#I literally cannot put this into words
tightjeansjavi · 1 year
Okay I just have to say I am OVERWHELMED with the amount of reblogs/comments I have gotten on my recent works and I’m just sitting here, in bed in disbelief of the amount of appreciation I have been receiving 😭
Y’all I am almost at 900 followers. NINE HUNDRED. I was just at 800+ 24 hours ago and now 😵‍💫
Hearing feedback on my stories, seeing the comments and LOVE pouring from y’all is just so—I don’t even know how to put it into words 😭
I feel so very incredibly loved by each and every one of you.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Writing has always been a passion of mine, but I never had the guts to put anything out there because I was afraid that I wasn’t good enough.
I have to thank @peterhollandkait for encouraging me to start this writing journey waaaay back in February. I love you so dearly Kaitlyn thank you friend 🩷
and I have to thank @chaotic-mystery Maddi, my sunshine, I love you so dearly 😭 thank you for encouraging me
This has truly been so fun and freeing for me.
I love you all so fucking much ♡ ♡ ♡
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 9 months
I just saw a clip of Neil Newbon (Astarion's voice actor) saying "Guten Abend, Mein Schatz" in Astarions voice, which means "Good evening, my treasure/darling" in german and I'm-
As a German, that was 1. The hottest thing ever 2. The pronunciation was immaculate 3. I'm actually typing this from my grave because my heart exploded and I fucking died.
You're gonna have to claw that clip from my cold, dead hands because I'm taking that to the afterlife with me.
The link is here, for all the people that didn't see the reblog <3
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sadanduncertain · 11 months
My "girl dinner" is literally just romancing a slutty vampire bastard
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zeb-z · 8 months
I’ve made a billion fucking drafts and can’t find the words to talk about cellbit and bagi from today. how the fuck do you explain the intricacies between a brother who has lived a life that has sharpened him to cut what he touches, and a sister who had to live with his absence? a man who has to see the childhood he never got to have whenever he looks at the woman he now knows is his twin? said twin who cannot understand why her brother would be anything but glad they are reunited? how do you get across that tangled mess of emotions cellbit had to get him to burn his old pet worm? the paradox of longing for what could have been while desperate to get rid of any reminder, with a healthy dose of paranoia that anything could be a federation bug. or the pure devotion bagi has to decide to stick with her brother even though he is not close to the same as he was when he went missing? the unfairness of it all, of cellbit being taken and made into a killer before he turned 14, of bagi looking for him at the detriment of her own safety and self, of ripped up childhoods and everything that could have been? the fact that the first thing cellbit asks is what he could have done to deserve it? the disgust he holds for himself for what he’s done, and the anger he has for the federation that’s taken everything from him, and the resentment he has towards bagi no matter how unfair it is because she never had to go through what he did? how after bagi swore to help him burn the federation down, cellbit went to bad instead, because bad was there and fought alongside him, and he trusts bad because he’s seen him at his worst, and all he feels like doing is his worst right now? the two of them so similar still because they’re consumed by their need for revenge, while bagi just wants to leave the island? how the fuck can you summarize all this and the emotions that accompany it?
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jessaminekaldwin · 2 years
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❝  so ends the interregnum, and now emily kaldwin the first will take her mother's throne, after a season of turmoil. you will stand at her side, corvo, guiding her young mind, and protecting her from those who seek to exploit her, or cause her harm. you watched and listened when other men would have shouted in rage. you held back instead of striking. so it is, with the passing of the plague and emily's ascension, comes a golden age, brought about by your hand. and decades hence, when your hair turns white and you pass from this world, empress emily -emily the wise, at the height of her power- will lay your body down within her mother's great tomb, because you were more to her than royal protector. farewell, corvo.
DISHONORED: 9th of october, 2012.
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vanellopes-mun · 4 months
Vanellope VS. Turbo: A Mini Analysis!
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There are a million reasons why Turbo’s reveal in Disney’s Wreck-it Ralph is such an iconic and memorable scene. A scene that I and many others have replayed ever since 2012 and its impact has never left our minds. It solidified King Candy/Turbo as one of Disney's top villains ever created, surprising and shocking viewers with a plot twist that Disney hasn’t been able to overthrow with their other movies before they abandoned villains until King Magnifico but he sucks so. He WISHES he was as charismatic as King Candy plz-
But this analysis isn’t just about King Candy/Turbo, it’s also about Vanellope Von Schweetz. She’s the most important ingredient to making this scene work and play out the way it does and ultimately why it’s so fucking cathartic. ( More so than Ralph’s fight against Cy-Bug Turbo in my opinion) After watching how it was originally story boarded, the crew behind WiR perfected this scene with a specific detail that they changed. In the early storyboard, Vanellope causes King Candy’s vehicle to crash, causing him to glitch and transform into Turbo in front of the cameras. While I love love love the extended race between Vanellope and King Candy and sort of wished it could have been longer in the actual film, I am content that they didn’t go with the direction. In the movie, King Candy is revealed after trying to beat/kill Vanellope with his horn rod/pole thingy from his kart, she grabs it and glitches due to stress/adrenaline/her emotions, her blue glitch traveling through the cane and making contact with King Candy, finally putting down the facade he had on for 15 years and revealing him as Turbo to the characters in the film and the audience. It’s such a small detail, it only happens in a second, but it’s all it took for the start of his downfall and his eventual demise. 
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And this is why it brings me catharsis every time I watch this scene. I could never put it into words before, but it’s beyond satisfying that the end of King Candy’s horrible reign starts with Vanellope and her glitch. The very same glitch that he caused trying to delete her code and remove her place from the game. The glitch that he used as an excuse to turn everyone in Sugar Rush against her. He usurped her throne and tried to ruin her life. Despite this, he still had the audacity to shout “Get off of MY track!” earlier. It brings his Roadblasters incident back up, it was his choice, trying to steal the thunder of another racing game that just got plugged in because he couldn’t stand the idea of anyone taking his place, only for Turbo Time and Roadblasters to be unplugged. All of this circling back and biting him in the ass. Vanellope was the key all along and he knew it, he feared her despite never really having a conversation with her as far as we know (Vanellope asking Turbo “What the-?! Who are you!?” leads me to believe that if they did converse in the past, it was not in his true form and he was most likely already King Candy. Plus it just goes to show how fast he hijacked Sugar Rush), but you can just tell by how desperate he was to keep her from racing, he didn’t want anyone to take his place ever again. 
So the scene continues and his famous line and breakdown goes as this: “I’m Turbo! The greatest racer ever! And I did not reprogram this world to let YOU and that halitosis riddled warthog TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!” It’s just so ironic, unfair and hypocritical of him it makes my blood boil! And the way he’s raising his voice, jabbing his finger at her and Vanellope’s trying to shrink away from him as he yells at her face before he tries to murder her I just- So cruel, scary, wicked and disturbing! But Vanellope, this brave WARRIOR, is reminded of her glitch after Turbo calls her for what he believes is the last time. “End of the line, Glitch!” She takes a moment, everything slows down around her as she tries to control her glitch to escape Turbo. She glitches away, missing the wall and It ends up saving her life! I just cannot stress enough how beautiful that is! She used her disability, that everyone thought would simply doom her and the game, and embraced it when she needed it most. Her glitch, while it was suddenly given to her by circumstances she couldn’t control or prevent, she took control back. It’s her beautiful superpower and it’s empowering. After this scene, it’s the “end” of Turbo before he gets nom’d by a Cy-Bug. ( I want to note that he later says “I’m the most powerful VIRUS in the arcade”, part of me wants to believe he said that because clearly Vanellope bested him as the greatest racer ever but I doubt that was their intention lol)
They’re the embodiment of Selfishness vs. Selflessness. While Vanellope had everything taken away from her, she didn’t follow the same path as him. Turbo had everything taken from him, but it was his fault and he only ever thought about himself, never about the destruction he left behind. Hell, all she ever wanted was to be one of the racers, no matter how much they bullied her and ostracized her, she never ended up being evil like him even though it would be a perfect recipe to become a villain, this is also what makes her a mirror to Ralph.  (Remember in that one deleted scene where she said she wanted to break the racers’ legs but come on can you blame her!?!?! She was so real for saying that.) VANELLOPE IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER EVER AAAA. 
Before I ramble any further, I will forever love the choices that the writers made for the climax and it just ends up being an absolutely perfect and brilliant scene and I will continue to rewatch for the millionth time. 
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hanhwrites · 8 days
I need him to know
Later edit cuz I was tired when I wrote this: Kyle Adams plays Grantaire exactly how I imagined him in the brick and listening to the songs. He's that good
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enlighten3d · 6 months
(this is literally just an appreciation post for the watcher trope because its one of my favourite things of all time.)
listen ik the whole watcher thing gets quite a bit of hate in this fandom for being so overused, but personally i love it. i love it so much. just because of how versatile it is. i mean, just scroll through the watcher grian tag on ao3, and youll see hundreds of different interpretations of the same beings!
some have wings, some are humanoid, some are decidedly not, some are really fucking evil, some are just misunderstood, some actually do good, some are literal gods, some are just a group of people, some are like a cult, some are just random mysterious fuckers, some are just the explanation for anything weird, some are engaged in gang warfare with the listeners, etc etc etc ETC !!!!! so many different things, so many different narratives, based off one thing!!!
i have like four unfinished watcher!grian fics in my gdocs right now. i will probably not finish all of them. but sometimes i just think about how even between those four fics, the interpretations are so DIFFERENT. so, so, different. but its all from the same thing! the same vague concept from an 6-7 year old smp!! isnt that fucking amazing? what we, the fandom have done with it, and how far weve bent it, and just.
the whole watcher thing is one of my favourite bits of ANY fandom i have ever seen. the sheer creativity of fandom really does surprise me sometimes.
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lucabyte · 2 months
I am literally obsessed with everything you do that involves sifloop you are THE sifloop artist to me
thank you!!! it means a lot to hear that haha
I've been like... near exclusively an OC artist for like 8 years at this point so every time i post fanart and ESPECIALLY ship art i feel like i have to fight every screaming cell in my body to post it because i feel like... RUDE? for projecting my own thoughts onto another creator's characters LMAO... so it's reassuring to know people actually like what i'm contributing!!
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as for sifloop as a ship. i really should draw more isiloops because . rotates all three of them in my mind. but yeah. I think the thing I like most about the dynamic really is the like... way Siffrin and Loop canonically aggress each other despite an extremely persistent undercurrent of caring about the other not suffering.
Like. the back and forth between Loop constantly talking past/through Siffrin to really painfully insult the pair of them, and things like the [Forgetting Mirabelle's Name] event being so astoundingly gentle. just as a general example. (RNG event that only triggers after certain actions so you may need to look it up)
THEN adding the element of throwing them in postcanon with neither of them wanting to upset the party and thus having to keep a lid on it... I like the potential dynamics of such a painful and conflicted relationship having to be almost hidden and downplayed so as to try and not worry anyone, and thus becoming softer and introspective while still keeping a bunch of the more insidiously toxic behaviour.
Both of them acting with genuine best intentions in mind but still understanding each other to have way *way* more sadness and anger and guilt than they let on, and thus being able to clock it. Both for good and ill. Neither of them enjoy confrontation, but it's almost unavoidable when they KNOW the other knows what they're probably thinking.
. but yeah i just think they're neat! also a bunch of stuff related to asexuality but . shh
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hum--hallelujah · 11 months
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me trying to explain to literally anyone why the song Millions by Gerard Way makes me lose my everloving mind no matter where I am or what I'm doing when I hear it
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got so into my laughingstock feels that i burnt my fuckign toast
#shit was Black#literally was in my kitchen Wailing about them and forgot the bread slices i put in the toaster oven three seconds prior#s'ok i made a new set but oughhhhhh i am still sooooooo so unwell about them....#OUGHHHHHHH THEMMMMMMM#theyre just... snf.... theyre just two silly goofy guys in love....#silly goofy fruity fellas and they love each other <3#SIDE NOTE GINGER SPREAD ON HONEY/BUTTER TOAST ABSOLUTELY FUCKS TRUST ME ON THIS#absolutely unprompted#but yea i was specifically thinking about that fic i have in my head#yall know the one by now. the one i desperately want to write and I SWEAR I WILL EVENTUALLY#but the fuckin... Misunderstanding... it makes me insaneeeee#its the most unhealthy part of their relationship AND THEY ARENT EVEN IN A RELATIONSHIP YET#damn theyre so healthy. theyre so. wails screams howls#but howdy being an oblivious idiot to his own emotions is so important to me#mans is whip smart & quick in every other area#but in this One Subject hes dumb as a rock & that hurts both of them <3#but it also turns into something they can cry w/ laughter over later#someone asks how they got together. they exchange a look. and burst out howling#full on wheeze-laughing Cannot Form Words#y'see most couples would have some lingering 'i cant believe you did that' and/or guilt#but barn & howdy would just find it hysterical. full on 'remember when you-' 'yeah lmfao'#THEYRE SOOOOOO <3#yknow if i ever find someone i want to have a partner-esque relationship. i want to have what laughingstock has#i do genuinely believe that howdy might have feelings for barn#but i like to live in the delusional world of my mind where they're Established <3#grabbing them and slamming them together like a violent 5 yr old playing with dolls#kiss! kiss damn you!
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hamartia-grander · 4 months
Hi so ao3 decided to suspend my account until march 3rd because I added the tag "this is an ada wong loving zone. ada haters die" to one of my fics, which they have also hidden, and I'm incredibly fucking frustrated for obvious reasons but yeah uh if you can't see my fic Another Time it's because ao3 fucking took it down without warning me or letting me remove the tag. So there's that.
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kitnita · 5 months
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wyatt johnston postgame   —   LAK vs DAL   —   01.16.24
[um, not to make more than it maybe should but, like, have you talked to joe about, when you get put on the line that he’s kinda been on, about what it’s like to play with those guys and things like that?]   a little bit. i think, um — not as much, you know, kinda like today or the past couple days but … just kinda, always? just kinda the way that those guys kind of stay tight and they’re always connected, always, um … just making small plays to each other. i feel like that’s one thing that he’s always kinda talked about, and that’s, you know, we try to take that from them, they obviously — um, you know, play really well together. um, so yeah, i just think kinda learning and then seeing them play and then, um, for me, just trying to jump in and, um, do, do the best thing to help them. [playing next to roope, just, what do you see from him and how he’s able to drive a line? he does good on the PK and powerplay too, but, how he’s able to play.]   yeah, um, i mean, he’s a lot of fun to play with, he can, obviously, shoot the puck really well, um … really good vision, can make some really good plays and obviously he’s, you know, one of the fastest players in the league, so, i mean, he can really do it all, which is — you know, makes him a lot of fun to play with. and, um, yeah, i think for me it’s just … um, i mean, trying to find him, i mean, he’s pretty good at finding open spaces and he’s good at finding you when you’re in an open space. um, yeah, i mean i think overall, just a lot of fun to play with. um, yeah, obviously, you have a really special player.
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quokkabite · 14 days
pov: us
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reminder that u are doing the best u can at the moment and that's okay!! i love u and i hope ur day got better 🫂💙
i love u sooo much 🫶🏼
second of all, that’s so us x9 🫂🫂🫂
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lemonofthevalley · 4 months
dndads is planning a midwest/east coast tour !!!!
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theghostofashton · 5 months
i keep wondering like. after the towers fell, what that must've been like for tk. to be so young and to have everything change in an instant. gwyn watching the news obsessively and diving for the phone every time it rang, hoping for something, anything from owen. seeing other first responders lose their lives and wondering if his dad was okay. what it must've been like to gain that fear of losing his dad at such a young age on such an extreme level, and how it continued to affect him as he grew up. just genuinely so much for a kid to deal with :(
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