#I love him being so pacifistic until Kyle’s in the picture
1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
Oh look she’s Stanposting again.
Specifically in the vein of how every time I write him, he is the EPITOME of the inherently gentle character who is definitely CAPABLE of causing harm, but would never hurt a soul. Unless you hurt someone he cares about.
Especially when it comes to Kyle.
So here’s some of the lines I’ve written across various stories that reiterate that aspect of his personality, both his own thoughts and other people’s perspective of him.
Oh boy this is gonna be a doozy.
From The Webs In The Rafters:
•(Now, Stan was a gentle soul. Always had been, always would be. He never initiated conflict, saved the birds that flew into windows before Cartman’s cats could get to them, and played guitar for the cows they drove to the sale barn. He was a lover, not a fighter, but,
There was a singular exception.
When Kyle was hurt, his gentle nature flew out the window. He wanted to punish the person responsible. Stan clenched his fists so hard they could practically break stone, he shed angry tears, and he had to fight harder than ever to uphold his values. He didn’t like to cause harm, but those who harmed others deserved all the fucking harm he could deliver unto them.)
•(Kyle let out a long, breathy laugh. “Dude, be cool. And you wonder why Cartman calls you my guard dog.”)
•(It was terrifying to see. When a characteristically gentle person broke like that, the whole world seemed to shatter.)
•(Kyle practically read his mind. “You’re going to kill him, aren’t you?”
“With my bare fucking hands.”)
•(Stan was a real nice guy, but that only made it scarier when he actually got mad. Butters had known him for over half his life, but it would always be jarring to see his friend jump from his default state of gentility. When it came to Kyle, though, he was a wild card. It was terrifying.)
•(The man who did took another step toward the Spider, brandishing a two-by-four studded with nails like it was a sword. God, if Stan’s anger had been directed at him, Kenny would’ve withered where he stood, and he wasn’t one to back down easy. Apparently neither was Craig. He just…stood there, as Stan growled.)
From While The Dew Is Still On The Roses
•(“Drag him behind the fucking horses.”
The order shot a cold spear of dread into Kyle’s heart. His Stan wasn’t violent if it could be avoided. In the years since they had met, he hadn’t seen this side of him, or heard the curses of angered humans from him. He could feel his husband trembling, shaking in anger and fear as he held him.)
•(The door to the carriage opened, Stan wiping his bloodied knuckles off on his tunic. His eyes were dark, almost vacant until they settled on Kyle again.
“My- my dearest-“ the king croaked out, trying and failing to lift his head. “-what did you do?”)
•(Kyle looked Stan up and down, noting bruised knuckles. “Damien?”
“Is in the dungeons.” His husband finished. “There was some… questioning.”
He fought the instinct to sit up. “Did you kill him?”
Stan raised an eyebrow. “What variety of creature do I portray? Of course I didn’t; that decision is yours and yours alone. You know me better than to jump to that conclusion, my love.”)
From And The Lightning Cracks The Sky
•(“Don’t you fucking touch him!”
Kyle was still at the apartment, right? This person couldn’t get to him. Then again, he HAD summoned magic fire that refused to be put out. Kyle wasn’t safe.
“Please.” Stan didn’t give a shit if he got incinerated. He just didn’t want the forests to suffer. Or Kyle.)
•(Stan. His gorgeous smokejumper with the heart of healing water to Kyle’s fire, scrambling up and coming to his defense despite being shell shocked at this scene. “This guy SHOT you?”)
From Reckless By Nature
•(Stan froze, spinning around with a clenched jaw and a murderous expression. “Cartman. Jar. Right the fuck now.”
“What? He’s not even here!”
“But I AM, and I maintain the right to enforce Jar Laws on his behalf.”)
•(Above all, if ed jokes got made, even though Kyle had been better for a long time and generally didn’t care, his relentlessly protective partner DID, and had enforced that amendment. That was a bad one. Kenny knew that if Stan would’ve been around, Cartman would’ve been in critical condition.)
From In The Truly Gruesome
•(Stan Marsh wasn’t a violent person. But nothing would compare to the world ending rage he’d fly into if he ever lost Kyle.)
Lmao I love how TWITR has the most in that genre of Staniel. To be fair, it WAS befitting of the situation.
So that’s today on Stanposting! I love that sweet boy!!!
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