#I love this terrible little family so much
callsigns-haze · 2 days
His Shadow: Chp 4
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masterlist part 1 part 2 part 3
Azriel, secretly juggling his responsibilities and personal life, maintains a hidden relationship with YN, who works at a pleasure house in the Hewn City. She was his light, his love, his passion. Yet being his darkest secret is a hard role because life in the Hewn as a young female isn't the easiest as the two of you hold an even dark secret yet to be told...
Pairing: Azriel x reader
This series contains mature themes: Explicit depictions of violence, including physical and emotional. Themes of secrecy. Descriptions of difficult relationships, including strained familial and romantic dynamics. Mature sexual content. Themes of power, control, and manipulation within complex interpersonal relationships. Discussions of parenthood and the challenges associated with it, including postpartum experiences.
The morning sun filtered softly through the sheer curtains of YN’s mother’s modest living room. The pale light danced across the room, casting gentle patterns on the worn wooden floors and faded furniture. YN had spent the night on her mother’s small, but comfortable sofa, using a makeshift nest of blankets and pillows. She stirred slowly, the quiet stillness of the house a sharp contrast to the bustling atmosphere of the pleasure house.
Yawning and stretching, YN glanced around, her mind still wrapped in the haze of sleep. The night had been restful, but she couldn’t shake the nagging worry about Knox. Her mother had graciously offered to care for him while YN worked, but she had been missing him terribly. It was time to reunite with her son.
She carefully gathered her things, folding the blanket she had used and tidying up the small space as best as she could. Her mother, an woman with a warm, kind demeanour, was still asleep in her own bedroom. YN wanted to make sure everything was ready before she woke her.
With a soft, cautious step, YN made her way to the small nursery that had been set up in a corner of her mother’s apartment. The room was modest but cozy, decorated with pastel-coloured curtains and a few framed pictures of animals. In the crib at the centre of the room lay Knox, his tiny form barely visible beneath the soft, knitted blanket.
YN’s heart swelled as she approached the crib, her eyes softening at the sight of her sleeping son. Knox’s small chest rose and fell with each gentle breath, his little fingers curled into tiny fists. She reached down, carefully placing a hand on his back to wake him softly.
“Good morning, my little one,” YN murmured, her voice tender and loving.
Knox stirred, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal the curious, innocent gaze of a three-week-old baby. YN carefully lifted him from the crib, cradling him gently in her arms. His warmth and weight were a soothing comfort against her chest.
“Let’s get you ready to go home,” YN whispered, her voice full of affection. She carefully adjusted Knox’s blanket, making sure he was secure and comfortable.
Her mother had prepared a small bag with some essentials for Knox—diapers, a few changes of clothes, and a soft toy that YN had brought from home. YN picked up the bag, slinging it over her shoulder as she prepared to leave.
She made her way to the small kitchen, where she could hear the faint sounds of her mother beginning to stir. YN set the bag down on the counter and walked back to the nursery to say a quiet goodbye to her mother.
Her mother emerged, rubbing her eyes and offering a sleepy smile. “Good morning, dear. Are you heading out already?”
“Yes, just about,” YN said, her voice gentle. “Thank you so much for taking care of Knox. I really appreciate it.”
Her mother came over, reaching out to gently pat Knox’s head. “He’s a lovely little boy. I’ve enjoyed having him. Just be sure to get some rest when you can.”
YN nodded, her smile filled with gratitude. “I will. I just need to get him home and settled.”
As YN and her mother exchanged a final hug, YN carefully picked up Knox and adjusted him in her arms. With one last look around the apartment, she stepped out into the fresh morning air.
The city was slowly coming to life as she made her way back to her own apartment. The streets were quieter than usual, and the early morning light bathed everything in a soft, golden hue. YN’s heart ached with both joy and weariness as she walked, the familiar weight of Knox in her arms a constant reminder of the responsibilities and love she carried.
She reached her apartment building, a modest structure with a worn exterior that belied the cozy interior. She carefully navigated the stairs, her mind filled with thoughts of getting Knox settled and ready for the day ahead.
Entering her apartment, YN carefully placed Knox in the small crib she had set up in the corner of the living room. The space was small but welcoming, filled with the warmth of home and the love of a mother’s touch. She adjusted the blanket around him and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.
“Welcome home, Knox,” she whispered, her voice full of love and relief. “We’ve got a lot to do today, but we’ll do it together.”
Azriel stood by the large, arched window of Rhysand’s office, the glass cool against his fingertips as he looked out over the sprawling gardens of the River House. The room was bathed in the warm, golden light of the afternoon sun, casting a soft glow over the luxurious furnishings and elegant décor. Yet, despite the opulence of his surroundings, Azriel's thoughts were distant, his attention focused on the scene unfolding outside.
Nyx, Rhysand’s nine-year-old son, and Agnar, Cassian’s seven-year-old son, were out on the lawn, their laughter carrying through the open window. The two boys were engaged in a spirited game of tag, their shouts and giggles filling the air with a sense of carefree joy. The sun illuminated their faces, highlighting the innocence and exuberance of childhood.
Azriel watched them with a mixture of fondness and melancholy. He saw the way Nyx’s dark hair gleamed in the sunlight, a mirror of his father’s, and Agnar’s quick, agile movements, so reminiscent of Cassian’s youthful energy. The sight of them playing together, their faces flushed with happiness, tugged at something deep within him.
A shadow of sadness crossed Azriel’s features as he observed the scene. The joy and vitality of his nephews were a stark contrast to the burden he carried. The secrecy surrounding his relationship with YN and their son, Knox, weighed heavily on him. Despite the love he felt for them, he was forced to keep their existence hidden, his role as a father concealed from those closest to him.
Azriel’s gaze softened as he took in the sight of the boys, his thoughts drifting to the life he could have had if circumstances were different. He imagined what it would be like if he could openly share his joy and pride in Knox, if he could let his family see the life he had built with YN. The pain of not being able to do so was a constant ache, a reminder of the sacrifices he had made to protect those he loved.
Rhysand’s voice broke through his thoughts, rich and warm with a touch of amusement. “You seem lost in thought, Az.”
Azriel turned away from the window, his expression carefully neutral as he faced Rhysand. “Just watching the boys. They’re growing up so fast.”
Rhysand smiled, his eyes following Azriel’s gaze to where Nyx and Agnar continued their game. “They are. It’s hard to believe how quickly time passes.”
Azriel nodded, forcing a smile. “Yes, it is.”
Rhysand’s tone grew more contemplative. “Sometimes I think about how different things might be if circumstances were different. But I suppose we make the best of what we have.”
Azriel’s eyes flickered with a mixture of gratitude and sadness. He knew Rhysand’s words were meant to offer comfort, but they only served to underscore the gap between his public life and his private heartache.
“Indeed,” Azriel said quietly, his voice tinged with a sadness that he tried to mask. “We make do with what we have.”
Rhysand’s gaze remained thoughtful, and he seemed to sense the deeper emotions behind Azriel’s words. “If there’s ever anything you need to talk about, you know you can always come to me.”
Azriel nodded, a flicker of appreciation in his eyes. “Thank you, Rhys. I’ll keep that in mind.”
As Rhysand turned his attention to some documents on his desk, Azriel returned to the window, his thoughts returning to the life he had to keep hidden. The sight of Nyx and Agnar playing was a bittersweet reminder of what he yearned for—an open, unburdened life with YN and Knox.
The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the polished floors of the River House as Azriel excused himself from the inner circle's meeting with barely a moment to spare. Rhysand, Cassian, and the others were deep in discussion about upcoming strategies and potential threats, but Azriel’s mind was elsewhere, focused on the fleeting moments he could spend with YN and Knox.
“Sorry to cut out early,” Azriel said quickly, his voice tinged with a mix of urgency and apology. “I’ve got something I need to take care of.”
Rhysand looked up, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. “Everything alright, Az?”
Azriel forced a smile, nodding. “Yes, just personal matters. I’ll catch up with you all soon.”
Before anyone could press further, Azriel was already striding towards the exit. His steps were brisk, the weight of his desire to return home fueling his haste. He made his way through the grand hallways and down the stairs, his thoughts solely occupied with the comforting vision of YN and Knox awaiting him.
The journey back to his apartment felt interminable, but finally, he landed silently on the balcony. He slipped into his home with practiced quiet, his senses attuned to the familiar sounds of his sanctuary. The apartment was calm, the air carrying a soft, serene quality that immediately soothed his frazzled nerves.
Azriel moved through the living room, his heart fluttering with anticipation and love. As he rounded the corner, he was met with a sight that warmed him to his core.
YN was asleep on the couch, her form curled up in a cozy nest of blankets. Her hair was splayed across the cushions, a serene expression on her face. Knox, their precious son, lay nestled on her chest, his tiny body rising and falling with each gentle breath. He was awake now, his small eyes blinking with curiosity as he looked up at his mother.
Azriel’s breath caught in his throat at the sight. The image of YN, exhausted but peaceful, with Knox cradled against her, was a poignant reminder of the love and dedication they shared. He approached them quietly, careful not to disturb YN's slumber.
Kneeling beside the couch, Azriel reached out, his fingertips brushing gently against Knox’s soft cheek. The baby cooed, a small, delicate sound that filled Azriel’s heart with overwhelming tenderness.
“Hey, little one,” Azriel murmured softly, his voice a low whisper. “Look who’s come to see you.”
He carefully lifted Knox from YN’s chest, his movements gentle and practiced. The baby’s head rested against his shoulder as he held him close, a smile spreading across Azriel’s face. Knox’s tiny fingers grasped at the fabric of Azriel’s shirt, his eyes bright and curious as he cooed back.
Azriel leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Knox’s forehead. “You’ve been such a good boy today, haven’t you?”
Knox gurgled in response, his eyes widening as he looked up at his father. Azriel’s heart swelled with affection as he held his son, feeling the warmth and weight of him in his arms. The bond between them was palpable, a silent conversation filled with love and promise.
Azriel glanced over at YN, still peacefully asleep. He carefully adjusted Knox, making sure the baby was comfortable in his arms before leaning down to gently brush a strand of hair away from YN’s face.
He settled onto the couch beside YN, keeping Knox cradled close. He watched as YN stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open. She blinked sleepily, her gaze settling on Azriel and their son.
“Azriel?” YN’s voice was soft, her tone a mix of surprise and sleepiness. “You’re home early.”
Azriel smiled, his eyes filled with warmth. “I couldn’t wait to see you both. How was your day?”
YN stretched gently, her eyes softening as she looked at Knox in Azriel’s arms. “It was good. He’s been a little angel. But I’m glad you’re here now.”
Azriel nodded, his gaze fixed lovingly on Knox. “I’m glad too. He’s grown so much in just a few weeks.”
YN reached out, her hand brushing tenderly against Knox’s cheek. “He has. And he’s so lucky to have you.”
Azriel’s smile grew, his heart swelling with love for his family. “And I’m lucky to have you both.”
As he looked down at his son, Azriel felt an overwhelming sense of pride and love. Knox’s small, cherubic face was a perfect blend of both parents, but it was the subtle, distinctive features that made Azriel’s heart swell with emotion. The baby’s tiny limbs and soft, downy hair were endearing, but it was Knox’s nascent wings that truly captured Azriel’s attention.
Even at just two weeks old, Knox had already begun to display the faintest hints of his Illyrian heritage. Though the wings were tiny and not yet fully developed, their presence was unmistakable. They were delicate and translucent, their edges a soft, silvery shimmer that caught the light. They rested against Knox’s back, their appearance a blend of the ethereal and the divine.
Azriel’s fingers traced the edge of one of Knox’s wings with a gentle touch, careful not to disturb his sleeping son. The delicate membranes were warm and soft beneath his fingertips, and the faint luminescence was a reminder of the incredible heritage Knox was inheriting.
“Look at these wings, little one,” Azriel whispered, his voice filled with a tender awe. “Just like mine. You’re growing up so fast, even though you’re still so tiny.”
Knox stirred slightly, his tiny wings fluttering ever so gently in response to his father’s touch. Azriel’s smile widened, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. The sight of Knox’s miniature wings, so full of potential and promise, made his heart ache with a bittersweet joy.
He shifted slightly, pulling Knox closer to him, his own wings instinctively curling around them in a protective embrace. The warmth of his wings enveloped Knox, creating a cocoon of safety and love. The sensation of his son's small body nestled against him, combined with the soft, almost imperceptible flutter of Knox’s wings, was an exquisite reminder of the bond they shared.
Azriel leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Knox’s forehead. “I know you’re just beginning to learn about your wings, but I promise you, they will grow strong. They will carry you through the skies just like mine.”
He continued to speak softly, his words filled with the kind of love that only a parent could feel. “When you’re older, you’ll learn to soar through the skies. But for now, just enjoy being small and safe in your mother’s arms and mine.”
The quiet moments stretched on, and Azriel found solace in the simple act of bonding with his son. The world outside seemed distant and irrelevant compared to the peace he found in these fleeting moments. The responsibilities and secrets that burdened him felt lighter, if only for a while.
As Knox’s tiny hand reached up, his small fingers grasping at the fabric of Azriel’s shirt, Azriel felt a pang of deep affection. The tiny, innocent gesture was a powerful reminder of the love he had for this little being, a love that transcended the complications of their lives.
The peaceful cocoon of the living room was gently disturbed as YN stirred from her slumber on the couch. She stretched languidly, her muscles protesting slightly as she woke from a deep, restful sleep. She blinked sleepily, her gaze falling on Azriel, who was now tenderly bottle-feeding Knox. The soft glow of the lamp illuminated their quiet moment together, casting a warm light across the room.
YN smiled softly at the sight. Azriel’s presence, so gentle and attentive with their son, was a heart-warming sight. She reluctantly pushed herself up from the couch, her body a bit stiff from the hours spent resting in one position. The couch had become a makeshift bed over the past few weeks, but the comfort of being with her family made it all worth it.
Yawning, YN moved to the small, neatly arranged bedroom where her work attire awaited her. She quickly began the process of getting ready for her shift at the pleasure house, her mind already focusing on the tasks ahead.
She started with her undergarments, slipping into a comfortable, supportive bra and a pair of seamless panties. Next, she chose a simple yet elegant outfit for the evening—a fitted, deep navy dress that complemented her figure and allowed ease of movement. The fabric was soft and smooth, with a subtle sheen that caught the light just right. She paired it with a black satin belt that cinched at her waist, adding a touch of refinement to her look.
As she dressed, YN kept an ear out for Knox’s soft coos and Azriel’s soothing murmurs. The quiet, intimate moments they shared were precious, and she cherished the time they had together, even in the midst of their busy lives.
She pulled on a pair of black, sheer stockings, the fabric gliding up her legs smoothly. Her heeled, ankle-length boots completed the look, their dark hue and sleek design adding a touch of sophistication. She glanced at herself in the mirror, adjusting her outfit and making sure everything was in place.
While YN worked on her makeup, she chose a subtle look for the evening. She applied a light foundation to even out her complexion, followed by a touch of blush to give her cheeks a healthy glow. She carefully applied a coat of mascara to her lashes and a muted shade of lipstick that accentuated her natural beauty without being too bold. The final touch was a delicate, sparkling pendant necklace that rested softly against her collarbone.
As she finished up, YN glanced back towards the living room, her heart warming at the sight of Azriel and Knox. Azriel was gently burping Knox, his movements slow and deliberate, a tender expression on his face. Knox seemed content, his tiny hands gripping the edge of the bottle as he took his time feeding.
“Everything going smoothly?” YN asked, her voice soft but filled with a hint of playful curiosity.
Azriel looked up, his eyes meeting hers with a gentle smile. “He’s doing well. We’re just finishing up here.”
YN moved back into the living room, her steps light and purposeful. She bent down to give Knox a soft kiss on his tiny forehead, her fingers brushing gently against his downy hair.
“Almost time for you to go back to sleep, little one,” YN murmured, her voice full of affection. “I’ll be heading out soon.”
Azriel glanced at the clock, noting the time. “I’ll make sure he’s settled before you leave. You go ahead and finish up.”
YN nodded, taking a moment to appreciate the quiet domesticity of the scene before her. She knew that every moment spent with Knox and Azriel was a precious gift, and she cherished these early, serene hours before her work began.
With a final check of her appearance, YN grabbed her small, elegant handbag and slung it over her shoulder. She moved to the door, pausing to take one last look at Azriel and Knox.
“Be good for Daddy,” YN said softly to Knox, her gaze lingering on the tiny, peaceful face of her son.
Azriel looked up, a touch of mischief in his eyes. “We’ll be just fine. You go on and take care of things. We’ll be here when you get back.”
YN gave him a warm smile, her heart full of love and gratitude. “Thanks, Az. I’ll see you both later.”
With one last affectionate glance, YN left the apartment, the door clicking softly behind her. As she walked to her car, she felt a sense of both anticipation and resolve. Her work awaited her, but the love she had for her family was always close to her heart, a guiding light through the busy days and nights.
YN stepped into the dimly lit interior of the pleasure house, the familiar blend of perfume and alcohol greeting her senses. Tonight felt like any other—until she noticed two familiar figures occupying the corner booth. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized Rhysand and Cassian, their presence unexpected and sending a ripple of anxiety through her.
What are they doing here again? YN thought, trying to keep her composure as she walked toward them. She had just served them the night before; seeing them again so soon unsettled her.
“Good evening, gentlemen,” she greeted, her voice warm but professional as she approached their table. “Back again so soon? What can I get for you tonight?”
Rhysand looked up from his conversation with Cassian, his violet eyes sparkling with the usual charm. “Couldn’t stay away,” he replied smoothly. “We’re here to discuss Azriel’s next mission. This seemed like the perfect place to do so.”
The mention of Azriel’s mission made YN’s heart sink. She forced herself to maintain a neutral expression, though her mind was racing. Another mission? So soon after Knox’s birth? The thought of Azriel heading into danger again so soon filled her with dread.
Feigning casual interest, she asked, “Where is Azriel tonight? I thought he might be with you.”
Rhysand shook his head. “He’s probably handling some last-minute preparations. You know how he is—always ahead of the game.”
Cassian grinned. “Or brooding somewhere, as usual.”
YN managed a light laugh, but the weight in her chest only grew heavier. She knew where Azriel had been before she left for work, but hearing them discuss his next mission as if it were routine was unsettling. She needed to know more, to understand what lay ahead for him.
“I’ll get your yesterdays drinks,” YN said, slipping into her role. “Anything else I can bring you?”
Before she could leave, Cassian’s voice stopped her. “Actually, YN, there’s something I wanted to ask.”
She turned back, her heart beating a little faster. “Yes?”
Cassian’s expression softened, genuine curiosity in his eyes. “Last night, you mentioned you have a baby. How are they doing? And your boyfriend? It must be a lot to juggle.”
YN felt a surge of panic but kept her smile intact. She had mentioned her baby the previous night to maintain the cover story. Now, under Cassian’s kind gaze, she had to continue the lie.
“They’re both doing well,” she replied smoothly, though her heart ached. “My boyfriend’s very supportive. It’s been challenging, but we’re managing.”
Cassian nodded, his smile reassuring. “That’s good to hear. You deserve the best.”
Rhysand, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. “It’s not easy, especially with your job. But you’re handling it well.”
YN’s stomach twisted. They had no idea how close they were to the truth—or how much she wished she could tell them everything. But she couldn’t risk exposing her and Azriel’s secret, especially with his upcoming mission looming over them. She needed to know more, even if it meant asking directly.
“So, this mission you’re planning for Azriel,” YN began, keeping her tone casual. “Is it dangerous?”
Rhysand’s expression became guarded, though his tone remained light. “Nothing he hasn’t handled before. Just another piece of the puzzle we’re putting together.”
Cassian added, sensing her concern, “We can’t share details, but Azriel’s the best at what he does. We trust him completely.”
YN nodded, though her worry deepened. She had seen firsthand the toll these missions took on Azriel—the nights he came home battered and weary, the weight of secrets he carried. She couldn’t help but feel protective, knowing what was at stake for him and their family.
She pressed further, hoping for more information. “Do you know where he is now? I haven’t seen him around.”
Rhysand shook his head. “No, he didn’t say where he was heading tonight. But he’ll turn up.”
Cassian grinned. “Probably avoiding us because he knows we’re about to pile work on him.”
YN forced another smile, though her heart was heavy. She knew Azriel had reasons for keeping her in the dark, but that didn’t make it easier. The thought of him out there, facing unknown dangers while she pretended everything was fine, filled her with helplessness.
“I’m sure he’s just busy,” YN said, maintaining her calm facade. “Let me get those drinks.”
She moved away, her mind racing. As she prepared their drinks, the reality of their situation weighed heavily on her. Azriel was preparing for another mission, one that could take him away from her and Knox. And all she could do was wait, serving drinks and keeping up appearances while the man she loved faced danger.
When she returned with the drinks, she plastered on her best smile. Rhysand and Cassian accepted them, quickly resuming their discussion. YN lingered, hoping to catch more information, but the conversation shifted away from Azriel’s mission.
YN pushed open the door to the small, dimly lit apartment, her heart heavy with a mixture of fear and sorrow. As she stepped inside, the familiar scent of home—of Azriel—washed over her, but it brought no comfort this time. Instead, it felt like a cruel reminder of what she was about to lose.
The door closed behind her with a soft click, the sound echoing in the silence of the apartment. Knox’s soft coos came from the bassinet by the window, but YN barely heard them, her mind too clouded by the news she had just overheard. She had known this day would come—that Azriel would be called away on another mission—but knowing didn’t make it any easier.
As she walked further into the apartment, her steps faltered, the weight of her emotions finally crashing over her. She stopped in the middle of the small living room, her vision blurring as tears filled her eyes. A choked sob escaped her lips, and before she could hold it back, she was crying—deep, wrenching sobs that shook her whole body.
She covered her mouth with her hand, trying to stifle the sound, but the tears kept coming, flowing freely down her cheeks. The realization that Azriel would be leaving soon—leaving her and Knox to face whatever dangers awaited him—was too much to bear. The thought of him not coming back, of Knox growing up without knowing his father, of her losing the man she loved, was a fear she couldn’t shake.
YN sank onto the couch, her legs giving out beneath her as the grief consumed her. She buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking with the force of her sobs. She had always known that Azriel’s work was dangerous—that every mission could be his last—but the reality of it had never hit her as hard as it did now. Knox had changed everything. He had brought a new kind of love into her life, but with that love came a new kind of fear—one that gnawed at her every time Azriel left.
The sound of a door opening in the bedroom startled her, and she quickly tried to compose herself, wiping away the tears with trembling hands. Azriel had been in their room, likely catching up on some much-needed rest after his long day. He had no idea she knew about the mission yet; she hadn’t had the chance to tell him.
YN hurriedly stood up, trying to smooth her dishevelled appearance as she heard Azriel’s footsteps approaching. She forced a smile, hoping to mask her distress, but she knew her red, puffy eyes would give her away.
Azriel stepped into the room, his sharp hazel eyes softening when they landed on her. “YN,” he said gently, concern immediately colouring his tone as he noticed her tear-streaked face. “What’s wrong?”
YN opened her mouth to speak, but the words caught in her throat. She didn’t know how to tell him—didn’t know how to voice the fear and sadness that were choking her. Instead, she just shook her head, fresh tears spilling over as she looked at him, her gaze pleading.
Azriel was at her side in an instant, his strong arms wrapping around her, pulling her close. “Shh,” he whispered, holding her as if she were something fragile and precious. “I’m here. It’s okay.”
But it wasn’t okay. YN buried her face in his chest, her hands clutching at his shirt as she cried. Azriel held her tighter, one hand stroking her hair, the other rubbing soothing circles on her back, his voice a soft murmur in her ear.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” he urged, his voice gentle but firm. “Please, YN. What’s happened?”
YN pulled back slightly, looking up at him through tear-filled eyes. “I heard about your mission,” she finally whispered, her voice trembling. “I know you’re leaving soon.”
Azriel’s expression shifted, his brow furrowing in concern. He cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs gently brushing away her tears. “It’s just a mission,” he said softly, though there was a flicker of something in his eyes—something that told her he knew it wasn’t just any mission.
YN shook her head, fresh tears spilling over. “But what if you don’t come back, Azriel? What if this is the one that takes you away from us? From Knox?” Her voice broke on their son’s name, the fear and anguish she had been holding back pouring out of her.
Azriel’s gaze softened even more, and he pulled her close again, his lips pressing against her temple. “I will come back,” he promised, his voice steady and sure. “I swear to you, YN. I will come back to you and Knox.”
But even as he said the words, YN couldn’t shake the fear that gripped her heart. She clung to him, her tears soaking into his shirt as she prayed that he was right—that this wouldn’t be the mission that tore their family apart.
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185 notes · View notes
I started reading puzzle house, and I noticed something. There seems to be an age mismatch... In S6, soren looks about 6 ish. Claudia about 4... in the flashback that Lissa leaves. Which is preceded by kppar's disappearance. Soren is shown that young when Viren saved him. (Image credits : @raayllum and @stuck-in-jelly ) look how young soren is! Abd claudia is teeny weeny!
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BUT IN PUZZLE HOUSE.... there's a scene between King Atticus (What a lovely man) and Viren.... he asks Viren how he is doing out of genuine concern!
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(Pardon the picture quality my camera is not so great)
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Now it is very much possible that the puzzle house happens very much later. Like after a time skip.
Also to note: claudia was given kppar's spellbook. Tge kids had been to his house multiple times atleast to mention "he never let us entertained his tower". Also Atticus asks the question as if it all happened fairly recently. Means tge flashback of s6 happened pretty close to the time of puzzle house no? But soren and claudia look older to me...
Wouldn't it make more sense if soren and claudia were a little older than how they are shown in s6 flashbacks to have known kppar! If soren is saved at an older age it would still work.
I don't know if it was a mismatch between the two departments handling the production of the season and the graphic novel. But their ages don't line up... like if all of those flashbacks of s6 happened with a little older claudia and soren, they would remember that incident much more strongly, and that is fitting for character!
I see three possibilities...
A) This is truly a mistake and there was a mismatch between the teams that made the season and the novel.
B) This is deliberate! They showed the flashbacks through Viren's POV. And maybe its the "to parents their children are always young" or this is just how he is seeing them in the memory of that incident now. Memories become distorted over time... we don't remember details and when we recall, we fill their place with details of how we felt that incident to be like, which is sometimes not what it actually was.... Viren's guilt makes him look at himself like the terrible man who hurt his two innocent children. And what better way to make a child look innocent than to literally age them down! Look at this image of claudia from one of the short stories... here she looks about her puzzle house age, seeing Lissa leave.
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So it is true that the puzzle house ages are reality and the flashback ages are Viren's projections of his children as how innocent they were when he hurt their family. I AM ONTO SOMETHING HERE, I REALLY WANT THIS TO BE TRUE!
C) I could be wrong at judging character ages too (in that case it would be a bummer cuz what sort of animation student am I then?)
But what do you guys think? I am leaning towards the ages being shown that way is deliberate...
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makedonsgriva · 2 days
SQQ muttering and writing notes about safe sleep curse configurations, while doing a terrible job of hiding her plans from LBH, and LBH is just “Oh! She’s trying to adapt her black magic/curses to act as a sleep aid! How clever. 🥰”
The more I think about it, the more hilarious SY both ‘accidentally’ and on-purpose making actually super helpful curses is.
Finds out a servant woman’s husband is a drunkard, makes a handy curse that makes him vomit up any alcohol he drinks.
LMY sighing over people only caring about her looks? SY curses her face to be veiled/obscured to anyone who doesn’t love her as herself.
SY’s step-nephew, ZZL, hates conversing with flirtatious girls and wishes he could hide from them? SY curses him to turn into a little snake (with very tough scales) when flustered. (Scares off most girls, and makes him damage resistant enough they don’t hurt him with their flailing).
SHL annoyed by the frippery and expectations of noble women, and rarely being invited to actual fun things like hunts? SY curses her to be a were-creature of some sort, so she can freely run around at night and viciously murder prey animals to her heart’s content.
Some optional ‘evil’ step-siblings possibilities/thoughts:
Ning Yingying probably follows the common Cinderella adaptation trend where the younger step-sibling isn’t so much a bully as troublesome in other ways. In her case, she would be the type who constantly pesters her new sister when LBH is trying to do chores, accidentally breaks things LBH worked hard on, unknowingly tattles on LBH whenever she does something OG!SJ forbade, somehow gets hurt on LBH’s watch, etc. You know, pre-SY NYY things. :P
For Ming Fan, I’m thinking she may have been another step-daughter (unlike NYY, SJ’s one bio daughter), but her somewhat sickly father had SJ formally adopt her after marrying him. MF really looks up to SJ and dotes on NYY, so she has major insecurities about LBH possibly replacing her as the family’s responsible older sister. (That and she’s plain faced compared to LBH). Why she got so into the bullying and mistreatment.
These ideas are all so delicious and I don’t know if they are coming from the same anon or not but whoever is the mystery Cinderella lesbingqiu anon pls pls dm me!!! Let’s work on this fic together please <3333
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red-rover-au · 2 years
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Another day in the Draxum household
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fairyroses · 1 year
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— SMALLVILLE, “Reaper” (1.17) & “Tempest” (2.01) 
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trees-to-meet-you · 8 months
Btw I’m actually a little behind on the pjo series so I’m only on like. Episode 5. But I’m getting to the end of it and I just wanna say I love Annabeth so much I love her and I love Leah Sava Jeffries they’re both incredible
#chatter#pjo tv show#pjo series#annabeth chase#riordanverse#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo#leah sava jeffries#shes an adorable little girl and a pretty great actress!!#it’s just like. like wow. look at her go! look at her grow!!#kinda spoilers here so look away if you don’t want them but like. it’s only episode five. it’s the very first adventure they have together#we all know how annabeth and percy and grover grow throughout the whole series and everything but this is still the very first one.#the start of all their adventures and all their changes and all their growing#and it’s like. maybe more towards the middle of the quest now? i can’t remember fully#but they’ve only known each other such a short while and already he’s inspiring her#and shes outright saying it!! outright shes saying that his belief in fairness and belief in thinking they can and should be better#has made her realize the same!! that families shouldn’t treat each other so terribly! that parents shouldn’t be neglectful!#that the prices they’re forced to pay shouldn’t exist at all!!#idk how to word it really. but i love how even if percy is a pessimist. even if he’s cynical. it’s because he knows things SHOULD be better#and how he’s able to make everyone around him see how much better it can be too#and annabeth. who was one of athenas favorites. who ran away at such a little age that the way these things are is#the only thing shes ever really known. is able to hear what he says and realize he’s right. is able to say no. no more i agree with him.#like. shes sorta the golden child in a way because she gets attention and her little hat and everything.#shes one of the favorites. and shes willing to give it all away!! shes willing to say no!!#shes willing to give up that favored status for saying that it should be the standard! the bare minimum!#anyway. im sleepy and i wanted to say annabeth chase is such an amazing character. i love her.
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moe-broey · 8 months
Worst Dad You Know Has an Extremely Endearing (Now) Reoccurring Character Trait
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For further context: this whole FB involved Sharena and Henriette seeking out lockpickers in the Order of Heroes to open this VERY SECURELY locked box from Gustav's room that took Tina's special staff to finally crack open (or rather -- "steal" the contents out of. No one could actually break the lock!)
And the first instance of this!
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It makes me wonder if he saved anything related to Sharena..........
#fire emblem#feh#man. henriette's sad portrait w 'yes. he must have' carries so much bittersweet grief. augh#when it comes to sharena idk if i would be more angry if he did save something or if he didn't. i'm almost leaning towards the first though#like. idk if i can even word it but it fucking sucks when you have family that 'loves' you and they do actually genuinely love you#but they just. do it wrong. and fail you severely in the process. you think to yourself it would have been easier actually#if they had simply never loved you at all. or if they were upfront and told you they don't love you anymore.#at least then you can be as vindictive as you want and hold a grudge forever and be completely justified#but extremely begrudgingly this DOES make gustav a compelling character. in so many ways#you can see where it all went wrong. you can see henriette sees something in him that no one else can. and she's not crazy for it#she was probably there. she probably saw it all happen. she knows him w a level of intimacy no one else does.#and now you see these little humanizing traits. he loved his son. he loved his partner and wife.#juries still out on his daughter.#but you get what i'm saying right? it's terribly tragic. it's painful.#man.#i'm still gustav's number one hater though. just so we're clear.#AUGH IT'S JUST. THE PLAYFULNESS OF IT. IS ACTUALLY SO PAINFUL. LOOKING AT EVERYTHING WE KNOW#they had a rock competition........ to find the roundest rock.......... and she won....... and he saved the rock she found......#THAT'S. AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#you cannot fucking IMAGINE gustav doing that. and yet. in another time. he did. and that's who henriette fell in love with#and that's who herniette still sees. and she's not fucking wrong for it. not entirely. he still has that fucking rock.#dude i'm gonna be sick.#fe gustav#fe henriette#sharena#fe tina#fe alfonse#he's. mentioned. might as well tag him LMFAO
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dayurno · 5 months
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#i will warn you only once: tsc spoilers#literally just finished it as i am drafting this its 5am where i live#so you may be subjected to some nonsense#that all being said i have thoughts.and feelings#the kevin was lovely and tasted delicious! jean defending him at every turn even when he swears to hell and back he'll kick his ass#the kevjean was surprising i was only half expecting that#the dog metaphors i have to say i need this one cashed in. nora run me my check#im joking of course dont quote me on it#jean taking kevins promise to the end and living on it is seriously so. well.#'be careful with him' 'take kevin's name out of your ignorant mouth' 'you promised me'#also kevin getting called the court's queen had me tender and on my back oml#jean's relationship with the trojans is sweet and he is very interesting and complicated#a character with many moving parts im sure#there were a few things i did not care for#namely jeremy and the trojans felt remarkably flat to me bar lucas (by far the most interesting) and catalina on occasion#i didnt quite enjoy jeremy's pov and felt like he spent perhaps way too much time worrying over jean? if that makes sense#i wish he had some more complexity to him or really anything to catch a hook on#all we know is hes attractive and smiley and gets along terribly with his family#so much of his character is sucked out by jean he didnt feel like much more than a plot device to me#which i wouldnt mind if jeremy wasnt the literal main character alongside jean#i was living for everything jean thought but had to drag myself through jeremy's pov if im honest#uuuuh what else. neil! funny. deranged. i have to love him#andrew couldnt give less of a fuck about jean which is funny as all fuck#two bugs placed in the same habitat ignoring each other#the thing with elodie i thought was complicated. i wish we knew some more about her or that shed been mentioned a little earlier#but im assuming thats a topic to be revisited#uuuuuuuh yeah so thats most of it. i think my first thought and the one that sticked out the most to me is that the book felt remarkably#pedestrian#not necessarily in a bad way#it lacked to me one of the main appeals of aftg which were the numerous interesting side characters
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b00m-b0mb · 21 days
Something really funny that's occurred to me is the way Joe talks about Maccie is like she's some catastrophic event that happened to their family "I can't believe she's been here that long." / "Everything's been different since she was born" / "Everything changed." / "She changed everything."
And it's just rlly funny to me. I want to up the dramaticness of his words at some point. And anyway, he's talking to the Samurai/Ronin for the first time and I'm wondering the impression he's getting lmao
Joe is certainly expressive to me, but only when he's given the chance. And I think w Ronin, he just started letting a lot of stuff out bc thus guy is gonna go on his way anyways.. but then he's like wait!!! Actually let me go?? For a little? (Platonic yearning so bad)
Ronin like 》^. "I suppose.. Alright, curious karate man, I'll accompany you a little longer."
Or something I'm messing around UGH
#the reason everything changed is bc joes mother passed away either shortly after Maccies birth or during#that started the strain w joe and sr but they also had.. her yk? its just sillay#dysfunctional karate family ily <3#sr isnt a terrible father he is just narrow sighted and firmly believes he knows best. he doesnt give his kids the room to grow- but he#really loves them. he just wants to protect them in a way i think.. he just lost his wife and i think that made his parenting way more#overbearing. buT ALSO. JOE JUST BEEFS W MACCIE BC YK SJXNXNX theyre siblings#espexially when they were younger. teen joe is sooo funny to me. teen angst ft this baby i dont want in my room KGLZLGKXMVKKC#in current theyre much much closer and Joe has remained Maccie's favorite person. but Joe still gets really annoyed / tired of her sometime#SRRY ugh ily karate family#also also ronin and maccie dynamic so real. i like ronin being patient with children. except maccie is wayyyy more antagonizing to him than#like my oc the lost girl. so fun!!!! sorry#karate maccie#rh head canon#< new tag#karate joe#sr isnt a bad dad on purpose agenda. sr could have the possibility to apologize and fix things one day.#maccies only ever known this version of her father and she doesnt have the capaxity to try and forgive him for certain things joe will#maccie is the golden child but she is also the problem child. she uses her favor to her advantage and to rile up her dad sometimes#just bevause she can and she has a little bit of a problem with him sometimes bc.. you know? shes a very ambitious teen and she doesnt wsnt#to be shackled..... and she doesnt like thinking of Joe as that way and UGH#i love them im normal#to elaborate a tiny bit more i hc joe as having chronic fatigue like myself. hes low spoons and he pushes himself despite it.#but his disability holds him back sometimes snd its like.. you know? he doesnt want to be the weak memver of the family so he keeps pushing#but he also cares about karate too. its not something negative to him. and stuff. even if its hard. its avtually good for his body / health#when he doesnt overexert himself anyway
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softquietsteadylove · 10 months
some more jack and thenamesh? jacks grandparents, bens parents, come to visit as a surprise but jack is home alone with thena and gil because phastos and ben are on a date and jacks grandparents are a bit worried and confused because they don't know these people but jack is happy to say: this is my aunt thena and my uncle gil
"Jaddi! Jaddati!" he smiled, rushing over to them as they closed the front door behind them.
"Hello," his grandmother leaned down, patting her grandson's head while her eyes were occupied with the strangers at the top of the stairs. "Jack, wh-who is here with you?"
Jack looked up the stairs as Aunt Thena stood first, always the most on guard when it came to meeting new people. Uncle Gil moved to stand beside her, watching things quietly. He grasped his grandmother's hand. "Jaddati, this is Aunt Thena and Uncle Gil. They're from Dad's side of the family."
Their eyes bulged, never having thought they would meet Phastos' mysterious family. They looked between themselves before trying to smile somewhat naturally. "H-How nice to meet you."
Aunt Thena watched as they ascended the stairs with Jack leading them. She took a few steps back to make room for them. But he had seen Aunt Thena meet new people before, and this was pretty normal for her.
"Aunt Thena, Uncle Gil," Jack moved between the two couples, trying to introduce them properly, like a grownup. "This is my Jaddi and Jaddati. They're Baba's parents."
Aunt Thena tilted her head at them, speaking slowly, "hello."
"Uh," Uncle Gil tried more to smile at them, "h-hi. Ben's family--we've heard about you!"
Jack twisted his lips as the events unfolded. They weren't being unfriendly, but there was something not quite right, either. He looked between both sets of people in his life. "Aunt Thena and Uncle Gil helped Dad save the world!"
His Jaddati smiled, clearing her throat and toying with the edge of her hijab. "Jack has such a wonderful imagination."
Thena just barely got her mouth open before Gil wrapped his arm around her waist. "Kids are great for that."
"Phastos has such a, uh," his Jaddi floundered, touching his hands to his jeans, "broad family tree. Where have you come from?"
"We are visiting from Australia," Aunt Thena finally spoke up. "Phastos and Ben were kind enough to open their home to us during our stay."
"Ah, yes," Jaddati smiled at them, the edges of it still shaky. "A-And how long are you staying?"
Uncle Gil and Aunt Thena just looked at each other. As far as Jack knew, they were staying until they had to go back to Australia for some reason or another. Maybe to do house stuff? Jaddi and Jaddati spend half the year back east, maybe his aunt and uncle would do the same with their home back in Australia.
"Until we have outstayed our welcome."
Jack eyed his grandparents. He could understand why they were nervous around his other relatives. Dad said everyone from their family just...had that effect on people (humans).
His grandmother straightened her shoulders and moved closer to the other woman present, both of them tall and statuesque when eye to eye. "Thena, was it?"
"It was."
She continued despite the peculiar woman naming herself Jack's aunt. "We have had the pleasure of knowing Phastos for a very long time now, and having him as a son for some of that has been a blessing."
Jack watched Aunt Thena closely. She had little things about her that could tell him a lot about how she was feeling. He caught the way her shoulders lowered faintly and her hands became less tightly clasped closed.
"I understand that there was a time when you were all," Jaddati searched for the right word, "separated."
Uncle Gil's hand slid over Aunt Thena's, moving their fingers together.
"But Phastos is a good man, and my son married the right person for him." Jaddati straightened her shoulders more, matching Aunt Thena's rigid posture. "And it is through them both we were given Jack. So I am thankful to your brother, and that he was brought into our lives."
Gil raised his eyebrows. Thena smiled at the human woman.
"Family of Phastos'," his grandmother held out her hands to Thena, "is family of ours."
Thena observed the hands for just a second before slowly holding her own to mirror the position. Her pale ones slipped against the hands of Jack's grandmother's. She blinked. "You have aged remarkably well."
"Thena!" Uncle Gil pinched her side, making her make a face at him. He chuckled, smiling at Jack's grandmother especially, "s-sorry. We, uh, don't get out much."
But Jaddati smiled, the same way Baba smiled at Aunt Thena when they were getting along so well. "It was a compliment, was it not?"
"It was."
Uncle Gil sighed. He often said he wanted Aunt Thena to meet and get along with more humans. Well, Jack thought this was a perfect opportunity! "Hey!"
Thena and Jaddati both looked at him sharply.
"Uh," he lost some nerve but tried to stay strong, clasping his hands in front of him (if he acted cute, maybe they would agree). "W-We should all do something together."
"Like what?" Uncle Gil chuckled, the way he did when he was humouring him.
"The..." Jack eyed his collective family, looking at him expectantly. "Movies?"
"I do believe your fathers have said that your screen time is too much this week already."
Jaddati looked at Thena, clearly pleased with her input. She put her hands on her hips, "you should listen to your aunt, Jack."
He sighed, looking down at his feet, "yes, Jaddati."
"What about this?" his grandfather held his hands out, eager to salvage the bonding moment. "We were going to take Ben and Phastos and Jack out to dinner when we arrived. We can call them and meet them in the city--all five of us!"
"That's a great idea!" Gil joined in, especially eager to bond over food, even more especially with their new extended family. He looked at Thena, "c'mon, baby, please?"
Jack and Jaddati both looked at Thena, who visibly squirmed, trying to look away from Gil's big puppy dog eyes. Jack made the same expression, pressing his hands together, "pretty please, Aunt Thena?"
All three humans - plus her husband - witnessed the second her resolve melted in the face of her nephew. "Very well."
"Yes! It's gonna be great, I promise!"
Jack's grandparents traded a look as he skipped and wrapped his arms around his aunt's torso. She didn't seem entirely natural about the physical affection, but her hand could not have been gentler as she laid it atop Jack's head.
"Wash your hands and wear something warm," she directed.
"Okay!" he agreed readily in his excitement. He took Jaddi and Jaddati's hands again. "You should bring your stuff in here. And you can sit next to me at dinner! Aunt Thena sits next to me too, because she doesn't always like food that's not Uncle Gil's, but she'll go halvesies with me no matter what I get."
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ladykailolu · 9 months
Do you think that...for the rest of Klavier's life, he's haunted by the image of his brother? The Gavin brothers resemble each other very much in the face, so every time Klavier looks in the mirror, he can see Kristoph looking right back at him (without his glasses)
#klavier gavin#kristoph#the gavin brothers#ace attorney#I feel like Klavi has some mixed feelings about Krissy#obvs he condemns Krissy for murdering people because of *checks notes* a bruised pride#but!!! Krissy is also his older brother at the end of the day and it's my headcanon that Krissy did a lot of tough and terrible things to#get ahead in life and provide the foundation for a cushiony life for his little brother#it's through Krissy's deeds that Klavi could build his career as a music artist#and maybe also Klavi looked up to his brother and could turn the other way when Krissy did the evil?#for a time of course. Klavi probably didn't say anything because he also feared Krissy as much as he loved him#but when enough became enough Klavi went 'Im not gonna stand by and watch my brother do this anymore when so many innocents are suffering#for nothing'#then he turned on Krissy unafraid of the consequences#these two!!!!!! I wish we had more of their backstory#like they were orphans and didn't have family so Krissy played the part of the parent and looked out for Klavi#but this came off as controlling#Krissy emphasized appearances above all else which meant he had a very narrow part to play with no room for errors#so everything he did had to be perfect on the nose! this meant he had to have perfect control over everything#even his own brother. and eventually this controlling habit got out of hand and Krissy truly became 'the devil'#and Klavi didn't know what else to do but go along with it because he trusted and loved his brother. until enough was enough and Klavi#couldn't live with the guilt of knowing everything that went on#welp! Time for fanfiction!!!!
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kastillia · 3 months
Thanks for the Fuuka! I was influenced by you in that I asked for a God Eater character because I know you love GE3, though I didn't realise it's the only one you've played.
I have GE Resurrection and GE2 in my Steam library but haven't actually played them yet ^^; My familiarity with Alisa is actually from Project X Zone on 3DS
it is true that i never shut up about 3 sfjsjfj thank you for thinking of me! maybe if bandai wants to port those other games to the switch... 👀
oh i'm terrible at fighting games but it's nice to see a character from god eater make it into a crossover
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lady-of-disdain · 2 years
I think that every time I see the take “[insert evil character] doesn’t deserve love before they get a redemption arc” or any variation thereof I’m gonna write Killer getting his dick sucked right after murdering someone.
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incoherent-orca · 8 months
#atla#azula#this is about zuko & azula's finale agni kai. while i adore it + it's such a beautiful fight...#i saw a poll about who would've won if katara hadn't been there; and most people were saying it wouldve been zuko#but to me zuko would've lost not because azula wasn't in her right mind but because he wouldve had restraint and she wouldnt#restraint in the sense of... she's still his SISTER so he's aiming not to maim or kill; unlike azula who in that moment has no qualms abt—#—inflicting lethal injuries on anyone present. and it just got me thinking about how we were robbed of their sibling relship#a more nuanced sibling relship at least. like without katara there would we have seen zuko hesitate before dealing a winning blow#would he have seen his little sister who their family failed just as much as they failed him?#because even iroh says at some point that “[azula] is crazy & needs to go down” like... sir that is your niece#idk#i wish we could've gotten a zuko who not only fears envies pities and opposes azula; but also loves her in some way#they're constantly pit against each other and i wonder if the younger idealistic compassionate zuko wouldve been protective of her#up until his banishment; then a once loving relationship (if strained) becomes so horrifically complicated#like the narrative spent way more time establishing azula as a terrible manipulative person (which she is) but also glossing over the fact—#—that she's a child. she wasn't born evil & the writing does not condemn ozai at all for his failure in raising her#the writing clearly shows how he fucked up with zuko but not how he fucked up with azula#which is a missed opportunity for zuko to empathize with her. they were both kids under the same abuse; just pushed in opposite directions
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doggirlnarcolepsy · 1 year
#idk how to deal with how my relationship currently works#I love her more than anything in the world I just don't think she actually has any romantic feelings left for me...#other than just me being her best friend and family and the fact we've been together so long there just isn't much of anything else..#it just feels like there's so little to no romantic love left in our relationship and that she resents me for putting her in this position#where she cut herself off from everything back in her hometown where she came from just to pursue a relationship with me#and because I can't make her feel loved in the way she needs. in ways I used to make her feel about our relationship#and now 7 years later she feels like she's wasted the best years of her youth#with someone that she doesn't even know if she loves anymore#because all the shifts in dynamics. terrible poly relationships. my inability to not get romantically involved with her partners#which just ends up making everything very awkward and usually just ends in disaster. hurting our relationship#At this point all kinds of intimacy feels so forced that it makes it so hard to believe it's genuine intimacy and not pity or obligation#because of all the baggage in the last 7 years our BPD and rejection sensitive dysphoria makes romance and intimacy so difficult#it's so hard to look past all the failed attempts and heartache in the past when you remember it all#right now we're decided to separate romantically and she's going go look for other partners so she can learn to love again#before she'll even try to approach having a romantic relationship with me again#she's my favorite person in the world and I would do anything for her.. I just don't know how much there's left for me to do at this point.#I don't know what to do..#I don't even have anyone to talk about it because she's the only person I've talked to in the last 3 years because I'm such a shut-in#and I have literally no friends...#I just feel so fucking alone
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lightsaber-life · 2 years
cannot believe the andor show has successfully convinced me to add mon mothma to my lineup of favorite poor little meow meows
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