#I love how patient he was with wrecker lmao
nahoney22 · 2 months
Plan 55
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I love his patience.
Season 3, Episode 12
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winterchimez · 11 months
Love Me Right | Ju Haknyeon
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summary: perhaps you and your best friend Haknyeon were destined to be lovers after all
pairing: best friend Haknyeon x f!reader
genre: best friends to lovers, fluff, slight angst & suggestive (only in the beginning)
warnings: bad breakup & arguing (with ex), lust (slightly)
word count: 3,530
a/n: me? writing fluff? unheard of 🤪 jokes i'm usually much better at writing angst/crime fics, but our precious boy hakkie deserves a sweet fluff fic 🥺 i love him sm he's literally my fav comfort person ever, and yes he is my bias wrecker alongside hyunjae lmao 🤧 hope you guys enjoyed this! 🫶🏻🩵
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buzz buzz!
The alarm on your smartwatch goes off, giving you the signal that indicates the end of your shift. 
It has already been 14 hours, and you stood up from your chair and did a stretch as you submitted the final report of one of the patients you had to deal with throughout the night.
You originally would’ve ended your shift 2 hours ago, if only one of the ER nurses didn’t call in sick this morning. You shrugged, it happens almost every fortnightly in your department, always being understaffed that is. 
Packing up your belongings, you waved goodbye to all of your co-workers where some were just finishing up as you were while the others had just clocked in for the day and headed straight to your car. 
To make matters worse, it was snowing pretty heavily as you made your way to your vehicle. You had to use your handy-dandy ice scraper to get rid of the snow that formed on the windshield and the sides of your car doors. With that, the first 10 minutes right after your shift ended were gone in the blink of an eye. You hopped into your car real quick and gave yourself a heavy sigh, hoping at least the car ride home wouldn’t be too bad.
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Stepping onto your front porch, you dug into your backpack for the keys to your apartment. You wasted no time trying to unlock the door and quickly kicked your boots off as you closed the door behind you. 
Making your way into the living room, you spotted the familiar figure laying down on the couch.
Your boyfriend, Daniel. 
At the beginning of your relationship, the two of you would gladly wait for each other to arrive back home and chat away about how the day’s been for both parties. Now, getting a “welcome home” from your partner is already better than nothing. 
However, tonight was different as you muttered those two words to your boyfriend laying down on the couch. Instead of responding, he stood up with his back facing you and muttered a deep “we need to talk” right back at you.
Already exhausted from your shift, you so badly wanted to ask him to save it till morning when both of you are in much better shape, but that won’t happen tonight as he wasted no time trying to make his way to you.
“I can’t do this anymore, Y/N. This relationship we’ve been having? I don’t see the spark nor commitment no more.” 
“Please Daniel, what are you trying to imply here-” 
“You work for 12 hours straight each day, God. Sometimes even more than that. I’m off to work while you’re asleep, and you're only back in the house during the wee hours of midnight. What happened to us spending quality time as a couple?”
Your boyfriend certainly had a point there. It has been months since the both of you truly had a good bonding time with one another. As work started piling up for you, you had to always sadly turn down the multiple ideas of your boyfriend’s well-planned dates and vacations. 
Of course, he’d be frustrated and sad. But it was also his responsibility to understand your situation here. You’re a nurse gosh darn it, and he should know damn well how whenever duty calls, you can never say no. That is what he agreed with when you both started your relationship 3 years ago. 
But apparently, the spark that the two of you have been sharing for the several years you both had up till now, has been completely burnt out. 
“Let’s end this, Y/N.” 
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To say that you were in tears would be an understatement. 
Hell, you have been bawling your eyes out for the past 2 hours and breaking down in your living room as your boyfriend left your shared apartment after a heated argument. 
You kept blaming yourself, for how much you have ruined this once so-called perfect relationship you have built with your now current ex. Everyone around you said that you both were perfect for one another, that you both were a match made in heaven and the wedding invitations are bound to arrive at your friends and relatives' doorstep in another 2 to 3 years' time.
Including your best friend, Ju Haknyeon. 
Feeling weak and vulnerable, you desperately needed a warm embrace, and to hear some comforting words from someone who cares about you deeply. 
It was now 3 in the morning, and there was only one place you know that you’ll be accepted in. 
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You stood right outside of the door that reads Apartment 309. 
You knew this apartment from the back of your mind. The drive route from your apartment, even up to the passcode or where the extra pair of keys are hidden on the front porch.
Instead of trying to open the door on your own, the owner of the apartment has already been expecting your arrival and they were the ones welcoming you at the front door instead.
The brunette male, wearing a white t-shirt with black sweatpants, opened up the door for you. His eyes widen as he examines your red swollen eyes, puffy cheeks, and a wet soaked nurse uniform you were still wearing. 
Before he could ask you what happened, you were pushing the male into the apartment while slamming the door shut with your leg. Guiding him all the way to his bedroom and pinning him down on his bed. You climbed over him and were about to kiss him right on the lips. 
What was going on in your mind? Has the break-up made you feel a sudden surge of lust towards your best friend? Desperately wanting a hug and a kiss to see if it could make you feel better or at least forget about your ex. 
But the male was clearly stronger than you were and he turned the tables over within seconds, and now you’re the one who’s being pinned down on the bed instead.
“Y/N, what is this all about?”
With that one sentence, you then broke down into tears again, leading the male to pull you up and hold you tight against his embrace. 
It’s been a while since Haknyeon has witnessed you in such a fragile state, the last time probably being in college when you and your ex were going through some tremulous times to fight against all odds in order to be together. 
And he hated it. Hated how vulnerable you were at that moment. He hated seeing you cry the most. 
Especially when he still had feelings for you after all these years. 
After calming down for a bit, you finally fill Haknyeon in with all that has happened the past few hours prior. You can’t help but to sob and sniffle from time to time and Haknyeon manages to wipe away your tears and calm you down each time. 
Without having much thought, you blurted out “Haknyeon, be my boyfriend” right there and then. 
Deep down you know very well that this was your best friend’s dream for the longest time, and he would definitely be delighted to accept the offer.
Or will he?
What you didn’t expect was the straight rejection he gave you right after you said that.
“Why not Haknyeon? You’ve had your eyes on me and loved me since day one of high school. Isn’t it always your dream to date me?”
“Y/N. I love you with all my heart. Hell, I would give up anything if it’s for you and to make you the happiest girl alive. But not like this.”
Haknyeon then lets you out of his embrace and cups both of his hands on your cheeks, staring deep into your eyes. 
“I want you to love me when you’re at your best. I want you to truly see the man that I am, and how much I’ve grown. I want you to truly make up your mind because I will not let you go when you’ve decided to begin a relationship with me. I want you to love me right.” 
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You have been crashing at Haknyeon’s apartment most weekends for the past two months, and he couldn’t be happier if it makes you feel better. 
During the weekdays though, Haknyeon would make the effort to come to visit you instead while bringing you the best take-out meals from all of his favourite restaurants in town. Your best friend clearly does not mess with food. 
Knowing how messed up your eating schedule was, he has even taken the initiative to plan out your diet.
No consuming those nasty junk food when you’re already low on sleep.
You’d constantly be reminded of your bestie’s words every single time you’re about to head to the drive-thru at Mcdonald's at two in the morning after your shift at the hospital. 
Tonight was different though as your manager informs you that you get to finish your shift way earlier than your usual post, as your department is getting a handful of transferred nurses from the capital. That was good news especially how your hospital has been understaffed for like two to three years now. 
And that 2 - 3 years had to be the time when you were with your ex. 
You shook off the negative thoughts you had in mind and quickly got out your phone to text Haknyeon about you coming home early for the night. 
You were certain he was definitely on his phone when you sent the message because it took him less than a minute to give you a reply. 
Hakkie 🐷: sweets!! I’ve had a big night planned ahead of us, can’t wait to see you at home 😊
You can’t help but smile at the message, thinking about how cute he was at times when he was all giddy and excited, which makes you wonder if you both are really the same age at all. 
Your co-worker noticed your excitement and how a big sincere smile was plastered all across your face. It has been a while since you’ve been this jovial anyways. 
“You got a date tonight?” She nudges your shoulder while giving you a wink. 
Smiling back at your co-worker, you looked back down at your phone staring right at the newly changed picture your friend has chosen for his iMessage profile. 
“I guess you can say that.” 
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“Woah Haknyeon, what on earth have you done with your apartment?”
You were astounded by what your best friend has done. The entire living room has been cleared out and Haknyeon took the largest blanket he owned and turned it into a fort. A comfy throw was laid out nicely on the floor with pillows scattered above it. As a finishing touch, fairy lights were hung around the blanket to give it that true cosy movie night experience. 
“You sure are an ambitious young man.” You replied. 
“Since when have you ever gotten off work this early Y/N, I’d say this calls for a celebration, and of course thank heavens that tomorrow is the weekend!!”
“Okay okay, kiddo. What are we watching tonight?”
“Big Mouth, the infamous K-drama everyone’s been talking about recently.”
“And why is that?”
“Well, both you and I are huge fans of crime shows, and we love Im Yoon-ah, so I’d say it’s a win-win situation!”
“More like you are the one who’s obviously obsessed with her.” You protested. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at your bestie's enthusiastic comment. Eventually, you gave in and decided to make yourself comfy. Haknyeon went ahead and made some warm honey butter tteokbokki in his so-called best portable pot that he owned. Of course, a comfy night movie wouldn’t be complete without a warm mug of cinnamon latte according to the food master himself.  
You never expected to have enjoyed the drama this much as it’s been such a long time since you've been to the cinemas, let alone watched a tv series or show at home. You missed this feeling of excitement as you engross yourself in the show’s plot, and of course, having someone to share the same experience with you in the same room. 
As the show progressed, you can’t help but have tears well up in your eyes whenever a sad or frustrating scene appears on the screen. Haknyeon notices your demeanour and quietly puts an arm around your shoulder. Naturally, you decided to lay your head down on his shoulder. None of you said anything but just enjoyed this little comforting moment you both were having. 
Haknyeon truly was your best friend, you definitely didn’t deserve a fine young gentleman like him. 
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“So where are we off to this time Mr Ju?”
It was another rare occasion where you’ve gotten a day off from work as your manager has seen all of the extra hours you’ve accumulated over the past several months. 
Since the hospital wasn’t understaffed anymore, your manager has even managed to free up your Sundays from now on. It definitely has improved your physical and mental health as compared to your previous self when you were working 14-hour shifts straight for 7 days a week. 
Your best friend was beyond ecstatic to find out that you’re free for the day, and he wasted no time coming to pick you up early in the morning, insisting on bringing you on a day trip.
So now you are sitting in Haknyeon’s car, and god knows where he’s bringing you to because he wouldn’t tell you what the itinerary even was for the day ahead. 
It was now the beginning of summer, and Haknyeon clearly was taking you somewhere away from the city. Both of you passed all of the highways and eventually ended up on a riverside road just a little outside of Seoul. 
It was kind of a long drive, around 4 and a half hours to be exact. Many times you’ve offered to take over the wheel, but the male insisted that he was fine and you deserve to be in the passenger seat instead. 
“Rude Haknyeon, I’ll show you that I’m just as good as a driver like Sangyeon and Jacob oppa.” You pouted and crossed your arms. 
“Yeah, rather convincing, Y/N. Remember how you were desperately calling for me in the middle of the night back during your first year in college when your car swerved right into a tree because you got too nervous to drive on your own? And oh, may I add, you were also crying over the phone and it took me a good minute to try and figure out whatever you were trying to tell me.” 
“Shut up. We don’t talk about that.” 
Haknyeon was clearly winning this whole debate, and he begin singing his lungs out on his so-called victory song, Young Tak’s Jjin-iya. You on the other hand, were sulking and decided to turn your head towards the window, trying your best to ignore the ever-so-slightly annoying song that was getting on your nerves while taking in the scenery in front of you. 
After 10 more debate topics and bickering (because your friend is a tease like that), you both eventually arrived at your destination. Your friend has brought you to Haeundae, one of the famous beaches in Busan. As you both stepped out of the car, Haknyeon immediately went to the boot of his car and brought out a huge basket filled with whatever items he brought for the day.
He quickly grabbed hold of your wrist and brought you to the beach. There were quite a number of people here today, reasonable as most families and couples would’ve come to spend the good weather out at the beach. But Haknyeon manages to find a quiet spot where the both of you could truly enjoy the peaceful time today.
Haknyeon wasted no time in taking out the first item from the basket, a huge blue beach cloth and laying it down on the sand. Slowly, he took out all of the remaining items from the basket, most of them being food, to be honest.
What surprised you was that he picked out all of your favourite food and snacks that you literally consume whenever you wanna have a cheat or fulfilling day. Japanese fruit sandwiches, onigiris, chips, you name it he has got them. Oh, and yes he brought along his handy-dandy trustworthy Bluetooth speaker he’s been using for years that he loves and swears by it. 
“Since when have you become a chef, Mr Ju Haknyeon. I thought you were a business consultant, not a restaurant owner.” 
“Anything for my bestie, am I right?”. He gives you his signature cheeky smile, and you have to mentally ask your heart to stop beating so quickly. 
Stop being so cute for the love of God. 
With every bite you had, you couldn’t help but constantly give out this mmmmm pleasure sound, indicating how delicious every single meal was, and your friend couldn’t be much happier as it felt like he had gotten a trophy from a race or something. 
You both enjoyed the meal and had a good chat about every single topic that comes to mind. You both reminisce back on the good old high school and college days, where multiple times Haknyeon has saved your ass from being called to detention for being late to class to almost missing your graduation day in college because you somehow lost the high heels that you planned to wear with your matching dress that day. 
It was hilarious catching up with all of the crazy adventures you both had throughout the years, and Haknyeon with his bright and gagman persona made it a lot more memorable.
“I’m so glad you were with me from the beginning, Haknyeon. Never would I have thought to have gone through heaven and hell if I was alone.”
“Likewise, Y/N. I couldn’t have had a better bestie than you.”
You smiled and gave your best friend the biggest hug. “I just wish for us to be together for as long as we can.” 
With that, Haknyeon breaks off the hug and grabs hold of your shoulders, looking deep into your eyes. He hesitated for a few moments, before deciding that it was the right time for him to speak about that certain topic that he has been desperately wanting to for the past couple of weeks now. 
“Y/N. I know you’re probably sick of hearing this from me, but still, I want to make it clear to you. I still love you, even after all these years. I’ve never once given up hope on you.” 
He swallowed. “A-and. I mean, y’know we’ve been getting a lot closer for the past few months, crashing into each other’s place throughout the weeks, having tons of fun and cute movie and date nights at the restaurants in town. I just… wanna let this thing that has been bothering me for weeks now. I don’t mind if you don’t give me an answer, but just hear me out. I-I just… I want-” 
“I’ll be your girlfriend.” 
“Wa-wait what?”
You chuckled. “Oh my god, Haknyeon. I swear I’m gonna be dosing off to sleep waiting for you to blurt those words out. I know you still love me since the first day we met back in high school in the science laboratory. I gotta say I admire your persistence, young lad. Even what I was still with the ex who shall not be named.” 
A burden was taken off of Haknyeon’s shoulders, and he immediately jumped right back into your embrace while rubbing his cheeks against yours. He was like a puppy who has just gotten their biggest treat yet. 
“Thank you, Y/N. Thank you thank you thank you!!!” 
The hug lasted for a good few minutes, both of you taking in each other’s scent while resting both of your heads on each other’s shoulders. 
That was until Haknyeon broke off the hug for the second time now, as he moved his fingers right onto your plump lips. 
“May I?”. 
“About damn time, Ju.”
No words were needed. He lowered his head and crashed his lips onto yours. It’s like you both have been waiting for eternity for this to happen, how long you both have waited for this day to come. He wasted no time in exploring your lips, kissing you deeper as he tilted his head, and you did the same. 
Breaking off the kiss, he eventually scooped you up bridal style and brought you straight into the waters. As the sun starts to set, you both spend the rest of the remaining time kicking and splashing each other with water at the shore. By the end of the day, you both were soaking wet, but no regrets were made.
Haknyeon then lifts you up in his arms once again, giving you another kiss on the lips as you lean down and wrap your legs around him, both resting your foreheads with one another.
“I love you, Y/N. More than you could ever imagine.”
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a/n: yes there will be a part 2 😌
taglist: @deoboyznet @flwoie @hokupi @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 (join my permanent taglist here!)
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
Here’s a Crosshair request for you if you’d like!
I’m a sucker for the undercover-at-a-gala trope so what if you’re a Jedi shadow (like Quinlan Vos) who works with the Bad Batch once and awhile, and you’re in an established relationship with Crosshair. There’s a separatist gala you need to infiltrate and Crosshair goes as your date. While you two are sneaking around the venue, you have to hide in the nearest room that turns out to be a bedroom and Crosshair has ideas 😏 thank you! Love your writing!!
ANON!!! I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!! I have literally no idea why i struggled with this ask for what? over a month??? I must have deleted a combined like 3k words for this over the time i was trying to write it. But i would not let it beat me, i had to finish this ask for u for waiting so patiently.
also its like, a bingo card of every trope for this trope so i apologies for how uninspired this is lmao
Side note, I am very sick at the moment and on a lot of painkillers, so like, I proof read this but please let me know of any glaring issues or mistakes because I'm not of this world currently.
Rating: E (18+) Warnings: Unprotected PiV, Creampie, Clothed Sex Word Count: 1700+
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Walking through the elegant halls of a senator’s estate on Scipio you can’t help but gawk at the splendour of it all. The insane amount of money one must have to own a home like this simply baffles you as you walk arm in arm with your date for the night through the ornate halls.
Some leaked intel let the republic know that some unscrupulous things were to go down tonight within these halls, and you don’t doubt the accuracy of that information given the amount of high ranking members of the Banking Clan you have seen engaging in hushed conversations in hidden alcoves of the grandiose estate.
Your partner turns to look down at you and you can’t help but blush under his gaze. Crosshair was always a handsome man, but seeing him clad entirely in a fine, black suit was a whole new level of desirable. A service droid passes you, stopping long enough for the two of you to grab a flute of what appeared to be more bubbles than liquid before continuing on its way through the winding halls of the building.
“You look absolutely ravishing tonight mesh’la” Crosshair whispers, breath fanning over your ear as you take a sip of your no doubt pricey beverage. You couldn’t find it in you to disagree with him, black silks hugged your frame, accentuating your figure in all the best ways, something your jedi robes were absolutely not designed for. While you did feel naked without your lightsaber, you understood the necessity of remaining entirely undetectable. You smile up at him, noting the make-up that has covered his trademark tattoo, his slicked back hair and absolutely dazzling smile.
When the moment called for it, Crosshair could reluctantly play the part of suave, chatty businessperson which honestly surprised you at first. He was absolutely the least talkative member of the squad by a mile, all short replies and clipped words, so when this mission was assigned to the Batch you were shocked that they had all immediately turned their attention to Crosshair.
“He’s the most arrogant, thus will fit in perfectly with the typical crowd at one of these types of functions” Tech had said, earning himself a smack on the back of the head from the Sniper, “among other reasons, Hunter looks too much like a regular clone, I am needed to extrapolate the data that you acquire and Wrecker is… Wrecker” Tech adjusts his goggles before continuing “It would also look out of place for one of us to go alone, and you two already have, um, chemistry, for lack of a better term”
He wasn’t wrong about that; you and Crosshair hadn’t exactly put a label on anything yet, but everyone knew there was something there.
Finally, after a few hours of simply wandering the halls you find your target, a simply unassuming Muun that has been implicated in embezzling funds and using it to pad separatist pockets. He was speaking in hushed whispers with a human male before the man passed him a small, innocuous looking data stick before parting ways with a polite nod.
Your time to shine.
You leave Crosshair’s side, giving his hand a quick squeeze as you go, before sauntering over to the target and ‘accidently’ spilling the contents of your flute, onto his silk robes. Stuttering and apologising you begin patting him down, slipping your hand into his pocket and retrieving the data stick as he shoved you away, telling you he was going to send you the bill for getting the stains out of his clothes. “This is pure shimmersilk you know!” he yelled at you as you made your hasty exit, apologising profusely as you retreat towards where Crosshair was waiting, arms crossed as he leaned against a marble pillar, a slight smile tugging at his lips.
“You got it doll?” he whispers, wrapping a long arm around your waste as he begins leading your further into the throng of people and towards the exit. “Of course” you reply, sinking further into his side. Hopefully the two of you would make it out before he even noticed it was missing.
Your hopes were dashed as you heard a panicked “Hey! Wait!” coming from behind you.
Crosshair grabs your arm, pulling you into the nearest unlocked room before softly closing and locking the door. Both of you hold your breath, listening to the sound of approaching and then thankfully retreating footsteps. It doesn’t seem like anyone saw you, but you still wait together in silence before turning the light on to look at the room you have found yourselves in for the foreseeable future.
It's a luxurious bedroom, a four-poster bed draped in magnificent silks with more pillows than anyone could possibly need adorning it. Crosshair takes his comm and a small datapad out of his pocket, reaching his hand out to you for you to pass him the datastick before plugging it into the device and comming Tech to let him know he can begin starting the transfer and telling him of your less than ideal situation at the moment. He tells you that Hunter will be there within the next standard hour for extraction but until then you just need to hang tight.
You sit down on the bed, running your hands along the silken sheets before looking back up to Crosshair. His eyes are raking over your form as he placed the datapad down on one of the bedside tables before walking over to you.
“So doll, it seems we have the better part of an hour to keep ourselves occupied…” He trails off, sitting next to you on the bed, one hand finding your thigh while the other softly pushes you back onto the plush surface. “And no one knows we’re in here” his thumb begins soothing circles into your hip as he looms above you, one hand holding himself up as he stares down at you.
“So it seems…” you smile as you use the fact that your legs are still hanging off the bed to your advantage, kicking your heels off before you shimmy further up the bed, until you’re leaning back against the mountain of pillows. Crosshair crawls up the bed after you before his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss.
“Kark doll, you look so good in this dress, it’s been so kriffing hard keeping my hands off you all night” he mumbles against your lips, calloused hands already working their way underneath your dress towards your panties. You let out a small whimper, the feeling of his rough fingers digging into your flesh making heat pool low in your belly as Crosshair begins placing languid kisses against your neck, working his way down to your collarbone before sucking dark marks into your skin.
The chirping from his comm startles both of you, making you jump before Crosshair angrily grabs the device “What do you want Tech?” he growls out. “I just thought that you would want to know that Hunter will be arriving earlier than expected and to be ready for extraction in the next 30 standard minutes” Tech replies, obviously somewhat irate, not enjoying the tone that his brother is giving him. “Understood” Crosshair replies, turning off the device and throwing it onto the bed before returning his attention back to you.
“Looks like we will have to make this quicker than I wanted, but don’t worry princess, I’ll worship you like you deserve once we get back to base” his fingers begin toying with you over the fabric of your panties while his lips busy themselves against yours once again. His mouth swallows every sound that you make as his skilful fingers rub tight circles against your clit, already bringing you close to the edge with practiced ease.
Your panties are soaked at this point, his assault on your senses overwhelming you as you try to stifle your sounds as not to alert anyone who could potentially be loitering outside the door. His hand leaves you momentarily as he fumbles with the fastenings on his pants, opening them just far enough to free his weeping length.
Pulling your panties to the side, he sinks into you, letting out a breathy groan as he slides into your heat in a single motion. Resting his weight entirely on one hand he brings his other to cover your mouth as he begins an absolutely brutal pace, the layers of your clothing helping to muffle the sounds of him relentlessly driving into you.
You silently thank him for covering your mouth, the way he’s fucking into you would have you screaming for him. You wrap your legs around his waist, bringing him closer to you, trying to get him to go deeper and deeper with every thrust. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as he hits that spot inside you with the head of his cock with every thrust, turning you into a mess with every drag of his hard length through your slick folds.
Lowering his head you can feel his breath fanning over your ear as he whispers filth into your ear “so tight for me kriff… I can feel you choking my cock you’re so close aren’t you?” you nod, staring up at him with wide eyes. He angles his hips, grinding down onto your clit with every thrust as he loses his rhythm, chasing his own release as he feels your walls fluttering around him. “cum for me doll” his whispers have an almost pleading nature to them, like he’s holding himself back from the edge waiting to tumble over the peak with you. A few more deep thrusts pull your orgasm from you, flooding your nerves as pleasure washes over you, causing your walls to clench around him. With a strangled groan against your neck he follows you over the edge, pumping ropes of hot cum inside of you, hips stuttering as his cock throbs.
You’re lying on the bed, Crosshair still sheathed inside you as his comm chirps again “Oh for the love of… Yes?” he slips out of you, tucking himself away as he talks, apparently Hunter is only five standard minutes away so you adjust your panties and swiftly put your heels back on.
Crosshair places a kiss to your temple before you make your escape.
@where-is-my-mind-tho @starborncyare @antishadow2021 @healingskywalker @crosshairlovebot
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boltwrites · 1 year
Wrecker Headcanons - Spicy
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A/N: i kinda want to do all of these bad batch sexual headcanons at once to see which of the boys gets the most notes lmao. anyway - here’s wrecker!
By clicking read more you verify that you are at least 18 years old
I don’t even know why I bother to do the size part for Wrecker - he’s 6′7″ and jacked. He’s obviously got a monster cock. 10 inches? Something absolutely ridiculous, and thick. Good luck lmao
Wrecker, like the rest of the batch, isn’t particularly experienced. He’s probably been propositioned before, but missed the implication or otherwise not had time to explore the possibilities. He’s definitely fantasized and watched porn before, though
He’s nervous but eager, the first time. He’s self conscious about his size and his ability to hurt his partner. He’s a gentle guy, but he knows that he could easily get distracted and hurt you by accident if he’s not being careful
He’s not very... good, the first time. He doesn’t know what foreplay is, and he’s so big that he kind of needs that information. He’s a eager learner, though. For that first time, he definitely needs a partner who’s willing to be patient for him to learn how to please them
Once he learns, though? He improves. Although he is conscious and concerned about his own pleasure, he’s also acutely aware of whether or not you’re having a good time. Wrecker has some of the best emotional intelligence out of the entire batch, and he puts it to good use
He’s quick to stop if you seem uncomfortable or hurt, or to ask you why you’re hesitant about certain things
One thing you’ll have to get used to is just how physical Wrecker is - he’s always hugging and kissing and cuddling you, but that doesn’t mean he always wants sex. He’s just a physical person and craves touch
He’s open to new things in bed, but you’ll have to bring them up. To Wrecker, sex is just another way he can be physically intimate with you, and he’s content to try whatever you want, but he’s also be perfectly OK with vanilla missionary every time
He’s bad a dirty talk. He keeps laughing and it just makes the whole thing fall apart. He’s surprisingly good at praise, though. And he’s rather vocal during sex - he’s not afraid to moan and cry out
Wrecker’s definitely more of a top, but he’s not necessarily dominant. He doesn’t really dip too much into those sort of dynamics unless you ask
Wrecker really doesn’t have much self control in many aspects, but also in bed. He’s not one to come prematurely, so to speak, but he can’t prolong the round if you teased him too much and he needs to come
However, once he’s more well versed in foreplay, he’s more than willing to make up for it by using his mouth
He also has a pretty quick refractory period, so he’s able to go again soon enough
Wrecker has a fairly normal sex drive, but he’s also willing to accommodate you. Sex isn’t a requirement for Wrecker - as long as he gets to kiss and cuddle you, he’s in heaven. This is just another way for him to show he loves you, if you also like it
Top/Dominant Wrecker
Once Wrecker is more familiar with it, he prefers oral play for foreplay. He definitely enjoys eating you out and he gets better at it each time he does it
He also prefers blowjobs to handjobs, but he knows that’s kind of a... proposition, when he’s the size he is. He appreciates whatever you want to offer him, though
Although Wrecker likes to top, he’s not necessarily dominant. He likes praising you, and his main objective is for the both of you to feel good
However, he’s not afraid to use his strength to his advantage in the bedroom. He’s so strong he can definitely hold you up while he fucks you, even in some rather unique positions
If you bring it up, he’s also more than happy to use his strength to throw you around - toss you on the bed, flip you over with no effort, whatever it is you two decide on
He’s more hesitant if you ask for things like choking. He probably says no, just because he doesn’t even want to hurt you. It’s one thing if he leaves some mild bruise on your hips - he would be too worried to enjoy it if you asked for something that could legitimately hurt you
Even though he has a lot of fun using his strength to his advantage, Wrecker isn’t really the kind of guy who puts on a super dominant personality in the bedroom. He’s a really happy guy - he likes making jokes and being sweet. He’s not the type of person to demand that you please him or call you his little slut or something
However, he can be a bit more dominant if you work with him on it - he’s very good at praising you in the bedroom, and if you help him along, combined with the incorporation of his strength, he can be a very caring dominant partner
He might incorporate some mild things like blindfolds, maybe feathers or toys in the bedroom if you ask. But he’s not too interested in tying you up or anything that involves hurting you (spanking, BDSM, etc)
His absolute favorite is when you wear lingerie (or his clothes) - he goes crazy for naughty photos of you, too
Bottom/Submissive Wrecker
Wrecker is probably scared of bottoming the first time you bring it up with him, if you decide to bring it up. He’s not sure if he would like it, and it’s not something he’s thought of before. This isn’t because of any kind of misplaced toxic masculinity or anything - he’s just honestly just of concerned of how all of it would work
However, he will eventually bring it up later, after he’s watched some videos and figured out how it works and how it would feel good for him. He blushes and says that you two can try it, but that he’s not sure if he would like it as much as you would
He does enjoy himself, though - he gets into your rhythm (but then eventually turns to a puddle on the mattress), and he’s very vocal
Afterward, he comments that it was fun and that he’s OK if you want to do it again. He doesn’t prefer it to topping - he still prefers being inside of you, but he enjoyed it and doesn’t mind switching it up every now and then
When it comes to being submissive, much like being dominant, Wrecker isn’t necessarily into it. He’ll try it out, but he’s very clear about what he likes and doesn’t like afterwards
He takes restrains as a challenge. He breaks through like 6 pairs of handcuffs and you have to exasperatedly explain to him that breaking out isn’t the point. Eventually, you find some rope that holds him, and that, surprisingly, is the thing he ends up liking the most.
He hates blindfolds on himself. He wants to see you! 
He also goes crazy for praise - he might even be willing to dress up or serve you for that praise, but only once in a blue moon. He really prefers to just be intimate and open with you in a situation where he doesn’t have to fill any particular role
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tid-liddell · 8 months
Part 2 of my AU sparkling is finally here (bruh, i just forgot to post it, lmao). This time, here are facts about Ace and Vita
If you don't know about this AU, you may read the comic there(PLEASE SEE THE TRIGGER WARNINGS AT THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE READING)
Also you can read this too to know about these sparkling more
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*After joining the autobots’ side, Breakdown had found out that he actually had much in common and befriended Bulkhead and Wheeljack, then the former stunticon became wrecker. Knockout instead of working as a medic or field doctor became a plastic surgeon, which he had dreamed to be for so many cycles.
*Ace, who craved journeys and adventures from an early age, was amazed by an idea to become fearless and cool like his sire and his friends. Vita, who loved taking care of her brother after he got in trouble, soon was inspired after hearing a lot of Bumblebee’s stories about Earth including Rescue Bots academy and wanted to join them. She made this choice not only to prove by herself that former decepticons had nothing left of their former ideology, but also to know much more about Earth’s culture. However, moving there will be a big blow for her family.
* Ace has a dream of having a journey on Earth like his sister does.There young mech is planning to visit the places where Team Prime was, meet the inhabitants of that planet and, of course, have a safari and a ride on dunes in deserts.
*Their family is quite friendly. They like to spend their time together, for example having a ride in different places, listening to rock music, watching human cinematography and other family stuff. Speaking of movies, Knockout and Breakdown haven’t decided yet on when they’re gonna show their sparkling Tom Six’s trilogy and similar films. Although they still are okay with classic horror movies from the second half of Earth’s twenty century and action films.
*Surely, the creators also can be busy with their work from time to time, however their autobots friends can gladly look after their sparklings, even the bitlets themselves like to spend time with them, especially with Arcee and Bulkhead. Young mech and femme like to race listening to powerful rock with the wrecker and imagine themselves as a rock-musicians, the two-wheeled is just pleasant to them like a bot and treats them like they would be her own sparklings, she’s ready to protect them in case of something dangerous happen. And of course, to answer with pleasure their questions about Megatron and Starscream, especially about the last one.
*After hearing so many stories of Team Prime’s adventures on Earth and how they fearlessly fighted decepticons, the ex-cons’ sparklings had got a wish - to learn fighting. No one minded, autobots frequently used to teach bitlets different battle techniques that might be useful for them in future
*Strangely, Ace likes to sometimes have oil bathes for a long time and polish his scratches to clean himself up and relax after his adventures of a day
*Vita and her brother, surprisingly, are a bit good at singing. The red femme thinks that her quiet singing can help her to calm down her patients in future, but to be honest, sometimes she can let her riot nature out and sing as loud as a true rock-musician. Ace also likes to imagine himself as a drummer.
*Vita is a lesbian, although she doesn’t very much like the romance and movies of that theme. Anyway, the young femme doesn’t deny that she wouldn’t mind finding a sparkmate at once. What about Ace, although the blue sparkling either is uninterested at romance, he’s probably bisexual
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simplysummers · 3 years
Discussing Omega’s childhood on Kamino
Maybe I’m one of the only people curious about this as we’re all very hung up on Crosshair right now (understandable, I want our king back too), but I would really like a conversation between Omega and preferably Hunter, but anybody works fine, to delve into what her life was truly like on Kamino. How she was treated, raised, reprimanded, and how this all reflects on her relationship with the bad batch, and specifically in moments where their actions have fatherly intent behind them.
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So, here’s what we know so far:
She was essentially raised by Nala Se.
She’s a first gen/holds unmodified Jango Fett DNA. Whether she was created at the same time as Boba, we don’t know, although it is unlikely.
Due to the fact she was unaltered, she must’ve been raised from infancy on Kamino.
She wasn’t allowed her own bedroom, so I speculate she either slept in the medical wing or had some sort of shared quarters with Nala Se.
She was frequently tested and experimented on, quite often against her will.
She was perceived to be property and nothing more than an evaluative source to help further Kaminoan research by everybody excluding Nala Se (potentially)
Her title role was a ‘medical assistant’.
She didn’t have a very warm relationship with the other clones, as we’ve seen they labelled her a “lab scrapper”.
She made friends with the existing medical staff, who were all droids.
And that is essentially it. Of course, we can make speculations, (a few of mine are: she must’ve been tormented by the other cadets for not being like them, she knew 99 and he kept her company whenever Nala Se left her alone, and that although she was educated accordingly for her medical training and basic education, she was very sheltered from things without ‘purpose’ to her life (as we all know, the Kaminoans don’t do anything without purpose) but we don’t actually know anything else about her time on Kamino!
First of all I really want to know WHY she was created. Taking into account she isn’t the same age as Boba (it’s very much suggested she isn’t, I mean she acts, looks, sounds and is treated significantly younger than Boba ever was), and Jango also didn’t request two unaltered clones, she must’ve been created a few years after Boba. Therefore, was Jango aware of her existence? And if he was, did he want her? Again, if so, what did Boba think of her? (We don’t actually see Omega’s reaction to being told she’s different, so although she might not have known of their exact relations to her, it’s very likely she could’ve potentially met Jango and Boba at some point.) So many questionsssss.
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Moving on, I’d love to know more about her relationship with Nala Se. We’ve seen that the doctor has a soft spot for Omega, most definitely because she raised and grew to love her instead of deeming her a piece of property (not excusing Nala Se’s vile actions with the other clones, she can still rot, Omega has better parental figures now.), but was it always like that? Did she neglect smaller Omega for being just another clone? Before ‘Mega could show personality and differentiate herself, did Se still view her as nothing more then a test subject? How did that affect her relationship with Omega as a young child.
Speaking of which, what was Omega then like as a smaller child (hard to believe, she’s still so smol lmao), but I’m talking toddler age here. She is basically a regular person, going through regular human changes due to the fact she isn’t altered, which means she would’ve had all of those wretched toddler phases that parents dread. We can most likely assess that she was playful and curious, she still is now, bless her, but how was it received? Smaller children don’t have the complexity to understand the level of technicality that the Kaminoans work at, she wouldn’t have understood the necessity of sitting still and behaving, would she have been severely reprimanded? Was Nala Se nice to her about it? How was she raised to interpret mannerisms of other people in regards to this?
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Furthermore, I want to know what tests they were performing on her too. She’s clearly important due to her first hand DNA, but before that was an asset, before the Kaminoans needed that, what were they doing to her? Why were they testing on her? How much pain was she in? Did she receive any comfort afterwards or was she expected to dry her eyes and get on with it? (I’m speculating it was the latter.) I need to know what they were doing and why. What was the purpose!
Her entire previous life is a huge mystery to us and I want to know more! And I hope I’m not the only one!
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Just looking at her precious little face hurts because we know she didn’t receive the ideal childhood, if anything it was borderline abusive (I mean, not just testing on her, but the mind games the Kaminoans played with this poor kid, the fact she was well aware she was just an asset to their research and yet she constantly received mixed messages. It’s no wonder she idolised the bad batch so much; they seemed to be the only people who hadn’t either treated her like garbage at some point up until then, or died. Honestly despite the few slip ups, props to them for actually taking her in and being decent towards her.
I mean, this isn’t the purpose of this post, but just look at the comparisons.
She finally receives her own bedroom.
Said bedroom isn’t even a proper room, but they made do with what they could. She even acknowledges this and she still absolutely loves it. It’s decked out just for her with fairy lights, blankets and toys.
As said, she actually owns toys now, we don’t know if she ever did on Kamino, but I’m speculating it was most likely very few if any at all.
She has her own weaponry and equipment, she’s actually being assisted to defend herself and her squad, she’s gaining knowledge the Kaminoans wouldn’t have ever dreamed of giving her.
As we’ve seen with the amount of times she runs to Hunter for protection, she trusts them immensely. They’re doing everything right to gain her apprehensive trust so quickly.
And of course it isn’t just with Hunter (I’m a stan so pardon my consistency with bringing him up) but she’s the same with the entire batch, even Cross to a very mild extent! She trusts Wrecker with her life, she forgave him so easily after the Bracca incident because she knows the difference between someone purposefully trying to hurt her and them having no control over their actions.
We see she’s been patient with Echo and Tech, she loves to listen to them, she’s picked up on Tech’s dialect (as seen in episode seven) and she trusts him to help her whenever necessary, she has such a touching bond with Echo too, their little interactions melt my heart.
I could rant for hours about her bond with Hunter, so maybe that should be it’s own post at some point, but honestly just how she always seeks him out specifically for comfort, protection and reassurance. It’s so beautiful.
The way she’s addressed Crosshair over their few co-existent moments too. She’s tried to reassure him it isn’t his fault, because she knows it isn’t, she trusts him because she has no reason not too, everything he’s done and said to her hasn’t been within his control.
These are all severely different reactions to how she responds to both the Kaminoans on planet, whenever they’re mentioned, and from what we know in regards to how they treated her.
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I’m repeating myself from a previous post here but honestly petition to give Megs all the hugs in the universe. She deserves ‘em. 💛
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 13
humansona time, hell yes
OH MAN I forgot about the stuff w/swerve and blurr oof
that panel of perceptor just saying random equations always kills me vhsdjhfkbjhksdfnka
also I love so much that they call perceptor ‘percy’ that's so cute
I love the implications here that people just Grab minibots and carry them around like luggage bc they are Tiny lmao
ohhhh my god I fuckgin love ‘I'm just wondering if there's time to expand my aura and cleanse the area of aggression’ ‘I...don't think so, drift’ hgbadjfjbaskdfs drift’s hippy nonsense delivered completely seriously pairs hilariously with his whole ‘violent guy with a bunch of swords’ thing lmao
also, IM NEVER OVER CYCLONUS SINGING TO TAILGATE, and also the security team mistaking it for cyclonus murdering tg hbhkjadfbjkhsdf cyclonus u icon
and tg looking at cyclonus all heart-eyes, omg 
drift showing rodimus how to swordfight...fellas.....
rodimus, being entirely ignorant to the irony in calling cyclonus and tailgate’s relationship strange when he and drift are Right There, being weird gay frat bros
did yall know, I love magnus so much. law dad
magnus saying ‘that's not even a word. id have heard of it’ about the word ‘relax’ is so funny god 
rodimus bribing swerve with a bar license to get magnus turnt is hbvhjakdbfhskf
never over rodimus portioning out drifts blood money to the crew for shore leave hubhjsdkhfdbjksd god 
despite tg lying about a good amount of his past, I feel like he rlly DOES see cyclonus as a link to a more familiar time, and that's a large reason why he’s so forgiving toward cyc
mannnn the stuff w/blurr and swerve is so depressing in retrospect. swerve is like, such a depressing character the more you think abt him vbhskjdhfbsk jesus
magnus trying to get in on the convo when swerve starts talking statistics oh magnus
idk what ‘the lube pits’ are but I Really do not want to know
‘the temple of the raging prism’ sounds fuckin bangin tho
I love seeing everyones humansona!! this art style is pretty simple, but I think it looks cute
rungs ‘human name’ being ‘mary sue’ lmaoooooo jro w/the self callout
also skids’ name being blank is a nice touch
still not over tg being a baby....poor guy
whirls humansona is so fuckgin good, also swerve looks like a hobbit
magnus basing his avatar on verity is so sweet ;_; I really should read all the wreckers stuff after I finish this reread
WHY would magnus accept a drink from whirl anyways lmao
tailgate is so cute
they rlly just left magnus facedown on the table and kept drinking huh. the irresponsibility....we love it
rung don't lie, froid is your nemesis
WHY do we never get to hear more about skids’ apparent beef with misfire
rewind calling the swerve/misfire This early, wow
literally Everyone abandoning swerve to deal with magnus hgbvhfjdskdfbhs I fucking love this issue man
GOD I LOVE MAGNUS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! he’s such an interesting and unique character and hhhh I love him and his development
like, he was probably the biggest surprise out of everyone who agreed to go on the quest - ostensibly it was to keep order on the lost light, but it would make sense that magnus would get tired of being the Only one who cares about that sorta stuff on board 
drunk magnus is such a delight oh my god
magnus rlly just wants everyone to be safe :( my daddddd
magnus: I love all my children equally...swerve, rodimus, [looks at smudged writing on hand] dirt
swerve: see, magnus, that’s where you’re wrong - I ALSO have crippling depression!
cant believe they bought rodimus a hat vhbhksdfhahsjkdf
HHHHH GOD I FORGOT ABT THATTTT when cyclonus goes bonkers in order to stop rewind from playing the ark 1 footage and inadvertently outing tailgate as a liar....AUGHHHHH THE FUCKING...THE FUCKING ROMANCE OF IT ALL
oh rewind :( you should really wonder a little harder where chromedome is right now...oof
everyone jumping on magnus while he’s passed tf out is SO fucking funny 
hhhhhhhhhhh I love how cyclonus sat tailgate down and confronted him about lying, but did it privately and not in front of everyone - and he even saved tg from being exposed as a liar, too. AUGH 
I feel like cyclonus is kinda impressed at how effortlessly tg has managed to lie this whole time, and tbh it IS impressive, especially considering tailgate was basically teleported 6 million years into the future and has no idea how the world works anymore, but was still able to lie convincingly. even cyclonus only realized bc of his own past, and not until now
tailgate ;_; ;_; ;_; 
cyclonus: oh no...im soft
tailgate and cyclonus singing ye olde cybertronian tunes together...OUGHHHH my fucking heart bro mY FUCKING HEART.
on that note: the song ‘to noise making (sing)’ by hozier is literally about cygate. thank u for coming to my ted talk
magnus had to like, get the robot equivalent of a stomach pumping after that hvbskdjfbhskdf jesus they really did almost kill him huh
I consider this issue forshadowing bc it makes 100% sense that minimus would be a Mega Lightweight considering he’s like 3 feet tall
the real quest that swerve is participating in is ‘the quest to get friends’ and so far its going pretty badly. poor dude 
godddd the thing that says ‘next: Overlord!’ with a fucking exclamation point I DONT APPRECIATE THAT. 
OHO i forgot abt the canon fanfic at the end of this issue
rung kicking things off with some good ole bodily workings-based dread 
ok but being so awed by the construction of your species’ anatomy that you wanna fall on the floor in amazement? that's a whole ass mood and I do frequently stare at walls for long periods of time, thinking about the marvel that is the human body. so rung is valid 
FROID NAME DROP LMAO. also yet again, are you SURE he’s dead?? are you????
the name ‘froid’ cracked me up almost as much as ‘rigor morphis’ did when I first read this...robot-based science puns! woohoo!
rung rlly b out here thinking abt overlords lips.....
‘forced browsing is not the autobot way’ lmao skids
also fr tailgate defs thinks that whirls actually name is nutjob
the entire segment of cyclonus browsing and everyone watching him and commenting is just. golden
oh no. don't make me think of rewind and his tiny memory sticks that he carries around. I'm NOT READY
magnus’ brutal read on rodimus and the fact that he’s more suited, personality-wise, to wartime than peacetime? oof. love it
I ALSO love that a big part of this issue was magnus admitting, in less direct terms, that HE isn't made for the post-war life either - his strict adherence to the rules and constant vigilance isn't exactly the best mindset for peacetime, for him or the people under his command
magnus’s hatred of metaphors and similes and the like....hvbsdjkfbasjhdf I love him
MAGNUS ILY...he’s trying SO HARD cut him some slack. i think his jokes are. yeah!
oh goody this text used "rodimus’s" so I guess that's canonically correct and I haven't been using grammar incorrectly as I had feared 
rodimus sitting ON his desk and doodling on it...adhd icon
rodimus calling rung a psychotherapist, which was rung’s grounds for a nemesis hvbhjabfdskfnkks
rung: as I'm sure you know I take patient confidentiality VERY seriously
narrator: That Was A Lie 
AUGH this hurts...rung trying to get justice for red alert but rodimus is in on the overlord stuff :( ouch
so issue 13! I fucking love this issue. just some good ole funney space hijinks, with some nice relationship development for tg and cyc - plus a revelation about tailgate - and some characterization for swerve and magnus. plus we get to see humansonas, which is always fun. augh I love this comic, and I am SO not ready for the next few issues, good lord
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closer-stars · 4 years
match ateez members with your favourite songs :'D
LMAO VIVI, icb it took me this long to answer this 
Seonghwa - Niki’s I Like U. Though the song’s on the POV of the one who “lost”, Niki’s talking about the person who slipped away. Not gonna lie, this gives me Seonghwa vibes. 
“I know that I signed up for this casually But I fell for your tricks, I'm the casualty“ “But I just can't seem to figure you out You got that mystery“
Look me in the eye and tell me you didn’t think Seonghwa would carry that much charm. 
“Something about you makes me difficult But that makes us even 'cause you're top of the charts Egotistical, it's so typical For me to fall for your kind But, oh God, I wish you were mine“
“I like you, I like you, I like you Sorry, I never meant to (Sorry)“ “I'll be patient, I swear I'll even count to ten One, two, three, four, five F- it“
Just gives me the entire vibe of how Seonghwa has this charm that you never really thought of going for but here we are. Fools for Seonghwa. Also, Aries energy the whole ‘One, two, three, four, five, fuck it.”
Second: Ooh La la - Tinashe
Hongjoong - Right off the bat, it’s Masego’s Tadow, the entire way they did the song just gave me the impression, that once they have the means to have all of that in a studio, Hongjoong will probably do it too. Also, the lyrics.  
“Baby like oh How'd you do the thing? The way that you do it and she ain't even show Nothing She be walking 'round so confident, so heaven-sent I think she was meant to knock 'em dead like (tadow) (tadow)“
Give Hongjoong some time and he’ll probably come out with subtle chill bangers like this. 
Second: Hey Baby - Crush, Zion T
Yunho - Tone Stith’s Let Me. Him being so willing to lend his credit card to Mingi in that one V-live. The way this fandom just agrees that he’s the type of person who’s love language is to pamper them. BUT ALSO. Yunho’s very relaxed, the relaxed that has him just leaning against the couch type. (is it the Scorpio mars? I have no clue.) BUT this song. THIS SONG. YUNHO. 
Second: Coco Bottle - Penomeco 
Yeosang - Eric Bellinger’s Type A Way. When Jongho said that Yeosang’s song recommendation was The Weeknd’s Heartless, it made me look at him at a slightly different light. He’s underestimated I think. So have a song that warns you that if you underestimate someone you’re bound to get whiplash.... which is what Yeosang gives me. His confidence in himself also is growing so it’s only a matter of time until he probably shows something deadlier than what he’s been showing us.  (cough cough @yeochikin thoughts?)
“So careful what you wish for (you might get it) You might get it (just wanna show you)“
“When I give it to you night and day (woo, yeah) And day, day and night, I know what to do (and day) Bet I make you feel some type of way-ay, of way-ay, of way-ay“
Second: Nights Like This - Kehlani
San - Ty Dolla Sign’s Purple Emoji. The song’s pretty much on how they express their love and appreciation for the other person. Their Day 1′s. The people who helped them become better. Different types of love. All just wanting the better for the other. San’s been the Day 1 for ATEEZ, wanting the best, wanting to improve for them. Besides the fact it’s called Purple emoji (San: Purple uwu), it’s just something I can associate San with. 
“I had to boss you up, I had to level up myself I did some growin' up, I'm doin' better for myself But I still need you“
“When we turn like 50, I'm still gonna have all of your messages saved Purple emojis with horns on it Like the devil, but ain't nothin' devilish, babe In fact, it's a Heaven-sent thing“
Also, this song has a special place in my heart. I kind of wanted to make sure if I associate someone with this song, it was going to be someone who has a good heart. 
Second: Pineapple Skies - Miguel 
Mingi - Sik-K feat DPR Live’s Have A Little Fun. Did I spend time looking up the brands Mingi wears in Mingkiway and out of that vlog? Yes. They’re not cheap. It’s not brands either that are as known as Gucci but mention them to someone who knows fashion and there’s a chance that they know it. Rich boy vibes. Also, Live’s verse on world tours = Mingi’s wish for ATEEZ World Domination. 
“YSL a bunch of money Diamond bling Switching lanes Porsche yeah believe that World tour that you wait on Rap till I die so my coffin gold Rep the country Yeah you might know Gon be legend that’s how it go”
Second: Lost in Your Light - Dua Lipa
Wooyoung - Penomeco’s Coco Bottle. There’s something about this song that really gives me Wooyoung vibes. The whole: I want to get away from this place, somewhere different. with someone. I don’t have the lyrics here cause it’s really just a lot of comparisons to coco bottles, and being brought to his own world (whatever that means). I do see Wooyoung just freestyling to this song though :c
Second: Ring Ring Ring - Somdef
Jongho - It’s a tie between Ella Mai’s Boo’d up and Trip. LMAO, I really did not have any plans of looking at him. Not in the “I want to ignore this guy” but more of “I don’t want to fall for his charms” My friends have seen my turmoil of trying to stay strong and not fall for him up to how I now just Yell over Jongho’s existence and mannerisms. Also, I’m really not used to having someone younger than me as my bias wrecker????? Bro What.
“My bad, my bad for, trippin' on you“
“Hear my heart go ba-do, boo'd up Biddy-da-do, it just won't stop, it go“
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mingishoe · 4 years
50 kpop questions
Just because I’ve been stuck inside for exactly 31, almost 32 days, which is terrible for my mental health sO i’m doing this to keep my mind off of things. Also I’m really sorry for not posting this week, I’ve been working on requests and I’ve just been taking my time and stuff so yeah. Thank you for being patient babes~~
1.)The first song that got you into kpop? So surprisingly it wasn’t a  BTS song even though Run was the first kpop song I heard... it was Sorry by The Rose  
2.) The first group you starting staning in kpop? So sorry was a song that really stuck with me for the longest time and almost immediately after I started staning The Rose. Usually when I tell people its a band and not necessarily a ‘normal’ kpop group that has choreo and stuff, they’re always really surprised because even now they’re not super super popular. 
3.) Your first bias? So even though The Rose isn’t a normal choreo kpop group my first bias was Dojoon but pretty soon after I got into BTS and before I learned their names I was really drawn to Namjoon, so I’d say either one of those.
4.) Your first bias wrecker? Okay so in The Rose I didn’t really have one but in BTS my bias wrecker was Yoongi and obviously he wrecked me because uhh yeah Yoongi is now my bias BUT it’s still Yoongi after years sooo...
5.) Your favorite boy group? My favourite boy group is Ateez (obviously lmao)
6.)Your favorite girl group? My favourite girl group currently is Itzy but I’m really stuck between BlackPink as well.
7.) Your ultimate bias If it’s not obvious enough, its Mingi... hence my username
8.) The main fandom your apart of? I’d say I’m mainly Atiny, but there’s a huge Army inside of me.
9.) Your ultimate group? My ult group is also Ateez
10.) Your favorite era of your ultimate group?
Dude all of Ateez’ eras are literally all perfect but I’d say either this past comeback, the Answer era or the Wave/Illusion era.
11.) Your opinion, black haired idols or dyed hair? I love me a good pretty hair colour *Cough* mingi’s red hair and Yoongi’s mint hair *cough* but also P L E A S E let their hair B R E A T H E BEFORE IT FALLS OUT!
12.) Aegyo master girls?
So the groups I watch honestly don’t really like/don’t have the best aegyo but Lisa is really cute so I’d say her
13.) Aegyo master boys?
We all know our boy Jooheon- as much as it makes me wanna invert on myself it’s also insanely cute
14.) Your favorite maknae
So you know... it’s between Jongho and Jungkook but I think I’d have to say Kook.
15.) Your ‘child’ group?
I don’t really know what that means so UHHH
16.) The group you could see yourself becoming best friends with?
Dude honestly as much as I love ateez I just wanna be best friends with BTS so FUCKING BAD like dawg they’re just so funny and yeah 
17.) Your favorite boy group kpop song ?
This is a really hard question because there’s like a million answers but I’d say Utopia. That song without a doubt makes me cry every time I listen to it because it’s just so beautiful and it just makes my heart so happy,
18.) Your favorite kpop song girls?
I don’t wanna be basic or anything but it’s either ddu-du-ddu-du by BlackPink or ooh-ahh by Twice
19.) Are you more into girl groups or boy groups?
I’m more of a boy group stan because I’m not a huge fan of the cutesy stuff most girl groups do, but I do enjoy girl groups as well it’s just more difficult for me to get into them.
20.) Favorite kpop girl dance?
Once again I don’t wanna be basic but I really like either Whistle or BOOMBAYAH by BlackPink or Cheer Up by Twice. 
21.) Favorite kpop boy dance?
I really like Love Shot and Ko Ko Bop by EXO or Serendipity by Jimin BTS 
22.) If you were stuck in a horror movie you’d want which group with you?
Okay so no matter what group I’d pick I’d be dead bUT I think my best bet would be maybe Ateez because they got Jongho and that boy is strong and not scared of anything.
23.) Favorite fandom light stick?
By far my favourite is the BlackPink light stick because it’s literally the cutest thing ever aND IT SQUEAKS!!! like someone please buy it for me. Please and Thank You.
24.) Favorite fandom name?
I really like Ikon’s ikonic and Ateez’ Atiny
25.) Visual king?
Yeosang PERIODT, baby gets slept on way too much on his visuals and KQ was right to make him a visual.
26.) Visual queen?
Dude Jisoo from BlackPink. She’s so beautiful and shes in my top 3 of female idols I think are the most gorgeous thing in the world.
27.) Dance queen?
Lisa from BlackPink. If you’ve seen her mentoring on that chinese show- BITCH you can see how serious she takes it and it’s so satisfying to watch but also I’d cry if I’d ever have to dance in front of her.
28.) Dance king?
Hoseok from BTS. Like once again you can physically see how serious he takes it and its insanely hot but also very scary and like Lisa I’d cry if I’d ever have to dance in front of him.
29.) Rap king?
This is an opinion and I’ve met so many people who have actually fought with me on this one but Hoseok from BTS is literally such a good rapper. I understand he might not be the best but he is my favourite rapper in kpop. I just absolutely love his tone of voice and idk UGH i just love Hoseok overall.
30.)Rap queen?
I know a lot of people are probably gonna disagree with me on this one but uh I think Moonbyul, Hyuna, and Jessi are some of the best rappers because personally I just really like their tones and UGH they’re all just beautiful. 
31.) A group you’d really like to get into?
There are SO many groups I would love to get into but I’d say a girl group would be Dreamcatcher because I listen to their songs and they’re all great but I just haven’t found the time to sit down and learn their names or anything. A boy group would be MCND because I saw their debut like an hour after it released and it was really good and once again I really like their debut album but I just haven’t found the time to sit down and learn their names either.
32.)Your favorite ship?
I’m personally not really into ships so I’ll just use ships as friendships so I’d say either Yoonmin, sope, but probably Vmin would be my favourite, which are all BTS ships.
33.) Your favorite intergroup friendship?
I think I’m gonna say Jackson Wang from GOT7 and Namjoon from BTS. They’re both just really cute so yeah kjdfskd
34.)Ballads or upbeat songs?
Personally ballads because I prefer slower more cute or sad songs or the complete opposite and like trap with a loud ass bass.
35.) Have you ever met any of your idols?
No but I would love to. Rationally thinking I think I would completely shut down and not know what to do because some of these people I look up to so highly and literally thank them for the sole reason of me being happy and being able to get through such difficult times.
36.) Do you prefer cute themes or sexy themes?
Once again I don’t really like cutesy themes that much so I’m going to go on the sexy themes side. also i’m a hardstan so obviously.
37.) How long have you been a kpop fan?
So I’ve been around Kpop for a really long time because a few of my friends listened to BTS and Super Junior and stuff like that I always listened to it but I was forcefully trying not to get into it but eventually I gave up and secretely got into kpop around 2017 but then i “Came out of the kpop closet” as my friends like to say after the Burn The Stage movie came out because my friend took me to go see it with her when it came out in 2018. But yeah if I let myself I would’ve been a kpop stan a long ass time ago.
38.) Your favorite comeback song?
There were so many comebacks that I really loved so there’s a few but Got7 You Calling My Name and Ateez Wonderland are two of my favourites.
39.) Do you have any kpop company you tend to prefer?
Not really, but I’d say I listen to many artists from JYP.
40.) Barefaced idols or make up?
41.) Is you bias list as out of control as mine?
My bias list is pretty much all rappers except maybe 2 or 3 so I’d say I have a type sdfskfhskjd
42.) How many groups do you actually keep tabs on?
A lot more than I actually realize but mostly Ateez, BTS, Monsta x, and Itzy. But I heavily rely on twitter for the rest of my groups
43.) Your current favorite kpop song?
I really don’t even know... but I’d say Utopia by Ateez.
44.) First kpop dance you’ve attempted to learn?
So I attempted to learn a bunch of dances but I really just gave up bUT a dance I’ve actually solidly learned is Ddu-du-ddu-du by BlackPink.
45.) When I hear kpop songs in public I....?
Personally I’m not ashamed to like kpop in public or anything. Like I’ll wear merch and stuff in public sO I’d probably not even make a big deal out of it and just sing along quietly.
46.) If I knew someone irl who had the same bias as me I would...?
Honestly we could like thirst and bond over having the same bias> I don’t get the people who get actually offended if people have the same bias and then defensive and possessive whenever they do have the same bias.
47.) Kpop idol I would most like to meet?
I probably would like to meet Wooyoung or San from Ateez. They both just seem like the nicest, sweetest people ever and I’d just love to have that experience.
48.) Kpop idol who is like a role model to me?
Namjoon from BTS. Do I even have to explain that? Honestly that man should be a role model and an inspiration to everyone but...
49.) Favorite kpop lyrics?
Sunrise by Ateez. The lyrics have helped me through many difficult times and every time I listen to it it’s a reminder that everything is going to be okay.
Why is my life so dark? Why, always makes me hard? A lost heart The burden on my shoulders Let's wait a little longer, even if it's cold. It's gonna rise. Sooner or later. Let's wait and see, alright. What I want someone to say to me, even if it's a lie. "You don't have to worry." "You're doing great." "Just keep it up. Just like you do now."
50.) If I had a whole day with my bias I would....”
I would honestly just wanna do something chill. Like Imagine just chilling and watching movies while eating snacks with Mingi- idk about you but honestly that’s probably the best thing I could imagine.
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jungcock · 6 years
no joke I literally check your tumblr every night to see if a new part of fatal attraction is posted and you have SRSLY just made my day!!! and is it bad that I still want y/n n jungkook to be together
you lil devoted sweetheart!! you’ve made my day. thanks for sticking around bb and being so patient i rly appreciate it. and yes, you and everyone else lmao ;)
hi my lovelies!! i’ve compiled my asks bc oh my gosh u all sent me so many!! here are a few and i’ll answer some more soon!! ily all 💖 
Anonymous said:fatal attraction has been one of the best fics i’ve read in so long. tysm for it honestly 😂 i usually get bored of fics midway but this ones so captivating and i can’t get enough. you’re an amazing writer and can’t wait for more !! 💓
thats so humbling to hear my fic is special to you and kept ur attention wowie thank you so so much!!
Anonymous said:Hi I’m a long time lurker and I just wanted to tell you that your writing is incredible and thank you for writing fatal attraction because the writing and plot is so damn good ❤️
a long time lurker?!?! alksdjfds i’m shook thank you so much happy to hav u lurkin hehe x
Anonymous said:Hey, I just wanted to pass by and say that everytime I hear “Too late to say goodbye” by Cage the Elephant I think about FA😍
omg i love cage the elephant!! i haven’t heard that song tho! i’ll have to give it a listen c:
Anonymous said:the time has arrived. ever since fatal attraction 1 has been came into all our lives, i had always been waiting for jungkook to appear. aND THE DAY HAS ARRIVED AND THAT DAY IS IN CHAPTER 4 ASDFGHJKL YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH I SCREAMED LMAO
omg you are so so welcome!!! and yes he did!! woOOOoOOO! 
Anonymous said:Hiiii!!! I just wanted to say that the Fatal Attraction series is so good and I actually screamed when I saw the update! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the story has such an amazing plot and great character depth and the mystery/action/suspense its all amazing! Thank you so much for this amazing story ❤️
oh my, thank you so so much!!! it’s really nice to hear i’m doing a good job in those aspects, thank you :’)
OFC YOU ARE WELCOME!!! i’m so happy to see you so excited about it!! i can’t wait to share with you all what’s going to happen!! and yes, we always need the guys to swoop in and be protective and cute 🤧
awkward-kooks said:I’m not ready for anyone to die yet 😭😭
none of us are amrite
Anonymous said:I just had to say you’re such an incredible writer! I can really feel the inner turmoil, the remorse, sympathy, and fear, in Fatal Attraction. It’s comedic, heart breaking, angsty, I’m addicted! I’ve read many a fic, and this is by far my absolute favorite! Great job and I can’t wait for more!
your favourite?!? i’m as;klgjflsdkfjg wOW :’) thank you so much omg you hav no idea how happy it makes me that all those elements transcend!! can’t wait to share more!! x
the-rise-of-bangtan-boyz said:I just wanted to tell you that I have never clicked on a notification so fast. Thank you for the new Fatal Attraction update. Can’t wait for the rest of it :)
i feel very honoured u turn notifs on for me :’) and pls, u r very welcome 
Anonymous said:I freaking love fatal attraction. Thank you so much for updating!! You made jungkook my bias wrecker after FA, you have that power.
oh my god really?!?!? amazing i’m shook. good luck, that handsome boy about to ruin ur life.
definitely-not-your-noona said:MIA I WILL NEVER GET OVER HOW WELL YOU WRITE EVERYTHING IS JUST PERFECT. As much as i hate Jungkook in this fic i love his character, it’s so complex and psychotic omg it’s amazing. I love your plot line and plot twists and just UGH EVERYTHING IS AMAZING I cant wait for the next chapters but at the same time I don’t want thins fic to end. Thank you so much for this masterpiece and take care of yourself. Love always 💕✨💕✨💕✨
oh you sweet sweet angel, you always give me the best feedback thank you so much!! aksjndfg i think we all feel the same way about jungkook’s character lmao. you take care of yourself too!! x
Anonymous said:Wow real shit is about to start. This is honestly worth waiting for, every chapter just gets better and better 👍! This is crazy , Jungkook is crazy … no he’s more than that he actually a psycho 😲 I really can’t predict what’ll happened, this fic just messes with my mind (but in a good way), I makes me question myself a lot😊 I love FA so much , I really really can’t get enough of it . Thank you so much Mia, and as always take your time with everything 💕
shit is about to get real alskdjgf oh hunny!! thank you for saying it’s worth waiting for :’) i always feel so bad i make u guys wait so long bc i’m such a slow writer. but anyway i’m glad you’re enjoying it!! thank you again for this kind msg.
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