#I loved Oppenheimer so much you have no idea
I watched Oppenheimer. I’ve not seen Barbie yet but my argument will still stand I think. It applies to both films, but I can really only use Oppenheimer as an example for the sake of this post.
I loved Oppenheimer. I have my criticisms of it, of course (I firmly believe that you can poke holes in any film and still enjoy it). I thought it was expertly crafted and intellectually stimulating and overall an incredible work.
But the main reason I enjoyed it, and another reason why people are enjoying Barbie so much as well, is because the visuals and filmmaking style is so striking.
Films being based in some kind of hyper realism is more of a modern ideal. What I mean is, Hollywood films that engage in serious topics often try to make the film look and feel as real as possible for audience immersion. The lighting is natural, the shots are in sharp focus, the colors aren’t saturated etc so that the audience will feel like it’s in the room with them. Now this works for a lot of movies, and that’s great!
But I often feel that when directors like Greta Gerwig and Christopher Nolan lean into the fact that film is *not* reality, when they turn it back into a spectacle and let the camera do the talking, audiences will respond to it, and respond to it very well.
My only examples from Barbie are the color pallete, which is still a good use of film language to convey character ideas and emotions. Even outside of Barbieland, the color pops. You can never miss Barbie, and that’s the point. It serves as a reminder of the world you’re engaging in as well as turning the film into something that’s visually pleasing. And I’m sure there are better examples of this in the movie, too! As again I’ve not yet seen it.
Oppenheimer utilizes abstract imagery and asynchronous editing to demonstrate how Oppenheimer sees the world. The film is in color when we’re in Oppie’s pov, and black and white when it’s more objective. The movie uses sound (and the lack of it) to its advantage. The sound, the visuals, and the effects do an excellent job at conveying mood and atmosphere. You don’t need the movie to tell you that the explosion was huge. You feel it in the sound and blinding light. It’s not a realistic looking film 100% of the time. It leans back into what camera and lighting and sound and other technical aspects of film are good at. It experiments with the image. And it totally works!
I think part of the reason “Barbenheimer” became such a huge thing is because people knew that both films would be a spectacle, and spectacles are a treat. In the early days of film, the whole draw was the fascination with the image. Even when talkies became commonplace the reason you went to the cinema was to watch and marvel at the world that was built in front of you.
I don’t really have a point to this I guess, it just makes my little filmmaker heart happy that hollywood blockbusters are beginning to lean more into the spectacle again and utilize a unique style and film language while simultaneously remaining faithful to their message and themes. These movies (Oppenheimer from my own viewing, Barbie from reviews I’ve seen) are not shallow in the way that many hollywood spectacle films usually are nowadays.
Thank you Greta Gerwig and Christopher Nolan for giving us a reason to go to the movies again. You smashed it out of the park.
I hope this makes sense. I’m not good at the long posts.
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foxy-kitsune · 7 months
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mythos-writes · 1 year
Welcome Home
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Cillian Murphy x wife! Reader
Plot: Cillian was scheduled to come home after filming. When he walked through the door (Y/N) was quite shocked at what she saw…
Word Count: 918
Warning: suggested sexual themes (No spoilers) This is a work of fiction
I saw Oppenheimer the other night and, omg I hope everyone who took part in making it is proud of this film.
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It was the final weeks of filming Christopher Nolen's newest movie, Oppenheimer. It had been months since (Y/N) and Cillian had seen each other face to face, and she was ready to see him in the flesh. They saw eachother for a little bit between the ending filming of Peaky Blinders and before he left for Oppenheimer. She had flown out to set early into the filming of the movie. Then life got in the way and the only way that they could see and hear each other was through Facetime and phone calls. 
She had been baking all day, and as it turned into the afternoon, she knew she needed to start on dinner. (Y/N) started prepping for one of Cillian’s favourite dishes, when she heard the door unlock and open. A shuffle of suitcases and shoes is heard from the entranceway of the home.
“(Y/N)? Are you home?” Cillian’s voice rings through their shared home. 
She quickly finished up what she was cutting, and whipped her hands on her pants before running out of the kitchen to meet him. 
“Cill, oh how I’ve missed you,” she says before jumping into his arms, squeezing him as she hugged him. 
“Oh I’ve missed you too love,” he replies, squeezing her just as hard. They latched onto eachother and didn’t want to let go. When they finally let go of each other, she saw how much weight he had lost. She knew he was gonna lose some weight for the role, but she didn’t think he was gonna change that much. 
“What is it?” he asks, a little worried at (Y/N)’s silence. 
“I didn’t think you would lose so much weight,” she states. He was always fit and skinny but for his role as J. Robert Oppenheimer, he needed to lose some of the Tommy shape that he had come accustomed to over the years.
“Don’t worry love, Tommy is still here,” he says jokingly in his signature Birmingham accent. She rolls her eyes before dragging him to the bedroom. When they entered the room Cillian brought her into a deep kiss. (Y/N) tugged on his shirt, wanting it off. He gently pushes her onto the bed, giving him a chance to take it off. 
“You take a shower and a nap. I’ll come wake you when dinner is ready,” she says while placing one last kiss on his lips. He didn’t let go quite yet. 
“I love you,” he says as he studied his wife and placed a few kisses along her jaw and neck before letting her go. 
“I love you too,” she replies before leaving the bedroom. 
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A few hours later, (Y/N) had finished cooking and plated everything for the two of them. She cleaned up a little, before walking back up to the bedroom to see hopefully her sleeping husband. She slowly opened the door, revealing a sleeping Cillian. His hair was still wet, revealing that he did have a shower. 
She walked over to his side of the bed, sitting beside him. He slightly moved, but that was because of the sinking of the bed. She leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek.
Wow, he must be in a deep sleep she thought before placing a few more kisses across his face. He moved a little, but his eyes didn’t open. (Y/N) then got an idea that would truly get him up. She got up and maneuvered herself to lie on top of her husband. He let out a groan at the new weight that was added onto him. She knew he was awake now. 
“Come on babe, it is time to get up,” she whispers in his ear. He moved his head to face her, which made her laugh.
Somehow he wrapped his arms around her and wrestled her underneath him. Cillian hovers over her, sleep still clear over his features. 
“Dinner is ready,” she says with a smile. He just shakes his head before lowering himself onto her, repaying the favour that she just did. She groaned when the full weight of him was felt. 
“Cillian, come on. Dinner is getting cold,” she states, trying to not let him fall asleep again. 
“We have a microwave for a reason love,” he rebuttals, getting comfortable on her stomach. She sighed knowing he had won this round. (Y/N) adjusted herself before playing with his damp curly hair. When he was away, she missed these small moments that they shared. Leaving the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the crazy filming schedule Cillian would have to navigate. But in these moments everything goes away. It was their escape from reality for a little while. 
“I love you so much Cillian,” she says before placing a kiss on the crown of his head. He looked up at her and returned the kiss on her sternum. 
“I love you so much more, (Y/N),” he replies. He placed another kiss on her stomach before closing his eyes again. 
“Welcome home,” she replies quietly before going back to playing with his hair, soothing him back to sleep. Leaving their dinner to cool, and to be reheated later.
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lavouredior · 4 months
Ok so I have had this head canon for a while that the vees have movie nights together, and I’m just wondering if you could write abt them having a movie night and it’s late but the movie isn’t over and bunny is getting really irritated bc she is tired.
But yeah this is just a suggestion.
I hope you doing good and not over working yourself.
OH MY GOD !!!! they so do !!!!
warnings: angry bunny, ari doesn’t know how movies in hell work so she just rolls with it, ari also disses oppenheimer even tho she’s seen it 12 times, this is pretty short ngl, IT IS 12:58 AM WHY AM I WRITING FANFICS RN : YALL BETTER LOVE ME
Thump Goes The Bunny
you loved movie nights, especially when the vees allowed you to choose the movie although usually regretting it after you made them watch some kid movie. ( valentino cries over half of them )
you and vox had a set bed time for you, mostly vox’s idea after he noticed how grumpy you would be when you stayed up too late and you agreed to it
so you had no fucking idea why he was having you stay up watching oppenheimer, which you were practically bored of watching five minutes into it and did not feel like staying up for this movie of all things.
you tried to fall asleep a couple of times but then one of the vees would have a reaction to the movie and it would ruin your chances of sleeping
that’s why you were currently sitting on vox’s lap, faced away from the movie. you let out a frustrated groan which just ended up with vox kissing you on the cheek, which did nothing but frustrate you more.
“wanna sleep!!!!” you practically yelled but it just ended up in the velvette and valentino shushing you not even paying attention to what you said and only to the fact a loud noise came out of you.
that’s when you decided to stand up, causing all three of the vees to immediately pull their attention from the movie screen and to you.
“conejita, you want me to move so you can sit on the couch?” valentino asked, thinking you were gonna complain about how your legs fall asleep from being in the same position for too long.
what they weren’t suspecting was for you to thump three times in response, vox’s eyes widened and he immediately stood up and picked you up. “what the fuck, princess?”
he started walking to the kitchen, trying to let valentino and velvette be able to watch the movie without your current tantrum but by the time he got to the kitchen you had managed to get out of his arms and thump again
he sighed before kneeling down to your height. “what have we talked about?” but you just shook your head, pretty much done with all three of them at this point.
“i did say what’s wrong before thumping! none of you listened tho! vally and vel just shushed me!” your voice came out whinier than you wanted, not trying to sound like a little kid complaining
he sighed again. “what’s wrong, princess?” he opened up his arms which you immediately walked into, him immediately hugging you as your eyes starting to well up a little bit. “i just wanna go sleep.”
he nodded before picking you up again. “it’s only...” he looked at the time before mentally hitting himself. “i’m sorry princess i thought it was earlier, it’s almost 1 AM no wonder you’re in a bad mood right now.”
“just wanna sleep.” vox had gotten the hint that the most important thing right now was getting you to sleep, which is why he immediately went to your guys’ room, planning on texting velvette and valentino about your sleep schedule being messed up once he had gotten you to sleep.
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eggroll-sama · 3 months
This is purely self-indulgent and just based on stuff that makes me go, “it’s them!” when it’s unrelated to them. But here you go and hope you like it. To make it sound more accurate, I replaced the nouns to fit Touchstarved cast.
Tyler Durban and Edward Norton from the FIGHT CLUB— “How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?” “Maybe self-improvement isn’t the answer, maybe self-destruction is the answer,” “Only after you’ve lost everything you’re free to do anything.” “We are the same person.”
The song, ‘I Remember You’ from ADVENTURE TIME— “I can feel myself slipping away, I can’t remember what it made me say, but I remember that I saw you frown, I swear it wasn’t me…And I need to save you, but who's going to save me? Please forgive me for whatever I do, when I don’t remember you.”
The punk from FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF. I can just see Ais at a police station, giving advice to a pretty stranger, and end up making out with them.
This scene (warning: graphic violence and gore) from ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD. It’s just so Ais and Princess-coded
VENOM, enough said.
The murder-mystery film, THE DA VINCI CODE. I feel like Kuras would love the movie if it existed in his world since it’s canon that he likes trashy murder mysteries.
The song, ‘No Good Deed Goes Unpunished’ from WICKED— “[MC] where are you? Already dead, or bleeding? One more disaster I can add to my Generous supply…No good deed goes unpunished. No act of charity goes unresented. No good deed goes unpunished. That’s my new creed.”
GONE WITH THE WIND— “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” This line was controversial when released in 1939 because swear words weren’t normalized. I feel like Kuras, like this movie, rarely swears but when he does, the whole room goes silent and you know shit’s about to go down. Also according to the RSS radial chart, Kuras has low empathy plus maxed out strength high wisdom, damn at some point that man might legit not give a damn-
MAQUIA: WHEN THE PROMISED FLOWER BLOOMS— “you smell weird, you smell like the sun;” “If you fall in love, you will truly become alone.” Contextually the line is about how an immortal should never get too close with mortals because they'll one day they’ll die, and it fits Kuras a lot.
HUNTER X HUNTER 2011—“[MC] you are light. Sometimes, you shine so brightly, I must look away. But even so, is it still ok to stay by your side?” I love the idea of an angel heavily associated with the sun (Prometheus, likes sunny days, radiates heat), finds someone that is the light of their life.
ONE PIECE— “I have seen the future of this country. And it is destruction. As long as [the Senobium] remains here, this country can never be cured, because even if medical technology progresses, even if [alchemical] research continues… there is no cure for stupidity.”
OPPENHEIMER. After I watched the movie all I could think about was Kuras doing the blank eye stare at the end of the movie.
Goob from MEET THE ROBINSONS (he’s literally just child Leander in the modern world ;o;)
Michael Scott from THE OFFICE— “I wanna be married and have 100 kids so I can have 100 friends and no one can say no to being my friend,” “it’s not about the horniness, it’s about the loneliness”
The painting, Death of Sardanapalus, by Eugene Delacroix. King Sardanapalus palace is besieged by enemies and he decides to commit suicide after he learns of the army’s defeat, but not before ordering his men to destroy all his favorite possessions- wives, horses, pages, and dogs. He’d rather his valuables all be destroyed than his enemies own them. King Sardanapulus selfishness is humane, but the extremity’s he would go to keep what is his is monstrous.
GASTON from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST— Gaston and Leander both have similar vibes. They’re both trusted and well-liked by most people, viewed as heroes, are human but are monsters on the inside, overconfident, attractive, has a possessive streak, hangs out in bars, nice singing voice. The main difference is that Gaston doesn’t try to act like a nice guy like Leander Fake ahhh
The song ‘Burn’ from HAMILTON— “Do you know what [Vere] said when we saw your first letter arrive? [He] said, be careful with that one, love, he will do what it takes to survive…Do you know what [Kuras] said when [he] read what you’d done? [He] said, you’ve married an Icarus, he has flown too close to the sun.”
Michael Corleone from the GODFATHER.
Sampo from HONKAI STAR RAIL— I barely know anything about Honkai Starrail, but I was going to an anime goods store with my friend and one look at him made me think of Leander. My friend gave me a run down that he betrays you for money and runs away and unironically I could see Leander throwing us under the bus.
This scene from the movie, MALENA. Vere is heavily desired by men and women alike, but his flirty and fickle personality is just a front to protect himself. And he hates how people see him as a pretty face or someone who needs saving from the Senobium. Tbh Malena herself just reminds me of Vere’s problem of how being pretty is a double edged sword. People see you’re pretty, so they feel threatened or idealize you. You feel extremely lonely bc people are distracted by your beauty and won’t try to understand you intimately. So you either own it and be alone OR assimilate and have friends. Vere is the former.
Madonna-Whore Complex. This article explains it pretty well, “The Madonna Whore Complex (MWC) is a psychological complex often perpetuated by heterosexual, cisgender males which places women into two categories the “Madonna, a woman who is pure, virtuous, and nurturing, or a “Whore,” a woman who is deemed as overly sexual, manipulating, and promiscuous. The dichotomy of MWC creates a rigidity that limits women’s sexual expression, agency, and freedom by defining their sexuality into one of two categories.” Vere is the latter.
Ymir from ATTACK ON TITAN. Both of them were self-proclaimed deity, was caught lying (presumably), and paid for it. Their personalities are similar too except Vere masks himself through innuendos.
The song, ‘The Red Means I Love You’ by Madds Buckley— “The red on my face is matching you. And goodness, you're bleeding, what a wonderful feeling. You're down and you're pleading, my head is just reeling. The red means I love you. Tasting your blood means I love you.” (I can’t see Vere becoming a yandere because he’s already deranged)
Another line from ONE PIECE —“Someday I will become too much of a burden. Someday you’ll betray me and cast me aside.”
SHUTTER ISLAND— “What would be worse, to live as a monster or die as a good [person]?” Mhin hates monsters ironically since they are one, and I could see them nearing the time limit where their curse becomes permanent and decides that maybe it’s better to die with their humanity than live forever as a monster.
The Beast from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. I already said this in another post but like IMAGINE THE AU. AHHHHHH
Felix from LAST LEGACY but more depressed.
Disclaimer: we don’t know much about Sen or Elyon yet so I don’t have much.
THE GREAT GATSBY— “…can't you see who this guy is, with his house and his parties and his fancy clothes? He is just a front, a gangster, to get his claws into respectable folk…(to Elyon) We're all different from you. You see, we were born different. It's in our blood. And nothing that you do or say or steal... or dream up can ever change that.”
Unfortunately I don’t have any for Sen. Her design reminds me of Frankenstein’s creature tho.
This scene from SHAPE OF WATER. MC falls in love with a monster and trying to save them from danger. MC knows that they are also an outsider, a monster. Being with the LI’s feels like they were finally accepted for who they are, regardless of their curse, so they can’t abandon them— “When they looks at me…the way they looks at me, they don’t know what I lack. How I am incomplete...and now I can either save them or let them die.” I think this quote can also be interpreted as the players choosing a route, essentially dooming the other players if we don’t choose them.
Famous line from 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU— “but mostly I hate how I don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” The fact that us as players will keep coming back to them, replaying their routes even though they killed us, and obsessing over them. Yes they suck but we still love them.
This quote from Green Mile— “ I’m tired…I'm tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with.” I think this quote really emphasizes how touch-starved MC is, and how alone they feel from being betrayed by people they cared about in the past (also sparrow name drop ^-^)
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pinguwrites · 4 months
Stay ⸻ Robert Oppenheimer
pairing | cillian!robert oppenheimer x reader
summary | You’ve always known that Robert was the love of your life. How will you cope when he moves to Germany?
word count | 1.7k
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Warnings: I dunno why all my oppie fics have a sad touch to them, breeding kink, baby trap, p in v sex, sub!robert, kinda dark!reader, insecure!reader
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Robert Oppenheimer was a man burdened by fate, of dreams and visions of a future he couldn’t yet understand. He would wake up in the middle of the night, desperate eyes glazing across the room, only to land on his bedroom window, watching as the rain pattered against the glass. Who was there to comfort him but you? the only one who truly knew him, the only one who would hold him for hours, whispering sweet nothings into his ear until he finally fell asleep, blessed with your gentle touch and soothing words.
You had always thought that Robert was different from the others. He was gentle and kind, not as masculine, but not short of the handsome features and gentlemanly behavior men were expected to possess. He was breathtaking. Every time you were around him you felt like you were witnessing a true beauty, a genius, a bird with wings that would soon fly away, up into the air and out of your reach, destined for a future you weren't a part of.
Your concerns had only reached their peak when he voiced to you his desire of traveling abroad, to Germany. You knew he was never good with practical things, so it was no wonder he didn't enjoy experimental physics. You just didn't expect him to want to move away to seek his passion. Was he planning on bringing you with him?
"Niehls Bohr suggested I go to Göttingen," Robert had said one day during dinner, "study there under Max Born. I think I'll go. I'm useless in the lab."
You stayed quiet, nodding. Had he thought of what you were going to do? The horrible thought entered your mind that maybe Robert wasn't as committed to this relationship as you were. After all, most couples would have gotten married by this point. Dating culture had only just now become a thing, and that too it was for younger folks. While marriage was where you expected to head, maybe Robert had different ideas. He'd always been a difficult one to grasp onto.
"Is something wrong?" Robert asked, eyebrows creasing a little. "Did — did I do something?"
You shook your head and lied. "No. And no."
Robert became quiet as well. It wasn't until you both finished with your food did he finally speak up, "You don't have to come. I think it would be better if you stay."
There was a little tug on your heart, like a string was wrenching it, causing it to curl up on itself the way a child does when crying. So, he didn't want you to come with him.
"Why?" you asked quietly.
Robert paused. "Well, you have your family here. It would be ridiculous for me to ask you to move. You'd have to learn a new language, leave your life behind . . . "
He was being reasonable. Like always.
You put away the dishes after dinner. Robert went to bed, and you followed soon after with a tired sigh. Sometimes you hated the way things were. It hurt. He would never know, never understand how much you loved him. If you were in his place, you wouldn't have made such a big decision on your own. Or at least, you would have begged him to come with you. You felt like crying. What were you supposed to do now?
After an hour of trying to fall asleep, listening to Robert's uneven breathing, you felt something poking your thighs. It took you a moment to register what it was, but when you finally did, you were annoyed, a simmering anger starting to burn within you.
"Seriously, Robert?" you said, turning around to face him. This wasn't something you had expected, definitely not after what was a tense conversation.
"S-sorry," Robert stuttered out, pulling himself away. You could hear his breathing becoming more shallow and his voice more lustful. "You do something to me."
You were about to make some witty comment about how desperate he was, leave him all horny and bothered while you went to sleep, but the situation presented an opportunity. You felt a twinge of guilt knowing that you were taking advantage of the man you loved, but how else were you supposed to ease your insecurities? Besides, this was bound to happen sooner than later. If anything, Robert would be grateful. It would solve everything.
You flipped yourself over and sat on top of Robert, right about his throbbing cock. He arched his back a little, trying to get some friction, but after a few moments of attempting to do so, he gave up and rested his head back on the pillow.
"I do something to you?" you repeated, trailing your fingers across his jawline. You loved every part of Robert, especially his face. He was so goddamn beautiful, and needy, and pathetic. He was just made for you. "Of course I do."
Robert placed his hands on your hips, feeling the fabric of your nightgown. "Please," he begged, tugging on it like a child.
"Please what?" you asked, pinching his nose.
"Mmm. Ride me," he choked out, his voice hoarse. "Ride me like I belong to you."
You huffed. "Oh, but you do Robert. You do belong to me."
Reaching your hand back, you rubbed his cock through his pants. He let out a soft sigh, the fabric crumpling. Outside, it had begun to drizzle, the clouds a bright white, lighting up the room even though it was night.
"But sometimes you need to be reminded," you added, watching as the pleased expression on his face turned into one of confusion.
"I don't need to be reminded."
"Oh, really? Why is it that you sprung all this news upon me all of a sudden? Moving to Germany," you scoffed. "Without telling your woman? What, you thought you could just decide to leave one day? Decide to leave me behind?"
You squeezed his cock, hard.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath. "Hurts."
You tightened your grip. "I just want to understand. Have you found someone else? Is that why you don't want me to come?"
"No," he protested, frowning. He squirmed a little. "I was thinking about you. I thought you didn't . . . I thought you wouldn't want to come." Maybe he thought that would do the trick, but when you still didn't let go of his cock, he continued, "I was going to write you letters! S-send you flowers — and — and, please. Be nice to me."
Robert started crying. Silent tears poured out of his eyes, and you knew he felt humiliated, but judging by the way his cock was twitching in your hands, he was still turned on. That was the thing with Robert and men like him — they needed some firmness and a woman to tell them what to do.
You finally let go. He breathed a sigh of relief, but his peace only lasted a few moments, before you lifted up your dress and sunk down onto his length, taking only seconds to get used to his size.
"Yes," he moaned, hands on your hip as he guided you. It was a slow, steady pace, the sound of skin slaps and wet, squishy noises filling the room. "Keep doing that."
You thought that maybe you should give him a little slap, but for the time being, you let yourself enjoy his body. The way you two moved in sync, mind hazy and hands wandering, made you feel like you were in heaven on earth. It was perfect, down to the little chest hairs that brushed against your skin and the whimpers Robert made during a deep thrust. You didn't want to change anything. You wanted Robert to still be your little bird, even though that meant his wings had to be clipped.
He spread his legs wider. "Come with me," he murmured, leaving lazy, sloppy kisses along your neck. "We'll move together."
You shook your head. "I don't want to move to Germany. And I don't want you to move either."
Robert laid back down and threw his head against the pillow. "What? I don't . . . oh, don't be so rough."
You continued massaging his balls. "I'll be as rough as I want. Now, are you going to keep complaining or take what I give you?"
Robert’s expression was contorted into one of pain and pleasure, an expression so natural to him. You ran your hand across his forehead and hair, tugging on it slightly. Within just a few moments, you could feel his cock twitch, and a specific breathing pattern overcome him.
“That’s it,” you said softly. “Come for me.”
Robert lifted his head up, but then it fell back down, his eyes shut. He did this kind of thing often. His hands were snaking up your waist, holding it gently as you rocked back and forth. He seemed to be lost in the moment, not sure of what was going on — only his selfish pleasure, but then his eyes fluttered open, and he realized with a start that he was about to come in you. 
“Wait,” he croaked out. “I need’a — you need to get off.”
“Why?” you hummed, acting clueless. “It feels good.”
“Y-yeah.” He started squirming, pulling his legs up to his knees. But the thing with Robert was that he was so indulgent, so consumed in the moment, you doubted he would be able to push you off, or if he even wanted to. “But I’m gonna cum — I can’t, please.”
“Why not? Don’t want me to be a mommy?” you moaned. “I’d make a good mother.”
“I know you would,” he whined. “But — I can’t, we’re not married — I —” 
He groaned loudly, white spurts of his hot cum spurting out into your pussy. It lasted a few moments, his nose scrunched and his toes curled. When he finally calmed down, he looked up at you, hair disheveled, lips parted, and sweet eyelashes wet with tears.
“Stay,” you said softly, stopping your movements. “Stay here. With me.”
Robert licked his lips, pausing. He didn’t say anything for a while, and for a moment you were afraid that even though he had just impregnated you, he would leave anyway. But then, “Yes,” he breathed out. “I’ll stay.”
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Taglist: @httpxgray @shroombloom-rry @madnessandobsession @henrywintersdearestgirl @hllywdwhre @your-nanas-house @ellebelleshelby @Meetmeatyourworst @hanawrites404 @Emimurphy2008
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himbofan · 5 months
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
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heyyyyy y'all sorry for being MIA for months... but don't worry you can't get rid of me that easily >:)
ODASAKU!!! i just love this man so much.... we have been married for 20 years and i wanted to share some of the things oda would do as ur boyfriend cuz he's perfect boyfriend material <33333
i have a lot of bsd ideas and things i wanna write too so never be afraid to slide in my inbox and tell me what u wanna see :3 i love to yap about 2D men :333 anywayzzzz hope u enjoy!! likes and reblogs always appreciated <3333 🫶 (this is like my fourth time posting this, pls show up in the tags this time 😭😭)
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wc: 300+
characters: sakunosuke oda
cw: gn!reader, tooth rotting fluff
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sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…remember tiny things about you, from your favorite coffee order to which side of the bed you like to sleep on. even the most minute and menial details are etched into his mind. don’t like tomatoes on your sandwich? don’t worry, you’ll never have to ask him to change it again, he’ll always make sure you never have tomatoes.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…watch every video you send him beginning to end without skipping, anything from a 10 second funny cat tiktok or a 2 minute youtube video explanation about the life cycle of shrimp. he’ll respond with a “👍” or “Lol.” every time.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…always agree to matching halloween costumes with you, even if they’re silly. he doesn’t really have a strong opinion about what he wears, he just likes to see you excited. last year y’all went as barbenheimer but he was barbie and you were oppenheimer. (he had a blast)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…listen every time you rant about annoying coworkers or classmates. even though he looks uninterested, he’s actually listening carefully, even if he doesn’t know who you’re talking about he just likes to hear how you feel and think. he's an excellent listener and loves to hear you talk because he likes the sound of your voice :)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…attract animals for seemingly no reason. whenever you’re out and about in the city, he never fails to have a stray cat appear and rub up against his legs, or a squirrel cautiously approach him begging for food. his aura is so comforting and secure, he’s basically an urban disney princess.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…let you pluck his eyebrows and have self care nights with clay masks and fuzzy hair bands. he doesn’t really know what’s going on but he lets you pamper him with products because he loves to spend time with you and see you smile. :)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…slow dance with you in the living room, kitchen, hallway, or anywhere the mood strikes you. he loves seeing the beauty in the mundane domestic moments, it reminds him that your shared love is unconditional.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…stare at your face while you’re sleeping. he wants to memorize every feature and shape, silently admiring how the rays of light dance off of your skin in the early morning. even if you’re snoring or drooling, he’ll always think it’s adorable because you’re the most beautiful thing in his life.
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aphroditeslover11 · 11 months
for oppie maybe he meets a foreign student when he is studying abroad like in the beginning of the movie in germany? he is so stressed then he could have used a friend… loved your exam piece so i thought maybe you would like an idea like this ❤️
An Unexpected Friend
Hi there, I hope that this is something along the lines of what you meant. My first ask, so I’m using that as an excuse if it’s crap! I ended up writing a little more of myself into this than I meant to. 🤣
I should probably warn that Oppie ends up having a bit of an existential crisis incase that bothers anybody. But yeah, please read and enjoy, any feedback or further requests are much appreciated.
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Robert Oppenheimer was thoroughly fed up. He was twenty two and in the middle of a real dip in his life. The last year that he had spent studying at Cambridge had been nothing short of a disaster. He was starting to doubt himself intellectually for the first time, he felt as if he was losing his identity. Though he would be hard pushed to admit it, he also felt as if he had nowhere to turn, his friends all seemed to be meeting women, some making the more permanent choice of settling down into early domesticity, leaving him feeling completely alone in the world. This was where his decision to pack his bags and move to Germany had come from, to try and reinvigorate his love of physics if nothing else.
He was on an overnight train, headed to Gottingen for the place at the university that he was taking up. He was dosing in and out of sleep, waking up for the third time since he had finished the sandwiches that he had bought before he left the station. The lights of the carriage were slightly dingy, yet he reached for the book that he had been reading earlier that evening, a newly published physics paper, hoping to get a bit more reading done before he arrived.
After about half an hour of reading he was fully awake again, concentration completely engaged, only to be pulled out of it by a knock on the door of his compartment. He opened the door to find a girl, about the same age as him, carrying a suitcase and with a reticent look on her face.
“I’m really sorry to bother you Sir, I got onto the train at the last station but I can’t find any seats, all the other compartments are dark and I didn’t want to disturb people if they were sleeping.” Robert ran a hand through his hair in contemplation, then moving away from the door to let you in.
“It’s alright, I’m on my own. We can share it for the night. I’ll warn you that I’m planning on staying awake for the rest of the journey though, so the light will be on.”
“That’s not an issue, I’m probably going to read anyway. I’ve always been a dreadful sleeper. Thankyou, Mr?”
“Oppenheimer, Robert. And you are?”
You had both started the evening with your noses buried in books, trying to be quiet and not disturb each other. Robert had uncharacteristically broken the silence when he realised what you were reading a volume of Plato. You started a discussion between you about how philosophy and physics could be compatible with one another, learning that you were both heading to the same university to study your respective subjects. When you got off the train you agreed to meet up soon.
Over the first few weeks of your time at the university you saw each other a lot. Neither of you were hugely social, of course making some friends through your courses, but you certainly considered Oppie as your closest. You met up most evenings, sometimes going out to eat at a local café, but most often just reading and working on assignments or papers in silence. It was always nice to know that you could talk if you wanted to though.
It was on one of these evenings that Robert started an unexpected conversation.
“Y/N, I was wondering if I could ask you about something. I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but it’s just been bugging me recently.”
“I’m all ears Robert, go ahead.”
“Do you ever just walk into a room and feel like everybody in it hates you. That you open your mouth and everybody just thinks ‘what the hell is this idiot going to start on about now’.” He was saying everything very matter of factly, though it was clear that opening up to someone wasn’t easy on him. You paused briefly, trying to decide how to respond.
“People that you know, or just everyone?”
“Everyone. Although it’s easier when it’s just new people, you can just put up a facade for a bit, you know. Convince them that you aren’t as bad as you really are.”
“I guess I kind of know what you mean, I ended up with a bit of a complex because my mum used to ask me not to talk about my interests. She used to say she didn’t want to know because she didn’t understand, I don’t think she could handle the fact that I knew more than her. It kind of gets better though when you make some decent friends… the complex I mean. What’s so bad about you anyway Robert?”
“All I’ve ever done is academics, I don’t have a personality outside of that. I hate making friends and nobody ever understands me. I went to Cambridge and got stuck doing lab work, I was hopeless, just couldn’t do it.” His fragile facade was starting to drop now, you could hear it in his voice. “I couldn’t even manage the one thing that I’m meant to be good at. Without my science who the hell even am I?” He was trying to hide it, but you had noticed the few small tears that had fallen from his cyanic eyes.
You moved from your seat to be beside him on the sofa where he was sitting himself, wrapping a gentle arm around his shoulders. Given how reserved he usually was, the picture of perfect manners and politeness, it caught you off guard when he wrapped both of his arms around you, burying his head in your shoulder. It was rare to see him so vulnerable, it was the same of any man really, but it was strangely gratifying that he trusted you enough to be around him like this.
“You are J Robert Oppenheimer. You are you Robert, and that is enough to ask of anyone.” You spoke firmly. “I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but I certainly don’t hate you. In fact, I think you’re the best friend that I’ve had in a very long time, and I’ve had my share of identity crises as well.” He pulled back from your hold then, sitting up straight.
“Is this feeling ever going to go away though? I can’t bear it, I just can’t.”
“It will, it will take time but you will get past this. Both of us are learning who we really are, and when we do we’ll be all the better for it.
“Would you mind if I hold you, just for a bit? I just need to know that somebody’s here, with me.”
“Of course I don’t mind. In truth, it’s been a very long time since I’ve been able to feel this comfortable with someone.” With that, he put a heavy arm around your waist, pulling you securely into his side.
“Robert, I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
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softiejoon · 1 year
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warnings ; mentions of food, crying and the patriarchy
a/n ; just a silly little thing for fun (extremely barbie-biased bc i have not seen oppenheimer 🤭)
.・゜-: ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ✧ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ :-゜・.
is totally down for the double feature
equally excited for both tbh
was easily persuaded into dressing on theme
you rocking all black and a leather trench coat, and chan in baby pink and denim <33
y’all slayed
lots of snacks and drinks to sustain you both throughout the night
(chan cries during barbie)
long late night conversations after the movie <33
overall an 11/10 experience with ur ken (affectionate) !!
complains about it being too much effort (he’s already bought the tickets)
will do the bare minimum in terms of dressing to theme but enjoys seeing you all excited and happy
EXTREMELY engrossed throughout barbie
wouldn’t even let you out to pee at first bc you were “disrupting a very important cinematic experience”
sits through the entire end credits
“soo did you like it?” “it was okay i guess”
drags jisung along to see it again bc he knows you’d never let him live it down
did not want to see oppenheimer at first
“it’s just stupid men being stupid and blowing stuff up” “okay but cillian murphy and florence pugh are in it”
only goes on the condition you both dress to the barbie theme
honestly he outdressed you. there’s no two ways about it
changbin kenned so hard you can’t help but respect it
“baby, you ready to go?” “…” 🙄 “..ken, you ready to go?” “yes barbie!!!”
needless to say you had trouble getting him to leave the theatre
“okay bin, time to go” “no they haven’t played barbie dreams by fifty fifty yet”
soo dramatic about the entire thing
thinks himself into a panic when deciding which one to see first
then also proceeds to have a crisis about which theme to dress to
has too many outfit ideas for both and makes you watch as he models all of his 50 options
complains if you don’t give detailed feedback on each one
“ynnie are you even looking??” “hyunjin, if looks could kill right now…”
when he finally does decide on his outfit though, it’s like walking the red carpet with him
looks hella good and he knows it
lovees the photo opps (probably the best part of the night for him smh)
babygirl is so excited to see barbie
thought it would be a feel-good film
is sorely mistaken when he sees you tearing up during the movie
next thing he knows, boom! (woops wrong movie) he’s bawling
listens so intently to you talk about the film afterwards that he surprises even himself
genuinely just wants to learn more so he does his own research
(and not just about horses, though it is included)
“really? you, mr jeogiyo noona hokshi namja–?” 😭😭😭
makes you buy him the kenough hoodie for emotional damage
you agree
he’s so excited!!!
bakes cookies for you both to sneak into the theatre
briefly considers doing a split dye just for the premiere
“lix angel we’re leaving in an hour” “fine :(”
but his pout disappears immediately when you offer to help with his makeup
“sit stilll lixie” “can’t, ‘s ticklish!”
there is pink glitter. everywhere.
bc someone insisted it was essential for the look
(he was right, it really does top it all off)
you’re also running late bc you and felix got a little distracted while finishing off his makeup
it’s not your fault his lips look so kissable with your gloss on
and it’s not felix’s fault he’s addicted to the strawberry taste on both your lips
you do eventually make it there though, just missing all the ads
safe to say there were a lot of laughs shared and tears shed <3
man this dude is the biggest pretend-hater
told you he refuses to see barbie and wants to see oppenheimer instead
you frowned and begged for him to give in but no luck
then the next thing you know you’re at the theatre and it’s two tickets for barbie
“is this some sick mind game?”
“what, you think im that twisted? maybe we should go see oppenheimer since you love evil geniuses so much”
watches you snatch the tickets from his hand and run off with a lovesick smile on his face
for the entirety of the following week, you catch moments of seungmin humming the barbie soundtrack
always stops the second you’re around though and tells you you’re hearing things
“stop gaslighting me, that’s so un-barbie of you”
but when you finally catch him singing ‘i’m just ken’ in the shower ohoho
you throw open the bathroom door “aha! i knew it!!”
“y/n what the hell??” “i knew ittt. you lovee barbie hehe”
“whatever.. but uh since you’re here…can you pass me a towel please?”
“okay :) if you sing :))”
in the end, he got his towel and you got a full rendition of the song from your red-faced boyfriend
just doesn’t really get the hype
he was fine seeing either or none of them tbh
but you convinced him with the prospect of matching outfits <33
he’s so into it that you forget he was the one who didn’t want to go at first
literally buys you matching pieces and jewellery to wear
you have no control over your outfit at this point
but it makes him happy and you know you’re in good hands so you let him have at it
ofc you both end up looking great
makes you take a bunch of pics for his ig tho 🙄
but you get a bunch of cute couple ones in too
honestly? you couldn’t really tell what he thought of the movies after
but the next day you can hear him watching tiktok in the living area
and it’s all…barbie commentary?
there’s the occasional fashion and kpop video in the mix but video after video you can hear him listening to critical analysis of the film
“baby?” “hm?” “you good?” “yeah” then after a beat “fck the patriarchy tho”
© softiejoon | send me feedback/requests | support me
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queenshelby · 1 year
Chemical Reactions (P. 10)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer x Student Reader
Warning: Age-Gap, Infidelity, Smut
Words: 1,245
Note: The fic is spoiler free and my own fantasy and imagination. It is not historically and scientifically accurate.
Previous Parts: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9
Three months later…
Over the next three months, you did not get to see Robert and whilst you worked on your thesis with Dr Lawrance in the experimental department and another professor in the theoretical department, you struggled with the mere fact that you could not run your ideas past the man you were now connected to more deeply than you had ever thought to be possible.
You knew that, at least physically, Robert was far away from you now and, yet, emotionally, he was so close since, just as he had promised, he wrote to you, week after week.
His letters were detailed and poetic, handed to you by no other than Dr Lawrance himself and, whilst Lawrance hated to be the middle man in all of this, he also knew that he had no choice.
“He writes to you more often than he writes his wife” he told you after a month or so had passed while, truthfully, you still had no idea where he was.
“You aren’t reading those letters though, are you?” you asked your professor who, reluctantly, shook his head.
“I admit that I have read the first two or three letters to ensure that there isn’t anything in them that concerns me or the security of the project, the nature of which I know you are somewhat aware of. But then I became to realise that the content of Robert’s letters has nothing to do with physics at all so I stopped reading” Dr Lawrance then admitted with blushing cheeks and, of course, you could not help but cock your eyebrows.
“Robert has a habit of being romantic. I am sorry Dr Lawrance” you stammered, concerned by the fact that your professor was now very aware of your personal life.
“We live in a time of turmoil and scarcity so, please, don’t apologise for engaging in a little pleasure now and then” Dr Lawrance responded before warning you that, if he had any reason to believe that you were going to engage in treason, he would report you as well as his colleague to the authorities for investigation.
“I understand, doctor and I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about” you reassured him which is also when he handed you yet another letter from Robert which, as usual, you could not help but read in a haste.
As such, you quickly handed Dr Lawrance a letter for Robert that you had prepared in the past week, responding to his previous poems and admissions of love and desire for you before, quickly, hiding away in one of the empty laboratories to tare open the envelope.
The letters…
“Even now, when I am so far away from you, in my mind's eye, I can see your smile. I can hear your laughter. I can taste your lips. This is when I realise how much I need you, my love” he wrote, amongst other things, in his past letters, the contents of which always made you blush.
With every word you read, your heart was filled with warmth and desire for him and, when you read through his writings every week, you took comfort in what he wrote to you, knowing that he missed you just as much as you missed him.
It was those words of his, from a man like him, that made you feel special and powerful. He was a man who was so utterly important to this country now and, out of all the women in his life, he seemed to desire you most which was evidenced by his writing.  
His letters were always several pages long and, every week, you received at least one of them, making you wonder how much time he spent in between work to think about you. According to Doctor Lawrance, it must have been several hours at least seeing that no one else received this much correspondence from J Robert Oppenheimer, not even his wife who, in his letters, Robert said he did not love anymore and yet, he could not leave.  
“I must retire now, or I will be overcome with love for you which is a feeling that has been rather unfamiliar to me for quite some time now” he thus said at the end of his last letter to you to which you responded with great enthusiasm.
You too wrote to him every week and, with every letter you received and every letter you sent, your feelings for Robert were growing stronger.
Your letters were also slowly becoming more intimate and sexual in nature and whilst Robert had no problem with being explicit, you struggled a little more with the idea of being open about your needs.
“I have very little power to resist the urge to kiss you again and convey my feelings for you with my body atop yours. I want to be one with you again and fight a great conundrum this night and every night, until we are together my love…” Robert told you on several occasions before you built up the courage to do the same.
“I cannot wait to see and feel you again Robert, but I can promise you that you are all I am thinking about when I am alone, wishing that my hands atop of my bare skin were yours” you thus wrote back while also telling Robert, in your final letter to him, that you were struggling to come to terms with his prolonged absence.
“It is in these quiet moments where I write you that I realise the depths of my loneliness and yet, I do not feel sad. I know that if it were not for the intensity of my feelings for you, I would not long for you the way I do” you wrote just last week which was the letter Robert had now responded to with only a short note, being the letter you received today.
“My love, I cannot bare another moment of being without you. Without you, I ache and this letter marks yet another step in my quest to illustrate to you just how important you are to me. These lonely nights will not build upon one another any longer and threaten the integrity of the foundation of our love. I will not allow it. It has been three months since our last encounter and I must see you again. I will be visiting the Four Seasons on Lane Street next week. Meet me there at noon on 3 March. Room 452. Yours always, Robert” was what it said and, since Robert told you that he had taken a room at the hotel that day, you knew that you had to drop everything else and meet him there. It was a chance you could not pass up and did not want to miss out on although, unbeknownst to you, you were being watched and so was Robert.
In fact, as soon as Robert made the booking at the hotel, General Groves’ security team contacted the receptionist of this luxury accommodation and ascertained the room number assigned to J Robert Oppenheimer for his impending visit.
The General’s team advised the receptionist that this was a matter of national security and since the receptionist could not deny providing the army officials with the information they had requested, the room number was given to a team of infiltrators.
As a result, the room was bugged with two listening devices, due to the concern that, perhaps, Robert was passing on secret information to you and the soviets.
This, of course, was nonsense though as General Groves’ assigned personnel was soon to find out when listening into your somewhat personal encounter with Robert and, yet, it would life changing consequences for you both…
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infinitegalahad · 1 year
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Pairing: J. Robert Oppenheimer x Female Identifying! Reader Summary: You and Robert, of course, were a couple. A serious one at that; no more games, judgment, hiding, and dancing around the idea. But it came with its many hardships. Word Count: 6.0k Warnings: LOTS. Please read. Infidelity, messy relationships, minor blood loss, loss of child, cursing, and minor sexism (not from Oppie). Please read and heed with caution. Notes: THAT HAT. OMG. MY HUSBAND IS LOOKING SO FINE THERE. oops sorry for being horny on the writing account, next topic! folks, buckle up, this is a lot! not only is the longest chapter, but its got a lottttt of drama happening. we're talking infidelity, marriage proposals, trinity, kitty being a bad bitch, edward teller in sunscreen, my drunk writing, groves being an ass hole and most importantly; TWO sex scenes. apparently, y'all loved my smut, and i appreciate your compliments! there's one more scene to come *insert winky face* mwahahha. i also know i said this is ten chapters, but this story is nearing it's ending, so there's one more real chapter. I'm going to try concluding the story within the week. I've been packing for school and I've got a long drive on Thursday. I'm done with most of my packing, so I will try to release the final chapter tomorrow. the epilogue will be much shorter. this has been one hecka of a ride, and the next chapter will most likely be a lot of drama. once again, your support has been amazing, thank you all for everything! <3 Taglist: @forgottenpeakywriter @queenshelbyy @chloriine36 @kodzuvk Taglist | Masterlist
It was five in the morning, and yet it didn’t feel close to it. The sky was pitch black with not a star to be soon. The only light of the source came from the dim light bulbs and the headlights of the cars that surrounded you. You lay on your stomach beneath an uncomfortable mat with your hand edging the corners of the binoculars you held, the other hand reaching for the pain of sunglasses to block the light that would hopefully come from the test bomb. 
Two years. Two years of potential hard work gone to nothing.
Awaiting the announcement of the detention, you laid and, in an attempt to hide your anxiety, thought about how the hell you ended up in the middle of New Mexico, working on some secret project for the government, and what it took to get you to be a small part in the Manhattan Project. 
You and Robert, of course, were a couple. A serious one at that; no more games, judgment, hiding, and dancing around the idea. But it came with its many hardships. 
The first straw was Kitty. 
She was much older, and from what you heard, extremely intimidating. While you respected and honored her, you also wanted to avoid her, as you felt that she did not like you at all. Robert had told her he was in a relationship with a “young” woman, emphasizing “young”, and Kitty read him the riot act. Robert thought she was overreacting, but you sympathized and understood. All you wanted was to be respectful, and honestly, avoid her at all costs. 
But of course, that didn’t happen. After one of your Friday sessions, which ended in Robert and you making love, you slept at this house and stayed until Sunday most times. You even had your own toothbrush and brush, using the feminine bathing products and flowery perfumes that Robert had gifted you. Hatomi had noticed and always said you smelled good. She had been having a possible affair with your French Literature teacher, but that was a story for another time. 
That one morning, you woke up with Robert’s arm on your waist, and a child staring directly at you. You identified him as Peter, as he was the spitting image of Robert, minus the parts that very much looked like Kitty. Blinking rapidly, you thought it was some bad dream, but the broken truck and bright, sad blue stare made you realize that Kitty was here with her and Robert’s children. 
You and Kitty didn’t take long to meet, with her being dressed and you being butt naked. 
Both of you had to smack Robert awake, who was appalled at the situation. There stood his children in front of a girl who was closer in age to them than their father and a very pissed-off mother. Naturally, this needed a very long conversation. 
Kitty glared at you while sitting on the couch with Robert’s shirt on. She, like Robert, smoked a cigarette; her cold eyes burning into your skin. Robert reached over to grab your hand, which you slapped away. 
“So you’re his student?”
You gulped and looked down, nodding. 
“And you’re getting your bachelor’s degree in what? The arts?”
“Maybe a Bachelor’s in both the arts and science, ma’am.”
She blows a puff of smoke into your face, making it feel very directed. As she gets up to get a drink, she eyes you and turns to Robert. 
“At least she’s smart.” 
As much as you really want to leave, Robert insists you stay too well, impress Kitty, and show her you can cook, provide, and care for him. It infuriates you, and as much as you look at the door, you force yourself to stay. You don’t have any clothes there, so you’re forced to wear Robert’s white oxford shorts and bottom lingerie shorts while working around Kitty. She blatantly asked if you had anything besides Robert’s clothes to wear, and you said no. She sighed. 
As Robert plays with his children, Kitty and you decide to make dinner, together. She wants to make Robert’s favorite, which you know by heart; chicken, boiled potatoes, and peas. You tell her, at least advise her, that Robert now likes his potatoes mashed and his chicken with pomegranate seeds on it. Kitty holds a large knife, and you swear that she looks like she wants to stab you with it. 
“Where do you get them from?” She coldly asks as she pours milk into the bowl to stir the potatoes. 
You look up from sauteeing the chicken with garlic and respond, “Get?”
“The Pomegranate.”
“Oh, his garden,” Your face begins to grow red, “He didn’t know he had pomegranate’s in his garden–”
“Until you told him,” Kitty interrupts. 
She stops cutting, and you stop mixing the chicken. There’s a shared silence between the two of you; filled with thousands of questions. 
You scratch behind your ear and sigh, gathering yourself before you respond. 
“Yes. He likes them a lot. I noticed Toni likes them, too. However, I shouldn’t–”
“You care.”
“You care about him a lot. I can see that,” Kitty goes on about. Once she’s done mixing the potatoes, she goes to the sink to clean the mixer. You can swear you hear sniffle. 
“There’s no other reason why you would be using him, y/n. I can’t think of one because there’s none. You’re troubled, yet good. You may be young and naive, but you care about Robert. You take care of him, and I, well–”
Kitty can’t finish her sentence. She drops the mixer and tries to hide her contained sobs and hunching over the sink, but you notice. You walk over to try and comfort her, but Robert’s not far. His voice echoes along with the laughter of two children. Hearing this, Kitty pulls herself together and sniffles. She walks past you with red eyes. You want to ask, but you don’t.
You learn, through numerous sources, that Kitty did not hate you, nor was jealous. She, according to one person, adored you. You found that hard to believe, but every time you sent the children gifts,s he made sure to write you an apology note. 
However, while you made room for Kitty, you utterly refused to make room for Jean Tatlock. 
At that point in your relationship, you and Robert had been going on relatively strong. He’s your boyfriend, and your Friday meetings had extended to more weekly meetings, so with stays at his house. Some people know you are an item; some are disgusted, and some are happy. None of this bothers you and Robert as you continue to be a happy couple; until it’s not happy. 
First, it’s the regrets. After each time you’d fuck, Robert would go on about how horrible of a man he is and how he can’t keep doing this. You do some further digging, and with some integration, learn that he’s not teaching next year. He’s off to some “secret location,” and within the mixture of his regret of “poisoning you”, he recommends that you two should simply stop and just leave each other. 
Of course, this breaks your heart. Hatomi, and your other friends, are horribly worried about. Your lab partner in your chemistry class, George, can see that your eyes are red and asks if you are okay. You respond that you are, having a feeling that something else is going on with Robert. 
At your next Friday meeting, you arrive early, but you don’t water the flowers, and you know why you don’t want to ever water them again. Robert comes to the door, ten minutes late, and when he opens it, you can see his collar is flipped up and his hair is a mess. As he takes a breath, you push past him and run up the stairs. You already see the pair of kitten heels by the door, and as Robert pleads for you to wait, you don’t. Once you turn the all too familiar corner to his bedroom, you hear a soft curse. It’s a woman’s voice.
Turning into his bedroom further proves your worst nightmare; another woman. Let alone, your own fucking psychiatrist; Jean Tatlock.
In your sessions with Jean, she’s been breaking more code of conduct, talking about the new man she's seeing, saying she’s having “one heck of an affair”. Based on her descriptions of him, from the lineage and nicknames, you put the pieces together, and all of them lead back to her and Robert. 
“Y/n,” Jean calmly pleads. She covers herself with a blanket as she gets out of bed, “Stop. Wait. We want to talk-”
The words “we” make your eyes swell with tears. Spinning on your heel, you beeline towards the stairs, but bump into the person you least want to see; Robert. He puts his hands on his arms, but you violently shrug and push his chest away. 
“Get away from me–” You hiss. As you back up, you sense Jean behind you and scream the same thing at her, “--Back, both of you. 
“Y/n,” Robert gently calls your voice, holding out his hands, “I’ve been meaning to tell you-”
“Tell me fucking what?” You bark at him. You point your finger back to Jean, “Robert, honestly, out of all people, my fucking psychologist? The one who describes my medications? The person I tell everything too besides you? The one I saw today just two hours ago for my weekly session?”
Jean is sobbing behind you. You like her, but yet, don’t feel bad. She’s much older than you; she should know better. 
“I had no idea–”
You scoff and let out a fake laugh, “Idea? Sure,” You look back at Jean, whose mascara is running down her face, “Don’t cry; you knew. You’re smarter than you look, you knew. You know my background, and you would go out of your way to do this? And now? We all fucking know. Robert, now we all know you were cheating on your little pure virgin girlfriend with her fucking psychologists, whom I considered to be one of my friends.” Looking at Jean, you say that last sentence, ensuring she understands you are no longer her client, let alone her friend. 
Walking down the stairs, Robert grabs your arm and forces you to stop walking. You refuse to look back, but you can hear his breathing, which makes you scrunch your firsts. 
“Y/n, I understand your anger. This is far beyond wrong. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. I think it’s best that you take the time to finish your education and, if I recommend, mingle with others your age,” Robert explains with a condescending tone, which makes your blood boil.
“I can no longer carry the guilt on my shoulders. I used you for too long, and now it’s catching up with me. I’m sorry to do this to you, y/n, but I-”
You violently throw your arm back, shaking Robert’s hold on you. Through Robert’s breathing and Jean’s sobs, you storm down the stairs. Your face feels hot, and so does your body, but you ignore it as you stumble out of the house. Ignoring the calls of your name from Robert and Jean, you run out of Robert’s house and down the hill. Once you are away, you finally let go and let the hot tears run down your cheeks. Finally, the devastation and pain hit you like a bullet. When you’re not around any trace of Robert or Berkeley or any of it, you let out a screaming sob of frustration, anger, and sadness. 
It takes you a short while to recover. 
You no longer like to associate Robert with his name. Once again, he’s reduced to Dr.Oppenheimer; your terrifying physics professor with endless icy eyes and a tendency to smoke, not the man who took your virginity and showered you with expensive gifts that you refused to throw out. The relationship between you two has been severed and erased with your function serving as professor and student. Your meetings stop, at the end of the Semester, Robert gives you an A with an E for exceptional effort. Your parents receive your report card, and out of all your grades, are most fond of your Physics report. Dr.Oppenheimer writes that you are an active participant whom he had the pleasure of working with personally in the term. As they read out his comment, your memory flashes back to it all; the dinners, the music, the fire, the terms of endearment, and the whole lot of it. 
Your mother, through a puff of smoke, remarks that he seems like an amazing man. Forcing a smile, you agree. 
Once you return after the Holiday break, nothing much has changed in Berkeley. You’re still alone yet doing well academically, Hatomi’s on the verge of ruining a marriage, and you and Robert have not spoken, according to your calendar, in over two months. 
And then you meet George. 
George is your lab partner in Physics. You have known him since your orientation at Berkeley, from the forced events to the lackluster parties. He’s always had an interest in you, and has made it clear from day one; from wanting to be your lab partner to even asking Hatomi if you preferred chocolates over flowers. When you two would sit down together, he would always initiate small talk and ask how your day is going. You’d respond and spark up small conversations about your lives. 
Into the first week of December, George asked after class if you wanted to go see Citizen Kane with him. He bought two tickets, and offered to buy you anything you wanted, but understood if you were busy since in his words, you seemed even busy on Friday afternoons. 
You knew Robert was watching. You quickly glanced up and saw him at his desk, smoking as he pretended to observe tests when really, he was observing the interaction between the two of you. 
“I’m actually no longer busy at all on Fridays,” You loudly say as you want the words to echo and burn into Robert, “And yes, I’d love to go to the movies with you.”
“I’ll pick you up at Stern?”
“I’ll be waiting.” 
George arrived an hour before and took you out for an early dinner. You knew that he loved to read like you, but you also learned he was fluent in three languages and was overall extremely educated. He made sure to ask what you enjoyed, telling you to talk about your favorite books, movies, or anything that you loved. You had told him to read the first few chapters of Citizen Kane to familiarize yourself with the movie. George went red and said he had done the same, offering that if they enjoyed the movie, they could see together and talk about the plot. 
The movie was good, and in addition to the soda and popcorn he bought you, he also took you back to his dorm and fucked you like there was no tomorrow. As he humped into you, you clawed at his back and looked up at the cycling. Everytime you close your eyes, you see and think of Robert. You forced George to look at you throughout the sec and kissed him patiently to void all thought of Robert. 
There was no doubt that Robert was bothered by you and George’s interactions. You made it not so obvious that you were George’s girlfriend, while George did; from the hushed whispers and small touches he’d give you in class. While George would be doing such small things, Robert would be intensely staring from a distance with straghinted fingers and furrowed eyebrows. At one point, he changed lab partners in an attempt to keep you and George apart. You still worked together on every single lab, and to Robert’s dismay, aced every single one. 
In the beginning, you remember Robert leaving flowers in your cubby during Labs since you’d always arrive about ten minutes early. He’d tuck them into the pocket of your lab jacket. Without fail, and everytime, you threw each flower out. Eventually all together, you stopped showing up on time and made sure to show with George. 
Robert soon began to disappear from your thoughts and life. For the remainder of the year, you only spoke to him in class and nowhere else with cold, curt interactions. George had replaced Robert in all, shape, way, and form. It was strange to go with George since he was your age, and not in your former case, your thirty five year old Physics professor who cheated on you with your friend and phys-
But that was all in the past. 
Two years had gone by. Robert was the thought of the past now and you kept yourself busy between obtaining a Bachelor of Arts and Science in Literature and Physics, all while maintaining a very serious relationship with George. You spent most summers with him on Nantucket sailing or collecting seashells. Sometimes, you’d think about the “what ifs'' of Robert taking you to New Mexico on a horseback adventure. That had once been a reality, but now would forever remain a fantasy. George reminded you that yes, there were good men in the world. You both had your many issues and ups and downs, but both of you agreed that infidelity was never on your list. 
Eventually, each cycle completes itself for everything. During the fall of your Junior year at Berkeley, George proposes to you on a weekend trip up to Napa. He’s smiling the whole way through, and says he doesn’t want to wait any longer and heads straight to the courthouse to wed. 
You want to say yes, you really do, but you can’t. No matter how many times you say you love him, you know that you love him as a confidant, but not a lover. 
Rejecting his proposal, that ends every tie with George. Things are sour for a week, but Hatomi helps moderate a conversation between you two. George sobs, which in return, makes you cry. You apologize to him, and tell him he deserves better; telling him that if he sees a pretty girl, he should take her to the movies and buy her what she wants. George smiles and thanks you for loving him, hugging you, and wishing you the best of luck in your future endeavors. He writes you a letter, but you refuse to open it and leave inside of your copy of Citizen Kane, shoving it into your bookcase for it to gather dust. 
 After you and George are finished, there’s no time to grieve as you were being dragged into another situation. What seems like any other ordinary walk to your metaphysics class results with you alone in an office space with an intimidating general. He did not introduce himself, but you gathered his name as Major Groves. He held a thick file on you, questioning your life and digging into every little detail. He pressured you on your two brothers and roommates, who happened to be associated with the Communist party, asking if you had any association. You held your hands up and was nothing but honest; saying that while Hatomi still went to your meetings, your brothers had stopped talking about the idea once both of them married and had their own families. 
Still, Groves persisted and became aggressive, accusing that your friends and you were some type of danger to democracy. Communism isn't your thing ever, but you had respected it. Many people you surround yourself with were either former communist or still into it, not that it bothers you. You thought of Robert; whom never associated, but you knew he gave money. 
Which was strange. With your thought of Robert, you heard a silent shut. Groves sighed and you looked, and to your horror and saving grace, it was Robert. 
“Thank god you’re here,” Groves let out a huff as he leaned against the desk. 
“Major Groves,” Robert nodded his head as he took off his porkpie hat. He stood away from you, but beside your chair, “Is there any issue with Miss Y/n?”
Groves, still looking gruff, pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Well yes, and no. You see, I find it alarming that she has both family and friends in association with the Communist party. I also understand her, uhm,” Groves hesitated to say it out loud, “Former relations, according to you. It raises suspicious since well, she is both in association with a communist, many of whom who are female in which he know where that ends, and slept wi-”
You were about to walk out, not wanting to be dragged into whatever mess this way, but Robert’s calm voice echoed and immediately shut up Groves. 
“General, on the defense of Miss Y/n, I can assure that her ideologies and gender are mennail to the subject of the meetings. As for our past relations, there are of the past. I ask that you not criticize or grill her without my presence,” Robert’s voice commanded. He looked at you and back at Groves, clearing his throat. 
Your heart skipped a beat as you shifted in your head, clasping your hands together. Robert looked at you, and you returned his gaze, quietly thanking him. 
Once Robert entered, Groves' interrogation stopped and he got what he pulled out of class. In his words, something “big” and “important” was occurring in an undisclosed location in New Mexico. You pieced together that a weapon of destruction was being built, since Groves brought up in your profile that your skills in Physics primarily resize in the nuclear and quantum mechanics, as described by the physics course taken at your time in Berkeley. You had even taken time out of your academic schedule and did research as a job with some of your professors. All of your Physics teachers concluded that you were extremely qualified and knowledgeable in Physics, and in one of them, being Robert.
Robert had gone on about your time in his class, saying that you were one of his brightest students, whom he had given recommendation should be part of said project. He said he was willing to talk with Berkeley to configure a way for you to leave and graduate on time to come and work on his location. Major Groves said with Robert’s recommendation, he would be pleased to approve your security clearance. Groevs also mentioned that he would give you time to figure out things with you, and also implying, Robert. 
Groves had excused himself, leaving you and Robert alone. It had been two years since you two had been alone together, let alone really conversed. You still sit at the desk and look down, not wanting to look at Robert now, admiring your manicured nails in hopes that you wouldn’t chew off the nail polish. 
“Thank you, by the way,” You muttered, “You didn’t have to.”
Some things never change, and you look up to see Robert, elearning against the desk as he looks at you, smoking out of a pipe. 
“But I did. Not that I ever minded doing so.” 
The tension never left, and both of you know it. Bouncing your leg, you lean forward and gather the courage to look at Robert. 
“Why? Am I allowed to know why the hell I’m being dragged into this?” 
“Y/n, you know I can’t say why. I can say that it is important, as you would say, in the grand scheme of the universe,” Robert explained, “We are small pieces, and this project is a much larger force. A force that can end all wars.”
Confusion still infects you. Some of this makes sense, while other parts do not. You think hard back to the past and Robert’s say on the war and weapons, trying to gather your thoughts on the situation Robert has dragged you into. 
“The Germans are out of the war, that’s all I can truly think of,” You mentioned. Once we see Robert lean, your body compels you to lean forward as well, “Is this weapon of mass discussion?” 
Robert looked uncomfortable by that saying. He shifts uncomfortably and stands from his desk, slowly making his way over to you. You want to protest and tell him to not, but you gravitate towards his presence. His hair is a little more gray, and he is still cold, but as handsome as ever. 
“Call it what you want, but possibly. It’s a weapon to end all wars, ideally, the conflict in the Pacific,” Robert alluded to. You forgot how close he came to his desk. He puts his hands on the edge of the desk and you lean back, looking down. Your cheeks when red, reminding you of your younger days with Robert. Robert’s fingers anxiously curl over the wooden desk top as you let out a soft sigh, containing a noise you did not want to be heard by anyone else. 
“There’s something else,” You blurted, “You want me for something else.”
It’s radio silent for a second. Robert’s fingers shift, and you heavily sigh. 
“I want you for your intelligence,” Robert says as a confession. His hands spread against the desk. As much as you try to control yourself, you can’t. Your hands uncurl from your grasp and cover his, grasping them. 
“I also wanted you.” 
With that, Robert asked to kiss you, and you didn’t even say yes as you jumped from your chair and crashed your lips into his. Nearly falling back, he grabbed you and dragged you to the ground, refusing to let go of your body and lips. It’s desperate and messy, evident that the two of you missed each other's presence. Robert asks to remove your clothes, and you let him do so. Once removing your panties and stockings, he sticks his hard dick into you and fucks you like there is no tomorrow. He covers your mouth as you cry tears of happiness and sadness, sobbing his name. Once he finishes inside of you, you hug him and sob your eyes out. Roberts holds you and says he won’t let go. 
Both of you know you have a lot of shit to work through. He had Jean and you had George. Robert knows he’s fucked up, but he still loves you,a nd as much as you don’t want to admit it, you love him as much as he loves you. The whole reason you turned down George was because you still loved Robert. It wasn’t easy for you to forget , and with Robert, he clearly didn’t. 
He promised to fix things if you came to Los Alamos with him.
And you did. 
You managed to graduate from Berkeley a year early. Groves said that he would write to your family that you were involved in a top secret Government project, promising that he would try to cover your back as much as possible. Once you were out of this project your family would question you, but it wasn’t important. After all, Robert was right; you were small things in the grand scheme of it all. 
Los Alamos is hot, cold, and isolating. You are severely depressed, but you are able to manage that with your work and Robert. The work on the bomb is no easy task; it’s full of pressure, arguments, and disagreements. You feel intimidated, surrounded by much older men, whom you feel have more power than you do, despite knowing that you are just as capable as they are. With this stress, Robert is your reliever. Every night, the two of you switch, finding a way to comfort one another in these depressing times. 
 Now, you live full time with Robert. Nothing is perfect, but the two of you talk and make things work in the best way possible. 
You tell him about George and how you turned down his proposal. Robert coldly laughs, saying that you deserved a good man, and that you should have accepted. You said you couldn't because you loved him,a dn as much as Robert thinks you are lying, he loves the honesty that comes from you. It proves to him that when he fucked you, that you were always going to be his. He tells you that he’s cut things off with Jean, promising on his knees that he won’t ever respond to her calls ever again. You force him to promise you or else you’ll leave him. Robert looks like he’s going to sob when you said that, and he repeatedly insists that he will never do such a thing to you ever again. 
You snap back to reality when they make an announcement that they will test the bomb in three minutes. The men around you anxiously chatter as they prepare for an explosion. You put on your sunglasses and look around you. You catch Edward Teller, basking in his sun chair with a face smothered in sunscreen and sunglasses. He looks down at you, and you look away into the dark night, anticipating the explosion. Your heart skips a beat, and to pass the time, you sink back into your racing thoughts. 
In Between this drama, time passes in Los Alamos. Between the bomb being congested and your relationship with Robert being rebuilt, you fall sick. You’re nauseous, vomiting in the morning and sometimes the day, your period stops, constipation, backaches, you feel like you’re dying. You’re able to hide this from everyone but Robert, who assumes what he thinks it is. One trip to the infirmary confirms that you’re two months pregnant, bordering three. 
Initially, you're shocked, but thinking back to the classroom, it all makes sense. 
You’re ecstatic, despite being extremely sick. You take time off from your job, and Robert makes sure to tell everyone that you have come down. I'll have a bug and will return within a couple of months. The only people who know about the pregnancy are you, Robert, and the doctor. Robert makes sure to keep the mater private. 
Like you, Robert is thrilled at the concept of you having a child. You’re rather young and nervous, but Robert promises to take care of you and your child. No longer can you do things on your own without Robert swooping in; whether that be cooking, cleaning, or even reaching for medicine. 
The two of you lay in bed with your feet entangled. Robert caresses your stomach as he has done before, softly going over the small bump forming in your stomach. 
“I thought I had been putting on weight,” You bluntly admitted, rolling your shoulders back. 
“And even if you were, I would love you the same as I loved you before,” Robert plants a kiss into your hair, gently patting your stomach, “You look as beautiful as ever, love. Even with our child, you’re still so tiny. You’re just as I remembered you-”, His hands grab yours as he interlocks your digits, “-in that classroom at Berkeley. You shook your leg and your skirt rode up. As you bit your lip, I looked, and I fell. I feel hard, y/n. I love you.” 
You smile to yourself and close your eyes, squeezing his hand. 
“I love you too, Robert.”
“59 seconds until the drop!” A voice booms over the loudspeaker. Anxiety, nerves, and excitement fills the crowd of Sciences, including yourself. You put a hand on your stomach, feeling the flatness. Sometimes, you can still feel that bump. It’s been a long time, but she’s still there, haunting you. 
You lose the baby at seven months, and remember there being so much blood and tears. Every night after losing the child, you cried yourself to sleep and apologized to Robert. Robert held you and comforted you at that time. He kissed you and held you close, saying that all was well as long as you were him.
You violently sobbed, thinking back to your days of reading Greek myths  at his rental house on Shasta. Just as Hades had given Persephone the seeds for her to say, Robert had impregnated to you and brought you to his desert exile. And like Persephone, you stayed. 
Just as tears were beginning to form in your eyes, a light dried the tears right out of your eyes. 
At 5:29:45 AM local time, the stillness was shattered by an imperceptible click, triggering the activation sequence of the Trinity bomb.
A brilliant, searing light erupted on the horizon with a radiance unparalleled by any natural phenomenon. The desert floor was instantaneously transformed into a blinding white sea of light, casting stark shadows of the nearby objects. The intensity of the light seemed to defy the boundaries of the human eye, as if a new sun had temporarily usurped the heavens.
A seething ball of fire engulfed the desert in those milliseconds, swelling with ferocious energy. A towering column of smoke and dust spiraled upward, its outline illuminated by the incandescent glow. The ball of fire and the mushroom-shaped cloud of debris swelled and merged into a surreal symphony of colors – brilliant whites, fiery oranges, and deep reds – like a celestial painter's brush strokes across the sky.
Trinity’s detonation unleashed a symphony of destruction that resonated not just across the desert but through history itself. The ground quaked with a seismic force, as though the Earth itself trembled at the unimaginable power harnessed by humanity's newfound knowledge. A resounding shockwave rippled through the air, shattering windows miles away and rattling the bones of those who stood witness.
The sound that followed was a peculiar and haunting one – a low, rumbling roar that bore no resemblance to the traditional thunder or even the roar of an aircraft engine. It was as if the very air had been torn apart and reconstituted into a sound that could only be described as the collective gasp of nature itself, a primordial cry at witnessing its own mastery being tested and defied.
The visual and auditory onslaught seemed to defy the boundaries of perception, leaving spectators both in awe and in terror. The Trinity test had successfully harnessed the fundamental forces of the universe and turned them into a weapon of unimaginable devastation. In the wake of that blinding light and resounding sound, a sense of profound unease settled upon those who bore witness – an understanding that the world had irrevocably changed, and humanity had ventured into a new and uncertain frontier, where the implications of our newfound power were as profound as they were perilous.
The cheers are loud and violent. People are thrilled that those two years of hard work have paid off. They're dancing, drinking, celebrating, and you feel happy, even partaking in such matters. 
When the bomb is dropped on Hiroshima, the celebrations truly ensue. The excitement from the test early explodes with raw joy. Everyone knows that the ear is coming to an end as they drink, sing, dance, cheer, and cry. Emotions flood as people celebrate, and you partake in them for a while. As you do, you look for Robert but he’s nowhere to be found. You search within the crowd but you can't identify his pork pie hat or pipe. 
Fleeing from the celebrations, you flee to Roberts office. His secretary isn’t there, so you make this way to your office. You find him standing by the window, simply looking at the crowd. As they move, he stands perfectly still. His hat is thrown on the ground and his pipe is thrown on his desk. 
“Robert?” You sing-song his name, quietly walking over, “Oppie?” 
There’s no response. He’s not acting happy, nor does he look at it. He looks devastated. 
His eyes are watery, and you can immediately feel the guilt on his shoulders. 
There’s no need for words as you walk over and crash into Robert. His arms wrap around you and with that, he quietly cries into your shoulder, sinking with you into the carpeted ground. 
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floralcyanide · 1 year
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐜𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐲
cillian murphy x gn!reader
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After a sleepless night, you decide it's finally time to leave your husband, Cillian. Based on the song Every Light in the House is On by Trace Adkins.
warnings: angst, failed marriage, depression
word count: 1583
authors note: this is kinda mehh but I had no idea what kind of angst to write that wouldn't be soul-crushing lol and I didn't want to do that to ya'll just yet!! but if you like this please give feedback <3 (of course I did not proof read I just depend on Grammarly to guide me through the darkness lmao)
main masterlist | cillian murphy masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
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“I told you I'd leave a light on in case you ever wanted to come back home. You smiled and said you appreciate the gesture.”
Deciding to leave has been one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do. But it’s come to the point that you have to go- you’re no longer being treated the way you deserve and loved in the way you desire. Cillian’s career has reached a peak moment, and he’s been swamped for the last few years. He’s been studying J. Robert Oppenheimer for his role as him and has become Oppenheimer in a way. He’s distant, cold, and critical of everything. Cillian being occupied with studying and filming has made him a different person, a person you didn’t know. A person you no longer wanted to be married to.
You decided to wait until after the movie premiered to see if he’d change, but he didn’t. And it took you packing your things for him to begin waking up, metaphorically and literally. It was very early in the morning as you couldn’t sleep, and you finally got up from bed, digging out your luggage from the closet. You had been patiently and neatly folding your belongings and putting them in one of your suitcases for about two hours when Cillian first said something.
“Where are you goin’?” he asks, his accent thick from sleep.
“Away,” you say plainly.
“Away where?” Cillian sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes.
“From you,” you say, holding back tears.
A look of confusion crosses Cillian’s face, “What do you mean, love?”
It’s been ages since he last called you that, and the softness of his voice paired with the name sends tears rolling down your cheeks, “I’m leaving you, Cillian.”
Cillian is now climbing out of bed, all but tearing the covers off his body. He hurries to stand beside you, grabbing hold of your wrists, “What? W-why?”
“You aren’t you anymore. You’re not lively or happy as much as you used to be. I thought maybe you were getting old on me, but now I realize you’re just growing bored.”
“I could never be bored of you, sweetheart,” Cillian looks at you, his eyes softening, his salt and pepper hair tousled in a mess.
“Really? When was the last time we had sex, then?”
Cillian pauses, and a look of defeat crosses his features, “A while.”
“It’s been years, Cillian. At first, it wasn’t a big deal, but as time passed, I realized how long it had been. The last time was when we were in quarantine two years back,” you say, letting your tears fall freely now, “Of course, sex isn’t as important to me as you being you. And you just haven’t been the same for the last few years.”
Cillian nods slowly, taking in your words, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, let me make it up to you. Please?”
“It’s too late,” you frown, finishing your folding and closing the first suitcase, “It’s been so long already. And whenever I tried talking to you about it, it was like talking to a brick wall.”
You pull the suitcase off the bed and place it with the other luggage on the floor. Cillian then realizes you’d been packing for a while during his sleep. He hardly remembers you trying to talk to him about your relationship- hell, he hardly remembers anything from the last three years, really. But he doesn’t doubt that you did. He doesn’t think you’d ever lie to him, even if he probably deserves harsh punishment. You leaving him, he’s decided, is punishment enough.
“Will you ever come back?” Cillian inhales sharply, trying not to get visibly upset as he follows you down the stairs.
“I don’t know.”
If Cillian knows anything about you, it’s that once you’ve made up your mind on something, there’s no going back. And he knows that even if he gets on his knees and begs you to stay or cries his eyes out as he holds you close to him, you are still leaving. There’s nothing he can do about it except give you time.
“It’s still dark out, so be careful,” Cillian says, watching as you bring down the remainder of your things from your shared bedroom, “I’ll leave a light on, you know, in case you change your mind.”
He knew that you wouldn’t change your mind, though. But it was worth a shot.
“I appreciate the gesture,” you say, looking Cillian in the eyes.
Cillian looks down at the floor, and you sigh, unlocking the front door as you move your luggage to the front porch. Your best friend was picking you up, and you’d stay with them for the time being. Being away from Cillian will be hard, as you’ve been together all your lives. But you needed to do this for you.
“Every light in the house is on just in case you ever do get tired of bein' gone.”
“If I should ever start forgettin', I'll turn the lights off one by one. So you can see that I agree, it's over.”
It’s only been a few days since you left, but it’s felt like an eternity for Cillian. The house is eerily silent without you playing his vinyl and singing along or you humming as you clean the house. The TV isn’t playing a documentary or a show you’re binging anymore, mail piles up at the front door where the slot is, and dishes sit in the sink. A layer of dust is already coating photographs and knick-knacks, some of which were yours. Cillian is a mess and a half without you. He kept his promise, though. He left the porch light on for you. Also, the lamp at the front door, the lamps in the living room, the kitchen nightlight, the hall light, and the lights in the bedroom were kept on, too. You could probably see the glow of the house from the road. The home you two used to share is like a bright sunny day, contrasting with the darkness outside because of all the lights being left on. 
Every day, Cillian sits in his office, reading a book and checking the time every five minutes. He also checks the window to see if your best friend’s car is there or if you are approaching the front door. But the car is never there, and you aren’t either.
After a few weeks of no sign or word from you and a higher electric bill, lights in the house slowly begin to be turned off. Cillian is more of a shell himself now than he was when you were together. He realized that he had been exhausted and inside his head too much, and that’s why he didn’t give you the attention you rightfully deserved. Cillian decided he would work on it, and if it would bring you back, then he’d do anything. But slowly, he began to give up on you ever coming back. Even if he did work on himself. So, he turned off the hall light, after that, the kitchen nightlight, and then the lamps in the bedroom. 
“Every light in the house is on just in case you ever do get tired of bein' gone.”
The night that the very last light is on- the porch light- Cillian is heading to bed and decides perhaps he should finally turn it off. It’s been months now with no word from you. No calls, no letters, nothing. It’s time. When he goes to the front door, he sees something, no, someone at the door through the side windows. At this time of night, there is only one person it can be, but he won’t believe it until he sees it. He unlocks the door and pulls it open, and there you stand. Cillian can’t believe his eyes.
“You left the light on?” you ask, a tearful smile on your face.
It’s been raining and still is, and you’re soaked from head to toe just from the short walk from your friend’s car to the front door. Your wet hair is sticking to your face, and Cillian thinks you’ve never looked more beautiful than you do right now.
“Of course,” Cillian says, “Every light in the house was on at one point.”
“So I heard,” you chuckle, shaking your head at him and his sweet yet sometimes dramatic gestures.
“Are you here to stay?”
“Maybe,” you say, crossing your arms, “How has it been without me?”
“Horrible,” Cillian says immediately, “Quiet and dreadful. The grass isn’t quite as green without you here, and the birds don’t come to visit anymore.”
You laugh at the sad yet poetic way Cillian has made the house seem without you in it, “That’s too bad.”
“Yeah,” Cillian frowns, “I’ve missed you terribly.”
“I know. That’s why I’ve come to see you,” you say, turning around and waving off your friend so they could leave, “For a little while, at least.”
“Any time with you is time well-spent,” Cillian smiles.
This is the Cillian you’ve been missing, the witty and sweet man who’d do anything to see you smile. You come inside with your bag, and Cillian quickly runs upstairs to run you a warm bath, turning on every light as he goes. You notice there were no lights on in the house until you walked through the front door. Now, the whole place is alight again. You hope it’ll stay that way.
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@baizzhu @aporiasposts @queenshelby @orijanko @raineeace @nela-cutie @langdons-slut
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darlingsfandom · 10 months
omgg i saw the oppenheimer screening and it gave me the idea to request smut where cillian and reader go to the bathroom after he has been interviewed and hes obsessive and needy
you have good ideas!
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"Darling!" Cillian leaned into your ear as you walked past him to sit down next to him in the soft movie theater chair.
"Yes my love?" You answered with a soft smile painted on your lips.
"I need ya... now!" His hand rested on your knee giving it a slight squeeze as he gave you pleading eyes.
"But baby, it's your movie screening!"
"I'm in the damn movie, I know what happens! Please darling?" His hand hiked up your dress a little before running his fingers on your inner thigh. Your breath hitched a little bit before you turned to actually see how much he was begging with his icy blue eyes.
"After the movie starts okay? Can you wait a few more minutes?" You placed your hand over his on your thigh as he squeezed it harshly. Cillian huffed a little bit before nodding and returned his focus to the screen in front of him. You laid your head on his shoulder and looped your arm around his. Both of you sat quietly until the lights finally went down. A few cheers and sounds of clapping filled the air before you lifted your head up to look around. Everyone was glued to the screen.
"Meet me in the hall in two minutes!" You whispered into his ear before giving it a little nibble. Cillian looked up at you as you excused yourself while bending down so you didn't block anyone's view. You straightened up once in the hallway. Luckily the halls were empty since everyone was sitting for the screening.
Your dress flowed down your body nicely and showed off the most innocent parts of your skin leaving little room for imagination which is why Cillian was so worked up.
"My gorgeous doll." His accent filled your ears as his arms snuck around your waist. You jumped a little at the sudden surprise contact before a small giggle left your lips. His hands traveled up your sides while his lips kissed along the back of your neck slowly making your knees feel weak.
"Cillian... not out here baby." Your words came out quietly as you pulled on his hands before taking him into the bathroom.
"Not a very sexy place darlin... but I'd fuck ya anywhere anytime." His lips attached to yours before you could say anything. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you stumbled backwards into an empty stall. He quickly locked it before reattaching his lips to yours. Your tongue pushed against his lips which Cillian allowed as your hands ran over his chest. The kissing got heavier with each second passing. His hands ran down your backside before gripping your ass making you whine into the kiss as he played with your ass. Your ears perked up at the sound of the zipper on your dress being unzipped.
"Looked so good on you baby, but I look better." Cillian kissed along your jaw as your dress hit the floor exposing your breasts to the cold air making your nipples harder. His mouth quickly found them as he kissed his way down to them. You gasped loudly. Cillian sucked softly on them before he got on his knees and wrapped his arms around your thighs.
"Cillian baby, I thought this was about you?" Your fingers trailed through his hair.
"Oh but baby , it still is silly girl!" Before you could respond you felt his fingers spreading your folds while slowly sticking his tongue inside of you.
"CILLIAN!" Your mouth hung open as he waisted no time in eating your pussy.
"That's it baby! Let everyone know who's eating yer pretty cunt!" He mumbled into you while you whimpered. Cillian loved eating you out, always drunk off your pussy when he did. Your hips took control as you mindlessly humped his face, Cillian didn't mind though. He loved it. Your whimpers grew louder as he dug his nails down your plushy thighs. He was a man starved.
"I can feel ya clenching my fingers baby. Give me your first orgasm honey." His fingers worked in and out of you as your hot skin rubbed against the cold stall door. Your head was swimming in thoughts that would make god himself blush. Your mouth hung open as moans filled up Cillians ears. His free hand moved to palm himself. He was lost in your pussy. Between his warm tongue and thick fingers working you over you cried out his name as the bubbling in your tummy bursted. He buried his face further into you to lap up your juices.
"Your... fuck... turn!" You slid down to your knees before Cillian picked you back up and pushed your back against the door.
"No no baby, love how ya suck me cock but I need yer pussy now!" Cillian fumbled with the buttons on his pants before shoving them down along with boxers. He sprung free with a sigh of relief making you blush and giggle in a good way. He gave you a smile before kissing you hard. Cillians hand rested next to your head as he used his hand to guide his cock inside of you. He grabbed your leg to wrap around his waist as he pushed deep inside of you.
"OH MY! FUCK!" Your eyes squeezed shut as a hiss left your lips.
"I know honey, it's okay!" Cillian ran his hand over your cheek with a smile on your lips. You finally relaxed when the sting of the stretch finally went away. Cillian waited until he seen that you were ready for him to move. "Good girl darlin." His lips attached to yours as he slowly thrusted into. He took it slow at first before he couldn't hold back anymore. He pounded hard into making the door you were gripping onto the best you could shake. Your fingers hung over the top of it as Cillian pressed his body into yours. His fingers gripped your chin with pressure making you look down at him and into his eyes as he thrusted faster into you.
"It's a good movie but... OH someone's getting it!" A voice came into the bathroom as Cillian thrusted upwards into you. His hand quickly went over your mouth so you wouldn't yell his name out loud. The last thing you two needed was the press running in here finding out what happened. "I guess I'll come back later!" You heard the deep chuckle and the door open again before it slammed shut. Your eyes darted back to Cillian who was staring you down as his thrusts were getting sloppy. You moaned against his hand as the familiar feeling in your gut boiled up again. Cillian removed his hand to place his lips in place instead as he squeezed on your hips.
"Take it baby! Gonna cum in yer pretty cunt!" He grunted loudly as his eyes stayed locked into yours as his jaw dropped and you felt him cum deep in you. Your own orgasm chased after his but as you went to close your eyes Cillian made you look into his eyes as you did. Your eyes watered a little as your knees buckled into his. "Dats a good girl yeah! My good girl!" He held you in your arms as your slumped into his arms. He kissed the top of your head before getting you cleaned up and dress back on your body.
"I love you." Cillian moved your hair back into place while looking into your eyes.
"I love you Cillian." You smiled up at him as you zipped up his pants and gave it a playful pat making him laugh before carefully sneaking back into the theater. The two of you had got away with it or so you had thought because soon as the lights came back on, the fresh love bites Cillian made were front and center along your neck as the lovely shade of lipstick you were wearing was smeared across Cillians lips. It was worth it.
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mikuni14 · 8 months
Why I think the way the final episode of The Sign was distributed is wrong, offensive and unfair to fans. And how disappointing I am with this approach, because I sincerely supported Idol Factory and Saint.
Personally, I pay for Gaga, Viki and IQIYI, plus a VPN to watch shows that are not available in my country (like Pit Babe), which, you know, I already paid for 🙄 Additionally, I pay for Netflix, I have combined subscriptions with other people for Disney, HBO, Skyshowtime, Prime, last year we paid for Apple to watch Silo and Severance (I recommend both series btw 👌). I also don't mind paying one-time for a film on the platform, which is how I recently watched Oppenheimer.
Money is not an issue (<- lol), apart from the fact that I support myself and I have to work, and I have to carefully manage my budget in order to feed myself and my cat, clothe myself, pay my bills, and my loss of job will mean obviously giving up access to all these media. I say that money is not a problem in the sense that I WILL SPEND MONEY on something I like. I will save, I will give up something else, but I will spend this money on stuff I love.
The Sign has chosen a certain distribution method for international fans. They chose YouTube and chose a set airing hour. They could have chosen to distribute only in Thailand like Cherry Magic, or they could have chosen any other platform with paid subscriptions. But they chose YouTube. And they released 11 episodes for free and at a set time. And now they CHOSE to make the last ep paid and to create a complete chaos related to the distribution of the finale, because I honestly don't know at this point whether it is paid or not, what is paid and what is not, whether it is on Saturday or Sunday or it's for a ticket or for free on channel3 and apparently they have two endings????, which is always an alarming sign for me, because it's very Game of Thrones/Marvel style shit.
Besides, people have their own lives, their obligations, their schedules. Sometimes you just can't get around certain things and you can't watch a series in the available time, no matter how much you want. Secondly, releasing a product for free in order to limit access to it in the final phase is the worst manifestation of toxic capitalism. This is preying on the desperation and devotion of fans. The third thing is the selection of viewers into those who can afford it, have the time, have the resources and those who do not. And yes, sometimes even just $15 of an unexpected expense makes a huge difference in a person's budget. It's telling some of the fans that you are VIP and can sit in the front row, and the rest of the peasants should wait outside for two weeks 😄
tl;dr personally I want and can pay for: 1) the entire series on a legal platform 2) ADDITIONAL things, like specials, fan stuff, etc. I consider paying for access to the series finale, which until now was free, immoral.
But tbh I really have no idea what's going on, I go with the flow 🤡Whenever I check The Sign tag, I read more and more new information related to the possibility of watching the finale, and it's different every day. And if it turns out that the cut version of the series will be available for free on Channel 3, and the uncut version with subs will be available tomorrow with a ticket, it will be the funniest thing ever. Because that would mean that people paid $15 to watch, I don't know what, a sex scene? 😄
Idk, guys, instead of enjoying the finale, people are wondering how to watch it at all. And if IF starts doing this, won't others follow suit? 11 episodes for free, oh you want to watch the finale, well you have to pay or wait and dodge the spoilers 😈
And one last thing for potential defenders of this system, like "what's your problem, it will be available in 2 weeks, just wait": so you accept that not ALL fans will have a chance to experience the final ep together, which is the basis of the fan community? That some fans will experience and analyze the episodes this weekend, and the rest will wait?
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
Our Allens <3
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How would our boys react to the Barbie Movie?
Warnings: none
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♡ Yassine ♡
I imagine that out of the two of you he’d be the first to see the trailer when it comes out.
Like minutes into its release, already in his Youtube recommended 
He was well beyond the age of acting like he was too cool for it
It looked fun and right up your alley
You’re busy with work and he doesn’t close your laptop but he holds his phone over it so you can watch
You’re not too happy with the interruption but he just seems so excited, practically buzzing so you take the phone.
2 minutes and 42 seconds later, you’re up on your feet and buzzing with him
He’s quick to sift through your shared closet for things to wear (before everyone else decided to do it)
He’s got some pink dress shirts so he thinks he’ll be fine but you on the other hand
He’s not impressed by the lack of variety
There’s months before the film comes out but no, you need to be prepared and NOW
Practically dragging you to the mall to look for stuff because there is NO WAY you’re going to this film underdressed
He picks a hot pink skirt and white top that he thinks you would look cute in
He’s got surprisingly good taste, let's just say that and before you even open your purse, he’s paid for it.
As the release date gets closer and closer and more trailers come out, he has a new and even more brilliant idea
All black 
“If you wanted to go to Oppenheimer instead, you could have said!”
He gasps in offence and pulls out the screen-cap that inspired him
“... also what is Oppenheimer exactly?”
“Yassine, I can’t wear a damn tiara!” “Why not?”
You end up having to wear the tiara
You spend about half an hour taking photos in the Barbie box before doing anything
He doesn’t post anything because he never posts anything but you certainly do and it gets reposted onto the Sevilla instagram because it’s just too darn cute
He cries at the Billie Eilish bit but gets over it quickly so you can jam to the Ice Spice remix together
“I promise you that I’m more of an Allen than a Ken, Angel. I would never believe in patriarchy! And I hate horses!” “...” “Okay I don’t hate horses but you get the idea!”
“So do you want to watch oppenheimer?” “Angel, I still don’t know what that is if I’m being completely honest.”
He thought that Barbenheimer was just a cool reference to how well the film was gonna do
“Why is it such a big deal that they come out at the same time? Mamma Mia and the Dark Knight also came out at the same time and no one said anything about that!”
You do end up watching for the sake of it but he’s not feeling it at all.
“Do you think that Cilian Murphy is more attractive than me?” “He could never.” 
He’s quite pleased with that answer and he gets all blushy
He ends up dragging you to the next screen to watch barbie again right after for a ‘palette cleanser’
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♡ Abde ♡
You’re definitely the one to push it in this instance
He’s young, like really young, so there is a little bit of an obsession with that macho image
Much less of it since he managed to win you over by letting it go but its still kinda there
Even with that, he may have read a couple of unflattering reviews (obviously from men) so he’s not got the best impression
It doesn’t take you long to convince him at all because the the way your eyes lit up is enough 
He loves the idea of you dressing up all cute for it, happily help you pick an outfit but when you bring up the idea of HIM matching you, he’s not so keen
“Come on! What's wrong with a bit of pink? Most designer men’s clothes have a little bit of it!” “Yeah but that's different!” “Sure (!)” 
You do manage to get his approval of one pink shirt but he’s a little bit sulky the whole way home and you give him the silent treatment for it
He respects your space but he ends up whining to his brother about it which feels like the biggest mistake when his mum overhears it; more of a blessing in disguise to be honest
“That girl puts up with so much of your nonsense and you can’t even put on a pink shirt for her Barbie thing without adding on even more nonsense? Ya Allah, forgive me I’ve raised a wannabe macho idiot for a son!”
His dad ends up overhearing as well and gets to a stern explanation
“In what world is pink girly? It’s a fucking colour, son. Any ‘man’ that associated a colour with being a girl is a west-washed little boy, you wear little necklaces and get an eyebrow slit but you draw the line at pink? I raised you better than that.”
His brother ends up chiming in too.
“Yeah man, it's a little scummy. It’s a pink shirt and two hours of your time, she used to wear that ugly yellow kit happily to matches AND she watches you play video games for way longer than that, and at least a movie might be more entertaining…”
At first he doesn’t really want to believe anything that they’ve said but he spends the evening pondering over it, only feeling more and more guilty and time passes by
“I’ll just watch it with my friends, it's fine!” but you’re obviously disappointed, he can see it written on your face and you don’t give him time to say anything as you walk away
He spends a good hour going back and forth with you about that, eventually just wrapping you up tight in his arms and apologising over and over again
“Pleeeeeeeeeeaaase take me! It’ll be fun, I swear! I’m a fun guy, am I not?” “You’ve changed your tune.”
“My parents didn’t raise a west-washed little boy, did they?” you don’t know what that means but you can’t really ask with your face pressed up against his neck.
“Should I grow out the eyebrow slit?” 
You find the strength to pull away from him with that suggestion, “YES!” 
To add to the apology, he lets you do his nails but refuses to let you push at his cuticles
Not that you need to do that anyway because his nails are beautifully shaped and you LOVED being able to paint them
He does indeed make it a fun experience when you go out for it and you get some really cute photos together
He spends a while getting photos of you in the booth on your own because you looked so damn adorable
During the film, he keeps pointing out the outfits he thinks would look good on you… so basically everything.
He’s intrigued by the giant fur coat but you immediately put a stop to that
“But look! it's so-” “Ugly! Looks like a freshly killed polar bear rug!”
By the end of the movie, you're both in tears and he gives you the biggest hug he can manage when you leave the theatre.
Its a genuine eye-opener for him
“I’m such a Ken, anjo!”
It's his awakening: he didn’t really like acting all hard and cool anyway and now he had a better understanding of just how dumb that mentality was.
Constantly talking about “boyfriend-girlfriend” things
You didn’t mind but you wished he would stop referring to it as that because you wanted him in all his glory and you didn’t need to be laughing in the middle of it.
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♡ Hakim ♡
Its a cute little moment where you swap phones to show each other the trailers
He’s definitely more intrigued by Oppenheimer but he’s happy to watch barbie with you
Of course, so long as you watch Oppenheimer with him
Like Yassine, well beyond acting too cool for a movie and the colour pink
Your outfits match and are a mix of pink and black so you can really get into the spirit of the occasion
You match clothes quite often but it still makes him smile when you get excited and scan over the outfits
He honestly just liked doing stuff with you and vice versa
He’s not really bothered by what anyone thinks of him anymore
You watch Oppenheimer first and he can’t help but point out the things he told you about when he explained the movie to you
He has some of his own critiques and gripes too
He’s not impressed when he sees the American flag nor is he happy with the nudity but he’s okay with the film, overall.
Surprisingly enough, he was actually quite excited for barbie. 
You had explained every little detail from the trailers and the underlying themes and easter eggs and he supposed that at least 1 live adaptation was ready to be faithful
You’re the more energetic watcher while he’s just extremely focused
Like his eyes don’t leave the screen once, he looks to be in deep thought
Although there is some palpable shock when Barbie is called a fascist
You’re worried when he hasn’t said anything by the end of the film, fearing that he was gonna be one of those
“Men really suck, huh?” 
Big relief and you agree with a laugh
You spend ages talking about the little intricacies in the movies and the deeper messages, from when you get back into the car and well into the evening
He does post a little thing on his story: a blurry photo of the two of you
His brothers do tease him a little bit but they’d all watched it with their partners too and they were all in agreement: it was fantastic
They acted cool and stoic critics about it on the outside but the excitement on the inside was still evident
You pointed out one of the dresses from the movie that you loved, thinking he wasn’t paying attention but alas
He goes above and beyond to find a replica and eventually just settles on a tailor to make you a custom one
He has your measurements because he’s bought plenty of custom pieces for you already and he wouldn’t stand for anything less than perfection
If he was picky for himself, imagine how h would be for the love of his life
He gets a little slap-happy with it and ends up ordering like 4 custom outfits for you instead of one
He wondered about whether he should save them for special occasions but he concluded that he just couldn’t wait
I imagine you coming back from a long day at work and the outfits are laid out, in their garment bags 
You assume that he maybe got himself some new jackets or something because that's pretty common for him
When you unzip the bags and obviously you’re surprised
“Do you like them?” “I mean yeah but… what?”
He can’t wait for you to process anything and he’s hurrying you to try it all on
Obviously you look absolutely stunning and the way he’s looking at you has you all nervous: partly because he always just looked at you like you hung the moon and stars but also you were slightly concerned that he was seconds away from tearing it off you
“Oh god, you’re such a barbie…” he knows exactly how big of a compliment that is, your beloved allen
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♡ Nayef ♡
He definitely isn’t at Yassine and Hakim’s point where image isn’t that big of a deal but he’s an absolute sweetheart
Genuinely so positive and joyful, in that sense there’s a unique maturity about him
You call him over to watch the trailer with you and he doesn’t really understand but matches your excitement when you point out the little details
I feel like he would be doing a lot of his own research too, those youtube videos of people analysing the trailer frame-by-frame become his new obsession
I imagine he’d be getting into a lot of arguments on his burner twitter account with the bitter men trying to tear it down
He doesn’t care at all, he’s going to see barbie with you the first chance he gets and he’s going to find a matching outfit somewhere
You assumed he’d just find a pink shirt but no, he spends ages sifting through the internet for a ken inspired outfit that he could replicate and a barbie outfit for you, pink would not suffice on its own, you were gonna go all out with some proper references
He’s definitely the most Allen-esque of the boys, that's for sure
Proudly posts a photo of the pair of you on his story and your matching outfits with the reference on the side
He does get a lot of praise online for it for being so “brave” but he sees it as the bare minimum and doesn’t quite understand why it's such a big deal
Somehow he’s more excited than you at the theatre
And he somehow knows even more finer details than you as well, it’s kind of jarring
He LOVES the music and knows all the lyrics because he’s been listening to the album non-stop
He is in tears from America Ferrara’s beautiful speech
Constantly looking over at you like you’re a champions league trophy
The switch from emotional billie eilish to the upbeat ice spice remix is a bit of a shock but he just goes with it because at the end of the day, he’s having the time of his life with the movie
“You know I would love you no matter what, right?”
“Like you ARE extraordinary and perfect in every way but even if in some bizarro universe where you weren’t, I bet I would still be obsessed with you.”
And you fully believe him because he would drop anything and everything for you, no doubts in your mind whatsoever
I feel like he’d be so cheesy when you leave the theatre, like he’s carrying you to the car bridal style 
He would also refer to the deed as “boyfriend-girlfriend stuff” for months
He would be dragged to Oppenheimer with his friends but he comes back home too you and he looks far from impressed
“Well it certainly wasn’t Barbie, I know that much!”
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not my usual style but i just thought headcannons would be a better format since i got requests for all of them! i hope u enjoy, lovelies <3
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what if the tf2 mercs went to see Barbie? Ik its not relevant right now but this is critical information to tf2 lore and I'd love to see your take on it
TF2 Mercs Go To The ✨️Barbie✨️ Movie!
Who cares if this is like two months late, I certainly don't. You're right it is critical lore and, dare I say I'd be wrong not to speak my truth on how these grown adults show up to the Barbie movie.
Mutual appreciation comment: You're so cool and silly for being a mutual, love you for that 💖
Normally, I'd write a prompt like this merc by merc. Not today, these guys are all going together, this is getting written like the amusement park and beach headcanons.
No spoilers! I think? I mean everyone's probably seen the movie, but still I tried to keep this spoiler free!
So to start, we have various reactions.
Medic, Pyro, and Engie are the only ones outwardly and inwardly excited. Like we'll get to the dress-up shenanigans in a minute but these guys are hyped. Medic and Pyro more so than Engie, he's only excited because he's never seen Pyro this excited.
Heavy and Sniper both don't particularly care, but Heavy is more happy to go just to hang out with everyone.
Solider and Demo wanted to go to Oppenheimer, and the other mercs told them the Barbie movie was Oppenheimer. Hilarity ensues. (More on this later.) I'm also half kidding, these guys wouldn't complain about going to Barbie, they just also wanted to see Oppenheimer.
Spy and Scout are secretly so fucking excited for this movie. But outwardly hate the idea or complain about it. Oh, it's a girly movie for little kids? Okay Scout, keep saying that while you find some thinly veiled excuse to dress up for the movie. This is a waste of time and money? Sure Spy, keep telling yourself that while you pick out your outfit, I'm sure you just so happened to have a pink dress, like everyone else so obviously does.
My Everyone's favorite part! Dress up time!
Don't get me started on Medic. He was prepared weeks in advance. Bedazzled his boots and gloves, found an extra lab coat, and dyed it neon pink. Ordered a boa and everything. He went all out and killed.
Pyro and Engie don't dress up nearly as much, but they both still dress up! Pyro finds anything pink they can, and even has Medic help with bedazzling. Engie finds one single pink shirt, and decides to call that good, but then is promptly drug off by both Medic and Pyro to help him come up with a better outfit.
Heavy and Sniper are quickly descended upon by Medic and Pyro. These two are hellbent on dressing everyone up. Pyro's busy covering Sniper with pink glitter while Medic's trying to convince Heavy that the bedazzling gun is safe to use on skin! (It's not). Both Sniper and Heavy feel deeply changed after their time with Pyro and Medic.
NOW HEAR ME OUT. Demo and Soldier would dress up in a full Barbie outfit for fun, and I'm willing to die on that hill. Like you do not have to convince them to put on something pink and sparkly, they would do that for laughs/fun. Demo is more to do it for a laugh, and Soldier is the type to do it because he likes having fun and being pretty :,) They are the only two to not be accosted by Medic and Pyro that night.
Scout is getting ready and he's so hyped, like this man has an entire outfit planned, but he's got to play it cool, you know. He spends at least an hour going in and out of his room, pretending he can't find anything and pretending to borrow things from the other mercs, until he finally gets cornered by Pyro, and dragged off to the lab for his Barbie movie makeover, complaining the entire way. (He wanted this outcome).
I'm so glad that I started writing this post-Spy Dress. I needed validation that he serves, slays, whatever, just fucking rocks a dress. Wears a pink dress 100% No question. Sequence, lace, boas, hot pink boots, it's so over the top but it's amazing. Medic just rolls his eyes when Spy claims he just had it lying around.
Movie reactions!
Medic had so much fun oh my god. He was so enamored with the movie. Could, and would rant for hours about this movie if you gave him the chance. Didn't cry like most of the others, but he still genuinely loves the message and just everything about this movie! See's Scout crying and immediately rushes up to half comfort him and half use this as an opportunity to rant, "Well, Scout you see, zhis movie is supposed to make you cry, because if you look at ze-" type vibes
Pyro didn't really pay attention to the other themes, was just obsessed with the pink, glitter, anything Barbie and happy was all they focused on. Ask them about the movie afterwards and they'll just make happy noises and try and explain what they thought of the movie through muffled noises. It's clear they loved it though.
Engie was entertained by the movie enough, he got the message and really liked the music. He's just so happy to see Pyro and Scout having a good time, is a little worried about the other team members sobbing, but he tries his best to comfort them while having a very excited Pyro ranting something he can't understand.
Heavy cried. No doubt in my mind. Also loved just having a good time and being with the other mercs and just. Had to listen to Medic ramble for weeks afterwards but didn't care, was just happy his friend's all had a good time.
Sniper's reaction was to be expected. Indifference, got why everyone was hyped about the movie, he thought it was an alright movie and he wouldn't be opposed to going again, but enjoyed being out more than being at a movie.
Demo was told this was Oppenheimer and rolled his eyes, but he did keep hearing explosions from Oppenheimer playing next door and was so confused. He was hyped the first time thinking Barbie was about to get violent, but then realized where it was coming from, took a swig of his drink and settled back down to watch the rest of the movie. He didn't hate it, didn't love it. Had more fun getting ready.
Soldier was told this was Oppenheimer and believed it. The fact that you could hear explosions was also helping the other mercs case of genuinely trying to convince him it was Oppenheimer. I wish I could say he bought it and was totally fooled into watching Barbie under the guise of it being a totally differently movie but honestly I think it's funnier to have him pretend that the other mercs really got him when this man knows more about American history than anyone else here. Makes a joke about Oppenheimer being a very beautiful woman, and freaks the other mercs out a little bit.
Scout will have you wondering, can a two hour movie really help you work through all your internalized issues? For Scout it can! He went from being woefully misinformed on the way women are treated, (Not on purpose/with hate but just with that whiteboy has never seen the effect society has on women.) to crying in the first half an hour and changing his entire out look on things. It's one of his favorite movie now, he is no longer afraid of admitting that.
Spy is not crying, fuck off. He's just so bored that's why his eyes are watering. Man is sobbing. He loves this movie. Not that he will ever admit that. Loved the soundtrack most. He also had to try and fix his makeup (yes he wore makeup, I'll die on this hill.) in a dark theater so no one would know he was crying, and I think that's really funny.
Bonus! Favorite Songs! (I listened to all the songs on the playlist to do this. I felt glitter melting from my ears, (/hj) you're welcome &lt;3
Medic- Dance The Night. PLEASE HE WOULD SLAY DANCING TO THIS! DANCE WITH HIM! He's so silly, he want's to just have fun dancing to the entire soundtrack but this song in particular. You will hear this song blasting from the lab at least twice a day for about a month. (No this headcanons isn't based on the fact that this is one of my favorite Barbie songs).
Pyro- Speed Drive. I like the idea that Pyro just really likes upbeat music. This song makes me feel like I just did a line of coke so I'm assuming that they'd feel the same way, and they love that feeling! They also like songs with a lot of reptation so they can remember it better. ALSO,
"She my best friend in the whole world
On the mood board, she's the inspo
And she dressed in really cute clothes
Kawaii like we're in Tokyo
Devon Lee smile, teeth a white row
Got a classic, real deep, Van Gogh
She got loyalty, she says, "I love you, girl"
I love her more"
They sing that either out loud in a muffled voice or think it in their head about Engie, All. The. Time. They're besties yk?
Engie- Hey Blondie. Please, I'm sobbing. He thinks this song is so cute. He loves how sweet it is. He just immediately loves everything about it. Plays this so much when he's working, sings it a lot without noticing.
Heavy- Journey To The Real World. Honestly? He just really likes mostly instrumental music, and he also just likes short songs! I think he just likes the spacy vibe of this song.
Sniper- Forever & Again. Not going to lie. He was half paying attention to the movie and then this song dropped and it hit him like a ton of bricks for no reason. He was just super chill and then BOOM. Immediately having a silent sob/crisis. (He's okay, Scout comforted him, Scout was also crying too at this point).
Demo- Barbie Dream. He's not ashamed. He loves it. It's fun, it's silly, he's fun, he's silly. They we're made for each other. Likes the simplicity of the song. Hated how it got stuck in his head.
Soldier- Choose Your Fighter. I can't express how much I think this man would love Ava Max. Like it's insane. But that's also not the main reason. He likes how upbeat it is, and how confident it makes him feel. Like you can't tell me he didn't hype himself up with this song after the movie.
Scout- I'm so torn on this one, like I feel like he'd belt I'm Just Ken, but also, like I can imagine him also singing Barbie Girl, BUT THEN ALSO MAN I AM???? He likes the entire playlist. He liked everything, the movie, the soundtrack, this movie has him in a chokehold.
Spy- What Was I Made For? SCREAMING, CRYING, THROWING UP. I honestly don't think I can let this man be happy in my headcanons😭But that doesn't matter! I heard this song and was like, oh yeah Spy from TF2 vibes hit hard with this song. Nobody else knew what I was talking about lmao.
Ah! This was super fun to write, but it took me so long to write for some reason, (I've been putting off real-life work.) But that's neither here nor there. Also I had this finished, and then went, Oh! I should add their favorite songs, and it took another hour.
(I did a word count for fun, 1766 words, only counting the actual headcanons and not the preface and what I'm writing here and now. Also in times new roman, 12 point font, and double spaced this takes up 6 pages 😭)
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