#I like delicious food and playing my fiddle and cycling
shadesofmauve · 2 years
Things my physical therapists have said
Today, after testing multiple exercises to try to find ones that don't make my elbows Do the Thing, the hand specialist finally asked "Are you sure you really need your elbows?"
I'm going to save that one next to the time the physical therapist who was checking leg range of motion asked, exasperated, "Do you even HAVE hips?" Then he gestured vaguely at my hip area and said "Most people's legs attach somewhere in there!"
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Crimson Shadows 2
Jercy Vampire AU: Percy
masterlist; information post for fic
I was debating whether i should change traditional things like greetings but then i realised this is my fic and im writing it for purely self indulgent purposes so like i could if i wanted. Thanks for joining in on my hedonism! Please enjoy.
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Perseus steps onto the creaky wooden floor of his ostentatious 16th century mansion and mentally reminds himself for the two-hundredth time that he needs to get someone in to fix it. The worst thing about being immortal, he has come to learn, is that he procrastinates everything ten times harder. At least his teenage self would be impressed with his tactics, even if his mother was rolling in her grave.
The house is unusually quiet for an Orion morning and he strains his already sonic hearing to catch the sounds of silent footfalls and bustling bodies. But the wind rushes through the space and there are no other noises. A flutter gives in his chest as he steps into the kitchen to find breakfast waiting for him and a note folded neatly next to it.
Hey Doc,
Twins have gone to Bharatanatyam class and Hoku went to the beach. I’m just picking stuff up at the grocer, be home in a jiff.
- Keeya
He releases a breath and sits down at the table with a smile. The delicious smell of eggs and blood hit him as he takes off the cover to reveal a plate of eggs benedict, hash-browns and a small glass of ichor. He shoots down the blood, content to let it work through him as he gobbles down the heavenly breakfast. He knows Keeya cooked because she was always experimenting with food, always in here creating dishes and making them beg to eat whatever is giving off that sublime smell. Just as he cuts into a hash brown he hears the door shut and hurried footsteps rushing towards him.
“To the Sun,” Keeya flurries into the kitchen, face blocked by brown paper bags stuffed to the brim with what he’s sure to be her latest concoction.
“Amongst the Stars,” His lips twitch in amusement, “Early morning?”
“I couldn’t sleep so i-” Her voice muffles as she busies herself packing items in the pantry, “-thought I’d start on breakfast but while i was looking for an eggs benny recipe i came across this golden cake and-” Her head pops out of the pantry, black eyes flashing with excitement, “Doc when i tell you i almost died right there, it sounded so good. Anyway of course i had to leave immediately to get all the things we didn’t have.” She finally collapses onto a stool across from him and takes a breath.
He hides a laugh and waits for the rest of the story, because with Keeya there is always more. 
“Anyway i get to the shop-” She starts. He covers his inescapable laugh with a cough. “And they don’t have desiccated coconut. Can you believe that? I mean it’s the main ingredient in the damn cake. So I was panicking a little because it’s the closest shop open at that time, the others I'd have to take a train for which is so inconvenient?” She gives him an incredulous look. He nods seriously; inside he is fighting off giggles. “But they found some in the back, thank the stars, and then I just grabbed a few things because it’s ‘make your own pizza’ night and I think some people from the Araw house are joining us.”
“Sounds fun, is Elouan going to be here?” He pops the last bit of poached egg in his mouth and looks at her expectantly.
She makes a disapproving face, “No, he’s off with his new partner. I don’t trust them at all.”
“Why?” Perseus is on guard immediately, fingers curling, hair sensitive, and gums stinging with the need to unsheathe his fangs. 
“Their vibe is off,” Her nose scrunches up, “Like they’re used to getting into trouble and bailing out.”
“I’ll tell Elly to be careful but maybe go with him next time Kee,” He suggests, a tentative look in his eyes as her own widen.
“All we’ll do is argue, and besides, he hates me hanging out with his friends.”
“Ever asked him why?” He has a feeling about it but he’ll never voice it. No, the two can come to their own conclusions. After all, they had forever to figure it out.
“I don’t care why. He’s a dick and I'm not interested in anything he has to say.”
He shrugs but leaves the conversation, and the kitchen, so Keeya can do her thing. He has some admin to do anyway; a dreary task but one that must be done all the same. Besides without the twins and Hoku the house is absurdly silent, so he needs something to occupy himself.
His study is actually a little desk situated in their library. It’s his favourite room in the house for the opulent fireplace that stays lit through Baridi and serves as a soot-slide in Caldu, and of course the books which although he doesn't read many of, remind him of his mother. He has been alive for almost three hundred years and there is hardly a day that goes by when he doesn’t think of her. For every part of him that isn’t human, there’s a part of her that makes him so. He stares up at the portrait of her hanging near the doorway, painted by a friend long gone and with a loving smile gets to work.
He sorts, and signs, and stamps, and notes in an endless cycle until finally his finances are in order, his donations are chequed and his letters are sealed. He’s sure Hoku will groan endlessly about receiving yet another letter under their pillow and try to explain that email is much more convenient and faster for everyone. Perseus tilts his head to the ceiling and watches the stars dance as he plays out the conversation in his head.
“Doc, I really appreciate the effort you put into sending us letters but this is not the eighteenth century, just use email.”
“Hoku i like the letters, they’re personal and calming to write.”
“Doc, emails are more convenient and i can take them anywhere.”
“Okay I’ll stop giving you letters. I’ll just give the others.”
“What? No? That’s a terrible idea. I still want my letters.”
And they would have the conversation every month without fail. It is a rather amusing part of the routine and sometimes Perseus purposefully makes Hoku’s letters a little longer, just to bother them. A secret best kept as such, but funny nonetheless.
“DOC!” A voice screams through the house, shattering his ear drums.
The twins.
He steps out of the library, and half jogs to the source of the noise, which he discovers is coming from the entertainment room. 
“To the Sun, you two.”
Serafina looks up first, her brown eyes shining with never-ending energy. The anklets on her feet jingle as she runs towards him and slams her body into his. He holds firm as he catches her and wraps his arms around her shoulders.
“Amongst the Stars,” She mumbles, face buried in his shirt.
“How was Bharatanatyam?”
She gasps, stepping out of his embrace and squealing with delight. “Doc we have to show you what we learnt! Aaru come!” Her dark eyebrows knit together as she focuses on her brother.
“Tusa Aarush.” Perseus smiles, squatting down so he’s level with the boy. A little hand, the colour of cherry wood, reaches up to give him a high-five. A standard greeting for the quiet brother; a complete opposite to his outgoing sister.
“Aaru are you ready?” Serafina comes to stand beside them, after setting up the sound system.
He nods and moves so they’re in the middle of the room. Quickly they do the opening prayer before Serafina bounces to the sound bar and presses play. The sweet, sturdy music fills the room and then they're going through a whole routine. Stamping their feet in a rhythm that matches the beat perfectly. Aarush pinches his fingers and fans them out. A closed flower opening, he recognises. They do a series of moves all impressive and beautiful, before the music fades and they pose, breathless with exertion and excitement. 
He claps enthusiastically and opens his arms for hugs. “You did wonderfully!” Serafina slams into him. Aarush gives him another high-five. “When is the performance?”
“Not for a long time Doc.” The little girl says, as if he should know this. She heads off to fiddle with the speakers. 
“In two months,” Aaru answers. His voice is clear and even. He is quiet but not soft. “In Pluto.”
“Ah, I'll make sure I have it down in the calendar.” The little boy's face lights up like a stadium and Perseus’ heart clenches with love. The twins had only been living with him for half a century but within the first year they had him completely wrapped around his fingers. Their claimed age is ten but their true age is one hundred and two. He found them shivering behind a dumpster in Orman, their skin stretched across their bones and that rabid look of underfed vampire in their eyes. He had taken them in and given them blood and a bed for the night, which turned into a week, and then a month. Before he knew it he was bringing them to this house in Roshani where they had immediately fallen in love with the city and made it their home.
“Fina, i’m going to shower.” Aarush states and without further flurry he leaves.
“Is everything okay with classes? All of them, not just Bharatanatyam.” Perseus asks the talkative twin.
“Yes,” She nods, unclipping her anklets. Her voice lowers, serious bleeding in. It is hard to forget their age, true or claimed, when this happens. Because suddenly their bubbly little girl who flits around the house and talks your ear off and throws herself into everything with the vivacity of a ten year old, disappears. In her place is the century old girl who has experienced more of life’s pleasures and hardships than most of the world can only begin to imagine.
“We’re covered for everything. And Aaru starts teaching a new linguistics course on Monday so he’ll have some cash to fling around. Although,” She rolls her eyes, “We all know he’ll just put it in his account and let it sit like a fat cat.”
He laughs, flicking her nose at her distaste for her brother’s complete lack of spending. “He likes to invest in stocks and give it away. You know he doesn’t hoard.”
“I know i know,” She grumbles, scrunching her nose, “I just wish he’d spend some on himself.”
“I think he thinks you spoil him enough.”
“I don’t spoil him nearly enough. Most times I try to buy him something and he just shuts it down. Like last Draco i tried to buy him that new puzzle he was talking about and he just slammed my laptop shut.”
She looks so put out he can't help but giggle, and when she scowls at him for it he pulls her in for a hug and kisses her head. “He likes to do things with you. Maybe try getting things you guys can do together.” She brightens at that, and he can see the gears turning in her sharp mind. “Alternatively, save up all the buying for special occasions like Birthdays or Turning or Koro day.” She hums in acknowledgement but her thoughts are still going a mile a minute so he steps out and lets her work it through.
The house is alive again: Keeya is still in the kitchen, and by the sounds of it Hoku too, begging for something. Elouan still isn’t in and he cannot stop the trinkle of worry that falls between his ribs. Trying to keep it out of his mind he walks towards the noise and is greeted by the site of countertops covered in dishes filled with all sorts of delights. The smell is enough to put him in a coma. And Hoku sits on the counter, pale blue eyes puppy-wide with pleading. He glances to their wrist and sees the sunshine yellow band. She/her today then. It gets exhausting, she had told them, to continuously have to announce yourself to the world, especially when you didn’t know how the world would react. 
“Hoku,” Keeya sighs, “I am not giving you the poli until you go and change. You smell like seaweed.” The coconut-stuffed pastry pockets sit on the counter, still piping hot from the oil they had just been fried in. 
“Awww come on Kee, i just need one. I’ll pass out in the shower if i don’t get it and then it’ll be all your fault.”
Keeya’s eyes roll so far back he’s worried she’ll get them stuck behind her sockets. But they roll forward and give Hoku a very pointed glare.
“Get your ass out of my kitchen and go and shower, you irritation!” She scolds; rendered a little ineffective by the flour smeared across her cheek which is a startling contrast to her brown-scapolite skin.
“You are the absolute worst.” Hoku sulks as she slides off the stool and trudges to the entrance. "Tusa Doc.” The sigh is heavy and he struggles to keep in the laughter threatening to spill past his lips. It is never a dull moment in the Aarde House. Perseus collapses onto the stool Hoku had just vacated and lets loose the smile he had been trying to hide. Keeya returns it with one of her own and then launches into a conversation about her latest creations.
Hours later they had moved from food talk, which made him unfathomably hungry, to her teaching, to his own escapades and ideas. She laughed as he recounted the night out he had some weeks ago and the beautiful blue-haired person he had taken a bodyshot on. But soon the sun is sinking to the city floor and the people in the house emerge from their various rooms to congregate in the kitchen, which serves as the house hangout spot. Keeya had packed most of the food away, save for a loaf of fresh bread and the poli Hoku had been begging for. She puts the kettle on and starts up the coffee machine, chattering away as she did. 
Aarush shuffles into the room and immediately takes up a spot next to Perseus. Serafina and Hoku walk in next talking about knee pains and sore feet.
“Did you guys bother to put ice packs or kinaesthetic tape on?” Keeya raises an eyebrow. They both stick their tongues out at her, and move to sit on the opposite side of the table.
“Hoku,” Aaru settles his brown eyes on her, “Will you teach me how to do the splits? My Bharatanatyam teacher says i need to learn to be more flexible.”
Hoku is already nodding enthusiastically, “Of course A, i can absolutely teach you. But you should know flexibility doesn’t come from doing the splits it comes from muscle control and ligament manipulation.”
“I read up about it but i don't feel confident enough to try on my own.”
A gleam enters Hoku’s blue eyes, “You should come with me to a ballet class. Elouan is doing piano for us next week in preparation for our concert coming up. We’ll be able to get the studio to ourselves for a little while.”
“Sure,” Aru shrugs, “Sounds fun.”
“Why didn’t you ask me for help?” Serafina tugs her twin's sleeve, looking at him with hurt in her eyes.
“I didn’t want to bother you, and besides Hoku teaches ballet I figured she’d be the best bet for me.”
Serafina looks like she’s going to say something, argue maybe, but then the last of their little household walks in and conversation drifts.
“Past the Moon, Elouan,” Perseus smiles at the oldest of the group, save for him.
A floppy smile transforms a pasty face. As he hobbles towards them, leaning heavily on his walking stick, he mumbles a round of greetings.
“How are you?” Keeya asks once he’s settled into a chair next to her.
“I could do with some food and maybe some blood but otherwise just peachy.” His moonlight white curls fall into his face and he pushes them back absentmindedly.
“Can we finally have the poli now?” Hoku glares at their baker, rebellion already flashing in her blue eyes.
“Dig in you little heathen,” Keeya shoves the plate towards her and they all descend. 
Tea and coffee are passed around as well as small glasses of blood for any of them that need it. Perseus and the twins refrain, having had their fill at some point during the day but they happily dig into the coconut pastry and drink copious amounts of coffee.
“So,” Elouan says around a mouthful of poli, “Who’s coming with me to the Red Queen tomorrow?”
“Me!” Hoku shouts immediately. Ever the party animal.
“I’d love to.” Keeya mumbles behind her tea, suddenly shy.
“No thanks.” Aarush pulls a face and goes back to stacking the knives into a precarious tower.
“Fina? Doc?”
“I have to work on stuff for varsity but maybe next time.” Serafina shrugs a shoulder, her brown eyes glazing over as her mind goes back to working a mile a minute.
“I’ll let you know after our dinner tonight. I think some of the Houses want to call a meeting tomorrow to discuss funding and housing in a few cities.”
“You should invite them along,” His white eyebrows knit together in thought, “You guys should invite anyone you want.”
“What’s got you so friendly?” Keeya gives a suspicious look.
“Arrow said they wanted to meet you.”
Her face pulls into something resembling horror, “Uh never mind i think i have stuff to do, maybe next time.”
Elouan pins his honey eyes on her and they look more like the sting of the bee than the gold of the nectar. “What the fuck is your problem?”
“I don’t trust them.” She bites out, setting her mug down with a hard crack.
“You don’t even know them. You’re just being judgmental because they’ve turned a few innocents.”
“It’s not just that Elouan,” Where he is the sky, Keeya is the earth. “They are leading you to the dens and soon you’ll be following in their footsteps.”
Perseus was content to ignore their argument and continue talking to everyone else or eating his way through the feast, but that angered whisper steals his attention. “You’ve been going to the dens?”
“I went twice and i didn't even do anything.” He rolls his eyes.
“It’s not about what you do El,” Keeya’s voice is lethal with fury, and worry. “It’s about what gets done in there.” 
“It’s not safe Elouan. Not only for you but if something happens you put a target on all of our backs. And I will not have you endangering anyone in this house just to look cool for your new partner.” There is no compromise in Perseus’ hard green eyes.
The younger vamp sees this and nods once. “I won’t go to the dens again, Doc.”
“Right now that we have that sorted,” He leaves no room for further say on the topic, “What do you need us to do for dinner before the Araw House gets here, Kee?”
He sees her hide the emotions still burning in her eyes before she claps her hands and puts them to work. And when the members of the Araw house arrive there is no lingering anger suffocating the kitchen. It is bright and loud and messy. It is home.
“Tamo, tamo, everyone!” Musical greetings come from the front of the house and a few seconds later Drew Tanaka and Charles Beckendorf appear in the doorway, as radiant and deadly as always.
Drew looks devastating in a blood red jumpsuit and a gold choker glittering at her neck. Charles has a hand wrapped around her and looks just as sinful in an emerald green suit lined with the most startling azure. His wedding band glints in the soft yellow lights of the kitchen and the two rubies encrusted in it match the band around Drew’s finger.
“Towards the Moon, old man,” Drew sits down with the grace of a dancer who has been perfecting their art for centuries. 
“Who are you calling old man?” Perseus scoffs, “I’m only one month older than you. Besides Charlie is the old man.” 
The subject in question rolls his eyes and shoves both their shoulders, flashing his fangs. His wife just laughs waggling perfectly sculpted eyebrows that suggest more than any of them are willing to interpret.
“Where’s the rest of your chaotic crew?” He motions to the lack of people that usually surrounded them.
“They’re all busy tonight, something about the Safe Haven Sound.” Charlie shrugs, “I’m actually surprised none of you guys went. It was apparently some big event.”
Hoku makes a face that means trouble. Nobody stops her. “It’s mostly for new vamps trying to enter the world. There’s a lot that can go wrong. We tend to stay away.”
Drew turns to her sharply, “Who runs it?”
“The Underboss.” Hoku makes another, more disgusted face.
“Actually,” Keeya says quietly, “It’s the Underboss’ lackey that runs it. The Underboss just owns it.”
“Ugh i hate that slimy little shit more than my ex.”
“Hoku,” Serafina frowns, “Give Luke some credit. At least he was hot.”
Perseus lets a smile loose at that. “Octavian is not ugly, he’s just ghaunt.”
“Doc,” Elouan raises a brow, “He is a ghost.”
“Literally? Aarush frowns, the first thing he’s said since their guests arrived.
“No,” Drew has a contemplative look on her face, “At least i don’t think so.”
“He was part of the Trials.” Charlie adds “That’s what i’ve heard anyway.”
Perseus shudders inwardly as he remembers those dark times. Power-hungry people, people who had no right to participate in their world, had taken it upon themselves to try and create their own supernatural creatures. It was a horrible, terrifying time for humans and duniyarall alike. They had stopped it before it had become the war it intended to be but it was deemed unethical to kill the products of those experiments. So, even today, a century and a half later, there are still Triallers- as they had been so creatively named- roaming, existing, living. For the most part they seem to be peaceful, despite being created for violence, but there are some like the Underboss’ lackey that still give an off-vibe; like feral is just around the corner, one blink away.
“How about we make some pizzas?” Keeya interrupts their conversation before they dive into what will inevitably become a two hour discussion.
“Let’s!” Serafina claps her hands, and Hoku matches her as they hop up and dive towards the fridge where cut and readied ingredients sit.
The evening is chaotic, and bright and full of laughter. They discover that between all their years of life, none of them had ever learnt how to toss pizza dough. Charlie and Keeya make a deal to go to Italy and learn before the decade is out. Drew sees the trip as a chance to get a tan in the beautiful Italian heat, and be fed delicious food straight from her husband’s hands. They make the most of the evening, a rare and peaceful one that recharges the energy in them like bolts of lightning. Perseus hasn’t felt this content in many many moons. 
Soon enough, however, it is just Elouan, Charlie, and Drew sitting on the velvet couches of their lounging area, chatting quietly as they sip various expensive liquor.
He looks at his friends, the gentle glow of the chandelier striking their features. They are beautiful. It is a warm kind of beauty, noticeable in the softness of an expression, or the happiness of a moment. They’re angelic.
“Doc?” Elouan drags him out of his quiet admiration.
“Drew and Charlie were just discussing what to do about the hotel on Palace road,” The moonlight caught in his hair ripples as he speaks. “They wanted to find out if you’d be okay with extraction?”
Perseus nods, considering the angles, the necessities
“I don’t feel it’s right to go in armed.” Charlie looks around the room, that composed intensity washing over them. “They’re children, and they’re probably scared.”
The frown between Drew’s perfect brows deepens. “I heard there’s cubs and sangrinos inside.”
“Who’s getting them food? How do they leave? What’s keeping them there?”
A loud ding sounds from someone in the room, and Elouan scrambles to reach his phone. The screen is bright in the dimly lit space and he has to blink hard to adjust his eyes, but then he lets out a curse and rushes towards the door, leaning deeply into stick as the anger worsens his limp.
“Everything okay El?”
“Just Arrow.” He waves it off, “I’ll be back before sun.”
Perseus just nods, watching as the large wooden doors slam shut behind the vampire. When he hears the front door bang, he stands, bowing to his guest in a sign of quick return and steps out of the room in search of members of their household.
“Keeya, Aaru.” He calls from the parlor.
They arrive within seconds, her with a face mask on and her dressing gown half tied, and him with charcoal smudges on his cheeks, and a loose paper in his hand.
‘Doc?” Keeya frowns, sensing the urgency in his aura.
“Elouan just stepped out to help Arrow. Please will you two trace him, make sure he isn’t going to the dens. Don’t make yourself known until you know it’s safe.”
“Armed?” The steel reflecting in Aarush’s dark eyes calm Perseus’ nerves.
“No.” He doesn’t need to cause trouble with the Underboss. “Just make sure Elouan is okay. No violent blood is spilled tonight at your hands.” The volatile expression on the little vampire’s face lessens only a fraction. They both nod at him and disappear into their rooms to ready themselves.
He goes back to the lounge, and continues his discussion with his friends. When he hears the front door close, the quiet click echoing in his mind like a drum, he tells Charlie and Drew what is happening.
Drew, ever the mother, is immediately righteous, demanding she send out some of her pack as scouts. Charlie just holds her hand and looks to him with that expression that so often graces his face: how can we help?
Perseus smiles at Drew and her anger, understanding how she feels. “It is okay Tanaka,” He reassures her. “I’ve got it covered. We should talk about the children.”
She growls, and he can hear the wolf in her throat. “You will let us know if you need help Perseus.”
“Yes,” Even Charlie looks adamant, unstoppable. “We will not be in the dark again. Not when it comes to our own.”
He breathes, and it has taken two centuries to get here. To this moment. “I will ask for help if the time comes.”
“The Underboss is holding them in the hotel, and bribing them with food to join her army.” Just like that they move onto the next problem. The next call for help.
“Well then,” Perseus grins, and it looks like the first signs of destruction, “i guess we’ll be paying the Queen a visit.”
Elouan my love what are you doing????? Also: Who do you think the Queen is? *sus eyes*
Tags (if you want to be added to/taken off the tag list all my channels of communication are open):
@msdrpreist; @sparkythunderstorm; @aalikun; @crazy-stupid-bean; @queen-of-demons-and-hell; @pjo-hp-things; @nishlicious-01; @spoopylucy; @larrikin-is-a-himbo; @cyra04​; @leydiangelo​; @elecsinnerz​
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mellicose · 6 years
⚡ Erotica Flash Challenge #2 ⚡-  The New Flesh
Fandom: David Tennant, Doctor Who, Tentoo x Rose
Word count: 3000
Rating: Mature
Warnings: none
Based on this fantastic anonymous request:
“Tentoo comes across human smut for the first time (visual or in writing, your pick), and experiences arousal. All these new human hormones scare, confuse and, excite  him. (Just like experiencing puberty for the first time. Thankfully I had mom’s medical books saying what’s happening to me. Ooh! Put that in the story! Tentoo looks up his symptoms!) Eventually, he jumps into the bathroom and skins the sausage.”
“Skins the sausage”. I had a hearty laugh at that. ‘Tentoo then runs to the loo and eagerly unsheathes his pork sword.’
*rolling on the floor, wheezing*
Although I don’t ship, Rose just had to be in this. It’s canon, and it’s perfect. Enjoy it while you can, because in my DW AU real life happens to John and Rose with a quickness.
I want all of you to know these flash prompts are truly a labor of love for my small but beautiful audience - I bloody love writing for you. Thank you so much for reading <3
“Alright, John, I’m off to the shops,” Rose said, putting on her leather jacket. “I’ll be back in a couple hours.”
“But why?” He fidgeted. It had only been a bit more than a week since he arrived, and he was still getting used to Pete’s world.
“Because you’ve nearly eaten me out of house and home,” she said, smiling at him. “We’ve spent every waking moment together. It’d be nice to have some time alone, right? Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.”
In all honesty, Rose was going through a period of adjustment as well. As much as John had the Doctor’s memories and cleverness, he was also the exact physical facsimile of the alien she had loved so deeply she risked the souls of everyone in her universe to touch him again … but he wasn’t the Doctor. Neither of them. His hearts did not beat a double tattoo in her ear when she dared to put her ear to his chest. He had not traveled to the ends of the universe, lived and loved and lost. After the loss of Nine and Ten, it was difficult to bear.
John was … John. And although his physical appearance was the loveliest thing she has ever seen, he was not the man she loved. But she felt she could love him, eventually. In the eight days they had cohabited, there had been golden moments when she saw a flash of the luminary she had once clung to, and she knew there would be more moments. But she wanted the feeling to grow naturally.
So they still slept very much apart.
“The heart,” he said, putting his hand to his chest.
“Yes,” she said, putting her hand over his. She caressed his prickly face. “And remember, you have to shave every day if you want your face to be smooth. Otherwise, you’ll end up looking like a mountain man.”
“And you don’t like that?” he said with a sweet fragility that made her eyes water.
“I dunno. Maybe? He never let-” she stopped talking abruptly. She promised herself she wouldn’t mention the Doctor. It wasn’t fair to John. But in the end, she still couldn’t help it. She missed his honey scent and the galaxies swirling in in his rich brown eyes.
There were no galaxies in John’s eyes - just twin stars. Lovely, but far less bright.
She popped in her earpod and walked to the door. “If you need anything, gimme a bell, okay?”
He stared at the earpod on the coffee table in front of the holocube. He was still getting very used to the technology.
“I’m off, then. You can try to go online if you like. Your bio info is in the cube now,” she said, referring to the advanced computer system. With Mickey’s help, they had been able to hack a new identity for him and enter him into New Britain’s mainframe as a new citizen. To the powers that be, he was an emigre from the South American State.
He sat down on the sofa and fiddled with the cube. As she was walking out, he popped up suddenly.
“Oh, Rose!”
“Could you bring a couple boxes of those crumbly berry biscuits? I like those.”
“You mean jammy dodgers?” her mouth trembled with mirth.
“Those.” His eyes brightened.
God, did he love to eat, but his metabolism was so stellar she doubted he would gain a single kilo. “Sure,” she said. “Anything else?”
“And potatoes for mash. And peas. And custard and cake and jam - for trifle. And roast beef, ooh I love that. And crispy sausages and bread and butter for eggy in a basket-”
She put her hand up. “Okay, okay, I get it. You keep it up and I’ll have to call a zeppelin to get all that stuff back here.”
He bounced and bit his lower lip. “But you’ll get the biscuits, at least?”
“I promise,” she said with a sigh, and finally walked out the door.
He was filled with energy. All that talk of food had made him hungry. He opened the fridge and frowned. She was right. It was empty save for some milk and bottles of sauce and milk. He ran his hand over the top of the cupboard, where he knew Rose hid whatever she didn’t want him to devour right away. He felt something promising.
“Jaffa Cakes!” he said, ripping into the box. He grabbed the glass bottle of milk and sat down on the sofa. The holocube flashed.
“Welcome, John Smith,” a soothing female voice said. Scrolling text and various news stations materialized around him, bombarding him with holographic images. There was a flood in India. And, as usual, America was in the midst of political upheaval.
The holocube sensed his disinterest. “Is there anything you’d like to see?”
He chewed his cake and took a sip of milk. The holocube started to play food ads.
“Add a little sunshine to their tea,” a man’s voice said, and a holo of a little boy ran by him and to an image of a kitchen table with a big plate of Jaffa cakes. He bit into it enthusiastically and smiled at him.
“That’s the spirit,” he said to the image, and popped the rest of the cake in his mouth.
Again, the holocube sensed his disinterest. His alpha waves were barely blipping. “Is there anything else you’d like to see?”
He sucked melted chocolate from his fingers and sighed. “Rose, honestly,” he said.
“Rose,” it repeated, and multiple windows started popping up around him.
Flowers. Rows of things - things and people. A flash of frenetic movement caught his eye under the the Rosa centifolia window with all the horticultural information on it.
He touched the corner of the floating image, and just like in a computer, it came forward. It was an image of a woman touching herself.
“What the-” His eyes grew huge. His lips parted, and heat crawled up his neck and made his cheeks tingle.
This woman. He had never seen anything like it. He felt his chemicals working, and his muscles tightened frightfully. His mouth watered, but he still put down the fresh biscult. He wasn’t hungry anymore.
The cube noticed the spike in activity in his pleasure center, and more windows started popping up around him, all of them with ladies in various states of undress.
“Oh. My. I-” His lower lip wobbled.
It was extraordinary. She was so firm. So … delicious. Saliva flooded his mouth, and blood rushed to his groin.
He had seen Rose fully clothed - she rarely showed him more than her bare arms, and still he felt a bit breathless when she moved a certain way around him. But this. He was dizzy, and his vision suddenly went telescopic.
“Shit!” He used the new swear word Rose taught him and jumped up. He ached beneath his belly button. He looked down and yelled. His jeans were tented. He touched himself, and the sensation made him groan.
Sweat dripped down his back.
“What the fuck is happening?” he asked, using another swear word he didn’t dare use around Rose, but had learned from the holocube programs she loved to watch.
Another window popped up. Article after article about the male sex response began to glow around him, along with more images of women doing things.
He touched the closest one, and a very serious article came up.
“The sexual response cycle refers to the sequence of physical and emotional changes that occur as a person becomes sexually aroused and participates in sexually stimulating activities, including intercourse and masturbation.”
“Intercourse and masturbation?” he said out loud. Another couple of windows popped up, but he kept reading.
“The sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Both men and women experience these phases, although the timing usually is different. For example, it is unlikely that both partners will reach orgasm at the same time.”
Orgasm. The word sounded alien, but promising.
“Physical and/or psychological stimulation leads to vasodilation and subsequent increased blood flow into the penis. The penis grows enlarged and firm, the skin of the scrotum is pulled tighter, and the testes are pulled up against the body.”
Enlarged and firm. He looked between his legs. Check.
“With further sexual stimulation, the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, and breathing becomes more rapid.” He was panting a bit. And his heartbeat had risen by at least 20 beats per minute.
So it’s normal.
“What is sexual stimulation?” He said to the cube.
“Sexual stimulation is any stimulus (including bodily contact) that leads to, enhances and maintains sexual arousal, and may lead to orgasm. Stimulation can be by self (e.g., masturbation) or by a sexual partner (sexual intercourse or other sexual activity).”
There was that word again.
“What is orgasm?”
“Orgasm is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual excitement during the sexual response cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region characterized by sexual pleasure. Sexual stimulation can be by self-practice (masturbation) or with a sex partner.
“Masturbation,” he read out loud.
Yet again, images began to flood the holo.
He made a soft gurgling noise.
Women do that? Touch themselves like that?
He swallowed hard. The pain had gone away for a bit while he did his research, but it was back now, and even more intense. He riffled through the images, each one more titillating than the last. He began to feel a strange euphoria. His scientist’s brain repeated back what he just read.
They are often associated with other involuntary actions, including muscular spasms in multiple areas of the body, a general euphoric sensation and, frequently, body movements and vocalizations.
His cock pressed insistently on his fly, and it was throbbing. The feeling was both amazing and miserable. His thoughts drifted to Rose.
What do I do with it? He thought. He couldn’t very well shrug and say “I dunno how” if she ever wanted to do something like the women were doing all around him.
He wanted to learn everything, really research the female sexual response for science, but he couldn’t quite get his thoughts together as easily as usual. It was like there was loud static coming from his groin, drowning out reason. He thought of orgasm - the ultimate discharge of sexual excitement.
Perhaps, if he could do that, then he could concentrate enough to start his important research.
He needed to masturbate.
“Male masturbation,” he said. And now there were cocks everywhere, men with their fists pumping, hairy, groaning, and wet.
“Arrgh!” he said, jumping up and away. “No more!”
All the images disappeared. His heart pounded, and the ache had not diminished. He rolled his eyes. Of course all it took was his hand. He could control pressure, speed, and rhythm that way. It made perfect sense.
He looked around, then ran to the bathroom. The quicker he could finish, the quicker he could get to learning.
He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them and his underwear down. Rose’s bathroom had a huge mirror on the door, and he turned to look at himself. He suppressed a giggle. He looked silly - long and slim, like a white oak coat rack with only one hook. He bounced. His cock bounced with him, slapping his belly.
Ooh. That feels mmm.
He did it again. Again it slapped his belly, sending a hot bolt of pleasure up his spine.
He turned his back on the mirror and licked his palm. All the men had been slick.
“I just grab it like this-” He wrapped his fist at the base of his cock and pumped quickly as the men had done on the holo - and nearly passed out. He collapsed on the toilet, groaning.
“Shit. Bollocks. Bloody fucking hell,” he said softly, using up his whole swear arsenal. His thigh muscles twitched.
It was way too much stimulation too soon. His nipples were sensitive to the cloth rubbing against them. Even licking his lips felt different. His response was optimal, but he mustn’t rush it.
Go slow.
He licked his palm again, then wrapped his hand around himself - not too tight, not too loose - and moved it slowly. His foreskin swallowed the swollen head of his cock and the sensation was…
Stellar. The proper word is stellar, he thought.
He pulled it back and up again, slowly. His toes curled on the tile.
Oh, this is nice.
His balls tightened and the skin warmed, just like the articles stated. Without really thinking, he cupped them with his other hand, caressing them with his thumb.
He sighed and arched. No article needed to tell him to do that. And it was bloody brilliant.
He played around with rhythm, barely moving his fist, then pumping up his shaft in overlapping strokes until his fist covered the crown of his cock.
He moaned loudly, leaning back and spreading his legs.
His palm was deplorably dry again. Although he didn’t explicitly need more lubrication to finish, he liked the feel of it. He looked around the bathroom.
Spring rain-scented bath gel? The soap would irritate. Conditioner? That would get messy. Rose’s bath oil? Way too strongly scented, it would be a dead giveaway, since he only took showers. His eyes drifted to the bottle of lotion by the sink.
Ultra-moisturizing, it exclaimed right on the label. Unscented.
Perfect. He squirted it into his palm and slathered it on himself. He felt silly again, but only until he slowly slid his cock into his lotion-slick hand. He steadied his fist against the counter and began to pump his hips.
His head spun.
This sensation was not in the vast catalog of knowledge the Doctor had given to him. It was a swelling madness. Potential energy in its most beautiful manifestation. He was a river right before it spilled over the lip of a waterfall.
He pumped faster, and his breath quickened with his thrusts.
With a woman, with her, how would it be? Would she love it like he did, feel the same dumb beauty in it? His thoughts unraveled into pure sensation.
The women. Their faces. The sounds they made, when they touched themselves. Their breasts, mysterious orbs, each topped with swollen buds his lips parted to suck. Them, and the silky, hot cleft which he knew was a million times better than his lubed fist.
All of them had it. Every pretty girl he met as Rose showed him around London.
So soft.
And she had it too. She hid it, like they all did, but she had it. And he knew of her unfulfilled desires toward the Doctor. He also knew why the Doctor, regardless of his desire, had abstained.
But he didn’t have to. He was human, and whole, and eager.
He looked down at himself. His belly muscles were tight with his impending release. His brow was wet with sweat, and his moans were loud and exultant.
He would share this with Rose, if she would have him. She could teach him all she knew, and he would learn her.
Every- he felt the spike in heart rate.
Delicious- a deep euphoria, much more intense and full, rose from between his legs, pinged past his heart and shot straight to his brain.
Inch- he grunted as his cock pulsed and spurted onto the vanity mirror. His eyes rolled back and he felt the pleasure sluice through him, over and over, a pleasantly fading echo.
He let his heart slow, then took a deep, shuddering breath and stretched. His reflection in the mirror was flushed and sated. He smiled at himself. Even his blinking has slowed. He cleaned the evidence and pulled on his pants.
Although he thought he could go right back to researching, he was filled with a calm bliss that tempted him to taking a nap. He lay on the sofa.
“Just a couple minutes. Then, studying,” he said to himself. He closed his eyes, and slept.
“John!” Rose yelled at him. He could hear rustling from the front door.
He popped up. It was winter, and night had fallen. How long had he been asleep?? He ran to the door to help her with the grocery bags.
The stars shone over the now pollutionless sky over New London. It was full night. A couple of minutes had turned to several hours of deep, dreamless sleep. He smiled. He had trouble resting, but now the remedy was clear.
They chatted as they put away the groceries, then Rose ran her fingers through his sleep-tousled hair and smiled up at him.
“You finally get some good sleep?” She knew about his tossing and turning.
“Yeah. Just drifted right off,” he said. There was a certain look in her eyes that he had been oblivious to before, but not anymore. Was it hunger? Curiosity?
Maybe. But he would foster it. Encourage it, until it spilled over like he had.
She flushed, then turned to take something out the fridge.
“What d’ye fancy tonight?” she said, bending down to get to the vegetable drawers at the bottom. Her pants stretched enticingly over her bum. The blood rushed to his groin again.
“I don’t know. I’m actually not that hungry,” he said breathlessly.
She turned to look at him, still bent over. Her back arched. “You sure?” she said. Her eyes searched his face, sensing something different.
“Positive,” he replied, leaning back against the counter to take her in.
She took a little longer than she needed to put away the carrots and celery.
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brexodus · 6 years
The City is Strange
I think Split was the first big city I'd visited since Torino (Turin) in Italy. I just wasn't ready for it.
You see, I'd been travelling mostly by smaller roads, through smaller places and although, yeah you've got Venice and Mistra and Verona and Trieste (Trst) and Ljubljana and Rijeka (Fiume), none of them compare to Split for size and infrastructure. Verona is too venerable, Mistra you skip for Venice which is unique beyond any comparison, Ljubljana is actually quite compact (they've pedestrianised a lot since 2006), and Rijeka is beyond the nightmares of any sane cyclist. Split has the dubious distinction of all the roads going in being dual carriageway motorways. So I had to risk it and join one of these nightmarish things at the end of my descent, still bit wasted, then after find my hostel.
And of course, beyond the traffic problems and battery issues, the street of the hostel is not properly signposted, it being a weird little kind of stepped cul-de-sac running parallel with the main road to the harbour. I spent a half hour going up and down, till I saw two chaps with bulging rucksacks that screamed backpacker to me. So I stopped and spoke to them and yes, we were all looking for the same place. And eventually we found it together.
In real Slavic style, outside was a small table around which a wee group were casually drinking. The lovely friendly receptionist, Anna, checked me in and I put myself into the mindset of 'let's get unladen, get food, get sleep!' I meant business. However one of the drinking party, an attractive dark-haired woman of perhaps mid to late thirties, took it upon herself to get me to play instead. Damn, I was torn between my head and my hips. Now, people who know me know I have a surfeit of energy which comes from oversized balls (and ego), which can often lead me astray; however in this case, utter fatigue from the previous days' cycling, plus all the booze etc, made me desperate to just finish the chores before I collapsed completely. Also, with this woman becoming ever more handsy, I was more than a little embarrassed as to my state: not having washed or changed my clothes for three days I could smell myself (and it was not good).
Nope, I had to be firm but polite, I had to get shit battened down stowed away, and wash, before I could even consider food, let alone romance! And I doubt she would have been terribly 'romantic', to paraphrase Van Halen: she ain't talking about love, her love was rotten to the core [insert suitable emoticon]
Well, I said I'd be at her disposal just as soon as I'd taken care of everything. Despite it all, I was still just another silly male following the divining rod. Unpacking became a whirlwind of activity, my new friend even lending a hand. Then I went for a nice hot shower, telling her we could go for food together after, and maybe more later.
Well I came out the shower feeling fresh and clean and potent. But my new friend had just disappeared. No-one knew where she'd gone, or even if she was staying at the hostel that night. With hindsight, I think I dodged a bullet, much awkwardness, and a reason to stay any longer than necessary in Split. The whole thing left an impression on me though, I am not used to this kind of upfront 'affection' from the fairer sex, and I have to say I was quite flattered. We Brits (and the French too) are kinda repressed. Or not enough so when we drink: there seems to be no happy medium (or endings), for anybody.
Anyway, that was merely the first weird thing I experienced in Split. I decided to just dress up nice anyways and have a good meal down by the sea. Got a recommendation from helpful Anna at reception and freewheeled down to the port where the restaurant was located. Well, the unsavoury vibe I'd had in Novalja returned. The whole place was packed with every type of western tourist you can imagine, and indeed it follows that the more *ahem* coarse elements seemed to predominate, what with them being louder and more obnoxious. I saw the roads to the harbour jammed with taxis and adverts for '8 day party boats to the Islands', which is a red flag for me (and not the good socialist kind). And everywhere the clamour of clumsy drunken Brits bawling to each other and discussing cocaine and booze supplies from across the street. So crass, especially as I hadn't heard anything like it since Novalja, or seen the like, well ever. I missed the tranquility of an open road, these roads were a honking mass of unhappy metal.
I found my restaurant, and asked nicely for the outside table (to keep an eye on my bike). Well they were kind of ok about it, less than accommodating seeing as I was alone and anglophone. They then asked I move my bike under the table cos it was blocking the pavement. I obliged. And then the food came, oh man. It was slow-cooked beef cheeks in a red wine reduction with mushrooms and caramelised onion, fresh bread and salad on side. With a half-litre of red to accompany. All quite delicious.
But spoilt by the surroundings. As it got later I saw more and more party people who I just was not in the mood for. If only I could've somehow 'muted' not just their voices, but their clothes and 'theatre'. I was rather tired and fed-up, but the good food and fine wine helped. Until the bill came.
It was rather more expensive than nice Anna had led me to believe. About 38€ - they charged not just for side salad but also the freaking bread! Yes you pay for quality, and yes it was a treat, but 38€ is like three or four day's of decent living for me travelling. I'd eaten just as well for far cheaper in Pavia, Ljubljana and just north in Ražanac. Ach, I took it on the chin (or in the wallet).
Another strange thing happened before I went to bed. When I returned to the hostel, I was finally able to meet those folks sharing my dorm. Which had a lightswitch to change from normal to green lighting. Bizzare. Anyhow, under these green lights a young lady was just about in tears as she tried to wrestle open her secure locker. These lockers were just like the ones you see on American high-school shows, and come with your bed at the hostel. But this poor girl's locker had jammed, her key would turn but nothing would move or open! And she needed her wallet from inside to pay something urgent (I think was booking flights home, or train or something). So I went and kindly asked Anna to make up some tea and I brought it to the girl, while I got my tools out and started probing the lock (I wish I could make this sound less sexual, but mechanics know how hot it is to delve right into a problem). Eventually I managed to move the interior catch and open the door. Oh man I rarely get the opportunity to see such joy! Especially transmuted from such misery.
She grabbed her wallet and went to close and lock the door again, but I stayed her hand. I wanted to make sure it was functioning smoothly before we tried locking it. She passed over the key and I started fiddling with the mechanism and catch, realising quickly that it was the door itself that had been deformed. All I had to do was bend it back into shape with my spanner, and voila! After demonstrating it to her and giving back the key she gave me a crushing hug and I saw she was again close to tears. It was kinda adorable.
Well I needed a smoke to unwind after the day and night I'd had, so I started to skin up. During this time, the locker girl, another girl, and I had a very interesting conversation, about racism in different countries, and travelling and future plans, all that jazz. Now the second girl was interesting, she sounded not quite London, and not quite Alabama, was dark-skinned and holding a Canadian passport. Quite a background. So she had some fascinating insights to share (Canadians hate blacks too it seems). The locker girl was a tiny cute blonde from Finland (oh man those Finnish girls: terrifyingly clever and all too often also intimidatingly beautiful... *sigh*), and this was her first time abroad as she wasn't even 16 yet! I felt quite glad I'd been able to keep it 'professional' during our interaction, mind you that day I think it was a case of the flesh being willing but disgusting, and the mind had turned to some kind of lumpy but helpful sludge. My inner creep had been anaesthetised. Yup Split was a weird one. Was likely best I'd remained unentangled. The most (nay only) normal part was my bedtime spliff!
Even though I wanted to see the impressive historic sites of Split, I knew I did not want to stay any more time than strictly necessary among such distractions and within earshot of the rude hoi poloi. I would leave the next day. Fit-in sight-seeing as a detour before I hit that awful motorway once more.
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infinitypool · 7 years
Chapter 3 - Ohána  Are you not full? Aidan asked sarcastically, still in awe of the meal in front of him. The lasts of some bananas and strawberries were spread along a chocolate nutella spread, a crepe that had beside it a pool of ham and some spilled maple syrup that was all beginning to fall off of the side of Rick's plate, on a smaller saucer next in line housed the remains of two sunny side up eggs and on another plate next to that was the leftover morsels of a croissant ham sandwich. "Probably not until I get my shake," he said scratching his mustache of any more possibly entrapped food. As such of a beast Rick himself was, Aidan thought to himself. He was more surprised that he had successfully avoided dropping any of the remnants of this huge smorgasbord of food on any part of his still pristine white suit. Rick's tie fell from atop his shoulders as he lifted the remaining croissant sandwich into his mouth, his eyes now looking at Aidan. "and to think he didn't even care how close he was to a suddenly abrupt mad-dash to the dry cleaners". Aidan thought ironically to himself. I guess that's how Rick and him differed. He was spectacularly lucky in the most infuriating way possible, to be more specific the type of infuriatingly luck that makes you do incredibly stupid things just in order to see if you could get as close as that person would. Aidan looked down at his now worn cast. Rick wiped his mouth clean and cleared his throat. "Are you done daydreaming Cinderella? "Nope," Aidan said as he smiled and looked around Fenton's café diner. Rick coughed. "You know" He said as he reached for the last morsel of a crepe. "I know this place gets a lot of slack on the island for just being another one of those invading food chains but you have to admit, they make some pretty damn good food. "It was incredibly misleading," Aidan thought to himself, sensibly the place felt like a Denny's but the food in comparison to the decor felt like a delicious foreign oddity. Is a crepe a French dish.? "Hell should I know." Aidan grimaced and sternly said"You fucking went there" "Never ate any crepes" "Well you got on the wrong flight then." "Yeah the airline fucked up again and sent me to Hawaii." Aidan laughed. Rick & Aidan walked out of the pancake house, while Rick drummaged through his to-go container as he followed Aidan across the street. Aidan looked at the grass along the parking lot. Where is it? he thought to himself as they walked. Rick munched on. "So, is it just me ? or is Sarah's mother getting worse by the day? " Aidan flinched as he stared at rick shamefully. "What?" he defended. "Its not natural to take death with ease" Aidan said. He looked across the parking lot to a sparkling brown van. "Its been 6 years though, you would think that she would eventually get better & stop acting like everything is still the same." He said as he fiddled with the last of the leftovers as they walked to the  back of the van. "You know they say playing with your food every 5 seconds can be symptoms for growth problems" "Mumfherfagala fy-uck you" Rick said through the food as Aidan knocked on the back of the van. They waited a moment for signs of intelligent life until the van door clicked, slid halfway open stopping short with a sudden clang. "Shit" Peni said from inside the van. "Come on through the back" he said "He still has to get it fixed?"Rick said  . "Yuhp," Aidan said as they walked to the back. The side door unlocked and Peni waved them in. The van inside was packed almost to the brim with beanie babies and plush toys and smelled of hookah and lavender.They both situated themselves in the back seats among the mini plush toys. "You getting ready to set up shop in Makoa Valley?" "Yuhp" he said. "They used to call it the land of dreams back when i was in school, now its just the land of dreams and hotel services" Rick closed the door behind them as Peni put the keys in the ignition. "You know , you really should invest in some seat-belts back here Peni."Aidan said. Peni sighed and looked into the rear view mirror "Doesn't one of you own a car?" "Its in for repairs"Rick said. Peni frowned. "Well then I don't want to keep hearing about not having seat belts ok, this ride's on the house" They both looked at each other and nodded. I"'m also not planning on keeping this van for very long, rather not put more money into it anyway", he mumbled to himself ,this is just my day hustle." Peni said with a sanguine smile into the mirror. "Hows Kalena? Rick asked as he looked out the window into the beginning of the valley's hills. "Good,still pregnant" Aidan paused ."Shouldn't you be with her now?" " The baby's not due for a couple of months and im going to need every penny I can get just to get her going." Peni said as he made the turn into the valley road intersection. "Wait why did you guys  call me if you don't even have a car to get back? ."Alexandra is going to pick us up from the hotel for the festival after she finished her tours ." Aidan said. "God bless that little woman" Peni said to him-self. "Is she still working for Aola ?" he asked "Yeah, but i can tell its beginning to annoy her." "Why?" I thought she was getting paid well. "She is but she keeps getting hit on by every artist that she shows even an ounce of hospitality to." "Oh" he said surpised at how fast things had changed. Well ..She knows how to hold her own. "I wouldn't bet on it" Aidan refuted. "Really?" Peni's eyes opened wide. "Its been a while since she's been in a serious relationship, she doesn't mention it but i think she's starting to get docile." "Just like her mother" Peni added. "Boy if you had seen her mother back in the day, her eyes could burn a hole through the middle of earth." "Alex used to find it quite fun for a bit." "And she would even make a game out of it" Rick grumbled to himself as he closed his eyes. Peni smirked as he drove along. "Well, ever since I first met that little fiery girl in Mahana I can't even fathom the thought of somebody settling her fire ."  Peni said in a hopeful tone. "Yeah".. Aidan said as he got lost on the horizon. Peni smiled . " remember in pre- k she would always end up going her own way even, her mother had a hard time with her .. "Peni said as he trailed off. He stopped and looked back to see that he had indeed lost both Aidan and Rick to the beautiful morning. Peni sighed. "Well...." Peni said now loudly. " Its about 15 miles till we get to the hotels , so take a nap and enjoy the ride." They both looked outside at the vast beyond. Aidan scrunched his nose and rubbed the morning crust from his eyes. It was surprisingly calm and still for the Sunday morn, the humidity was low , enough that the light cut through the sky in neat diamond rays leaving a translucent spectacle cherisable even to the experienced gaze. A snore interrupted Aidan's daze. Rick lay asleep, in a food coma basking in the glow of the sun. Well that didn't take long, he thought.Next time i'll make him pay for the food and he probably won't eat as much, hopefully.Aidan smiled to himself. 20 minutes had passed like it had been 3 on that road , it was smooth. Aidan, now contempt looked into the rear view mirror to see Peni's eyes for a moment and then quickly looking away. Peni in a flux, laying his arm out of the window bit his nail and sighed. "What is it ?" Aidan poked. "Nothing" he said fretfully. Aidan sucked his teeth. "You can tell me anything Peni..... come-on" Peni paused and looked out onto the road in a perlexed mood. "You need to control your friend Aidan" Peni warned. "What? Aidan thought surprised. He looked over at Rick, so caught up in a deep and impenetrable nap not even a gunshot could perturb his slumber. "What?". "He' s starting to garner a reputation for himself"  Peni said fretfully . "Really? "Aidan said  "I hadn't noticed, he said as he chuckled, what does that have anything to do with you though Peni?" "Im going to be a father soon Aidan.....what if its a girl? I have to take the responsibility to protect her anyway i see fit" Aidan shrugged. "From Rick?" Peni quipped "I know it sounds quite strange and I didn't have to think about it initially but, after Kelani got pregnant i starting thinking about how I grew up and what kind of people I listened too. I remember Rick's  father slightly and what he was to me. He wasn't supposed to be such a bad person but he never had any plans only missions to do. "Missions aren't bad" "Ah but sometimes you forget the point of them, he never seemed to plan for danger or anybody else. Im afraid Rick has the same issue." "and whats that ?" Aidan said. "He's magically irresponsible and yet incredibly influential" "You can't say that" Aidan remarked. "I can if I'm trying to warn someone else" "And that would be me ?" he said "Yeah" "Rick isn't as bad as you think he is" he defended. Peni breathed out a sigh of contempt. "Do you know why his car's in the shop." "No, but ... " "Do you know if he's paying for it?" "...... no but." "You see you don't know and it won't kill you now but you really should be asking him about these things because they will eventually add up to something big." Aidan shrugged. "maybe, if your not careful" Peni added. Peni took some gum out of the side compartment and ate it while he brushed through his hair as they drove along the interpass. Aidan sat perplexed in thought. "So.. I realized that if Rick stays the same way indefinitley, he wont grow up to be any better than his own father  , and will eventually have a son for himself . Aidan stopped him " Or daughter". "Either way it isn't a cycle that i would want to have continue on to influence generations to come ." "Well what about me ,Peni?" Aidan said. "Well, even an intelligent man like yourself can still get into bad circumstances look at your arm for instance." "Oh com-eon, We both know he wasn't to blame for.... this.. " he paused. Was he?  he paused then shrugged the thought away "It wasn't that simple" he thought. "It wasnt that simple." he refuted to Peni. "Im sure it wasn't." Peni sided. "Though all of this points down a road i dont think you want to go down right now. At the very least though you  still need to try to help him when you can, push him to be a better man so it in turn can help you and my future daughter. "Or son" Aidan interrupted. "Or son...out" Peni sided. "In the future." Rick snored on. "All in all I actually wish that his father had been able to have had someone like you with him growing up, hell even i would have been lucky to have had someone like you by my side, you've always been able to balance people very well. Aidan flinched...."Your not coming on to me are you Peni ?" Peni chuckled as he looked at him through the rear view mirror "Oh you aint ready for all this fluff Big Kahuna" Aidan laughed. "Im baffled Kalena can even handle that much fluff." he quipped as they continued driving  through the inter-pass into the mid-day through Makoa Valley.
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