#I love your giant sun moons sm :’]
oobbbear · 5 months
I would like to see my big sunny boy in your style.... could you draw him for me?... please ?
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Big fella <3
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wol-fica · 1 year
hey, so i totally get it if you don’t do this request, as it’s a little personal. my cousin passed, and i was wondering if you could write a little drabble about Tara comforting R? (if u do decide to write this my cousin was a girl.)
anyways i love your writing sm <3
my condolences for you anon, i hope you’re doing okay 🩶
summary - ^
ATTENTION: Below is a story that could be very triggering to some, with talk of suicide and medicine. If that could potentially cause harm to you for reading it, I suggest proceeding with caution or just skipping this story all together.
You sighed, your bottom lip between your teeth while you scrolled through your phone. Pictures of you and your cousin flew by, youthful smiles on your faces that were etched in time. You paused on one, your finger hovering over it while your eyes started to brim with tears.
It was her collage graduation, the picture showing her decked out in all of her grad gear and you tucked into her side with a hefty laugh frozen on your face. She was smiling down at you, her arms around your shoulders while she held you in a half hug.
You could remember that moment like it was yesterday, the feeling of pure and utter joy for your cousin when she finally crossed the bridge and got her diploma. You remember running to her after, wrapping her up in your arms and spinning her around while screaming “YOU DID IT!!!”.
Your cousin was everything to you, and you were the sun and moon of her life that made her smile every morning because she sent you a text about a new animal fact she found. From your perspective, she was bubbly and excited, being across in New Zealand on a new safari exposition to rescue endangered frogs.
You thought she was happy, you thought she was living out her dream and becoming the zoologist she had always wanted to be, you thought you were going to see her on christmas with a giant stuffed hippo to give to you.
The news came on a Saturday…
~Saturday: 7:46 PM~
You were making a ‘welcome home’ dinner for you girlfriend, awaiting her arrival from working on set nonstop for the past four months. As you were putting the rice in the pot, your phone started to vibrate on your counter. Picking it up, you saw your mothers name at the top of the screen, so you answered.
“Hey mama!” You said cheerfully, a smile on your face, “What’s up?”
“Y/N…” Her voice was soft and strained, causing you to loose your smile, “Are you home?”
“Yeah ma’, I’m always home.” You chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood.
There was no response from the other side of the phone, which made you furrow your brow and check that you didn’t accidentally hang up. When you didn’t, you brought the phone back and asked again what was up.
“Honey…your cousin is gone.” You mom stuttered out.
You scrunched your nose, confused to what she meant, “What do you mean, mama?”
“They found her this morning…with a letter…she overdosed…”
You froze, the spatula in your hand dropping to the floor. The world seemed to spin, your phone slipping out of your grip as you fell to your knees. You could faintly hear your mother calling your name, but your mind felt to foggy and to blank to comprehend.
She wasn’t gone.
She couldn’t be gone.
There was no way.
Your cousin, the overprotective and loving girl that was always smiling and always laughing, gone.
You wished you could have done something different, something to help her. She never seemed off to you, never acting like she was suicidal, she was always joyful and giddy when you called.
You curled up, bringing your knees to your chest to cry…
“Baby?” A voice sounded, causing you to snap your head to whoever spoke.
It was Jenna, your girlfriend, leaning up on her elbows to look at you from her side of the bed. You sucked in a breath, your lip wobbly and eyes bloodshot. She cooed, reaching out to touch your shoulder tentatively, in which you dropped your phone and practically threw yourself into her arms.
You sobbed into her chest, your face buried there while your arms went around her waist. She immediately held you, one hand moving to caress your back while the other found solace with being tangled in your hair. Her fingers danced across your skin, rubbing and soothing as you let your emotions out.
She whispered reassurance to you while you cried, keeping you grounded and aware that she wasn’t going to be anywhere but here with you. Her nails scratched your scalp, calming your cries into soft sniffles and hiccups.
“I’m sorry baby.” She said after a moment, pulling you closer to her, “I’m so sorry.”
You let out a breath, a sad whimper passing through your lips when you did. Jenna’s heart broke at the sound, her stomach dropping at the sight of you being so upset.
“What do you need me to do?” She asked softly, brushing some hair out of your face, “Do you want water? A warm bath?”
“I…I feel like it’s my fault.” You murmured sadly, leaning your head against her chest.
“Why do you feel that way?”
You inhaled, gulping down the cold air before continuing, “I feel like if I had called more, or texted more, or sent her more letters, or even visited her more often…maybe she would still be alive.”
Jenna sat and listened to your words, only speaking small “mhm’s” and “i understand’s” while you let your thoughts run free. She would occasionally lean down to kiss your temple, but other than that she stayed quiet and unmoving.
“I wonder if anything would be different if I had done more.” You hiccuped, staring at the floor.
“Babygirl, you had no part in her passing.” She cooed, giving you a squeeze, “You didn’t know what was going on in her head.”
“But-.” You started but was interrupted by Jenna shushing you.
“You called and texted her everyday, constantly talking to her.” She said, rubbing up and down your arms, “If anything, you probably helped her feel happy and grounded instead of spiraling early on.”
You stayed quiet, taking in her words. She was most likely right, being that you did call and text her everyday to inform her of your current life and what was going on with you. She was there for your first everything, your first steps, your first period, your first relationship, your first heartbreak, your highschool graduation, your first kiss, and the first time you met Jenna.
You had called her after, ranting about how wonderful the girl was that you found. She had congratulated you, even though she didn’t know Jenna, she still appreciated and cared for her through your words. Your cousin was also the first person you called after your 4th date with Jenna, the same date that Jenna asked you to be her girlfriend.
You cousin was squealing and jumping around, raving about how her baby cousin was all grown up and living her best life. She had been there for your first proper kiss, your first move-in, and surprisingly even your first time. You had called her a day after Jenna had made love to you for the first time, your voice all high and nervous as you told your cousin of your newest experience in your relationship.
She was so happy for you, congratulating you like you had won a gold metal in the olympics. You were both giggling messes, talking like little schoolgirls about their high school crushes. You loved those moments with her, just being able to talk and talk and talk about everything and anything to her.
“She sounds amazing.” Jenna murmured, kissing your temple softly, “I’m glad you had someone like that.”
You smiled softly, “She really wanted to meet you.”
“For real?”
“Mhm.” You giggled, burying your face into her chest, “Everytime I brought you up, she just wanted to fly back to LA and talk all the gossip with you.”
Jenna snorted, playing with a strand of your hair, “I’m flattered.”
“She told me once,” You continued, “That if she ever suddenly disappeared, you would be the one that took her place.”
Jenna stayed quiet, unsure of what to say. You took one of her hands in your own, interlacing your fingers with hers. You brought her hand to your mouth, pressing a kiss to her brown skin.
“Thank you.” You said after a few beats of silence, “For always being there.”
“Of course, I want to always be here.” She replied back, pulling you closer, “Your my sun and moon, mi amor.”
Your heart fluttered, and you gave her one last kiss before leaning yourself back on her chest. Your mind was full of memories with your cousin, laughing and crying and yelling and everything in between. She defined your life, sculpting you and helping your grow into what you are today. She had helped you find what you are, and she helped find who you wanted to spread the rest of your life with.
Your eyes flickered down to yours and Jenna’s hands, a smile on your face as you cuddled into her further.
*felt a little insecure abt this one*
If anyone has lost a loved one or is going through the struggle of grieving, please know that my DM’s are always open. I understand the feeling myself, and I will always be here if any of you need to vent :)
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goobiegoobert · 3 years
maybe im just,,,, thirsty and requesting sm but like SINCE YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE THIRSTY FROM MINE I HAVE TO SEND YOU SOMETHING IVE BEEN THINKIN OF,, how would sun/moon react to a parent!reader? (kinda like the milf!reader and dilf!reader fics going around) and theyre just feral for reader because they just know how to take care of the kids and when they offer to help?? makes sun/moon short circuit and fight the urge to foam at the mouth for parent!reader
i love the thought of them going crazy for the hottie that parent!reader is sighh
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What a lovely dream...
A/N: I'm not the dad friend for no reason, time to put my dilfery to use <333
Warnings: Smut, Dubcon, brief overstim, obsessive behavior, light daddy mention, Dom reader
18+ DNI with this post if underage, you will be blocked
Word Count: 1.2k words
[ Male Reader, will post female version later. Request if you'd like trans reader versions! ]
It wasn't expected for this to happen, but to whatever creator was above watching it truly blessed the two daycare attendants. See, most of the day had run past as usual of hassling kids around and forcing them down for a nap at this point, it felt quite tedious. That was until you'd arrived at least!
Sun was busy helping a child with their glitter glue by opening the bottle and passing it back staring intently at what they were gonna do, only to have the child's head perk up and start to beam for the first time all day! Oh, joyous day! Children smiling was always something to make the attendant melt at the wires, so badly did he want to scoop one up and keep them all night to have a friend to play with, this child simply did just that.
Though it took moment to face and giggle at whatever the child was seeing the toddler jumped up from their seat across the room latching onto the leg of something, raising their eyes slowly began to overwhelm the poor sun mas the fans kicked on once seeing their processors heat up significantly. Oh, dear. ❝ Daddy, look! sun sun helped! ❞
There you were, Mister. Y/n, standing above the children with an all too familiar expression as you'd bend down to pick up your child with a grunt spinning them around remarking how big they'd gotten since you saw em this morning! The child was full of buzzing with excitement and clinging to your pant legs practically ready to climb on top of you, and to be honest Sunny was too. His head was spinning in a delight almost kin towards how children described feeling sick.
How come he was sick? Oh, oh no were the mechanics gonna have to fix him?? Sunny didn't like being away from the daycare it was always too dark!
But the fluttery feeling as their circuits fried left him far too gone to exactly care, but then it happened. Sunny shut down from overheating and fell to the foamy mats below with a hard thud of their long tangly limbs.
By the time everything has been repaired from frayed clothing to melted wires you'd long since been gone, which saddened the daycare attendant to bits. But what really made it up was the next morning when you'd dropped off your kid.
Just the right size for him, sure you were smaller everyone was, but to Sunny seeing you hold up a tray of cookies to the various children with their parent's consent made the poor man's heart swell beyond anything, you were perfect. A work of art, something colorful and shimmery with glitter glue everything he liked in a man! Well.. You currently seemed to be the only person capable of keeping such an infatuation going for more than a day. Time flew by and Sunny desperately was a lost puppy trying to gain your love in return, from pulling you into a giant hug lifting you above the rest. Even giving you drawings he'd spent the day fumbling over as he thought about you, each word from his voice box struggling to come out when you'd speak.
One day you'd came to the daycare when your ex-spouse had the child, Sunny was confused why you'd come out here? It was surely a bit silly, it wasn't until everyone, and I mean everyone, had left did the daycare attendant understand why you'd come here. Understanding the way you'd been pressing soft kisses along his casing praising each ridge of texture into the wide plastered smile. Sunny felt like he could die at this moment, you'd guide a caring hand towards your pants mentioning he could touch there if wanted, and boy did he do just that. Eagerly touching your cock curious beyond anything trying to remember the sweet sighs and rumbles of noise being heard. Practically begging as any words slipped out to try and let him closer to you
❝ Mean, mean! Please, oh please love you so much, much love let me take care of you! ❞
Sunny didn't want to ever hear anyone else make such beautiful sounds, nor did they want to share. Almost wanting to cry out about how he wanted to try and please you more than anything only for your grip to loosen allowing feathery light hands to press against the wires along his neck causing a high pitched squeak to emit out of the daycare attendant. You wanted to hear more allowing him to direct you to what felt like heaven to him and abusing those areas to your hearts content.
You weren't going to let him please you like the attendant so graciously craved but you offered so much more in return that made his head spin with a ticklish delight. Such a lovely game!
❝ Such a good plaything you are, right dear? ❞
A short cry erupted from Sunny as their system started to reach its peak sparks flying off the back of his head as an odd wave of white flashed over, unable to comprehend your kind words talking him down back to everything. Putty in your arms he truly was crying about how he wanted more and to please give it to him, but being quite the meanie it was decided against as you'd fix them up to what you could know pressing small kisses to the flaps of his sun rays. Truly feeling upset at this Sun began to throw a bit of a tantrum lightly hitting his hands on the floor wanting to cry at this. Sun just wanted to make love with you and have millions and millions of kids like everyone else does! how come he can't now? This little hissy fit was quickly cut off with the lights turning off, it was silent for a bit but you could clearly recognize the foamy hands pulling harshly on your arm to the point it truly began to sting. ❝ Naughty, naughty boy. It's past your bedtime. ❞
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faerune · 2 years
Tagged by @arklay, @solasan, @arthrmorgann, @queennymeria, @leviiackrman, @preachercuster, @druidgroves​! Thank you all sm sorry this took so long 🥰
Tagging: anyone who hasn’t done this yet!
step 1 ∶ create your oc (or ocs) in this picrew step 2 ∶ list 5 songs that inspired (or captured the feel of) your oc. if you choose multiple, feel free to pick your favorite or do songs for all of them! (feel free to list fewer or more songs if you want)
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stole your car by charlotte lawrence
Should never play me But you never thought that I would leave But this is how you made me
you know you like it by dj snake & alunageorge
I'm no fool, no, I'm not a follower I don't take things as they come If they bring me down Life can be cruel if you're a dreamer I just wanna have some fun Don't tell me what can't be done
working bitch by ashnikko
Too tired to entertain little boys I'm the boss of my business I shouldn't voice and One strike two, I'm self-employed Swear my blue vibrator brings me more joy If you wanna play second fiddle to my job Wanna be side-dick in a one-stop-shop Let me know
primadonna by MARINA
I know I've got a big ego I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though
All I ever wanted was the world I can't help that I need it all The primadonna life, the rise and fall You say that I'm kinda difficult But it's always someone else's fault Got you wrapped around my finger, babe You can count on me to misbehave
you should see me in a crown by billie eilish
Bite my tongue, bide my time Wearing a warning sign Wait 'til the world is mine Visions I vandalize Cold in my kingdom size Fell for these ocean eyes
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arsonist’s lullabye by hozier
When I was a child, I'd sit for hours Staring into open flame Something in it had a power Could barely tear my eyes away All you have is your fire And the place you need to reach Don't you ever tame your demons But always keep 'em on a leash
yellow flicker beat by lorde
The scars that mark my body, they're silver and gold My blood is a flood of rubies, precious stones It keeps my veins hot, the fires find a home in me
wars by of monsters and men
How does it feel To lie alone in your bed When you know this is forever Low like the sun Come down and break into two And I know we'll burn together
higher by the score
Broke my bones, tasted blood Burned my wings close to the sun But I'll keep on flying I'm too young for dying 'Cause there's a dream I can taste Think it's time I break my chains And run with the giants Like smoke, I'm rising
play with fire by sam tinnesz
Rite of passage, classic havoc Match in the gas tank, ooh, that's wretched Unstoppable, legendary animal
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the seeker by the who
They call me The Seeker I've been searching low and high I won't get to get what I'm after Till the day I die
she’s a riot by the jungle giants
She's well-known to police, 'cause she looks like a riot Always takes what she needs and leaves the rest behind Oh, this love would kill me but I don't think I'd mind
therefore i am by billie eilish
I'm not your friend or anything, damn You think that you're the man I think, therefore, I am
sour cherry by the kills
Am I the only sour cherry on the fruit stand? Shout when you wanna get off the ride
bad moon rising by creedence clearwater crossing
Hope you got your things together Hope you are quite prepared to die Looks like we're in for nasty weather One eye is taken for an eye
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what-the-future · 3 years
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Welcome to my blog
About me:
ENTP 7w8
Scorpio sun, Libra rising and Aquarius moon
im obsessed with tally hall
i love!! cola!!
i like roleplaying, scp, marble hornets, owl city, tally hall, oingo boingo, lemon demon and they might be giants :)
interact if: eddsworld fan, slenderverse fan, tally hall fan, SCP fan, LGBT, and atla fans!
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Hope you enjoy your stay here!
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plutoswrath · 3 years
ooo! i loved your mini taurus rising analysis for lucas. i do agree with that anon tho, i still think he’s leo. i love how you said it’s good to analyze taurus for fun anyway and that you do give celebs the benefit of the doubt when it comes to analyzing some of their behavior. completely ignore this if you wish! i know you probably have a shit ton of other asks to get to but i was wondering if you could indulge me and give a little thought into lucas being a leo rising just for fun? i’d love your perspective on it. it’d be fun to compare it to your taurus analysis as well. i find it so interesting that people seem to question his confirmed rising the most. i want to know why people really see leo, no matter what, even to the point of doubting the taurus. a true mystery, i guess. ♥️😘
Ohh, thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed the mini analysis! <33 And of course I can make an analysis on a potential Leo rising! And I agree wth you on the last one here, it's really funny how Lucas seesm to be the only member (and quiet frankly the only kpop idol i've witnessed so far) showing somehow genuine interest in spirituality, even freely giving us his Ascendant sign (not just saying his birth time, no he even said his Ascendant is Taurus and birth time!!), and still the whole astro community was just like REEEEE as they heard he was apparently a Taurus Rising haha 😂 and this is also not to shame anyone here, becuase I think as long as no one thinks they know Lucas better than he does all is fine with being suspic about the birth time and theorizing about other possibilities 💪
Lucas and his potential Leo Ascendant:
✧ So, first of, if his Rising signs would be in the 2nd/3rd decane, he'd have a 6th house stellium, including Sun (in Aquarius), Uranus and Neptune (both in Capricorn) which I personally don't see as fitting as if he having an Aquarius Sun in the 7th(cinunct his DC, which would give him a Leo rising in the first decan.
✧ Not to be that person but Lucas seems to get his life force out of people, as an artist one is dependent on the audience/fans to begin with, but I remember Lucas actually crying during the beyond live as he finally got to see the fans again and he is very, very vocal about his love for the fans either on weibo/bubble or any livestreams, he never misses a chance to be very 'giving' to his fans and imo very generiously interact with them.
✧ Venus, Sun (potentially) in Aquarius in the 7th, as well as Leo Ascendant + his Taurus Moon in the 10th (just imagine what the pandemic did to his routine, familarity and emotional continuity addicted Moon...) make also sense to me because the minute the members were like 'ohhh Lucas nooo <'3' and I think Kun wanted to directly comfort him and tried wiping away a tear (not exactly sure if it was that, I just know he touched his face somehow), but Lucas was immediately like aCK NO (which..actually really surprised me, and I need to digress here a little bit, because I think that reaction of him was very honest. It would have been expected from him, based on his usual behavior, to smile, laugh it off and move on, but he showed that he really didn't want people to focus even further on him and just leave him be so he can regather himself and the camerateam would also possibly stop filming him crying. Just....my two cents here ASDFG) and didn't like the sympathy/comfort due to him possibly appearing 'weak/too vulnerable' for himself in that situation/not appropriate, because this is something very fire rising: they like to hold a very strong image of their character and they get disappointed when they notice their flame gets smaller/is weakened. Especially Leo Ascendant and the combination of his Aqua stellium make for a very prideful person. Another possibility is him being disappointed he 'broke character'.
✧ BUT, because I really want to set this specific scenario into comparison with his potential Taurus Ascendant, with a Taurus Ascendant he'd have his Moon in the 12th conjunct his rising, so being very protective over ones feelings and overwhelmed/disappointed when they still come to the surface and are readable for others.
✧ Another think I want to point out regarding his Leo Ascendant and Sun conjunct DC (possibly even 7th house) and Aquarius Venus in the 7th would be his immense popularity. Lucas is naturally extremly charismatic and funny, he's very focused on having a good time and enjoying himself and entertaining others. The world is simply his stage, and as he would have his Leo North Node in the 1st house as well with this rising sign it would make sense that having fun and joy by participatig in this giant 'stage' the world is, is something he not only is good at, but what feels almost meant to be.
✧ And the last point I want to bring up: I really think about Lucas reasoning for joining SM a lot, aka 'I knew I looked good and wasn't particular good in school anyway, so I decided to become a model' and you know, just because you have the luck of falling into conventional beauty standards, doesn't mean you automatically want to be in the entertaining industry/known for your looks, but with a Leo Ascendant (and the right environment to cultivate specific believes and characteristics) it would be the perfect origin story for someone knowing that they were meant to be in the spotlight and could actually bring it. I know often times Lucas do only see him for his looks (which is such a shame, because that man has a heart out of pure gold), plus his Neptune would be in the 6th house (pointing to a possible career in the arts), and if his Leo Ascendant would in a later decan (close to 3rd/3rd decan) his Uranus would be in the 6th as well, so talk about suddenly deciding to become famous and choos a rather 'unconventional' career path, something potentially unstable.
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
hi there! i saw your matchups were open and i couldn't stop myself </3 so i'd like an aot matchup!!
before i start i want to say thank you for doing these matchups :( even though theyre literally matchups with people who dont exist 💔💔  they comfort us so much so thank you for taking the time to do this and i hope you have a wonderful day :D
now hi! im katie! or katherine, (literally no one has ever used that though), i'm straight, afab, and use she/her pronouns. i'm 5'2, have shoulder length dark brown hair with face framing pieces in the front. basically a wolfcut but more with a more 70s feel, i have an overbite and a slight tooth gap which means i can never fully close my mouth </3. i have dark brown cat eyes, tan skin, and plump lips. the best way to describe my style is a tamer phoebe buffay! eccentric!
my mbti is enfp-t, my enneagram is 7w8 and my big 3 are libra sun, gemini moon, and sagittarius rising!
as for my personality i'm a generally upbeat and giddy person! with people im not that close to im usually laid-back but with people i know i can get really loud and just really let loose! i LOVE using cursing at people im close to. its a form of endearment for me. dont ask me why i dont know either but i just know that i feel safe around someone when i start cursing at them. im a scatterbrain like ive rewritten this so many times just so everything is easier for you to read RIPPP i get insecure at times and im kinda stubborn too its hard for me to get out of that mindset without someone realllyyy pushing me to do better dont ask me how im getting over it now...im not. which is why id like someone who is patient with me </3 and doesnt get mad at why am feeling a certain way. but id like to say im optimistic cause even though im feeling bad, i know in the future ill get better, i just have to work through this.
now im an artistic and expressive person. i love singing and acting! especially with acting, for some reason, pretending to be someone else grounds me in a way? i have no idea how to explain it but after ive finished a monologue, i always feel so calm and so in tune with myself. i also LOVE getting to know peoples little quirks and interests. no matter how "weird" they deem it (within reasoning ofc) i love getting to know what makes people happy! i also get really excited over little things. both literally and figuratively. i love tiny objects which is why the secret world of arriety is my fave studio ghibli movie hAHAHA theyre just so cute and tiny :( and the way you have to handle each item with such care because theyre so small just warms my heart. i also want a ferret. like as a pet. theyre literally the perfect animal theyre so small but theyre energetic MANNNN THATS ALL I WANT THEYD BE SO MUCH FUN TO PLAY WITH. i also adore handmade items. whatever it is, from a cake to a stuffed animal, i love handmade things cause you can see the love and care they put into making it. it doesn't have to be perfect, hell it's better if it isnt because you can see the humanity in the item, you can see that a human being actually made this and it rly does warm my heart :(( 
now for relationships, its the little things that matter the most to me. if they remembered a small detail i told them, or if they make sure to do something because they know i'll like it, it's just the small details that get me because that means they're really listening and really do care about me.more often than not you'll find me spaced out and find that ive slipped into my imagination again. i do love my little world of scenarios ive created in my head but thats cause i like it more than the present but i know i only do that cause i dont have someone who im reallllyyy close to and someone who i can talk to and be present with so i think once i get into a relationship ill want to spend most of my time with them because they make the present a little more bareable :)
i hope that was enough info for you to work with!! pls take your time!! i'm not in a rush but also if you don't want to do it that's fine :D i wish you the best <3
also this is my first time responding to a submission i hope i did it right !!
on another quick note, i love doing requests n matchups n hcs so feel free to ask anytime !! also i totally agree ik me personally i always love fictional character stuff and when i get matchups that i asked my serotonin goes NYOOM
okay so i'm assuming you won't hate me because based off your username i don't think you will, but i got SERIOUS reiner vibes from you. and here's why:
- ik you said you like small things and this totally counteracts it bc reiner is just huge in every aspect,, but like you'd be the small one now and idk i feel like the size difference is s o cute
- reiner loves that you let loose around him and as much as he's a kind loving doting himbo when it comes to you, he would so be down to have a roast war
- knows you can be scatter brained so he leaves you little notes in places you'll find them and sometimes it's just like "remember to drink water :)"
- he would get you a ferret and the two of you would name it together🥺
- reiner knows you like handmade stuff and he would literally take EVERY opportunity to do smth for you
- hungry ? suddenly he's made your favorite food. tired ? oh look at that there's a knitted blanket on your bed with your name on it that reiner started making whenever you left because he took it up as a hobby and wanted to make you smth
- everything from playlists to singing and dancing in your room
- if you need an acting buddy, you got one, it's reiner
- mmm falling asleep on his chest
- if you spaced out w him he'd let you be in your world or he'd smile and hold hands w you to bring you back :)
- he's such a good listener and is v patient w you
- overall, giant good boi and smol energetic bean duo
- he loves you sm
- cas :)
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
hii! i was hoping to get a match up with enhypen and txt if you don’t have too much already! i’m 5ft and a cancer sun, gemini moon, and taurus rising! my pronouns are she/her !! and my mbti is infj !! i love editing(ive a editing acc and everything)and drawing. i have a wolfcut with highlights and a septum piercing. im really shy and i can come off as bitchy cuz ive a rbf but i promise im not, i also get embarrassed really easy !!, i get annoyed easily too but i never actually get mad like i never yell at someone, i also get scared easily!, its hard for me to break bad habits but i try really hard if its hurting anyone i care about, i can read people very easily, i try to be positive !!, i hate confrontations so much i literally can’t handle fighting with anyone and im 99% the first person to say sorry cuz i really hate when anyone is mad at me, im really indecisive, im a people pleaser, if i love u ill cling to u!! i have to hold someone’s arm to feel safe if im out, i often need my alone time. i love going out but i get exhausted really quickly so i don’t go out much, id say im really supportive, mature, open minded and i put others before me, im also emotional and stubborn. oh and i love taking care of people but i also love when people take care of me !! some people say im really soft spoken, gentle, really quiet, feminine and that if i love u you would notice u can tell from my eyes, i love clothes and jewelry especially rings !! i just really love fashion!! oh and my love language is words of affirmation !! thank you sm<33
Hi love!! First off, I'm so sorry for the late answer, I've just been so caught up with exams and everything😭😭
So let's start now!
In Enhypen, I can see two people being compatible with you. First would be Jake, who like you, appears to be peace-maker who can't really stand arguments. So I feel like disagreements or problems between the two of you would be minimal, which obviously is a good thing. Since you're the supportive kind, I feel like you deserve to be with someone who will support you just as much. And there's really no one better than Jake for that. Also, with him, you might not always be the first to apologize, since he really comes across as mature enough to know when he's the one at fault. He's quite laid back in terms of fashion though, but he still manages to make everything look fashionable, so it would be interesting to see the two of you match your fashion senses lmao. Also, like you, he too is quite soft-spoken, and I I really see him as ever getting aggressive.
The other one is probably Jungwon. You deserve to have someone mature enough to match your sensibilities, and being a leader, he has become just that despite his young age. He too, is very supportive, and I think he will always be there to push you towards your dreams. He is quite used to being babied and is pretty cling himself, so I think he won't mind having you glued to him either hehe. He might come across as angry or annoyed occasionally as well, so I think he'll be able to understand where you come from. He, like Jake too, is very open-minded, so I can see him getting used to your way of thinking and your principles pretty easily.
In TXT, I was thinking Beomgyu at first, but then I settled on Taehyun. And that's because we all know how mature and open-minded Mr. Kang can be, while also being the most clingy little bean there is (I know he isn't really little, and istg you would look so cute next to his giant self eeek). He will definitely not mind having you clinging to him, and in fact, more often than not, he will be the one to initiate skinship. At the same time, I see him as wise enough to know when you need your space, so it really won't be any problem when you want your me time. He's extremely understanding and insanely supportive, so he'll definitely shower you with all the love and support in the world too. He might not exactly baby you, but he will totally show his love through other means like words and silent support. He's not one for arguments either, although friendly banter will definitely be on the cards bc his sassy self. He's pretty soft spoken too, and will probably never do anything to hurt you.
Hope you liked this💖
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Dark Side of the Moon: Part Three
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,314
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
Tags at the bottom
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When you first arrived at the shack, sunlight shone through the open doors and windows, but as soon as you left, it was nighttime. You three were on top of a hill, and Sam’s shack was nowhere to be found. You didn't know whose memory or vision this was until the same little girl, now a little older, came running up to you with a wide smile.
“Who the hell is this?” Dean asked when she gave you a tight hug.
There was nothing you could say, but you gave one look at Sam and he immediately knew. The little girl let go of you only to hug Dean, and he turned stiff since he didn’t know what to do. Once the little girl let go, she began running down the hill excitedly.
“Come play with me!” she yelled, her voice fading until she was gone completely.
Yep, this was definitely Amara’s way to make you feel guilty… and it was working.
“Why did she look like me?” Dean asked.
God, please. There was no easy way to tell Dean this, and it certainly wasn’t the time to get into it now. As if he was listening to you, the scene suddenly changed to a road, and Dean’s focus was on that now instead of the little girl. You silently thanked whoever was listening for the distraction. You were going to tell him eventually, and if the guilt continued, it would certainly be soon.
“What memory is this?” Dean asked.
“No idea,” Sam cleared his throat, obviously lying about it. “Alright, come on. Dean… Road. God. Remember?”
“Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This,” he looks at Sam accusingly, “is the night you ditched us for Stanford, isn’t it? This is your idea of Heaven? Wow.” He laughs painfully. “This was one of the worst nights of my life.”
“I can’t control this stuff,” Sam groaned.
“Seriously? I mean this is a happy memory for you?”
“I don’t know. I mean, I was on my own. I finally got away from Dad.”
“Yeah, he wasn’t the only one you got away from,” Dean scoffed.
“Dean, I’m sorry. I just--”
“I know. You didn’t think of it like that.”
“Dean! Come on, can we not fight?” you asked, tired of all the secrets and lies.
That’s rich coming from a woman who’s keeping the biggest one of all.
“C’mon! Your Heaven is somebody else’s Thanksgiving! Okay. It’s bailing on your family. What do you want me to say?” Dean yelled at his brother.
That stung deep since you knew he would be more pissed at you than anything else. Would you two even be okay if you told him? Should you tell him?
“Man, I never got the crusts cut off my PB & J. I just don’t look at family the way you do.”
“Yeah, but I’m your family. We’re your family!” Dean motioned to you and him.
“I know...”
“I mean, we’re supposed to be a team. It’s supposed to be you, me, and Y/N against the world, right?”
“Dean, it is!”
“Is it?” he asked after a pause.
“Seriously, shut the fuck up! Both of you! I am sick and tired of this fighting! God damn!” you yelled, fisting your fingers through your hair.
“Don’t think you’re little miss perfect!” Sam pointed an accusatory finger at you.
“What does that mean?” Dean asked, looking between you and his brother. “Is there something I don’t know?”
“No, there isn’t,” you gritted your teeth.
Suddenly search lights appeared in the sky, and you knew it was Zachariah looking for you once more.
“Go! Go!” Dean yelled, and you three immediately took off toward the trees at the side of the road.
You followed the brothers into the darkened woods, eventually jumping over a log and hiding inside of it. That took a lot out of you, but you tried to get your breathing in control.
“Wow. Running from angels. On foot. In heaven,” Zachariah spoke as he followed you calmly into the forest. “With out-of-the-box thinking like that, I’m surprised you three haven’t stopped the Apocalypse already.”
“Guys. What’s the problem? I just want to send you back to Earth, that’s all,” Zachariah said, snapping his fingers so that it’s suddenly daytime.
The sun was bright, and you shielded your eyes before they got used to the light. Taking a deep breath, you turned and peeked over the log. Zachariah is standing a few yards away with his back turned to you. You were dead so you didn’t have your powers to help you this time.
“I mean, that is, after I tear you a cosmos of new ones. You’re on my turf now, boys and girl. And by the time I through with you, you’re going to be begging to say yes,” he laughed.
“Go!” you whispered, and the brothers didn’t hesitate to argue with you.
You three took off running in the opposite direction, and Zachariah turned with a smile since he finally knew where you three were. There were a lot of trees, and you tried to zig zag your way through them when you came to a screeching halt. Zachariah was right in front of you, and his smile said that he was pissed and done with your shit.
“Guys, c’mon. You can run but you can’t run,” he laughed.
“Go!” you yelled and turned the other way.
Zachariah loved the game you four were playing since he let you run from him only to capture you. It was a sick game of capture the flag only you three were the flag. This time, however, you came to a halt when confronted by a slim figure in a colorful mask and a gold cape.
“What the fuck?” you whispered.
The figure put one finger to his mouth to indicate that you should be silent.
“Shh. Hurry! This way!” he encouraged you to follow him.
He lead you to a small wooden shack in the middle of the woods. When he approached the door, he scribbled some symbols on the rusted door then opened it and ran inside. There was nothing left to do but follow since he looked to be a lot better than Zachariah.
“Wait, who are you?” Sam asked when everyone was safe inside and the door was shut.
The room is much bigger than it should be since the shack you saw was tiny. Even though the inside is dim, the tables and chairs are visible in the light from the windows. The figure pulls off his mask and his cape.
“Buenos dias, bitches,” the man smirked.
“Ash?” you asked with a smile.
It’s been so long since you’ve seen him. Ash clapped his hands twice, and the lights come on.
“Welcome to my blue heaven,” he chuckled.
Now you know why this place looked so familiar. It was Ellen’s Roadhouse. The memories in this place brings a smile to your face, but then you remembered Ellen and Jo were dead and you grew more sad.
“Good God, the Roadhouse. It even smells the same,” Dean laughed as soft music played in the background.
“Bud, blood and beer nuts. It’s the best smell in the world. How 'bout a cold one? Up here? No hangover,” he chuckled, snapping his fingers which made the drinks appear.
You grabbed a seat in the middle of the brothers and grabbed the beer to chug.
“So… no offense,” Sam cleared his throat, not knowing how to say this.
“How did a dirt bag like me end up in a place like this? I’ve been saved, man. I was my congregation’s number one snake handler.”
“And you said this was your heaven?”
“Yup! My own personal heaven!” he shotguns his beer and burps to let everyone know that he finished.
“And when the angels jumped us? We were…?”
“In your heaven,” Ash finished for Sm.
“So there are two heavens?” you asked, clearly not doing too good.
He saw how tired you looked, but he decided not to comment on that right now.
“No, more like a hundred billion. So, no worries, it’ll take those angels boys a minute to catch up.”
“What?” Dean asked, completely confused.
“See, you gotta stop thinking of heaven as one place. It’s more like a butt-load of places all crammed together. Like Disneyland except without all the anti-Semitism.”
“Disneyland?” Sam questioned.
“Mm-hmm. Yeah. See you got Winchesterland,” he motions to indicate the bar, “Ashland,” he motions all around outside the bar, “A whole mess of everybody-else-lands. Put them all together: Heaven. Right? At the center of it all? Is the Magic Kingdom. The Garden.”
“So everybody gets a little slice of paradise,” you put the pieces together.
“Pretty much. A few people share—special cases,” Ash shrugged.
“What do you mean ‘special’?” Dean wondered.
“Aw, you know. Like, uh, soulmates. Anyway. Most people can’t leave their own private Idaho’s.”
“But you ain’t most people.”
“Nope. They ain’t got my skills. Hell, I’ve been all over. Johnny Cash. André the Giant. Einstein. Sam, that man can mix a White Russian. Hell, the other day? I found Mallanāga Vātsyāyana,” he laughed.
“He wrote the Kama Sutra. Huh, that boy’s heaven? Ah, sweaty. Confusing.”
“All this from a guy who used to sleep on a pool table,” Dean chuckled.
“Yeah. Now that I’m dead, I’m living, man, a whole lot more.”
“How did you find us?” you asked, taking the second beer he offered you.
“I rigged up my very own holy-rolling police scanner,” he pulls out a laptop from underneath the bar. He hits the power button, and it showed a mess of sound graphs and making this horrible annoying piercing sound once it started up. “That’s angels. Blabbing Enochian, okay? I’m fluent. I heard that you were up. Of course, I had to come find you. Again.”
“Again?” you asked, surprised.
Ash turned off the computer and place it back underneath the counter.
“This ain’t the first time here. I mean, you three die more than anyone I’ve ever met.”
“Really?” Dean asked, even more surprised.
“Ah, yeah… you don’t remember. God! Angels. Must’ve Windexed your brain,” he chuckled.
“Have you found anyone else we might know? Ellen and Jo?” you asked with a hopeful tone.
“Ellen and Jo are dead?” he asked, clearly taken aback.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah. A few months now. Sorry,” Sam whispered guiltily.
“Um, hmm. Uh, they went down fighting?” Ash spoke once he composed himself.
“Yeah. Until the end.”
“Yeah, a lot of good it did. How ‘bout our folks?” Dean asked bitterly.
“I’ve been looking all over for John Winchester, Mary too, but so far: nada. I’m sorry. But hey! There is somebody that wants to jaw with you. Hold up,” he grinned, leaving the bar to go into the back room that used to be his.
There are symbols on the door much like the ones he drew on the outside of the shack door. A moment later, he returns with none other than Pamela Barnes, and as much as you’re happy to see her, you couldn’t even muster up a smile.
“Pamela!” Sam grinned.
“Nice to see you boys again,” she grinned, winking at each brother to show that she had her eyes back.
She turned to you but frowned since she could tell you did something terrible. If only you could tell her without judgment.
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While in waiting, Ash and Sam were trying to find out a way to the Garden--one that won’t get you killed or captured in the process. Dean and Pamela sat together to discuss whatever it is they wanted to talk about, but you were sitting alone since this guilt was eating you alive. You didn’t know how it was possible, but you might actually die in Heaven. Then where would you go?
Dean looks so normal talking to Pamela, and you wondered what he would look like if he knew the secret you’ve been harboring for weeks now. Would he be okay with it? Would he just suggest to try again? Would he be pissed? Would he hate you? Would you two even be okay? The longer this goes on, the worse it’s going to be. It’s going to be even worse if he finds out from someone other than you.
Pamela whispered something to Dean before she got up and made her way over to you. She sat down across from you in the booth you were in, and you managed to give her a weak smile.
“I know what you did.”
“Yeah everyone does except for Dean,” you sighed, not bothering to try and hide it.
“You need to tell him.”
“How can I? He yelled at his own brother for bailing on family. What’s going to happen when he finds out I killed his child?”
“There is nothing worse than keeping something from someone that deserves to know the truth. I said it before and I’ll say it again, I see a bright light within you. You’re a good witch, Y/N. You two will work it out.”
“I don’t think so. I think this is going to break us,” you whispered. “The guilt is eating me alive. I was fine with it at first because I didn’t want kids, but it’s different now. Dean deserves a family, and I know we could have worked it out with the Apocalypse and stuff. Pamela, he’s going to hate me. I know it because I hate me.”
“You two were meant for each other. I saw it when I was alive, and I see it now. I promise you that you’ll work it out.”
“Yeah,” you whispered with a shrug.
“Hey! Found a shortcut to the Garden,” Sam announced.
Ash gave you, Dean, and Pamela a thumbs up, and the older woman was the only one to return it.
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Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why!
@sing4mejensen​ @essie1876​ @gh0stgurl​ @redsalv20​ @superrandomnatural​ @scarletmeii​ @babypink224221​ @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo​ @akshi8278​ @a--1--1--3​ @kendlemariee​ @miraclesoflove​ @earthtokace​ @teamfreewillsstuff​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @kiwihoee​ @jennazeise​ @phantomalchemist​ @posiemax​ @22sarah08​ @tricksterdean​ @andi-mendes-barnes​ @put-my-favorite-record-on​ @countrygal17a​ @whit85-blog​ @sammypotato67​ @knowledgefulbutterfly​
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midlandpansy · 4 years
instructions: tag ten people you’d like to know better
i was tagged by: the sweetest and most darling @mudhorns​
name: I scoot between Apollo and Oliver - either are good! Apollo is for the newer crowd. 
starsign: Leo sun, Taurus moon, Virgo rising - I am told I have a “wholesome chart” and, you know what, yeah. 
hogwarts house: Slytherin sun, Gryffindor moon, Hufflepuff rising. I will not be taking questions or criticism at this time.  
height: 5′6 - average baby size. 
favorite animal: I love a giraffe. House cats win on principal because I would die for any cat I come across. Big fan of trash cats, dogs, and pandas too - opossums, skunks, and racoons. 
dogs or cats: see above. Love dogs sm but cats? Flawless. Spectacular. 
when you made your blog: You think I want to broadcast how long I’ve been in this hellhole? 
why you made your blog: for the gay shit 
reason for your url: edward kaspbrak is my broken son 
what i am wearing: Sweatpants, this terrible tank top that is the comfiest thing I own, and a black bandana to keep my disgusting quarantine hair out of my face. These are comfort hours. 
dream vacation: I’d love to do a round trip of Europe. I was born in the UK, but didn’t move beyond my hometown and a town in Scotland where my grandpa lived. Going back to Scotland is something I would like to do as a long term thing, but in regards to vacationing - I’d love to flounce my way through Italy and Germany, dip my horrible self over to Greece, peep France a lil, then roll back over to the UK to chill with family. 
instruments: Oof, okay, you ready? I play the violin and the piano, and I sing. I can vaguely strum out some tunes on the ukelele. I have played, and have since given up, the bass guitar, the french horn, the clarinet, and the saxophone. 
celebrity crushes: it’s james acaster and I don’t want to talk about it i love him 
random facts:
what’s your job: I’m a full time student! Ow ow! Would have gone back to barista-ing this summer if the world hadn’t said no. 
if you could go back to school would you: I’m hoping to go back to the UK once I graduate to do a masters in classical theatre! 
a job you had that would surprise people: I used to give ghost tours with @mudhorns! (With a ghost tour company - we weren’t just standing outside Fort Asshole propositioning strangers, I promise...) 
do you think aliens are real: Yeah and I’m afraid of them. 
what’s your guilty pleasure: I don’t really believe in ‘guilty’ pleasures because I don’t think you should feel guilty for enjoying the things that you enjoy. The thing I’m most reluctant to express enjoyment for in the real world is South Park. It norty but it make me gigle :c  (I feel like I should also shout out Until Dawn as a guilty pleasure because I’ve played it 6 times, and forcing other people to play it is one of my favourite activities? The guilt isn’t in enjoying the content, it’s in bullying everyone else to enjoy the content with me.) 
tattoos: None, but I’d like one someday! Maybe! I’m very afraid of permanent things! It’s also not something I can be willy nilly about since I want to go into classical theatre. I think I’d like to get something Les Mis related?  
any phobias: I am so afraid of butterflies and moths. Petrified. It’s not cute. I’m Blathers. 
do you talk to yourself: Sometimes! If I’m confused then I will talk myself through the confusing thing. I also read to myself quite frequently! 
what movie do you adore: The Iron Giant, both of the IT movies, Emma. (2020) - comfort movies <3 
the first thing that you remember you wanted to be when you grew up: I wanted to be an archaeologist for no reason other than I managed to read that word by myself when I was still learning to read. 
I’m tagging: @auxanges, @brothuania, @girrsah, @mekairu, @turturis, @nneiljostenn, and anyone else who wants to do the thing! 
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sergiole-blog · 5 years
Happy Diwali Messages
Happy Diwali SMS in English to celebrate the pageant lightweight|of sunshine}s that signifies the ending of sunshine over darkness and good over evil. Let your loved ones apprehend you are thinking of them on the big day of Deepavali by sharing these original and creative Diwali SMS desires in English. Through these joyous Happy, Deepawali SMS texts let everyone apprehend the importance of Diwali pageant, the quality ways in which during which of celebrating Diwali by giving prayers to immortal Lakshmi through Diya and lighting, home decoration, shopping, fireworks, gifts, feast sweets and therefore the manner Diwali SMS can bring joy and goodwill.
May this Diwali light new dreams, recent hopes, undiscovered avenues, totally different views, everything bright and fill your days with pleasant surprises and moments.
Happy Diwali SMS In English
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Life with you is like Diwali, therefore let's promise to be along like this forever. want you a really Happy Diwali!
May the sunshine that we have a tendency to celebrate at Diwali show the U.S.A. the manner and lead the U.S.A. along on the trail of peace and social harmony.
Sending you smiles for each moment of your special occasion. Have an exquisite time and a really Happy Diwali!
Happy, Happy Diwali! I hope the day has been endued with the presence of these you like most, and lots of magic moments!
HAPPY DIWALI TO YOU! could you celebrate it well. encircled by family, friends and plenty of affection and bear in mind...
On the valuable moment of Diwali, I want you content Diwali and that i pray that you simply get all of your endeavors consummated also as you get immeasurable gifts and sweets this Diwali...
On Diwali, I wished to send you desires for a year crammed with prosperity, health and plenty of fun! Hope you've got a contented Diwali!
With lights dazzling, amorously flushing around by your precious ones with many fun and joy, and with our fond desires.
May this Deepawali bring you all a cracker with Joys, pyrotechnic blithely and Prosperity and Subh Laabh from Ganesa Islamic Community...
May the deity Laxmi bless you with prosperity and smart luck. Happy Dhanteras and DEEPAWALI to you and your FAMILY!
it's time to feel smart, time for reunion, time to share happiness, time to feel being precious, time to indicate your love, time to measure for others and time to want for peace.
0 days twelve hours 720 minutes 3200 seconds square measure left. I feel I'm the primary person to want you content Diwali.
Delightful laddoos, Incandescent diyas, an entire heap of fun, a giant stock of Masti, immeasurable mithai, Innemurable fireworks. want you a brilliant Diwali.
Diwali could be an image of HOPE for humans. could it bring universal compassion, Associate in Nursing inner joy of peace, love and therefore the awareness of identicalness to all or any? Happy Diwali.
I wanna want everybody celebrating Diwali anyplace within the world immeasurable love and closeness. I miss my family these days. convey god I even have you guys. Happy Diwali.
May a lot of lamps illuminate your life with endless joy, prosperity, health and wealth forever… want you and your family a really Happy Diwali
Happy Diwali Messages 2019
Happy Diwali Messages 2019
May This Diwali be as bright as ever. could this Diwali bring joy, health and wealth to you? could the competition of lights brighten up your life? Happy Diwali.
O Ram! the sunshine of lights,
the self-luminous ethics of the Self is ever shining steadily within the chamber of your heart. Happy Diwali.
On this nice day, I want you terribly marvelous happy Diwali and should god assist you each time in your life...
With lights dazzling, amorously flushing around by your precious ones with many fun and joy, and with our fond desires
Is diwali letter of the alphabet humari dua hai ki apka har sapnna pura Ho duniya ke unche mukam apke Ho shoharat ki bulandiyon par naam apka Ho want u a really Happy Diwali
Life with you is like Diwali, therefore let's promise to be along like this forever. want you a really Happy Diwali!
May the sunshine that we have a tendency to celebrate at Diwali show the U.S.A. the manner and lead the U.S.A. along on the trail of peace and social harmony.
Happy, Happy Diwali! I hope the day has been endued with the presence of these you like most, and lots of magic moments!
This Diwali I want you to get heaps of loco however you don’t get a box to lit them. Save the surroundings, therefore no to crackers…
Let us keep Diwali holding it near to our hearts for its which means ne'er ends and its spirit is that the heat and joy of basic cognitive process friends…
Paying respects to the gods and decorating for them the thali. this can be what the occasion is all regarding. this can be the spirit of Deepavali…
May a lot of lamps illuminate your life with endless joy, prosperity, health and wealth forever.
Fortunate is that the one World Health Organization has learned to Admire,
but to not envy. smart desires for a joyous
Diwali and a contented New Year with
plenty of Peace and Prosperity
May This Diwali be as bright as ever.
May this Diwali bring joy, health and wealth to you.
May the competition of lights brighten up you and your close to and expensive ones lives.
May this Diwali herald u the brightest and choicest happiness and love you've got ever wanted for.
May this Diwali bring you the utmost in peace and prosperity.
May light-weight overcome darkness.
May peace transcend the world.
May the spirit of sunshine illuminates the planet.
May the sunshine that we have a tendency to celebrate at Diwali show the U.S.A. the
way and the lead U.S.A. along on the trail of peace and social harmony
As the light flame,
Ur life could forever be happiness’ claim;
As the mountain high,
U move while not a sigh;
like the white linen aptitude,
Purity is often Associate in a Nursing affair;
As sunshine creates vine,
the fragrance fills years as Flory;
with the stainless eternal smile,
attached to u mile when mile;
All darkness is way away,
As light-weight is on its way;
Wish all of u a really happy Diwali.
Many Deepavali festivals have come back and gone. however the hearts of the overwhelming majority square measure as dark because of the night of the phase of the moon. The home is lit with lamps, however, the center is choked with the darkness of cognitive content. O man! awaken from the slumber of cognitive content. Reali
I want that the sole time there's darkness around you is once you square measure looking your favorite motion picture or sleeping peacefully! Happy Deepawali!
The sun doesn't shine there, nor do the moon and therefore the stars, nor do lightning shine. All the lights of the planet can't be compared even to a ray of the ethics of the Self.
Merge yourself during this light-weight of lights and revel in the competition of lights!
Happy Diwali SMS in English is rising hugely per annum. one amongll|one amongst|one in each of} the foremost important edges of just merely inflicting Happy Diwali standing in English for Whatsapp and Facebook vs making calls is typically {that you|that you merely|that you just} simply may reach many of us during a short time. Imagine if somebody has 2 hundred folks to greet? specifically but will that individual greet everyone? Unlikely! but forthwith {that you|that you merely|that you just} simply may greet countless people pretty quickly by exploitation Best standing on Happy Diwali for Friends or maybe would you bulk Message, everybody, the comparable words? Not too extraordinary is it simply just in case you continue forward want you a pleased Diwali standing to your contacts.
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sldneycrosby · 5 years
the high priestess & the chariot!
hi!!!!!!! Thank u sm 🥰
omg sorry for the late response and once again! I’m on mobile so I hope this looks ok!
the high priestess: what is your dream date?
hmmmmmmm i have so many more date disaster stories than actually dream dates so I’ve thought abt this a lot LMAOOO jdjdjdjjdj
ok so I love goin to record stores, collecting records, and in general, talking abt music!! (100% if u ever want music recs / talk abt music pls hmu!!!) So id love to go to a record store and just talk abt music for hrs. One of my fav record stores is like a giant warehouse of used records and cds and I could just live there :,). Then we could go to beach (just floridan things ✨) and watch the sunset :,).
the chariot: thoughts on astrology?
I LOVE ASTROLOGY SO MUCH. I read my horoscope most days, costar crushes my ego everyday, and pattern makes me rethink my life every time i open the app.
I just like reading all the stuff supposedly written in the stars abt me? I love having that insight. I mean I wouldn’t not do something Bc oh mercury retrograde forbids me too! But it’s just fun to read and analyze it. I’m a Gemini sun, cancer moon, and Aquarius rising if anyone cares!
I’m sorry this is so long! I mean it’s just proving that I am a standard, talkative Gemini :-)!
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skiecas · 5 years
this is probably such a broad topic but pls i'd love to hear more abt your japan + korea trip :')
OMGG i would LOVE to tell you aaaall about my trip!! i miss it every day :”D
it is a bit of a broad topic so i’ll try to restrain myself a bit instead of rambling on forever and ever, hehe. but feel free to ask me if there’s anything specifically you’d like to know about!!! (i have one friend who was just rly interested in the fashion there & we had an almost 2-hr discussion abt korean street wear vs jpn asdskghfk)
let me just tell you about some of my most fave things i did!!
we were only in korea for 3 days but i fell in LOVE, i miss it sm ;;v;; it was just so spacious and modern and chic, and i loved the aesthetic, and the fashion. and the food!!! was so good!! i had this pollack soup that i STILL think about….
we had plans to go hit all the big, tourist-y spots in the daytime and then go shopping in the evenings. but then getting around korea required so much walking/hiking/navigating the trains that we barely hit everything on our list and didn’t get to do any shopping ;;o;; so i HAVE to go back!!!
i think my most fave place we went in korea was the jogyesa temple; it’s a v small temple right in the middle of the city and it’s decorated with like a hundred colorful lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and they light them up at night, and it was like walking into a DREAM :”D pics really can’t do it justice but you can click [here] to get an idea of what it was like!! 🏮🏮
jpn was much smaller and more cramped/crowded in comparison to seoul, w a much more grungy and rustic vibe, but it was charming too!!!
shinjuku quickly became my fave district bc i feel like almost all my fave things i did were in shinjuku!! we went to sekaido, which is this huge stationery store w/ like 5-6 floors just FILLED w cute stationery, and i DIED from the happy :”D i was literally in there forever and i bought sooo many cute things, it was the best day ever!! we also saw an AMAZING view of the city from the top of the gov building (WHICH I WROTE IWAOI DOING IN A FIC ONCE), and it was sooo beautiful, i was *v* shinjuku was also where i went for a nice walk in the national garden while listening to classical music and wandering for over an hour through the prettiest greenhouse ever–TAKE ME BACK ;A;
the ashikaga flower park was v far away from tokyo but sooo worth the trip, it was a DREAM. look at this photo!!
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this is JUST the view as soon as you walk in, then it gets even more beautiful!! they also have classical 🎵 playing through the park and offer all the guests sun ☂️s, so you can stroll through feeling like a classy shoujo heroine ;>
there was one day when we played w 🦉 in an owl-themed cafe and it was. SO. COOL. we got to pet them and even hold them!! they were a bit intimidating but also v cute bc they would be very happy to be petted and close their eyes and enjoy it!!
here’s a pic of me with an owl!!
((pls excuse the horrible hair kdashfkdg we actually got caught in a downpour right before we got there))
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other fun things i did in tokyo: sailor moon store!! sooo many cafes. todoroki valley. meiji shrine (a staple). a 🌺 market/cafe! teamlab borderless WHICH WAS THE COOLEST THING EVER i can’t even explain but it was a digital arts museum and it was SO cool and trippy, pls google it!!!!! *v*
then we were in osaka for a few days and it was SUCH a different vibe than tokyo but still v grungy and Aesthetic!!! there was a big night-life there and cool murals were on the walls and also what was cool is that a bunch of places had giant figurines and such placed above their shop doors that were really fun to spot!! i saw a spider-man, a dragon, a giant puffer fish, even a giant takoyaki asfkdshgk
osaka was a lot of ⛩️ hopping and aquarium/ocean and karaoke and late night arcades. my sis surprised me with a music box that plays arashi’s “one love” and i cried!!!! ;;u;;
i also went to sendai (BC OF COURSE) & maxed out my little weeb ❤️ seeing the place where hq takes place and went to date masamune’s monument wearing seijou colors AND WENT TO SENDAI CITY GYM and had a Moment (that my sister did not understand akdahskfh) while looking out at the gym :”)
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and um!!! UMMM i will. End here :”D
sorry i ended up rambling forever after all asdksjf but this was like a rly quick rundown of the Big things that i got to do!!
if you’ve never been to either korea or japan before, nonnie, i sincerely hope you get to go one day!!! i’m absolutely in love w them both!!!!
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Luxurious Small Suction Cups
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Buy products related to small suction cups and see what customers say about small suction cups on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible. Buy Adams Manufacturing 7000-75-3040 Mini Suction Cup Hook, 3/4-Inch, 6-Pack: . I tried a variety of suction hooks, including some more expensive ones with. Adams Suction Cup Suction cups for a wide range of applications. Ideal for hanging wreaths, decorations, and ornaments. Rustproof hooks; not affected by. Adams super-strong suction cups do not yellow, deteriorate, or lose adhesion over time. These suction cups have light diffusing rings that prevent focused light. The 20mm Pack of 12 Small Suction Cups without Hooks are perfect for glass tables or for a hanging decoration. These small suction cups without hooks are an. Super-strong suction cups are produced from high-quality material that wont yellow, deteriorate, or lose adhesion over time. Light diffusing rings prevent. Shop Wayfair for the best suction cup shelf. . design master when they glimpse at this lovely accent shelf, equal parts rustic and upscale in your environment. DWBA Round Suction Cup 5X Cosmetic Makeup Magnifying Mirror, Chrome AGM If you are looking for high quality, luxury, designer mirrors, vanity mirrors,. MINI SUCTION CUP TEARDROP FLAG KIT(set of 6). 0 Reviews . SMALL CUSTOM PRINTING FEATHER ADVERTISING BANNER FLAG KIT (Single-Sided).
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Clear Plastic Suction Cups with Hooks, 4-Pack Plastic construction. 1-1/8 in. . 1 lbs. Small Modern Reflections Hook with Water-Resistant Strips (3-Pack). Shop our selection of null in the Department at The Home Depot. Suction Cup from QEP is designed to handle maneuver non-porous, smooth tiles, marble, granite . The suction cup can hold help maneuver tiles up to 12 lb. . If its glass and its small, probably, but being curved, I am not sure. Pros: Very Adhesive, High Quality of Material, Sturdy, Looks Great, Comfortable, Effective. Whether you are working on the job site, hand-held cups provide a quick and convenient way to handle smooth, nonporous stone, tile and cultured marble. Suction Cup Grab Bar provides excellent temporary balance assistance on any non-porous surface. Suction Cup Grab Bar has quick and easy installation. Jul 24, 2018 DMI suction cup reacher, 22 in. Reachers are . Perfect for picking up objects as small as a dime and as large as a quart bottle. Trigger-style. Safety, comfort and peace of mind. . Suction Balance Grab Bar in Satin Nickel $17.78 . Suction Assist Bar with Suction Indicators in White $14.98 . Smaller ones (4 or less) may have a problem with suction as it needs a full Skeptical of suction cups and their ability to stay put I was reluctant to make the purchase. This item: Digital Suction Cup Thermometer in White $9.40. AcuRite Analog Thermometer $3.51. AcuRite Digital Humidity and Temperature Comfort Monitor $10.57 La Crosse Technology Small Black Digital Thermometer with Hook (23). Jeobest 1PC Bathroom Suction Shelf Bathroom Suction Cup Shelf . One small changeshifting the beds locationjump-started the makeover of this dreary . 17+ Amazing Deals Were Shopping at The Home Depots Cyber Monday Sale . by scoring huge deals (up to 40 percent off!) from the comfort of your home.
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Sold by Kmart IROMIC Heavy Duty Vacuum . UXCELL Kitchen Window House Suction Cup Wall Mounted Hooks Hangers White. $13.28$8.05 . Trucker Tough Mighty Hook Heavy Duty Suction Cup Hooks, Small, Black. See price$18.64. Items 1 23 of 23 Sold by Kmart Bulldog STC MNT CUP HK WT 8P 1791839 . Bulldog Stic Mount Small Rectangular Hooks 3506121409T $2.29 . Bulldog SUCTION HOOK SM 6PC 3506151890T $1.99 . When you need extra space for storage, wall hooks are a convenient solution for any room of the house. Organize. Advertisement. Exquisite Fogless Bath Mirror with Suction Cup and Double Bottom Hook Stainless Steel Finish . WHITEHAUS New Generation Small Mirror. Naleon Super Suction Chrome Hook Chrome . 2400W Bagless Vacuum Kmart $99 . Plastic Mixing Bowls Set of 3 Prep Kitchen, Mixing Bowls, Bowl Set, . 6 poms gently float and spin on this silver wire framed mobile (small paper pom. Glass Salad Bowl Serveware, Tableware, Salad Bowls, Casserole, Serving Dishes, Dining Kmart Metal Tub, Hacks, Beverage Tub, Melbourne House, Dinnerware, Small Pantry Storage Shelf Kmart Cupboard Storage, Storage Shelves, Shelf, . Suction Hair Dryer Holder Desk Makeover, Bathroom Accessories,. Image for Peg Tin from Kmart Moving House, Gift Registry, Storage Solutions, Laundry. Moving HouseGift . Kmart. Small Pull Out Organiser for bathroom cupboards and pantry Cup Cake Molds Kmart Shops, Cake Mold, Kitchenware, Kitchen Gadgets, Cupcakes. ShopsCake . GOT IT- Suction cup straightener holder. tiny moon co. . Placemat Charcoal & Pink Kmart $2.00 Placemat, Charcoal, House Styles, Search results for LTD Giant Plastic Cup Stool on Target Site NEW Dyson Car cleaning kit Vehicle Handheld Vacuum Accessories Kit Pet Hair. Nov 23, 2017 The $5 Kmart hack that could buy parents an extra hours sleep . Sans-Serif, Proportional Serif, Monospace Serif, Casual, Script, Small Caps . your rooms get hot from the sun hitting that side of the house in the afternoons. Kmart . Fit easy with suction cups that come with them and a bit of tape, she wrote. Results 1 16 of 700 Kmart keyring. . Suction Cups Loop/Keyring. A quirky magnet or a funky little keyring . You have to make little space in your house where you can put your keys. Brand New . Small Rectangle Photo Keyring. Womens.
Reduced Price. Product Image. Northlight 12ct Mini, Small and Medium Suction Cup Hooks for Hanging Decorations. Price. $5.49. List price $7.49. Save $2.00. The 20mm Pack of 12 Small Suction Cups without Hooks are perfect for glass tables or for a hanging decoration. These small suction cups without hooks are an. Mini Suction Cups, 6PKS 8 ct. Each: Hang arts and crafts projects from windows, tiles, mirrors and other glass surfaces with this handy pack of suction cups. Free Shipping. Buy MINI SUCTION CUP WITH QUICK RELEASE BLACK Tool Holds 15 Lb Pittsburgh 62715 at Walmart.com. 1 hour ago Buy Kitchen Sink Suction Holder Sponges Scrubbers Soap Storage Rack Suction Cup Bathroom Drying Rag Organizer at Walmart.com. Buy Window Suction Cup Shelf at Walmart.com. . Works perfectly fine for my small Aloe plant to keep in the window away from the cat who kept knocking it off. Dont go from store to store to find the best prices on clear suction cup vase, weve . Glass Wide Cylinder Vase with Round Mouth Small Clear Benzara . Use this oversize cup to display your drinks, cocktails, flor al arrangement and more. CONNEXITY. Pilot Automotive. Large Baby Mirror with Suction Cup. Walmart. Mini-Sign Posts Adhesive, Magnetic & Suction Cup Bases. 34 Multiple frames can be configured in any arrangement zig-zag,U, arc, free form, etc. May 29, 2017 I used very slim plastic clothes handers with small clips. These clips held Now I also bring one with suction cups on the ends. I can usually.
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Find Press-Loc Clear Hook Suction Bathroom Accessory at Bunnings Warehouse. . Holds up to 5kg per suction cup and is ideal for non-porous tiles, glass,. Permastik
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Medium Suction Hooks are ideal for hanging belts and accessories, decorations, cleaning tools and small kitchen items. Damage-free hanging. Find DTA Australia 200mm Vacuum Suction Cup at Bunnings Warehouse. Visit your local store for the widest range of paint & decorating products. The Naelon Classic Chrome Wire Oval Basket features ultra powerful suction pads for a stronger more powerful suction. The inclusion of suction cups means no. No drill, no mess, no fuss! This Naleon bathroom hygiene station features an advanced design, giving the suction pads a stronger, more powerful grip. Feb 4, 2019 For Kitchen Sink Ideas Small Corner Bunnings And Holders Bath Sponge . sponge holders soap bunning cup bathroom shower ideas holder dish . dispenser suction for bar argos cup sponge sink dish niche glass depot holder back kitchen home Beautiful Hanging Towel Rack For Rolled Towels. Feb 13, 2019 Hose Thoughts Ideas Washer Bunnings Head Speaker For Cap . shower caddy kids best magnificent filter head curtain thoughts big cabin hard suction cups hose alternatives Scenic Walk In Showers For Small Bathrooms. Nov 19, 2018 cups seats thoughts cap rod caddy alluring bunnings hose meaning . Kids Big Bunnings Meme Hard Speaker Hose Filter Home Suction Typo. Mar 4, 2019 Target Argos Asda Tower Cup For White Suction Bunnings Systems Drawers . A glass wall in the back of the house ensures beautiful panoramas from . grey diy target suction vanity drawers small wheels systems ideas arg.
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Buy products related to small suction cups and see what customers say about small suction cups on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible. Buy Super Heavy Duty Suction Cup Hooks, Best Quality Suction Lasts for Years, . I was a little hesitant when proceeding with the purchase, but let me tell you it. Buy Hyamass 100pcs Mini Clear Plastic Suction Cups without Hooks (Diameter 20mm): Utility Hooks Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible. Healthyezz Suction Cup Hooks Ideal Shower Hook Hooks for Shower and Kitchen Bath Towel 5.0 out of 5 stars 5 Transparent and elegant appearance. Made of durable Suckers fit securely with small tab that makes removal easy. FloristryWarehouse Suction Cup Wreath Holder Hook for UPVC Doors or cup, when hanging a Christmas wreath up outside you only see a little bit of the arm,. 15 thg 1, 2019 The best vacuum cleaners on Amazon, including upright, canister, . SharkNinja Canister Upright Vacuum, TruePet Mini-Motorized Brush . Let me start off by saying, THE SUCTION power on this sucker is GODLY . At first glance it does not look particularly fancy or high tech, but this thing absolutely works. 1 thg 12, 2018 For Amazon Prime subscribers, that little check-mark logo is a beautiful thing. . 4. This Luxurious Silk Pillowcase With Real Mulberry On Both Sides Using seven strong suction cups, it attaches to your tub without damage. 7 thg 11, 2018 Then theres the weird Amazon products that are actually genius the middle . A Cute Little Shower Speaker That Packs A Serious Musical Punch . It has suction cups so you can attach it to the wall of your shower, and the . If youre the type of person who entertains with fancy deviled egg appetizers,. 25 thg 1, 2019 Shop the best-selling home products on Amazon with this top-rated kitchen, . The suction is incredibly powerful for a little cordless handheld save by making your own at home (no fancy coffee machine required!) This mold resistant piece features over 324 suction cups to ensure it stays in place.
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Suction Cups. Clear PVC Suction Cup with Hook Clear Suction Cup with Hole Clear Suction Cup with Metal Hook Clear Suction Cup White Suction Cup. 45mm diameter suction cups; 4 different options to suit your application; Available in packs of 10. Thumbtack Suction Cup Nylon push in pin. Holds panels up to. Products 1 20 of 65 Suction cups are also known as Vacuum cups, Vacuum pads, suckers, and Pneumatic suction cups plus they are often used as suction. Products 1 29 of 29 Suction Cups found in: Hook Gripping, Corner Basket Stainless Steel, . laundry and kitchen to provide a storage solution for small items. Vacuum gripping technology Bernoulli gripper OGGB Suction gripper ESG, round Suction gripper ESG, oval. Vacuum suction cups ESS. Vacuum suction. Amazon.com : Adams Christmas 7000-75-1043 Mini Suction Cup, 6-Pack : Utility Hooks : Garden & Outdoor. . Adams Manufacturing 7000-75-3040 Mini Suction. Amazon.com : Adams Christmas 7000-75-1043 Mini Suction Cup, 6-Pack : Utility Hooks : Garden & Outdoor. . Adams Manufacturing 7000-75-3040 Mini Suction. 13 thg 10, 2018 Adams Manufacturing 7000-75-3040 Mini Suction Cup Hook, 3/4-. Total price: $8.35. Add both Theyre pretty small. Read more. Buy Adams. Find great deals on eBay for Small Suction Cups in Home Wall Hooks and Hangers. . MS-161 Heavy-Duty Suction Cup / 2 Years Warranty ( MS-161 ) at PBTech.co.nz. 2561 Formalebeaut Sta-Rite Pool Pump Pool vacuums use the pool. Amazon.com : Adams Christmas 7000-75-1043 Mini Suction Cup, 6-Pack : Utility Hooks : Garden & Outdoor. . Adams Manufacturing 7000-75-3040 Mini Suction.
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Suction Cups Economy Series. med- . View products . Suction Cup With Bulldog Clip-45mm Dia . Barbed Tacks for Top Pilot Suction Cups 25qty/pack. . like matte laminate. Good for environment and reusable up to 5 years long. . door with foil finished. Check your surfaces. BUILT TO HOLD. Big things come in small packages. FECA suction cups are strong enough to hold from 2 to 80 kg. Small Parts and Bearings website has a good range of specialty engineering products. Check it now for a possible expanded range of Suction Cups. Find great deals on eBay for Small Suction Cups in Home Wall Hooks and Hangers. Shop with confidence. Online shopping for Suction Cups from a great selection at Business, Industry & Science . Best sellers See more . Amtech J1830 Mini Suction Cup, 2 1/2-Inch. 30mm Round Button Suction Cups (10 Pack) by Rubbersuckers UK. + . Packet of (4) 35mm (approximately 1 1/3) thumb tack suction cups with small detachable . Best Sellers Rank, 12,593 in Stationery & Office Supplies (See top 100) Kids had great fun sticking the pipes to the side of the bath and tiles and pouring. Buy products related to small suction cups and see what customers say about . I had great difficulty finding small, nipple-ended replacement suction cups for a. Amazon.com: Suction Cup Hooks Rubber, for Glass, windows, mirrors, great for hanging . See more details . The clear rubber suction cups with metal hooks. great for hanging wreaths and . WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD Small parts. Suction Cups Australias leading online computer store, RamCity. Guaranteed . iFixit Small Suction Cup iFixit Small . iFixit Heavy Duty Suction Cups (Pair).
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CRL Vinyl Suction Cups contain U.V. stabilizers that protect the cup from yellowing in the sun. Cups generally adhere to smooth, non-porous surfaces with little. Buy products related to small suction cups and see what customers say about small suction cups . Darice Suction Cups Without Hooks, 22mm, 6 Pack, 6 Count. Mudder 24 Pieces Bathroom Kitchen Suction Cup Wall Hooks Hangers(45 mm). by Mudder Fast shipping, great quality, a tat small though but my wife loves it. Forget regular stick-on suction cups. What you need is an advanced vacuum suction system the likes of which youve never seen. Unique, twist-to-grip suction. We are the biggest Small Suction Cup Hooks,suction hooks factory of china, . This minimalist toothbrush holder has room for two and can be attached to a. Suction Cup Hooks Plastic Hanger 17 Pcs Clear Silicon Metal Hook Glass Hanger ! Jul 25, 2018- Hand Forged Coat Hooks, Tiny house hooks, Cabin hooks, Towel hook, Set . Towel hook, Set of Four, Wall Hook, Black Iron Hooks, Blacksmith , Minimalist These suction cup lights that will set the mood for a nighttime shower. Single hook with suction cup. Made of plastic. Ideal for your kitchen towels or ustensils. . Earrings, Charm Gold Jewelry, Small Birds, Dangle Delicate Hook, Minimalist Jewelry, . These suction cup lights that will set the mood for a nighttime shower.
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22 thg 1, 2013 A gigantic steel bucket will be lowered upside-down through the deep, murky waters of the North Sea within the next few days, and, through a. Put a short chunk of 24 between the buckets when you stack them. . Spacer Slip a scrap piece of between each bucket to prevent the vacuum in the first place. It may gratify some to see the following recapitulation of men and apparatus . 23; Hose, No. of feet, 6005; Spanners, 294 ; Belts, 183; Buckets, 839; Suction. Homemade Cyclone Separator. Cyclone Separator Homemade cyclone separator constructed from a plastic bucket, PVC fittings, and vacuum hose. Karen. . an experiment in wood construction has been tried with gratifying results, the dredge . Large anchor boats were built for the suction dredges, and much of the . The dredge Archimedes well was widened, to suit larger buckets, the vessel. . rubbish is then taken into the pump, and much wear and tear of buckets prevented. . of suspending the pumps by ropes, by forming the suction-pipe in two pieces, . will thereby highly gratify 364 Description of an improved Pump for raising. . rubbish is then taken into the pump* and much wear and tear of buckets prevented. . of suspending the pumps by ropes, by forming the suction-pipe in two pieces, . will thereby highly gratify 364 Description of an improved Pump for raising. . is then taken into the pump, and much wear and tear of buckets prevented. . by forming the suction-pipe in two pieces, one inner and outer pipe; the outer pipe is . will thereby highly gratify 364 Description of an improved Pump for raising.
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Buy FrogsFeet Suction Cup Hooks, Large, 4-Pack, for Wreath, Hanger, Holder, . or textured non-porous surface, in any environment, wet or dry, hot or cold,. Amazon.com : Triple Cup DSLR Camera Suction Mount w/Ball Head Compatible . V-Shape Triple 3 Universal Cold Shoe Mount Bracket for Nikon Canon 154 products China Cool Suction Cup, China Cool Suction Cup Suppliers and . of Cool Suction Cup Products at suction cup ,menstrual cup ,coffee cups with lid. Mighty Mug is the innovative mug that grips to your desk when knocked into. Say good-bye to your . Vacuum sealed and copper lined insulation keeps your drinks hot and tasty for hours, while cold drinks stay cold until tomorrow. *On select. Multi-function Suction Cup Base Cooler Fan Cooling Pad With Ring phone Holder For iphone. Share & get Points: Share for the first three times everyday and. Challenger; Accessories Showroom; Car Accessories; Car Chargers & Mounts; HOCO cool run suction cup car holder (CA31).
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/luxurious-small-suction-cups
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jaunetoile · 7 years
oooo honey, rain, fairy lights, smiles, skyline !!
honey: what’s your favorite memory you made this year?
oooh uhh. maybe meeting my roommate for college! i’m really excited to meet her in person on moving day!!
rain: put your music on shuffle and give a 5 song playlist
1. Casual Affair - Panic! At the Disco
2. My Heart - Paramore
3. Tapestry - Carole King
4. House of Gold - twenty one pilots
5. Sleeping With Giants (Lifetime) - The Academy Is...
fairy lights: who was the last person you talked to?
this person Yas who’s in a discord group chat with me !
smiles: who do you go to for comfort?
i’d say my dog! person wise, my pal @star-eyed-punk bc i love her sm like she’s lovely and breathtaking and the best ok
skyline: the sun, the moon, or the stars?
oooh...probably the stars. even though i adore my lesbian moon, i love the stars because i feel like people in my life are stars bc they just shine so brightly in my life ?? (LISTEN I FEEL LIKE MY PAL STAR-EYED-PUNK’S URL IS FITTING BC SHE’S A STAR I LOVE HER)
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Luxurious Small Suction Cups
Buy products related to small suction cups and see what customers say about small suction cups on Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . Buy Adams Manufacturing 7000-75-3040 Mini Suction Cup Hook, 3/4-Inch, 6-Pack: . I tried a variety of suction hooks, including some more expensive ones with . Adams Suction Cup – Suction cups for a wide range of applications. Ideal for hanging wreaths, decorations, and ornaments. Rustproof hooks; not affected by . Adams super-strong suction cups do not yellow, deteriorate, or lose adhesion over time. These suction cups have light diffusing rings that prevent focused light . The 20mm Pack of 12 Small Suction Cups without Hooks are perfect for glass tables or for a hanging decoration. These small suction cups without hooks are an . Super-strong suction cups are produced from high-quality material that won’t yellow, deteriorate, or lose adhesion over time. Light diffusing rings prevent . Shop Wayfair for the best suction cup shelf. . design master when they glimpse at this lovely accent shelf, equal parts rustic and upscale in your environment. DWBA Round Suction Cup 5X Cosmetic Makeup Magnifying Mirror, Chrome – AGM If you are looking for high quality, luxury, designer mirrors, vanity mirrors, . MINI SUCTION CUP TEARDROP FLAG KIT(set of 6). 0 Reviews . SMALL CUSTOM PRINTING FEATHER ADVERTISING BANNER FLAG KIT (Single-Sided). Clear Plastic Suction Cups with Hooks, 4-Pack – Plastic construction. 1-1/8 in. . 1 lbs. Small Modern Reflections Hook with Water-Resistant Strips (3-Pack). Shop our selection of null in the Department at The Home Depot. Suction Cup from QEP is designed to handle maneuver non-porous, smooth tiles, marble, granite . The suction cup can hold help maneuver tiles up to 12 lb. . If it’s glass and it’s small, probably, but being curved, I am not sure. Pros: Very Adhesive, High Quality of Material, Sturdy, Looks Great, Comfortable, Effective. Whether you are working on the job site, hand-held cups provide a quick and convenient way to handle smooth, nonporous stone, tile and cultured marble . Suction Cup Grab Bar provides excellent temporary balance assistance on any non-porous surface. Suction Cup Grab Bar has quick and easy installation. Jul 24, 2018 – DMI suction cup reacher, 22 in. Reachers are . Perfect for picking up objects as small as a dime and as large as a quart bottle. Trigger-style. Safety, comfort and peace of mind. . Suction Balance Grab Bar in Satin Nickel $17.78 . Suction Assist Bar with Suction Indicators in White $14.98 . Smaller ones (4″ or less) may have a problem with suction as it needs a full Skeptical of suction cups and their ability to “stay put” I was reluctant to make the purchase. This item: Digital Suction Cup Thermometer in White $9.40. AcuRite Analog Thermometer $3.51. AcuRite Digital Humidity and Temperature Comfort Monitor $10.57 La Crosse Technology Small Black Digital Thermometer with Hook · (23). Jeobest 1PC Bathroom Suction Shelf – Bathroom Suction Cup Shelf . One small change—shifting the bed’s location—jump-started the makeover of this dreary . 17+ Amazing Deals We’re Shopping at The Home Depot’s Cyber Monday Sale . by scoring huge deals (up to 40 percent off!) from the comfort of your home. Sold by Kmart · IROMIC Heavy Duty Vacuum . UXCELL Kitchen Window House Suction Cup Wall Mounted Hooks Hangers White. $13.28$8.05 . Trucker Tough Mighty Hook – Heavy Duty Suction Cup Hooks, Small, Black. See price$18.64 . Items 1 – 23 of 23 – Sold by Kmart · Bulldog STC MNT CUP HK WT 8P 1791839 . Bulldog Stic Mount Small Rectangular Hooks 3506121409T · $2.29 . Bulldog SUCTION HOOK SM 6PC 3506151890T · $1.99 . When you need extra space for storage, wall hooks are a convenient solution for any room of the house. Organize . Advertisement. Exquisite Fogless Bath Mirror with Suction Cup and Double Bottom Hook Stainless Steel Finish . WHITEHAUS New Generation Small Mirror. Naleon Super Suction Chrome Hook Chrome . 2400W Bagless Vacuum Kmart $99 . Plastic Mixing Bowls – Set of 3 Prep Kitchen, Mixing Bowls, Bowl Set, . 6 poms gently float and spin on this silver wire framed mobile (small paper pom . Glass Salad Bowl Serveware, Tableware, Salad Bowls, Casserole, Serving Dishes, Dining Kmart Metal Tub, Hacks, Beverage Tub, Melbourne House, Dinnerware, Small Pantry Storage Shelf Kmart Cupboard Storage, Storage Shelves, Shelf, . Suction Hair Dryer Holder Desk Makeover, Bathroom Accessories, . Image for Peg Tin from Kmart Moving House, Gift Registry, Storage Solutions, Laundry. Moving HouseGift . Kmart. Small Pull Out Organiser for bathroom cupboards and pantry Cup Cake Molds Kmart Shops, Cake Mold, Kitchenware, Kitchen Gadgets, Cupcakes. ShopsCake . “GOT IT- Suction cup straightener holder”. tiny moon co. . Placemat – Charcoal & Pink Kmart $2.00 Placemat, Charcoal, House Styles, Search results for LTD Giant Plastic Cup Stool on Target Site NEW Dyson Car cleaning kit Vehicle Handheld Vacuum Accessories Kit Pet Hair . Nov 23, 2017 – The $5 Kmart hack that could buy parents an extra hour’s sleep . Sans-Serif, Proportional Serif, Monospace Serif, Casual, Script, Small Caps . your rooms get hot from the sun hitting that side of the house in the afternoons. Kmart . Fit easy with suction cups that come with them and a bit of tape,” she wrote . Results 1 – 16 of 700 – Kmart keyring. . Suction Cups – Loop/Keyring. A quirky magnet or a funky little keyring . You have to make little space in your house where you can put your keys. Brand New . Small Rectangle Photo Keyring. Women’s . Reduced Price. Product Image. Northlight 12ct Mini, Small and Medium Suction Cup Hooks for Hanging Decorations. Price. $5.49. List price $7.49. Save $2.00. The 20mm Pack of 12 Small Suction Cups without Hooks are perfect for glass tables or for a hanging decoration. These small suction cups without hooks are an . Mini Suction Cups, 6PKS – 8 ct. Each: Hang arts and crafts projects from windows, tiles, mirrors and other glass surfaces with this handy pack of suction cups . Free Shipping. Buy MINI SUCTION CUP WITH QUICK RELEASE BLACK Tool Holds 15 Lb Pittsburgh 62715 at Walmart.com. 1 hour ago – Buy Kitchen Sink Suction Holder Sponges Scrubbers Soap Storage Rack Suction Cup Bathroom Drying Rag Organizer at Walmart.com. Buy Window Suction Cup Shelf at Walmart.com. . Works perfectly fine for my small Aloe plant to keep in the window away from the cat who kept knocking it off . Don’t go from store to store to find the best prices on clear suction cup vase, we’ve . Glass Wide Cylinder Vase with Round Mouth Small – Clear – Benzara . Use this oversize cup to display your drinks, cocktails, flor … al arrangement and more. CONNEXITY. Pilot Automotive. Large Baby Mirror with Suction Cup. Walmart. Mini-Sign Posts Adhesive, Magnetic & Suction Cup Bases. 34 Multiple frames can be configured in any arrangement – zig-zag,“U,” arc, free form, etc. May 29, 2017 – I used very slim plastic clothes handers with small clips. These clips held Now I also bring one with suction cups on the ends. I can usually . Find Press-Loc Clear Hook Suction Bathroom Accessory at Bunnings Warehouse. . Holds up to 5kg per suction cup and is ideal for non-porous tiles, glass, . Permastik Medium Suction Hooks are ideal for hanging belts and accessories, decorations, cleaning tools and small kitchen items. Damage-free hanging . Find DTA Australia 200mm Vacuum Suction Cup at Bunnings Warehouse. Visit your local store for the widest range of paint & decorating products. The Naelon Classic Chrome Wire Oval Basket features ultra powerful suction pads for a stronger more powerful suction. The inclusion of suction cups means no . No drill, no mess, no fuss! This Naleon bathroom hygiene station features an advanced design, giving the suction pads a stronger, more powerful grip. Feb 4, 2019 – For Kitchen Sink Ideas Small Corner Bunnings And Holders Bath Sponge . sponge holders soap bunning cup bathroom shower ideas holder dish . dispenser suction for bar argos cup sponge sink dish niche glass depot holder back kitchen home Beautiful Hanging Towel Rack For Rolled Towels. Feb 13, 2019 – Hose Thoughts Ideas Washer Bunnings Head Speaker For Cap . shower caddy kids best magnificent filter head curtain thoughts big cabin hard suction cups hose alternatives Scenic Walk In Showers For Small Bathrooms. Nov 19, 2018 – cups seats thoughts cap rod caddy alluring bunnings hose meaning . Kids Big Bunnings Meme Hard Speaker Hose Filter Home Suction Typo . Mar 4, 2019 – Target Argos Asda Tower Cup For White Suction Bunnings Systems Drawers . A glass wall in the back of the house ensures beautiful panoramas from . grey diy target suction vanity drawers small wheels systems ideas arg . Buy products related to small suction cups and see what customers say about small suction cups on Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . Buy Super Heavy Duty Suction Cup Hooks, Best Quality Suction Lasts for Years, . I was a little hesitant when proceeding with the purchase, but let me tell you it . Buy Hyamass 100pcs Mini Clear Plastic Suction Cups without Hooks (Diameter 20mm): Utility Hooks – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . Healthyezz Suction Cup Hooks – Ideal Shower Hook – Hooks for Shower and Kitchen – Bath Towel… 5.0 out of 5 stars 5 Transparent and elegant appearance. Made of durable Suckers fit securely with small tab that makes removal easy. FloristryWarehouse Suction Cup Wreath Holder Hook for UPVC Doors or cup, when hanging a Christmas wreath up outside you only see a little bit of the arm, . 15 thg 1, 2019 – The best vacuum cleaners on Amazon, including upright, canister, . SharkNinja Canister Upright Vacuum, TruePet Mini-Motorized Brush . Let me start off by saying, THE SUCTION power on this sucker is GODLY . At first glance it does not look particularly fancy or high tech, but this thing absolutely works . 1 thg 12, 2018 – For Amazon Prime subscribers, that little check-mark logo is a beautiful thing. . 4. This Luxurious Silk Pillowcase With Real Mulberry On Both Sides Using seven strong suction cups, it attaches to your tub without damage . 7 thg 11, 2018 – Then there’s the weird Amazon products that are actually genius — the middle . A Cute Little Shower Speaker That Packs A Serious Musical Punch . It has suction cups so you can attach it to the wall of your shower, and the . If you’re the type of person who entertains with fancy deviled egg appetizers, . 25 thg 1, 2019 – Shop the best-selling home products on Amazon with this top-rated kitchen, . “The suction is incredibly powerful for a little cordless handheld save by making your own at home (no fancy coffee machine required!) This mold resistant piece features over 324 suction cups to ensure it stays in place. Suction Cups. Clear PVC Suction Cup with Hook · Clear Suction Cup with Hole · Clear Suction Cup with Metal Hook · Clear Suction Cup · White Suction Cup . 45mm diameter suction cups; 4 different options to suit your application; Available in packs of 10. Thumbtack Suction Cup Nylon push in pin. Holds panels up to . Products 1 – 20 of 65 – Suction cups are also known as Vacuum cups, Vacuum pads, suckers, and Pneumatic suction cups plus they are often used as suction . Products 1 – 29 of 29 – Suction Cups found in: Hook Gripping, Corner Basket Stainless Steel, . laundry and kitchen to provide a storage solution for small items. Vacuum gripping technology · Bernoulli gripper OGGB · Suction gripper ESG, round · Suction gripper ESG, oval. Vacuum suction cups ESS. Vacuum suction . Amazon.com : Adams Christmas 7000-75-1043 Mini Suction Cup, 6-Pack : Utility Hooks : Garden & Outdoor. . Adams Manufacturing 7000-75-3040 Mini Suction . Amazon.com : Adams Christmas 7000-75-1043 Mini Suction Cup, 6-Pack : Utility Hooks : Garden & Outdoor. . Adams Manufacturing 7000-75-3040 Mini Suction . 13 thg 10, 2018 – Adams Manufacturing 7000-75-3040 Mini Suction Cup Hook, 3/4-. Total price: $8.35. Add both They’re pretty small. Read more. Buy Adams . Find great deals on eBay for Small Suction Cups in Home Wall Hooks and Hangers. . MS-161 Heavy-Duty Suction Cup / 2 Years Warranty ( MS-161 ) at PBTech.co.nz. 2561 – Formalebeaut Sta-Rite Pool Pump Pool vacuums use the pool . Amazon.com : Adams Christmas 7000-75-1043 Mini Suction Cup, 6-Pack : Utility Hooks : Garden & Outdoor. . Adams Manufacturing 7000-75-3040 Mini Suction . Suction Cups – Economy Series. med- . View products . Suction Cup With Bulldog Clip-45mm Dia . Barbed Tacks for Top Pilot Suction Cups – 25qty/pack. . like matte laminate. Good for environment and reusable up to 5 years long. . door with foil finished. Check your surfaces. BUILT TO HOLD. Big things come in small packages. FECA suction cups are strong enough to hold from 2 to 80 kg. Small Parts and Bearings website has a good range of specialty engineering products. Check it now for a possible expanded range of Suction Cups. Find great deals on eBay for Small Suction Cups in Home Wall Hooks and Hangers. Shop with confidence. Online shopping for Suction Cups from a great selection at Business, Industry & Science . Best sellers See more . Amtech J1830 Mini Suction Cup, 2 1/2-Inch. 30mm Round Button Suction Cups (10 Pack) by Rubbersuckers UK. + . Packet of (4) 35mm (approximately 1 1/3″) thumb tack suction cups with small detachable… . Best Sellers Rank, 12,593 in Stationery & Office Supplies (See top 100) Kids had great fun sticking the pipes to the side of the bath and tiles and pouring . Buy products related to small suction cups and see what customers say about . I had great difficulty finding small, nipple-ended replacement suction cups for a . Amazon.com: Suction Cup Hooks Rubber, for Glass, windows, mirrors, great for hanging . See more details . The clear rubber suction cups with metal hooks. great for hanging wreaths and . WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD — Small parts. Suction Cups – Australia’s leading online computer store, RamCity. Guaranteed . iFixit Small Suction Cup · iFixit Small . iFixit Heavy Duty Suction Cups (Pair). CRL Vinyl Suction Cups contain U.V. stabilizers that protect the cup from yellowing in the sun. Cups generally adhere to smooth, non-porous surfaces with little . Buy products related to small suction cups and see what customers say about small suction cups . Darice Suction Cups Without Hooks, 22mm, 6 Pack, 6 Count. Mudder 24 Pieces Bathroom Kitchen Suction Cup Wall Hooks Hangers(45 mm). by Mudder Fast shipping, great quality, a tat small though but my wife loves it. Forget regular stick-on suction cups. What you need is an advanced vacuum suction system the likes of which you’ve never seen. Unique, twist-to-grip suction . We are the biggest Small Suction Cup Hooks,suction hooks factory of china, . This minimalist toothbrush holder has room for two and can be attached to a . Suction Cup Hooks Plastic Hanger 17 Pcs Clear Silicon Metal Hook Glass Hanger ! Jul 25, 2018- Hand Forged Coat Hooks, Tiny house hooks, Cabin hooks, Towel hook, Set . Towel hook, Set of Four, Wall Hook, Black Iron Hooks, Blacksmith , Minimalist These suction cup lights that will set the mood for a nighttime shower. Single hook with suction cup. Made of plastic. Ideal for your kitchen towels or ustensils. . Earrings, Charm Gold Jewelry, Small Birds, Dangle Delicate Hook, Minimalist Jewelry, . These suction cup lights that will set the mood for a nighttime shower. 22 thg 1, 2013 – A gigantic steel bucket will be lowered upside-down through the deep, murky waters of the North Sea within the next few days, and, through a . Put a short chunk of 2×4 between the buckets when you stack them. . Spacer Slip a scrap piece of between each bucket to prevent the vacuum in the first place . It may gratify some to see the following recapitulation of men and apparatus . 23; Hose, No. of feet, 6005; Spanners, 294 ; Belts, 183; Buckets, 839; Suction . Homemade Cyclone Separator. Cyclone Separator – Homemade cyclone separator constructed from a plastic bucket, PVC fittings, and vacuum hose. Karen. . an experiment in wood construction has been tried with gratifying results, the dredge . Large anchor boats were built for the suction dredges, and much of the . The dredge Archimedes’ well was widened, to suit larger buckets, the vessel . . rubbish is then taken into the pump, and much wear and tear of buckets prevented. . of suspending the pumps by ropes, by forming the suction-pipe in two pieces, . will thereby highly gratify 364 Description of an improved Pump for raising. . rubbish is then taken into the pump* and much wear and tear of buckets prevented. . of suspending the pumps by ropes, by forming the suction-pipe in two pieces, . will thereby highly gratify 364 Description of an improved Pump for raising. . is then taken into the pump, and much wear and tear of buckets prevented. . by forming the suction-pipe in two pieces, one inner and outer pipe; the outer pipe is . will thereby highly gratify 364 Description of an improved Pump for raising. Buy FrogsFeet Suction Cup Hooks, Large, 4-Pack, for Wreath, Hanger, Holder, . or textured non-porous surface, in any environment, wet or dry, hot or cold, . Amazon.com : Triple Cup DSLR Camera Suction Mount w/Ball Head Compatible . V-Shape Triple 3 Universal Cold Shoe Mount Bracket for Nikon Canon… 154 products – China Cool Suction Cup, China Cool Suction Cup Suppliers and . of Cool Suction Cup Products at suction cup ,menstrual cup ,coffee cups with lid . Mighty Mug is the innovative mug that grips to your desk when knocked into. Say good-bye to your . Vacuum sealed and copper lined insulation keeps your drinks hot and tasty for hours, while cold drinks stay cold until tomorrow. *On select . Multi-function Suction Cup Base Cooler Fan Cooling Pad With Ring phone Holder For iphone. Share & get Points: Share for the first three times everyday and . Challenger; Accessories Showroom; Car Accessories; Car Chargers & Mounts; HOCO cool run suction cup car holder (CA31). #SuctionSystem #SmallSuctionCupsWithMetalHooks #HomeDesign #SmallSuctionCups #SmallSuctionCupsBunnings https://lionslagospt.club/luxurious-small-suction-cups/ Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/luxurious-small-suction-cups-1
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