#I love this I love this so much I can't wait it looks dope af.
lunarpanda · 2 years
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gatoplaga · 7 months
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chicagosfinest2021 · 1 year
Doing another one of these because I don't feel like waiting for my followers to ask me nuthin LOL
0:Height Useless 5'3''
1:Virgin? No but I wish I was sometimes (even though virginity is a man-made social construct that has no bearing in reality)
2:Shoe size 9
3:Do you smoke? Just on the dance floor
4:Do you drink? Socially
5:Do you take drugs? Just my anti-baby pills!!
6:Age you get mistaken for mid 20's usually
7:Have tattoos? On this chocolate brown skin?? Nah baby
8:Want any tattoos? I'm good
9:Got any piercings? Just my ears right now
10:Want any piercings? If I can shrink my fupa down a bit I might get my navel done
11:Best friend? My sister
12:Relationship status Perpetually single at heart/by choice
13:Biggest turn ons Emotional maturity and introspection
14:Biggest turn offs Emotionally stunted people
15:Favorite movie Toss up between Queen, Bend It Like Beckham and Wakanda Forever
16:I’ll love you if You feed me food
17:Someone you miss My grandma </3
18:Most traumatic experience Being SA'ed by different men
19:A fact about your personality I'm just a straight up catch
20:What I hate most about myself I procrastinate too much, I also can't lose this belly meat for sh*t
21:What I love most about myself I'm smart, pretty, cultured, funny, and have an overall dope vibe
22:What I want to be when I get older The rich auntie with no kids that's always traveling and spoils her niblings with money and gifts
23:My relationship with my sibling(s) Me and my middle sister are basically twins and are super close, I have a half sister whom I love but she's not into the lovey-dovey stuff. She also didn't grow up with us so we're all still getting to know each other, but we're cool for the most part.
24:My relationship with my parent(s) They're not perfect but I'm both a mommy's girl and a daddy's girl
25:My idea of a perfect date It's been so long since I've been on a real date I can't even picture what a perfect date would look like to me at this point. I guess any situation where I'm not silently wishing I had stayed at home would be a step up to me.
26:My biggest pet peeves People who insist on bringing their kids everywhere and expect the general public to help them babysit. Also when I try to pay at the pump and they tell me I have to go pay inside. I'll just get back in my car and leave.
27:A description of the girl/boy I like This guy I'm currently in a situationship right now (not proud of it). He's Latino, we've known each other since we were 13, he's funny, very eloquent when he speaks, is a really good kisser, is kind of a fuckboi and is probably aware of it. . .
28:A description of the person I dislike the most Homophobic/transphobic people in general
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend So she would stop asking me invasive questions
30:What I hate the most about work/school I actually really like my job, my pay is nice but it could always be better tho, nah mean?
31:What your last text message says My phone is charging right now but I was texting someone about details for brunch tomorrow
32:What words upset me the most "Item is no longer in stock"
33:What words make me feel the best about myself "You just have such a deep and passionate soul"
34:What I find attractive in women Everything, women as a rule are sexy AF
35:What I find attractive in men Security in who they are and what they're about so they don't constantly feel the need to dominate or be "submitted to".
36:Where I would like to live Ireland or England
37:One of my insecurities My big boobs, I feel like people oversexualize me because that's all they see
38:My childhood career choice I wanted to play piano but then I wanted to be a writer
39:My favorite ice cream flavor I want it to be rum raisin
40:Who wish I could be I don't want to be anyone but me honestly
41:Where I want to be right now Underneath my situationship pinned to the bed
42:The last thing I ate This casserole I made that was bangin
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately Alex Livinalli
44:A random fact about anything Queen Nefertiti was the stepmother of King Tut
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yegas · 4 months
oh believe me, he does HAHAHAHA
lol same I swear, goldfish brain over here 🙃 he's actually the main character!!! his name's robota hatohara and he's so much like kuroko in a sense that he's always got this deadpan expression on hahahaha I haven't read so much of it though to get more into character development omg yes pleaseee it took me so long to get into it (blue lock) but no regrets (only the fact that I'm waiting for a second season for forever) UGHHHHG JJK!!!! ughhh I SWEARRRRRRR I saw your reblogs of some art!! you've started watching right? UGHHHHHHGHHHHHHGGGHGG I CANNOT EVEN just..don't get attached to the characters and be ready to get enraged (if you haven't finished the anime yet) I'm one of the angrier fans tbh hahahhahahaha and I'm trying not to be too... emotional about it (hard af if you've already started having a ship) ugghHGGHhGGgGGGG
otherwise for other anime recs.. hm.. tbh I haven't been watching a lot of the newer ones.. I've only been up to date with older anime that have new seasons (like bleach tybw) there's bsd, it's pretty old but one of my faves if you haven't seen and yes, jjk hahahahhaha recently a lot of my anime watching time has been dedicated to one piece. it's been a year since then and I STILL haven't reached the latest episode 🤧
IT DOES!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA his hair looks so misplaced I'm crying
I SAW THE PICS!!!! they're gorgeous but you passed out?? holy crap tg you were okay and you weren't crushed in the mosh pit??? were people doing that? and you were so young too!! yes this is definitely a valuable lesson for future concerts hahahaha tbh I was 15 too when I went to my first concert and didn't know "pre-concert preps" but these days people actually have tips about this now! esp in the k-fandom hahhahahahaha it really helps 😂 I'm sure it was amazing!! I'm from south east asia but am residing abroad for work. yeah I saw their tour dates. the thing is, I COULD go somewhere in europe to watch them BUT my passport is too weak to enter any of them AND it's a bit of work to get a visa.. then there's indonesia which I can enter BUT tix are sold out :') so I guess I'll have to wait till the next tour cycle and when /if I've secured a visa 🤧
KINGSLAYER IS DOPE one of my faves indeed. you should check out that's the spirit and amo! oli has a lot of vocals in those and it's really refreshing! OMG YESSSS HAYLEY WILLIAMS!!! her hair was GOALS I was in highschool when I discovered paramore and I swear I VOWED to dye my hair red once I was out of hs. I finally did when I hit college and basically kept the red hair (sometimes copper) for the entire duration. people in my department knew me as the 'girl with red hair' hahahahaha (unfortunately due to my work, I can't do any crazy hair colours anymore, but I'd love to do it once again when I'm outta here hahahaha)
I GAVE DEG A LISTEN!! and the devil in me really grew on me! I'm also listening to the albums you mentioned..I probably need a couple more listens to find my fave, hut so far so good! OH that one by gazette is also fire! I wanna recommend GODDESS by gazette as well, I feel like you'll like it!
yes plsss you won't regret! oh ateez I def know of them! but as for kpop groups.. well I used to be an ARMY and I was really into BTS but apart from them and the kbands I mentioned, I'm just a casual listener too (oh I had an EXO ohase as well hahaha) hahahaha omg the first time I saw helena was on you guessed it, mtv 😂 and I was in the 5th grade!!
yeah I've only ever kept it to connect with my friends..I was never a public profile anyway. holy crap so since I'm not on ig rn I've found myself on yt as well 😂 these reels are everywhere it's a pandemic hahahaha (ughhh yessss the dessert videos 😩 I used to watch mukabangs just to satisfy my food cravings bc I never keep a stock of guilty pleasures at my place to discipline myself hahaha) OMG DID YOU SEE WHAT WENT ON WHEN YOU GOOGLED? if you didn't that's fine too, you're saving yourself from major cringe
thank you :')
(btw I am so sorry for the late reply!! I went on a holiday and afterwards was thrown into work! honestly I don't even know how many days pass when I'm working! I was actually pre-typing this reoly many days ago, insert hectic schedule here, and am continuing now and by this time, the a7x concert in indonesia is done, just the other day 🥲)
he looks like a combo of kuroko and akashi im loving it! and yea i literally finished both seasons of jjk and the movie within like 4 days :'D i haven't started the manga but i've read summaries and spoilers and stuff and now that u say it IM SO GLAD I DIDNT GET SUPER EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO ANYONE at this point im just expecting everyone to die and be revived and die again lmaoo like nothing is surprising in this series!
can u believe i've never seen a single episode of one piece (am i even an anime fan lol) i've just never been fully ready to commit to 1k+ episodes hahah but is it worth it ??
yea lmao such a wild experience! i'm sure there was a pit at some point but it was way behind me cos i was in the 2nd row so i didn't get caught up in it, and the ppl around me were cool, i didn't get pushed around or anything. what was your first concert?? and ah i get you with the passport stuff, mine is among the weakest european passports (we're not in the eu or anything). it's fine for most countries in europe, but i need visas for pretty much everywhere else and it's so annoying... always dreamed about getting a strong passport but i don't think it's gonna happen hahah
definitely will listen to those! and omg red hair was a vibe!! i had it all throughout high school (it was dark red, not like hayley's fiery orange-red) and then i dyed it black in college, and i've kept it black since then. kinda bored of it sometimes but im too lazy to change it hahah
yay im so glad you like the devil in me!! you might like their newer albums then, phalaris and the insulated world, it's more similar to those rather than the older ones i mentioned (they've gone through sooo many phases in their discography). GODDESS IS AWESOME tysm for recommending! totally my vibe!
oh i loved a lot of bts too, mostly their earlier stuff. i watched a bunch of their interviews back in the day, but i wasn't active in any online bts communities or anything, so idk if i was technically ARMY hahah
lmao i get you, i can't have guilty pleasures at home either, like there's no way i can know there's a box of cookies at home, if it's there i HAVE to eat the entire box!! it's been such a problem hahah working on learning balance and self control w/ food right now but it's sooo freaking hard D:
and abt tumblr live i didnt really do a deep dive but should i now ?? haha i do love me some drama :')
nooo don't worry abt it! i'm sorry myself that it's taking me so long!! how was your holiday??? i went on a lil trip too, it was overall pretty great but with a few unfortunate situations aka my friend that went with me had her backpack stolen on a train :( and don't worry abt the concert you'll totally get to see them next time, i'm sure it won't be long til then! they won't be retiring anytime soon anyway i'm giving them at least 30 more years of touring lmaooo
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muertawrites · 2 years
eddie munson helping you dye your hair
(i'm sitting on my bathroom floor waiting for my second round of bleach to set in so i figure i deserve a little self indulgence. as a treat.)
maybe asking eddie to help with the laborious process of a home dye job was a bad idea. but he got so excited when you told him you wanted to do it that you were suckered into letting him (damn those big brown baby cow eyes)
when you can't find your bathroom scissors, he rips the packet of bleach powder open with his teeth
"dude, what the fuck!" you snatch the baggy out of his hands. "that's bleach!"
he just shrugs
"what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
"eddie this will kill you"
he watches you brush the front sections of your hair like he's watching michelangelo paint the sistine chapel. he adores how concentrated you look, how cute you are with your hair all messy.
very careful when helping you with the back of your head. he wants to make sure it looks perfect because you're perfect.
has to be reminded to use gloves.
decides to bleach and color a little chunk of his hair to match yours with whatever dye you have left over. he does it in his fringe, sticking his tongue out at you when you tell him he looks like boy george.
takes so much care cleaning up the residue on your face and neck. spends a moment just staring into your eyes like a big lovey dope.
he sits and reads to you while you wait for the bleach / dye to set in (he's feeling a little cheeky with you wearing just a big t-shirt so he's definitely reading one of his porno mags to you). also plays his guitar for you and shares a joint from his good stash (if you're into that). you're so comfortable he has to remind you not to fall asleep.
insists on showering with you when it's time to rinse. he's the tenderest boy that ever lived and loves helping you wash your hair, giving you sweet little kisses all over your face and shoulders as he does.
asks to stay in the shower just a little longer, enjoying the hot water and holding you. totally ends up instigating shower sex.
no matter how the color turns out, eddie loves it. even if it's patchy, or didn't come out exactly the way you wanted it, he still thinks it looks gorgeous on you and "fuckin' punk as hell, sugar!". hypes you for days. takes polaroids to show the guys at hellfire bc he loves you. look how pretty his angel is.
"eddie, man, we get it. can you please focus and actually lead the campaign now?"
saves a lock of your colored hair as a keepsake. will probably even spend the money to get it turned into a piece of jewelry for himself. smitten af but don't point it out to him, he WILL get embarrassed.
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Fo4 Companions + faction leaders react to Sole with a mini gun arm
Okay so the ask got eaten. But the lovely @goatta-be-kidding-me asked for companions plus faction leaders reacting to sole with a mini gun arm. Thanks for the ask sorry I had such problems posting it 💖💖💖
Totally SFW!!! Under a readmore because there is 18 different character reactions! went a bit overboard hope you don't mind, but I had a lot of fun!
"Woahhh, where'd ya get that? I don't even wanna think about how many caps that thing cost...."
He thinks it's badass! He wants one. why didn't he get a metal arm? If you ever seen captain America civil war there's this scene where spider man goes up to the winter soldier and is all like "woe you have a metal arm 🥺🥺🥺" and that's mac
"Well look at you! I know some sick bastards who would kill to get there hands on one of those bad boys"
He thinks it's dope af. If he ever loses an arm he's totally gonna get a mini gun attached instead. I mean come on think of all the fun you could have with a mini gun arm!
"Well damn there lad/lass remind me not to get on yer bad side!"
Are you kidding? Why hadn't she thought of that! it's bloody brilliant and definitely would have saved her a lot of shiners back at the combat zone
"What an outstanding piece of technology! Good work soldier."
We already know he has a power armour fetish but this? this was the next best thing and he was hooked on the look. Seriously though he thinks it's awesome and so is sole he's writing a detailed report of their greatness and sending it straight to maxson
"Madame/Monsieur I can't say attaching a weapon to your arm is the safest!"
She'd be worried sole would accidentally shoot themselves in their sleep.
"Woaaahhh there buddy! Your code name should definitely be terminator... trust me."
If you think he liked sole before when he vouched for them, he likes them so much better now that they just blew up raiders with their frickin arm! Just wait until Tinker Tom sees this!
"So let's get the obvious outta the way. What's up with the arm?"
She wouldn't bring it up until she had sole in her office doing the infamous interview, and then it would seem it's all she could talk about.
"Well I've seen a lot in my time kid, but I gotta say this is a first."
They'd get a long swell. He liked having a slightly more metallic companion... they understood they need to carry around motor oil all the time too. Oh and WD40....
"Well I was gonna ask you to get the mini gun up on the roof, but it looks like you've got it covered..."
He was surrounded by Raiders in concord and a literal prewar cybor came and saved the day? life was strange.
"Father never mentioned this.... Curious."
He found it intriguing but wouldn't bring it up unless necessary. He was intrigued, but he also understood his place. He was a machine not an equal thus for he shouldn't question what doesn't need to be questioned
"When I first saw the mini gun mentioned in Danses report I assumed there had been an error...."
Wow. Just wow. He wasn't mad... he was just wow. Was this technology turn amuck or badass? It was fusing of man and metal, but perhaps no more than a suit of power armour? he'll let it slide. this time.
"Well I must admit I have had heavys use mini guns in the past, this approach is all new. Wear it well agent."
Maybe this will give the railroad some sort of edge against the institute? She doesn't know either way its cool as hell and Deacon and Tom won't shut up about it either.... and glory was practically drooling over it.
"I'm assuming this new attachment is a recent development? I don't have any records of it in my data...."
He sure hopes so. The image of his parent holding his fragile infant body with one warm flesh arm and the other a cold metal weapon was terrifying
"Knew I picked a good one to go up against Colter!"
Damn was he proud. He'd have his chest puffed out as he walked with the new overboss down to fizz top. All these other morons may be dumb but no one could deny soles raw badass talent and that had him exactly where he needed to be. Perfect
"Captain I've seen a lot.... But a mini gun? How's it not weighing you down? If my boat starts sinking I'm throwing ya off first"
Hes serious if you weight him down his throwing you off, but he does think it's cool. over the top, but cool.
"Well I must say I prefer the slow cutting pain of a knife, this has to be a close second...."
Nisha has a crush.... no one thought it possible for her to flirt, but here she is?
"Now all we need is another cyborg and the two of yous can fight it to the death!"
Hes not joking either... just because he has animal fights doesn't mean he's above human fights that make the combat zone look humane
"I can see all the prewar headlines... to bad we don't live back then coulda made a hell of a profit..."
She thinks it's cool, if not a tad intimidating... I mean the boss literally sleeps with a gun, bathes with a gun, shits with a gun. Their never not defended.
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wayward-writers · 3 years
Monday MoodBoards
character mood boards (we'll reblog any under our tracker tags #waywardwriters #waywardroad)
Tall Tales Tuesdays
writing based off of thursday's prompt (we'll reblog any under our tracker tags #waywardwriters #waywardroad)
Wellness Wednesdays
self-care reminders, tips, and check-ins
Thursday Themes
prompt night (we'll reblog anything made in response) we post a prompt for the week (to be posted on Tuesdays)
Fluffiest Fridays
pet pics all round
Saturday Night Song Recs
swap songs with us please (we'll make a playlist of all of our suggestions and yours)
Sunday Scribbles
posting our quick pieces of art and reblogging any pieces under our tracker tags (#waywardwriters #waywardroad)
Meet the server below the cut:
Hi there! I’m E || @walksinstarllight on Tumblr. She/her, they/them, aroace and cas-coded through and through. I've only pretty recently gotten into Supernatural, but it has definitely carved its own place into my heart. I adore all of these characters (Cas especially), and I want to help give them the endings they deserve. I'm the Sera Gamble of the Wayward Writers (but better), and I'll be doing mainly plot and meta stuff here (that is, when I'm not screaming about fanfics), but I'm hoping to try my hand at writing as well. This project, and the people here, already mean so much to me, and I'm so glad to be a part of the Wayward Road. 
Hey, I'm Kat (K). My tumblr is @apathetichristmascracker come say hi - you'll see me around on this tumblr too alongside sonia, erin, and intro and outro. I'm C's Wine Sis, she's the dark to my twisty (greys ref), and I spend a ridiculous amount of time in the voice chats with Sonia and Erin just pissing about (they're great writers btw). According to the latest uquiz, I'm dean-coded, but I like to think I'm closer to end!cas. I'm 19 and in my first year of uni so this is me, banging a few gongs before the lights go out and I'm plunged into the real adult world (where I'm sure I'll continue as normal and it'll be no big deal, but I like to dramatise). I've been watching the show since S10 and I am obviously not ready to let Sam, Dean, Cas, and the rest of our babies go. So I'm here and I'm just really excited to hang out and get creative with the rest of Wayward Writers - write a lil love, write a lil pain. Of all the spn writer aliases we Waywards have adopted, I'm the Robbie Thompson lmao (the crypt, chronos, etc). I've worked with some particularly dope people on this project and we have some big brains - erin is our resident brain cell - in our ranks, so I can assure you peeps this is gonna be a wild ride on both our ends, in the best way.
Hi! So I'm Sonia - dean-coded hahaha I'm healthy™ I use she/her (tbh it's more any pronouns genders weird OK? I have no clue where I stand on it lmao) my tumblr is @carlgrimeschildsoldier I've been a supernatural fan for like 10 years now it's been a long decade I joined this project just to have some fun (not to say I don't take this rewrite seriously cause ofc I do) with rewriting, I love coming up with ideas and I've been really getting into writing due to all this which is awesome! So I help out with plot lbr I just throw ideas at the wall to see which ones stick lmao coherent thoughts who? and writing scripts I also wanna try writing novels! I've also ended up doing some of the Lore which hasn't made me wanna cry at all and am also helping out on the tumblr now too. I'm also pretty well known for being one of the ones always around lmao having a life who now? I'm also well known for being angsty af so in the nicest way possible I hope to make you all cry lmao. I'm really glad to be working on such a cool project and to see all the ideas everyone comes up with, I can't wait for you to see what we've created!
Heya all, I'm Cendense. I am found on my multi-purpose tumblr which is @centroverted . Any questions about me are likely to be answered there! Just look for the person with a Wei Ying pic somewhere on their layout. I'm an English major and tend to throw words at a wall and hope they stick! I got into spn around the ninth season and got repeatedly drawn back in due to certain things~ happening. I'm often about just spouting randomness to my fellow writers in this project, who have kept my life interesting the past few months. I'm going to vanish into the background now, as is my specialty, but rumor has it that if you say "The Untamed" in front of your tumblr three times in a row I shall appear.
Hey, I'm C. and I go by she/her. My tumblr is @dadstiel-trenchcoat . I'm currently in university and soon about to start a master program. My lovely subjects are English and Philosophy. I'm Davy Perez and one half of Ava(lance) of the Wayward Writers. Me and my other half A. hope to bring you some quality crossover content.™️ I also hope to live up to Perez' name and get justice for our shy, but devastatingly handsome angel. When I'm not simping for the Legends or SPN characters, chances are I'm on VC with my Wine Sis K. I wanna do a little bit of everything but my main focus will be writing and plot ideas. I might also do some work as a scribe because otherwise my attention span will give up after 30 minutes. Fun fact: I'm both claire- and donna-coded so I will be up at 3AM having the time of my life but also yell at you (softly) to go to bed. Also I'm a petty betty™️.
Heyo! I'm Gabriel (they/them), and the president of the Balthazar Deserved Better Club. My tumblr @ is @i-miss-balthazar . In this project, I contribute as a writer, lore researcher, plot planner, and sexy sax player. I'm also your resident simp, both for the characters and our talented Ether as well heart_eyes . All cards on the table, I joined solely to help Balthazar get what he deserved. However in working on this, I've found a deeper appreciation for all the characters, even the ones I wasn't initially a fan of. I'm thrilled to be a part of the Wayward Road, and I can't wait until we get to share it with y'all.
Hey :) I'm Ether, or Eth for short, he/they, cas-coded sam-girl (gender neutral), charlie and kevin stan and president of the Sam Winchester protection squad.  My tumblr is @tesghosterone and I've been watching the show sort of on and off for about 4 years. My job here is mainly for plot ideas and writing, but I'm trying my hand at meta and lore as well (when I actually have the braincell, that is). I spend most of my time here making my memes, drinking tea, creating Spotify playlists for random things and characters, and throwing random ideas around about subjects that make me sparkles feel things sparkles. other than simping for fictional characters, I am also my Gabriel's (not the archangel) biggest fan <3 I joined to do the characters (i.e. sam) justice and try and fix the plot inconsistencies that bugged me and turn them into something beautiful, and yes i am bitter about the special kids' arc in season 2, and the treatment of a number of minor characters (cough rufus turner and bela talbot cough). I am so happy to be here, working with these wonderful people, and I'm very excited to contribute to this project <3
Hi we’re Intro and Outro! Our tumblr @'s are @internetintroverts and @yourfinalbow , respectively. We do almost all of our work on the project together, which is why we’ve been dubbed “The Chaos Twins”, and we're the official Bucklemming of Wayward Road. We also spent 30+ hours writing Phantom Traveler and that episode has pretty much scarred us for life. But it's ok because time flies when you're- Sorry that 1x04 reference just slipped out. Right now we co-run some Tumblrs together and drink a lot of chocolate milk at 3 am while we try to get work done. Outro is a Dean-coded Dean girl (gn), Intro is a Cas-coded Dean girl (gn), and we're both definitely clowns. We hope you enjoy all the work we do, otherwise we really will be Bucklemming.
Hi everyone I'm Ael. One drink in hand for hydratation, a knife in the other to protect you all. Any pronouns are fine by me, I'm in my twenties and well I'm half-Dean half-Cas coded if it's any indication for you all! I love plotting ideas and doing lore research. I'm a professional Pic -Spammer and have too many Fandoms to do anything with my life. I'm the other half of (Ava)lance. Can't wait to share more with all of you! Tumblr: @tenji-whale-ael
Hi, I’m Rosalie! (they/them) My favorite color is blue like my spouse Blue :)) I don’t really use tumblr sorry. I love to write and I help write scripts for the rewrite (or I will once the universe gives me time to do it) You can check out my stuff on ao3! My user is rosepose!
Hi, I’m Lane! Also known as Thee Chaotic Fairy of Wholesomeness. My pronouns are she/her and my tumblr handle is @lanethesimp . I art things but I will occasionally be writing things as well within this project. I started really watching Supernatural a few years ago and the rest is history. I’m an endverse!Cas coded and Dean-coded girl. But there are so many other characters that I really love and are close to my heart. I’m honored to be a part of a project dedicated to creating a more satisfying ending for the characters I believe we’ve all grown to know & love. Not only for them, but for all of us who may have felt left out in the end. And I’m also very honored to be working with such amazing people and creating something great. I can assure you that this journey on the Wayward Road is going to be a fun one.
(Cas voice) Hello. I’m Elle! I use she/they pronouns. I’m a Sam-Coded Cas girl and it shows. I started watching Spn during season 12 after it was recommended by a friend. I’m the Bobo Berens of the project so I’ll be doing writing and plot . When I’m not writing for Wayward Road, you can find me making memes, sending gifs to Carrot, completing crack fic requests, or spewing angsty headcanons. Come say hi, my Tumblr is @ellewritessometimes .
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woodchoc-magnum · 3 years
Put this question in a few people's asks bc I wanted to get a range of opinions... but with an E/A breakup imminent, do you think the writers planned this for them from the beginning, or did they see the overwhelmingly negative feedback and change course? Don't get me wrong, I'm THRILLED Eddie is having doubts and I can't wait until she's off my screen, but it seemed like the show was at least trying to get us to like her for him (I have zero explanation for that dreadful fancam otherwise 😂)
I genuinely don’t know the answer but...
This is my dumb af theory.
If the writers had planned to make Buddie canon or at least have realisations at the end of Season 4, it was necessary for both Buck and Eddie to have other love interests at first to reiterate what they don’t want.
It’s especially important for Eddie, who has not been in a relationship on the show with anyone but Shannon, and we can assume that for the last ten or so years of his life he has only been with Shannon and no one else. So he needed a rebound in order to figure out what he really wants/needs.
I don’t think they would’ve expected quite such a negative reaction to Ana? But I also wonder if one of the reasons they cast her was because she and Ryan really have no chemistry at all. Even though we don’t know much about Ana - and I have written her to be a villain from time to time - she’s a generic nice, pretty, woman who on paper is perfect for Eddie. So maybe they deliberately cast someone he has no chemistry with to show that even though they look like a perfect match, for whatever reason, it just doesn’t work.
Ryan’s a good actor - if he was told to act like he’s in love with Ana, I’m sure he would be able to do that. There’s a reason they’re both so unbelievably awkward together.
In saying that - and that is giving the writers the benefit of the doubt a little, because we’ll probably never know the real truth - I definitely think her scenes have been cut down due to the negative reaction. The scene in the Parenthood episode (the revolting couch scene) was almost definitely cut.
I also have a slightly mean theory that nobody on the cast (except Cocoa) likes her, and that Ryan especially doesn’t like her at all. I have no basis for this, it’s just a fun little mean theory.
I am pretty confident she’ll be dumped in the next episode - our boy is having some dope realisations yo - but whether that was the plan all along depends on whether they were actually planning on making Buddie canon, and after that last episode I am feeling like Buddie is definitely becoming canon in Season 5 (I might look back on this post in a year and go oh ho ho how cocky I was but that’s future me’s problem)
Maybe they never originally intended for Buck and Eddie to become canon but they’ve certainly put themselves in a position to make it happen, and I’m extremely hopeful that this is the road we’re going down.
Let’s face it - if this was a male/female couple we would all be thinking it was inevitable at this point.
I also have ANOTHER amazing theory - with absolutely nothing to back it up - that the fancams were meant to confuse and distract us
And also that Ryan and Oliver were never really fighting and are still friends IRL, but that’s just me having a hopeful “loves a happy ending” kind of a brain
UNLESS Ryan has dumped Oliver because of all the freshnlean stuff in which case I would understand.
These are my theories I hope you liked them
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
The redhood nightwing fight scenes look like they're gonna be dope af like thats all I'm thinking about how awesome the fight scenes are (hopefully) gonna be (I'm already finding it difficult to see this jason as redhood cuz he's like literally a child but I dunno what age he redhooded in the comics so??)
I had no idea tim was even gonna be in it !?! Can I please get some kind of recognition from the batboys that they actually view each other as brothers and family! 😢
Someone needs to kill the joker It'd be kinda interesting if old bruce killed joker and it'd be nice if that was the last thing he did as batman buuuttt then again it'd be a nice touch if dick killed joker for jason, it would personally be disappointing if joker was just let live not gonna lie i really want bruce to kill him and that be the reason he gives up being batman because he failed to protect jason and then he broke his no killing thing so he just hangs up the cape
we are getting FEAR TOXIN yassssss cue awesome nightmare ish fearscapes (no idea if that's an actual word but that's what I call when you get to see everyone's fear hallucination)
Kory I love you, I do ship dickkory however I feel like she's too good for dick and should marry me instead lol I wanna see how donna is still alive? and I know there's people who are like ughh hank dawn go away already but I really freakin like hank and dawn as characters even though their suits are ridiculous did they break up last season I can't remember? Hank needs a break poor man someone give him a blanket and a hug and let him sit the fuck down everybody leave hank alone
That line where babs is like don't try be your father and dick is like excuse me what you saying there Commissioner Gordon, that will never not be funny 😅😅😅
I ain't in love with this show it has so much potential it could be so lit but I do like it anndd they got suits now whoop!
Wait is this my previous Titans anon? (The one where we ranted about Jason, or the one thinking they hadn’t seen S2 but went to watch it and realized they had? Or are you the same person? xD )And if so are you the same one who asked for the comic and fic recs? Just wondering in terms of if I’m talking to one person or not hahaha
But ahh I got so excited when I saw I got an ask about this 😍
Omg the nightwing red hood fight already got me so stressed lol. It looks great but ahh angst! But I think Jason is like 19ish in most versions when he comes back? Though tbh I forgot what age Jason is in this , I’ll have to see when i rewatch it soon. Curran, the actor, is actually 23, he just looks super young/short. He got pretty buff though. But yeah, that is an unfortunate thing wi the them rushing it already but also, I’d rather have it like this than if they were gonna spread it out through the seasons then it gets cancelled or something (poor Gotham s5, RIP). I think he was the PERFECT robin jason Todd though. Like I love his acting and portrayal of Jason(“Titans are back bitches!” classic Jason), he just is young looking and short. Gosh I still wanna know if they are going with the Lazarus pit for Jason or not! But like that also begs the question of whether they are doing a time skip cause normally Jason is dead for like 2-3ish years, but it doesn’t look like it from the trailer.
And yes, I’ve been looking forwards to Tim!!! While the trailer didn’t show it, the actor was on set a lot over these last couple of months (I’ve been keeping up with their instagrams xD) and seemed super close with the cast! I can’t believe the first look we got if Tim was him nearly crying, though that look already won me over, I love him and he is my son now. But RIGHT! That’s all I want, is the bat bros platonic love, gosh dang it😭 that’s all we want DC😭
BRO! OLD MAN BRUCE KILLING JOKER WOULD BE FREAKING PERFECT. Dang it! Now I’m gonna be so disappointed if that doesn’t happen 🤣gosh it would be perfect, and normally I would be like it’s Bruce, they would never do that, BUT, this show does that kind of “edgy” stuff anyway so if it’s ever gonna happen(without the Batman who Laughs plot line happening(which would make a perfect dc animated movie btw)), it would happen in this show, especially with what was shown in the trailer with him giving Batman up. Man, now my hopes are up for that xD though I wouldn’t mind if Dick killed him. I would be shocked though if they had the balls to actually kill off joker though, dc seems to refuse to do that :/
Omg I squealed at the scarecrow part omg. Dr freaking Crane is a big reason I spiraled down this entire fandom tbh. Like literally a year ago I got obsessed with him for some reason and that led into the Bat hole where I am currently WAY deeper than I ever would have thought 😂 and while I’m not hyper fixated on him anymore, I still love him so much and is my 2nd fav rogue, and it mainly started with Jonathan 🥺 we barely even see his face and I am already in love with the casting, the voice is perfect. And I LOVE when villains have to help the heroes, that is like one of my fav tropes ever omg, I was really hoping they were gonna do that to him. I hope he is in it for more than one episode tho. And oh lordy, like those poor Titans need even more trauma in their lives and now fear gas is in the equation. Oh no, I bet poor Gar is gonna get hit cause they just love to torture that poor boy. And tbh I hope the fearscapes(perfect word for it) will be better than most of the Gotham ones, those seemed a tad cheesy tbh
Lmao about you and kory😂 she is too good for him, but also, this Dick needs someone who can kick his ass and get his head out of his martyr butt 😂 tho tbh, I’m still not fully sold on Dickkory, Like I don’t hate it but I don’t LOVE it in many versions, like they can be cute but no strong feelings, the Original Teen Titans cartoon is like the only exception, I def ship those 2
Omg I low key forgot Donna “died”😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel like I knew it wouldn’t last so it didn’t have a big impact on me lol. Like I had/have a feel raven is gonna bring her back. I wanna know what happened to Rose/Joey! Like are they not gonna be in it at all? Especially with Jason going off the deep end?!
Lmao, hawk and dove’s suits😂 I think they did break up, I’ve only seen the series once through tbh, planning to rewatch before S3 tho(and try to force my mom to watch it tho she is convinced everything DC is too dark for her lmao), yeah, I don’t mind them, like I don’t want the focus on them but like they deserve to be happy/need a break, omg yes! That boy needs to be wrapped in a blanket and given a break, that grumpy boy is TIRED. Let him rest!
Lmao! That babs line is so great😂
I’m just so excited for all this live action Batfam content, considering the live action movies NEVER give us Batfam 😭(we aren’t talking about the 80’s/90’s live action robin lmao)
Also so sorry this was so long 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
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farfromreality1 · 7 years
I will never understand why Cyprin kissed you in that elevator. Like what did they think would happen? I'm very sad about that bcs I was actually looking forward to their ask but I'm actually rethinking even playing it now. And did you already play the prologue for Speakeasy tonight, bcs it looks dope AF and I can't wait until they release the female romance ark. Jazz, underground bar lesbians? Yes please :D
I didn’t like that scene either. I have so many issues with it.
First being, MC didn’t consent to the kiss, so them kissing her without her knowing they were gonna do it, was not okay. I don’t care how much Cyprin likes and cares about MC, consent is consent, ask first.
Second, MC has a girlfriend, that she has said multiple times that she loves very VERY much, and Cyprin knows this. They are aware of the relationship and it’s no secret, so they kissed someone in a relationship, which is a big NO.
Third, it’s not their route so there was no need to put it there in the first place. It’s Medusa’s route. /Her/ story of falling in love with MC. Cyprin has their own so the dumb love triangle was unecessary.
Fourth, they gave that scene an art piece, which I did /not/ need to see. They should only provide art for the love interest we want and not the others when they have their own routes. If I really wanted to see Cyprin kiss MC, I would have played their route and not Medusa’s. I played Medusa’s route because I want /her/, /not/ Cyprin. I want to see art of her and MC doing cute things, not any other love interests, so that made me mad.
I did plan on playing their route, but because of that I was like nope, never mind. Hell, I even played Cerberus’s route over Cyprin’s.
Also about Speakeasy Tonight, yes I did read the prologue, and I’m excited to play it when the female love interest’s route finally arrives. Give me vintage lesbians please! c:
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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That sounds exciting af , tumblr messing up , there's ghost scanning devices that can be bought , maybe we should get some , that would be interesting 😍😍😍, tumblr messing up , what you think? 😍, let's look at some clothes , some vintage ones perhaps :
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This is dope:
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Some TLC stuff ,
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Some clamps baby 😩
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Those nipples and that pussy 👅💦💦💦💦Some more clamps :
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Tumblr messing up , can I roll this across you baby :
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Or a metal flogger:
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Tumblr messing up , this looks fun baby 😍😍😍😍😍, it doesn't look that hard cause they're little chains , I can't wait to stick my finger in your booty 😍😍😍😍😍👅💦💦💦💦🐱💦💦💦💦, and slide it out slow 👅💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦🐱💦💦💦💦💦💦, Tumblr messing up , scrumptious 👅💦💦💦💦💦🐱💦💦💦💦, your cheeks so juicy baby 👅💦💦💦💦, yum 👅💦💦💦💦, Tumblr messing up , WET 👅💦💦💦💦, how was school baby? 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤, sits you on my lap 😘😘😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤, muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘😘💋💋💋💋👑👑👑👑, Tumblr messing up , you so raw 😍, when the herb mix comes if it's good I'll order some more 😍😍😍and some different kinds, I can't wait until we make some (some herbal mixes) (tumblr messing up) what you think baby? That's gonna be fun 😍😍😍, we can make our own packaging too , that's gonna be fun , I think it should be black packaging , that would look nice and standout (like a black bag with some other kind of color for the logo /letters) like Gold letters and stuff (Tumblr messing up ) , what you think baby? I can't wait until we get like 20 different kinds 😍😍😍😍, that's gonna be dope 😍😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘😘😘, I can't wait until they're all on the shelves baby 😩, some in our room and the rest in the basement , it's gonna be lovely 😍, I was thinking for the entertainment center: it would be nice to put some elwire around the TV (kinda behind it ) so it will illuminate the tv a little , what you think baby? Muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘😘, Tumblr messing up , my phone is freezing a little but we pushing through it 😘🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤, stroking your hair😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🖤, you are so perfect 😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤, I love you so much 😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘, we need some incense holders , for the sticks and the cones 😍😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , we'll look at some :
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Yoooo this is raw 😍😍😍, got the smoke trickling down , Tumblr messing up , that's from backflow incense cones , that looks like water baby ahhhh 😩😍😍😍😍, we definitely have to get some of those 😍😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , here's a pack of em: I gotta make another post for the images
0 notes
seekandsekkle · 3 years
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Blessed New Moon Family. Happy Gemini Season Whoo Hoo!!!! We've got a Sun, Moon and Eclipse in Gemini. What a Birthday Gift (6-14, 51 Summers Baby) I'm grateful to be here. Excited for what life is bringing me these days and excited for all of you who took a chance on ya girl and let me fill your inboxes up with Pots, Cups and Sips of Tea. The energy of this moon is bringing the new as all new moons do but its coming in slow due to the retrograde of Mercury and Neptune. Technology has not been allowing us to shine with glitches and freezes, shut downs, zap outs and malfunctions of every kind. The universe really wants us all to have several seats and read a damn book or take a long walk or something. She really aint feeling us having all this screen time and is asking us to reflect, plot and plan our next moves so we're ready when the Summer Equinox comes sauntering in. (June 21st) This Moon/Eclipse energy will have you having epiphanies and revelations and such. You will be communicating with the seen and unseen forces. Dreams will be prophetic and deep af. Pay close attention to what they are showing you, get a dream interpreter if you need one ( I'll do it for you) so you are clean and clear with what Muvah Moon is trying to tell you. This Eclipse of the sun will cast a fire ring around the moon asking you to do a once over on your shadow side. This ain't a time to be marinating where the low vibrations reside. Check your privilege, check your attitude and get back in alignment with your higher self. This double double energy is a set up for some fuck shit, resist at all cost. You will be so sorry you fell for it when it's all over. Take the high road in all things, stay low, pray high is what I always say. Some of us will feel like lead is in our shoes. You really don't wanna do nothing and I'd listen to that somewhat. Take care of the major things in your life as much as you can but don't be surprised when you do try shit aint working right. I'm learning to just wait it out cause it beats trying to break through a brick wall with my tender head meat. The blessing of this moon cycle is that we get to call things into existence. Be clear about what you are asking for, make sure secure housing, coins and good health are on your list. Due to things opening up people are everywhere doing everything, acting as if the pandemic is over. Tread lightly in these streets and keep that hand washing and face covering going on around people. Spirit has spoken and we need to keep our protection game strong especially for those of us who are anti-vaxin and relaxin. 
Ritual: Sit in your sacred space with the scented candle or incense, vase of fresh flowers, and a list of your intentions. Use the power of the word and speak your peace out loud. Not in a shout but with conviction. We want it known that what we want, we deserve. Muvah is listening with a keen ear. She will flush out the superficial and give you exactly what you need, not always what we want. Be grateful because we don't always know what we need until it lands in our laps. That don't mean you can't ask...ijs I'd burn that lil' piece of paper and let the ashes blow in the wind. This double double air energy is sure to send your message right up to Muvah herself and that's a blessing.
Big O'pot of Tea (read your sun, moon and rising for a full cup of tea)
Aries - Getcha coins right. Investments, budgets, piggy bank, rainy day fund. Do any or all of this and thank me later. All the cards talk about the bag, getting it and keeping it. Think long term money, retirement money and generational wealth. The universe is on your side while taking these steps so get into it. Call in the Money Gawds and ask them for help with your stock portfolio...invest in something good...think of what we always need and putcha money on that. Your song for this moon cycle is "Money don't matter 2 nite" - Prince. It matters for you right now fa sho
Taurus - This new moon is giving you all the goodies baby. Things are stacking up on the luxe level, the coins and the bae. Enjoy all this goodness and be grateful for it. Call in support to stay in a good mood and trust the process. You don't want to spoil your pot of gold before you even have a chance to spend some of it. Stay tuned into the light and spread that love on the people who support you since they may not be as abundant as you are these days. Your song for this moon cycle is "D.M.S.R."  - Prince. Because you want it and need it .
Gemini - It's your time baby!!! Your sun, your moon, your eclipse. One would think its a good time to throw a big ass party and invite all 10,000 of your fans but no. You get to have a seat...a Royal seat, a luxurious birthday seat but a seat nonetheless. This is a quiet time, a relaxing time an alone time. Yeah I know this don't sound like a fun birthday but your body and soul is begging and pleading for it. Listen for once cause the fuck shit is lueming in the background waiting for you to step out. We want you safe, hydrated and refreshed this trip around the sun. Call in peace this moon cycle and allow it to be just that. Your song this moon cycle is "Shhhhhh" - Prince. For encouragement to lay around in luxury and quiet.
Cancer - You've been on the receiving end for the last few moon cycles in some way now it's time to give back. Make sure the people who show up and show out for you know that you love them. Do something special to brighten their day. They will be shocked that you even care and that makes this even more special. You are very good at receiving now lets see you give where it counts. Call in abundance in all its forms so you never feel like you are lacking in anything. This will keep your spirits up when this moon fuck your emotions up. Your song this moon cycle is "I Wish You Heaven" - Prince.  So you feel prayed on when you get sad
Leo - The sun might be setting on your old job/career and the Black moon might be rising on a new opportunity. If you like what you're doing great but if you don't this is a good time to start looking. Call in work that is in alignment with your heart. You should be working smarter, not harder. Make sure your intentions reflect something better than what you currently got going on. Your moon song this cycle is "Let's Work" - Prince
Virgo - Be excited about life dear one. Life is worth living. You can tend to stay on the brooding side of things and aint no fun over there. I dare you to take a walk on the wildside...just pack up and go. I feel the grin on your face now. There is a whole world out there waiting on you, go see it while you can still fully enjoy it. Call in Adventure Time, alone, with bae or with some friends. Your song this moon cycle is " Party Up" - Prince
Libra - You deserve to have your needs met. This comes up in a real way this cycle. Make sure your boundaries are known with the people close to you so they can avoid your explosive outburst when you reach your limit. Call in the support you need to make your dreams come true, ask for the help to stop procrastinating and actually get some shit done. Your song this moon cycle is " Good Love" - Prince. It's clear you need some.
Scorpio - Have a clear-the-air day with bae, or housemates or the kids. This ain't a time to bite your tongue. Ion mean pop off, just don't let small irritants pile up. Speak to your beloveds and get back to having fun cause that what hot human summer is all about.  Call in cooperation with the fam so all this talking you gotta do is worth it. Your song this moon cycle is "Gett Off" cause why not since you're so good at it *wink*
Sagittarius - You're coming in Hot to new and old flames and that's dope. You workin workin working day and night and that's securing the bag. But where is selfcare on the list? You can't forget you in all this. Call in a break and body work so you don't blow a flat tire on the side of the road within ya self. ya dig? May your care be just as important and the people you take care of. If you are ok they will be ok...okay. Your song for this moon cycle is "Forever In My Life"- Prince. So you make sure you are forever on the got damn schedule umkay!
Capricorn - Love is calling your name Capricorn. Stay open to the possibilities of love or at the very least tenderness and sweetness. You act like a hard ass but your creamy center is showing. This will let the ones who like but are a lil scared of you come out of the closet and make a move. Try not to be too awkward and allow some goodness to pour over on you. Call in the courage to say what you need in these new interactions. If a muthalova baulks when you speak your truth it ain't the end of the damn world this just ain't your person. Just move on and dont make it mean nothing. Your song for this moon is "Somebody's Somebody" - Prince
Aquarius - Your emo flag is flying high. It's ok to wanna be with family, it's ok to reminisce on the good times. It's ok to wanna feel loved and appreciated, It's also ok to stop doing too much so you don't get sick or hurt. Sit down somewhere and relax. The streets will wait for you. Call in spa treatments or long dead sea salt soaks at home. Your song this moon cycle is "I Feel For You" because we love you!
Pisces - Life got you wide open. You workin, you socializing, you doing all the things. Life is lifin' and you're making the best of it. At the end of the day it feels good to be in the flow of it all. Call in the inner knowing and innerstanding so you don't get distracted and fall off. Trust the process and enjoy the journey. Your song this cycle is "Trust" - Prince. Trust you know what you're doing even if you never did it before. The creator brought you this far trust that she is taking you to the next level too.
Personal Message: Do you want this pot of tea in your inbox twice a month. If so you also get a personal reading at the end of the pot. To subscribe for the next 3 months send your $150 to either of these payment sites with "Subscription" in the notes so you never miss a pot of tea. Cashapp $bushmamaafrica of Venmo: ReshawnGoods@omimagic
Extra Sips of Tea -
Blue Kyanite is perfect for this New Moon and Eclipse energy because it helps you make sense of the unstable transmission of communication due to the retrogrades, You can tap into hidden potential in yourself and spiritually you can use this to really connect with the positive unseen forces around you to help you manifest greatness in your life. Use this stone with your ritual to call in your needs and wants with clean clarity. 
Make a pot of fresh Mint Tea before bed to relax your muscles, to aid in your digestion and get rid of headaches. This tea will be extra soothing to your mind and body. We all need this balm soul calming tea to deal with the double air energy brewing right now. Have extra cups this week.
Yes Gemini Tea. PRINCE songs. I had too
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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That's dope afff 😭✨✨✨✨, Tumblr messing up , gives you a big hug 😘😘😘😘, now I'm about to get up and head to the store , Tumblr messing up , and then I'm going to sit down and get this order together 😍😍😍😍, but yeah as for the spirit work.. do you know how to call ours? Tumblr messing up , by their names or by their offerings , only we can call em , I still have to get them into their vessels 😍, which will be better for them 😍😍😍, and we can have something physical to represent them , what you think baby? 😍muah muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘, we gotta get some Mason jars ,
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Breasts lips 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤, yummy 😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤
🐱💦💦💦💦, Tumblr messing up , there's some elephants that ran to greet a new elephant 😭😍 it's so cute: https://youtu.be/H_D4qqciraI
It's that cute baby? Tumblr messing up, I'm about to sit down , I love animals so much 😩😍🖤, wraps my arms around you 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤, 1 sec I gotta load up this gift card 🖤, back 🖤, should I try to get us some herbs ? I see some bottles with the cork but it's 18 of them.. we don't need that many right now , tumblr messing up , I'll get use some herbs 😍😍😍, I'm excited , some rose pedals , an incense burner perhaps ? A tin can
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Or should i wait on that? , I'll focus more on the herbs , wraps my arms around you 😘😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤, I'll see if I can get 2 more herbs , gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘, I was tryna fond spme wormwood , okay got some of that... some rose , maybe some Lotus ? Or peppermint? (Tumblr messing up) I see some kava power you want some ? I added it to the list , I'll see if I can get the tea form first , Tumblr messing up, should I get a black mirror? Nah I'll wait cause we can use something else for that , so I got use 3 herbs 😍, the wormwood was for the astral right? I can't remember , if not I'll get one for that , okay yeah the wormwood is for that , Tumblr messing up , gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘😘🖤, I gotta get up and see if there's done kava tea here in this store before I place this order in, Tumblr messing up,
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Swoons 😍😍😍😍 licks your face 👅💦💦💦😘, how's school going? How are you doing my princess ? 😘😘😘😘🖤, wraps my arms around you 😘😘😘😘😘, I'm excited /happy af , wraps my arms around you 😘😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🖤, that face so beautiful 😍😍😍😍those eyebrows are poppin baby 😍😍😍😍, so divine and fine 😍😍😍😍, I'm happy and proud that you're mine 🔐🖤you're the best gf/sub/slave/muse/trophy/princess/rider ever
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Mhm 😌🖤😍, Tumblr messing up
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Love 😍😍😍😍💋, dark & oh so lovely 😍😍😍🖤
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Perfection , you are a divine reflection , tumblr messing up , beautiful in every way , Tumblr messing up, you are a God , you hold the definition , golden description , Tumblr messing up, no doubt , no denying, you are truly one of a kind
Getting up looking for this kava 🖤🖤🖤, I can't wait to get home 😩🖤🖤🖤🖤ahhh no kava tea , you liked the lavender? I'll get some more of that? And something else (Tumblr messing up) maybe some oolong or something , I gotta make another post for the images
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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Love 🖤
I was scared for the rabbit tho.. well not scared (wrong word) he was timid,I wanted him to be safe bc he was in the front of the house and I didn't want him to dart in the street but usually animals are real chill around me so I just kept calm & wished him well , that Jamaican plate thoooo that's a dope sign 🔥🖤and the leaf looks like a heart 🖤, that was great af
🚀✨✨✨, I love and appreciate you so much 😘😘😘, you are so beautiful inside and out baby 😍😍😍🖤🏆💍💎, sexy AF too 😩🤤🤤🤤😍😍😍🐱💦, kissing your neck💋💋💋,🚀✨✨✨✨, 💋💋💋, deep breathing in and out, caressing your booty 😍🤤, and thighs, 🚀✨✨✨
(Tumblr messing up) but that song..👅💦lets fuck to it 🐱💦👅💦
https://youtu.be/jEUYTwgqZbc < 🎬🐱💦
https://youtu.be/Slyjr2s2jgA < 🎬🐱💦
But rock music is the best tho... you know how we do, the darker the better 👅💦🐱💦, channeling everything 🤤🤤😍😍💦🐱💦🖤 ahh I wish that I had that video on this phone.. that Marilyn Mason joint you put on a show for me 😍😍✨🤤🤤🤤🤤😍🤤🤤👅💦🐱💦🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆perfection 🖤🐱💦🐱💦, lemme see your face baby, lemme see your breasts 😍🖤🖤🤤🖤🤤🤤🐱💦, strip for me baby,🚀✨✨✨💦, 🐱💦, you sexy af baby 🤤😍😍👅💦my sexy ass trophy 🏆💍🔒⛓so seductive baby😍🤤🤤😍🐱💦, baby you're the greatest 🖤
🚀✨✨✨, deep breathing in and out
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WET 🐱🖤💦💦, look at those thighs babyyy, in just here like always holding my stuffed animal..wishing you were right next to me 😍🖤 nah... I wanna be smothered in those thighs rn 😍😍🤤😍🤤😍🤤🐱💦, I wanna touch you all the time , melt inside each other 😍😍🤤🤤🤤, I love it, I know you love it too 😍😍🤤🖤, I can't wait to FaceTime with you 😍🤤🤤🤤🤤😍😍😍😍, 🚀✨✨✨✨, lemme see your face baby 😍🤤, lemme see your thighs,😍🤤🤤🤤🤤, striking your hair, staring into your eyes 😍🤤🤤🤤, running my fingers down your spine 💋💋💋💋💋🐱💦, and ****down your ass 💦🐱💦💦💦, deep breathing in and out , rubbing on those cheeks
Can you feel me? You seem unsettled baby, reach out to me baby, im right here/there and I'm not going nowhere baby 🔒⛓🖤 cuffed in every way for eternity, you are everything baby 🤤😍🤤😍🏆💍💎🌎🖤✨, you're worth it baby 🖤in every way 🖤😩😍🌎MUAH 😘💋, deep breathing in and out , gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘😘😘, smothers you with love 😘😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗😘😘🤗🤗😘💋💋💋
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MUAH 😘🤗😘💋 you're a God baby 😘🖤😘🖤multi-dimensional, you're THAT God , you're a fucking beast baby know that, a sexy beast might I add 😍🤤😘licks your face 👅💦, deep breathing in and out, visualize yourself as white late with a hole in it , I'm about to get ready to get in the showerrrr.. I think sometimes I type too fast but then again I think I type slow idk
Why you flare up? Post for me, interact with me ... your numbers was moving slow then that bitch popped up and you flared up , leave her alone , actually she needs to leave you alone with her dusty ass, that bitch is sneaky af, I got another reading on that bitch, a psychic reading and her energy read and don't let her say anything to twist the shit. Energy doesn't lie
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