#I love men so much
omletvirgine · 8 months
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rickswh0r3 · 1 year
how i’m listening to rick’s whimpers in episode 1 season 7
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mopeytwat · 8 months
feeling rly normal about this shot
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bensonmuncher · 5 months
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Ugly buddyshipping art sighhh. It sucks but shur up man ugh
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crabonfire · 2 years
ONE BED TROPE??????? o m gosh!!!
I love this trope. anyways its all the same scenario, one bed, wake up in each others arms, you get the jist of it!!
characters: Scout, Soldier, Pyro and Demoman!!!
warnings: none!!
note: this is part 1, part 2 will have the rest of the mercenaries!! wooooo oh btw he/him pyro and its not mentioned but I just wanna say he's chubby hehe ok ok enjoy!!!
Lemme set the scene
Yall are sent on a mission, the only place available was this hotel and it was BOOKED. You only managed to get one room which meant you were staying together, now the problem is...there's one bed.
• panicking internally and very obviously sweaty
• "scout there's one bed-"
"YEAHHHHHHH WELL UH...I could always uhhh sleep on the floor ya know?"
"What?? Dude no way. I'll sleep on the floor."
"My ma would KILL ME if she knew I let somebody else sleep on the floor, ILL sleep on the floor."
• he's pretty nervous but no way is he gonna let you sleep on the floor. He's sleeping on the floor. That's that.
you two just hang out in the room, both real confused on what to do. Well, mostly you. You feel like an ass for making him sleep on the floor, so you come up with the brilliant idea of sleeping together.
• "Hey scout, why don't we just...sleep together in the bed?"
He immediately stops drawing and turns to you fasted than Usain bolt himself. "WHAAAA???? I mean...I don't mind and stuff but like ya know I-" He rambles on obviously flustered by the idea.
"No no it's okay, it's not like we're gonna be doing anything weird."
"Totally! Just...just two good pals...sleepin' in the same bed. This is awesome."
• so now after some time, you both decide its time for shut eye. very awkwardly, he slides next to you in bed? It's not a small bed, but he still feels so suffocated by all the nervousness he has right now. 'Cmon Jeremy, just sleepin together...in the same bed. Nothin' weird about it. Like they said. Stop bein' so nervous...WHY AM I SO NERVOUS.' he's trying his best to sleep and get it over with but his thoughts are crowding him. Nervous wreck.
• your nervous yourself but hey, you gotta sleep so you suck it up and sleep before he does.
• his thoughts are cut off by your quiet snoring, turning to look at you. Your already fast asleep, your cheek smooshed into the pillow as your chest rises calmly. Your so peaceful when you sleep, he can't help but admire you for a bit.
• "goddamnit. your even cute when you sleep, that's ain't fair Y/N." He can't help but smile, he knows that was the corniest thing he's ever said but honestly he just can't help himself.
• he finally calms down and settles in a comfortable position, facing you.
dududu morning time
• he wakes up first, he isn't a heavy sleeper at all.
he's a bit confused to the warmth he's feeling. he looks down to see you cuddling his chest, your arms wrapping around his waist.
his cheeks heat up, as he struggles to say or think. is this real?? is he dreaming??? are you actually hugging him right now??? OH mh god????msmsmzm
• he doesn't say anything, what is there to say? why would he want to say anything? honestly, he doesn't want you to wake up because he likes this. he likes your arms around him, so sound asleep...it makes him feel nice.
He rests his head on top of yours, a goofy smile on his face as he goes back to sleep.
• he wants to get an early rest so he can be up and ready for tomorrow, he barges into the room with you following behind. Your surprised at the fact there's just one bed, but he is not bothered.
• "oh- soldier there's only one bed."
"OH? uh okay!"
• he rushes to the bathroom to change while you unpack your stuff and just sit by the bed. It's a bit of a relief to know he's not feeling awkward about it all.
But in reality, your dead wrong.
In the bathroom, he can't help but feel a bit nervous. It's not like he's never done this, he's slept together with many other mercs, especially demo because they get drunk and accidentally fall asleep on top of each other. (Lmao)
But with you? oh boy. He has an inner monologue that is just him comforting himself.
'Get over yourself! You, are a SOLDIER! And SOLDIERS DO NOT GET SCARED!'
• gets over it quite fast, and quickly settles into bed.
"Oh? Your sleeping already?"
"Haha, cool! I'm just gonna do stuff then."
"No, not yet anyways."
"Oh? But I'm not tired-"
"Pfft-okay okay, I'll sleep."
• you get up to change too and get back in, he's keeping his eye on you. It's like he's waiting for you to sleep so he can sleep too, it's kinda weird but his intentions are good.
You get in next to him, shimmying into the covers as you get into a comfortable position. He sleeps facing the ceiling, stiff as a board.
"night solly."
• yall sleep like babies, there's the occasional feeling of discomfort by soldier accidentally hitting you in the face because his once stiff as a board sleeping position is now a position that looks demonic. But it's not too bad, you both still get your bed rest.
dududududududuuuuuu mooorrning
• he wakes up the moment the clock strikes 8, it's like he has an alarm inside of his brain that goes off when it does and boom he feels like he's gonna combust.
your...spooning him. head rested on your chest, his arms are wrapped tightly around your waist as your head is resting on his.
He's grinning. bro is giddy 💀 delighted 💀 bro is rejoicing rn 💀
But in all seriousness, he's so happy. He chuckles, then stops because he's scared to wake you up. And sadly he does, causing you to pull back a bit.
• "mmmmm...soldier?" You realise the position your in and your eyes widen, cheeks red from embarrassment.
You pull back, making him frown. "I'm so sorry man oh my gosh-" You apologise. "THERE IS NO NEED FOR APOLOGIES PRIVATE! I LIKE IT. LETS DO IT AGAIN." It seems as it's not just you who's red, but so is he. His cheeks are flushed, but he's filled with such confidence it makes you feel...Happy.
"I...well-okay! I like it too."
It was an awkward response definitely but, you did like it. Its just a bit surprising to hear that your crush likes it when you accidentally spoon him. He leans into you, wrapping his arms around you as he did and pressing his head gently tly onto your chest.
Your heart beats fast. But you feel relieved, this is a sign right? He likes you back? Probably. You don't really wanna think right now, you wanna feel him. You wrap your hands around his neck, holding him gently. You two stay like that for a bit, being in each others embrace. Well until someone knocks on your door, disrupting your special moment and pissing the fuck outta soldier.
Honestly, your a bit mad too.
You two spend the rest of the day with each other, talking, messing around and sometimes you two will glance at each other and smile at the eye contact in the middle of the mission, its real sweet.
• like Soldier, totally unbothered.
• and also like soldier, a teensy bit nervous.
'Oh my goddd?? Im gonna sleep with them!!! yay!! but also oh my gosh I'm gonna sleep with them'
• he is real happy to be able to sleep with you tho, but boy is just worried to scare you off. he knows your nice and wouldn't judge him but still, the insecurity is there.
• "Oh dude, there's one bed."
"Mmmmhh mmfhh mmmhd mmhmf mmh mmhhd!" (Guess we'll have to sleep together!)
"Aha, okay. Are you okay with it though? I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable."
"Mmmh, mmh mmhhd." (Nahh, its okay.)
• he's just glad your okay with it too.
• You two just talk until you both feel tired, as you change into your pajamas and he does too, but he keeps the mask on. He's not too happy about how he looks, and he's glad you understand.
• you both slip into bed, he gives you tons of space that he's almost out of the bed.
"Pyro, your gonna fall of the bed if you keep getting so far."
"Mmmhh mmh mmhhm. Mm mmhhd mmhhmdd mmhd mmh mmhhdd." (I'll be fine. I just wanna give you space.)
"That's sweet but, it's okay man. Come closer."
"Mmhfhfhhf mmhhf!" (Hahdhdhhf okay!)
• he scooches closer to you and faces you, he's so happy you can't see his face right now because he is FLUSHED. bro looks like a tomato under that mask.
"That's better. Goodnight pyro."
"Mmmhn." (Night.)
• his world is colorful with that mask, but even without it he feels so bright with you. and when your so close to him? he can't help but feel a bit shy. yet, he starts to feel the drowsiness get to him, and he soon falls asleep after you do.
skiddibap boo powww!!!! it's the sun time
• he wakes up, head on your shoulder as he's holding you from behind. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist making him feel even more flushed than he was that night. He doesn't move or say anything, try as he might, he's so fucking nervous right now.
Your breathing slow and steady, nothing like what he's going through. His breathing is LOUDD because of the mask. You don't wake up though, your too comfortable like this. The urge to squeal like a school girl is strong but he resists. Sighing in pure joy as he tightens his grip around you. He doesn't even bother anymore and just goes back to sleep.
• he's pretty calm about it
• "it's fine lass, I don't mind sleepin' on the floor."
"No no i wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I'll sleep on the floor."
"Hm, why don't we sleep together eh? I mean, if yer alright with it."
"Oh! Uh...yeah totally!"
"Okay. Don't be so nervous eh? I ain't gonna bite ye."
"Haha, yeah."
• he's not nervous at all, infact he sees this as an opportunity to be closer to you. He was already happy to be your assigned partner for the mission, so this is kind of the kicker of it all.
You two talk a lot, he asks about stuff you'd normally not talk about at work and it's super calming to be around him. Heck, you two even stay up to watch some movies that are on the TV.
After a movie marathon with him, you start to feel sleepy. He does too, you two decide its time to rest and get comfortable under the bedsheets.
"Goodnight Tavish."
"Night lass."
It's pretty calming...until you wake up at 2 am because he's wrapping his arms around your arm and not letting go. He has a weird ass sleeping position, he grips you tightly like if he let go you'd dissappear.
You try to gently push him off but he won't budge, you give up after a couple attempts and sleep like that.
yk what time it iss.....Sun time part 4
• you wake up before he does, and wowwww
Your held against his chest. Your held in a warm embrace as his head leans on yours. His breath warm on your skin, he mumbles and mutters random incoherent sentences as he snores. You can't really process what position your in, as you feel too tired to do anything. But after you do process it, your eyes widen and you feel hot. Though, it feels nice like this. You feel warm.
He goes on, just mumbles. Of course he talks in his sleep.
"Demo? Tav?"
You get a mumble in reply, making you giggle. You smile and go back to sleep. Even though it was time to get up, the mission could wait right?
end wooo
it was difficult trying to describe different ways of cuddling even tho it was the same scenario for every goddamn character but ykw its FINE anyways WOOO I'm back babeyyyy midterms are next week but writing makes me happy anyways WOOOOOOOOOOO
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songofthesuns · 2 months
I would commit too many horrendous crimes for too many men how have I not been studied yet
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mothsmeadow · 6 months
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happy days
im gonna turn these into keychains and stickers.
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toxictwyla · 5 months
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He knows how long it's been since you washed your bra
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science-person · 5 months
i forgot how to post 💀
me when i see anything about bucky barnes, ghost, mike schmidt, and anything related to matthew lillard
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:D i also got a hellfire hoodie for christmas!!
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omletvirgine · 8 months
no context
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d3adite · 9 months
mushyPlease become real
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barvenesachy · 9 months
omg hiii ^_^ *shows you my silly art* hiii :3
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toppedbykakuna · 1 month
MESH SHIRT??? PRONGED COLLAR??? I am 💍🧎 marry me dan howell
(phil can come too I promise)
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necromanceyourgays · 6 months
i love men so much I’m going insane. I see one drawing of a man in just boxers and suddenly I’m bedridden for the next 2-6 business days
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yoinkschief · 1 year
Gosh, I lost my touch to drawing humans.
I haven't drawn humans in a while. I would love doing whiteboard though too
Behold, unfinished Tord's dad. Something looks wrong, I don't like it but he kinda 😳
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tailless-whale · 7 months
Think I'm becoming more gay
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