#I like drawing our characters in different universes uwu
tovanori · 6 months
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I've never watched bleach before and my gf was like you need to watch it so now I'm on episode 145 of bleach
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sweeteaacakes · 3 months
Do you do scenarios or headcanons? If so, how many characters can we request for scenarios or headcanons? Would you do the same prompt with different characters? Can we request for male reader, female reader, gender neutral reader, etc? Are there any characters you won't do? Are there any topics you won't do like rape, suicide, etc? Do you do poly ships x reader? Would you mind if we request for Alternate Universes or Aus like AU where the character lives happily? Would you mind if the request is suggestive, implied sex, or mentioned sex but no explicit sex? Would you do NSFW requests? If so, what kinks would you accept for requests? Can anons request smut? Can we check with you if you received our requests? Thank you in advance!
Answering this since it's a general info! Mayhaps I also forgot to include it in my post;;;
This is about WHB btw and maybe in general too (ㅇㅅㅇ)
Scenario or Headcanon? How many characters? Same prompts=Different characters?
I can do both! I would say that "how many you want" but I need to practice self-control so...
For the kings scenario/headcanon ~ it's fine all of them. I may break them in two parts in the future to not make the post very long!
For characters ~ It's fine if you want to include 2 or 3 along with the kings! But if it's just nobles/side characters then max is... 6...? Yeah, seems reasonable but the same like the kings situation, I'll divide them in two post!
YESSssss I will! I give the same song for character in my playlist so I'm all fine for the same prompts for different
Reader Gender?
Male, female, non-bi, gender neutral, genderfluid, etc etc is fine! I feel a bit insecure with afab/amab because I'm not trans and wouldn't want to be innacurate;;; but I'm open with trying!
I would like gender to be specified on some scenarios too so I can know what the client have in mind ;—;) (ex. family stuffs! I typically do 'you' or 'they' but gets conflicted... like... did you get pregagnante? adopted? a miracle birth scenario? ;-;) )
What I won't do?
For characters? I'm fine with everyone! But since I tend to be hyperfixated on some character, I also tend to trascurate the others so I'll need time to know them better! Chances I won't do someone is because I don't know them better yet (ex. teased characters or just released characters;;;)
For topics... Hmm... I'm okay with angst... so characters death are okay. Unless this it's about DoL, I can write consented non-con but I draw line on extreme topics such as 1nc3st, p³d⁰, bestiality, age play, NRT and maybe things I didn't listedn;;;
Poly-ships? AU?
Yes~ uwu)
AU too! Love it~ Café? Highschool? Human? Eldritch?? Merfolks??? Pirates where they rules over their own ocean and— :000000000
Explicit? Implied? Yes yes. I actually write more implied smut since I blank out when it comes to full NSFW TT^TT)
Kinks? Uuuh, I have to check that out when an ask comes!
You can ask nsfw as anon BUT dm me the ask you sent so I can know you're an adult! Age in bio is required! If an anon-nsfw-ask is not proofed then I will delete it ^^)
Yes, feel free to dm me of you want to know! I, too, had my share of ask getting eaten TTwTT)
If my inbox gets flooded, I will post a list of ask!
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aurovear · 3 years
7th anniversary of Five night's at Freddys 🌈🐻🎤
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This was for the anniversary of fnaf (on my intagram you can see all the post with a game), I was really excited to be able to draw something about one of my favorite games.
I have been since 2014, I have seen everything that has happened over the years in our beautiful community, I really do not regret having been there, I do not know what my life would be like without fnaf, I do not see myself without the theme, well (As I mentioned before) this has not only been a pleasure, it has been a support for me in moments of crisis, something that allows me to get out of my worries to have fun, with mystery, with the background of the afton family, with death of the children accompanying each character throughout the years; in this, unfortunately, we have lost Scott cawthon, but I do not see an end to this entire empire, I know from my heart that it will continue to stand thanks to the fans who have created wonderful things like "Harmony & horror", "The Walten Files" or "BlueyCapsules", just to name some of the many works that keep the community active n full of energy, almost like the first day, because for many years that have already passed I have not stopped surprising myself, even the original story itself It has allowed me to feel different things when I see them again when I grow up.
This has been quite a journey, I really appreciate that in my universe, in this reality, something like what we have could have existed.
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Congratulations to Fnaf, Thanks to Scott for creating this, and fellow fandom, let's celebrate for all of OUR work
That we are all important here, we have all helped make fnaf what it is today uwu🎊💜🎉
Happy 7th anniversary (late on tumblr, but congrats for everyone).
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I am against the "Americanization" of fandoms.
What this applies to
Holding non American characters (and sometimes even fans) to an American moral standard. This includes
Refusing to take into account that, first things first, America is NOT the target audience, so certain tropes that would or would not pass in the west are different in Japan.
Like seriously, quite a few of the jokes are just not going to pass or hit, because they require background information that is not universal.
Assuming all American experience is standard. (This could mean watering down just how much pressure is placed on Japanese youth irl by saying that sort of thing is universal (while it is, to a degree, Japanese suicide rates are pretty fucking high because of how fast paced and work heavy some of their loads tend to be), and it's really annoying and rude when someone is trying to speak out about how heavy and harsh the standards are placed on them to succeed just for some American whose mom occasionally yells at them to do their homework dropping by to say "it's like that everywhere")
Demonizing (or wubbifying) a character using American morals, including and up to harassing fans over their interpretations or gatekeeping whether or not a character "should" get development (while you shouldn't do that fucking period, it's rude and annoying- this is specifically for the people who use American standards without acknowledging the cultural gap between them and, you know, the fucking target audience) ((Like seriously, saying "It's different in Japan" is not the end all be all excusing someone's actions, but sometimes the author didn't immediately think that maybe (insert vaguely universal thing) was that bad or that heavy of a topic before they put it into their media. If you don't want to see things like that? Pick a different series and stop harassing the fans))
Getting mad at or making fun of Japan's attempts to satirize their own culture. (A good example is Ace Attorney! To most of us, it's just a funny laugh can you imagine if courts were actually like that- guess what? Japan's are! (Not that America's are actually that much better, they just look good on paper))
Making America/American issues the center of your fan spaces
(Usually without sharing or bringing light to the issues that other countries are going through)
Seriously, very few things across America, even, are universal. Texas things the hundreds are nothing while Minnesota's like "oh it's only thirty degrees below zero"- so for fucks sake, stop assuming that all other countries work in ways similar to America.
It's good and important to share Ameican issues with your American followers, but guess what? America isn't the only country out there, and it's certainly not the only one going through bullshit. Don't pull shit like "why's no one reblogging this?" or "why should I care about what's happening in (X country)?"
Don't assume everyone lives in America.
Stop assuming everyone lives in America.
America is not and has never been the target audience for anime, and it's certainly not the only country outside of Japan that enjoys it.
Like I said above, sometimes Japan attempts to satirize its own culture. We can't tell what is and isn't meant as satire, because it's not our culture.
Social media activism can be tiring and maybe you don't have the energy to focus on things that are out of your control, but, if someone tells you about the shit they're going through, don't bring American politics up.
For the neurodivergent crowd out there thinking, "But why?" it's because a lot of social media, especially, is very heavily Americanized- sometimes to the point where people assume that everyone is American. Not to mention, it's disheartening. I'm sorry to say, but you're not actually relating to the conversation, you're often diverting the focus away from the topic at hand. Even if you mean well, America is heavily pedestaled and talked about frequently, and people from other countries are tired of America taking precedent over their own issues.
Don't divert non-American issues into American ones. Seriously. It's not your place. Please just support the original issue or move on.
Racist Bullshit
This especially goes for islanders and South Asian characters, as well as poc characters (because, yes, Japan DOES have black people)
Making "funny" racist headcanons. Not fucking cool.
Changing the canon interpretation of an explicit character of color in order to fit racist stereotypes.
Whitewashing or color draining characters. Different artistic skill sets can be hard, yes, but are you seriously going to look at someone and say "I don't feel like accurately portraying you or people that look like you, because it's difficult for me." If someone tries to correct you on your cultural depiction of a character and/or their life style, don't be an ass. (If possible, it would be nice for those that do the corrections to be polite as well, but it does get really frustrating).
Seriously, no offense guys, but, if you want to persue art, you're going to need to learn to depict different body types, skin colors, and/or ethnic features.
On that note, purposefully, willingly, or consistently inaccurately portraying people or characters of color (especially if someone in the fandom has "called you out" or specifically told you that what you're doing comes across as racist and you continue to do it). If you need help or suck at looking things up, there are references for you! Ask your followers if they have tutorials on poc (issue that you're having), whether it be bodily portrayal, facial proportions, or coloring and shading. Art is so much more fun when you can depict a wider variety, and guess what? Before you drew the same skinny, basic, white character over and over, you couldn't even draw that!
Attempting or claiming to DEPECT CULTURAL ACCURACY within a work or meta, while being completely fucking wrong. ESPECIALLY and specifically if someone calls you out, and you refuse to fix, correct, or change anything.
*little side note that the discussion revolving art is a very multilayered conversation, and it has quite a few technical potholes, which I'll bring up again farther into this post.
Fucking history
Stop demonizing or for absolute fucks sake wubbifying Japanese history because UwU Japan ♡0♡ or bringing up shit like "you know they sided with Nazis, right?" It's good to recognize poor past decisions, but literally it's not your country keep your nose out of it. And? A lot of decisions made by countries were not made by their general peoples. Even those that were, often involved heavy propaganda that made them think what they were doing was right.
Seriously, it's not your country, not your history. Unless you have some sort of higher education (but honestly even then a lot of those contain heavy bias), just don't butt in.
^^^ this also goes to all countries that are NOT Japan (specifically when people from non American countries talk about their history while in fandoms and someone wants to Amerisplain to them why "well, actually-"). When we said, "question your sources," we didn't mean "question the people who know better than you, while blindly accepting the (more than likely biased) education you were given in the past."
What this does NOT include:
Seriously, fanfiction is literally UNPAID WORK from RANDOM FANS- a lot of which who are or have started as kids. ((No, I'm not trying to excuse racist depictions of people just because they're free, please see above where I talk about learning to grow a skill and how it's possible tone bad and get good, on top of the fact that some inaccuracies are not just willful ignorance))
"Looking it up" doesn't work
"Looking it up" almost never works
Please, for fucks sake, you know that most all online search engines are heavily biased, right? Not to mention, not everything is universal across the entirety of Japan. You want to look up how the school system works in Hokkaido? Well it's different from the ones in Osaka!
Most fanfiction is meant to be an idealized version of the world. Homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, ableism, and racism are very prevalent and heavy topics that some fan authors would prefer to avoid. (Keep in mind, this is also used by some people in those minorities often because thinking about how relevant those kinds of things are is to them every day).
A lot of shit that happens in writing is purely because it's an ideal setting. I've seen a few arguments recently about how fan authors portray Japanese schools wrong- listen, I can't tell you how many random school systems I have pulled from my ass purely because (I need them to interact at these points, in these ways). Sometimes the only compliment I can think of is 'I like your shirt' or sometimes I need character A to realize that character B likes the same thing as they do, so I might ignore the fact that most all Japanese schools require uniforms, so that I can put my character in a shirt that will get someone else's attention.
Sometimes it's difficult to find information on different types of systems, and sometimes when you DO know those things, they directly rule out a plot point that needs to happen (like back on the topic of schools (from what I've seen/heard/read- which guess what? Despite being from multiple sources, might still be inaccurate!) Japanese schools don't have mandatory elective classes (outside of like gym and most of them usually learn English or another language- I've seen stuff about art classes? But the information across the board varies.), but, if I need my character to walk in and see someone completely in their element, I'm probably not going to try and gun for accuracy or make up a million and two reasons as to why this (non elective) person would possibly need something from (elective teacher) after school of all things.)
Some experiences ARE universal- or at least overlap American and Japanese norms! Like friends going to fast food places after school doesn't /sound Japanese/ or whatever, but it's not like a horrible inaccuracy to say that your characters ate at McDonald's because they were hungry. Especially when you consider that the Japanese idolization of American "culture" is also a thing.
Also I saw someone complaining about how, in December, a lot of (usually westerners) write Christmas fics! Well, not only are quite a few of those often gift fics, with it being the season if giving and all, but Japanese people do celebrate Christmas! Not as "the birth of Christ," but rather as a popularized holiday about gift giving (also pst: America isn't the only place that celebrates Christmas)
But, on that note, sometimes things like Holidays are "willfully ignorant" of what actually happens (I've made this point several times, but (also this does by no means excuse actual racism)), because, again: plot convenience! Hey what IF they celebrated Halloween by Trick or Treating? What if Easter was a thing and they got to watch their kids or younger siblings crawl around on the ground looking for tiny plastic eggs?
Fanfiction authors can put in hours of work for one or two thousand words- let alone ten thousand words, fifty thousand words, a hundred thousand words. And all of these are free. There is absolutely no (legal) way to make money off of their fanworks, but they spent hours, days, weeks, months- sometimes even years- writing. It is so unnecessary to EXPECT or REQUIRE them to spend even more hours looking up shit that, no offense, almost no one is going to notice. No one is going go care that all of my combini prices are accurate or that I wrote a fic with a Japanese map of a train station that I had to backwards search three times to find an English version that I could read.
Not everyone has the attention span or ability to spend hours of research before writing a single word. Neurodivergent people are literally a thing yall. Instead of producing the perfectly pretty accurate version of Japan that people want to happen, what ACTUALLY happens is that the writer reads and reads and reads and either never finds the information they need or they lose the motivation to write.
^^^ (This does NOT apply to indigenous or native peoples, like Pacific Islanders or tribes that exist in real life. Please make sure that you portray tribal minorities accurately. If you can't find the information you need (assuming that the content of the series is not specifically about a tribe), please just make one up (and for fucks sake, recognize that a lot of what you've been taught about tribal practices, such as shit like human sacrifices or godly worship, is actually just propaganda.)
Not to mention, it often puts a wall in front of readers who would then need to pull up their OWN information (that may or may not be biased) just in order to interact with the fic ((okay, this one has a little bit of arguability when it comes to things like measurements and currency, because Americans don't know what a meter is and no one else knows what a foot is- either way, one of yall is going to have to look up measurements if they want to get a better understanding of the fic)). However, a lot of Americans who do write using 'feet, Fahrenheit, dollars,' also write for their American followers or friends (which really could go both ways).
On a less easily arguable side, most fic readers aren't going to open up a new tab just to search everything that the author has written (re the whole deep topics, not everyone wants to read about those sorts of things, either). Not only are you making it more difficult on the writer, but you're also making it more difficult for the reader who's now wondering why you decided to add in Grandma's Katsudon recipe, and whether or not the details you have added are accurate.
Some series, themselves, ignore Japanese norms! Piercings, hair dye, and incorrectly wearing ones uniform are frowns upon in Japanese schools- sometimes up to inflicting punishment on those students because of it. However, some anime characters still have naturally or dyed blond hair some of them still have piercings or wear their uniforms wrong. Some series aren't set specifically in Japan, but rather in a vague based-off-real-life Japan that's just slightly different (like Haikyuu and all of its different prefectures). Sometimes they're based on real places, but real places that have gone through major changes (like the Hero Academia series with its quirks and shit).
Fandom is not a full time job. Please stop treating it like it is one. Most people in fandoms have to engage in other things like school or work that most definitely take precident over frantically Googling the cultural implications of dying your hair pink in Japan.
Art is also meant to be a creative freedom and is almost always a hobby, so there are a few cracks that tend to spark debate. Like I said, it is still a hobby, something that's meant to be fun (on this note!)
If trying new things and expanding your portfolio is genuinely making you upset, it's okay to take a break from it. You're not going to get it right on the first try and please, please to everyone out there critiquing artists' works, please take this into account before you post things.
I'm sorry to say, but, while it gets frustrating to see the same things done wrong over and over again, some people are genuinely trying. If it matters enough for you to point out, please offer solutions or resources that would possibly help the artist do better (honestly this could be said about a lot of online activism). I get that they should "want" to do better (and maybe they don't and your annoyance towards them is completely justified- again, as I said, if this becomes a repeated offense and they don't listen to or care about the people trying to help them, yeah you can be a bitch if it helps you feel better- just please don't assume that everyone is willfully ignorant of how hurtful/upsetting/annoying a certain way of portraying things is), but also WANTING to do better and ACTUALLY doing better are two different things.
Maybe they didn't realize what they were doing was inaccurate. Maybe they didn't have the right tutorials. Maybe they tried to look it up, but that failed them. Either way, to some- especially neurodivergent artists- just being told that their work is bad or racist or awful isn't going to make them want to search for better resources in order to be more accurate, it's just going to make them give up.
Also! In fic and in writing, no one is going to get it right on the first try. Especially at the stage where we creators ARE merely in fan spaces is a great time to "fuck around and find out", before we bring our willfully or accidentally racist shit into monetized media. Absolutely hold your fan creators to higher standards, but literally fan work has so little actual impact on popular media (and this goes for just about every debate about fan spaces), and constructive criticism as well as routine practice can mean worlds for representation in future media. NOT allowing for mistakes in micro spaces like fandoms is how you get genuinely harmful or just... bad... portrayals of minorities in popularized media that DOES have an impact on the greater public. OR you get a bunch of creators who are too afraid to walk out of their own little bubbles, because what if they get it wrong and everyone turns against them. It's better to just "stick with what they know" (hobbies are something that you are meant to get better at, even if that is a slow road- for all of my writers and artists out there, it does take time, but you will get it. To everyone else, please do speak up about things that are wrong, but don't make it all about what's wrong and please don't be rude. It's frustrating on both ends, so, if you can, please try not to escalate the situation more.)
Anyways, I'm tired of everyone holding fictional characters to American Puritanical standards, but I'm also tired of seeing every "stop Americanizing fandom" somehow loop into fanfiction and how all authors who don't make their fics as accurate as possible are actually just racist and perpetuating or enabling America's take over of the world or some shit.
Fan interpretation of published media is different than fan creation of mon monetized media. Americans dominating or monopolizing spaces meant for all fans (especially in a fandom that was never meant for them to begin with) is annoying and can be harmful sometimes. Americans writing out their own personal experience using random fictional characters (more often than not) isn't.
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uraharashouten · 4 years
———  basics! ♡
NAME! ♡       Silk PRONOUNS! ♡     [ redacted ]* :D Feel free to use they/them! ♡ ZODIAC SIGN! ♡     Scorpio 🦂😈 TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡     Well taken. ♡
* I just feel that in anonymous, online spaces like tumblr, there’s an opportunity to break free of all the cultural biases and assumptions that often accompany pronouns. I don’t want to be identified by them here; I want to be identified by my writing and portrayal, mostly.  I don’t mind sharing them once we get to know each other, but that’s why I don’t tend to be up-front with them.
———  three  facts! ♡
1! ♡    I ran a professional cake artistry business for about 7 years; had to quit because of burnout, but you can see some of my work on this tag.
2! ♡   I am classically trained on the violin. I don’t have much occasion to play these days, but I certainly know my way around one!
3! ♡    I have been to five continents (including the one I live on) and would like to get to them all before I die.
———  experience! ♡
PLATFORMS USED! ♡     tumblr.  I only learned this hobby existed five years ago. That’s how long I’ve been doing it, and that’s how long I’ve been here. I don’t think most people my age are really aware of either of those things...  I will RP on Discord but only if I already know you and your muse fairly well. And even then... my brain is too laggy! I cannot be clever enough to do Urahara Kisuke justice in real time. So I prefer this forum most.
———  muse  preference! ♡
GENDER! ♡     Whatever Kisuke is, tbh. I tend to enjoy having a full range of expression; I don’t enjoy playing muses on either extreme of the gender scale. I like nuance and complexity. LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡   To play? I suppose one way to answer this is to mention I tried muses with real people faceclaims for about two years. It was a whole different universe... it adds a certain aspect of realism that’s interesting, and allows exploration of real-life issues in roleplay. But I think I find that staying in a manga/anime style offers more freedom of expression for a lot of things. I do, however, prefer they look a bit more realistically drawn, rather than overly cartoonish.
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡      I’ve experimented with other muses, but this is the only one that’s lasted. I think the reason for that is that I find not only considerable kinship with Urahara Kisuke, but also much complexity, depth and nuance to explore in his character.  I did take a two-year break from this blog, but that was owing to burnout and fandom drama more than anything else. Since I’ve been back, I’ve discovered I still have much more to write. So: I would say I prefer to write a single-muse blog, since I just don’t have that many muses in me. However, I find I’m drawing in Tessai, Jinta, Ururu and Benihime more often lately as NPCs, and I like how it enriches the story. I have written Ururu before independently on her own blog; and that experience told me I don’t have enough muse to sustain that -- so I’ve found a compromise in making her available as a guest muse on this blog. That’s about as close as I get to a multi-muse. FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF :   I’ll be honest: I can’t sustain Fluff for long unless it feels there’s some point to it; by which I mean conflict and resolution, problem-solving, knowledge-building, character/relationship development, growth, etc,... I suppose I’m not a fan of let’s bake cookies together uwu plots, because they’re not actually plots if nothing really happens, and we get booooored very quickly. However! the best way to rescue boring Fluff is with a heavy dose of Crack! And with this muse, it’s not even Crack half the time, it’s just how he is: agent of why-would-he-do-that? chaos.
ANGST :   Angst has conflict baked in, and therefore has no trouble holding our interest. Having said that, I tend to become over-invested very easily and can find threads like that both challenging to write (because my standards suddenly skyrocket) and emotionally draining (I really don’t compartmentalize well; will lie awake at 3 AM feeling the emotional burdens of two entirely fictional people.)  So I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising that my most memorable threads have had a high degree of Angst.
SMUT :   I have overcome my shyness to write and post it here, thanks to one friend and writing partner in particular, with whom I gained enough practice to feel confident. But like Fluff, I tend to need a purpose for writing it that goes beyond using it as an outlet for sexual frustration, you feel me? And honestly, I really am long overdue for a headcanon around this, but I don’t think he’s nearly as prone to hooking up as the fandom seems to think. Hence: not too many reasons to write Smut...
PLOT / MEMES! ♡     Memes are great when I want to just open the door to the randomness of the universe, but I must be in the right mood to answer them, so I don’t post them often. Plotting can be helpful for any kind of serious long-term interaction.  
tagged by: @silvcrreaper​ [[ thank you!! ]]
tagging: hmmm... who do I not know well enough...   @waspandr, @tigrextoque, @deivorous, @nirgama, whoever wants me to know them better!
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dickytwister · 4 years
HEY do you maybe have like an oc page or could you tell me something about all your ocs because i'm Interested and you have my full attention :eyes:
AHSJDKGLHL that's so sweet i'm nfjghl???? i don't have an oc page bc i'm the embodiment of an old man being given an iphone after 50 years of using a rotary phone but !!! i can yell abt them a bit aaa thank you for asking abt them 🥺🥺💚
i put everything under the cut bc dear god i have a lot to say abt my kids and i'm not gonna make everyone scroll through that HHHHHH haw 🤠🤠
elliot fletcher
- he's my deputy in fc5!! he's from waverly in iowa and he's just...very tired nfjfkhl give my poor man a break
- everytime his radio crackles he ages 10 years and if it's john talking add another 10 years
- he keeps the three heralds alive but he doesn't care abt joseph <3
- gets in trouble bc he's impulsive af nfjghl when jacob is close to the cage?? ram his face in the bars. when john leans like rlly close in the confession scene?? headbutt 😌🙏🏼
- the only people who know abt his past are earl, grace, faith and john, the rest just kinda speculate and elliot lets them believe what they want bc not only does he rlly not want ppl to know the actual truth, it's also very funny to listen to the stuff they can come up with
- speaking of faith he often seeks her for advice and sometimes they get high together and he gets teary eyed bc she's just... very nice to him and when all you see everyday is violence it's overwhelming to be shown a little bit of kindness 🥲🙏🏼
- he's in love with john but also he'd kick him across the county if he could but also he'd give his life for him
- after the bombs and all he unlocks his final form and becomes A Husband™, complete with a beard, a scarf and bad jokes that make john want to officially marry him so he can divorce his ass
- fun fact i came up with the name elliot fletcher bc i thought it sounded neat but recently i found out there's a trans actor called elliot fletcher too??? like what were the odds ngl that's so cool
carter quill
- this is my character in the marvel dnd game my brother is dming!!
- his parents are peter quill and kitty pryde and he inherited his mom's powers (so he can become immaterial and stuff uwu) and his dad's tiny pebble brain~
- he grew up on a ship with the guardians so his family is just... a bunch of uncles, one of which is a tree
- he's part of an initiative called the peacekeepers with isaaq cage (luke cage's and jessica jones' son), finneas "zorn" reeves (brock rumlow's and sinthea shmidt's son), lu "highway star" khan (the mandarin's son), alexis "hex" pythagoras (doctor strange's protégé) and ev-lin (ronan the destroyer's daughter who also happens to be carter's bully when they were 11 HHHHHH)
- everyone agrees that carter is just... a puppy. a little labrador. so overexcited. head empty. he doesn't know what's going on but he's having fun with his friends and that's what matters <3
- he died once and went to hell for like 66 years bc he held a bomb while it was exploding but he got better and he doesn't remember most of his time in hell but also he's a lil traumatised
- he wears cute skirts sometimes and also froggie themed clothes 🥰🥰 he's terrible at applying nail polish and it ends up smudged most of the time bc he can't sit still for more than two minutes without going insane but he still likes it
- he has a pet bird called ink!! he thought it was a nice name bc his last name is quill so u know,,, ink,,, quill,,,, he inherited his dad's terrible humor also
- he's fruity and has a big fat crush on one of his teammates 😳😳👉🏼👈🏼
- he strictly refuses to kill, so he uses stunt energy guns and a three section staff to fight!! he accidentally killed someone once and threw up
- he knows asl and is fluent in it!! he's also very bad at reading measurements when cooking (and reading in general) so he relies on their proto-ai, dadji, to help him cook and he listens to audiobooks a lot!!
- idk what else to say abt him except like two games ago he was in the hospital bc lu got hurt and he wanted to get him muffins from a coffee shop across the streets but he panicked when faced with the selection so he bought one of each and came back to the hospital room with like,,,, twenty muffins
- i found this pic of his face claim and it honestly just radiates his vibe so here have it
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thorgran galvish
- he's my dwarf enchanter from another homebrew dnd game!! in this universe (and maybe others idk shit abt actual dnd HHHH forgive me) enchanter dwarves are lowkey enslaved bc of their rare link with magic
- thorgran blew up a wall and ran away to the surface so now he's a fugitive and he's constantly on the run uwu trust issues ensue
- he loves the sky so much?? especially at night?? he knows abt constellations, but he thinks they're just whatever you see in the stars and doesn't know there are like,,, actual constellations so he sits on the roof of a tall building sometimes and finds his own constellations
- he also tries to draw them but he rlly sucks at it aslkdsgl that doesn't stop him from filling his journal with little stars and drawings!!
- during my very first game with him he found his rival, who turned out to be a 16 years old teenager?? millennial/gen z rivalry
- agh i don't have much abt him yet bc i've only just started to play him but he's my beefiest boy and also a dilf 🥰🥰
theadric "elder" montajay
- yet another character from the same universe as thorgran, but this time it's a funky little halfling bard
- his instrument is the violin!! he tried every other instrument and his mom was very supportive despite how bad he was at all of them. his community was raided and his father died, so he inherited his violin and that turned out to be the only instrument he could play
- took his love of the economy to the next level when he decided to fuck every gang leader he could find to control their operations and ruin their organizations so the money they hoarded could be put back in circulation
- accidentally fell in love with a half-orc gang leader and was abt to tell him the truth abt what he was doing but was exposed by the first person he'd cheated so he had to run without explaining himself to his lover smh ://
- "i don't wanna fall in the slutty bard cliché," i say before immediately giving elder the tightest leather pants and opening his shirt to show his majestic chest hair.
- surprisingly good with kids?? anyone younger than him who looks sad becomes His Child and he turns into a lil mama, tasting the food of an inn first to assure it's not poisoned, giving hugs, soft shit like that ngl he's just a mom 😔😔
- we abandoned the game he was in but we left off when he'd just escaped a dwarven prison with his new child and others owo anyway slutty bard with chest hair?? that's just the witcher's jaskier
- my gay pirate lady!! i don't have much abt her either bc AAA BRAINROT but !!! i still love her very much
- she's a hybrid between a human and a psaarinch (fish folks in our homebrew universe uwu) and she looks very human except she has like shark abilities?? she can smell blood, taste with her skin, breathe underwater for like two hours or smth, sharper teeth,,
- she started off as a privateer but like what was the kingdom gonna do?? track her down to make sure everything she did was legal?? nah man she got that sweet fleet and became a pirate
- she beats men up in inns and gives their wives a good time <3
- she's very close to her crew and they're kinda just a big family
- she fights with those s-shaped staffs?? but they're actually blades ngfhl she's very agile and looks like she's dancing when she's actually fighting
- fun fact she's my second shark oc the first one was called maito and she was a yellow lantern in a dc game we did (the main difference between them is that maito loved men while scylla is very much a lesbian 😌🙏🏼)
i have like so many more of them but that's already such a long post and i don't wanna do too much NGL if u wanna know more hmu i'll yell some more 😎😎🙏🏼🙏🏼
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kaisooficrec · 5 years
College AU Request
This is part two of this post. 
Last college au request was over a year ago and since this is a very popular au the list is insanely long! There are some fics older than the last req but that weren’t recommended yet so I included those too ^^ enjoy and don’t forget to leave kudos & comments to the authors ♡♡♡
La Taille Parfaite - (ongoing) soulmates au, kyungsoo dreams of his soulmate’s dick and can’t wait to meet him
Criminally Romantic - kyungsoo is an author and jongin is a huge fan
Yes, the Brisket is Braised - (ongoing) Kyungsoo works part-time in a restaurant in which he meets the campus’ most popular jock jongin and is an asshole to him
Our Season - (ongoing) wolf & abo, they’re in the same frat house and are attracted to each other, but there are other guys who want a piece of kyungsoo’s ass (read: junmyeon is a little piece of shit)
The Deflowering of Do Kyungsoo - (ongoing) kyungsoo is very insecure about himself but jongin loves him and wants to show him just how much 
Sucker + Supermassive Black Hole - last two parts of a series where the boys are in college, established relationship, they deal with the struggles of life and how to keep their love going
Flawless - (ongoing) kyungsoo likes to crossdress which make people judgmental about him. he thought jongin was like all those people who make fun of him but jongin genuinely likes him
this gap can’t keep us apart - (ongoing) kyungsoo is in college and takes the bus every morning where he meets businessman!jongin and they start talking and getting close. turns out jongin is sehun’s older brother who is kyungsoo’s friend and they meet at their house when jongin discovered his girlfriend cheated on him again
Prank Gone Wrong - kai is a known prankster, so his bf ksoo decides to prank him instead one day. it backfires in a way he didn’t expect
Coffee - jongin found out taemin cheated on him which led him to the cafe where kyungsoo works~
Wild Flowers Worth Knowing - (ongoing) ot12 vampire au, kyungsoo’s life has changed for good after discovering vamp!jongin’s secret
i just need the time and place to come through - after ksoo’s been dumped jongin wants to teach how to fuck around, until he realizes he doesn’t want anyone else to have kyungsoo but him
run batted in - sports au, they’re from different colleges and during a competition they meet and voilà it’s instant love
Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls - (ongoing) kyungsoo is in a studio art class and jongin is his nude model
lately all i want is you on top of me - *cries hearts* they both think they’re straight until jongin accidentally sends a pic of his ass to kyungsoo and it marks the beginning of their gayness
Campaigning For Your Heart - elections au, enemies to lovers, they both support different people and get into heated arguments, which is all just bottled up sexual tension really
there are no wrong mistakes - /heart attack/ kyungsoo is a homebody who’s quiet and thinks he is boring. his roommate’s best friend thinks otherwise. 
Pay Me Some Mind - (how was this not recced before? lol) fwb to lovers, kyungsoo doesnt know jongin’s had a crush on him for a while but that doesn’t stop him from catching feelings
Hurricanes - *my absolute fav* bad boy!jongin meets not-so-innocent!soo and they fuck, but kyungsoo thinks its a mistake and jongin is intrigued (liiiight angst)
You times infinite - they become study buddies and then kyungsoo is turned into a vampire and doesn’t know how to stay close to jongin without hurting him
A Certain Romance - sports au, they’re from different schools but during a competition, a certain captain catches ksoo’s attention and maybe he’s interested in football after all
Signal Lost (& Found) - /looooove this/ soulmates & coffee shop au, jongin gets tattoos of what his soulmate draws since he was a child and then one day it disappears, and he’s confused about what happened to his soulmate
Just Say You Want Me (That’s All It Takes) - god yes. established relationship and library fucking with top!soo and slut shaming. need i say more?
A Different Morning - (YEEEES) childhood bffs!kaisoo and vlogger!jongin, MUTUAL PINING but they’re both oblivious!!! 
Break a Leg - drama club au i liiiive for this! they had a one night stand and ksoo is kind of a bitter asshole who doesn’t want anything to do with super popular jongin after it
vertigo; crash - abo, omega!soo is accidentally put in the alpha dorms and jongin thinks he hates him
Clandestine Romance - arranged marriage but they love each other, ksoo is in his last year of college and his husband turns up to become his new dance teacher
Pumped Up Kinks - (ongoing) kyungsoo goes to a gay strip club for his 21st birthday and gets more than he bargained for
We Can Go Home - broken kaisoo, jongin has to ask his ex for help in maths, and then... KISS & MAKE UP
Mirrors - (ongoing) ksoo is a famous youtuber whose fans start a online fanwar with kim jongin’s fans. he decides to be mature about it and text jongin himself to apologize
So You Have a Crush (Here's How You Grapple with It) - sports au, jongin is a taekwondo player and has a crush on the judo captain ksoo, and tries to get him to teach him chokehold techniques. (smutttt)
Hair - (ongoing) kyungsoo found out he has stage 2 spinal cancer, so he decides that he wants to take some risks before he has to die, like have sex with a guy. and this is how he meets jongin
If Only I Knew - soulmates au, jongin wants to wait to find his soulmate to be in a relationship but when he meets kyungsoo he changes his mind (warning: character death)
Some Kind of Start - ksoo likes jongin and the latter knows but chooses to ignore it since he doesn’t like him back. sehun asks ksoo to fake date so he can make junmyeon jealous, but jongin is also a victim of jealousy
hold onto me tight and never let go - het!kaisoo with fem!soo, she has trouble letting go of her barriers and jongin really wants to get to know her more
P.S. You're Cute - (ongoing) jongin liked his senior’s profile on tinder and they matched
Cloud9 - transition from hs to college, jongin expressed his crush for ksoo although nothing happened, they meet again five years later in college
Perfection - vocal major!ksoo meets dance major!nini and decides he likes him and will take care of him
A Slice of Summer Love - jongin has a crush on the pizza delivery guy and orders too much pizza (very cute uwu)
I’m sorry I broke your hand, date me so I can make it up to you (kinda) - jongin tripped during a party and groped ksoo’s ass by accident, and ksoo’s reaction was to break his arm, but he took care of him as a form of apology
Aspartame (Just As Sweet) - jongin’s friend creates him an account on a sugar daddy website as a joke but he was curious and kept it and met kyungsoo
Kim Jongin's Must Kiss List - after an accident during a bake sale in high school, ksoo doesn’t stand jongin. in college nini puts up a “would kiss” list with ksoo’s name on it among others, and an angry ksoo retaliates by putting up a “would never kiss” list with only nini’s name on it, which is the start of everything
Love In Control - bdsm!au in which kyungsoo wanted a partner that would understand his needs and how to dominate him, and that person is kim jongin (warning: obviously bdsm and everything that comes with it. please read the tags carefully!)
No buts, just beauty - wolf au, kyungsoo is bullied and being told he’s ugly, jongin is making sure he feels beautiful
[Ain't] My Fault - top!soo greatness :-) they meet while jongin’s still with sehun but they break up soon after bc sehun cheated on him, and ksoo’s here to pick up the broken pieces
Treasure Trove - dragon au, ksoo is sick n jongin went to his room to give him candy and then they netflix and chill (literally)
Waiting for You to Make a Move - i’m fucking in love with this fic omg ;___; JONGIN IS A DRUM PLAYER and they were crushing on each other during the bus ride in the morning and then ksoo goes to chanyeol’s band’s gig and THERE HE IS JONGIN THAT SEXY MOTHERFUCKER. yes read it please (smut)
This is a start of something new.. - police officer!soo goes to check a college party that wasn’t reported and is stuck with a flirty jongin
Cafe Eau Laid - /sweats profusely/ wolf au and coffee shop au, jongin has a crush on a cute costumer that comes otfen but thinks the friend that comes along is his boyfriend when he’s really just an idiot. (public sex n size kink, you know its good)
My Universe - set in college au but it’s also mama au, jongin is having weird dreams that seem like memories of another life, and dreams of a certain guy that he seems close with.
Sweep You Off Your Feet (Or Mop Around) - kyungsoo works as a janitor at nini’s college to help support his family. they get to know each other and kyungsoo doesn’t tell him he’s not a student but after an incident, he’s fired from the job and has to forget about jongin as well
This is the college au tag for older requests ♡
- Admin Macaroon
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chiptunecookie · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
Thanks to @michaelbjorkwrites for the tag. I can’t find the original list, so I’m going to answer the same questions.
1. Do you have a favorite OC?
I have two that I can’t decide between. There’s Saphren, a severely OP OC that I’ve developed over many years of writing snippets both mentally and digitally. Saphren is an anthropomorphic canine with ridiculous cosmic powers who is in love with a mortal cursed with immunity to all forms of decay, including time. She’s actually a Guardian of many of my fictional worlds, something like an anti-Galactus but slightly more ridiculously powerful. However, she can only exercise said powers when she’s abiding by the Universal Law of Balance, and correcting said balance. So, if she can’t actually super-fight, she knows she messed up somewhere. Second is Samma Dawn, a Witch-Kin servant of Goddess Emelis, the First Mother (basically my Gaia stand-in for a world I’ve been developing called Minera). Samma can commune with flora and fauna, make bonds with both and even manipulate them directly if necessary. Samma is dutiful, somewhat aloof and often puts Nature above all else, leaving a bitter taste for many who meet him, but he is honest, and does care deeply for other peoples who take the time to understand his values and choices.
2. Which WIP has changed the most? Why?
Probably my most recent one concerning a retelling of a popular fairy tale, because I’m just not sure how to start it, what exactly I want to say about it, and I’ve been stuck in outline phase for a dog’s age because of college.
3. Do you enjoy worldbuilding? Do you consider yourself good at it?
Without a doubt I love WorldBuilding (TM). Worldbuilding is probably my favorite part of the big picture. As for good at it?.. I’m confident in my ability to spitball a believable world. When it comes time for details, like religions or culture, I’m someone who tends to take less inspiration from specific things, and I just look at broad categories. Like, I’ll look at a bunch of cultures that hold some specific animal(s) sacred and find similarities to build off of, rather than make a direct/potential analogue with ten different details and a new name.
4. Have you ever made a conlang/fictional language for a WIP?
Yes and no. I made a cipher language with translation rules, which ended up being far too specific and I kept losing track of how to substitute my vowels... So I didn’t get far. It was a fun experiment, and I was inspired to do it by StarFox Adventure’s cipher.
5. Do you like to keep faceclaims of your OCs? Do you find them online or draw them yourself?
Technically yes... I have a very vivid idea of what Saphren looks like, because I simply associate an old Furcadia (uwu bois) portrait from my favorite map to her face. As for Samma, I’ve never had him drawn, and I cannot draw myself, so his face is very close to mine in my head, but if I described it, it’d be so different in your own that I don’t really think it’s terribly important.
6. Has anyone ever made any fanfic or fan art for you?
No, no. I haven’t posted anything worth it, to be fair.
7. Who is your writing buddy/confidant you always come to about your work?
Probably my wife. She usually reads everything I write before anyone else. As for the process itself, I’ve been very private about stuff that either isn’t finished or is just literally fanfiction of my own that I write as a self-indulgence because sometimes I want to go to a magical horse world without war and politics.
8. Big or small cast?
Medium. I prefer to have a cast of five to seven. Some people say seven is big, but I think nine and up is big, personally. Now, I usually split this up into Big P(rotagonist), Direct Support (1-2 aka sidekicks), Main Party (Includes previous, 2-5), Narrative Support (2-4 depends on many things, and can change members), and Just For This Scene (because we pass people every day that contribute but never become important).
9. Were any of your characters inspired by others you saw or read about?
Saphren’s love interest mentioned above, Lord Harken, is based on the Dunedain from Middle Earth as far as his lore is concerned; he came from a medieval world originally, but since he’s immune to decay, he got to watch it develop into a space-faring one, and eventually got a ship of his own. I had a character somewhat based on Inuyasha at one point, though he wasn’t a demon originally. His name is Taka, or at least that’s what he calls himself as even I can’t remember if that’s his real name or not. His younger brother was killed in a mercenary raid of their village. The two were orphans even before this, so Taka was furious, walked to the gates of Hell and even beat one of Hell’s jailors at a chance game for his brother’s soul. Dimone, the Demon Avatar of Wrath, took notice and told Taka that if he would eat a Pale Apple from the tree within Lucifer’s Crater, he could always protect his brother. Taka did so, and was cursed with a dark seed that basically turned him into a killing machine any time his brother was threatened, Taka got angry, or someone did something immoral and Taka found out about it. Dimone tricked Taka into being a soul harvester, essentially. He gets better, but his journey was not a happy one. His brother outgrew him and died peacefully, and Taka’s one comfort was that his brother always understood and stood by Taka, so at least neither was truly alone.
10. Favorite trope(s)?
So many... World of Cardboard Speeches are something I love. Even Evil Has Standards usually makes for some interesting depth or hilarious bits. Our (Insert thing here) Is/Are Different is one of my favorites. Crouching Moron/Hidden Badass is so much fun to play with. I think the crowning trope for me though is probably Refusal of The Call. It’s almost cliche these days, but it’s not just yet because there’s also so many Jumped At The Call stories/games that when the “Hero” is just like, “Nah, I’m good” I always want to see what circumstances arise that either light the fire or changes the course. It’s great when done well.
11. How do you waste time not writing?
Minecraft, but at the same time, Minecraft has inspired me so much. The open world becomes a story in and of itself for me personally. Minecraft inspired me to create the world of Minera, and Minera is based on Minecraft as an environment with many of my favorite mods being the basis for the rest of the world; its magic, its peoples, its history, everything. I absolutely adore the game and everything it has given me, done for me, and in some dark places in my life kept me from doing.
Tag list: @naiive-and-starry-eyed​ @enlightenedrobot @promptdumpster @linkedsoul @leopard-prompts @givethispromptatry @kiramartinauthor @writing-prompt-s @writeroftheprompts
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swordbreakerz · 5 years
✨ for all of them, 🎥 for treasure planet and guardians of gahoole, 🍀 for 9-1-1 and penumbra, 📃 for unicorn chronicles, 🏳️‍🌈 for howls, treasure planet and legend of zelda, and 💎 for any ones you have facts for lol
you spoil me uwu
🎥 - ok for treasure planet, gotta be the 12 years later scene in the beginning and the zoom in to the spaceport, the way it transitions from jim reading under the blankets to him flying on his solar surfer is so chefs kiss, and just like. everything about to the spaceport lmao, fr guardians definitely the scene where soren flies through the fire and then blows up the pulley system to get rid of the flecks energy, bro when hes flying above it all holding the lantern before he dives down to save them? chills
🍀 - you know im on that projection shit w/ juno steel, ive truly never like connected with a character like that before and he’s really really helped me thru my recovery and transition lol, fr 911 uhhh ig buck or eddie? i havent Thought About It or like consumed it enough times yet to rly settle on someone but fr now,,, they
🏳️‍🌈 - ok for howls, Everyone Is Bi/Pan, howl is trans and autistic and i will die on that hill, fr treasure planet jim and cpt amelia are both trans and both of them + doppler are autistic, fr loz link is trans, autistic and semi nonverbal and communicates primarily with asl, post twilight princess zelda says fuck it and finds a way back into the twilight realm and she midna and link hang out, most of these boil down to everyone i love is trans gay and autistic because i say so lmaooo
📃 - OK SO. without like, spoiling too many plot points, our main character is cara and she lives with her grandmother. her mom is dead and dad is out of the picture. one day theyre getting chased by these people that her grandma knows and cara gets thrown into an alternate realm full of fantasy creatures using her grandmothers amulet. she meets a unicorn named lightfoot and a bunch of other rad people and basically, starts a journey to save that world from the Hunters. the Hunters are an organisation who specifically hate unicorns and want them all dead, led by Beloved, and cara and her friends have to try and stop them from entering the world and wiping them out. its sooo so so good and i highly recommend it cause i have no one to talk to about it please god
✨ - oh boy uh, well. im just gonna like list them out lmao
unicorn chronicles: i loved unicorns as a kid and read it when i was in elementary school, and over the years its remained just as compelling and well written as i remember and like. god the whole concept is so godamn cool and all the subplots that get introduced are fuckign fantastic and like all the different creatures are amazing i literally cant sing its praises enough
howls moving castle: must i have a logical reason? is it not to vicariously live my fantasy of running away to the countryside with a wizard boyfriend, his demon and his apprentice?? for real though, its such a fantastic story with beautiful visuals in the movie and wonderfully compelling prose in the book, and esp in the movie the whole time travel subplot with sophie seeing howl and calcifer in the past and then howl finding her in the future makes me go feral
penumbra: gays in space. need i say more? im a huge slut for gay found family and especially in futuristic space, and im a huge big fan of the lgbt utopia its created. like yeah capitalism sucks but at least im not gonne get misgendered in space starbucks, u kno? all the writing and dialogue is so incredible and the SOUND DESIGN GOD, alex i know u specifically can relate when i say i would kill a man for sophie and her incredible sound design skills, like dude the dance scene in man in glass p2 you can hear every single individual step they take and every swish of junos dress and i jusT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god its so good, plus the whole the characters help me work through my trauma and repressed anger haha
911: this one is entirely your fault. so obligatory horny on main everyone on that show is so hot i want oliver stark to cradle me gently in his beefy arms oh my god. other than Men, the way it drives home the whole ‘you can’t save everyone, and it will kill you to try, so just focus on what you can do and keep living’ makes me so emo. the way it tackles big bureaucratic issues as well as closer to home interpersonal ones is amazing and i love how it shows people going through and dealing realistically with trauma.
treasure planet: again, who doesnt want to live in Cool Steampunk Space Travel Future? i really really love jims story and his arc, the way he deals with his trauma is uhh very familiar lol and his relationship with silver is like the ideal. the story is just the coolest concept and i love all the wonderful character design and animation, plus the soundtrack SLAPS and everything is beautiful
legend of zelda: ive been associated with this series from a very young age due to my name and as soon as i gave into my fate and looked it up for real i just kinda fell into it lol. i cant really tell you exactly what draws me to it besides ‘wow fun game!’ and ‘god i wish that were me,’ but like the absurd amount of detail thats put into each installment and the creative ways they retell essentially the same/similar story over and over is incredible
guardians of gahoole: so i had the same experience with this and treasure planet which is i remembered ‘oh hey this is a movie that exists and i cant clearly remember watching it, ill look it up :)’ and then it consumed my life for a solid 3 months. firstly this movie is absolutely gorgeous, the animation and framing is fucking stunning and the way they handled owls talking like people as far as the movement of their very inflexible beaks was amazing. it sort of has the same draw for me as warrior cats? secret animal society ft incredibly traumatic experiences and the characters dealing with it. like, the whole concept is just so fuckign wild and it works so well, i rly enjoy this niche genre.
💎 - alright trivia time, so guardians of gahoole is based on a book series and the movie only covers part of the first arc i think idk, BUT theres another series set in the same universe called wolves of the beyond that i devoured when i was younger! i didnt know they were connected for the longest time and when i found out i was :000, i still rly love wolves of the beyond and wanna reread it, as well as read the actual gahoole books. in the howls books, sophie is a redhead! also, markl is named michael and like a fully functioning young adult who ends up marrying one of sophies sisters. treasure planet is, obviously, based off treasure island but its so much better than the book dont bother reading it lol i tried and it was boring. there was plans for a treasure planet sequel that was fully scripted and cast but it was cancelled cause disney sabotaged treasure planet from the start with the shitty release and advertising and tldr we were ROBBED, also amelias concept was much more octopus like and while that wldve been rad im p glad she was switched to a cat for. several reasons lol. uhh i dont have a lot of Fun Facts abt the unicorn chronicles but for the longest time i thought there were only 3 books and then last year i found the fourth book by chance in a kitsch store and nearly had a breakdown i was so happy, like full on i started shaking and crying cause there was so much joy in my body i cldnt contain it.
thats all i can think of tysm ily, to anyone who read all of this bless u please watch guardians of gahoole and read the unicorn chronicles i will love u forever
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tfadi · 7 years
My unpopular opinions: It’s about M/T/M/T/E & L/L. They’re nothing too big, just likes and dislikes and the why. 
Remember, you are free to disagree and heck, I’d love it if you would tell me why!
Probably a part 1/2
-So I see the appeal to Chromedome and Rewind, but I’m actually not a big fan. There are some times where I genuinely cringe at the lines that are said between them.
-I really wish Rewind stay dead and someone like Pipes be brought back instead from the other Lost Light. I think Chromedome would have had a very strong character arc if he learned to realize his problem, pick himself up and out of his constant mourning, and learn to truly stand on his own. Loss and depression are incredibly difficult to deal with, but personally, to give Rewind back is really undermining Chromedome’s pain, as well as his potential emotional strength we will NEVER GET to SEE.
-I also just really love Pipes and am sad he is dead. He had a really nice quirk and I think his addition to even the mutineers arc would have been great. With his crush for Riptide, they could’ve teamed up and Getaway could even have played with one or the other to give an even more hateful and emotional response to the audience. Like Getaway would totally pick up on Pipes’ crush and have used it against him, things like that just make Getaway even more of an ass and our sympathy rides for Pipes even harder.
- I love love love the spark eater arc in the first season of MTMTE. It was really exciting, the design for the spark eater was top notch, the image of how Chromedome sees into his subjects is established, all these little characterizations from various different characters flesh out this mini arc and that’s what makes it beautiful. Like when at the end Rodimus pulls that last little stunt and shoves the spark eater into the engine, gives a lot of information about not only the engines, but also how Rodimus is a High Risk-High Reward kind of person that needs to show off. 
-However, speaking of Rodimus, I liked his 2009 ongoing character better than his MTMTE. In mtmte, he feels less of a main character and more of a side character that fits in with the rest of the cast. He’s got this one big quirk with the occasionally big emotional ‘Oh I care’ shtick going on. This might be just me, but...where is his spotlight?( I mean this as a character, not the spotlight series.) He doesn’t have to be in every panel of the series but I sense no overarching arc for him in mtmte. I will have to remake this evaluation later, but that is my stance for now. Just give me more Rodimus please, I’m happy to see it in Lost Light and I hope he’ll get more fleshed out in the issues to come. 
-It’s even worse when Megatron comes in because he hasn’t stolen the spotlight, he’s turned one on, on himself. It should be a shared spotlight, not just a shared rank. This Dual protagonist thing should still shed more on Rodimus but give enough of Megatron that they really feel like they’re fighting for that right. This is supposed to be Rodimus’ story after all. 
-I love Cyclonus. (not unpopular but-)
-I love Tailgate.(Also not but-...)
-I love Cygate a lot, and their developing romance is something that pulls me back to MTMTE. (definitely popular BUT-)
-AUTOBOT MEGATRON WAS A OOGITY BOOGITY OF A MISTAKE. I use to love Autobot Megatron. I no longer. He’s still cute though and his design is so fun to draw and no lie he holds a special place in my weenie of a heart. But I no longer like the concept, and the direction it was taken in. It was muddy and rather uncharacteristic. If anything he would have done his best to reform the Decepticons into the vision he has as this character of Autobot Megatron. As great as to see him change, its awful to see his charismatic fire get blown out.
-One of the BIGGEST ISSUES this series has is- lack of response and consequence. Especially in character deaths. There are a lot of deaths that are just for plain shock value- Kaon, Ravage, Trailcutter- the entirety of the DJD really. The list can go on and on. Ravage’s death was truly pointless, especially for a character that has been with us for this long. Good to see how it affects Soundwave in another series, but I wish it had stuck to the whole, ‘show don’t tell’ instead of just being like ‘Hey optimus, ravage died so yeah I’m super sad but let’s be bffs’
-I could not take the DJD seriously.
-Skids. Skids. Skids... A death that I actually felt. Probably one of the more satisfying deaths in MTMTE and I’m glad he stays dead. To live would have been agonizing for him.
-Though I am both sad and excited how Nautica will live on with not caring for Skids anymore.
-This is a good time to bring that potential Chromedome arc. Imagine if that had happened, he could help Nautica through that loss because he’s been through it. CD could have tried to tell her bringing back Skids is a bad idea, especially since CD knows Skids’ past.  Nautica might have been persuaded because Chromedome lost Rewind, but managed to stand up again.
-There’s a lot of really juicy potential that mtmte just never risked. 
-I don’t like Tarn. I think he’s boring. His design is hot shit though. GEEZE TARN WHY DID YOUR MOM LEt  YOU HAVE TWO?? FUSION CANNONS??? LOOK AT YOURSELF.
-I don’t like Pharma, I don’t think he’s pretty. It’s the head really. But you know it gets blown off so uwu.
-I have...mixed feelings about the Magnus suit concept. Oh it’s cool don’t get me wrong. But I just wanna know more about the og Ultra Magnus. Also the whole tangibility of Cybertronian life and bodies because they’re metal is very scary to me. But that just gives the body horror an even bigger plus so you know, again, mixed feelings. 
-[Taps mic] SHOVING MEGATRON INTO ANOTHER UNIVERSE WAS ALSO A MISTAKE. Now they had better bring him back, or hell, give him his own series to see what he’s doing in this other universe. I fell for his gay little smile I really did, but I feel robbed! Totally robbed! This is not the end for him, this CAN’T be the end for him. It is unsatisfying as FUCK. This can be the next STEP. But if you’re telling me this is the END for Megatron, then you can meet me in the streets because I will fight you. 
-I’m not the biggest fan of Rung... ^^;;; 
-I can only see Whirl/Cyclonus platonically. 
-It. is. really sad to see how Swerve gets pushed down again, after his own issue. 
-The scavengers are fun, but I don’t like how they’re this side series to mtmte.
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wes-silent-rebel · 8 years
((this blog is getting into a little hiatus because I don’t feel like rping for a time
still, today I wanna draw
I wanna draw Rebel and possible boyfriends in modern au, the drawings will be in my main blog since in this one there’s no canon stuffs of modern au and I don’t want people thinking something is canon
I also wanna say that if you follow my main blog and see the drawing of Rebel with other characters, I’ll remind that this is a multiship blog and has a different universe for each pairing, so our pairing is intact uwu
if you want a drawing of them, let me know, by replying this or chat))
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