#I mean okay it didn't work in dbz with cell but still
fuckyourtriangles · 2 years
So I love me some Christopher Sabat but Bang Zoom! dub Vegeta can get it too
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sweetescapeartist · 9 months
What are y'all's thoughts about DBS chapter 96? It was okay to me. But there is some good and "bad."
(Didn't post this when I made it either. Think I got lazy or forgetful with this one.)
When Orange Piccolo punches Gamma 2. The start up was weak & it looked like it lacked impact. Art was fine, but the flow of motion was... It left a lot to be desired.
The panel where Pan kicks Carmine is just bad. It was taken straight from the film so the posing isn't bad. What's bad is that it cuts off the top half of Pan's head. Paneling could've been better. Get rid of panel 5 from page 16 and move panel 1 from page 17 to page 16. That would make it look better.
The joke about Gohan not being able to see could've been shortened. First he couldn't tell who Goten & Trunks were. That's fine. Chuck it up to Gohan not seeing them for a while and couldn't recognize them without his glasses. But with Krillin... Can't Gohan just recognize Krillin's voice? It ain't like Krillin's changed. Then Gohan drops the senzu because he can't see. The joke was a bit overemphasized & stretched out. Either get rid of the instance with Goten & Trunks or the one with Krillin. The film had Gohan search for his glasses and then drop a senzu. That's it. But that's just my personal opinion. Others may feel it was the right amount of jokes & wasn't over emphasized at all.
The Gammas vs Cell Max felt a bit stiff (art wise) with the combat. I would suggest more motion blur instead of speed lines. The speed lines don't always work to convey movement for every pose. It has to be the right angle and such.
Trunks is missing teeth...
Hedo chasing Magenta in the carts was a neat alteration. But Hedo still doesn't feel like a guy who was somewhat manipulated like he was in the film. Hedo in the manga was a little terrorist. He attacked a school, attempted murder on kids other than super powered ones like Goten & Trunks, damaged property, & body snatching.
Magenta telling Hedo to wait when he's taking off his suit was funny to me.
Cell Max was drawn really well & detailed in that close up when the giant creature shouts. Idk why ppl were trying to say Toriyama did that. Toyotaro's thing is to do a lot of detail on a few panels.
Piccolo's angry face when Gohan dropped the senzu was funny. Now I do wonder if Toriyama had his hand in that panel.
The Saiyamen X part at the end... Its whatever. I don't mind it. I just didn't like the prequel story about the Saiyamen X. The next chapter will likely have my attention more than this one did. Goten & Trunks fighting Cell Max before they fuse is kinda interesting. IF they fuse in the manga (they do). Or they may get the fusion right (they don't). The Gammas & the others fighting should be interesting too. I bet the chapter will end right before Gohan transforms into his Beast mode or right after (I was wrong, Toyo stretches the story a bit more).
However... I suspect Krillin drop-kicking Cell Max won't happen in the manga (I was right). Toyo might make Krillin the comic relief instead of Gotenks. So that means taking positive scenes away from Krillin & giving it to another character (scenes were taken away). But he will likely have the scene where he saves 18 with a Kienzan still (yup). Worst case scenario, Toyo will make the Kienzan break when it hits Cell Max to reference an inaccurate filler scene in DBZ. (Didn't happen thankfully. But what happened was subpar compared to the film)
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duhragonball · 2 years
For the Dragonball asks, how about number 9: Favorite Fight
That's a very good question, and also a very tough one for me to answer. I feel like I can never make up my mind, but tonight I'll go with Goku vs. Cell.
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I started watching DBZ when it first started airing on Toonami in 1998, but I didn't really get serious about it until Cell achieved his perfect form. He took out Vegeta, just like Frieza did in the previous arc, and then it looked like he was going to have a climactic final battle with Trunks. At the time, my attitude towards DBZ was that it wasn't worth getting invested in the story until they got to the good part. The final battle with Frieza took forever to really get going, and I used to skip multiple episodes without missing a thing.
So I kind of kept tabs on what was happening, knowing that when things came to a head, there would be a flashback to fill me in on the parts I missed. Sure enough, the Trunks/Cell fight had a whole episode devoted to their respective origin stories, so I thought I was all set to witness the epic final battle of the Androids storyline.
Except no, Trunks lost in the next episode. Okay, so I guess it's up to Goku then. Well, that makes sense, he's the main character and all. Oh, wait, Cell's making everyone wait ten days before they fight. Okay...? Well, ten days go by, and now they can fight, right? No, because first we have to have Mr. Satan and his entourage have a turn.
And this is how I learned to appreciate the suspense of Dragon Ball Z's slow pacing. They set the stage for Goku vs Cell and made me really, really want it, but I had to wait and wait to see it, and that just made me want to see it even more. And the payoff was well worth it. It's a pretty quick fight, just four episodes, but it feels suitably epic.
Part of what makes this work so well are the combatants. Cell arranged the whole tournament so he could showboat. He thinks Goku is the only challenger even remotely worthy of his time, and he wants to get as much out of the fight as he can. He doesn't just want to beat Goku, he wants to look cool doing it. On the other hand, Goku went into this fight freely admitting that he didn't think he could win. And yet, he still made everyone believe he could pull it off anyway. It's been 22 years and I still have this lingering feeling that he could win if I just watch it one more time. The Warp Kamehameha was such an awesome move that it's hard to accept that it just didn't work, even though Goku told everyone he was probably going to lose days before the fight started.
But, of course, Goku doesn't win, no matter how badly we might wish it were otherwise, and that leads into the true finale of the saga. I guess Gohan vs. Cell is my second favorite fight? These are always the two that come to mind when I try to pick one, but now that I think it over, a lot of what makes Gohan/Cell work is because it builds on the groundwork laid by Goku/Cell.
I mean, I could gush about the classic animation in Episode 178, or the drama of watching Goku struggle before he finally resigns. But frankly, most of the great fights in DBZ share those kinds of moments. That's what makes it hard to pick a favorite. But for me, this one is special, because it was the battle that made me a lifelong fan. It's my favorite character squaring off with the protagonist and kicking his ass to set up the ultimate cliffhanger. What could be better?
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
Here's Eclipse Lake, an episode that has been highly anticipated! Will it top Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Hooty's Door?
I'll skip the pretense: No. It won't.
You'll see under the cut.
Hmm, that list of ingredients for the Grimwalker...I'll let other people theorize about this (like @sepublic ), but it sure looks like a thing
Guess the mysterious green goo won't cut it, huh?
Belos face reveal already?! Huh, didn't expect it so soon.
Oh, no, he's hot! (And I'm mad about it)
Still an ass, though
Now we know why Hunter was wearing a different outfit (because people fixated on that for some reason)
Amity with the clipboard gives me strong Dipper vibes
GHOST! My beloved!
I need a moment because CAT!
(Also, someone pointed out earlier that Ghost was based on Dana's cat, and that's super obvious in hindsight)
Raine?! Oh, wait, you mean rain. Sigh.
Eda gets training tips from DBZ confirmed
(Also Amity's face when reacting to Eda's explanation is priceless)
Oh God Eda's a weeb I need another moment
Damn, Amity just straight up calling Eda old
Oh, loopy Luz
(The abomination holding the tissue box is adorable for many reasons)
Yeah, don't want Luz to eat the McGuffin
I have several questions about those Tamagotchis that I'll refrain from listing here
Amity your Odalia is showing
Girlfriend counter: 1
(Yes I am introducing a counting gag, deal with it)
Was wondering if they were ever gonna reference the dissection incident. We've come a long way, baby!
Oh, so that's what everyone was looking at
Luz honey your enthusiasm is admirable but no
Luz burrito is quite cute, though
Girlfriend counter: 2
(Damn, still wild to think that that's the case)
Just occurred to me that "Boots" is probably shortened from "Bossyboots" from earlier
Guess the Luz hiss compilation needs to be updated again
Those tunnels ain't the only thing around here that's unstable, amirite?
Oops, guess Kiki was justified, after all
Maybe don't talk so loudly about your plans, dude
That is her son, get it right!
Serves you right for having that stupid strand of hair sticking out like that
Is this just the episode where everyone dunks on White Boy? Because I can totally get behind that.
Already mentioned this, but I am loving the parallels between Katara and Amity with that bottle of abomination goo. Insert obligatory "Two Nickels" meme here about Mae Whitman.
We really are just dunking on the white boy and I am living for it
Hooty had to get it from somewhere, I suppose
Nothing says mother-son bonding like shooting things at each other (see also: Separate Tides)
I'm sure the magic bouncing off the veins won't come into play later at all
Oh well, at least the echolocation looked cool
At this point Amity would kill Hunter for a Klondike bar
Wait why does Hooty need a chair
Willow with the galaxy brain ideas
"A bad but sad boy" Luz is a genius at succinctly summing people up
Kikimora continues to be unhinged. Ironically she's not wrong about Hunter.
Motherfucker stop acting like you know what that says
(Also, projecting much?)
Girlfriend counter: 3
Friendly reminder that Hunter is still an antagonist
Uh oh
I know someone mentioned Willow having the brain cell, but honestly it seemed like Luz had it this whole time. And that's not good.
Aaaaand cue the getting screwed over
Further reminder that he's still an antagonist (Apparently there's a vocal segment who's Really Mad at him that seem to forget this fact)
You unhand Ghost right now!! And Amity too, I guess.
(I kid, she's literally my second favorite character)
For what she did to Raine it warms my heart to know Kiki has had zero peace of mind
Wait, the Abomatons are Transformers?! Okay, that's kind of awesome, actually. Alador might be a shit dad but he is a brilliant inventor.
Chucking kids off cliffs is a surpisingly common pastime in the Boiling Isles
Owlbert no!
Eda did spend literal decades fighting the Owl Beast within, so I guess she can't be blamed for not thinking to talk to it
Also hurry up guys I'm very concerned about Owlbert
Fuck yeah Harpy Milf!
Yay Ghost returns!
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She's glad they're okay (I didn't need to take this, I just thought it was cute. Also this is surprisingly high quality considering I just took a photo of my TV screen)
Oh, so they do have video games in the Demon Realm. That or Luz introduced them.
Trailer shot!
Oh dear, we about to have a fight over the key
Wow, being so high ranking under Belos is really bad for mental health
Jesus Christ Belos what have you been putting in this poor kid's head?
Leave it to King to give radical recontextualizations
Amity, I'm glad you remembered/realized this about Luz, please don't let the sad white boy play you like that again
Also, I appreciate the gesture you're making, and it's a wonderful summary of your character development, but goddamnit he's gonna go for that key because he's STILL AN ANTAGONIST
"Being nice usually works for Luz!" A) Not always, and B) Amity I love you but Luz you are not. A valiant attempt nonetheless.
Ooh, cool fight scene!
Always lovely to see such superb animation
I was privately griping about not seeing Amity use magic for so long, and now I am fed
Don't think I didn't hear the glass breaking
Appreciate your ass from a hole in the ground, Golden Boy!
(jk I don't actually feel that strongly about him still. That kind of threat still isn't cool, though)
Oh so that's why it's the Common Mold!
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It's kinda cute, actually. Or maybe it's just because it's Luz.
TIL Hooty is heat resistant
Apparently Owl Beast just wanted a snack
Girlfriend counter: 4
Also love how calling Amity her awesome girlfriend is literally the first thing Luz says to her upon returning.
Yesssss return the hug! You deserve it!
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(I know there are higher quality versions of this screenshot, I just didn't feel like looking around)
King demands huggies, too! (And gets 'em)
Reminder that Amity is smart as hell. I knew that glass breaking indicated something!
So once again I've been had. I let the fandom trick me into thinking this episode would be way more intense. Guess that one screenshot was from the next episode.
Overall this was...fine. Some nice Lumity moments, Harpy Eda strutting her stuff, that gorgeously animated fight sequence; those were all lovely.
I do wish Willow and Gus had a bit more to do. And I'm still rather unenthusiastic about Hunter, to be honest. I've seen his type several times before, and the path they have for him is rather obvious. I may never share the fandom's love for him, and I guess I'll have to deal with that.
Anybody who says this was better than KKKOHD is a damn fool.
Mid season finale next week! I think Yesterday's Lie will finally bring the pain!
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