#I listened to “Distractible” while drawing this
pixelyssa · 2 days
things i do instead of e4ting 💕
(warning im delusional)
-drink coffee (kills me)
-look at sp0 obvi
-watch true crime documentary (ruins my appet1te and distracts me for a while)
-brush my teeth
-tell myself “no we arent doing that” in my head. to make it a boundary i cant cross
-tarot readings
-listen to the most gut wrenching songs
-give into a craving, but a small portion of it on a plate or napkin (ex: 3 oreos on a napkin and eat it outside the kitchen vs eating oreos straight from the container)
-chew some gum
-pick up extra shifts at work
-if its late at night i just take my sleep meds
-sometimes i just smell oreos and chug water
-substitute junk cravings for a healthy snack
-chug water and watch a mukbang of what im craving until he water tastes like the food
-go on a drive, if i see a fast food place, i stop and get a diet soda only (sk1nny girl move)
-online shop for clothes
-draw out tattoos i want
-smoke a cigarette (im of age)
-clean my house
-take an everything shower (takes like 2 hours lol)
-write short stories
-get tr1ggered and cry until i cant breathe
-call my dad (this ruins my app3ti1e also)
-change my press on nails
-imagine my bf leaving me (also ruins my app3t1te)
-play with my moms dog
-imagine myself in 2 months when im my ugw
-play animal crossing (tedious game i spend too long on)
-commit to a series like harry potter or planet of apes for hours
-^^ or i watch as many disney princess movies as i can/as many studio ghibli movies as i can
-chug water until i thr0w up
-look out the window and pretend im mysterious
-count down to my metab day and decide what im gonna munch awn
-watch 10+ hour long FNAF lore videos
-think about my feelings and emotions
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amidoobles · 4 months
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First page of my new sketchbook! I like to make the first and last page a series or game that I am currently into, so I chose Link and Zelda to start off this one. I am quite happy with the colors :D.
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overthinkinglotr · 1 year
No you see it's like! Bilbo says "there's always been a Baggins living here under the hill in Bag End, and there always will be." Then he says "Frodo would probably come with me if I asked him, but I think in his heart he's still in love with the Shire-- the woods, the fields, the little rivers." Bilbo knows that he doesn't belong in the Shire anymore but he's so confident that Frodo does-- that he can protect Frodo from the outside world, so that Frodo will have the quiet life of contentment in the Shire that Bilbo can't. Bilbo's quest has made him restless and unable to enjoy life in the Shire; he's attempting to prevent Frodo from also feeling like the Shire is no longer is home. And that's why the scene in Rivendell, when Bilbo gives Frodo his old sword and armor, is so devastating.... Bilbo starts out trying to be kind, cheerful, and encouraging, as if trying to convince Frodo that everything will be fine and that he himself is proof that you can come back from a journey like this. But after the Ring drives him to nearly attack Frodo, he breaks down and tearfully apologizes. ("I'm sorry that you must bear this burden, and I'm sorry for everything.") Because Bilbo's goal was to prevent this from happening to Frodo, but he failed utterly. Frodo doesn't know that he'll never be able to leave peacefully in the Shire again, Frodo doesn't know that he'll never truly be able to 'return home'-- but Bilbo does.
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fyncherly · 30 days
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A text I sent my friend as I spiraled (haha jk) over vampolitics regarding vague plotlines about a multi-chapter suckening fic that diverges after episode 4 and explores an au in which Edward's plotline doesn't play out quite like it did and there's other plays for power alongside his own and what if some key events still happened but, like, a little to the left and within the context of this slightly altered version (an au if you will) and what if the twins and Gref went with Arthur to London and found more and what about that guy Uncle Lazarus huh something up with him and what if the twins leaned more into their royal status and did something with it (or tried to in a more concerted effort) and Mary Davis will be there (mirror Mary sorry this is after ep 4) and obviously Vex & Viv and what if there's a touch more domesticity cuz I'm a fool for that and what if Gref realizes he's been manipulated and they have to confront this and it's messy and awful and necessary and there's layers guys layers and what if I just speculate and make up lore for the stuff that will probably be answered in season 2 anyway hm and what if and what if—
#listen#do i have a plethora of wips#yah#and do i have a freaking clue about anything at any given moment#nah#but the urge to make this fic starting just after episode 4 but slightly to the left and#kinda like if you watched the Suckening through your friend's prescription glasses while wearing your own contacts#is encapsulating like i just want to go a lil off the rails here and write a “well if this happened this is how it'd go down” sort of thing#of fanfic ya know and i wonder if anyone else would care about this#sometimes i wonder if im fandoming wrong lol why do i do this#i'm already on my relisten to prepare for this and guys i have some suspicions regarding Uncle Lazarus#he distracted me with his silly voice and pheasant talk#but something's off here#and i'm going to explore that in my fic because it's called fanfiction for a reason#god i wonder what would happen if i put this much effort and enthusiasm into creating original things#anyheehoo gonna start writing it today probably maybe#also not a set in stone thing but... what if i made illustrations for each chapter#just a thought... a musing of mine... a whimsical pondering#fuck being into both writing and drawing my life would be so much easier if i was only interested one#oh also ships??? genuinely dunno if that'll be a thing but if there's interesttttttt i'd love to hear what people may want to see??#if i do end up writing this and all CUZ WE CAN DO WHAT WE WAAAANT#kudos to you and a pat on the head if you read all the way down here i love you#jrwi suckening#jrwi: the suckening#jrwi the suckening fanfic
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cacodaemonia · 10 months
Thanks to a rec from @lizardberriesI'm reading (well, listening to) Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, the dude who wrote The Martian, and FUCK ME, Y'ALL. IT'S SO GOOD I think I might even like it better than The Martian so far??? If you like science and/or sci-fi, go check it out
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spotaus · 3 months
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*It seems you managed to stumble across a unique trio...
Decided to do a silly lil doodle of my favorite Dopple-trio! :D on the surface I feel like this'd be a daily occurrence. Kale is the most normal of the 3 of them, but I wanted to draw her and Paps having a cute lil conversation. (More ideas below the cut!!!)
Pretender regularly interacts with humans (his disguise slowly recovers, and he continues to mostly abstain from his old habits) and usually appears as "human" as long as he's out. Sometimes in public I feel like ppl would be willing to talk to him, and he's always quick to make it clear that to get to his family people would have to get past him. (Also I think in their neighborhood/town everyone gets increasingly confused because he regularly goes, "Yeah, that's my Kid" some days abd other days he's like, "That's my little sibling" and it's just that he's her guardian and the terms are kinda interchangeable because it's easier to use them than explain the whole situation lol)
Pretender also has no sense of fashion. He's always so close to a neat outfit then takes the wrong turn before he exits his closet lol.
Paps stays in skeleton form (at least for the first few years) even tho it's dangerous, because his human disguise is awful and makes K uncomfortable. Instead he trains genuinely with Undyne and Tender to properly figure out a human shape over about 4 years. Eventually he does have a human disguise, but he's contented in his monster form too.
K I can't say a lot for (beloved @oodlesndoodles is who designed/owns her!) But I'm pretty certain that she'd probably still wear her one monster-style outfit sometimes if only to show her solidarity with her family, or just to mess with people on the streets 🙏
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I love the idea that someone talking to them would take in this info and be like ???????
Last Notes: Human!Pretender is one of my favorite blorbos ever to doodle! His hair texture is probably the most satisfying thing ever! Paps keeps miraculously looking good for this AU??? I've never been able to draw Papyrus before??? Idk what changed, but I love him! And KALE! K my beloved I have struggled so hard to doodle her well and usually fail but I think I did it!!! I love her sm...
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emrrys · 2 years
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🕷𝘚𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱, 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘩🕷
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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Sketch commission for @e350tb of Steven and Connie in tux!
I got so much creative freedom. So I made edgy. >:3
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ink-the-artist · 2 years
currently sick i forgot to add this to the last ask but your art, to me, is indicative of the beauty you seenin the world and i think it sso fucking amazing how much you see and appreciate. your brain is gigantic and wrinkled like a pug. u are amazing
advbsghf like a pug 😭 thank u this is so nice. i dont always respond to nice asks bc Im not sure what to say so i just keep them like letters lol but i get very romantic about a lot of stuff (especially when my mental health is being normal) and I'm rly glad that comes across in my art
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victarin · 8 months
thought abt working on fazco entities.. opened up procreate and got distractd by reworking the outfits on my ocs.... went on tik tok for five minutes as a break and immediately wanted to make an animatic for my minecraft oc .... went on procreate and got distracted by outfits again ... There was something else i wanted to work on but . i cant remember what. i have done nothing productive today
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kadiumz · 5 months
wat kind of music do you like or listen to?
i really like these genres: indie video game (aka toby fox LOL), chill breakcore, newwave pop, rock, and japanese vgm, classical, jazz, bossa nova, and a few others i cant think of off the top of my head
my favorite songs from this year (2023) were AM FM by Vertigoaway, Untouchable by Golemm, \\\ by c678924, and Rigged Game by Machine Girl. I also have been really enjoying Laufey and a bunch of different pokemon music covers by The Zame (they do INSANELY good and add such soul that GameFreak hasnt been able to do in YEARS....)
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amidoobles · 3 months
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Happy Mar10 Day! To celebrate, I drew my favorite character, Rosalina. It feels like it's been a while since I did a digital piece.
I don't know why, but I struggle with drawing skies during anytime of day, I probably should do some more studies on them. Also, almost messed up her arms by forgeting their thickness due to the over the shoulders part.
Anyhoo, I'm trying to get better at drawing hair, so I made sure to take care in making it look hair-like and adding some detail. Not sure if you can tell now from the shading layer on top of it, though. Does anyone read this much on an art post? If you did, thank you! If you didn't, thank you for at least looking at my art. :)
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momomallowart · 6 months
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Been working on making some AoT fanart since the finale but I keep getting sidetracked...
but I figured I'd share this WIP bc I've been trying to share more! ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔっ✨
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tangledinink · 1 year
Question 11 please! I love hearing what music people listen to
I honestly tend to not listen to anything more than I do, oddly enough, but when I do listen to something I just have... this one massive playlist that I shuffle through...
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fly-sky-high-09 · 10 months
Every time I see BLG has a new TotK playthrough episode I get so happy and excited to watch you guys have no idea
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girls-and-honey · 1 year
Still waiting for my doodle 😂
I’m so tired and so done. But to sort of answer one of your other sleepover questions, I’ve been listening to This is the Last Time by The National on repeat for days, like a totally normal creature. I want to write a 00Q fic based on it.
I'm doodling now 😅 I have another doodle request so I'm doing them at the same time aslkdf but I'm slow
sorry you're so tired and so done :( hopefully yay for weekend? at the very least I hope you sleep well tonight <3
"listening to [insert song here] on repeat for days, like a totally normal creature" should go on my epitaph tbh, I so strongly relate to this. I haven't heard it but I'll give it a listen, and if you do write the 00q fic for it please let me know I'd love to read it!!
happy sleepover friday!
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