#it’s 90 degrees upstairs and under 60 downstairs
sweet-as-kiwis · 1 year
I feel like I should be making a list of all the violations I’m seeing at work
#it’s not wheelchair accessable#there are no disabled stalls in the bathrooms#corporate refuses to buy a cleaner for some. compactor thing and it’s resulting in Fly Infestations Every Year#I know for a FACT there is expired product currently in the dairy section that won’t be removed till a customer finds it#we had. milk. sitting in the back. unrefridgerated. for A FULL WEEK AT LEAST. BEFORE SOMEONE TOOK IT OUT. IT WAS SOLID.#I’m part time and was not offered healthcare but they took a healthcare payment out of my paycheck. for healthcare they Are Not providing#we require a managers signature on Almost Everything. the manager is only here for about three hours three days of the week#I’m fully aware some of these ain’t violations anymore but like ???#I Am Not payed enough for this#it smells rancid#it’s 90 degrees upstairs and under 60 downstairs#I just get assigned random ass tasks when I finish with My job because it means they don’t have to hire another worker in that section#I am part time and scheduled for 37 hours. the manager wants me to schedule for More.#the manager is also Very Insistent that I transfer to the location near my college when I move back there. for a minimum of 37 hours a week.#I am taking 18 credit hours. my shifts start at eight and end at three. my classes start at eight and end at three.#he does not seem to understand I Cannot work what is practically full time. during the school year.#half the tech is broke#we have a freezer that’s broken. we call it the snowglobe cause it’s frozen over half the time.#the roof leaks. they got it fixed two days ago. it’s leaking again today.#help
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skgway · 5 years
1824 Mar., Sun. 28
11 10/60
Gave Hotspur oatmeal and water. From 7 35/60 to 8 40/60 translated chapters 90, 91 (libro ii Thucydides) and from 8 3/4 to 9 1/2 wrote out chapter 90, of the 1st 6 lines of chapter 91 – Letter from Miss Vallance (Sittingbourne Kent) which I shall not have time to read before breakfast – 
Went down at 9 40/60 – Off to the new church at 10 25/60 that got there just as they were finishing the morning hymn – Mr. Washburton did all the duty – Preached 18 minutes from Saint Matthew. I did not hear much so dozed all the while. Not quite so sleepy as during the prayers – 
Called at the Saltmarshes’ – Sat 25 minutes with E[mma] S[altmarshe] and her mother Mrs. Rawson – Dr. Kenny there, who had been almost all the time – During the minute seeing E[mma] S[altmarshe] alone asked if all was quite right between us now – ‘Oh! Yes!’ – She had even written to Mr. S– [Saltmarshe] about it, and she seemed pleased – Would have said more but Mrs. R– [Rawson] came in from the new church – 
Looking about the new road etc. for a little while and came upstairs at 1 40/60. Looking over the maps to Anacharsis (the English edition – from the library Saturday 20th instance) till 2 1/2 – then from 2 35/60 to 3 1/4 wrote out from page 201 to 206 volume 2 Anacharsis – Then in 20 minutes wrote out the remainder of chapter 91 libro ii Thucydides. 
Then read over Miss V– [Vallance]’s letter which literally took me above 35 minutes – Her feelings towards me cannot now be mistaken, and mine in reading her pages have been considerably excited. She longs to meet me at Langton. “I would be all, be everything your wishes would require ...... in feeling sometimes think I cannot mistake you ..... our manner was so congenial, to every feeling so sympathizing, your conduct so affectionately warm and kind, that tho I doubted you, I could be happy to be with you. 
You were well aware the engagement was formed more to gratify the anticipated happiness of another than my own .... there (that is at Langton if I am there) may I only hope to taste the dearly cherished feelings of confiding affection .... I will indulge in the sweet idea of being once again, and soon, pressed to the heart of sympathy, feeling, and confiding affection, feeling as I do wholly free.... 
My heart may be at most warmly again, remembrance may fill up the present by a recurrence of the time we spent together three years since, and anticipation may picture the occurrences of a near approaching future… Can you enter into my feelings? Can you, will you, think me all and everything affection can desire, happiness anticipate?” –
What needs be stronger than all this? It seems she has lately had a good offer, but has now determined never to marry. She complains that my situation is entirely obscured to her, while hers is ‘quite exposed to’ me. She surely alludes to her not having been able to find out whether I am engaged or not. 
She bids me write to her without reserve, assuring me my letter shall be safe from every eye but her own – What shall I write in answer? How shall I handsomely get off meeting her at Langton? I must manage as well as I can. What would π [Mariana] say? And what too, Isabel, if she knew all or half?
Mrs. James Vallance seems to be labouring under erisipelas [erysipelas] in the privy parts, mistaken for some time for bloody piles – Miss V– [Vallance] has not yet recovered her voice – Talks of being at Langton early in June – Her brother, Mr. James V– [Vallance] has symptoms of water in the chest – 
Came downstairs at 4 20/60 – My aunt and I read the afternoon service, and I read aloud Sermon 76 (abp. Tillotson on the 1 thing needful) volume 3, my uncle’s collection – Dressed etc. and sat down to dinner at 6 1/2 – In the evening wrote all but the 1st line and half of this page – 
The ground white, tho’only thinly covered with snow when I got up this morning. Very slippery in the court – Very dirty going to and returning from church – A few little flakes of snow once or twice as I returned from the S– [Saltmarshe]’s – Afterwards very fine afternoon and evening.
Barometer 1 degree (one degree) above changeable, Fahrenheit 41º at 9 p.m. Behindhand in Anacharsis as yesterday E [three dots] O [one dot, marking discharge from venereal complaint]  – 
Had cordingly to curl my hair during supper. Went down afterwards for fifty minute[s] and – Cam]e up to bed at 10 35/60 –
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didilysims · 7 years
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Naming lots is not my strong point...
I wanted a daycare for my neighbourhood, but made the mistake of putting it on a community lot. That didn't work very well, so I planned to rebuild it as a residential lot. While I was at it, I thought I'd make it CC-free and throw it up for download in case anyone else wanted a quirky little building. 
Though it was built with a home daycare in mind, it could easily become a regular--or quirky!--family home.
Fast Facts: 
- Semi-furnished (§63,799) is complete in the downstairs areas meant for the daycare. Upstairs is sparsely furnished, just to give an idea of my plan for the layout. Includes a phone, but I forgot fire alarms--be warned. 
- Unfurnished (§32,267) is completely bare inside (including floors and walls) except for the fireplace. Exterior remains the same as furnished version. (So you could bump down the price a bit if you delete the playground.) 
- Both versions are entirely CC-free. 
- A copy has been playtested briefly. Everything seems to work fine, but I would definitely not recommend playing 4 toddlers with only 1 adult! D: 
- Pool tile is hidden under some flowers for the water mod shaders.
- Room for expansion (familiarity with the constrainfloorelevation cheat recommended if you extend the top floor and/or roof), and space available for a driveway. 
- Made with all EPs and SPs. Should work fine if you're missing some SPs. 
- Chance of Super Duper Hug Bug. Read more about it here (and grab the suppressing mods that are linked for the bug). 
- Do whatever you want with this lot. I’ve already totally changed the upstairs in my own game. If you make it over, I’d love a mention to see pictures. :) 
Download: Unfurnished | Furnished
Known Issues & Fixes: 
- I had in my Sweet Down Low (and more) mods while building this. There are few wall hangings, but if you don't have these mods, they will be shifted very high. Easy fix is to grab the hanging and hit escape: it will reset to its original position. Alternative fix is to grab the handy mods.
- I recommend the fix for those hanging lights to shove them back in the ceiling where they belong.
- Also recommended: Open-underneath stairs to make the 2 tiles behind the steps usable. You could also switch the steps to spiral stairs and have more space upstairs, but I plan to use open-underneath stairs, so that’s why the layout’s a little weird. 
When you first load the lot, at least two things will be not what they should be. 
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Issue #1: The doors (and maybe a window too) are wonky!
Cause: An object is blocking the door/window.
Fix:  1) Select and delete the blocking object. In this case, it’s the string lights above the door. In the case of the kitchen window, it’s one of the shelves.  2) Next, delete the door.  3) Hit undo (or ctrl + Z) twice. Ta-da! 
Note: You must select and delete the items in this order, or the trick won’t work, and the door will remain merged with the wall.
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Issue #2: What is wrong with that window?! 
Cause: The roof angle is too low. (Why that cause the window to break and turn its back in the ultimate window hissy fit, I have no idea.) 
Fix: 1) Use the eyedropper to copy the window and place this copy somewhere you can easily grab it. Delete the original, sulking window.  2) Open the cheat box and enter “individualroofslopeangle 90“ Go to the roofing menu and pick any roof-making tool. Holding alt and ctrl together, click on this roof piece. Voila! It’s now ridiculously tall.  3) Place the window you copied on the wall. You may need to use the “moveojects on” cheat.  4) Open the cheat box again and enter “individualroofslopeangle 60“ Alt + ctrl + click the roof again with the roof tool. The roof is back to the right height and the window should no longer be backwards/warped/seriously confused. 
Note: The roof slope angle tool that came with M&G will not work with this roof because it is higher that 52 degrees. Therefore you must use the cheat. You can also tweak the angle to whatever height you prefer. 
One more picture, just in case you were wondering if that Minty Fresh carpet is visible from space...
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...the answer is yes. :P
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equinoxnursery · 8 years
Your Guide To Plumbing Basics
This course presents supplies associated with the plumbing business, gear, and the tools. In the event of a copied strain, like, a property plumbing diagram showing the bond between your upstairs bathroom along with your sewer drain downstairs may help your household to see what sort of terrible decision to put anything in to the toilet can result in additional issues at home.
Oftentimes, calling in a specialist could be worth it. Particularly since tough in plumbing is a steppingstone towards the greater plumbing installation. Other plumbing guides by Mr. Massey are;, and its companion Plumber's Assessment Audiotapes, with hundreds of inquiries and responses of the sort you will discover around the plumber's quiz. Carries a glossary of plumbing terms, plumbing abbreviations review issues at the conclusion of each part, and a part with the accurate responses along with the page in the book where the niche is lined. Block images give a method of representing any type of system or automated enterprise in a graphic format that is simple.
You pull the plumbing inspector and this corrects this error before you mount the pipe and also have to split out it to help make the right relationship employing two 45-level bends to help make the 90-degree turn. Proudly providing Ottawa Kanata Dunrobin, Orleans, Barrhaven, Manotick with plumbing repairs and plumbing solutions . For starters, please understand that these toilet plumbing images are likely to be for the strain system, that is distinct in the supply system.
Unions, like additional plumbing, are made in regular diameters of plastic and therefore are designed to plumbing like Any element. Plumbing - water hammer and pipes - discover stop going in pipes, and how to correct noisy water pipes, or water-hammer. RV plumbing was made to operate at demands of 40 to 60 psi and most may withstand up stresses to about 100 psi. When you have to create plumbing repairs around your property, it can help to know your. This diagram of the DWV process is named a plumbing tree.
While the labels each float over identifying a specific the main plumbing system, a small informative window starts, providing information about that particular part and its own purpose. You have possibly been reawakened towards the pleasures of modern plumbing for those who have ever camped in the great outdoors. I have started learning P& identification but I really could not identify all designs that are generally used in combination with cases and some basic explanation. Checkout this Rotorooter info-graphic that details plumbing programs of a typical household. This can be extremely important as the new department line-you install and an existing plumbing drain within the right spot must connect. Then its own drain pipe will need to have a unique port stack link piping in case a plumbing installation is found too much from the primary building vent stack. Usually the signal books have great samples of the isometric -in plumbing diagrams.
As with additional valves, check valves are made in common plumbing dimensions of metal or plastic and are plumbed with regular stick, line, or sweat practices. Copper was now still inuse where dissipation of heat was important, such as in plumbing specifically connected to the heater.
Even as we show in Carson Dunlop is sketch, the exact distance granted between a plumbing installation (really the fixture plumbing trap) as well as the vertical vent piping ranges between the very least and maximum as a function of the tube diameter. No one had to take an exam to demonstrate their expertise or get interviewed to ensure they'd the best knowledge (a master plumbing consumer desired a minimum of 500 hours operating under a licensed master plumber). The permit has to be submitted in the website, whenever a permit is required and offered by all situations for that plumbing inspector. lulu
The post Your Guide To Plumbing Basics appeared first on Equinox Nursery Salt Lake City.
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