#I love wooper too much
bothsides11 · 9 months
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happy new year (of the dragon)
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claitea · 7 months
oh god pokemon day is today i'm so scared... also the livestream is at 1am my time and i have work tomorrow but i'm stupid and i'm absolutely staying up anyway 👍
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yumslushy · 6 months
woop woop
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cpunkwitch · 3 months
do you have any witchy recommendations for newbie who's mostly in bed? stuff to look into or do when spoons allow :0
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Yes yes (also we love the lil wooper)
There's a bunch of things you can do that are low effort and spoon saving, and I have all kinds of tips for beginner witches.
There's a lot of "tips for baby witches" posts out there but pretty much none of them have disabled folk in mind
I'm more than happy to write a post if people would like.
But as for things you can do from bed for now
Chants, verbal spells. You can say these in your head, it doesn't have to be out loud, you know you've said it and that's enough. Just about anything with intention can be a spell of you want, such as affirmations. It doesn't have to rhyme, you can simply state that "today will be good, my pain will be less" and you've casted a verbal spell.
Something as simple as tea or coffee can be a potion, taking a sip with an intention in mind, stirring one way or the other with your intent in mind and even steeping, are all acts you can do to that are a bit witchy. (I can create a whole seperate post on this subject alone)
If you're able, placing sigils (or runes if you prefer) on your walls nearby can help too. I have 3 next to my bed for healing, protection and cleansing, I first added sigils around my room when we moved in and I'd gotten the flu. Any symbols you feel are significant can work so long as you put your intent behind them
Cards. I actually do all my tarot from bed, if I can get myself to sit up then I can use the surface to cut the deck and help me shuffle before laying them out. It doesn't have to be tarot specifically, you can write or draw on a set of playing cards to have anything on them you'd like, from symbols to spells. You can even use any variant of the cards against humanity game if you have one, or uno if you want. Any cards work if you would like.
Wearing things like certain colours, symbols, accessories etc can be witchy too. Each colour right to the shade has a different meaning, corresponding intention and use. Symbols like animals, shapes, words and other graphics can have meaning as well. I often wear jewelry for different intentions. My name necklace I wear for Loki, I often wear dark shades (because that's what we have and) because I find them calming and comforting as well as deterring. Black is best for banishment and protection for example.
If scents aren't bothersome, you can light a candle as long as you keep fire safety in mind, or incense or you could use different oils or creams etc. essential oils can be put of tissue and placed in different spots for a desired effect, wearing perfume or creams etc can help too.
Just like tarot being primarily about interpretation, witchcraft is about intention. Both are left up to you on how you go about it.
Just about anything can be witchy if you do your research.
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ashxketchum · 3 months
Pokeshipping five sentences, “Splash Down”
I'm so sorry for taking so long Anon, my original idea for this turned out to be a whole other oneshot in itself which I could not find the motivation to write completely. I decided I will chuck that for now, and just finish the request with a fresh start, hope you enjoy reading this.
They are around 17-18 in this scene, travelling in Paldea with a few of their friends. I, of course, did not stick to the 5 sentence rule 🫣🤡
Water always felt like second skin to Misty, she could stand to be in it for hours, diving deep or floating aimlessly, just immersing herself in it freely.
She did not expect others to understand what it was like for her, rather she enjoyed the few moments of solitude her hobby awarded her. Tonight was supposed to be one of those moments, she'd snuck away from where the gang had camped after everyone fell asleep, and found herself a little lake in the forest to explore. As she approached it, a group of Woopers quickly scattered away from the water, hiding themselves in the shrubbery around the lake and attempting to peek at her in secret, which earned them a chuckle from her.
Without too many big movements, Misty removed her jacket to reveal the swimsuit she was wearing underneath. Next, she took off her jean shorts, folding both the items and keeping them softly on the ground to not alert any more wild Pokemon. With a careful step, she dipped her bare feet in the water, feeling its icy temperature against her skin. Just as she liked it, Misty thought before diving in without hesitation.
It was much darker underwater, the moonlight had only illuminated the surface of the lake, and that too quite dimly. But it didn't take long for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, and through her practised breath control, she was able to swim around for a little while, disappointed to not come across any other Water Pokemon. That did explain why the Wooper were hanging around here, however.
She swam back to the surface, cutting through it to finally let go of the breath she was holding and pushing her dripping wet hair out of her eyes. Next time, she reminded herself, she would remember to tie them back.
Just as Misty prepared herself to go in for a second dive, she heard some movement from the bush behind her. She turned her head fast but saw that it was a Wooper running away to find a better hiding place. Smiling, she shook her head and went underwater once again.
This time, she did not make it much farther before she heard the noise of someone splashing down into the water. Panicking, as she had not kept any of her Pokemon on her, Misty halted her descent, instead preparing to turn around and head back up. But before she could get started on that, a pair of familiar arms wrapped themselves around her waist and she felt a hard, bare chest press against her back.
Even before she turned her head, she knew she would come face to face with Ash.
It was impossible, however, for her to get mad at him for scaring her like this when she couldn't afford to open her mouth. She glared at him with all her might, hoping that her turquoise eyes would drill a hole into his head, but Ash remained unfazed, the corner of his lips tugging at a smug smile, if it even was possible to look smug underwater.
Misty decided that the best course of action would be to swim upwards after getting out of Ash's grasp, but he had other plans for them.
In one swift movement, he crashed his lips onto hers.
It was difficult for Misty to describe the next few moments even if she tried.
She surrendered herself to Ash's kiss, grabbing his cheek tightly as his tongue parted her lips to entangle with her own, giving them the chance to share the breath of air that they had both been holding in. She'd always loved the feeling of kissing Ash, but never had she imagined that doing it underwater would make her realise that she even loved the thrill of their hearts beating loudly with their chests pressed together, the sound of their laboured breaths echoing in sync, the taste of salty freshwater mixing in with the taste of Ash's lips.
And then, just as suddenly as Ash had initiated the kiss, their bodies' tolerance to stay underwater ran out. The two of them struggled to swim back up to the surface, their arms draped across each other to ensure that the other was not left behind. When they finally emerged from the water, loudly coughing and gasping for air, Misty was able to recover the best of her senses and turn towards Ash with an accusatory glance.
"Ash Ketchum, what do you think-"
Ash laughed loudly, making a flock of Wattrel flee a nearby tree, squawking and screeching away into the clear night sky. He didn't waste any time and took advantage of her minute of confusion to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer to him. He leaned in towards her ear and whispered in a teasing tone-
"Ready for round two?"
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fat-slobby-gamers · 8 months
It had taken some time to get the tickets, but Caius had done it. Enough tickets for him, Penny, Arven, Nemona, Eri, and Wes to head to Kitakami. It was a place he had visited once a a kid, where he'd really started his love of Dragon types after getting a few Applins and a Yanma with the Dragon Tera. That dragonfly was what gave him the idea to use the same tactic as the Paldean gym leaders.
The trip there wasn't all too long, but probably still long enough for the six to feel some jetlag. Caius excluded, as he stretched his arms at the bus stop they'd been dropped off at. "Man, feels good visiting this place again!"
Wes rolled he eyes with a smile. "I'll admit it's a pretty nice place. And..." She looks over and notices some Wooper. "Wait... are those Wooper?"
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"I feel like my legs turned to Jelly... I don't think I'm gonna look forward to the flight back to paldea...how does anyone sit still for that long?" Nemona groaned still stretching her legs and arms as she and the rest of the group dealt with the jet lag of their flight. Nemona had been restless after the first hour and had so much pent up energy she felt like she could climb a mountain and still feel jittery. "Woah those ARE wooper!" Nemona gasped eyes wide with excitement all fatigue and discomfort forgotten In an instant.
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"She's got that look again... that certainly didn't take long." Penny said with a chuckle as she watched Nemona practically bounce in excitement at the their first pokemon in kitakami.
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beatriz-lioness · 10 months
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It was supposed to have more Pokémon (Woopers included!) but... Yeah, fuck it, I love Suicune too much for them to be a background character
Do not repost. Reblogs are appreciated!
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aurheatum · 1 year
toa anniversary mun day
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under cut
Nel, i mean it’s Sarah technically, but once you start getting multiple notes in the mail with Nel on them I think it counts. Nelfes works too. I respond to most anything tbh
she/her or they/them
Birthday (no year):
Dec 6th Saint Nicholas Day : )
Where are you from? What is your time zone?
Chicago. CST [GMT-5].
Roleplay experience:
Over ten years, started on Neopets and other forums. Moved to Gaia Online and then Tumblr indie space some time in 2011.
Got any pets?
Baby boy
Favorite time of year:
Springtime or Autumn
Some interests and things you like:
I’ve always been super into mythology, all of them. I used to think that Carl Jung was onto something with the collective unconscious but then Anthropology and the reality of multilineal evolution ruined that for me (college will teach you things); but that’s alright because humans their ability to create and interpret their surroundings with equal parts love and fear is still pretty cool.
Some funfacts & trivia about you:
-Agnostic but i work in an occult library (it’s pretty quiet; the new age bookshop across the street has all the events)
-One time on Gaia Online I was kicked out of an Okami RP bc I didn’t make my posts aesthetic enough, and I thought it was just the most heart wrenching thing -I’m not sure what people stand to gain back in Ye Old Runescape luring new players out into the wild and PKing them but I was gullible enough to follow some other players at like 7 yrs old and this would have happened to me if i wasnt SUPER good at clicking my mouse and running out of there. Surviving such a harrowing experience made me think i was truly invincible.
-I was supposed to write my final paper for my Japanese Buddhism class on… surprise, Japanese Buddhism but I really wanted to talk about Kenji Miyazawa’s writings instead so I spun it through a lens of his Nichiren conversion and its impact on his poetry. My prof saw right through me but I still got an A.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?
Tales of RPG series raised me as a person so u know. I like Persona 1-2 era SMT though I’ve played Nocturne and IV as well. What else? Okami, LOZ: Twilight Princess, farm sims and visual novels. Genshin, on and off.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon:
Psychic; wooper family (clogsire im so glad u joined us)
How did you get into Fire Emblem?
My neighbor would bring over Path of Radiance so I could play it on my gamecube with my own save back in the day
What Fire Emblem games have you played?
Tellius duology. Sacred Stones, FE 13-16; currently doing Blazing Blade. Archanea one day.
First Fire Emblem game:
Favorite Fire Emblem game:
Tie between 3 Houses and Radiant Dawn
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 
It’s rhea okay. I wont lie and i wont pretend it isnt evidence of my spectacular taste either
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Tiki (first S support was olivia bc i wanted a pink haired kid)  - Fates: honestly i’d have to revisit, i know i first married niles as m!corrin - Three Houses: I married each lord on their route tho it’s much funnier if you dont i think (First route was Crimson Flower but I saved at the split so I could marry Rhea first lmao) - Engage: Saphir 🥰
Favorite Fire Emblem class:
War Cleric or Qi Adept
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class?
I’d be the mage you have to drag around and treat with baby gloves only to learn like a single good spell I think
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation?
Leicester Alliance tbh
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with?
Based purely on mechanics bc i love them all prob Soren dlc, Sigurd, Celica, and Lyn.
How did you find TOA?
End of 2020/beginning of 2021 I was really trying to get back into rp but couldn’t get into the various systems on discord. One community that I was trying was affiliates with The Officer’s Academy and an active tumblr community rly caught my interest. The rest is history!
Current TOA muses:
Rhea 3H, Micaiah Radiant Dawn, and miss Hortensia engage
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again?
This blog right here! I put her down for a bit and probably will again but. It’s not like she ever leaves, instead of brain there is Rhea u see (i bear this burden so u do not have to)
Have you had any other TOA muses?
I played Sephiran for a hot sec and Ingrid for around a yearish iirc. Both very fun
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?
Not really? I need to be able to connect with them on some level obviously, and I tend to prefer characters who have like a clear childhood or background for why they are That Way. Micaiah was actually p difficult for this reason but being able to really shape her based on what little we know also made me ever more fond. ♥️ I love to stare at pegasusknight and serenesforest supports pages late at night tehe
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most?
I don’t particularly plan ahead but I really love when threads reflect past character development whether in a thread with the same muse or different. TOA extended universe… I’d like to do that more I think but first I have to actually make a support page huh? Since Rhea’s back she’s made more bonds though and that makes me happy.
Favorite TOA-related memory: Definitely Unlocked 2021! It was my first event after really starting to warm to the TOA community and i was an awe of the scope of the events. The mods thought this far ahead?! We can do this?! Every event since has just been even more fun but the surprise and intrigue i felt then really stayed with him
*How do you pronounce TOA?
Toe-uh. Like Dee-En-Dee. you know.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉 
I think I mentioned I muse Hubert before, and also that I can't really seeing myself maintaining a blog for him? So other than that, no. I do think Nimh could be quite a bit of fun though *laughs*
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teacolouredink · 2 months
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A wooper joins the canvas :D I've been loving doing these hehe! I wish you could lasso tool things so I can fit more on the canvas! I have to draw them big since the brush doesn't go smaller than 8.9 :'D
So yea fun fact the free version of Tayasui sketches doesn't even let you rotate the canvas?? lol I guess it's one of those "we wanted to make it a paid app but wanted to list it as free so we'll ask people to pay once they download it" kinda apps ( ´∀`) ah well I don't mind too much they're just goofy one layer doodles (ah yea, layers are also locked lol)
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sweetheartsaku · 3 months
hiii!! so I just stumbled upon ur luxiem texts and AAAHHHH HOW I LOVE THEM i used to watch them all the time a couple of months ago, and I grew out of it, but reading those were so refreshing omg I LUV SHU!!! SM!!! I ALWAYS HAVE AND THE TEXTS WERE SO CUTE AGH
i rambled a bit so feel free to ignore this if ever 🫶🏻
OMGGG HELLO !!!🥹💐🩷 im so super wooper happy u enjoyed my luxiem content oh em gee!! if u ever wanna .. yknow.. get back into it.. i can yk fixtate with u 🥰🥰 ME TOO!! I LOVE SHU!! WITH ALL MY BEING!!
this is such a coinkydoink or maybe thats how u came across my page but i was literally.. stalking ur mha and hq fics cuz uh... IM REWATCHING MHA AND FICS!! ARE A MUST!! i love ur moodboard stuff too and i i i i AHHHHH
WANNA BE MOOTIES?? :3 (kneels down)
its ok pookie u can ramble as much as u wanna here 🫶🫶
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ranger-rai · 1 month
Perspn raving about water types. Loved the video on Corphish as it was very informative. I'm terrified of bugs and Corphish reminds me too much of buggies lol. Especially when you referred to their IRL counterparts as water bugs. I guess Totodile or Mudkip would be a better fit for me. Any tips on caring for them?
That's quite alright.
Before anything else. I forgot to mention Wooper and Quagsire, so most of what I'll be saying here does apply to them as well.
For these water types, you need to make sure they are regularly hydrated, and that they have access to clean drinking water, and a small area of water with certain nutrients in it, so a small pool with certain protein powders is gonna be important.
While Quagsire and Mudkip do pretty well is almost basically mud, Totodile and Squirtle do need more fresh water exposure, but a small pool is an easy way to help.
Most water types do absorb nutrients and illnesses through skin contact much easier than other species, so if you have like pesticides or chemicals on your hands, it has a much higher chance of harming your water type.
These pokemon are able to adapt to different waters, but they need to happen a little gradually.
If the water type is mainly fresh water and they go into salt water without prior preparation like powders, or proper nutrition or previous exposure, they can go into shock.
And the same can go from salt to fresh water.
You'll want to know the needs of your pokemon if you change climates a lot.
The first time you do this, it might seem a little tedious, but over time, they will adjust much quicker.
Let me know if you have more questions.
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cubic-watermelon · 1 year
PART 2 of my Shining Pearl Artlocke:
Valor lakefront: Girafarig Name: Gracie Nature: Hardy Ability: Inner focus
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Merengue loves me, so...
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The Great Marsh: wooper Name: Jeremiah Nature: Serious Ability: Water absorve
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I arrived at route 213 desperately wanting a shelos. Found a wingull and killed it out of rage.
Went into the 4th gym with this team. It was easy. The hard part was NOT going over the level cap.
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Jeremiah is a good boy and evolved. If Hopkins ever dies, he is going on the team.
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Route 212: Budew Name: Julian Nature: Jolly Ability: Natural cure
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My beautiful girls evolved.
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Trophy garden: Pikachu Name: Mira Nature: Hasty Ability: Static
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I spent an unhealthy amount of time in the underground trying to find a thunder stone. did not find one. and Apollo is now worthy of his name.
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Team before and after the 5th Gym. I was sweating bullets! But I’m too big brain to fail!!!
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Twinleaf town: Psyduck Name: Molly Nature: Gentle Ability: Damp
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and... death 3 - Jeremiah. I was training him against some random trainers and a Gastrodon absolutely bodied him!!! I was sad but I remembered who the BEST water ground type really is!!! I WANT ONE!!!
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My dream came true! Route 221: Shellos Name: Puddles Nature: Calm Ability: Storm Drain
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I like Blue Shellos better but I won't complain. oh, and she evolved.
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6th badge in the bag! My big brain moment was: the silly gym leader man thought trick room and sandstorm would work on me! I have a Puddles!!! It was almost too easy! (Hopkins almost died to a thunder fang from steelix)
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Victoria Evolved! I wish I was playing the let's go games so I could ride her.
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and I hatched another gifted egg: Canalave city - Riolu Name - Bones Nature - Rash AbilityInner - Focus
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Bones evolved into a furry boy.
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Route 216 - Machoke Name - Axel Nature - Naive Ability - No Guard
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Double death!!! I thought Meregue could take out a trainer's Machoke with one dazzling gleam, but I was wrong.
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and after that...This one really hurt. I lost Gracie to Hail after she was amazing during a long battle. I didn't have a full team because I'm trying not to over level
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Route 217: Snover Name: Bianca Nature: Mild Ability: Snow warning
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Acuity Lakefront: Sneasel Name: Eugene Nature: Relaxed Ability: Inner Focus
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Gym 7 done. but...Renée died. I needed a clean switch and she was the only one I trusted to take a rock slide and not die. she died later to a karate chop. thank you for your sacrifice.
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Route 222: Purugly Name: Mitzi Nature: Hasty Ability: own tempo
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And I finally found a thunder stone! right before the last gym!
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I did it!!! All the badges! I’m so proud of all my babies! Now it’s time for the scary part…
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Death 7: right before entering the Pokémon league, I was challenged by "Rival" when he sent out Infernape I switched to Puddles. Wasn't expecting close combat to do so much damage!
FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!! To be continued...
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/cubic-watermelon/724832443187757056/this-is-part-3-of-my-shining-pearl-artlocke-on
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sugarstitchplush · 8 months
I love your plushes so much! As tempting as those Wooper plushes are, do you have any plans to make anymore Quags sometime in the future? Once again: I love your work and I'm so grateful that you're sharing your talent with us. Take care!
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Hiya~! Ahh thank you so much, you're too kind ^-^ I'll likely do preorders for them again in future, though I'm not sure when at this stage. I'm also planning on making a larger, fluffy one for myself and will probably make one for sale alongside it~ Thank you so much again, hope you have a lovely day~
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wetthandss · 11 months
ok here's my favourite pokemon. it should be complete bc I looked very throroughly through my book :] sorry it took so long, hope it's good!
Marshtomp Swampert Mudkip Aron & Lairon & Aggron Araquanid Rotom Incineroar Galvantula Quagsire Froslass Flygon Porygon(2) Ditto Wooper Wobbuffet Relicanth Reuniclus
Mudkip is my fave starter from Hoenn she's literally perfect though I don't care too much for swampert it just doesn't read as a mudskipper anymore.
Aron and Lairon are beautiful little bugs and I like Aggron cause I like pokemon that look like kaiju.
Araquanid is a little out of my realm cause I stopped paying very much attention to Pokemon after Unova but it is cute and I definitely agree that it's far superior to Dewpider.
Rotom is a perv soo that's pretty cool and also michaelwave
Incineroar I really prefer the rest of its family I don't really like big macho characters unless they're really funny about it (like another buff pokemon Buzzwole or real life pro wrestling)
Galvantula is awesome and I love just how fuzzy it is, I know I would be so so scared of it irl but in the pokemon world im not sure if i would even have arachnaphobia. Hey. Do you think people in the pokemon world get pokephobia. How the fuck do they live with that it's like being afraid of breathing air.
Quagsire/wooper is BABY BOY and clodsire is my fuckingprecious
Froslass is really pretty and I kinda wish I could cosplay her, though I also wish that there were male froslass!
Flygon is like in my mind right now I have been obsessed with flygon for the past like two weeks because that pokemon carried me through almost my entire White 2 playthrough like from Nimbasa to post-game I used almost exclusively Flygon, really good stats and levitate is nice but the real killer was the diversity of move types that I was able to get and stick with. Its name is ANT.
Porygon2 is a rubber ducky and I like rubber ducky but i don't have strong feelings about this one, i think having a real rubber ducky in the shape of porygon2 would be really cute though
I like Ditto. :)
Wobbuffet is a really old favourite of mine cause I liked Jessie's wobbuffet in the anime as a kid
Relicanth is AWESOME and i love it and the fish its based on cause I love the way it combines the real fish and the *legend* of the fish, like, same goes for the fish too, its literally a modern legend. I wish relicanth was actually a mythical or legendary pokemon.
Reuniclus kinda sticks out in my head a lot because not too long ago my friends were asking me if i would fuck the solosis family and I said yeah. I've never used them cause I don't prioritise psychic types in my party but they are a really fun concept.
Very solid picks this belies really good taste in Pokemon but lets look at the stats
Water: 4 Ground: 3 Rock: 2 Bug: 2 Electric: 2 Ghost: 2 Normal: 2 Psychic: 2 Steel: 1 Fire: 1 Dark: 1 Ice: 1 Dragon: 1
You have a favourite in 13/18 or 72% of all types (except ???) and a slight proclivity towards water and ground type pokemon.
Now let's look at stat totals, as of generation 9.
They're in here in alphabetical order.
Highest HP: Wobbuffet at 190 Highest ATK: Incineroar at 115 Highest DEF: Aggron at 180 Highest Sp.ATK: Reuniclus at 125 Highest Sp.DEF: Araquanid at 132 Highest SPD: Froslass at 110 Highest total: Wobbuffet at 405 Highest average: Swampert at 89.17
Lowest HP: Ditto at 48 Lowest ATK: Wobbuffet at 33 Lowest DEF: Wooper at 45 Lowest Sp.ATK: Wooper at 25 Lowest Sp.DEF: Wooper at 25 Lowest SPD: Wooper at 15 Lowest total: Wooper at 210 Lowest average: Wooper at 35
So what have we learned here? WOOPER SUCKS.
I looked online and the average stats over ALL POKEMON as of gen 7 was
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Wooper is actually the 21st lowest average stats. Swampert isn't the greatest but it's pretty damn up there.
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Wooper Socialisation
Woopers tend to be very communal species, very social amongst themselves, and generally are friendly towards other Pokémon species, too. I've always loved Woopers - they're just so cute and joyful!
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Please enjoy some observations from Woopers around Johto I did recently (under the cut below)!
Like I stated, Woopers are some of the friendliest Pokémon species - they love to play. One of their favourite activities I observed was making mud slides! It's a form of playing first and foremost, but also serves to strengthen bonds with their group. Additionally, it also serves as a form of induction for new Woopers, or even other small Pokémon in the area.
Wooper tails are quite muscular - some of the strongest muscles in their body are in their tails! See the below figure:
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((Diagram credits to: Pokénatomy, Vol. II, Christoper Stoll, also known as TopherStoll on Instagram)).
The primary need for such a muscly concentration, as C. Stoll illustrates above, is for maneuvering in aquatic environments. Being part Water-Type, Woopers spend a significant amount of time in various bodies of water (inc. rivers, lakes, streams). Their tails are their main source of movement in water bodies. However, they also use their tails for the recreational purpose of mud slide building!
Woopers use their tails to scoop mud into slopes resembling slides, which they then pat down to smooth out (again, using their tails), and leave to dry for a little in the sun if the mud is too sloppy. Then, they take turns quite literally rolling down the mud slides!
From what I saw, the building of the mud slides is a collaborative effort - it's encouraged for everyone in the group to get involved. As well as being fun for more established members in the group, it's a great way of building social bonds with other Pokémon. Additionally, it also helps young Woopers strengthen their tail muscles, which is especially beneficial in cases where young Woopers haven't had much experience swimming.
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Wooper colonies, as stated above, are extremely friendly, so it isn't uncommon for other small Pokémon in the area to join in with the mud slides. Over the month I was observing them, I saw the following species join in:
Sentret, with the occasional supervising Furret
Azurill and Marill
That's all I have for now!
Oh, quick note! I haven't observed Paldean Wooper groups. I've only ever been to Paldea once when I was 13, so I can only assume Paldean Woopers demonstrate similar social structures, but I can't say for sure. Paldean-based trainers and/or experts, please let me know if you have any expertise on this topic!
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peachypede · 2 years
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I finished some christmas presents I was working on, so my brain wanted to draw something I've been really want to... So hey! It's Pear! He's finally here!
He's still a relatively new oc so I'll probably throw a ask meme at some point but feel free to ask whatever. He's a work in progress for now, though!
some info I've thought about him below:
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General backstory
Prickly Pear Huerte, most commonly referred to as Pear by friends and family, was born to Sitrus Huerte and Ocotillo Cactus Huerte. He was an oops child (although he was still loved dearly) which made him quite a bit younger than his older brothers: Passho and Saguaro.
Despite his age gap with his siblings, Pear had 2nd cousins on his father's side that were close to his age, Pecha and Rawst, and since they were being raised by their grandparents the three felt closer than distant cousins usually are. Many of their summers were spent together.
When Pear was fourteen, he was excited to find that his cousins would be coming to go to school at Naranja-Uva Academy with him. The three became even closer during this time.
Around the time Pear graduated, his grandmother, Babiri, began getting sick. Due to her increasing age and arthritis, it became much too difficult for her to take care of herself. Being the youngest and not really having much of a job other than the family business, Pear stepped up and took most of the caretaking work for his nanita himself.
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Species: Clodsire
Gender: Female
Nature: Relaxed
Pear's main baby gurl. His starter pokemon and partner who helps around the farm with her trusty earthquake to till the soil and watergun to water the crops.
Species: Paldean Wooper
Gender: Female
Nature: Impish
One of Eclair's babies that Pear held back. She's wild and free, listening to no one else other than her mama or Pear.
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Pear accidentally comes off flirty to many people because he likes to compliment a lot. He just feels like if someone is pretty, he should just tell them. Plus he likes their smiles when he does.
He likes to talk to and about plants like they're people. Often names the trees in the berry orchard.
Isn't as bashful with love as his cousins, but he is a bit busy to actively pursue romance. If he's asked on a date he'll accept, however, with a broad smile.
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