#clone 99
I really like the specific niche of star wars fans that are just obsessed with clones (like myself) bc I swear, we are the most avoidant group of ppl the galaxy has ever fcking met.
what do you mean Hardcase died on Umbara? he looks fine to me?
Fives? Died? girl when? last I remember he was choking the life out of chancellor palpatine
Waxer, dead because of Krell? not if you don't look at it he's not
Ponds? killed by a bounty hunter? I'd like to see her try, Mace would kill her
99 will never die, fight me
Tup? are u crazy, I saw him yesterday, we hugged it out
THE ENTIRE 332 COMPANY? We are literally having drinks with them right now, what are you on about?
Jesse has never hurt a soul in his life, he is the goodest boy in blue, he would never raise a pistol to Ahsoka, stop talking okay??
Cody? kill obi wan? someone's been drinking the funny juice huh?
order 66 who? never heard of her, leave me alone, no I mean it. go away. stop. STOP, LEAVE!!
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aka-lorterian · 6 months
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toastyrobos · 1 year
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In honor of May the fourth we have “brothers”
(99, Heavy, Cody, Gregor, Fives and Rex)
Thank you all for your service to the grand army of the republic♥️
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sleepingsun501 · 1 year
Headcanon/theory time:
What if Ninety-Nine was meant to be a member of Clone Force 99??
The Kaminoans definitely played around with the accelerated aging rate of the clones, seeing as Omega was created before the Bad Batch, likely just after or around the time generation 1 and Boba were created for her to be old enough to remember the Bad Batch’s creation. This would also mean that the Bad Batch were likely created along with generation 2 for them to be mature enough for combat. Additionally, if Emerie is a Jango clone and Omega’s sister, the Kaminoans clearly gave her a dose of whatever accelerated her aging.
We know from TCW episode 03:01 “Clone Cadets” that training squads consisted of five troopers, but the Bad Batch only originally had four. There’s no real reason the Kaminoans would have deviated from Clone Force 99 having five members… unless something went wrong.
The Bad Batch still would have been functional as a squad of four if their training had been adapted to that of the commandos. I’m hesitant to say they were originally intended to train and operate as commandos, because their designations are CT-9901, 9902, 9903, and 9904 respectively, not CCs.
So, if there were supposed to be five Bad Batchers, who would CT-9905 have been?
My theory is that Ninety-Nine was originally created as part of the Bad Batch and was designated 9905, but something went wrong with the “desirable” mutation in his DNA that caused him to age far too rapidly. Upon seeing this, the Kaminoans removed him from the Bad Batch, but kept him around to see the results of their twisted experimentation. That means the rest of Clone Force 99 could still have been aware he existed, and maybe Ninety-Nine even looked out for them as he continued to rapidly age. It would also add to his desire to be a soldier like the rest of his brothers, and his strong sense of camaraderie. That would account for the Bad Batch knowing of his sacrifice when the droids attacked Kamino, and likely formulating Plan 99 in his honor.
Finally, it would make the situation even more poetic that Echo, who knew and befriended Ninety-Nine, would come to be the fifth member of the Bad Batch.
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spiralingemptyness · 7 months
I want more… clone hc pt. 2
why not more hc, I’m bored and wanna ramble… sorry if I repeated any.
99 is the best vode, he knows everything. If a brother is said, he’ll hug them, give words of encouragement and stuff and a mysteriously some illegal contraband that whatever the clone likes will randomly show up.
Shaak ti is buff and can hold her own if not demolish the Alphas on the training mats (The Rancor battalion found that out the hard way)
Jek, Rys and Thire became close after the mission with Yoda, Thire is still close with the commanders on Coruscant, but he’s even closer with the other two
While Hound may be a sergeant, he’s still an honorary commander member, he became the little brother of the group
…Thorn didn’t die on Scipio, nope, no way. Amidala saved him, always carrying a blaster or smth.
Dogma became really good at braiding hair because of all the time he braided Tups hair, so after Umbara when he definitely goes to Coruscant, Amidala finds out and sometimes ask him to do her hair.
Colt may essentially be Buir of Kamino, but all the alphas (especially 17) out Buir him, and it can be very comedic how a big burly alpha is hauling a ARC commander just to force them to sleep.
Fox absolutely denies or threaten to black mail shebse squad if they bring up the fact Fox was the first to fold and call Alpha-17 buir.
Colt and Wolffe have regular holo-calls just to shit talk Ventress.
Rex got adopted into Shebse squad after he bit Cody (Wolffe was proud)
When Kix is on shift in medbay, most of the time Jesse is there with him, he doesn’t have to be their but he’s a good batch mate.
Each shebse squad member have a quirk in fighting droids: Cody punches and spin kicks them, Wolffe bits them, Rex throws his blasters at them if they run out of ammo, Fox for some reason carry’s a high voltage taser, Bly drop kicks them, and Ponds throws rocks at them to catch them off guard
On multiple occasions animals like Loth cats and Tookas have been snuck on board the venators and multiple times have had to been taken off board
Fives has a girly scream, Torrent found out after he was caught singing in the barracks
Comet (and Plo Buir) can convice Wolffe to take care of himself (little brother privileges), unlike Boost, Warthog, and Sinker who have to sedate him of physically haul him away from the bridge
MEDICS GIVE STICKERS, if a your a good patient, you get a sticker. So there is a lot of vode with stickers inside or outside there armor
Colt keeps himself loaded with weapons, many different types of blasters, check. Lots of vibroblades and vibroswords (that he stole from commando droids), check. It will take a solid 10 mins for him to de-weapon himself
after Khorm, Plo threatened Captain Ozzel…. It was terrifying, Kit Fisto was both shocked and absolutely scared of getting on Plo Koons bad side.
Monnk collects different shells and rocks from the ocean floor and give them to different vode
kit fisto taught his battalion how to fish, just randomly, out of the blue he said they were going fishing and they went fishing
Ashoka definitely stole the ‘I’m no Jedi’ line from Rex.
everyone form the 212th and some 501st members were more traumatized by a bold Kenobi than the fact he faked his death to be a bounty hunter for a time period
kix has trouble staying warm after the cyro-freeze, like he’ll be bundled up in layers on tatooine
quinlan snuck into fox’s office once and was hit with a data pad on the head when he scared him and got himself a concussion, safe to say he doesn’t sneak up on fox anymore
clones have a sweet tooth
Once Hound got hurt while chasing a suspect and Grizzer went absolutely feral on the person who hurt him, it took Thorn and Stone just to separate him from the suspect, (fox and thire were just watching in shock as they helped hound)
padawans always use vents for travel (ex. Echo: where’s the commander. Fives casually: oh she’s in the vents. Echo: oh.. WHY IS SHE IN THE VENTS)
(Might be in the other one) The corrie guard have a bet everytime a battalion is on leave, the bet is: which members of what battalion will have the most in the drunk tank.
medics have to have a smex-ed meeting with every new shiny that boards
Bly (respectfully, cause he is a gentleman) asked Aayla to wear armor, the next day she was wearing Bly’s spare armor. Bly couldn’t stop blushing the whole day and it made his tattoos orange
When one or more of the Shebse squad is on leave, they bully fox into going to 79’s with them or to take care of himself. Safe to say, that whenever that happens the corrie guard can relax a bit
the most annoying patients for medics is any CO or jedis, all medics curse like sailors
when Kix was a medic shiny he hadn’t yet mastered the disapproval stare or the ‘shut the kark up and do what I say’ stare, so the vode listened to him just because it was so cute and funny, they quickly learned to stop thinking like that.
once after a battle Obi-Wan found Cody lying star fished on his back, he kicked a droid and broke his foot and collapsed once his foot gave out. Obi-wan just sighed, forced healed his foot a bit and carried him to the medics (Cody was turned into a sputtering and flustered mess)
Rex was already being corrupted by Skywalker’s tendencies when he was just a lieutenant in the 212th, Cody was horrified and wanted to bash his head into the wall.
Boil and Waxer secretly adopted Numa after Ryloth, each just co-parenting her
Kids on coruscant would sometimes come up to a guard member and hand them a paper of a drawing, ask for a hug, or just give them goodies. The guard now has a wall full of drawings given to them by kids in the barracks
the guard have stupid names for operations, it’s just a serious op about observing and trying to take down a drug ring (with vos’s help) and it has a name like “operation: too high to fly”
the cadets will hang off from any limb they can reach of their clone trainers and shaak ti
medics will lay on a cot with an injured clone on it to help them sleep, they’ll either be sleeping with them or doing data work
so yah… I’ll make more. Might make some of cod, fnaf , Dc, etc. as well and try to do art as well
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toska-writes · 9 months
Хорошего дня или ночи! Я так рад, что нашел ваш аккаунт с вашими фиками, они просто замечательные.
Если вы не возражаете, тогда у меня есть просьба. Читатель - падаван Шаак Ти, и вместе с ней она или он прибывает на Камино, проводит там несколько недель, и читатель знакомится с 99 (этого ребенка так не хватает). Вы можете сделать что-то приятное и удобное. Вы также можете добавить маму!Шаак (я знаю, что вы пишете только с помощью клонов, но сделайте исключение, пожалуйста) и Кольт.
Заранее большое вам спасибо 😘❤️
I LOVE the idea of mom Shaak ti!
Summary: Shaak Ti has found herself with the company of a new padawan, with the new feet you seem to meet some very nice clones
Pairing: The Kamino parents aka Colt and Shaak Ti x GN padawan reader
Warning: NOT PROF READ, but so so much fluff
Word count: 1528
Notes: I have had such a writing block recently and honestly that’s why there hasn’t been many updates! I apologize
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The huge buildings were so daunting as the ship touched down with a thud, rain banged against all surfaces it would reach. The chorus of noises fell to the background as the ships door opened.
You were the only one that seemed to leave as you pulled your cloak around you tighter.
Chill winds nipped at any exposed skin while you traversed the slippery lading pad, the light died over the horizon line.
A figure stood etched out by the warms lights that flooded the facilities behind it. Other than the eerie appearance the silhouette only radiated a calming warm through the face.
A warmness you could use right now.
The torgruta was a lot taller than you expected. The sleek blue and white lekku reached far down her front as you came face to face for the first time with your new master.
Her eyes softened at your soggy appearance. “I’m master Shaak Ti, you must be my new padawan I’m assuming.”
She stepped to the side letting you in the dry building.
“I am.” You said with a renewed pep in your step following close to the side of your new master. “And I look forward to working with you.”
An arm draped around your shoulder and a gentle hand rub your arm trying to return some warmth back into your body.
A small smile traced your lips, your eyes returned excitedly up to your master.
With a chuckle returning your gaze she spoke. “And I with you, though I do wish these were easier times but there’s nothing we can do about it now.”
Growing deeper into the kaminoian facilities you watched as many clones passed, most seemed to be younger than the ones you’ve seen exiting the temple.
They all wore the same uniform and regulated haircut. Curious eyes stole glances as you continued to walk the halls. Every once in a while a simple wave was in order for the young clones, some gave timid waves back and others gave confused looks.
Master Ti’s cheeks warmed with the small gestures you gave to the younger clones. Her heart swelled slightly each time.
Some kaminoians stoped along the way either address master Ti with things you barely understood, or welcoming you to Kamino.
The kaminoians, despite their intentions spooked a young padawan like yourself.
Heavier boots echoed down the halls loudly approaching your position.
“Ah that must be Colt with a few cadets.” You didn’t have time to question Master Ti as a tall clone turned your way.
The daunting figure wore armor head to toe, a skull like pattern was painted on the helmet with the other colors being red and a pale blue.
This was the first clone you’ve properly seen and your back straightened at the sight of him.
The clones that followed behind, despite instruction, moved and tried to pear around one another too see the new person that was on their home planet.
When you see the same face everyday it’s good to something new.
“Commander Colt.” She said with a smile as the group stoped in front of you too. “I’d like to introduce you to my new padawan Y/N.”
You could feel the hard gaze of the Commander in front of you, with a sheepish smile you gave another small wave unsure of the formalities.
“Sir.” The clone nodded at you before he turned to the general. “You do know that your padawan is dripping all over the floor correct sir?”
A laugh rattled through the tall Torgruta, a hand landed on your shoulder. “We were just about to find a remedy for that Commander no need to worry.”
A few of the boys snickered at the exchange until the helmeted head shot around quickly making you smile slightly.
“Well sir if there’s time after I’m sure your jetti could show my boys a thing or too.” Colt looked between you and your master before you looked up at her yourself.
“If you want too my padawan you may.”
You pumped your fist into the air before saying. “I’d love to master.”
Master Ti wasn’t sold on the idea of a padawan on kamino learning from her but now she couldn’t figure out how she spent the days without the eyes on her.
“Until then Colt.” She nodded her head as her lekkus swayed.
“Goodbye Commander.” You bowed your head towards the clone the formality seemed right in this case.
His own arm raised from the stiff position at his side forming into a small wave of its own.
Weeks seemed to pass by in a flash, you followed Master Ti and learned many new skills from Colt along side a young upcoming group called the domino squad. They were definitely interesting to say the least.
It wasn’t until later into your time when your master instructed you too the mess hall, apparently there was someone you haven’t met yet and of course for a meal.
You scanned the room for anything that seemed out of the ordinary but only a few clones sat at the tables.
Your eyes focused on a figure slumped slightly over a far table in the corner. A broom and a bucket leaned against the wall. Two other clones seemed to be talking rather loud with the older one, until they spotted your quick pace over.
“Ah so you but be the new padawan.” The clone came into better view now. Wrinkles adorned his face and clearly he was much older than the others. He sighed was filled with relief as you stoped in front of him. “Would you like to sit down Y/N.”
“You know my name?” You asked taking the seat, the older clone seemed to relax slightly and leaned back against the wall along with his mop.
“Oh yes believe me I’ve heard much about you from the dominos.” He spoke with a slight laugh, his gravelly voice continued. “I’m 99.”
The old clone stuck a hand out which you hurriedly excepted with a smile.
“From what I hear you seem to be quite skilled with your training. I’m hoping you can teach those boys a few things.”
You laughed, it seemed like a grandpa talking about his rambunctious grandchildren with pride.
“They’re coming along-“ you started. “-gradually so.” This earned a laugh from 99.
The mess halls doors seemed to open wildly as younger groups of clones filtered in and many of the others off to other training.
The force felt lighter now with the rambunctious cadets and you could only smile. By the door a small group seemed to scan quickly before theirs eyes step on 99.
“Oh ho ho here they come.” Your attention turned back to the older clone with a smile on his face.
A group of 4 young looking clones bounded over. They couldn’t be much younger than you though from what you learned from your time on this planet was that that wasn’t the case.
They stoped wearily a few steps from the table, one with longer hair than what your use to seeing stepped foward slightly. “Made a new friend 99?” He asked cautiously.
“Boys this is Y/N, Master Ti’s padawan.” He gestured towards you.
One of the clones towards the back pushed foward, he seemed to be larger than the others but only had a goofy smile on his face.
“Woah your a Jedi?” He asked like a small child amazed.
You laughed before nodding slightly looking back towards 99. He pointed to each boy. “The one towards the front his Hunter, that’s Wrecker.” He pointed to the cadet right in front of you. “That’s Tech and Crosshair.”
One clone was lost in his datapad and the other seemed like he was trying to kill you with a glare. This group was an odd one before.
Lunch went better than most days. The cadets along with 99 seemed like perfect company for once during your meals. Many of the other clones were awkward or didn’t even talk.
At least a few of members of this squad seemed to enjoy it. One silver haired boy did not but hopefully that friendship will come with time.
You didn’t even notice the buzzing of your com link until the torgruta looked over the table.
“Ah so my padawan did take my instructions.” Master Ti’s airy words flew through the other conversations in the mess.
“Making some new friends dear?”
Your cheeks burned red as you stood to greet the master with a bow. “Umm yes Master, I guess I missed the start of training?” You looked up at her expectantly.
To say her face didn’t completely melt was an understatement, you had the Jedi wrapped around your finger. At least she new Colt felt the same.
“That’s quite all right my young padawan, why don’t you come find me after you and your friends conclude your meal.”
Without thinking you quickly shot forward and hugged the waist of the torgruta before saying. “I will, thank you master.”
“Of course my dear.” She spoke and then watched you return to your seat with an excited force signature around you. “Of course.”
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook @ct-0113
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Echo after getting his new hand: Thanks for the hand.
Fives in Clone Heaven: That’s my twin brother!
The rest of Domino Squad: Chaotic cheering for Echo to take down Hemlock.
99: Happy tears knowing Echo is about to kick everyone’s asses.
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soclonely · 3 months
The Clones as Things Your Teachers Should Have Told You As A Child To Encourage You
We are all up in the feels of supporting your inner child this week. I'm noticing a pattern of being let down by some of the adults in our life so I am here to be your teacher/coach/parent/stranger/society encouragement right now. Plus I really, really just miss doing these.
Rex- "Seeing you guys is the best part of my day!"
Echo-"Your success in the classroom does not define who you really are"
Fives- "I see you."
Jesse- "You don't need college to be successful. A GED is just as good as a high school diploma. Vocational school is just as important and as good as going to a university. Whatever you choose to do with your future, you have my support and guidance."
Kix- "Of course I remember you!" (when you come back to visit, whether it be the next year or 10 years down the line)
Tup- "Even teachers have bad days. I'm sorry I was openly angry and snappy today. I will try to remember to leave my own personal problems at the door next time."
Dogma- "Honestly you aren't going to use this in life, but the state standards require I teach you it. So we are going to get through this as soon as possible" (look honesty is the best policy!)
Hardcase- "You have my full attention."
Coric- "I'm worried about you. Is everything ok?"
Bly- "Sometimes, the only thing holding you back is the attitude you have toward the proble. Its okay to circle back to it when you are feeling better about it"
99- "If you like the things and hobbies you have, other people’s opinion does not matter at all. All you know is that you are happy, and you live for who? Them or you?" (shoutout to my 5th grade teacher who made fun of me for liking star wars)
Cody- "I am sorry you don't trust me. What can I do as your teacher to make you more safe when in my classroom?"
Waxer/Boil- *Put a sticker on your graded paper just because*
Wolffe- "I apologize for grading you on this material and not realizing you were struggling. Would going over it together and redoing the test once you fully understand help? Would a different assignment in its place be okay if you aren't confident
Boost/Sinker- "I believe in you."
Hunter- "If any of you need a quiet place to just take a moment by yourself, my office door is always open and my classroom is empty during these periods"
Wrecker-"Always be yourself because everyone else is taken."
Tech- "I am listening."
Crosshair- "No matter how good you are at something, there's always someone else who can do it better." (some of us needed a little humbling lets be honestl)
Omega- "They’re missing out, because you’re a kid worth knowing." (in response to any exclusionary classmates or just isolation feelings)
Howzer- "Thank you for explaining your situation with me. I will try my best to accomodate you in the meantime"
Fox- "How are you today?"
Gregor- "You know what? I think we've had enough. No homework for the week."
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fellthemarvelous · 4 days
Echo holding 99's body in his arms was some epic foreshadowing.
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I'm fine...totally fine.
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Not at all emotional.
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Omega's heart is just like 99's. She loves all her brothers so much.
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yukipri · 11 days
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The Prime Override - Chapter 71 is up!
Hevy - The Lord of Kamino
Here's the next chapter! It's a chill one, because I think we all need that after the last one (I need it, at least lol!), BUT we see some familiar faces that folks have been asking about for a while!
Also, a new character POV!
This chapter: A normal day in Tipoca City.
“I see you chose the platform where the Prime fought Kote’s jetii,” Hevy snorts. Two-Thousand shrugs as his hands expertly flick over the post-landing cycle. “Eh, thought it’d be fitting, given our recent guest,” he says nonchalantly, but Hevy also hears, he was on my mind, alright? I know he was on yours too. “Fair enough,” Hevy agrees. He must have already sent word ahead, because there’s a welcoming party waiting for them. Or more accurately, a single individual who stands on the walkway, uncaring as relentless winds and rain rage around him. He stands there, as still and serene as a statue of warriors of old, his pale cape and ankle-length kama whipping around him like banners. It’s a fitting image, Hevy thinks, for the protector of Kamino.
> > Read Ch 71 on AO3
Want to read ahead? Read early access chapters on my Patreon!
> Ch 72
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eclec-tech · 1 month
Who is Sniper CloneX2? Darned if I know. The guess I have tonight will be a different one by breakfast.
If you're having as hard a time as I am wrapping your head around the possibilities after the last two episodes, please accept this short fic as a token of confused fan solidarity. 🧡
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uglybumbo · 1 year
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lunarninja613 · 30 days
Do you think the Bad Batch was distrustful of Ventress not just because she was a Separatist and killed many of their brothers, but also because she was part of the same battle where 99 was killed?
Unless she wasn’t in that episode....
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toastyrobos · 8 months
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From mid August. Either way this man has quickly become a comfort character to draw. Gods I really do love Tech♥️
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coline7373 · 7 months
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"They took '2225..."
@thesunlikehoney this is how it happened, right?
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seven-oomen · 7 months
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Clones, Jedi, and a Senator. Canonical Heights.
Short King Bail Organa. We Stan.
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