#I love free so much
catlover-multifandom · 3 months
(in a free mood again here we gooooo)
Free canon moments I think about a lot
Rin writing “fuck” in the elementary school yard
mecha salmon roe
the mr steal yo mako face (you know the one.)
Steve the cat existing
Haru and nagisa working at wcdonald’s or whatever it’s called in the freeverse
romio mentioning florida
haru makoto asahi and kisumi having a hangout in asahi’s apartment (at least I think it was his, it was in a df episode)
makkou the dog
🎶 tabidachi no asa ni miageru sora ni 🎶
Haru and seijuro being friends
Haru’s mascot obsession (relatable im also obsessed with yuru kyara now)
Rei in the novelization
“Nagisa’s mermaid” video and then it got booed when they accidentally played baby videos of haru and makoto lol
Nagisa’s sister’s sketch friend that isn’t quite her boyfriend
Kaede coming back from the concept art grave in s3
the high of s3 in general because I remember counting down the days for it to come out and oh boyyyyyyy summer 2018 has such a special place in my heart. pure euphoria!!
Rin giving Sousuke a koala shirt
everyone pointing out that Rin has cleavage
“no chips at the pool” **SHOTS FIRED**
Makoto’s mixer nightmare
Rei getting drunk on chocolate
the fact that makoto haru Nagisa and rei would have sleepovers together and haru gets so happy to be with them and he fell asleep early HES SO CUTE
Haru and asahi getting worried thinking makoto would fall for mlm scams in Tokyo
Haru’s profile picture being Iwatobi chan
the squid festival drama cd track and Rei’s puns from s1 that everyone ignored
Haru and Albert’s friendship happening because they just like the same fish and they don’t need words to eat mackerel together
Rin crying over the rat movie
shizuru’s existence in general. he’s so funny and silly and he looks like makoharu had a child
the mackerel body pillow that makoto gave haru for his birthday
continuing off the last one: the team thinking haru turned into a mackerel and nagisa telling makoto he has to kiss him to make him back to normal 💀
the scene in s1e1 where Nagisa kicks the can to scare makoto
Rei being uptight and serious and very professional man™ and then gradually loosening up and being less guarded and being his genuine silly smart self and having fun and you can see how much love he has for everyone as the show goes on… and the love and genuine affection he has for his friends keeps increasing even when you thought his heart was already the biggest it could get. it gets so much bigger. and the fact that he learned to swim and got to nationals for an individual event in 3 years. Rei I love you no one could ever make me dislike you you’re a beautiful butterfly
the general babygirlification of rin matsuoka as the series progresses
free mastering the “character that is a jerk at first but the second they’re forgiven/not a jerk you absolutely love them to pieces” archetype (rin, sousuke, hiyori!)
haru being an old man when it comes to technology: “sorry I haven’t looked at my phone in 2 weeks”
perfect body
haru almost dying like 10 times throughout the series
haru giving makoto his gold medal in that one artwork AAAAAAGGGHHHHWJFJEDJEKS
more of a fandom thing, but the whole makoto train scare back when fs1 came out
in df when ryuji is trying to teach haru and makoto translates it to haruspeak, they show you makoto smiling when haru turns around and half his face is cut off from the screen because he’s shorter than makoto lololol
Haru trying to escape the premises the second he sees kisumi
the scene of haru driving in Tokyo and makoto freaks out the entire time… guys I think they somehow got actual footage of me driving when my mom is in the passenger seat
the reigisa montage before their races at nationals in df. MY HEART
the entire show honestly… if there’s one thing you got from this post, it’s that I will never be free of free (I’m perfectly happy to keep it that way)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Dog Meshi.
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theirondragonrants · 2 months
I love you all, but you have the wrong parallel. We love Rhaenyra asking Alicent to fly across the narrow sea and eat only cake, but it's Rhaenyra and this Alicent that mirror each other. It's the smiles, and that halting breath.
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beybuniki · 2 months
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Pro Hero!Bakugo trying to socialize with IT!Deku but it somehow doesn't go as planned because ofc it wouldn't fuck his baka lifeeee (for @habken 's scammers to lovers au! )
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tangeringe · 3 months
kabru gave me so much trouble on this dawg I NEED HIM GONE
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la-pheacienne · 6 months
I'm reading the lord of the rings and I'm once again amazed at how... good most characters are. Like, they are genuinely good people. They are a bunch of kindhearted, gracious, caring people, coming together under adverse circumstances and trying to figure things out and find a solution and support each other through it all. Like Frodo and Sam meet Faramir and Faramir is a bit suspicious at first and kind of implies Frodo may be a spy, and then when he hears his story and he's like Frodo, I pressed you so hard at first. Forgive me! It was unwise in such an hour and place. And this blows.my.mind. He wasn't even particularly mean or threatening to him in the beginning, he's just such a kind, considerate man, recognizing the kindness and honesty of another man. And they're all like that. Even Gollum starts slowly changing (for a short while) when he encounters Frodo because that's the thing about kindness and humility and grace, they are contagious. They transform people, even a creature like Gollum cannot be immune to that. Like, you may consider all this simple and basic and I get it but, hear me out. It is quite rare to see that in modern media and it is also pretty difficult to pull off in a way that is not corny and simplistic. It is mind blowing that you actually don't have to present the entire palette of human cruelty and vice in order to tell a compelling story, contrary to popular belief. Lotr does the exact opposite, and it is just beautiful and it warms my heart. Especially taking into consideration tolkien's pretty grim growing-up experience, him being a double orphan without a home, raised between an orphanage and a priest and having no family apart from his brother and then the war and then he almost dies and then he's poor as hell and then a second war and it all makes sense somehow. He writes to his wife who is also an orphan two days before the marriage "the next few years will bring us joy and content and love and sweetness such as could not be if we hadn't first been two homeless children and had found one another after long waiting" and, yes, yes! The love and sweetness just radiate from his work, the entire lotr series is a little radiant bubble of hope and love and grace that he imagined in his head to deal with a dismal reality and then he just gave that to the world, and isn't that what imagination and art is all about after all?
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mokeonn · 1 year
"But if college was free, then people would abuse that and get useless degrees" hell yeah I would! If I could go to college without debt I would make it my job to get a degree in every little thing that interested me. I'd get a doctorate in film studies. I'd have a bachelor's degree for every science I like. I'd try to learn at least 5 languages with varying results. I would learn something "useful" like coding and then follow it up with a ""useless"" degree like art history. I'd be the world record speed run holder for getting every degree possible.
But I can't afford college without going into massive debt, so instead I spent the last 5 years trying to figure out what I am passionate enough about to consider going into debt over, because unfortunately being passionate about everything is extremely expensive to pursue.
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noodles-and-tea · 5 months
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This is what the inside of my ears look like every Tuesday :)))
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babydarkstar · 7 months
honestly no wonder harrow forced ianthe to lobotomize her so she could save gideon. listen…LISTEN…if i was a secret-war-crime cult nunlet princess worshipped by my entire planet and the only person that (barely) kept me in check was my childhood nemesis—a butch a year older than me, towering over me in stature and physical prowess, and so hot it made my teeth hurt from how hard my jaw clenched in her presence, who wielded a two-handed seven-foot sword and had irritatingly huge biceps and told very lewd stupid jokes and also learned how to wield an entirely new weapon and be my bodyguard with startling accuracy in three months—only to have us finally learn to trust each other because we got invited to a magic murder mystery and then before the bubble burst i spilled the worst secret about myself that i was born because my parents murdered an entire generation and tried to Kill Her along with them and she just wouldnt die, and i told her this expecting a swift death i believed i deserved, only for her to fucking cradle me in her big butch arms and kiss me on my forehead with her soft butch mouth and just. forgive me for a shameful weight ive carried my entire life and then MAKE AN ACTUAL NECRO/CAV VOW with me despite every evil thing i have done to her……to have her tell me, in the end, bleeding and broken after putting up the most beautiful and glorious fight of her life, that she understands purpose and she understands duty and she knows loyalty more fiercely than ever now, that she knows who she is to me, that there is no her without me….to have her backed into a corner and make the ultimate sacrifice…..for me…..to recite scriptural wedding vows of eternity to me in her last wisps of soul-consciousness…..if i thought there was even a snowflake’s chance in the pyre that i could save her by turning myself into her very own locked tomb, i’d be begging ianthe tridentweirdius to crack my skull open and turn me to mush too, goddamn. i understand you harrowhark girl you don’t have to explain a thing to me. god said you couldn’t undo the lyctor’s bond bc it’d kill you. you told god and his angels that not even a lyctor’s bond could outshine the power of female spite and lesbianism and they didn’t listen. they didn’t believe you. but i heard you loud and clear and i was 17 and hormonal and hopelessly romantic not too long ago unlike those fucking dinosaurs and i’m saying it’s valid it’s what i would have done and really everyone should be thanking you for not being worse and more wretched about it, all things considered
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misandriste · 4 months
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ELOISE BRIDGERTON + being mistaken for a suitor
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catlover-multifandom · 3 months
me: hmmm I have a lot of homework to do due in the next few days and won’t have internet access for a majority of friday when half the stuff is due, I should really work on that
me: time to watch free!
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sad-leon · 9 months
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So some of y'all need to go touch some grass and learn that brotherly affection can include forhead and cheek kisses without it being gross
I like to imagine Leo is very affectionate, but when his brothers show him affection, he freezes up. Especially after the invasion, he fucking cries when his brothers show him affection wihtout him needing to "earn it" or anything like that
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apollos-olives · 7 months
my love for palestine is stronger than my hatred for zionists. my love for palestine is stronger than my hatred for zionists. my love for palestine is stronger than my hatred for zionists.
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univemma · 1 month
I acknowledge that the season was cut almost in half so I should really cut them some slack but I WON'T, SO:
Plot holes/Forgotten Stuff in TUA:
(some of these are mostly just unanswered questions)
-Sloane?? Where tf did she go?
-Why was Jennifer (in the original timeline) in a cage? In Moldova?? Like, was she discovered to have something ( the dimaldo stuff whatever) inside of her, so they wanted to test on her? if she never came into contact with marigold before ben then why would they? WHAT
-also wait how the fuck did she get that stuff in her anyway? How did the dimaldo get to earth after it caused the end of Reginald's home planet? Like,,,shouldnt we know that?
-Her,,,in a squid??? she was Inside a giant squid? W h a t
-the S3 post credits of ben in the train. sure, whatever, that means nothing LMAOO
-I also can't get over - Five explaining "oh yeah when we do this EVERY ALTERNATE TIMELINE is gonna be destroyed, leaving only what should've been - the original," and lila fighitng to put her family in the train station,,,All the other timelines will be destroyed??They're dying and being reborn/reincarnated in the new one anyway GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING
(unless ive highly misunderstood that which is likely)
-this isnt a plot hole just - five "trying desperately over and over again to save his unhelpful family who he loves very very much" being literally turned into,,,that. did someone say character assassination?
-lila and five. thats a plot hole in and of itself I DONT CARE if he's aged 12 years from season 3, (6 yr timeskip at beginning of season, then 6 technically 7 in teh train), I DONT CARE IF HES 25 NOW, I DONT CARE IF HES MENTALLY 60 SOMETHING. Lila met and spent time with him when he looked like THIS
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THATS A CHILD. and clearly, the family had SOME contact in the 6 yr skip, so she WATCHED HIM GROW UP from 13 - 19, like thats just so WEIRD WHAT
this was supposed to be plot holes and just turned into me being pissed im sorry but HOW DO YOU FUCK UP AN ENDING THIS BAD??
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churroach · 4 days
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Little birdy paying a visit by the windowsill
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Sketch (?) of sorts for the next piece I’m working on
Not based off an au or anything… yet
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