#I loooove salads
skunkg1rll · 4 months
i got some seratonin from the orgasms plus the absence of a migraine is the best high in the world, but also i tried having smth new for dinner and it was tasty :3
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throwaway-settings · 2 years
got my flu shot and picked up my sleep meds today and my pharmacist asked what all my buttons meant. I started listing them all (This one says "hello" in cree, this one says my pronouns, this one is the trans colors) and when I got to my "Oyster Run 1994" button I said "I don't know what the FUCK this one is for I just think it's funny" and she laughed so hard she had to walk away for a second. glad I could make her day like that
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ambreiiigns · 2 years
brother's top almost-10 slasher-esque movies that i made him watch coming to you live except we feel like we're forgetting something
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starfish-sonnyangel · 7 months
so bored you might... come out of fanfic retirement? you must be really really bored,,,
squad's favorite terran foods in your hcs?
-from @auroracycle-enjoyer
guess who has two thumbs and is working on this instead of their lit final! 🤗🤗🤗
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! again please please ask me things i promise ill respond even if it takes me a couple months lmao!
he squads fav terran foods
ty - 
had a gym rat phase during the academy so for like 3+ years he was literally only considering how much protein a certain food had not how it tasted or anyyyything
seasoning? we dont know her here
if you ask him he’ll probably say salad (he’s lying)
auri introduced him to pizza and he’s hooked
fav is margarita bc he likes to pretend that the basil add some nutritional value
ugh i just need her to curl up with a good book and music and a bowl of soup she deserves it
literally any kind of soup as long as its hot n served with some kinda bread
loves chicken noodle/irish stew/really heavy soups like that bc it reminds her of what her mom used to cook
also egg drop soup, oxtail, lanzhou beef noodles, all the stuff her dad used to make
give her a mug of chicken noodle and some sourdough and she’ll literally love you forever.
its canon from aurora rising that she likes spicy food so i know she loads allll her food up with spice
everyone’s learned to not ask for a bite of her soup if they dont need to give their sinuses a deep cleanse
ty was the first to learn the hard way, snuck a sip of her food secretly and 2 minutes later was curled up on the floor with a box of tissues and a jug of milk
again, he’s not a big seasoning guy
any kind of pasta
she got really into making fresh pasta during the academy, bc she obviously needed a hobby to fill up all the time she spent not studying
is lwky a pasta prodigy can lecture you on any type of pasta
her favorite kind is fusilli (“because it’s extra, like me!”)
also a pesto fanatic
goes vegan at least 4 times each year
her current record is 2 weeks
sweet treats!!
fav cake is tirmisu
can always be trusted to have a snack tucked away in her bag
survives off energy drinks and caf, you wouldn’t really call him a foodie
that being said, he’s a sucker for a good sandwich
clean, compact, won’t get into his suit, tastes good, sandwiches check off all necessary boxes
would sell his suit for a good turkey panini
took him a while to get used to terran food but he is now a confirmed fan
with that being said he cannot cook
once set off the fire alarms across the entire academy after forgetting about a baguette he had toasting in the kitchen
i feel like he'd also be straegly obbsessed with random terran snacks like goldfish and graham crackers
is a FIEND for those yougurt chew things that are for babies
"fin, two go-gurts and a family sized bag of chex mix is not a well-rounded dinner"
looooves those nerd gummy clusters
to be completely honest he'll eat literally anything if he's hungry enough
as previously stated i need to get on my academic grind so ill be completing everyone else soon, just wanted to get this out bc i havent posted in a while
this was so much fun to do, thanks again to @auroracycle-enjoyerfor the ask!
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elysia-nsimp · 8 months
OC introduction: Buggie (Twisted Wonderland)
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Orville Becket, more known as just Buggie (he/they/it/bug/bugself) is an Octavinelle student based on Oogie Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas. It is the Motherfucker Ever. Also it’s somewhere on both the ace and aro spectrums, but still enjoys romantic relationships. They have described their gender as “mmmm bugs👍”
(Author’s note: I’m still very much learning about noun pronouns! I’m going to use the first three sets of pronouns for this intro for now.)
Buggie is… sure something from the Nightmare Realm. He just calls himself a nightmare creature and leaves it at that. No one knows exactly how old Buggie is, but… I mean, they’re a second year. He fuckimg hates all things school but is scarily good with potions.
Buggie’s maybe 5’9, little on the bigger side, but weighs like nothing? Pick it up and it will bite you. Anyway, Buggie doesn’t really do clubs, but does run a very legal gambling ring somewhere under NRC (and is the undefeated champion for completely legit reasons).
Hobbies, Talents, Preferences
Buggie enjoys cooking! They’re actually very good at making drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Makes yummy stew (don’t ask what’s in it). A lot of students are hesitant to eat whatever Buggie makes, but it’s probably one of the most competent cooks at NRC, up there with Jamil.
As expected, based on their name, Buggie also likes to take care of bugs. You will always find bugs on them or in their clothes… they have named every single one and remember each and every one of their names. They can also always tell each bug apart, no matter how similar they look. They can also communicate with these bugs as if they were people too. It’s kind of scary.
Buggie ALSO knows a little too much about nightmares. If you fall asleep near him, you WILL have very vivid and awful nightmares. Buggie cannot control this but will not apologize if he doesn’t consider you a friend.
He enjoys bugs, mostly. That and card/dice games. Challenge him to a game, I dare you. He’s unbeaten. His favourite snack is snake stew—no spiders tho. Least favourite food is any kind of salad. Bro won’t eat veggies if you force it down their throat. They also do NOT like it if you hurt their bugs… like… has a PHYSICAL reaction if you step on one. Do not the bugs.
Buggie, being a creature from the Nightmare Realm, grew up with a VERY different set of rules than us. Even despite the difference in rules, I think we can all agree that Buggie’s parents SUCKED.
Buggie didn’t get SHIT growing up. No birthday celebrations, no “good job”s when it did good in school… nothin. It grew bitter from the neglect and ran away about a year before appearing at NRC. It wasn’t invited, but it’s here now. No one knows where exactly it came from or how it found itself here, but no one can get it to leave so it’s a student now.
He will not accept any gifts you try to give him. He doesn’t understand the concept of giving gifts to others… he lives off of a “take what you need to survive” mentality.
Unique Magic
Any time anyone asks about their unique magic, Buggie just laughs and responds with “wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?”
Anyway. Incantation.
“Roll the dice,
Don’t think twice,
And pay the price;
Snake Eyes!”
You may hear it mutter this incantation under its breath during gambles.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul HATES Buggie… it never wears its uniform right and every time he points it out, Buggie changes something so it’s even worse. Buggie just finds it funny though.
Jade Leech
Look, usually Buggie is the one making others scared, but Jade scares Buggie. Actually, there’s an AU where they get over their differences and become extremely close, but… yeah not generally the case.
Jamil Viper
Oh. Oh Jamil hates Buggie. Buggie just LOOOOVES dropping beetles down Jamil’s shirt. Jamil avoids Buggie like the plague.
Literally all the professors
No one can tame Buggie. Teachers hate them.
Other Works
Playlist 😈
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^ made by my buddy Howl lol
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Hellsing Rewatch: Episode Three Thoughts
One | Two
I loooove Pip
My favorite thing about Hellsing is that Dracula the novel has canonically been published in it. How did that happen! Why! Did Van Helsing commission it?? Are they meant to be genuine entries of their journals as a found footage thing?
It’s really funny and appropriate that the Wild Geese are like lmao monsters?? But also if I was a mercenary taken to this shady ass mansion with its own barracks etc I’d just believe any insane shit
Rip Iscariot letter Not Bomb stamp, you will be missed
Integra and Alucard both having a taste for the ugliest possible hats
Maxwell is SO extra he’s crushing his own glasses! Sir you need those!!!
Andercard 💖💖💖💖💖 They’re so fucking insane I love them
Also does this museum have no security? Is no one like uh. They’re drawing guns here.
AGDHFHFHGF Alucard grumpily going back to bed, does that mean he was asked to accompany them to the museum or was he just being nosy?
It’s SO FUNNY how Maxwell is Anderson’s boss now, he’s practically his son
Why does Maxwell sound so proud when he reveals that the Vatican helped the Nazis 🥲
It’s so so so funny that Major and Dok personally showed up to the museum to watch all this discussion go down and also WHY IS DOK BLOODY AND WHAT IS THAT OUTFIT
What does Alucard mean that only Millennium, Integra, AND HIM are crazy enough to enlist the undead as soldiers. Are we talking level zero or something else????
Also lol. lmao. Walter acting like he doesn’t remember Millennium
Alucard did NOT need to do that poor twink right that, he changed his fucking life. He will never be the same
I looooove the shot of Alucard walking into the hotel room with the rippling air around him
“With any luck they’ll not only dig their own graves but pay for the funeral as well” fucks tbh. It’s a really good line
The spirit of Harkonnen being like “Something terrible is about to happen” and it’s really just Alucard waking her up.
I love Alucard subtly correcting Seras saying “Good morning” with “Good evening” but also like idk taking the moment to respond politely despite being like “btw SWAT team here to kill us.” He also waited a REALLY long time to wake her tbh
I’m generally ambivalent to the gun spirit dream sequence shenanigans but the choice to have such a light silly scene before the absolute carnage that is the Rio hotel fight is such a good tonal shift.
Rio sequence my beloved 💖
I love the beat when Integra questions if Alucard is going to show any restraint or like moral qualms at all in the face of adversity and Walter reminds her that he’s a monster. It definitely has the tone of a conversation they’ve had before.
Alucard’s so mad at the soldier committing suicide like I WANT THAT OUT DAMNIT
He’s having such a meltdown!!
“This is just the way it is” is it tho 🤔
Oh no the Rio call. In front of Walter’s salad
I think the Rio call (where Alucard is doing all this grandstanding about being a monster with zero remorse and needling her about potentially not being up to making a tougher call) is actually really interesting after him reacting so strongly to the one soldier killing himself, and then seeming to lose his own resolve a little bit when he realizes he’s been so harsh to Seras.
Walter like “I’m only the butler… I an not engaging with this shit”
Elevator sequence 💖💖💖💖💖 It’s truly really good nonverbal storytelling
I love that Major monologues so much that no one’s even trying to talk to him, they know he’s just going to keep going.
“I’m called the Dandyman” and Alucard’s like. Did I ask.
“There’s absolutely no reasoning with you people” WHEN DID YOU TRY TO REASON WITH THEM
Pip 👏 gets 👏 shit 👏 done 👏
The show does such a good job establishing just how gross and disgusting Alucard is
Oof the arm scene 😬
The one panned out shot where Alucard’s drinking from Alhambra and his proportions are so fucked that he looks like an Adventure Time character
Alucard making Pip on the fucking hijacked helicopter with a gun to the pilot’s head while he monologues 😭😭
It’s so funny how seriously Dok takes everything whereas Major is just like “Hell yeah!! Mayhem!!!!”
Dok’s still bloody omg, it’s also all over his coat like front and back? Did he deliberately just splatter it for edgy aesthetic purposes?
I NEVER noticed that young Walter was placed with the Millennium characters in the end credits. It’s crazy that they have that so early lol
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Hey! Any chance you'd be interested in doing the fwb ask with the dateables?
Also I LOOOOVE Karasu! Do you have any random thoughts abt him you've had cooking away that you'd like to share?
I have the dateables/side character version of the fwb ask in my drafts already, how did you know? 🤭
I live in a constant state of Karasu brain rot. It’s probably easier to ask for opinions on his reaction or thoughts/feelings about certain situations or characters or else I’ll just ramble endlessly. There’s something planned for 4k followers (along with the poll winners from last week) but here’s a few tidbits to keep you going:
— he can talk to crows like Mammon can but he doesn’t have any familiars. he has a good working relationship with Mammon and Lucifer but doesn’t really interact with the other brothers at all.
— he eats a lot of salads (warm or cold) and prefers his meat raw or barely cooked.
— he doesn’t like wearing jewelry.
— he has social media accounts for work purposes only but doesn’t have any personal accounts of his own.
And a couple nsfw things:
— he doesn’t watch porn or own sex toys.
— he has an extremely low sex drive outside of relationships. he hasn’t had sex in…well, it’s been a decade or two.
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demcnsinmymind · 4 days
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Mun's Comfort List
comfort food(s) :   Tomato soup, any type of salad, pumpkin soup
comfort drink(s) :   sparkling water, coke zero
comfort movie(s) :   Grave Encounters, Up in the Air, Practical Magic, Coraline, The Endless, Warm Bodies
comfort show(s) :   Fringe, Z Nation, Burn Notice, Twin Peaks, Scrubs, Malevolent, TMA
comfort clothing :   loooove sweaters and cold weather clothing, give me all the fuzzy
comfort song(s) :  Blouson Noir by Aaron for the incredible vibes, Suddenly Seymour as sung by Jar/thur because it cracks me the hell up every time I listen to it, Nothing to Gein by Mudvayne when I'm in a meh mood
comfort book(s) :  Currently House of Leaves, But also some HPL stories
comfort game(s) : Project Zomboid, Sims 3, Subnautica, ATS, Dead Island 2
tagged by : @little-miss-buffy tagging: @handtame @badassxbirdy @nightiingaled @kxllerblond @innerwar and everyone else who feels like it!!
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I loooove cooking so I am so grateful to Hardie Grant for sending along these two cook books for me to check out!
I’m a bit of an “alter as I go” kind of cook and…it shows, especially with this salad and my troubles with certain ingredients 😂
I loved the look of so many of the recipes in Sofra by Karima Hazim Chatila and Sivine Tabbouch. There’s so much love and warmth between these pages and I’m excited to try more recipes. I made the spiced rice with lamb mince and nuts and the deluxe salad for this post.
Pomegranates are not in season here so the salad was definitely missing that sweet hit. I swapped cos lettuce for baby spinach because I just prefer it. I ALSO forgot to add the cabbage before taking the photos and I’m genuinely sad about it because it would have added that extra pop of colour. The dressing that goes with this salad is DIVINE and I will be making a very large batch in summer. I genuinely loved this salad and I can’t wait to be able to make it again with pomegranate!
The mince and rice was fairly straightforward and easy, no missing ingredients, though I did have to use a different kind of rice and therefore alter the way I cooked it a little. It still turned out absolutely delicious.
Happy Hour Snacks by Bec Vrana Dickinson was…not what I was expecting. Majority of these recipes are jazzing up things you buy at the store. Which is a neat idea and there are some really cool snacks in here, but if I paid good money for a recipe book I’d want to be learning how to make some simple entertaining snacks from scratch, not just adding some extra sauce or seasoning to a store bought item.
So yeah, I found this one fairly disappointing on the whole, but I did make the chicky nuggies. Very very easy, and incredibly delicious. I’ll definitely make nuggets this way again. (They also paired perfectly with the salad from Sofra which was great).
Both of these are available to buy now!
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ddejavvu · 2 years
pulls out my bunny knowledge bc i was a lil obsessed w them for a while so i wanted to learn everything i could about them
bunny!chrissy loves to bake but she gets sick if she has too much sweets so shes eating baby spinach out of the box youve just got from the grocery while she watches you taste all the stuff shes made!! (comes from dont feed buns too many carrots bc the amt of sugar is bad in large amounts. they like and need leafy greens!)
where she mightve been a bit on edge and eager to please at first, you know she truly feels safe and at home when one day she just flops on to her side on the floor or onto the bed while youre nearby. shes all stretched out and wiggling her nose and her ears are at a bit of an awkward angle but the look of content on her face even after you hear the THUMP is too sweet to disturb (i reccomend looking up bunnies flopping. its so damn cute. and its a sign that bunnies feel safe 🥺)
speaking of thumping, she thumps her legs when shes scared or angry. she cant help it. anxiety leg turned up to 1000. u can tell when shes feeling upset bc you can feel the vibrations on the floor :( if its just one lil stomp tho, shes just trying to get your attention back to her. shes cute! she wants to play!
but my FAVORITE bunny behavior is called binkying! a binky is when a bunny jumps Super high and kinda twists its head and body. its like a big burst of energy they gotta express! miss cheerleader chrissy would be great at these !!! shes so happy and excited shes gotta do a backflip! shes all flushed and smiley after and most of all, she feels safe to express how happy she is with you :)
yes yes yes for every cupcake she eats she's gotta balance it out with a salad too!! she looooves it when you make salads for her, it's kind of a routine between you that she'll keep the house stocked with pastries if you chop her up salads to munch on :') she doesn't like 'em with dressing, either, she'll curl up at your side on the couch and pick out each individual vegetable and mow through the bowl :')
AW YES i've seen videos of it before and it looks soooo cute!! she does it all the time once she's comfortable with you, sometimes she does it on top of you and you're laying there smushed like chrissy!! but she knows you're not mad at her 'cause you're already pressing kisses into her cheeks and nuzzling your nose against hers, a habit that she's thrilled you've picked up from her :') she just flops down whenever you're near!!
aw the poor thing!! you usually hear it when a recipe doesn't go well, or you're too busy working to hang out with her :( but when you're sitting on the couch and maybe your hand has settled in her hair instead of petting through the strands she thumps once against the couch, kissing your thigh that her cheek is resting on when you start up petting her again :')
AW OMG I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT HER STILL BEING INTO GYMNASTICS/CHEERLEADING!!!! she'd be so hyper all the time, somersaulting over to you on the bed if you sit across from her and when she gets really excited, yes she's flipping all over the place!! she gives a little squeal at whatever it is that has her happy and she just has a burst of energy that comes out in a cartwheel or a flip or something like that!! she just has to get the excitement out or she'll burst!
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fruitybashir · 6 months
okay, gonna infodump about The Wiggles again for a second sorry this is so very long. (also sorry about the links not being clickable. I hope you can copy-paste them as tumblr didn't like linking them but I've also given you the title of each video if you want to look it up yourself. Also I hope they aren't region-locked.)
this is my fave song that I grew up with of theirs that I can so imagine Bojan singing to kids and also the music vid reminds me of Umazane Misli only cause they're like dancing in a studio and look like idiots which is great. This is one of their first songs/ music vids so they don't have their uniforms yet (they all get a specific colour that they wear and are identified with which really helps kids to go "I like the blue wiggle" or "I like the red wiggle").
(video title: Get Ready To Wiggle - Original Music Video, 1991 - The Wiggles)
For the audience participation idea you mentioned like UM karaoke, The Wiggles actually did do this!! one of the members (named Jeff) had it as a character thing he was always sleepy/tired so he would 'fall asleep' during their shows and they would have to get all the kids to scream "Wake up Jeff!" to wake him up. They did it cause Jeff was I think the shyest out of them and they wanted to give him a way to interact with the kids more. Here's this interview where he talks about it a bit and the band in general that's just really good/sweet and shows the band more and Jeff specifically.
(video title: Why purple Wiggle Jeff Fatt handed over the reins | Throwback)
this is their most iconic song called Fruit Salad which like everyone knows at least some of and you have to watch to get the idea of their music.
and just as another thing of how iconic they are one of our big radio stations here is called Tripple J and they have a thing called Like a Version where people come and do live covers of songs. They have some really big and famous musicians do it and the covers are often really good.
Anyway The Wiggles have changed and added members a few times by now but they did have at least 3 og members (plus some new peeps) do a cover of a Tame Impala song and they incorporated Fruit Salad into the song which was just so iconic of them
(video title: The Wiggles cover Tame Impala 'Elephant' for Like A Version)
(that radio station also has a song contest thing called The Hottest 100 every year where everyone votes for their fave song. I believe that cover did really really well, like it either won or was in the top 10)
there's so much info about them if you're interested but something I think is really cute is they're called The Wiggles because "that's how children dance".
anyway their wikipedia page is good if you wanna read about their history and stuff in more detail. I think it's interesting.
anyway sorry for the super long post/rant/thing about something very random but they're a really important group here and they mean so much to me and many others and the idea of Bojan in your fic just fits so well with them. once again sorry for the wall of text/infodump but I hope you find it interesting maybe!
(also I love your fic a lot and daycare dad Bojan has wormed his way into my heart which is why I got so excited to talk about The Wiggles)
omg i loooove this little-not-so-little infodump <3333 i dont really have anything clever to add bc im with company so my thoughts keep getting interrupted by someone talking to me but OFC i know fruit salad and also that audience participation thing sounds so funny and cute fr 🥺🥺💖
i kinda fucked myself over with making bojan work in daycare in this fic bc now i cant stop thinking about himmmm goddd. maybe i DO have to write a short bonus scene of the band performing for the kids. or something. anything. i need more bojan with kids 😩💖💖💖💖
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sigmadecay · 5 months
Top 5 foods?
1. SANDWICHES!!! I love sandwiches so much. You put anything (except tomato) on bread & it becomes like 10x as palatable.
2. Eggs. I loooove eggs. No bad way to eat an egg. I hardboiled 8 eggs last week for egg salad & it lasted like 2.5 servings.
3. Fried chicken (boneless) I’m just gonna lump all these in together. Including thin fillets, wings, sesame chicken etc I just love chicken w some breading idk
4. Pizza <3 I’m a New Yorker I have to say that.
5. Salad!!! I fucking love a salad bro idk. W some berries & goat cheese…with literally anything tbh I’m not picky I just really like a salad
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🗣️📱🎨☂️ and 🍽️ for TWO ocs of your choice please >:^)
THANK UUUUUUUU writing this for Klara & Patience teehee
misc oc ask game
🗣️ - How do they handle public speaking?
Klara looooves public speaking. Did you know she found her doctoral public defence relaxing? Did you know she volunteers to do public speeches whenever she can? She loves it skfkkfkfkf
Patience hates it. She prefers listening and gets very anxious if she's supposed to give a public speech.
📱 - What social media do they use the most?
Klara would be a popular study related tumblr blog/instagram/youtuber honestly KFBFKFKFFK Not like what they are right now (awfully obsessed with consumption and unhealthy habits) but instead she'd have this somewhat realistic "i should've studied but went to the club" kind of account that she'd also use to talk abt important things like sustainability (it's her major after all, she Did get a doctorate in it) or criticize popular trends lmaoo I think she'd enjoy creating stuff for youtube the most bc she likes talking a lot & it'd be easier for her to work with, but she'd love using tumblr since you can have another sideblog here to post and reblog random stuff (like cat photos).
Patience would love instagram skfkkfkffkfk She likes the idea of being able to take a photo and post it for a while (stories) but also she just likes looking at pictures and hearing abt her friends' lives so it's an ideal one for her. She'd try out tiktok but would delete it in an hour after seeing too many things she doesn't like and being overwhelmed by all the music and effects. I don't think she'd post that much, maybe a nice photo of her daily life every now and then :)
🎨 - What’s their favorite color?
Klara loves all kinds of green! Her favorite kind of green is forest green. She also likes blue and dark brown tones.
Patience loves purple, gold and white very much :3
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
Klara is the kind of person that would go outside just to stand in the rain for fun. She finds it cool, especially when it happens on a warm summer day <3
Patience dislikes it, because it 1) affects her makeup and 2) is too wet.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
Klara loves salads, and it's also one of the only food types she's able to properly make. Couscous salad with lots of greens, tomatoes, cheese and peanuts is her favorite. She also loves soups, her favorite is sweet potato soup and cheese & mushroom soup <3
Patience likes everything she is able to cook (and she's v good at it btw). Her favorite is probably some kind of pasta w/ chicken and a nice sauce, but she also likes sandwiches too bc they're easy, practical and can have literally any ingredient. Her go-to food when she feels sad, too :3
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roxy206 · 1 year
Computers — 07/05/2023
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Trixie is giving Lisa Frank
I don’t I know
bzzt bzzt
In my brain I went from Hillary Clinton to OJ Simpson so fast
Okay but Katya is really on that Gen X / Millennial cusp
Oh my god the two of them sitting there pretending to IM each other I caaaaaan’t
My computer’s already on because I’m talking to you 😂😂😂
That’s what straight people are doing I guess so
bzzt bzzt
We have to get you smart bulbs — why is this so precious
I am deeply feeling some Trixya feels y’all
The hands
Why’re you making fun of me?
Well you know what makes me horny?
This isn’t about you jerking off or any of your little stories you tell yourself
Tell it to me — tell it to me again
Please know I am having the fucking time of my life watching this episode, it’s so good
bzzt bzzt
bzzt bzzt
Omg we loooove a Katya collapsing into Trixie’s lap kind of laugh
That should be our sitcom name: Suddenly Salad
prolonged bzzt bzzt
When you go off the grid again — tick tock
bzzt bzzt
bzzt bzzt
I’m not gonna laugh [immediately laughs]
I look so pretty today You do! And I wanna go home Yeah, let’s do it
bzzt bzzt
Go ahead No, no, you go ahead
bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt
The thigh grab
If I got a pussy would you fuck it?
bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt
Did that hurt?
bzzt bzzt
Do you wanna kiss?
Excuse me of all the episodes to end mid sentence !!
I’m losing it
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munchiezxx · 2 years
u know what i LOOOOVE. when jane and sophie are leaving each other voicemails there’s a degree of separation that allows them to control their responses, right. and sophie is shameless so you know she’ll say whatever the hell she wants but jane is self-restraining. so it’s not until you get the two of them in a room together that you realize jane is SO. SMITTEN. for sophie. like sophie makes a joke about salad tongs and she’s literally like :) hehe sophie. :) sophie tells her her bedhead looks hot and she’s GIGGLING. she and sophie are lying in bed together and she is singing along to the radio. SINGING. JANE GONZALEZ.  god i am sooooooo thrilled we get more of this (aggressive knock on wood)
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tellmegoodbye · 11 months
✨️ weekly tag wednesday saturday ✨️
Thank you @sleepyfacetoughguy and @deedala for tagging me!!
Name: harley
Age: 21
Favorite color: right now, it has to be dark green
What emoji best describes your current mood? 😴
What season is it where you are right now? autumn, although here in florida that's just extended summer, except for last week when we got temperatures cold enough for it to have been winter. don't ask me to explain florida weather because it makes absolutely no sense
Were you up before or after the sun this morning? after
Are you currently in possession of a pumpkin? I am not, and I don't know if I even want to get one this year
Do you prefer to carve or paint your jack-o-lanterns? carve! again, idk if I'm going to do it this year
Do you have a favorite pumpkin spice flavored treat? If so, what is it? I do not, I'm not a coffee fan so I'm definitely not having a psl any time soon
What's your favorite season and what's your favorite pie that you associate with it? winter! I have no idea what pie I'd associate with it so I'm going to shoot in the dark and say apple pie
We're having a potluck, what are you going to bring? fruit salad, I loooove fruit salad
It's chilly outside and you need a hot drink in your hands, what are you drinking? hot chocolate
Will you be wearing a coatume for halloween? Is it ready? I haven't dressed up for halloween since I was 12 and I'm not doing so this year either
Finally, what's something you've made or done recently that you're proud of? I just wrote a fic that's about 25k words which is the longest fic I've ever written to my knowledge, so that's cool!
I'm pretty sure this has already made the rounds so open tag y'all!! I promise I'll try not to be so late next week
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