#I am part time and scheduled for 37 hours. the manager wants me to schedule for More.
sweet-as-kiwis · 1 year
I feel like I should be making a list of all the violations I’m seeing at work
#it’s not wheelchair accessable#there are no disabled stalls in the bathrooms#corporate refuses to buy a cleaner for some. compactor thing and it’s resulting in Fly Infestations Every Year#I know for a FACT there is expired product currently in the dairy section that won’t be removed till a customer finds it#we had. milk. sitting in the back. unrefridgerated. for A FULL WEEK AT LEAST. BEFORE SOMEONE TOOK IT OUT. IT WAS SOLID.#I’m part time and was not offered healthcare but they took a healthcare payment out of my paycheck. for healthcare they Are Not providing#we require a managers signature on Almost Everything. the manager is only here for about three hours three days of the week#I’m fully aware some of these ain’t violations anymore but like ???#I Am Not payed enough for this#it smells rancid#it’s 90 degrees upstairs and under 60 downstairs#I just get assigned random ass tasks when I finish with My job because it means they don’t have to hire another worker in that section#I am part time and scheduled for 37 hours. the manager wants me to schedule for More.#the manager is also Very Insistent that I transfer to the location near my college when I move back there. for a minimum of 37 hours a week.#I am taking 18 credit hours. my shifts start at eight and end at three. my classes start at eight and end at three.#he does not seem to understand I Cannot work what is practically full time. during the school year.#half the tech is broke#we have a freezer that’s broken. we call it the snowglobe cause it’s frozen over half the time.#the roof leaks. they got it fixed two days ago. it’s leaking again today.#help
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captain-aralias · 1 year
giving birth
idk, i'm pretty sure some people wouldn't write a post about going into labour on tumblr, but it's a thing i wanted to write about, so - it's here if you want it! if you'd rather avoid, don't click the read more.
things normal people might want to know outside the cut:
baby is now 11 days old <3 things are generally going well. i sleep between about 11pm and 3am, and then again 8am to 10am
it's been hard to get enough brain together to write a post like this, reply to comments, read fic, etc, as many of my most cogent hours have been visitor hours or hanging out with my partner. the night shift is not a good time to do things that aren't watching TV. i've managed to Read Half a Book (daisy jones and the six - easy going, i like it)
i was going to cosplay him as baby simon snow left at the orphanage, but he looks nothing like simon (much more like baz - currently: grey eyes, reddish-gold skin, dark hair), and also i don't want to write on my baby :o
surprise fourth entry: we think the terrace house next door has been turned into a brothel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ok - birth stuff after this. not too much gory detail, probs, but some.
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the beginning part you already know!
waters broke on thursday 11th, just after i woke up. this was two days after the stitch was removed, and therefore almost certainly related, so hooray for stitch! kept the baby in until 37 weeks.
i'd been worried that i might not realise my waters had broken, as apparently this is totally possible. i am here to tell you - that YES, it is possible. i clocked what it probably was immediately, but also it wasn't a 4 cups of liquid is everywhere sort of deal, it was more like - about half a cup every hour or so. and so i thought - this is probably what is happening, but maybe it's not and i should have done more pelvic floor exercises.
went to hospital. got hooked up to the machine that monitors baby heartbeat and movement. nothing much happening, although heartbeat all ok. the midwife on duty was called 'merlyn' - true story.
she asked me to walk around for a bit and come back, so my partner and i walked to the costa coffee inside the hospital. i ordered one of the new 'bubble' drinks, because i thought - why not? it's sugary and cold, these are things that make babies move. the drink was...... not good. blueberry slushy with cream on top and bubbles that were a) too big to fit through the absolutely normal straw and b) apparently were a cross between blueberries and popping boba. i say apparently as i'd given up by then and my partner ate them.
anyway - this detail included just to show you how surreal and nothingy early labour was. we walked back, hooked back up to the machine. baby now kicking a bit, and merlyn asked me whether i just had a really high pain tolerance and therefore wasn't upset about the contractions. i said, 'i dont know - guess we're about to find out' 🤔
agreed i probably wasn't in labour yet, so i was sent home, but asked to come back at 4.30 for my pre-scheduled scan with the nice doctor who first realised my cervix was open, and who we've seen regularly since (because my partner rang to complain when we had no follow up, and because this doctor was the one who rang us back and then made sure we were seen afterwards. not brilliant work from NHS administrators).
was also told if i didn't go into labour before hand, to come back at 8.30am (24 hours after waters broken) to be induced. given leaflet about induction methods. key take away - could take up to 3 days. sounds terrible.
home for 2 hours, back to hospital for scan.
we were waiting around for about half an hour. shown in - doctor says, 'we've had some difficult patients today, sorry! but you should be easy'. my partner tells her my waters have broken - she's surprised! (but pleased) no one has managed to tell her or put it in any notes, which she just reviewed. again - great job. i do love you NHS, but what is going on? a student midwife is trying to scan me - and has had to deal with all these previous difficult cases. with little amniotic fluid left, her job is basically impossible. sorry :'(
but - waters breaking confirmed! honestly, until that point i was still not sure. doctor says, induction could be offered immediately, but we mostly don't do that as in almost all cases you go into labour before 24 hours. i said thank you again for spotting my cervix being open. weird to think we won't see her again!!
went home. watched the end of 'little dorrit' (overall - it's good. so many famous people. the ending is a bit all over the place, though). about 9pm started feeling period-pain type pain. figured: probably a contraction! definitely did not feel like i expected in that there was no real release. it was just - now you're having a painful period. i called maternity triage again to say there was blood in the water now, and they reminded me that was totally normal (mucus plug, i guess) and to come back when things were serious.
so - i went to sleep.
woke up at about 2am. contractions now serious business, but also still... not as serious as i'd expected. again: basically it felt like period pain, this time crossed with constipation. and then it would go away, and i'd feel totally normal again, which i was not expecting.
we'd been told to come in when the contractions were every 5 minutes for an hour. my contractions were coming about ever 2-3 minutes. after about 20 minutes, i told my partner that i wanted to go to the hospital now, even if we should really wait. this was the RIGHT decision.
i'm the only one who can drive our car. it was obviously not a good idea to drive the car. i called an uber. unfortunately the labour ward is on the other side of the hospital to the main entrance, and doesn't have an address you can give uber..... retrospectively i'd have done better just putting in the street, like i usually did, but i tried to use the labour ward post code. we ended up at the main entrance, which was shut.
erin (my partner) keeps telling people that the uber drive was annoyed i slammed the door of his car, but i honestly do not remember this. the drive was about 10 minutes, during which i alternated between feeling bad and feeling totally fine.
we didn't bother trying to direct the driver to the right part of the hospital, just got out. erin wanted to go and get a wheelchair, but i didn't want to just sit on the ground outside the hospital in the middle of the night while she did that, and i felt completely fine ... except when i didn't.
so we walked to the labour ward. it's about 5 minutes from the entrance. i sat on the floor when the contractions came. then walked again. cool times.
arrived at maternity triage. again, it felt like going there every other time we'd ever been there - my key take away is that most of being in labour was extremely underwhelming. pain was not great, to the extent that i was thinking 'i can see why people don't like labour, maybe this was a terrible idea', but i could still think things like that. they hooked me up to the same machine as they had in the morning, and this time it said - yes, definitely in labour (which i knew, but ho hum - it was doing its best!).
asked to confirm i was a low risk pregnancy. we were like - nope, don't think so. ivf, stitch, isnt that in the notes??
a midwife came over and was like - "WOW, you're 8cm dilated." (of the necessary 10cm) at which point they started to take everything a bit more seriously. but they also described a bunch of pain relief options - and i was like, whatever, give me whatever i can have. and then was told - oh no, you actually can't have pethadine, water birth, or epidural of these as you're too far along. (which i also knew, but then why offer?)
i'd sort of suspected this might be the case, given how my cervix tried to open at 21 weeks. so my birth plan was basically 'whatever'. v glad i hadn't had my heart set on anything in particular.
they wheeled me down the corridor to one of the birthing rooms. they wouldn't let me go to the toilet in case i had the baby in the toilet..... that's how quickly things were happening.
i managed to change into the hospital gown, then got onto the bed. 'this is such a comfortable bed' i told my partner, although later (post birth) i realised that it wasn't... but i appreciated it a lot at the time.
i WAS allowed gas and air, hurrah. i'm extremely keen on doing things that make my life easier, so i accepted, obvs. basically, you breathe in during the contractions, and breathe out of the mask normally when you're not contracting.
THIS made the whole experience very different from just 'intense period pain', in part probably because the pain was ramping up, but also because whenever i wasn't contracting i felt completely off my face from the gas. overall, i thought this was a decent pain relief option. i also liked how breathing in the gas gave me something to focus on while pain was happening and it was a clear signal to everyone else that it was happening.
i probably had about... 5 more before my body was like 'maybe time to push'. (it really did feel different/like an actual urge). midwife told me i couldn't have the gas and air anymore - boo - just focus on pushing when the urge came.
pushed...... but obviously it hurt, so even though they were like 'keep pushing!' i thought, i will just relax because that's less painful. (great job, brain.) but i only faked out twice.
they invited a doctor in, because i was bleeding, and baby's heartrate was dropping. i agreed to the episiotomy because even though i reeeally didn't want that, i obviously would do whatever to get the baby safe.
retrospectively, my partner and i think that probably i was bleeding because i'd just had the stitch out two days before and those wounds had opened. but neither of us thought of it at the time, and no one assisting with the birth had had time to read the notes. (this is a theme of the post, not to be too whingey - but it was a shame). but anyway, the cutting (boo) came with a side of local anaesthetic (HOORAY) so actually it felt like a very good decision at the time, even above baby's safety.
one more contraction, one more push - baby was born in one go.
he's premature-levels of small at 5lb 10oz (5th percentile), even though he's technically full term. this is why erin and i think the bleeding was from the stitch rather than the baby, although one of the midwives suggested perhaps he was holding his arm up next to his face and that made him seem bigger. the scan we got the day before estimated his weight as being more normal, but scans are super unreliable particularly late in pregnancy.
really a very easy birth, as far as i can tell. i had slept through a lot of the early stage. the fear of being at home at not with medical professionals was the worst bit (and we fixed that by just going in even when we weren't sure) and as soon as it was over, i felt immediately fine. the whole thing had taken 2 hours tops. baby born at 4.30am.
i thought i'd cry when they gave me the baby, but actually i was too surprised that he was actually there and alive. (my partner cried.) the umblical cord looks creepy and alien. we'd agreed a medical professional should cut the cord, rather than erin (who wants to do this? they just want dads to feel involved). i got to hold him baby while they gave me the shot to deliver the placenta. barely felt it.
then had to give baby to erin for 30 minutes while a fuck tonne of stitches were put in... the amount of sewing involved was definitely worrying. i'd assumed maybe like... two stitches, but... it was a lot. can't recommend (though could not feel it at the time.)
after that, we just got to hang out in the room. i showered, changed, they brought me (but not erin) some breakfast and lunch. they did tests on the baby, most of which he passed. didn't pass the hearing test but apparently this is normal, as lots of babies have fluid in their ears. we think he can hear as he has startled at loud noises since. all the clothes i'd brought were hilariously too big.
sent home about 12 hours after the birth. could have stayed if we'd wanted to, but definitely did not.
i felt totally fine the entire day of the birth, full of LOTS of adrenalin. second day was also ok. third day was my crash. i got a cold, which was NOT good for my pelvic floor (and which i still have, RIP). my stitches hurt, the sleep debt had kicked in and i was hobbling everywhere, and breastfeeding wasn't going well. before the birth i'd been very much of the opinion that i'd breastfeed if it was easy, but i found it kind of weird and knew the health benefits were exaggerated. (but not completely, obviously). deep in my hormones, i was not able to hold onto this previously rational view. instead, i was thinking - i have no connection to my baby anymore.
i also cried at the song 'making a man' from the musical operation mincemeat (which is NOT an emotional song - but is about someone with the same name as my baby, who i'd just made), the beginning of the movie 'in the heights' (it was just so good!), the ending of the movie 'pride', and i cried again while describing what had happened at the end of 'pride' and how i'd cried.....
bought several breast pumps, fed the baby formula, took a day off from trying to breastfeed, things pretty much fixed for me (except for the crying at movies) by day 5. going to continue with combination feeding (i.e. breastmilk+formula) though, because it just seems insane to have to wake up every time the baby is hungry. what am i, a sadist? and when people are over - how good not to have to get your breasts out... thank you makers of formula.
ANYWAY. we're now on day 11. feels like baby is pretty easy going for a baby, he only cries when he needs something - which i appreciate, as it helps me keep him alive \o/ he will sleep in his basket, but only if he's already asleep. he prefers to be held. he can sleep for 3 hours at a time, but only during the day - at night you're lucky to get 1 hour, and he has been awake for about 2 hours at a time, unlike about 15 minutes average in the day. he smells nice, he wasn't cute-cute when he first came out, but he is getting extremely cute now and i think he looks more like my partner than an unknown donor (although still all to play for, i think). because he's still super small and almost pre-term, his legs and arms are still all curled up like he's in the womb, even though he's been out 11 days. but he's gradually uncurling them and stretching out.
i like holding him. he makes funny faces. he has a LOT of hair - which means the heartburn was right about that one. (n.b. heartburn is linked to hair, this is an old wives tale that is now scientifically proven) think it's going well, overall <3
n.b. i had to pause at this point because baby woke up. what they say about baby boys peeing on you while you change their nappies is 100% accu-rat, but it's quite funny really. we haven't worked out how to stop it because putting a cloth over him makes him hold it in..... and then you remove the cloth....... fine comedy in action.
my bump was very small, so i was able to put my pre-pregnancy jeans back on after only a few days. hooray, i love jeans.
uterine contractions started about day 6 (this is a thing i feel i did not know about before being pregnant myself. 7 days worth of contractions post baby to bring your uterus back in line). wow, it's like MORE PERIOD PAIN. great. there's less blood than i expected, though. i also can't control my temperature well at night - so i'm super hot while asleep, then get out of bed and start shivvering. apparently this is what the menopause will be like. looking forward to that 😅
not much else to add except the brothel stuff. basically 2 nights ago, someone knocked on my front door at 4.30 (same time baby was born!) in the morning as i was sitting up with baby. rang the doorbell, walked round to peer through the window, and then knocked again. i would not have answered - just wanted him to go away, but erin came down and opened the door, which was (it turns out) the right thing to do, but i was not happy about it - as we live in a semi-dodgy neighbourhood, although i've always felt relatively safe as we're off the highstreet and there are often people outside the pub until 1-2am, which is annoying but also feels like they'd see and stop anything bad.
i was running through scenarios like 'and then he breaks in' or 'and then he stabs whoever opened the door' in my mind. instead he just said something like - 'do you know where the whorehouse is?' and erin said 'wtf, it's 3am' and closed the door.
this could have just been a random incident, and indeed i didn't hear him say 'whorehouse' so i thought it was just a drunk guy asking for directions. but once she told me what he'd said, we then realised that the house next door to us... probably is a brothel. it's been renovated by our ex-neighbours and rented out, all the windows are blacked out, including the skylight we can see out of our windows. there's a complex doorbell system, they refuse to take our packages in, they don't have any bins out the front (which is presumably because no one is using the house as a house), and we've definitely heard people having sex through the walls. though erin thinks they've put up sound insulation just in time to not have to hear the baby crying in retaliation.
she's american and leftie and very against cops, so i'm trying not to be a karen about it. i have not reported it to the police, but i have said to erin already that if anything else happens that makes me feel unsafe...... i probably will. the man knocking on the door makes me not want to be awake with the baby in the night, even though nothing happened. (he broke the first rule of secret brothel - you DONT talk about secret brothel). we don't have our ex-neighbours details, so reporting is all we could do. apart from i guess ask them to move.... (won't be doing that, obvs. confrontation? no thanks.)
hopefully it's fine, and they will just move on at some point. VERY weird, though. and not what i need while hopped up on hormones.
glad to have written this post! feels like a good turning point in baby land, being able to write some words even if it's just this stream of consciousness. i also logged back into work Teams to send some pictures. since he was born, have been out with baby to the midwife (in the car), marks and spencers (in the car with pram), boots (in the pram), and today to a hipster coffee shop (in car, baby slept in pram bassinet). might reply to some comments tomorrow. working back up to actually writing some fic or finishing my lego.
also - it's (almost) hitting me that i have 9 months off work. apart from the sleep, i feel like i could go back to work now.... but i WANT the time off. but usually i only take 2 weeks off, and i've done that now... so it's time to go back to work...
i did read a bunch of other messages on Teams/Slack when i was posting the pictures. v hard not to care. even with something much more important to do.
ok - going to eat some food, now. thank you to anyone who read this far! hope it was interesting as well as long.
not tagging this pregnancy as i was doing it so people could block the tag, but people who don't know me literally found my posts and read them. and ... that's not what this is for.
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pretoriafics · 4 years
Therapy sessions with the devil
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I'd did this request yesterday on my Portuguese blog, and I thought that you guys would love it!
Anonymous asks: Y/N is a therapist who works for Vought and is doing a few evaluations on the Super.
Word count: 1.806 Contain: Therapist!Reader x Homelander Warnings: Mention of sexual violence, mention of serial killers, mention of cases of children with psychopathy, mental disorders. +16 only Versão em português aqui  PART 2 THE BOYS MASTERLIST
Your profession was gratifying.
You loved the idea of helping people, getting to know each other better, and getting them to learn to deal with life's challenges. For you, being a kind of "confidant", where people could talk about their lives without any judgments, was an honor and your purpose. You believed that it would make the world a better place.
However, it also had its burdens. Some things were difficult to hear, even for you with all your knowledge and professional background. Patients who suffered from sexual violence, for example, demanded of you a stomach that you were not always able to have. It was something you talked to your therapist about, and you kept a mantra in mind: After all, you were still human, and it was okay to feel that way.
And when Vought invited you to work as a therapist for The Seven, you went nuts. It was the chance of a lifetime!
Or, at least, this was what you thought at the beginning.
It was not uncommon for you to hear things that made your stomach a little sick, just like when The Deep told you about the way he “welcomed” Starlight. You felt nauseous but, on the outside, remained impassive, just watching him as a silent request to continue to talk.
All of them were, simply, not only media products but also puppets of the advertising world. You already had some political patients, and in fact, you thought The Seven was a similar case: Both went to that market with the intention, many times, to help people. However, they ended up corrupted in the middle of the road, forgetting their whole purpose in helping others.
You saw a point in common between The Seven: Everyone, with perhaps the exception of Starlight, was too worried about their own egos to be real heroes. They were all too narcissistic.
But Homelander was the worst of them.
The childhood phase was the most important part of a person's life. A traumatic childhood could lead to a troubled adult, as in the case of Mary Bell and Beth Thomas. Homelander's case was no different: his non-affectionate childhood, being raised as a laboratory rat, was the bigger reason to make him that kind of man.
Although at the same time you were fascinated about to study a mind like that - since one of the reasons why you did psychology would be to unveil the secrets of the human mind - each therapy session was daunting and made you rethink your job at Vought.
In short, you were interviewing a serial killer. Easily one of the most cruel and unhealthy.
"Good morning, Homelander." Your voice was soft, just like the smile you gave to the super who just sat on the couch.
"Good morning, Doctor." He returned the smile to you, but the smile on his own way: The corners of your mouth pulled to the side in a smile that you recognized as fake.
"So..." You put your hands on your knee, looking at him with the best receptive look you could pretend. There, in that office, your sessions with Homelander made you feel you deserved an Oscar "How was your week?"
“Well…” He lay down on the couch, his blue eyes staring at the ceiling, and his hands joined in front of his stomach “Nothing new. In fact, he had a little incident with Maeve. Sometimes she is so… pathetic. ”
"What happened?"
It took a while for Homelander to actually get some confidence in you. In fact, he only started telling you things in detail when he realized he could get something out of the sessions. They were productive to him, they made him think. You didn't know if you were thanking God for getting something out of him, or if you should cursing yourself because of the horrors he tells you.
"Maybe you saw something about the 37 Flight on the news."
"The one who had been captured by the terrorists?"
"Exactly! Maeve and I had to rescue the plane. We managed to take down the terrorists, but when I killed the last one, in the Pilot's cabin, I hit the plane's controls with the lasers. And then, the flight was doomed. I told Maeve that our job was done and we should leave, but she was reluctant. He wanted me to save the passengers! ” He laughed, but a natural one. "Can you believe that?"
Oh, it was going to be a long therapy session...
"And what happened next?"
“What did she want me to do? That I fly 137 times from the plane to land? Ah, pathetic, pathetic! ” He shook his head, clearly humorous. "Now, just imagine: You are on a flight with 137 people shouting 'Help, Homelander!', While your stupid partner insists that you should do something to save everyone. I was losing patience so I threatened everyone with my eyes, and they finally settled down. I don't blame them, I mean, they are so vulnerable. They are bugs! ” He looked at you, the corners of his mouth pulled in a fake smile. "No offense."
Homelander was a cold-blooded killer. Not only, but like Ted Bundy, he was a narcissist. He liked the feeling of power that invaded his body when he saw that people feared him, and when he felt that he had the power to decide whether that person would live or not. He didn't mind if killing people just for fun was against the law. Homelander didn't care about the law or any kind of rules. Furthermore, just as Bundy believed he was fully capable of defending himself in his court's judgment and did not need lawyers, Homelander thought he was an incarnate God walking among the 'bugs', simply because he had powers.
"And how do you feel about Maeve?"
“She bothered me a little with the drama on the plane, but that's okay. I am sure that after I spoke to the journalists, near the wreckage of the flight, she understood. This is all going to be an excellent opportunity to make our presence in the army happen. ”
A sociopath.
Empathetic behaviors aren't part of him. He was unable to have that feeling. Self-centered, Homelander was unable to love. The relationship he had with Stiwell, for example, was far from loving. He didn't feel it, quite the opposite: Homelander had a feeling of possession with her. She was his, and nobody else's.
A doubt hammered in your head: Homelander was intending to drop the plane? Your stomach was upset, you felt bad about that therapy session. How could Vought leave someone like him in The Seven?
The answer was simple: They didn't care. Homelander was profitable, and that was all that mattered.
That was one of the times when you thanked God that Homelander was self-centered enough to lie on the couch and just think about your own life, instead of analyzing you and realizing that you were completely terrified. It was as if a misstep, a wrong word, was going to cost his life.
And you would end that today.
You conducted the therapy session normally. In the end, you shook hands with Homelander as you always did and closed the door. Tears invaded your face as you thought of each life that was lost in vain on that flight, and, worse, you were sure that Maeve would tell you about the flight at her therapy session, early next week. In an attempt to calm down, you took some coffee and sat down in front of your MacBook. There, sipping coffee, you wrote your resignation letter.
Alright. You were free.
Or at least this was what you thought.
 * * *
Another week has started, and the fact that you worked at Vought made you get a more comfortable office, in addition to increasing your service price. You were ending your day. Your last patient had left the office, and you were about to go home when you heard a familiar voice from your couch.
"I miss you in the tower."
Homelander looked at you with his pairs of sick blue eyes, his fake smile, and his murderous hands behind his body. He was standing next to the couch, and you felt your whole body freeze. A lump formed in your throat, and your hands vibrated in pure dread.
So he would kill you there? In your office?
Trying to take control of the situation, you faked a slight smile.
“Sorry, Homelander. I didn't saw you here. Need something?"
"Actually, I do." He started walking towards you slowly. "I didn't want to end our sessions, so I came to ask you what our new schedule is going to be."
You narrowed your eyes.
"I thought Vought was going to hire someone else to work with The Seven in my place."
“In fact, they put an incompetent in your place. I really prefer that we continue where we left off. ” He stopped in front of you with his smile, his eyes emanating pure insanity "I like our therapy sessions."
“I'm glad that you like my job and that you appreciate our results, Homelander” You gave him a smile, but inside you were still in pure dread “But I don't have appointments available. My schedule filled up easily after I came to this new office. ”
“Oh, but I'm sure you can fit me in your schedule. I can pay you well. ”
How to say no to Homelander without putting your life at risk?
You walked over to your tablet, on your desk. You took it in hand and slid your finger on the screen, analyzing awhile. You didn't need him to tell you that you would be paid well. In fact, you were fully aware of that. The point was that you could exchange all the money in the world to be at peace, without having to deal with Homelander. Without much choice, you concluded that you would reserve a single day for your therapy sessions with him. That way, your head wouldn't get so tired when you still had to deal with other patients.
“Are you available on Friday morning? At nine."
He nodded, giving the same smile he did when he achieved something. One of pure contentment.
"Of course!"
"Great so." You typed 'Homelander' in the space corresponding to the hour. You put the tablet down on the table, next to your MacBook “There, it's done. Friday, at nine in the morning. ”
“Ah, perfect! Thank you. Have a good night."
"Good night, Homelander."
He walked over to your balcony. With a jump, he flew through the sky. You lay on your couch, terrified. Would you never get rid of him?
All that was left for you now was to be the therapist of the incarnate Devil.
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ashisstrange · 3 years
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Its late in the night, far too late for your liking. The moon is glistening in the sky with it's stars, providing a small sheen of light in your dark room, passing through the curtains. It's not unusual for Tartaglia to get home late considering his occupation, but you never got used to the worry pooling in ur gut each hour that passes without him by your side.
What if he's gotten incredibly hurt and you're not there to help? What if one day he doesn't return home? Nontheless you always prepare extra dinner and make the bed, even on nights he doesn't return. You never had the idea of coming home to loving arms and warm dinner as a kid, so it felt as if it's your duty to make sure Tartaglia never suffers that feeling.
The feeling of a stab in the chest as you enter the dark house, eerily silent. You'd always pad your way to the kitchen silently and snag a sandwich before going to bed in your room. Your living situation had never been inherently bad, but the people you lived with, the people any other person would've called their parents, seemed to make everything unbearable.
That is why when you turned 18 you moved out to Liyue harbor, and your close friend Zhongli was there every step of the way. You had run into him once during a trip at the age of 16, and you had kept contact through letters ever since.
The man, at the time, told you he was 23, but he never really seemed to age. You brushed it off, probably overthinking it. That is the same person that introduced you to Childe, it was quite a sudden occurence, but you'll be forever grateful.
You needed a place to stay and your friend told you that his friend wouldnt mind a roommate, and that he was rarely found home anyways. You took up the offer, not knowing that your roommate would be one of the fatui harbingers.
You were off to a rocky start, the man refusing to talk to you the very few times he was at the appartment. Later though, he seemed to warm up to you, ever so slowly.
You don't remember how your relationship ever came to be, it's not like you've ever explicitly put a label to it. There was just a moment where you felt as if everything changed. What you had wasn't just merely a romantic relationship, it was more than that. To provide each other comfort and love like no one else had ever done before. Unconditional love that didnt seem to falter, even during the moments where you parted ways.
You smile to yourself, remeniscing the days you barely talked, and the days you spent helping him when he was wounded. There was one particular night he just crashed into your bed in the middle of the night, even though he usually only used the couch.
He had clung to you as if you were his only lifeline, sleeping soundlessly as you laid in shock. The shock died down after a few seconds though, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Not long after you fell asleep too, and since that night Tartaglia had never slept on the couch ever again.
You check th clock. 4:37 Am, way too late to be up, but it's not like you'd sleep regardless. You'd probably get an ear full from Zhongli during your scheduled lunch the next day, but that, folks, is something for future you to deal with.
Suddenly you heard the turning of keys in a lock, and a door opening and slamming shut. That can only be one person. Then you heard a crash coming from the living room, making you shoot up. You slipped on your slippers as you quickly shuffled your way across the room and out into the living room.
You flicked on the light and were met by Tartaglia, slumped against the back of the couch. His bow was discarded to the side and he was breathing heavily. Sluggishly, his eyes opened to meet yours, his gaze seemed distant, almost empty.
You snapped out of your trance, rushing to pull his arm over your shoulder. You managed to drag him across the living room, over to the bathroom, settling him down on the closed lid of the toilet. You held up your hands, as if to say 'wait here'. You didn't dare break the silence that hung over you, scared that you'd set him off or something.
He didn't seem to protest, so you left to go get the med kit from the kitchen, and a clean rag to clean off the blood splattered across his skin. Was it his? That was a question that, regardless if you could guess the answer, would be left unanswered. As always.
He met your eyes when you returned, seeking for some contact. He knew how much you hated blood. The stickyness, the sickening smell and the thought of what must have happened that involved getting covered in blood. You always helped him regardless, and he thanked you dearly for that. After a long day he simply could not do it himself.
It makes him feel helpless, but you're always right by his side to make him feel better. You wet the rag, cleaning off his calloused hands. His face too had some traces of blood, but those were easily wiped away as well.
After some emergency stitches and a bandage around his bicep you motioned for him to stand up, letting him know that the treatment was done. He was still quite weak, but not as much as before.
"Thanks," he croaked, the first words you shared in 2 days. His voice sounded devoid of any confidence. He seemed very fragile, but you didn't comment it.
"No worries," You send him a reassuring smile, helping him get up and over to the bedroom. You see him visibly relax once he's in bed, snuggling into the sheets. He immediately rolls over towards you when he feels the matress dip, wrapping his arms around your waist.
His face is buried in between your shoulder blades, and it's nearly impossible for you to turn over and look at him. He only does that when he's in a bad mood, and you stop putting in effort to try and face him.
"Bad day?" He hums, the vibrations thrumming against your back. He seems tense, but you're careful not to trigger him too much. The last thing you want is to stress him out even more, knowing he has a lot on his plate already.
After a while, when you've started nodding away assuming he fell asleep you suddenly feel movement behind you. You open your eyes as you hear a small sniffle. It's almost as if you could hear your hart shatter from beneath your ribs. He probably thought you were asleep too.
His arms had relaxed, allowing you to turn around easily. His ocean blue eyes met yours, big with surprise, even though they seemed almost grey-ish in the faint moonlight. All you could do is smile at him as you opened his arms, for him to rely on you.
And that's exactly what he did. qHe fell into your chest, sniffling and crying freely as you drew patterns on his back, your other hand running through his hair. You could almost feel his clogged nose by the way he was having trouble breathing. After a bit his sobbing eased down to mere sniffles as you handed him a handkerchief to blow out his nose.
He used to have a lot of trouble with that, relying on people. Upon meeting him he imediately sparked you as the type of person that didnt bother anyone with his personal feelings, bottling them up for only him to experience. You could see how it physically and mentally ate away at him
That's why one day you faced him, and opened your arms. He had quirked up a brow, confused at what you were insinuating. "Rely on me." You said, and he chuckled, assuming it was a joke.
When you didn't move he realised you weren't kidding. Eventually you wrapped your arms around him, the man tense in your grip. "You don't seem to want to bug anyone else with your problems, so you can rely on me instead,"
You had no idea ho much those words had meant to him, they stuck by him like gum under a shoe. It felt good, he admitted, to have someone to rely on.
"I'm so sorry," He croaks, and he sounds nearly as small as he did in the bathroom half an hour ago, his eyes red with tears. Seeing him like that made your chest clench in pain, knowing the pain the world has caused him.
"There's nothing for you to apologise for," he seems to be taken aback by your comment, maybe even... offended?
"N-no way, i'm clearly a burden to you and a waste of yo-" you shut him up by pressing a kiss to his lips, making his eyes widen.
"You have nothing to apologize for because i am here for you, willingly. I promised to help you with whatever you're going through didn't i," He nods in defeat, leaning back into you. The way he cuddles up to you almost seems domestic, forgetting the fact that he kills people for a living.
"You need to take a break sweetie, otherwise you'll just keep eating yourself up," You stroke a lock of hair out of his face that nearly seemed glued by the stickyness of his tears. He furrows his brows, creating deep creases in between them.
"You know i can't, there's way too much for me to do," He looks up at you, as if he's offended you brought it up in the first place. You press your thumb in between his brows, easing up the crease and stopping him from furrowing.
"We both know it isn't a crime to take a week off, considering you've never used your days off," He tries to butt in, but you shush him before he can start. "And before you start about 'your duties', there's enough harbingers at the fatui, it's not like they can't send Scaramouche to deal with your business for a bit,"
He frowns again, but you resume in stroking his hair. "Besides, if they don't allow you to take off, which i highly doubt, they'll have me to deal with," You smirk. His eyes crinkle up as he musters a small smile. You're not the most intimidating person on the planet, but it's the sentiment that matters.
"What would i even do in that week though," he huffs, fiddling with the back of your shirt as he seems deep in thought.
"Well i had just the idea," you chuckle as he looks at you in disbelief. His eyes are still a bleary red, but you can tell he's a lot less tense than earlier. "And that is..." He continues, his tone ever so curious.
"Say, how long has it been since you've been back home," he visibly tenses up, not meeting your eyes. You know its a sensetive topic, but it'd really do him good to go back home to see his family.
"I dont know, nearly two years," his voice is merely above a whisper, bless the fact that the room is so silent you'd be able to hear a pin drop. You adjust your position so that he's laying against you more comfortably, going back to stroking through his hair.
"Well i thought we could book it to shnezhynaiya for a week or two, spend some time with your family," He lays still against you, as if he'd break if he moved. "After all, they've only heard about me through letters," you chuckle.
You hold him a little tighter, leaning into the warmth. "Wouldn't you like that?" You say in his ear, just above a whisper. That seems to break him, the realisation dawning on him that he'd get to see his family again.  Tears run down his face once again, only this time they're not caused by distress. He nods as he buries his face back into your shoulder.
You stroke his back as you continue talking about your trip, soothing him. Later, when he's stopped crying, he talks along. He tells you about his parents, about how his mother used to be there for him through everything. About how he used to go ice fishing with his father in the winters, and proudly mention he caught a very big fish once.
He also tells you about his siblings, about how he cares for every single one of them very dearly. He also tells you about the spots he wants to visit with you he used to hang out at.
He tells you all about it, and for the first time in a while you see him smile. Really, genuinely smile. The kind of smile where his eyes crinkle up and he bares his teeth. It's an incredibly endearing sight, and u make a mental note to never forget it.
Suddenly he yawns. "You must be exhausted," you chuckle as you both adjust your positions, ready to fall asleep. He only hums as he keeps his eyes shut, pulling up his blanket. His breathing evens out as he falls asleep.
You smile as you look at his resting face, snuggling closer to him as you think; god, how did i get this lucky
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yelenasdog · 4 years
talk to me? (spencer reid x fem reader)
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genre: fluff 
summary: cold nights and warm coffee can be so compelling.
words: 2.2k 
warnings: mentions of having intrusive thoughts and spence being insecure, reader and spencer sleeping in the same bed. that’s all i can think of, lmk if there’s anything else!
a/n: yo! so uhhh i kinda love the start of this and dislike the end of it, but idk i think it’s still pretty snazzy!! also SPENCER IN GLASSES HAS MY HEART ok bye enjoy!!
It was the type of cold where no matter how brightly the sun was shining, you could still feel the fresh molecules of coolness linger on your skin, hiding under the tip of your nose. It made horribly irritable little dry patches that would have to be remedied with some form of lotion, but that wouldn’t quite return back to complete normal until the end of the winter time.
But despite this, Y/n and Spencer were out and about, doing their jobs in total normalcy.
Minus being stationed in France, that is.
Although it was rare that the BAU was called overseas, Emily had needed the team’s help, and who would they be to decline a trip to the beautiful France, no less to see Prentiss as well.
So after a grueling day of blood and bad-guys, the pair made their way back to their Parisian hotel room, walking (quite wobbily, Y/n would add) along the cobblestone walkways, both of their boots clicking loudly against the rain coated stones.
It was ironic, as Spencer had attempted to wear his converse, but was denied by a worried Y/n, hearing her say “You’re going to get those things soaked, and you’ll freeze your toes right off, Dr. Reid!”
And as not to disappoint the girl, never wanting to see her mood turn as gloomy as the French sky, he complied begrudgingly. Though Y/n could swear she always saw a hint of a smile at her telling off.
Spencer was also advised by her to wear his contacts, to avoid the fogging up of his readers, but he refused, not wanting to bother with said contacts. He grew to regret that as he walked, every so often and reaching a large hand up to wipe his glasses, almost like the wind shield wipers of the bug that had been driving them around.
He chuckled at the not so distant away memories, thankful for the girl and her requests, as it turned out.
The hotel was far different from the usual dingy motels the team usually occupied when traveling, that was for certain. This one happened to be a master suite with ivory walls and silky sheets, quite opposite from the thin and scratchy yellowed covers they usually made do with.
And even though It was early in the day, the mixture of odd sleep schedules and just the heavy weight of sleepiness pressing down heavily on their shoulders, they opted to go to bed at the oh-so late time of 1:37 PM.
Daredevils, those two are.
Ignoring the first bed by the door, Spencer made a beeline for the plush queen size mattress he knew Y/n and himself would be sharing in an effort to cuddle up for warmth, sinking down into it. (After removing his shoes, of course.)
He was originally donned in just a grey Caltech shirt and some blue pajama pants, but due to the chillier weather (that he couldn’t quite seem to shake despite the thermostat in the hotel room being turned up to 76) he layered on a maroon MIT hoodie, one that he was aware Y/n would try to thieve from him, perhaps even sneaking it back in her own suitcase.
Y/n walked out of the bathroom in pale green shorts and a large and worn Led Zeppelin shirt, earning a very confused stare from Spencer. She simply shook her head and continued on her way over to the large window that was currently projected bright streams of melted gold through the glass, that would have been heated if it wasn’t for that damn cold.
“I get warm when I sleep, it bothers me.”
He nodded, watching intently as she opened and shut the blinds a few times, soft krrrrs and clicks sounding through the room as she did.
“You doing alright?” He asked, his eyeline never faltering. She turned and he picked up his copy of “A Farewell To Arms,” something she had been the one to reccomend to him, ranting on and on about Ernest Hemingway and his precious 6 toed cats. 
It was one of Spencer’s more realistic goals in life to take Y/n back to Key West to visit the Hemingway House, after her having said a childhood trip there was one of her happiest memories.
He quickly flipped to a random page, not wanting her to catch him being what he considered to be creepy, even though Y/n thought it was quite adorable.
She bit back a giggle and a smile, settling on leaving the window half open half closed. She padded over to where Spencer was, laying back onto what she imagined a cloud would feel like.
She reached over, taking the blue colored book from his hands and his thickly rimmed glasses off from where they were resting on his perfect button nose. 
She smiled to herself fondly at the items in her hands, particularly at the novel. She placed them on her bedside table (why hers and not his, Reid wasn’t too sure, but also was not going to complain), and then moved to slide between the slick tightly-tucked sheets.
“Our options were A, not be able to sleep because of Mr. Sun being out right now, or you freezing to death because Mr. Sun was blocked totally by the curtains.”
He looked over at where she had been messing around with the heavy drapes.
“I see you went in between.”
She smiled graciously, which Spencer returned immediately.
“That I did.”
A few more awkward moments of silence (not including the occasional yelling and honking from those riding on motorbikes below) passed, before she finally settled into the sheets.
She turned to the side table to her left and tugged on the chain of the old timey lamp. The room went quiet, but the pair’s minds were anything but.
Y/n’s head was swimming in intrusive thoughts, while Spencer’s was a hazy cloud of self deprecations and his own voice keeping him awake, staring at the painted ceiling.
“Can you talk to me?”
Spencer’s brows furrowed. He shifted around in the creme sheets of the bed, finding a cold spot quite quickly.
“What do you want me to say?”
She turned over to now be facing the lanky boy, their noses nearly touching. She held her breath, sucking in a bottom lip.
He looked to her eyes, to her lips, and back to her eyes again, quickly gathering a list of things to ramble about.
“Well,” he began, “Paris was originally founded in the 3rd century BC, and was a Roman city called Lutetia, and to prove it, there’s even remains of Roman ruins in the capital. And speaking of monuments, in total, there are 1,803 of them, and 173 museums in Paris alone- Y/n?”
To his surprise, Y/n’’s idea had worked. Spencer looked over to see a sleeping Y/n, a peaceful expression resting upon her features.
He smiled at the idea that he had played some role in that, closing his own eyes. The cloud that was previously keeping him from long awaited slumber was now a light film, nagging at the back of his head quietly. 
He simply told the voice to quiet down and was then able to lull himself to sleep, Y/n’s presence calming him to no end.
It wasn’t until 8 hours later that they had woken up, first Spencer, followed by Y/n. She peeked open her eyes, pleasantly surprised by the lack of light shining through the curtains. 
She wiggled around, stretching from her neck down to her toes. Spencer smiled at this, finding her resemblance to a cat who had been sunnapping, quite endearing.
She moved to her side, placing a hand under her chin to get a better look at the Doctor who was nearly finished reading her copy of “A Farewell to Arms”.
“Did you at least mark my spot?” She asked, voice raspy from sleep.
He scoffed, flipping to and then showing her the bookmarked page of the story.
“What do you think I am, a monster?”
She chuckled, sitting up next to Spencer.
“I mean, I don’t know, sometimes it seems like it”.
He rolled his eyes, setting down the read and hopping out of bed.
“What are you doing, Spence?” She asked, not amused in the slightest by the idea of having to get out of bed.
“We are going to get coffee.”
She shook her head of messy hair, the wispy bits flowing around her like a halo in the hotel room lighting.
“You can go get us coffee and bring it right back over here, alright? Thanks, you’re a doll.”
He did that thin lipped smile that seems to be his equivalent of a smirk, grabbing a hoodie from the inside of his suitcase that was perched on top of a dresser.
“Come on, we’re going on an adventure. Use this and the idea of coffee as an incentive.”
He tossed her the hoodie, the jacket landing by her feet with an audible plop.
She loudly groaned, shrugging it on and pulling herself out of bed. She also managed to tug on some jeans and an overcoat, as well as her boots, shaking her head at Spencer’s lack of preparation for the cold temperatures, as always. 
“Spencer, I am not about to go to this and have you complain about being cold the whole time, put on your coat, please.” She gestured to where it was hanging in the closet with her hand still concealed by her trench coat’s pocket, her eyes shutting and her head lolling to the side.
“If you insist.”
“Yes I do, put it on, lets go.” She said drawing out the “o”.
Spencer’s eyes widened and he lifted his hands in mock surrender. “My apologies, good morning to you too.”
She only rolled her eyes and smiled, opening the door to the room and leading the way.
By the time she had found a coffee shop on Yelp that she had deemed satisfactory, (which was extremely difficult due to the language barrier) the time had passed even later, and the temperature was even lower.
The lights on the streets sparkled, reflecting in the puddles of the water that lined the asphalt. Y/n was quite enchanted by the little light shows, slowing the journey to the shop significantly. Spencer didn’t mind, though, he enjoyed every second he got to spend with her to the absolute fullest, and found her fascination with every part of life inspiring.
When they finally reached the quaint little coffee shop, they walked inside, finding refuge in the warmth of the establishment.
Spencer ordered for them, and Y/n found a table (as that’s what they always did, taking turns between ordering and scouting a place to sit).
She located a cozy little corner by a window, a perfect place to observe those who bustled about at night, watching them and coming up with back stories, whatever they may be.
She enjoyed doing that, it made her believe she had a better understanding of the world around her, why those she works on catching every day behave in the manner they do.
And what better place to do so than Paris?
So she flagged Reid (who now was in possession of the two drinks) over, taking hers from his hand. 
“Latte with two creams and 4 sugars for the lady.”
She smiled graciously, allowing the heat of the cup to spread through her system.
“And what did you get? Let me guess, a shot of espresso with 12 sugars?”
Spencer rolled his eyes, not wanting to admit she was more correct than he had hoped.
“Ha ha, very funny, Y/n.”
She smiled over her small mug, quirking a brow.
“Oh, I know.”
He shook his head and glanced out the window with a low chuckle, watching as people from all walks of life went about their business, some with dogs, some with children, some of them even walking along with a cup of coffee in their hands, similarly to Spencer and Y/n. Some of them, in fact, had all three.
As the two sat observing, sipping away at their respective concoctions, Y/n spoke up, her voice soft, although considering they were the only two in the shop, it didn’t need to be.
Only then did she tear her glance away from those on the street, her full focus now on Reid. She admired his bone structure, in awe over the way the soft light reflected off his strong jaw and high cheeks. At that moment, he looked like he belonged in the Louvre.
“Thank you.”
“What for?” He finally looked towards her, his hand never moving from where it was positioned under his chin.
She simply shrugged, wrapping her coat tighter around herself.
He darted his eyes to the table and then her eyes, taking a deep breath. “Well, you’re welcome, I guess.”
She smiled and nodded at once, satisfied with his response.
While she looked out the window once more, she began to wonder about those around her. If they felt the same strong emotions that she did, if they held the same hope and desire for the future that she did.
And as she took another sip from her drink, closing her eyes and slowly was drifting off with the sounds of the city, she could only hope that they did.
i hope u enjoyed that bc i feel like the imagery in the first paragraph was immaculate 😁 also! i ask that in the reblogs no cussing (and on my blog now in general) is used for personal reasons :) kk luv u bye bb! go take an electronics break and drink some water+ eat some protien (cashews, cheese, whatever ur feeling!)
xx hj 
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xiaomoxu · 4 years
MLQC CN Victor - Chapter 37
A main story from CN server which hasn’t been released in EN server. REALLY contains detailed spoilers. A mixed feelings such angst, sweet and love-his-dummy by CEO Victor!
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Downstairs LFG, the film crew is still busy in an orderly manner.
A month ago, LFG launched an unprecedented charity project, mobilizing all the resources of the group, and watching the last moment before the arrival of the comet group with all mankind.
In addition to regular material donations, psychological counseling, and medical assistance, there is also a special item one wish list.
In the last issue of "Miracle Finders", we selected this subject for reporting.
Photographer: Everyone pay attention, go one first, and prepare the light for one-
Teenager: Ok, can I just say the words directly?
Willow: To put it straight, there is nothing to worry about, we can do it again, let's do it again!
The teenager was encouraged, and smiled and showed two small teeth.
Teenager: I am seventeen years old. I am an ordinary high school student. Although you can't see it now, I have lived in darkness for these seventeen years.
Teenager: Due to chromosomal abnormalities, I have suffered from congenital blindness since birth...
Teenager: The doctors all said that despite the advanced level of medical technology, they are still helpless against such diseases and hope that I will accept the reality.
Teenager: But I still don't give up. I don't want to usher in death without actually seeing the world, so I contacted LFG Group with the last hope!
Just as the teenager expected, LFG quickly found a Healer Evolver on the Island, and treated him so that he finally saw the light.
Teenager: Although I can only look at the world for a short time, how many times in a person's life can I witness miracles happen? I am very satisfied!
After he finished speaking, he gave everyone a young and a little embarrassed smile. The beautiful dark eyes are full of light, especially bright in the night.
MC: ... That's nice.
Until the last moment, miracles continued to happen.
I raised my head and looked at the towering LFG Building in front of me, thinking back to Victor when he started the project and jokingly said-
"I hope everyone can be like an idiot, as long as they fulfill their wishes, they will be happy." The tone couldn't help but felt a moment of surprise.
I hope that the last issue of "Miracle Finders" will produce satisfactory answers to him.
With emotion, I strode into the LFG Building.
At this time, most of LFG's staff has left, and most of the work spaces in the building have been vacated.
Even if some are still willing to suspend their posts and help Victor handle some charity projects, they are no longer sitting here and only exchange information via phone and email.
Goldman: I have been waiting for you for a long time!
I was still in a daze, and Goldman came over with aggrieved expression. Probably because I told him that I was almost there an hour ago, but I didn’t come up because shooting for most of the day in the downstairs town.
As soon as he saw me appear, he cast a "God finally" look.
Goldman: The CEO handed it to you, I'm going to prepare for the next meeting.
He hurriedly put the previously prepared contract into my hand, lightly approached the door of the CEO's office, and knocked the door.
Victor: Come in.
Hearing Victor's voice coming from behind the door, I quickly hid the hand holding the contract behind my back.
Goldman opened the door halfway and walked in.
Goldman: CEO, can we conduct an induction interview now?
Victor: Interview? When is it scheduled?
Goldman: Yesterday, I remember it was in your schedule.
After a short silence, Victor gave instructions indifferently.
Victor: Bring it in.
I strode forward, held back a sneer, and stood still in front of Victor. Before speaking, Goldman hurriedly took the door out, leaving a room of silence.
MC: Hello, CEO! I am the candidate for interview today!
I said hello to Victor very politely, and even bowed symbolically, with a sincere expression when I raised my head.
Victor: ....
Victor let out a sigh of relief, as if he had lifted his spirits from a long and exhausting work, and couldn't help but laugh when he met my sincere gaze.
MC: Reporting to the CEO, although I have limited work experience, I am active in doing things.
MC: The CEO of the most ruthless venture capital company in the industry has won a 500 million investment!
MC: Moreover, the level of stress resistance is first-rate, no matter how big the challenge is, how many plans are rejected, you can face the difficulties!
MC: In addition, I am quite familiar with LFG's business and can start working in a short time.
Victor sighed lightly, probably because I was too noisy.
Victor: Only you can make such boastful remarks without blushing at all. You come to LFG, don't care about your company?
MC: The final issue of "Discovering the Miracle" will soon be filmed, and sister Anna will be responsible for the remaining post-production work. I don't need to worry about it anymore.
MC: I always find a place to shine and heat, right?
MC: Or I have to be a rice bug for a month...
MC: In short, I am especially willing to share the worries and problems for the CEO
Victor touched his lips slightly, revealing a smile.
Victor: Didn't you often say that being a rice bug is your ultimate dream? Now that you have a chance to realize your dream, but you are not willing?
He was so eloquent, so that scenes of past scenes of bluffing and saying that I didn't want to go to work really appeared before me.
MC: But I have already changed my dreams.
I stepped forward two more steps, narrowed the distance with Victor, and stared quietly into his eyes
MC: My dream now is to be with you.
The outline of Victor's smile on the corners of his lips curled up, and his expression sank duplicity, and put out the CEO's frame in a serious manner.
Victor: LFG’s attendance system is strict, and the consequences of absence are serious. Be mentally prepared.
I walked up to him, took out the contract that had been hidden behind my back, and unfolded it on the table.
MC: I won't be absent, I will do what you say.
Speaking softly, pressing his usual fountain pen directly on the contract, it seemed to be "forcing the signing".
MC: If I can't do it... I will be punished.
Victor hastily flipped through the contract, which was only a few pages long, and paused as his gaze passed by the post.
Victor: Confirmed?
MC: Yes!
I deserved to be confident and without any explanation. Victor raised his head and looked at me with a clear smile in his eyes. He turned the contract another page.
Victor: The contract is valid for three years.
MC: Huh? It should be the contract template copied by Goldman, right? Renew after the three-year period expires!
Victor neatly signed his name on the last page, stood up and took my hand.
Victor: Let's go, the meeting is about to begin.
MC: What meeting? Wait, am I going to work as soon as I start?
Victor: According to the contract, every minute of yours belongs to me, and it takes effect immediately.
Is there such an unequal clause? Goldman's drafting of a contract is quite tricky
MC: You capitalists are squeezing employees too much!
Victor was slightly late to me, with a smile on his lips.
Victor: Well, capitalists are like this.
The conference room was already full of people, only the first two seats were still empty.
One of them is where Victor often sits.
I remember when I came to LFG for a meeting for the first time, I could only sit on the small bench in the corner and couldn't see his face even when I stretched out my head.
 Victor: let's start.
I sat down next to Victor, glanced across the crowd, and leaned silently on the back of the chair.
Goldman opened the prepared PPT and stood in front of us.
Goldman: Now carry out the relevant reports on the work of last week,
A sign hung at the door of Souvenir, which said that today is the last day of the restaurant’s business.
MC: Thank you for your preference for this restaurant, Souvenir will permanently close the store
LFG provoked too heavy responsibility, and Victor had no time to take care of Souvenir. I raised my head and looked at the blue light on the TV tower.
During the eternal night, the TV tower is bright yellow during the day and blue at night, marking the day and night. These days, people have been accustomed to measuring time in this way.
It seems that no matter what kind of predicament they are in, as long as there is a moment of peace, people are willing to steal a moment of peace and delay satisfaction.
I am no exception.
With Victor in front of the wind and rain, I even occasionally forget the reality that I am about to face, can let go of all my worries, and be silly in front of him carefree.
If time can be reversed, I can go back to the first time I stood in front of Souvenir...
I lowered my gaze and pushed the door into the restaurant.
MC: Mr. Mills, I
Before I could say hello, I was stunned by the scene before me.
Souvenir, who had always been cold and cold, is now full of voices, all seats are full of seats, even those who have never been before, and he has added new chairs.
Mr. Mills was busy between the tables with a smile on his face.
I hurried over to ask if I need help.
MC: Mr. Mills, shall I do this?
I was about to take the tray from Mr. Mills, but he shook his head hurriedly.
Mr. Mills: No, no, it's going to close in a while, the manager is waiting for you inside.
MC: Alright!
I walked towards the kitchen, and along the way, I was surprised by the food on the guests' table.
Like what the customer wanted to eat, Victor made something for them.
At the last moment, Souvenir's rules are no longer important.
Girl: Mom, this one is delicious, so delicious!
Six or seven-year-old children ate the little cakes with all their faces, holding their little hands and sending the spoons to their mothers, wanting their mothers to taste them too.
The young mother cooperatively ate the cream in the sentence and smiled hesitantly. She gently touched her daughter's head, but her eyes were full of sighs.
The family at the table next door talked about the topic of the younger son's college entrance examination this year, and they were rushing to plan for his future. They seemed to believe that someone would come out to save the world.
I stepped into the restaurant and walked into the back kitchen.
MC: Victor....
He stood at the window with his back straight. There was a deep night outside. I dazzled my eyes to see his black suit melt into the darkness, lonely and silent.
I walked over and pulled his sleeve slightly.
MC: Have you been busy all night?
MC: You can call me over in advance, and I can give you a hand.
Victor: With your culinary skills, you can't match up with Souvenir's back kitchen.
Victor glanced at me from the corner of the light, smiled faintly, and closed the slightly open window.
The moment he raised his hand, I saw that the pointer on his wrist watch was already three o'clock in the morning, but everyone didn't realize that the night was deep.
The world freezes in the dark, making time lose all meaning.
MC: The guests outside all had a good time.
MC: By the way, there was a little cake that a kid ate, with a few blueberries on top, and a layer of soft stuff inside. I don't know if it's ice cream... it looks super delicious!
Faced with my vivid expressions, Victor looked helpless as expected.
Victor: Three year old are not as good as you in eat. A pair of eyes fixed on the food all day long.
MC: Isn't it great? I will eat everything you make clean and happy, and I will change my way to praise your superb cooking skills!
I used an exaggerated tone to learn the child's way of speaking, trying to make Victor smile, but he still looked calm.
Victor: Ah, very good.
Those eyes that met me were as light as water, and they saw an unspeakable feeling in my heart. After he came back, something changed in his eyes.
I can't be sure, but I just faintly feel that the person standing in front of me at this moment is stronger than before but also lonelier than before.
In the past, silence was due to work habits and character.
The silence now means that no matter what you face, you can be calm and calm. The calm is strange.
MC: Victor, seven of the travel coins you gave me have not been exchanged. You said before that you would do everything you promised me.
I changed the subject suddenly, and Victor was still indifferent.
Victor: Seven? Didn't you secretly put a lot in the box again?
MC: … you’re not paying attention.
Victor: Really, when I don't pay attention?
The silence of the night was always reflected in his eyes, brewing the silence deeper.
MC: So you won't break your promise, will you?
MC: Everything you promised me will be honored in the future, right?
Perhaps it was because my words were too impatient to be too direct, Victor finally touched my hair as if calming down, and stepped forward to get closer to me.
The familiar temperature fell on the front of my forehead, which made my panic feelings find support.
Victor: Don't worry, I won't break my promise. Not now, and not in the future.
At this moment, I saw a slight surge of joy in his eyes.
Mr. Mills: Mr. Victor.
Mr. Mills walked in slowly, smiling.
Mr. Mills: Mr. Victor, after proofing today, I would like to continue to look after the restaurant. Please allow me.
Victor: Mr. Mills
Victor took two steps forward and solemnly nodded to Mr. Mills.
Victor : Of course. Over the years, thank you very much for taking care of Souvenir.
Mr. Mills turned to look outside the kitchen.
Mr. Mills: The guests all had a nice evening, and they hoped that I would convey my thanks to the chef.
Victor: It is..
Victor paused slightly and thought of something.
Victor: Excuse me, please take out all the wine in the cellar and give it to the guests tonight.
Mr. Mills: .... I understand. Do you need any congratulations?
Victor turned his head and looked at me, raising the corners of his lips indifferently
Victor: Just thank time for giving us abundant food and accumulated wine... With the feelings that have passed through the years.
Outside the window, the silent snow fell slowly in the dark night. In the cool night breeze in midsummer, a layer of untimely coolness blows off.
Victor: Is this your specialty?
MC: Do you look down on tomato scrambled eggs?
Victor did not speak, but frowned slightly to express affirmation.
MC: The scrambled eggs with tomatoes are delicious. You can't judge the taste of a dish by its difficulty. I feel wronged for him.
When the Haikou that I once boasted was fulfilled, I vowed to make a rich meal for Victor.
Victor probably feels a headache for me to prepare a home-cooked meal and have to put out ten kinds of kitchen utensils...
He has been standing in the kitchen supervising the work since the beginning, and I don't know if he's afraid of what would happen to the kitchen or what'd happen to me .
MC: Can you stop staring at me like this, I'm nervous.
Victor: What is the guilty conscience?
MC: It feels like waiting for you to approve the plan.
MC: I dropped the eggshells into the bowl when I was beating the eggs just now, I was thinking that you must spit me out.
Victor took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and unsealed it skillfully.
Victor: I'm used to it as you are.
I dealt with the ingredients in my hand and smiled without saying a word.
In the fireplace in the living room, the wood made a snapping sound under the lick of the tongue of fire, and it sang softly to the piano music from the record.
The fine snow outside the window disappeared into the night as soon as it fell to the ground, and time seemed extremely long at this moment.
I carefully handled the ingredients in my hand, and did not notice Victor's gaze.
He put down the wine glass, the glass collided with the marble countertop, and there was a pleasant sound.
At this moment, the night snow stopped in the air, and the fire and the record were speechless. The whole world stopped, and everything was quiet.
Victor: If I let time eternally stop at this moment, would you think I am selfish?
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He murmured, as if asking himself or answering himself.
Staring silently at her profile for a while, he stretched out his hand and silently hugged her in his arms.
This is an overly tender hug, without a trace of strong attitude, even the palms that are close to the back appear cautious
MC: Victor...
I stretched out my hand and hugged him tightly without leaving any gap.
Victor took a breath, as if he didn't expect that I would break away from his Evol, but didn't say anything.
MC: If I were not the dignified Queen, I would be completely controlled by you. Your Evol is stronger than I imagined.
He laughed and teased me helplessly.
Victor: It's amazing.
Although he was smiling, I heard a dumb sigh in his voice, so I opened my arms as much as possible to hold him tighter.
MC: Not even...
I stayed securely in his arms, with no intention of leaving this embrace.
MC: It’s just that I always remember the reason why I want to fully awaken, because I don’t want to let you bear everything. Always remember.
This dinner took longer than expected. When we sat down on the sofa in front of the fireplace with red wine, the night was already almost reaching the sky.
For all this time, I have a lot to say to him.
Whether it is the heated discussions in the recent issues of "Discover Myself" or the process of LFG helping people realize their wishes one after another, I am deeply moved.
A couple wanted to go to a very famous sea island to watch the sunset before the end. Unexpectedly, before the trip, the island disappeared overnight.
MC: In fact, I also feel that it was a pity that I couldn't help them realize their wishes. I had seen that island before on the Internet.
MC: At that time, it was also selected as one of the "Top Ten Scenic Spots to Go to Before the End", I did not expect to be submerged by the sea so soon...
Victor: This is what you often say, do what you think of, and don't leave any regrets for yourself. Sometimes impatient fools can do things that many people can't.
I listened to every detail and smile in his voice, and my fingertips drew across the texture of the leather on the sofa.
The more I get to this kind of time, the more I feel that even his laughter seems precious.
MC: But I was a little surprised. The wishes that everyone wants to achieve before the end are so simple.
MC: Look at the light, look at the world, eat a delicious meal with the most important person.
Victor: What people really want has always been very simple. Before that, it was only controlled by desire.
Victor: No matter how long this moment of tranquility can last, for many people, it is enough to enjoy the life they still have.
MC: It is not easy to find the true desire in the heart.
Victor put the empty glass on the coffee table.
Victor: What about you? What is your wish?
After drinking a few glasses of wine, my thoughts were empty. I only heard his low and hoarse voice falling in my ears, and many pictures flashed before my eyes.
MC: I want to see your heart.
I turned to Victor and wanted to find the answer to this question very seriously.
MC: I want to see the real Victor. Without the burden of the CEO, there is no need to worry about the world...
MC: I can put down all the responsibilities on my shoulders, just be yourself... In this way Victor, What will it be like?
He paused for a few seconds, but quickly laughed faintly.
Victor: People cannot put aside all the past and responsibilities independently. In front of you, Victor will always be the most true.
I turned to him, stared at his deep eyes carefully, then stretched out my hand and slowly touched the position of his heart.
When the five fingers fell slowly, I already felt the warmth under his shirt.
A little closer, and the fingertips rubbed the texture of the shirt, and soon, my palm felt the rhythm of his heartbeat warm and powerful.
Victor: ...
With a sigh, Victor reached out and held my fingertips lightly.
Suddenly, the scene before me changed.
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This is a space I have never seen before.
The solitary galaxy and the dazzling sunlight are constantly flashing in front of my eyes, just like every ray of time that has been inscribed in memory, the brilliance of the moment only flashes, making it impossible to capture.
MC: Victor
He was sitting in the seat directly in front of me, proud and lonely.
All the changes in the stars passed through his silent and deep eyes, and he just stared lightly.
Time passed, he had been sitting like this, his back was straight, his eyes were firm, and he was silent without a word, yet he caught every light and shadow in his eyes.
He seemed to had been sitting here for thousands of years.
For a while, my heart felt like being held down by a deep sea-like loneliness, which made me breathless. After a slight pause, I walked along the long carpet to him.
I squatted down in front of him and looked up at him.
He lowered his head and met my gaze, as if waking up from a long wait, with loose eyebrows at the corners of his eyes.
I stretched out my hand, my fingertips slowly climbed over the edge of his slender finger, and squeezed him from the gap between the slightly bent fingers.
At this moment, I recovered, seeing Victor's eyes reflected in the fire of the fireplace.
We don't know since when we clasp our fingers together and hold our hands together.
In a silent night, only the firewood was still snapping.
MC: Victor, are you tired?
Victor: What do you mean?
MC: Everything.
*All the fatigue of endlessly walking through the timeline, all the tragedy you had to witness, all the pain that you had to bear, all the hopes that you've repeatedly dashed countless times .
MC: You said that it is enough to enjoy your current life before the end. You already know the ending, understand the truth, or do you want to move on?
Victor: Not enough.
Victor spoke softly, but every word made a sound.
Victor: I am not someone who can transcend desires, I also have my own desires.
He doesn't need to say anything, I already know everything.
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I curled up on the sofa, silently nestled in his arms, clasped his waist tightly with my hands, and fell on his sturdy chest.
Victor pulled the blanket and put a light hand on my shoulder.
With fire light and falling snow, the sound of two hearts beating is clear.
I know that I am embracing the most real Victor, the extremely real Victor.
Time passed quietly, and it came to the last moment.
The whole city is shining bright neon under our feet. Busy and calm-as usual, as if we can wait for every night in the morning light.
MC: Victor, when you brought me here for the first time, did you expect the world to become like this?
Victor shook his head.
MC: So what was the anxiety in your heart when you stood here?
Victor turned his head and looked at me, then smiled.
Victor: It is impossible to completely hold a fool in his hand, hold it tightly, and keep her from leaving.
MC: Did I make you worry a lot? I know you have been looking for me for a long time.
Victor: Not long.
Victor: After experiencing real time, I only feel that the years when I found you were as short as you went to buy me a cup of coffee
Heard what he said, I couldn't help being reminded of memories long ago.
MC: I just thought you were really harsh and annoying. There were so many conditions for asking me to buy a coffee.
MC: .. Now, I really want to buy it for you again
MC: No matter how many weird conditions you have, I will never get it wrong again.
Victor looked towards the boundless sky with emotion. In the night, countless meteors slowly fell, dazzling light across the blue to dark night sky.
It's not long since 19:17.
MC: Victor, I want to do something very important.
Victor: I know.
MC: But I just want to be your dummy and live the most ordinary and ordinary life.
MC: Let you have endless heart and endless planning plans every day, and bring you all kinds of trivial troubles.
MC: Then in the blink of an eye, you can...
With tears in my eyes, crying was already entrained in my voice, so I refused to continue.
Victor: She also said that she didn't like crying anymore.
I took a few breaths and stubbornly held my voice.
MC: I didn't cry!
Victor stepped forward and held me tightly in his arms. Surrounded by the familiar smell, I closed my eyes and gripped the corner of his suit with my hands.
My only wish is to be with him.
It’s okay to laugh and being embraced in his arms like this, I don’t want others.
But more important than this wish...
It's him. He can't just usher in the ending like this.
MC: When I come back, I will bring you a cup of coffee.
I grab his arms and made a promise, and he softly responded by caressing my hair.
Victor: Alright.
MC: That’s all? Don’t you have anything else to say?
MC: In the past, you always remind me about the deadline of my proposal, you would remind me not to oversleep like an elementary school kids for the meeting the next day.
MC: At this important moment, don’t you have something else to say?
MC: I’m going to do something big this time.
Victor loosened his arms around me slightly and looked at me.
Victor: I know.
Victor: But you’re no longer a dummy you used to be, there’s nothing you can’t do.
I have already understood his calmness from his eyes. As expected, I can’t still beat him. 
I want to say something, but I felt something. There were snow-white feathers on my fingertips.
There is no time.
I subconsciously grabbed Victor’s hand--  
MC: Victor..
My heart was overwhelmed by the huge perseverance, I almost called his name from the deepest part of my throat.
As he was holding me, there’s deep complex look between his brows.
Victor: Are you afraid?
I kept shaking my head, shaking my head anxiously!
It is not fear, nor regret, no matter what is waiting for me in front of me, at this moment I will walk firmly.
But even so, I still want to stop for another moment, a moment is enough for me to call his name again, to look at him again. .
Even... hoping that time can stop at this time.
I don't want to let go of his hand.
Victor hugged me with one hand, lifted my chin, and dropped a deep lingering kiss. 
During the exchange of our breathing, I looked into his squinted eyes & saw a love that I had never seen before.
The tears that kept spinning in my eyelids were still drawn from the corners of my eyes when I was on my post. I gripped his shirt tightly, very tightly.
Aware of my silent choking, Victor clapped his hands and wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes with his index fingers.
Victor: Don't be afraid. No matter how difficult things are in front of you in the past, can't you always do well?
Victor: This time, there will be no exception.
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The scene in front of me and his voice were slowly dissipating, and I looked at him deeply, unable to say a word.
I clearly felt that Victor held my hand tighter, tighter than ever, as if he wanted to keep me too.
Like he didn't want to leave me alone.
He opened his mouth, what he was saying, but I couldn't hear anything and my senses were blurred.
Victor: ...Remember, to get me back.
MC: What?
I vaguely heard something, but couldn't be sure.
The white wings spread out in the dark night, and the sky is connected one after another, and the scattered white wings sit on the tall buildings together with the meteor, and fall into the street...
Victor let go of my hand and stepped back half a step, his eyes showed unprecedented joy.
MC: Victor!
Victor: I....
He was telling me something. His deep voice was mixed with a firmness that I've never heard before, but I could only vaguely recognize the words that I wanted to hear the most from his mouth. After that she calls his name
MC: Victor...
The sight was finally dark, and Victor's deep gaze disappeared in front of me.
The city fell into the night amidst the noisy shouts-
Victor slowly opened his hand and caught a piece of pure white feather in the air. The corners of his lips were gentle, his eyes drooping slightly.
That feather just lay quietly on his palm, soaked in moonlight, as slender as she looked at him at the last moment.
---- END ----
I’m sorry if there’s some mistranslation. Kindly tell me if you found some :) thank you for read it~ ^^
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
America’s Sweetheart 2
Hey guys :)
Part 1 <<---
Spencer and Reader go on their first real date, but the mood is quickly killed by an unwanted package at YFN’s house. 
“Spill the beans, pretty boy,” Morgan sat on Spencer’s desk with a smirk. “I hear you’ve got some Hollywood honey in your pocket.”
Spencer gave a small smile, not looking up from his book. “Nothing much to tell, we get coffee a few times a week. With both of our schedules, that’s all we can manage for now.”
Morgan furrowed his eyebrows. “So, have you even taken her out on a real date before?” Spencer shook his head, a small pit of guilt in his stomach. Why haven’t I done that? He thought to himself. She deserves at least that much.
Morgan tilted his head, considering something. “Have you kissed her?”
Spencer still didn’t look up, but his cheeks did turn a little red. "Yes, but... nothing too impressive. Just a few sweet pecks.”
Morgan was silent for a moment, completely confused as to why YFN was interested in a guy that wouldn’t even make out with her after seeing her for three weeks. “Huh,” he said, wandering back to his office, lost in thought.
Meanwhile, Spencer devised a plan. 
Reader’s POV
Spencer called me as I walked out of an audition in New York. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Are you free tonight?” Spencer asked bluntly. 
“Um, well, right now I’m in New York for an audition, but I should be back in DC before 5 o’clock... what did you have in mind?” A small smile came to my lips, wondering what he had planned. 
“A surprise. Just dress nice, and I’ll pick you up at your apartment at 7,” he said, slight mischief littered in his words. 
“Okay... how nice?”
“Black tie,” Spencer answered, hanging up promptly. 
A goofy smile plastered itself on my lips, not even fading when I heard the sound of a camera clicking as I walked down the street to my car, a junker 2001 Ford-150. Just another paparazzi wanting to pay their bills. 
After the three hour drive back to DC, the nerves started to settle in, which was ridiculous. Why would I be nervous? I had been to the Oscars with some of the greatest actors of all time and I wasn’t nervous then, so why the hell was I nervous now?
After over an hour of deciding what to wear, I settled on a dark forest green dress that showed off my curves and slit at the knee. The clock read ‘6:37′, and I scrunched my hair with product to give it curls and quickly slapped on some makeup. 
I heard a knock on my door promptly at 7:00 and my rose gold heels clicked excitedly against my wood floors. I opened the front door to Spencer in a black tux, causing many inappropriate thoughts to run through my mind. “Woah,” I breathed, a smile coming to my mouth. 
He looked equally stunned. “You... you look beautiful. Um... wow.”
We both chuckled as we snapped out of our daze, and he held out his arm like a gentleman. “Why thank you, kind sir.”
“Anything for you, my lady,” he joked, leading me out to his old car. 
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going now?” I asked when we had both settled into our seats. 
He shook his head with a smile. “Nope, you’ll find out when we get there.”
We rode in silence, but a comfortable one. Light orchestra music played on his radio, and he drove us a good 45 minutes before stopping at a very fancy looking restaurant with a name in French. 
“’Bouchée parfaite,’“ I said, hand in hand with Spencer as we walked up the steps. “‘Perfect Bite.’“
Spencer glanced at me in awe. “You know French?”
I nodded, pride swelling in my chest. “And Spanish. My mom wanted me to be well rounded so she taught me both languages including English while I was growing up.” I didn’t elaborate further on my parents, and thankfully Spencer was so impressed he didn’t ask. 
A man with a curly mustache and slicked back hair greeted us at the door. He looked me up and down, his smile widening. “What can I do for you, beautiful?” He said flirtatiously. 
Spencer wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Two for Spencer, please.” 
The man’s smile dimmed as he led us to the best place in the house. Spencer ordered champagne, neither of our glasses going dry the entire night.
“So, if I were a color, what color would I be?” I asked once we were settled at our table. I always asked this question on first real dates, something random to start the conversation.  
Spencer glanced at me, happily confused. “Um, blue is said to be a more relaxing color, yellow inspires happiness...” he looked at me deeply, staring at me intensely in my eyes. After a moment, he spoke again. “Red. You’re red.”
“Why is that?”
“You have a drive... a passion around you,” a sly smile graced his lips. “You have a grit, a determination, that comes into your eyes whenever you talk about your work. You’ve said over and over that you’ve gotten into trouble on movie sets because you speak your mind. The color red represents-”
“Passion. Love. Anger. Sex,” I said with a twinkle in my eyes. 
Spencer nodded, chuckling. “Yes, that is correct.”
The dinner went by smoothly, both of us making friendly conversation until the bill came, him picking up the check without hesitation. 
I was giggling like a college student while walking down the steps from Perfect Bite, Spencer laughing at my buzzed state of mind. I pulled on Spencer’s tie towards me, crashing his lips onto mine. This kiss was much more passionate than any of our other small pecks, and my back hit the car as our tongues met gently in the middle. The breath caught into my throat and I smiled wickedly. 
“Wanna go back to my place, pretty boy?”
“Uh, I don’t know, wouldn’t I be taking advantage of you?” He said hesitantly, leaning my back against the car and his chest pressing to mine.
“No, I’m not drunk,” I said, putting my hands to his cheeks reassuringly. “I’m just buzzed a little bit.”
Spencer eyed me suspiciously, then eventually caved. “Okay, let’s go back to your place.” __
I fumbled with the keys to my front door, distracted at Spencer leaning in behind me, playing thoughtfully with my curls as his slight scruff scratched against my cheek. As soon as the door opened, Spencer pushed me into my house and slammed the door behind him. 
My back hit my bedroom door, Spencer already seeming to have the floorplan in his mind despite never entering the house before. He is a genius, after all. 
Spencer’s hands slipped around my back, unzipping my dress with ease. I had already pulled off his tie, now working on his suit jacket. He chuckled, his breath hot against my neck. “You’re eager, Hollywood,” he murmured, and I gasped at his new nickname.
In practically no time at all, both of us were stripped down to our underwear. Spencer practically threw me on the bed, quickly following by pinning my hands above my head. 
“You knew what you were doing when you wore that damn dress, Hollywood,” Spencer muttered. “I’m gonna prove to you that I can screw you much better than those Los Angeles boys.” __
A pounding at my door at 4 AM woke us both up from our sleep. “The hell...” I murmured sleepily. 
Spencer was already wide awake, walking towards my bedroom door cautiously. I slipped out of bed and joined him, both of us creeping through my hallways quietly as the pounding continued. 
Spencer was the one that opened the front door finding... no one there. Nothing except a package wrapped in red construction paper with the words ‘For the Lovebirds’ written in black cursive on the top. 
After deeming the package safe, we both brought it into the house, each of us carrying an end. We opened it on my kitchen island, finding a stack of drawings and pictures, all of them depicting me. Some were photos of me at various events, others were ones taken of me on the streets. A newpaper was also included, one that had an article and picture of Spencer. Every photo of me was in pristine condition, but the article of Spencer was practically torn to pieces. 
A message was left at the bottom of the box on torn out notebook paper.
Lovers, are we? Let’s see how much you love each other after the princess gets her next big role.  I hear it might be of a missing dead girl? Documentary, maybe?
We stood in silence for a moment, neither of us knowing what to do. Spencer looked at me with wide eyes, and I joked nervously. “Well... that’s one way to kill the mood, right?”
Part 3
TAG LIST : @squirrellover1967 @yomama-umbridge @tiktokslut @sknnymnne @pinkdiamond1016 @vixengustin88 @lexshead@briannareneea985 @thatsonezesty13 @april-14-blog @baby-i-am-fireproof@mollyann14 @andiebeaword @oldspirit@rottenearly @cyndagoaway @peculiarinsomniac @ithinkilovetruecrimetoomuch @mjloveskids666 @aberrant-annie @stardream14 @radkryptonitepeanut @sercyan  @deni-gonzalez @matthewreid @emilouu @witchxlove @yoongi-holland @fortrapsandfordaphne  @zozoleesi  @sana-li @frogsnfics @todaynotseen  @matthewreid @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @baby-banana
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Nov 16 Stream Timestamps
Timestamps from Technoblade’s “THE REVOLUTION (dream SMP)”
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Link to my youtube comment with all of the timestamps x
Timestamps with hyperlinks below
02:13  “This is a surprise tool which will help us later” / thumbnail isn’t foreshadowing / video thumbnails have to be big / stream thumbnails can be detailed 05:17  “The traitor is actually Jschlatt” / firework crafting 09:50  “The ratio is impeccable” 13:23  “Dream’s in the game! My audience retention rate” / vc with Tubbo & Quackity / traitor Jschlatt theory / “Are you high?” “A little” 14:47  “You’re a bit of a wildcard” “I am the most consistent character on the entire server” / “What’s this about getting into power” / “We’ll burn this bridge when we get to it” 15:54  “You really are such an English major” / “You’re an idiom” / malaphor / “I’m actually speaking twice as much English as you guys” 18:07  “I think Thunder is overcompensating in the chat” / “Where can you see me” “In my heart” (Karl & Quackity) / Karl not leaving vc 20:33  vc with Niki / “Did Tubbo just leave me? I spaced out for 2 seconds” / “You can’t call everyone the traitor” “I can & will” 22:45  “You know it’s an event when Skeppy’s here” / “You know it’s a big deal when Georgenotfound wakes up” / “Everyone leaves me” 23:31  explaining the traitor thing to Niki / “Maybe I’m a sleeper agent” / had to kill Tubbo 25:03  nothing happened with that creeper / Fundy interrogating Niki / “Why did I train her for MCC” 25:54  “Even YOU’RE leaving me” / sad music / “I’m sitting here with 203k viewers & it’s not enough for any of these streamers to bear talking to me for more than 60 seconds” / Skeppy joins vc to immediately leave 28:50  Karl has a gift for Techno / Karl is just here for the animatic 32:21  “At least the chat won’t leave me” / pays for his music 35:01  “I’m going to destroy the government so bad” / “I hate all of the farming updates on skyblock” 37:45  joining a vc / “I just got stood up in like 4...conversations in rapid succession” / “My new years resolution was to make friends & it’s november & I’ve made zero headway” / Eret switches sides 41:53  Ender chest setup / worried about hotbar management / potions > shields   43:13  vc with allies / “Karl you are literally the biggest third wheel I have ever seen” 45:03  angering the dogs / trident combo 47:13  “D!ck with one ball” (Tubbo) 50:25  “Let’s hope Wil overslept like [George]” 53:09  recruiting Eret / “If you fight on our side we’ll make you the King of Burger King” / “He’ll be an executive citizen” / “I’m surrounded by idiots” 54:58  putting Schlatt on the allies list / “Schlatt is an alcoholic high on protein power” (Fundy) 56:47  can’t trust Eret / “I hate it when you’re right” (Tubbo) / Wilbur joins vc 59:50  having a moment with Hubert / “Not even the mobs like me” / sad music / “I just gained 8k subscribers the sadness is gone” / cow pit exp farm 1:02:57  vc with Niki / “I’m going to join the other vc AHHHHH” 1:05:02  “Once everyone meets up...I have something prepared” / “Technoblade when are you not ready?” “When I joined the server” 1:09:38  “Who do you take me for? Of course I’ve read the Art of War. It’s written by Mozart” / battle planning 1:12:18  “This is the betrayal...happening very slowly” 1:13:35  Pan1 / “This revolution is so doomed” 1:15:29  Dream attack / Quackity dies 1:18:07  “Agree Retweet” / “Violence is the only universal language” / “i have a supply” / “Why do you talk in upwards inflections constantly?” 1:19:57  Techno not getting to talk / “He took it all by force didn’t he” / “Fear into Ear” 1:23:50  Techno telling everyone he has a stash twice / distributing blue / mushroom the fox 1:26:49  Tommy talking over Techno again / “Stop going off on your tangents” “We have food at home” 1:29:30  vault reveal / Tubbo stealing emeralds / secret chest 1:32:40  “Shut up bro you are green as shit” (Tommy) / “Everyone give me back my stuff you don’t deserve it” 1:34:41  no netherite swords / “Who’s the traitor” “Promise we won’t be mad” 1:36:31  battle / Technoblade trident maneuvering / giving rocket launchers to Tubbo & Tommy 1:40:27  killing Karl / Dream bringing out the end crystals / fighting invis Dream / purpled switches sides 1:43:57  Dream wants to talk / 309k / group photos 1:46:08  vc with Dream / “But only if my enemy insists” / in the van with Schlatt / “What are you doing in my drug van? It better not be drugs” / Tommy preparing to shoot Schlatt 1:54:42  “We won” / “We killed an old man with heart problems! It only took 20 of us!” / President Innit / subscribe to Technoblade sign 1:55:57  Dream & Techno talk in chat / Tommy speech / “It was meant to be” / “I don’t think anyone is bowing to Tommyinnit” / “Karl don’t be weird” / Skeppy has a disc 1:59:06  Techno being apprehensive on mute / Tommy makes Wilbur President / “I’ll be the president” “I’m gonna veto that” / “Techno...you’ve taught me that government is not the way to go” / Wilbur makes Tubbo president 2:03:20  “I’m not sure I like where this is going x2” / “I’m not sure this is a good ending” / “Team chaos” “Perhaps” 2:06:20  Techno shoots Tubbo / Philza joins / “You think Schlatt was the cause of your problems? No. It was government” / speech gets interrupted / “The government ends here, I’ll kill it myself!” 2:09:23  Phil kills Wilbur / techno yelling for silence / “Tommy you just did a coup...& instilled yourself as president” 2:12:11  “If you want to be a hero THAN DIE LIKE ONE” / wither spawning / killing his former allies 2:15:09  post fight talks / “There will be no new government today. It will be over my dead body” / “Techno was not the traitor” 2:18:50  “I need to increase the crater that is L’Manberg so that no country can rise in its place” / “Mom says it’s my turn on the flame bow” 2:23:51  “What I’m doing right now is small scale. This is the work of an individual. This is nothing compared to the cruelty governments all around the world [inflict]...systematically” / “Llamas are the primary victims of war” / “I just wanna be apart of the explosion” (George) 2:27:06  Techno joins vc / connor joins the server / “I hope you’re proud of yourself Techno” “I kinda am” / Jack Manifold (Thunder) being broke / netherite armor 2:32:30  “Beach episode” / Techno accidentally joins the L’Manberg vc 2:35:16  the base is compromised / “There’s no way Technoblade would put a clock there if it didn’t mean anything” / got robbed 2:37:37  “If you’re going to ask me how I got all these emerald & arrows that’s a story for another day” / explaining the bedrock / “I can give everyone stuff & it’ll be such a flex” 2:40:24  Greek mythology 2:41:45  The Golden Apple / “They didn’t use discord back then they used skype, so can’t invite Eris” / “Zeus the god of feminism” 2:46:02  Eret recruiting Techno to kill George / joining vc / “Let’s stop him before he gets land” / Awesamdude proposing a fight 2:49:08  “No one can kill me I’m invincible” (logs out) / Dream literally names the turtle potions Sam thinks he hasn’t heard of / “I’m at soup” / “It’s not smack talk he just has that many items” 2:53:06  “Stab him Dream, I’ll shout encouraging words” / Techno fighting Bad & Ant 2:56:23  Dream wins / “I think there was this Dream guy attacking you with some sort of weapon” 3:00:11  turtle potions / Dream hyping up Techno about fighting BBH / Badlands negotiating with George 3:04:34  vc with Philza 3:07:00  spider farm afk’ing / lagging Quackity’s computer 3:09:06  smp earth / Phil only logged on to back Techno up 3:10:32  killing George / “I’m gonna drop his armor off don’t jump me” / not fighting Dream 3:13:00  vc with Karl & Phil / Karl definitely not starting a government / “Chat that was the boring part, don’t leave” / 320k / “Why do we keep scheduling these on Monday?” 3:16:18  “I don’t even want to think about how famous Tommy will be in the future” / “I get a tad bitter” / covid is good for youtubers but obviously bad / “I’m so good at socially distancing” 3:19:51  “Aren’t you tired of being nice Philza? Don’t you just wanna go crazy” / “You should be wary of the old in a profession where people die young” / vc with Eret 3:21:47  “What if you built a slightly larger throne next to it?” /  “How are they paranoid of a mole but the guy with a track record of being a traitor gets no questions asked” 3:25:47  “I’m gonna place a block at the bottom & kill you instantly” / reverse mlg /  emerald rich even with Tubbo’s theft 3:27:57  “I’ll allow it” / upstairs chests robbed / Eret disconnects with the book 3:32:04  armor sabotage bc he thought it’d be 1v5 / crystals are mutually assured destruction / Wilbur afraid of tnt getting blown up early 3:34:11  the diary was actually Eret’s / “He’s gonna tell everyone who I have a crush on. Nooo” / reading the 100 page book / “Can I not win here?” “No” 3:40:14  “This stream has released more serotonin in my brain than the last 6 months combined” / revolution was overcrowded / could improve the crater 2:43:09  “Awkward ten minute period where I’m just sitting there watching them set up a new government but I can’t kill them yet” / Carl is missing 3:44:34  “The one time Technoblade is gonna roleplay & they talk over him” / “CARL” / “As long as Sapnap isn’t the one that took him there’ll still be hope” 3:46:10  “Once you start using end crystals it’s the only pvp that matters & end crystal pvp is so lame” / Webtoons 3:49:10  “What’s going to happen to you & WIlbur now?” “I don’t know, I think I’m chill with Wilbur” / “The only thing that changed is my voice. Zero personal growth” / lines from the first speech that got interrupted / “King George is trending booo” 3:52:00  1 million twitter followers / “O god it’s been four hours...I am not built for this” / did a 13 hour stream once / sub growth goals 3:56:30  “What the heck is Phil watching”
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chimswae · 3 years
BTS Caretaker CH39
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 3,161
- Author Note: Sorry again for late update, i just finished my quarantine so now i am pretty caught up with my final exams! ^^ i will try to post another one on time next monday~ for those that have read Untold, a character from the fic made a crossover appearance here. 
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Chapter 39
Thirty minutes before they wrapped up the promotion, the boys were interacting diligently with fellow Armys and enjoyed the remaining time left before they bid a real goodbye. God knows when will they be having their comeback again? Months from now maybe?
There were few fans left in the line waiting for their albums to be signed and as usual Bangtan Sonyeondan gave all their best until the end like they usually did. Jin and Hoseok chirpy voice diverted Jimin attention to those two whom sat three seats away from him.
He glanced at the fan stood straight in from of them with an obvious bulgy stomach. A pregnant young lady that looked like in his early 20’s was having a lively conversation with the two pranksters. They were basically asking her about the baby inside her stomach while Hoseok made an attempt to poke her belly, Jin swatted his hand away claiming that he’s being rude.
The beautiful young lady laughed at their silliness and bowed slightly, before inching slowly towards Yoongi side. Jungkook looked amused and didn’t wait for her to move to his side, joining Yoongi with the conversation.
Jimin tore his gaze from them and smiled sweetly at the fans knelt before him. As usual, Jimin listened to the girl story attentively and even teased her making the girl blushed in process. The staff had ordered the fan to move as time was running out, and the fan earlier was soon replaced by the pregnant lady.
“It is Jimin! Hi!” she said excitedly, placing the album on the table.
Jimin flinched at her friendliness and nodded with a smile “Hi. What is your name?”
“Na Yeoul!” her chirpy but soft voice was addictive.
“Are you here alone Yeoul-ssi? How many months pregnant are you?” Yeoul took a deep breath, getting tired over a simple conversation that she had with previous members. She took a moment to respond to his question. Jimin looked concern and offered her to take a seat, with that he called out one of the staffs to bring a chair for her to sit.
The female staff assisted Yeoul to sit down and she thanked her before answering his question, “I come here alone and 37 weeks pregnant” his brows knitted, thinking intently.
“Yeoul-ssi, shouldn’t you be staying home or hospital? It is your critical stage, right?” Jimin freaked out knowing the risk that she took just to meet them.
She nodded in agreement “Yes. However, my baby told me that he is craving to see Bangtan Sonyeondan ” she stroked her belly, smiling softly.
“What type of craving is that? I thought it only meant for food..So, it is a he? Do you have a name for him?” her lips curled into a smile.
Pursing her lips into a pout, Yeoul hummed softly “Not yet. I will think of a name soon. It feels good to see your face before my due, thank you for making it happen” he was smiling from ear to ear while signing her albums before handing it back to her.
“But it is your due, 37 weeks”
“I am the one carrying the baby not you” she blinked.
He let out a small chuckle “I pray that you will deliver this beautiful baby safely. Visit us again with your baby in the future okay?” Yeoul hugged the album closed to her chest and stood up slowly. Seeing her struggle, Jimin took her arms and helped the pregnant lady to stand.
“Thank you Jimin-ssi”
“See you again Yeoul-ssi”  as she was about to move to next member, Yeoul felt a surge of pain around her lower abdomen. She bit her lower lips, feeling the cramps worsening that panicked Namjoon and Taehyung.
“Are you alright?” Namjoon scrutinized her dark expression and realized something was off. Jimin quickly went to her side turning the hall into a dead silent for few minutes as everyone’s attention were on the pregnant lady on stage.
Other members, followed by the staff moved to inspect the scene and like a cue they heard Yeoul’s soft scream “OH MY GOD” everyone started to panic.
“Her water broke!” the audience gasped in horror.
Yeoul squished Jimin’s hand, breathing heavily as she could no longer withstand the pain. The staffs had spread out, calling the ambulance and some were looking for a comfortable seat for her while waiting for help.
“Calm your breathing. Do not panic” Jimin massaged her arms with the help of one of the female staff.
“How can I calm down when I am about to deliver my baby on this stage! OH MY GOD” she said dramatically. Even in situation like this, she was acting like a drama queen which amused Jimin. Do all women acted like Yeoul?
“The ambulance will be here soon, don’t worry Yeoul-ssi” Hoseok stared at her in horror. The image of a woman giving birth on stage in an unprotected environment scared him to the core. The pure baby need to be protected at all cost.
Yeoul let out another small shriek, while steadying her breathing “If I give birth here, my baby better be the next Bangtan Sonyeondan” she blurted out of the blue earning chuckles from the floor. Jimin wiped off the bead of sweat that started to trickle down from her forehead using his sleeves.
“OH MY GOD I CAN FEEL IT” Yeoul shrieked again louder than before.
“Yah don’t give birth here! Hold the baby in” Jin panicked.
“Are you crazy?! How can I hold the baby? It is not a friggin faeces. It is a real huma-SHIT IT IS COMING” the crowd was horrified to hear Yeoul voice. She was groaning in pain and trashing some random shits not caring whether it is Bangtan Sonyeondan or heard by many Armys whom attended the event.
The staffs have assisted all the fans to leave the venue and the members apologized to those who didn’t manage to get their albums signed. However, the company promised to compensate them later on. They have an important thing to settle at the moment.
“The ambulance is here!” one of the staffs hollered, as he sprinted inside sending a wave of relief. Manager Sejin helped to move Yeoul on the stretcher with the help of Jungkook, Namjoon and the two crews.  
‘Please be alright’ Jimin stood there frozen watching her body being moved safely inside the ambulance.
BTS’s Baby made it to major headlines and became a hot topic among the netizen. Everyone was excited upon hearing the news. They were referring the baby as BTS’s baby because of the incident took place during their fansign.
The members of Bangtan paid Yeoul a visit after their schedule ended and the rumours previous night died down for a moment to commemorate the newborn baby. Little did they know the members were already knocked down by Yeoul bluntness, more like every word that she spouted sent them off the grid.
“I am naming my son Minyeol. Jimin plus Yeoul, Minyeol!” she chortled, batting her eyelashes innocently at Jimin causing the latter to blush in his stance.
“Shouldn’t you be naming him after your husband’s name? Why are you dragging me in? That makes me feel uncomfortable” he mumbled lowly.
“Yeoul-ssi, what about your husband?” Jin tilted his head  
“What about him?”
“Urm… you are combining your name and my name, for your son. I don’t want to cause any misunderstanding” he chewed his lips, glancing at others for help. Namjoon shrugged with a teasing smile, he enjoyed watching Jimin being tamed by a girl.
Yeoul puckered her lower lips, expelling a long sigh “There is no husband. I don’t need anyone’s approval” the revelation made their eyes flung open. They didn’t expect a woman at this age to lose her husband tragically and gave birth to a child alone. Yeah, the boys really assumed her husband was dead. Bangtan were scrutinizing her expression to catch any sign of sadness, but she remained stoic and calm.
That didn’t last long when the pale lady opened her mouth. “That piece of shit, after planting his fucking seeds in me, he ran away with some bitch to Japan. Ugh, a mere thought of him angered me to the fucking core” the words flown like flying bullets ripped their innocent ears.
“Heol..” Namjoon took a deep breath, gawking at the weak girl on the bed as though she had just committed the biggest crime of the century.
“YOU!” she yelled angrily directing towards Jimin. The latter flinched at the sudden attack, as he watched she waggled her finger while recollecting her thoughts. “I will keep that name, Minyeol” “What?” stupefied, he cursed in his head judging this bipolar lady before him.
“Are you Jimin hyung fan?” the maknae finally spoke up after keeping his mouth shut for hours.
With zero hesitation, Yeoul shook her head “I am your fan. For an add reason, these days I am more to Jimin. No offense though, I am sure that is part of my craving” Jungkook scrunched his nose in confusion.
“Hey so I am just a substitute?” way to add more salt to his wound.
“Arent you guys tired? Thank you for checking on me but I am fine. Have a good rest so I can start teaching Minyeol to call Jimin daddy” she teased.
“Yah! Don’t ruin his innocent mind”
“Minyeol is my son. I can do what I want. Why are you so nosy?” she snickered sarcastically.
Jimin batted it away with a roll of his eye “Not when you just dissed me openly”
Amused, Yoongi mouthed everyone to leave the room giving the space for the two to banter until their energy drained. He had no energy to listen to their endless bicker from the moment they arrived there until now. Yoongi had enough.
They made their way out quietly, minding their own business whilst Jimin tried to reclaim his throne as Yeoul’s bias from Jungkook. More like fixing his reputation.
As night falls, Jungkook put on his casual outfits to go out. He had been waiting for these days to come since forever. Now that their promotion ended, he needed to hear it from Seul directly before conforming to reality.
“Are you sure you can do this alone?” Jimin glanced at his way.
“Yes. This is the only way. I promise to come back home after meeting Seul-ie” he smiled in assurance, grabbing his beanie and mask. “Thank you hyung, for everything” Jimin walked up to him, patting his back as an acknowledgment.  
“You can do this. Call me when you are done. Be careful” Jungkook’s genuine smile put his heart at ease. With one final glance, the golden maknae exited his room with determination. It was the right time to face Seul before Yoongi made the first move. He didnt want to prolong this unrequited love any longer.  
“Seul! Seul!” dashing from the kitchen to the front using last ounce of her energy as though time is running out for her. She panted heavily, with one palm up seeking for a minute before she could break the news to Seul.
Seul raised one of her brows in amusement “What is wrong with you?”
“Okay. Remember I told you about the rumours from Namjoon’s Vlive a week ago?” Seul nodded briefly, and mentally judging her best friend. “The rumour resurfaces again!” she squealed in the most annoying way.
She clasped her ears to quell the sound from damaging her eardrums. BTS members told her about the rumours and how it trended on twitter and naver, however they assured her everything would be alright since it was only a mere assumption from the fans. Seul thought the rumours died upon the news about an Army almost giving birth at their fansign caused an uproar among the fans.
So, it came back again. This world is scary.
“You don’t need to squeal in my ears. For goodness’ sake. I thought their fans are only playing detective, and no one talked about that anymore”
Hwasa rolled her eyes “This time it is not the Armys. Dispatch spilled a tea. Someone tipped them off about Yoongi’s unusual activities in his studio. They said the reason why Yoongi had his studios secured with passwords and high-quality door because he brought women to his studio and slept with them” frowning deeply, Seul turned to her friend dropping everything that she did.
“Since when you trust words coming from dispatch? Yoongi wouldn’t do such thing” she defended.
“Hear me out before you get angry. I swear this is big and real. So, this anonymous claimed that Yoongi owns a personal Instagram and he usually updated his story there. This person sent a screenshot of ‘Yoongi’ Instagram story to Dispatch. In that Instagram story, Yoongi wrote “I have a lot of pussy lately”. That man is bragging how much he and his girl friend have sex. If this is true, I cant see Yoongi the way I am seeing him now. It is gross, he doesn’t need to announce it to the whole world that he got some pussy that week” Seul’s expression darkened as her heart was racing madly. She didn’t know how to react to this, since she was never a fan of dispatch or other medias. The only thing that they did all these years were to smear shits on BTS’s names.
Noticing the air inside the room thickened, Hwasa stopped talking and examined Seul’s face “Yah..Are you alright? You are scaring me!”
Gritting her teeth together, she sighed “Show me the article, now!” her voice sounded demanding and harsh.
“Seul-ie.. I am not done, there is more. Are you sure you want to read it by your own?” “Yes. Now Hwasa. Give it to me” her brows pinched together, trying to surpass her anger.
Slowly, she handed her phone to Seul which she took it without uttering any words. Seul scanned the screen with beating heart, even though she wasn’t that ready to read whatever written in the article.
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Breaking: BTS’s Suga flaunting his sex life with his alleged girlfriend
Following up the rumours a week ago pertaining to a suspicious shadow from BTS’s leader RM studios door during his vlive, this time Dispatch had finally come up with a proof to answer the mysterious shadows.
Dispatch claimed that an anonymous had sent a screen shot of what they believed to be Suga’s personal Instagram. A short Instagram story with captions “I have a lot of pussy lately” was posted by Suga indicating he’s having frequent sex with his girl friend these days.
They believed the mysterious shadow caught in RM’s Vlive was Suga and his girlfriend. The image of the mysterious shadow spread like wildfire a week ago within the fans community and some were assuming one of the members are in a serious relationship.
Fans are debating the possible members that fits the criteria even though, it is hard to tell whether it is the member of BTS or staffs, fans are still open to any possibility. Many fans demanded an official statement from Big Hit to stop the rumours from circulating around and injured BTS image even more especially Suga.  
“That is the first article, if you scroll below..You will find the second article” Hwasa’s voice sounded unsure and shaky. “Seul.. I hope you will be okay after reading the second article” Seul paid no attention to Hwasa as she returned to read the second part.
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 Breaking: Underground rapper Stephanie claims she’s one of BTS Suga many exes?
Within 24 hours, the news of BTS Suga once again shook the industry. This time around, like many rumours being pointed towards a rising star like BTS, someone from the past finally stepped out from her shadows to unravel the truth. Bitter truth!
Stephanie, a Korean-Canadian underground rapper claims that she’s one of BTS Suga many exes in her recent Instagram post. And what seems to attract everyone’s attention was her caption directed towards the star, accusing him as a playboy.
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“Why I am not surprised? Kekeke Yes, he always gets many pussies in a week because that’s what he only good at. I hope his current girlfriend realizes it sooner, that she is only another person from many girls that he fucked. Thankfully, I was out from the game earlier kekekee Good luck”
 Armys are enraged with her Instagram post and demanded the rapper to pull down the post and apologized to Suga. It seems like Bighit owes another explanation to clear this mess.
 Seul stood there silently making no move as she dissolved into tears upon reading the article. Like those days when her heart broke after learning the truth about her real father, she could feel the pain returned scaring her already fragile heart.
“Seul-ah…” taking a step towards Seul, Hwasa embraced the broken girl an attempt to clam her down. “Hey..Are you alright?” Seul shook her head in defeat, clutching onto Hwasa’s arm for support.
“If I were you, I would wait for his explanation. A moment ago you have a lot of faith in him, so you should keep that faith until you talk to him” she stroked her hair, sighing softly.
“I know..I don’t know why I am crying. It is not like we are in a relationship. Its hurt so badly” sniffling a little, she tried not to sob yet she failed to control her emotion.
Smiling meekly, Hwasa retorted “You love him, Yoongi. You are hurt because you love him. Don’t you realize that?” blinking away her tears, Seul pulled away from the hug with a wary look.
“I am not sure now if that is love”
“It is love. You are stupid”
Seul wanted to protest but a voice boomed across the room garnered their attention “Jungkook?” surprised by his sudden appearance there, Hwasa whispered softly “Go talk to him. I can close the shop alone” she insisted giving Seul no chance but to agree on her so-called order.
“Seul, did you read the article?” nodding weakly, Seul’s gaze fixated on the ground. Jungkook rushed to her workplace as soon as he received a text on their kakaotalk group in relation to Yoongi’s article. Everyone was panicking, and they were summoned to the company in an hour for an emergency meeting.
He couldn’t leave Seul alone when he was sure this girl might already come across the article. The tears evident on her cheeks was enough to tell him that she’s affected by the rumours. Indeed, Jungkook took the right decision by giving up on Seul.
Jungkook held her wrist, sending chills down her spin. Her lower lip quivered fighting with her own tears, she was not supposed to be seen this weak in front of him. He mumbled lowly “Follow me. I owe you an answer” she looked up looking a little confuse.
Jungkook is trustworthy, she must give him a chance.
   This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
Through It All
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Part 30
Summary: Now married, Spencer & Y/N navigate the D/s lifestyle. How will their relationship change?
Words: 1,013
Warnings: BABY TIME! That shit is hard.
A/N: Just fluffy stuffs, my friends.
Morgan Diana Reid and Blake Xing Reid enter the world at 7:37 and 7:41 AM respectively. Morgan is five and a half pounds exactly and 18 inches long. Blake is 18 inches and clocks in at just over five pounds. They’re beautiful. Perfect. They have Ai’s full head of hair and Kyle’s nose and mouth.  
Ai is a champion. She had them both naturally (though you still contend there’s nothing natural about a bowling ball popping out of a vagina). Shortly after they were born, she passed out from exhaustion and slept for nearly 13 hours, which meant you and Spencer were thrown into the fire right from the frying pan. Honestly, it all goes by too fast to truly enjoy, but you know you’ll remember those little moments, just watching as Morgan opens her eyes or Blake moves his fingers.
Before you leave the hospital with them after about five days, you allow Ai time alone with them. It breaks your heart to hear her sobbing on the other side of the door.  “Mommy and Daddy couldn’t give you the life you deserve right now, but we’ll always love you.” When you hear that you stifle a choked sob into Spencer’s chest and subsequently promise Ai and Kyle that they’ll always have a place in your family.
And then the insanity begins.
You thought it was hard with Charlotte.
Now there’s two.
And Charlotte.
Sleep is non-existent. Maybe an hour at a time at the most. You cry about as often as Morgan and Blake do, which is a whole hell of a lot. Even Spencer breaks every now and then. But they grow so fast. Almost too fast if you’re being honest. Their cheeks get chubbier. They move more. Limbs flying as fast as a cheetah despite being about 30 times as helpless.
Sex? Even more non-existent than sleep.
It’s harder because everything is doubled, but you also have more of an inkling when things go wrong, when they’re sick, when things need to be done. Instead of wondering what each kind of sound means, you know, and you can react accordingly, so you don’t feel as much of a fish out of water as you did last time.
Right now, your fun entails sitting still on the couch with one of the babies on your chest while Spencer sits beside you with the other. Charlotte is taking one of her now rare naps at Spencer’s side. Both of you have to pee but Charlotte, Morgan and Blake are all content and it feels like you’re playing with fire if you dare to move.
Charlotte is the most amazing big sister. She insists they be included in reading time, so when their crying allows, you bring them into Charlotte’s room for storytime at night. She’s even tried to help you change a diaper but ran away when she realized it was stinky. And man are they stinky. Newborn poop is something else. Otherworldly.
During the first three weeks, you shower about five times in total. Your legs are hair as hell. Shaving takes too much time. And even though your weight is pretty stable, you still feel gross. Hygiene takes time and you don’t have it until about a month after they come home.
You’ve managed to get them on a similar schedule so they wake up and go to sleep within a few minutes of each other. Thank the gods Spencer did some research on how to sync up their schedules before they were born otherwise you’d be fucked.
Once they’re down for the night and Charlotte’s been read to (she’s very obsessed with the one about the two princesses that fall in love right now), you sink into bed beside the man you love. “I think we’ve got about two hours before they wake up again,” you say, mouth stretching out into a yawn. “Talk to me before we fall asleep. I feel like we haven’t spoken in 10 years.”
Chuckling, Spencer rubs his hand up and down your arm. “We haven’t even known each other ten years.”
“Feels like forever.”
“Yea, it does,” He sighs happily. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Anything. Just talk to me. Give me stats.”
He pulls you into his lap and combs his hand through your hair. “Luckily, that’s my specialty. Okay, so listen to this-” Even through he can barely keep his eyes open you can hear the excitement in his voice. “Women with a higher body mass index are more likely to conceive twins. Obviously Ai is one of the exceptions. Anyway, higher body fat levels mean higher levels of estrogen which can cause the ovaries to release more than one egg at a time.
“Is that why it’s so hard for women to lose weight too?” You ask, annoyance tinging your sleep-deprived voice. “Like our bodies are holding on to fat because baby making?”
“Exactly. It’s bullshit, I know.”
He continues on, saying something about twins creating their own language, which you hope happens because that would be fascinating to watch. And then he talks about how twins can actually have different fathers, though it’s rare. You want to keep listening, but you drift off to sleep in his arms, only for you both to be rudely awakened by your screeching twins two hours later.
A week passes and Charlotte’s terrible twos get a little worse, but you and Spencer realize quickly that it's because she hasn’t been getting enough attention, so you actively try to remedy that.
While Spencer is taking care of the babies’ feeding, you play with Charlotte. She’s getting into playing pretend now, so she’s using two dolls to reenact her two princesses book. You’re merely an audience member, but Charlotte needs to tell the story. As the days go by, you make sure one of you is taking care of the babies while the other handles Charlotte. Again, it feels like you and Spencer don’t speak for ages.
But you got through it once before, right?
It’ll just take time.
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tk9336 · 3 years
My Curatorial Internship at MSI Part 2
In a very bittersweet conclusion, I finished my internship this past Thursday. It culminated in a visit Friday, August 6th with my family and friends getting a VIP tour of the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. My younger brother and his Australian co-worker flew in from D.C. and we picked them up from O’Hare on the way to MSI. We met with Director Kathleen McCarthy first thing after getting and to my utter disbelief got us onboard U-505 as a thank you for all my help this summer. She then let me run the tour onboard a German U-Boat... I am still feeling beyond honored for a privilege like that. She then let me give the tour of Collections and it really brought my short time with MSI full circle. I was asked to continue working on a project regarding a “Reichkriegsflagge” flag someone emailed us that they believe is linked to U-505. So as you can imagine I am thrilled... I broke down the history we have on the flags MSI has in storage and on exhibit. I emailed no fewer than four separate institutions; the German Maritime Museum, the US Naval Academy Museum (who has U-505′s actual War flag it was flying when captured in 1944), the Smithsonian, and to Keith Gill who was the chief Curator of U-505 when it was restored and interred in it’s final resting place within the 37 million dollar McCormick Foundation Exhibit.
What will follow is Weeks 7 - 9:
Week 7: 7/19-22/2021
Monday: I was not feeling well and decided to email Voula at 8AM as I got back home from the train station. I am glad I made this decision because I had a stomach that was in knots and there was plenty of material to work on from home. I worked on the U-505 artifacts list.
Tuesday: I came into the office and had my normal weekly meeting with Voula at 10 AM. We discussed the past week and the week ahead. Fortuitously since I had finished the massive transcription I was available to help on a more pressing issue that came up. The U.S. Navy was coming to give inert certificates and certify any munitions we had that still needed them. This was great because it was an opportunity to work with the Registrar Deanna, and do registration/collections management work. I got half way through the huge U.S. Navy loan files. I will continue next week in office, as tomorrow I am not working but will be on location.
Wednesday: I am not working Wednesday, as I am taking a long time friend and his family from my organization, the 501st Legion downtown. I will hopefully get to show them what I do in Collections; my office, the staff who are in my department and a brief walk through storage. I can't wait to see their faces... they have been following the posts I have been making to share my excitement of this incredible opportunity. The visit went well, and the parents Neil and Andrea are big World's Fair fans (both Colombian Exposition and 1933 Century of Progress.) They were former patron members of MSI before COVID.
Thursday: Working from home I was tasked with making a list of the artifacts on exhibition from the transcription of the U505 exhibit. So taking out the artifacts and making it into a separate word doc that I am sure helps the team when needing quick reference to what is on the floor.
Saturday: I continued the work from the U505 artifacts list and now am porting it to a excel workbook which seems to be the preferred file extension used by Kathleen and Voula (and perhaps Collections in general). Not strenuous academic work (since I already did that) but a lot busy work plugging, copying, pasting, etc.
Week 8: 7/26-29/2021
Monday: I came into the office today and resumed my work on going through the large U.S. Navy loan folders Deanna gave me in a effort to find relevant materials on the German, and American torpedoes as well as a Soviet Cruise Guided Missile, the "STYX." I gathered all my materials and presented them to her, and she looked through and helped me reduce the gathered documents for the most relevant to inertion. I found an actual donation file for the STYX to MSI from the Navy... not everyday you find a piece of paper saying this million dollar, surface to ship missile from the Cold War. This took me to the end of the day.
Tuesday: I came into the office and had my weekly meeting with Voula. This would be our last in person meeting as she is going to Greece with her family this Friday. I made sure to really emphasize how much this opportunity meant to me and that I was going to go the extra mile to wrap up all my projects and try to be as much use to MSI as possible. I had finishing helping Deanna yesterday with the inert reference materials to help her with the U.S. Navy guys coming in next Monday.
Wednesday: I worked from home since I have no shortage of stuff to work on. Voula tasked me with writing labels for the Fire Fighting artifacts I that I made a long project of at the beginning of the internship. Since I created all that in a long, well organized word doc, I can then, like a professional curator, work from my research to create 1-2 sentence labels for each item. I will take that and then input it into a excel workbook which seems to be the preferred file extension for reference purposes.
Thursday: We had another MSI Zoom round-table, and this time we how to brand, and what branding means professionally speaking, and to Museums like MSI specifically. Thankfully being Zoom was able to attend while working from home, which is an absolute godsend (in regards to not having to commute to Chicago, from Wauconda, IL... not that I don't like being at MSI- the commute is long.) I continued buttoning up and polishing all that I worked on so far. This isn't the normal college assignment where I don't re-read it once and make quick improvements (being honest here!) I re-read them about 3 times each, as I am very proud of what little I can contribute to MSI.
Week 9: 8/2-5/2021
Monday: I worked from home buttoning up and polishing all my work for MSI that I've done this summer in addition to finishing the label writing for the Fire Fighting artifacts list. I will port that into a Excel workbook like the U505 artifacts list, just to be consistent (as providing a word doc copy as well.) Long day in front of the computer... I worked roughly 10 hours. I just really want to leave a good, and lasting impression on MSI as a show of the supreme gratitude I have for them and this opportunity.
Tuesday: Today I came in feeling a little bit disappointed it is my last week, and endevour to take as much advantage of it as possible. With my Zoom meeting with Voula (who is in Greece right now) we discussed any last questions I had, and she wanted to say that she will be available as a reference and contact for me going forward which means the world over. Today is my day to talk, and work with the Registrar Deanna. She let me know my work on the Russian Cruise missile STYX was very helpful to the gentlemen from Navy doing the inert certifications. That felt really good. Kathleen also forwarded me a project involving one of the flags of U505! The very SAME one I took a photo with learning how to handle textile artifacts. I am over the moon, call it fate that I sought that flag out earlier. (As a former Combat Arms 11Bravo serviceman, holding the captured colors of an enemy combatant captured in combat is nothing short of incredible. So much so the words escape me. A significant emotional experience for me, personally.) We handled the additional two flags, both of which are the correct dimensions for being a port flag, meaning it was flown in dock, and around friendly waters when not on patrol. We handled both, and I took photos showing the measuring tape next to the artifacts to certify these are what they appear to be, the real McCoy. I will follow up with the author of a book about Hans Goebeler, one of the U505 sailors and find out more about this additional Reichskreigflagge he signed! To be entrusted to do this by Kathleen is very empowering. To help Deanna she had me scan all the Black Creativity Juried Art files from 2020 from artists. These were receipts of artwork we kept, or returned. The scanner allows you save files in it that are available to the department computers via wifi. If she has to pull a receipt on a artwork it is catalogued. Not the most exciting work, but work that needs doing. Glad I got to get a flavor of what it entails to be the registrar and put on a different hat, albeit a simple busy-work one for me to get a grasp at how her work differs from the curators.
Wednesday: I had to work from home this day because of issues with my car. Normally not an issue with the battery but with my dad being out of town for work I didn't have a back up vehicle. I still had plenty to work on to finish up.
Thursday: This is my last scheduled work day for the Curatorial internship at MSI. It is completely bittersweet, bitter that it is over, and sweet in the way that I have all these contacts and incredible experiences under my belt. I have a tour scheduled with Mike Welsh whose in charge of facilities, buildings and grounds. Additionally we will have the opportunity to do a in person round table with Chevy Humphrey, President and CEO of MSI. The day began with a little party/meeting hosted by Kathleen for the new assistant curator, registrar and preparator to help with the projects being undertaken by each position. We also celebrated my last day which was very nice. I got to help unpack a 3D photo studio that was massive, and will be a big help photographing these artifacts for cataloguing and being put online. The meeting with Chevy went well if a little underwhelming because I was the only one asking questions! But, hard to pass up a mostly 1:1 dialogue with the CEO and President of MSI. I came back to collections in which Kathleen presented me some gifts from MSI in appreciation of my help for the summer. What a grand and wonderful experience.
Friday: I took my Family, family friends Mike and Kathy, as well as my visiting younger brother the Assistant director of marketing and communications for Atlas Network in DC with his Australian co-worker Vale to see MSI from top to bottom. It began with Kathleen getting us ONBOARD U-505 and let me give the tour. I had never been so honored, and not to mention the onboard for the sub is temporarily closed for COVID. This meant the world, and it was so very cool to share this with my family. It's one thing to talk about a German U-Boat... it's another to be inside a REAL one. She then took us to Collections and again let me give the tour in Storage and was very generous with her time. I then took them to the Henry Crown Space Center, then into the Smart Home Park to grab a drink. I took them to the Science of Storms exhibit and then used the special staff elevator to speedily get me back to Collections to use my work laptop to do the final meeting with Studio Institute. I had to leave the meeting right near the end because we needed to get home and take care of our 14 year old dog Ziggy, and equally old visiting Griffin. It was great to share my presentation with the rest of the Chicago/Memphis interns. This was the first time Chicago was included on the program and I believe the stars aligned to put where I am today, and what I got to do this summer. Thank you. I will try to make an album on Tumblr of images of my internship this summer and I took them with a storyteller’s eye. It’s a pretty cool linear progression of what I found over the course of the internship!
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leam1983 · 4 years
It’s the end of the work week and, well...
I’m having thoughts on labor culture.
My father was born in 1958. He lived as the son of an absent father of five children who had no ability to truthfully express his love and care, and who instead chose to bury himself in work as a means to display his commitment. My paternal grandfather made and sold mattressees and died quite young of a cancer strain that today would’ve seemed benign. He was described as a hard worker, either up to his neck in his business or wanting just a scant few hours per day to himself. It made an aloof lover out of him and a distant father - who still loved his wife and children to bits but who felt emotionally castrated in a sense, as were men of the era.
The family consensus is that his work killed him.
My father is now 65 and survived a bout of Non-Hodgkinian Lymphoma. The oncologist and anyone with half a brain agreed that stress was the culprit. Early on, Dad had the family as an excuse for his tendency to overwork. He had to provide for us, after all, and garnish my mother’s meagre savings. All she has is her government-issued pension plan, while my father does have his own pension as a retiree of the City of Montreal’s Real-Estate Appraisal service. Considering, he felt obligated to pull a heavier load to bring in more, so they’d have better investment opportunities. Later on, he kept working out of a sense of fealty and attachment to his division, breaking out of retirement during the pandemic to join the work-from-home team. He wanted to help techs and city officials find ways to bring more of the traditionally snail-mail-based parts of the system online so the city’s Land Management service wouldn’t be paralyzed by COVID-19. What was supposed to be a single month turned into four, which turned into twelve.
By the end, they were begging him to stay on the team and to pull longer hours. We’re talking twenty hours per day, in some particularly grueling stretches. That means being logged in by breakfast and scarfing bagels down with Urban Design techs on Zoom instead of your own family, or having supper with your boss because she needs a play-by-play of the situation to stave off her executive anxiety.
Long story short, I didn’t see Dad much during the first wave. His reasoning was that he’d eventually stop, pool all this cash, and chuck it into his and Mom’s Registered Retirement Savings Account - with maybe an extra two thou or so in case the country reopened enough for their postponed trip to Cuba to take place.
Guess what? His zona flared up and he ended up with odd, shingly bumps along his scalp which to this day the local dermatologist grimaces at and tentatively has us dab with cortisone cream.
Mom, though? She’s a retired and registered nurse with a self-negating streak and a chronic propensity to undervalue her own physical ailments. Someone who quite literally understands the pain of busted hips on a clinical level because she was trained in Gerontology - and also someone who refuses to schedule an appointment with her GP and who inexplicably self-medicates with white wine.
As for me, I’m a 37 year-old man with a paycheck I consider massive with its meagre six bucks above the minimum-wage threshold - someone who chose to shack in with his folks until the current crisis ends and who therefore has a history of a single, willingly terminated apartment lease that originally began in the Planned Housing market. The apartment I want is basically a Barbie doll house for adults, a gleaming fantasy I’ll never have enough capital to touch unless I feel like trying my hand with criminal applications of my skills. The apartment I can get right now is a shithole, and I have the audacity to think I deserve a shithole that at least wasn’t someone’s former cockroach den.
Now here’s the kicker: I value my sanity and my health. I know my mental stamina levels and I know from experience that after working seven-point-five hours per day with the occasionally shorter Friday, I’ve found my limit. I could invest more if I worked more, yes, and I’m already in a better position than my parents, retirement-wise. I’ll never be rich, but I’m already set to be comfortable, provided I don’t spend my golden years trying to make it as an unsponsored TechTuber or anything else that’s equally ludicrous.
Where that’s a problem is in the toxicity this is generating. See, I have the gall to slide my daily schedule later so I can start at an hour that fits my biological clock and ends at an hour where I’m at my most creative. That means the folks saw me spending my pandemic mornings on Animal Crossing while Dad was trying to wrangle Excel spreadsheets for non-tech-savvy fellow Boomers while preventing the dog from eating his meeting notes. That means they guzzled vinho verde like it was Kool-Aid after seven while I made sure to find more concrete means to distance myself from work - ideally ones that didn’t involve functional alcoholism.
Naturally, what was bound to happen, happened: Dad soon spent his evenings calling me shiftless or “unwilling to commit”, while I was stuck watching him miss all the cues his stressed-out body were sending him. We already had Trump’s last desperate months and a global plague to handle, I really didn’t want my work to turn into more of a nuisance than it already is. I already love the people I work for and hate what I do (repeating the family cycle, it seems), but I’ve at least decided to give myself ample Me time every single day. 
I’ve paired that with smaller, if consistent portfolio investments, along with a few new habits I wanted to get into to stay saner. Dad pulls crosswords or plays competitive chess in the wee hours, while I usually lay down to meditate around midnight and fall asleep by 1 AM at the latest. I’m half-expecting my father to pull a Tyler Durden and to sneer at me, at some point. “Self-care is masturbation,” he’d probably say.
Looking at classifieds for rentals, it’s obvious that the entire system is predicated on abuse. Work yourself down to the therapist’s office, right down to the fucking bone, and you just might earn a half-decent retirement because nobody’s taught you to invest incrementally. Nope, Society seems to say, you’re supposed to buy, buy and buy some more, until you realize you have ten years left to start from scratch!
I remember Dad’s face on my eighteenth birthday. “Why would you want a Disability Care Savings Account, Brain? You just turned into a legal adult by Canadian standards - you’re in no rush, right?”
I told him the real gift I wanted for my birthday, that day, was a ride to the family’s Financial Investments counsel. I pulled up the PDFs I’d printed out and filled and brought them over. From then on, if I dropped a penny in my nest-egg, Ottawa would drop another one. If my share grew, so did the government’s. In the twenty-odd years since, it’s expanded exponentially.
Dad thought I’d done this to have a big cushion by the time I’d retire. Mom thought I’d done this in case my disability worsened and I started requiring equipment or physical assistance. Honestly, my dumb, if slightly prescient eighteen year-old self figured I’d rather spend my time reading or playing video games than working. I knew I’d need something to help cushion my admittedly low career-related ambitions. I might throw several thousands at a new computer every seven to eight years, but that’s because I’ve saved them up for just as long, little by little. I have no vices beyond what sillicon offers and what you’d find in the pages of a book and don’t exactly need a big ‘ol, stonkin’ humidor stuffed with conoisseur stogies.
I have a shoebox with a poked-out Ziploc bag and a sponge, with a handful of joints and a few Santa Anas I got off of a buyer’s pool from work. Five of us occasional chair-bar goons pooled cash together on Cigar Chief and cushioned prices with a single, shared and massive order. I’m nowhere near rich, but assuming the housing market can catch its breath eventually, I’ll be able to live modestly - with one or two markers of occasional luxury I’ll have chosen.
I have a shittier job than my father has had and I’ve chosen to be happier than him. It’s just sad that the usual response elevates overwork as the supposedly one, true way to leave a mark in society.
No, Dad. I don’t want to die while my own cells eat me alive, I want to die blazed out of my fucking mind, happy because I’ll have had time to enjoy my friends’ company and to finally make some sense out of Kerouac’s Subterraneans or to figure out what the fuck is going on in Joyce’s Illiad. I’ll die crusty as shit and fulfilled as a Pop Culture jockey, because I’ll have either finished Persona 5: Golden in my lifetime or I’ll have watched the entirety of the MCU’s output before Disney finally manages to kill their golden goose.
I want to die decades from now, feeling like I at least owned my choices and didn’t spend my time tethered to someone else’s professional expectations of me.
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eventschimp · 3 years
115 Fantastic Happy Birthday Funny Messages. best wishes
Best Funny happy birthday wishes
Looking for the perfect Happy birthday funny messages & pictures to brighten someone's day? Whether it's someone you know, or someone you're friends with, or even someone who's lost their birthday wish, we have all the humorous birthday wishes you'll need and absolutely enjoy.
Fun should be an integral part of our life and must be on the occasions of Good days of life. The funny wishes and fun notes are sure to make their day brighter and make them laugh! Send them in greeting cards, by SMS, or via Facebook and Twitter!
Here you will find quick-links to specific sections and the complete list of funny birthday quotes and wishes.
funny birthday message to my best friend
You have many friends, but some of them have a special badge of a best friend, so they need special attention, more time to spend with them and priority over others in your life. If you want to wish them well on their special day, here are some great happy birthday funny messages to make them smile.
1.Wish you a happy birthday, sweetheart, and keep smiling until I have enough evidence to send you to the mental asylum.
2.Use these funny happy birthday quotes to wish someone a very happy birthday and poke fun at their age. You can use them in a card message, a Facebook caption, or even a t-shirt.
3.Statistics tell us you will live longer if you have the most birthdays (but it has also been proven that too many birthdays will kill you.
4. I know you are celebrating your birthday, but you can't stop your favorite food items from being right in front of you.
5.Happy birthday! After all those years and yet another year, you still haven't become wiser.
6.On your birthday, you can always depend on me to let loose with a night to remember in the morning.
7. Do not let age catch you down... it is too hard to bounce back!
8.On your birthday, I have something gluten-free, completely calorie-free, and absolutely delightful gift. Guess, what I have for you? Yes, you are right... It's a text message!
9. The kind of friend I am, I forgot your age.
10. I can't believe how fast time flies when you're having fun! When did we get so old?
11. The fact that we managed to keep this friendship going despite generational differences is wonderful.
Funny messages and wishes for girlfriend.
Having a girlfriend is a privilege no one must forget to wish on special occasions, and everyone would like to do something out of the ordinary to strengthen the bond of friendship and love.
It seems that funny happy birthday messages do the job perfectly. A good and funny note can put your lover's smile on her face and this is the ultimate goal of greeting them. Here is a compilation of some fine wishes messages for your girlfriend.
12. The one and only time I lied to you was when I said I'd love you forever, but realized that i couldn't live that long..
13. Last night, I dreamed of you while hugging my pillow. I wish one day I could dream about my pillow and be hugging you.
14. Regardless of what economists may say, you are the only one for me. There is no one else I can replace you with.
15. If my eyes are bothering me, I can't remove them from you.
16. Falling from the sky or a tree is fine, but the finest way to fall in love is with you! Happy Birthday my sweetheart.
17. The proverb goes wrong that a picture is worth a thousand words, but after looking at yours, I have no words to describe!
18. I'm no gambler, but I guess I'm just betting with my heart and mind that I will never stop loving you.
19. Too much smiling has caused me to develop wrinkles. Stop being so lovely! It drives me crazy..
20. It's evident that I adore you, from the sparkle in your eyes.
21. I hope your birthday is as awesome as your hair in high school.
You may check out: 71 Birthday Wishes in Unique Style- Best Bday messages
Best humorous wishes for boyfriend
22. We will lock up our hearts together and toss away the key; I give my heart to you; do give yours to me.
23. Because monopoly is always harmful and competition is always beneficial, it makes sense to have many crushes and flirts instead of just one true love! An economic theory on love.
24.  Whenever we're together, you make me feel so young. Thank you for being the first.
25. It's a pleasure to celebrate the birthday of someone I hope will be my friend, even when we're too senile to remember each other's birthdays.
26. Happy birthday to a person who is charming and talented, as well as witty, and is much like myself.
27. It is your birthday, so we will eat fired up baked goods and sing at you while you sit there awkwardly.
28. Happy birthday. Thanks for being older than me all your life.
29. Wishing you a unique birthday wish every year would be difficult. Choosing a special wish for next year would be even more challenging, so I'll just say happy birthday.
30. Despite the truth that today would be a perfect time to write sweet words about my best friend in the world, I already finished my autobiography a month ago.
Happy birthday funny messages for brother
Depending on your brother's personality and what type of relationship you have with him, these next funny birthday wishes for brothers could be just the thing for you to give him a laugh on his birthday too!
Hoping that these happy birthday funny messages will amaze your dear brother on his birthday, so keep scrolling to choose the perfect one.
31.That's all you really need for a gift. Just saying. Happy birthday!
32. Although it's hard to understand why we're celebrating your day since only mom did all the efforts. Happy birthday!
33. I am amazed at how long we have tolerated each other. Happy Birthday.
34. Your birthday falls at just the right age. You are old enough to see your mistakes, but still young enough to make more. Happy Birthday!
35. Wishing you a happy birthday! Hope you have a day as beautiful as a unicorn farting rainbows!
36. Hey big bro! They say that as you get older your intellect grows, but since we keep doing the same stupid thing we did as kids, we must be the exception to that rule.
37. It's my brother's birthday and he's smart, funny, witty, charming… and a lot like me!
38. I'm glad you're finally 21 and can finally do all those things you've been doing since you were 16! Happy birthday!
39. There's only one person you can be completely idiotic with through thick and thin. So glad I have you, bro! Have a great birthday!
40. After searching the web for 3 hours, I gave up trying to find the perfect birthday message for you. Happy Birthday.
41. When I thought about what I would get you for your birthday, I realized you already have me. Thank you very much. Happy birthday!
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Funny happy birthday wishes for a lil sister
Finding funny happy birthday wishes for your younger sister has never been easier, with a wide selection of funny greetings, funny jokes, and wishes. We have all the best, cute, beautiful, and sweet words to bring a smile to your little angel's face.
42. I wish you a very happy birthday to the sassiest, coolest, and funniest little sister in the world!
43. Congratulations on your birthday, little sister, you may have always been smarter than me, but you have always been my best friend.
44. I will always love you for being my little monkey, but you've grown up, happy birthday Lil sister
45. My parents never gave me a pet before you were born, but after you were born I finally got a pet. Happy birthday, Sister I hope you never grow up.
46. You are not only funny but also crazy, just like your sister. No one else has a sister like you. Happy Birthday.
47. Thank you for being the most competitive person I have ever encountered in my life. Why couldn't you accept my win against you? I didn't understand. Happy Birthday my little sister
48. Happy Birthday, sis. I will always think of you as my silly little sister, no matter how tall or wise you get.
49. I love you, dear one, and I will love you until the very end. Despite your age, it doesn't mean you are any better or worse off than I am. I love you.
50. You have indeed given me nerves of steel, Happy Birthday little sister.
Happy birthday funny wishes for father
Regardless of your age, dad always celebrates your birthday well. Now, it's his turn to celebrate and have a great party! Use the best Funny Birthday Wishes for Father to show how much you respect the humor and zest for life your dad possesses. Your father is the best man you know, so give him a happy birthday celebration with Funny Birthday Wishes for Father he'll remember and love!
51. I know it's not an easy job being a dad, but it's done with class and style. Happy birthday to the father who does it all.
 52. Your schedule is just like that of a student with a lot of classes. Happy birthday, Dad!
53. Happy birthday dad, I'm sorry I can't be there to wish you a happy birthday in person, but please know that I think of you on your special day. Thanks for everything you do! Can't wait to see you again!
54. Here's a fun fact-you're not getting older, but you take great pleasure in making bad jokes. Enjoy more of those, Dad, and happy birthday!
55. Having said that, I know that today is your birthday, but that does not make it a holiday, so I'm not too excited about it. Just kidding. Happy birthday to an important man!
56. It's been a week since I thought of what to write in a funny birthday message for you. But I couldn't think of anything funny. Happy birthday!
57. Your mother told me that, even though you're getting older, you're not becoming any wiser. You should be grateful for the information she shared with you. Just kidding.
Happy birthday funny messages for husband
It makes sense, then, that, at least once every three hundred and sixty-five days, we owe ourselves something special. And on those days, consciously or subconsciously, we all crave to be celebrated by others. It is especially important to celebrate our spouse's birthday every year. After all, our spouse is our better half. Who else will do it?
58. You transformed everything about companionship when we met. It still amazes me how amazing you remain throughout our marriage. Happy birthday, dear husband.
 59. I count my blessings twofold, honey because you brought light and fragrance into my life on the hardest of days. Happy birthday to you, love.
60. I wish you the most beautiful days of your life because you are the most amazing human ever. Have a great day, my prince charming.
61. Even if I were reincarnated as a woman multiple times and found you every time, I would never marry anyone else. Happy birthday to you.
62. Thank you for being devoted, supportive, enthusiastic, compassionate, creative, strong and resourceful. You are an amazing human being and I love you more than anything.
63. I feel safe and prepared for any obstacle with you by my side. You are a fantastic teammate, and I love you for that. Happy birthday, dear.
64. I celebrate you every day, so there is no need to limit my celebration to one day. But let me take this opportunity to remind you how deeply I love you. Happy birthday, dear!
Best birthday messages and wishes for Mother
Whether you agree or disagree with me, mothers are the best! If the mother you have is not your best, that's huge! Mothers are truly God's gift to us. Mothers know how to shed tears and smile when necessary. They give so freely for you when no one else will. They sacrifice a lot to make you happy. Mothers are gold! They deserve the best! 65. Despite being the best mom in the world, I can't express how much I love you enough to wish you an amazing birthday.
66. I appreciate how patient and loving you have been with me. Thank you for letting me wish you a wonderful birthday.
67. It is the greatest honor of my life to celebrate my mother's birthday. She is the most wonderful mother a person could ask for.
68. Cheers to a terrific birthday and a successful year to come for the best mom in the world.
69. In return, I wish you all the happiness on your birthday. I am extremely lucky to have a mother like you who is caring, kind, and giving.
70. Mom is a great mother who brought me into this world and has loved me ever since. And to your mom for bringing you into this world, which gave us the opportunity to celebrate your birthday today.
71. Having been born to you makes me feel more blessed than I could not imagine. Happy birthday to my great Mom
72. Your love and guidance led me to where I am today, and I would like to express my gratitude for your birthday.
73. My mom, you always put in a lot of effort to make this day special, but now it's my turn to make it memorable.
Happy birthday funny note for wife
After spending a long time married to one's sweetheart, you might want to express your gratitude, show your love and give her additional attention whenever there is another reason to celebrate. On her birthday, you will obviously want to look for a unique present, yet it is important that you also share your thoughts.
If your wife doesn't want a physical gift, or if you don't have one, here are dozens of birthday wishes for her that you can use as inspiration or use as is. It's the acknowledgment or attention she gets from you that really makes her birthday magical.
74. It is the one day out of the year I put my wife's mother-in-law in my prayers. Happy birthday, sweetheart!
75. PI is like how much I love you, darling wife: endless and never-ending.
76. Unless I use Nutella on my toast or ice cream on my apple pie, I wouldn't eat my honeybun without you. Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife.
77. The only thing better than bacon… and that's a lot… is my love for you.
78. Thank you for being the only copilot I'd ever want. Happy Birthday
79. Happy Birthday to my beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent wife! I am lucky enough to be your husband…but you only surpassed my luck by being mine!
Funny wishes for daughter's birthday
Here you will find an impressive range of heartwarming happy birthday funny messages for daughters to inspire you. Whether you're looking for a short message to send or a thoughtful card, you'll find something here to suit your needs.
80. Our beautiful daughter celebrated her birthday today! We love you so much, Mom and Dad!
81. Getting you the best present possible makes my day complete. Wish you a day filled with sunshine, rainbows, laughter, and fun!
82. Happy birthday to our daughter, we wish you all the best.
83. We are so happy to have you in our lives, Sweetie! We're so glad you're kind, fun, and crazy!
84. My dear daughter, I hope your day is as wonderful as you are, as shiny as your doll’s grin. Thanks for everything.
85. Having you in it makes the world a better place! Although we need to be smarter in handling you and our dishes has been a challenge. Happy birthday, lovely daughter!
86. Thank you for being such an amazing friend and we wish you a wonderful birthday. Love from Mom and Dad 
87. I love having you as a daughter. Thank you for being mine. Happy birthday darling, love from Mom.
Birthday funny wishes for daughter-in-law
You can find so many amazing funny happy birthday wishes and messages for your daughter-in-law right here on our website. Make sure you take advantage of them and send them to her!
You can pick from our extensive collection of original birthday wishes to transform your beloved daughter-in-law’s birthday into an unforgettable experience she will cherish for years to come.
88. It's a wonderful birthday wish to a daughter-in-law blessed to have such a great mother and father-in-law.
89. Thank you so much for not being a malicious daughter-in-law towards me on your birthday, dearest. I can't thank you enough.
90. Thank you so much for putting my son on the map. Without you, he would certainly be nothing - just as teens would be nothing without smartphones and social media accounts. Happy birthday!
91. The idea that daughter-in-laws are wicked and difficult is wrong. May the good Lord bless you abundantly for not being a witchy in-law. Have a great birthday.
92. Have a wonderful birthday! Did you know that science-backed studies have proven over and over again that too many birthdays lead to premature death?
93. While we celebrate your birthday, dear daughter-in-law, I find my mind wondering about the rumors that you were so old your first car was a covered wagon. I hope you will take this opportunity to clarify that issue once and for all!
humorous birthday messages for Mother-in-law
Birthdays are the most glorious days on earth and so, without doubt, they are always special to the individual who celebrates them. So, a funny message of happy birthday and a lovely wish to your MIL on her birthday would really make her happy and tell her that you love her, too.
94. In honor of your birthday, I am sending you a belated birthday message. I hope you accept it ma.
95. Enjoy your birthday, no matter how noisy we are. May you find the energy and patience to put up with our annoying habits. Happy birthday.
96. How wonderful my mother-in-law is, she is just terrific, and I'm sure she will serve me a bottle of Fanta today.
97. Mother-in-law, I couldn't have given you a better birthday gift than the precious daughter you gave me. I can only strive to be the son you never had. Happy birthday, mom!
98. You seem to be defying the laws of aging; you seem to be turning back the clock. If there is some secret to this, please share it with me. Happy birthday.
99. Lastly, I want you to know I really appreciate you not executing me while I slept for taking your precious daughter and I am so thankful I still have a wonderful mother-in-law.
How to wish your boss in a funny tone?
A leader's job can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. Keeping clients satisfied and having respect from employees is important for success on the job. You should let your boss know he/she is appreciated and that you are happy to work together, especially on his/her birthday. You will not only make your boss's day more exciting by sending happy birthday funny messages, but you may even brighten your own, as well.
100. During this intensive year, your support has been vital to many people and the company. Thank you for everything you do.
101. You are an example of all that is good in this company, and I see you making smart decisions all the time that benefit both the company and our clients. You truly are a great role model for us all.
102. We are so grateful to you for being such a blessing in our lives! You are a treat and a blessing.
103. Congratulations on your birthday to someone who makes every day go by without any bumps and plenty of laughter!
104. Let's take this day to honor you and your excellent leadership!
105. Your leadership stands out! Happy birthday and here's to many more years of fabulous leadership!
106. What does it matter if we don't visit you anymore? It's true! You're the best boss around.
107. What does it matter if we don't visit you anymore? It's true! You're the best boss around.
Funny happy birthday to co-worker
If you work together with unity and uniformity for 8+ hours daily, then you have spent one-third of your life together with your colleague. Your colleague also needs to be congratulated on their birthday with funny happy birthday messages.
108. Throughout your life, I wish you many adventures, heartfelt moments, and many more milestones. Happy Birthday.
109. You make this place tolerable - and that is hard to do! Happy Birthday! Come grab some lunch or drinks soon!
110. A birthday is a reminder that the world is waiting for you to dream, to move forward, to fulfill your dreams. Happy birthday!
111. Congratulations, we're not sure how old you are yet. Only you, God, and Human Resources know your true age.
112. I am honored to work with you, thank you so much for all of your help and guidance, and I wish you a happy birthday.
113. Progress is a matter of faith, unity, and patience. I wish you great success as long as you hold onto these principles. Happy Birthday.
114. Congratulations to my wonderful coworker who celebrates his or her bi-annual birthday today! Good luck and happiness in the years to come!
115. Congratulations to our very special colleague. Wishing you and your family the most abundant blessings and may your life always be filled with joy.
funny happy birthday thank you message
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whiskynottea · 5 years
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51 Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56
Thank you @theministerskat​ for your beta! ❤️
                                   – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 
Chapter 57. Juggling and Swimming
People skilled enough to throw three, four, five balls into the air, and with swift and precise maneuvers of their hands, keep them flying over their head. Easily. While smiling.
I remember watching them as a child, open-mouthed, mesmerized. I always kept my eyes on the fast-moving balls, as if studying their hands would steal the magic away. As a consequence, I never tried juggling myself. I was sure that I would drop the little balls -- or lemons, I had seen a guy juggling at the side of the road using the yellowest lemons once -- even before throwing them up in the first place.
Maybe if I had tried to juggle before, my life at university would be easier. Because it felt like juggling. I often found myself lying on my bed after midnight with my eyes closed, not because I sought sleep, but because I was trying to imagine how I would manage to keep all the tasks I had undertaken -- my very own lemons -- successfully flying around me and not send them crashing to the ground.
If I finish this essay on Tuesday night, and then start with the presentation for Dr. Raymond after Wednesday’s practical…
If I first work on the presentation, on Monday…
Shit. We have the ‘Dissection Drinks’ on Monday night. I can’t miss it again.
No matter how I tried to schedule my tasks, my lemons were one too many.
Jenny had called me twice that week, and both times I had texted back, explaining that I was in the middle of a lecture and I would call her later. Texts had never been Jenny’s preferred means of communication. Which was more than odd, since she had to be the only Gen Z-er who hated texts. With practicals after my lecture and heading to the library to prepare for the tutorials after that, later had become tomorrow, and tomorrow became the day after. 
Don’t forget to call Jenny, I would think to myself at the most irrelevant and inconvenient times. Tomorrow morning. I will call her tomorrow. Before she comes down to Oxford herself and I have to justify the radio silence to Jenny face-to-face.
With Joe things were different. He demanded pictures from my college, my dorm, and my textbooks, so we could compare our respective medical schools and start bickering about whose university was better. It was utterly ridiculous and we both knew it -- since mine was the Oxford University and there was no real competition, to begin with. Not that Joe would ever agree with that notion. We usually texted when I was in the library and ended up writing in caps, our conversation nothing more than ludicrous arguments. I had choked more than once in my desperate attempt to swallow my laughter, but it was more difficult to pretend that I wasn’t aware of the irritated glances shot at me from my fellow students who were trying to study in silence. To Gail’s utter despair, Joe kept arguing with me even when they were together, and on top of that, he tried to pull her into the debate. When Gail grabbed his phone and started talking New York bagels and pancakes, I knew the conversation was over.
Apart from feeling totally overwhelmed by the workload, life at Oxford was good. More than good. Mary and I got along fine, and when we weren’t deep in the library researching for the essays we had to prepare for Dr. Hildegard’s or Dr. Raymond’s tutorials, we had late nights together with Malva and Davie, drinking beers and discussing professors and medics from other colleges. Davie had proposed we call ourselves the very humble ‘Lifesavers’, while I was inclined more towards Malva’s ‘Where’s the Finish’. We settled for ‘Four Angry Pencils’ and we were very proud of our little team.
Texting with Jamie was a constant. He was becoming more and more stressed as his meet in New Jersey approached, and I pulled out all my feel good moves to calm him down. Silly, sweet gifs in the middle of the day, ridiculous voice messages, goofy selfies... We stopped calling in the morning because he was literally running to the pool the moment he woke, and we kept our conversations short at night because he was usually exhausted and needed sleep. No matter how much I smiled or played the fool, he was getting more distant as the days passed by.
“Ye don’t understand, Claire,” he would say, again and again, even though I insisted that I did understand. “It’s very important to do well in this meet.”
I would spend the rest of the call reassuring him that I knew how much the meet meant to him and that he would do great, until at last, he would mumble that I was right and he shouldn’t be so nervous, but that he couldn’t help it. By the time we would say goodnight, he would become my sweat Scot again, sure of himself and his abilities. Until the next morning. 
The Wolverines departed for New Jersey on a rainy Tuesday -- or at least it was drizzling in Oxford. When he was with his teammates, Jamie fell back into being much closer to his old self. He was sending pictures of himself and John making silly faces or smiling like loons, and when he called, his voice sounded aloof, unconcerned. I wasn’t sure whether he strived to maintain a cool facade in front of the others or if he really relaxed around them. I could see that the strain back on his face, however, a frown establishing itself between his eyebrows, the moment he was alone.
“No matter what happens tomorrow, know that we are very proud of you and that won’t change,” I told him the night before the competition and saw him heaving a deep sigh, his chest deflating. 
“What if I fail, Claire? What if I’m not as good as they thought I would be? I can’t continue here without the scholarship and I don’t want to go back to Scotland like that.”
I looked him in the eye and put on my most serious face. “Jamie,” I intoned, trying to keep my voice harsh on purpose. “Stop doing that. It’s not fair! You’re doing a disservice to yourself, can’t you see that?”
“What if --”
“There are no what-ifs. I’ll have none of that,” I announced as if I was his mother and he was asking for another scoop of ice-cream. “You will go out there, and you will swim. Remember what I had written on your birthday cake last year?” 
I could still see the dark blue buttercream letters if I closed my eyes. Not my most beautiful work, but it had served its purpose.
“Just keep swimming,” Jamie replied, and I could swear I saw a smile crack on his lips.
“Just keep swimming, Jamie. I’ve seen you swim, I’ve been there. You swim because you love to. And you’re good at it because when you’re in the pool, you feel free. Don’t be afraid, you stupid Scot! Live it! Go out there and enjoy yourself!”
He rubbed his face with his palms, then ran a hand through his hair. “Ye’re right, I guess.”
“I am. I always am,” I amended. “You should know it by now.”
Jamie snorted, but didn’t disagree. He was smiling now. A wide, toothy smile. “I will think of you the entire time,” I said, softly. “You won’t be alone, I promise.”
Jamie nodded but didn’t speak. 
“I won’t be in the bleachers but I will be thinking of you,” I said again and felt the guilt painfully squeezing my heart. Jamie needed me and I had chosen to stay in Oxford. Not that it had been the wrong decision. It just hadn’t been the right one, either.
“I ken, babe. ‘Tis irrational, this worry.” The camera lost focus as Jamie moved to lie in bed. When his beautiful blue eyes were back on mine, I gave him my biggest smile.
“It is. Don’t let it eat at you. But first, you need to get some rest, and I need to go to bed because we have Hildegard’s tutorial tomorrow and it’s a pain in the arse.”
We ended the call and I returned to my room, my heavy steps the only sound in the corridors. Speaking with Jamie before he went to bed had made me Oxford’s resident nocturnal animal. I fell asleep the moment my head sank oin to the pillow and dreamed of swimming pools, wet auburn curls, and finishing times.
Jamie was more cheerful the following day, but I could tell he still wasn’t completely himself. I went on with my pep talk as I had prepared it, trying to boost his confidence in a break between two practicals, and promised again that I would be thinking of him. Before hanging up I risked sending him a ridiculously loud kiss while wishing no one was around to hear it. I returned to the class keeping my head low, in case anyone would identify me as the silly girl kissing a screen. 
I hadn’t wished Jamie good luck, because I planned on calling him again right before his race. It was our little tradition since we had been in Scotland. He would say “I will imagine that I’m swimming towards you, Sassenach,” and I would reply, “Come find me, then, ridiculous Scot.”
It was cheesier than I could usually handle, but Jamie insisted that he loved the way I blushed every time before I said my part. And that was the reason he demanded we hold onto our own version of ‘good luck’.
I spent a good part of the practical checking the time, counting down the hours to Jamie’s race. It was two hours later when Mary stood in front of me, asking if I was ready for Hildegard’s tutorial. I was ready to nod when I checked my bag and realized I had forgotten the USB drive with our presentations back in the dorm. And like that, we found ourselves running in the rain, boots splashing through puddles and breaths hitching in our throats, frantic to get the flash drive and be back before the tutorial started. 
We made it. We entered the class with our cheeks red, our hair matted on our faces and coats soaked in water, but we made it on time. Dr. Hildegard crooked an eyebrow but gestured towards two empty seats without any verbal comment, and I felt immensely grateful towards the taciturn professor. 
The tutorial was amazing. Dr. Hildegard was so serious and collected, that she kept making jokes we only got when it was too late. She managed to stop Mary’s stuttering while she was a few slides in her presentation by subtly praising her work, and after mentioning a few points I should have addressed differently in mine, she concluded that it was one of the best presentations she had seen from a fresher. I beamed and nodded repeatedly my thanks before I found my voice to properly thank her.
When we left the tutorial, I realized that I had missed the time window for Jamie’s ‘good luck call’. 
I had six unanswered calls and two texts on my phone.
Scot: We left the room and we’re heading to the pool.
Scot: Oh god, there are so many people here. I think the backstroke race is in fifteen minutes or so.
Scot: Sassenach?
Scot: A few minutes left, babe.
Scot: Where are you?
Scot: Claire? Where are you?
Scot: I’m going.
I wanted the earth to open beneath my feet and swallow me up. I had promised I would think of him during his race and instead I had been thinking of… physiology.
Not listening to what Mary was saying about our next tutorial, I called Jamie. It was an hour since I had received his last text and the race must be over now. He didn’t answer.
I called again. And again. 
Feeling the tears rolling down my cheeks, I texted him. 
Sassenach: How did it go?
It wasn’t enough. 
Sassenach: I’m sorry I didn’t call.
Sassenach: I’m so, so, so sorry Jamie. 
Sassenach: I was in Hildegard’s tutorial, and got carried away. 
I waited for a minute after that, then called him again. Nothing. The initial plan was to leave the class at some point to call Jamie, but with presenting my work and then listening to the others... I had forgotten. 
Sassenach: Jamie, please pick up your phone.
It wasn’t that terrible, was it? I didn’t say good luck before a race. A single race. I had talked to him that morning and every day before that. He knew that I would think of him… 
I paused on this thought. I had said that I would think of him, but I didn’t. I wasn’t thinking of him at the time of the race. I had promised.
Pulling my hood over my head I walked back to the dorm, my eyes fixed on my phone. 
Sassenach: I’m sorry. 
Jamie needed me and I had disappointed him. And even though calling him for one last time didn’t seem that important to me, it obviously was important for him. I had messed up. Royally. 
I entered my room and changed out of my clothes, but didn’t dare take a shower. He might reply at any moment. Maybe he hadn’t seen his phone yet. Maybe he was with the rest of the team, celebrating his victory. It wasn’t the end of the world.
As if there was a chance Jamie wouldn’t reply to my texts, no matter where he was.
It was irrational. He was irrational. I repeated that thought to myself, trying to smother the burning feeling that kept eating at my heart. 
Jamie needed me and I hadn’t been there.  
I wore an old t-shirt I had stolen from him when I visited Michigan and buried myself under the blankets. I unlocked my phone and kept looking at my screensaver. He was hugging me tight and we were both smiling at the camera. 
It was just a call, it couldn’t be that bad. I had always been there. People make mistakes.
I looked at Jamie’s eyes in the picture, so slanted from his smile that I could barely see the blue in them. I called him again. 
One more time. 
And again.
Two hours had passed. I saw the lemons I had flying over my head, falling, crashing down.
I set my jaw, tried not to cry, and sent yet another text. 
Sassenach: Call me. Please?
Chapter 58
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lettalady · 5 years
November Notes & Nothings
Well, I’m running a few days late but jeezaloo it’s been too long since I’ve written and I need to get back into the habit of jotting something down daily. So what does that mean? Another adventure in a monthly prompt challenge! [Yes, I wanted to go with the alliteration again and yes it’s a bit of a stretch but give me a break here, I’m a little rusty.]
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I’ve been meaning to get back to the world of Close Quarters for some time now but didn’t really have any idea of where to go if we were to pick up at a future moment. The alternative was to explore a bit of their past. 
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You jolt awake, heart hammering as you blink blearily in the darkness of your bedroom. Then you realize why and let out a not-entirely-quiet groan as you roll to look at the clock to find out what ungodly hour it is this time.
2:37 am
2:37 in the damned morning is no time to be shoved out of dreamland and forced to listen to his crooked crooning. It’s halfway tempting to get up and attempt to be just as loud, just as boisterous – if such a thing is even possible – that or pummel one of the connecting walls with your fists like a frustrated five-year-old.
Tantrums will get you nowhere. Neither will quiet requests, or even noise complaints to building management when dealing with the source itself proves ineffective.
It’s because they all love him.
Another hard thump makes you jump, and you squeeze your eyes shut as you exhale an unhappy sigh. At least you hadn’t heard his arrival to the floor. You’d gotten the precious few minutes it took for him to disembark the elevator and meander to his door, right? Can you take any solace in that?
The lurching laughter reaching through the walls suggests the answer is a definitive: no.
You roll onto your side and shift, squeezing your pillow this way and that around your head until you’re able to fold it into position, in place over your exposed ear. Doesn’t really help to block out his voice, but maybe if you pretend it’s the low drone of the tv on in another room? Unquiet murmurings on the radio, meant as white noise to help you fall asleep?
Yea. No. Damn him.
If only your bosses would take ‘sleep deprivation due to wild work schedules of one’s neighbors’ as a reasonable excuse for schedule accommodations. They’ve only begrudgingly accepted it as a reason for your irritableness, and even that comes with warnings that you’re an encounter away from being reprimanded.
Even that looming threat doesn’t diminish the best thing about your job: the fact that being at work means 8 ½ hours of absolutely no possible chance of Sunshine.
Miracle of small miracles the coast is clear upon your return to the complex. There’s no need to rush through the hallways or take convoluted paths to get to the safety of your apartment. He’s clearly out. No tell-tale signs of typically reclusive neighbors milling about the public spaces in the hopes of catching a glimpse of him. Still. Still after so many months of him in residence.
There’s time for a little indulgence. A coffee care of the carafe in the lounge and a cookie, or two, or three. Don’t you in your sleep deprived condition deserve a little reward? Crunching on a cookie and focusing on the warmth loosening up the ball of stress that is your insides, you aim yourself for the mail room to see if your box holds anything other than the typical bills and junk.
Just junk, which you deposit in the bin at the door leading out into the lobby. You pause to sip a little more of the liquid from your cardboard cup, contemplating a top up before finding your way up to your place, but then blink at the scene before you.
You’d lingered. Tempted fate. Sunshine occupies the lobby. The irritable portion of your brain offers a conspiracy theory: he’s somehow working his schedule to inconvenience you no matter the hour. You frown over the rim of your cup, not quite tipping it up enough to continue sipping your coffee as you watch him hamming it up for the pleasure of seeing how the inhabitants of the complex all coo over him in return. He’s putting on a show, holding court, and clearly relishing every bit of the attention the amassed group is willing to lavish on him. Everyone but you.
It’s been like this since the first time he set foot in the building. His ‘tour’ of the place was met with such fanfare. His presence had rippled through the building’s grapevine and throughout the rest of the complex, proving the gossip chain was well and thriving. Everyone’d stopped what they were doing, having something they suddenly desperately needed from the lobby… all for the bragging rights to say they’d seen him, talked to him, just in case the place hadn’t been quite what he’d been looking for.
Rolling your eyes, you start the process of skirting the outside of the room, praying that he’ll do you a favor for once and hold the attention of the growing crowd. With any luck you just might make it to the far side of the lobby where the elevators and stairwell access are without being snared by someone and forced to observe for the sake of niceties.
You, more than anyone else in the building as a result of being the last of the residents that had lived on the floor before his arrival, have far more exposure to him than you care to. Unbeckoned, his off key (and thankfully muffled) early morning snippets of song rattle around in your brain just as you’re passing the densest part of the group. You shudder as the memory of this morning’s rude awakening ripples through you.
It doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Alright there?”
Giving your head a minute shake, you close your eyes for a fraction of a second and inhale a short breath. Blinking, you pucker your lips before you turn, locking eyes with him. The fact that he noticed is annoying enough. The fact that he then questioned what he witnessed – the attention of the group is now on you, gazes curious.
“Peachy,” you nod. “Just finally dislodged that earworm from this morning.”
His eyebrows shift up a fraction even as he seems to fight to keep from reacting to your curt response. He doesn’t have to believe you, and you don’t wait for a reply. If he cares to explain to the rest of them, he’s more than welcome.
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kenkamishiro · 6 years
20181116 Translation of Ishida and Takahashi’s interview with BuzzFeed Japan
It took me 3 days to translate this monster of an interview (~3.5k word count lol), but it’s finally done! My hands need a break after typing for so long...
Thank you to the interviewer Kashima Yui for asking some really great questions, and BuzzFeed JP for making this interview happen. I really enjoyed seeing Ishida and Takahashi banter back and forth, you can really tell that they’re great friends, and I’m happy to have witnessed a sliver of their relationship.
Also, I’m far from perfect, so if I’ve made a mistake or mistranslated something, please let me know.
Edit: Fixed a line from Takahashi saying, “You did it,” to “He got me.”
“I’ve always thought about quitting” - Author of Tokyo Ghoul and his sworn friend talk about their creative works and the troubles they’ve faced
Behind the scenes of Tokyo Ghoul’s final chapter, and what it means.
By Kashima Yui, BuzzFeed Staff, Japan
November 16, 2018
Over 37 million volumes of Tokyo Ghoul have been sold worldwide. During the 7 years it has taken to reach its conclusion - from the start of its serialization to July of this year - Ishida Sui has delivered an elaborately portrayed work with a profound story to the world at a tremendous speed.
This enigmatic mangaka has almost never appeared in the media, but there is a certain someone that he’s been influenced by.
That person is Takahashi Kunimitsu of österreich, who was responsible for the Tokyo Ghoul:re anime ending theme, “You of Paradise.” Ishida for some time had a phase where he would only listen to the music that Takahashi composed. “He’s the type who’ll say everything that’s on his mind,” he raves.
At the same time, Takahashi must have also been influenced in turn by Ishida, for he had stopped making music until he received a request from Ishida.
I thought that I would no longer be making music. Why am I...?
Sui-sensei lives in Fukuoka, and Takahashi-san resides in the Kanto region. How did you two first meet?
Ishida: We first met 3 years ago when I requested the opening theme “Incompetence” for the Tokyo Ghoul √A anime. I’d already received many proposals for the opening song, but I more or less shot them all down.
It was because I liked the former band the cabs that Kunimitsu-kun used to be a part of. Right around when I was drawing volume 7 of Tokyo Ghoul, I was pretty much listening to just one the cabs song, “Soldiers in February”, which might be why I’m so strongly attached to the band.
Takahashi: But by then, the cabs had already split up and I’d stopped being a musician.
Ishida: After Kunimitsu-kun took a break from being a musician, I kept an eye out on his SoundCloud (laughs).
Every now and then I’d see a new song uploaded, so I knew that he was still alive and well. Since I knew he was still making music I thought, “Couldn’t he compose music for Tokyo Ghoul too?”
I said that to the anime people about 100 times, that I wanted Takahashi Kunimitsu to make the opening. But because he couldn’t make up his mind, they turned me down 99 out of those 100 times.
Takahashi: That’s ‘cause I never got the news to begin with! Back then the manager of the office I was enrolled at suddenly said to me, “Something big’s happened.” No warning in advance.
Ishida: What do you mean I never told you, are you even hearing yourself right now? (laughs) But it really was an impossible request. Plus the fact that Kunimitsu’s band broke up and was now nonexistent.
Takahashi: I thought to myself that I’d no longer work in music, so I wasn’t willing to accept at the time.
I’d uploaded my music onto SoundCloud, but that page was just a personal space for myself rather than a place to market my music. So when I was approached about a collab I was thinking, “What are they talking about? Why me...?”
Along with the fact that I’d never read Tokyo Ghoul.
Were you scared?
Takahashi: I was terrified. It had already been 3 years since the band broke up, so I felt like I’d lost my ability to compose music. I was thinking, “What’ll happen if I can’t make it?” On top of that, that piece was on a much larger scale than anything I’d ever worked on. That made me anxious on a regular basis.
...but on the other hand, it felt like this was a sign telling me to keep playing music. I wasn’t sure if I could do it, but I thought that if I didn’t try here and now, I might not play music for the rest of my life.
I was extremely tight on schedule for “Incompetence”, the opening theme for Tokyo Ghoul √A, but at any rate I frantically worked on it in a frenzy, feeling more and more dead by the end of it. I didn’t read a single page from Tokyo Ghoul so that I wouldn’t get pulled in by it. The result...every single bad thing that had accumulated during my 3-year hiatus showed up all over the song.
Ishida: I basically like everything he composes, so when I heard the demo I thought it was pretty good. I was more than happy. But I have to admit, that song...is way too all over the place (laughs).
Takahashi: Even when I listen to it now I think it’s all over the place.
Did the two of you come to interact through the production of “Incompetence”?
Ishida: No...back then I just received the demo. After it was released, we talked about it on Skype, and that was probably our first ever conversation. After that, was it through Twitter DM or email?...I got a message from him that had an “at this time” kind of vibe, and that’s when we began talking to each other more personally.
[T/N: I’m not exactly sure what Ishida meant by “at this time”, but the word he used, “この度は” is a form of “now” that you’d use in formal/business speech, so perhaps he meant that Takahashi’s message to him felt formal.]
The extent of our conversation for several months was just exchanging texts back and forth, but one day we unexpectedly began voice chatting through Skype. And then Kunimitsu-kun declared out of nowhere, “I am light.” (laughs)
Takahashi: I was overly concerned about my own image, so I’d try to crack jokes or else I’d have a hard time making conversation.
Ishida: I thought he was acting like an extremely gloomy person because he felt like it. Back then that dark part of me was also prominent, so when I tried talking all emo I’d get told, “I’m light.” (laughs)
Takahashi: I told you, that’s just me talking a lot and making jokes.
Ishida: After that, we’d talk on Skype once every month or two. One time we talked for around 6 hours.
Takahashi: Until morning. This guy talks while he works, you know, so he can blabber on for a long time.
Ishida: Funny enough I make more progress if I have someone to talk to while I’m working.
A mangaka and a musician talking on Skype night after night
And that doesn’t reduce your ability to concentrate? Since when you’re talking over the phone there are moments where you have to think about the person you’re talking to.
Ishida: It depends on the work. There’s a term in the manga industry where you’re just moving your hands. The “usual work”, should I put it? The “usual face”, the “usual composition.” When I’m doing that kind of work, I’ll often listen to someone talk, watch TV, or listen to music.
What do you talk about?
Ishida: About creative works, among other topics. Recently we’ve been talking about death matches.
Death matches?
Ishida: A type of fiction where a group of people are forced to kill each other off, you’re guaranteed to find one in any convenience store. Because the death match is such an excellent format, it’s easy to draw and sell in any era. But if the author relies too much on that format, the story will fall apart without them even realizing it...that’s my opinion on it.
The most interesting death match is still “Battle Royale.”
Takahashi: Rigid formats will always exist in any kind of media, including in music. It’s fine if you put a story into that template for starters, that’s what a countless number of creators are aiming for.
Ishida: The format itself isn’t bad, but if you rely too much on it, it no longer becomes your own creation, and the work ends up becoming sloppy and excessive.
When you’re talking things over with each other, are you ever influenced by the other person?
Ishida: I am. Whether it’s music or manga, I realized that there are many factors that I can relate to in terms of creativity, even if I may not be an expert in those fields. When I’m talking to Kunimitsu-kun, it makes me wonder if I can connect with people working in other genres. We can have discussions without building fences between one other.
What about yourself, Takahashi-san?
Takahashi: Objectively speaking, Ishida-kun is a very successful person. In the past I would always hold feelings of inferiority towards those successful people.
But talking to him...I realized that he was a normal person. It might just be by chance that Ishida is normal, but how should I put it, we suffer in similar ways. In that sense I’ve become more open-minded and changed how I think about people running on the front lines.
...I’m a professional too, after all. Since I’m a creator, the last thing I can do is call professionals fools.
I once gave up on music. Ishida Sui has kept going.
Takahashi-san, why did you stop being a musician in the first place? I heard that just before the cabs tour you suddenly disappeared.
Takahashi: ...that’s right. I caused a lot of trouble for many people, especially the band members, so I can’t talk much about it...just that I ran away like a fool. That’s why I thought I wouldn’t be working on music anymore.
After you kept composing music in your “personal space”, you received news of a collaboration. Have your thoughts changed on this matter?
Takahashi: I suppose so. When it comes to anything concerning Ishida Sui, there are two things that have affected me the most. The first is that the act of continuing on no matter what is worth its weight in gold, and to not object to it.
Ishida: It’s a huge feat, putting things out with no regard to its shape or form. I feel it even more since I’m not working on a serialization anymore. Whoever can accomplish this is truly remarkable.
Takahashi: I’ve already given up on music once, so I’ve got some very strong feelings regarding this.
And one more...because Tokyo Ghoul really felt like it reached its conclusion, I realized that “ending things properly” and “continuing” can both be considered equally wonderful.
What do you mean by “ending things properly”?
Takahashi: You know what Ishida-kun said when we first met? “I’d like to end Tokyo Ghoul by turning it into a complete train wreck.”
Ishida: You said you’d demolish it for me (laughs).
Takahashi: But when I actually read the final chapter, it had a pretty clean ending. "He got me...” I thought.
I’ve always thought about quitting
Takahashi: I find it frustrating that I was given the right answer without feeling like I earned it. Here I am strolling on the sidewalk, and before I know it Ishida-kun’s racing down the road...that’s what it feels like. That’s what I was heavily influenced by when I was making “You of Paradise.” How valuable “ending things properly” can be.
You’ve already mentioned how important it is to keep on going, but Sui-sensei, you continued to work on your serialization for 7 years. Did you ever think about quitting?
Ishida: All the time. I underestimated how taxing manga and magazine serializations were.
Why is that?
Ishida: I wonder...I think it was only after I realized that I could rely on other people that I really began to enjoy making manga. The conclusions I came to on my own were mostly self-contained, and I no longer felt that it was fun drawing manga alone.
But I found another way after asking around. And it only took about 6.5 years (laughs).
Have you been worrying on your own until then?
Ishida: This is a personal problem, but I didn’t want to tell anyone about how the story would unfold. I also considered the editor-in-charge as a reader, so I wanted to keep it a secret. In that case, what am I supposed to discuss with the editor? I can only talk about superficial things...that’s what I did for the longest time.
And though I’d been so eager to stop, I said that I wanted to keep going a bit longer during the last half-year...which was why I kept dropping off the manuscripts late every week. It seems that the printers always had to wait until the very last minute for my manuscripts.
The final chapter of Tokyo Ghoul was meant to be a train wreck
Ishida: I’d originally planned to finish it December of last year, but I said, “I’m sorry, I need another 3 months.” I increased the extension bit by bit, and I ended up lengthening it by about 6 months.
When I told the editorial department that I’d be done in 10 chapters, they prepared the cover page of the final chapter’s issue. But right before the deadline I told them, “I’m sorry again, I need 3 more chapters…”
Takahashi: I was reading that issue of Young Jump where it was supposed to end in 10 chapters. I was completely deceived (laughs). I saw the cover and it said, “Tokyo Ghoul climax.” So I thought, “Is it finally over?” but when I read it it just kept going on.
Ishida: When I told them I needed 3 more chapters, it was too late by then. Most likely every department was under chaos then, but I hope you can sympathize with the Young Jump editorial department.
Is that the reason why Tokyo Ghoul was on the back cover of the final chapter’s issue?
Ishida: It is. Thanks to the kindness of the editor-in-chief, he suggested that Tokyo Ghoul could get a cover if it was on the back.
I often see final chapters on the front cover, but it’s kinda cool to have it on the back instead. It might even be better to have the reader see Kaneki and Touka on the back so they can read it and think, “It’s really over.” It wasn’t what I was necessarily aiming for, but thanks to the editor-in-chief’s stylistic sense it made that back cover possible.
The final chapter went from a train wreck to a happy ending. Did you have a chance to change your mind?
Ishida: Probably...once I was aware that the ending was approaching, I lost all meaning of value behind a train wreck ending. At first I thought, “Let’s shock everyone and make myself disappear,” but then I realized that I was misconstruing that as cool.
Nonetheless...the endgame had some parts that were definitely messy, but I changed them to be positive. I’m fine with it not being good, as long as it’s got some definitive answers. That happy ending is also a train wreck in its own way (laughs). I thought that that kind of train wreck would be more interesting.
Takahashi: That ending completely shocked me. “He got me,” I uttered.
Communicating, continuing, ending
How did you feel when you were asked to collaborate with Tokyo Ghoul once again for “You of Paradise”?
Takahashi: As we got to know each other, we’d inevitably talk about the anime. I couldn’t refuse when I was asked to compose the ending song when I’d been watching the course of the final chapter from up close, and been utterly deceived and shocked by it.
...but I was scared.
Why did you think that, even though you achieved it last time without any major hiccups?
Ishida: I think it’s that feeling of, “did I strike gold?” There’s a lot of luck involved when you’re extracting gold from a lode. He was able to do this naturally during the cabs era.
Takahashi: I could compose music almost as if those lodes were exposed to the open.
Ishida: When I asked him to do “You of Paradise”, I got the feeling that he was thinking, “Where can I dig from...” I think he was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to dig up that lode. Though I thought he was going to be fine.
How do you think it turned out when you tried composing it with that fear in mind? Were there any changes, compared it to “Incompetence”?
Takahashi: “Incompetence” being all over the place was because I was all over the place.
Up until now I’ve been making music and thinking that I can’t convey my ideas well. When I was in the band, I’d never really been able to express my thoughts so I gave up. I thought it was an impossible feat for me.
“Incompetence” was a song that I tossed out into the world, without any hope that I’d be able to express such a warped feeling. For a while after that song was released, I hardly ever listened to it.
But Ishida-kun and my friends who are still playing in bands...I’ve watched them keep on going or reach a proper end no matter how many years passed by. They’re doing it right.
I came to the conclusion that it was dishonest of me to give up on expressing myself from the beginning when the people around me have been working hard and doing their best.
Sui-sensei, have you ever thought that you couldn’t convey something when drawing your manga?
Ishida: I definitely have.
Takahashi: Sounds like you’ve given up.
Ishida: Maybe, since I have to draw every week. If I don’t follow a set routine then I become overwhelmed very quickly. This means that I’m working on one panel at a time, but I can’t convey my ideas well that way.
And it’s not the reader’s fault, it might just be that I’m not good enough. I couldn’t figure it out no matter how much I thought about it, so I gave up on the issue of not being able to properly convey my ideas.
To be honest, I don’t really feel anything from people reading my stuff. I can’t physically see you reading the manga, and I can’t gauge how you really feel about it by asking how many copies you have. It’s to the point where sometimes I’ll notice someone reading it at a convenience store and think, “I finally found someone.” It makes me think that being a mangaka is a lonely profession.
Takahashi-san, did you compose “You of Paradise” after reading the final chapter this time?
Takahashi: I read it this time (laughs). At first, the song I was using for the ending before “You of Paradise” was some ridiculously abstruse piece. After I sent it to Ishida-kun, he told me, “To be honest, it’s got the things that I want to express and it’s packed with lots of stuff, but I want you to compose a really simple piece that anyone can listen to and enjoy.” And so it got rebuilt and that’s the song you see today (laughs).
First, face what you’re trying to convey. Don’t whine about how you can’t convey your ideas if you haven’t tried in the first place. That’s what I thought. If you start thinking, “I can’t do it in the first place,” you’re running away. Take that first step. It feels like I can now pursue universal virtues.
Ishida: It’s a challenge, huh.
Takahashi: I’ve thought about just giving up in defeat. When I first saw that the final chapter that Ishida-kun wanted to make a wreck of had turned into a beautiful and happy ending...he seemed to have chosen to end it by having it speak to people universally. I was shocked by it, and the desire to go along with it bloomed in me. If Tokyo Ghoul can have that kind of ending, then I can make the music to match it.
You seem to have changed a lot as a person over the last 3 years.
Takahashi: I had a musical spirit who would always whisper in my ear, “You’re that kind of human being, aren’t you?” When it disappeared after having stuck around since my band days, I kept my distance from it. But I feel refreshed now since I think I should finally put an end to my issues.
Ishida: “You of Paradise” is the only song appropriate for that kind of ending. No other song can work.
After a 2 hour interview, Ishida and Takahashi vanished into the streets of Shibuya to go watch a live performance of cinema staff, to which Iida Mizuki, the guest vocalist for “You of Paradise”, is a member of.
As an aside, the name of the cabs live tour that was never realized after Takahashi suddenly disappeared, was called “You of Paradise.”
Translator notes:
I think I need to clarify on what I mean by ‘train wreck’. When I say it, it refers to something in ruins, complete shambles, destroyed. Essentially a tragic ending, akin to chapter 143 of :re, so Ishida was thinking about having TG end in tragedy. I chose to use the term ‘train wreck’ and ‘in ruins’ over ‘tragic’ because they have slightly different connotations (台無し vs. 悲劇). It’s the reason why I would consider TG chapter 140 (when Kaneki ‘dies’ to Arima in V14, looks like an end to a classic tragedy play) as tragic ( 悲劇) and TG:re chapter 143 (when Kaneki loses to Juuzou and Hanbee and shit hits the fan for everyone) as 台無し (train wreck/ruined).
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