#I love DNAmy can you tell
legendary-guest · 7 months
Thinking about how Monkey Fist and DNAmy got to where they got to in the show. Special thanks to @danglovely's post about the subject for helping connect the dots and turning the gears in my head. More than a professional relationship, as stated. Here's my take. It's long!
The step to alter Monty Fiske's hands and feet was years in the making. Searching for someone who would do something so experimental and insane took a lot of time, all the while hiding his growing obsession and madness from the public and academic colleagues alike. When he finally found Amy, it was a huge relief, and he was overcome with so much joy, with genuine appreciation.
Amy, recently exiled from the scientific community, was greatly flattered by Monty's sheer enthusiasm and willingness to be altered. He knew exactly what he wanted and was so knowledgeable about primates. In fact, he knew a lot about her and her research. Really, it was more of a collaboration. No one at the scientific institutes ever wanted to collaborate with Amy, on her projects and fields of expertise. O, Lord Fiske….
Amy calls the procedure radical genetic mutation in the episode Partners. Aspects of fanon think it's surgery. Just wanted to address this here before continuing. The infamous hobbling scene from the movie Misery (spoilers + grievous, non-bloody violence, if that matters) is how I imagine the preparation for this 'procedure' went. Monty is conscious, he wants to be awake for every step of the transformation, to really feel it, experience it, to remember it. He fairly yells Amy's praises as she does this. (Yes, I would love to think she says, "God, I love you." just as Annie does in the movie. Unaware that she has even said it, perhaps. He doesn't hear it over his screaming).
You know what, Monty might even be the one yelling "I love you!" - that's way funnier. Yes, let's keep that. Yes, you are right to think this is analogous to another activity, dear reader.
Surgery, genetic mutation, whatever happens, he's lucid for it and endures it very well. Amy takes care of him, dotes on him. He's such a good patient, so polite. Always saying please and thank you. He never swears, not even when he's in immense pain. A real, proper gentleman. O, and the way he looks at her with his striking blue eyes and his heavy, British (simian?) brow giving him this air of mystery. Smiling at her all the time, talking about how grateful and happy he is, how she is fulfilling his lifelong dream. The poor woman is about to faint herself! His British accent and eloquence don't help either!
They continue to get to know each other during his recovery. Amy has him do basic physical tests and exercises to get used to his new appendages. She continues to be impressed by his knowledge of primate anatomy. They practically finish each other's sentences on the matter. A lot of bashful turning away and tender smiles between them.
Amy feels comfortable enough to share her Cuddle Buddy collection with him. She's somewhere between shy and enthusiastic when introducing him to it. He's said all these nice things, to her, about her, and he's so educated and goes on so many grand adventures. Her collecting hobby, her passion, seems silly in comparison.
Let's throw this in here - I reckon he holds her hand with his monkey hand. That's sweet. He smiles at her.
Monty calls one of her Cuddle Buddies cute. Amy knows she's in-love with him now. She also knows the way he looks at her isn't just politeness for politeness' sake…
Lord Fiske is utterly elated, on Cloud Nine the entire time he's staying with Amy. Her cooking is good, her abode is well-kept, she is hospitable, she's intelligent and interested in what he has to say and knows so much herself. It's…comfortable, here. Though, he knows, this is all just the icing on the cake. The first step to his ultimate goal has been made. He allows himself to enjoy it wholly, savour it.
Finally, they part, exchanging good-byes. It's a little sad, they've both enjoyed their time together (for different, or perhaps, not all that different, reasons).
Ever the gentleman, Lord Fiske takes one of Amy's hands in his (simian) one, and kisses it gently. A proper good-bye. Amy is stunned. He takes his leave with a smile and a nod.
Amy cannot stop thinking about him. At all. Even when that really handsome teacher came around, with that gangly teen and his pet naked mole rat. And then Kimmie! Ugh, her lab…well. At least she has Monty to think about.
She still can't stop thinking about him when that cute (and charming) Dr. Drakken (though, not a doctor, he is very intelligent, he's definitely been to college, at least) comes along and asks to collaborate. O, he's so sweet. He thinks she can't see him smile when she's not looking directly at him. He should smile more often! Though, that green lady, his not girlfriend, seems to enjoy hovering around him a lot…. When he gets down on one knee and looks the most vulnerable and smitten she's seen him in their short time together, she knows what she must do. He handled it better than she thought he would, even when he screamed his sidekick's name (not girlfriend) as if he were in mortal danger.
Monkey Fist finds his thoughts straying from his destiny, every now and again. Back to Amy Hall. Back to her home. Back to the dinners they shared. Holding her hand, so small in his now…. It wouldn't hurt to incorporate her into some of his ritual praying. No, not at all. And why not? After all, she'd helped him in such a big way! He could have never become Monkey Fist without her. What a curious thing to think about. He finds himself burning a lot of incense and reverently holding her picture (which he printed off of the official Cuddle Buddy Fan Club website; professionally, of course) over the months.
Unable to bear being apart from the one she loves, and who she knows loves her, too, Amy makes contact with him. Probably whilst Monkey Fist is in the middle of some plan, so she is sure to catch him at a terrible time. She didn't call, she didn't send a letter, or even an e-mail, she just showed up.
Monkey Fist doesn't know what to think when she starts blathering on about how much she has missed him (well, it's not like he didn't also - NO, NO HE DIDN'T MISS HER!), and about monkeys, and the surgery, and Cuddle Buddies, and true love - true love? She can't be serious….
"O, Monty!" she cries, before flinging herself into his arms, holding him tight (was she always this strong? She did help him about, but this was ridiculous!), causing him to stumble back. Heck, maybe they even fall to the ground, her on top of him. (Thank you, romance tropes. Hope someone enjoys this).
He doesn't have time for this! He shoves her off, maybe a little more harshly than he intended, but she doesn't seem to be put off by it. In fact, she just keeps smiling at him, and batting her eyelashes! What's gotten into her? She didn't act anything like this when he was staying with her!
More of this nonsense occurs, I reckon. She's even found him in weird places, like in the middle of Cambodia. She's just…there. How did she KNOW? How did she FIND HIM?
She finally tells him, maybe the third time she 'meets' him, that she was sure that he loved her. Why, he even screamed at the top of his lungs that he loved her! Monkey Fist is stunned. No. That didn't happen.
He gets all uppity, maybe even red in the face (blushing. Amy is delighted, she's never seen this side of him before!). That wasn't what he was really thinking, or feeling, for that matter! It was just a side effect of whatever she drugged him up with!
She just continues to smile at him. He starts feeling unease, real unease. She tells him, knowingly, a little coyly, that she didn't give him any medicine for the procedure. He specifically requested no pain killers, or drugs, of any kind. She repeats to him, verbatim, what he'd told her about wanting to experience the entirety of the operation, even its ugliest moments.
Well, Montgomery, you've really done it now, haven't you? Told an incredibly intelligent, persistent, obsessive, and frankly, insane woman you loved her as she was shattering your joints. You wonder how you got yourself into this mess. O, right. Ultimate Monkey Master. Maybe Bates had a point. Or your mother. Okay, not her, but maybe Bates.
And that's that! That's how we get to Gorilla Fist!
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asgardian--angels · 1 year
I finished my rewatch of Kim Possible
A++, excellent finale, wrapped all plotlines up nicely in a way that’s sadly become rare in modern tv. Definitely worth rewatching if you remember this show from your childhood, and most certainly worth a watch if you’ve never seen it before. Holds its own as a comedy action/adventure show in its own right outside of a ‘kids’ genre (and it’s for teens anyway, so it’s not juvenile). 
I can’t tell you how overjoyed I am to have gotten to re-experience these characters that were so formative to who I am today and moreover the types of shows and characters I like as an adult. I really can trace a lot of the tropes and villains I enjoy back to Dr. Drakken and Shego, and I actually have a new layer of appreciation watching as an adult for a lot of the workplace humor and wit they used. 
Yes, Dr. Drakken was my OG poor little meow meow, long long before that was a thing. That is the saddest most pathetic little blue man I have ever seen. Boy did they put him in situations, and I treasured every second of it. And seeing him actually save the world in the end was so rewarding. Loved watching Shego’s ups and downs, occasional forays into heroism, and recognition that she’s the only competent one in the room. Monkey Fist was a villain I don’t think I appreciated enough years ago but I adored him this time, and it gave me the chance to yell academia jokes at the tv - plus the DNAmy romance plotline had me in absolute stitches. Not to mention of course, how much this all took me back to how it felt to be in high school, for better or for worse, and the momentous feeling of graduation and starting the next chapter of my life. 
It’s sad that I really get into some of these niche or outdated shows/movies/books that don’t really have a fandom (or if they do, do I really want to see it? I want to enjoy this with other people but I fear to actually see what other people think of the characters or what they’ve done with them), but regardless, I think I’ve done right by past me. I think it’s important to look back on the things that made you who you are - those favorite books, movies, music - and revisit them. There’s no need to leave them behind because you think you’ve outgrown them or that it was ‘cringe’ or whatever reason. I’ve gone back to a few bands from high school recently and you know what? They’re still bangers. I had good taste.
This show was quality, and I think there will always be people for whom Kim Possible was formative. I hope new generations will find this show. Every time I’m out somewhere and hear a Kim Possible ringtone, I know I’ve found someone like me who appreciates their inner child (and inner teen). And maybe has a soft spot for mad scientists :)
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bcbdrums · 2 years
Are there any Kim Possible episodes you wouldn't really consider "canon?" Some of the dumber ones like Grande Size Me or Roachie or Blush for example that don't really add to the show.
oh, snap... truthfully i was a little taken aback by anything except Grande Size Me being called dumb, but then i recalled that on my rewatch ahead of the live action i was incredibly impatient with Larry's Birthday. i have since changed my tune, but i was on a binge at the time and eager to get to Graduation, lol.
but, no.... i even consider Grande Size Me to be canon. recall if you will... in fact i think i recently mentioned this... that Kim Possible as a show is chock full of genetic mutation. it's an even more recurring theme than Drakken trying to use robots or mind control to take over the world. so while that episode was made at the direct order of the Disney execs to make a healthy eating episode, and the creators made the episode as horrible as possible on purpose so the execs would stop trying to dictate the show to them.... i still call it canon.
if DNAmy can put Rufus and Barkin in a machine, create a mutant from both of them with the flip of a switch, and then an equally simple flip of a switch brings them back to normal.... yeah. yeah, i can buy the events of Grande Size Me. it's no leap at all, really.
and... okay, Blush??? that one's got me confused. Blush is a highly important episode. first of all, the entirety of the evil plot in the episode is...Drakgo trying to kill Kim "once and for all" in Drakken's words. Disney won't use the word "kill" but Wade explaining that she'll disappear forever is pretty self explanatory. so, the point is...Drakgo are willing to go that far. as if it wasn't already clear.
secondly, the ep shows how great and devoted a friend Ron is, that he risks his life to save not just her life, but also her date. canon tells us that Kim and Ron have secretly crushed on each other all along, but here Ron is helping her date with another dude go well. so to those people who claim Ron is useless or whatever... yeahhh far from it. he's always there for Kim and this is one of those eps where it's just in your face.
important side notes about the ep... we get that delicious defeat montage, which ends with Drakgo shopping together. ahhhh domesticity for my ship! not to mention all those lairs Drakken has... including a space lair. they've all already been to space, very important to note... additionally, we see that Josh isn't necessarily the greatest guy... kissing Kim at the end there after Kim had expressed some physical boundaries. sure the boundaries were because she was busy vanishing, but he still didn't respect them. and, AND...! this is the precursor to the plot of So the Drama, where Drakken first starts researching what makes Kim, a teen girl, tick. i could go on but...yeah this episode is great.
and Roachie is one of the many delightful shorts, expanding the KP universe beyond the weekly villains. i can't think of another show to reference right now, but some of the bigger TV buffs out there can certainly name some... like...i guess like Batman fights the Joker each week, defeats him, he's hauled off to Arkham, then back again for the next episode! like...very typical cartoon stuff. or Bugs and Elmer Fudd always trying to outwit each other. Kim always fighting the same villain(s) kind of limits the show and makes it feel like an even...lesser version of 'monster of the week.' sooooo....yeah, for starters, this episode brings something fresh. it always gives Kim a very human very real flaw, for the girl who can do anything. and it gives Ron yet another unique gift and moment to shine. and personally i loved the one-off villain. a person might get impatient with the episode and want to move on to their fave villains, i totally understand that. but...not consider it canon???
i.... i hope you can send me another ask of deeper explanation, Anon? because why wouldn't any of these be canon??? not someone's fave ep, okay that's fine, people's taste is subjective and that's everyone's freedom. but not canon? they all fit in perfectly with the KP universe and i'm quite perplexed by them being called dumb and not adding to the show.
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ilikethequiet · 2 years
This Ain’t Hallmark (A Drakgo Fic)
Title:  This Ain’t Hallmark Summary: A Christmas fic with your fave villains, they’re watching movies and being dorks Rating: PG  Author’s Note: I have been working on this for the last month and finally I think it’s done. Did I watch a lot of Hallmark movies to help write this? You bet! It’s a bit of holiday fluff, I hope you enjoy 😁
I checked it through with Grammarly, so it sounds okay, tell me if it doesn’t 😘 Feedback/likes are so appreciated. Will also be posted to AO3.
When Shego was little, one of her fondest memories was watching Hallmark movies with her mother while they decorated the Christmas tree. The way the couples in those movies came together against the backdrop of the holiday season always felt magical but when her mother passed, her heart wasn’t in it anymore; the happy girl she used to be had been replaced with the sarcastic supervillain she was now. She loved her current lifestyle, but Shego found herself feeling nostalgic and decided that a movie marathon was in order.
Shego was in the lounge, making garlands for the small tree that she had acquired during the holiday rush when Drakken appeared, grumpy and dishevelled. The scientist had been working on his new super laser, determined to get it ready for New Year’s, he wearily walked over to the fridge and took out the carton of eggnog, drinking from it.
“Doc, you’ve got to go easy on that stuff, it’s a lot stronger than normal milk.” Shego was supposed to have the lair by herself but at the last moment, Mrs Lipsky had decided to go on a singles cruise leaving her son without holiday plans.
“I’ll be fine, Shego.” He focused his eyes and looked upon his sidekick, she was sitting in the lounge watching television with a bunch of Christmas decorations around her, a cosy sight indeed. “I’ll leave you to it.”
“No, stay. You look like you need a break.” Shego knew she would regret extending the offer, but it was clear he needed to be away from his work for a while. “Sit, relax. It’s Christmas.”
Drakken gave her a nod in appreciation; Shego could be sweet when she wanted to be, not that it would work in someone’s favour to acknowledge it.  He sat down on the opposite end of the couch and tried to get into the spirit. “Can we watch Snowman Hank?”
“We’re watching this.” She said firmly, Shego didn’t understand how someone so evil could be obsessed with a cartoon snowman, it defied logic but then again, Drakken was always doing that.
He decided instead to sit back and watch the movie, Shego seemed engrossed in it but after half an hour, Drakken became easily bored.
“You know, I always thought spinning tops of doom was the way to go, I never considered psychological torture.” Everyone was happy, there was very little conflict and romance was in the air; sounded downright unbearable.
“It is not that bad.” Was it a little corny? Sure, but it had cosy feel-good vibes and she wasn’t completely heartless; sometimes some light, fluffy romance was needed.
“These two have no chemistry.” Drakken gestured to the couple on the screen, the actors might have well just met that afternoon with how clinical they were being towards each other.
Shego raised an eyebrow. “And you know that from the hundreds of women you’ve been with?” A ladies’ man he was not, hell his fling with DNAmy lasted less than a week and she dumped him because she was in love with Monkey Fist of all people.
Drakken shrugged. “I’m a scientist Shego, I know about this sort of thing. There needs to be a spark.”
“You mean like that time your lab caught on fire?” She remembered the chaos of that day, they had to call the fire department for help because the henchmen refused to go in and retrieve Drakken’s equipment.
“Nnngh, must you bring that up?” It was an accident but on reflection, that analogy did work in relation to their current conversation. “They have no fire, no passion.”
Drakken had passion, his desire to take over the world was great even though it got him into trouble nine times out of ten. The tenth time? That was when his plans almost worked, Shego lived for those times.
The couple on the tv finally stopped tiptoeing around each other and started kissing and Shego rolled her eyes, the movie no longer doing it for her. “Okay, I think we’ve had enough of that.” She started flicking through the channels, looking for the one that had Snowman Hank.
She changed the channel quickly, leaving Drakken to wonder what had happened. He frowned. “Did I ruin it for you? Sometimes I just talk Shego, you know that.” A lot of the time she didn’t listen, he wondered why she had in this instance.
Shego shrugged. “It’s fine, you were right, they had no chemistry.” Or they did and Shego just couldn’t recognise was a healthy relationship was these days, it wasn’t like she had experienced one in a while; men were afraid of her ability and her sarcastic nature didn’t exactly endear her to people.
Drakken smiled. “You agree with me? Truly a Christmas miracle.”
The smugness that was radiating off him was too much to bear, Shego raised her hand and ignited it. “Don’t make me hurt you.” She had threatened him with violence before; almost daily at this point, but something was different; there was mischief in his eyes, and damn if it wasn’t attractive.
“I’ll take my chances.” The brandy in the eggnog he had been drinking had made him brave, usually, he’d be halfway down the street afraid of getting second-degree burns from her deadly blasts.
His response had been unexpected, and it gave Shego a wicked idea; All this talk of chemistry had made her wonder if there was anything between them, Drakken got on her nerves sure, but he had his moments.  She leaned over and kissed him.
Drakken froze, he wanted very much to respond but what if this was another moodulator situation? He didn’t think so, this felt more deliberate; Shego was trying to get a rise out of him, what would happen if he reciprocated?
Chemistry-wise, Shego thought their kiss was mediocre at best, which was a good thing, she did not want to suddenly develop feelings for her boss. She was about to pull away and laugh it off when she felt Drakken nibble on her bottom lip.
Oh. Oh, that was hot.
Shego parted her lips slightly in response giving Drakken silent permission to deepen the kiss, a moan escaping when he did just that. How can he be having such an effect on her? This was Drakken! He was not her type; he was crazy and blue and was he drawing patterns on her waist? Ugh! She needed to focus and stop this nonsense, but she found herself wanting to continue, just to see how far Drakken was willing to take this. There was the slightest pull in his touch encouraging her to move closer and Shego found herself going along with it, moving from her seat onto his lap.
Drakken had experienced a lot of hardships in his life, everything from being a failed scientist to being beaten by a teenage hero and her sidekick on multiple occasions but having the woman whom he had been secretly in love with for years willingly in his lap, kissing him felt like a win.
Despite herself, Shego was enjoying this. It had been a while since she had been with someone and Drakken seemed enthusiastic to say the least. Shego wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with his hair. She could get used to this kind of activity, even if the other party was Drakken.
“Shego?” Drakken said breathlessly, getting her attention. “Is this going to be one of those things we never talk about?” Early on in their partnership they had agreed there were just some things best left unsaid, these included things childhood trauma, questions about her powers and significant others. He would understand if this fell under that category.
She knew what he was doing, Drakken was offering her a way out without any repercussions, but Shego had other ideas, would it be so bad if this happened more often? She smiled, giving him another light kiss. “Where is the fun in that?”
“So, you’re receptive to this kind of attention from me?” Amazing, Drakken never would have thought it possible.
Well, there were worse things. “If we’re doing this then we need to set some ground rules. Work comes first; I don’t want you getting all lovesick and thinking you need to be a better man to impress me, I’m here for the evil. Next, no nicknames; you call me hunny bun or Pookie and we’re gonna have a problem.”
Drakken snickered, the very idea that Shego could be anyone’s Pookie was laughable; she just wasn’t that sort of person. “Anything else? “
“Don’t think I’m going to suddenly go easy on you.”  He could do the stupidest things sometimes and he needed to be called out on them.
Drakken was glad for that, he loved Shego for her abrasiveness and sass; her objections made him strive to be better, the road to world domination was not an easy one and Shego kept him focused. “I can agree to those terms.”
“Well okay then.” Shego smiled, this new element to their relationship had potential.
“Should we go out and commit some crime to celebrate?” Earlier in the evening, Drakken was content to wallow in his loneliness but now he had the desire to go out and have some fun.
“I thought you wanted to watch Snowman Hank?” Shego asked, he had seemed so insistent on it earlier.
Drakken smiled and gently lifted Shego off his lap “I’m not sure he would approve of these kinds of shenanigans.” Snowman Hank was all about goodwill to your fellow man, but he had other more devious things in mind.
Hey if they were going to do something his cartoon idol disapproved of, Shego was all for it. She hopped up and smoothed her bodysuit, the action making Drakken raise an eyebrow.
Shego’s skin flushed when she noticed him looking at her; this next phase of their partnership was going to be interesting. “Come on, let’s go deck some halls.” She bounded out of the room and downstairs to the hovercar hangar.
Drakken shook his head, following her, this Christmas was turning out to be a Merry Christmas indeed.
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sharperthewriter · 3 years
Chapter 4 of Possible-y Utah
Chapter 4 - Final Day
(May 25, 2006, 6am)
The sun began to rise over the city of Middleton. Rays began to creep through the windows of Kim's room. She woke up and rubbed her eyes.
"Yes!" she exclaimed in triumph, "Final day of junior year is here!"
Kim got ready for school. That day, she was wearing baggy dark-denim Club Banana overalls over her green croptop shirt. She hooked up both straps and had the bottom hems rolled up. To finish the look, she had on giant gold hoop earrings, minimal makeup, a simple CB heart charm bracelet, and white sneakers. Her hair was in a ponytail.
"Hey, Mom and Dad! I'm going off to school!" she exclaimed. "I got my new scooter all ready to pick up Ron!"
Both James and Ann were in their work outfits.
"OK, Kimmie-cub. Don't forget to put on your helmet!" James insisted.
"And remember..." Ann added while sipping her coffee. "Safety first!"
"I won't! And I'm glad we bought an extra helmet for Ron." Kim said, grabbing the second helmet and her backpack.
"Ron! Hurry up!" Kim insisted to her BFBF. She parked her scooter at the Stoppable house.
"I'm coming, KP! Just as soon as I put my shoes on!" Ron said while putting on his sneakers. Rufus scurried out of the door.
"Thank you! I just don't want to be late for school!" Kim replied, handing Ron his helmet, "Nothing is more humiliating than getting detention on the last day of school!"
Ron buckled on his helmet and Rufus also put on a little helmet of his.
"Hold on tight, Ron!"
"You got it, KP!" Ron said, holding his girlfriend around his arms and feeling the denim of her overalls.
Kim zoomed off from the house on the scooter.
The readerboard sign in front of Middleton High said, "Summer is here...so please read!"
Kim parked her scooter in the student parking lot.
"That should do the trick, Ron." she replied in getting off the scooter and removing her helmet.
"Yeah, KP, next time, we're going to try and get our full drivers license!" Ron said, also getting off the scooter.
"I wouldn't exactly worry about myself getting the license." Kim snickered, darting her eyes to Ron.
"Hey, I shall get through 'Barkin's Course of Death' this time!" Ron insisted.
"And not wreck the student driver car...again?" Kim asked. "Insurance is not going to cover the damages this time around."
"The twentieth time is the charm! Mark my words, I am gonna get my license!" Ron vowed.
The two of them came up to Kim's locker, which was located in D-Hall, aka the science wing of the school.
Kim then opened it. Wade came onscreen in the built-in monitor.
"Hey Kim! Glad that today is the last day of school?" the tech genius asked.
"Oh yeah, number 11 is going to be in the books for a few hours!" Kim replied, "Not unlike you, of course."
"Who breezed by grades 10-12 before my own eighth birthday!" Wade boasted.
"And I'm just...you know...getting by with C's." Ron nervously chuckled, brushing his hand against his hair.
"It feels a little strange, though, Wade." Kim said, "Ever since Drakken's Diablo plot, I've only had three take-over-the-world plots (one each by Dementor, Monkey Fist, and DNAmy) and foiled them all. Maybe the villains have finally given up evil."
"I wouldn't put it past them, Kim." Wade said, "You may never know when a plot or a kidnapping of a scientist would come up."
"We'll keep an eye on things, Wade." Kim replied, "Right now, though, I only have one final exam to get through first."
Then a familiar snarky voice came from behind.
"Well, if it isn't Farmer Possible and her farm-hand!" she taunted.
"Bonnie, I do not have time for your lame puns just because I wear a pair of overalls!" Kim impatiently muttered.
Bonnie, as it turned out, was wearing a pink croptop and baggy carpenter denim jeans that was showing off half her Club Banana yellow boxers. The back pockets were on her thighs. They were held up only with a loose CB belt. She completed the outfit with white sneakers, giant hoop earrings and a CB hat that she was wearing sideways.
"You know, Bonnie..." Kim continued, "...you really do look like a fool with your pants on the ground!"
"It's the latest fashion trend for mean girls like me!" Bonnie flaunted.
"And totally sick and wrong!" Ron complained.
"Bonnie, I would love to criticize your poor decision on how to basically wear pants..." Kim muttered, slamming her locker door, "...but I got an exam to take!"
"Whatever, Possible." Bonnie scoffed, "I will tell you something after you take your lousy exam!"
"Fine, Rockwaller!" Kim snarled back.
With that, Kim and Ron both left Bonnie behind to go to the World History class for her final exam to take. Ron had one more in Geometry.
(3 hours later)
Kim and Ron were now sitting in study hall after taking their last exams.
"Did you think I did well, KP?" Ron asked. He had taken geometry for his last exam.
"I'd say you'd barely pass, Ron." Kim explained, "Remember our study night together?"
"Yeah...wasn't that the night that you put a blanket on me because I was sleeping my head on your dad's desk?" Ron questioned.
"It was. You look so cute sleeping like that!" Kim replied.
"Awww...thanks, Kim!" Ron smiled at her GF's words.
"Ugh...why do you two have to be so mushy?!" Bonnie asked dismissively. She was sitting on her CB boxers and the back pockets of her baggy jeans were on her thighs. The bottoms were scrunched up on her shoes.
"Because we are a couple, Rockwaller, that's why!" Kim muttered at her rival.
"I'll make a sweet bet with you, Possible." Bonnie said, "I'll bet you $50 that you will not last one summer with Stoppable as BF material!"
Kim, sensing her hyper-competitive nature, agreed.
"What are going to be the terms?"
"If I win the bet and you break up with Stoppable, I promise that will not bully you anymore during cheer practice in senior year." Bonnie said of the terms if she came out on top. "And, on top of that, you will have to give your cheer captainship to me AND you will have to scrub the toilets of the locker rooms.
"And if I win, you will have to mop the entire gym floor! And your dad will have to drop the indecent exposure charge against Ron!" Kim decreed.
"Don't blame me if he got his boxers accidentally snagged by briar patches!" Bonnie countered. "But I will honor your bet...IF you win."
"You are so on, Rockwaller!" Kim exclaimed, fire raging in her eyes that was as red as her hair.
Ron looked at her in worry, "KP...you're putting a lot on the line here!"
Kim scoffed at what he said.
"Ron, don't worry! We'll still be tight by the beginning of senior year! Bonnie will definitely lose!"
Barkin then entered the room.
"Okay, people, since Miss Carol is not here because she overslept, smashing her alarm clock with a cartoonishly-giant hammer the night before, I will be taking over this study hall." he proclaimed. "Since all of you students are done with your exams, we are going to sit quietly for the next 45 minutes until the class is dismissed."
The clock then began to move its hands slowly and then fastly as if it had been hours.
"Clock's busted again..." Barkin muttered, tapping it on its side and adjusting it to the correct time: 11:19am.
Kim could only hope that the last 45-minutes of her junior year would fly by.
(12 noon)
The final bell finally rang, signaling the end of the junior year.
All of the students in study hall began to cheer and throw their papers in the air to celebrate. But just before they could exit the classroom, Barkin then got in the way of the door. The cheering subsided for now.
"Uh...Mr. B? I thought we were dismissed." Ron insisted.
"Stoppable, do you not remember that the bell does not dismiss the class, I do?" Barkin muttered. After a tense 30 seconds between the two, Barkin stepped aside.
"Okay, you're dismissed!" Barkin sighed, opening the door. The cheering resumed from the students.
Both Kim and Ron got out of Middleton High now that their Junior year was in the books. To celebrate, Kim decided to unhook the right strap of her overalls so that the strap dangled behind her back but kept the left strap up.
"So what can we do to celebrate now that we have 88 days of freedom?" Kim asked. "You know...as BF and GF!"
"KP, if you know me, I'm thinking along the lines of JP Bearymore's!" Ron replied with a smile, putting his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "Their new multi-level go-kart track just opened up and it's badical!"
"Mmm...hmm!" Kim smiled, "Maybe a movie afterwards? The newest installment of the John Glond superspy series is already out! And you know how much I love the spy thriller!"
"You're totally, on, KP!" Ron said, grinning.
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benjimatorarts · 5 years
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And let me say now that this is my personal headcannons and these terms are different for everyone and I don’t mean to- whats the word... standardized? 
Anyway, I found this old sketch hiding in my layers and I decided to just not bother clean it up and color it! 
Wade: I gave him a gay pride of peeps of color. He may not know what’s his sexuality yet. (I felt that even though some people had a clear idea what their sexuality and gender is at a young age but there’s some people young and old still figuring out.) For now, he’s showing his support.
Ron: OH BOI, here’s we go. Ron is wearing the gender-fluid colors because I really like the idea that Ron does identify as male but he’ll happily embrace gender fluidity through his flower theme tux and/or dress in blue sapphire. Ron has always been the odd one out in his peers and has not follow social norms many times. “Never BE NORMAL” he would say. He’s showing his pride and love for gender fluidity.
Kim: All I have to say is she is a BI ICON and you can’t tell me why. Here’s proof
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Shego: Shego, I mean... look at her! SHE CAN GET BOTH!XD But for real, I headcannon that she experimented with both girls and boys in her teens (some were just to spite her parents) As she does have women in her life that she really like to go out with, she’s more into guys than girls. Her type seems to be tall, muscular, strong, and great hair peeps.
Drakken: I headcannon that Drakken is demi-sexual because he doesn’t really seem to be interested in kissing, hugs, or anything physically affectionate. Not even when he was falling for DNAmy, he’s just expresses his love through his words. He only displays affectionate actions with those he builds a bond with and trust. He starts out small to hand holding to hugs, laying his head on their shoulder, and eventually when the time comes he may have angry sex-WE DONT KNOW!
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: The Polaris Epidemic-Part 28
Later on, they arrived back at mission control. There, they stood before an image of Wade on the holo-screen. Kim: "We're here, Wade. What's the sitch?" Wade: "I've been looking into the signals being sent out and received by those mysterious towers. I've just found out that each of them are receiving a transmission from a common source. I believe that this is their main receiver." Kim: "Sounds like it to me." Ratchet: "Any ideas on where that main receiver is coming from?" Wade: "That I couldn't find that. I am able to gather that the towers are picking up a signal from a main access point, but I haven't been able to pinpoint where exactly." Clank: "That main transmitter must be using the same signal disrupter as the towers." Wade: "There is some good news, however. For each tower that we have been able to locate, the signal from that main receiver is becoming more accessible and easier to distinguish." Ratchet: "So, once we're able to locate all of these towers, we can pinpoint the exact location of this main receiver." Wade: "Exactly. On a related note, I was able to confirm readings of human on another planet called Bercota." Talwyn: "Hm…that name sounds familiar for some reason, but I don't know why." Wade: "There's something else. I have also picked up on readings of other life forms from Earth on that planet." Ratchet: "Other life forms from Earth? You mean someone has brought animals that are native to that planet?" Wade: "Not exactly…I've looked into this and found readings of at least 2 species of animal per life form." Kim: "Oh, no." Clank: "Hm…that is odd…do you know of any human that is capable of this phenomenon?" Kim: "Yes. DNAmy." Clank: "DN-Amy?" Kim: "Come on, you guys. Let's head over to that planet now. I'll tell you everything along the way."
They returned to their ship, took off and left the city. Talwyn continued to ponder about the aforementioned planet.
The spent another long flight to the next planet. They spent some time talking during the flight. Ratchet: "So…DNAmy, huh? Another…unique human that you've faced off against in the past?" Kim: "Yeah, to put it lightly. She's a geneticist." Clank: "A geneticist? One who specializes in the study of genetics?" Kim: "Exactly. Before then, she was a glorified and excessive fanatic of the Cuddle Buddies; she was even the president of the Cuddle Buddy fan club." Ratchet: "Ohhhh! Cuddle Buddies! I remember seeing and hearing about those things!" Clank: "Ah, yes, that exceedingly popular set of toys consisting of fusing 2 animals together based on their names." Ratchet: "Yeah, like Sea lion, Otterfly…" Kim: "Yeah, that." Ratchet: "You're still into those weird stuffed animals, aren't you, Kimberly? I remember seeing that Pandaroo you love so much sitting on your bed." Kim: "Ratchet." Clank: "Hm, yes, you are indeed still fond of those toys. One of them even played a key role in the start of your Earth-trotting, crime fighting career." Ratchet: "Right! That was your first mission! That was when that billionaire dude accidentally got himself tangled in that wired laser beam system is his own home." Clank: "Yes, the very laser system that he had installed to guard over his prized Flamingoat." Kim: "Guys." Ratchet: "Heh! Yeah, the Cuddle Buddy that is so exceedingly rare since they only made 10 of those." Clank: "That was indeed a major highlight in your life, Miss Possible." Ratchet: "Oh, for sure. Although…I can't tell if it's because it was your first mission or it was because you had the chance to see an extremely rare Flamingoat up close and personal."
As Ratchet glanced over towards Kim, he noticed her staring down at him with a very discontent look on his face. Ratchet: "Eh, sorry. Now then, back to the subject on DNAmy." Kim: "Right. So, as the huge Cuddle Buddy fanatic that she is, she dedicated herself to collecting every single one ever made. But…even after she did, she still wasn't satisfied, so went into the field of genetics to create life-sized "Cuddle Buddies" from real animals."
Ratchet became greatly startled to hear that. Ratchet: "Are you serious!? I mean I know it was obvious, but geez! That's just…well…uh…" Kim: "Sickening? Go ahead; I know you want to say it." Ratchet: "Well…yeah, but…it may be a little too mild to describe how messed up that is." Kim: "Doesn't matter. She was given the nickname that she has now and was thrown out of her career for her sick experimentation. The first time I faced off against her, Ron and Mr. Barken were looking for a mysterious snow creature during a ski trip. That "snow creature" turned out to be one of her creations. She then fused Mr. Barken with Rufus to create a massive and furious naked mole rat creature." Clank: "Oh, no! Poor Rufus." Ratchet: "Yeah, poor Rufus indeed. Getting infused with Barken must have been the worst thing ever! But…they were eventually changed back from what I can tell." Kim: "There's something else about her that you guys should know. Remember when I told you about Monkey Fist having his hands and feet genetically modified into monkey hands and feet?"
Both Ratchet and Clank exchanged glances across Kim from both sides, they then looked back towards her and nodded. Clank: "But of course." Ratchet: "Kind of hard to forget." Kim: "Well…she was the one that did it."
Both Ratchet and Clank were very startled to hear this. Ratchet: "No way! DNAmy had Monkey Fist's hands and feet genetically modified!?" Kim: "Yep, that started a…very…unusual relationship between them. In fact, last I saw them together; he was running from her screaming." Ratchet: "Yeesh! This woman must really be terrifying if even Monkey Fist is afraid of her!" Clank: "Oh, dear, what a most unsettling human." Ratchet: "Hm, something tells me that where she is now must have become one heck of a nightmarish landscape."
Kim's face took on another serious look.
They were eventually able to arrive at the Planet Bercota. They landed their ship and got out. Kim had the infobot transported to her. Both the infobot and Clank attached themselves to Kim and Ratchet respectfully. They duo then rushed off.
The entire planet consisted of a massive forest; tree everywhere. Despite its lovely and natural serene appearance, it was anything but peaceful. There had been many of the native wildlife attacking them from everywhere. They fought through everything that came at them with ease. This kept on going throughout the entire trek within the dense forest. Thankf:
Soon enough, they came across a vast, wide open area. There, they looked down towards a large valley. There was a massive facility that looked as though it had not been used for a long time. Nearby, there were lots of bizarre looking animals that were very similar to those from Earth. They were no doubt animals that were fused together. Ratchet: "Hm, I'm guessing that they're…DNAmy's creations." Kim: "Yep, looks like em." Ratchet: "This is disgusting. I can't believe she would want to do this!" Kim: "I know. It's awful."
Just then, Clank looked towards the building and spotted something that startled him. Clank: "Ratchet. Miss Possible. Look."
They looked over and spotted something that also startled them. The massive building contained an insignia that they have seen before; a symbol of something that is of great importance to Ratchet. Kim: "No way…is that…?" Ratchet: "That's the…that's the symbol of the Lombax Institute of Research and Technology!" Kim: "Unbelievable! This is another abandoned Lombax research facility!"
Ratchet clenched his fists as he continued to stare out at the facility. He was indeed very angry. Ratchet: "I won't let her get away with this!"
He jumped down towards the valley. Kim: "Ratchet!"
She jumped down after him.
0 notes
ashleybenlove · 7 years
DNAmy and Drakken have a thing, Monique deals with Ron as a project partner, and Kim is partnered with Justine Flanner for that project. Justine is played by Dr. Mayim Bialik. Though at the time this episode aired, she had not earned her PhD yet. She did already have a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and Hebrew & Jewish Studies at the time of this episode’s airing.  She played in the show Blossom and is currently on The Big Bang Theory.
The lady scientist is working on a genomic sequencer. Amy steals it. 
Drakken comes to steal it and Amy calls him “Mr. Forward” and looks him up and down. 
She asks if Drakken is a MD or dentist. Neither. He doesn’t have a degree!
Shego takes the DNA thing.
School! Kim wants to work with Monique on the science project. But. Ron. And Wade’s like “Remember your vow” that Kim would NEVER ever be partnered with Ron on the science project ever again. WADE EVEN PULLS OUT THE RECEIPTS. Actual video evidence of her saying this. 
Drakken’s attempting to work the genome sequencer and Shego’s like "TOO BAD YOU HAD TO TICK OFF THE ONE GENETICIST WHO’S TWISTED ENOUGH TO HELP YOU.”  
Drakken decides that he’ll charm Amy into doing his bidding. Shego just is like... she doesn’t say anything but she def has opinions. Drakken purrs.
Monique is trying to help Kim work up the courage to talk to Ron about the partners thing.
Ron butters Kim up by holding the door for her.
Barkin has assumed command of this class. Apparently the teacher of the class had a fungal experiment go horribly wrong. Barkin didn’t press for details.
Barkin is picking the teams. Which is fair. 
And yet, Bonnie is teamed with Brick. 
Monique is stuck with Ron! Ron is cool with this because “Monique maintains Kim-level gradeage”
Justine is building something that will create a small tear in the space time continuum. She’s in high school. 
And just before that Drakken was like “WATCH AND LEARN SHEGO.” Like, I think Shego is likely way better at picking up women (and men) than you are, Drakken. 
Drakken uses a fell from heaven, you’re an angel pick up line. IT WORKS.
And also Amy called Shego his girlfriend but Drakken denies this.
Justine is perfectly content on doing this whole project by herself, Kim literally only has to show up and smile on presentation day. This is not a bad deal. But Kim, HATES IT. KIM, IT’S AN EASY A. GET OVER IT.
Monique is already clashing with Ron. She tells him “I’m not Kim, I will not carry you” and Ron just... is like nah, I’m not helping. Ron, please don’t be a dick. 
Monique also calls him DUDEBOY. Urbandictionary has a top definition for dudebro that dates to end of 2006 and this ep came out in 2004. So proto-dudebro.
Ron doesn’t care but Monique does. Ugh.
“Flattery will get you everywhere!” “How about into your lab?” IS THAT WHAT YOU’RE CALLING IT?
Shego has to say that Drakken has game moments before he falls down the stairs.
This scene with James and his sons and them washing the car is so rando. Kim has the opportunity to complain about the fact that she doesn’t get to do anything on the project. She feels like Justine thinks she’s not smart. 
One of her brothers gets Kim wet. Kim’s hair is like wet and flat, nice job on that animators.
James suggests to Kim to use her connections to get a meetup with a scientist for Justine.
The twins attempt to get the soap on Kim but fail and James gets the soap on him. Whoops.
Amy is calling Drakken cutesy names and he wonders if that’s necessary. He puts up with it. But hates it.
Ron’s being an unbelievable asshole.
The way Shego says “Precious” is amazing. 
Meanie DNA.
Middleton Institute of Technology. I see what you did there.
She saved a satellite from orbit decay. Noice. Apparently a fraying tether line and a blown oxygen tank were involved. Holy shit. Also, isn’t this basically the plot of Gravity? (Good movie!)
Justine made breakthroughs in particle physics while she was in 8th grade.
Kim sees Drakken and co breaking into a room. 
Kim and Shego agree that the Drakken and Amy thing is very weird.
Excellent music during fight scene.
Drakken basically grabs Amy’s ass to give her a boost. 
Shego teases Drakken that he actually likes Amy. She’s having so much fun. I’m glad.
Monique and Kim are in a booth together and Ron’s in a different booth.
They do the water in glass reaction from Jurassic Park except with cheese.
Ron wonders if its an earthquake. He’s oddly calm about that. I mean, if it was me, I’d probably panic but I have never experienced one. They probably have. 
Yes Kim I agree. Hard to miss the giant dinosaur rampaging through Middleton. The dinosaur doesn’t look like a T-Rex at all. Looks more like Godzilla.
I’m pretty sure they used sounds from Jurassic Park or a Godzilla movie for the dinosaur sounds. It’s not like they can get the real thing considering they’ve been dead 66 million years.
The flying saucer thing that Drakken and co are riding crashes. Shego jumps out before crashing, Amy’s thrown from it when it crashes, and Drakken doesn’t leave the thing.
Distraction is needed. Ron’s on it. Monique makes a comment and he’s like not the time for sarcasm, “trust me, come on.” and grabs her wrist. Ron may not take school seriously but he takes world saving seriously.
Amy risks her life for Drakken and he’s now smitten.
I think Monique knows how to work with motors??? 
Justine’s project is the key.
The science is sound, Kim read all of Justine’s notes, but had to look up a lot of stuff. You could have asked Wade or your father??? But hey, independent study, Kim!
Monique looks very scared as she says “Come on, Kim.” But she’s looking up at a dino-thing’s maw.
Justine puts her hand on Kim’s just before they pull the lever on the project thingy.
The dino thing goes into the space time thingy.
Justine and Kim shake hands, Ron and Monique also shake hands.
Drakken wants to date Amy. But her heart belongs to another. Monkey Fist. Villain love triangle! 
Amy reveals here that she’s the one that did the radical genetic mutation on Monkey Fist’s hands and feet. 
Monique and Ron did baking soda volcano.
Barkin refuses to believe in Kim and Justine’s project. Dino is back. And Barkin’s like “POSSIBLE!” Like... you’re the one who didn’t believe her. Oh Barkin.
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Final Round of Voting
Hello and good evening to everyone in the Kimmunity.
Now that the first round of voting has come to a close, I am happy to tell you that we have approached the final round of voting. This is going to decide the winner of each of the 29 categories
Now, before the voting can commence, I need to go over a few house rules with y'all on this very important round of voting.
Rule #1) You can pick any category you desire, but you only get one choice per category. No more than that. Authors may vote on their own stories up to 5 categories.
Rule #2) You cannot split your votes.
Rule #3) You can submit your vote in either one of two approved methods
A) You can submit the form by PM to the Kimmunity Fannies fanfiction account (if you have an FFnet account) The link is here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2622561/KP-Fannie-Committee
B) You can submit the form by an email to the Kimmunity Fannies Yahoo email account. The email address is [email protected].
You cannot, however, do both. It will screw up the system.
Rule #4) You have to submit your vote by June 14th at 11:59 PM (Central US TIME). No votes will be accepted after this date.
Rule 5) You have to put your normal screen name (be it Tumblr, Twitter, DA, FFnet, the active KP forums, or Instagram) under your vote so that it'll tell me who has voted.
Rule #6) And this is the most important rule of all -- You CANNOT share your vote on any social media site (be it Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Facetime, Kik...etc.). The Final Vote Round of the KP Fannies has been private in the past and we, as members of the Council, want to retain it as such as part of our tradition in this fandom.
Rule #7) In the event that a tie emerges in a category, it will go into a runoff to determine a winner. And if still tied, the Sharper Eye test will come into play. (i.e. the story with the most faves and follows will win out in the end.)
With all the house rules in play, may the best author win.
EDIT 1: Had to put in the actual email address to submit votes. :P
Below is the nominees list: 
1) Best KP Style Name
Rebecca Starlet (Nacos and a Movie) - StW
Geneous - (Dynamic Reversal) - Emperor of Dreams
Otto Bahn & Lynn Accuarate (What's the Alma Mater) - MrDrP
BattleSkarr & S'ordcClash (All Things Probable) - Slyrr
2) Best Original Character
Anna Stoppable - This Is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Otto Bahn & Lynn Accurate (What's the Alma Mater) - MrDrP
Rebecca Starlet - (Nacos and a Movie) - STW
Emmie & Jennie Gold - Possibles Pure Love Road -kmtdiccion
Cappuchino - RJ & Martin - Emersonian
Rhino - I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
3) Best Minor Character
Monique - That's So Monique - NeoTyson
Tara - The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Bonnie, Monique, Camille, Tara, & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Bates - A Servants Loyalty- Daccu65
Connie & Lonnie Rockwaller - Fun with Con and Lon - Icarus the Foxkidd
Monique - Center Will Not Hold ... Or Will It - SimplyShelbs16
4) Best Villain
Bonnie, Camille & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Monkey Fist - (RJ & Martin) Emersonian
Dementor - Sophmore Slump - SimplyShelbs16
KP, Drakken and Shego - I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
Gemini - This Is Our Year: Postgraduation - F86Sabre53
DNAmy - Sheryl - GerbilHunter
5) Best Songfic
The 12 Days of a Possible Family Christmas - STW
KP Never Lets It Go to Her Heart - Ozzy-Zike Fan 10.57
6) Best AU Story
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
S Plus D Equals K - Neo the Saiyan Angel
The New Fearless Ferrett - Neotyson
KP: Gifted - LJ58
Two Tickets For Murder - eoraptor
A Journey Through Time - DisneyChannelLover
7) Best Crossover-Fusion
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion (fusion)
Sky Blue, Ocean Blue - purplegirl761 (Steven Universe)
Turbo a KPPR Story - brycewade1013 (Power Rangers)
A CO N*** Mole Rat in the Schnee Mansion - daccu65 (RWBY)
KP: A Tale of Promethus - LJ58 (KP/Frankenstein Fusion)
The Grim Adventures of Kim and Ron - shadowwriter329 (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
8) Best Alt-Other Canon Pairing
Bonnie & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Ron & Tara - Today My Life Begins - kmtdiccion
Bonnie & Shego - MrDrP - Picture This
Bonnie & Tim - MasterDuelistMichael - The Tweeb and the Queen B
Bonnie & Ron - Honey Pot - Mr Aanonymous
Ron & Shego - Your Loss is My Gain - Kixen
9) Best Kigo
Canadian Wedding - Von Uriken
I Forget - obscurebeing
Through the Timestream -RedWolfBlack
KP: A Blonde Moment - eoraptor
Acid Rain - VoltageStone
Morning Conversations - FeudorLaurent
10) Best Drakgo
Assorted Ficlets - purplegirl761
Expiration, Pudding and Plums - Imyoshi
S Plus D Equals K - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Unlike the Others - nobody3456
Evil Family - MaRci3o9
11) Best Kim/Ron
Last Dance- Whitem
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Lesson One - Eoraptor
Eternal - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Could It Be - Shasta627
12) Best Comedy
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Midsummer Nightmare - SimplyShelbs16
The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Ron at the Symphony - Mahler Avatar
Picture This - MrDrP
13) Best Romance
Last Dance- Whitem
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Turkey Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
This is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Could It Be - Shasta 627
When the Ball Drops - GerbilHunter
14) Best Friendship
It Came with the Lanyards - SimplyShelbs16
Check the Name - Magic Flying Spud
Assorted Ficlets - purplegirl761
The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Just Like Old Times - nobody3456
The Tweeb and the Queen B - MasterDuelistMichael
15) Best Action-Adventure
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Lesson One - eoraptor
I'm Scared too - Magic Flying Spud
MMP Twist: Exchange - Czech8
The New Fearless Ferrett - Neotyson
This is Our Year: College - F86Sabre53
16) Best Drama
Awkweird- SimplyShelbs16
Dead Man Switch - Sentinel103
KP: Gifted - LJ58
The Line - Icarus the Foxkidd
Standards - eoraptor
Eternal - Neo the Saiyan Angel
17) Most Unlikely-Unique
Coffee Shop Nights - Magic Flying Spud
Two Diverged Into One - DisneyChannelLover
Too Close for Comfort - James SunderlandsPillow
S D Equals K - Neo the saiyan Angel.
Groundhog Daze - Mahler Avatar
KP: Gifted - LJ58
18) Best One-Shot
Lesson One - eoraptor
Check the Name - Magic Flying Spud
Turkey Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Ron at the Symphony - Mahler Avatar
Could It Be - Shasta627
Christmas Surprises - F86Sabre53
19) Best Novel-Sized Story
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
RJ & Martin - Emersonian
KP: Gifted - LJ58
I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
20) Best Short Story
Awkweird - SimplyShelbs16
The Initiative and Other Interruptions - Jimmy1201
Motherhood - Taurusdoodles99
The Adventures of Anna Stoppable: Trip to Japan- F86Sabre53
The Tweeb and the Queen B - MasterDuelistMichael
Reunion: Memories & Resolution - Nathaniel E. Kenway
21) Best Series
Center Will Not Hold Series - SimplyShelbs16
Blonde Moment Series - Eoraptor
S Plus D Equakls K Series - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Where the Wind Blows Series - LJ58
This Is Our Year Series - F86Sabre53
I Let Her Lie Series - Nathaniel E. Kenway
22) Best M-Rated Story
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
My Kind of Hero - DismalOrc29177
An Average Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
My RonRon Time - NeoTyson
KP: Impossible Journey- LJ58
23) Best New Author
24) Best Single Line
Nacos and a Movie - (Chapter 26: The Fight: Round 2)
"Shego's battlesuit, meet Kim Possible! Kim Possible, meet Shego's Battlesuit!"
Drakken presented Team Possible with a nasty surprise (Shego's Battlesuit made exactly from the specs of Kim's Battlesuit) and said suit was presented dramatically (i.e. a thunderstorm).
Sky Blue Ocean Blue (purplegirl761) Single lines:
"Don't say that!" Drakken hollers. "You think there isn't a part of me that wants that more than I care to admit? You think there isn't a part of me that would still love to do exactly that? Well, there is! And every time I listen to that part of me, horrible things happen to me and the rest of the world! Ruin! Chaos! Tragedy! Mutant termites! Despair! Fast food restaurants warped beyond recognition! Screaming people! Brainwashed people! People tortured – forced to sit on ice cubes until their rears freeze!"
-from the latest chapter of Sky Blue, Ocean Blue
Last Dance - Whitem: "The two were now standing in the middle of the room, enveloped in silence, and Kim noticed that Ron was floating away from her.
"Please Ron… don't go!" A frail hand reached out to the man she had loved for her entire life. "I… I want to go with you."
Ron's slowly fading form smiled as he answered. "I'm sorry Kim, but you can't. It's not your time. You still have a few more good years left. I waited for you during my lifetime, and I can wait for you in eternity. I love you KP."
Lesson One - Eoraptor Best line: "KP, Ninja school? Sounds cool, but so totally not for me. I spent my first day tangled in, or out of, my own clothes; couldn't eat a meal for like a week, and almost wrecked the joint with a magical sumo stomp. And on top of all that? No fast food!"
"But then I realized — I'll never defeat you. You're smarter than me — than most people — and boy do you know how to win a fight. You see Kimberly Ann," Drakken lectured. "What started all of this was one little thought: If I can't take over the world, maybe she can." - I'm Scared Too
(Magic Flying Spud)
arandomshipper - KP The Princess Bride -
From behind her she heard the sound of many swords being drawn. She sighed. "You reeeeeaaaally don't wanna do this, boys."
"We have our orders."
"If you were ordered to jump off a cliff, would you do that, too? This isn't any different, when it comes down to it, except this way will be more painful."
Butterfly's Wings by Vyrkerion again
-- build up to line: [I could paraphrase a more succinct explanation, but eh it's just a nomination] His skin was pale, and somewhat translucent revealing embedded circuitry and mechanical bits hidden below the surface. Even still then the faintest hints of where freckles used to be dotted across his cheeks. His eyes were a soft brown punctuated with a brilliant glowing red emitting from the depths of his pupils. Most of his head was burnt and scarred, the remnants of the machines fusing with his body, but patches of dusty blonde hair could still be seen sticking out from his scalp.
Kim choked, "Oh… Oh god… no. NO." And with that, Kosch the Killer released his grip on Kim Possible's throat and sent the girl plummeting.As she fell, she could see Kosch mutter something and in her last moments of conscious barely lip-read the words:
-- the actual line I'm nominating:
Die. Kay. Pee.
Die KP.
25) CPNeb Kimmunity Award
SimplyShelby16, Magic Flying Spud, Jerridian, Tennente, Legionniare24601, and Neo the Saiyan Angel.
26) Kimmunity Achievement Award
Whitem, MrDrP, Neo the Saiyan Angel, Jimmy1201, Mahler Avatar, Molloy
27) Best Reviewer
Invader Johnny, MrDrP, Mindless Violence Fan, Jimmy1201, Neotyson, Uberscribber.
28) Best Story of 2018
Nacos and a Movie- STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
KP: Gifted - LJ58
This is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Step Up - Icarus the Foxkidd
Another Kind of Drama- Novashiro
Honey Pot - Mr. Aanonymous
29) Best Writer of 2018
STW, Kmtdiccion, Eoraptor, SimplyShelbs16, MagicFlyingSpud, Neo the Saiyan Angel, IcarustheFoxkidd, Jimmy1201.
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