#I love Hau ❤️❤️
yurokiku · 1 month
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alola ☀️
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4 Years HHAtranslated
It's 15 April 2024, which means HHAtranslated turns 4 years old today 🫶🏼🥹
When I thought of starting this account pre-covid, I never expected it would turn into this. During lockdown, I had so much time and the nostalgia and my love for Anubis helped me through so much over the years.
So many accounts on Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter talk about this universe and it makes me so happy!
As there are four series and this is the fourth anniversary, I'd like to express my gratitude for each show.
Het Huis Anubis:
* HHA raised me as a kid and helped me through my struggles as a teen and now in my twenties
* Seeing the cast IRL in December was a dream come true and I still can't believe it happened 🥹
* I can't wait to see the EMDV vodcast of Anjali and Iris! They're teasing the date of the first episode online atm. I can't wait to unravel new truths 🤩
The Five of the Magical Sword:
* Such an overhated and underrated show in Belgium and the Netherlands, that I was scared to sub it. I'm glad I did, because international fans took Sterre, Pim, Marcel, Raphael and Anastacia into their hearts and didn't let them go 🫶🏼
* I also learned to appreciate the show a lot more
* I hope they've a reunion too
House of Anubis:
* HHA and HOA fans often butt heads and it's not necessary at all!
* Both shows are absolutely amazing
* HOA took the key elements of HHA and made it their own and I adore what they did with it. Some characters might have a different arc, but it makes them their own person and I love discovering the differences
* I need to rewatch the masterpiece that's season 3!
Das Haus Anubis:
* For some reason, DHA makes me hella nostalgic while I only discovered it in 2019
* The same sets and scripts make for fun comparisons and while DHA is a lower budget show, it's so much fun
* I love to watch DHA episode/day wise and I've rewatched it like that already often
* The cast is so involved still and it makes me very happy!
The future of HHAtranslated:
* Once I find an editing programme again, I'd love to sub the S100 Singalong Anubis concert, BTS of HHA/The Five and the discography
* I'd love to sub Das Haus Anubis someday🫶🏼
My main project for 2024 is the 9 Het Huis Anubis novels, based on the TV series and the movies.
The books are in third person, but follow Nienke's pov, throughout her stay at Anubis House. Some scenes are way more graphic than in the series, like Nienke and Noa's kidnapping.
The romance is also more present and we get new scenes which make Nienke's decisions more logical, like how she ended up in Anubis house with the grail mid-season 2.
I'm starting of with book 1: The Secret Club of the Old Willow
I'll try to upload frequently. I've less time as I work fulltime and live with my boyfriend, compared to university and living at my parents' years ago. A new blogpost will be created on my website, with links to the chapters, published in a Google Drive doc.
English isn't my first language so there will be mistakes. However, I hope to do the books justice like I hope I did the show.
Teasers to the books and chapter 1 will be posted soon. Stay tuned ❤️
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luan2121 · 7 months
Text an Freund
Hey Schatz,❤️
Ich weiß das kommt jetzt ziemlich random aber danke.Danke das du immer für mich da bist.Danke das du mich liebst.Danke das du mir gezeigt hast was liebe ist.Danke das du mich wieder glücklich machst.Danke das du mich zu einem besseren menschen machst.Danke das du mich so liebst wie ich bin.Danke das du mich nicht wegen meinen Fehlern verlässt.Danke das du mir mein Selbstbewusstsein wieder gegeben hast.Ich könnte jetzt noch mehr schreiben weil ich dir für so vieles dankbar bin und so froh bin dich zu haben denn für mich bist du einfach perfekt❤️🥺.Alles an dir ist perfekt und alles an dir liebe ich.Ich liebe deine Art wie du mit mir umgehst.Ich liebe deine augen.Ich liebe dein Lachen.Ich liebe deinen carackter.ich liebe deine Haare.Ich liebe deine Umarmungen.Ich liebe deine küsse.Ich liebe dein aussehen.Ich liebe deinen humor.Ich liebe die art wie du mich immer wieder zum lachen bringst.Ich liebe es wie du meinen tag immer zu einem tollen tag machst egal was ist.Ich liebe deine stimme.Ich liebe einfach alles an dir denn für mich bist du perfekt.Mein perfekter junge.Mein perfekter Mann.Mein perfekter Freund.Mein ein und alles.Mein schatz.Mein babe.Mein Prinz❤️👑.Ich Weiß garnicht wie ich dich verdient habe und wie ich so viel Glück haben konnte dich zu treffen.Ich denke einfach es ist Schicksal.Ich glaube Gott hat uns zusammengeführt damit wir beide unser Glück finden.Ich hoffe einfach irgendwann unseren Kindern unsere Geschichte erzählen zu können und ihnen sagen zu können das meine erste große Liebe der Mann ist den sie Papa nennen.In deinen Armen bin ich immer so glücklich und fühle mich aufgehoben.Jedes mal wen ich dich sehe schlägt mein Herz schneller.Ohne dich wäre ich jetzt niemand mehr.Du bist die Person die mir die Kraft gibt jeden Tag aufzustehen.Mein Traum ist mein ganzes Leben an deiner Seite zu stehen und irgendewan in der Zukunft deinen Nachnamen zu tragen.Ich möchte später nicht nur eine Hochzeit sondern eine Ehe für immer. Nicht nur ein Baby sondern eine glückliche Familie. Nicht nur ein Haus sondern ein Zuhause mit dir. Und ich will nicht nur ein Versprechen sondern eine Zukunft mit dir.Nur mit dir .Du bist der Mann den ich mein ganzes Leben noch haben möchte na klar gibt es mal Streitigkeiten aber du musst nie an meiner Liebe zu dir zweifeln. Denn die ist unzerbrechlich.Ich will niemanden außer dich.Ich rede dauerhaft von dir und wie happy ich mit dir bin das es mich wundert das meine freunde mich noch nicht hassen weil ich so oft über dich rede.ich denke so oft an unseren ersten Kuss,an unser erstes Treffen,an den Moment andem wir zusammen gekommen sind oder auch an den Tag wo wir das erstmal händchen gehalten haben denn das waren die besten Momente meines Lebens.Obwohl wenn ich darüber nachdenken ist jeder Moment wo du dabei bist perfekt.zu erklären wie krass ich dich liebe ist genauso wie einem blinden zu erklären was Farben sind.Also unmöglich.Und ich weiß wir sind noch nicht so lange zusammen aber die zeit die wir es sind reicht und das alles sagen zu können.Ich hoffe einfach das das für immer hält.
I love you ,Обичам те,Unë të dua, Je t'aime, Ti amo, Я люблю тебя, Te amo oder auch Ich liebe dich.Egal in welcher Sprache ich es dir schreibe oder sage du bedeutest mir mein Leben,du bist ein großer Teil davon.
Ich liebe dich schatz❤️und sry wegen dem langen Text.
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omgauplease · 1 year
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Swim on over! It's time to dive into the awesome works our AU, Please! Day 4 creators have bubbled up for you!
Call Incoming... - Rated M - 22,437 words
Featuring: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Summary: When Bitty gets traded to the Falconers, Jack doesn't know if he should be furious, or excited that he's getting a second chance.
Bittle has just had his whole life uprooted, taken from the team that he started his career with and put on a team with his… they aren’t exes, but they came close to it; ex almosts, ex best friends at the very least. Not a turn of events Jack would be very happy about if he was in Bittle’s shoes.
things got weird (when we made out) - Rated T - 9,672 words
Featuring: Derek "Nursey" Nurse/William "Dex" Poindexter
Summary: Nursey is being stupid about this. He knows he’s being stupid.
Even Doubt Can Be Delicious - Rated G - 2,583 words
Featuring: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Summary: Jack and Bitty never got together AU. It's many years later and Bitty has a famous show on The Food Network. Jack is a special guest with a story to tell.
hold me like you'll never let me go - Rated T - 1,637 words
Featuring: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann, Adam "Holster" Birkholtz & Eric "Bitty" Bittle
Summary: Sometimes a neon orange puffer coat is not helpful.
The Sunset Haus - Rated G - 1,568 words
Featuring: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Summary: Retirement Home AU.
I took the prompt in a slightly different direction. Hope you don't mind.
Welcome Aboard the Samwell - Rated G - 361 words (Ficlet & Art)
Featuring: Eric "Bitty" Bittle & Larissa "Lardo" Duan, Shitty Knight & Jack Zimmermann
Summary: Larissa "Lardo" Duan was the greatest pirate captain of the seven seas. After defeating a Royal Naval ship in a battle at sea, she and her First Mate Bittle took two naval officers captive aboard the great ship Samwell.
A reminder to all creators whose works are revealed today to please update your publication date to today so that your works are shown at the top of the feed on AO3.
Please also remember to show love through kudos and comments to our creators when you enjoy their work! ❤️
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furryravers · 26 days
your tags are sweet btw. if you recognize an artist/where they are today, don't be scared to send me an ask of where their modern artworks are, or fun little details about the old oekaki/dA/LJ/etc days! even if the artists don't draw rave furries anymore, it's still cool to know. im in my 20s so i definitely wasnt around for that ROFL, I grew up with (sadly post-parody) sparkledog and fandoming of 2013 tumblr and dA. im just a big ravefur and glamfur fan & love digging for old art. id love to be clued in on some authentic detail of the early aughts (as long as its not eh.."tmi", yakno). you can also just generally ask me things to keep the nice vibe going on this account ;D ✌️ ❤️ ☯️ 🤝 they'll be tagged "ama" but it doesn't need to be an ask it can be a submission or comment too.
starc still uploads art on dA (and likely other places) FKA 'Roux' or tenderfern on twitter has cute amazing art too, i believe tomoko-nyo is tangerine-haus on here, and so forth. I'd like to see how glamfur or ravefur artists are doing today. hopefully alright!
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loveyouhomex · 6 months
Rules: go through your last 5 fics and share the first and last line. No context.
@schnaf tagged me - dankeschön ✨
First: Bea had told him before that Henry sometimes gets into these moods, where he vanishes into his mind for hours or days, not talking, barely eating, hardly existing.
Last: “Thank god, I thought I was gonna be homeless,” Alex breathes out dramatically, followed by a squeak he’s too late to conceal, when Henry pokes him in the ribs.
Lights out and away we go
First: The sun is hidden behind an ever gray sky when Bojan drives up the last few meters to the parking lot in front of the factory in Brackley.
Last: Yeah, maybe trying could actually be good.
It kills me just the same
First: Es ist spät, als Adam den Wagen über den Kies manövriert und vorm Haus zum Stehen bringt.
Last: Sein Leben, in dem es Leo gibt und in dem Leo ihn küsst und hält und “Gute Nacht, Tiger” ins Ohr flüstert.
Let me start a riot
First: The sound of heavy raindrops should be drowned out completely by the noise coming from the garages and the crowd, yet somehow Sebastian can still hear it perfectly well from where he’s sitting.
Last: "Ugh, fuck."
We call it football here, sweetheart (current WIP)
First: Alex has never been good at statistics, he’s got Nora for that after all, but when he steps out of his apartment into the fifth rainy day in a row he’s fairly certain that all those numbers about British summer are true.
Last (so far): There might or mightn’t have been comments from Nora and June but Alex simply let them wash over him without getting into that conversation.
I loved this! I unfortunately have no idea who of my mutuals is still writing, so if you are please feel tagged ❤️
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wrathofthestag · 8 months
fic stats game!
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
Thanks to @alphacrone for the tag. ❤️ Alphacrone tagged @injustspring but I write through my @wrathofthestag blog. :)
most hits Weekender. Summary: Jack hates conventions -- the crowds, the noise, the forced socialization, but it's a work thing that must be done. Enter Samwell Hockey Player, Eric Bittle, who attends the convention with a group of friends. Suddenly things begin to look up. Jack and Bitty meet at Falcs Fest. Flirting, shenanigans, and love ensue.
second most kudos Gauge Your Interest. Summary: Will secretly learns to knit so he can make Hannibal a scarf. Somehow doofy Hanners thinks Will is having an affair. Domestic fluff ensues.
third most bookmarks All the Best Parts. Summary: Habs star, Jack Zimmermann, meets new Montréaler, Eric Bittle, under unusual circumstances. The two quickly become friends as Jack shows Eric all the best parts of Montréal. Will there be more than friendship in their future?
fourth most comments The Boy Next Door. Summary: It’s Bitty’s sophomore year and he finally gets a boyfriend. Rodrigo is the quintessential boy next door: smart, kind, sweet, popular, a talented goalie. Everyone in the Haus adores him, everyone except Jack. Jack can’t stand him, and he’s not even sure why.
fifth most words Friend Request. Summary: When Eric Bittle was 18, he made out with 20-year-old hockey player, Jack Zimmermann, at an Olympic after-party. 25 years later, an unexpected friend request from Jack throws Eric for a loop. What’s a guy to do?
least amount of words Only Then. Summary: A little S & M Hannigram poem.
Inviting @weneedtotalkaboutfic. @doggernaut. @parvuls @porcupine-girl and @emungere to play if they'd like to.
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professional-termite · 6 months
Termite,Termite, gütig und weise,
Sag mir, was knuspert da leise?
Es sind Holzchips, in Zucker getaucht,
Sag mir nicht, Du hättst' sie nicht gebraucht!
Du magst Käse auch sehr gern,
Aus allen Teilen der Erde, von nah und fern!
Du knabberst und isst
Krabbelst und frisst,
Baust fleißig an Deinem Haus,
Sag mir, wie sieht's aus?
Du machst, was Termiten eben so machen
Keine halben Sachen
Bringst mich immer zum Lachen
Du gibst stets weisen Rat
Und egal, was ich auch tat
Du bist für mich da
Wie wunderbar!
Termite, Termite, nett und lieb,
Ich hab Dich lieb!
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a-tale-of-legends · 11 months
MERMAID TAIL SWIMMER HAU 😭❤️ he's gonna have so much fun showing off his swimming skills (i imagine he'd struggle a lot at first swimming with his legs bound together but he's determined to perfect it!)
he'd probably try to drag selene and elio to join him. maybe even gladion lmao. now i can't unsee gladion in a mermaid tail and an annoyed frown 😂
Oh yeah definitely. Poor Gladion got dragged into this mermaid mess hgvhvgvgvcg. I think between Hau's puppy eyes that he literally cannot say no too, and his sister not so subtle prodding, he wears the mermaid tail like the rest of them. He doesn't think it's that bad, but like hell he's going to admit that lmao.
Also I love the idea of Selene and Elio having sun and moon inspired tails. It just fits and I can see them being super pretty :3
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twinnedpeaks · 2 years
ohhh I would love a book rec so I want to read more psychological thrillers or kind of freaky ish books like sharp objects, have u read any good ones ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😚
oh YES thats my stuff baby!!!!
a certain hunger by chelsea g summers, godshot by chelsea bieker, bath haus by pj vernon, tender is the flesh by agustina bazterrica, manhunt by gretchen felker-martin, chouette by claire oshetsky, out by natsuo kirino (REALLY recommend this one), millennium trilogy by stieg larsson, mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garcia, the incendiaries by r o kwon, earthlings by sayaka murata
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cottagepodfics · 1 year
AO3 Wrapped 2022
Thank you for the tag, @daysarestranger! And thanks for editing this for podfics. 😁
Works Published: 21 (14 solo podfics and 7 multivoices, plus 1 WIP)
Word Count Run-Time: 23 hours 57 minutes (so you could listen to *me* for nearly a full day! 😝)
Hits: 7,991 (but some podfics are attached to fics)
Bookmarks: 97
Most popular by kudos: Peaceful Bliss
(*ignoring those that are also fic: STILL PEACEFUL BLISS, which is wild. Hi, Stranger Things. You are my first big fandom and I'm still in awe of/intimidated by you.)
Most hits: Peaceful Bliss again!
(*ignoring those that are also fic in second place: Shall I Stay?)
Longest: also Shall I Stay? at 12 hours 13 minutes
Shortest: i will share this room with you at 6 minutes 20 seconds
Most comments: The Mechanics of Poetry again! It has a lot of chapters, and there were also a few lovely listeners who commented many times. It always made me smile!! ❤️
Podfic that made me cry: I don't have anything tearjerking for this year, but if you're looking for something truly devastating, there's always last year's To Come Out the Other Side (aka Schitt's Creek MCD)...
Podfic that made me smile: Wellies Always Kiss and Tell ! @thirdeye1234 wrote this fantastic fic, and some friends and I got together to surprise her with a podfic. It was so much fun to collaborate on, and it's the first multi-voice I edited.
Gifts: Wisdom Teeth for Amanita_Fierce, as a just-because gift. Reading Nursey high from the dentist and Dex as his suffering caretaker was very fun.
Events: Please (Don't) Have Snow, a cute little PB&J fic, for Deck the Haus.
Here's to even more podfics in 2023! First on the agenda is finishing my WIP, and then I have an idea for a series... 👀
No-pressure tags: @sunlightsymphony, @thirdeye1234, @n0connections, @b13-maybethistime, @hullomoon, and anyone reading this who wants to participate! Consider yourself tagged!
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Not Evan related but you said you worked with like cosmetics and stuff? Do you know any good anti aging skin care, makeup (I think Hauslabs (Lady Gaga’s brand might be one) but I wanted a second opinion.
i’m just big into skincare and cosmetics but i’m not a professional or worked in the field :)
i’ve never used haus labs and i’ve heard mixed reviews. i think it depends more on what you’re trying to combat. for aging/fine lines, retinol is great to add into your skincare routine. at first you may get dried out, but you have to stick with it. adding in a hyaluronic acid serum also helped me tons. cerave, the ordinary and paula’s choice are both brands that i use without problems. dr. jart face masks are my favorite.
for makeup, i am less fussy. i have so much makeup, too much makeup lol i’m not brand loyal, but IT cosmetics is a brand i like and has worked well for me. for face, i actually ditched foundation the last three years after revamping my skin routine during quarantine. i worked hard to improve my skin because i like the natural dewy look. one product i absolutely swear by is the urban decay stay naked concealer. best concealer ever imo. i’m using the first aid beauty ultra repair primer with hyaluronic acid and i love it for a clean base.
i hope that helps and if you have questions let me know ❤️
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omgauplease · 1 year
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BAM!!! BANG!!! KAPOW!!! Here to save the day in AU, Please! City armed with the fabulous works by our Day 3 creators!
A little bit of a misunderstanding - Rated G - 10,050 words
Featuring: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann, Eric "Bitty" Bittle & Alexei "Tater" Mashkov
Summary: Bitty met his best friend Tater at Samwell. Now he has a crush on his friend's teammate, a certain blue-eyed Canadian.
Haus of Leaves - Rated T - 9,486 words
Featuring: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Summary: Jack and Shitty discover the new hockey Haus is larger on the inside than it is on the outside. Things just get weirder from there.
your ivy grows - Rated M - 8,613 words
Featuring: Kent "Parse" Parson/Jeff "Swoops" Troy
Summary: Flowers are something that Jeff has always loved, he just hadn't quite realized the ramifications of that until now.
There Have Been Five Kisses - Rated T - 3,327 words
Featuring: Derek "Nursey" Nurse/William "Dex" Poindexter
Summary: The first time they kissed was a fluke.
for whom the bell tolls - Rated G - 2,814 words
Featuring: Derek "Nursey" Nurse/William "Dex" Poindexter
Summary: Remembering the “Fuck Sonnets” he wrote on his desk, Dex surreptitiously checks to see if it’s still there or if it’s been erased.
It hasn’t, and in fact, there’s something written directly under it. Just two words:
the high school desk-writing squint-and-you-miss-it identity porn AU ficlet nobody asked for. :)
[podfic] Just Spit It Out - Rated G
Featuring: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann, Shitty Knight & Jack Zimmermann
Summary: Jack can't believe he just heard the words on his soulmark from the mouth of the gorgeous new waiter at the diner he frequents. But now the pressure is on - what if he says the wrong thing back? Can you screw up meeting your soulmate?
Podfic of Just Spit It Out by PorcupineGirl.
A reminder to all creators whose works are revealed today to please update your publication date to today so that your works are shown at the top of the feed on AO3.
Please also remember to show love through kudos and comments to our creators when you enjoy their work! ❤️
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Finished season 2 on my Das Haus Anubis rewatch. I love that season so much❤️ On to the movie next!
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envycyah · 1 year
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Plz purchase tickets to these amazing events and attend this month to celebrate my bday with me the ticket link is in my bio on link tree first show with my love @ellisd_1 is free to attend 2nd show plz get your tickets for GLOW hosted by the haus of Diamonds and ms @valshapero on my actual birthday also pull up to @ucdavislambda Drag brunch hosted by yours truly if u missed the Halloween event this is one you don’t wanna miss we ready to turn up tickets also in bio I hope to see you all out at these events to turn up with us 💯❤️ (at Sacramento, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpY8HhBrF76/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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villanevehaus · 1 year
I was just wondering like when vill and eve finally consumate whatever the hell they have on TME is vill gonna taste/go down on eve at some point when she's on her period...........? I mean assuming that eve hasn't been through menopause yet. Have u ever thought abt that or is it just me?? Ps I have a lot of questions abt yesterday's ch but I wanted to go w/ this one first
This is anonwho from ao3 btw (omg das an anon exposing they're an anon
Miss you sm haus 🥺❤️
omg hey anonwho, so nice to see you here! i wasn't having thoughts about it/planning on it but i wouldn't rule it out? tbqh i would need to look more into menopause stuff lmao. also obsessed with your phrasing "whatever they have" bc that's certainly how i'd put it.
feel free to ask questions, i love questions!
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