#like I WATCH my anime dubbed but I dunno I watched it subbed first...
fuckyourtriangles · 2 years
So I love me some Christopher Sabat but Bang Zoom! dub Vegeta can get it too
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doubleddenden · 6 months
Decided to try something different with a schedule I make for my friends in a discord server I'm in.
Going forward, I'll be posting my Toonami Schedules on my blog as well, and my DD ScheDDules too. That's just a little silly schedule I make.
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Oh, the "meDDia" section is something I usually do when there's a rerun. In our server, I kinda have free reign over this part, so usually I'll look up a funny video that kinda fits the theming. This go around, since I'm feeling the love for DBZ again, I thought it'd be fun to try some fresh DB content we haven't gotten on the actual Toonami block. I decided to post ep 1 and 2 here since this is my first blog post of the schedule.
The graphic is definitely new for me. I found a font matching the Toonami font online, found the old Toonami emblem/logo, and from there I googled space pictures and did renders and edits in paint.net to get the result you see above. Thinking about changing the colors and doing a little more editing, but not too bad for my first attempt at one of these, right?
Some QA and disclaimers below:
"Why do this?"
I'm not really sure tbh. This kinda became my role in the server I'm in. I try to keep on top of the schedule and changes so everyone else can be informed or make other plans if they like. I wasn't the first to do this in my server, nor am I the only one able to do this, I just... I dunno, kinda did it so the others can catch a break? Life's tough and I like being relied on. I'm the schedule guy now
"Tf is the DD Schedule?"
Well, I am DD. The DD Schedule kinda started just as a little joke a year or two ago, again, I just kinda joke and shoot the shit. Some of my friends get upset with me if I forget or don't do the silly schedule, so I reckon if it makes them happy, I do it.
Sometimes it's good for recap. Sometimes not. Depends on the mood. It's just harmless fun and I like being silly.
"Why the inaccurate Japanese?"
Since Ninja Kamui is subbed, I basically just run my original Ninja Kamui bit through Deepl since I was told it is slightly more accurate than Google translate. No harm was meant if it comes off wrong. In other words, Sub is basically the same as Dub but slight differences.
"What are the numbers and projected end dates?"
Something different I decided to do with this schedule is to keep count of episodes and a possible end date for the season or series on Toonami. The Projected End Dates- PED- is subject to change for marathons that may happen. In fact, I'm pretty sure we're due for a Ninja Kamui marathon or 2 for when the series ends its current run, as they tend to do other originals.
"Why the graphics?"
Dunno, thought it'd be fun to try something different for a change. The schedule I post in our server is usually just text, so I figure this would spice things up.
"Why no time listed?"
Because I live in Central, some if my friends don't. Just assume the schedule starts as normal unless stated otherwise. For me that's 11:00pm central.
"Tf is Nart?"
It's Naruto, that's just my pet name for it.
Couple disclaimers
1. I am not a toonami employee. Just a fan. I have limited data per month and can't watch anime as much as I'd like, so Toonami is a great way for me to watch new things I haven't seen that I can't find on youtube or something.
2. I'm not a mod or admin of this server, more like a town crier or janitor.
If you have questions, feel free to message me and I'll answer whatever
3. Our server is a psuedo fan server, not official, and it's really more of a "whatever" server depending on the mood we're in, from Toonami to streamers to games and shows, etc. None of us are affiliated with Toonami in any official capacity and it's mostly us goofing off about whatever or watching Toonami on Saturdays. It is an 18+ server, fair warning- we try to keep that stuff in the designated channels, but *some* people are gremlins, so it can scare some off.
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chidoroki · 1 year
Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King - movie reaction
Don’t normally do these for movies but WHATEVER. I’m too happy to care right now! It took me like..three & a half hours to get through the entire movie because I kept replayed scenes over and over again. I was just so amazed at how beautiful it all was and I was beyond emotional to see & hear everyone.
(full reaction below the cut with obvious spoilers)
Y’all wouldn’t believe how much I’m shaking. I couldn’t stay up late waiting for the movie to drop because I was so exhausted but NOW.. I’m up! I’m awake at seven in the morning (though this is probably gonna post much later) on a day off (yes I took off just for this) and it’s finally happening!
Julius’ time magic is breaking apart? Dunno why exactly but it certainly can’t be a good thing.
So the sneak peak they showed on twitter yesterday was of a flashback of ten years ago. I figured it had to be something like that since Fuegoleon, Yami, and Julius looked so young, but then ya got Nozel who seems the same as ever! Still handsome though, of course.
And is that a younger Theresa with Fuegoleon too? Back when she was an active magic knight?
It’s already in dub? Alright, good. I prefer that honestly, since that’s how I first watched BC, but I’ll pop up the subs on screen as well just in case there’s any slight differences.
Crazy how Conrad’s key/door magic, whichever it is, negated everyone else’s that was holding him down with little effort.
Ooohh everything already looks so beautifully animated, and Mereoleona! Going nuts as usual!
The way my little heart sped up upon seeing and hearing Nozel.. aahh! I still think it hilarious how much this man grew on me once I caught up with the manga. Now I love him IMMENSELY!
Ayyy Yami coming in with a quick save to Julius.
Yeaaaahh Julius! Time bind his crazy ass! (so it was Conrad who was breaking free at the start, huh?)
“My magic is never giving up!” Okay excuse you sir, you can’t steal Asta’s line like that!
The sunrise is gorgeous.. everything is. Ohhh I may cry.
Now we got a full colosseum? Is there a little tournament on the horizon? That should be fun, but hello Mimosa! Please explain this Triumph event!
Now who’s this shady person walking the streets hm?
Aw Fanzell, Dominante, Mariella and Fana cameo!
I love Klaus & Mimosa’s little banter.
Of course Julius is gonna watch all the action from the stands.. and there’s our lovely Black Bulls! Charmy with the snacks and Vanessa with the drinks as usual. These girls got their priorities straight.
Ahahaa Yuno’s little fan club.. and naturally Charmy’s gonna cheer for him too.
Oh, the shady person from the streets was our boy Asta disguised.. and apparently he can’t compete because of that devil trial, but obviously, he doesn’t care. He wouldn’t dare miss out on an opportunity to battle against Yuno.
“The Masked One?” “Surely nobody entered the tournament with such a ridiculous name?..Oh, they did!” Pfftt, the surprise in Klaus’ voice was perfect.
You can stay disguised all you want Asta, but those swords of yours are too recognizable that they’re gonna give your identity away..
Conrad and the other three Wizard Kings are already here..? I guess we’re not gonna see any part of the tournament. Shame, I was kinda excited for the idea.
It’s gonna bother me that I won’t know the other WK’s voice actors til the credits because I don’t recognize any at the moment, but at least we learn that Jester has barrier magic.
Damn, so Conrad’s seal weakened when Patri killed Julius? Eh, makes sense.
Legion magic from Princia (whom I’m also fond of her voice) summons up countless warriors.. nice.
Asta!!! Look at our boy! That smile of his is so bright! And taking these warriors out no problem!
“Ugh, these guys are the worst! They ruined my awesome disguise!” “And here I thought you were a lost child who wandered onto the field.” I love snarky Yuno so much.
Asta and Noelle literally having each other’s backs and supporting each other.. aahh it warms my heart, it’s adorable!
I dunno why, but Jester may be my favorite out of this WK trio. He’s got that sly bastard energy.
Good to see the Bulls joining the fight, but where the hell are the captains? Shouldn’t they be fine with their large supply of mana? Unless they were helping the crowd evacuate. That’s probably the reason.
Speak of the devil, there’s our Yami. And the rest of them.. and Leo?
I was about the question the backstory between Kaiser and Conrad since they seemed familiar with each other, but then remembered Kaiser was there in the beginning flashback. Silly me.
Asta and Finral tasked to go fetch something to help against Conrad and naturally Noelle slides right into the portal with them.
A sword that can store up magic power and can possible destroy a whole country when it releases it? No wonder Julius tried to get rid of it.
Eeehehe, Nozel and Fuegoleon and their dramatic entrances! I love these stylish men.
Yami c’mon, must you always poke fun at my boy? At least Julius found it funny. Nozel, not so much.
“I’m awake for a change, but this feels like a dream. It’s way too crazy!” “This is filling my brush with inspiration. Then again, maybe now’s not the time to be painting.” Ahaha, I love them all so much and happy that they’re getting some screen time too.
The stadium was one of Conrad’s weapons the entire time?
I know Julius said Nero was assisting at Branch Zero but I did not expect the lab coat.
“Key magic. It grants him the ability to create keys that can open or close rifts out of thin air. The magic space behind these doors is able to absorb whatever Conrad wishes. Tools, grimoires.. magic itself.” And he can steal other people’s magic with that too hm? Thank you for the info Nero.
Okay, well damn, Conrad managed to beat them all here and knock out Sally.
Ah geez Finral, always getting hurt. I hope he doesn’t stay knocked out for long.
Shit, I had a feeling he stole some of Marx’s magic to learn all about them.
YEAH NOPE! Despite seeing this scene before in trailers I’m STILL NOT OKAY seeing Nozel knocked out in a pool of blood!! Aaaahhh!!!
“To think that such a coward was allowed to be a captain of the magic knight!” Oh hell no! You can’t speak about my boy like that, Conrad! Go on Noelle, go fuck up this bastard!!
I love how upset/angry she gets on Nozel’s behalf and I’m in awe with how they animated her water in this movie!
Damn it, Conrad stole her magic so easily.. I really hope this doesn’t hinder her the entire movie. I really wanna see her go all out.
But that’s why Asta gets so pissed off? Yeaaah boy! Make Conrad pay!
Wait, hold up.. the fire and lighting magic attributesare common, but a magic that resembles poison? Did Conrad already steal the Bull’s magic too? That would explain those threads Conrad held Asta down with but I pushed aside the thought of it being Vanessa’s since it looked like it also had needles to it.. but who knows. Maybe I’m over thinking.
Sure they both want a world where people respect other but Conrad is just a little, sorta kinda, very much insane.
Oh! Asta broke one of the keys! Does that restore people’s magic maybe? Or just cancel out the attack?
Aw, even when completely worn out, one of Asta’s concerns is for Conrad to return Noelle’s magic.
Oohhh we got a pissed off Yuno as back up, as well as Millie and Sally.
Well, at least for a moment before they decided to retreat.
If they bring the fight to Hage, then you know our two main boys are gonna be angry.
DAAAMMNNN, Noelle always looks SO GOOD with her hair down like that.
Oh Sekke, always with the give up and run away strategy hm?
Asta coming through with that inspirational talk-no-justu! And of course Noelle is the first to offer her strength to him! You go girl! Support your man!
“So! What are we gonna do first?” “I’m gonna figure that out, right now!” “You’re what?” Asta would make for a wonderful WK, but he would still be a fool, and I love him for that.
I was wondering when we were gonna get one of Sekke’s famous laughs and it comes along with Mereoleona busting down doors. I probably should’ve expected that from her by now.
William, Jack and Charlotte were away this whole time? Wait, were their seats really empty at the stadium when they showed all the other captains and I just never noticed? Oops.
They show Yami, Fuegoleon and Nozel trapped within the barrier but what happened to Kaiser then?
Love-struck Charlotte is still as funny as ever.
Charmy…? Were you small in Asta’s hair this whole time or what?
Ah, nevermind, all the Bulls are all here too, thanks to Yami and Rouge.
I’m so terrible.. I didn’t even realize Henry & Gordon were missing til Vanessa pointed it out.
Aahh precious Noelle and Vanessa hug!! I love both these girls so much!
Aww Vanessa making another headband for Asta! I also.. didn’t realize that was missing til now.. damn, I’m really not observant at all today.
Mmmmhmhm, even now, whenever William speaks, all I can hear is Ginoza.
Good lord, Princia can summon up quite an army of these warriors and she’s not even close by.
Half way through the movie and we finally get a Asta-Yuno fist bump!
I was so proud when they all managed to pass Jester but then Princia and Edward joined the fun..but then Finral stepped in to help! Yay!
Zora’s laugh never gets old. He also as the best comments.
“Also, don’t forget I am your superior!” Ya gotta have the typical Finral line too!
Mereoleona holding up the entire Bull’s base.. this woman is a mad lad.
Aw come on, I’m glad Yuno & Asta made it inside but I really wanted to see everyone else join the big brawl too! Hopefully they show up later.
Oh my.. that big, confident grin of Yuno’s made me weak.
So we do get to see the Bulls fight more!! Great! And it’s all of ‘em against Edward!
And Mereoleona fights one vs one against Princia? Hell yeah, let’s goooo! She’s definitely gonna enjoy that fight too.
Yuno used Jester’s attacks against him to free the three captains. Smart move boy!
Luck is gonna love this fight against Edward, no doubt. And thank god for Rouge as always!
Awww Gauche saving Grey! How cute!
Took a damn long while but we finally got a namedrop for Edward’s magic. Ice wedge. And the fact he can freeze magma with it is insane.
Why must captains always get stabbed?? Seems like Mereoleona is cauterizing her wound though so that’s good.. or she can just summon up a huge purgatory mana zone and crush the blade in her hand. That works too.
Oh so Princia is indeed crazy deep down as well. She and Mereoleona are quite the pair.
Nozel, can you stop getting hurt please? My heart can’t take it. No matter the media, you’re always bleeding.
Of course, how foolish of me to not think that Jester also has a phase two. The other two WK pretty much did too.
And during all that, Asta couldn’t catch up to Conrad? The dude wasn’t even moving!
What’s with this Shippuden ending 12 style dream Mereoleona is experiencing right now?
Goddamn, these women are so fucking INTENSE!!
I didn’t know I needed to see a combo spell between Yami, Fuegoleon and Nozel til now and I’m so happy that it happened!
I guess that necklace of Conrad’s once belonged to someone he really cared about huh?
Maannn, I thought Asta really got him good but Conrad didn’t even bother to parry it “out of respect.”
Bitch be looking like an Arceus with that magical ring behind him, hello??
There ya go! The Black Bulls are still standing! Time to counter!
Or Edward can just summon up an ice beast three times the size as the last one, whatever!
Asta getting stabbed too, in a real slow and calm manner might I add.
LIEBE!!? I questioned whether or not we would see him since this all happens before Nacht appears, but here he is! Our little devil!! Huzzah!
Still can’t get over how beautiful this movie is and this new soundtrack absolutely slaps!!
Oh good! Asta managed to connect the sword to Conrad’s grimoire to restore Noelle’s magic! Everyone else is so excited for her too, even Zora.
Aahh Gauche using mirror brigade on her with her valkyrie form! Nice!!
I am getting fucking chills watching our Bulls go off!! Fuck, I love this family!
Welp, there goes the three Wizard Kings, but we still got a couple minutes left of the movie sooo perhaps Conrad isn’t quite done yet.
AAAAHH they actually got “Haruka Mirai” blasting!!! Can I get a big ol’ HELL YEEAAHH!
Pfftt leave it to Zora to still look so calm and/or bored near the end.. but praise our boy Finral for setting up so many portals to bring together everyone’s magic! I love this lad!
NO FUCKING WAY! They actually included Nacht!!! I’m gonna cry!
“A nice long nap doesn’t sound like the worst idea. Especially if it means someone who’s doing a good thing get rewarded.” He may have had only two lines but it fills me with GREAT JOY!!
But hold up, how did Finral know to put a portal there in front of him?? He hasn’t even met Nacht at this point.
Ah, that necklace belonged to some Conrad knew, probably his lover? But aww that shot of the Bulls is so damn precious!
Oohoho they did the whole black & white sketchy style thing with Asta’s final attack!!
This boy deserves so much happiness!! I’m so proud of him!
I am.. so incredibly giddy seeing Nozel in the credits first.
Oh but the ending song! It is beyond beautiful!!! Ah, and it’s by Treasure, no wonder!
This little ending scene with Asta and Yuno is exactly what we needed, to see them start another fight since their encounter in the colosseum got interrupted.
Aaahh, okay.. I really enjoyed that. I wish we got to see the Black Bulls be their chaotic selves a little more, but it definitely filled my heart with many happy feelings to see them and everyone else again. I say that as if it’s been so long when in reality I only caught up with the series last year. It’s crazy to think that I got interested in this series because of the first movie trailer and here I am, finally getting to watch it. But I really hope the anime returns someday too, especially with this kind of quality! It’s real ambitious to release episodes weekly instead of seasonally and I didn’t mind the animation style at all when I binged it, but if it returns with even a fraction of this quality, it’ll be amazing. I’ll love this series regardless, of course. It was a lovely experience and I can definitely see myself watching this several times over.
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strooples · 2 years
Just some rambles:
So basically, I finished the entire first season. I don’t have much to add accept that I like dissecting the first season the most.
For the manga, I’m on the part Daichi starts to appear but my ADHD brain can’t handle much at once so I took a break on it to focus on the anime. It’s been neat though, and it honestly reminds me of PokeSpe’s beginnings a bit!!
I found a thread discussing Beyblade Rising though, and am absolutely FASCINATED by the events — new things, critiques both good and bad, our old characters re-appearing. On the thread, they linked Takao Aoki’s official website with the promotional art… I can’t stress enough how much I love love love seeing cute art of the characters in the manga style!!! Aaaaaa
(( Let me just insert more fangirling over the cute promotional art of our characters! ))
For G-Rev, some parts are super super blurry in my mind (or I flat-out dunno what happens) bc I referenced a lot of what other Bakuten Shoot fans mentioned of events that caught my interest + watched episodes according to events and battles I like. So I have the basic outlines: Stuff like the tag-team style tournaments, BEGA with antagonists like Brooklyn, Garland, Ming Ming etc., how our main team split up, Hiro’s appearance, nerfed characters (the White Tigers, Tala etc.), big battles (mainly ones where Kai or Tyson are involved), and so on.
I look forward to watching G-Rev thoroughly in chronological order though, but getting through V-Force has been tough.
Which brings me to V-Force!!
I think a lot of criticism on it is a bit exaggerated, as it can be enjoyable too. But I can understand how story-wise, it’s seen as the weakest of all 3 seasons. It’s not bad to me, per say. It’s just super super slow where I’m at. I’m struggling to get myself motivated enough to get through it. Which I don’t fully blame, as the anime writers had to come up with filler or decrease the pace of things so the manga could catch up. It just feels like plot progression is much much slower than the 1st season.
Also watching Hilary/Hiromi and Tyson/Takao bicker feels like hell :/. It’s super repetitive ahahah. Also IDK if it’s just the dub being wonky, but Tyson’s personality isn’t pleasant for the most part (the whole issue with the “world champion” fame getting to his head). But IK the English dub made Tyson super arrogant versus sub Takao who has moments of humility and kindness, so again, it could just be a dub issue.
I admittedly wasn’t a huge huge fan of Hilary’s introduction, and she doesn’t add a lot to the story. She seemed in comparison pretty chill though in G-Rev! Maybe a character that mellows out later on?
G-Rev has my favorite art style of the 3 seasons, and fits the series in the best IMO. But I dissent with the common opinion here on the V-Force art style bc I think the characters look really cute! I do agree though that they were drawn to look too young.
Also the dub changes/censorship in this season sucks. I’ve heard from sub watchers on key lines we miss out on and saw on YouTube funny scenes they cut. The 1st season’s dub could be hilarious and goofy (err, hilariously goofy) but the V-Force dub cuts out so many funny scenes.
On key lines, there’s moments like when Kai gets out of the butler’s car driving him to his dorm. In the sub, they briefly mention his father (which is a curious question since it’s a wonder what the anime version of Susumu is like??). And the butler guy basically goes ‘You shouldn’t be so cold to your dad. You barely said anything to him’ — which indicates Kai’s relationship to his dad is rocky in the anime too. But in the dub they change it to the butler asking him about his Dranzer blade not being in the luggage. And ofc, the change in event when Wyatt goes mad instead of the kids who Team Psychic are involved with dying, and Kai living with the guilt of his friend’s death.
But I do find some of the attempts to censor kinda hilarious. Like in Episode 15, where they send out Jerry (IDK the sub name???) to test out the cyber bit beast. Now basically it explodes and the kids die, so the Team Psychic lackies in black suits rush out, grab the kid, and drive away. It’s obvious Jerry dies but the dub adds the lines “Are you okay kid?” “I think so” as they carry him limply. The censorship cover up there was so bad it was a bit funny.
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Also, obligatory Max appreciation from the episode I’m on! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
Just because he’s so adorable! And bc I’ve been thinking how he’s super under-appreciated compared to Takao, Kai, and Rei T~T. He’s got to be my favorite after Kai ngl.
That is all.
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loregoddess · 3 months
tagged by @fayesdiary
Do you make your bed? Yeah, every morning after I get up. It's a habit bc my mom made sure I made it every day as a kid, and now it just bugs me a lot if it's not made bc I'm really finicky about how things are in my spaces.
Favorite number? Used to be 7 when I was a kid, but as an adult it's more that I have numbers I like more than others (too many to list without looking a bit insane), which I then use for numerically significant things in my original creative projects (number of gods in a pantheon, number of magical element types, number of plot-important macguffins, etc.), enough that if I ever finish anything someone will be able to spot trends.
What's your job? I work various positions at a bakery-cafe restaurant.
If you could go back to school, would you? Yeah, if it was college and someone would pay me to do it. I love learning and there are so many subjects I would like to study, and being in a classroom taught by someone who's (in theory) really passionate about their subject, whom I can then pester with a ton of questions, tends to be a more enriching learning experience than trying to track down things myself and self-study. I can't really afford to take college classes for fun though, so eventually I will have to figure out how to self-study so I can sate my never-ending curiosity about various subjects.
Can you parallel park? I know the uh, theory for how to parallel park, but I've never tried it.
Do you think aliens are real? Yeah, in the sense that the universe is Very Big, and it would make logical sense for life to form in more than just one place. But while I used to be super interested in UFOs as a young kid, I don't really find aliens or UFO stuff interesting now, and I don't think aliens are responsible for anything in human or our planet's history, recent or distant. I'm more interested in space itself and the science around it, or, for as far as pseudosciences go, cryptids, which I was also interested in as a kid, and still am.
Can you drive a manual car? No bc I've only ever driven automatic cars, but I could probably learn how to drive manual.
Guilty pleasure? Kinda hard to figure this out bc I don't feel guilty over enjoying a lot of things. I guess it's weird for me to try and recommend Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits as a show to anyone, bc despite the fact that I love it with my whole heart and it's a comfort show for me and stuff, if you were to ask me to like, critically look at the writing, it's not technically all that good? Like it's not badly written, it's just kinda plain, the second season repeats the plot of the first season with a few changes, the main character is sorta kinda a Mary Sue (even though I don't believe in using that term, I suppose she would be considered a Mary Sue by some other people's standards at least), the English dub actually does have bad localization so it really is better to watch it subbed and not an either/or is okay situation, there's nothing especially impressive about the animation or music or anything, and it only ever got two seasons so who the hell knows how the story ends (it's based on a light novel, and I think I found someone translating those but haven't had the time to check them out yet? and the manga adaptation is still a few arcs behind where the anime was at last time I checked). But I love this show so much anyhow, but it's so weird to tell people, "hey trust me, this is good even though it's not technically good", bc I know that it's more it just works for me and I don't actually know how many other people would enjoy it? Yeah anyhow, that's the closest thing I have to a guilty pleasure--I have no guilt in loving Kakuriyo, but hell if I can find a good reason to tell other people to watch it.
Favorite type of music? Uhhh, I dunno, I listen to a fairly wide variety of things depending on what I'm in the mood to listen to.
Do you like puzzles? Yes, I love most puzzles!
Favorite childhood sport? Hated sports as a kid bc asthma and bad experiences in elementary gym. Although I enjoyed bowling a lot, and would do it more often if I could make the time. Not sure if bowling counts as a sport though...
Do you talk to yourself? Yeah, mostly when I'm at work though bc it helps me focus on which tasks I need to complete, and keeps things kinda silly. I don't really do it at home that much though, regardless of whether I'm alone or not.
Tea or coffee? Tea, I love tea a whole lot, and have several different types that I drink at home regularly. I like coffee too, but my digestive system doesn't, which is unfortunate bc coffee is also really good but I can't really drink it anymore.
First thing you wanted to be when you grow up? I think it was uh, an Olympic figure skater actually? I didn't have the physical strength to get past the beginning lessons for figure skating though, and that was that. Probably for the best too.
What movies do you adore? I'm not really a movie person, so while I've seen a lot of movies that I loved, I don't necessarily rewatch them for fun too frequently. The major exceptions maybe being The Last Unicorn, which was one of my favorites as a kid and which I still love a lot, or Tokyo Godfathers, which I like to rewatch around Christmas.
Ah, hmmm, I tag @lookerdewitt, @midorilied, @alynnl, and uhhhh, anyone else who sees this and feels like doing it. If you want though, no pressure!
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blubbledia · 1 year
I watched - Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - 2004
"If I could erase 4kids from ever existing, it wouldn't even be a question."
"Jaden Yuki" goes to Duel Academy and I dunno, shenanigans. You start with low stakes until you end up saving the world, given my sample size of two, that's just how these shows play out.
For the most part GX feels largely meh? Like, as long as I keep watching maybe it will end up not the worst series.
First off, I'm going to address the Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth in the room. The dub. The powers that be in charge that neutered the content should be sent to the shadow realm, the stars, death, or whatever. Like, in switching to subbed for the last season, I saw that they changed LITERAL DEATH with "sent to the stars". I kind of figured that was the case but it's still stunning to see a Yu-Gi-Oh character outright say someone died. The accents. The characterization. Americanization of names. Like, so far as I'm aware, this kind of butchery isn't as present in modern dubs. Just voice acting quality. That's a whole other thing though. ALSO ALSO the visual censoring! Sake to Hot Sauce. Covering up Burstinatrix. De-nonbinary-izing Yubel. GRILLED CHEESE. UGH. I tried to find an outright list of changes made but no such luck. I'm fine. This isn't an issue with the dub but good lord Goku is everywhere.
As for the actual content itself? Even with the dub making a joke of almost everything, there is still some amount of silliness. They duel a monkey. It's not like that wasn't there in the... wait hold on. Okay yeah it's in the original too. There are four arcs and all of them are the same. Like, a rehash of the sacred beasts. A cult where people get brainwashed. They go to a duel dimension where... people get brainwashed. Then Darkness descends on the world and starts... brainwashing people. There's no escalation or variation of threat? The individual beats are varied, but just seeing people get brainwashed every arc got old.
In the final stretch it did get me a bit. Bonding with your ace through thick and thin and imagining it as a representation of everything you've gone through is good. But just a bit.
Nope, not done with the dub stuff. I hate how few VAs there are. That's a huge complaint (probably exacerbated by 4kids) of anime in general. Outside-in the industry as a whole feels so insular. Like, being able to look at Behind the Voice Actor and seeing dozens and dozens of credits feels weird. I get they're just making a living. Up to me and they'd be paid well enough on individual roles they wouldn't have to worry as much. Then just branch out. Skyrim comes to mind having one person voice 34 characters? Different but the same.
All in all I don't think GX is that good.
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Sorry this is gonna be super random...
...and feel free to ignore it if it's too much for you, but I was rewatching the Rebellion movie of the Madoka Magica franchise, and reaching the ending I couldn't help but think of these couple scenes as possible ideas of where the Remake is going, especially these scenes:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufpmAQ7rtC8 (this one is dubbed... couldn't find a subbed clip >.>) 
The first and second vids are followed one after the other (dunno why they aren't a single clip *shrugs*) shows the girl willingly giving into despair and turning into a witch to spite the entity who manipulated her to try and control the one they want to protect, they still show some regret on doing so but they are ready to be cast out of existence if it comes to that (also yes, the eldritch abomination at the end is what witches look like in this :P)
The third vid is jumping almost at end, or what we think the end is: the others saved the girl from her transformation and now she will be able to go to the "totally-not-heaven" of this universe with Madoka but the table is flipped and not only does the girl capture her (and cleaves her whole self) and turned into a demon (or more exact The Devil opposing Madoka's god) rewriting the whole universe in the process and making the Incubators her bitches for all the shit they pulled off before (believe me, if the 1st video wasn't telling enough, they deserve it) claiming love as the ultimate force they can't never hope to control.
And finally the 4th one: We see the new reality the girl created, we see her severing the bonds she had held close to her before and commiting fully to her new identity, as "the Evil" of this world, we see the people not noticing the wrongness of this new world, and finally we see her still proclaim wanting the best for her loved one and threat the blue girl into submission and amnesia.  
(Sadly this story was never continued ;-;) 
Again, maybe this is too out there for you and maybe I'm stretching things a bit too much, but the only thing we need to change from this girl (Homura) is her motivation from "love" to "hatred"; and teally those two feelings are closely tied like hope and despair are; and she's very similar to Sephiroth isn't she? The rebellion against the things that made her who she is (for Sephiroth this would be Shinra and Jenova too... in a sense), shedding of her humanity first as a mere monster  and still with some sadness and regret, and then as a demon with enough power to rewrite the entire universe and proclaim herself the new ruling figure in it (this is kinda self-explanatory isn't?) and finally the Remake part:  she has built a new timeline/reality where now things will go according to her as they are meant to be, and even throws around the whole "I might destroy the universe once I'm done" thing and "gifting" the other girl with a cruel mercy of forgetting everything and live a normal life again... for as long as Homura feels like doing it.
So... what do you think? Should I explain myself better? Should I lay off sugar and other stuff? Sorry if this is not the type of thing you like to have on yout inbox ^^'
Uhh. I mean I’ve never really watched a whole lot of anime and I’ve literally never seen any of Madoka Magica, but that doesn’t sound like... unreasonable? From what I gleaned from those clips anyway.
I personally don’t really care to speculate on what’s going on in FF7R. I’m just happy it’s not a straight Remake (didn’t really feel like straight suffering but in HD this time lol) and I’m totally along for the ride regardless of what happens. I guess you could call it not looking a gift horse in the mouth, in the way lol.
I’ll post it regardless so other people can read it and chime in — I’d feel bad letting it sit in my inbox. (:
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defeatsmetarex-a · 4 years
//I imagine a lot of the Sonic RPC prefers Sonic X subbed than dubbed... I wonder where that stance is for Season 3; Especially since the Japanese language episodes aired nearly 15 years after the dub.
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      it’s completely understandable to like the sub more than the dub !  i personally would’ve liked if the dub didn’t edit so much content out, but overall i think the dub is okay. it’s not the worst like some people claim it to be. i really enjoyed the old english voice actors from that era, since they all fit so well & do such a good job with what they were given.  the dub does give me that saturday morning cartoon vibe that was popular in the 2000′s, and i don’t totally hate that. 4kidz wanted to appeal to kids, and they succeeded in my opinion. 
      i’m not gonna beat around the bush & say 4kidz was the best because they really weren’t. some of the edits were really scummy, but something about the show’s dub gives me such a comforting vibe that i don’t want to live without. maybe it has to do with sonic x being my first piece of sonic media, i dunno. sonic x did not deserve the amount of bad reviews it has on youtube, and it’s a shame people dislike the show mostly because of the dub. 
      now, am i saying people can’t dislike the show, even if they watch the subtitled version ?  no. that’s silly, the show does have it’s flaws but most of my personal problems have to do with the budget for animation, and i’d love if chris had a redesign or something & actually getting to see sonic’s home-world for a longer would’ve been neat too. fun fact on that; sonic x was originally planned to take place in sonic’s world, as seen in the promo and the two openings of the show. i’m not sure why that idea didn’t happen, but i’m not complaining since chris & many other human characters are pretty cool. 
i personally love s3 for the seedrian/metarex species since it’s all very unique & i wish it would’ve had more time to be fleshed out.  but i guess that gives me something to do ! sorry for the long response, but i hope i answered your question properly.  i’d be happy to get more asks like this ! 
——  𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝.  ╱  always accepting !!
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baebeyza · 4 years
I've finished watching TFA and I got 5 episodes into TFP, but I'm not so sure if I'm into it. Do you think I should keep watching TFP or try something else, and if so which continuity would you recommend? I was thinking of doing either the G1 cartoon or G1 IDW, but I'm sort of warming up to other stuff like Cyberverse and I could use comments/opinions from someone who's watched more
Oh well dear, depends on what you didn’t like or missed in those first 5 episodes!
For me TFP was my first transformer show and it was good enough for me to go full into the whole franchise and I would recommend it for newcomers.
For newcomers it has a small cast to get invested in, has a good grasp on the general conflict of most transformers shows and a good story to follow. I at least never felt like I needed things explained to me or that it’s something you get more off if you already know the franchise.
But there is always a difference between “this show is objectively good” and “I enjoyed it”. I do think that Prime is pretty well written, not perfect, but still awesome with great moments. Also the animation is EPIC, with some of the best fight scenes I’ve seen in years!
But there are other TF shows I enjoyed more, despite not exactly thinking they are better written. TFA for example! That show I enjoyed more because it was more fun and the characters had better dynamics and development. But the general plot wasn’t as intriguing as TFP in my eyes.
What I personally didn’t like about it (TFP) were:
1. The human characters arent really all that great. They get better and are important, but they can be annoying, especially Miko. (though she develops more than the other two)
2. The heroes lack good character interactions, they mostly feel like people stuck in a group project without much friendship behind
3. There are sub-plots I didn’t care much for (like the human villains)
So I dunno if you should watch the rest - remember that the first 5 episodes were it’s own little plot, and that with episode 6 the real one starts. Maybe that will be more to your liking! 
Personal enjoyment really depends on you and what you like too see though.
I for one like great character interaction, intense moments but also fun. Fun as in funny but also lighthearted, non-serious moments.
TFP does have good character writing and good character interactions with the villains at least. Not as much fun as TFA, but there are still some hilarious moments and characters. And the serious moments are actually really great! This show did have me on the edge on a lot of occasions, there is a lot of good escalations and “oh shit” moments.
But if you like really great character writing with great character interactions and dynamics, watch Beast Wars! It has some of the best character writing I’ve seen and also a really great plot! It takes a while to fully get into the meat and most of season 1 is built-up to that, but once it starts its a truly epic ride!
Beast Wars also has a good balance between fun and serious. If a show is just serious it gets tiring, but if it’s just fun and lighthearted it gets a little boring. Beast Wars has some truly intense moments that make me feel like crying thinking about them, but also a lot of funny scenes, mostly through character interactions, but also slapstick comedy.
The one contra people always bring up is the “bad” animation. And YES it’s bad for todays standards because we are used to seeing better, but just because it’s outdated doesnt mean it’s not good! Like give it a chance people, once you get used to it it’s not as bad. It won an award for outstanding animation back when it aired!
G1 is my favourite show though! Not because it’s actually good, quite the opposite - it’s silly and stupid, it makes no sense and it’s completely shameless in that regard and that way it is just a fun ride!
With no overarching plot each episodes has it’s own plot and drama and while most episodes follow the same format (for season 1&2 at least) it barely gets boring! The creativity of the show writers knows no bounds ~
G1 also made me love a lot of characters! Some I learnt of only from that show and some I already knew but didn’t care for before. (Like Hot Rod for example)
G1 also has great dialogue and interactions as well :D
Headmasters is a japanese show that continues after G1 season 3 (and ignores the american season 4) and personally I really liked it! Unlike G1, Headmasters has a plot and a really good plot that made you come back for more. I still had my issues with it, but those were mostly because of the changes they made from the G1 cartoon. Still recommending it though! Especially if you feel like you need something a little more sophisticated after G1 :D I mean it has death scenes, character depth and development and redemption! (PS: the hong kong english dub of it is shit, but people like it as a “so bad it’s good” kind of comedy. would still watch the japanese version first)
Robots in Disguise 2001 is also a show for newcomers, given that it’s the first one to have it’s own continuity after G1. Though know that this one is more for really young kids. There isnt much escalation or truly serious moments, it’s more fun and lighthearted. So as an adult I found it a little boring, but it’s still good if you like lighthearted stuff! And most of the characters were really cute! It has a lot of brothers too, so as a person with lots of siblings I enjoyed that aspect :D (PS: I watched the original japanese version here)
Beast Wars II (you don’t need to have watched Beast Wars for this) is similiar to RiD01, as in really lighthearted with little escalation and depth. It’s a little jarring though, the heroes are really bland and the plot doesn’t really start until halfway through the show. The first half being about introducing various character groups that end up being important in the end, but most of these episodes aren’t really entertaining, especially when you don’t care about those characters like I did. I’d say the best thing about this show are the decepticons with a really sweet Galvatron as the leader and his idiot little brother Megastorm (who can be read as a version of Megatron) and a Starscream whose a little shit like always but also has a friend he cares about!
If that’s enough for you, go for it xD
Oh and Optimus has a son here - the best and only character arc the heroes have to offer. Found it pretty cute in the end ~
Cyberverse was a “meh” from me though, mostly because it feels like fanfiction. Fanfiction doesn’t need to explain to you who the characters are, it is able to assume that beforehand. And Cyberverse does that, it assumes that you already know the characters and world. And like that it doesn’t really try to write things with depth, it feels all shallow. To me at least, I am aware other people love it.
It just didn’t vibe with me because I want the media I consume to shake me and make me feel things, I wanna be at the edge of my seat, I wanna be anxious about what’s gonna happen next!
That is a thing Prime Wars was able to deliver - the third season, Return of the Primes, at least. 
Though the Prime Wars Trilogy isn’t popular and has many flaws in storytelling, voice acting and animation (+ other things that have to do with expectation, which I don’t really consider flaws of the show itself), but I cannot help it, I still enjoyed it a lot ~ Also the whole thing is pretty short - 28 episodes, 8 of them 5-6 minutes long and the other 10 minutes. It doesn’t take long to finish it all. 
The only shows I truly didn’t enjoy are Robots in Disguise 2015 and Beast Machines - RiD15 is the sequel to TFP and mate if you already don’t vibe with TFP, just skip this one. I didn’t like it much because:
- The decepticons are all badly written, either completely forgettable, not given enough screentime or just kinda having their potential ignored. 
- The heroes never really develop - it’s a show with a lesson in every episode that get’s forgotten in the next. So you have the characters learning the same lessons all the time and I hate shit like that
There are decent episodes sure, and some really sweet characters, but overall it’s just not really good
And the last show I watched is Beast Machines, the sequel to Beast Wars with most of the same cast and some new characters.
And this is a show were I say that it had a good plot with good structure and conflict, but I didn’t enjoy it!
And I do try to divorce it from Beast Wars, but even then the flaws are still there. The biggest complaint I have is that the heroes are never in good terms with each other, almost every episodes has some of them being angry and fighting and that’s TIRING! NO FUN ALLOWED IN THIS SHOW! There is only one character who enjoys being in the show and he dies screaming.
The plot is also really philosophical and not really for kids that way. As an adult I did try to enjoy it, but the show has some flaws in it’s good vs evil conflict.
That would be it with the shows I watched!
As for IDW, I’m not really far with that so I cannot talk much. 
Hope it helped ~ But I would recommend that you give them all a shot, at least for a few episodes. I cannot claim to always be objective, even if I try my best at it
And yeah, my no. recommendation is Beast Wars, it’s really good!
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Misfit of Demon King Academy 1 | Healin’ Good PreCure 13 - 14 | Lapis Re:Lights 1 | God of High School 1 | Muhyo and Roji’s BSI s2 1
Misfit of Demon King Academy 1
This originally had the ecchi tag on its anime entry on AniList…or, at least, that’s how it was in my memory…but now that I see it doesn’t have that, it’s just another reincarnation isekai-type series. Let’s dig into it!
I…think this guy is meant to be portrayed as “hot” because he has the piercing eyes and he’s tall (against the girls in what will presumedly be his harem), but he kind of looks like your standard Potato-kun in a white outfit…so, uh…*shrugs*
Uh…is that guy meant to be Indian? You can’t get more obvious than the “Indu” family. Update: You see his brother later and Leorg has fairer skin, so maybe not.
LOL, “Flame of Darkness” makes someone nothing but a chuunibyou.
Uh…this is called The Misfit of Demon King Academy, y’know? Anos (Anoth?) is gonna get in, you bet your butts.
The owl is cute.
…guy, that 3 second rule thing was actually funny, but the more you think about the joke, the less funny it gets. Show: 1. Me: Infinity -1
Just from appearances, I wanna guess Misha is an ice or light magic user, or whatever equivalent the show has.
Is this what Assassin’s Pride could have been…?
How did the mother (Anoth’s) think her kid maturing that fast wasn’t weird?
Mushroom gratin? Is that an actual dish?...Yep, seems so. Sounds nice. I like mushrooms.
What’s up with young mothers in anime these days? Then again, the only other point of reference I have is Masamune-kun’s Revenge…
I thought it was the other Indu guy we saw earlier. This guy’s…not that bad-looking, though (LOL, my preferences ring out loud and clear…)…welp, spoke too soon. There he is. Update: Leorg kinda looks like Hakuto Kunai from Demon Lord, Retry!, come to think of it.
If Zepes died several times over the course of this episode…would one more death actually matter? (Not really, to be honest. Zepes is a scumbag.)
Come to think of it, this anime got postponed due to COVID, yeah? Was that why there was a sakuga spot earlier…?
Was that Sasha (Misha’s sister)? I found her name while checking if the anime was postponed.
I like the colour choices in this show, at least.
I don’t think this show has the best sense of comedic timing. Let your jokes breathe, dammit! That’s what comedic beats are for!
In a season with more offerings, I might get rid of this or pause it, but the season’s fairly sparse as it stands (darn virus!) so it stays.
Update: I didn’t notice, but an Anime News Network staff member wrote that Anoth’s surname is familiar…if you read Harry Potter.
Healin’ Good PreCure 13
Gotta start in the middle for this and work our way back. Note I did watch the 1st 2 eps without subs earlier this year when they were on the official PreCure YouTube, so I’m ahead of most people.
(From wandering the wiki and the news) I’ve seen nothing but pink/blue/yellow Cures these days, so I kind miss the more adventurous colours like green and orange…but then again, I never really liked green. It’s the colour of envy and…as petty as it sounds, I think I developed that bias because green is stereotypically the colour of rot, vomit (aside from anime’s rainbow vomit) and stinky things.
I didn’t notice this, but there’s a faint highlight on the Cures’ eyes (red for Grace, purple for Fontaine and blue for Sparkle).
It’s a drone! In PreCure! Yay! (It finally hit me exactly how much of a distant dream it’s been – from watching Suite and episodes of most of the other PreCure ‘til now – watching PreCure legally as a simulcast is! It’s crazy and it only took, what…5 years between Suite and this? 16 if you count from Futari wa to Healin’ Good.)
Is it that drone?
Hah? This is almost like the electricity-themed PreCure I came up with on the fan wiki. It’s not like I could sue Toei for it, though…they own that stuff, I only own what came out of my own imagination.
The subs say “Rate”, but “rate” has a meaning in English. No wonder the initial wiki translations say “Latte”, especially because the queen is “Teatine” to match.
Okay, so Mei is the sis and Yota is the brother. Got it.
Hey! What if there was a PreCure where the villains had devastated another world before? That would really raise the stakes.
“[T]hunders” (sic)? Thunder is the sound, lightning is the flash. Which one is it?
I see. As soon as they identified it as the Element of Lightning, I sort of guessed they could add it to their repertoire later, and I was right.
Its’s nice to see they put a woman in the moving company as well. Proves that girls can do anything they set their minds to, even what are supposedly “men’s jobs”.
I guess from the face I should’ve expected the element to talk, like the Fairy Tones from Suite, but I didn’t really figure that out until I saw it talk,
I feel like Hinata should’ve gone to see how Mei made her juice. That way, the two might be able to make similar-tasting juice…but that’s just an idea.
Healin’ Good PreCure 14
I feel like Byogens were responsible for Nodoka’s sickness, much like they are for Latte.
“Energy Source” seems to refer to a place where energy appears…I know that sounds a bit dumb if you don’t realise genki hakken means something like “appearance of energy (for a person)”, but…yeah, the PreCure series is like this. Unfortunately, that’s what you have to deal with.
I feel like this “teamwork overcomes all hardships” message is important in this time of COVID-19.
Guaiwaru = “condition is bad”, or ill health (guai ga warui).
Is that the element of air? I thought the PreCure would’ve used their element of lightning to fix the steamer, but hey, teamwork works too.
I’m a weeny bit peevy they translate minna to “girls”. It’s correct in context when it’s been translated that way, but minna means “everybody”.
I imagined Hinata saying “Watashi no smartphone ga!” instead of “Atarashii sumaho ga hoshii!”
Lapis Re:Lights 1
Eh…COVID-19 means I gotta sample things I’m not so crazy about.
Why is one of the first lines in this show “My behind hurts!”?
Bristol? Is this England?...Nope, it’s a place called “Mamkestell”.
I was thinking this girl…I think the reviews said her name was Tiara…was going to sing to the flower to make it perk up again, but nup, she whistled to it. That seems a bit irrelevant, to be honest. (I would prefer an all or nothing approach to a wish-washy approach like this…as in, if this is an idol show, then either go all in with the singing and dancing, or do something else that’ll catch my attention.)
Tiara’s face looks hella generic.
For some reason, I get this ominous feeling when the word “witch” is mentioned…must be the instinct from Madoka popping up again.
Lemme guess. Lynette is the bookworm?...*sigh* Just another method of showing a character is a bookworm without actually showing their reading a book, which I think is counterintuitive.
Get some protective gear, girls!
Rosetta keeps saying “Yes” (in English).
Lemme guess…people ship the dumb one and the smart one? They’re like a gender-flipped Dice and Gentaro, only the smart one is more uppity and the stupid one is more sporty.
The word appears to be noumei, but that exact word doesn’t seem to exist. Lavie seems to say the word is the opposite to something else, but I can’t tell what that is either…
Albino rabbit, eh?
…people probably ship Rosetta and Tiara too, right? *sigh*
So there’s…no singing in this fantasy/idol show. Whistling is how you invoke magic…so how is someone who can’t whistle supposed to invoke magic?!
Whose idea was it to put the OP in the middle of the episode?
It was “Neechan, daikirai!” “Forget you” is a fairly loose translation…
Little Miss Rosetta = Rosetta-chan.
I think Tiara called Rosetta “sensei” when the former wanted the latter to take care of her (i.e. take her to their dorm).
Titi = Tiara. I didn’t actually figure that out because I thought it referred to the rabbits.
Gah! These almost-real-world names (or real world names, in regards to “Bristol”) are gonna drive me NUTS!
*sigh* Boob jiggle.
*sighhhhhhhhh…* Lemme guess, there’s a potential expulsion on the horizon? Update: Yep. Dropped.
God of High School 1
First Webtoon series I’m covering here.
Oh, I checked out the first chapter of the webtoon because CR linked it to their anime page. The only difference I’ve seen from that, aside from fleshing out the backgrounds, is…that creepy skull (?) on the wall.
You can tell it’s Korean when I don’t understand what the text says. (I don’t know Korean, but I do know some Chinese and Japanese.) Update: This is Japanese-dubbed, but they left the Korean text in.
That intro is much more powerful now that the backgrounds are fleshed out.
Ooh, the colours in the OP are very nice!
Hmm? They’re starting with the grandpa, rather than starting with “I’m Mori Jin, 17 years old”? Good choice.
The expressions in this show are funny. I like them already.
Waittttttttt…I dunno how Korean names work. Is Mori Jin’s first name “Mori” or “Jin”? Update: I checked it up, and I got even more confused!
KORG Arena seems to be…from Marvel? Like BnHA references Star Wars???
*sigh* Moonbucks? Again?...and of course the girls only talk about “hotties”. We need a Bechdel test in this thing.
The comments on ch. 1 said “A new Luffy is born”, so now I agree with it…but they’re not going to show how Mori Jin was enlisted for GOH (as they seem to abbreviate it)?
There’s Japanese, English and Korean in the afro dude’s comments.
I’m amazed that tall dude with the spiky hair wasn’t more surprised about Mori Jin and the girl passing by…
Would those glasses on Mori Jin’s head be any help? Update: Turns out those aren’t “glasses”…they’re a sleeping mask.
Kamina glasses!
They put CR and Webtoon advertising over everything in this anime…geesh.
These red parts of people’s noses are gonna bug me, aren’t they…?
It should be battle royale, right? Update: Okay, so I checked and both are correct spellings.
This seems like the sort of thing that would never get funded because you need to pull off every battle scene right.
They cut the initial fight with “Blondie” out, but that actually makes things more interesting! Good choice.
Lemme guess – Mori Jin is going to have to fight this Kang Manseouk guy at full power one day? *shrugs* (Can I stop referring to people by their full names already??? I can’t stop until I know which is the first name and which is the last.) Update: So the wiki finally helped me out and Mori is the first name and Jin the last, meaning I can call him “Mori”. Got it.
*Mori suddenly pulls the prisoner’s pants down* - That was…random.
I liked it more than I thought I would! (Just for reference, the other protag dude is called Han Dae-wi and the girl is Yoo Mira.)
Muhyo and Roji’s BSI s2 1
(Update for the Tumblr fans: I finished s1 outside the seasonal format.) 
Kokkuri-san never goes well in anime…
Where does Nana work again…?
I don’t think Muhyo and Roji are legally (magically legally?) obligated to tell Nana anything about what they do.
Yay! Goryo is animted for the first time! He has such a beautiful voice~!
Notably, Roji wouldn’t have had a smartphone in 2004 (or whatever year close to that when the manga put this bit out).
Goryo (5) vs Muhyo (6). Didn’t figure this out at the time I read the manga.
I think the subbers misgendered Goryo. Goryo is a dude, as can be gathered from the name “Daranimaru”.
“Waka”? Does that stand for “young head [of the office]” or something?
Okay, whose bright idea was it to pair Now on Air (female vocalists) with Muhyo and Roji’s (a series dominated with dudes)…?
Ah, Funimation is on the production team of this anime. That would explain the dub rights.
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alectoperdita · 5 years
I followed you because of Lucifer but now I am getting interested in Yu-Gi-Oh and was wondering if it has a manga and if so is it good?
Ah! I’m gonna be honest, I always assumed if I was gonna sway people from one fandom to the other: it was going to be the other way around. So cool that the random YGO posts actually piqued your interest!
Yes, there is a manga! It is 343 chapters long. I’m personally quite fond of it. Keep in mind that it is a product of its time so the early humor is very mid-late-90s (especially in its treatment of female characters/the male gaze, which mostly drops off by about volume 7). If you want to read the manga in English, the official translations are done by Viz’s English division (I think they’re mostly sold as omnibus with multiple volumes now). I cannot attest to the quality of Viz’s translation though. I originally read the manga in Chinese and have since reviewed the unofficial English scanlations instead. There are a number of sites out there where you can find the scanlations, but they are of varying quality (from good to bad).
I think reading the first 60 chapters/7 volumes will help determine how you might want to continue consuming the canon. Obviously, if you like the manga, you can and should finish it. It will give you the entire story.
If your favorite parts were the following, you may want to consider also looking at the following:
You liked the varied games/episodic nature/dark mood/high stakes of the early manga, you might want to watch the first Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series by Toei. It was never localized in English, so you would have to watch it with Japanese audio and English subtitles. There appears to be an English fandub project on Youtube, but I cannot attest to its quality. This anime is a bit hard to find now, but it must still be out there for torrenting if you want. This anime adapts those first 60 chapters with some creative license.
If you crave the card game and somewhat higher quality animation, check out the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters! There are 224 episodes and completely glosses over those early 60 chapters. Some of it is implied to have happened, but it can taken as a separate continuity. The story still more or less ends up at the same place as the manga’s ending.You can legally watch all the seasons except for the last one (for some reason) in the Japanese audio with subs in the US on Crunchyroll.com. If you want to watch it in English, the 4Kids dub is available in the US on Hulu. I honestly do not recommend the English dub if you’re interested in the story. We didn’t have readily available options back in 2005, thankfully we do now.
If you enjoy Kaiba Seto as a character, omg, definitely watch the Duel Monsters anime. There are entire filler arcs devoted to Kaiba’s characterization/development. No one stans Kaiba Seto as hard as the series animators istg.
“Oh, this is all so dumb, how can anyone take this stuff seriously?” Check out Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, a fandub devoted to lampooning all the ridiculousness 10+ years in the making
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Also if you’re looking at my YGO content, you’re also looking at my puppyshipping/violetshipping content? My ship is so very not canon. I dunno. I feel like I should flag that since Deckerstar is very canon and Kaijou is very not. Yay! Expectation setting!
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scargentum · 5 years
Anime Diamond #3
Thanks for joining me in another installment for Anime Diamond, the tumblr series where I bring out more obscure anime in hopes of giving them more attention! If you’re new here, welcome! For those here before, hi again! Let’s see what gem I’m grabbing this time, shall we?
I honestly don’t remember how I discovered this one. Regardless, it caught my attention, and the more I saw of it, the more I wanted to watch it. It didn’t take me long to cave, and I found myself really enjoying it. I dunno if it really counts as super obscure, per se, but I do feel like not enough people talk about it, so I’m putting it in.
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Nanbaka is a comedy anime that premiered during the Fall 2016 season, and has 25 episodes as well as an OVA. It started as a manga by Sho Futamata, which still runs today. There’s also a dub, and both versions are available on Crunchyroll. It was animated by studio Satelight, which is one of the more obscure studios, but past works include Log Horizon, the Aquarion series, and Shugo Chara!, as well as the first Fairy Tail anime in co-production with A-1 Pictures.
The story takes place in Nanba prison, the world’s strongest and most formidable prison, they say even more secure than Alcatraz. We focus on four prisoners: Jyugo (black and red hair), who’s only good at breaking out of prison, Uno (pink and orange), a womanizer with a gambling addiction, Rock (purple and red), a strong man who loves to eat and fight, and Nico (green), an ex addict who’s obsessed with anime and manga. Nanbaka follows these four men (and their guards) through their day to day lives, and lots of crazy shenanigans ensue.
SPARKLES!!! You’re gonna see a LOT of sparkles in this anime; it’s like their trademark. This anime is absolutely HILARIOUS. All types of jokes are told and it’s hard to predict what they’re gonna pull out of their sleeves each episode. Every character has their quirks and moments that make them completely unique from the rest of the cast, which is nice to see. Even better when you see different kinds of characters interact with each other and witness said charms collide with each other.
This is an anime I enjoyed a lot. The cast is fresh and diverse, and the opening and ending themes are both really fun to listen to. I watched most of it in English, then switched to Japanese because CR didn’t have the dub at the time. Both versions are really good. Though I will say, a certain voice actor who has gotten into a ton of controversy this year plays one of the more minor roles, so while he’s not in every episode, if you’re not comfortable hearing him you can watch the subbed version instead.
Want to watch Nanbaka? You can watch it now in either English or Japanese!
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Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions!  Don’t look at them first. Then tag some people.
Carole and Tuesday
Voltron Legendary Defender
Cardcaptor Sakura
Yu Yu Hakusho
The dragon Prince
Who is your favorite character in 2?
Keith Kogane, he’s hot, but I also really liked the character development he went through, learning how to be a proper team member, only to then go to a place where he was spoon fed that the ‘Mission Comes First’ ( No i will NOT forgive Voltron for not even showing on screen SOMEONE talking to Keith about his decision to stop Hagar, fight me.)
who is your least favorite character in 1?
Angela’s ‘Mom’ Dahlia, because while I understand that medicine does have awful side effects, deciding that you would continue them even after knowing the side effects made you hurt your child, and then trying to tell said child you were changed because you were off them, makes you a shit parent.
what is your favorite episode of 4?
My favorite episode huh...Hmm, I think it was the episode where Shuichi first becomes Yoko Kurama. I love Shuichi, and I love that we got that bit more of his backstory.
what is your favorite season of 5?
Season 3, because i loved seeing the Child King grow enough to realize that he wasn’t what his kingdom needed, that he was needed elsewhere, and he knew who would be the best person to be in power.
who is your favorite couple in 3?
Syaoran and Sakura: I loved how Li went from absolutely hating her, to actually getting to know here and forming a friendship, to then realizing that she’s everything he ever wanted. The slow progression over the 3 seasons was wonderful, and more so with their friends involved. 
what is your favorite episode of 1?
Episode 1, because while it sets up the entire show, it also just...I loved it okay.
what is your favorite episode of 5?
I think...the last episode, where Calum finally masters Air Magic enough to create wings of his own.
what is your favorite season of 2?
Season 2. Look, I’m NGL, after Season 2 it slowly started going downhill for me, and not just because we had less Keith appearances, things just started not making sense, and then it was like the creators were going back on a lot of what they’d already written for the show. (Yes I mean Allurance, yes I’m a Klance shipper, but I would’ve been behind Allurance if it hadn’t come completely out of left field.)
how long have you watched 1?
I have watched it once all the way through when season 2 came out so...2 months now I think.
how did you become interested in 3?
Actually watched it the first time in English dub when I was....8, yeah, 8 years old. My best friend at the time and I were in the living room watching TV when it came on, and that was it, I fell down the rabbit hole that is anime headfirst. 
who is your favorite actor in 4?
Justin Cook-he’s the English VA for Yusuke, just, whenever I think of what Yusuke sounds like, that’s what I think of, even though I’ve watched it also in Japanese Subbed.
which do you prefer: 1, 2, or 5?
1, because while I love Voltron and Dragon Prince, the writing for them didn’t capture me as much as Carole and Tuesday did, I think mostly because there’s so many stories in it that just fit with my life...
if you could be anyone from 4, who would it be?
ummm...Keiko I think, because she’s a strong girl, who definitely doesn’t need a man to save her but is willing to let her man save her because he’s good at it.
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
No, not at all, Yu Yu Hakusho deals with energy and demons, Card Captor Sakura deals in magic...although that would be interesting to see. 
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?  
Gary and Flora: because they’ve been through so much both together and apart...I dunno I just like them together.
overall, which show has the best storyline: 3 or 5?
CardCaptor Sakura for sure, because even though it finished, it still had enough potential for a sequal (CardCaptor Sakura: Clear card Arc)
which has better theme music: 2 or 4?
I tag @rougeminded to do this.
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shweshishweh · 5 years
29, 33, 68, 89 :D
thank u friend ^-^
29. What are your hobbies?
I’d say the hobbiest thing I do is crochet!  I especially love to make amigurumi... been making them since I was in elementary school.  At first I would use patterns but I’ve gotten to the point where I can make almost anything I want just by improvising, so its really really fun!  
Other than that, I just like making things with my hands.  I even find metal working fun (I’ve been learning how to weld this semester lol).
33. Language/s you can speak
I’m only fluent in English :/.  I took French for a few years but it’s been so long, so I won’t count that.  Though in the future, I definitely want to learn sign language.
68. Favourite movie/series?
Oh gosh........ I’m bad at these.
I don’t think my favorite ever stays, it always shifts after a few years.  There are SO many movies and series I like, I can’t list them all.  I guess I’ll equate my favorite (anime) series to my most rewatched, which is Snow White with the Red Hair.  I’ve watched both seasons four times, twice subbed, twice dubbed.  Both are great and always manage to put a stupid smile on my face :D.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? 
Hmm... I dunno, I’m not well versed in my paranormal beings.  Maybe a mermaid?  I used to be a swimmer so that would fit.  Living in the ocean might be pretty rad too.
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ae0nx · 4 years
FRUITS BASKET S2 EPISODE 18 + short Ep 1-17 english dub recap
Took a bit of a break from the Fruits Basket recaps because life happened and I wanted to focus a bit more on my art career and my webcomic. But, I came to miss doing the recaps! So, I'm gonna try and finish season 2 and do some of the left over recaps now in time for when Season 3 drops!
I HAVE however been re-watching the older episodes of Fruits Basket Season 2 with the english dub this time and I have a few notes!:
A shoutout to the wording used in the Yuki 'confession' scene on the beach with Tohru. However, in the sub the confession came across a lot more like platonic love to me and in the dub the confession came across a lot more romantic. (Especially in the episode after where Yuki says he doesn't regret kissing Tohru lol)
Laura Bailey stays killing it as Tohru. All the little vocal inflections are so freakin cute and make her sound more human! But that also speaks to the editing as well which is great. The balance between a little naive and scared and yet strong and determined in her scene with Akito was... amazing.
(Also... all of Akito’s most violent and hurtful moments are when it’s dark... I dunno I just found that cool and interesting lol)
Jerry Jewell in EPISODE 9?!?! His scene with Akito always gets me regardless but Jerry Jewell's performance was heartbreaking! Ah, I could cry. (I did) The little shake he did while declaring he wasn't in love with Tohru because he can't say that shit actually truthfully? 😩 Also... is he intentionally making Kyo’s voice sound a little deeper? It definitely sounded like it in that episode with Kagura. I like!!
While I LOATHE Akito, Colleen Clinkenbeard is amazing, I've never heard her sound this sneakingly evil! And yet... it's slightly carefree too. Reminds me a lot of Shigure. As I said before, Akito and Shigure's english VAs pair up so nicely in audible form.
I love how flirty Hatori was in the English dub when it came to him and Mayu’s episode. It was a really lovely performance from Kent Williams :) I always read that scene of Hatori just being friendly when asking Mayu out to get something to eat but this was a whole other wonderful take!!! <3
Kakeru’s English VA continues to sound cuter and cuter... 😘 Whassup, Aaron Dimsuke? I kid, lol
I lovee the fact that Haru calls Yuki ‘fragile and kind’ (two typically feminine presenting descriptions) and Yuki took it as a compliment! I dunno about the description of fragile as many people could take that offensively, regardless of gender, but the way it’s explained here it’s almost like he’s describing him as precious?... Coulda went with that instead...
I like the decisions for the moments where Mikaela Krantz emphasises on Momiji’s put on German accent and when she tones it down and return to his natural voice
But anyways... lol, this episode was... a LOT. Not an easy breezy one for me to come back to at all... I’ll be watching the english dub.
- Hiro's so cute at the start of this episode talking about his sibling and how he wants to look out for his mum. Of course, it's in the most Hiro of ways but this scene definitely warmed me up to him a lot more :)
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Hiro’s mum is like a future Tohru, haha
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That hair animation they give Rin is always great 😂 I hope Takaya-sensei is proud.
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It’s so curious how Hiro speaks so honestly and true to Rin yet is so careful of her emotions. He’s never really been like this with anyone but Kisa, especially not the other teens or adults. It kinda shows how much seeing what happened to Rin by Akito’s hands really got to him and traumatised him. Of course, Hiro’s not just doing this because of his trauma but cos he genuinely cares!
- I noticed that there was a slight parallel between Hiro + Kisa and Rin + Haru. Kinda highlights why breaking the curse is important to Hiro and gives more reason as to why that event with Rin and Akito freaked him out.
- I dunno if this is intentional or just an animation glitch but I’ve noticed that in that long panning shot in the opening theme that closes into Yuki, Tohru and Kyo looking at the sunset, it looks like Kyo’s experession kinda ‘glitches’ in between a smile and a stoic look. Again, I don’t know if it was intentional, but I like to think it’s as a little show of Kyo not really managing to attain true happiness fully (for now anyway).
- (Also, I think that this opening song might come third in my list of most favourite opening songs in Fruits Basket history!!! <3<3<3)
- I’m super glad that Shigure and Rin scene didn’t go any further than it needed to... 👀 but the fact that Rin thought ‘Gure would be up for using her body as a bargaining chip says more about Shigure than Rin in my humble opinion...
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Self-loathing? From Shigure? Unexpected. Empathy? For him? A little.
...Damn it.
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I’m sorry. This scene is very gorgeous, well lit and beautiful and dramatic. But, I can’t not laugh at how early 00s gothic romance this is! But, I love it. It’s sweet and probably the first ‘raunchy’ scene we’ve gotten in this anime, ooo la! But, that kiss animation was kinda awkward for me, sorry. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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I hate that Rin is AGAIN getting Outfit Appreciation Award when she’s literally killing herself with stress and worry but... amazing wardrobe as always. 5 stars.
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Is it just me or does every zodiac member see Tohru as a parental figure or associate her with motherhood, except for Kyo?... 
*mentally notes essay of Tohru being the depiction of being a ‘merciful God’ compared to Akito being the decpiction of being a ‘vengeful God’*
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Also, Briana Palencia in this scene was amazing. Everyone is so, so good in this show! Dub and sub!!
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...I totally forgot about this bit of Rin’s backstory. I love that they really highlighted how drastic the change was from happy family to an abusive household. Obviously, there must have been some cracks in the frame of the happy family and Rin as a child was inquisitive enough to see them. ...Only for her to be later punished for it. 
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Kazuma!!! He and Tohru just be constantly saving these zodiac kids, man.
- Rin’s parents might just be at the same level as Kyo’s dad on the ‘WORST PARENTS OF THE ZODIAC CHILDREN’ list. Well... until later...
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Beginning to understand why they’re so attached and bonded to each other now. <3
- Also, lowkey, Kagura’s mum is great! From her protecting Kagura from going to the beach house because of Akito to her taking Rin in without question! And she seemed completely cool with Kyo too! Yay to good parents in anime!!!
- The confession scene between Haru and Rin is so pure and blunt yet romantic and just... so them <3
- I’m not even gonna put any screencaps from the final scene with Akito because I find Akito is just disgusting. But, really? Pushing someone off the balcony?! I mean... I remember why Akito’s feelings for Rin are so strong and darkly intense but I still can’t excuse their actions. I kinda don’t like that they presented this very abusive and violent moment as... poetic? I mean, it matches Rin’s ‘style’, I guess? But... this is just someone going past the limit.
- And her landing like that on the conveniently pointy stone? I was surprised she didn’t damage her spine...
I’m so happy I’m watching Fruits Basket again! This anime really is the best! And it DESERVEDLY won Best Drama at the CrunchyRoll Anime Awards! Yayyyyy! Sorry, if this ended on a weird note, I did enjoy this episode. Just a very dark one to return to 😅
See you... soon? Haha!
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isthatagrenade · 5 years
so, i’m rewatching evangelion on netflix (like every single person who started watching anime in the 2000s is probably also doing today),  and i have to say i actually kind of like the new dub’s VA for the most part! asuka’s german so far has been the worst of it so far to me ironically enough, but shinji’s new VA really grew on me once i got to episode 7! i really like them as shinj overall.  misato’s VA was kind of jarringly different at first too, but after a while she really started sounding like the older dub’s VA, though some of their delivery isn’t the best. the one thing that is way better are the supplemental/background voices. they are a thousand times better than the original dub.
but i gotta say, some of the choices they made with the translation are seriously baffling. it’s far far too literal. direct translation doesn’t always equal accurate translation netflix and oh my god every time they say “children” instead of “child” when they talk about the pilots i want to scream a little. like, “oh look, it is i, shinji ikari, the third children. at your service!” how is that better? why netflix, why?
it’s also obviously not a well kept secret they really mis-translated The Scene with shinji and kaworu too (i haven’t gotten there yet, but trust me i’ve seen the screenshots), which is a shame because “i like you” vs “i love you” may be a literal written translation, but lord have mercy read the room netflix translator. however you translate what kaworu says, it’s supposed to convey intense emotions (whether you interpret those emotions as romantic or platonic really, though i mean, it’s not like its that ambiguous give the tone of that scene and the fact they literally kiss in the manga) that is deeply moving to shinji, because no one has ever expressed that kind of deep emotion about him out loud to him before that moment, and i dunno, “like” just doesn’t work as well in that scene to me. at least in english it doesn’t.
whatever though, i’m loving watching this again. it’s a “hurt so good” kind of show and it holds up wonderfully. i’ve owned the dvds for years and i’ve been saying i was going to watch it again, but this is a handy excuse now that i can just pop it on netflix. if you haven’t before, 100% check evangelion out, old dub, new dub, subbed, whatever, its amazing and worth watching.
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