#I made it all yatesbert
jayelleem · 2 years
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They are married
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amtrak12 · 25 days
idk what made me think to categorize my ships this way -- But for some reason I was curious to know if I cared more about the relationship itself or one of the characters involved and my brain grabbed the impulse and ran lol
So here's the ranking of my current favorite ships and characters therein. On the left is the thing I care about the most in terms of interest and exploring and the right is the element I care about the least. The more greater signs between elements, the larger the gap in my caring.
Current Favorite Ship
Lucifer/Chloe >>>>>>> Chloe > Lucifer
Current Top 5 Ships of All Time (though top 5 I have unfinished business with might be more accurate)
Doctor/Rose > Rose >>>>>> the Doctor
Erin > Yatesbert > Abby
Myka > Bering & Wells >> Helena
Cat > Supercat >> Kara
Ned/Chuck > Ned < - > Chuck (honestly feels pretty even to me? But possibly Ned > Chuck)
Other Perennial All Time Fave Ships
Luke/Lorelai > Lorelai >>> Luke
Leslie/Ben > Ben > Leslie
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cassiopeiasara · 5 years
I was tagged by @walkthegale (thank you!!)
your name: I go by Cass here mostly and write under cassiopeiasara (which was inspired by my obsession with this song at the time I made this blog.)
fandoms you write for: Past: Cartinelli (Agent Carter), SwanQueen (Once), Toltzmann/Yatesbert/Tolbert (Ghostbusters 2016), Laurel/Michaela (HTGAWM), B’elanna/7 (Star Trek Voyager), Kara/M’gann, Sanvers (Supergirl), Spaceparents (BSG), and a few others. Currently: Hackle, Hubblestar (The Worst Witch 2017), Lucille/Valerie (Call the Midwife), and I may dip back into B/7 and Tegan/Michaela when HTGAWM comes back.    
where you post: AO3 and Tumblr. 
most popular one shot: Most Kudo’d: Take A Look At My Girlfriend which is Laurel/Michaela HTGAWM. Most Commented: In the crystalline knowledge of you which was Toltzmann Ghostbusters 2016. 
most popular multi chapter story: A Way to Ignite which is a SwanQueen AU. 
favorite story you’ve written: Like ever? I feel like it changes but my instinct at the moment is to say it’s a toss up between If We Do the Unthinkable which is Toltzmann and Let Me Hand You My Love which is hackle. 
story you were nervous to post: Woo Me Until the Sun Comes Up (and say you love me). I sincerely thought not a lot of people would like it or think it was too ridiculous a premise. I was quite wrong and it remains my most popular hackle fic. 
how do you choose titles: Song lyrics and poems. 
do you outline: Mostly just for multichap fics. 
how many of your stories are complete? All of them except a B/7 multichapter that I have fully outlined but lost the spark for. I keep it up in hopes it’ll come back. 
how many of your stories are in progress? Technically that B/7 fic but nothing else that’s posted. 
 coming soon: I have a few oneshots swimming around in my head and a longfic I’ve been poking at since the spring that I finally have some traction on. 
do you accept prompts? I do from time to time. I did a dialogue one recently that I’ll attempt to attack soon. 
upcoming story you’re most excited to write? I am excited about that longfic I mentioned in my coming soon as well as a few others. I signed up to do the Hackle remix challenge, and am excited about that too. 
I’m tagging @delightinpetrichor, @applebottomclaudiajeans, @meridelclarke, @amusedrhyme, @rikubean, @okaynextcrisis, @agapi42. Also anyone else who’d like to. 
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gb-week · 7 years
GB Week Wrap-up
And with that the queue and our first Ghostbusters Appreciation Week has officially ended! We wound up with over 100 posts and probably thousands of notes across the board. WOWZERS!! I want to thank all of you who participated, from the ones who shared fanworks to the ones who reblogged them, you guys all made this anniversary celebration something truly special and a ton of fun. <3 I got emotional reading all the stories about what Ghostbusters has meant to you and seeing the love for this movie carry on a year after its release. I love you guys.
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If you were late to the party or if you fell behind in your posting like I did, don’t worry! You can still share your thoughts and fanworks in the Ghostbusters Appreciation Week tag! I’ll be checking it for at least the next week and will reblog anything I see.
And we still have more events on the horizon! Yatesbert Week is up next in August! Stay tuned for more info, but you can get a jump on the prompts by checking out our Events page.
Thank you everyone once again for making this week great! Here’s to another awesome year of Ghostbusters!!
- @amtrak12
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Ghost Girls
Summary: Erin and Abby realize they are soulmates in other ways besides their soul marks. For Yatesbert Week: “Soulmates” Rating: G, for now. Words: 1,849 ----- Erin had always been different, she knew that. 
She liked school and learning. She just had to have straight A’s when everyone else was goofing being a kid. The others in her class had friends while she did not. No one ever wanted to play with her. And most of the time her parents couldn’t be bothered to interact with her as they were both busy with work. But they always made sure she had plenty of toys and books. They were her friends and babysitters. What Erin really wanted, however, was a real friend. Someone to call her own. She looked down at her wrist. Everyone in the world had a soulmate, someone whose soul matched her own. She often wondered what Abby would be like. She hoped she would be a really nice person. Her bright blue signature on her arm definitely was interesting enough.
And Erin hoped Abby didn’t mind that she saw ghosts.
It had started with her neighbor Gretta. It had been the worst time of her life. And her parents not believing her made it worse. Everything went downhill from there. She started seeing ghosts everywhere. It had freaked her out at first because of how the old lady had treated her, but it hadn’t taken much to realize that most ghosts weren’t complete jerks. For the most part, they ignored her. It had been a refreshing change. It had helped her calm down a little bit, especially since her neighbor had completely gone.
Erin really hoped that Abby wouldn’t run away from the fact that she saw ghosts. Soulmates wouldn’t do that, would they?
It was one fall evening when Erin decided to go for a walk on her own. She was 9, and her parents didn’t mind if she walked up and down their street since it was well lit and there were lots of families around. She knew the twins would be at dinner, so she wouldn’t have to worry about them trying to badger her. Ever since the ghost incident, they had started to be like the other kids at school, so Erin tried to avoid them. At least it would save her parents some money. It was still fairly light outside, so no one had said much, except to put on a jacket. She grabbed her favorite gray coat and headed for the door.
Erin was enjoying the crisp fall breeze as she walked to the sidewalk. She looked up and down the street. On one end, there was a church with a fairly large graveyard. She really didn’t like to go past the place since the local ghosts had figured out she could see them and they never wanted to stop talking. Erin rubbed her wrist, frowning. It was like something was telling her to go that way although she really didn’t want to. She grimaced and pulled her jacket closer around and headed for it. Normally she’d ignore such impulses, but it wasn’t like she had much else to do. She had finished her homework and read through one of her library books.
Erin walked through the church parking lot and headed for the graveyard. She hesitated for a moment at the entrance. She was starting to see the form of spirits around a couple of the gravestones, but they didn’t seem to be interested in her. Instead, they seemed to be intent on a young girl her own age standing in the graveyard already. Normally it wouldn’t be that odd, except that her right hand was practically invisible.
And she was holding onto a ghost.
That... was different, thought Erin, panicking. This person was holding onto a ghost! She shouldn’t... she shouldn’t be here. It was bad enough that she could see ghosts, but someone had the ability to touch them. She didn’t need to be there at all. What if someone saw them together?
Erin felt stuck for a moment, the need to run filling her body. But it was only when it felt like a bolt of lightning went through her wrist that she made any noise or movement. And apparently, so had the other girl.
“Ow!” they both said aloud. The extra voice had appeared to have startled the other girl, whose back was to Erin. She let loose of the ghost, who grumbled under their breath and flew off. When she turned around to face Erin, it was like lightning hit her again. “Ow. H-- hi,” Erin finally managed to say, rubbing her wrist. What was that?
The other girl was shorter than she was, but had long dark brown hair that was tied up in a low ponytail that went down her back. She had bright blue glasses that matched her jean jacket. Inquisitive green eyes were peering out from underneath. She had a little more weight on her compared to Erin, who despite what she ate, never seemed to gain anything. Something was odd though. She had white streaks in her hair. Maybe it was some sort of fashion statement?
They stared at each other for a moment, not saying anything. Erin wasn’t sure what to make of this other girl.
“Your--your hand,” she stammered out, not even believing that anything was coming out of her mouth about ghosts. “You were holding a... ghost?”
“Oh,” said the other girl, surprised. “You can see that?” Erin nodded.
“You must be attuned to the paranormal,” said the brown haired girl. She fixed her gaze on Erin for a moment. “I guess I can trust you.” She gestured to herself.
“Long story short, I died about six months ago,” said the girl. “But I came back to life after they took me down to the morgue. Potassium poisoning. Word of advice: Never eat too many bananas.”
“And... that?” asked Erin, gesturing to the hand that was going back to looking a normal hand with skin.
“I’ve been able to do that ever since then,” said the girl with a grin. She went invisible for a second. It startled Erin that she seemed to disappear, although she could still see her.
“Neat huh?”
Erin wasn’t sure the word neat was the first thing that came to mind. But she had to admit, meeting someone who could not only see ghosts, but could interact with them...
The girl stuck out her hand. “My name’s Abby, by the way. Abby Yates.”
Erin nearly fell to the ground in surprise. “Ab--Abby?” said Erin. “No... it can’t be.”
“Can’t be... what?” said Abby, confused.
Erin’s heart started beating rapidly in her chest. This couldn’t be happening. She held up her wrist.
“My name is Erin. Erin Gilbert.” Abby gasped.
“No way!”
They both instinctively touched their wrists. Abby held hers out after a moment. Erin was surprised how well her name looked on Abby’s wrist even in the near darkness of the evening. She held out her own for Abby to see. Abby traced her name on Erin’s wrist.
“So... they’re our signatures? That’s weird.”
“It makes sense?” said Erin. “A signature is almost like a fingerprint. They’re wholly original to the owner, although they can be duplicated quite easily. I read that.”
“You read too?”
“All the time,” answered Erin easily. “Not much else to do.” She looked around the graveyard. The ghosts were gathering closer. She frowned. They seemed to be whispering to each other. She wondered what they were talking about. It was getting darker and she didn’t need to be out this late. Plus, she had school tomorrow. But, this... Abby was her soulmate. She didn’t want to just leave her out here alone.
“So what do we do now?”
“Well, we’re like 10,” shrugged Abby.
“9, corrected Erin. She frowned. “Do you think we should tell... someone?”
“I think we have to,” said Abby. “They have to record it or something.” She grimaced. That explained the lightning feeling I was having in my arm.”
“You too?” said Erin.
“I think it happens when you meet your soulmate,” said Abby. She stared at Erin for a moment.
“I never thought I’d meet mine when I was a kid.”
“Me either,” said Erin. “This is weird. You’re my soulmate, you’ve seen a ghost, you can hold onto a ghost...”
“You can see them too.”
“And I think...” said Erin, biting her lip. “Don’t tell anyone... but I think I know what they’re thinking.” Abby’s eyes went wide.
“Whoa... really?”
Erin nodded.
“It’s like little flashes. Sometimes I can even see stuff from their past.”
“You probably have ESP, but it’s not developed yet,” said Abby, growing excited. Erin didn’t think her eyes could grow any wider as she seemed to be thinking, even muttering to herself before speaking to Erin with a grimace.
“I’d like to stay and talk with you, but I’ve got to get home. We just moved in, and I’m sure Mom would like for me to watch my baby brother while they unpack...”
“You have a brother?” asked Erin.
“His name is Austin.”
“I always wanted a brother,” said Erin. “I never got to have one though.”
“You can have mine,” scoffed Abby. “Although technically... he is sort of like your family now.”
“Sort of,” echoed Erin. “This is weird, isn’t it?”
“I guess?” said Abby. “I don’t think most people don’t meet their soulmates till what...”
“They have a car I think?” shrugged Erin. “I read a lot of stuff on soulmates, but it didn’t really make sense.”
“I haven’t read much,” said Abby. “Mom wants me to concentrate on school instead of... love stuff.”
“I could tell you,” said Erin, thinking. “I could come home with you.”
“Would you?” asked Abby. “It’d be so much better than watching my brother alone.”
“We can go by my house,” said Erin. “And tell them I’m going to your place.” She stopped for a moment. “Where is your house?”
Abby pointed about two streets over to the east.
“Okay,” said Erin. She grabbed for Abby’s hand. Abby looked weird for a moment but laughed as Erin started pulling her down the street. Neither one of them noticed the ghosts flying away quickly, scattering in all directions.
Once down the street, Erin opened the door to her home quickly.
“Mom, Dad?”
Erin’s Dad popped his head out of his home office.
“You need something sweetheart?”
“I made a friend,” said Erin, smiling. She pulled Abby out from behind her. “She just moved in a couple of streets over. Can I go to her house for a little bit?”
“Sure,” said Erin’s dad, surprised. “As long as it’ll be okay with her family.”
“It’ll be fine,” said Abby. “Come on Erin.”
“Have fun dear,” said Erin’s dad. “Be home before bedtime. You have school tomorrow.”
“Okay dad,” said Erin, smiling. She headed for the door.
“By the way, this is Abby and she’s my soulmate. Bye, I love you!”
“Wait, what?” said Erin’s mom, coming up at that time. But Erin shut the front door quickly behind her and Abby, the both of them giggling as they headed towards Abby’s house.
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holzbert-trash-af · 8 years
Proud Nerd Net!!!
#proudnerdnet tagged by @jilli-holtzmann​ and created by @proudnerdsnet!! Questions;
What is your name?
I would rather not say...❤️
How old are you? mentally i am 18, but i feel old... my real age is irreverent
What kind of blog do you run? ghostbusters, mainly gay stuff and memes now, main blog for random stuff...
What is your biggest nerdy obsession? Probably ghostbusters, or harry potter...
Who is your favourite character of all time? JILLIAN HOLTZMANN (obviously), or Audrey Jenson from scream
What is your favourite book of all time? Ghosts from our past both literally & figuratively: a study of the paranormal
What is your favourite magical creature? UNICORN, Phoenix, mermaid, does vampire count?
What made up object do you wish was real? TARDIS??
Where do you wish you went to school? Hogwarts obviously
Name your favourite ships. Holtzbert (present), Yatesbert (past), Audrey Jenson x Brooke Maddox
Which character do you want to marry? Jillian Holtzmann
What is your favourite song? I have so many!! Wish You Were Here by Florence and the Machine
What is 3 facts nobody knows about you? 1. I have cerebral palsy (a disability) 2. I write fanfic, my own original stories, and poetry 3. I’m a hopeless romantic
Least fave book of all times and why? i don't know... twilight? i think it needs to be gay... (no offense if you like it tho :))
What characters are you role models? jillian holtzmann, erin gilbert, abby yates, patty tolan
Favourite video game? super mario Are you proud to be a nerd? why?
MY FRIEND PUT IT IN BETTER WORDS SO... I really am. Being a nerd allows me to express my creativity in so many ways– art, writing, music, cosplay, etc. being a nerd has allowed me to find friends, realize my sexuality, find the things I love, and learn to appreciate the smaller things in life. Being a nerd is truly wonderful.
Tag 10 people!
@bext-k​ @melissathedarklord​ @dr-jillianholtzman @holtzbert-aficionado
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natashasbanner · 8 years
However, if all you wanted to do was spread hate, fine. You can be angry, or pissed. Honestly, I get that it's horrible, and I wish it were different. Just don't tag Yatesmann, Holtzbert, Tolbert and Yatesbert if you don't truly mean that you want us to get along. That just makes you a crappy person.
I can only assume this is the same Anon as before. 
I don’t think that post was hateful, I never said anything bad about anyone’s ship. I love them all remember? And I tagged all the ships to prove it :) (But seriously I was just making a joke) 
And it is extremely rude to go into someone’s inbox and call them a crappy person. I didn’t call anyone, in any of my responses or posts, any names. I don’t even think I cursed in any of them. I did, however, present my opinion as politely as possible and when that didn’t work I made a gag post. It made the people it was intended for laugh and if people missed the joke that’s on them. Don’t call me a crappy person and kindly stay out of my inbox. 
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amtrak12 · 11 months
Pst, @erin-gilberts since some people are giving out fic snippets to trick-or-treaters....
I've also dug up a scene from my ancient idea for a Yatesbert Amnesia AU. I wasn't sure what I still had on it, and um... turns out I have a lot more than I remember???? This document was labeled "Chapter 19" and apparently my working fic title was "Pretend Truths".
It's a first draft and comes with all first draft caveats. The premise was Abby and Erin have just moved into a fancy condo together with that sweet, sweet government money, but then a bust goes wrong and a ghost steals a couple of years of Abby's memories so she no longer remembers anything about their reunion or the movie events. She takes one look at Erin's clingy concern and the condo they share and assumes they're dating now. They're not. But Erin... goes with it! Because the alternative is Abby being mad at her all over again about being abandoned and Erin would prefer not to face that again. Fake dating! :) What could go wrong?
(Feelings. Feelings could go wrong. Or at least make things super complicated!)
I couldn't begin to tell you what plot points led to this scene, but it's primarily a conversation between Abby and her younger brother OC I gave her. *shrug* I thought maybe you'd enjoy reading it :)
(@ you and anyone else who sees this: Please feel free to steal anything you see here because I highly, highly doubt I'll ever go back and finish this story, and if I did, our takes would be different anyway. So have at it!)
1600 words behind the cut:
Abby didn’t mind her old, worn out bed at her old, worn out apartment that night. In fact, she hardly slept at all that night. Her mind kept replaying moments from the date: Erin’s blush when Abby flirted with her, the feel of Erin in her arms as they danced, the disappointment in Erin’s voice when Abby insisted she had to leave.
The heated way Erin kissed her.
Never had she imagined Erin kissing her like that. This week had been one remarkable, never in her wildest dreams, moment after another, but making out with Erin topped the cake. Took the cake. It was the icing and the candles and the birthday kid nabbing the biggest piece all rolled into one.
With a cherry on top.
The next morning, Abby beat everyone to the lab except for Kevin. Though, Kevin didn’t really count. He was still sound asleep on a cot behind his desk. (They should really hire a proper night shift security guard at some point.)
It was nearly eight. Her brother would be up and ready for the day. Abby moved to a room upstairs where she wouldn’t wake Sleeping Beauty and called her brother.
Ethan answered after a single ring. “Hey, you’re alive!”
Abby frowned. “Who said I was dead?”
“You know how telephones work: you tell one person you’re in the hospital, they tell someone else you were in the morgue.”
Abby hummed. “Mom’s still pissed I let a ghost steal my memories, huh?”
“She ranted to me for thirty minutes the other day.”
“Nah, it’s fine. It’s my fault for being the favorite child.”
Abby laughed. “You are so not the favorite child.”
“No, you forgot it. They made it official with a ceremony last year.”
“Ah, that would be a good one. But the joke’s on you. My memory is already coming back.”
“Really? Because I heard you forgot my child’s name.”
“I did not forget Reyla’s name,” Abby sidestepped.
Ethan tsked. “That’s the second child.”
“I remembered Lanie after Dad said it.” Abby snapped her fingers. “Oh, and her middle name’s Kyla! Ha!”
“Nicely done! You had to read back through a lot of emails to find that.”
“I remembered it on my own, thank you very much.” Abby frowned. “Though, I should have read back through my emails. Those have to be a goldmine for jogging my memory.”
“So what did you read to remember things? Just your journals?”
“Yeah, and talked to Holtzmann. Erin helped with things too.” A happy rush filled her chest as she spoke her girlfriend’s name.
“So not all of your memories are back yet?” Ethan asked.
“I have enough,” Abby insisted. “Anyway, I’m calling to make sure you’re still flying in with Mom and Dad for our book signing.”
“Hell yeah. I’m not missing your first signing.”
Abby grinned. “Good. So what time are you guys arriving tomorrow?”
“We’re leaving on the first flight, so I think we’re due in around nine. I don’t know. I’m just chilling this weekend and letting Mom and Dad be the adults.”
“The kids wearing you out?”
“No, this month has been rough for work.”
Ethan had the Yates tendency for science and technology careers in a different direction and had become a social worker. Abby could only imagine what Ethan meant by ‘rough’.
“Well, I will make sure to have a fun, low key weekend planned for you when you get here. I’ll even keep ghosts away if you want.”
“I don’t want,” Ethan said. “If a ghost shows up while I’m visiting you, you better believe I’m getting in the car with you to go find it.”
Abby laughed at his enthusiasm. “Okay, you win. You are the best of us kids.”
“Hey, um.” Abby bit her lip.
“What’s up?”
Her parents hadn’t known she was dating Erin, and she didn’t remember ever telling Ethan. But she was figuring out forgotten memories felt differently than events that had simply never happened, and telling Ethan about dating Erin felt like it had never happened.
“I want to tell you something. I don’t know how much it will come up this weekend -- we haven’t talked about to handle you guys coming in, yet.”
“What’s going on?” Ethan said, concern slipping into his voice.
“Nothing bad. Just something I haven’t told Mom and Dad, yet.”
“You found a way to open your own portal to the other side without releasing doom and gloom upon the rest of the world.”
“No.” Abby forced herself not to get distracted by how awesome that idea sounded. “Erin and I are dating.”
Abby waited.
“What?” Ethan finally answered.
“I’m dating Erin. She’s my girlfriend.” Abby couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she said it.
“Holy shit.”
Abby laughed. “Yeah, that’s fitting.”
“Wait, when did this happen?” Ethan asked. “Is this before or after the amnesia?”
“Before, technically,” Abby said. “But we’ve only been dating a couple of weeks.”
“What do you mean by technically?”
“I mean, I don’t remember all of it yet, but Erin said it’s been two weeks.”
“Wait, this is real life, right? You haven’t suddenly teamed up with Holtzmann in our lifelong blood feud and are trying to prank me?”
“You and Holtzmann do not have a blood feud.” Abby rolled her eyes.
“Uh, she’s trying to steal a family title that’s been rightfully mine since birth. That’s a blood feud.”
“I definitely do not remember meeting you in the hospital at the ripe old age of ten and thinking ‘yep, that’s my best man.’”
“Everyone already knew it wouldn’t be Steph or Mike by then. They suck.”
“This has nothing to do with your prank war with Holtzmann,” Abby said. “And why would she prank you with my relationship with Erin, anyway?”
“Who knows. I’ve just learned to be suspicious when she’s involved.”
“She’s not involved. It’s just me and Erin. We’re dating. That’s all I wanted to tell you.”
Abby gave him a moment to process this.
When he still hadn’t spoken after three moments, Abby prompted him. “What are you thinking?”
“Honestly? I’m kind of bummed I wasn’t involved somehow in this big revelation.” “That’s your reaction?”
“Well, yeah. I’ve known both of you my entire life -- or practically my whole life in Erin’s case. By the way, you should remind Holtz of this, because if you’re dating Erin then that just strengthens my claim to best man.”
Abby was absolutely not discussing the possibility of her and Erin getting married someday in the future. That definitely felt like it would jynx things.
“How would you have been involved in my romantic relationship with Erin? You’re my little brother. That’s weird.”
“I wouldn’t be involved in the romance part of it,” Ethan said. “I’d be the precocious kid who schemes to get the two love interests together.”
“You’re thirty-three and this isn’t a movie.”
Ethan gave a melodramatic sigh. “Erin would get it. ...Right? She does still like romcoms, doesn’t she? I have a clear memory of her gushing nonstop about Tom Hanks one Thanksgiving. Which in retrospect, she’s not wrong about. Tom Hanks is very crush-worthy.”
A smile toyed at Abby’s lips -- not because her girlfriend and her brother both had a crush on the same male celebrity, because gross. No, Abby smiled because Ethan was right. He had bore witness to her entire relationship with Erin.
“Ha, I just pulled the Lovers card for you,” Ethan said.
It took Abby a moment to realize what Lovers card he was talking about. “You pulled a Tarot card for me?”
“I’m doing a whole spread for you. Don’t you want to know what’s hiding behind this amnesia veil?”
“Hmm, that’s a good reminder. We should add Tarot cards to the list of paranormal tools and events to reinvestigate. Just because Erin and I didn’t find any proof of psychic abilities in Tarot readers in college, doesn’t mean psychic communication with entities or forces is impossible. A ghost did interfere with my memories.”
“I’m not sure what the connection there is, but I focused on the question “What has Abby forgotten about her relationship with Erin” and so far the cards are saying exactly what we already know. You have amnesia which makes you feel a little conflicted and uncertain in your relationship.”
“I’m not conflicted!” Abby said. “At least, not anymore.”
“That might be what the Six of Swords of saying at the Heart of the Matter,” Ethan said. “You’re moving forward in the relationship and things are becoming more stable.”
“That’s true.”
“I’m flipping over the hidden influences now.”
Ethan immediately followed this with a hum, though he didn’t explain it. Silence for a few moments as Abby presumed he was flipping over cards. Then, Ethan let out a sharp, “Oh.”
“What is it?” Abby asked.
“Uh….” Ethan trailed off. He cleared his throat. “Um, no it seems fine. You’ve got The World in the physical realm. Your memories are returning. Eight of Coins in the mental realm, so whatever work you’ve put into your relationship with Erin is paying off. The psychoenergetic realm shows the Three of Elixirs which is a happy celebration. You just caught the ghost who blocked your memory which I know isn’t ‘hidden’ by any means, but may have had hidden consequences. Then, there’s Temperance in the Emotional Realm. Consciously you’ve been conflicted about your relationship, but subconsciously you know the truth. It’s a reminder to listen to yourself.”
“Okay, so what was that ‘oh’ for?” Abby asked.
“Um, well… there’s a Seven of Blades as the hidden influence of the Heart of the Matter,” Ethan said. “A deceit of some kind. When paired with the Three of Elixirs, it may mean the ghost you caught isn’t actually the ghost you were looking for. Or the ghost tricked you and you didn’t catch anything.”
“No, we definitely caught something,” Abby said. “And it was definitely the ghost… at least, I think it was.”
She thought for a moment. 
“I’ll double check at the lab tomorrow.”
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cassiopeiasara · 7 years
The first character I first fell in love with: Patty TolanThe character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Tbh, Erin Gilbert. It took me a long time to care about her and when I did, it was at a level I didn’t expect (still not as much as the other 3 ghostbusters).The character everyone else loves that I don’t: No one. The character I love that everyone else hates: If we change hates to “ignores” then Abby Yates. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: No one. The character I would totally smooch: Patty. I’d kiss Holtz but I’d be afraid that I’d accidentally pick up something radioactive and die. The character I’d want to be like: Patty with a little bit of Abby sprinkled in. The character I’d slap: RowanA pairing that I love: Toltzmann followed closely by Yatesbert. A pairing that I despise: You know the one. ;) (Could also be filed under pairing everyone loved but never made sense to me)
Send me a fandom and I’ll answer all the questions above.
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cassiopeiasara · 7 years
Yatesbert and 32, pretty please?
32. “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
You sent me this so long ago but I finally had an idea so I hope you don’t mind the extreme lateness.  (Also on ao3)
She realizes it in one of those stupid kind of romcom moments Erin always swoons over.
She sits on a stool close to their shared whiteboard while Erin erases half an equation and almost trips over her own feet before correcting herself. Abby almost laughs but then it happens. Erin scrunches up her face before her eyes alight with an idea and Abby feels the realization hit her like a ton of bricks.
I love you almost passes her lips but they stick in her throat and her chest tightens with a fear she hasn't known in twenty years. She's tried to tell herself it wasn't inevitable, that they'd grown and changed and just because Erin jumped into a portal, it didn't mean anything.
Except Erin always chooses the space next to her at movie night. Erin always brings her a snack when she’s cranky. Erin always smiles in that same slightly slanted way she did when they were kids. That smile that always felt like everything about Abby delighted her.
All of these things she's tried to ignore along with the extra skip in her heart any time Erin walks into a room lead her to this stupid moment where she can't stop thinking of ways to kiss Erin.
Erin whips her head around. "What?"
Shit, she'd said it out loud. This is a problem.
Abby shrugs. "Nothing."
Erin narrows her eyebrows and considers a moment, a sure sign she doesn't accept Abby's dismissal. She opens her mouth to say something else but is interrupted by the sound of rushed steps down the stairs.
Abby’s never been so happy to see Holtz covered in wires and a devious expression that lets her know they’ll have to give Jennifer Lynch a call soon to renegotiate their insurance.
She misses the confused look Erin throws her as she follows Holtz up to her lab.
She tries to avoid Erin after that. Abby is good at hiding things like the hurt she feels any time someone called her names because of her research. She’s especially good at hiding how alone she felt before she met Holtz and how it makes her ache not to have more peers that give her credit.
The one thing she’s always been bad at hiding? The way she feels about Erin. Because these feelings, the ones she hoped she’d buried when she burnt the friendship bracelets they made in high school, resurface with a vengeance. Because now she doesn’t have to wonder what it might be like to spend all her days with Erin chasing ghosts. Now she knows and nothing has ever terrified her more.
So she skips out on their lunches, instead encouraging Erin to go out with Patty or Kevin when he can remember lunch is a break allotted in a workplace. She uses Holtz like a buffer during brainstorming sessions. (A tactic that only works half the time because Holtz has the attention span of a gnat and is too busy flirting with Patty when she’s not actively working.) She runs out of any room she hears Erin coming into and it works until movie night.
Movie Night is something she can’t avoid because they’re still a team and rapport is important. Moreover, she can’t avoid it because it’s her turn to pick the movie. They all settle in their usual spaces and Erin looks up at her like they’re sixteen again and no one is sitting with her at lunch.  It makes Abby’s heart ache and reminds her that in all this avoiding, she misses Erin. 
So she sighs and sits next to her, trying the whole movie not to think about how nice it feels to sit with their thighs pressed together, how beautiful Erin's profile looks alight with the movie. She tries not to think of that smell that’s so uniquely Erin, a mix of dry erase markers, pens, paper and whatever frilly scent she’s into at the moment. (It’s some sort of citrus blend this month).
When it’s over and Patty turns on the lights, Abby bolts out of her seat. She heads up to the roof just wanting space and to not think about how being in love with Erin Gilbert is like some weird destiny that follows her no matter how many years it’s been. More than that, she tries to quell the thoughts that tell her how much Erin is unlikely to feel the same.
She has no idea how long she’s out there before soft footsteps sound behind her. She sighs knowing exactly who they belong to because her mind doesn’t think it enough to memorize every detail about her best friend from the way she holds a pen to the chirp in her voice when she’s nervous, she apparently knows the distinct cadence of her walk too.
“Hey,” Erin says softly. Abby turns and Erin swings her arms slowly before she crosses them over her stomach.
Abby pushes up her glasses and replies, “Hey.”
Erin bites her bottom lip and Abby curses her mind when all she can think of  is how adorable Erin looks. How so awkwardly, distinctly Erin the gesture is.
“Did I do something wrong?”
Abby shrugs. “What?”
“Did I do something to make you mad?”
“Why would you think that?” Abby does her best to look anywhere but in Erin’s eyes.
Erin tilts her head and drops her arms, sighing. “Because I feel like I haven’t seen you in two weeks, Abs. You keep disappearing on me and I’ve been over every conversation we’ve had trying to come up with some reason for why you’d do that.”
Abby thinks of pointing out how one time Erin left for twenty years and isn’t Abby allowed a disappearing act of her own? But it’s not fair and it’s more cruel than Abby feels.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. It’s not-” she pauses and pulls nervously at the end of her cardigan, “it’s not you, I just, I couldn’t-”
Erin knits her eyebrows and moves a little closer. “Couldn’t what?”
Abby takes a step back. “I found out something and I don’t know, I’m--” She stops and turns around hugging herself, hoping if she holds tightly enough, maybe she can keep the confession in. She stays like that for a moment before gentle hands make their way to her shoulders and give her a light squeeze.
“What is it, Abs?”
“I, uh, I think maybe, I might be a little inlovewithyou.” She mumbles the last bit but judging by the small gasp and the absence of hands on her shoulders, she’s sure Erin hears it.
Abby turns around quickly. “It doesn’t have to change anything and you can just…” Erin shifts from one foot to the other, wringing her hands and staring at Abby. 
Abby sighs.  “Just forget I said it.”
Erin startles at that. “Why?”
Abby knits her eyebrows. “Why what?”
“Why would I want to forget it?”
Abby shakes her head. “Because it’s stupid and you don’t--”
Erin moves closer and smiles, that slanted one Abby loves so much. “What if I did?”
Abby blinks a few times and clears her throat. “What?”
Erin cups Abby’s face and strokes her thumb along her cheek. “You think I jump in a portal for just anyone? Think I’d come back and glue myself to your side because I just miss having a best friend?”
“I don’t know, you could.”
Erin chuckles as she leans down and presses her lips against Abby’s. When they part, she still has Abby’s favorite smile. “I love you too.”
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amtrak12 · 8 years
I ship yatesbert but I like holtzbert occasionally on the side (there's so much fanfic, it's a statistical inevitability that some of it is good) but I find, more often than not, there is a fundamental misunderstanding of Erin as a character and a tendency to elevate Holtz to basically (irritatingly) faultless, thoughts?
I have not even looked at that area of fanfic since… probably September because the fic summaries alone horrified me by what they were writing about (or pissed me off because they wholesale-lifted elements from the canon Abby/Erin relationship and twisted it around to make a Holtz/Erin AU). But from the stuff I have seen and from the posts I continue to see made on Tumblr, that fandom has a fundamental misunderstanding of both Erin and Holtz.
(They also deeply misunderstand Abby’s and Patty’s characters, but that fandom puts no effort into understanding them while allegedly they do put thought into Erin and Holtz. … allegedly.)
Common Erin Mischaracterizations:1)   playing too hard into this conservative nerd + quirky sex god trope they all insist Erin/Holtz fall into and making Erin more naive and clueless than she really is.
  – Erin is not in high school. She’s a 42 year old woman who’s definitely had boyfriends and has most definitely had sex. She’s no where near a stumbling virgin.
2)   powerful, instant sexual attraction and whaBLAM!! she’s a pile of turned on goo around Holtz and is of course going to have sex with her. She has to. It’s inevitable.
  – what in the…????? like I know I’m on the asexual spectrum, but you know what, I can easily argue that both Erin and Holtz are acespec too (Erin definitely is) so this characterization makes absolutely no sense to me. Even if they were both allo, sexual attraction still doesn’t work that way??? This is such a weird thing that pops up in fanworks. And it almost always leads to some super gross smut thing that was lifted straight out of cis hetero white men porn that was not made with the healthy portrayal of women in mind :S 
3)   completely disregarding Erin’s relationships with both Abby and Patty and essentially pretending she doesn’t have one with either
 – Abby is hands down the most important person in Erin’s life. Shipping yatesbert or not, it is utterly impossible to claim otherwise. Abby is the most important person in Erin’s life. Yet 9.9 times out of 10, the Holtz/Erin content pretends Abby doesn’t exist or that Erin and Abby don’t have this huge massive history together or that it doesn’t matter anymore because Erin has Holtz. That is not true. Abby and Erin’s relationship and history matter. Abby matters. People will never, ever get Erin’s characterization right unless they start with Abby being the most important person to her. And Patty and Erin also developed a solid and important relationship over the course of the movie. Patty was doing things like grabbing coveralls for them to wear solely so Erin wouldn’t ruin her clothes with slime again. She offered immediate and unconditional support after Erin shared her Ghost Girl story (which no one except for Abby had ever done). They were both ducking behind each other at different points and essentially using each other as human shields. Patty pulled Erin into a great big hug, not once, but twice in the movie. Patty is very, very important to Erin too. In fact, of all the Erin dynamics, Erin and Holtz actually spend the least amount of canon time together and thus have the weakest one-on-one relationship. Not saying they therefore can’t be shipped together, but shipper content has to acknowledge that weakness and build it up. They can’t just write them with a strong instant connection at the expense of Erin’s relationships with Abby and Patty.
4)   that Erin would enjoy teasing flirting that really just looks and sounds like bullying
 – for the sake of this point, let’s accept the claim that Holtz is flirting with Erin whenever she does something jackass-y like make fun of her for getting excited over a swiss army knife or step on the gas pedal whenever Erin tries to get into the car and then berate her for holding them up. Let’s pretend that’s flirting. Erin would in no way, ever, ever, ever enjoy that type of flirting. Her experiences with childhood bullying would make these “flirtations” sound just like the mocking she experienced throughout school. It’s going to get her guard up, and she’s going to be frustrated and annoyed (which – SHOCKER! – she absolutely was every single time Holtz did something like this in the movie). She’s not going to think it’s cute or fun or amusing. She’s going to be pissed af. So writing this type of flirting as their main dynamic and as something Erin enjoys is not only OOC, it’s a bit disturbing and arguably crosses the line into romanticizing abuse :S Please don’t do this.
I have a lot more complaints on Erin’s portrayal in that fandom, but that probably covers the basics.
Common Holtzmann Mischaracterizations:
1)   omg where do I begin. How about with the insistence that she’s a confident Cassanova-esque flirt and sex god? like omg have these people met Holtzmann???
 – even if you (somehow) disagree with the autistic Holtzmann headcanon, Holtz is still a perpetually nervous and socially awkward koala bear who is only truly comfortable around Abby because she’s known her for so long. She is not comfortable around Erin at all. She grows comfortable around Patty over the course of the movie because Patty is delightfully sarcastic af while still being a loving ball of sunshine and, oh yeah, she saved Holtz’s life three different times, that probably helps the comfort factor :P But she is not comfortable around Erin, and it’s not hard to see why. Erin is not only a new person, she’s a new person Holtz has heard all kinds of legends and stories and rants about from Abby. Holtz already has this mixed and vague impression of Erin in her head when they meet, and she has to make that impression match up to the real life Erin standing in front of her and that’s always an awkward process. Because it’s like ‘I know you, but I don’t actually know you, so how am I supposed to act here? What am I supposed to say?’ Considering Holtz already relies on scripts for social interactions, she’s going to be very much feeling like a fish out of water around Erin.
 – I didn’t actually touch on the flirting and sex god thing yet, but seriously. Holtz didn’t even have a real friend until she met Abby (a fact she shared in the most stilted, nerve-filled toast I’ve ever seen, the poor thing). Do people really think she walks around convincing women to drop their panties with a mere smirk and a wink? People are so attracted to Kate McKinnon that they keep projecting that attraction onto Holtz’s characterization and it is just wrong, wrong, wrong. That is not how Holtz is at all. She’s actually a clueless puppy when it comes to romance. She might flirt but she doesn’t realize flirting is supposed to lead to asking someone on a date or will bring up expectations in someone else’s mind. She thinks it’s just another type of casual social interaction.
2)   Holtz’s relationships and history with Abby and Patty are ignored completely
 – just like with Erin, Abby is the most important person in Holtz’s life.  She’s her first and only friend for the longest time. She’s the first person to show Holtz unconditional support and love. She’s the first person to *get* and accept Holtz. None of this can be ignored when writing Holtz’s character. In fact, these are all things Holtz and Erin have in common and could be used as a foundation to a relationship between them instead of being blatantly swept under the rug and going “Abby who?”
 – also just like Erin, Holtz builds up a significant relationship with Patty over the course of the movie. In fact, there is quite a bit of one-on-one interaction between Holtz and Patty and even more that occurred off screen. They went out and grabbed cheesesteaks together after Erin left the group and it wasn’t even the first time they did that. Holtz pulled Patty away alone to measure her for a proton pack. There was a conversation of some kind before or after the subway ghost that (rightfully) convinced Patty that Holtz would be interested in cadavers instead of grossed out. There’s a fully fleshed out dynamic between them that becomes even more meaningful and weighty after you add in the times Patty saved Holtz’s life, and all of that is completely ignored in Holtz/Erin fan works. If Patty is shown at all, it’s so she can fulfill a Sassy Black Woman stereotype and 'hilariously’ yell at them for having sex somewhere inappropriate. It’s disgusting. Patty (and Abby) do not exist to do amusing commentary on the Holtz/Erin ship. >_main characters with their own personalities and dynamics and histories with everyone.
3)   Holtz is being flirtatious whenever she mocks or teases Erin
 – I mentioned that if this is Holtz flirting, then Erin would not be into it in any way shape or form, but now I’m going to point out that this isn’t Holtzmann flirting. You know what Holtz looks like when she flirts? “you’re mouthy. I like that.” Grabbing Patty’s hand and kissing the back of it instead of returning the high five. Stuff that actually looks like romantic interactions. Holtz mocking Erin is in response to their shared history with Abby and how Erin completely abandoned Abby twenty years ago. Remember that Holtz has heard the stories and rants. She’s still trying to put them together into the real life person now hanging with the group, but she’s completely aware of how Erin abandoned Abby and she’s super judging Erin for it. Because again, Abby is the most important person in Holtz’s life and Holtz is pissed that someone would dare hurt her. In fact, Holtz is meanest to Erin whenever Erin is denying ghosts or seems uncertain and like she might run again. The times she’s nicest (like the hug after the portal rescue) come only after Erin saves Abby’s life or is super obviously 100% on board with ghosts like with the Protect the Barrier presentation. Any weakness in Erin’s convictions, and Holtz is right back to being on guard (and kind of a shit head) just in case Erin flees and makes Abby sad again.
4)   calling Holtzmann “Jillian” or any variation of her first name
 – I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it until every single person making fan content for this movie gets it through their thick skull, HOLTZMANN’S NAME IS NOT JILLIAN!!! She does not use her first name ever! She never introduces herself as Jillian. She is never introduced as Jillian by any of the other characters. None of her friends ever call her Jillian. They call her Holtzmann or Holtz or Holtzy/baby when it’s Patty addressing her. No one calls her Jillian. “Jillian Holtzmann, Radio Times” was Holtz using a script, and being obviously sarcastic as she is not a journalist for the Radio Times. She was pulling up the only interviewing script she knew and was purposely messing with Kevin as he was so clearly oblivious and ignorant. Dr. Gorin was her mentor and a pseudo-parental figure. Her addressing Holtzmann as “Jillian” is not a sign that her friends or lovers would call her Jillian because again none of the other Ghostbusters ever call her that. All Dr. Gorin using Jillian means is Holtz isn’t triggered or repulsed by her first name. She simply prefers not to use it. She is a single name character much like Parker from Leverage. The name Jillian should never be used in the narration or when a character is addressing Holtzmann in fan works. That is not her name. I’m utterly baffled by how a near-100% queer fandom can be so dismissive of someone’s preferred name, good lord. Respect the character’s wishes, please and thanks.
5)   dressing Holtzmann up in full evening gowns and wearing her hair down or otherwise presenting her gender as more traditionally feminine than she presents in the movie.
 – again I have to ask, has people who do this ever actually met Holtzmann???? holy cow. Holtzmann is not Kate McKinnon. The two do not present their gender the same way. Holtzmann only dresses and presents herself the way we see her do in the movie. This isn’t a limitation of the movie events or timeline, that’s legitimately how Holtzmann presents herself all the time. Once again, respect the character’s wishes and don’t twist them into something they’re not.
One last thing that bugs the hell out of me: when people make a fanwork where the joke is centered on the characters (usually Holtz) outing Erin to someone else, and then having everyone laugh at Erin when she gets upset. Like, holy shit I am so appalled by how many posts I’ve seen centered around this idea. O_O Erin is an acespec bisexual who’s only figuring out her sexuality now when she’s in her 40s. Like that’s a major thing? Maybe these twenty-somethings and teens who figured out their sexuality before they were twenty didn’t have big identity crises about it, but as someone who did figure out they were actually bisexual later in life, that’s the kind of realization that’s pretty mind-boggling. Because you don’t just have to come to terms with any internalized homophobia you have and accept that you aren’t heterosexual, you also have to come to terms with how long you were ignorant about this part of yourself (and for Erin, that’s a long, long time). You have to come to terms with feeling like a fraud when you say you’re bisexual or otherwise queer, because you’ve never had a relationship with a woman and aren’t really sure how to relate to other queer women on that level. And god, feeling like a fraud could potentially be even worse for Erin because her childhood trauma and subsequent experiences with gaslighting from all the trusted adults in her life means she has very little faith in her ability to interpret reality. Whenever she changes her statement after someone else counters her in the movie and deleted scenes (look especially at the Phil scenes), that isn’t just Erin being a people-pleaser, that isn’t just the script trying to be funny, that’s Erin honestly questioning reality simply because someone gave a different opinion than her. Without concrete and undeniable evidence staring her in the face, Erin is not confident about anything and that would include her sexuality. It’s not funny or cute to write about other characters – especially someone who’s supposed to be her girlfriend and trusted partner – outing her to people and then laughing it off when she gets mad. If Erin seems like she’s uncomfortable with a certain character, like Dr. Gorin or whoever, knowing that she’s bisexual while you’re writing her, then respect that about her. Make the other characters respect that about her. I see post after post decrying how Hollywood gay narratives where one partner is in the closet and the other partner is pissed about it is complete bullshit because in real life, gay couples are almost always completely understanding when someone’s in the closet because they understand how hard it is and know the dangers of being out – and yet the Holtz/Erin fandom continually and repeatedly write the Hollywood gay narratives instead of writing anything based on real life. It’s infuriating and more than a little disturbing because if this nearly 100% queer fandom can’t respect things like people’s wishes about who is told about their sexuality or people’s gender expression or their preferred name, then how the hell am I supposed to feel comfortable interacting with them? How is anyone who doesn’t fit some narrow, white-cisgendered-lesbian-who-figured-everything-out-when-they-were-16-years-old narrative supposed to feel comfortable interacting with that fandom?
That’s my thoughts on the Holtz/Erin portrayals and characterizations.
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