#I know HoM referenced him
sweettjrose · 1 month
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Super Goof reference in Lorcana
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ashintheairlikesnow · 11 months
GALLAGHER SIBS "Don't you dare!"
CW: Referenced parental abuse (in the past), but otherwise just the Gallaghers being Gallagher-y
"Iz. No. Don't you even dare."
Izzy jumps about a feet in the air, twisting around to look over the back of the couch. Her little brother - who is several inches and at least fifty pounds bigger than her, but he is three years younger so he is little, okay - glares at her.
The controller is loose in her hands, and Izzy presses her lips together before turning back away from him. "Don't I even dare what, Jamie?"
"Watch that show." Jamie comes around and flops down on the sofa, one cushion between them. "About her."
"It's a new one." Izzy fiddles nervously with the controller, now. "And the bit - the synopsis - says it's about, you know, her family more than just her. Don't you want to know?"
"Nope." Jamie shrugs. He's got on pajamas still. They are on holiday, after all. Nothing to do but complain about it being cold and eat snacks instead of lunch. "I don't care about any of them. Who even cares what they got up to, Iz? All they did was have babies, turn into terrible people, and eventually some of them had her and she's terrible, too. What don't you already know?"
"Don't know. But maybe... Maybe something. Something important. Besides, the Marcosets made Aunt Hannah, too."
"... Yeah, I guess. But one good person out of about a million terrible ones isn't a great record."
Izzy stares at the screen, where an image of an old black and white photo of a large family is the faded background to a beautiful modern photograph from just before Jax escaped of Savvie herself, head tipped to the side, smiling. There's a hint of a shoulder, of Izzy's dad's telltale hair, just cut off. They never get to use his image. That's something. "... Mom made us, too..."
"Dad made us. And Stewart, and Aunt Hannah, and Kie built the rest once we had him, too. Iz, we're not Marcosets. Okay? We get to decide, and we decided not to be. Remember? We don't have any Marcoset in us anymore. Just Gallagher."
Izzy thinks about how she knows she won't ever have her own children. That she has nightmares about locking children in closets for hours or in rooms full of ghosts to cry until they fall asleep still terrified. She has dreams about screaming with anger at her own tiny baby Bella face, being trapped in Savvie's body and unable to change a single thing.
She thinks about how her temper, which she has buried as deep as she can but which still erupts when she is pushed too far, terrifies her because she doesn't know for sure if it's her father's temper or her mother's. If she would become Savvie, one day, if she was ever put in control of something as helpless as she had once been. Helpless and small, wanting just to be held. To be loved.
But nothing was ever allowed to be loved more than Savvie in Savvie's house. Not even a baby.
Izzy shivers.
Besides which, she's already been Jamie's mam, as close as he gets, until Kie came into the picture to give them another dad and the softness to round out Jax's sharp edges.
"Ugh." Jamie sighs. "You don't believe me. I can tell. Let's just watch something else, Iz. Anything else."
She hesitates. Gnaws on her lower lip. Besides her, Jamie's knee bounces reflexively in a body that never stops moving.
"Izzy. Please. I don't like how you get after you watch shows like that." Jamie's voice changes. It goes soft, and younger than his body. Pleading.
She looks over at her little brother, who has been toddling after her since he could walk. She's kissed his scraped knees and bruises and felt his forehead for a fever when she was seven and he was four. Who tore up her construction-paper dolls she made and then when she cried, he cried too and tried to smush them back together until she couldn't stop laughing at the sight of all the extra arms and legs he had taped into what was meant to be a dog
Jamie who, when his school made silly crafts for moms or dads, always brought the 'mom' craft home for Izzy. She'd worn a sewing-spool necklace for a month that he had painted and hung on a string and brought to her. She still has it somewhere, in a box, with everything else he's ever made for her.
The thought makes her smile. "... Yeah, you're right. Let's watch something else. And then go for a walk later? I want to grab something from the shop."
"Yeah, good." Relief is visible on his face. All of Jamie's feelings are always plain to see. He never had to learn to hide them. "That's good."
He shifts over, and wordlessly she leans sideways until her shoulder rests against him.
There isn't anything she can learn about her mother that she doesn't already know, anyway. All the stuff she needs to learn now is about herself.
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bengiyo · 2 years
My Only 12% Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Y'all, I am shaking with emotion and we haven't even started.
Last week I was screaming that it was vital that Eiw finish Love of Siam, and here we are with him sneaking down to watch it. This was also my gay experience in my teens. I watched so many shows and movies at almost muted with captions turned on.
What do we need to do to get this film remastered? Someone call the folks at Criterion Collection. If we can do this for Ghost Dog (one of my favorite films) we can do this for Love of Siam. I need to organize a viewing.
Okay, but I am super nervous about the focus of Eiw's viewing being Tong's mother convincing Mew to end their romance.
Seriously, what do these parts even mean to BL fans who haven't seen the film? It matters so much to me that New is referencing this film.
Oh fuck I keep forgetting that Prem is in this and it surprises me every time. Where's that gif from the office?
I keep seeing a lot of electrical retrofit in Thai dramas that involves using insulated pipes outside of the walls. It's definitely cost efficient, but there's your rehabber commentary for the week.
Hey that was a nice transition from one room to the other.
We have so much footage of Santa sleeping.
Damn, Santa is pretty. I get why Wabi Sabi signed him when he was 17.
I am enjoying Prem as an older brother.
I've been in genre too long. I can't remember Peak's character's name. It is fun to see him play with Earth. Neither really look like teens to me anymore though.
Oreo!!!! I know there's going to be something off about your character, but I'm glad to see you.
Very glad Cake learned keyboarding skills at his school. He does pick up skills, despite never doing his own homework.
I feel bad for these street vendors on busy streets. How much car exhaust have they inhaled? How much has ended up on food people have consumed?
Oh, Sand, you gonna order ice cream when you know you don't have no money?? I was prepared to frown at you, but I am still disappointed. And cab fare??
It's kinda fascinating that no one seems bothered that Eiw and Cake are as close as they are, but are all concerned that Eiw is clearly creating distance.
I know Earth is a good crier, but goddamn I just want his characters to triumph just ONCE.
I'm a big brother and one of the oldest cousins. I wish I'd had a big sister when I was struggling with figuring out who I was. The amount of internalized homophobia coming out of Eiw is making me feel heavy.
"Sis, if it's not wrong, then why [is] everyone in that movie...[un]happy?" Baby boy, that was what we've been asking for 15 years. The answer is that we needed straight girls to feel sad to move the needle. That we also had to be sad is the burden we carry for the young people behind us. You hurt, and it matters. Know that it was not for naught.
I am sobbing. This is a lot.
I hope there are more sisters out there like Hom.
I cannot properly articulate the depths of loneliness I felt in the aftermath of H. Katrina as I came of age as a queer person, nor would I want to on a reaction post like this. However, I hope many of you who are watching along and reading this are only curious and a bit confused. I hope you don't fully grasp how Eiw feels. I hope things were good enough for you that this wound doesn't linger.
Cake saw that something was wrong with Eiw. What will he do next? Of course he waits on Eiw's room to cuddle.
Aww, Cake, I love him asking direct questions.
Growing up is hard. These boys are going to break me.
It's so adorable that Eiw is protective of his big sister.
Oh lord this boy done put a bunch of Hom's pictures on the wall. I am NOT finding this cute.
Sand better not harm Eiw and prove Cake's worries correct.
Cake is on the phone with Rin in Eiw's bed. Frustrating.
Oh don't cliffhanger on a Now Kiss Moment that Cake doesn't even recognize.
Oh good it looks like we might resolve Sand next week.
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11lights · 10 months
August 20th, 2023
Temp 79° Thunderstorms
Saddlebunch Keys, FL
Okay, I want to preface this by saying that I have had a little bit to drink. And also I may or may not have forgotten to enter anything yesterday. That's mainly because I kept procrastinating and saying I would do it later and later and later. And here we are 1:30 the next day and yesterday's was never completed. Which means I didn't get to document seeing my mother and father's best friends from 1995 visit in Key West, and their child. That was pretty cool. They remembered the piece of advice that I gave to them when their son was just a baby about how they should never try to force their son to be what they want. They should just let their son grow into who he will be. Referencing. How my father always tried to make me the tough guy and to be stronger and to be aggressive and to stick up for myself how he wanted it but I could never be like that because that wasn't me. Super cool that they remembered that. It was nice to update them on how my life is, I feel like I made my parents proud to be doing well and being able to tell their best friends from a long time ago that their child is growing up and doing well. We went back to his sister's house and his sister's husband had a flight simulator that I got to try out. So I got to practice taking off and landing and surprise surprise landing even in a flight. Sim is still very fucking difficult for me! We got to talking about life and careers and flying and all that jazz and then today being Saturday. I guess, I met with them at the coffee shop before they left and took some pictures and then they left and I hope they come back because we can go fishing and they've always been loving and caring people for me. What else happened? Friday was pretty boring. I literally just worked and went straight to going to hang out with them and then I was there till one in the morning. Came home and immediately slept. Today was fairly boring as well. I woke up at about 8:00 late in bed till like 11:00 playing Monopoly and exercising. My addiction to adult content online. Got a fresh cut at like two. Pestered Danny to play. Call of duty but he had a date with his wife so that didn't work. Actually just messaged him a few minutes ago and I'm getting no response so it's safe to say we're not going to be able to have our schedule Call of duty session today, which kind of sucks because that was kind of the highlight of my week. I'd say it's mainly my fault since I had to do this housewarming thing. Hopefully tomorrow will be able to hop on the sticks. After my haircut a showered and then I ended up going to the housewarming party for one of my buddies. My gym bae was there which was terrifying at first. But then felt very, very natural. I got a certain point. I kind of forgot who she was or how much I actually cared who she was and I paid more attention to my friends in the experience than being completely infatuated over her. It was cool. Then my cousin got to see her and he actually doesn't approve of her. Mainly because she's young and she's not ready for the type of growth in life that I'm looking for. And also he doesn't like her face. I think she's absolutely beautiful and gorgeous but that's just me. She is young though, and it does seem like she just wants fun right now, I don't know if that would be for me. I'm trying to grow. But it was cool to hang out with everyone, we started out with this like dirty sex game where you tell sex secrets to each other which was weird to do with a few co-workers and random people. But it ended up being really fun. I had some really good conversation with one of my co-workers Xavier . The food there smelled absolutely amazing. 00 which made life super difficult since I was fasting. Still, I even had someone hold a chip with the sauce on it to my nose. Trying to get me to give in and I couldn't. Couldn't. I want to get over this fast more than I want to eat. Delicious food. On the way home, Gabriel lowered the sunroof during the thunderstorm so we just got rained on the whole way on the highway. What a surreal experience!
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
"Rebel robin" easterggs
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- Robin's friend is a horror movie fan whos fav movie is evil dead (jonathan has a poster of it in his room)
- Robin's parent's car is the " dodge dart" a ref to Dustin's demodog-dart
-robin and her friends make analogies to zombies (like Will- the zombie boy).
- robin faints. And her friend milton says "blink once for yes twice for no". A ref to what Joyce said to Will in s1.
- robin's other friend has a little sister named el-ie who pretends to be a squirrel. A ref to el killing a squirrel in s2. This is also reminiscent of a scene from the st prequel novel ' suspicious minds' where young-kali pretended to be a tiger (the Hawkins school mascot) & a rabbit (Jonathan's hunting story).
- robin reminds me alot of the byers: she is into photography and rock like jonathan and even worked at the movie theatre like jonathan did in the og pilot. They both like David bowie and cook for their families. She also is poor and wears hand-me down clothes from relatives (like Will). She also is into existential philosophers. Which is also similar to jonathan who had a poster of the poet rimbaud in his room.
- robin is almost run over by a car by a bully while riding her bike: similar to Mike, Dustin, and Lucas in s2
- robin says the best accessory for a girl is her middle finger. Cue max giving the middle finger to billy in s2 XD
- robin (before Will dissapears) sees the quarry and gets uncomfortable and thinks of metaphorical monsters
- similar to how billy had baseball references (along with Will). Robin wears a baseball shirt
- her fav flavor of pie is cherry (like alexi and cherry slurpies). She also gets pissed at a guy sipping a cherry flavored drink- similar to hopper in s3 with alexi
- she cuts her hair and she describes it as looking like a lion. El and Will owned lion plushies in s1.
- robin refs Chicago (kali lives there) and NYC (hopper used to live there), and California (where max and billy used to live).
-tammy's fav song is total eclipse of the heart: the song Robin and Steve sang in s3. Tammy would often sing the song in robin and Steve's class.
- they make references to the hellfire club: she describes a time where she dresses like a cross between a nerd and a rebel. And a mom yells at her appearance saying she looks "goddless' . And another of Robin's friend (kate) is told ' what demon is possessing you, kate?" (hinting at the satanic panic). Meanwhile someone describes Mike and his friends as "hellions' as another hint to this. We also see how alot of parents got paranoid and a bit crazy when Will and barb dissappeared- prob foreshadowing the chaos that will happen if more kids dissappear in s4. Along with the satanic panic
-Robin is visiting her friend Kate at her house. Kate wanted to listen to Madonna together. Max and el listened to Madonna at el's.
- Robin's friend (kate) says "I dumped his ass" in reference to her cheating bf. A little nod to the m*leven breakup
- robin (like Will) felt excluded during the summer cause her friends kate and dash (Kate's now ex bf) were always making out . Sound familiar- cough m*leven
- robin annoyed says " makeouts, breakups and declarations of love all in the span of a week". Wow if that ain't a diss to certain pairing we know in s3 XD
- kate (like mike) says to Robin dating the opposite sex is a part of growing up . Which scares Robin (and Will in s3).
- robin has a nightmare of running down the school hallway with short hair (like el in s2 via the upsidedown)
- robin contemplates shaving her head (like el)
- robin says she likes to sometimes dress androgynous . And found a cool suit. Which we saw in s4 bts pics I assume.
- robin watches a music video where there are duplicate indianna joneses (could be a ref to all the billy duplicates in s3?)
- robin says " I stare at the ceiling. The ceiling stares back. I'm stuck and don't know what to do" a ref to the s3 song with robin called "the ceiling is beautiful"
- a character named Sheena reminds me a bit of Will or el . She is very quiet, queercoded, and is often bullied. And she finds mean notes and other things in her locker- placed there by bullies. A bit like how Will found the zombieboy note in his locker. But sheena can be another name for Jane so ...maybe foreshadowing of el/jane being bullied in highscool?
- when robin hears a hom*phobic comment on tv- she describes the anxiety like a ' thundercloud in a big open sky' and a "chill". Which reminds me of the mf being associated with clouds, thunder, and lightning. And the mf liking it cold.
- robin constantly describes the monster or shadow in her life- whether it be her talking about conformity or the problems of consumerism while she is poor (themes of s3).
- robin before realizing she was gay/crushing on tammy just says " I don't get crushes' which reminds me a bit of Will saying " I'm not going to fall in love" (as the lyrics are " love thats new to you, you open up the door')
-robin on her bike hears something (demogorgan) and runs back to her house , locks the door, and calls her friend- and the phone gets electrocuted. The next day Will is said to be missing. (Another Will paralllel).
- i was right about robin being in theatre. So we most likely will see robin in theatre in s4 (she also auditioned with a friend in the book). So for s4 my guess is she may be in the drama club with dustin- cause in s1 he had a drama shirt
- one of her friends is named milton. Since the documentary 'paradise lost' was on the s4 movie list. Its prob a ref to John milton who wrote the fictional 'paradise lost'. The character Sheena may be a ref to the 80s film/movies *where sheena (jane) was psychic
-Robin's gal pal (kate) and Robin eat m&ms and candies together. Kate jokes m&ms and candy bars are 'foods of the gods'. El ate m&ms in s3. They joke how talking about plural gods (instead of 1) would get them in trouble. In case you are unaware- kali (is the name of a Hindu goddess) and el (is the name of a cannanite god) .
-Robin also mentions hopper's car smells like eggos.
- robin tries running away (like el in s2, max in her novel, and jonathan also wrongfully assumed Will ranaway in s1 too).
-robin tries to get a job at Joyce's, than Bob's, and later gets a job where jonathan used to work
-bob newby describes the byers family as his "home" . Similar to how El describes the Hawkins gang as "home".
- robin says she was friends with barb before nancy. Suspiciously right after she says this- barb grabs Robin's hallpass that says ' glitch in the time space continuim. " the teacher who wrote this called robin a "glitch". Which makes me wonder if my did theory is right- but ...that certain powers at be may also alter memories or things so people assume said people have always been around.Mentioning it cause it seemed suspicious.
-not an eastegg but robin can't believe how nice Bob is. And Bob says the byers filled a hole in his life 😭 . She also felt an instant connection with Will and saw alot of herself in him.And asked if Joyce ever thought of moving like everyone suggested . One of the reasons Robin didn't like steve was because Steve never mentioned how Jonathan took innapropriate photos of Nancy. So everyone at school just knew jonathan as the quiet kid who takes pictures. So to everyone it just seemed like- wow you're bullying the quiet kid who's brother is missing and take away the one thing still left in his life that makes him happy. Which is why everyone assumes jonathan beat up steve later. Interesting to know how general Hawkins (not in the loop) viewed things
- the book referenced alot of previously mentioned movies on the s4 list or from prior duffer interviews...along with a few NEW movies ,books, plays, singers, and songs that I have to analyze for another day ...
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clubatsumu · 2 years
dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview dance baby preview-
Kuroo's grandmother has a terrier dog she named Obi after the ‘beautiful looking man in Star Wars.’ She also happens to be a toxicologist whose own paper you once referenced in a study two or three years back.
There is a pattern, something akin to this that shows how your lives brushed past each other in the most improbable ways: You went to the same university, one year apart. Tsukishima Kei, your next door neighbor until you moved away to Tokyo, was his volleyball mentee (term used lightly, because Kei had vehemently disagreed both times you tried bringing it up). His grandmother, meanwhile, has been somewhat of a hero to you before you even knew who she was or what she looked like. You'd already worshipped her for the way she wrote the discussion section on her 1978 study on DBPs, worshipped her in a way every academic who has to build their thought process on thought processes that older academics have proved correct can. 
It’s funny how the universe has tied the knots between Kuroo and you, only for the biggest knot of all to be crude and unsubtle. Like a bludgeon to the face, this baby is.
“What do you want it to be? Girl or boy?” Grandmother asks. 
“Anything goes." You shrug. "But I think it’s a boy.”
“Boys are troublesome.” She shakes her head.
“Thanks,” Kuroo says somewhere at the back kitchen, behind the opened refrigerator door. 
Ignoring him, she carries on. “Let’s pray for a girl.”
To be honest, you're not sure whether she's joking or not when she says things like this, because while her position is earnest, there is such a thing as too earnest when it comes to religion. She's zealously clasping her palms together and closing her lids shut so tight the wrinkles around her eyes increase tenfold. You're not sure you want to follow, but it would be impolite not to.
Thankfully, Kuroo comes strolling back into the living room, on his hand a glass of juice, which he hands to you. “She says it’s a boy.”
Again, ignoring him, with her eyes still closed and her head turned upward: “Nothing’s set in stone. I will pray for a girl so you may be saved from embarrassment when a boy eventually knocks up a nice, unsuspecting lady —”
“Jesus,” he whispers under his breath beside you, so low only you can hear.
You whisper back, “Are you Christian?”
“We were Buddhists until a few years ago when she converted. You think it’s a boy?”
“I don’t know." You raise a shoulder. "Weird feeling. Or maybe it's a delusion, I’m not sure.”
“— and may my grandson propose marriage soon, because I cannot stand to look at these two live in sin —”
Now, living in sin is hardly how you would describe the two of you, because when you said to him let’s take it slow, Kuroo understood it as let’s not have sex ever again. Sometimes, in your weakest moments, you feel the statement of dissatisfaction about to slip out of your lips. But it doesn't, because you were brought up with the mantra head over heart; but then, your heart was kind of useless and struggling when you were a kid, so you toughened up as an adult who can do head over hormones instead, and now you are suffering.
“When are you getting married?” she asks, finally opening her eyes.
You sip on your juice, looking away, thinking how it'd be fine if he didn't even marry you -- really, second base is all you're aiming for at this point, expectations adjusted and all that. Baseball games average one homerun each, and you've already claimed yours. Who are you to be greedy and ask for another one? You glare at the potted plant beside the bathroom door.
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leliesblou · 4 years
Jack: Care for a waltz, Miss Fisher?
He asks her, in the room she told him her father wooed her mother by waltzing with her. Also, Jack's compared their relationship to a waltz in Blood of Juana the Mad. Slow and close. So... a very personal, loaded proposition.
Phryne: Are you sure you wanna risk it?
Jack: What's the risk?
Phryne's reaction to Jack's proposition? She tries to make light of it. Referencing old insecurities in their relationship and trying to mask her own insecurities about the new direction of their relationship. "Are you sure you wanna risk it" is a reminder of the fact that in Blood at the Wheel, Jack decided he wasn't willing to risk his heart on her if she could be ripped out of his life anytime. But now he just says, "What's the risk?"
Phryne: Well, I have waltzed with the best. French presidents, English princes, American filmstars...
Phryne is straight up goading Jack with his other insecurity. She lists men in a way that is reminiscent of how Jack listed the "constant parade" of "liberal minded men" in Death Defying Acts. But Jack just lets her talk while he walks further onto the dance floor.
Phryne: The waltz is a very serious dance.
Jack: And I'm a serious man.
Another reference to Blood at the Wheel ("Sounds serious." "It is."). While Phryne is still half teasing about all the men she's waltzed with, Jack doesn't take her words at surface level. He answers the underlying question. This is a serious commitment, and he's serious about making it.
Phryne: My mother lost all reason when she was waltzed.
This seems to be Phryne's last ditch effort to still sound teasing, but Jack remains steadfast and unrelenting. "My mother lost all reason" can either mean 'beware, I might lose all reason too' or 'my family is a mess, doesn't that dissuade you?'. And Jack's answer to that is perfect:
Jack: Well, if she hadn't... This would be a world without a certain Phryne Fisher in it. What kind of world would that be?
Jack responded calmly to every old insecurity she tried to tease hom with, basically saying 'I know, but I'm still going to pursue you'. After he responds to her last effort, Phryne stops pretending to make light of what is happening. She looks him in the eye and they waltz.
And if that isn't a romantic overture I don't know what is
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The Scoop of a Lifetime - 2-14
Comfortember Day 14 - Road trip
Tagging @mnmlover2002 @cupcakes-and-pain @lave-e @appy-polly-loggies @lovely-little-whumpee @just-another-whumper let me know if you want to be added/removed!
CW: very vaguely referenced trauma, but otherwise enjoy this fluff!
Masterlist // Previous
Elliott got back later than he normally did Thursday night. He walked in to find Devin pacing and fiddling with their phone, the flip phone one they refused to upgrade. He frowned, knocking on the door slightly, making them jump.
They flashed him a slightly embarrassed smile, stopping in their tracks. “Hey,” they said softly. “I, um, you’re usually hom- you usually stop by by now. I, uh, I got a bit, um-” 
He cut them off with a gentle smile. “You got worried. Sorry, I was at work later than I expected. I, um, I had to talk to my uncle about something.” He glanced down, taking a deep breath before meeting their gaze. “And I need to talk to you about something.”
Their heart immediately started racing and they had to it’s not him i’m fine i’m safe it’s not him reassure themself that Elliott wasn’t going to hurt them. They forced themself to look back at him and loosen their muscles.
“Sure,” they said, sounding much calmer than they felt. “What’s up?”
He gestured to the table as if to ask sit? They gave a small nod, and they both sat in their usual spots. Elliott steepled his hands, then folded them in his lap, then laid them flat on the table. They could see he was shaking. Reaching out to place a hand atop his, they gave him what they hoped was a relaxed expression.
“Hey,” they murmured. “Whatever it is, you can talk to me about it. It’s fine.” i’m fine 
He nodded slowly. “Yeah, yeah, you’re right, it’s fine.” He breathed in deeply, letting it out slowly. “So, um, what I was talking to my uncle about, was, um, you.” Devin stared at him blankly and he clarified, “You coming back to the Muse.” Their mouth opened a sliver as their eyebrows rose in surprise. He nervously tucked a lock of pale hair behind his ear. “Yeah, so I talked to him about it, and he said that you still had a job, as long as, um, as long as you were back by Monday.” As he spoke, he grew quieter and softer, sinking down into his chair as if he planned to disappear into the floor.
Devin’s mind was reeling. “That, um-” They coughed, more from a lack of anything better to do, withdrawing their hands closer to themself. “That’s really, um, wow.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, and I don’t want you to feel rushed. You should be allowed to take your time. It’s just, I know how much the Muse means to you. And I don’t want you to lose it without being prepared.”
Devin stared down at the grains of wood in the table, still trying to wrap their mind around it. “You mean,” they started shakily. “You mean, I can go back to work?” When they finally lifted their head, tears were shining in their eyes. 
Elliott smiled at them, moving his hand over theirs. “Yeah, Devin, you can go back to work. Monday.” They took a deep breath, not knowing how to respond. He added hesitantly, “I had an idea. But I don’t know if you’d be comfortable with it.”
They looked up at him curiously, and he gave them a halfhearted shrug. “Well, um, my family owns a cabin in the country not too far from the city. I was wondering, if you wanted to, if maybe we could go there for the weekend. Get some fresh air, have one last moment of peace before you come back to work.”
They stared at him in shock. “Elliott, I-”
He cut them off with a forced laugh. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s a stupid idea.”
They shook their head. “No, I really like that. That sounds like a very good idea.”
He blinked. “Oh.”
They gave a nervous laugh. “Yeah. Oh.” They fiddled with their hands for a few seconds before asking softly. “So, um, when did you want to leave?”
That seemed to spur him into action. He leapt up from the table, keeping his eyes on them. “Oh yeah! I was actually thinking of, um, pretty soon. Like.. right now?’
Devin stared at him before lifting their shoulders slightly. “Okay. Why not?” He grinned, offering them his hand. They took it, standing up. “Give me fifteen minutes to get packed.” 
Ten minutes later, Devin found themself sitting in the passenger’s side of Elliott’s glorified sports car as he fidgeted with the steering wheel.
They gave a short cough. “Are we actually going to go, or are we going to spend the weekend just sitting here?” They blinked at themself, slightly astonished to see some of their old personality slipping into their voice.
Elliott only gave a sheepish laugh before finally pulling out onto the road. “Okay, okay, I’m going.”
They drove in silence for a bit, the radio playing softly. A new song started, a weird indie-style one that Devin hadn’t heard before. Elliott quietly leaned over to turn the volume up, humming along nearly inaudibly. The man’s voice crooned gently, and Devin found themself being lulled in. They drifted, half-asleep, as Elliott drove, even after the song finished and another one started.
An hour or so later, Elliott pulled down a nearly invisible driveway, surrounded by forest, finally stopping in front of a large, two story log cabin. Devin sat up straight from where they’d been curled up, head leaning against the window and stared, open mouthed.
“This is your cabin?” they said finally.
Elliott blushed slightly, opening his door. “Wait till you see inside.”
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cyn-00 · 4 years
Moreid one shot, 14 - "this thing"
Season 2, episode 12 "Profiler, profiled" (the one where Carl Buford is arrested for murdering one of the kids from the Youth Center of Chicago South Side, so the whole story about him being a pedophile rapist - and Derek being one of his victims as a kid - comes up. I wanna point out that originally I think only Gideon and Hotch discover Derek's direct involvement in this, but for the sake of this fic we'll pretend Reid does, too)
@tastefulancientwhispers asked me to tag her if I ever wrote a fic based on this scene :) so here I am. I shamelessly abused of italics in this one, heh
Also, I have a long-ish DISCLAIMER to make, that applies to all my works and not only this one. I think it's important to address that in this fic I won't mention the topic illustrated in the episode: this work mostly revolves around the famous line "Derek talks about you", said by Derek's sister to Spencer. My purpose was to write a "light" awkward/fluffy fic - almost love confession if you will - avoiding to focus on Derek's history of abuse. I think that's too delicate and serious of a topic for me to try and describe it merely through Derek's words/thoughts; especially considering that I should "filter" this narrative to fit my actual, sole scope of rendering Morgan + Reid's relationship. I actually HAVE focused more overtly on the Buford arc before, in my One shot 8, referencing a much late episode, but I hope I managed to dissuade anyone who read it from thinking that my intent was to romanticize the sexual abuse Derek suffered. Even though I admittedly enjoy reading fics based on the abused/care-taker trope, I still think it's risky to treat such topics if the writer's purpose isn't to convey some sort of "moral". Which is exactly why I'm always reluctant to treat directly and in depth Morgan's trauma as well as Reid's drug addiction: I haven't experienced either of these things, hence I don't think I'd be able to illustrate them properly and without triggering anyone who might be sensitive to said topics. Thank you if you dedicated your time to reading this intro, I hope the message is clear and of easy understanding :) <3
Read it on AO3
"Derek talks about you."
Reid couldn't stop replaying that phrase in his head, in an endless loop.
In the exact moment Sarah had said that, his immediate reaction had been to smile - like a total idiot, by the way - but now that everything was over and Spencer had the time to think about it, he couldn't help but wonder what she meant.
"Talk" how? "Talk" doesn't mean anything. It just means SAYING things, PRONOUNCING words. Did he say good stuff? Or did he make fun of him? Why did she feel the need to let him know that Morgan "talked" about him? He must've talked about Emily too, sometimes, but Sarah didn't say "Derek talks about both of you ".
He hadn't had the time to deepen the topic because as soon as he replied - "he does??" : again, a complete moron - Emily interrupted them to, righteously, get back to the actual subject: Carl Buford.
The second Reid remembered about it, all those dumb questions wandering in his head vanished. Poof. How could he keep obsessing about that stupid phrase while Morgan was going through what he was going through? Derek had trusted him enough to tell only him, besides Hotch and Gideon, and what was Spencer doing? Thinking about "Derek talks about you". He probably had MENTIONED him, or said, like: "oh you know there's this kid in my unit, socially awkward, total nerd, only thing he does is read like 20 books a da-"
Emily's voice came loud like a train crushing into his ear drums. Spencer winced in his swivel chair.
"Mh?" he mumbled, looking up at her.
"...are you gonna go home or you're planning to keep working?" she asked him, jokingly.
"Yeah, no, I- I mean, yes I'm going home, no I have no intention to keep working, trust me..." he replied distractedly, checking his watch. It was 9:30 pm: not even that late...so why was she asking? Spencer had the sudden impression that she wanted something, and THAT was just a lame excuse to start a conversation.
"I was just double checking an e-mail I had to send." he continued, noticing that she wasn't even wearing her coat, neither had her bag in hand. She could've studied the scene better.
"Oh- yeah...your computer is off but, whatevs" she shrugged, pointing at the black desktop. He could've studied his scene better, too.
He looked at where she was pointing for a second, then stood up and grabbed his satchel.
"I know I was uhm...just, thinking about a thing " he said, understanding why literally everybody labeled him as a bad liar. Still, he didn't wanna spit it all out.
"A thing ?" she echoed him, raising her brows.
"Yes, a-" Reid interrupted himself before he had even decided how to phrase the thing to keep it vague enough. He saw Morgan get out of Hotch's office and heading quickly toward the sliding doors of the bullpen, with his head down.
"...a thing. Gotta go, see you tomorrow!" he said in a rush, quickly walking in Derek's direction without making it too obvious that he was basically running toward him.
"Spencer! Wait- wait a second." she said grabbing his arm from behind, after he'd only got 15 ft far.
He turned around, frowning.
"I, uhm, I don't think he's in the mood to...talk ? right now..." Emily said softly, with an awkward smile on her face.
"You know?" she added, tilting her head, hoping that she wouldn't have to explain further.
Spencer gulped, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. She was right, and if only she'd known the whole story, she would've been even righter. If there's even such a thing as being more right than...right.
"Yes, I- I know, but I wasn't planning on talking about... about that, I just have to ask him this... thing." he replied slightly embarrassed, looking down at the floor.
"Is the 'thing' you wanna ask him the same 'thing' you were thinking about earlier?"
"...yes" he answered almost murmuring, like it was some kind of secret - which is what it was still supposed to be, to her: a secret. Because, in the end, he hadn't even TOLD her, so how did she KNOW? How did she do that? Emily always did that. Fuck.
"And is this 'thing' what I think it is?" she pried, lowering her voice to the same volume of Spencer's.
"I...I don't know?" he replied, only not to give her the satisfaction of receiving the millionth "yes". But the answer was: yes.
"Then go, ask him the 'thing'. " Emily concluded, nodding her chin in the elevator's direction.
Spencer leveled his eyes with hers, gladly noticing a reassuring look of complicity appear on her face.
He nodded, smiling at her in a silly way before turning around.
Spencer quickly headed toward the elevator, hoping Derek hadn't got too far in the meantime - or, even worse: had already started his car.
He saw the elevator doors closing.
"Wait! Hold it!" he shouted, speaking to whoever was inside it.
He ran, jumping in between the doors.
Morgan was inside. Of course. What the hell was he still doing there? Did...did he wait for him? No, that was impossible and way too optimistic. He'd probably bumped into Penelope, who had kept him talking in the hallway for an amount of time nearing a decade.
They stared at each other for a solid 20 seconds, gaping, while the doors closed behind Spencer's back, leaving them alone - luckily.
Spencer figured the unsteadiness of his breathing wasn't due to the "run" anymore. He gave up on trying to slow it down, and decided he was going to speak up first, since Derek still looked frozen like an ice cube. Maybe he was annoyed by Spencer's presence, and he just wanted to avoid starting a conversation to make the interaction as quick as possible and finally go hom-
"R- Reid" Derek's thorough and slightly hoarse voice broke the silence.
"I was kinda looking for you, earlier. Gave up at a certain point." he added, smiling a bit. He looked... embarrassed? Was that even possible? For Derek Morgan to be embarrassed?
Spencer swallowed nervously, flattered. "Me too, actually."
Derek opened his mouth like he wanted to say something first, before the other could continue. But he got interrupted by the doors opening up again behind Spencer.
He pointed at the empty lobby with his finger, seeing that Reid hadn't even noticed they'd arrived at ground floor already.
Spencer turned around. They got out and he stopped 3 ft from the elevator, standing still, fiddling nervously with his hands. Was Derek expecting him to follow him or something? Were they gonna talk the next day? Or was he supposed to drop the topic forever because time was up?
Derek, who had got ahead in the meantime, turned around.
"You comin?" he asked, non-chalantly.
"Uhm, yeah- where?" Spencer replied, finally taking jogging steps forward to reach him, feeling like the marble floor was starting to sink under the soles of his Converses from standing there for so long.
"I'll give you a ride home. I don't know how you take the subway every fucking day." Derek replied, snorting.
Spencer smiled back, shyly.
"...thanks" he mumbled, looking down at his feet while walking outside with him, their arms only a couple of inches from touching.
They stayed silent until they arrived to the car. When they did, Derek stopped before either of them could get in.
"Listen, uh, I- I hope you're not gonna ask me stuff about... about Buford because honestly I can't take anymore pity-faces. Especially yours." he said in a deep tone.
"Nonono, no, absolutely not- I mean, if you ever wanna talk about it I'm here but I'm not- I don't wanna pressure you or anything." Spencer answered defensively, feeling his heartbeat racing. He wondered what he meant by "especially yours". Was his pity-face more annoying than the others'? Apparently, saying indecipherable phrases that made Reid go paranoid was a Morgans' family thing.
He saw Morgan nodding uncomfortably. Reid gazed silently at him for a bit, taking a careful look of him as a whole. He didn't look good- well, what the hell, of course he looked good, but he didn't look ok. He seemed exhausted and quite anxious - understandably. Nobody had ever seen him like that, and honestly it freaked Spencer out a little. The first thing that popped into his mind, was that such behavior was partially his fault; hence, he spoke up, trying to put a halt to it.
"You know what, I'm- it's late, actually, and you look like you need to stay alone for a while so, I'm just gonna take the subway it's no big dea-"
"No, kid, can you just- can you just stay ? Please..." Derek interrupted him, grabbing his thin wrist before he could get any further.
Spencer's heart warmed up. He eyed down at Derek's grip, unprepared to how even such a faint touch was sending goosebumps all over his arm. Much to his relief, not one but two layers of clothing - shirt AND jacket - hid that reaction from the other man's sight.
"Alright." Reid nodded after a bit, not because he was undecided, but because he was trying to get a hold of said goosebumps. He raised his gaze again to smile idiotically at him.
Derek grinned back apologetically, before ultimately making his way around the car to get in the driver's seat.
"So, I heard that you and Prentiss were the ones who had to go talk to my family, am I right?" he asked, with a tone and a way of phrasing the question that was nothing short of a desperate attempt to make it sound low-key and casual. Especially since he chose to say it while opening the car door. Like it didn't matter that much, or at least not enough to say it once he'd be sitting down comfortably. Unfortunately for him, Spencer picked up on all of that.
"Yeah!" Spencer answered, a little too enthusiastically for one who was trying with all his strength not to give the impression that he wanted to talk exactly about that, that he basically read his mind. Unfortunately for him, Derek picked up on those kind of things too - after all, they were paid to do it. To understand behavior. At times they forgot how much more difficult that made their mutual interactions, as well as more authentic.
Derek smiled to himself a little bit and started the car.
"So, how were they?" he asked teasingly, knowing that even if Spencer thought they were the worst people in the world, he would've never told him so. His heart was too pure.
"They're really nice. And they care a lot about you. You're lucky like that..." Spencer replied lowering his voice, revealing a slightly melancholic inflection.
Derek catched a glimpse of him while driving. He knew he wasn't referring to his mom, but to his dad. And he knew there was a big difference between how he lost his own dad and how Spencer lost his: Derek's father died. Spencer's father purposely left him: grabbed his shit, got on his feet, walked away from his wife and son. How a father could do that, was something that Derek would never understand.
"The cake was good, wasn't it?" he asked after a few seconds of heavy silence, trying to lift up the mood.
Spencer finally shifted his eyes to look at him. "Yeah, definitely" he answered, and Derek's mission could be considered accomplished, as a sweet smile appeared on his colleague's face; sweeter than that cake they were talking about - yes, Morgan thought about such comparison. He could've compared it with another million sweet things: caramel like his eyes; honey like his hair under the sunlight; strawberry like the color of his lips... Oh. Dammit.
"I wanna ask you a thing, though..." the sweet voice of the man object of his current fantasies gently snapped Derek out of his thoughts.
"What's that?" Derek asked, hiding the fact that he was shitting his pants wondering what Spencer's question could possibly be.
Spencer nervously played with the buckle of his leather bag, resting on his lap.
"Your sisters, both of them they- they immediately recognized me." he stayed vague. " "Doctor Reid" " he added making the 'quote' gesture with his fingers, smiling self-complacently.
"Well, yeah, we've been working together for...2 years or something, right?" Derek kept the dumb-play going, as if he hadn't basically been keeping count since.
"...2 years and 18 days to be precise...but anyway," Spencer paused to clear his voice. "Sarah, she specifically said that...uhm...that you talk about me. She- she said: 'Derek talks about you'."
Morgan abruptly hit the brakes of his car to stop at a red light that he noticed at the last second, distracted by what Reid had just said, making him wince.
"Wow. Well- fuck, my sisters really don't how to shut their mouths, do they?" he said, laughing a bit nervously.
"Well they- they didn't say anything- I mean, they just said that you "talk" about me but I'm guessing you talk about all of us, of cours-"
"No, Spencer. She meant a specific thing." Morgan interrupted him softly, parking his car. Yes: they'd already arrived at Reid's place.
After a long silence, during which Reid's face remained stuck in a confused scowl, Morgan turned off the car. He sighed, before turning slightly to his right to stare into Reid's hazelnut-hued eyes. Talking to him while driving was easier, because he couldn't look at that face of his. But now that he could, it got x10 times more difficult.
"She didn't say it to Emily, or both. She said it to you. Am I right?" Morgan was shamelessly giving up, gradually crumbling under the look the other was giving him.
Spencer nodded.
"...did you wonder why ?" he didn't wanna say it. God, he DID NOT wanna say it.
"Yes, I- I did, but honestly the only good answer I could come up with was that Emily hasn't been in the unit as long as I have so...I don't know, we still don't know her that well...?" Spencer replied, stuttering.
"That, too." Derek paused. He was thinking about a proper way to say it without freaking Spencer out. He didn't wanna say "it's because I like you", since he wasn't sure he did. Well, of course he LIKED him, but he still hadn't quite figured out if he liked him in that way.
Plus, he'd obviously noticed that Spencer, too, felt something...different. He was sure neither of them had a clue of what to do with it; on the other hand, he was also sure he had to give him a hint, one way or another. To make sure Reid understood that he wasn't imagining it, that there was something different. Even though that "something" didn't have a name yet. Maybe it would, some day.
After thinking for a long time, during which Spencer respectfully stayed silent, the "right" words found their way into Derek's mind, brooming away the dust that had been weighing down on his courage to say them all along.
"A'ight. 3 or 4 months ago I spent a weekend with my family. I don't know if you remember that I didn't come to get drinks with you guys cause I had to leave early in the morning." he started. Spencer nodded - of course he remembered. Dumb question.
"Ok so, one day I was... talking about you with them at dinner, I'm not sure what I was saying, honestly...but after a while Desirée said a thing that made me think." Derek paused, leaning closer to Spencer to make sure he listened carefully.
"She said, quote unquote: 'you know how you always say that Reid gets excited when he rambles about statistics? Well, that's kinda what you do when you talk about him...It's like, he's YOUR statistics'."
Spencer kept looking quietly into Derek's black eyes, without blinking once.
"She... s- she said that?" he then asked, just to be, you know, sure that he wasn't dreaming.
"Mhmh." Derek nodded shortly. "I remember it like it was yesterday. Guess some of that memory of yours must have rubbed off on me, huh?" he grinned brightly.
The burning shade of red staining Spencer's cheeks didn't but spread further, even if he had to bite back a: "that's not possible, Morgan; it doesn't work like that."
Derek continued. "When she said it, at first I thought she was fucking around, but then it's like...it opened my eyes. I- I don't know. I guess I don't even notice when I do it." he shook his head and stared blankly at an undefined spot outside, as if trying to clear his thoughts.
"...just like when we have to stop you from throwing up random statistics that literally nobody asked for." Morgan concluded cocking his head, with a playful and affectionate smile.
Reid giggled, now feeling his whole face on fire and his heart hammering into his ears. He was speechless. For once.
Derek gently placed his warm hand on the back of Spencer's neck, while the other man kept looking down at his bag, biting his bottom lip so hard he thought it could bleed.
"Do you talk about me to your mom?" Derek asked after a while, almost whispering. He kept his eyes glued on Spencer, even though he had clearly no intention of looking back at him any time soon. He wanted to catch every inch of his facial reaction.
"Should I be prepared for her telling me 'Spencer talks about you' if I ever meet her?" he kept the volume of his voice low, starting to stroke Spencer's neck with his thumb and smiling when he saw faint shivers appear on his skin.
"...m- maybe" Spencer answered, not wanting to reveal that literally 70% of the things he told his mom involved him, of which 40% were specifically about him.
Spencer managed to find a crumb of courage to shift his look and finally return Derek's gaze. But as soon as his so-fucking-handsome face reached his sight, along with that way his pupils were staring into him - a way he couldn't quite decipher but didn't mind, after all - he had to jerk his eyes away immediately, or else his heart would've burst out of his ribcage.
Hence, he decided to quickly and distractedly check his watch.
"I- I should probably go now..." he said. He didn't say it because he wanted to - oh, he SO didn't want to go - he just, had to. He didn't wanna ruin things. He wanted to keep that moment fixated into his memory just like it was, hoping many others like that one would come in the future.
"Yeah, you should..." Derek said, shifting farther from him in his seat and taking his hand off of Spencer's soft neck. It was so hard, to stop touching him, it seemed like when you try to split apart two magnets too strongly attracted to one another.
Spencer got out of the car, closing the door behind his back. He turned around and bent to look at Derek from outside.
"Wait!" he squealed, tapping his knuckles against the glass.
Derek, who had already started the car, pulled down the window to hear him better, looking at him confused. "Forgot something?"
"No! No, well- yes. I wanted to ask you one more thing." he paused, scrunching his nose. "What did you mean when you said that- that you can't take especially my pity-face?"
Derek bit his bottom lip. "Nothing too hard to understand." he said, with an enigmatic tone. Now, Spencer was the one looking confused.
"It's just way more painful to handle. Cause it's a much prettier face than the others'."
Spencer looked down, chuckling and nodding like he meant to say: 'oh, yeah, that. Of course.'
"See ya tomorrow, Pretty Boy." Derek said in the end, winking and rolling the window back up to finally leave.
Spencer was left there, standing and freezing cold, not knowing what to do with himself.
His phone buzzed into the pocket of his pants, giving him something else to concentrate on, something that wasn't that face, or that voice, or that smile, or that hand on his neck...something that wasn't related to Derek Morgan.
It was a text. From... Emily:
"So how'd the 'thing' go?" Duh. Of course it had to be the umpteenth thing related to Derek Morgan.
He smiled at the screen of his phone. Once again: like a complete idiot.
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Fenton Headcanons!
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Here are some headcanons to better explain Fen and the several aspects of him that make up his history, personality, and ideology! It may not be exactly canon all of the time, so I will just say that my Fenton is canon divergent right now and settle that matter.
I’ve given my portrayal of Fenton a lot of thought in how to keep him separate from others by giving him a different source of inspiration and there fore ideals and standards to live by as he goes about his life. Note that this source will give him the workings on who to base his own superhero persona off of, while still trying to be his own person both inside and outside the suit.
First off, he’s always been a major fan of Supermallard and his heroic deeds as it just seemed like the duck emanated hope, justice, warmth, and kindness while still putting those in the wrong behind bars or a prison that could sustain them. Whenever he was placed into his larger fights, he would do all that he could to make sure at the end of the day that the lives of those he protected would be safe and the villain in jail or taken to a maximum security station. Seeing this at such a young age inspired him to be someone like Supermallard too, a kind, considerate, and overall intuitive person. He had always believed in doing nice things for others, but the comic and the character inspired him to be someone that could help the world someday.
Because of this, he tries to give himself a more deeper voice when in the armor to mislead others into thinking that he’s older than he really is, even if is voice isn’t exactly too used to it. It is also to ensure that the young ones have someone they can look up to and depend upon to rescue them.
The comics did give him a little more of a feel for wanting to delve into super science, hence why he decided to make that his major as he is still going through college to finish up his master’s degree. Being 26 doesn’t leave him much choice in the financial state he’s in so he just has to continue on going and finish the degree course, not that he minds that.
Fenton definitely does like to be safe and secure in the experiments and things that he does, even when it involves risks. Usually the only time he’ll be reckless is through underestimating, lack of needed knowledge, or just plain unconscious.
With that, he does have some trouble dealing with opponents that are exceedingly good with machinery or magical elements, as his list of experience right now is barely even at professional level for superhero stuff.
He does practice his in Gizmoduck armor whenever he has time to do so on his schedule and not already fighting crime, living out his life as Fenton, or creating new inventions for McDuck Enterprises.
Reading about Supermallard’s alter ego, Duck Kent, has made Fenton more of a person to be skeptical of the events that go on around him and the things people say. Whether it’s a false alarm or him actually detecting a suspicious person that is hatching some kind of plot or scheme, or having something that they don’t want him to know, He will catch on eventually, and may even show that he catches on too!
When a lot of situations look bleak with the only option of winning is to take the life of the one causing the havoc, Fenton will do his best to try and make sure that he can find another way that doesn’t involve the end of a life. If he does have to take a life, then he will have it linger in his memory as one of his failures to keep justice and order for every living creature.
While Fen loves glazed doughnuts, he adores cinnamon buns/rolls even more, as the light and fluffy texture mixed in with the sweet and slightly spicy taste of cinnamon and sugar just make him complete. While on the moment about favorite desserts too, he greatly appreciates Starduck’s triple caramel and chocolate cappuccino, even if it is a bit bad for one’s health if had in excess amounts. To himself, he limits his intake on them and saves them as special treats to himself for whenever he does a major accomplishment.
Even though he has a driver’s license and know how to drive well, he doesn’t own a car so he uses bus transportation to get to the money bin. It’s hard work lifting his Gizmosuit on his way to work and back hom, but this has also become part of a training exercise that has made him more stronger than before he obtained the suit and first started calling himself “Gizmoduck”. Can his lift a car? No, but he can lift a good shelf or heavy box now all on his own. And if someone’s wondering why he doesn’t turn into Gizmoduck and fly to the money bin, I got two answers. One: If he messes up any part of it, he could risk having more people know about his secret identity, and not know if they will spill it to others.If that happens, they will target his friends and family, and that’s just a bunch of stress he could lessen on himself if he just moved about from home to work and work to home as Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera. The second one is that he knew it would be like a training regimen for himself, and so if he wanted to be as good as himself as he was as Gizmoduck, he needed to toughen up his real body too. That armor can’t protect him from everything, (like the radioactive/atomic central processor from the “Who Is Gizmoduck” episode)
This one particular headcanon may be a turn off to any Hueys out there, but this is kinda one for a reason. Due to the event with the radioactive/atomic explosion, Launchpad almost flying the Sunchaser into Dewey due to his missiles misfiring, and Mark Beaks’ attempt to turn into a General like monster and take both Huey and Webby, this Gizmoduck is one that still works for Scrooge McDuck and partner/lab assistant of Gyro Gearloose, but he is a more solo kind of hero. He would rather not have anyone that can’t defend themselves or not the proper age take risks that they don’t have to when he’s there and can solve the problem or save the day by himself. Some backup from other heroes he definitely wouldn’t mind, as they have experience and can hold their own against crooks and villains, but no sidekicks for this duck. Maybe a World’s Fowlest or The Duck and the Daring, but any Gizmobuddies he has he doesn’t want in the action. It would wound his heart greatly to have them be injured, hurt or killed because he couldn’t do everything, and so to eliminate that possibility, he refuses to take young sidekicks or wards. Maybe he’ll help out a young superhero-in-the-making, but that’s the only exception.
To make his suit more durable he will be adding some of his own touches here and there to the enhancements of the original Gizmoduck suit before making a Mark II altogether at some point. The material Gyro used was fine, but it dents way too easily, and if he’s going to be doing this superhero job, he needs more durable armor to match his constantly growing villains gallery. 
He does also try to incorporate some of his Fentonium into the suit as a sort of auxiliary power for whenever he needs it after doing a large attack or sustaining a lot of damage. It doesn’t give him anything special like his lasers, pies, or other actions, but he can still move the wheel, use some scanning functions, and moves his limbs like his arms.
Speaking of his abilities, that’s another thing I’ve been thinking of, and I have some original ideas along with ones inspired from things that he was already inspired off of, so a little more of just referencing at that point. He has these moves, and they are not all accessible, but eventually he does acquire or create them over time. They each have limited uses outside of Gizmo Uppercut, so he does have to plan his movements wisely.
Gizmo Cannon [Photon Cannon] (Iron Man/War Machine/Marvel Vs. Capcom): Instead of him pulling out or warping a giant photon cannon out of nowhere, he brings out two of his shoulder cannons and uses them to concentrate the blast of photon energy onto his target. He overall has a total about four of these uses before needing to recharge. It’s not as cutting as his lasers, but they should do well to gradually chip or damage his opponent’s armor, and a good continual damage too.
Gizmo Salvo [War Destroyer] (War Machine/Marvel Vs. Capcom): For his really tough combatants, and this is one of the more ammo-consuming moves that he has, Gizmoduck will launch his missiles, bombs, and ammo into the sky, and have them act as an air strike on his foe. Generally for the big guys or heavy hitters that think they’re tougher than anything justice has, and he has about two uses of this before he runs out of his ammunition reserves, so it’s something to save up for.
Gizmo Uppercut [Mega Uppercut] (Mega Man/Marvel Vs. Capcom): What superhero worth his title wouldn’t have an easy but flashy uppercut or signature move that gives that feeling of flair? This one really doesn’t consume any of his energy as it just converts some of the photon and laser energy his suit has into a punch to inflict more pain on evildoers. Really it’s just like a Shoryuken but with photon and laser energy. Not lethal as it’s a small dose of them, but it can knock someone out.
Gizmo Field [Energy Field] (Cell/Android 17 and 18/Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3): If there was ever a moment that he needed to have some protection against projectiles or any attacks while making his own, here’s a force field attack to give him the advantage. While he can’t propel anything like magic or advanced super science beyond that of Earth’s current potential, he can still lessen the pressure of the attacks using it. The shield also does deal moderate damage and extends to the size of a small transportable hot air balloon. He’s got six uses for it, and it does tap into his energy reserves for his Gizmo Cannon and Gizmo Uppercut.
Fentonium Fore [Mega Ball] (Mega Man/Marvel Vs. Capcom): This one’s an interchangeable one between Gizmoduck and Fenton (Finally, some moves that Fenton can use while outside of the suit for once), and it’s where he takes a ball of Fentonium and smacks it towards his enemies to act like a ricocheting projectile weapon, and he does have a ping pong racket to continue the transition. Not only that, but he can aim it too for trick shots if he needs a distraction or low profile weapon.
Photon Sphere [Spirit Bomb/Genkidama] (Son Goku/Dragon Ball Z/GT): This is definitely a move he learns very late into his career, but it is where he takes all of the energy that he has stored into suit at the present time and can even convert any other energy given to the sphere to make it more stronger. This move does put strain on Fenton’s real body but the suit should be fine, as long as the arm parts are still functional so that way he can throw it and push it. It’s a one time use before needing a recharge, so if it fails, then he has no more tricks up his sleeves. This is overpowered, as the energy is enough to roughly a continent with his own suit at full power (which most likely won’t happen), but can get to half of a planet or a moon with that much energy plus that of what others add to him.
Fenton Flurry (Original): Knowing that he has to fight without the armor, he has some moves he never mentions as he fights, but gives them a name in his head. This one is pretty much a flurry of punches towards his enemy and while it is clumsy and sometimes badly timed, it can catch someone off guard when he does time it right or in a confined space.
Photon Blaster (Original): During the Shadow War, he modified Gyro’s blaster weapon with the help of Manny and Lil’ Bulb, though this time he made his own spare while on his some of his lunch breaks. it has both a phaser or bullet-like function and a laser function for consistent pressure.
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00qad-ldws · 6 years
2018 OOQAD LDWS Week 1 Submissions
Below the cut are this weeks submissions. The prompt was Miscommunication and 250 word count max. The challenge this week was that it could only contain dialogue.
These writers stepped up to the challenge and have as always provided the fandom with amazing content this week. Please consider voting and commenting here
Voting is closed at Noon EST 8/27.
I hope you enjoy these as much as I did!
Title: Soul Mates?
Author: @themuller13
Rating: general
Warnings: none
Summary: Q is puzzled.
“Soul mates? Q! What did you tell him?”
“Honestly, Danny, what would you expect me to say? Of all people, for Alex to even think about this utterly ridiculous senti- What?”
“I know he doesn’t believe in soul mates! But what did you say? Why were you even –“
“Danny! Calm down! We were just decoding a programme. Nothing special, just a simple lie-detector progra- Danny! What is wrong with you?”
“What did Alex say?”
“Nothing much. In fact, he was really quiet once we’d finished with it. Out of the blue he asked me about soul mates. Whether I believed in – Danny! Why are you crying? Please, you’re freaking me out here. What is wrong with you?”
“And you just told him – wait! You said: What are the odds this person would be in the same country? Or the same city? That their paths would even cross? It would mean almost everyone in the world is with the wrong person. If it’s a way of saying, “we’re good together” why not just say – “we’re good together”? Right? Stop gaping, Q!”
“How? That’s exactly, what – but I would’ve thought –“
“Yes, Q! Of course. I do believe in soul mates! What were the odds of me finding Alex after MI5 had taken him? The odds, for the four of us finding each other? Being perfect for each other?! Fuck.”
“I don’t understand, Danny.”
“He was asking you, whether you, whether we, really do love him.”
Title: Only Chopping Vegetables
Author: @endofmeandeverything
Rating: General
Warning: None
Summary: Living with spies means living with lovers who always imagine the worst-case scenario.
“It’s hardly that important.  Honestly, you always worry so much.  No, don’t send James!  No, not Alex either!  You very well know you can’t just come off work!  I promise, it’s only a cut and I’m nearly to hospital anyway.”
“You’ll have to forgive my penchant for overreaction.  It’s just that every time James says ‘It’s not that bad’ he means that he’s half severed a limb or taken a bullet somewhere normal human beings considered vital.”
“Don’t get sour like that, I’m not angry with you.  Just a moment, here’s my stop–”
“Here.  Anyhow, I’m not saying you’re being silly, I know your jobs are…strenuous.  But honestly, it’s only a cut–”
“You texted ‘on way to hospital’ when I asked how you were.  I do think it warranted at least a telephone call.”
“I’m sorry, really I am. I ought to have thought….  I promise, I’m fine.  I didn’t mean to worry you.  It’s probably only a few stitches.”
“We’ll see about that when I get home.”
“It’s my place to worry.”
“Not over me.  Never over me.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.  Have you got there yet?  Tell the doctor that if he hurts you, there are highly placed government officials willing to take drastic measures.”
“I’m not telling him that.”
“Only a joke.”
“It wasn’t!”
“Don’t be smug, Daniel, I can hear you smiling.”
“I love you, too.”
“Do shut up.”
Title:  Broken Line
Author: @iambid
Rating: General
Warnings:  None
Summary:  Q gets some bad news
“Hi…I’m sorry sweetheart.”
“Where is he?”
“Stuck in Alaska… he…. the phone signal broke up.  James said he won’t be home for my birthday.”
“Q … oh hey, don’t please.  It’s OK.  Come here, it’s OK.  You did all you could.  Alex told me you were trying to get him home from the field but it isn’t the first time is it?  These things happen.  It’s OK.”
“I know but… it’s just so damn hard sometimes.  Loving him and not getting to have him here for the special things.”
“You still have me and Alex.”
“I know and I appreciate it, I really do but… where is Alex anyway?”
“Getting a Chinese.  He’s getting you that stringy stuff you like.
“It’s called Crispy Beef Dan.”
“Yuck.  Gross.”
“You look cute when you wrinkle your nose like that.”
“Hehe.  I love you baby I just wish… is that the door?”
“Hullo?  Hello chaps, look who I found lurking outside.”
“JAMES!  You absolute prick! You said you were stuck in Alaska!”
“Oof!  Thanks for the warm welcome darling… probably could have done with the tackle-hug after I’d taken my coat off.”
“What… how are you here?”
“I tried to tell you on the phone.  I wouldn’t be able to fly via Homer – I was too late to catch that flight…”
“I thought you said you wouldn’t be able to fly home…”
“Well I’m here now and I fully intend to make it up to you… all weekend…”
“I can’t wait.”
Title: Treats
Author: @blood-suits-and-tears
Rating: none
Warnings: none
Summary: too many cooks, well wannabe-bakers
“You said 30 minutes”
“That’s not what I meant… 30 minutes in total, 13 minutes in the oven”
“B-but Q…”
“Shh… It’s okay Alex, don’t worry. We can just pop to the shop and buy some. And Q can clean up in that time”
“I’m sorry”
“We just wanted to do something nice for Danny, he’s doing so well at uni and deserves a break and a treat after a long day of exams”
“I know. Let’s go to the fancy bakery around the corner, Danny always presses his nose to the window when we walk past it to look at all the sweet treats”
“You two better hurry then, he’ll be home soon”
“Oh, I hear the door…”
“Anyone hom-… hey kitties, of course I got you two a treat as well. What’s going on? What’s that smell?”
“Nothing to worry about Danny. Congrats on finishing your exams though!”
“Thank you, it went quite well I think”
“Of course it did, you’re brilliant!”
“You are, Q is right”
“You all have to stop with the flattery now, please, I’m blushing already”
“Which we all don’t mind because you’re cute and you deserve it”
“Then let’s celebrate, I brought cake and dinner is ordered and on its way”
“Wait, what?”
“That was our job”
“You three are always so busy, so I thought I’d just organise something quickly. No worries, really”
“But we wanted to treat you”
“Well, there’s still time after dinner…”
Title: To Everything That Might’ve Been
Author: @iamanonniemouse
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Referenced/Discussed Major Character Death
Summary: On love and loss.
"I—I don’t understand.”
“Why didn’t he listen to me? I said turn around, but he didn’t do that, he—”
“Q, it’s okay. It’ll be—”
“And why the hell would you just ignore me like that? I—he always listens to me, but he didn’t, he bloody well didn’t this time. When someone says, ‘Turn around,’ you bloody well do as you’re told!”
“When I lost Alex…”
“Oh god, Danny, I’m sorry, I—”
“When I lost Alex, I thought it was a dream. It wasn’t real. He’d come back after a couple of months, a year. We’d have some storybook ending. ”
“Danny, you don’t have to tell me, it’s okay.”
“I found the video of him. Someone sent it to me, or left it, I don’t know. But I found it. His last words were—Sorry, I. God. His last words were my name. He died calling my name.”
“At least James went fast. You know? He didn’t even have time to think about it. And that’s the best way to go. Suffocating in a bloody trunk like Alex did…”
“I’m sorry, Danny.”
“I’m sorry, too. But you can’t fix it. Okay? I learned that. It’s no use trying to think about what you could’ve done. He’s gone.”
“He’s gone.”
“And what the hell am I supposed to do now?”
“Honestly? Mourn him. And move on. Don’t go chasing ghosts like I did, Q. It’s not worth it.”
“It’s not.”
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satalite-00 · 6 years
so freud=chronica...
absolutely referencing @freunwol​s post about this theory
what psyches me out is the fact freud's ability to literally stop time during the battle of the BM is never questioned. it's just something he can do because ofc he's freud- except we never see anyone except zero really stop time... 
Freud’s status is always “oh yeah he died, what a great hero..” but it goes from “he died after using all his magic” to “he died a long life hahaha”, though we know Freud was able to make Abraxas (before?? after?? who knows) 
Feels like it’s been retcon’d, not only for HoM but so he could be used as a deus ex machina for future plots. 
NOW, Maplestory and Grandis were never connected. and if you take another one of freunwol’s posts (which literally i read the wiki and it said Darmoor made it so what.. the heck...?) I’m assuming that only Chronica had the power to move through the dimensions (Rhinne’s time was literally, time. Chronica, however, feels more like the space aspect of time)
So otherwise, nobody had the ability to teleport and that could be why Darmoor wanted to work with Chronica so badly- but guess who teleports to Grandis even before Maplestory and Grandis even made contact? Before Chronica gets his powers stolen?
Eunwol does. He lands in Anima for seemingly no reason. Why. Nexon doesn’t even use Anima.. like seriously what is anima for?? dont tell me it was bc beast tamer...
It would be pretty funny if Chronica/Freud panicked bc they knew something bad was happening, but they were also forgetting at the same time so they just flung him to Anima (You could say that Eunwol’s condition as not human and BM’s curse could have led to this too, but its funnier this way...)
And Abraxas?? who just casually splits their soul like that? it was nice for a whole farewell but it’s careless writing if they give him the ability to stop time, seal just about anything, and split their soul like the man from no.9??
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what the fuck man.
long post over, thanks for reading
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Couple of takeaways and opinions and reactions from watching the series Blood & Treasure.
FIrst off- Warning- I watched this show purely for the Oded Fehr content( the hot, now silver fox Isreali actor who played Ardeth Bae Bay in the Mummy) and I am more than happy and willing to RIP into any and all historical inaccuracies with a bloodthirsty vengeance. Even if this is a campy ripoff of all inaccurate ‘history movies’. I am History’s paramour, don’t @ me. I will be referencing The Mummy a lot. ( A strangely accurate-ish movie, I’ll save that for another time.) ALSO, none of this follows the order of the series. ANNNNDDDDD, I didn’t watch the whole thing yet, so more fun insights to come.
If you actually read this, please be aware that I do not hate nor wish ill on anyone because of race, religion or size. I also don’t hate terrorists( because they are still human beings, not because I agree with them), sorry if that kind of disgusts you.  If anything seems offensive, it is not my intent. Merely observational. Let’s keep the drama in the private dm’s.
Warning again- I am a wh*re for Karim Farouk( a.k.a. Oded Fehr).
 - Alright, so Oded Fehr has officially turned a whole 180 and instead of protecting these cursed tombs (ala The Mummy) he is now the greedy treasure hunter/grave robber/terrorist and you know what, it’s good look on him, it works...Well, I got so annoyed in the 2.3 minutes that we had to watch the archeologists right at the beginning be so awful and let’s act like a military group instead of what they really are(nerds) and oh-look-this-is-where-the-lever-was-now-help-me-open-this-with-zero-safety-measures-in-place ( It’s a modern ‘dig’ like come on)  that I’m cool with him (Oded Fehr’s bad guy character) waltzing in there all evil and he shoots some people, kills some people, kidnaps some people, blows up some pyramids which mildly pissed me off but I also kinda understood why? and he’s commanding and doesn’t waste his time like other villains and he’s all unfairly sexy in his tac gear and...I’m drooling now and weirdly rooting for the bad guy. Not a great start to a show which wants you to root for the ‘good guys’.
- Oh...HELL NO!!! ( groans in despair) GOODY-TWO-SHOES EX-AGENT OF CIAROKJSNDKENF!!!!WHATEVER. FuCK he’s irritating... AAAANNNNNNDDDD, the lead...figures. I hate those types.
- The priest is a good priest. Nice touch. Too bad he’s Jesuit. Believe you me, modern and post-modern Jesuits are not really a good sort. The old/original Jesuits were cool and brave and all ( and sooooooo not like this stupid series tries to make us believe.) They never had coded Bibles, you dicks.
- I honestly don’t know if this series wants to be taken as a serious history lesson or as fantastical historical fiction. The latter is fine I guess. It sure as Hell ain’t the former. (They do throw in enough actual history to confuse you on that bit.) I mean, the curse on Cleopatra’s tomb isn’t a blatantly made-up apocalyptic resurrection of a bad CGI mummy who was Hom-Dai ‘ed 3000 years ago, so it could be taken as actual history by anyone who may not know better. But it isn’t actual history, not by a long shot. Don’t believe this series, I beg of you.
 - The Jesuits were never secret-keepers of cult knowledge and they never infiltrated the Nazi Occultists ranks and there may be secret passages out of the Vatican to be used in an emergency by the Swiss Guards( and ensemble) if necessary, but I doubt that it’s hidden in such a Angels and Demons- esque way and OH HELL, the pop culture references BTW are driving me up the wall! These guys are trying to be the Gilmore Girls and are failing miserably.
- Again, stop using the Vatican as such a cache of culty knowl...you know what, I give up on this arguement. Peace out. MF’s.
- There is something so clandestinely delicious about seeing the heart-throbbing silver fox which is Oded Fehr in a turtleneck sweater and blazer with that scar on the side of his face and just... no thoughts, only dominating dangerous dilf. I want to have his child. I don’t care if he’s the evil terrorist( or is he?), he is still a thousand times sexier than anyone else in this sh*tty show. Prove me wrong I dare you.
 - Lexi I can stand because she is truthfully alot of fun to watch at the beginning. And she’s actually awesome in the -I care about people and they don’t know it kinda way.- One tiny little thing though. Never knew I was weirded out by thigh gaps until this girl walks in in skinny jeans and leggings. I shouldn’t find it weird and I usually don’t but some of the angles they use in this show creeps me out for some inexplicable reason. Very odd. They should keep her in dresses and maybe like, non-skinny jeans.
- 1000 points for Oded Fehr walking around in grey camo cargo pants and jacket with aviator sunglasses in the rocky desert. this man I swear😳
- Omar, come on man, NOT THE OLD LADY!
-Of course, Lexi is the descendant of Anthony and Cleopatra. Because this show wasn’t fucking predictable enough as it is.
-Good guys becoming obsessed with treasure is valid I will give them that. And gives me an excuse to root for Karim Farouk/Oded Fehr.
-The score reminds me of Indiana Jones and the like. Not bad.
-Ugh, I hate seeing mummies. Leave these poor people in their graves, please!
- Yeah right, Danny survived that fall down the elevator shaft. I totally believe you.
-Blowing up the pyramid to distract the world from the black market sales of Cleopatra’s items is very smart. STOP MAKING ME LIKE THE VILLAIN!
- Karim Farouk is way too smart to have just grabbed those cases without checking them all to ensure that everything was as it should be. Give the man some credit. They make him super smart and sly at the beginning, but then when crunch-time arrives and our ‘heroes’ need plot boosts, Karim gets uncharacteristically sloppy.
- As soon as it was revealed that Karim was doing all this stuff out of revenge, I knew it was over a bombing or something by the US of A and his family or almost all his family was wiped out, and that grief and anger had developed into stone cold hate.
- And I was right.
- Using Karim’s niece as bait is cruel AF.
-No fucking way that he brought his niece a present in a bag with a location on it and drops it where our ‘heroes’ conveniently find it and track him to said location.
- This fucking predictable plot I SWEAR!
- Lexi’s Coptic Christian mother was allowed to marry her Muslim father how?????????? Mixed marriages between Muslims and Catholics are kind of forbidden.
- Oded Fehr is again in a turtleneck with blazer. 🥵
-I never knew I needed Oded Fehr driving a forklift in my life, but here we are I guess...
- Have I mentioned how much I appreciate Oded Fehr in this????????
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That’s it for now. Might post another one one I finish the season.
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