Eretein?”, the servant asked.“What if I were?”.“Lady Orianna wants to speak with you. I will bring you to her”.Dettlaff looked up to the large balcony of the estate. Orianna was staring athim with her aloof eyes. There was something wrong, he felt that and had tothink of you. All this seemed odd.“Welcome to my humble establishment. Of all the visitors I expected at such anevent are you the least. Do you enjoy it so far?”, she greeted him in her coldvoice and gave the servant a sign to leave the of two them alone.Dettlaff was never entirely sure what to think of her. He only visited hertwice with Regis but she always had that ominous presence veiling her. Asidefrom her questionable taste in blood.“I don’t have much time for small talk. Why did you call me?”, he saidimpatiently. He wanted to keep looking for you and not waste time with asenseless chatter.“You shouldn’t be too uncouth, especially on such an occasion”, she chuckled,“I know something of your interest”.Now she had his attention.“Your lovely companion seems to be in trouble”.“Did something happen to them?”.“Who knows? It’s one of these spotters of monsters, who are just too motivated.I would have taken care of him myself, but I attract too much attention and itwould be much more romantic when you save your damsel in distress”, she saidwith dramatic gestures.Dettlaff ignored her little play and said through gritted teeth: “I will killthis scoundrel”.“Do what you must, just don’t ruin the evening and the alcove. It’s the secondone on the right side”.
You were waiting now for what felt like hours. The curtain opened.“Finally!”, the stranger said.Dettlaff’s nails grew into sharp talons. He pressed the stranger against thewall with his talons on the man’s throat.“If you hurt them, I will hang you and let you bleed out slowly”, Dettlaffthreatened.“Well, if you kill me everyone will know what a beast you are. I told others tospread the truth should I die this evening”. While his voice still soundeddetermined his eyes said the opposite. Insecurity and fear started to show.“For what? For money? No one will say anything. They are probably already inthe next tavern or town wasting the money”.The stranger gulped, looking at the deadly talons and teeth with despair. Theidiocy of his, previously thought to be glorious, idea became more and moreconscious.“Pl-, Please don’t kill me”.“I’ve heard enough”, Dettlaff replied and swiftly cut the throat. Blood wascoming out of the wound. He turned to you.“Are you alright, my dear? I’m sorry I kept you waiting”.“I’m alright. That guy really seemed ambitioned to receive the glory of aknight, most of which are dead needless to say”.Your words of assurance calmed Dettlaff, “I was worried about you. Most of themare pathetic, some, however, are like merciless monsters”.“Then I’m glad to know, that you will be there to save me”, you smiled, “Let’snot waste the rest of this evening. I still want to dance with you to the musicand enlighten a lamp. They bring luck some say.”
Triss: Today they would do it. Every sorcererwould get imprisoned, killed or worse. You didn’t want any of this. You may notbe a sorcerer, but Triss’ lover - a main target of the fiendish hunt and leaderof the escape. You knew you could be valuable blackmail material and it couldruin the whole plan. She shouldn’t worry that something could happen to you,but you knew her too well as that she would just leave you behind.You were sneaking around the corners of the crooked houses at the Bits. It wasalmost time for your meeting with Triss. The escape plan would soon be broughtto realization.Just as you wanted to creep around the next corner, someone grabbed you frombehind. The person held a tissue soaked with a strange smelling liquid. Youwiggled around and tried to scream, but it was of no use. Suddenly you lostyour sense of sound and seeing. You had to think of Triss and the plan.Everything turned black around you.
Triss pounded her fingertips on the old table in continuous motion. ‘Where arethey? They should be here by now’, she thought.She knew it was dangerous outside, but she also knew your abilities when itcame to sneaking around and not getting caught. That’s one way to survive inthis city after all. Still, she had a weird, almost bad feeling about this.Radovid had patrols in the whole city, while they build the pyres and preparedthe hellish fire. Triss shook her head to chase away these dreadful thoughts.No, she didn’t want to think of this, she didn’t want to think about what wouldhappen to [your name] if you would get caught.Triss waited minute after minute, but no one came. The plan would start soon,she felt insecure without you. She knew it was foul and kept hope you just gotdistracted or needed to take another way. Time was running out, however. Theytold her not to look for you if something would happen, but how could she leaveher most important person behind? She dressed in a brown cloak in order to stayhidden and sneaked out of the house.‘Maybe they are somewhere nearby?’, she asked herself. But there was no one.‘Then maybe in the mages’ hideout. Yes, there they must be’. Everyone else wasthere, but not you.“Did someone see [your name]? I was looking for them the whole time but theywere nowhere to be seen nor met up with me”, she asked in the crowd, hopingsomeone could clear her worried mind.“I saw them”, a voice said. Triss turned around hoping her fears wouldn’t come true, “Where? Where did yousee them?”.“Triss, I’m sorry, but these bastards caught them. They didn’t go to yourhideout, so we should be safe here for now”.“What are we supposed to do now?”, a frightened voice said.Everyone was looking at Triss. Her head generated a million scenarios but whichone was the right one? She couldn’t leave the ones behind who saw in her abeacon of hope, who trusted her. On the other hand, she would lose her beaconof hope. Her legs trembled and on her forehead appeared wet pearls. Whatshouldshe do?“We can’t risk the operation for one person. We will continue as planned”, sheproclaimed. Her voice seemed steady, yet she felt like it was about to break.The mages cheered on their leader. She knew what must be done.“I’m sorry”, she whispered, “I’m so sorry. I will come back to you, please holdon a little longer”.
You woke up in a dark humid room. You were bound to a chair, the tight rope cutin your wrists. You couldn’t see a thing. Where did they bring you? SuddenlyTriss came up in your mind. She should already be in the hideout, at least youhoped so. The escape needed to succeed. What is one life against the lives ofthousands and a victory against the oppressors?You heard heavy footsteps, someone entered the room. You turned your face awayfrom the garish fire of a torch and caught sight of a table next to you full ofcruel instruments.A filthy hand grabbed your face in a rough manner. The man before you wore acoarsely woven mask. You knew these masks from the past when they held executionson the market. The executioners always felt like hollow shells to you, neverlike more. What would happen to you now laid in their hands. They would neverreject an order. This time you wouldn’t be able to talk your way out of this.You wanted to scream but no sound came out of your mouth.“Where are these abominations?”, a rough voice said.You didn’t answer.“Where are they?”, he yelled and slapped you. Your cheek burned.After he realised he wouldn’t get his answer this way, he turned to the abhorrentcollections. You heard a metallic clanking.‘Please don’t act careless, Triss’, you thought to yourself.
“We need to hurry!”, Triss cried to the crowd of mages behind her.They were almost at the harbour with their ship waiting to bring them to a safeplace. The escape proceeded with no complications, but it was still not over.‘They will finally be safe’, Triss thought. She wouldn’t go with them.“There we are. Quickly, go on the ship. There is not much time”, she said.The sails were already set, ready to glide in the water away from the danger.Everyone was on the ship, Triss, however, stayed on the harbour.“What about you?”, someone asked.“I still have something to do here ”, Triss turned around and stretched herhand out in front of her, trying to concentrate her sorcery on finding you. Shefelt a tingling in her hand. She spat out a swear, she knew where you were.Her shape was veiled by prancing lights, letting the silhouette soon fade awayand materialising behind a crude looking figure. The figure turned aroundsurprised by Triss’ emerging from sparks of light. She spotted your unconsciousbody marked with red fresh wounds. A raging fire appeared in Triss’s eyes. Fearappeared in the executioner, his body was shaking.“So we are the monsters and you are the saints”, Triss spoke slowly, “you shallburn”.She cast a storm of fire. The executioner screamed in agony while the hotflames consume his flesh. The humid room turned to a purgatory.The smoke and heat woke you up from your unconsciousness. The flames didn’tscare you, they were familiar to you. The ropes loosened from your burningwrists.“[Your name], are you okay? We will be out of here soon!”, Triss tightlyembraced your body. A feeling of safety awoke in you.“But what about the plan?”, you said in a weak voice.“The plan was a success. Everyone is safe now”.“But you are…”.“We can discuss this later. We need to get away from here first”.Gleaming light wreathed around you, transporting you to the suburban. Triss’firm embrace kept you from falling to the ground. A heavy pain filled yourwhole body, trying to press you down.“I didn’t leave because I couldn’t bear to lose you. If only you could havebeen there sooner, if only…”, you felt a tear dropping on your shoulder.“It’s all right, it’s over now”.You stood there in unison under the shining moon and the glistening stars.
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