#I like to be representative in art but no piece is going to cover everyone’s experiences in life
bearybutch · 1 year
Why are people on tumblr so consistently annoying like 😐
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actually I meant what I said, that art is for butches and femmes who are friends and/or lovers. It’s an artwork explicitly about love and connection within the butch/femme community. I didn’t draw a retelling of Eros and Psyche’s love story for it to be about…lack of connection?
Anyways don’t do this lol sometimes a thing is made and it is just not about you ❤️
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velvetydream · 1 month
꒰ :🥀 [ Stay ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : You wanted a healthy normal relationship, he hated commitment and told you he would never change. Yet you two are drawn to each other like a moth to a flame, craving for the others warmth.
Pairing : BadBoy! Seonghwa x Fem! Reader
Word count : 10K
Genre : Angst, Comfort, Happy end, Romance,
Warnings ➵ Drinking, Toxic realationship,
Friends with benefits, SA (not
from Seonghwa), Blood
a/n : Inspired by Ateez Stay cover bcs omg Seonghwa in that cover-
Also please be aware that the realationship in this story is mostly very toxic and only to be seen as a work of fictional art, I don't condone behavior like that in any way!
This is not supposed to represent Seonghwa in any way or form, it's a simple work of fiction!
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You swore to yourself you would never get into something with no strings attached. Romance and a healthy relationship were what you were looking for from early on, did that ever work out till now? Not really. Most relationships end before they even start, them cheating or ghosting you. Now that was the reason you told yourself you would never fall for Park Seonghwa, not like apparently everyone else. He was known for breaking hearts left and right and not being up for commitment. Despite his good looks, that scared you off, keeping your distance from him.
Now how did you end up getting to know him despite telling yourself to stay away from him? It all started with this one project in your history class.
Your best friend Yunho was sitting beside you, telling you about his weekend and how he visited this fun amusement park with his family. Listening to him till a sudden bang disrupted your conversation. In steps Park Seonghwa, followed by Choi San and Kim Hongjoong. Those three were rather known to be up to no good mostly, along with a few others like Wooyoung or Jongho. Clad in mostly black and blue clothes, a lot of leather, and Seonghwas neck adorned by a velvety chocker. He even wore some makeup, his black hair put up into a half bun, noticing even a few hickeys on his neck, probably from one of his playthings. Rolling your eyes before averting your attention to Yunho again, chatting till the professor walks in, Mingi stumbling in out of breath before he closes the door, the tall boy taking the seat beside you now.
The lesson was going rather smoothly, the troublemakers at the back only keeping to themselves this time and not bothering the rest of the class. Ears peaking up now as your professor announces a partner project, where he for once assigned the partners, making you wish to get anyone but one of those three.
"Mingi and Yunho." Both boys high-fived, before sending you an apologetic look, your name was yet to be called, same for Seonghwa and you two were one of the last people left. "Y/N and Seonghwa." Your pen slipped from your hand landing on the desk, that man can't be serious right? Looking over to Mingi and then Yunho, both not meeting your gaze, knowing full well you want to switch with them. Screw them for real. No more focused on the lesson, you were thinking of ways to get out of this project, not even noticing how your two friends already stood up and were now watching a certain black-haired man walk over to you.
"Here is my number, write me for the project~" Shriking together as you hear a whisper in your right ear, a hand putting a piece of paper in your hand and disappearing before you could even turn around to scold him for coming this close to you. Out of them all it had to be Seonghwa, you could've maybe even worked with San or Hongjoong but him? A groan leaves your lips as you get up from your seat, following the duo out of the room and to your next class.
And so your relationship with Seonghwa started, you messaged him and made out a meeting point for the project. Which was the library, for now, not wanting to invite him to your place or go to his dorm.
The dreaded day came and you were sitting in the library only problem, was you were alone. Seonghwa was already half an hour late, you already started working but grew more and more irritated the more time ticked by. Almost an hour late he finally shows up, sunglasses perched on his nose as he took a seat beside you. "You're almost an hour late, listen I also don't want to do this, but I will not be doing this alone." Looking at him now finally, you notice how his form looked somewhat sunken together and he still wore the glasses despite being inside. "Are you fucking hungover?!" Groaning at your loud voice now, he holds your stare. "Even if, I'm here and you've got no place to complain." Rolling your eyes, you start to pack your stuff together again, not going to put up with this. You would just have to ask your professor for a different partner, this was ridiculous.
"Are you really being such a bitch right now?" Standing up to follow you, was he seriously coming late and then having the audacity to call you names? "Excuse me?! You were the one to be this late and even hungover now you have the audacity to call me a bitch?! Fuck you!" Slamming the door in his face now you make your way to the gates of the school, stomping your way through the path. Not daring to even look back after you just slammed the door in his face, he would probably just get going and leave you to finish the project all on your own. "Wait up! My god, you're so difficult!" Feeling your eye start to twitch irritated, yet you didn't halt and proceeded to walk. That is until a hand on your wrist suddenly stops you.
"Okay sorry for calling you a bitch, I'm just not in a good mood. Let's meet up tomorrow? I'll be sober for real, I'll even treat you to a meal." Looking at the black-haired man in front of you skeptical now, was he really offering to treat you a dinner while working? With a short hesitation you in the end agreed, telling him your address so he could pick you up, he insisted on picking you up.
With that, your ways part and this was the first real encounter you had with Park Seonghwa. Opening the door for him into your life in a little gap.
The evening was spent preparing some stuff for the project the next day, despite Seonghwa wanting to work on this, you decided to at least start some stuff. Not knowing if you can trust his words of picking you up to work on this tomorrow.
The next day is quick to follow, you get dressed in something flowy and thin because the summer heat is unbearable any other way. Makeup was applied and while you were packing your bag for the study session, your phone started to ring, showing Seonghwas's name. Astonished that he actually showed up, he probably knows you would ask for another partner if he didn't and he needed the good grade, knowing you are a good enough student to help him with achieving this.
The moment you stepped outside your eyes bulged, you knew he drives a motorcycle but you never thought he'd pick you up like this - on top of that you never drove on a motorcycle before. "Ready to go?" Looking up at him now as you stand before him, looking over to the side of the motorcycle before a helmet was held into your view - his helmet. "Don't you need one too?" Laughing a bit at the slightly concerned tone of your voice, Seonghwa assures you that it's fine and the drive a short one. Still a bit unsure you put the helmet on and get behind him, holding onto the sides of the motorcycle making him raise his eyebrows. "Put your feet there and your arms around me, this ain't some cute little slow bicycle, don't want you falling off." Without a second thought, Seonghwa grabs your arms placing them around his waist, your red cheeks being hidden by the helmet. Never in your life had a manhandled you like this. Rough and firm, yet a certain softness to not bruise you. Gripping onto him tightly he takes off.
The drive truly was not that long as he said, it took you maybe 10 minutes to be in front of a little diner. Getting off before you, Seonghwa then holds his hand out to help you off, which you accept before giving the helmet back to him. Following him inside now, he leads you two to a booth next to a window, sitting down opposite of you. "Let's eat first and then work on this stupid project." Nodding in agreement, you still felt a bit uncomfortable talking around him. "You're not really talkative huh?" Sending a smirk your way, you avert your eyes down to the menu. He was right, he intimidated you, even though you would never admit that out loud to him. "I don't really talk to other people than my close friends." This was the closest agreement you would give him, making him hum in acknowledgment.
After giving your orders, the waitress hits on Seonghwa and he reciprocates it, which by the way made you wanna puke, you two finally started to work on your school project because the food would take a while to get to you. Lost in the text now, you don't even notice how Seonghwa often looks up to you, mustering your face. Only catching his eyes for a second when your food arrives, a little break from working on the project while you eat. It was quiet for a while, the only sounds being your cutlery against the plate and the occasional picking up and setting down your glass again.
So after finishing you two got back to work, it actually surprised you how well Seonghwa was working along, had you thought he would let you do the whole work and then get a good grade. The conversations between the two of you also getting easier while the time ticks by. Seonghwa is different in private than he is in school and different from the vibe he gives off. He normally looks so stern and intimidating, yet when you two are alone right now he is rather calm, works well, and doesn't look as rough as he normally does. "Caught your eye darling?" You didn't even notice that you had started staring at Seonghwa, looking down quickly when you started to blush, only hearing a chuckle leave his lips.
"Cat got your tongue now?" You acted as if you didn't hear him, eyes set on the paper before you, that was until you felt Seonghwas foot push against your leg, not hard or anything but a little bump to get your attention and by the way you shrieked together surprised, he got his attention and reaction. The teasing continued while you two worked on the project that day, till you finally closed your book, finished for the day, face ablaze.
"Let's get going, the waitress is eye fucking me and she ain't my type at all." Grabbing his bag now, as he leads you out of the diner and back to his motorcycle. Handing his helmet over to you again, you put it on your head before sitting down behind him again, this time holding onto his waist from the start. "Good girl, you're learning~" Avoiding his gaze now as he glances at you, holding on tight to him as he takes off. The drive back felt even shorter than to the diner, stopping before your building, Seonghwa waits for you to step down and for you to hand his helmet back. "Text me when you wanna meet up next for the project, just give me a heads up early enough so I'm not hungover." You knew he was joking right now from the way he talked, he probably didn't drink every day, and yesterday was probably just a bad day. "Sure, thank you for picking me up and inviting me to a meal." A nod was sent your way before he put his helmet on and drove off. This was a really interesting event.
In your apartment again, you write Yunho and Mingi about how your first study session with Seonghwa went, and them immediately freaking out at how he tried to flirt with you. Rolling your eyes, as you tell then he was simply joking and teasing you probably.
Going about your night routine, before laying down, thinking about the day. Planning to write Seonghwa in two days when it's Friday, maybe to meet up on Saturday or Sunday for the next session.
The days went by quickly and you found yourself writing to Seonghwa, it didn't even take him long to reply either. Agreeing to meet up on Saturday, asking to meet up at your or his place this time. Thinking for a second, you ask for his address, being too uncomfortable to invite him to your place still.
So now you were finding yourself in front of a door, written on it was the number 206, the one Seonghwa sent you. Taking a deep breath, before ringing the doorbell, it took a few seconds, but Seonghwa opened the door for you. "Hello princess, glad you found it here." After the first meet up you were a bit more used to his pet names, entering his apartment now after he opened the door more, taking your shoes off. Glancing around the apartment, it was a bit smaller than yours and more chaotic, with clothes hanging over the couch, the coffee table full of different trinkets, and a pack of cigarettes lying open. Followed him over to the couch, sitting down beside him after he patted the space beside him. "Let's get this going, we don't get forever for this project." Nodding in agreement, you pull the papers you were last working on out, laying them on the table he had cleared right now. Only the cigarettes and ashtray remained on the table.
"Bothers you if I smoke?" Shaking your head yes now, Seonghwa raises his eyebrow. "Sorry I hate the smell, makes me sick to my stomach." Chuckling for a second, Seonghwa puts the pack away again.
"So how you wanna do this? Poster? Or PowerPoint? I could make a PowerPoint." Thinking for a second, a PowerPoint would probably be the best idea. "Sure sounds like a plan, I'll prepare the papers then, so we hand in both." Seonghwa nods before it goes quiet again between the two of you, the silence this time a lot less uncomfortable than before.
"I need a break!" Seonghwa groans as he stretches his arms above his head, noticing how his shirt rides up a bit and exposes his abs. Why did he have to be built this fine? "What you say 'bout take out? I can order." Grabbing his phone to scroll through a few services you agree, ending with both of you ordering Sushi. Now that you were taking a break from writing and working, you felt how sore your hand and fingers felt, like to wiggle them a bit to relieve the pain. "Do you smoke?" Looking over to Seonghwa now, cigarette dangling between his cherry red lips, making you wonder if he uses lip tints. "Not really, tried it once, hated it, my friend smokes from time to time though." Humming as a response, he takes a drag of his cigarette, fingers holding onto the little stick as he blows out the smoke. Just now you notice the chipped blue nail polish, the silver rings adorning his fingers, and the bracelets around his wrists.
"Do you want anything to drink while we wait?" Thinking for a second, before you ask him if he has any lemon soda, chuckling while he gets up to get one from his fridge. Coming back to sit beside you, handing you the lemon soda while he opens a can of beer. It amazed you how it was the middle of the day and he was still able to drink beer. A small conversation was held between the two of you, mostly about school and grades until the food delivery interrupted you two. The food was consumed in silence again, sitting cross-legged beside each other, your knee touching his. As soon as you two finished Seonghwa threw the containers away, sitting down beside you, who had started working yet again. Though unlike you, Seonghwa remained still beside you, watching you closely and how you worked. After a while you finally feel his eyes on you, looking over at him with a questioning look.
"Tell me.. I've been wondering the whole time, have you ever made out with someone?" You really thought your eyes would fall out of the sockets by how wide they got after he asked this. Out of nowhere too? Where was this coming from? Stammering now to find an answer, it's embarrassing to admit to someone like Seonghwa that at your age you never even kissed someone. All of a sudden the whole room and your body felt as if it was on fire. "I uhm.. I-" Smirking at the way you try to form a coherent answer, he already got his answer - no you never made out with someone. "Wanna try it?" Not believing your ears, you just stare at him, Seonghwa holding your gaze the whole time, his face being so intimidating and serious about his offer.. Was this even an offer?
"I mean.. Y-Yes someday.." Your eyes were glued on your hands now, which were playing with the trim of your shirt, not being able to look into his face. "I mean like right now, wanna try? Wanna know how it feels like?" You could feel him scoot closer to you, his body heat closer to you now, as he leaned his arm behind you on the couch, trapping you a little bit, between him and the couch. "I.. I'm not sure.." Feeling his fingers softly graze your chin as he turns your face to him, his eyes cast downward to your lips, making you gulp. "Say no or I will kiss you right now." The look on his face was telling you he was serious and despite that, you just looked at him, not telling him no. Your heart thrumming heavy in your chest, being able to feel it in your throat too. Even though you're aware of his reputation, you're way too curious to kiss him, make out even, but didn't curiosity kill the cat in the end?
Before you knew it his lips were on yours, soft and slow at first. His lips were warm against yours, he tasted a bit like smoke, but not too bad actually. Reciprocating the kiss, your body was still tense from being kissed by the Park Seonghwa, on top you were unsure about your inexperience. Seonghwas hands find your waist as he with ease tugs on you and places you on his lap. One arm stays around your waist now as the other slowly glides up, grazing your chest for a split second before settling on softly holding the side of your neck, his hand big enough for his thumb to slightly rub over your jawline. The kiss was turning more intense, your own hands gliding up his chest and coming to rest on his shoulders, slightly gripping the black shirt he was wearing.
A sudden gasp left your lips when you felt his tongue glide over your lip, him taking the chance to deepen the kiss. What surprised you even more, was a warm little ball pushing against your tongue now and then, you didn't even know that he had a tongue piercing. Pulling away for a bit now to let you catch your breath, his arms pushing you closer against him as he starts to trail kisses down your neck and onto your shoulder, pulling the fabric of your top down the shoulder a bit. "S-Seonghwa.." Gasping softly when you felt him suck on your collarbone, this prone to leave a mark for sure.
"We barely made out and you look this fucked out? Now I really wanna know what you look like after getting your brain fucked out." Eyes growing wide as he says these filthy words, you also can't deny that they have an effect on you, your core slowly growing wet. "But let's call it a day for now before I make you pass out." Letting you climb off his lap now, his lips pulled into a smirk. Just now you notice the smudged color on his lips, so he wears lipstick and not tint? Wiping a finger over your own now, checking your finger and being met with the same color on Seonghwas lips. "Here let me wipe it off." Grabbing your chin again, he turns your face to him as he softly wipes away the red lipstick with a tissue. Thanking him quietly, as you gather your things together. It was already quite late so you should probably head back now. "I'll drive you back." Surprised by that offer, you still take it, more convenient than taking the train for half an hour and possibly encountering creepy people.
The rest of the evening wasn't really special, he dropped you off, telling you to write him for the next session, making you wonder if he meant the school work or something else, before taking off after you went inside your building. And this was the first intimate moment you had with Park Seonghwa.
The next few sessions went rather normal, he did occasionally flirt with you, but nothing too much.
The due date was also a bit away and you two were almost finished, that's why you two decided to not study this Saturday. Great for you, did your girl friends invite you out to the club and you agreed. Get ready in a cute short dress, a belt, some matching accessories, and high heels, which will most likely kill you later in the night. Being picked up by your friends, you all arrive at the club and get inside.
It was full, like any Saturday night, the red and blue flashing lights made you squint your eyes for a second, getting them to adjust. People were mushed together on the dance floor, most booths were full already, luckily your friend knew some of the girls in one of them, making you guys join them. Shots were ordered, and some cocktails were drunk. It was a fun evening, spending some time on the dance floor, till you feel hands grab your hips from behind. About to punch the person grabbing you, stop when you notice that it's Seonghwa. "Such a skimpy dress, trying to drive me crazy?" Looking around frantically now, your friends were all caught up with something or someone else, to even notice Seonghwa being behind you. "Didn't know you would be here." Avoiding his gaze, you feel his body and hands move to grab your wrist softly and pull you outside of the club. Letting go of your hand for a second, he pulls out the pack of cigarettes, lighting it up before blowing the smoke out, not caring about how you recently told him how feel about people smoking around you.
"So babe~ How about we catch up on that wish of mine?" His fingers hook around your belt as he pulls you flush against him. Eyes darting around frantically now, no one seems to notice with whom you're standing this close with right now. "No ones here and the ones that are, are either too drunk or don't care and just wanna smoke." His face was beside yours now, as he whispered into your ear, before softly nibbling on the shell of it. Shrieking together at this, making Seonghwa chuckle and snake his arm fully around your waist keeping you flush against himself. "So you want to or not?" Too embarrassed to talk and again out of curiosity you nod. After the short yet intense make-out session with Seonghwa, you couldn't stop thinking about him and how you want him to ravish you.
"Good let's go then, hope your friends won't miss you." Pulling you along now, he makes his way over to the parking lot and his motorcycle. "Here put this on, it's too cold to drive in a short dress like that." Shrugging off his jacket now, he hands it over to you. It was a large black leather jacket, with safety pins on it for decoration, it was huge on you but felt oddly comfortable and calming. Used to it by now, you get on behind Seonghwa and hold on tight to him so you won't fall off before he takes off to his apartment.
Upon arriving there he kicks his shoes off, before grabbing you by the waist and pushing you against the closed door now. "Last chance to back out baby, tell me do you want this?" It surprised you how much he takes value in consent, after answering him with a yes that you want this, his lips are on yours. This kiss was much more heated than the last one you shared, full of lust and emotions. Seonghwas hands were running over your body, over your thighs pushing the trim of your dress up before moving up again to threaten his fingers into your hair.
Pulling on your legs now, he pulls you up onto his hips as he starts to carry you to assuming his room. Before you knew it, your body hit a soft mattress as Seonghwa stood above you, pulling his shirt over his head, gawking at his well-built body now. Of course, you assumed he was well off, but this well? This man looked like a statue, so flawless and perfect. Moving above you again, he starts to kiss you again, as your own hands start to glide over his collarbones to his shoulders and into his hair.
And so Seonghwa gave you a night of pure pleasure and you knew, if you didn't get out soon, you'd be addicted to the pleasure, his touch, and Park Seonghwa himself. If it didn't already happen and was too late for you to escape his grip.
Sunlight was tickling your face softly, as your hand moved to try and shield you from the sun, groaning as it was no use, before turning around. Bumping into something, or rather someone, your eyes grow wide as the last night comes back to you. You slept with Park Seonghwa. Looking at the man before you now, he looked so soft asleep, moving your hand you softly push a strand of hair out of his eyes. Looking down at your body, you were wearing what you assumed was one of Seonghwas's shirts, it was huge and he probably helped you put it on in the after-bliss of last night.
Getting up carefully now, you walk to the door and out of the room to try and find the bathroom. Coming to a halt in the kitchen, when Kim Hongjoong stood before you in his sleepwear. They lived together?! Before you could turn around, he greeted you, making you shy away slightly, a quiet morning before rushing to the bathroom, hearing the man chuckle after you left. This was entirely crazy, you had slept with Seonghwa, Hongjoong knew that now, and your friends probably worried about where you went last night. Finishing your business you quietly exit the bathroom again, hoping to dash for Seonghwa's room, but the man who was sleeping a few minutes ago stood in the kitchen with Hongjoong now. His hands in the pockets of his sweatpants, no shirt on, and the hickeys you left on him on full display.
"And I thought you took off without saying goodbye~" Were his words to you when he noticed you standing in the door frame, his hand moving to softly pull you against him, his head leaning onto yours slightly. "Hongjoong made breakfast, let's eat." This was all so strange, sitting with those two at the kitchen table now and eating eggs with bacon for breakfast.
The morning continued rather calmly, you got ready to leave, and Seonghwa dropped you off at your apartment, where you immediately went to charge your phone which was empty. Upon opening your messenger, you see that probably Seonghwa sent your group chat a message to not worry and that you went home, you would scold him for going on your phone without permission, but also glad he told your friends you were safe.
Using the rest of the weekend to study for your upcoming exam, it was now Monday which meant you and Seonghwa would meet up again for the project. This time it would be at your apartment because Hongjoong had an important online meeting and needed the apartment to be quiet.
For you it was still a bit awkward to sit beside Seonghwa again after what happened just merely two days ago, he however seemed calm and normal as ever, except for the sly glances your way every now and then. "The project is due this Friday, right? You think another session should be enough to finish this?" Thinking for a second, before confirming his question, you two were almost finished, just a few touches here and there. So with no complications, Friday came around and you two-handed in your project, the teacher was seemingly surprised with how well you two worked together.
"So tomorrow a few friends of mine throw a little get-together, do you wanna come around too?" Seonghwa was pulling his bag onto his shoulder now, as he watched you with sharp eyes. Surprised at his invite, you thought he would probably not ever talk to you again as soon as you two-handed the project in. "Oh? Sure, just send me the address!" Agreeing, but after finishing he immediately declines, telling you he would pick you up like always, before leaving the room.
Mingi and Yunho who witnessed the whole conversation pulled you to them, bombarding you with questions about what that was supposed to mean and since when you and Seonghwa were this close, so with a little hesitation you told them everything that happened. Yunho was shocked, to say the least, but supported you, Mingi was terrified and worried for you.
The next evening came around rather quickly, you were getting dressed for the little party Seonghwa invited you to, waiting for him to message you that he was there, while you were still touching up your makeup. Upon receiving a message from him, you make your way downstairs and greet Seonghwa smiling. "Someone seems to be in a happy mood huh~" Pulling you closer, he softly nuzzles his nose against your cheek, pressing a kiss afterward before putting the helmet on you and helping you on. "You know the deal, hold on tightly princess, don't want you falling off~" And with that, the two of you took off.
Arriving at the party, Seonghwa guides you inside the house, it was rather big, and he told you it was one of his friend's parents house, who were away for a few weeks. It was packed full of people, inside and outside. Normally any party you go to isn't this crowded, Seonghwa noticed your discomfort and took your hand in his, guiding you outside to the bar. His hand wandering to your waist now as he waits for your drinks to be ready, while you take in your surroundings. There were a lot of faces you knew from university, but also a lot of strangers, which made you quite uncomfortable and glad that Seonghwa was by your side.
"Hwa! Didn't know you were here already!" Approaching him now was a well-dressed man, followed by Choi San. "Wooyoung! Sorry it's a bit full, I wasn't really able to say hello yet." Turning to the two men now, watching them from behind Seonghwa a bit. Both their eyes fell onto you and the interlocked hands, sending Seonghwa a smirk. After a short conversation the two leave again and Seonghwa turns around to you, apologizing for taking so long. Telling him it's fine, he grabs the two drinks and leads you to one of the little garden benches, sitting down with you and placing your glass in your hand, before leaning back and taking a sip of his own. "Enjoying yourself so far?" His dark eyes were fixated on you. The eyeshadow he was wearing complimented his eyes, he chose a dark red this time with a black, cherry lip tint. His usual leather jacket, a ripped shirt underneath, and ripped jeans where net stockings could be seen through the cuts. "It's a bit fuller than what I'm used to, but it's fine." Being honest with Seonghwa makes him raise an eyebrow, offering for you two to leave if it's too much for you, declining with a shake of your head. You didn't want to ruin the night for him.
After a while of talking, Seonghwas's hand wanders to your naked thigh, softly caressing it while talking to you, Hongjoong joins the two of you, greeting you. Glad the two were talking now, allowing you to calm down and rest a little bit. Seonghwas hand still on your thigh, you softly lean your head on his shoulders with your eyes closed, his scent of vanilla and spice coming to you.
Looking up again when you heard a lighter going off, watching Hongjoong light a cigarette before wanting to pass it to Seonghwa, who declined. "You stopped?" Raising an eyebrow at his friend now. "Only when the little princess is around~" Your eyes widen a little bit as your cheeks blush, before hiding your face in his shoulder again, making the two men chuckle.
The night continued on, Seonghwa getting you two a new drink every now and then, at some point both of you visibly tipsy. Whispering in his ear softly, brave enough to let your hand glide through his hair, to his nape, and down his spine, making him breathe out shakily. "You know, there are some guest rooms upstairs~" His face was nuzzled in your neck, placing soft kisses on your throat, sucking a few times to leave a little red spot. Even in this state, you knew you shouldn't, the first time was one time too much, and the danger of getting addicted to Seonghwa was too big. Yet you're drawn to him. Pulling him into a kiss by the collar, his hands landing on your hips. "Let's go then~" You didn't have to say more as Seonghwa already stood up, taking your hand in his and guiding you into the house and up the stairs. Searching for a free guest room, he leads you in and pushes you onto the bed after making sure the door is locked.
"So pretty and all for me~" Hovering above you now, he sits up a bit to take his jacket and shirt off, before leaning back down to capture your lips in a heated kiss. His tongue swipes along your lips and you allow him immediate entrance. His hands were running wild all over your body, pushing the short dress up, exposing your bottom and soon your chest. Moaning his name softly when his hand came in contact with your breasts. "Yes moan for me, let them know who makes you feel this good~" Whispering those words into your ear now.
And with that, Seonghwa gave you yet another night of pure bliss, waking up next to him the next morning, this time staying out beside him. Admiring his soft features that finally relaxed when asleep, not like over the days when he looked sharp and dangerous, intimidating even. Running your fingers softly through his hair, to his eyebrow which has a slit shaved into it, to his nose, over his cheeks noticing his long eyelashes, and down to his lips. "Having fun baby?" Just now noticing Seonghwa was staring at you, you retreate your hand apologizing to him. "It's fine, you looked cute all concentrated on me~" Pressing a peck on your cheek before getting up and getting dressed, still bare from last night. You were only in Seonghwas's ripped shirt, he probably put it on you after last nights events.
"Get dressed, I wanna go grab some breakfast together~" Leaving the room for a second, before coming back in a new shirt and putting his leather jacket on. Putting this dress on and Seonghwa's shirt over it, so it won't be too revealing before following him outside and down. "Wooyoung if you don't shut up, my brain is killing me and your voice isn't helping." Could be heard from downstairs, you assumed it to be Jongho from the few times you heard him talk. "How much did you even drink to be so hungover? You the heavy weight of us.." Hongjoong spoke this time, following Seonghwa into the living room shily now, slightly hiding behind him. Jongho was lying on the couch with a pillow over his eyes, San still passed out on the other one, while Hongjoong and Wooyoung sat at the bar. "Ah, good morning you two!" Hongjoong greets you with a smirk, knowing exactly what had occurred last night.
After a short chat, Seonghwa announces that you two will be leaving now to go grab some food, saying goodbye to the four men before leading you outside to his motorcycle. The drive to the diner was rather short, he led you inside and into the booth you also worked in the first time. This time he sits down beside you though instead of the opposite. It didn't take long for someone to take your orders and disappear again, making Seonghwa turn his body fully to you, hand resting on your knee. "Are you free this weekend? There is this new movie I'd like to watch." Was he asking you out on a date right now? No, he wouldn't right? "Like a.. date?" Looking questioning at him now, he chuckles lowly. "If you want it to be a date, babe, sure~" His hand found its place on your nape now, caressing and softly playing with your hair.
The food soon came and you two had a nice breakfast, Seonghwa bringing you home. And even sooner Saturday arrived, having you stand in front of your mirror wondering if your outfit is too much or not enough. This would be your first ever real date, so you were rather nervous.
Again Seonghwa picked you up, mustering you from top to bottom before smirking at you. "You look gorgeous, all for me~?" Grabbing your waist as he pulls you against himself, pushing your hair behind your shoulder and pressing a kiss to your lips. "It's not too much?" Your question made him chuckle, telling you how beautiful you look and that it wasn't too much. Arriving at the cinema, Seonghwa softly holds your hand as he leads you over to the ticket counter and then to the food stall, getting you two drinks and popcorn.
Finding the right room you two enter and sit down on your designated seats, there were a few people already, probably to be fuller in a while since it's a movie newly airing. "What shall we do after the movie?" Seonghwa was leaning his body over to you, his arm around your shoulder. "I don't know, maybe go to a cafe? Or we could just hang out at your or my place!" At that his ears peak up, he wasn't at your place yet and was rather excited to visit it. Agreeing with that immediately, the lights dimming now as he stays leaning onto you and watches the movie. Sometimes through the movie, your head starts to lean on his shoulder softly, enjoying the moment.
Sadly the movie and moments are over too soon and quickly you find yourself in front of your apartment. Opening the door and letting Seonghwa in first, he starts looking around immediately making you a bit self-conscious. It was of course clean, maybe a few things here and there, but it was still entirely different from his place. "It's so adorable." Looking around, before stopping in front of your picture wall. There were many different pictures from baby pictures to family photos and Polaroids with friends. A lot of them of Mingi, Yunho and yourself. "That's Mingi and Yunho right?" Pointing at the two men, you're surprised he actually knows their names. "Yeosang is friends with them, he wasn't at the party last time though, so you probably don't know him, he's at another school." That did surprise you, not knowing those two were friends with someone close to Seonghwa. "Though there is definitely missing something.." Looking confused over to him, before scanning the wall. Nothing was missing correct? Did he take something? "..A picture of us~" Whispering those words in your ear now as his arms move around your waist, pressing himself against you. "As soon as I have a picture of us, I'll hang it up!" Smiling brightly at him, you don't know what you're doing to Seonghwa.
The evening continues on with you two playing on your Switch, and cooking something together before watching a show together. He was lying on your chest softly, his arms holding you while focused on the television. It felt nice to be held like this.
Saying goodbye to him with a soft kiss, closing your door, and leaning against it with a big smile. Was this finally the time? Is someone serious with you?
Those thoughts should soon be destroyed though, arriving at the school in a really good mood, you walk over to Yunho and Mingi, greeting them with a big smile. Telling them hushed what happened and how happy you are, they were, of course, happy for you, yet skeptical about how serious Seonghwa is with you. Some glances were exchanged between you and Seonghwa in the class, this not going unnoticed by his friends.
"You're not really serious with her are you?" That voice was Jonghos, halting your movement of packing your things together after the class, listening closely now. "Huh? Of course not, you know I'm not up for commitment." That was Seonghwas voice now, feeling your heart drop. After all that happened, especially last weekend he says this? Was he only leading you on? Yunho who overheard everything too, tried to softly lay his hand on your shoulder, but before he was able to you darted out of the room, not able to hold the tears back for much longer. Yunho was furious, glancing over to Seonghwa who also watched you leave, his gaze meeting Yunhos now. "Asshole." Was all he muttered, before grabbing his bag and leaving the room, leaving behind a confused Mingi who just woke up from his class nap, looking around confused.
Hiding in your favorite spot to do so, under the stairs on one of the more empty sides of the university. Knees pulled up all to your chest, face buried in your knees. Of course, he wasn't serious, it was Park Seonghwa. Did you really think you were special? Your sobs were silenced now when you heard footsteps, hoping the person would leave, but soon black combat boots came into view and soon that handsome face you didn't want to see leans down to look under the stairs. "There you are, princess.." Turning your body away from him now, not trusting your voice to tell him to fuck off.
"Hey I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that.." He was sitting behind you now, his arms softly around your waist as he hugged you softly. "I'll change, for you, so please stay, don't leave me.." His face was pressed against your shoulder as he pulled you flush against him, your back pressed to his chest.
It took a while for you to calm down again, Seonghwa held you through it all, softly patting your head and kissing your hair. After a while you finally turned around, rubbing your eyes as you looked up to see Seonghwa staring at you. "I'm so sorry, I made you cry how can I make it up to you?" Warm fingers softly touching you your cheeks and brushing away the tears. "A dinner would be nice.." A soft pout was visible on your lips which made Seonghwa chuckle, pressing his lips to your forehead now. "Of course, how about you come over today and I'll cook for us? Hm? Hongjoong has work tonight." Agreeing to this, Seonghwa pulls you out from under the stairs and brings you to your next class. Saying goodbye to him before entering.
Yunho immediately rushes over to you worried, having you assure him that you're fine, sitting down beside him, touched by how worried he is for you. The day went by rather quickly, grabbing your bag and meeting up with Seonghwa in the parking lot soon.
"So what do you wanna eat?" Looking at you now as you two arrive in Seonghwas apartment. "Tteokbokki? Or we could make fried chicken!" Looking at him now, he nods getting everything out for both. The cooking process went on rather calmly, you were mostly sitting on the counter, watching Seonghwa cook, exchanging small kisses and hugs here and there. At some point you even put his hair up in a ponytail, smiling at him fondly. Soon the food was finished and you two enjoyed the self-made meal, not having one thought about the things that happened earlier.
"Do you want to stay the night?" Looking up at Seonghwa now, you two were cuddled up on the couch, some movie playing in the background. "I have nothing here to sleep over.." You would love to accept, but you neither have sleepwear nor your hygiene products. "You can wear something of mine and I still have unused toothbrushes." Pondering over his offer a bit, before nodding and accepting.
So the evening went on, you two continuing to watch the movie, before getting ready for bed. Finding yourself in the bathroom alone, looking into the mirror, Seonghwas shirt hanging loosely off of your frame. Brushing your teeth before joining Seonghwa in his room. He was already ready for bed, lying down with a book in his hands, glancing up at you when he heard you enter the room. Laying down beside Seonghwa now, your arm moving around his waist as your head comes to rest on his chest, resulting in Seonghwa laying down his book. "So cuddly~ Are you tired?" Nodding as an answer, your eyes dropping closed, listening to him breathe softly, his chest raising, while his arms go around you. Feeling him press a kiss onto the crown of your head. Not even realizing when you fell asleep.
The next morning your back was turned to Seonghwa, his arms holding onto you tightly, his face nuzzled in your neck. Smiling softly when you looked over to his sleeping face, softly running your hand through his hair and pressing a kiss to his cheek, feeling him slowly stir awake. "Morning~" His voice was raspy and deep this morning making you giggle, watching his sleep drowsy self cuddle closer to you. "We have to get up, school is starting soon." Making him groan softly, shaking his head as he hides his face more in your neck, turning you onto your back to lay on you.
So with Seonghwa not wanting to get up, you two stayed put cuddling and skipping the first lesson of school, arriving for the next class then. Walking into the class you walk over to Mingi, sending Seonghwa a soft smile before sitting down. "You skipped school? With Seonghwa?" Whispering over to you shocked now, you look to the side a bit before nodding, this was the first time you actually did anything like that.
The day then goes on, meeting up with Yunho for lunch and then going to class together then.
"By the way, a new club opened this weekend and maybe we could go? It's been a while since we went." Yunho suggests to the two of you, looking at Mingi before nodding with a smile. It's truly been a while since you three went out together, so you were rather hyped. Telling Seonghwa later that day that you're busy on Saturday with Mingi and Yunho, but that you two could meet up on Sunday which he agreed on. The rest of the week goes by rather quickly, with some time spent with Seonghwa, and one evening with Mingi, and now you're finding yourself beside Yunho in his car, Mingi in the back.
Arriving at the club, a lot of people were already near it, the music from inside was loud and the lights peaking through the door whenever someone went inside. Exiting the car together, the three of you enter the club, thick air hitting your face from how many people are there. Following your friends over to the bar, ordering a drink for now, and looking around, it was full, it was amazing to you how there could even be more people inside still. Your eye notices the orange hair of Hongjoong in a booth, was Seonghwa here too? But before you could look around for him, Mingi dragged you to the dance floor, Yunho watching you two with a smile.
The evening went on, enjoying yourself with Mingi on the dance floor, even Yunho joining you two from time to time, before sitting down at the bar again to drink something with your two boys. Not being able to help yourself but look around the room for Seonghwa again, eyes meeting the ones of San for a second, which go wide from the shock that you're there, before they lock onto Seonghwa, your heart dropping in your chest. On his lap was some girl, sucking his face off, his hands all over her. Without a second thought, you stand up and rush out of the door, Mingi and Yunho are in the bathroom right now, walking off to the side outside a bit, before you lean over and empty your stomach in a bin. Suddenly feeling someone holding your hair back, not being able to glance at them as your stomach decides to empty out all the expensive alcohol.
"It's okay, you're fine.." The deep voice calmed you down a bit, a soft hand rubbing over your back. Standing up again finally, a bit wobbly on your feet, San softly holding your arm as he leads you over to a bench, sitting down beside you. "Do you want some water?" Shaking your head no, your eyes staring down at your feet now, why was this happening? After all that happened, you really thought this could be something serious, that Seonghwa felt something for you. But apparently, you were nothing more than a plaything for him. "He's an idiot, he's drunk out of his head.. He drank too much after seeing you with Yunho today.. It's not an excuse but, I believe he truly likes you.." San was such a nice person, trying to calm you down, holding your hair, and now trying to explain the situation to you. Tears were pricking at your eyes now, a soft sob leaving your lips, before your tears could even escape, San pulled you onto his shoulder for you to cry. "It's okay, you're safe, cry as much as you need." Sans's hand was softly rubbing up and down your back, as he leaned back and stared up into the starry night sky.
After a good half an hour, Yunho and Mingi join you outside, Yunho squatting down in front of you, his hands softly resting on your knees. "Hey beautiful, Hongjoong told me what happened, wanna go home?" Your eyes cast down again, looking at Yunhos hands, noticing the blood on his knuckles, but not questioning anything about it as you nod. You wanted nothing more than to get home and cry into your pillow, which would probably still smell like Seonghwa after the last time he slept over.
Yunho softly helped you up, thanking San for his help who just nodded, also noticed the blood on his knuckles, as he watched you leave with Yunho and Mingi. Before he could join his group inside again after watching you drive off, his friends came outside, Seonghwa leaning onto Hongjoong, an ice pack held against his jaw. "Good job, you fucked up with the only girl that felt something for you other than wanting to fuck you, seriously get a grin Hwa, I'm disappointed." San was someone who hated when people played with others' feelings like that, that's also why he immediately rushed after you when you went outside, the reason he stayed with you, and the reason he now walks in the other direction of his friends.
Yunho and Mingi just dropped you off at your place, telling them to go home and that you would be fine, watching them drive off before going into your apartment. Closing the door behind you, as you slide down the door, not even bothering to turn the lights on. Legs pulled up to your chest as you hid your face in your knees, the position and situation oh so familiar. Your body does not even have enough energy anymore to stand up and move to your bed or even couch, resulting in you falling asleep on the floor and waking up with a headache and back pain the next day.
Look around a bit as you sit up, rubbing over your eyes as you slowly stand up, walking over to your kitchen to grab a glass of water before sitting down on your couch, the events of last night resurfacing again making tears well up again in your eyes. This all felt so surreal, Seonghwa acted so sweet and loving once and act like an asshole the next. The day went on with you crying, eating ice cream, crying, and watching a comfort movie. Till your phone lights up, one of your girlfriends messaging you, Soyeon telling you that Yunho told her what had happened. She was one of the closest female friends you had and Yunho probably thought you just needed some female support right now, not being mad at him for telling her.
You want to answer her, but the next moment a knock at the door makes you look up. Walking over to open, seeing Soyeon and Yuqi together, bags in their hands as they hug you tightly. "You know fuck that guy, we'll doll you up and go out. No disgusting club, but this high-end lounge!" Soyeon pushes you into the bathroom, telling you to take a shower. Sighing a bit, despite not being in the mood, you appreciate it and do as they tell you. Coming out again they sit you down on your couch, getting started on your makeup, hair, and nails, turning you prettier than you felt in a while.
So soon you found yourself in Soyeons car, on the way to that longue they were talking about, short yet modern dress on your body, your hair and makeup done beautifully. Inside you three get shown to a booth, sitting down as you scan through the menu of drinks, ordering your favorite beverage. The evening goes by smoothly, you are enjoying yourself, even getting up to dance with one of the girls now and then. It was an entirely different setting than the club last night and you had to admit you enjoyed this so much more. It was more comfortable and enjoyable.
That was until you decided to go up to the bar to get another drink, Soyeon and Yuqi were on the dancefloor right now. When you suddenly feel someone lay a hand on your waist, turn around to push the hand away. "Excuse me, could you please not touch me?" The man in front of you was dressed rather well, but oh damn was he ugly. "Oh come on babe, don't be like that~ I could show you some good time hm? Can even pay you~" He grabbed your waist now, pulling you against himself which made you so disgusted, this didn't feel like when Seonghwa did it, Seonghwa was soft yet dominant, this man was simply a pervert and disgusting. "Let go! Leave me alone!" Trying to push the man away, you looked around behind the counter but the bartender was nowhere to be seen until you felt the man let you crash into the bar before falling to the floor.
"Listen when my girl tells you to leave her alone." Before you could even look at the man beside you he spoke up, Seonghwas voice echoing through the longue, the man stood up again ready to punch Seonghwa back, who quickly pushed you behind him and landed another hit on the man's face. Landing a kick to his chin when he was on the floor, before turning to you, grabbing your hand, and dragging you to the exit. And even further outside, Seonghwa didn't let go and pulled you even further away from the longue.
"Seonghwa you're hurting me! Let go!" Trying to pull your wrist away, trying to stop him. He finally stops making you almost crush into his back. "What's gotten into you?! First, you say we aren't serious, then you screw around with some bitch yesterday and now you beat someone up and pull me away?! Explain it!" He wasn't looking at you, probably trying to find his words. By now the makeup Yuqi so carefully put onto you was being washed off by your tears. Tears of confusion, anger, and sadness. "I have no way to excuse The first thing I know this is that, I saw you and Yunho so close yesterday. I got drunk and wasn't thinking straight, then I saw this asshole touch you right now. I'm sorry.." Seonghwa finally turned to you, meeting your eyes, hesitatingly reaching out to wipe the tears away, scared you would pull away and leave him for good. Your eyes move to his hand, grabbing it softly and analyzing it, seeing the second time in two days that someone's knuckles bleed.
"Why do you have to be so confusing? I.. I though we could be something more, something serious.." Your fingers softly rub over the back of his hand, looking up at him now, eyes blurry from tears, seeing the bruise on his jaw and just a little bit you thank Yunho and think Seonghwa deserves it. "I'm not used to commitment, I never had a serious relationship and.. I. scared, I know I'm not good enough but.. please give me one last chance." Tears were building up in his eyes now and you're pretty sure, you're the first one to see Seonghwa cry. Your hand reaches up to his face softly, brushing the tears away. "One last chance, if you screw over again I'll leave.." His eyes widen, probably not thinking you would give him one last chance, nodding now as sobs leave his lips, his arm reaching out to you and pulling you against him as he cries his heart out, same as you, tears running freely. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..I love you.." You two simply hold each other tightly under the night sky.
"Wooyoung shut up!" Hongjoong put down the popcorn on the table as he scolded the young man, who just points his tongue at him, making the older one wonder if he was an adult or a child. "He won't change, we just gotta accept that." Mingi laughs as he settles down beside San and Yeosang, grabbing a handful of candy from the bowl on Sans's lap. "And that's why we love him." You giggle, making Seonghwa let out a gasp. "I thought you only loved me!" Looking over at your boyfriend now, as Yunho stands behind him and laughs. "She loves all of us, gets used to it." Running away to the couch to Mingi before Seonghwa could hit him for his words.
"He's right but. I love you the most~" Pulling him down for a soft kiss, hearing some gagging noise of San and Wooyoung from the couch. After sitting down with Seonghwa, Hongjoong turns to the two of you. "By the way, it's your third anniversary soon isn't it? Have you two planned something?" Looking over to Seonghwa now, you two haven't talked about any plans yet, but he just smirked at you. "Maybe I booked us a two-week trip to Paris~" Looking at him shocked now, he didn't right? Seonghwa did earn enough now after university with his job to do this, but you didn't think he actually would. "You didn't right?" He just smiled at you, as you threw your arms around him and planted kisses all over his face, telling him how excited you are to go there together. Not knowing the small velvet box sitting on his nightstand was also ready to be taken there.
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novaandmali · 3 months
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We’re making a new book filled with pulpy sci-fi illustrations based on classic artworks (pre-1800), and, as always, LGBT and POC inclusive <3
Applications open March 25th at noon - the application will NOT be available before that time and will be removed after apps close. HUGE shout out to @ Nukeillustrate for this absolutely stunning piece, lovingly borrowed from “And They Were Monsters.”
The application will NOT be available until that date - we will post it here, instagram (nova_mali), bluesky, and tumblr (novaandmali). The application will be open for five days (March 29th) or until we hit 1000 applications. Please be sure to set an alarm and get your application in ASAP - we will not be able to take any applications through email, dms, or after they close.
A tentative schedule:
Results emailed by April 3rd - everyone will get an email! Sketch due May 15 Final work due June 15 Kickstarter runs July 1-31
We are looking for 50-60 artists (who MUST be 18+ years old by April 3) to join us to create a piece of digital art and/or merch. Traditional art is also accepted if scanned/photographed at a professional level.
We're looking specifically to increase the diversity of our artists, both in regards to race and gender - we want to be including all kinds of voices. Same thing with our art - we're looking to increase the variety of cultures, body types, and disabilities represented.
This is a PAID job. We’ve paid in the range of 200-300 for similar projects in the past, based on a set contract amount plus anything left over after production and shipping, split between everyone. Example: $150 in the contract and $100 extra per artist share. The additional amount will depend on how successful the Kickstarter campaign is.
I’ll post more later this week but first and foremost, get ready to go looking for interesting classical art to re-do into pulpy sci-fi! Your app will ask you what you’re thinking about creating. This is not a final answer but we want to know what vibe, what era, etc what you’re thinking about. 
We’re asking for art pieces that are pre-1800. I want you to really get digging and find some epic cool old stuff, particularly from more women artists and artists of color. Non-Western art is very very much included in our scope of work - we can’t wait to see your ideas!
I know older art tends to have weird people or weird perspectives - that doesn't need to translate to your final art. Just get funky with where you're finding inspiration! We will discuss this in more detail once we’ve hired everyone.
We really want to play with the idea of taking something very very old and make it very very futuristic - it should be funky and fun, and of course full of delightfully gay art <3
I’ll post exactly what questions the app will entail later this week.
The application will include things like: a link to your portfolio (instagram and twitter are NOT accepted as a portfolio) and an idea of what art pieces you’re thinking about and how to transform them.
We also ask for a short artist bio, like twitter style - short and sweet. Please don’t talk down about yourself or your skills - talk yourself up! Make me excited to see your art!!
About us: we’re two non-binary lesbians who really love cats and gay art. We’ve enjoyed our work as a queer publishing house and can’t wait to do more! Some of our previous works include classics but make it gay, And They Were Monsters, and Cover Me Queer.
Check out our work at www.novaandmali.com . 
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tired-teacher-blog · 7 months
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Characters : Tattoo artist Aizawa/ Florist fem reader
Featuring : Eri/ Hizashi Yamada/ Nemuri Kayama/ Oboro Shirakumo/ Emi Fukukado
Warnings and Genre : Fluff/ Romance/ Smut and Angst in future chapters/ Multi Chaptered Story
Summary : In a desperate attempt to get closer to the tattoo artist dominating every speck of your brain, you decide to pay him a visit one evening as a client seeking his service. This encounter will prove to be the beginning of something much bigger between you two, but will this new found passion be enough to stand against the difficulties your future holds?
Notes : Loosely inspired by this/ Art below is by the wonderful @/ael-draw who gifted me this gorgeous piece.
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Masterlist|Second Masterlist|Third Masterlist
Chapter Count : Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Part 6 • Part 7 • Part 8 • Part 9 • Part 10 • Part 11
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_ "Good evening Miss."
_ "Uh.. yes, yeah good evening!" did your voice just waver as you returned the man's greeting?
It did, didn't it? Why else would he let out a chuckle while his eyes are lingering on your clumsy hands struggling to lock your shop's front door?
_ "Need any help with that?" his smile slowly disappears as he notices your battle against the entrance lock.
_ "Oh no it's fine I got it! Thanks anyway, good night." and with that, you flee the scene after yet another awkward encounter with the tattoo artist whose parlor just happens to be facing your own shop.
Aizawa Shouta, the man in question, is an intriguing guy.
His ink covered arms— coming to light each time he decides to roll his sleeves or wear a t-shirt, probably hint at more hidden art behind the garment.. his long raven locks that usually sit beautifully on his broad shoulders, are flowing gracefully around his face.. the dark circles under his eyes have never been a surprise to you since his working hours start really late every evening.
However, that harsh exterior does not reflect his personality at all, you're certain of it, and even though your short exchanges have never gone beyond the polite greetings and stolen gazes, something about this man simply mesmerized you..
Who is he anyway? What is his story? Why does he only come to work late when everyone else is heading home?
These questions have been plaguing your brain ever since you met the mysterious guy a few months ago, you've always wanted to know more about him, to befriend him, to have a meaningful conversation, to stand closer to him, to touch..
_ "No! This is not it!" you slap your face with a wince of pain as you snap back to reality, you are daydreaming about the handsome man once again instead of focusing on work.
You flip through the countless search results as you struggle to make a decision, "which one should I get?" it is honestly a big deal.. a commitment.
Getting a tattoo is a matter of great importance, even more so when the person branding your skin is the same one taking over your every waking moment.
_ "I don't like any of these." you mumble irritatedly as you couldn't feel any connection to the art suggested.
Maybe it isn't a good idea after all, do you actually want to get a tattoo? Or is it just a ruse to get closer to.. to him?
You place your phone away and welcome your new costumer with a smile, "good morning Sir!"
Work comes first anyway, everything else should wait till later, it has to..
_ "Here you go! Red roses are the perfect gift, they represent love, passion, beauty, courage and respect, so I'm sure your wife will love them."
The man's eyes light up and his cheerful smile grows wider as he hears you reciting the devine meaning behind his choice, he pays for his purchase and thanks you again before walking out of your shop.
_ "A red rose?" you utter thoughtfully as your eyes study the beautiful flowers before you.
Love, passion, beauty, courage and respect.
Fitting.. although it might seem tacky to some, but if you are to have something inked into your skin, then it has to be meaningful and so, your mind is finally set, "I'll have a red rose."
You take a deep breath and look through your giant glass window at the closed tattoo parlor across the street, "I'll see you tonight, Mr Aizawa."
It is as regular as clockwork— your daily encounter with the dashing man, you are locking your shop's front door when you hear him unlocking his own, and as regular as clockwork your eyes meet and you exchange your daily greeting, except this isn't all that happened tonight, because unlike your usual habit of turning around and walking home, you are advancing towards the man who doesn't seem surprised to see you approaching.
_ "Tattoo, I mean, can I get one?" your cheeks heat up instantly while hearing yourself speak, you're being as awkward as always around him, and wish to disappear right this instant.
_ "Oh.. yeah sure, this is what I do after all," his chuckle is intoxicating, and his silky hair glides elegantly as he cocks his head to the side, "why don't you come in first?"
You have never realized it before, but now that you are standing near each other, he is towering over you, it's almost intimidating to be frank, if not for the gentle smile that seems even more dazzling from up close.
You are right, he truly is beautiful.
_ "My assistant should be here in a minute, but in the meantime I'll take care of you," he offers you a seat at the reception desk before removing his jacket and joining you, "this is a first for you am I right?"
_ "What makes you say that?" is it obvious how ordinary you are?
_ "Well, usually people call to schedule an appointment beforehand, some of them even visit my studio and bombard us with questions to make sure they can trust us with their bodies, but you.." he stops for a moment to clear his throat and shift his gaze from you, "you're something else."
Is that a little blush he's so desperately trying to conceal? No it can't be, you're delirious like usual, and being in a close proximity to him is playing with your mind.
_ "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have barged in unannounced, I'll make sure to do it properly and call for an appointment," you're on the verge of tears as you stand up and bow your head apologetically, "good night Sir."
_ "What? Hey hold on! Don't go," he's fast at intercepting you, grabbing your arm and pulling you back gently, "please don't go."
His grip remains on you, a perfect pressure applied, as if he's afraid you would disappear if he lets go, and you would have.
He's standing close, so close, closer than he did earlier, and you can feel his warm breath fanning over your skin, his beautiful smile is replaced with a little pout, his dark hair falls around his face and you almost.. almost reach out to tuck the loose strands behind his ear.
How long have you been standing there, looking into each other's eyes and saying nothing? Apparently long enough for his assistant to burst out laughing after walking in and finding you in that state.
_ "Good evening boss! Sorry for being late but you know how traffic is at this hour." her eyes move between you two, and her amused smirk hints at something that you cannot -for the life of you- understand.
You return the lively woman's greeting and take a step back, you are still going to leave anyway, despite the inexplicable desire to stay.
_ "Ms Kayama, would you mind passing my seven o'clock client to Hizashi? Also Oboro is running late as usual so would you please give him a call? Aizawa speaks to his assistant while keeping his attention on you.
_ "Sure boss, you can count on me." you cannot understand the reason of her mischievous smile, nor why she looked at you while saying that.
_ "Thank you."
Your blush is reaching your ears and a storm of emotions is fighting within you as you prepare to interject and perhaps save yourself from further embarrassment, but he is quicker to speak, "please have a seat." his voice as soft as ever while waiting for you to do so.
_ "Yes, thank you." and so you do.
He pulls out a chair for himself across from you before picking up a notbook that was already placed on the desk in front of him, "shall we begin?"
You shoot up all of a sudden as it finally hits you, "I.. I'm.." you stutter almost inaudibly, squeezing your fists so hard to stop from shaking, you aren't sure about this anymore, maybe you've made a mistake barging in like that with the pretence of getting a tattoo when all you actually want is to see him.
_ "Is everything okay?" he must've felt your uncertainty towards it since he instantly stood in front of you, his warm hands on each of your shoulders, rubbing soothing patterns while anticipating your response.
_ "I'm sorry I'm just, a little nervous." saying those words is more painful than any needles he could use on you, you feel pathetic, squeezing your eyes shut and wishing you're home alone instead of this.
Maybe you should forget about the whole thing and just leave, you've already made a fool of yourself enough for one evening, what else is there for you to do?
_ "That's fine, having second thoughts is totally normal considering that it would be your first time going through the experience, besides, there are some preparations to go through before getting to the actual thing," his eyes are gazing gently at you as he speaks, "let's take it step by step, and if you ultimately decide against it then we'll stop."
You cannot understand his behavior, he isn't laughing at you, isn't mocking you like you've expected, he isn't even showing an ounce of impatience. Who is he? Trully? And why is everything about him just.. flawless?
You nod slowly and take your seat again, a wave of goosebumps is running up your spine at the loss of his touch.
_ "Alright, so tell me, do you have a design in mind? If not I can help you choose, and it should help if you have a theme in mind." he starts right as he sits facing you.
_ "Oh no that's fine, I already know what I want," you answer quickly before pulling out your phone and showing him the single rose you settled on, "I want this.. this red rose."
He takes the device from your extended hand, studying the picture displayed before letting out a chuckle that travels right through your veins, "I like it, it's soft and pretty, just like you," he comments casually before adding, "what size are you thinking?"
_ "Huh? Umm.. I'm not sure but, I would prefer it to be small, I guess..." you're not even sure of the words leaving your mouth anymore as his previous remark sways you, soft.. pretty.
What is he doing to you? Is it perhaps a part of his job to sweet talk his clients? Yeah, that must be it, why else would he do it?
_ "It's okay we'll circle back to that later, now for the placement, where would you want it to be? This can actually help you determine the size better if you're still unsure about that." his smile never leaves him as he speaks, and for a brief moment your delusions lead you to believe that it could mean more than a friendly smile, but it doesn't, and you know it.
_ "I'm not sure about that either," you feel stupid, it is your first time walking into a tattoo studio sure, but you should've been more prepared.
He remains quiet for a bit and you're struggling to understand what he's thinking, your heart is hammering painfully in your chest as you wait silently for him to reply.
He isn't smiling anymore, infact, the look on his face has turned into one of pensiveness, his lips are sealed in a thin line and his head is tilted to the side, and it is becoming unbearable for you to sit there and wait any longer, it's humiliating.
You open your mouth to speak, to -perhaps- apologize for making his work harder than it should, for being so stupid as to make him dump his work on his colleagues so he could take care of you for the evening, you're trying to speak but don't know how to start exactly, settling for hanging your head in shame instead.
_ "Hey look up," his voice is as soft as ever, "I told you not to worry about it didn't I? Tattoos are not an easy commitment to make."
His chair squeaks as he clearly stands up, circuling the desk until he's mere centimeters from you, the subtle sweetness of his sandalwood scented cologne is tickling your nose as he leans closer.
_ "I'll tell you what, how about I make a sketch of the design tonight, and you can drop by tomorrow to have a look at it, I have what I need for now, so take the night to think more about the placement," his eyes are studying your tense frame as he adds, "and remember, you don't have to go through with it, I'll book your session for tomorrow, same time as today, but you can cancel it whenever you want."
You're overcame with a sudden urge to jump in his arms, and for the nth time that evening you are grateful for the secrecy of your own thoughts as you nod in agreement, "thank you that would be great, but, we haven't talked about the payment yet."
_ "You'll find everything you need stated on our website." he replies while handing you his business card.
You thank him again and bid him goodbye before walking out of the studio that is -unbeknown to you- getting busier and louder.
To be continued..
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yns-world · 2 years
art imitates life, life imitates art
part ii of the euphoria au!outer banks series
part i part iii part iv
title: art imitates life, life imitates art
pairing: euphoria au!rafe cameron x reader
summary: lexi's interpretation of your relationship with rafe was very...interesting.
words: 2.3k (this is the first long fic i've written in literal years...i'm not even exaggerating either 💀)
warnings: toxic relationship, slight dv, mentions of murder, attempted murder, rafe cameron as his own warning, euphoria craziness
a/n: it makes my heart overflow with so much love and appreciation when i saw everyone's reactions to the first part of euphoria au!rafe 😭😭 i can die a happy woman knowing that someone said that i wrote rafe in a canon way 🕊️
fem reader, racially ambiguous, any size reader
italics = scenes in the play
Y/C/N = Your Character Name
R/C/N = Rafe’s Character Name
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Lexi peeked behind the curtain, astonished at the full auditorium. She still couldn’t believe the number of people who showed up. Seated near the front was Maddy and her gang. While Cassie and Nate sat further away in the middle. Rafe and Y/N sat a few rows behind Cassie and Nate.
Lexi walked on stage, her nervous jitters noticeable but she still kept a smile on her face.
“Our Life is a lot more complicated than adults would make it seem. We’re going through our most important developmental years, this is the time where our personalities shift and form. This is also a time where we experience our most memorable relationships.”
Actors that represented Maddy, Cassie, and Y/N entered the stage, laughing and walking in sync. 
“Is that supposed to be us?” Maddy scrunched her face in confusion. “I don’t even look like that.”
Lexi continued her narration.
“During these fleeting high school moments, we solidify friendships and create new ones.”
While the three girls are talking in the prop hallway, a tall, blonde actor treaded on the stage, making an exaggeration of biting his nails. He kept his gaze down and bumped into Y/N’s character. 
“The girls swore that they would never let a boy come between them, but it seemed as though Y/C/N had other plans. It’s almost as if her plan all along was to let a boy come in between her and everyone else.”
Maddy’s and Cassie’s characters were visibly heartbroken and betrayed as Y/C/N gazed lovingly up at Rafe’s character, not paying her friends a second glance. 
Cassie turned her head to glimpse at Y/N but Y/N kept her eyes glued to the stage.
“But was the relationship worth it? Y/C/N cut off her friends to have more freedom with her new boy toy-- or so she thought.”
The backdrop changed to a classroom and Y/C/N’s phone rang and rang until she finally picked it up and put it on speaker.
“Where the fuck are you?! I’ve texted you 57 times! Why aren’t you answering me?!” R/C/N spat accusations left and right, but Y/C/N just rolled her eyes before hanging up mid-sentence. 
A couple chuckles were heard in the audience, some even from Cassie, and Rafe visibly tensed. His jaw was clenched and his grip around Y/N’s hand was tighter, almost to a point where it hurt. 
“You call it love, but I call it Stockholm syndrome. You’re not the sweet, innocent angel that everyone believes you are. Sometimes I think R/C/N could’ve been normal if he hadn’t met you.”
The scene switched to Y/C/N’s room, where Y/C/N and R/C/N were in the middle of another fight. 
“You’re so fucking crazy R/C/N! I wasn’t even flirting with him! And don’t you EVER call me a fucking slut, you psychotic piece of shit!” Y/C/N jabbed her finger in R/C/N’s face with each word. R/C/N tried to smack her hand away but Y/C/N reacted quicker and slapped him across the face. 
The scene went silent and the actors remained in their places. R/C/N’s hair fell over his face, covering his expression. Y/C/N didn’t move an inch. 
A hush fell over the audience. Some dared to sneak a glance at Rafe and Y/N but one look at Rafe’s fuming face scared them back into place. 
“This is absolute bullshit. This is what she fucking invites us to? She’s supposed to be your fucking friend.” Rafe started his heated rant and Y/N knew all too well what came afterwards.
“Shh baby, it’s okay. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She never had a boyfriend before, what would she know?” Y/N brought Rafe’s hand to her lips and planted a reassuring kiss on his knuckles. She then reached her hand behind his head and began massaging his scalp to ground him.
After a few beats of stillness, Y/C/N broke out of her daze and carefully approached R/C/N.
“I’m sorry, baby. I was scared.” Her voice was soft and calculated. 
R/C/N slowly raised his head to look at her and was frozen to his spot. He didn’t try to move when Y/C/N brought her hand to rest on his red cheek, the same hand that hit him. 
If anything, he leaned into her touch and closed his eyes. 
“Puppy Love” by Paul Anka started playing in the background. 
They called it puppy love
Oh, I guess they’ll never know
How a young heart really feels
And why I love her so
Silent tears rolled down R/C/N’s face. 
I cry each night
My tears for you
My tears are all in vain
“You made me hate myself. Sometimes I wish I would’ve just dated myself.” R/C/N whispered, his voice thick with tears. He still leaned into Y/C/N’s hand.
Y/C/N wiped his tears with her free hand and leaned up to plant her lips on his. The light focuses on them as their kiss lasts for a few moments, before the entire stage goes black.
The audience is quiet, still trying to process what they just saw. Y/N glimpsed at Rafe out of the corner of her eye and his gaze was focused on the floor. Tears stung in the corners of his eyes but he was quick to wipe them away; but not quick enough for Y/N to notice. 
“Rafe….” For the first time, Y/N didn’t know how to comfort him. She had no words to offer him. She retracted her hands off him and placed them in her lap; she was scared to touch him, to break him further.  
This isn’t who she was, right? This is just a show of theatrics. None of this was real. 
Various degrees of self-awareness, disgust, and sadness flashed across Y/N’s face in a matter of seconds until she wore a common face of fury. 
“That Lexi bitch had no right to make a play about real people, she didn’t even fucking ask.” Y/N thought. “She has no fucking clue what the fuck she’s talking about.”
Just as Y/N was about to get up from her seat, Rafe grabs her wrist and pulls her back down.
Rafe applied more and more pressure onto Y/N’s wrist as the seconds passed. The two were dead silent, staring back at their reflections on stage. 
Is this how the world saw them? Was this really them? 
Maybe out of ignorance, or maybe out of pure denial, the couple was glued in place, unable to move a single muscle. But their rage was a silent one, a terrible storm waiting for the perfect time to strike.
The lights return back on stage, this time lighting up Lexi who stood on a prop football field. 
“R/C/N and Y/C/N certainly had an unusual form of love. It was a deadly love, a love that could kill you if you weren’t too careful. Interestingly enough, no matter how much R/C/N showed his devotion, it was never enough for Y/C/N. She was always looking elsewhere.”
The light shined over Y/C/N flirting with some random football player. They cracked jokes and Y/C/N laughed a little too loud and a little too hard. She threw her head back and placed her hand on his firm bicep.
“God, you’re so funny! I never knew you were such a jokester.” The football player reveled in the attention, getting high off her compliments. 
Simultaneously, a light shined above Lexi, who stood on the other side of the stage, by the fake bleachers. Next to her was a furious R/C/N, who had a brick in his hand.
A heavy blanket of silence fell on the audience, a silence so loud that you could hear the actors breathing into their mics. 
Everyone knew what this event was referring to, but no one dared to speak a word of it. 
Instead of the usual anger that Rafe wore throughout the entire play, a cheshire-worthy smirk graced Rafe’s lips, a low chuckle erupting from his throat as he waited for what's next. 
He locked eyes with Lexi, daring her to say the next words. 
Lexi was about to fold under his scorching stare, a stare that only saw red-- but she had a show to run. 
The show must go on. 
Lexi cleared her throat, and spoke each word while maintaining full eye contact with Rafe.
“Nature versus nurture, a debate as old as time. In this case, was R/C/N always this crazy or did Y/CN create this monster? Was R/C/N born this way or did she groom a killer?”
As soon as that last word left her mouth, Rafe was already out of his seat and half-way down the aisle before anyone else could react.
“Y/N, put a fucking leash on your mutt!” Maddy jeered. 
Initially, Y/N was going to try and stop Rafe but Maddy’s comment put a halt on that plan. Instead of trying to put a lid on the atomic bomb that is her boyfriend, she let him roam free. Rafe always was her greatest weapon. 
“What good did leashing your boyfriend do for you? Oh wait,” Y/N laughed, turning to Cassie. “You lost your boyfriend to your best friend.”
“Let me at this whore!” Maddy struggled against her friend’s restraint. 
While Maddy, Cassie, and Y/N were thrashing it out in the seats, Rafe was already on stage and cornering Lexi. 
“You think you’re real smart, huh?” Rafe wrapped his hand around her throat and pushed her against the wall. He brought his mouth to the side of her head and whispered in her ear. “Do you wanna know how I killed that son of a bitch?” 
Lexi’s eyes were turning red due to a lack of oxygen, and her attempts to claw at his hand were futile. 
“I had him in my hands, just like this.” Rafe applied more pressure to her throat. “I squeezed until his eyes popped out of his sockets.”
But before he could go in for the final kill, Nate pushed Rafe off of Lexi, who collapsed onto the floor and tried to catch her breath. 
“You’re a real fucking pussy, Cameron. You’re nothing but Y/N’s bitch.” 
Rafe shoved Nate back.
“At least I’m not fucking the whole school. Who knows what kind of STDs you got?”
That was all it took to rile Nate up. The two boys threw punches that rang through the entire auditorium-- everything was audible, the fist-to-face contact, the cracking of jaws.
While the boys were breaking each other’s bones and the girls were clawing each other’s faces off, the police were called and arrived at the scene. After a few attempts to break up the fighting, all the perpetrators were escorted outside, placed far enough apart and with plenty of enforcement to prevent another altercation.
As the police were taking statements from the witnesses, the main group sat on the curb of the school-- bloody, bruised, and beaten. Each person lost in their own thoughts and regrets until Y/N finally spoke up. 
“How did we end up like this? We’re unrecognizable.” Maddy and Cassie remained silent, only sending each other glares.
“It’s all his fucking fault,” Nate gestured at Rafe, who sat a few feet from him. “You should’ve never come to this fucking town.”
“Rafe’s not completely at fault.” Lexi defended. “You still would’ve slept with Cassie regardless if he came to East Highland or not.”
“I don’t want to hear you fucking speak, you sick bitch.” Y/N groaned, holding her head in her hands. The conversation fell into a beat of silence before Cassie spoke up.
“In a sick way, this is like a bonding moment for us.” Cassie noted, looking at the group.
“What. The. Fuck. Cassie.” Maddy was so over Cassie’s bullshit, but Cassie continued.
“No matter what happens, we’ll always come back to each other, It’s like we’re all connected.”
Rafe scoffed while Nate just shook his head.
“This crazy bitch.” Nate muttered under his breath.
“Who wants to get something to eat?” Y/N asked, still holding a tissue to stop her bloody nose. Her question was so out of the blue that everyone thought they hallucinated it, until she repeated herself.
“I’m starving. It’s up to y’all, but I’m getting some food.” Y/N extended her arm to her boyfriend-- who had a black eye and bruises littered all over his face-- but he was quick to help her up to her feet. 
“I’m going.” Rue answered, appearing out of nowhere. 
“Me too.” Jules added, wrapping her arm around Rue’s shoulders. “Why not?”
Maddy looked at her friends and shrugged. “Fuck it. Let’s go.”
As the group began walking away and discussing possible food options, Cassie, Lexi, and Nate rushed to catch up. Meanwhile, Lexi strayed a few paces behind everyone else.
She took in the sight in front of her-- a group of teenagers, surely flawed, yet they still have so much to experience. 
Cassie is right. Lexi thought. We are all destined to be intertwined, for better or for worse. 
Lexi would be sure to start working on the sequel of her play when she got back home.
a/n: if you enjoyed reading, please consider reblogging and tipping, they help my account more than likes :)
DON’T BE A GHOST READER!!!!! let me know your thoughts, opinions, ideas, etc in the comments!!! i love talking with y’all <333 
like i mentioned in the previous post, don’t hesitate to send me any ideas/requests for rafe or euphoria au!rafe <3 (just read my request rules in my pinned post before you do)
i have an idea for a sequel to this specific oneshot but idk….lmk if y’all want me to write it 🤭 (spoiler: the sequel might include the euphoria au!pogues….but y’all didn’t hear that from me 👀)
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anistarrose · 2 years
One thing I love about The Owl House, and I know I’m not alone in this, is how it depicts disability: Eda and Lilith’s chronic illness-coded curse, Luz’s neurodivergence, the many characters who can’t do magic the “normal” way, and the accommodations and adaptive equipment they receive, and so on and so forth. Disability and accommodations are huge themes in this show —
So, with that in mind, I think it would be great if we as a fandom could start writing more image descriptions, to make our posts about these characters as accessible as possible!
Image descriptions help blind or low-vision people who use screen readers, and ND people who have a hard time interpreting expressions or other aspects of an image, just to name a few. If you haven’t written image descriptions before, it might seem intimidating — but for the most part, there isn’t really an objectively right or wrong way to do it, and any image description is better than no image description, I promise. Here’s an example:
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[Image description: a screenshot from The Owl House Season 1, where Eda Clawthorne pats Luz Noceda on the head approvingly. Both of them are smiling, and Luz is slightly covered in Abomination goo. End description.]
My (personal, and pretty loose) rule is that I start by specifying what type of image we’re dealing with — is it a canon screenshot? is it fanart? — and moving on to the main “topic” or “focus,”  which in this case is Eda patting Luz on the head. Info about the expressions, tone, and any other major details is good to round it out. 
I maybe could’ve gone without mentioning the Abomination goop — if I was making a post about Eda and Luz’s relationship, for example, and focusing only on the interaction between the two, I might’ve left that detail out for conciseness. Ultimately, it’s context-dependent, and completely subjective. 
The most important thing is just representing the image accurately and accessibly, and of course, denoting where the description begins and ends. This is sometimes abbreviated “ID” and “end ID,” as you might've seen elsewhere.
Other quick recommendations: don’t overuse caps lock, especially for long strings of text (some screenreaders have problems with it); include image descriptions immediately after the image instead of further down in the post, and try not to put them under a read more. Basically, the intent here is to not just make posts accessible, but avoid breaking up the “flow” for anyone reliant on image descriptions.
You can start small! I started with just describing simple memes and the occasional screenshot, and worked my way up to describing fanart. That said, if you’re an artist, you are automatically going to be the best person at describing your own art — you know what details you want to receive focus, you know each character’s expression, and you know the precise intent behind the piece. 
And, once again, any description is better than no description!
Finally, as a corollary, image descriptions on just some posts are also way, way better than image descriptions on no posts. Lots of us don’t know how to describe every image, or don’t always have the time, or the spoons, but I’ve always thought of it like: if everyone on the internet, or in a fandom, captioned a handful of posts when they felt like they were able to, that would still do wonders towards making the community more accessible. 
Anyways, if you read this far, thanks a lot! This post came about because I’ve seen so much great discussion about disability in The Owl House lately, and trying to raise awareness of image descriptions felt like the right next step — both because accessibility is a good thing to aspire to in general, obviously, and because it feels especially important when we’re talking about disabled characters themselves 💜
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moghedien · 9 months
Okay so to be clear I have no stake in this since I haven't seen any of the shows you mentioned in your post and I'm not asking you to defend your point. That being said, because Legend of the Seeker has been on my "to watch" list since I was like 16, I have to ask - is there an extra bad reason why it shouldn't be compared to Wheel of Time or is it just general "just because it's middle fantasy doesn't mean it's similar" vibes?
Gonna answer both your asks separately just to avoid going too long on either
but yeah, there's reasons not to compare Wheel of Time to Legend of the Seeker, and its because the guy who created Legend of the Seeker is a piece of shit
basically Legend of the Seeker is based on a book series called the Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. Terry Goodkind was a libertarian shitbag who definitely seemed to plagiarize a whole lot of other fantasy series of the time period, including of Wheel of Time (which was published first), but at best just happened to write a lot of things that were very, very, very, very, very, very similar
Now you can argue that both series have inspiration from Dune, and sure, they do. But there's a difference from being inspired by stuff (which Wheel of Time upfront is) and outright stealing plot points and worldbuilding aspects and pretending like they're wholly original and groundbreaking (which Terry Goodkind tried to do). And its not just that Goodkind didn't acknowledge that he was inspired by things like Wheel of Time. He outright talked shit about fantasy as a genre and hated his books being called fantasy because he thought they were elevated literature that should be held above fantasy. He didn't just deny that he was inspired by other fantasy works, he was outright offended at the suggestion and called people stupid for pointing it out. Also if you asked him who his favorite author was, he'd always say Ayn Rand and basically no one else.
But the absolute worst thing with Wheel of Time specifically is that when Robert Jordan (the author of Wheel of Time) was literally publicly known to be dying and unable to make convention appearances he was scheduled for, because he was literally dying, Terry Goodkind decided that the best thing he should do as an author was show up at those conventions and make fun of Robert Jordan's health and talk about how he personally as so healthy and his heart was great (Robert Jordan died from a heart disease)
He was also just like massively disrespectful to everyone, including his fans who he thought were all idiots if they did things like had simple questions about his work or categorized his fantasy books as fantasy. And one of the last things he got attention for before he died was mocking the art work for the covers of one of his books publicly online for being poorly done (it was literally fine) only for the artist to come out and point out that they did the cover exactly as they were directed by him and his representatives.
So yeah, fuck Terry Goodkind and Legend of the Seeker and Sword of Truth. There's a bad history between WoT and SoT and its all because of Terry Goodkind being a shitty excuse for an author
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jsluvtzu · 8 months
im fangirling over all of your fics ngl.... could you maybe write something fluffy for chaeyoung? like reader meeting her for the first time in an art exhibition and then silly little sapphics falling in love
son chaeyoung x fem!reader
summary: meeting you was just a coincidence. or was it fate?
cw: cute lesbians, men dni
wc: 1.9k
a/n: i’m sorry this took so long to get out, buttt here it is! sapphics crushing on each other and falling in loveeee
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you always loved coming to the art museum down the street during your lunch break.
it was a slower day than usual that day, so your boss let you have an extra hour off.
the exhibits had new pieces put in every friday and you loved being able to be one of the first few people to see them.
it was a weekly thing for you — coming to the museum to admire the featured works from small upcoming artists.
you always failed to notice the one girl admiring you though.
she had her eyes on you like you were a new art piece, examining your features from afar.
your hands were stuffed into both pockets of your half zipped up hoodie as you strolled across the floor, taking in each detail of every frame in front of you.
she came here just as often as you did, using it as an excuse to catch glimpses of you.
the girl was anxious and fidgety compared to your somber and peaceful demeanor. her antsy energy collided with your tranquil one across the room as she worked up the courage to come up to you and start a conversation.
thoughts of a public rejection and humiliation clouded her mind and filled her ears with responses that haven’t even been uttered yet, but nonetheless, she had a little hope that it could go well.
her hands were clammy as she rubbed them together restlessly, the sound of her heart beating at the speed of light replacing the previous scenarios.
she felt her footsteps grow heavier with every step she took closer to you, approaching you like you were a radioactive substance.
you stopped in front of a piece that intrigued you — it was one the artist left for you to interpret in different ways, just how you liked it.
as you studied the meanings of the painting, you looked to your left and saw a pretty girl standing next to you.
she was shorter, her long hair covering some of her features, and her simple dress outfit with a black coat over it drawing a smile out of you.
the girl turned her head to you and froze seeing your smile, awkwardly smiling back and shying her face away.
you watched her slightly rock back and forth on her heels and glue her eyes to the wood floor below you, wondering what’s got her so worked up.
“i really love this piece. i love the way the artist has multiple things going on to make one big picture. what do you think?”, you blurted out to fill the silence.
the girl shot her head up and flipped her gaze between you and the piece on the wall which she couldn’t care less for right now, hurriedly looking for something she can relate with.
“y-yeah, i really like the.. the details.. and the way you can see a different like scene.. if you just look at it from a different perspective.”, the girl was visibly nervous, her tone further proving it.
“exactly! i think perspective is so important in art. it shapes your view of every work you come across and how it should be interpreted, you know?”
you were glad to have someone you could share your love in art with, even if she’s a little confusingly timid.
the girl cleared her throat and nodded her head excessively, “right yeah, i know, it’s a different meaning for everyone. for me i think the piece represents the beauty of falling in love and how it unfolds.”
you smiled and tilted your head curiously, her response being exactly the one you wanted to hear.
“wow, that’s actually crazy”, you said, laughing slightly.
“what is?”, the girl answered hesitantly.
“i see the piece the exact same way. the way it shows the first stages of falling in love with someone. like here’s the infatuation stage and the euphoria of it. that’s why this part is a little messy”, you slid one hand out of your pocket to point at the area you were talking about, “it represents the blurry feeling you get when you’re in that state.”
you turned to look at the girl and observed her reaction, stuffing your hand back into the pocket it was in.
she was already staring at you when you looked back, probably not even focused on anything you just said.
she smiled and silently agreed with you, nodding her head again and scanning her eyes over your face — almost like she was in some sort of infatuation stage.
“yeah.. i feel the same way.”, her doe eyes locked onto yours, entrancing you.
there was a pause in the air, both of you only focused on each other.
“i’m.. i’m y/n.”
you turned your body to fully face her, holding out your hand to shake hers.
she reached her own hand up to meet with yours, the both of you grasping each other in a firm handshake.
“i’m chaeyoung.”
your eyes didn’t leave hers yet, too scared they might disappear if you looked away.
“it’s nice to meet you, chaeyoung.”
chaeyoung’s hands were soft and warm, but not too warm and not too cold either.
she let her grip on your hand go, ending the handshake, but you wished it didn’t end there.
“it’s nice to meet you too, y/n. would you maybe wanna.. grab a coffee with me? there’s a small cafe just down the street.”, chaeyoung almost regretted asking, mentally punching herself to prepare for your rejection.
“yeah! i would love to.”
she raised her eyebrows slightly in shock, shaking her head to refocus.
“okay.. okay! come on, i’ll lead us there.”, she said, motioning for you to follow her.
as you two walked down the street, you both engaged in light small talk, getting to know each other beyond your shared love for art.
“so.. do you come to the museum often?”
of course chaeyoung knew you came often. every friday at around 12 pm. she just didn’t wanna look like some complete freak who stalked you.
“yeah i do actually, i come during my lunch break since i work not too far from here. what about you?”
“i go sometimes to destress from work and whatnot, it’s a nice way to get my mind off of things i guess.”, she said, shrugging.
you hummed in response, slightly upset that she seemed to have a lot on her shoulders.
the two of you arrived at the entrance of the cafe, chaeyoung speeding up a bit to open the door for you.
you giggled at her kind gesture, thanking her and holding the door for her on your way in.
as you ordered your drink at the counter, she was just as attentive as the barista taking your order, silently telling herself to memorize it and bring it for you the next time you meet.
you two sat down at a table in a far corner, sipping your drinks and continuing your conversation beforehand.
when you got lost in explaining some work drama to chaeyoung, she pulled out a pen and started scribbling on a blank napkin.
after you finished your rambling and looked at chaeyoung, you saw her constantly looking up at you and back down to her napkin, her pen moving skillfully.
“okay, done! sorry, you just looked really pretty, i had to draw this moment before it went away.”
chaeyoung slid the napkin across the table and you finally got to see what she had been working on when you were going off about your dumb coworker.
it was a sketch of you, arm on the table with your chin resting on your palm. she managed to perfectly capture the way your hair was styled, the way your smile shined, even down to the rings you wore on your fingers.
“wow, chaeyoung this is amazing.. how did you even draw this so fast?”, you said, amazed at her skill as you examined the intricate details she put into it.
“it’s pretty easy when your muse is nice to look at.”
you couldn’t control your burning cheeks and forming smile at her flirty remarks anymore, tilting your head down to hide your face.
chaeyoung wasn’t lying either. she thought you were the prettiest girl she had ever laid eyes on, and she was glad she finally took her chance and talked to you.
hearing your passion about art was the cutest thing ever to her. your genuine love for it attracted her to you more than she could imagine.
she wanted to know everything about you.
more than just the way you perceived the world, more than your coffee order, more than what irritated you about incompetent people at work.
she wanted to know what made you feel most loved. what it would be like to come home to you.
“whatever.. my turn to draw you now.”, you said, still giggling like an idiot.
you reached over to grab her pen off the table and took the napkin from under your cup to scribble your own sketch of her.
chaeyoung watched you patiently and noticed the way you hid your “drawing” with your free hand, slightly furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
“aaand done! do you like it?”
you slid your napkin over to chaeyoung and observed her as she looked over the piece of paper.
the fact is, you didn’t draw anything special at all.
your idea of a sketch of chaeyoung was writing your phone number down and drawing hearts and smiley faces everywhere.
chaeyoung broke out into laughter at your antics, rubbing her thumb over the material.
“i do, i really like it.”
you reached into your pocket to check the time on your phone, realizing you had about 10 minutes to walk back to work.
slightly saddened, you put your phone away and held your face in both of your hands on the table this time, beaming at chaeyoung.
“well i have to get back to work, but make sure you interpret that drawing reeeally carefully, it’s an important one.”, you said, scooting your chair back to stand up and grabbing your drink.
“oh i will, don’t worry. i’ll be sure to consider every single detail.”, chaeyoung said as she watched you grab your things.
you laughed at her playing along, “i’ll see you next friday then?”
chaeyoung smiled and dropped her hands to her lap, still holding onto your art piece.
“next friday it is.”
you nodded and smiled at chaeyoung one last time, walking towards the door and looking back to mouth a “call me” and gesture a phone with your pinky and pointer fingers.
chaeyoung chuckled and watched as you headed back to your regular life.
when you completely disappeared from view out the window, chaeyoung drew her eyes back to the napkin in her lap, inspecting it again and scoffing to herself with a big smile on her face.
moments of your hour together flashed through her mind, making her blush as she pulled out her phone and went to her messages.
she typed your number in, making sure she didn’t miss a single digit.
chaeyoung was twiddling her thumbs over her screen, figuring out the perfect thing to text you.
she tapped the sides of her phone while she attempted to think of something, slowly growing frustrated with herself.
and the best thing she came up with?
hiii it’s chaeyoung :p
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animehouse-moe · 9 months
Blade of The Moon Princess Volume 1: An Incredible Look Into Endou's Vision
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Rather imprudent of me to title this after the artist rather than the art itself, but it's very hard not to. When your most recent work is your greatest hit, and one of the largest out of nowhere successes in a good while, it's hard to relate everything to that feat.
Regardless, what we have here is Endou's last serialized work before Spy x Family. There's a trio of one-shots bridging the gap, but all three (I Spy in particular, of course) contribute a significant amount to what it is that Endou distills into Spy x Family. Of course, you get borrowings from Tista, and most certainly from Blade of The Moon Princess. Because of those ties, I'd love to explain the connections (and quality) of Blade of The Moon Princess in relation to Endou's Magnum Opus.
Let's get the story out of the way: there are people living on the moon. All Feudal Japan-like but with fancy technology and unimaginable power. Kaguya, the young girl on the cover, is the next-in-line princess to succeed her mother and rise from princess to empress of the moon. Of course, not everyone likes that, as the branch family that was disgraced by the actions of the prior empress that originated from their family has stained their history. Desperate to claw back the power they had lost, they attempt to murder Kaguya's mother and steal away the symbol of her power, a sword passed down from empress to empress that's meant to protect the people of the moon. The coup-meets-assassination fails, and Kaguya is able to flee to the tainted planet (Earth) with the sword and evade the branch family, if only briefly.
Surprisingly well put together, yeah? I thought so too. Where Tista lacks a clear cut vision as to the reason behind Tista's story, Endou rectifies that hole here by providing viewers with the idea that Kaguya's goal is to return to the moon as its empress and usurp the branch family that has wrestled control away from her.
Moving on though, there's quite a few pieces that will catch the attention of readers. The moon, Kaguya, bamboo and Japan. It's Endou's version of The Story of Princess Kaguya. And I think that's really cool. They stretch the fabric of the original story so thin that you can shine a light through it, and Endou uses that light to illuminate the details that he's added. Kaguya does not appear to an old man in a stalk of bamboo. Rather, she appears in a space ship shaped like bamboo.
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Much like Endou's marriage of sci-fi and fantasy with Blade of The Moon Princess, they form a transitional period in their storytelling between Tista and Spy x Family. Not quite as humorous as Spy x Family, and not quite as dark as Tista, Kaguya helms a story that straddles the middle of Endou's mind through this first volume. And I think that's something that will be immediately apparent to readers throughout the whole volume.
Though I say 'whole volume', there's two things that will immediately clue readers in: Anya and perspective. Now no, Anya does not appear in this first volume really. But I mean, just look at Kaguya's expressions, they exude the simplicity and laziness of Anya. While Ashe from the referentially titled Rengoku No Ashe might have been the inspiration for Anya's design, Kaguya represents a good portion of her soul.
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Similarly, though in the opposite direction, is Endou's use of perspective. While it still exists in Spy x Family, it's to a far lesser degree than something like Tista. In his early days, he very much so had a penchant for blown perspective and the depiction of characters with small and narrow frames. Blade of The Moon Princess continues this trend, though perhaps on a lesser scale than before. The latter example in particular feels like it was pulled directly from Tista.
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Anyways, let's refocus on the story to close things out. We know what Endou wants to do, we know where we're going and where it wants to end. It's a very confident series in that regard, which in turns provides me with confidence that it'll be a solid ride through its five volume run. It won't rush to fit it into two volumes, and it won't barely make it a story through one, it'll take its ideals about Kaguya's character, and take the time Endou needs to probably mold and shape it. It's the most promising exercise in Endou's storytelling prior to Spy x Family, and that has me very intrigued. A hot headed girl, stranded so far away from home, stuck with feelings of inadequacy and rage. But a girl that must nonetheless learn how to harness those feelings for the better, and use them to protect the people that form her kingdom. It's a well put and traditional approach with all the right twists and turns inserted by Endou. I'm very curious to see where it goes.
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lambertdiary · 7 months
Dalton is nervous about a presentation and you help him to be confident about his painting 
Dalton was standing in the middle of his room, a piece of paper on his hand as he nervously talked about one of his art pieces. 
Professor Armagan’s last assignment was something he dreaded the most: public speaking. They were supposed to paint something really important and personal to them and talk about it in front of everyone, explaining why they chose to paint that, why they chose those colours, techniques, materials, shapes and why they represent their painting.
“They’re not gonna get it” He said, letting out a loud sigh.
“They’re not supposed to” You stood up from his bed and walked towards him, placing both hands on his shoulders “This piece is personal for a reason, you can explain the reasoning behind your techniques without expecting them to understand the real meaning behind it”
“I know, but I don’t know if I can put it into words and make it make sense”
“You did” You took the piece of paper and read the first sentence which he used to explain what was in the canvas. You brought your eyebrows together, you hadn't seen the painting so you were having a hard time picturing it “Can I see it?”
He looked even more nervous all of the sudden “Uh- it’s not my best work”
“Come on, don’t say that. Everything you do is amazing”
He was unsure, but then decided to show you. He made his way to his desk and picked up the covered canvas, putting it on the easel as he uncovered it.
The painting was captivating. It was crafted with such bright colours instead of the dark ones he’d usually go for, using colour blocking that blends the abstract with some elements of realism. It felt like he poured his entire heart and soul into it, full of emotion and adoration directed towards whoever the painting was about. And you were 90% sure it was about you.
Dalton was incredibly talented, and it hurt you that he didn’t see that most of the time. He’d let things go to his head when he was feeling overwhelmed, luckily you were always there to remind him how talented he was and how brilliant his pieces were.
“Dalton, this is beautiful” You took as few steps closer to examine it better “This might be my favourite painting of yours”
“Thank you” He said with a shy tone.
“Your presentation will be perfect, just like your painting”
“I guess I’m just nervous, it’s gonna be hard to say all of this in front of people I have never talked to”
“Then think about me when you’re up there” You turned around to face him again “Picture us in your room, just the two of us and I promise it’s gonna be easier”
He thought about your words for a moment, and they seemed to relax him “I will”
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periwinklemoonlight · 7 months
AHH THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! i have so many thoughts i dont know where to begin LMAO ill start with the outfit designs first!!
to start things off, every design has one specific colour in mind to represent that hermit! pearl - blue, gem - green, impulse - yellow, doc - black/gray, and grian - red! (everyone's nails are painted their colour) every design was deliberately punk-inspired, since during the king arc the soup group was a force of resistance against the monarchy's tyranny :P therefore, the soup group are the main focus of the art and their designs are intentionally made so that they stand out more from the other two, though i made sure they were all unique in one aspect or another :] let's go character by character now! (i'm including all my initial design sketches + some inspo photos too)
pearl - she's the lead singer of soup group, along with playing the electric guitar! her design features a double tank top + low rise big pant combo, moon motifs of course, and two distinct shades of blue! The darker one is seen throughout her hair and outfit, while the lighter one in her moth antenna is reflected in her guitar. the main inspiration for her look was avril lavigne, which is also what influenced me to add those fun blue hair streaks :D on her shirt i wanted to have a sort of skeletal moth/butterfly design!!
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gem - the keytar! i wanted to make sure that gem and pearl's designs looked very distinct from each other, so i went for a slightly different vibe with gem's! her design is based more off of the plaid skirts, big boots, and fishnet looks i found while looking through early 2000s lip service magazine scans (as well as some hayley williams looks!!) :D additionally, shes got vine tattoos over her body to call back to her nature elf vibe this season!
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impulse - the drummer of course!! for his look, i wanted to go a little more anarcho-punk (since its a much older punk style and hes the oldest member of soup group LOL), so his vest jacket has got a bunch of diy additions like patches, pins, paperclips, and chains, along with a bunch of spikes!! in my mind, the back of his jacket has probably got a whole lot more patches, spikes, and studs :] beyond that, i made sure to give him lots of piercings (though my options were limited since s9 impy has a beard lol), and stretched earlobes for fun!! ideally his pants would also have a lot more patches and fun bits, but since his legs would be entirely covered by his drums in the final piece i went for something simpler
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doc - an opener and feature on the song! since he's not part of the soup group, his design is quite a bit simpler than the others in terms of both look and concept :] his look is monochrome save for his robotic red parts and green skin, but still looks interesting thanks to that fun leather jacket :D his look is purposefully more reminiscent of a 50's style greaser, i wanted to go for an older fashion style to make him look more intimidating/mature, as well as set him apart from the look of soup group since the perimeter was an independent nation in the king arc!
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grian - another feature/opener! design wise? hes literally just green day i can't even lie like the pun was perfect and also the black shirt + red tie combo is iconic and also fits his look so effortlessly it had to be done LMAO also, if you look closely in the final piece you can see he's wearing eyeshadow! this of course is again because hes grian day /silly. but to be real, i think this style also fits him really well since the tie + spikes & studs combo gives the look that sorta rebellious vibe that was all over his videos during the king arc :]
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AND NOW FOR THE INSTRUMENTS!! this segment is thankfully much shorter
pearl's guitar is of course a nod to my design for her and her moth wings! butterfly guitars are harder to draw than you'd think LOL
gem's keytar has got a vine design all over it to match her tattoos
impulse's drum set has got the soup group punk band logo! the logo design may honestly be my favourite part of the piece, i feel like i really nailed what i was going for :D
and thats it! i'll edit this post or rb with any details i missed if they come to mind! thank u for reading anyone who has made it this far <3
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starlostseungmin · 2 years
wildest dreams, 1989 ─── a gaze of astonishment.
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✰ pairing — painter/artist!hyunjin x fem!reader (with she/her as pronouns)
✰ genre — strangers to lovers trope, romance, slight angst and smut.
✰ warnings — profanity, kissing, explicit sexual content, soft dom!hyunjin, protected sex, nipple/breast play, pet names, slight dirty talk, slight degrading, fingering and oral sex (f. receiving) alcohol consumption, subtle smoking, clubbing and car speeding, minors dni. lmk if i missed smth, not proofread.
✰ word count — 11.4k +
✰ songs that was used for inspiration — wildest dreams by taylor swift, falling by chase atlantic, overdrive by conan gray, and strawberries and cigarettes by troye sivan
masterlist. playlist.
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Two people unfamiliar with each other, 
One saw the other from across the street. 
The other one takes glances at the stranger sitting on the other side of the train. 
They exchanged looks as their hands collided on a single sandwich left on the shelf in a convenience store. 
Sometimes, they sit together during the first day of classes. 
Or sharing the same nicknames being written on their cups of coffee in the café as the staff calls them. 
Maybe one of them fell asleep as their head landed on the other one’s shoulder when they were together while taking a bus ride home.
Probably taking the same shelter under a pouring rain after forgetting their umbrellas. 
It can be wearing the same shirt as they share the same elevator, getting an awkward atmosphere. 
Possibly one of them heard their favorite song from the other and complemented their music taste. 
They meet unexpectedly. 
There are a lot of ways to the questions that start with how, where, and when. Certain situations like that result in a blooming friendship or if others are lucky, a lover’s relationship perhaps. Depends on how someone delivers their actions. It can happen anytime when everyone knows that there are 24 hours a day. Mornings are filled with fresh smiles and nights are covered with hope when some people start their day during the dark. 
Weekend nights are popular, they say you can do whatever you want, have fun now and let fate does its magic. Drunk and high, cars with no roof, loud music, cigarettes, and sex, kissing strangers in the dark. The aesthetic of Friday and Saturday nights, get an extreme hangover in the morning, fall asleep at the bar, or wake up on someone’s bed, naked. It is fun but they would be on the last list of things you’d want to do. Nothing would beat up an ice cream tub and Netflix inside your apartment. Hence, leisure doesn’t always exist and preferences are not always obliged. 
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His footsteps echo in a quiet part of the hall as people chatter away to the next painting. A soft pace that leads him to one of the portraits being hung on the wall. Sophisticated and fragile, with slicked-back hair, a tie, and a suit, the heels of his shoes were detectable on a marble floor. The canvas was covered with a dark color scheme yet the subject was vibrant as if it was going against its surroundings. Live flowers were taken as the muse, black represents darkness, and the white petals represent light. 
It was supposed to be simple, yet your feet didn’t want to go anywhere but there. It was so beautiful, it was perfect, and every detail was captured by the artist. A mesmerizing piece of art, his eyes never left the displays but he could feel the spell you’re under, frozen in front of a frame. He walked gently and stopped at a six feet distance, hands on his back and a smile of triumph on his face. You weren’t supposed to be there. 
“It’s enthralling, isn’t it?” He asked as your eyes fell in his direction. A handsome young man who is just around your age, so formal and captivating himself. 
“Y-yeah,” You said, tracing a few strands of your hair, behind your ear. 
It was Jeongin’s idea. That prick managed to persuade you after a week of saying no. The Charmer art exhibit is one of the famous art displays being held all over South Korea, yet the artist only relies on his pen name without showing themself to the public. It was expensive and exclusive, people consider themselves lucky if they get in. Your brother, on the other hand, said he bought tickets with the permission of his father. Despite the dislike of spending a weekend night out, he begged for you to go with him, but he’s nowhere to be found at the moment. 
“Shall I amuse you with something else?” He asked, meeting your eyes. 
He is so breathtaking. Siren eyes, a blessed creature who possesses a unique beauty, as if he’s a demi-god and the son of Aphrodite. The black suit envelopes his perfect physique. He was more captivating than the painting itself. Seeing him as if you were looking at red roses in a bathtub with small candles, tasting a fresh red wine, witnessing a runway of models, feeling the white bedsheets in a dark room, enjoying the fireworks, and listening to Chase Atlantic songs. 
“I would love to,” You answered as his smile grew a bit wider, gesturing his hand, showing the way. 
Two strangers, walking side by side in the empty hall, engrossed with every painting hung on the wall. He started a conversation as she listens diligently. There was a big hint of professionalism in his every movement, his fingers wrapped in silver rings that trace the air to indicate a certain piece. 
“The artist calls this, A Gaze of Astonishment,” He said. “The man was looking at her, planning his entire life with a random beautiful stranger he saw from across the street,” 
“Isn’t that a little odd?” You asked him as he let out a small chuckle. The painting shows a man and a woman having a distance from each other, the man was looking at her as her gaze is somewhere else. It was as if he fell in love on the spot, a random stranger made his heart beat faster. 
“People are weird sometimes, they fall in love with someone they just met, even with a random stranger,” He explained. “His gaze tells the audience how he wanted to spend his life with her, or even just for a short time, maybe wanting to know this person who suddenly amused him or create a relationship,” 
“Falling in love feels weird anyway,” You said, looking at your shoes. 
“Indeed,” He said. “Strangers can fall in love, they meet unexpectedly and spend moments at a random time. They get to know each other and talk as if they’ve known each other for years,” 
“Do you believe in love at first sight?” You asked him as he nodded gently. 
“I do,” He answered, taking a few glances to be familiar with your visuals. “And you?” 
“Maybe,” You smiled. “I wanted to believe the things I only see in movies and what I read in books,” 
“They’re real,” He said. “But only if you manage to experience such feeling,” 
“It’s rare,” You said bitterly as he let out a small laugh. “Not everyone has the same privilege in life you know?” 
“You have a perspective that sparks my interest, I wanted to know you more,” He said as you smiled at him. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment and thank you?” You chuckled, tightening your grip on your handbag, suddenly feeling an unusual sensation. “Should we have a conversation in a coffee shop or is there somewhere else you want to go, sometime?” 
“Actually, I want something unusual,” He hums, rubbing his chin to think. “Say, you want to drive out of the city?” He asked. 
“With someone you just met?” You chuckled. 
“I like taking the risk, besides, my manager and the guards will come and get me in 5 seconds,” He said, turning around to face your direction, reaching out his hand. 
“Manager and guards? How do you know一” 
“5…” He counted. 
“Hyunjin!” A man’s voice echoed in the hall, standing a few meters away with bodyguards behind him. 
“4… Miss, please make a decision now,” He smirked. 
“How can I trust you?” You asked, heart started to beat faster in panic, taking a glance at his hand and the group of men approaching. 
“3… you’ll know when you come with me,” He said. “2… it is the weekend, you can do whatever you want,” 
“You’re not going to do something stupid, are you?” You asked, finally holding his hand as he locked eyes with you. 
“1… wise choice,” He said, kissing the back of your hand as he started to run, dragging you with him. “Don’t worry, Love, you’re good.” He winked, exiting the building and leading towards the parking area. 
“Why are you running away?” You asked as Hyunjin opened the door of a black cabriolet sports car. 
“Nothing, it’s the weekend, I can do whatever I want, now hop in before we get caught,” Biting your lower lip, you heard the commotion from a distance. Hyunjin is already sitting in the driver’s seat as you stand there. Sighing at the sight of the situation, you immediately kicked yourself in, closing the door with a loud bang. “Nice,” 
“Hwang Hyunjin!” His manager, yet again, screamed his name, running towards the spot but the former had already driven away.
“Are you serious? Oh my gosh! My brother’s going to kill me if he finds out I’m running away with someone I don’t know,” You exclaimed but Hyunjin just laughed it out, hands on the steering wheel. “What?” You asked him looking in disbelief, but found yourself giggling at his bright expression. 
“You seemed pretty lonely back there, I had to take you away with me,” He smiled, eyes focused on the road as the wind swayed with your hair, feeling the cold night air. 
“You have good eyes,” You said. 
“I know, that’s why I chose you because you were standing so beautiful in that black dress,” He said, glancing at you, serving a wink. “And I believe I’m no stranger to you, you heard my name, care to tell me yours?” 
“Y/n,” You said, eyes darted on him. 
“So, Y/n, is there any place you wanted to go?” He asked with his hands to keep steering on the wheel. 
“I have no idea, but since you always amuse me, you decide,” 
“My pleasure to amuse you, even more, babe,” He winked. “It’s going to be a long way and the night is still young, why don’t we take our time?” 
“Feels like I’m doing something illegal,” You laughed. 
“It’s not illegal when you think it’s legal,” That caught you off guard and looked at him, crossing your arms, relaxing against the backrest. 
“Ya, I love the way you’re speaking to me,” 
“Then be my guest,” He shrugged but still had a smug smile on his face. 
Two people who only know each other’s names, rushing a car ride in the night was strange in the thoughts of others. But for you, it felt like freedom. 
It was an unusual thing to do, but the bright stars and moon, the clear black sky are telling you to go for it. The wind is getting colder, but that didn’t stop you from sitting at the top of the backrest, throwing your hands in the air while Hyunjin stepped on the pedal, speeding the car unlike usual. A scream of joy as your fingers spread wide, playing with the invisible friend. Hair strangled at the back, your dress flying with it as the smile on his face never faded. Despite it being so foreign, you fell in love with the concept. 
Every worry and thought suddenly vanished into thin air, the stubborn college requirements, the coziness of staying at home for the weekend, the pressure you get from your father, and the thought of Jeongin’s face if he realized you were gone. It didn’t matter to you anymore, this moment is one of the best things happening in your life. Maybe coming with Hyunjin wasn’t a bad idea, after all, a handsome young lad, inviting you to run away in the random way as possible. This was it, riding in a car with no roof and the loud music playing on his radio. Your head swayed from left to right, enjoying the half-relatable lyrics. 
The city lights flew by, cars rushed to get home, shops closed down for the day, quiet streets of the night, the loud beating of your heart, it was beautiful to get out yet still skeptical with Hyunjin. You bit your lower lip, landing back on the seat. His siren eyes darted on the road, his long black hair swayed with the wind gently, big hands and long fingers collided with the wheel, and his coat was wide open revealing the black polo inside, tie loosened while embracing the collar. This man is so handsome for the sake of your weak heart. Out of all the people in that hall, he chose you. 
“Done checking me out?” He asked, slapping you back to reality. 
“I-I wasn’t,” You scoffed as he smirked. 
“I can feel those pretty eyes of yours staring straight to my soul,” He said, making blood rush towards your cheeks. 
“Do you always do this?” You asked. 
“Do what?” 
“Driving in the middle of the night with some stranger?” 
“No, I usually go alone, but this night is different,” He said. “I thought you’d say no when I asked you to,” He paused, taking a glance in your direction. “Why did you come with me?” 
“I don’t know, maybe some man whose name I just knew was being chased by his manager,” You chuckled. “You’re Hyun.e are you?” 
“In the flesh,” He said. 
“You’re one interesting flesh,” And Hyunjin then smirked at the statement. 
“And you’re one beautiful stranger,” 
Your body faces his direction, leaning at the backrest as you enjoy the sight of him driving with the cool wind gushing by. It was mesmerizing and heavenly being so free at a time like this. Closing your eyes for being comfortable, a fresh feeling of being outdoors. You never wanted to go home, not yet, you just wanted to stay like that for a while, or maybe the whole night. It was worth it, running away with someone you just met, but it couldn’t last long.  
Not a moment later, the sight of the beach was painted outside the city. Small white waves crashed on the shore as the moonlight’s reflection swayed with the seawater. The sea breeze was way more relaxed than the city air, it sent shivers down your spine as if you were sitting on a block of ice. Hyunjin suddenly took a segue as the loud music from his radio stopped the moment he parked the car, a few meters away from the water. The lights and engine were turned off, he ran his fingers through his hair before he decided to take off his coat.
Meanwhile, you were too preoccupied with the view. The sound of waves crashing on the shore was too relaxing and soothing in the ears, it was so quiet and no people were around. Just you and Hyunjin, the stars and moon, the water and the disheveled sand. City lights were so distant and some lampposts by the trees had their wires fried. Yet, it wasn’t so dark and it wasn’t so bright. 
“It’s so beautiful here,” There was a hint of astonishment in your voice, one that Hyunjin fell in love with. He liked the idea of you admiring things at a distance, eyes that are good observers. 
“I know right?” He said, sliding his coat on your shoulders making you flinch on your seat. “It’s cold, wear it,” 
“Thanks,” You answered, trying to hide the blood rush hinting crimson red and heat in your cheeks. 
“Enjoy the view,” He smiled as he took off, breathing the fresh air of the night. You hurried to get out of the car, the sand was eating up your heels as a quiet sigh escaped from your lips. Hyunjin leaned on the bumper, rolling up his annoying sleeves just right before the elbow. Taking off your heels, they landed on your seat as you dragged yourself towards the cold water, feeling the waves. 
“This is great,” You said, as the waves tickled your feet. A small giggle was heard, it was good to feel like a little kid again playing with the waves as if it’s chasing you to the shore. Hyunjin crossed his arms, smiling at the sight of you. 
“How do you like it?” He asked from a distance. 
“A lot,” You said brightly. “Come, the water is not that cold,” 
“Nah, I’m good,” He said. “I’m just here to see it,” He added, taking a pack of cigarettes and a zippo from his pocket. Taking a single stick from the pack, he had it in between his lips trying to light it. Wrapping and hugging his coat, you took out something from your handbag, coming back to where he was. Tossing the bag to where your heels were, you took out the unlighted cigarette off of his lips. 
“You shouldn’t be smoking,” You said, leaving him dumbfounded after snatching it away, letting it end between your lips instead. “Have this in replacement,” 
“A lollipop? Seriously?” He smirked. 
“It’s better than a cigarette,” You shrugged, handing him the unwrapped candy. “It’s strawberry flavored,” 
Hyunjin looked at you in disbelief before a sigh escaped his lips, “Fine,” He said. 
“Good,” You smiled, throwing the cigarette away when suddenly he wrapped an arm on your waist, pulling you closer to him, a free hand held yours with the lollipop before crashing his lips onto yours. 
His lips were soft and plump, it was hot and intimate, and tasted like peppermint with his cherry-flavored lip balm. It was supposed to feel strange but it only sent an adrenaline rush and the loud thumping of your heart. He sucked your lower lip, biting it softly making out a soft moan from you. His arm even pulled you closer, dragging you in between his legs as he deepened the kiss. A hand on his broad shoulder, this man will swoon you over in a minute. Kissing him back was the most unexpected thing, but you can’t blame yourself, it feels so good. 
You pulled away from the kiss leaving Hyunjin smirking before taking the candy inside his mouth and hands on his trousers’ pockets. It suddenly became hot. You covered your lips, feeling the heat on your cheeks. And there it goes again, two people who were only getting to know each other, shared an intimate kiss under the moonlight. Sounds like it was rushed, with a page that only had a few words to say, and a student rushing their essay before the deadline in a few minutes.  
“That was rude,” You said. 
“You kissed me back,” He shrugged, licking the strawberry-flavored lollipop. “Shall I do it again but slowly?” He teased making your cheeks burn red. 
“No,” You hissed. 
“Fine,” He hummed. “Sit with me, Y/n.” Hesitant at the thought, you still ended up taking the space of his bumper. 
“Aren’t they looking for you?” You asked, looking at the beach. 
“Who?” He asked, holding the stick of the lollipop. “Oh, my manager?” 
“Nah, Chan hyung is used to it, art exhibit, I stroll through the crowd, they don’t know me—just my name, then I rush out driving away when it’s time to go back to the hotel and talk about business,” He said. 
“Must be tough,” You answered. 
“You could say,” He shrugged. “I just wanted to be alone sometimes, including the fact that I paint,” 
“But you’re not alone now, I’m here,” You chuckled as he smiled. 
“I like your company,” He said. “It’s been a while since the last time I was alone with some friends, it’s mostly business, yes? I hate being under the spotlight, I tend to send Chan hyung at every event to speak on behalf of me, I just tell him this and that about certain paintings and do the business for me,” 
“Is that why you don’t show yourself to the public?” You asked, looking at him. 
“Yeah, it’s good to be away from a crowd of people,” He answered, biting and chewing the candy. “Consider yourself lucky, Y/n, you’re seeing Hyun.e in the flesh,” 
“Wow, lucky me,” You laughed as Hyunjin joined you. 
“You’re the very first person I dragged into this running away thingy,” He confessed as you took his hand to sympathize, giving him a reassuring smile. The hint of loneliness covers his eyes, it’s not foreign, he wants to enjoy life as you do, but being imprisoned in the business world. He may spend his time working on the things he loves but lack the moments with the people he cares about. Hyunjin bit the stick as you leaned onto his shoulder. “You’re sweet,” He said. 
“I’m being affectionate,” You smiled. 
“So, tell me something about you Y/n,” He answered, looking down in your direction as you sat up straight, hands on both sides for support. “Tell me interesting things about you,” 
“There’s not much to tell,” You said. 
“I’m all ears,” He reassured, patting your shoulder. 
“Well, I have a half-brother, his father is my father, he remarried a year after my mother died, I live away from them since I don’t like my adopted mother, she’s actually his mistress even before I was born, but my brother is sweet and affectionate,” You started. “I live in an apartment where he always visits me, especially when he’s free, we’re both in college, Jeongin’s in his sophomore year, while I’m in my senior year, I major in English Lit., I love to read, I like lollipops,” You chuckled in between. “I love being alone, I love staying at home, watching Netflix with a tub of ice cream or ramen, but life can be fucked up sometimes, I can’t always do that coziness,” 
“Life is already fucked up from the start, Y/n,” He said. 
“I know,” You said quietly. “It gets worse every time,” 
“That’s fine, at least you have one fine young man beside you right now, not all people can manage to have me!” He said, making you laugh. 
“You’re kind of narcissistic aren’t you?” You said that he gave his brightest smile. “But you’re telling the truth anyway,” 
“You think I’m handsome?” He asked. 
“Yeah, we can’t deny that fact, the first time I saw you back there you were shining and glimmering, you look so expensive,” You answered which made him flatter. 
“You’re way too honest,” He chuckled in response. “Say, Y/n, do you like clubbing Y/n?” 
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Long night, blinding lights, loud music, the smell of strong alcohol and perfume mixed in the air, chattering of strangers to one-night lovers, make-outs, and half-naked bodies, you hate the bar. Everything was ecstasy for the majority, all except you. It makes you smirk when you hear moans and flirting sentences from the ones who stood beside you as they touch and grope each other. Scenes that were expected the moment you reached inside. It was suffocating. Your hands immediately held Hyunjin as he pulled you by the waist, rubbing his thumb on your curves reassuring you he’d be there. He was smiling at the crowd. 
With screams of people, high-pitched yelling, and the hype, you didn’t understand how people love parties. It wasn’t your thing anyway, but it’s not bad to go for one. The sight of two people sitting at the right side of your spot kissing vigorously, the girl’s arms wrapped around his neck as his hands massaging her breasts. Another reason for your blood rush, it was getting hot. You turned around to see Hyunjin, a hand in his pocket as he led you to the counter. The atmosphere was high, drunk, smoking cigarettes, and some couples disappeared to the toilets to have sex as the others had to leave. 
Hyunjin asked the barista for drinks as you took off his coat, it caught his attention. He loves the sight of you wearing that black dress that shows off your shoulders as it fits. It highlights your curves as it falls right above the knee length. The sleeves were gorgeous enough to cover your arms down to your wrists and your hair just comes naturally. He loves your eyes, the way you smile simply made his heart leap. You were so beautiful in his eyes, one that screams inspiration for his piece. A glass of champagne added to his luxury. 
“Why did you take it off?” He asked, taking small sips. 
“It’s a little hot in here,” You said with a nervous laugh, taking the wine glass. 
“You’re hot yourself,” He winked. 
There he is again, making you go wild when he’s just new in your life. 
“Not as much as you,” You answered as it made him melt. 
He’s used to being called like that over a thousand times but it came to an entirely different vibe from you. Only a laugh of bashfulness came out of his mouth then take another sip from his glass. You bit your lower lip playing with the rim of your glass, rubbing it with your thumb. The champagne was good, but you wanted to drink as minimally as possible, you didn’t want to end up embarrassing yourself in front of him, even when you got drunk. Taking a few sips on it, you caught a guy’s attention. Hyunjin was trying to get another glass when that stranger came to approach you. 
“Hey there beautiful,” He said, which made Hyunjin’s eyes darken the moment he heard it. Your eyes went wide, not another stranger again一he was handsome, but not as much as Hyunjin. 
“H-hey,” You managed to reply. 
“I see you seemed lonely, care to dance with me?” He asked again when Hyunjin smirked and walked in between the two of you. His tall figure made the guy look threatened, being nervous about what was going to happen, Hyunjin’s stern look made him look even hotter. “Back off dude, she’s mine,” The guy said, growling at Hyunjin with his death stare. The latter suddenly uttered a wicked laugh, loosening his tie before he pushed him away. 
“Don’t flirt with my girlfriend, you piece of shit!” Hyunjin said as you held his hand. 
“Hyunjin, no,” You said as his eyes landed on you. 
“Scared?” He asked. 
“No, just don’t get in trouble,” You answered, tightening your grip around his wrist. He smiled at the thought before giving you a soft kiss and getting back at the guy who just witnessed it. 
“What are you looking at?” He asked, with a smirk on his face. The guy’s face hardened and glared at him before leaving. 
“Fuck!” The guy hissed under his breath leaving you and Hyunjin alone. 
Another kiss again, it made you frozen on the spot and the champagne was left unattended on the counter. Hyunjin looks proud of it, but not the way you looked uncomfortable. He wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your forehead as you snuggled closer. His expensive perfume welcomed your nostrils, it was more intoxicating than the roaming scent of alcohol. It smells so good. Hyunjin suddenly leaned down on your ear, kissing it which sends shivers down your spine making your grip on his polo tighten.  
“Hmm,” You hummed. 
“Are you okay?” He whispered as you gave him a gentle nod. “You want to get out of here?” He asked again as you looked up to him. 
“You want to?” You asked back. 
“Only if you want,” He smiled, taking his glass of champagne一having it all in one gulp. 
“Not yet,” You said out of nowhere, having your drink in one gulp and then asking the bartender for another one leaving Hyunjin amused. 
“I thought you don’t like drinking?” He asked with a small laugh. 
“Not every time, dance with me Hwang,” You chuckled, gesturing the bartender to wait for a bit before dragging Hyunjin to the dancefloor. 
The night was loud, the time was being ignored, two people who feel like they’ve known each other for years, kissing as if they have labels, dancing on the dancefloor enjoying the party. You never fail to amuse him, the typical reserved girl, so sweet and innocent一who loves Netflix and a tub of ice cream, the one who hates the crowd and parties, it felt like you were different now. Hyunjin didn’t mind, he likes it, he made the right decision to drag you out and have fun. It was just you and him, enjoying the company of each other. Each beat of the music had you both dancing carelessly, the stares you shared, the smiles you’d make, he said he’s not going to catch feelings. The kiss and champagne, the strawberry-flavored lollipop, and unlightened cigarettes, this was something to remember. 
His hand suddenly met yours, interlocking your fingers as he dragged you away from the crowd and went to the parking area. Drinking every last bit of champagne from the stolen wine glasses on the counter, running away with shared laughs, Hyunjin drove away to the hotel where he’s at. It was almost one in the morning, and the swimming pool on the 22nd floor was closed. Chan was patiently waiting for him in the lobby but he was too quick enough to hide behind the hotel porter with you. The bags were big enough to remain unseen and went to get his card at the counter, holding your hand leading to the elevator. 
“Where are we going?” You asked. 
“To the swimming pool, we’ll sneak into my room later,” He winked. 
“I hope Chan won’t nag at you,” You chuckled crossing arms on your chest. 
“Oh, he will he sees me,” He laughed as you heard the elevator’s sound, indicating that you arrived. 
“It says closed,” You said seeing the sign and the stanchion posts surrounding the rectangular shape of the indoor pool. 
“Live a little, Y/n,” He said, taking them off, jumping to the blue water, splashing everything in your direction. 
“Ya!” You exclaimed as he rose, seeing you drenched. He laughed out loudly wiping his face as the water drips down from his black locks down to his eyes. You didn’t know what to feel with his visuals anymore, it made your heart go crazy. 
“The water is good Y/n, come on!” He said, motioning his hands to join him. 
“Fine,” You said, giving a teasing look before jumping on an empty spot, splashing the water all over him. “Wow, that was good!” 
“I told you,” He said as he started swimming around. 
You watched him enjoying the moment, following him in the water wasn’t probably the best idea but it was worth having so much fun even if it’s just one night. He was splashing water on you as you did the same, another heartfelt laugh, it was the way he had his hands on your waist lifting you, gently throwing you in the other direction. A delicate squeal was heard as you tried to get back at him. Diving in the pool, you pushed him behind his back, it was hard enough to knock him over but he was too quick to wrap his arms around your waist, tickling you down. 
Giggles echoed around the pool area, Hyunjin suddenly stopped as he stared at you, it was such a beautiful sight. Laughing with you felt so comfortable and different. Wiping your face out of it being soaked, you could feel Hyunjin’s hands still being wrapped around your waist. His eyes looking at you, filled with wonder and curiosity with a hint of intimacy and interest. He was smiling, not minding how stupid it is to have you being dragged away. A total stranger that suddenly caught him off guard. You were beautiful in his eyes, a precious gem that he wanted to keep for himself.  
“Is there something on my face?” You asked, suddenly feeling awkward with the situation. His fingers traced your cheek, taking the wet strands off your face, leaving them behind your ear. 
“You’re so beautiful,” He said quietly, making you blush, but before you could say something, you felt his lips planted on yours. 
It felt the same as the first time you tasted his lips, but it is now mixed with champagne and a hint of your strawberry-flavored lollipop. He pulled you closer to his body as your arms were around his neck. A hand was placed gently on your cheek, slowly caressing it as he deepened the kiss. Your lips molded against each other as he could taste the champagne with the hint of your cotton candy lip gloss. You started playing with his wet hair as he smiled between the kiss then biting your upper lip, sucking it before he could devour it again. 
It felt so good, nobody made you feel like this or this is how falling in love with a stranger looks like. Stolen glances across the hall, a small conversation that turns into running away, deep talks by the beach, sharing your first kiss—one that can melt you inside—clubbing and stolen glasses of champagne, and a kiss in the swimming pool. You wanted to hold him longer. There are a lot of unexpected things happening and it’s only midnight, you’d likely stay awake all night for the sake of this heavenly feeling. Freedom, rebellion, and dancing with a stranger, it all started because of a gaze of astonishment. 
“Hyunjin!” It was his manager’s voice as the door banged open, causing the kiss to be cut off. Hyunjin hissed under his breath as you turned away out of embarrassment, covering your blushing face. 
“Chan hyung, what the fuck!? Can’t you knock?” Hyunjin growled as Chan sighed in disbelief. 
“Go back to your room now. You have a schedule tomorrow,” He said with a stern look as his eyes landed on you then his face softened. “Hi, I’m sorry to disturb you—you look great by the way,” Chan said sheepishly, turning to Hyunjin again whose hand was on his waist and the other on his nape. “Hyunjin, get out of the pool now.” 
“Fine,” He scoffed as he went off first before reaching out his hand to help you. “I’m sorry for this, let’s talk in my room, yes? Wait for me,” He said, kissing your forehead before going to Chan. “Now what?” 
“Your next exhibit will be at 8 tomorrow morning, I thought you’d be back by 10 pm. Not 1 fucking a.m.! You’re not even answering my calls,” Chan nagged as Hyunjin sighed. 
“I thought I told you about this hyung? I spend the night going wherever I want after the exhibits, I didn’t promise to be back at 10,” Hyunjin explained as you stood there feeling guilty for taking his attention away. “What am I, a child? Oh my God, hyung!” 
“I have nothing against it! All I want is you to be mindful of the time,” Chan sighed harshly. “Look, just go into your room. I need to talk to her,” Hyunjin looked at you, flinching at the spot. He reached out his hand as you came forward. Being nervous as you are, Hyunjin gave you a reassuring look before holding your hand, squeezing them before he left for his room. A sigh escaped your lips as you turned to face Chan, his stern look faded in a few seconds. 
“Is everything alright? I think I caused him trouble with you, I should just go,” You said but Chan shook his head. 
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing,” He smiled. “I’m just glad that he’s with someone right now unlike the previous exhibits where he comes back in the morning,” He laughed half-heartedly. 
“I’m still very sorry, we might have lost track of time,” You said, rubbing your arm in disappointment. 
“It’s okay, love,” Chan insisted. “Aren’t you Jeongin’s older sister?” 
“Yeah, how did you know?” You asked being confused. 
“Hyun.e is your father’s favorite painter, I usually visit his office when he wants to negotiate with some of Hyunjin’s paintings. I happened to see your family portrait,” Chan said. “And yeah, Jeongin’s friends with us, I just didn’t know why he didn’t introduce you to us,” 
“Oh, it’s just that, I’m always busy, and Jeongin’s has a lot of free time, so…” You said, rubbing your nape. “But uhm, please tell my brother that I’m fine, I can’t tell him where I am since my phone is dead.” 
“Okay,” Chan nodded. “But please if you ever plan on staying for the night, please do not let Hyunjin out of your sight, yes?” 
“I will,” You smiled. 
“He’s in room 1320, 13th floor,” 
A small bow was exchanged before you head back to the elevator down to Hyunjin’s room. The night is starting to get exhausting, including the fact that you’re fresh out from the swimming pool with water dripping from your hair and dress. A small sigh of frustration escaped from your lips as you reached the 13th floor, knocking a few times on Hyunjin’s door. He was already wearing the hotel’s robe, his wet hair is slowly getting dry but still wearing that disappointed face of his. You smiled at him before you entered the room. 
“Are you okay?” You asked as he handed you an extra robe. 
“Yeah,” He sighs. “Go wash up first and wear this, I’ll find some clothes for you to wear okay?” He smiled softly, taking the robe. 
“Okay,” You said before making a beeline towards the bathroom. 
Hyunjin took his glass half-filled with wine. Champagne wasn’t good enough to satisfy his needs, it was cut off so quickly. He leaned by the doorframe, taking appreciation of the view up from the balcony. Everything was quiet enough to calm him down, a few cars rushing by the highway, the stillness of the stars and the moon slowly setting down, he suddenly thought about making another piece for his upcoming exhibit. A sudden hit of inspiration. He licked his lips, taking it into deep thought with a few sips of wine. 
Meanwhile, you just got out of the bathroom wearing the robe. He forgot about the clothes, but seeing you wearing the white cloth that envelopes your body, he thought you don’t need it anymore. Such a pretty face even without make-up. Hyunjin fell for your beauty even more. Clearing his throat, he placed the glass on the nightstand. Everything he needed was right in front of him, a muse, this painting he’s been thinking of would be different from before. You. 
“You look great,” He managed to say. 
“Thanks,” You answered with a smile as he spread his arms for a hug. “Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his waist, burying your face on his bare chest. 
“I am,” He said softly, playing with your hair. “Are you leaving tomorrow?” 
“Probably, I can’t stay,” You chuckled, giving him a soft peck on the lips. “Chan said you have something to attend to tomorrow,” 
“Hmm,” He hummed in between. 
“Why?” You asked, caressing his cheek. 
“Nothing,” He smiled. “We still have a few more hours,” 
“Yeah, you should be taking all your time with me instead of thinking about what’s going to happen,” You said, giving him a long kiss. The beating of his heart was nothing like before, strong and jumping as if it was going to explode. 
“Y/n, you’re making me so damn crazy,” He hissed under his breath the moment the kiss was off. 
“And you are to me,” You said as Hyunjin smirked before taking your lips again, hands on your cheeks as you melt at the sudden action. 
Heartbeats going fast, eyes closed to savor the moment, lips colliding in response to the tension, hands holding one another for support, the kiss was getting hot. It was the way Hyunjin slid his hand off your cheeks before taking your chin as he deepened the kiss. Taking your steps backward, your waist felt the width of the table being placed by the wall. He lifted you to sit down as he stood between your legs, still enjoying the taste of your lips, biting and sucking them earning a soft mewl from you. Your hands wrapped around his neck, playing with his black locks as he deepened the kiss. Heads tilted together, eyes were closed, just you sharing a passionate exchange of affection. 
It was sweet, you’d agree that falling in love with a stranger would rather be weird or taking the risk unexpectedly.  A fool that fell in the hole. Two lonely people staring at the frame of a wonderful painting decided to take flight in the middle of the night. You couldn’t blame yourself either, it felt like Hyunjin was given to you this evening to take a turn in your perspective. It became so different, you didn’t like the bar but you drank and danced with him, you love staying at home watching Netflix while enjoying the food, but here you are, kissing the artist that hovered your attention. A dark hotel room with only the moon and the other city lights contributed brightness, it savored champagne and candies. 
Heavy breaths and loud thumping of hearts, you bit his lower lip as Hyunjin placed his thumb in between your lips, feeling his kisses on your neck. You hummed in response to his touch, a hand on his shoulder tightening your grip, you had to look the other way to give him more access. His fangs met your skin, nipping at the delicate scent of vanilla and candies mixed after the bath. Hyunjin suddenly got more intimate and felt the strong urge to touch you. You bit his thumb, sucking it before he stopped to kiss you again. His fingers started to play with the laces of your robe, trying to hold himself to take it off. You pulled him closer to yours as you felt his hand squeezing your ass. Meanwhile, you could sense how he’s stopping himself from doing anything, a kiss, more than a kiss, he wanted it—you wanted it too. 
“Y/n?” He called in between. 
“Yes, love?” You hummed in response. 
“Can I?” He asked when you understood what he meant. 
“Yeah,” You said quietly as he placed a soft kiss on your lips, untying the lace of the robe. 
“God, you’re so beautiful,” He said seeing your bare skin after slipping the sleeves off your shoulders. Blood rushes to your cheeks feeling the same heat the way Hyunjin impresses you with compliments. His lips met yours again, slowly caressing your body that send shivers down your spine. It was the way he started pinching your nipples making you moan in between his kisses then proceeded on massaging your breasts. He felt your body flinch under his touch that led his lips to form a smirk. “Like it?” He asked. 
“Y-yeah, oh my God,” You gasped, holding onto his shoulders when his fingers came in contact with your went cunt, slowly rubbing your wetness. 
“I’m not even halfway of touching you but you’re already so wet for me, love,” He said still wearing that smirk on his face. 
You bit your lower lip in embarrassment when he started kissing you again, slowly inserting his 2 digits inside, tightening your grip on his broad shoulders and the other free hand at the back of his neck. Sharing a torrid kiss, Hyunjin slowly thrusts his fingers inside you and a hand squeezes your thigh. Hissing underneath your breath, he let out a soft chuckle, enough to blow your mind at the moment. He slipped his tongue inside your mouth as you started to suck on it, licking all over. His fingers’ pace started to go fast, receiving a delicate and sinful sound. You started humping on his fingers as your mouth gap, Hyunjin’s kisses fell back on your neck again, nipping your skin. 
“H-Hyunjin, hmm…” You hummed in response. 
“Yes, love?” He asked, placing a soft kiss on your lips. 
“I want to feel you,” 
Hyunjin’s gaze turned dark, he pulled his fingers gently before tasting your wetness on his lips. A wicked smile surfaced together with a soft chuckle. His wet fingers caress your lips, “Are you sure?” He asked in between as he leaned closer to whisper something in your ear. “‘Cause I won’t be able to stop,” 
“I don’t mind,” You said quietly, looking at his eyes, kissing his fingers on your lips. 
“Fine,” He smiled, capturing your lips again before lifting you, carrying you towards the bed. Your back felt the warm white sheets against your back as Hyunjin’s lips never left yours. The sound of smacking lips echoed in the room as his kisses suddenly went back on your neck. You felt them traveling down to the valley of your breasts, slowly taking your nipple as the free hand squeezed the other. He loves the idea of playing with them, sucking and biting gently just to hear how you’d react. With a satisfying sound, heavy breathing, and gasping of air, you suddenly wanted him to do more. Then there is Hyunjin enjoying it. His mouth came in contact with the other one and started licking it—the way the tip of his tongue was rubbing on your hard nipple hinted at your strong arousal. 
“Fuck,” You gasped as his lips started kissing your stomach, slowly making their way down on your wetness. 
“Spread your legs for me, love,” And without hesitation, you just felt the need to let him see everything. “So fucking beautiful, so fucking wet, I love it,” He hissed at the sight of you. His thumb came in contact with your slit, rubbing the wetness that made you mewl. Licking your inner thigh, you felt his tongue replace his thumb, kissing and licking your cunt. It was impossible to think straight at the current situation when he’s eating you out, hands squeezing your thighs as he leaves you a moaning mess. 
A simple gaze of astonishment turned into something sinful. Kisses were supposed to be sweet but they can lead to bodies wanting to sin. Your hands met the white sheets, looking for something to hold on to—his tongue was all over your soul, it felt so good and warm. It’s making you go insane, you didn’t want him to stop. He enjoys the sight of you suffering under his touch, the facial expressions you make, the loud moans from your mouths, it’s not only you who’s about to go crazy. 
“You taste so good,” He said, as your body arched, tightening your grip on the sheets, feeling his mouth devouring you. Biting your lips, Hyunjin’s hands ended up on your breasts again as you held them tight. Squeezing them while he eats you just added to the heavenly feeling but you know it is not only that. He loves the sight of your dripping cunt with a hint of his saliva, he loves the way you taste and for being so wet for a hot stranger like him. But he was no stranger anymore. 
He licked his lips as he crashed them onto yours. The taste of your wetness from his lips had gotten the place even hotter. But it didn’t last long for you to whine when he pulled away. He stood in front of you as he untied the laces of his robe while you lay with your elbows. The robe slipped away from his broad shoulders showing his bare skin, a perfect physique that made your heart pound like crazy and mouth gaped open. He was staring at you while stripping off, his gaze locked with yours, taking a condom from the robe’s pocket, he knew he’d be able to use it, but not without your permission. His teeth met the packaging, harshly ripping it open as he took it out to slip his length in it. 
“Lay down,” He said softly, as you obliged, Hyunjin hovered above you, a hand on his length, slowly rubbing the tip of his cock on your wet cunt. 
“Shit,” You hissed at the sudden friction. His smirk appeared again as he made his lips come in contact with yours, slowly sliding himself inside you—causing your eyes to roll back. You have your arms wrapped around his neck, kissing him back as he starts to thrust himself, being gentle at first. Hyunjin deepened the kiss, as his hand held your cheek while the other supported his dominant position. 
2 a.m. 
The time was already forgotten. Fuck the schedule, Hyunjin doesn’t want to be anywhere but here, fucking the shit out of you as he goes faster. A sinful sound escaped your lips as you dug your fingers into his bare back. He hissed under his breath at the sudden reaction but it felt so good. Your voice is like music to his ears, your neck still smells like your perfume that he always wanted to bite, your legs spreading wide for him as his length drives you crazy. Eyes were shut, feeling every movement Hyunjin makes. 
“Oh, shit, Hyunjin!” You blurted out, scratching back again, he could feel the pain from your fake nails—he had to take them off from his neck and hold them above your head, interlocking fingers with him. He went faster than before as your grip tightened along the way. 
“You’re so tight, fuck!” He hissed, making you moan even louder. 
“I’m going to kill you after this,” You said in between your gasps, tears started to form in your eyes in the sweet madness. 
“You can’t,” He teased as your walls tightened. Hyunjin is taking his time, he doesn’t care if you’d wake someone from the other room. All he wanted was to ruin you. A girl he just met, being a mess under him, can be considered as a one-night stand if he left in the morning—but he knows he’s going to look for this moment again. Even if you flee later. 
“Kiss me, you fucker,” You said as he happily obliged, still messing you up down there. His lips were hotter than before as you kept letting out his favorite sounds in between a torrid kiss. Hyunjin let go of your hands as that gave you the opportunity to play with his hair, as he went rough with you. “Fuck!” You screamed at the feeling. 
He started nipping your neck, biting and kissing before licking the mark. But your hands gripped onto his biceps, moaning about how good it feels to be ruined by him. You weren’t like this, you didn’t know why this man is making his way on you. Heavy breaths and sweat slowly dripped down from his forehead to his bangs. He sweats easily but it made him look so fucking attractive. You don’t mind, his siren eyes were staring at you, smirking at the sight of how messy you are. Being riled up as he is, you could feel how close you are. 
“You’re so pretty,” He said. 
“Baby, I’m close, fuck!” You moaned out of breath. 
“Shh, let it out,” He said grunting underneath his breath, trying to get the most of it until he felt it on his own.  
“Shit,” You hissed as he pulled away to release. A sigh escaped your lips, it was good. 
“Are you okay, love?” He asked, taking the condom off from his length, tossing it away to the bin as you lay exhausted on his sheets. Hyunjin sat down beside you as he leaned down to kiss your forehead, caressing your cheek. “Tired?” 
“Yeah, we had a long night,” You said quietly as he smiled softly, placing a soft kiss on your lips, making you smile in return. “You’re so sweet,” 
“I got scared when you said you’ll kill me,” He chuckled as you laughed along. 
“I was just overwhelmed,” You said, holding his hand as he interlocks your fingers again. 
“Do you want to wash up?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” You answered, giving him a nod. Another soft kiss occurred in between before he decided to carry you towards the bathroom. 
Rays of sunshine came in contact with your eyes as they flutter open only to see the curtains being drawn open and Hyunjin’s side of the bed was empty. He had you wearing his white polo, one that gave you sweater paws with it. The sudden hit of disappointment envelopes your body after realizing his things were gone, the room was quiet and you didn’t even budge to jump out of the bed. His strong, intoxicating scent remains on the sheets as you take the duvet in your arms, hugging his evaporated presence. It was a good night, you wanted to do it again but he’s gone. You didn’t know his schedule anyway, Chan didn’t even tell you. 
A sigh escaped your lips as you tried to get up after being sore down there. Disheveled sheets and robes on the floor, it was a night to remember, not only the moment where you made love. He was an interesting stranger, one that could sweep you off your feet in a blink of an eye. You wouldn’t deny the fact that he hit you like a train, faster enough to make you fall under his unique charm and beauty. It just felt stupid how distracted you were and forgetting one of the most important things. His contact number. 
Facepalming yourself at the thought, a piece of paper caught your eyes. It was laying down on the other side of the bed, curiosity filled the atmosphere, as your hands gently took the thin canvas. You knew it belonged to Hyunjin but you were surprised by his subject, it was a portrait of you. The one that he saw from the art exhibit last night. Every detail was there, the black dress, your handbag, your hair, even if it was only being sketched with a pencil and a white pen, it highlighted your beautiful face, altogether from his perspective. It was candid. That one talented young man. Even his signature was present at the bottom and a short notice at the back. 
“My beautiful Y/n, when you wake up, I already left. Didn’t want to wake you up since you were exhausted, don’t worry we’ll see each other again. I just don’t know when I’ll be back, but when I do, I’ll find you, Love, Hyunjin,” You read. “P.S. We already have our A Gaze of Astonishment and it made me realize how I want to plan out my entire life with a beautiful stranger from across the hall,” 
Tears started to form in your eyes, it made you fall for him even harder. Hyunjin woke up a few hours before you did. He spent his time taking glances at your beautiful figure sleeping on his sheets after an amazing night. Train of thoughts and inspiration suddenly devoured his soul, he couldn’t help but sit down and take his sketchpad and pencil to draw you. You were so peaceful and still, each glance was worth it for his art. He studied your face, he imagined the look you have from last night. It was the very first few seconds of your meeting. One that he’ll remember and cherish in his life. 
His hand dances with the pencil above the thin canvas for a while, he captured that moment like a photograph in his mind. And he will bring it with him wherever he goes until he comes back and takes you out again. A smile of satisfaction formed on his lips as he ripped the page off of his sketchpad. He stood up from the bed, leaving the paper on the other side before walking toward you and leaning for a kiss on your forehead. Hyunjin fell in love, he wouldn’t deny it. It was the best night of his life and he was thankful that he met you. 
He started to caress your cheek and whispered, “I love you, Y/n,” 
And that was it. 
“I love you too,” You said quietly hugging the thin canvas, but careful not to be ripped. 
The clock says 10 am, and that’s when you realized you should go home. Your phone is still dead and your clothes were still wet, only Hyunjin’s polo remained decent. I can go home like this right? No, it will be embarrassing, train of thoughts and panics came all over you, hoping that Chan has contacted your brother when you heard a few knocks on the door. It made your heart race, couldn’t be Hyunjin who forgot to take something or the staff? But you heard them calling your name outside. You hurried to open the door and it was your brother gawking at you. 
“Y/n, what the fuck?! I’ve been calling you since last night, but you’re not一wait,” He stopped when he realized what you were wearing and how messy your hair was. “Did you and Hyunjin hyung一oh my God,” He said as you came in blushing. 
“I was…” You paused. “We had a long night,” You continued with a sheepish smile while rubbing your nape. 
“You better tell me on the road, and Father’s furious, fix yourself up, now.” He said which made you startled. 
Jeongin knows you too well, you weren’t like this, maybe Hyunjin did make much of a difference for you in just one night. It was so unexpected for him, even for you. But hence he was happy, it’s not every night this kind of moment exists in a person’s life. You had subtle flings before and you thought that was the end of it. Then this stranger came, and it was bold and direct. No drama in between, you just wanted to have it again. Even if it takes time for Hyunjin to come back and find you. But maybe your brother can help you out. 
“You never told me that you know him?” You asked, closing the door of the passenger’s seat as Jeongin started to drive. 
“I thought you weren’t interested, besides, you’re not into art are you?” He asked. 
“I fell in love with his arts last night so I consider myself as one right now,” You said as Jeongin sighed in response. 
“Whatever,” He groaned. “I was looking for you the whole evening at the exhibit, I was shocked to know that Chan hyung saw you running away with Hyunjin hyung,” 
“He invited me to,” You chuckled. 
“You usually decline going out on the weekends Y/n,” Jeongin scoffed as he take glances at you. “Something changed about you,” He said as you smiled at him. A smile that tells happiness and love, with a hint of giddiness and excitement, warmth and delight. “Wow, in just one night, Y/n,” 
But you two just laughed it out. 
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1 month later…
Your father was furious when you got home that day, Jeongin did try to explain everything but he was not getting into it. He decided to ground you for two weeks leaving you and Jeongin staying in your apartment, but that didn’t stop you from roaming around the art museums in the city with the famous artists of this generation’s works being displayed. You did try to argue with Jeongin sometimes to give Hyunjin’s contact but your Father was strict enough to ban you from it. Even Jeongin followed him and you were close to giving up. Yet that portrait of you being plastered on your apartment’s wall tells you to trust Hyunjin. Even if you just met him once and even if he’s going to take more than a month to come back, you believe he is a man of his words. You just need to be patient. 
It was another exhausting day at the university, but thank goodness you were done with this week’s tasks. One that would make you spend your whole weekend free and maybe, sleep after consistent nights of staying up. English Literature left my brain cells in you. A sigh of relief escaped from your lips as you plopped on your couch when Jeongin’s face appeared in front of you. Eyes were tired, glasses not being in the right place, messy hair, and crumpled clothes. You never knew why he stays in your apartment instead of your Father’s house where he lays as his favorite child. 
“You scared me to death,” You said, clutching your chest after swearing at him a few seconds ago. 
“I was awake the moment you arrived,” He yawned, scratching his back. 
“And?” You asked, getting up from the couch to take your bag back from your room. 
“Father called, he’s going to have a gathering this Saturday, yeah, that’s tomorrow,” He said checking the calendar on his phone as you emptied your school bag and went back to the couch. 
“You know I don’t attend his parties,” You scoffed. “You can go alone, or invite Seungmin or Changbin to go,” 
“They will come for sure, they’re already invited,” He sighs. “But that is not the point. What I’m trying to say is: Hyunjin hyung will come back home from Paris,” 
“He what!?” You exclaimed enough for his ears to hurt. All this time he was in Paris without telling you, he was meant to leave the country after that day to where Chan said he had a schedule. 
“Yeah, shocking right? Father told me about it, he said if you wanted to see the Artist again, you should come.” Jeongin shrugged. “Besides, he knows your affairs and you know how much he loves Hyunjin hyung’s work so—” 
“You’re such an angel!” You said tackling your brother down to the floor with hugs and cheek kisses. It was probably the best news after a week of suffering at the university. Jeongin laughed at the sudden affection, he loves it very much especially when it comes from you. Though he’s just your half-brother, you love him dearly. 
“You’re still into him after a month, without communication?” He asked, regaining your positions. “What if he found someone else in Paris?” 
“That, I will find out tomorrow,” You sigh. “I was thinking about that possible scenario, I couldn’t call him, I couldn't talk to him, nothing, but if he found someone new then, that whole one month of mourning wasn’t worth it, we were just strangers anyway,” You smiled bitterly. 
“I hope he hasn’t, I was so happy about the sudden change of your personality overnight because of him,” Jeongin said, encouraging you while patting your shoulder. You smiled at him, holding his hand. 
“I just wanted to be with him again,” You sigh. 
“Better get a new dress, sis,” Jeongin winked. 
Saturday night came, and the gathering was being held on the top floor of your Father’s company building. Everyone was there, but Hyunjin, or maybe he was just running late. There was no sight of Chan either. A sigh escaped from your lips taking that glass filled with champagne as you sat at an empty table while everyone was talking business with each other. Even Jeongin was occupied with Seungmin and Changbin’s presence. You crossed your arms on your chest, playing with a glass of champagne, you were lonely again. The decorations were nice to take your attention and even some of Hyunjin’s paintings were intact on the walls. 
Drinking everything from the glass, you walked around not minding a few stares from people from your Father’s business. Others were intrigued that you finally showed up, just for once. You didn’t care about them, you didn’t care about your Father’s opinion. It was only Jeongin and Hyunjin you came here for. A smirk surfaced on your lips when you came to have a close-up of a large portrait, one that possesses the image of a clock tower. It had his signature on it—a sketch that was painted with watercolor. You stood there, catching every detail, studying how he managed to blend everything. There you are again, giving the same look the first time you locked eyes with the very first painting you saw that night, it was beautiful. 
“It’s enthralling isn’t it?” A familiar voice said, coming in your direction. Your heart started to beat faster, really knowing who it came from. It was him, Hyun.e, Hwang Hyunjin. 
“Y-yeah,” You stutter like before. His eyes were on the portrait as you were looking at him. He was smiling with his hands behind him.
“Beautiful as always, my dear,” He said, finally looking at you. “It gets me every time, how have you—” But before he could finish his sentence, you tackled him down for a hug. Hyunjin immediately let out a soft chuckle embracing you. 
“I missed you,” You said, burying your face in his chest. 
“I missed you too,” He whispered in your ear, caressing your hair. “I know I have a lot to explain, I’m sorry for leaving without contacting you,” He sighs. 
“It’s okay, I’m just happy you’re here,” You said looking at him as he smiled, giving you a soft kiss on your lips.  
“Tell me, baby, you want to drive out of the city?” He smirked, taking a few strands of hair out of your face. 
“With someone you just met?” You chuckled in response. “Well, I’m not going to hesitate with your concept of running away, I waited for a month anyway—take me wherever you like,” 
“Your Father won’t be pleased when I say I’m not taking you back home anytime soon,” He said, giving you a long kiss before holding your hand, interlocking your fingers together. 
“Jeongin can handle him, my brother can cover for me,” You said reassuring him. 
“Good, now let’s go,” He smiled as you left the hall, excitedly. Your brother saw that as your Father was busy. A smirk was formed on his face as he continued talking to Seungmin and Changbin, you deserve to spend time with Hyunjin with no disruptions. You both head to the parking area, the car he used the last time is still the same, but before you could enter, Hyunjin pulled you again for a kiss. One that you longed for, something that you wanted to last for a while. “Champagne?” He asked, pulling away. 
“Yeah, I had a few,” You said, sheepishly. 
“It tastes good,” He chuckled. “Come here, baby,” He added, leaving a peck on your lips as he opened the door for you. 
“Where are we going?” You asked, sitting on the passenger’s seat, closing the door with a loud bang. 
“No specific destination but, we’ll have something later,” He winked again as he sat down beside you and started to drive away. 
There you are again, enjoying the rushed car ride when the night is young, the moon is high and the stars illuminate the dark sky. City lights were dancing as the cold air brushed against your bare skin. He loves that black dress you were wearing, it’s prettier than the last time—thin laces on your shoulders and a slit that shows your left thigh as it falls above the knee length. It looks so good on you, and the way he is dressed tonight matches your aesthetic. Black suit and a few buttons opened, his black slicked-back hair and rings adorning his fingers—breathtaking like usual. 
He started speeding up, a hand on your tie as the other one kept steering the wheel. You looked at him dearly, 
“Yeah?” He asked. 
“I loved that sketch you made when you left,” You said. 
“It was a rushed piece, but thank you,” He smiled. “Say, I’ve been thinking,” 
“About what?” You asked, taking his hand away from your thigh, starting playing with it, interlocking your fingers again. 
“I was going to make an exhibit in this city, every piece of art, all inspired by the image of you,” He said proudly. “But, I can’t without your permission of course,” He added, taking your hand as he kissed your knuckles. 
“Park the car,” You said, Hyunjin suddenly felt nervous as he did under a lamppost on an empty street. 
“Is something wrong? You don’t want it?” He asked immediately the moment the car settled in when you grabbed his collar, crashing your lips onto his. Hyunjin’s heart started to beat faster than ever as he pulled you to sit on his lap, deepening the kiss you shared. Hands around your waist as your arms wrapped around his neck. It was warm and passionate, filled with longingness and desire. 
“Are you kidding me, you’re such a genius! I would be honored!” You cried pulling away, but he just looked at you as if you were his most treasured piece of art. He held your cheeks, leaving a soft kiss on your lips. 
“Then you’ll have it,” He said. 
“You never fail to amaze me,” You said, melting under his touch. 
“And you never fail to make me crazy over you,” He answered, earning a soft chuckle from you, kissing you again. 
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802 notes · View notes
Milestone Monster: Nocticula, Our Lady in Shadow
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CR 30
Chaotic Evil Medium Outsider
Adventure Path: Wrath of the Righteous: The Midnight Isles, pg. 86=87 (image taken from Elena Kononenkos’ artstation; it’s officially used in the Wrath of the Righteous video game!)
I put off reviewing Nocticula for the longest time for one specific reason: it’s incredibly hard to find art of her that could potentially bypass Tumblr’s ban on things which could cost them advertising money. Now, with those restrictions.... ?somewhat? ?lifted?, I feel as though I can finally star her in an article while using the best possible piece of art to represent her. I feel like no other piece before this one does justice to the Queen of the Succubi; every other piece shows off her Succubus side, but only this one shows off the Queen; The infinitely scheming and domineering presence in the Abyss, apex of demonic power, and voted Most Likely To Be The Next Demon God for a millennium running due to her penchant for stealing power from everyone who makes the mistake of allying with her and thinking they’re going to survive her wrath if they disappoint her.
To anyone who got into Pathfinder via its 2nd Edition (or completed the WotR video game), it may come as no surprise to you to find out that Nocticula succeeded in her quest to shed her evil nature and ascend to divine status as she did so, but it may come as some surprise to find out just what kind of cocoon the Redeemer Queen emerged from, which is what we’ll be covering today; not what she is now, but the powerhouse she was.
While a great many Demon Lords can claim to have body counts exceeding three or four digits thanks to their actions, directly or indirectly, Nocticula not only has a considerable body count of mortals, but several DOZEN other Demon Lords. Her Abyssal realm, the Midnight Isles, is literally built on the corpses of every Demon Lord she seduced and betrayed, taking their power and their bank accounts for herself. You would think after the first three or four, people would get wise to it. Perhaps they would... if Nocticula’s wings weren’t covered, back to front and top to bottom, with the names of still-living allies she’s chosen to bless, each benefiting from her Profane Ascension, a boon she can grant to any willing creature she lays with (or just kisses). Not only do the recipients get a +6 to one ability score of their choice, +4 to a second, See in Darkness, and a constant telepathic connection with dear Nocty (across any distance, even interplanar), but at any time they can request any of her spell-likes and she can grant them the power to use them. With this attractive blessing the LEAST of the gifts she can grant anyone she deems worthy of her time, it perhaps comes as no surprise that everyone wants a piece of her empire for one reason or another.
That she can revoke her Ascension at will and strike the victim with an unavoidable, no-save-allowed 4d6 Charisma drain and 1d10+10 negative levels is of little consequence. Everyone believes they’ll be the ones to remain permanently on her good side by being perfect little servants, that they have something unique only they can offer her, and the especially bold think they’ll be the one to finally betray and overwhelm her. They rarely ever consider her thousands of years of practice, her intelligence and patience, and her raw, ego-crushing power, dismissing each as below their own practice, patience, and power.
And then they end up as another corpse in her collection. Yet another divinity made humble and reduced to pavement by one of the most powerful demigods in all of Pathfinder.
Let’s get the first and most important part of her kit out of the way before we talk about literally anything else: Noticula’s Seductive Presence. Every other Demon Lord has an aura of supernatural terror, sending their lessers fleeing before them and paralyzing some opponents with overwhelming fear... but not Nocty. Dear Nocty can activate her Seductive Presence by merely speaking, forcing everyone and everything within 180ft of her to make a DC 43 Fortitude save. Success sees the victim immune to the Succubus Queen’s presence for a full 24 hours, but failure is incredibly punishing: ALL immunity to mind-affecting effects, charm effects, and compulsion effects is ignored so long as they remain within 180ft of her. No matter what the source of the immunity is, be it magical, racial immunity, or immunity as granted by divinity, it no longer applies while Nocty is in the room.
Suddenly, everyone falling head over heels for her makes a little more sense. if she can seduce machines, plants, oozes, and demigods, what hope does an actual mortal humanoid have? Many demigod-level entities have full immunity to mind-affecting effects, meaning they may be caught by complete surprise when they find themselves hanging onto her every word without realizing it. Fun aside: With a save DC of 43, none of the other statted Demon Lords automatically succeed; the highest Fortitude save belongs to Xoveron, who has +38, meaning he fails if he rolls less than a 6. 
Failing the save against her Presence causes the victim to become fascinated for 5d4 rounds, which typically gives her enough time to decide how she wants to deal with a particular impediment. Equally skilled in diplomacy and violence, Nocticula can skip the middleman and basically use both with gaze alone: At will, as a standard action, Nocticula can simply Dominate a single creature she can see unless it succeeds a DC 43 Will save. The Dominate ability can act as either Dominate Creature or Dominate Person depending on if she’s aiming it at a Humanoid or not, and in the latter case? It becomes a swift action instead of a standard one, meaning she can do it twice a round against a party of Humanoids (or a party with at least one Humanoid). And remember that any hope of no-selling her mental powers is suppressed if you fail that single save you need to make before the fight even begins! This, ironically, means boosting your saves is more important than becoming outright immune to her tricks, as Seductive Presence has no effect on anything bolstering saving throws.
Provided her 3/day Quickened Mass Suggestion didn’t convince the whole party to willingly fail their save against her Presence and thus end the battle before it even started, an actual slugfest with her is so god damn difficult your party may wonder if working for her would be easier than working against her. Starting with the most obvious: Time Stop is a scary spell for a creature as powerful as Nocty, though she has no buffs to make it particularly worthwhile to do so... but what she does have is a 3/day Summon Demons, conjuring upwards to three CR 20 encounters to fight alongside her. While any party able to contend with the CR 30 demigoddess herself isn’t likely to be significantly inconvenienced by even the most powerful of demons, suddenly having to contend with thirty extra bodies between them and a ranged-attack specialist that can fly (not to mention Blasphemy and Chaos Hammer being thrown out with no fear of friendly fire) will, if nothing else, force the party to expend time and resources getting through them.
With the ability to both see in and create supernatural darkness (via at-will Deeper Darkness), Nocty can also use extra rounds of Time Stop to plunge the arena into pitch black she can easily navigate through. Whether it’s through summoning flankers or through the party not being able to see her (or both), Nocty has two separate ways to tack her +4d6 Sneak Attack damage to her dizzying array of damage dealing limbs, three if you count her Greater Feint letting her throw an opponent off-guard as a move action... and four if a DM feels clever, using either her at-will Shapechange or her ability to assume the form of any Humanoid as a free action to pose as a harmless pet, blend in with the crowd of summoned demons, or even hide among the party members. That last one is especially insidious, as who’d call foul about the party Cleric stepping over to slap a new buff onto someone in the middle of combat to counter the darkness or the demon swarm? Unfortunately, a single touch could potentially allow Nocty to get in for a debilitating kiss, her Energy Drain sapping 2 levels from anyone she kisses or caresses with no save... Unless, for whatever reason, they’re not Mythic, which means they take 1d6+4 negative levels instead. But, come on, if you’re fighting Nocticula, you’re gonna be Mythic, right? Or at least have Death Ward up, for god’s sake! NEVER grapple with a succubus without protection!
there i made the joke so no one else has to.
Anyway, I talked about her Sneak Attack before I talked about her regular attacks, didn’t I? She’s got quite the menagerie, and every attack but her two wings (1d6+4) inflicts a different debuff. Her two claws (1d8+12) inflict 1d4 Cha drain as she tears away the victim’s sense of self; her molten hooves deal 1d4+6 damage, 1d6 Fire damage, and set whoever they stomp on fire for 3d6 damage every round; and her trio of whipping, barbed tails deal 2d6+12 damage and afflict victims with a ferocious poison that deals 1d4 Wisdom drain and paralyzes the victim for 1 round if they fail the DC 44 Fortitude save. Failing two saves in a row inflicts permanent blindness, adding a fifth way for Nocty to reap the benefits of her Sneak Attack.
Something special about Nocty’s poison is that it has no cure save. It WILL last 6 full rounds and cannot be prematurely ended by making any number of saves; if you want it ended early, it needs to be via magic. This makes being exposed to repeat doses extremely dangerous, each one adding +2 to the save DC and +3 rounds of duration, but Nocty has no way to bypass poison immunity of any sort (except via Greater Dispel Magic versus magical means), so acquiring a means to stop her from driving you and your party insane should be top priority. Especially since we haven’t even covered something I alluded to three paragraphs ago: Her ranged prowess.
Her unique hand crossbow, Shadowkiss, is her comically undersized but disproportionately damaging weapon of choice--think the Noisy Cricket but without the dramatic recoil. Less of a kiss and more of a ‘hit you with my car’ type of deal going on. This +5 Unholy Hand Crossbow deals 1d4+20 damage and carries Nocty’s tenacious poison with every single shot, and if you’re wondering where that titanic flat damage is coming from: +5 from the enchantment, and +15 from Nocty’s Charisma modifier, as her Cruel Shots ability adds her Cha mod to all ranged weapon attack damage. Furthermore, each time Shadowkiss deals damage to a creature, it gains Bane against that creature’s type until it damages a different creature type, so that’s +2 to attack and damage rolls and +2d6 extra damage. Against a Good-aligned foe she’s already attacked, that means Shadowkiss is dealing 1d4+2d6+22 damage with every shot (+4d6 Sneak Attack if they’re impaired or tangled in melee), of which she can make five a round if she takes a Full-Attack thanks to her Rapid Shot feat. That’s not the only feat she has to empower her ranged attacks, either; she also has the standard Point-Blank and Precise Shot, as well as Flyby Attack because why wouldn’t she, but Rapid Shot is definitely the star player, giving her not only more damage (of course), but potentially giving Shadowkiss one extra chance each round to critically strike, which it does on a 17~20 (which lets her add Staggering Critical to deny your own Full-Attacks).
If all five shots from Shadowkiss land and each dose of poison is successfully delivered, that means the poor soul has to make a DC 54 save every round for 18 rounds to avoid taking drain and being paralyzed...  Y;know, if the 5d4+100 damage didn’t kill threaten their life enough. And obviously, between each Full-Attack, she’ll be burning her swift action firing off Dominate at every opportunity that arises just because she can, which your party will gradually become more and more vulnerable to because of her poison.
I like to think there’s a great many beings in the cosmos that breathed a sigh of relief when Nocticula shed her demonic heritage, but no greater a sigh was heaved than the one exhaled by the denizens of the Abyss itself, if only because now the Demon Lord that other Demon Lords feared was gone.
You can read more about her here.
133 notes · View notes
watcher-comic · 7 months
okay hi
did i promise to make an art... lore dump post literally last month? yes. did i not do it for nearly a month? also yes. and im Very Sorry.
anyway! onto the ranting
So starting off with the obvious, Nanehi's color scheme is based off of the Shawnee tribe's flag!
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Obviously more desaturated, but the blue sweater and two yellow stars were meant to show that he's native.
Alright, going in page order I'm just gonna throw around some easter eggs or fun facts or commentary...whatever....
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Because this is the only good image I can find of it, Nane wears his parents' wedding bands on a necklace. Because his parents are divorced </3
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On page 2, Nane has a poster up on his wall which is my current sketchbook cover in my art class. I believe it's somewhere on my art blog
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Nane has a ziptie on his backpack! It doesn't mean anything.
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Page 6: The white text that says "what?" is actually a reference to the first debut of Nane - an askblog!
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(technically his first word was "huh" but i changed it to what for plot's sake)
Continuing with the black spaces on page 6, the panicked eye doesn't really mean anything. However, the twisted light switch was supposed to represent the noose that shows up at the end of the comic.
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For page 7, there's obviously the audience design to talk about, but the things I actually wanna focus on are:
The doodle on the top left, which is Nanehi saying that he thinks he has tinnitus [which he then goes on to immediately deny in the next page]
And the doodle on the bottom right. His fursona is a bunny and if I could, I would've tried to fit more bunny imagery into the comic. But alas :pensive:
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Page 13: All the different colored text were the responses I got from a select few people. I showed them the previous panels of the page and asked them what they wanted [there is one distinct person I didn't ask but I will get to them later].
I also want you to keep the... 3rd shade of green in mind [the "i want to see where this goes"]
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For this panel on page 15, I wanted it to be known that Nanehi isn't a real person, and they know it. Everyone else's face is squared, even the simply doodled character in the background and the barely visible person in the foreground. Everyone except Nane.
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Page 16: Man that's just mold on his shower curtain.
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Page 17: There's actually a lot I want to talk about with page 17. Firstly, the design of The Audience. It changed, clearly. Before it was that weird circle thing, but now it's more humanoid - to the point of having hair similar to Nanehi's. The reason being, it's not entirely The Audience anymore. It's The Creator too. Nanehi was based off my fear of being watched and constantly having an audience. The little amount of comfort that the figure gives was... sorta supposed to be an apology to the character- as cheesy as that sounds.
(Also the fact that their text originally said "didn't they already answer that" but was crossed out to say 'we'. The Creator disguising themself as The Audience. And truly, what is to separate them?)
Another thing I want to point out is the dark grey panel. It's the same shade of grey I used for the askblog, and he's smiling in that panel, because during the askblog he was much happier around the audience- or the concept of them, rather.
And then of course, the dark blue text that reads "I know how this ends." That actually wasn't a response I took from someone, but rather a piece of... I guess dialogue, that I felt like someone would say. That specific someone being my friend Classi, who was the only person besides me that knew how Watcher ended. Purely because she had a very similar character and we thought that they'd be buddies.
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On page 18, we have 3 entire panels in a different style. That being the style of the askblog.
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(some examples)(the last image is where the avatar came from, haha)
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On page 19 we have this panel, which you can probably assume what it is. It, I suppose, could both be seen as Nane standing, back to the audience, or as Nane hanging without the noose. You choose.
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And of course, the last page. For some reason this fucks me up. Because this is The Creator talking to Nanehi. The Creator knows that Nane has no say in how their story ends, but they're given the illusion of control, because that's all they've been looking for. They wanted control over something, so the only way to prove such control was to show The Audience that they could end the story whenever they wanted. He doesn't know that he was talking to The Creator, he just assumed it was still The Audience. He doesn't know that he didn't really have a say.
This was what he wanted. That's how he's ending the story
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saltsicklover · 10 months
Sneak Peek!
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Hello lovely people! Here is a sneak peek of my newest WIP! There will be eventual time flashes from High School to Present Day! (Florence, Montana is a made up town!) Enjoy!!
Title: Once an Asshole, Always an Asshole
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Fem!Reader
Word Count: Unknown
Rating: T
Warnings: Smoking, Cigars, Talk of Sex
Second Chance Romance!
Disclaimer: I do not own Bob Floyd, or anything related to Top Gun Maverick within this piece. Not Proof Read or BETA'd. All mistakes are my own.
I do not consent for my work to be edited, reposted, or translated.
You are responsible for your own media consumption. This is a work of fiction that may contain mature themes. If you are sensitive to those subjects, please do not read.
Y/N 'Duchenne' Hannigan has always been a wall flower- well, maybe 'wallflower' was the wrong word. Duchenne was strong, strong enough to keep up with her Uncle Remy and her brother Michael on the family ranch. She's pretty too, but pretty didn't get you far in Florence, Montana. 
She grew up with the notion that she had to work hard, that was the only way she was going to get what she wanted. It never came down to looks or personality, after all, nothing in Montana seemed to matter outside of hard work and a good handshake, except maybe a promise. Those things went together better than anything else; people made their living from that. 
"If you wanna be a big dog, you need to get off the porch," Uncle Remy's broken record words found their way out of his mouth every morning over cups of coffee, something she started drinking way too young. 
"I know, Uncle Rem," She would whisper, pushing her glasses up her nose. The large golden frames overtook the gentle features of her face. She hated them, from the way they slid down her nose to the never ending smudging she had to deal with all day. She often slipped them off of her face the moment she got to school. They found a home in her backpack with the never ending supply of stationary and her good pens. 
During Senior year of high school, Bob was what one would've described as a big fish in a little pond. Good looking, a captain of the varsity level swim team, and came from a stable family outside of the ranching community that was so popular in Montana. His father owned portions of a large fracking business, which meant Bob's family had money; the Floyd's have always been a very wealthy family in Florence, hell, in Montana, everyone knew it too. 
He was always clad in his letterman jacket, the leather and felt adorned with pins and patches from his many accomplishments both in and out of the pool. On the left side was his athletic letter, the large felt patch covered in bars to represent the amount of hours he put into practice. Each bar the equivalent of another letter earned. 
On his right side was an academic letter, reverse colors from the first, designating his academic achievements. More pins littered themselves around the front, patches up and down each sleeve. Each patch had a date and a swim style on the top, as well as the time for completion on the bottom. 
"Robert" Was embroidered above the left pocket while his graduation year was embroidered above the right. Floyd was done up in beautiful, scrawling letters that crossed over the expanse of his shoulders, his school logo large and detailed below. 
The jacket itself was a work of art, the older woman at the embroidery shop said it herself. After all, after each new achievement, he brought the jacket into her for upkeep and to sew the new patches into place. She liked to joke that he kept her from retirement with all of the awards he was winning. 
The rich smell of tobacco clung to the fabric of the jacket, the scent wafting from it every time Bob walked past. The tobacco was quality, the smell of cherries and smoke alone making girls weak at the knees. 
Duchenne hated that jacket almost as much as she hated the man who wore it. She hated his perfect hair and the shy smile he always seemed to give teachers, even though he was one of the biggest players in the school. Between him and his buddies, they had slept with half of the girls in the school, grade level and experience be damned. Hell, emotions be damned, Robert Floyd and his buddies left more broken hearts in their wake than anyone she had ever seen. 
The women's bathrooms were littered with magic marker on the stalls, warning of Bob Floyd and his ragtag swim team. How they would love you and leave you, the same old story as the years before. The swim team always seemed to be the hub for the worst of the worst boys, but Bob brought a new level of assholery. 
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Encantober 2023 Day 21: Age
Tomorrow was Alma’s birthday, and since this was her first birthday since the miracle was restored and her first in ten years with her only son with her again, Because of this, Bruno wanted to make his mother’s birthday extra special this year. He asked his sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces, and nephews about ideas to make Alma’s birthday extra special.
“Well, we know that she doesn’t really like anything over-the-top, so inviting the entire village doesn’t sound like a good idea,” Julieta explained.
“We should also not use sparklers because of what happened on your fiftieth birthday,” Agustin added.
“What happened on our fiftieth?” Bruno asked.
“Agustin thought it was a good idea to put sparklers in the cake instead of candles, and it exploded in their faces before they could blow them out,” Felix explained.
“That was a lesson learned; we are never using any dangerous explosives on anything ever again,” Agustin added.
“Even if you did suggest that, you have more than just me to convince you that it’s a bad idea, and you have to listen to all of us.”
“Maybe we can do something on the creative side? Make her something that we can all pitch in with?” Mirabel suggested.
The rest of the Madrigals smiled at the idea of making her something they all could contribute to. Mirabel has had a creative mind since she was a toddler, and some of her best ideas were about letting everyone get involved.
“We know that she loves hats, maybe we could buy a hat from the village square and we can each make something to put on it.”
The rest of the Madrigals liked the idea, they could each make something that represented them and could put it on a hat for Alma.
“We can go into the village square later this afternoon, and while we’re there, you all can make your contribution to the hat,” Julieta suggested.
“That sounds good, or maybe we can go now before all the best ones are sold out,” Pepa added.
“I like that better.”
“I’ll go get some art supplies from my room,” Mirabel said before she made her way upstairs.
Julieta, Pepa, and Bruno got up from the couch and made their way out the door as the rest of the Madrigal family made their way into the kitchen. They felt safer making their trinkets in the kitchen since it can get a little bit messy and Casita would much rather help clean up the kitchen than any other room in the house.
Mirabel came back downstairs with construction paper, scissors, glue, markers, and colored pencils, and found the rest of the family in the kitchen. She put her arts supplies on the table and spread them out for her family.
“I got every color of construction paper I could find in my room, so you can take whatever color you need for your trinket,” Mirabel explained.
The Madrigal family grabbed a piece of construction paper each to begin making their trinkets to put on Alma’s hat. They wanted to make something that Alma would associate with them so she could have a piece of her family with that hat. The family also talked about what they wanted to make.
The family spent a couple of hours making their trinkets until the triplets came back from the store with the hat they wanted to give to Alma. They came into the kitchen to see their family making their construction paper trinkets and the kitchen island covered in cut-up construction paper.
“Hola, mami, you found the hat you wanted?” Mirabel asked.
“Si, we found this hat that we think she would love to wear for church,” Julieta replied.
The triplets showed the rest of the family a big, magenta hat that matched Alma’s outfits. They decided that the hat itself could represent Alma. being the base of the trinkets. The hat would represent herself being the backbone of the Madrigal family, and the trinkets would represent each family member and how Alma held the family together.
“Do you want to show us what you made for the hat while we make our trinkets?” Pepa asked.
“Sure; can I go first?” Isabela asked.
“Sure, sobrina,” Bruno answered.
Isabela showed her creation, which was a flower made with lavender and dark purple construction paper, made in several three dimensional layers. “Since Abuela always called me her little flower, even before my gift ceremony, I thought this was perfect.”
Isabela pinned the flower on the hat, and Dolores showed off her creation. It was a red and yellow vinyl record with tiny music notes coming out of it. “I wanted Abuela’s hat to have something music related, since she always used to say how I brought music into her life.”
Dolores pinned her vinyl on the hat once Luisa showed her trinket. Hers was of a small donkey carrying two weights. “I thought of something simple since Abuela knows how much I love the donkeys in town.”
Luisa pinned the paper trinket on the hat and Camilo showed his trinket to the family. “I made a chameleon, since that was how Abuela always saw me.” He pinned his creation on the hat and Antonio decided to go next.
“I made a little paper Parce since I know Abuela loves being with Parce and he calms her down sometimes,” Antonio explained.
Once Antonio pinned his trinket on the hat, Agustin showed a little bee he made. “Alma knew since we were young how much of a bee magnet I’ve been, so I thought of putting this one next to Julieta’s when she’s done with hers.”
Felix showed his trinket after Agustin was done pinning his. “I made a little umbrella to show how I helped sheltered her daughter from her storms and gave her a welcoming home within myself.”
“Those are all such great creations. We just finished ours; I’ll go first,” Julieta said as she held up a paper arepa. “Since Mama always loved my arepas since I started making them, I decided to make one of the construction papers.”
Julieta pinned her trinket to the hat next to Agustin’s, and Pepa showed hers off. “I made a sun for her, since Sunshine was my nickname she gave me since I was a toddler and she always said how much I filled her life with sunshine.”
Pepa pinned her trinket next to Felix’s, and Bruno showed off a little green hourglass. “Since Mama always associated the hourglass with me, I thought it made sense to make one,” he said as he pinned the hourglass right between Julieta’s arepa and Pepa’s sun.
“Mirabel, are you finished with yours? You’ve been making yours for quite a while even after we got back,” Julieta pointed out.
“I have, but that’s because I wanted mine to include more than just me, but I’m finished now.” Mirabel then showed the family an aquamarine butterfly with multiple designs on it, similar to the one on her skirt. There were flowers, musical notes, a dumbbell weight, a chameleon, a jaguar, an arepa with a bee flying towards it, a sun with an umbrella underneath it, an hourglass, and a candle in the middle. 
“I didn’t want to just have something that represented me, I wanted mine to represent everyone in the family. Since I know each of us are aging everyday and Abuela won’t be around for much longer, I will one day become the family matriarch and I did save the miracle and all of you when Casita fell.”
The rest of the family hugged Mirabel before she pinned her trinket in the middle of the hat. She wanted hers to be in the center, since hers has the candle on it, she wanted to make sure Alma’s sign was right in the middle.
“I think Mama will love this hat. I’ll keep in my room on the dresser until tomorrow,” Julieta said, as the family made their way upstairs with the hat.
The next day was a day of Alma spending time with the family for her birthday. They just had a special dinner together, but right before they wanted to bring in the cake, they wanted to bring in the hat to show Alma.
“Wait here, mama, we all chipped in for a present for you together,” Julieta said as she made her way upstairs to find the hat. Once she got back downstairs, she presented her mother with the hat they made the day before.
“We wanted to make something that represented us so you can always have a piece of us everywhere you go,” Pepa explained.
Alma shed a tear when she examined the hat and noticed all the trinkets, representing each of her children, grandchildren, and sons-in-law. She cried tears of joy for several more minutes before gathering her words together.
“This is the best gift I ever got for my birthday. It shows how much my children and grandchildren care so much for me and want me to have pieces of them everywhere I go. Gracias, mijos.”
“We figured that since you have been the backbone of this family since the miracle found us, we would give you a hat that represented yourself and the decorations representing each of us. Since we know that another year is going by and you won’t be around for much longer, we wanted to show our appreciation for you by making something you know you’d love,” Mirabel explained.
Alma cried some more before saying what she wanted to say. “And I do love it. I’ll be wearing this hat to church every Sunday now. All of you know how to make each of my birthdays better than the last.”
The family spent the rest of the day celebrating by eating the cake Julieta made for them and looking back on old memories of Alma. Knowing that she is a year older was a bittersweet feeling for everyone, but they would not trade any of her birthdays for the world.
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