#I love the jr high line they’re so cute
cockandolls · 2 years
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I love their colours. Karma is at all times basically perfect. Put out a million more Karmas. That will solve almost all doll problems. An excess of Karma.
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likesunsetorange · 6 months
omg can i hear your thoughts about annie/armin as peeta/katniss i’ve been saying this for such a long time
omg yes!!! thank you for asking like nobody ever really sends me asks so this is so fun to me!!! also i’m sorry for getting on this train late but i’ve seen the light finally!
(also putting the preview thing bc i went on a long ass tangent, i told y’all if you get me started on this i won’t stfu 😭)
but my mutuals and i have been talking about it and we were saying how katniss is definitely not the kind of person who ever wanted to be a hero. she certainly isn’t a selfish person (her volunteering for prim shows this), but she never intended to be the forefront of a revolution. also katniss is very socially inept and pretty unaware, she thinks everyone hates her or she doesn’t like people but she constantly goes out of her way for people bc she cares! i think these are really similar (in my head at least) to how annie is. annie only became a warrior to help her dad (well he also kinda forced her but anyways), and her intention was always just to get back home to him, so that kinda reminds me of katniss. also annie is perceived as mean and aloof, but she’s just not the most social person and isn’t the best as socializing (i think this is most shown in aot jr high), and kind of misinterprets social situations, very similar to katniss! i think annie is a very caring and kind person but her situations have led her to be closed off and causing her goals to be the forefront of her mind, but towards the end of the series she realizes that people do care for her and starts to be more trusting/open (i.e. armin/mikasa/even reiner a bit) and we see a more lighthearted side of her (the okapi scene LOL)!! i think katniss and annie aren’t exactly the same but i see so many similarities between them, even with the whole aruani interaction too, it reminds me a lot of some of the more vulnerable everlark scenes. also annie is very aggressive and so is katniss, and that whole scene where katniss throws peeta into the wall after the whole “if it weren’t for the baby” shenanigans, that’s annie as hell LOL she wouldn’t want to be perceived as weak or vulnerable, it’s just not her
as for armin, armin is literally the equivalent to peeta to me. armin is actually my favorite character after eremika, so i adore the fact that he’s so similar to my favorite book character. i think armin is one of the most kind characters in the story, and his genuine care and devotion to mikasa and eren make me love him so much, but armin is also definitely a very manipulative person. he knew how to manipulate situations to his advantage in order to achieve whatever it is he wanted, and that’s definitely in line with peeta. peeta put on a performance as much as katniss did, but because he knew how to work the room and use his charms to his advantage. i 100% without any thread of doubt in me know armin is capable of pulling off the baby stint, because he would think of the same scenario, using the capitol’s pity to their advantage. being able to be manipulative stems from your ability to read people and your intelligence, and we can tell that armin is good at both of those (how he got eren to confess his true feelings for mikasa just by fucking around with him lol)!! also cute blond boy, blue eyes that’s so armin!!!! but beyond all the manipulation and working for the cameras, peeta did have a genuine care and he loved katniss his whole life, and armin had always been interested in annie as well and she was a bit naive to it too.
honestly i was never the biggest aruani fan (i like them but they’re not a fav basically) but seeing their everlark parallels made me have a new appreciation for the ship!! i could honestly say more but i just woke up and i can’t think of as many canon references to as i’d like!!! but sorry for going on a whole tangent i just love the hunger games a lot 😭
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jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 1
Meet the Maidens
It is back to school baby, both for D20 and, funnily enough, myself as well (something I hope will give me more time to get the recaps out in a timely manner fingers crossed). 
As I’m sure you all know if you’re reading this, this season of D20 takes place in the world of Fantasy High but with a focus on Aguefort’s OTHER most badass adventuring party who we’ve so far only seen on the sidelines, the Seven Maidens! You’ll recall, they’re made up of the seven girls who were captured by Penelope and co. to fulfill the prophecy that would let Kalvaxus rule the world freshman year. And, in fact, we start with a flashback to freshman year so let’s just jump right in.
We find our seven soon-to-be heroines chained in the Red Waste in front of what we know and they will shortly learn in Kalvaxus’ lair--a crucial part of the prophecy that was the subject of season 1. The structure of this episode is sort of like 2 rounds of introductions--first here with the maidens meeting each other for the first time and then again at home with their families a la the first episode of Freshman Year so I’ll be glossing over certain things that we’ll get to later in their second intros.
Anyway, the first two to wake up are Danielle (aka Yelle: half-elf, druid) and Zelda (satyr, barbarian as we know). Zelda is her usual, adorably nervous self in contrast to Yelle who is no less sweet but in a super chill, granola girl, fuck the system kind of way. We actually learn that Penelope had her on board with the plan for a hot second when she thought it was just “overthrow the government” but didn’t know about the “install a just as bad if not worse evil dragon overlord” part. 
Ostentatia (dwarf, cleric) wakes up next and is, as Izzy--her player--describes her “Jersey Trash.”, all blinged up with jewelry that she secretly made herself and didn’t buy. She wakes up pissed and ready to bodyslam Aelwyn which are both extremely valid emotions as much as I love Aelwyn. By the way, all of the girls recognize each other as girls who go to their school but none of them are really friends though they very quickly start throwing the label around because that’s what you do when you wake up chained with 6 other people in front of a dragon’s lair in a place called the Red Waste. 
Katja (half-orc, fighter) wakes up and immediately cares about nothing more than the status of her beloved horse, Cinnamon and declares that if Cinnamon dies, she’ll die. This is a fantasy world so Ostentatia and Danielle are a little concerned that might literally be true via a soul bond or something but it’s more that Katja just really, really loves that horse. Danielle tries to cast a spell to locate the horse but can’t get the somatic components quite right with her hands manacled. 
They all get into a discussion about the fact that everyone for a fact knows they’re all virgins now (you know, the real issue here) and what exactly counts as “virginity” for the purposes of this prophecy (like, does second or third base count or only traditional home runs using the baseball analogy) when Penny wakes up and is, just so excited to be here gang! Penny (halfling, rogue), who is one of the girls who has been kidnapped the longest, is adorably and honestly a bit concerningly exuberant to be surrounded by all these new friends, totally disregarding  the fact that they are clearly in some deep shit. Zelda mentions that Riz, her old babysitee, knows they’re kidnapped and is trying to help and she lights up. 
Next up is Sam (water genasi, sorc/bard) who immediately starts thrashing to get out of her chains and, when she can’t get free, is devastated by the fact that her ex betrayed her (!?) Finally Antiope (human fighter/ranger) wakes up all out of sorts having started her growth spurt while in the crystal and also having needed to pee right before she went in which becomes a problem all over herself (which Sam helpfully cantrips away).
With all of them awake, the stones they’re chained to light up and some of Kalvaxus’ minions (the ones who tied them up) show up to do minion speechifying. Yelle does a horrifying Animorph style morph into a waterbear (a tardigrade if you wanna get all Bio 101) to get out of her bonds but then Sam who has a serious one track mind re: getting out of here (Correct) and has exactly zero patience for these guys casts Tidal Wave and just knocks them off the cliff. Yelle frees Ostentatia who frees everyone else with Animate Object on their chains. Hands free, Yelle also casts Locate Animal and tells a very pleased Katja that Cinnamon is doing a full Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron down the highway searching for her. 
The girls decide to explore the cave which has recently had most of its treasure moved (it’s currently in the gym for the Prompocolypse fight which is currently happening). Penny and Sam (who are in insanely different emotional places) find all these broken mirrors which Sam takes as a cue that they need to GTFO (which is what she was already doing) and Penny thinks would make a great material for friendship bracelet making which she starts doing as Sam physically pulls her away. Sam hears someone doing post-cry sniffles and is like, “Not today Satan,” still trying to leave. However, Penny sees that there is one mirror left and, inside, sees a ethereal looking human with flowing, preternatural, black hair who senses their presence and asks if Penny is someone named Anima. She asks for their names though she declines to give hers (hmm, feels very fae) and the girls give the fake names of Kelly and Cecelia which the figure says she will guard and not misuse. The figure says she is looking for her sisters (who she says when Penny asks are at Aguefort which...hmmmmm) and, all of a sudden, Sam and Penny are having a bad feeling about those mirror shards. 
They ask her a question about the mirror and she gets really aggro when it’s referred to as “her” mirror as she would very much like to be out of it. The woman really wants to get out and says she can give them lots of power if they help. Sam pulls out her compact Mirror of the Past (magic item that does basically what you’d expect--shows you info from something’s past though in a cryptic way usually) to try and get some info on this thing and just barely avoids losing her mind in the process because this thing is ancient. Like eons old. She also learns the woman’s name (or maybe title): The Ending of Things (will be calling her Ending for now).
Right around now the other girls come in and can see at the angle they’re looking at her at the woman in the mirror is Not Really A Person and Antiope points at her and reflexively casts a ranger sense spell to try and clock its weaknesses and stuff but Ending grabs the spell energy like a lasso and tries to drag her into the mirror. She does however find out that she’s stacked with hella resistances (total immunity to necrotic damage and non-maj weapons, resistance to most elemental damage, and more).
Sam briefly considers using Lightning Lure to pull Antiope back before deciding on a much less ouchy Counterspell. Unfortunately, it’s not strong enough and now she’s being pulled in by her spell energy too. Yelle casts Erupting Earth which has some pros and cons.
Pros: Antiope and Sam are saved! Yay!
Cons: The mirror breaks and whatever was in it is fully freed. Not yay!
Shortly after (but not before Penny gives everyone their new friendship bracelets), someone calls into the cave looking for them--it’s Fig’s mom, Sandra-Lynn (with new art)! She’s happy and impressed that everyone is OK (also, Katja and Sam both have little lines that foreshadow their ~parental issues~ for the season--Katja being very moved by the simple act of Sandra-Lynn showing up for them and Sam saying that in her experience moms can be very evil).
As they all leave the cave, they all do checks and get some info:
Ostentatia: The mirror was kinda like a palimpsest (the crystals they were trapped in) and whatever this thing is is ancient and powerful. 
Yelle: Gets the above info and the fact that when the thing left it wasn’t quite a bad vibe, just the vibe that something big and important is at play.
Penny: On an Arcana check she knows that what Danielle did 100% saved Antiope and Sam’s lives from whatever and wherever was on the either side of the mirror but the contact marked them in some way. 
Katja: With History she sees some Primordial writing which is the writing of elementals (one of the things Ending has resistances to which might be relevant; also Sam reads Primordial but doesn’t get to read what it says)
Antiope: She knows that she and Sam are connected to Ending now somehow but it’s a two way connection which means they can also use it to their advantage. 
Ostentatia casts Mending on the mirror shards which I think was to reconstruct the mirror but what it actually does is someone link their friendship bracelets. Cute!
And, with that, we cut to the present a year and a half later (which is Jr or Sr year for everyone). 
We hop from kid to kid as they get ready to head in to school and get glimpses into their homes lives! Let’s do a quick rundown for each girl:
Antiope Jones
We see that Antiope is the youngest of five in what is essentially a military family full of basically every kind of fighter (she says she basically lives in a “Crossfit box”). There’s an 8 year gap between her and her sister Corsica who is the second youngest so her parents are kind of already living like empty nesters. When she comes downstairs she is promptly handed a protein smoothie and told two pieces of info: (1) from Corsica she learns that she overheard at school --where she teaches--that Aguefort needs to talk to her for some reason but she won’t say why which annoys the crap out of Antiope and (2) her parents lined up an internship for her at the Ministry of Adventure. She and her mom verbally spar a bit about them being all up in her life and how stressed she is and how she likes what she has going now with the Seven but her mom wins ofc because she’s a Mom and also a master tactician with a deft hand for loving mom guilt. On the way to school her bros (who include a gunslinger and an eldritch knight cause they run the whole gamut of fighter classes) Facetime her like, “Yikes Ant, heard about what happened with Mom, this is why you don’t fight her lmao.”
Sam Nightingale
This is a heavy one so strap in. 
We check in with Sam who isn’t at her own family’s home but at Penelope’s family home which is off the bat eyebrow raising. It’s an upper middle class house and, on the way down, she has to pass Penelope’s bedroom which is conspicuously empty. Downstairs she’s greeted by Penelope’s human mom Rebecca who she learns is moving out soon because her elf husband is both cheating on her while away in Falinel and starting the divorce process. Sam clearly sees Penelope’s mom as a surrogate mom (for reasons we’ll learn in a second) and goes full ride or die assuring her that her ass is better than the ass of the woman he’s cheating with and offering to help burn his stuff even though drowning is more her specialty (she’s so cool). She also is a little stricken at the thought of Rebecca leaving her in the house alone but Rebecca says she can come with if she wants, she just didn’t want to disrupt her school life.
She also tells Rebecca that her bio-mom called recently which immediately sets Sam off. Through the convo we learn a couple of things:
Sam used to be an actor it seems.
And it seems like she was kicked out of the house after she transitioned or something similar which is why she lives with the Everpetals. 
Now that it’s more “fashionable” to to be trans (her mom’s words, not mine) she wants Sam to talk to her so they can get her back in the game.
Sam is having none of that and tells Rebecca to just delete her mom’s number. Then they have a cathartic session of burning her cheating husband’s shit before Sam leaves in Sebastian--her sentient, seafoam blue, self-driving car with a very hot male voice which I am extremely jealous of. She picks up Zelda on the way to school and they commiserate a little and have a heart to heart about adults and change and how much Zelda wants to body slam Sam’s mom. 
Penny Luckstone 
Penny’s house is a whirlwind of activity and her harried parents get her and her 19 young siblings ready for school (no wonder she’s such a good babysitter). We see where Penny gets her type-A ness from as her mom and dad both have this cheerful but overworked energy of “EVERYTHING IS FINE” like that Good Place sign. Her mom spares a second to tell her that she recently got a letter for The Society of Shadows which is like a super secret rogue college (which her parents assume is legit even though they haven’t heard of it cause they’re Mumple people and also, if you've heard of a rogue school, how good could it really be?) Penny is excited except that it would mean she’d have to move and leave her party. Her mom is like “hey it’s a full ride and there are 20 of you guys so just take that into consideration but it’s ultimately your decision” before she dashes away to get to work because it is always Go Go Go with the Luckstones. She texts Sam for a ride and Sam swings by to grab her. This is not plot relevant but she has a booster seat in the back of Sebastian with her name carved into it and it’s important to me that you know that. 
Katja Cleaver
Next up is Katja who lives in a Richie Rich style mansion and comes from very old money as she is descended from one of the first adventurers in Solace. She is in the barn with Cinnamon and the bugbear farrier they have employed (her name is Gertrude and a farrier is someone who does horseshoes). She eats the same breakfast as Cinnamon (hot dry oats and berries baybee) wo she loves so so dearly. Cinnamon is a magical horse--basically like a Find Steed spell that’s on all the time. She’s modeled the horse in her fave book series--the Babysitter’s Horse of course. Lockwood, the staff’s hobgoblin butler, is also there and they get a fantasy Zoom call from Katja’s dad who is in the middle of the insane 20th level adventurer stuff which he says might make him miss her graduation. She is extremely disappointed but just barely hides it from her dad (who seems to really care despite his not being around). She can’t hide it from the staff or Cinnamon however and Cinnamon offers to give her a ride to school via the scenic route. 
Note: We also learn two sad facts about Katja from the conversation with her dad.
Her mother is Disney Princess dead* and
She wears one half of a friendship necklace and it seems like she’s waiting for someone to give the other half to. It’s implied earlier that the way Penelope got her was by promising to be her best friend. Sad!
*Edit: Well, she’s gone and we’ll leave it at that until next recap. 
Ostentatia Wallace
Ostentatia wakes up and goes downstairs to have a very high energy in both directions interaction with her very fantasy-Italian mom and grandma. Her grandma is concerned her beard isn’t coming in--not knowing she shaves it on purpose which her mom is like, “Listen it’s fine but don’t tell grandma it’ll kill her.” She clocks very quickly that her dad isn’t there and his mithril working tools are gone. Her mom tries to play it off but she knows she’s being lied to and her mom relents. Her dad is at a meeting with the other workers of the shut down mithril factory and negotiations have ceased. It looks like he’s gonna be long term out of work. That explains where her dad is but not why the tools are missing. She decides to go do some investigating on her own and ambushes her dad in his car where, with the inaugural nat 20 of the season, she realizes he pawned his tools to get her 5 revivify diamonds. She's upset by this and he’s upset that she’s, in his eyes, questioning his ability to take care of his family. She’s like, alright, you did a thing for me, I’ll do a thing for you and she casts Animate Object to make his stuff steal itself back in a sequence that involves an animated crowbar using another crowbar which is just wild.
Danielle Barkstock
I’m gonna be real, Danielle’s life is exactly how you assume it is based on Who She Is As A Person so this one will be real short. Eco-friendly off the grid geodesic yurt. One super chill peace and love elf sorc mom and one rough and tough human ranger mom. She also knows and helps the Cubbies with their anarchist machinations because yeah, duh. She gets some messages from school on her crystal--one being a message from the principal saying that she and the rest of her party have first period off to meet with him and the other being a newsletter from the school showing, among other things, a photo of the Druid class doing a project but she’s not in it for some reason. She texts one of the other druids to see if she can figure out why she wasn’t invited but fully gets left on read. Brutal. Of course, she hasn’t messaged that person in 6-8 months so maybe that’s why.
Anyway, with that, all seven of our maidens make it to school and are all exuberant to see each other in a very teen girl way before getting to the principal’s office and learning that their party will be broken up at the year! 
I wanted to do something a little different for these recaps than the Bad Kid ones so instead of Honor Roll/Detention we are doing Superlatives and the inaugural one goes to...
Sam: Most Like To Survive a Horror Movie
Man she woke up chained in a ritual magic circle and she was Ready To Go Immediately. You will not catch this girl doing horror movie victim BS like exploring the spooky house or giving the creepy obvious ghost the time of day. She is hyper-competent and her goal is making it out alive and dragging her friends with her. Love her.  
Random Thoughts
The season immediately starts with a bang or I should say a bing with Izzy trying to say “bling bang” and accidentally saying, “bling bing” and immediately getting roasted by everyone. I love the authentic girl group vibes (which include everyone clowning on her then immediately hyping up Zelda to the max after being way more awkward). 
Handshake meme with Danielle and Moonshine from Naddpod. Also, Cinnamon and Horse from Centaurworld. 
I love that Rekha and Erika just straight up were like, “Our characters are Asian”. Like obviously, make your characters Asian coded in your fantasy world--all my D&D characters are black like me--but it’s funny that they completely disregarded the, “There’s no Asia in this world so I guess they’re this world’s equivalent to--” Nah just, “I’m a half-elf and I’m Asian.” You love to see it. 
I absolutely LOVE the choices the cast made to flesh out their characters based on the little info Brennan had about them, none moreso than rich horse girl Katja. Rekha is a genius. 
“I only want one thing and he’s working” KATJAAAAAAA
Man if I was in that flashback I would have been wilding out so much with my flashback plot armor. 
I appreciate that the first thing that Aabria has Antiope do is extremely uncool. I love it when players aren’t concerned about just being cool and on point all the time. Sometimes (read: often) that’s the less interesting choice. 
But on the exact opposite side, she’s a ranger and an arcane archer which I think is extremely cool. Lmao also I didn’t mention in the recap but she HATES dragons now which, understandable. I’m guessing they're her favored enemy. 
I can’t wait to see another group of kids interact w/ madman Aguefort. 
Also, as a known Aelwyn-stan, I am very excited for the possibility of the Seven interacting with her cause as much as I love her they are under no obligation to acknowledge her redemption arc and I would love to see them throw hands. 
I love the Greek myth naming scheme of Antiope’s extremely cool family as with her on the spot nickname “L-Cab” short for long caboose since she’s the youngest by a mile. 
Also this is out of character not in character but Sephie is an extremely cool nickname for Persephone. 
I wonder why Brennan didn’t let Sam read the Primordial in the cave. He just glossed right past her saying that she speaks it and she didn’t push it. Would it have solved his entire plot in the span of a flashback or was he just keeping things moving?
Sidenote, if I was married to an elf man and worried about aging like Rebecca, I would simply become a druid (or a monk or up my wizard levels so I could learn True Polymorph or Wish or something). 
I wonder what the deal with Ending is. She seemed relatively sincere in the mirror but that doesn’t mean anything. She could be sincere and also Very Bad News. 
There is an offhand comment by Brennan about how the dwarf forge god gives spells but doesn’t talk to his followers which I think means that Ostentatia is gonna be getting a direct god call soon enough. 
Also she mentions that her dad is doing some criminal activity on the side which seems like a Problem for later. Honestly all of the kids have some pretty rich parent drama happening which should be interesting to see explored. 
No nat 1s this ep and 1 nat 20 as I mention from Ostentatia. 
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epicene-humanoid · 3 years
some trans Jeff thoughts:
he realized he was trans in elementary school and just went fuck it I'll just start introducing myself as Jeffery and see if anyone decides to stop me (as we know, jeff winger can get away with almost anything)
he got top surgery the second he could afford it (around the same time he started at his law firm), and probably bribed someone to keep it a secret
"I'm jeff winger and i would rather look at myself naked than the women I sleep with" are the words of a man proud of his transition
he's really insecure about his fashion sense, which is why he mostly dresses like the douchey guys at his firm in the start of the show, he thought you can't go wrong with the sleazy lawyer look
he will never admit it but he feels super good about the dean hitting on him, because the dean is a (cis) guy, acknowledging that Jeff is more manly than him
i think he starts out stealth and comes out to everyone one by one, probably starting with abed because he knows abed won't judge him and will probably just see it as an interesting backstory.
abed just says it's cool and maybe worth a prequel exploring Jeff's transition, and jeff asks him to predict how all of the members of the group will react to him coming out.
abed's predictions:
britta will be over-the-top supportive and do a ton of research about trans history, probably put together a slideshow just to prove how progressive she is, and jeff will be a little bit weirded out, but also touched that she did all that for him, though he would never let her know that
shirley will be confused, because she doesn't know how someone she trusts and knows so well could be part of a group she was raised to hate, but ultimately realizes that there's nothing actually against the lgbtq people in the bible, and, as a cool character development arch, starts to advocate against use of the bible to justify bigotry
troy will just think it over and decide that Jeff's physique and coolness are even awesomer knowing how much work he'd had to put in to be like that, and respects Jeff's manliness even more
annie will give him a hug, say something sweet about how she'll always love him, and worry about his health, because even she read somewhere that taking testosterone makes you more likely to have a heart attack, jeff will explain that the risk is still only as high a cis guy, and she'll be the one to always remind him to take his shots
peirce will say at best say "jeff winger used to be a chick?" and at worst call him a slur, either way there's sure to be a lot of misgendering from him, and pestering to know Jeff's deadname (needless to say, Jeff just doesn't tell peirce)
the whole group goes out of their way to keep their beach trips a secret from pierce (the girls don't want him there anyways, he's too liable to be creepy) even though jeff knows that even if pierce saw his scars, all he would have to do is make up a story about some childhood accident and pierce would never question it
sorry this ended up being super long. can I hear some of your headcanons for him?
YES ALL THIS!!! yes yes i’m fully accepting this as canon oh my god
i’m about to type a whole ass ESSAY at midnight because i have been DYING to talk about this for months ajfdksljk,,, this is going to be obscenely long and i might end up adding even more to it as i continue to rewatch the show because there is truly no shortage of trans jeff content (especially when you’re trans and see transness in every little thing ajdkslfkjs)
spoiler warning for literally everything about this show under the cut <3
i 100% agree, i feel like he realized he was trans super young, especially since in the show we see him as a little kid a couple of times. 
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like look at little jeff with the oversized sweatshirt and little ponytail!! that’s childhood trans fashion. not to be dramatic but part of me thinks that jeff’s dad left before he fully came out to his family (which gives him even more angst about it, because until that one Thanksgiving episode, he’s never able to prove to his dad that he’s a better man), but part of me thinks that his dad left after he came out (which adds that spicy i-should-have-stayed-in-the-closet guilt that he has to work through). 
either way, because his dad wasn’t there, he had to base his concept of masculinity on something else, which was becoming a lawyer!! there’s some line that’s like “after the dust and divorce papers were settled the only man i looked up to was [the lawyer guy]”. like, replacing your father figure in your mind with the concept of “a job where you can talk your way in and out of anything and distort other people’s concept of reality”? that’s trans.
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 and the fucking THANKSGIVING EPISODE... i struggle to watch it without crying hehe <3 yeowch! the dichotomy of willy jr. being the “wrong” kind of man because he’s “too soft” but jeff also not being enough despite adhering to all the social standards of masculinity... fuck!! this whole scene of him telling his dad “i am Not well adjusted” and talking about how he gave himself an “appendix surgery scar” when he was a kid and he still keeps the get-well-soon letters from his classmates under his bed? oh my god. the implication of people loving him not despite his scars but because of them?? trans. i can’t think about this episode for too long or i’ll start yelling.
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OH and this scene? where he talks about how his mom got him a girl costume for halloween?? and everyone said “what a cute little girl” and after a few houses he stopped correcting them?? and “once the shame and the fear wore off, i was just glad they thought i was pretty”?? THAT’S TRANS... the man needs validation oh my god... and then in all the halloween episodes we see he has these ultra-masculine costumes (a cowboy, David Beckham, one of the fast and furious guys even though he never watched the movies, a boxer with his DAD’S boxing gloves... god) costumes are about becoming something else and he always chooses to be hypermasculine and that is trans.
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THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION EPISODE!!!!!!! being uncomfortable during P.E. is a queer experience. period. but him being specifically uncomfortable in the clothes someone else is assigning to him? trans. “are we gonna talk about clothes like a girl? or use tapered sticks to hit balls around a cushioned mat like a man?” TRANS. and him eventually stripping in public? celebration of transness. and the fact that he eventually becomes comfortable in both the uniform and his own style!! trans!! god i love this episode. 
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AND AND AND!!! the gay dean coming out episode!!! where it’s the three of them discussing the best way for the dean to come out as gay despite not entirely identifying with that label!! so we have both frankie and the dean who are sort of ambiguously queer, and jeff who’s a stealth trans man who’s probably only out to only the study group at this point. this scene where the dean and jeff have this like eyebrow communication while frankie is talking is just so cute. queer-to-queer communication. “I am so curious” “oh?” “intellectually.” “oh...” ajfdksljfk this scene just screams high school GSA to me and i love it so much.
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and SPEAKING of the dean!! i totally see you on that. i feel like jeff has some internalized homophobia/biphobia (like he’d throw punches over someone else, but when it comes to himself he has a lot of shame). and also seeing the dean so confident in all his different outfits/costumes has a weird affect on him bc it’s like “okay, the dean, a cis guy, can do that, but i as a trans guy could Not because that’s Breaking the Rules”. which, like, throwback to the halloween thing. of course there’s no right way to be masculine, but mr. winger does not know that.
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another thing!! the episode where their emails get leaked? that includes his emails with his therapist. fuck!! he was outed to the whole world in that episode!! no wonder he was so fucking angry!! this whole episode (and really any time he mentions his therapist) is so interesting when you think about them as a person he talks to about his transition. OH which adds to the thing with the dean!! “and you told your therapist you wanted to be alone this weekend” and “not you jeff, i know you’ll be visiting your dad” ”I told you to stop reading my emails”. luckily his study group has his back and just makes fun of him for emailing astronauts lmao
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and WHO can forget “they’re giving out an award for most handsome young man!!!!” what else is there to say about this line besides: he’s trans. you know he didn’t get awarded enough for being a handsome young man when he was a kid, and no amount of compliments when he’s fully-grown can really make up for that. some people crash a kid’s bar mitzvah to cope with the fact that they struggled to be seen as themselves when they were a teenager <3
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also his weird relationship with pierce? where he kind of hates him (understandably lmao) but at times has this almost-friends-almost-father-son relationship with him? especially in this episode where he’s forced to bond with him and ends up having a good time by accident (at a barber shop no less, the perfect place to Be A Man with your Man Friend). idk what to say about him besides the fact that pierce says his mom wanted a girl when he was born and made him dress like a girl (and his middle name is anastasia!) so if they’re gonna do any bonding over transness it’s gonna be that. 
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okay one last thing and then i’ll shut up for the night. this episode kills me (and almost kills jeff hahahahelpi’mcrying). it’s a very Trans thing to not be able to visualize your future self, it just is. growing up trans at the time he did? i don’t know what kind of future he saw for himself, but i’m so happy that he ended up with a group of friends who became his family and love him the way they all do. i’m so emotional over this asshole it’s ridiculous. 
in conclusion:
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they’re trans, your honor <3
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highdwightofmylife · 4 years
hello, can you do Phillip, Kazan, Dwight and Max with an s/o who is non verbal? (sorta like Bubba and how he's non verbal, only noises) please and thanks ❤
absolutely!! love you! please drink water and make sure you’ve eaten today! have a great day/night! 
HCS With a Nonverbal S/O
Dwight Fairfield
Dwight had, at first, thought you were just quiet. And that was fine! He had no issues with it. At first, it was slightly awkward because he’s shy around others (mostly at the campfire, because in trials he tends to be a lot more focused and articulate now that lives on are on the line). 
Sometimes he asks you open ended questions and you don’t know how to respond (unless you know ASL or some other form of communication and unfortunately he was never taught those additional communication forms so he wouldn’t understand anyway I’m so sorry). 
Dwight actually doesn’t even realise that you can’t speak (other than noises if that is something you can do) until someone else points it out. Dwight’s harassing you with 1000 questions because when he’s hyper nervous he starts to ramble and then Adam speaks up like. “Hey. Hey, buddy. You’re overwhelming them. One question at a time, and try something more straightforward than what their last dream was about.”
But once he realises, it suddenly... Clicks. He becomes much more easier to get along with. Before, you had to tolerate a thousand rambles but now, he realises his error. He apologises profusely, and you think that’s that.
Until you start realising all the little changes he makes. He starts carrying around paper (sometimes it’s hard to get it in the fog, so he has to deal with scraps torn from books in trials and stolen pencils, I’m so sorry book lovers). He gives you much more time to answer now and it seems that he’s... Calmed down. It’s like knowing your situation erases some of the pressure for him to fill in the silence. 
If you know ASL, Dwight actually tries his best to learn. You don’t even know he’s interested in learning until you catch Adam trying to teach it to him and gosh, Dwight’s so enthusiastic and he’s trying his best and he gets embarrassed when you see and says that he wanted to surprise you with it. He just wants to understand everything you sign.
In other news if the two of you start communicating with ASL then. Imagine Dwight waving hello at you from the ground  while you’re on the balcony of the farmhouse in Coldwind and then you see Ghostface behind him so you start frantiCALLY SIGNING LOOK OUT and he’s like ???? bc ur so fast but then suddenly he gets it and u just hear this high pitched scream as he gets yoinked 
dwight, gushing to jake about you: anD THEN I SAID I LOVE YOU AND THEY SAID I LOVE YOU except they like did THIS with their hands AND IT WAS SO CUTE AND JAKE DO YOU UNDERSTAND I LOVE THEM 
jake: dwight i’m trying to fix a generator
Kazan Yamaoka | The Oni
Kazan is quiet, but he’s not nonverbal. He speaks in his native tongue and that alone. Doesn’t know sign language, but does have the patience to learn... Even if he gets frustrated when he gets things wrong. You can teach him if you know it, or if you don’t and you’d like a way to communicate nonverbally, you and Kazan can learn together. Imagine Adam Francis trying to teach the two of you. You’re all sat cross legged on the floor and Kazan is staring so inTENTLY at ur hands he’s just lost he has no idea but he’s really trying it’s sweet
He’s very patient with you. If you struggle to get what you want across, he doesn’t mind listening. He’ll make small hand gestures to things in an attempt to confirm what you want, and it’s a lot of trial and error, but he’s trying. 
If you get frustrated that you can’t speak like the others, Kazan will lean down and give you a smooch on the very top of your head and say “actions speak louder”. 
Kazan will beat the ass of anyone that dares attempt to make fun of you (though i’d like to think everyone in the fog would be tolerant but i can. i can see freddy being an asshole to you and making fun of you and kazan will BEAT HIS ASS)
Max Thompson Jr | The Hillbilly
Never questioned how or why you couldn’t speak. Didn’t matter. Max is nonverbal himself, able to make grunts and groans basic sounds, but he doesn’t have the ability to move his mouth and tongue how he wants to make speech. So he feels like you’re like him, and that enough is honestly enough to make him like you more. 
Max tries to sign at you, though it’s not ASL he uses. It deeply confuses you and it’s frustrating for him when you don’t understand it, but you do eventually learn what it is. Basically, he and Bubba, both nonverbal and sort-of-friends, actually made their own way to communicate. They can’t say things as extensive as one might with ASL, but it’s enough for basic communication. And although it’s difficult, he tries his best to teach you. 
A lot of your relationship is touch-based rather than any speech. Max likes to gently take your hand and urge to follow him if he needs you, and vice versa for you with him. 
Philip Ojomo | The Wraith
Personally, I headcanon that Philip doesn’t speak (which I know is different to quite a few people). I imagine he can speak, but it’ll come out hyper scratchy and wheezy like a lost voice in the wind, and he doesn’t like to use his voice because it hurts. It feels like his throat is being ripped open and he hates it, but he’ll use it only in a panic to call your name if he fears for you. 
He growls and can make groans and grunts, but they’re quiet by default. He’s usually entirely mute. Silent. Just a quiet dude.
He doesn’t know sign language or any other communication methods, but he is hyper observant and exceptionally quick at understanding you no matter how you convey your thoughts. He seems to always know what you mean.
On the other side of the coin, though... He’s more mysterious with his own thoughts. He’ll nod or or shake his head or make small hand motions but he always does it delayed and it’s always very, very small motions.
sometimes he laughs though. it’s cute little wispy giggles.
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willowistic22 · 3 years
Hotshot and his hamsters headcanon list
i love this idea sm i made a heacanon list of me rambling on abt it. i hate that most of the time the fandom makes hotshot into an unimportant side character, evil, or just push him off the docks for fun. yall don’t understand that he’s just a gentle giant if yall actually want to get to know him. He’s awesome and i would like to ramble on why he’s awesome. hotshot supremacy ✌😙
Ok but yall don’t understand how much i l o v e the idea of modern hotshot and his pet hamsters
Ok so as a kid he always loved going to pet stores and looking at the tiny hamsters
His family (mom, dad, and 11 big sisters. Yes 11. I said what i said) favors the bigger animals  like cats and dogs yknow
Yeah hotshot loves those too but he has always been intrigued by the hamsters’ cuteness 
They’re so tiny and round and curious and- *hotshot’s ramble continues on* 
So he ends up getting his first ever hamster pet on his 12 birthday 
He somehow convinced his parents to get two hamsters instead of one. Bcs 12 year old hotshot thinks that his hamster pet would get lonely when he’s at school (he’s a big softie aight?) 
And well he got one male and a female which ends up with them having many babies along the line
Not to mention how amazing hotshot take cares of them
So basically they thrive 
He literally built them a huge cage out of an old book rack to give them maximum space to play around 
He absolutely refused to put them in those small tacky plastic cages. Not only did he found out it was unhealthy for them but also it just looks horrible 
So he named the male Carrots and the female Bubs 
And all their babies were kept and well taken cared of by him 
Ofc he couldn’t keep the whole family so he ends up giving them away to neighboring kids or anyone he knows that wants to adopt a hamster 
Let’s be real here, he teared up a little bit when he needs to give the hamsters away
Hotshot even volunteers to built them their hamster cages properly since those hamsters used to be his anyways. He’d want them all to be taken cared of properly, even if it takes him building big cages out of old furniture over and over again 
The owners end up paying him. He refused at first but end up taking it in and joked about how it’s his mini high school business of building hamster cages 
While being cared by him, the hamster offsprings were also given proper names
Hotshot just loves naming his pets aight? Leave him alone 
Some of his personal favs were Thumper, Bluebell, Trixie, Candy, Carrots Jr., Strawberry, Coco (as in coconut), Garlic, Scout, and Cola
So college came around and he was pretty much scared for his hamsters 
Who’s gonna take care of them before Hotshot finds a proper place to live? He still wants to keep his hamsters
So his parents were like ‘ayy don’t worry kiddo. We got this!’ 
Listen ik some ppl headcanon hotshot with horrible family/parents but i want him to be happy aight? He has nice parents here:) 
And he was like ‘!!!!’ and thrived all while college 
In his junior year, he found a place he wants to permanently live in. Moving out of his dorm to come live with his boyfriend ike (do yall even know me if you didn’t thought i’d mention my comfort ship ikeshot? akjhfkjahf) 
And so he gives away some of the hamsters and ends up keeping three Tater tot, French fry, and mashed potato (potatoes yummy) 
Ike was pretty nervous about the hamsters since he’s also bringing his cat with him
But it turns out the hamsters are good friends with the cat 
They like to sleep together under the sun and be all soft and friendly 
Hotshot continues to give them the full care they need because he loves his hamsters so much 
Hotshot always likes to cradle them in his big arms 
His hamsters also likes to sleep in his giant arms too. It’s warm and fits them perfectly
Or sometimes he’d be sitting on the couch watching tv and his hamsters would casually chill on his stomach or something. Sniffing about and end up sleeping there 
Upon moving to his own place, his hamsters huge cage is in the master bedroom just next to the window
So before bed he always tucks them in goodnight. Giving them head kisses, pats, and making sure they’re comfortable in their cage before Hotshot cuddles up in bed with Ike and his cat 
Moral of the story : Hotshot would die for his hamsters and i would die for this headcanon :) 
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roninhunt0987 · 3 years
Sushi Time Night
Sushi Time Night
By: Roninhunt0987
X3 an idea Nekorockstarninja told me on,.. X3 the premise is that Suzuki takes everyone out to a sushi place that she knows of with a small prize contest if ya eat 5 plates of sushi ya get a small prize... Suzuki once attempted to do it on her but couldn't it but this time she brought back up which happens to be the ragtag Cast members of mine that will be aiding Suzuki to get what she needs... XD hilarity will ensue
Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners
-that night in town-
Suzuki: -opens the doors to the Sushi place as she heads inside with the others- ^^ this is the Sushi place I spoke of... ^^; where I ate like 40 plates of Sushi and got some small prizes out of it... I tried to do it alone but couldn't do it... ^^ so yea Merrick: hehe -sniffs the air of the place- ^^ heh reminds me the time when I was a lil kid Espio's uncle Seraph brought my siblings and I with Espio to a Sushi place similar to this one
Espio: heh... brings back memories doesn't it?? Merrick: it really does
Espio: to this very day I still miss my uncle but he did raise ya well
Suzuki: wait wha
Jared: when Merrick's village got attacked Uncle Yamato told them to find a person named Seraph who happens to be Espio's uncle... Both Merrick and Espio grew up as kids so they're pretty close
Suzuki: oh wow I had no idea
Espio: now ya know Suzuki
Merrick: soon after Espio's uncle passed we split ways on our own.. we didn't get back together until the meterex war happened and worked together with tails and the others on the war effort I was just glad to See Espio again but hanging with Vector and Charmy,, ^^; dunno how he ended up with them but they're an okay sort when I met them I was quite unsure at the time but sometime after the war I accepted them as friends... any friend of Espio is my friend those were my words when I accepted them... ^^; well as for Espio paying rent I usually see him at the door delivering pizza...
Espio: uhm.... ya back when... uhhh Tails broke his arm and leg at the time when Miss Marine was around at the time... I wonder whatever happened to that girl?? Shadow: heh... who knows Marine The Raccoon: O.o there was a girl after my name
Tails: mmhmm when I had that extreme gear mishap I got badly injured both of em got me home and had me patched up
Espio: she was the one who greeted me at the door at the time when I delivered the pizza... told her why that I had to pay rent because Vector kept going broke
Merrick: this was way before I got my cybernetic enhancements at the time btw
Waitress: -sees Suzuki is here again and sees the big crowd thats with her- O.o oh wow I never knew I am seeing this the ragtag band of the Katos and Prowers and also others also... uhh follow me to the big room for a huge crowd and we'll be with ya shortly
Suzuki: alrighty
Roberto: -walks on over as he also owns this sushi place also- ahhh.. Merrick good to see you again -insert borderlands 3 character introduction of his full name which is Roberto Jaime Scott: Martial Artist, Bodyguard of Yuri Niko and Japanese Restaurant related business man-
Merrick: ahh Roberto didn't know ya own this sushi place also besides the main ones
Roberto: mmhmm I might say Suzuki really loves this place specially the idea that every 5 plates of sushi ya get a small prize and seems like she wants to get more prizes and for y'all to have a chance also Jared: thats why were here Roberto
Connor The Wolf: -walks on in- Oh hey Dad -insert borderlands 3 character introduction of his name Connor the Wolf: adopted son of merrick and Kimiko, Bodyguard of Yuri Niko, Warrior, Marksman, Mage and with a heart of gold- What ya guys doing here??
Merrick: wondering the same thing kiddo
Shiro The Floofyshark: I can answer that -insert borderlands 3 introduction of his name Shiro The Floofyshark: main bodyguard of Yuri Niko, second husband of Yuri Niko and boss of Roberto and Connor- remember that chat I had with ya sir?? if ya remember ya Son and his friend Roberto have now officially been sworn in as Yuri Niko's bodyguards
Misha: wait.. if ya here... ^^ that also means Yuri and Her family is here
Shiro The Floofyshark: ^^ correct Misha she is in the same room that ya guys are heading into
Misha: X3 awesome
Suzuki: wait hold up whos Yuri Niko Misha: X3 one of my best friends and also neighborhood hehe Claretta will be glad to see me too
Suzuki: wait oh so thats who it was thats outside a lot with a cute unique colored Eevee and another floofyshark enjoying the summer weather each time I come by to visit
Misha: ^^ get this Yuri is a J-pop singer and I know how ya love J-pop Suzuki
Suzuki: ^^ awesome can't wait to meet her
-in the big room- Claretta Niko: -at the table and ears perks up as she is wearing her eevee hoodie and sees Misha- OwO
Yuri Niko: hu?? ^^ Misha whatcha doin here??? Misha: ^^ got invited by my friend suzuki
Claretta Niko: -runs to misha and hugs her and sees Suzuki and gets shy as she gets behind Misha-
Suzuki: ^^ hey its alright I don't bite
Misha: -does sign language with her to let her know Suzuki is a friend of hers-
Claretta Niko: -nods yes and does sign language of saying okay-
Suzuki: -watches carefully-
Mikey: .w. uhhh whats she doing
Raph: sigh... its called Sign language ya idiot
Suzuki: ohhh... Born deaf or born mute??
Misha: ^^ born mute... O.o she also has Autism/ADD and has panic attacks hence she has her eevee a lot... her Eevee is her service pokemon... ^^ its a special program for the disabled to have pokemon with them as their service pet... kinda like the service animals ya see around new york so yea
Suzuki: wow -smiles cutely and giggles- ^^ love ya eevee hoodie
Claretta Niko: -does sign language of saying thank you- ^^
Misha: ^^ she says thank you
Suzuki: ^^ your welcome
Yuri Niko: -walks on over- ^^ so ya must be Suzuki Misha told me a lot about ya and also into J-pop
Suzuki: ^^ hehe guilty as charged nice to meet ya
Yuri Niko: ^^ likewise
-as they got to the table-
Jessica Niko: ^^ so ya must be Suzuki I heard so much about.. ^^ my names Jessica Niko and this is my husband Raymond Niko.. Ray for short... ^^ we own a coffee shop in town... Misha is one of locals that comes by same goes with Misha The Coyote
Raymond Niko: ^^ well met
Jessica Niko: ^^ I see ya met Claretta already... over there is my son Harvey -mumbles to Suzuki so that Harvey won't hear- just be careful around him he has a bad habit of raiding girls undergarments and such don't worry his siblings always get to him on that
Suzuki: oof noted but don't worry my brothers will help
Yuri Niko: brothers???
Mikey: ^^ sup
Yuri Niko: O.o oh wow is that-
Misha: ^^ yup Suzuki's brothers is the TMNT... Janic was the first to meet them and we later on met them... ^^ the orange mask there is Mikey, the red mask is Raph
Yuri Niko: XD the hothead of the bunch
Raph: .w. ya she ain't kidding on that one
Yuri Niko: and the blue mask there is Leo which is the leader and the one in purple is the brainaic of the bunch Donnie
Leo: heh good guess
Donnie: ^^ yup brains of the bunch
Gen'ichi: names Gen'ichi, this is my wife Ninjara
Ninjara: -bows- hello
Yuri Niko: ohh the one Raph used to hang with
Raph: -blushes- uhhh ya
Ninjara: ^^ ya correct on that one
Gen'ichi: kids front in center
Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori, Gen'ichi Jr and Lil Geni: -lines up sideways-
Ninjara: ^^ thats Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori, Gen'ichi jr and Lil Geni
Ran: ^^ Hoi
Rei: X3 heya
Reiko: ^^ hi
Rika: X3 heya
Miwa: ^^ hoi
Nori: ^^ heya
Gen'ichi Jr: ^^ hi hi
Lil Geni: ^^ hoi -sticks out her tongue cutely like a small blep while she is holding Suzuki's old plush-
Yuri Niko: ^^ so cute
Harvey Niko: ^^ hi my names Harvey Niko and-
Yuri Niko: .w. don't even try to ask her about that knucklehead ya know we get on ya behind on that right?? Harvey Niko: .w. darn it
Keira Niko: -rolls eyes- oi... ^^ hi my names Keira good to meet ya
Hayato Niko: my names Hayato well met
Ryu Niko: my name is Ryu Niko I'm Jessica's older brother heh and also Yuri and her siblings uncle ya probably can tell we have a japanese background
Suzuki: ^^ I can tell hehe
Yuri Niko: ^^ I see ya already met Shiro, Connor and Roberto who are my bodyguards when I go on tour for my J-pop... ^^ also for a fact Connor and Roberto recently got sworn in as bodyguards to help Shiro out
Laurence: ^^ my names Laurence i'm Yuri's husband and this kiddo of mine is Zoey
Zoey Niko: hi
Suzuki: ^^ so cute
Waitresses: -gets green tea for everyone and such-
Waiters: -got everyones sushi plates for everyone to choose from-
Roberto: ^^ hehe the key of this if ya finish 5 plates of sushi ya get a small prize so enjoy
Honey The Rat/Zebra: hehe awesome -proceeds to use her chopsticks and such as she uses the Wasabi on her sushi and eats it and etc as she has extreme high tolerence from eating anything spice as she is immune to any spicy kick-
Mikey: O_O wha how... Wasabi supposed to light ya mouth on fire its called spicy mustard for a reason
Shadow: .w. mikey.... that because she has a unique extreme high tolerance to anything spice
Mikey: No way
Amber: ^^ way hehe
Mikey: .w.;;;; -thinking of a crazy idea-
Raph: .w. Mikey what are ya planning
Mikey: oh nothing just want to attempt something
Raph: .w. ya know any idea ya think of doing usually backfires in some bad way ya know that
Suzuki: .w. Raph whats mikey planning
Raph: .w. who knows... he's probably gonna attempt to eat a whole mouthful of wasabi
Mikey: :3
Raph: O_o oh no... he is isn't he
Mikey: -attempts it as he gets a mouthful of Wasabi in his mouth and swallows-
Raph, Suzuki, Leo and Donnie: .w. 3, 2, 1
Mikey: -randomly screams- AHHHHHHHHH!!! -runs around like an idiot as he flails his arms anime style in panic- AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH OMG AHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Everyone: -facepalms-
Yuri Niko: don't tell me this is one of his dumb moments isn't it
Everyone: -in unison- Yes
Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori, Gen'ichi Jr and Lil Geni: -laughing at their uncle mikey as this was a funny moment and such-
Suzuki: ugh Mikey drink this
Mikey: -drinks it- uggh what is this...
Suzuki: its green tea it-
Mikey: oh hey my mouth is not on fire anymore
Suzuki: .w. exactly it helps with defusing the burns of the wasabi
Mikey: .w. ohhh
Suzuki: -looks to Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori, Gen'ichi Jr and Lil Geni- ^^ remember not to do that or in this case don't pull an Uncle Mikey moment
Mikey: >< HEY!!! Ran, Rei, Reiko, Rika, Miwa, Nori, Gen'ichi Jr and Lil Geni: -laughs-
Mikey: -chuckles- ya okay that was on me honestly
Raph: -gibbs slaps Mikey for it- .w. ya think Genius its no wonder ya being called a knucklehead at times
Shadow: .w. ya mean like knuckles
Tails: .w. uhm Knuckles remember that time ya got tricked for the first time by eggman when he yoinked the master emerald from ya when Sonic and I met ya the first time
Sonic: .w. ya dude ya even suckerpunched me while I was in super form
Knuckles: .w. sigh okay okay ya have a fair point there
Sonic: mmmhmm -drinks a lil bit of his Green tea-
Tails: -eating his sushi-
The others: -same-
-45 minutes later-
Everyone: -each got a prize thats given to Suzuki as for helping her out and such-
Roberto: ^^ well I do have to admit that was a wise decision to bring friends and family with ya to help eating the sushi and the prizes needed so when in doubt always have family and friends to help instead of taking it on alone
Suzuki: ^^ heh thanks
Merrick: ^^ the usual account that I usually pay for here Roberto and congrats to joining in helping Shiro with the bodyguard detail and uhh also my boy good on you of joining with Shiro on that detail also... ^^ so ya can get out more and such whenever Yuri goes on tour
Connor The Wolf: heh... thanks dad
Merrick: ^^ keep in mind when Yuri's band is in town expect us to be there so we can listen and watch
Yuri Niko: ^^ hehe count on it ya son will do a great job I just know he will
Merrick: ^^ of course and make sure he stays out of trouble also and make sure to have a calm mind and such... ^^; the boy has ADHD and Autism go figure
Connor The Wolf: ^^; ya pops has a point on that Yuri heh but don't worry Roberto will make sure I am kept in check hehe and Shiro also
Shiro The Floofyshark: heh ya damn right i'll make sure to do that
Roberto: indeed
Misha: ^^ so when ya tour
Yuri Niko: ^^ sometime around august or so however I do plan on coming here in town around october as the final spot before I go on break from my tour run so basically Megaville city is the final destination of my Tour around October and well... ^^ its gonna be on Your Birthday Misha
Misha: X3 Awesome I can't wait hehe
Yuri Niko: ^^ hehe yup
Shiro: -looks to Roberto and Connor- that means you two we got few weeks until august starts up... when August 1st starts up you two better be ready and also in gear got it.. our job is to make sure no one makes a move on Yuri or well in this case some random jackass decides to flirt on her... use of force is needed if the said person doesn't cooperate
Yuri Niko: .w. oh in this case if SP Vector decides to butt and such use of force is basically immediate
Roberto: ugggh ya mean the same jackass I had to ban last week from this establishment along with the other japanese places I own and etc
Connor The Wolf: =w= and the same numbskull who blew up my damn truck that my adopted parents got for me when I first got adopted
Yuri Niko: yup the very same cheap knock off of Vector who is also his sonic paradox counterpart if ya watched the sonic shorts collab series
Roberto: ohhh looking forward to it good thing I been practicing some new martial arts moves I can use on him
Connor The Wolf: and also the new Blade that Gladio gave me when he first fought against Giglamesh and passed it on to me since he wishes to keep using one of his older blades and such
Jared: wait what
Squall: gigalmesh... yes I know the guy when Odin went down he came into the picture and resumed doing Odin's job didn't know his name at the time but he seems to be obsessed with a certain sword... I think it was the Excalibur or somethin he didn't say
Cloud: wait Gladio fought him
Gladio: yup and also his pet also... seems the big guy really loves to fight on bridges
Jared: according to legend its considered tradition for him... huhn that explains why when I dueled Stupid Mario at the time thats also a bridge over some lava and etc
Merrick: and its also a wonder why we sometimes tell ya it was from too much video games that has him in it
Jared: .w. ya that explains it
Jennifer The Fox: -close to Yuri as she misses her parents as this was the go to place when she was a lil kid as her parents and herself went here a lot-
Yuri Niko: whats wrong??
Jennifer The Fox: I remember my parents and I went here in this very area
Roberto: ahhh I thought I recognize ya... my grandfather knew ya parents and you at the time... its a shame they been killed by a drive by shooter
Jennifer The Fox: uhm about that... he's already dead.. ^^ Misha took him out
Misha: .w. turned out it was the jackhole who participated the fall of my family's clan go figure
Roberto: ahh I thought so hence reason the streets near the coffee shop is quiet a lot now and also explains why my grandfather placed a memoriam shrine to honor them as their best customers...
Jennifer The Fox: is he still around
Roberto: ^^ as a matter of fact he is yes he's the one who got me to be who I am today on as I took of his job as he is retired now and still strong as an ox
Jennifer: ^^ can ya tell him I said hello and well... also thank you for doing the memorium shrines for them...
Roberto: ^^ i'll make sure to do that count on it
Suzuki: one more thing whos is gonna maintain the restaurants while ya away on bodyguard duty
Eos The Floofyshark: ^^ I can answer that... ^^ you see two metabots requested by Roberto will take over for a bit until october who also happens to make sure Claretta remains calm as those two happens to be her Metabots to protect her while Yuri is away
Roberto: ^^ yes that would be Foxsword and Foxuno they seem to have a nack of maintaining stuff besides what they do a lot at a delay basis they're gonna start doing my tasks sometime when Yuri begins her tour run and don't worry I already told Gramps on that detail already as he is aware that I am a sworn in Bodyguard for Yuri Niko during her tour he is actually proud of me after I told him
Eos The Floofyshark: ^^ mmhmm
Suzuki: ^^ good to know
Eos The Floofyshark: .w. they'll also make sure that SP Vector don't enter the building as they will use force if needed as a last resort
Roberto: oh ya and my grandfather knows about it too
Suzuki: thats good
Roberto: indeed
SP vector: -breaks through wall like the Kool-aid man- OH YA!!!
Roberto: ._.;;;;; SP Vector ya paying for the damage for that
SP Vector: .w. or else what
Shiro: .w. -gets out his desert eagle and shoots SP Vector in the balls- BLAM!!! SP Vector: OUGH!!! -on the floor- >< my overies
Claretta Niko: -sighs and does sign language of saying ya don't have any ya dingbat-
SP Vector: .w. what she say?? Raph: -facepalm- She said You don't any ya dingbat... what did ya fail sign language 101 or somethin punk
SP Vector: WHY DON'T YA SAY THAT TO MY FACE HOTSHOT!!! Raph: =w= oh its on...
Frenchie: 1 hour of pain later
SP Vector: -broken teeth and etc and in a dentist office- uggggh
TF2 Medic: :3 Next
SP Vector: AHHHHHHHHHH!!! -crashes through wall as he runs away-
TF2 Medic: -scratches the back of his head in confusion on why he did that and shrugs and calls the next patient in-
Scene: -does a smart fart noise of blacking out-
TFS Nappa: .w. the end
@otakuneko-lotus XD enjoy neko
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feather-dancer · 4 years
Trollhunters Fanfic Recommendations - Part 3
Somehow there is now a third one of these because I read far far too much fanfic and have no regrets about it. It’s with great pleasure I can also announce I’ve been digging around for Trans Jim fics and found some gems while I was at it that have been included below.
You can find Part 1 of my fanfic recommendations here!
And Part 2 here!
Plus one shameless plug for my own current fics.
General Trollhunters
(And you're my Arcadia.) - All you need to know is it’s Jilaire post Season 3 and one line in particular made me burst out laughing.
Bitter[sweet] - Sometimes the thing you need most is just a really good friend when your body plain sucks. Contains Trans Jim and is delightful.
the red book - Far beyond the humble days of Season 3 and after living beyond his human family and friends, Jim has started to forget who he was and that he was ever just a human kid.
The Halls of Arcadia High - When Strickler disappeared in Season 1, his absence was felt in many ways even in the form of a humble piano left un-played.
Not - Not!Enrique isn’t his name yet it’s what they call him anyway. An albatross reminding him of what was taken before he even had a chance to start.
On the Radio  - The final telling of the Janus Order.
Gay stories for Tales of Arcadia - Yeah I’m pretty sure you can guess where this is going, LGBTQ+ rep!
Through the Fires - There was a before time, one where Gunmar still roamed free and Deya had yet to be chosen let alone felled. These are the words of the humble witnesses of that war, from the changelings to the trolls who would oppose them.
Trollhunters: A Series of Disjointed Drabbles - This is so cute and fluffy I might just spontaneously combust.
Insomnolence - It is after the final battle and Jim has a lot of thoughts.
another tragedy - Anxiety is a bastard, it gives a lot of bad thoughts but sometimes there is a little bit of truth buried beneath it all and it whispers all about how you can keeping doing the wrong things for the right reasons. Season 2.
i will always hold you close (but i will learn to let you go) - Sometimes the hardest thing you can do is learning when to let go. Sometimes however, even when you want to they hold back even tighter. Season 2.
your eyes look like coming home - Toby has been the witness from the start of just how close Jim has been to death multiple times over and how Jim he is about the whole thing. It scares him how this time might be it, again and again. Season 2.
The Collected Tellings of Shigir and Other Changeling Folktales - I don’t actually know which category to put this under so I’m going the to heck with it route instead. Does exactly what it says on the tin for your Changeling lore needs, some of which will be off-hand mentioned or outright appear during the fantastic Terpsichore - The Comedy of the Danse Macabre - ACT I.
Please note: The main fic is Stricklake if that’s not your cup of tea, the folktales however can be enjoyed regardless.
all that dazzling dawn has put asunder - The sequel to in my sleep i dreamed of waking, this is filled with delightful fluff, internal panicking and the joys of trying to explain how you’re a not and how that does not change the fact Strickler is still a was. Being a changeling in these strange after times are difficult even before the other baggage involved but at least you're still here to start.
Two Pisces in Alto Mare - When in Rome as part of a study trip abroad, you meet the most curious people sometimes and  by fluke or nature you may even do so more than once.
Filling The Gaps - Possibly a bit of an unusual mention but! These are little pieces of Fallout that were going on while our eyes were following elsewhere and boy it can hurt.
Rehearsals and DvD Bonus Features - Another from the home of Terpsichore - The Comedy of the Danse Macabre - ACT I which is being listed here because it does have Stricklake in it. Some things don’t make the cut with writing fanfic, either because the plot wandered off, it doesn’t fit right or it’s some backstory you haven’t quite figured out where it can be naturally brought up yet and in this case they’ve found themselves a home. Be warned, one particular chapter is explicit and has been marked as such in warnings in the chapter summary.
Alternate Universes
(Un)Becoming - Not technically an AU in the conventional sense but I’m putting it under here anyway. It’s Unbecoming, as ever the road to hell is paved with good intentions but as Jim threw in the towel the storm that’s coming will not be stopped. However, what if others caught glimpses of a world that still had a human Trollhunter to defend it?
Steve the Kind - Steve became the Trollhunter but how the adventure unfolds differently than when Jim was at the helm might just surprise you. Very slow burn Steve and Jim that in a rather refreshing change doesn’t throw Claire under the bus for it to happen. Praise be.
31 Days in the Darklands - Strickmar that somehow kinda works?? It helps with Gunmar having the space to breathe outside of getting Morgana out and be more of his own character. Storywise, in order to rescue Jim from the Darklands Strickler broke a deal that would cost his own freedom and now has to somehow maintain a treaty between three very different factions all the while keeping his own neck intact. The intense distrust in changelings continues on to boot but hey, nobody said politics was easy.
Building Bridges - So Gunmar is distinctly of the more Eldritch variety with dream powers, the ability to easily see through lies for the true emotions and thoughts, Bular has the Insight as well to a lesser extent and everyone has somehow managed to hop onto Stricklander’s bandwagon of we must protect Jim Lake Jr. at all costs. Now the race is on as both sides try to sway the young Trollhunter to their way of thinking and the Trollmarket has no idea how dangerously badly they’re doing so far.
Lost Souls - A fic written in variable snapshots. Jim was kidnapped and changed by Merlin far earlier to be his Champion to ensure he did the “right thing” while Barbara in desperation to find her son falls into the hands of Morgana thus mother and son become enemies without even realising it.
Faithfully - Barbara died overseas and yet somehow Jim still managed to make his way back to Arcadia to become the next Trollhunter. This road is far harder for it as a seemingly homeless orphan though on the flipside he keeps on acquiring dads. Contains Trans Jim, timeline variable snapshots and I love it very much.
The Burning - There was a fire, it killed Barbara and Jim was thought dead as well. Nobody could have guessed the feral half changeling that is running around like a cryptid is the very much alive Jim.
Finding Daylight - Jim is a very low ranking changeling, terrified of Bular and his home amounts to little more than a spot in the woods. Things started to go pear shaped for him when he accidentally stumbled over Blinky and only more so when the amulet picks him after Kanjigar is felled. Tis not a kind world for a changeling child out there and he has nobody really to help watch his back until he stumbles on a potential maybe.
The bonus shoutout for an excellent MSA fic   
A Sleep Like Death - Who wouldn’t want to go visit a tower you’ve inherited apparently and has haunted as all hell all over it? Not Vivi that’s for sure. Poor Arthur is just along for the ride and then things start to get really weird when they find it’s still occupied and thinks Arthur is his jailor.
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lifesabe-ch · 4 years
this means war - billy r. and frank c. (part 8)
summary: this is a spin off from a movie (can anyone find the title? ;) starring Billy Russo and Frank Castle. In this AU, Billy isn’t a psycho, Frank’s family is alive, and they both really like coffee. And, y’know, Y/N.
pairings: Frank Castle x Reader, Billy Russo x Reader (actually both of them, i promise)
warnings: kids. frank’s kids. frank has kids. frank has kids. FRank HAs KIDS.
a/n: apparently we’re updating every sunday now. so stay tuned :) happy corona yall, big love - admin a (written w/ @pitaparka​)
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The list you had brought with you sat forgotten in your shopping cart, just feet away from you, as you reached up in vain for the cereal at the very back of the top shelf. Of course you had to go to the grocery store in the middle of the month, where foods in high demand were scarce. Sure, you could wait until they restocked, but you were fresh out of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It would only be three days, but you didn’t feel like coming back to the grocery store to get it. Plus, you really wanted it for breakfast. You grunt in frustration as you stretch your arm as far as you can go. In triumph, you pulled your newfound cereal down and tossed it into the cart.
“Attagirl. I was gonna help you, but I knew you had it.” Said a familiar voice from behind you.
You startled slightly, but smiled at Frank, who was standing up against the oatmeal.
“Did you just… watch me, struggle with these shelves for that cereal?”
“I didn’t want to intrude,” he explains, “You were already halfway there.” He grins at you.
“What are you doing here?” you ask, automatically. It occurs to you, probably the same thing you were doing.
“Just… you know… shopping and stuff.” he replies, charmingly. He glances up and down the aisle, but no one is going to interrupt you two.
Apparently you two are the only ones who wanted cereal today.
You smile awkwardly at each other. You debate asking him about the weather, or about his personal life, but you realize you don’t know much about him. It’s all very basic. To be fair, you don’t even know where he works. Before you fall into an existential crisis, you hear something that takes you out of your trance. It takes you a second, but you recognize the music playing on the speakers. It’s the same song from when you two were in the diner, Dancing in the Moonlight. Recognition spreads across your face. It spreads across Frank’s face soon after. The same warm feelings that blossomed for Frank that night come bubbling back up to the surface. But you’re worried you’re basing everything you know about him on one good date.
You’re knocked out of your trance though by two noisy children barging down the aisle. You subconsciously step back a little bit from Frank, as if you two were just caught. They’re kind of cute, in a ten year old kind of way, but you don’t pay much attention to them. Until you hear them say one very, very perception distorting word.
“Dad!” the little boy cries, bounding up to Frank and stopping just short of running into him. “We found the straws!” the girl explains, two boxes of straws in hand.
“I want the plastic ones,” the little boy argues.
“No! It’s bad for the environment!” the girl protests, putting the box of paper straws in the cart Frank was positioned next to.
“But they get all mushy and gross, I like the plastic ones—” the little boy goes to complain again, but Frank cuts them off.
“Alright, alright, alright, you two decide, or you’re not getting any straws. Go put one box back,” he says. His whole demeanor changed. So had yours, as you stand silently beside him. Frank, had kids?
The children grumble off and suddenly, they were a lot less adorable than you had originally thought.
“Uh, so you have kids?” you question. You almost can’t believe it. You really don’t want to believe it. Some part of you hopes ‘dad’ is just a nickname.
“Yeah. I… uh, I do.” he says sheepishly.
“Oh,” you state.
“It’s from…” he goes to explain. He’s standing tall now, his hands shoved into his jacket pockets.
“It’s from an old marriage. We’re, on good terms. I get the kids on the weekends. I wanted to tell you…”
“Oh,” you say again, shocked. It’s hard to put your feelings into words. On one hand, you really liked Frank. You liked the idea of him, and even thought you could see a life with him, as crazy as that sounds. On the other hand, he already had a whole other life. Frank had kids. Wow.
“I just, it’s kinda… new. I didn't really… um. I didn't think you were a kid guy. Not that that’s a bad thing? Uh…”
“Right. Yeah, this is kinda… a lot.”
You stop for a second and all of your options rush through your head. You could ghost him. You could cease all contact with him. You could leave right now and never look back, the only exposure to Frank being when, if, he ever comes back to the coffee shop. Or, you could see if this works out regardless.
“How old are they?” you ask, and Frank smiles at you.
The line rings twice before she picks up.
You don’t let her get much out before you complain from your end.
“He has KIDS.”
Glancing around quickly to make sure the Castles were nowhere in sight, you whisper shouted into the receiving end of your phone, “Frank!”
“You hung out with Frank today, AND his kids?”
“Then how—”
“I went to the store because I needed Cinnamon Toast Crunch and—”
Moving up in line, you heaved a sigh, “Why did I need Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Because I ran out?”
“Wow, already?”
“Okay, I didn’t come here to be judged for my cereal habits.”
“Right. Sorry. So Frank has a kid?”
“No. No, Morgan. Frank has KIDS. Plural! There’s two of them!”
“Yeah! That’s what I said.”
“You found out he has kids and you said “oh””?
“What was I supposed to say? ‘Wow, that’s nice, do you have any more?’”
“No but… well, actually, that might be good to know.”
“You think he has more?”
“He didn’t exactly tell you about them.”
“What am I supposed to do? Do I stop talking to him?”
“Do you want to stop talking to him?”
“No…” You whine.
“So don’t!”
“But he has kids, Morgan.”
“So you’ve said. Is that really a bad thing? Haven’t you always wanted kids?”
“No! What?! I moved to New York, became a barasta, and hoped to have kids? What the hell, Morgan? I don’t want to be a mom. I don’t want to drive kids to soccer games. I don’t wanna own a minivan. Oh my god, I can’t pay for the gas in that thing! I make minimum wage!”
The cashier gave you a weird glance, but took your card as you handed it to him. He was probably hoping your minimum wage would cover this purchase.
“You could be a stay at home mom! What does he do for work, anyway?”
“I don’t know! That’s the problem! I don’t know him.”
“You know him. You’ve talked to him plenty of times before.”
“It’s mainly me doing all the talking. He’s not a talkative guy! I know he likes bagels. And other breakfast foods. And he works out. A lot. He didn’t tell me that but… I mean… come on.”
The cashier glances at you again, seemingly more intrigued than he was last time. As he hands you your card and your receipt you smile at him and mutter a small “thank you” before grabbing your bags.
“Come on. Is it really that bad?”
Making your way towards the exit, you see Frank standing in another line with his kids. Lisa and Frank Jr. were laughing at something their dad said and Frank seemed relatively proud of himself. They looked like a family.  You felt butterflies in your stomach. You weren’t sure if it was because you wanted that, or because you didn’t.
As he looked up and made eye contact with you, you smiled and hastily looked away, pushing your cart out the door.
tag list (respond to post or send ask to be added!):
@full-of-sins-not-tragedies, @harrysthiccthighss, @constellation---me, @editboutique, @achesiresmile, @ghastlygray, @muddleofmarvel , @starxdame, @with1love1anu, @a-dorky-book-keeper, @batmanbatmanbatmanbatmans-bitch​ @mmabodybuilder​​ @celyndavies​ @elfmama​ 
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dirtyhelen · 3 years
The Most Annoying Accidental Co-Worker in the World: The Bucky Barnes Story
AKA 1000 words of not!fic rambly nonsense of how the Bucky and Reader from i've got the girl on my mind (all the time) became slightly antagonistic BFFs.
(This is the backstory I alluded to in my author's note on that post and it turns out all I needed was one (1) request to feel compelled to share it with "the world". The target audience of the following 1000 words is specifically me so please do not feel obligated to read!)
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Okay so basically, i've got the girl on my mind (all the time) takes place in a post-CA:TWS canon divergence where Bucky comes home with Steve at the end and they move to Avengers Tower with everyone else like it's 2012.
Except it's less “moving to the Tower” and more Bucky is technically an international criminal and the Tower is the most secure place to keep him while the rest of the team pretends they have no idea where he is and tries to convince the US government he’s not a terrorist. At which point they will be like, “Wow he was here the whole time? Wild!”. (Ignore unimportant things like how The Law works.)
So Bucky is grounded and not allowed to leave the Tower and definitely not allowed to go on missions with the rest of the Avengers. Except Bucky might not know much (including his own name sometimes and dumb shit like what year it is) but he knows this: Steve Rogers Is To Be Protected (And Cannot Protect Himself).
Bucky experiences intense anxiety whenever Steve is away because he can’t stand not knowing if he’s alive or dead, and not being around to watch his back. Steve tries to alleviate this by telling Bucky he's got a whole team of people to protect him, including analysts in the Tower. Bucky's like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, Steve, you're so dumb--WAIT! Analysts in the Tower?”
So the next time Steve goes on a mission, Bucky breaks out of Steve’s floor (which he’s known how to do since the first week he got there and he’s gonna have a word with Stark Jr. after he’s done exploiting his security failings) and finds his way to the analysts’ offices.
They all know about Bucky’s existence because they hear the Avengers talking over comms and Steve is obsessed with Bucky and won’t shut the fuck up about him. They’re mostly ex-SHIELD and they’ve been sworn to secrecy by ironclad NDAs that basically promise to drone strike them and everyone they love if they even breath a word of top-secret shit so hiding a maybe-terrorist is really just a regular Tuesday.
Picture the Winter Soldier wearing his Murder Face and Captain America pajama pants (Nat thought it was funny) going door-to-door to figure out which analyst is on the current mission until he finds You.
He Murder Struts (you know the one) into your office, hauls a chair around your desk so he can sit next to you, and does a finger-to-his-lips shhh motion all while you just sit there staring at him, cup of coffee halfway to your mouth while the Avengers babble in your ear.
That first mission you’re too shit-scared to do anything (except your job, very nervously) but you seem to pass the test because when the mission is over and the Avengers have disconnected comms, Bucky looks at you, nods, and leaves your office. (As soon as he’s gone everyone on your floor piles in to your office to ask what the fuck just happened. You have no idea.)
And thus begins Accidental Co-Worker Bucky "The Winter Soldier" Barnes.
You get comfortable with each other very quickly after that because it’s hard not to get comfortable around someone when you spend several hours every week or so sitting inches apart in a confined space, under high-pressure situations.
You become so comfortable around him, in fact, that any fear you once had of the fearsome Winter Soldier becomes pure, unadulterated annoyance instead.
Bucky doesn’t always agree with your calls, and he makes it very clear when that happens.
(This is how the Avengers finally figure out Bucky's been listening in on missions. Mid-mission Bucky tries to wrestle your mouse out of your hand without breaking your hand (or the mouse) and you forget to mute yourself when you shout, “Bucky, if you don't fuck off I SWEAR TO GOD.”)
He also frequently steals your coffee (sometimes right out of your hand) and one time you unlocked your office door and turned on the light to find him sitting behind your desk and it scared the shit out of you and he laughed when you screamed.
At first, he’d leave as soon as the mission was wrapped, with not even a single word thrown in your direction. But as time goes on, he starts to stick around after, since the Avengers still have to fly back from wherever they’ve been. Then, when the secret’s out, he just comes by your office whenever he’s bored, or you hang out at his and Steve’s apartment when you’re off.
It’s during these times that you start to talk to each other and get to know each other.
You talk about Steve, and movies, and music, and Steve, and the cute girl in Accounting you have a crush on, and the best way to break someone’s neck (“The way Steve did it on that last mission was totally wrong, doll, that’s why he needs me around!”), and how sad you are that the cute girl in Accounting cheated on you (“You want a practical demonstration on that neck-breaking technique?”). You introduce Bucky to Naruto because Naruto reminds you of Steve and Bucky becomes obsessed. His favourite character is Hinata.
(Yes, I’m watching Naruto right now and yes, I’m projecting my favourite character onto Bucky, what about it?)
And then somehow months have gone by and you’re best friends now.
(Headcanon—of my own fanfiction so I guess just “canon?”—that Bucky remembers having little sisters and this is part of why he is naturally just the Most Annoying to you but also super protective. 
He may or may not have broken into Accounting Girl’s house and stolen literally all of her shoes because she broke your heart, but also one time he spent an entire meeting throwing tiny paper balls at you when no one was looking.)
And then Bucky’s name is cleared and he’s allowed to go on missions, so you get less of his backseat driving, and for a minute you kind of think maybe you won’t be friends anymore but you’re dead wrong because Bucky is a ride and/or die bitch and you’re besties for life now.
Plus he still makes sure to sit in on any missions Steve is on without him (which basically only happens when Bucky is injured). 
And there you have it! 1000 words of rambly backstory for a 4000-word fic that isn’t even about Bucky because I wrote like three lines of dialogue between him and the Reader and became obsessed with a non-existent fictional relationship of my own creation.
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homosociallyyours · 3 years
hi Megan! Number 16 for the asks! I love me a good story :)
16) Favorite love story?
Alright Suus, I'll do my best!!
I think I've told parts of this story before, but I love my parents' love story a lot so I'll go with that ..
They met in high school, early in freshman year. My mom had come from Catholic school so she was new, and she thought my dad was very cute. Now according to him he often had girlfriends in Jr high, but according to my mom she tried to talk to him and he straight up ran away bc he was too nervous to talk to her. Maybe it was because she complimented his shoes? And he didn't know what to say?
In any case she wasn't having it. So after a little bit of trying to get him to talk to her she just "accidentally" bumped into him at his locker and made him spill his books so she could help pick them up. SNEAKY!! Anyway it worked better than the "I like your shoes" line, and they ended up hanging out.
I know that was in the fall. They had their first kiss at a Christmas party at my dad's house, sitting behind the couch in the den. My dad asked my mom to go steady and she said yes 😢 and it would probably help if you could see them but I'm already in bed so I can't go get the photo booth pics of them as teenagers, smushed together and smiling and kissing in the last photo.
The next year at the Valentine's dance, my dad gave my mom an opal ring because they were pretty serious about each other. I never got to see it because it cracked while she was doing dishes and she had some superstition about a cracked opal being bad luck.
They used to call each other every night and talk on the phone, usually until my dad would fall asleep. They didn't live very far away from each other-- it's like 5 minutes by car, maybe less back then because the main road wasn't as busy --so it feels extra cute to me that they'd call one another. Of course I used to talk on the phone for hours in high school too, so I guess it's not that unusual.
They spent a lot of time with each other's families. My mom went camping with my dad's family and my poppy (dad's dad) who was a truck driver would go way too fast and freak my mom out. I think she hated camping, really, but she did it because my dad liked it. Both of them were really active in clubs too and when you look in their yearbook they're always right there in the same ones.
I'm not sure when or how my dad proposed. It's weird that I can't remember, but sometimes that's how it is. They were 18 when they got married, though. They did it on Thanksgiving because it was a day that everyone had off and they were going to move down to Atlanta soon. I remember finding my mom's wedding dress when I was in high school; my grandmother made it and it was fitted white lace with long sleeves, pretty and classic and not very 70s. It looked good on her. It's sad to me that it's gone now but I'm pretty sure it didn't get grabbed from the house before my parents were evicted :/
Anyway they stayed together, which not everyone can say. And they loved each other a lot. My mom had self image issues her whole life, and my dad never stopped telling her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. Also I'm sure some people would think it's kinda gross but like-- he really thought my mom was hot. She rarely wore makeup and she was fat and just. Not the things that generally get categorized as hot in the het world. But he looked at her and never saw anything but the gorgeous person he fell in love with.
Even when she injured her back and couldn't play softball anymore (he coached, she played). When she lost a baby and could barely function from the depression. Through lots of health problems and hard times.
And she loved him too, took care of him and made him laugh and smile. They were really compatible. A good fit.
I was lucky to grow up around a lot of loving, functional couples who were mostly pretty good. But my parents have a special place in my heart and so does their love ♡
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#35)
5x12 baby, helpppp how are we already at the penultimate episode (already, i say, after dragging this first-ever watch out basically as long as humanly possible L O L why am i like this)
my reactions / recap / flailing under the cut
I see that Tyra is literally the preview photo so I’m already like OH SHITTTT
Tami coming home from the airport with potentially life-altering news...and Eric is asleep in front of the TV on the couch, clearly trying to wait up for her, my heart.
AHHH Julie’s home??? A surprise? This is so fucking cute! The ending vibes are definitely here.
Omg Tim are you good, baby? Is he throwing his bed out of the trailer? Damn he clearly has so much trauma from prison.
Damn NBC 8 is pulling up, that’s how you know it’s State. “It’s State, Levi, get used to it.” “No, I’ll NEVER get used to it!” Lmao i love Levi.
WOW look at Luke trying to set up childcare so moms can participate in a hearing about school funding! GO OFF KING
Omg i almost forgot Mindy was pregnant again. Billy’s so excited...oh fuck, TWINS? They’re gonna be so broke forever. Mindy is as horrified as I would be lmao
Oh shit, here we go...Tami’s finally telling Eric about the job offer...and admitting she wants it!!! AHH
“We’d have to move to Philadelphia.” “We live in Texas. Honey, Texas...is where our friends and family are. Texas is where I work, Texas is where I have my job.” Weren’t y’all just thinking about moving to Florida like two episodes ago? I smell a double standard, sir!
Ugh Eric is shutting down. “I can’t talk about this right now.” BISH
“How many times have we moved before for your job?” MMHMM that’s right, Eric! You look shell-shocked but you need to take that in, sit with it!
Tim Riggins behind the bar is hot. Just an observation.
Ugh, the tension between poor Tim and Billy. Tim’s gonna go to Alaska?! WOW did not see that plan coming!
“What the hell are you gonna do, sleep with a bunch of woodchucks?” BILLY WHAT LMAO
“You’re gonna leave Texas?” “YES.” I love the drama in both these back to back conversations about the thought of Leaving Texas.
Broken dryer, Jess, I’ve been there. Like right now, we have a broken dryer in our apartment. Ooh, Vince coming and finding her and being gentle!
Aw poor Jess. “I finally found a coach who was open-minded enough to let me in and not laugh at me. He lets me shadow him and teach me how to be a coach, and now they’re gonna take it all away.” These poor kids.
VINCE: “We won’t let that happen.” MY HEART. I love them.
Wow, Luke’s being sold a low-tier football program, isn’t he? “We just got a Costco, and a brand new movie theater in the town.” yikes.
How is a reporter asking Eric “are you worried he’s taking on too much?” about a teenage boy. Like, how do they know this much about Vince’s life? Texas football culture will forever amaze me, even after watching almost the entire series.
“We haven’t even scratched the surface of what Vince Howard can do.” AWWW my heart! Eric is such a good coach.
Oh wow, the East Dillon Lions vs. Dillon Panthers funding debate!!! Did they send a Booster Club representative here to Buddy’s door to shake him down? “There’s gonna be a lot of changes.” Like what IS THIS?
“Vince Howard is gonna be a Panther.” This is... A Lot. “That chair at the head of the table is waiting on you.”
Oh nooooo Tim getting physical with a customer.
“I’ve been waiting five minutes for my drink.” FAMILIAR VOICE IN THE CORNER??? “Hey there, jailbird.” It’s Tyra, and she has long brown hair! I dig it! I dig this reunion!
Aw, Eric coming home and immediately apologizing to Tami for earlier.
Tami’s being realistic that if the Lions lose, their economic situation is in jeopardy—so a good job offer on the table is something to consider!
“So you’re routing against us?” OMG and there’s a moment when Tami thinks he’s referring to them but then realizes he’s referring to “oh, the team?” jfc “You and I, or us the Lions. Of course.”
“You know what, I’ve been a coach’s wife for 18 years. Every decision we’ve made has been based on your coaching career.” LIFE BEYOND FOOTBALL OH SHIT
Oh God Eric’s getting up with the keys???? Come on, dude! This is not cool! There are so many colleges and high schools in Pennsylvania! I promise they play football there!
Omg did Tyra just tell Tim about the twins since he refused to really talk to Billy?
Aw Tyra wrote to him in prison? That’s sweet.
Awww Mindy’s literally having a breakdown about not having enough space, and not being able to handle three kids. These poor babes. And the football team’s fate hinges on this because of the assistant coach’s salary...fucking crazy
Ooh now Buddy’s trying to hype Eric up on the Panther-Lions Superteam they’re gonna create.
Aw the whole fam at Billy and Mindy’s—Tyra, Becky, even Mama Collette.
“He’s got some stupid idea he’s gonna go to Alaska and work on a pipeline.” Well, when someone comes to prison and tells you they’ll actually let someone who has to check the felony box work a job with decent wages, yeah. God, the prison industrial complex sucks. Feeds the most vulnerable people into the shittiest jobs.
Julie outside of the Saracen home? Awww. Has she seen him since that romantic Chicago good-bye?
Luke, listen to Becky!! “I’d really appreciate if you put down the wrench and listen to me.” YES GURL
“That’s not real. You are! And I just think there’s been a lot of misunderstandings.” “Well, that’s really pretty you should put it in a love poem.” “Are you kidding me? Go to hell!” yeah, correct answer, Becky! These teens are under so much STRESS! The DRAMA!
Omg all these grown men screaming at the town hall meeting about football i cannot
Ewww these classist fucks. “Some of us on this side of town happen to own our houses.” Eat the rich.
Why the fuck is Billy writing a fucking speech while driving? And he’s surprised he swerved? Sir…
Aw poor Eric with pain in his eyes telling Billy he can’t be definitive about his job security...I mean, yeah.
Aw, Luke coming into the bar while Tim is working after...that talk with Becky…
“You and Becky...are you in love with her?” Tim looks so amused. “Are you serious?” “...Yeah. “No, I’m not in love with Becky. I care about her.” THANK YOU BOYS AND GIRLS CAN BE FRIENDS. Is this not what Becky tried to tell you last night? “I’ve been there a few times when nobody else was, but that’s about it.”
Aw Luke is so similar to Tim rn! Not “feeling it” from the school that wants him, even tho he loves football!
“You’re going to state, yeah? Nothing’s gonna beat that.” “Play it that way. Play it like it’s the last time you’re ever gonna lace up.” Some iconic Tim Riggins lines here!
“We were at the meeting last night, but we don’t want to argue or yell, we just want to give you our thoughts.” MY HEART i love Vince and Jess. “Well, that’ll be refreshing.” LOL after all these grown ass men were screaming over each other
“Was it really that bad?” “If you’re asking if I was raped in prison, Tyra, the answer’s no.” LOSING IT at this exchange lmao
“Tim Riggins, what the hell is going on with you?” that’s the question!
Oh shit is Tyra just finding out that Tim took the fall for Billy now...fuck
“He had a wife, a family. I had the chance to give him something, to give Stevie something we never had. To give him his father.” Damn, the look on Tyra’s face. She knows all too well why he did what he did even tho it fucked him up :( THE EMOTION. THE PAIN!
Damn they’re announcing the decision on the Dillon teams *before* state?
“What are you hoping for?” loaded question, Julie! “I hope that the Lions get to stay put, and I hope that I get to be Dean of Admissions at Braemore College.” awww yeah you do deserve it all, Tami.
Oh wow all these people from both teams standing in the street, drinking and talking and waiting for the decision with “i was living in a devil’s town” playing??? THIS SHOW.
I feel for the dude who has to address this town about this decision.
Anddd there it is, they eliminated the East Dillon program. The rich kids cheering for their victory in front of the poor kids mourning the end of the program they fought to make better is so fucking tacky.
And omg now they have to play state?
“Let me tell you something, you’re gonna be the star quarterback of the Dillon panthers next year, and you’re gonna shine.” OH this hug between Eric and Vince! “See you at practice tomorrow.” Again, the reminder that these people gotta play a *state championship*! wild
“We need to talk.” BUDDY WHAT?
Aw Julie and Tyra hanging out and there are Panthers screaming out of cars. “Welcome back to Dillon.” “No place like it.” Oh, this warms my heart.
I love this exchange: “You know, it’s kind of like this drug. When you get outside of it, you see it for what it really is. But when you’re in it, it seems like there’s no other possible reality.” “It’s a hard place to shake.” “Yeah...I didn’t see that one coming.”
“Whatever happened with you and Matty?” SAME, TYRA, SAME. “We’re good. I mean, we still talk every now and then. He went to Chicago. I went to visit him awhile back, and...I don’t really know what we are or aren’t or…” INTRIGUE. “I kind of just really miss him.” “Life’s harder when you really love someone.” Awwww. I loved that scene so much.
Wow, Buddy and Eric are talking at the Panthers field?
Oh, Buddy’s trying to sell him on winning the championship and then going to the Panthers to coach along with Vince….
“I can never come back to this school and coach. Never.” I mean, FAIR.
“Three rings in six years. That’s history. No one’s ever done that. You’ve got everything you want.” Yeah, Buddy, but does Tami get what she wants in that scenario?
Lol i love all the East Dillon Lions drunk on the field, like seasons’ past with teams past…
“Alright I’m taking a piece of grass home.” LOL TINK
To State and to Coach Taylor, huh? Sounds familiar. And Buddy Jr. is puking. Lmao.
“Just make sure you’re really okay with losing him.” YES Tyra! As much as Billy has majorly fucked up, i agree with her that the idea of the Riggins brothers losing each other when they ONLY had each other for so long...it makes my heart sad.
Oh shit are Tim and Tyra about to kiss? I almost forgot they were together back when this whole show started! “Please don’t go.” DAMNNN
Wow what a scene. Eric comes home with his news that he could have “everything” and Tami replies, “I’ll say to you what you haven’t had the grace to say to me: congratulations, Eric.
“I want you to take me someplace.” “Where?” “I’ll tell you when we’re on the way.” This is really cute! Also Tyra is so hot damn gurl i see you!
Aw Vince shooting his shot, yes! “What about you and me?” “I was really proud of how hard you tried. Thank you.”
“You already have two strikes against you.” “Jess, I was born with two strikes against me.” LOL SO TRUE. and aw what a hug!
Tyra took him to his land, didn’t she??? “Alaska, Tim?” He’s SMILING. Is that Texas Forever vibes i’m seeing here?
AH, Matt is home with a Christmas tree to see his grandma!!! She’s so excited!!
Aw she forgot his dad’s dead? “Did you say it was Christmas?” Oh this is so sad.
Why are Buddy and the Panthers coach standing at the Taylors’ front door like fucking cops late at night? This football program is sinister at times.
“Eighteen years.” Yeah, Tami. And then she turns it back on: “Can I get you two anything? Iced tea, water?” and FADE TO BLACK.
Damn!! What an amazing set-up for a series finale I’ve heard only good things about!!! AHHHH
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castiel-kline · 4 years
KitKat’s Random Rewatch (part 2)
The Man Who Would Be King (6x20)
For, um. Obvious reasons.
Ahhhhh this monologue is so fucking good
“But come on, dried dung can only be stacked so high.” Cas should do a stand up routine ngl. This line is some kind of comedic genius
He looked RIGHT at the camera. I remember the first time I saw that I was like hello, this ep is going to destroy me. Spoiler alert: it did. And does.
Cas called Sam being in the cage “a great cost” and immediately went to get him. 🥺 And did he seriously imply his overconfidence gave him the strength to fight his way into the cage? Damn. Confusing, but go off I guess
“Sometimes we’re lucky enough to be given a warning. This should have been mine.” AHHHHH
Cas, come on. You’re smart enough to pick up on when Dean’s being sketchy
Dean said Satan Jr and I forgot this was season 6 for a sec and was about to get mad because that’s not a nice thing to call Jack, Dean. Um, yeah. Turns out they’re talking about Crowley lmao
I have MISSED Crowley’s shouting. He’s so dramatic.
Cas is so done with Crowley’s shit ahaha
The colors of his preferred Heaven are so beautiful
Cas being happy to see other angels will never not make me sad. He’s literally smiling so big considering it’s his s6 self ahhhh. AND THEY’RE HAPPY TO SEE HIM AND HAPPY HE’S ALIVE MY EMOTIONS HURT AHHH
“Freedom is a length of rope, and God wants you to hang yourself with it.” One of my favorite Cas quotes right there
“You never look like you’re joking.” I love Cas’s sense of humor so much. Also, Raphael, kindly stop being an asshole. We do not need to restart the Apocalypse, thanks.
When did Cas stop doing the invisibility thing? Bc that could have come in handy later. Can Jack do that?
Bobby said he doesn’t want to be right about Cas being sketchy. Aww. I wonder if Bobby would have considered Cas one of his boys like Mary did if Bobby had... you know. Lived to see Cas soften out a little bit.
‘I’d die for him, I would.” Aww, Sam.
“That makes you Lois Lane.” Did... did Dean just say Sastiel rights?
I’d be more touched about Dean defending Cas but like... after this he doesn’t ever really give him the benefit of the doubt again, so. I’m a little upsetti spaghetti.
What was up with this demon Bobby guy. He’s funny but like. This is the only time we ever saw him lol
Cassss smite them demons bby. Get em.
All of their smiles at him are so cute. And Cas is just standing there like oop
“I’m still just Castiel.” YES YOU ARE HONEY. AND WE LOVE IT.
Cas is such a bad liar but like he’s also so good at it. Buddy, you’re so complicated. Wouldn’t have it any other way <3
Protective Cas! We love to see it.
OH SHIT he slammed Crowley into the wall so hard it broke the tile. King shit, Cas.
“I’m an angel, you ass.” Another iconic line. This ep has so many.
So it IS official canon that angels don’t have souls. Well, that sure sheds a lot of painful new light on the soulless Jack situation later.
I know Dean says later that Cas could have asked him for help while he was with Lisa, but tbh I’m pretty sure if Cas had actually asked Dean would have said no. I’m in a psychology course right now, and that makes me marginally qualified to say that Dean was definitely experiencing some major hindsight bias.
What happened to Hell being an endless line? When did you stop that, Crowley? Because that would have saved Bobby and Kevin and Eileen so much unnecessary pain.
“Big bald patriarch” is now the only acceptable way to describe Samuel Campbell. That was hilarious. Thanks, Crowley.
I should also mention it’s weird to see Crowley without the beard. Does anyone else get that upon rewatch?
Did Cas actually take 50000 souls from Crowley just to throw Raphael out of his chair and make a statement? Honey, no. But also, king <3
The trap they set for him... Sam looks so sad about it. Ahh.
Okay but one of Bobby’s reasons not to trust Cas being that Bobby didn’t buy that Cas could be effectively tricked by Crowley is pretty cool. At least someone appreciates how smart Cas really is.
The Sam and Cas angst in this scene is immaculate. When Sam asks, “did you bring me back soulless on purpose?” Cas looks HORRIFIED. I don’t think we see him look that level of horrified again until... the end of 15x15 maybe? With that whole whammy Jack unloaded. Which is... wow. Much to unpack.
“I was there. Where were you?” I think we all know Dean is a little bit of a hypocrite. Because this entire season he most definitely didn’t care about Cas’s problems, and I’m pretty sure he did ask for help one time and they said no. So, you were there, but you weren’t a helping hand. You gotta practice what you preach, Dean-o
I know it was a complicated situation but leaving him in the holy fire is still pretty shitty. Come on, guys
“Get out of my sight.” I’m grinning during an intense scene because GO OFF CAS YOU TELL HIM
“The difference between you and me is I know what I am.” Crowley, kindly stop exacerbating Castiel’s self worth crisis. Please and thanks.
Does Bobby have a guest room? Where’s Sam? Why is Dean sleeping on the couch? Did he just want to? I’m sure Bobby has more comfortable places to sleep. Or maybe Bobby’s couch is just really comfy, idk
God, Dean, don’t be so rude. Don’t call Cas a child. I do not approve of this interaction.
Again, Dean. Practice what you preach.
“You’re like a brother to me.” In light of, uh, recent events, I’ll just leave this here.
Also in light of recent events, this is the second time in this episode Cas said the boys taught him free will. They taught him choice, not feelings. And it was CAS who chose to feel.
“I’m an angel. You’re just a man.” You tell him, Cas
Lmao Cas dipped out before the convo was over. Iconic.
The ending on the bench.... Cas. Sweetie. HE SAID FATHER AHHH. And he looks so SAD. Also, the way it was shot was really cool. I can’t believe I didn’t notice that before.
The way it ended with him just hanging his head. Oh, my heart.
Anyway, this episode is a 10/10 for Cas, obviously, but we’re bumping it down to 8/10 because there was such an imbalance in Dean and Cas vs. Sam and Cas interactions. Didn’t remember the show was doing that crap this early. Also, the plot of season 6 low key still doesn’t make sense to me. Oops 🤷‍♀️
HOWEVER, it did me feel slightly better during my current crisis because Cas slays in this one. So, we’re gonna count it as a win.
If you read this thing all this way through, thanks for being here lol. I hope you enjoyed my ramblings. :)
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repeterwiggin · 4 years
i decided to make notes as I watched POF (SVSR) for the second time and damn. it’s just as much of a rollercoaster even when you know what’s coming (warning this is long there’s a lot going on)
- wild to me how we jump straight in!
- lee & mary lee are adorable & also thomas at the wedding is a Mood literally me at all my friends weddings
- the flashback breaks my heart,
- Patton is still a really good trier... he’s so good and he tries so hard and I love him
- the way thomas rips off his suit jacket...
- the song that isn’t sung!
- Patton says “we four helped you” but there were five sides in svs hmm I feel like that’s probably significant in some way
- the ace attorney ref makes me very happy! there was a secret path of me hoping for for a professor layton reference but this is ehhhh kinda close?
- the fact that the first thing they say is “why didn’t we talk to lee and mary lee” like. yeah!!
- WE SHOULD START LOOKING I TO WAYS TO PREDICT THE FUTURE! he’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit
- patton and roman bffs!!
- feral cats,,, what a tangent i stan roman
- I like that we get some more context to the invite as well, like being asked face to face does add another element to the dilemma
- Dame Judy Dench = Queen Groovy Bench I see you using those Good Place swears, Roman
- “maybe they ... feel guilty” is like. I get where you’re coming from Patton but talking to them should’ve been step one imo like. I have been to lots of friends weddings and talking to them is important
- “I’m not sure there was a good ending to get” ... “for he’s a jolly good fellow!”
- them calling Patton out for how critical he’s been!!! very important!!! and I appreciate that Patton is trying “I’m just trying to help you be a good as you can be!” he still has more to learn but still im love him
- the bagel callback lol
- GameStore instead of GameStop lol Patton
- “he eats fly for breakfast”
- We’re ten minutes in and there’s already so much going on
- Also I just want to appreciate that thomas is such a good actor I can tell which side is speaking just from their voice like the cadence is different and they way they say words ahhh it’s something I’ve thought about before but it’s really hitting me with these voice over segments
- Leslie Odom Jr lol if only we’d known
- The Pokemon battle format is so good and I love that it’s being used for a “do you give money to a homeless actor”
- The hotdog puns....
- Logan’s Lowdown!!!
- Roman mouthing “behoove” to Patton is very cute but I feel bad for Logan :(
- Pixel Logan is adorable
- The fact that roman immediately goes “ignorant” breaks my heart listen to logan!!! please!!!!
- Patton trying to soften his thoughts is kind of painful to watch
- “As long as that’s not the main reason you’re doing it!” Patton no,,,,,,,,
- Roman needs to be listened to more he looks so defeated when Patton doesn’t agree with him and only continues after serious prompting I feel like he’s been ignored too many times lately I’m very excited for a roman arc :((
- “Leslie Odom Jr’s....literal cake that he baked!!!”
- Logan’s fun fact popping up in the mario scene!! that’s my boy!!!
- Also the fact that roman is immediately painting deceit as the bad guy after they spent all of svs getting along......like, I feel like after the other sides decided that deceit wasn’t at all genuine or looking out for thomas’ best interests roman did a full 180* on him which makes sense for romans character but is also kinda depressing bc in is lying okay? and svs he was like “oh he’s not that bad!!” And now he’s like “scute bellied tyrant!!” damn
- Patton let’s him talk and then immediately is like “uuuuh no” yikes
- Roman targets all his insults at deceit and very carefully avoids being even playfully rude to anyone else hmm I really do think he’s trying to “make up” for siding with deceit last time and in the end it doesn’t even matter :((( bc he still feels like he’s disappointing people
- Roman seems like he’s genuinely trying to understand and Patton is really struggling to articulate his thoughts and that creates such a good conflict between the two bc it’s not like theyre really against each other it’s just solid interpersonal difference. or intrapersonal I guess
- The trolley problem!!!! A classic I love it
- The way it’s animated too is so good... the “Thomas is full of dread” the way the music cuts when the train appears how it cuts right before the train hits “is it over” ahhhhhh
- Also Leslie Odom Jr again lol
- “Maybe don’t depict scenarios where my friends die” and then later Patton is specifically like “it’s lee and mary lee!!!” lol wild
- “You know we don’t like to use the T word!!!” GREAT little aside
- “So it’s the how that matters” “yeah... and the why!!!” patton baby you’re trying so hard and I love you but it’s okay. you don’t need to have all the answers. you can just not know! I promise it’s alright!
- Thomas face after Patton brings up the “figment of your imagination” things KILLS ME
- I actually disagree with Thomas on the “putting more good into the world” as not being a compelling answer BUT I think that Patton is overlooking how feeling good/having positive emotions attached with those actions IS directly putting more good into the world. like, if doing good makes you feel good, that’s a good thing!! idk
- Logan disagreeing with Patton was good and we all know logan is my favourite but I think he could’ve handled that a little better
- PATTON HITTING SKIP ALL..... sweetie no :((
- everyone has already said this but that cane is the snake boy
- Roman even pulls back the insults on a philosopher who is not there
- Also Roman being like “your desires are getting in the way” again bc he feels like he’s not being listened to or appreciated bc there’s something about him that’s “wrong” and trying to shoulder the blame bc he feels bad that his desires (success, fame, love, appreciation) are inherently selfish :(((
- “that is the stupidest thing you’ve ever said” right sentiment, terrible delivery
- the way roman says “you’re just blowing smoke” is a Lot and very much like his fishing for validation but I don’t blame him for it, after what he’s just admitted it’s truly understandable that he needs that validation
- Thomas’ point about feelings motivating him is REALLY good bc we are all motivated by our emotions
- “Doing nothing is even worse!” i mean you’re not wrong but not in the way you think,,
- Logan/Deceit (I do think it’s deceit at this point) using the oxygen mask metaphor is really great to me!!! I love that metaphor & I was going to be a flight attendant so it’s something I thought about a lot. I’ll talk about it more when Deceit brings it up again lol
- “Uuuh I do need help” mood thomas mood
- “Temporarily put himself first” oof
- “It’s easy to say what we would hypothetically do...” hard agree
- Watching logan/deceit huff and roll his eyes solidifies for me that it is deceit like something about it feels unlike Logan lol I can’t explain why
- Roman nodding along with the explanation of why leisure is important makes me very happy
- “Oh is it not? Please correct me if I’m wrong” and the way the sprite pressing further and further and being more expressive with his hands and eyebrows like damn. that’s deceit!!
- Patton’s breakdown is Iconic I love the glitching and the way it zooms out to show the layout of the living room and the way he explodes ahhhhhhh so good
- why does the frog have abs that’s my one question
- lilypadton ahdhajfka I love it
- DECEIT EX MACINA THE REVEAL IS SO GOOD as soon as he started punning (cut through this bull...frog) I was like 👀 AND THEN THE LINES AND THE CAPE AND THE LORD OF THE LIES IM HAPOY TO OBLIGE
- the deceit sprite is so cute :))))
- Deceit pulling Thomas behind him we have to stan
- “Richer than Jeff Bozos” I LOVE that roman I love you
- Deceit calling him out and the way the words themselves turn into attacks is such a fun detail
- Frog Patton still punning even in serious moments is so on brand
- Deceit dodging while thomas gets hit is a solid metaphor
- “The plane is going down, you need to give thomas some room to breathe” oof like it needed to be said but oof
- The health bars changing to “Thomas’ mental health” OOF LADS WE’RE REALLY IN IT NOW
- the way thomas looks when he steps back into frame cracks me up
- “We can still beat him! We’ve beaten him before!” oh roman, but it’s not a fight against deceit :((
- the snakes on the plane ref lmao “I’m sick of this morality fighting snake on this metaphorical plane” whoever wrote that line... I want to give them a high five truly iconic
- Deceit is so much more playful and showing more diverse personality in this ep and I’m living for it
- final fantasy!! the og version turn by turn which is what I like to play lol also the villain they’re fighting kinda looks like Virgil and idk how to feel about that
- Deceit looking away as soon as logan pops up lmaoooooo
- “Not that any of you care...” logan baby no!!!!! I care!!!!
- Effective Altruism explanation and Logan making a point to go “it employs the heart and the mind” like ... reminding Patton that they need to work together and they’re on the same side I’m soft
- Deceit and Logan agreeing warms my heart they’re both so good and ahhhh
- “Emphasis on the ‘sometimes’ though, right?” “Yeah sure whatever — I mean yes! Of course!”
- I also love how deceit addresses thomas directly they don’t do that a lot but it makes sense cause deceit is really trying to persevere thomas’ self
- Him calling roman noble and roman not believing it :((( deceit trying to be honest and ahhhhh I’m so sad
- “Selflessness isn’t always the answer” which was exactly what svs was supposed to be about
- “What do you almost all things?” “Oh you’re right we wouldn’t want to plant too many trees, imagine how much CO2 might absorbed”
- lmao why am I so impressed by Roman’s deceit impression when they’re literally the same person
- roman flipping out and attacking deceit is a Big Yikes but it’s totally in character bc roman has always been black and white even more so than Patton and it’s been building to an arc for a loooong time so I’m very excited
- Deceit taking off his glove.... saying his name......... I can’t process this
- JANUS!!!!!!!!!! It’s so good it’s perfect I love it I love him
- roman immediately laughing yikesssss
- “Oh roman thank god you don’t have a moustache otherwise between you and remus I wouldn’t know who the evil twin is” YIKESSS but also valid deceit is at a breaking point
- “I thought I was your hero” “you are!”
- I’m going to be thinking about deceit’s—JANUS’S—nod for a long time....was he agreeing with Thomas or was he saying that Thomas was lying ahhhhhhh
- “Everything’s going to be okay. We love you.” “...right” AH MY HEART
- I want to give roman a hug
- Patton asking Janus for advice like right away and Janus not being great at first but coming around quickly with the ever true “it depends” like I love the two of them together the DYNAMIC POTENTIAL
- Janus does seem fond of Patton which is cute I can’t wait for everyone to be friends again lol
- how did they make that happen,,,, how wild
- the clapping
- “This sanders sides not odom sides,, I’m not threatened at all” that is, somehow, a mood
- “don’t kill, don’t steal, easy conclusions to come to” “even those can get iffy” “I don’t want to think about that... but maybe that proves my point!” you what we call that? growth
- “Giving too simple answers to complicated questions can do more harm than good” “mmhmm”
- “So I’m sorry! Again!” Poor boy is trying to hard and I love him :((( so much <3333
- “Oh yeah that’s cool, talk about me like I’m not here” I love you Janus!!!”
- “I’ll take care of him” and then immediately joking around and trying to make thomas laugh is very cute thomas needed something lighthearted after all of that ahhh
- “You’re not stuck with an EVIL snake boy...you’re just stuck with a snake boy!!” I LOVE YOU JANUS what an adorable nerd I would die for him
- and how excited he gets about being called right he deserves it
- “I love how much you like these constant dilemmas so please keep overthinking things” you know what I needed to hear that man
- “You can’t get doing good down to a science” WORD
- the message of treating yourself well & finding the right balance between that and doing good for others being a personal thing is very good and much needed
- Lee and Mary Lee are onscreen for like 3 minutes and I love them so much
- “So this is what you do for a living? Comedy?” “Yeah I’m a hack”
- Patton and Janus chilling on the same screen... I adore them
- “Seems like things worked out after all... I was wrong about everything!” “You and I both know that’s not true” and Patton’s soft little smile I love them!!!!
- “Odom sides would cool!” like actual Leslie Odom Jr said that.... I’m shook
- okay that’s the end it’s just as much a rollercoaster the second time around no I am not okay, thank you for your time
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starkerforlife6969 · 5 years
Secretary Peter, Boss Tony. With a twist ;)
Tony’s the best goddamn salesman in the office. Hell, in Wallstreet. He can move stocks, he can sell stocks, he can throw a life raft to the drowning man or sink the ship himself. 
He’s charismatic, handsome, and about as in style as his tailored three piece suits, which is to say- very and always in style. He’d graduated from desk jockey to cubicle drone to glass corner office in three short years and he has a floor full of people desperately in awe of him, vying for scraps of attention or pieces of wisdom. 
And Tony loves his job. He loves talking to people, he loves working his charm, he loves winning and he loves money and he loves not having to answer to anyone. 
And he doesn’t answer to anyone, except from- aside from that one pesky exception- in Nick Fury. 
He owns the whole company, so technically Tony reports to him, but Nick’s practically never here so Tony’s the one in charge. 
Apart from this week, apparently, because when he walks in on Monday morning it’s to see Nick in his office, that trademark furious glare that’s really poorly concealed behind what Tony supposes is meant to be a welcoming smile. He doesn’t break stride though, just saunters into his desk and grins. “I see you helped yourself into my office.” He says cheerily. 
“It’s not your office, Tony.” Nick growls, closing the door and standing in front of it like he thinks Tony might run out. “They’re all my offices. Every thing in this building is mine, do you understand that? Even those ugly ass lion statues in the lobby, they’re mine.” 
Tony sighs and eases into his leather desk chair. “That’s unfortunate. Maybe give ‘em to charity or something.” 
“Stark.” Nick’s tone is flat, unamused, and Tony looks up at him with his best ‘I’m listening’ face. “I was able to just waltz into your office because I notice- you don’t have a PA.” 
Tony’s eyes flicker to the desk just outside his office. Sure enough, it’s empty. “I wondered why I wasn’t getting any messages.” 
Nick is, again, unimpressed. 
“Pepper’s off on maternity leave,” Tony shrugs, tossing his stress ball into the air and catching it again. “I can go without a PA for a year, Nicky.” 
“Don’t you ever call me that again, and no, you can’t. Do you know why I’m here-” 
“-I’m sure you’re about to enlighten me-”
“I’m here because none of your sales have been recorded and stored, none of your hours, none of your billables. I haven’t had a hard copy receipt of any of your transactions and that makes you liable, Tony. And you may be one of my best workers, but I do not give a shit about you. But you being liable, makes me liable, which makes my company liable. And we wanna work as a team, don’t we?” 
“That seems like a rhetorical question.” 
“You are so backed up and you don’t even have a clue.” Nick growls, massaging his temples like he’d very much like to annihilate Tony right on the spot. 
Tony feels a little bit bad. He may have forgotten about those pesky little paper trails. “It’s not like I’m breaking the law, Fury, c’mon-”
“Oh, I’ll just tell the bank that you’re not breaking the law and send them on their merry fucking way, shall i? Or, should you get a secretary?” 
“Hire me one, then,” Tony rolls his eyes, bored with the conversation and reaching forward to grab a random sheet of paper off his desk. He peruses it idly. It’s a shopping list, and scanning the items, he’s not entirely sure what for. A baby shower? There’s too much alcohol for that- someone’s birthday? Whose list even is this? Is it in here by mistake?
“Do you know how many secretaries you went through before Pepper, Tony? Over a hundred. You have to hire one yourself. I do not want to be sued for abusive language again-”
Tony looks up sharply. “She was being an imbecile, Fury, and I stand by what I said-”
Nick lifts a hand to cut him off. “Hire a secretary before the week is out, Stark, or it won’t be such a friendly visit next time.” 
He leaves in a whirlwind of leather and disapproval and Tony stares bemusedly. 
He doesn’t even have to touch his phone before it buzzes and he sees the text from Pepper. Heard someone got a nasty visit. I’ll have someone for you before Friday. 
Tony smiles softly. He misses her, he should buy her something- 
suddenly, he remembers what the shopping list is for.  
When Tony gets into the office on Friday morning, he’s riding on a bit of a high. Everything’s been going so well recently. He’s signed more clients than ever in a three day span, one of his biggest competitors missed a big meeting and Fury hasn’t left any menacing phone calls. Pepper had liked her presents, people still stare after him, and- life all around is good. 
He’s in his office, just taking a moment to savour how triumphant and successful he is, when he reaches out for a sip of his coffee. 
It’s a fucking delicious blend. Expensive and Italian and the stuff that you can only get from a very pretentious cafe on the other side of New York and-
He pauses in his drinking. 
He never got himself coffee. 
He looks at the cup in his hand and lowers it marginally. It’s hot and just the way he likes it. He looks around his office then too, and suddenly all the differences appear and slap him in the face. His desk is clear- not just clear, clean, and his laptop keys are shiny and polished like new. His papers are organised and there are highlights and annotations and his certificates are hanging on the wall and not crammed into a box in the bottom drawer of his filing cabinet where he left them. In fact, his whole fucking office looks professional and goddamn nice. 
His dry cleaning is hanging neatly in the corner too. He gets up, and looks at the desk outside his office. 
Sure enough, there’s someone sitting there. 
A male from what Tony can see, with short brown hair and a headset on. He's typing into the computer and diligently scribbling onto a notepad. He looks like he knows what he’s doing. 
Who the hell is he?
Tony’s laptop pings and he looks down to see a new email from Fury. 
Well done, Stark. Everything looks to be in order. I knew you could be reasonable. 
He clicks on the attachments, already knowing what he’s going to see. All his backlogs, all his logged hours, all his receipts, ordered and neatly filed and chronologically placed and there are even little notes underneath each one with extra details and- how the fuck does his new secretary know that yes, actually, the Milton case had required an extra emergency meeting when they’d discovered a conflict- Tony hadn’t made a note of it anywhere. 
Curiosity truly peaked now, he takes his perfect coffee and saunters out, walking around the front of the desk. 
His new secretary looks up and Tony’s penis twitches a little. Okay, yes, Tony Jr approves. He’s young, maybe twenty, with brown hair and big brown eyes, cream skin and a delicate nose. He’s slender, but in shape, in a white shirt with the top few buttons undone, giving a lovely view of those sharp collarbones. He’s wearing black trousers and the the microphone wire against his cheek and in his hair contrasts nicely with his pale skin. 
He looks up at Tony and smiles pleasantly. “Mr Stark, is there something I can help you with?”
Tony spots a calendar on the corner of the desk. He picks it up and flips through it. His meetings and deadlines for the next six months are all neatly pencilled in. The most important ones are starred with a red pen. He sets it down carelessly and watches as the young man straightens it without a word. “So, how long have you been here, Mr...” 
“Peter Potts, Sir.” Peter says, and ah, this makes sense. The only way Peter could be so clever was if he had the Potts gene. “I started on Tuesday.” 
Tuesday, fuck. No wonder things have been going so well. “Pepper’s little brother?” 
“Half brother,” Peter corrects, “and soon to be uncle.” 
Tony can see the resemblance. The soft skin, the sweet eyes. “Well, Peter and Pepper. That’s cute.” 
Peter doesn’t say anything to that, but his pretty pink lips twitch in amusement. 
But Tony doesn’t have any qualms. Peter is quite clearly capable, he’s related to Pepper, he’s eye-candy, and he’s gotten Tony his favourite coffee. So, the older man simply tips his head and goes back into his office. But as soon as he’s sitting down, his curiosity flares up again. He presses the button on his intercom and clears his throat. “You go to college, Peter?” 
He watches through the glass as Peter’s chair swivels around, and the boy talks into the microphone with an intrigued smile. “Yes, Mr Stark. Top of my class at Harvard.” 
“What did you study?” 
“I majored in Engineering with a minor in Journalism. Graduated last year.” 
An early bird then, Tony can relate. That Potts gene really is something else. “And what have you been doing for the past year?” 
“Odd jobs,” Peter says evasively. “But when Pepper said she needed my help, I was all too happy to oblige. I’m a very big fan of yours, Mr Stark. There’s no bigger name in Wallstreet.” The phone rings and Peter shoots Tony an apologetic, but polite smile, as he picks up the phone. “Tony Stark’s office.” He nods, turning to the computer as the person talks. “Yes, I can see that here. No problem. Thank you. Yes, yes, Mr Butler, I will let him know.” Peter chuckles and Tony stares: amazed. “Alright. Thank you, goodbye.” 
“Mr Butler?” Tony shakes his head, “That was Jerry on the phone?” 
“Yes, Mr Stark. Would you like me to get him back on the line for you?” 
Jerry Butler is the coldest man in the world. He doesn’t laugh with secretaries. He’s no reason for any smile ever. But Peter had chuckled like he was talking to an old friend. Not even Pepper had achieved that. “No, no.” Tony frowns, “you carry on.” He clicks off the intercom and strums his fingers against his desk thoughtfully. Something doesn’t feel quite right- if something seems too good to be true...his mind warns. 
Maybe the catch is that he can’t sleep with Peter and the more he talks to the boy, the more he wants to. 
He does his best to ignore it for now. 
Things continue to go brilliantly. Life is even more effortlessly amazing than it was before. Nick even drops the hints of a promotion in the future if things keep going like this. When Tony gets to work, his favourite coffee is waiting, sometimes even a bagel or a croissant like Peter magically knows when Tony hasn’t had breakfast. He eats or drinks in his office as he checks emails, before Peter comes in with a notebook and a rundown of the days events, and then Tony gets to work. Peter comes in throughout the day, silent and unobtrusive and sets down water or coffee or occasionally- an apple- and sets it by Tony’s elbow and leaves again. 
When Tony steps out to meet a client for lunch, he sees Peter taking his lunch break at his desk- his headset is still on, and he’s still scribbling away, but it’s into an old worn science textbook. In his other hand is a sandwich he’s nibbling on. 
Tony prods at the book as he pulls on his coat. Peter had it dry cleaned specially and waiting in his office before Tony even knew he'd be out for lunch. There’s probably already a cab waiting downstairs. “What’s this?” Tony asks, trying to peek at the cover. 
Peter lets him easily. “It’s a bio-chemistry textbook. I’m thinking about taking some night classes. Work towards a masters, or if I don’t qualify- a second degree.” 
Tony may not have much pull in the science world, but his father sure did. He knows that name and money can go a long way, and Peter’s been exceptional. “I can get you in for a Masters anywhere you wanna go.” He assures, and Peter looks up at him with wide eyes. 
“Mr Stark-”
“It’s not a problem. Now, who am I meeting?” 
“Mrs Aberelle. She loves shrimp and it was her granddaughter’s birthday last week.” 
Tony’s not sure whether he wants to ruffle Peter’s hair or give him a filthy kiss on the mouth. He settles for neither. 
Mrs Aberelle practically gushes and swoons in her seat when Tony orders her the shrimp platter and asks how her granddaughter’s birthday was. She makes a higher bid than Tony even asked for. Peter’s a godsend. 
The next day, the CEO of of another major competitor comes down with the flu, and Tony’s pitch goes down brilliantly. 
He’s on cloud nine. 
Careful, a voice warns, when you’re this high, there’s only one way to go. 
It sounds suspiciously like his father, but he listens to it. “Hey, Peter,” he greets one morning as he strolls in. Peter’s in his office, just setting down his coffee and a- fuck, a danish pastry. He might be in love. “I got you a little something.” 
Peter blinks in surprise, but smiles sweetly, and crosses his hands in front of him as he waits. Tony sets his briefcase down and clips open the gold clasps and lifts out a brand new, just released bio-chemistry textbook. Peter takes it with wide, disbelieving eyes. “Mr Stark...” he whispers, shaking his head, “this was- I know for a fact that this was over a $100. I can’t accept this-”
“Kid,” Tony chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s pocket change. Besides, I’m not giving it to you for nothing.” 
Peter’s eyes flash to his and Tony’s a little surprised by what he sees. Peter looks almost-fuck, almost dangerous- but it’s gone in a flash, replaced with that sweetness and hardworking, subtle smugness that’s usually there. 
“I want you to attend the meeting with Lawson tomorrow. As a sit in, alright?” 
Peter nods immediately, but frowns. “Is there any particular reason why, Mr Stark?” He’s clutching the book to his chest almost reverently. 
“Not really,” Tony admits, rubbing his chin, “just wary. You up for it?” 
“Always.” Peter murmurs, and Tony thinks he must be imagining the demure little almost-wink he gets. 
It doesn’t stop him from thinking about it again that night. 
He shakes Lawson’s hand in the morning as the man and his associates sit opposite him at the large oakwood table. Tony and Peter on one side, Lawson and his men on the other. Peter has his notebook out and is writing away- he always seems to be writing, Tony has no idea what- and then they start talking. 
Tony’s not sure what he was worried about. The contract is brilliant, more lenient than expected and has nothing but benefits for both sides. He’s giving Lawson a hard time, but that’s just part of the game, and he’s about to seal the deal when-
Peter slides a piece of paper over to him without looking up. Tony frowns at him, but Peter doesn’t make eye-contact, continuing to write, and Tony looks down. 
He’s lying. Don’t sign. 
Well fuck, that’s a fucking thing to write. What is Tony supposed to do with that? He sets it down and tries to look unaffected as they keep talking but when Lawson’s side slide over the contract, Tony pauses with the pen in his hand. Peter isn’t making a sound. 
“Let me just talk to my secretary real quick,” Tony grins, wearing his best winning smile, “why don’t you fine gentlemen wait outside, take five, catch a breather, and then we can come back and sort this out.” 
They look a little confused, but they leave and then Peter and Tony are alone. 
“What the hell is this, Peter?” 
Peter looks up bravely, his jaw locked. “I don’t trust him, Mr Stark. There’s something not right-”
“I’m gonna need a little more than your hunch, kid. No offence, but I’ve been in this game a lot longer than you. You don’t know the contract, it’s a good deal-”
“It’s too good a deal,” Peter insists, lifting the thick contract up. “I’ve read through it, Mr Stark. I read through all the contracts you’re about to sign and there’s something about this that doesn’t add up. Why would they offer such a beneficial claim with us? Why not one of your competitors?” 
Tony shrugs a little smugly. “My competitors haven’t been stepping up to bat, lately.” 
Peter shakes his head. “I’m serious, Mr Stark. When things or people are too good to be true, they usually are.”
There’s something in his tone. Something...something Tony’s unsure of. 
“Did you see anything in the small print that can back up- what is at the moment- just a feeling?” 
Peter’s shoulders slump in defeat, and he shakes his head. “No, Sir.” He whispers. 
The older man sighs, rubbing at his eyes. Only Pepper or Peter could ever make him feel like this- torn between the rational, sensible option, and listening to their fucking hunches-
“He knows!” A voice outside the door hisses, and both Peter and Tony look up sharply. 
“He doesn’t know, Lawson-”
“He must know! Why would he tell us to leave like that? He knows about our deal with Oscorp! I knew Norman couldn’t make this go away, the dirty son-of-a-bitch-”
“There’s no way Stark knows, just calm down-”
The voices disappear again, down the hall, and Tony stares in amazement. Peter just looks earnest. “Do you believe me now, Mr Stark?”
“How the hell did you know?” He whispers, collapsing into one of the chairs.
Peter bites his bottom lip. “Sometimes i just get these feelings,” he says, as he scribbles on the paper in front of him. 
Unfortunately, knowing that Lawson has a back door deal with Oscorp is not something that can be easily proven, and when Fury finds out that Tony blew would could be one of the biggest contracts of the year, he reacts with, what is understandably, a lot of anger. 
Tony does his best to get Peter to screen all his calls as the two of them work all night to try and find a way to prove what they heard. Tony wants to think that maybe his word will be enough, but Nick’s always been a stickler for the rules and Tony...has not. 
Even as absorbed in papers and numbers as he is, Tony can still appreciate Peter here beside him. The kid’s saved him a huge one here. And he’s still here, when he should probably be at home sleeping or watching Netflix, helping Tony try to prove the unprovable. He’s smart and quick and for someone who’s never worked with stocks like this before, he sure knows his way around it. 
“Hey,” Peter whispers when it hits three am. “I bet they keep a hard copy of all their emails in a data storage room.” 
Tony looks up and rubs the bleariness from his eyes. “Really?” 
“Yeah,” Peter breaths, getting to his feet, more energetic now, “a lot of stock companies do it. It’s an automatically backlog, it can stop you getting into a lot of trouble. All we have to go is get in.” 
Tony shakes his head, but gets to his feet, knees groaning. “How? I’m the most recognisable face in Wallstreet.”
“But I’m not.” Peter insists, already heading for the door. Tony’s hot on his heels. “I can talk my way in.” 
“Not that I doubt your ability, because you’re a Potts, but do you really think you can just waltz in and-”
Yes, as it turns out. Tony just stares in awe as Peter plays the apologetic, desperate intern who just has to get this work done for his brutal boss Norman Osborn. Tony’s hiding behind a potted plant as he watches Peter’s performance. “I’m so sorry,” Peter weeps, eyes shining with tears as the large, female security guard clutches at her heart through her shirt. “I’m such an idiot, and it’s only my first week and I forgot my keycard and- I’m gonna get fired and I deserve it and-”
“Oh, no, honey,” the security guard croons, already unlocking the barrier for him. “No, baby, it is not your fault, okay?” 
Peter sniffles, eyes red and smile grateful. “Thank you so much, I-you have no idea what this means to me and-”
She blows him a kiss. “Go, honey. Go.” Peter waves at her, and jogs around the corner. 
They have to wait about fifteen minutes till she goes to the bathroom, before Tony runs out and Peter lets him through. “How did you- wait- how did you even unlock the door-”
“I pickpocketed her,” Peter whispers, as they get into the elevator. Tony stares at Peter in shock. 
“Shit, kid. Where’d you learn to do that?”
Peter gives him a look. “We’re breaking into one of the most famous companies in the world, Mr Stark. I don’t think now’s the time.”
“Sure- I guess-” Peter grabs his hand and tugs him out of the metal doors as soon as they get to the right floor and shit- how did Peter even know what floor- before Tony knows it, Peter is picking the lock of a storage room and- seriously, what the hell-
and then he’s hacking into a computer and downloading a memory stick onto it. 
Tony is staring in slack-jawed awe. “Seriously, Peter.” He whispers, as Peter scans through emails. “What the fuck?” 
“Tony,” Peter murmurs, a little irritated, as his eyes flicker across the screen as he scrolls rapidly. “Not the time.” 
“Not the time? You- you cried on cue. You knew all this stuff about me, you pick-pocketed her- you got into that locked room, you just hacked into a computer and a memory stick, are you- were you a criminal or something? Like a tech-whiz kid? You can tell me, I won’t judge-”
“I know you won’t,” Peter says softly, and suddenly there’s that doe-eyed, cocky secretary who smirks whenever Tony ends up liking whatever weird type of sushi Peter brings him when he’d insisted he wouldn’t. “But not right now. Later, I promise- ah! Look!” 
There’s the email. It’s not explicit, but it’s interaction between Norman and Lawson which can’t easily be dismissed. Peter sends it to the printer and the two of them are waiting for the damn thing to connect, when footsteps sound along the carpeted floor around the corner. 
Peter shoves Tony into a stationary closet and Tony watches through the crack as a middle-aged man comes around with a stack of papers to photocopy. The man blinks at the sight of Peter, surprised, and Peter half smiles. “Hey,” he greets casually, and Tony is seriously in awe of this kid’s acting. “All nighter for you too, huh? Osborn’s a real dick.”
The man chuckles, nodding, and comes to join Peter by the printer. “Yeah, I know. I’m Barney,” 
Peter takes his hand. “Lucas,” he says easily, “It’s nice to meet you. You couldn’t help, could you? The damn thing’s not working.”
Lucas peers at the printer, and smiles good-naturedly. “You have to enter your user access code.”
Tony pales and if Peter panics at all, he doesn’t show it. “Fuck,” he sighs, smacking his forehead, “I forgot mine. I keep it written down on this post it- shit, I’ll have to run downstairs, unless-” he looks up at Barney hopefully, “I could use yours? Save me the run.” 
Barney looks torn. “We’re not supposed to...”
For a second, Tony thinks Peter might pull the same crying act he used with the security guard, but he doesn’t. 
Instead, Peter steps forward, lifts his chin and catches his plush bottom lip between his teeth. 
Shit. Shit. Tony and Barney are both hypnotised. “Maybe we could forget the printer altogether,” Peter murmurs, his hands drifting to Barney’s belt as he fiddles with the loop. “Working for Norman gets me so stressed, you know? Sometimes you just want some-” he sighs a little, and the sound goes straight to Tony’s dick. “-some stress relief. You ever feel like that, Barney?” 
Barney looks utterly besotted, and he doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands. 
Peter pushes impossibly closer, tilting his head up more. “You can touch me, if you want,” he says, barely above a whisper, “I want you to. Right here.” He grabs one of Barney’s hands and places it on his perfect ass. 
Tony’s leaking in his pants. 
Barney grunts with desire, grabbing at Peter’s ass gracelessly, his other hand coming to do the same as Peter presses their groins together. “What’s your access code?” He whispers into Barney’s ear, palming at his crotch. 
Barney looks like he might cum any second. He’s probably a virgin, Tony thinks. Or maybe Peter is just that hot. Either one is plausible. “A-ah, it-it’s 4598-”
Tony lets out a cry of surprise when Barney falls heavily to the floor. 
Peter turns and taps in the code to the printer as Tony bursts out of the closet. “Holy shit,” he whispers, staring at the man. There’s no blood which is...a relief? “Is he dead?”
Peter rolls his eyes as the printer starts chugging out paper. He grins victoriously. “No, Tony, he’s not dead. I don’t kill people. He’s just unconscious.” He gives Tony a look like the older man is acting a bit slow. 
There’s a wet spot on Barney’s pants, Tony feels for the guy, but there’s more pressing matters. “Peter, what the fuck, seriously-”
“Oh, come on, Tony.” Peter snaps, whirling on him with righteous indignation. His pupils are blown wide and Tony wants him so bad it hurts, but he’s also- he’s also confused out of his mind. “You’ve known this whole time. What- you think it’s coincidence that all your competitors have been missing meetings? Falling sick? You think these new clients are just falling into your lap? I’ve been doing all of this for you. You know that.” 
Jesus Christ. Tony stares. “I-I don’t- how-”
“I like seeing you succeed. It gets me even hotter for you than I already am.” 
Tony can’t form words. 
“I know you like me too. I’d have to be blind not to- aha!” He lifts the papers happily, all printed and sorted. “As much as I’d love to have you fuck me right here on this printer, we need to leave.” 
Tony’s pretty sure he’s forgotten how to form words, but fucking Peter is something he’d very much like to do. 
“We’re gonna go back to your office, and you can do me right up against the glass, okay?” 
Tony has to pinch his arm to not cum right then and there. Peter notices, and smirks, tiptoeing to kiss him lightly. 
“Come on, Mr Stark,” he grins, his eyes twinkling with a satisfying mixture of innocence and mischief, as he guides them towards the door. “You have work to do.” 
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cannibal-wings · 5 years
What's your favorite version of spiderman outside the comic? Also why mcu is your least favorite. Just curious, not looking to stir hate or drama
Oh gosh, anon you’re fine.It’s almost midnight and I get to talk about Spider-Man opinions, lets go.So first off, I know you didn’t ask, but for the record my favorite version of 616 comics Peter is the JMS run of Amazing Spider-Man. It starts on issue #30 legacy number is issue #471. Sorry I don’t know how the “volumes” are divided out in Spider-Man books. If you’re reading online its issue 30 of the 1999 section. The run lasts until the infamous One More Day story line (which is a rant for another day.) It has some of my favorite Spider-Man stories in it, the first appearance of Morlun, the whole “The Other” story line and Back in Black which are personal favorites. I really enjoyed how he wrote Peter and MJ, how clearly passionate they are for each other, I liked how angry and full of emotion Peter is, that he gets wine drunk and talks with spiders. I loved the extra powers he got and how they talk about and deal with the relationship he has with his powers. Its a great run and everyone should read it. For my favorite movie Peter well... the original trilogy holds a special place in my heart, Spider-Man 2 is my all time favorite Spider-Man movie. Nothing has ever beaten it in my eyes. That Doc Ock is perfect. I will drop anything if someone says “hey wanna watch Spider-Man 2?”. However, my all time favorite rendition of Peter and his friends is the Amazing Spider-Man movies. They did such a good job with how Peter, Gwen, and Flash interact. The best by far. There were so many little things that just showed that they get it. I’m really fond of how Peter was played, and how Aunt May was played. There are scenes in those two movies where everything is just perfect. Another version of Spider-Man that was done really fucking well was the recent PS4 game Marvel’s Spider-Man. Without spoiling the plot, since it’s still a fairly recent game... just, everyone was written beautifully and gut-wrenchingly well. The MJ was great, May was fantastic (wow what a good depiction of FEAST), Peter was written and performed so well I cried, again another stellar Octavius. Everything felt great from the social media to the quips. So, why don’t I like MCU Peter? Or MCU Spider-Man as a whole.My number one complaint is how everyone is depicted. None of the side characters feel like the characters they are named after. I get what they were trying to do, but boy does it just not work with me. I think the only character I sorta like was MJ out of the whole bunch. The character that upsets me the most is Ned. You have to understand, coming from the comics, Ned Leeds is an awful person. He canonically abuses his wife Betty Brant, he’s the villain Hobgoblin, he’s just, not a great dude. And to name Peter’s best friend fucking Ned Leeds is just... I can’t ignore it. And in Far From Home, when they had him and that version of Betty date, it was just, upsetting and pulled me right out of the movie. And I know many people don’t read the comics. They have no idea. But I just... I see people talking about how great Ned Leeds is and how cute Ned/Betty is and I just cringe. I understand they’re talking MCU but god what whiplash they must feel if they ever try to look up the character they love in the comics because boy they’re in for a shock.
Flash Thompson is my favorite Spider-Man character next to MJ and I really, really, really do not like the MCU Flash. It’s not the actor, he’s fine, it’s the personality and way they wrote him that just... bothers me. In the comics he has a huge problem with alcoholism, even as early as high school, so to see them make a drinking joke with that character just... can we not?Other people have talked at length about this version of Peter, and I understand that the MCU is tied to Tony Stark in a way that can’t be diminished. But it bothers me to no end that Peter’s character revolves around Tony Stark. His suit was given to him by Stark, the tech is all Stark, his motivation is Stark, everything is Tony and I don’t like it. It honestly feels like he’s just Tony Stark Jr. and not Peter Parker. I know in Far From Home they make a point to have Happy say he’ll never be Tony, but the writing sure as shit seems to say otherwise. I have huge issues with how often MCU Peter unmasks. To like, everyone. In the comics he doesn’t even unmask when he’s on the official Avengers Team, and publicly unmasking (at Tony’s request/demand I might add) is what ruins his life to the point where OMD happens, (again a rant for another day). So to see him unmask all the damn time just bugs the absolute shit out of me.
He’s not shown making his own tech, (yes I know there’s a shot of him dumpster diving in Civil War but come on, I’m supposed to be happy with scraps?) he’s handed most of his tech from Stark, we don’t see him directly making things and I won’t count the little bit where he’s being mini Iron Man in FFH. I guess we can sorta count when he took apart that drone in FFH at the very end but again, scraps. I really enjoy scenes were Peter is shown building his own stuff and testing it.
I don’t like his stupid SHIELD outfit from Far From Home, I think it looks too much like a military/police outfit, which makes sense it was made by a military group. This is a minor complaint, I just don’t like the suit. lmao.I don’t like that Peter was given access to drones with a kill mode, I don’t like that his suit has a kill mode. His whole character is supposed to be centered around not killing. And these things just... they just add up? You know?
I don’t like that Uncle Ben is not mentioned ONCE in either of his two solo films. Ben is such an integral part to who Peter is and why he does what he does that to have him absent is just... It should have been Uncle Ben climbing out of that grave in Far From Home. The whole “father” dynamic with Stark is just... Peter Parker has a father and his name is Ben Parker!
All the villains he fights in his solo films are just people scorned by Stark. He’s fighting Stark’s battles for him and they don’t feel like Peter’s bad guys. It’s a lot of little things that just add up with me. From the way his friends are portrayed to the way that they gave a kid whose family is a victim of gun violence access to weapons is just..... Overall these things make the MCU take on Spider-Man my least favorite. Ok, I should stop talking, I’ve written too much.......
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