#I know for a FACT there is expired product currently in the dairy section that won’t be removed till a customer finds it
sweet-as-kiwis · 1 year
I feel like I should be making a list of all the violations I’m seeing at work
#it’s not wheelchair accessable#there are no disabled stalls in the bathrooms#corporate refuses to buy a cleaner for some. compactor thing and it’s resulting in Fly Infestations Every Year#I know for a FACT there is expired product currently in the dairy section that won’t be removed till a customer finds it#we had. milk. sitting in the back. unrefridgerated. for A FULL WEEK AT LEAST. BEFORE SOMEONE TOOK IT OUT. IT WAS SOLID.#I’m part time and was not offered healthcare but they took a healthcare payment out of my paycheck. for healthcare they Are Not providing#we require a managers signature on Almost Everything. the manager is only here for about three hours three days of the week#I’m fully aware some of these ain’t violations anymore but like ???#I Am Not payed enough for this#it smells rancid#it’s 90 degrees upstairs and under 60 downstairs#I just get assigned random ass tasks when I finish with My job because it means they don’t have to hire another worker in that section#I am part time and scheduled for 37 hours. the manager wants me to schedule for More.#the manager is also Very Insistent that I transfer to the location near my college when I move back there. for a minimum of 37 hours a week.#I am taking 18 credit hours. my shifts start at eight and end at three. my classes start at eight and end at three.#he does not seem to understand I Cannot work what is practically full time. during the school year.#half the tech is broke#we have a freezer that’s broken. we call it the snowglobe cause it’s frozen over half the time.#the roof leaks. they got it fixed two days ago. it’s leaking again today.#help
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howellrichard · 6 years
11 Life-Changing Tips for Cancer Patients
Hiya Gorgeous,
I could not be more thrilled about the response so far to the Healing Cancer World Summit! Registration has been through the roof and people from all over the world are sharing their excitement. If you haven’t saved your seat yet, don’t wait another minute! This experience wouldn’t be the same without you.
Register for the FREE Healing Cancer World Summit!
When this Summit was still just an idea—before Hay House and I strategized, brainstormed and planned our butts off—I knew one thing for sure: I wanted this to be the most practical, useful event about cancer and prevention that you’ve ever attended. I knew that in order to truly support you on your healing journey, the lessons had to be chock-full of tools and advice you could put to use right away.
And while that advice could be life-changing, it couldn’t be overwhelming, fear-based or take forever to see the benefits. Because whether or not you or someone you love is currently facing a diagnosis, you’ve got enough going on in your life. I want to help you make things easier, not more complicated.
Today, I’m happy to report that that’s exactly what you can expect from the Healing Cancer World Summit. You’ll walk away from each and every incredible session with new tips to help you navigate a cancer diagnosis, feel better and more rested, reduce stress and fear, create or enhance your spiritual practice, connect more deeply with yourself and others, and so much more. I can’t wait for you to get your hands on these wonderful resources.
And when I say “I can’t wait,” I mean… I really can’t! That’s why I decided to update and bring back one of my favorite (and most popular!) posts of all time and share it with you today.
The eleven tips you’re about to read have been life-changing for me. Some of them may seem simple, but I come back to these practices whenever I need to get grounded and remind myself that living with cancer can be healthy—it can even be vibrant, abundant and filled with beauty.
Whether or not you’re living with cancer like me, these tips are universal. I know you’re going to find something (or maybe a few things!) that resonates with you.
So, let’s dive in…
During my teens and twenties, I celebrated (or avoided) Valentine’s Day. Each year had its own flavor. Heartache, romantic plans gone awry and some very sweet moments, too. But, February 14, 2003 changed that day forever. That’s the day I was diagnosed with an incurable, stage IV cancer.
Life stopped… and then transformed.
Valentine’s Day is a very spiritual celebration now. I call it my “cancerversary,” a day of deep self-love, reflection, gratitude and re-birth. It took me over a decade, post-diagnosis, to get to that sacred place. But, I’m here now and if you’re newly diagnosed, trust that you will get there, too.
For many patients, cancer is no longer a death sentence.
Really take that in. The first doctor I spoke to suggested a triple organ transplant, the second gave me 10 years to live. Thankfully, both were wrong and I didn’t listen. If you’ve been given statistical projections or an expiration date, there’s a good chance your well-meaning doctor could be wrong, too.
Once I found a better oncologist for my disease, my entire world opened up. As you may know, I have a weird slow-moving (could get aggressive one day) sarcoma. And though I’m living with cancer, I do it in a healthy, harmonious way. In fact, today I call myself a cancer thriver and I bet that no matter what your personal, medical or emotional pickle is (cancer or something else), you can be a thriver, too.
I would never say that life with cancer is easy, but it can be quite stunning and rich, even in the midst of the pain. These tips have helped me feel better and get stronger along the way. I think they’ll be useful for you or someone you love, too.
11 Tips for Healthy Living with Cancer
1. When the going gets tough, take a really deep breath.
This is the first (and most important) move you can make when the shit hits the fan. There will be endless ideas, advice, theories and even some medical bullying slung your way. Your breath is the gateway to your intuition—it will help you navigate the noise. Breathe and listen. Your breath also has the power to reduce stress (more on that below). When we’re in prolonged fight or flight mode, it’s hard to make decisions and easy to get depressed, anxious and exhausted. Breathe.
2. Find the best oncologist for your disease.
If I had listened to the first doctor, I wouldn’t be here today. Thankfully, I was willing to travel to find the best oncologist for my sarcoma. If you’re newly diagnosed (with any medical issue), I highly suggest you do the same. Your life is in their hands. Do they have experience and access to the latest research? Are they tapped into a network of colleagues who can discuss your case? Your local hospital may not cut it. My oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute understands all the current traditional treatment options for my disease. I still haven’t had any conventional treatment, but should my disease become aggressive, he’d be my first stop (but not my last).
How to find an oncologist: Start by Googling the top 10 cancer hospitals in the U.S. Also, use the resources below to explore the best oncologist for your specific cancer. In addition to these tips, network! I’ve found the best support by asking my doctor, family and friends.
National Cancer Institute’s Office of Cancer Centers
American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Cancer.Net Cancer Specific Resources
Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA)
3. Your oncologist (or other doctor) probably isn’t enough.
Build an integrative team. Integrative and functional medicine practitioners treat your whole body, not just the symptoms. How do they do that? With dietary recommendations, targeted supplements, IVs, stress management tips and other integrative therapies that improve your overall well-being, including boosting your immune system.
How to find an integrative MD: Check out the directories below. Again, network your butt off. Ask around and interview the prospective healing candidates—that’s right, they work for you.
Find a Functional Medicine Practitioner
American College for Advancement in Medicine
American Association for Naturopathic Physicians
4. Reduce inflammation. Eat plants.
In a nutshell: Embrace gorgeous greens, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, sea veggies, fruits and vegetables galore. Crowd out inflammatory, hormone-filled dairy and other animal products (even organic) by filling your plate with plant-strong, whole foods. And while you’re at it, dump the processed white stuff, especially sugar (it feeds cancer and other bullshit). Speaking of sugar, choose low-glycemic fruits and desserts. If you’re not interested in going full tilt vegan, make plants your main dish and think of everything else as a condiment. If you don’t ditch animal products, reduce your consumption to 2-3 times per week and avoid factory farm products at all costs. For delicious recipes, check out our recipe section at Kriscarr.com, Crazy Sexy Juice and Crazy Sexy Kitchen.
5. Juice your ass off. Not sugary juices.
Avoid store bought processed juices and choose fresh, green, healing juices that you make yourself. Organic is definitely best if you can afford it. If not, check out the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen for guidance on avoiding chemical-laden produce. Without a shadow of a doubt, my daily, low-glycemic green juice practice has allowed me to thrive in spite of my obstacles. My basic juicing rule for patients is a 3:1 ratio—three veggies to one low-glycemic fruit. You can also add lemon, as it has very little sugar. Ginger rocks too. Juices are nutrient dense, hydrating, energizing and medicinal. If you only have a blender, that’s great, too. Make green smoothies instead. Cheers!
6. Choose safe personal care and cleaning products.
The average person uses 9 personal care products per day containing about 126 chemical ingredients. But, the FDA doesn’t review or approve the majority of these products before they go to market. In addition, companies aren’t required to test their products and are allowed to leave hazardous chemicals off their labels. So, it’s no surprise that many of the chemicals found in personal care products have been linked to increased risks of cancer, infertility, birth defects, hormone disruption, etc. Babies, children, teens, adults—we’re all exposed to these chemicals on a daily basis and there’s still much we do not know about their long-term health effects. The same holds true for household cleaning products. Is your laundry detergent safe? Find out. Use the EWG’s Skin Deep Database and learn about toxic chemicals and body burden here.
7. Sedentary lifestyles are actually dangerous.
While it’s important to rest, lack of exercise actually speeds up muscle wasting, weakens your endurance and immunity, and creates more fatigue. Your body needs to move and stay strong. You’ll handle cancer treatments and other medical procedures better and recover faster when you have more muscle tone and flexibility. Did I mention proper bowel movements? Yeah… movement helps with that, too (pun intended!). Exercise also reduces inflammation and growth stimulators like estrogen, insulin and IGF-1. Studies have shown that even short bursts of exercise can have impressive results for your health. You don’t need a lot of time or fancy equipment to make a difference. But, you gotta get out of your chair and commit to some form of moderate exercise on a regular (almost daily) basis. Light weights, yoga, dance, martial arts—whatever rings your bell! Start with 10 minutes a day and see if you can work up to 30-60 minutes (do your best and always listen to your body).
8. Sleep like a champ.
A proper night’s sleep, especially between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., will help you heal—for real. Not only will you be able to respond to treatments better, but restful sleep activates your body’s own regenerative abilities. You don’t have to enter monastic life and stick to perfect sleep hygiene, ya just need to create the conditions for more sleep on a consistent basis. Keep your room cool, block out all light, dump the coffee by noon—or switch to green tea (coffee = 140 milligrams of caffeine per serving, green tea = 25 milligrams)—peel back on the alcohol and drink it earlier with food (alcohol disrupts melatonin and blood sugar), give yourself time to wind down and set a loving intention: May I be peaceful, calm and sleepy!
The Healing Cancer World Summit starts on October 17!
9. Wrangle your stress.
Stress releases a cascade of hormones in your body. This is all well and good when you need to run or move out of the way quickly. But when the source of your stress is prolonged, like a cancer diagnosis that takes years or even a lifetime to manage, stress can become your number one enemy. Being diagnosed with cancer is one of the most traumatic events that can happen in anyone’s life. But, there are ways to manage the panic so it doesn’t weaken your immune system, disrupt your sleep and create more illness in your body. Meditation, hiking in the woods, pottery, yoga—anything that gets you out of your head and into your heart/body. In addition, you may need some good ole professional support. Yup, a shrink. Figure out what works for sweet you, and don’t forget a good ole massage from time to time. We hold so many issues in our precious tissues.
10. Accept where you are right now.
Unconditional acceptance is the path of the spiritual warrior. It takes courage to embrace your current situation—to be present and loving toward yourself exactly as you are. You are your reality. You are your truth. Can you change? Absolutely! But, even talking about change puts us in the future. And while there’s definitely a time for that, building a strong foundation in the now will allow you to consistently love and care for yourself. Stop for a minute. Give yourself props. Take in your good. If you’re hell bent on strategizing about all that could be better, then you must promise to give equal time to what’s amazing right now. When I was first diagnosed, my burning goal was remission. Anything else seemed like colossal failure. And, even worse—my fault. Over a decade later, I’m a master at my own advice. I accept wonderful me, cancer and all. Does that mean that I’ve given up on my health? Of course not! It means I love and respect myself no matter what.
Acceptance is different from quitting. It means that no matter what happens, you won’t abandon yourself in your time of need. And, here’s the part that contributes to your overall well-being: Acceptance allows you to rest, renew and replenish.
Life doesn’t start when “this, that or the other thing” is resolved. Life is now & it’s great! @Kris_Carr #cancer
11. Educate yourself.
Here are three powerful books that have been cancer lifelines for me:
1. Life Over Cancer by Keith Block M.D. (This is a must-read by my integrative oncologist.) 2. Anticancer Living by Lorenzo Cohen, PhD and Alison Jefferies (This book is outstanding!) 3. Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr (Yours truly—writing that book rescued my life.)
I hope you’ll give these tips a try. Remember, you don’t have to transform your life overnight. Small, manageable changes go a long way when it comes to feeling better.
You are a treasured member of my virtual family, and I love you. Keep taking care of yourself. And here’s an extra special twelfth tip…
Join me for the Healing Cancer World Summit! I partnered with my friends at Hay House to bring you this free event packed with practical tools and tips to help you face cancer—whether you’re a patient, caregiver or interested in prevention. You’ll hear from 20 of the world’s leading integrative oncologists, nutritionists, wellness experts, spiritual teachers and remarkable patients.
Register here! The Healing Cancer World Summit runs from October 17-23.
Your turn: What tips and tricks have helped you along your health journey? Share in the comments below!
Peace & thriving,
The post 11 Life-Changing Tips for Cancer Patients appeared first on KrisCarr.com.
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followfelix-blog1 · 7 years
Unturned Cheat Codes
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Consequently it was subsequently wonderful, i really believe i might lose interest eventually (received exactly the same issues with dayz even so i am hoping i'm willing to follow it) individually i feel this examine is exceedingly improperly written..to show the actual facts. A subsequent section, as a result of enhancing and elevating this system, could be to place emphasis on having Unturned Fly Hack steam web servers to a screening branch for every individual! I appreciate you for studying!" The 1st contributing factor you will note about nelson sexton is his show results ethic. The audience has anxiously anxiously waited generations for virtually any builder all set to carry that predicament, but rather on the millionaire conglomerate, they noticed an face to face 19-years of age kid. 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I set about with individual-participant to obtain a experience of our planet i had been attending input. The zombies don't react prior to when you help make your existence known. With every zombie obliterate i received know-how. creative art that allows you to step, perform, and jump more rapidly, more lengthy, and more. Logs are just capable of being currently employed which will make boards so its possibly not an undesirable picture to easily create them straightaway to discharge plastic bag room space. Pvp web servers are unforgiving, with individuals photographing unarmed novices abruptly. Each weapon provides a unique statistics as an example , recoil, injury, and powerful scale along with parts. |As you are roaming encompassing, i viewed an alien scouring the web device on the floor. required to pay for the 5 cash doesn't match a pay out-to-triumph in process, due to the fact health advantages are isolated.
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