#I love disneyfanatic1993
fifi3001 · 5 months
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hehehe. I need hobbies. I know, drawing is my hobby, but pleeeease, everyone say that I’m weird. Oh fuck you, Mrs. Idontsayhername (my french teacher, I’m not going to say her name) I'll just paint more Zesmilla pictures.
Mrs. Idontsayhername hate me, ok. She hate me!!!! Ok yeah maybe my French is really bad and I don’t talk with her, but common, she can’t hate me for that!!! so Mrs. idontsayhername I can speak French very well:
Bonjour, je m'appelle Fifi3001, j'adoooooooore hazbin hotel. Mes hobbies sont la peinture, écouter de la musique, jouer de la clarinette et être jeune pompier. Ma chanson préférée est out for love de hazbin hotel. Mon artiste préférée est @disneyfanatic1993. Ma matière préférée à l'école est la musique. (Hi, I'm Fifi3001, I loooooooove hazbin hotel. My hobbies are painting, listening to music, playing the clarinet and the youth fire department. My favorite song is out for love from hazbin hotel. My favorite artist is @disneyfanatic1993. My favorite subject at school is music.)
I didn't actually want to write that much. Bye 😘
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annajustdraws · 10 months
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Week 4: Best songs @disneyfanatic1993
Really love "What Else Can I do" :D
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disney-fan-nr1 · 10 months
Week 4: Best song
It's not classic Disney, but still Disney. I just can't not talk about this song. all the songs on TTS are unbelievably good, but "nothing left to lose",... This is a work of art! This is a masterpiece!
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Old drawing, but I still like it.
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adventuretolkienlover · 9 months
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I SURVIVED!!! My first full year on Tumblr! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Lol! I still can't believe it. Thank you for all the love and support this year! And especially thank you to my good friends @th3p0rtalmaker @cassandrium360 @disneyfanatic1993 @soreiya and @twotangledsisters for being with me every step of the way! I love y'all!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I wish you all a good new year and may all your wildest dreams come true!
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camcamistars · 11 months
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I forgot to post this OOPS SHHSHAHAHHSHAHA
An animated version of the mermaid Cassarian art by @disneyfanatic1993
Link to original post:
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annajustdraws · 10 months
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Week 5 @disneyfanatic1993 I really love Scar but I can't draw a lion to save my life :(
So here's Bill.
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annajustdraws · 11 months
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Doing @disneyfanatic1993's Disney 100 month:D
Week one: Favorite Movie!
I personaly really like Frozen, It's not perfect but my mom and I really love to watch it on christmas! :) ♡
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adventuretolkienlover · 8 months
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!💖💖💖❤️💖❤️❤️💖💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖
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Especially to my pals! @th3p0rtalmaker @twotangledsisters @nalidreams @soreiya @cassandrium360 and @disneyfanatic1993!
I hope y'all have a great Valentine's Day! I love you guys!❤️💖
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disney-fan-nr1 · 10 months
Week 3: Magic Moments
Oh yeah, my favorite Disney magic moment is definitely the scene when Moana meets her grandmother again. And this song>>>❤️
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By the way, I love your fanfics and your art, of course.
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adventuretolkienlover · 8 months
Hello Everyone.
Okay, so this gonna sound bad, but I'm going to have to say Goodbye for a while.
Not forever! But for a while. I have school now and between running side blogs that leave me with 99+ notifications and life being hectic lately, it's just not working.
However, I will still be answering direct messages/asks/comments and such. And occasionally replying to my mutuals posts. And as for my fanfics... Well, they will be finished because I don't leave things behind like that. But I think for now, they're going to be out on the back burner. I have to much going on right now with other projects and life in general.
I feel heartbroken about making this announcement. Like, absolutely awful. And scared, actually. I have so much guilt from not being able to update this blog regularly. I feel like maybe if I can lift that weight, I'll be able to start moving forward again.
But I want to let you all know a care about you all very much and thank you for getting me this far. It's been incredible. I want especially to thank my friends @th3p0rtalmaker @twotangledsisters @cassandrium360 @disneyfanatic1993 @nalidreams @soreiya and @tardisesandtitans for all the love and support you've all given me. I really hope none of you are mad at me for this. It's be so much fun. I hope to get back into swing real soon.
See you guys around.❤️❤️❤️
-- JP
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For the TTS Ask Game!
🥳 How do you like celebrating your birthday?
💇 What's the shortest your hair has ever been, and do you regret it?
👑 What's one responsibility that you wish you didn't have?
🐴 How did you meet your best friend?
🦉 What's the dumbest name you ever gave a pet (or non-sentient object if pets weren't your thing?)
🌕 What empowers you?
🌌 What's your dream?
🌨 Who are you trying to make proud of you?
🏕 What's the worst gift you've ever given someone?
🎨 What's your favorite art medium to use?
🎶 Favorite song to sing when you're alone?
🍳 What's one thing you've got to get for yourself?
🍎 What would you give up everything you're doing to get?
🍃 Do you like having the wind in your hair?
Thanks girl! Okay, let's see!
🥳: For my birthday, or any occasion really, I love going to the Natural History Museum! I'm a huge history and science freak. Someday I plan on working in a museum!
💇: The shortest my hair has ever been? That's good question. Because the thing is I never cut my hair. Why? Well, I always treasured having really long untamable hair. I viewed at a symbol of my personal freedom. So my hair has always been pretty long. Although lately, I guess you could say the shortest it's been is a bit past shoulder length. That the length it's seemed to have settled on since I've gotten older. Which is still pretty long actually. But yeah! It actually used to be longer which is crazy! Okay, I'm rambling. Moving on.🤣
👑: This is Also a tough one. Because well, I do struggle with a lot of my responsibilities cus of my ADHD. But I don't know if I'd want to be rid of them either because they're important to myself and to others. So I don't know if I can really answer that.
🐴: Over the Internet! I actually have three. 💕You💕, my friend @cassandrium360, and @disneyfanatic1993! I love you all!
🦉: Dumbest name? Well, I don't know if you could call it dumb, but me and my Mom named my cat Mouth.🤣 Because whenever it's feeding time or he's just talkative, he'll do these very long stretched out meows and opens his mouth real wide. Haha!
🌕: What empowers me? Well, knowing I have the Lord on my side is one thing for sure. I've had several experiences that I can call back on when I feel weak. And that definitely makes me feeling better.
🌌: My dream? Hollywood baby! But I'm not in it for money and fame. I guess that sounds cliche. But I want to help people. I want to write songs that will excite. Weave stories that will bring love and comfort. Creat art and animation that will inspire! I want to bring joy to people! Give them something that will lift the heavy burdens of life and wisk them away to somewhere of fantasy and happiness. And the money I earn? I'll put it to good use! Fix the world's problems! Help everyone can! Use in a way that would make Jesus and God proud. I guess I got a little dramatic. Lol!😅 But it's true! It's something I'm very passionate about. :)
🌨️: I don't know really. Honestly, none of the stuff I do is to earn any sort of praise. I simply want to do it because I feel it's my calling and I want to do good! But I suppose, I would like to make my family proud of me. I never really crossed my mind I guess.
🏕️: I haven't gotten any complaints from the gifts I've given before. Actually, I've been told I do really good when it comes to gifting. So, I'm not sure if I can answer that.
🎨: Favorite medium? And pencil and paper! That's all! And maybe, my Adobe Sketchbook App. But I think the good old pencil and paper rivals that.
🎶: Oh gosh. I don't even sing. Lol! I'm so embarrassed by my voice that I can't even sing to myself without cringing.🤣
🍳: The Full animation class by Aaron Blaise! One of my favorite Disney Animator Veterans! And if not that, a 3D printer. Cus those are awesome!
🍎: Woah. I honestly don't know. I've never felt that strongly interested in something before. Is that bad?😅
Well, there you go! Thanks for the ask bestie! That was fun!
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(An Alchemy Bros Fic)
Introduction: First off, I'd like to tag a couple of the Alchemy Bros fans that inspired my to write this. @whitecatindisguise and @brushes-of-sage! Your fics with this concept are masterpieces to me and you're both awesome! You don't have to read this fic, but I'd just like to say thanks for the inspiration. The amount of emotion you put into your own fics brought me to tears and inspired me greatly. My fic is a bit goofy compared to those, but soon I hope to write more deep emotional pieces like you have. That would be amazing. And I'd also like to tag a couple of friends in here too! @disneyfanatic1993 @blueberrycrystalowo and @sbartdump! You don't have to check it out of you don't want to, but it's here if you do. And last but not least, the fic is based on an art piece by one of my favorite artists Cinn-a-mum! I love her art! I keep saying that, but I really do. It's this piece here! And the title is courtesy of my brother. Who is great with titles! So, without further ado, the fic! By me!
Summary: During his first farming lesson, Hugo finds himself in a scary situation with one of Old Corona's grumpiest chickens!
Trigger Warnings: NONE! This is a silly fluffy fun fanfic. Nothing even remotely scary! Unless you count grumpy chickens as scary, like Hugo.🤣
Hugo was a city slicker. No two ways about it. He didn't know the first thing about farm work. But unfortunately for him, he'd just been adopted into a farmer's family. With a huge farm. With lots of farm work to be done. And lots of chickens. Chicken as far as the eye could see. Just wandering around in a great big pen. Hugo had never seen so many chickens. At least not alive. And today was the day he was going to be feeding said chickens. He'd have to walk across the pen, pour feed into the feeder, and walk back. No big deal, right?
He hoped so anyway as him and his brother Varian walked toward the chicken coops. Hugo could hears the hens flapping and screeching like banshees. He looked out over the madness. He felt a twinge of fear. "Var?" he asked. "Yeah?" said Varian. "Can a chicken kill you?" asked Hugo. Varian looked at him quizzically. He wasn't going to lie. He was slightly amused by the question. "No? I mean a whole flock maybe. But one chicken? Nah." Varian plopped down a bag of feed on the ground and turned to Hugo. "Okay, a few things to know about chickens. They're mean. Cows are fine, sheep are nice, but chickens can be the jerks of the barn yard. And their talons and breaks are SHARP. So try not to aggravate them. When feeding them, do the job quickly and with skill. If that bag breaks and your standing to middle of it, well... You're in trouble. So just make sure you get across and back again and you'll do fine" Hugo wasn't sure if Varian's advice made him feel better or worse. He picked up the bag and walked up to the gate. He looked over his shoulder at Varian. Varian grinned and gave him a thumbs up. Hugo gave him a forced smile and then opened the gate. The mere movement of the gate opening sent a few hens fluttering into the air. Hugo flinched but kept going. He started across the pen, trying to ignore the pecking and flapping all around him. He tried to look calm but internally, he was screaming. "Just keep your eyes on the target. You're not afraid of any chickens! For goodness sake you eat them all the time. Just think of them as your prey." A rooster let out a loud squawk! Hugo jumped slightly and began to wonder if it was the other way around. He could have sworn he saw killers instinct in those beady little eyes of theirs. Finally he made it to the feeder. He tore the seam on the bag and poured in the feed. Suddenly the chicken came running at him! Hugo skittered out of the way as the chickens flocked to their breakfast. Hugo gave a sigh of relief, as now they were too wrapped up in eating to notice him. And now the pen was mostly clear to walk through, so no more flapping and pecking his legs. Mission accomplished! He was just about to walk back to the gate when he heard a loud "BUK BUKAW!" at his feet! He let out a yelp and looked down at his feet in shock. There was red feathered hen staring right at his face. It looked like it was staring into his soul. Hugo tried to walk around her, but she matched every move. Hugo began to panic. "What now?!" he thought. He decide to try acting more confident. Maybe she could smell fear. He stood tall and kept his voice unwavering and stern. "I don't fear you bird!" he proclaimed. The hen stared at him, unmoving. Hugo felt a hint of pride. He'd done it! He'd conquered his fear. He took a step. "BUKAW!" "AHH!!!" he screamed as the hen fluttered toward him! Hugo ran around her and made a dash for the gate. "I FEAR YOU! I FEAR YOU!" Suddenly he heard the sound of pattering feet. The hen was CHASING HIM! He ran out the gate and shut it! But the hen flew over and clawed at him in mid air. Luckily Hugo was too quick for her and he ran away letting out a scream that was much too feminine sounding for a boy his age!
Varian, who was turning the soil in a pumpkin field, heard to the chaos and looked over his shoulder. He was just in time to see a terrified screaming Hugo being chased into town by a very mad and loud chicken! "Hugo!" Varian shouted! He dropped his graden hoe and ran after him! Meanwhile, Hugo was dodging pedestrians and carts as he ran through Old Corona's streets! "What did I do to deserve this fate?!" he thought! "Okay, so maybe I have done some shady stuff BUT I SAID I WAS SORRY!" Hugo realized that the chicken was gaining on him! He vaulted over a pile of apple crates and pushed through a group of customers. The chicken fluttered over the crates and into a man's face! She knocked him off his feet before continuing to chase Hugo! He ran past Quirin talking with some of the other farmers! "HEEEELP!" he shouted! Quirin looked at him in shock! "Hugo?!" said Quirin! Varian came running up to his father panting. "Hugo needs help!" he said breathlessly. "No kidding!" said one of the other farmers! "Come on Varian!" said Quirin and they rushed off to help the boy.
Hugo ran into town square and clambered up a tree! The chicken ran around the trunk squawking and flapping while trying to get to Hugo! Hugo was scared. No, more than scared! He was terrified! No, more than that! "What's a bigger word then terrified?!" he thought! "SQUAWK!" Hugo yelped again and clung to his tree branch with all his might. Some of the passerbys had stopped to watch the show and we're laughing hysterically! Hugo didn't see what was so funny. What's funny about being murdered by a chicken?! Just when he was trying to remember if chickens have a taste for human flesh, Varian and Quirin pushed through the crowd to come to his rescue. "Don't worry Hugo! We're coming!" called up Varian! "Don't worry?!" shouted Hugo! "I'm in a tree! With the Bird of Death below me!" Quirin grabbed the chicken and restrained her. "You can come down now Hugo. I've got her." he shouted. Hugo wasn't so sure. But he didn't want to stay in the tree, so he slowly made his way down. He could hear the town folk gossiping already. "We should have expected that from a city boy." one whispered. "How ironic. A chicken running from a chicken!" said a man. "Did you hear him screaming? He sounded like my sister that time she got a bug caught in her hair!" another laughed. The crowd began to disappear. Their laughter faded as well. Hugo sighed and sat down on the wall surrounding the tree. " I guess I messed up pretty bad. Huh?" "It's okay Hugo. It was your first time." Varian said gently. "Of course." agreed Quirin. Quirin handed the now calm hen to Varian and sat down next to Hugo. "Maybe you didn't do perfect, but you were brave enough to try. And that's what counts." said Quirin. Hugo looked up at him and flashed small smile. "Really?" he asked. "Definitely." answered Quirin. He put his arm around Hugo and continued. "Farming takes practice. I wasn't great when I first started. You must remember that I was once a knight. I hadn't done farming before either. I learned how to farm from the other farmers here. When I first tried feeding those chickens, I made the mistake of forgetting to shut the gate afterwards." Hugo's eye's widened. "You did?" he said. "Yes." chuckled Quirin. "The next time I went outside, the whole farm was covered in chickens! I took hours to catch them all." Hugo laughed. "Wow. That's crazy!" he said. "And I once got stuck in an apple tree after the ladder fell!" chimed in Varian. "I had to wait for hours until my dad realized that I was missing!" By now all of them were laughing and talking about their funniest farming fails. Hugo was feeling much better. When things finally quieted down, Quirin took the hen back from Varian and turned to Hugo. "Now that she's relaxed, would you like to try making friends with Abigail here?" he asked. "Abigail?" thought Hugo. "I guess that's a fitting name for a chicken." Hugo reached out his hand cautiously and stroked the hen's head with his index finger. The chicken clucked contently. Hugo felt his shoulders relax and he let out a deep breath. "She's not so bad now I guess." he said as he stroked her soft back feathers. "Yeah, she just needed to get used to you." said Varian. "Well, we'd best be getting back boys." said Quirin. They began walking back to the farm. Hugo looked at his father and brother and felt better than he had in years. Maybe this farm life would be better than he thought.
The End.
Notes: So, in this fic, I wanted to capture the seer terror of a man who has literally never touched a chicken before. I hope I succeeded! I have seen so many videos of people going to pet chickens and then getting a taste of unbridled chicken rath! LOL! I don't think chickens are scary in general. It just that there are some mean ones out there! And I thought that this would definitely be a scenario for poor Hugo. That boy is NOT a farmer. 🤣 I hope you all liked this fic! It's my first one so there may be some mistakes. But overall, I think it's pretty good. I'll hopefully be writing more stuff like this so stay tuned! God bless and bye for now!
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