#I mentioned he is only ever comfortable shifting into inside the Zen Room
little-writings · 4 years
Hi! I LOVE your writing and you're my fav writer for jumin 💖 Can you do a continuation of your fic 'Before I go to sleep' ? Where MC finally woke up remembering who jumin is? My heart aches for jumin and I would really like to see what happens. You don't have to if you don't want to ><
I think it’d actually be really fun to write a prompt of this sort! Especially since the ‘Before I go to Sleep’ is one of my favorite that I’ve written! Anyhow, I hope you enjoy and have an amazing day, thank you!
‘Before I go to Sleep’ Prompt
You’d never quite realized how easy it was to start a fuss. After all, the only thing you’d done was say a name. 
You’d only just begun to wake when you felt a rise and fall pressed against your back -- a breathing body, comfortable and steady. You were in a room you didn’t entirely know, but you recognized. And when you turned your head with groggy, heavy eyes you saw a man you didn’t entirely know, but you recognized. Like the fuzziest memories of childhood, a fondness brimmed at your chest. 
A name even came to mind. 
The man beside you shifted at the mention of his name. His sooty curls of hair brushed against your cheek before he raised his head lazily. His eyes flickered open, revealing a soft, velvety grey full of drowsiness. He looked down at you, brows furrowing in confusion as if he thought he might’ve imagined something. 
“What was that? Did you say something?”
You raised a hand to press your palm to his cheek, the edge of your fingertips brushing his hair and the warmth of his face sinking against your skin. “That’s your name, isn’t it? Jumin...?” 
He made a sound almost like a laugh were it not for the disbelief that was so strongly entwined with it. “Yes it is -- how did you-” He took in a sharp breath. “How did you know that?” 
You paused, thinking. “Well, why wouldn’t I? We look close enough for me to know your name.” You chuckled. “Unless I’m wrong?” 
“No... no!” He blurted out the last bit in a rush, his words stumbling out with a fumbling mind. “Would you come with me?” 
You nodded and Jumin hurried from the bed in an instant. He took your hands and led you out from under the blankets and the sheets. The sunshine spilled over your bare limbs and your feet stumbled onto the carpet, but Jumin was practically whirling. He guided you to the bathroom where a mural of photos was on display -- some featuring just the two of you with hands interlocked and smiles engraved upon your faces. Others had a small white cat with the most beautiful coat of fur you’d ever seen, and others featured a group of people with shades of red, yellow, and white among them, and happiness splayed about every one of them. 
‘Jumin Han’
‘Your husband’
‘Elizabeth 3rd’
For each photo, you only had the faintest inkling of who they were and why they were important, but you had a feeling that was more than usual. You could almost make out names and places. 
“These are... our friends aren’t they?” You asked, fingers tracing over the photos. 
“They’re our life,” Jumin answered softly, just a few steps behind you. “I tried to get as many photos as possible to show all that we’d been through.” 
You found the wedding quickly. It must’ve been a grand event because your heart tugged at the very sight of it. 
“How long have we been together?” You asked. 
“Almost ten years now, coming next month. You’ve had this... condition for four years.” Jumin let out a deep breath, and as you turned to see him you noticed just how much he fidgeted. He tapped his knuckles, anxiously grappled with his wrist. Perhaps it tethered him, kept Jumin grounded. “But never once have you remembered anything.” 
“Not once? Not even the accident?” 
Jumin’s eyes widened like saucers. “You remember the accident?” 
The question had slipped without you truly knowing just what it meant. 
The accident. 
Something flashed in your head, deep within those memories that’d been locked away for so, so long. Chatter and laughter between you and Jumin as you sat close together in a car. The beaming sights of the city and the flickers of the traffic lights -- green, yellow- 
And red. Red. 
An eighteen-wheeler ran a red light when it slammed into your car and despite everything Jumin did to save you, it wasn’t enough. The vehicle still slammed into the remaining traffic and your head still careened through the glass. 
“I nearly died.” You muttered. “I was dead at the hospital for a few seconds -- wasn’t I?” 
All it took was that confession, that realization, for the tears to flow. All those thoughts and feelings flooding back in a horrifying break of pressure. Like the crashing of a dam, it was wholly and entirely uncontrollable. You remembered the pain of the glass smashing against your head and the shards that cracked on your skull. Jumin, hovering over you where the brunt of the metal of your mangled car stabbed him. His leg crushed beneath it all, and still Jumin protecting you. 
“Oh god-” You cried, tears flowing and a weight pressing against your chest. 
Your brain had spent so long coping how it knew best, how else could you withstand the onslaught? 
Jumin raced to catch you, but hesitated at the last moment, arms outstretched and worry painting every inch of him. “Can I...?” 
And then you remembered the first mornings after the mechanism began. How you looked at him and saw a total stranger. You’d screamed and clawed your way with all your might granted to you to the corner of the bedroom, and Jumin just as confused and bewildered as you were. In a moment he’d reached out to you, to explain, or just to offer the slightest bit of comfort and your panic reached a breaking point. You hit him. You hit him and locked yourself in the bathroom, clawing at your trembling body and searching for a single ounce of safety where none could be found. 
Only after had you counted to one thousand through shaky whispers did you feel secure enough to step out. 
There, in the living room, you saw Jumin and despite the fear that’d overtaken you minutes before, at the sight of him, what remained was pity. You couldn’t hear a sound and yet could still tell tears had been shed. 
How could you have done that? No matter the years that’d passed since then the pain and guilt was now. 
When you looked up at Jumin, arms outstretched, all you could muster was, “I’m sorry,” before falling into his arms. 
You stayed like that for a good while, even when you fell to sniffles and shivering. Jumin drew gentle fingers over your spine and pressed you close to his chest. His heartbeat was the only thing keeping you grounded, a gentle thump against your ear to remind you that you were here, and so was Jumin.
It was only interrupted by a knocking on the front door, and you knew just who it was.
“Are you okay if I leave?” Jumin asked quietly. “It’ll only be a moment.” 
You gave a weak nod, but that did little to convince him. 
“Are you sure?” 
Another knock. 
“Yes,” You reassured, sputtering a whimpering that was incredibly embarrassing. “Yes, go get V.” 
“V... you remember him too.” 
You heard hushed whispers between the two of them as Jumin brought V inside. He’d only aged a little, thicker frames for his glasses and a tighter grasp upon his cane. But you recognized him in an instant. 
You sniffled, rising slowly. How much his vision had further faded mattered little for you still offered him a smile. “Hi.” 
V gave a gentle grin, moving closer to take your hand in his own, ever so kindly. His heart only softened over the years. “Hi. How’re you feeling?” 
Your chin quivered despite your best efforts. “Not great.” 
V chuckled and gave a squeeze to your palm. “That just won’t do, will it?” 
Your therapist was given a brief call where for as much explanation Jumin attempted, confusion was ridiculously apparent on both ends. She fumbled for rescheduling the next day and wished you both the best but the pauses between every few words told you enough. 
And instead, V called the RFA. 
They’d come in a rush and one by one you recognized them like light bulbs flickering on. Yoosung. Zen. 707. Jahee. If only in the simplest, tiniest flecks you knew them.
“Are you sure they remember us?” Yoosung whispered to Jumin. “They seem... nervous.” 
Zen elbowed Yoosung’s side, his white hair tied up high and tight. “Wouldn’t you be? It’s like waking up from a four-year coma? Or something like that.” 
“It’s not quite like that,” Jahee remarked. “But the poetic sentiment is surely appreciated.” 
You couldn’t stifle the snicker that brought out of you. Jahee’s eyes brightened. “Did you think that was funny? D-Do you remember me?” 
“I do. You’re Jahee -- Jahee Kang. You’ve always helped me and Jumin, always.” 
Jahee adjusted her glasses so that sunlight could hide perhaps the faintest shine in her gaze, the ends of her lips turning upwards. “Yes, I uh -- I suppose I have.” 
“Well, what about me huh~?” 707 chimed, lazily drooping over Jahee’s shoulder. He soon found himself stumbling as Jahee stepped away, staggering to a stop just before you. He hadn’t lost his silliness, but he had steadied himself in his own way. “Remember me?” 
You nudged his shoulder, scoffing. “Of course I do! You talk too much for me to forget.” 
707 grappled at his chest in mock hurt but the boyish grin never left his face. “Ah! Try to have some compassion, I’m sensitive!” 
Jumin approached you and set a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t overwhelm them. I’m sure this is a lot to take in already.” 
“It is.” You answered. “But I want this, I really do.” 
The next few hours could only be akin to opening up a scrapbook that hadn’t been seen in ages. The stories told between you livened up both the room and your mind -- like holiday lights brightening everything in their wake. RFA parties,  anniversaries, and birthdays all those times that brought you together closer than family. 
Each member of the RFA had waited just as patiently as Jumin for you to come back. The whole day they couldn’t stop reminding you of even the most ridiculous of things you’d done together just so you could erupt into giggles and for all the sorrow and pain that’d arose in the morning you could feel joy at that moment. 
Only when night replaced the day and stars decorated the sky overhead did they leave -- and even then it was reluctant. The RFA refused to leave without a hug at the very least. Yoosung, Jahee, and Zen promised to come by in the morning, 707 promised more than a few calls, and V assured you he’d come by at the drop of a hat if you asked. 
Of course, just as the morning began, it was just you and Jumin. 
“How’re you feeling?” He wondered gingerly as he closed the door behind him. 
“Is there a word for when you’re excited but also overwhelmed?” 
Jumin laughed. “I think you described it perfectly. May I?” 
You nodded and he pressed a kiss to your temple, whispering sweetly. “You did so well, if it helps.” 
You sat down on the sofa with Jumin only falling behind at the sight of the television. He eyed it carefully. More specifically, he eyed the tapes beneath the television. “Would you like to watch one of these?” 
You pointed to the one you knew best. “How about the wedding?” 
The smile that brought Jumin made your very heart swell. He started the video without a word and sat down beside you. Your hands brushed beside one another and slowly enveloped like you’d done so many times before. 
The wedding followed just like you remembered. The music that filled the room and the two of you -- a surprisingly small ceremony with only your closest family. Even through the screen, one could see nothing but absolute adoration between the two of you. You practically hurried down the aisle. 
“Are you... afraid about tomorrow?” Nervousness began to bubble up inside of you, digging your feet into the floor. “About me forgetting in the morning?” 
“I’d be lying if I said no. Something like this -- it just seems too good to be true.” 
In the wedding, you’d begun exchanging vows. You could hardly make it through your beginning sentences without bursting into sheepish snickering. You couldn’t quite remember what Jumin murmured to you when you buried your head in the crook of his neck but you’d both laughed. 
“But I do know, that if something does happen, and you do forget -- we’ll take it one step at a time like we always have.” He softened. “It won’t change a thing.” 
Your eyes grew heavy as you watched the last few minutes of the video, Jumin’s vows as devoted and tender as words could possibly be. Your heart threatened to burst just listening to them all over again. 
“Well, in case I do forget,” You rested your head on Jumin’s shoulder, soon resting his own head against you in return. “I love you.” 
There wasn’t even a second of hesitation from Jumin. It was the last thing you heard before you fell asleep, and it quelled all of your fears for the morning. It was going to be okay, no matter what came. 
You’d do your best to say good morning when the next day arrived. 
“I love you too.” 
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lunarmessenger · 4 years
Figure Skating (RFA, V, + Saeran)
I always wanted to be a figure skater hahahaaa so have this! ilysm x - luna (also i couldn’t find the proper gif to show what MC did in Jumin’s headcanon but oh well please don’t hate me)
• He’d just landed a role that involved ice skating so he’d decided to take lessons right away
• He was already pretty graceful while walking normally so there was no surprise when he’d picked it up right away
• You always attended his practices and one day mused that you’d love to help him practice a scene or two
• He was fully ready to help you out too once you two had gotten to the skating rink
• “Be careful MC it’s pretty slippery when you first step on~”
• “I appreciate that Zen but I think I’ll be okay” and you laced up your skates for the first time in a few years
• He held his hands out for you but you slid right past him and did a couple of laps around the rink to sort of warm up and by now he was like “Oh okay I guess you got it”
• Then all of a sudden you do a toe loop??? On the way to him? Like it was no big deal? And his jaw just about hits the floor?
• He’s a little butt hurt that he wasn’t told sooner but forgets about it an hour later when you allow him to use you as a model to help him practice for his role (and he gets the excuse to touch your hips and thighs whenever he wants now huehuehue)
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• He was a little nervous since it was a little class trip (and almost decided to just stay home with you and play LOLOL)
• He’s also not very active but never mind that MC “I just don’t want to hurt myself doing this please don’t make me go”
• You do manage to convince him to go since “Yoosung I used to skate and since you can bring a plus one can we go???”
• There was no way he could resist your cute face
• That weekend you both show up to the rink, you excited with your old skates while Yoosung is more excited to show you off to his friends from class (look they’re so pretty I told you guys I have a partner now leave me alone)
• Yoosung clings to you when you both get on the ice but he lets go after about half an hour once he gets a hold of the basics
• “Can I go skate now, can I, can I?”
• Damn it you’re so cute MC “Sure but be careful since they’re being a bit rowdy out there”
• Then zoom you are off before Yoosung can even blink
• When you have enough room you whip out a Salchow and Yoosung is absolutely floored (so are his classmates lol)
• “Did you see Yoosung did you see?”
• “Yes MC let’s go home” He didn’t like how his classmates were suddenly staring at you for the rest of the trip, and he promised you guys could go again when it was just the two of you.
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• She’d found a small coffee club that went ice skating every weekend and figured it’d be a great stress reliever for the two of you (especially since you’d told her that you’d been figure skating since you were a child)
• You were beyond excited, and that alone was enough to motivate Jaehee to try her hardest once you’d gone to the club
• The club was full of both beginners and experienced skaters so everyone was pretty comfortable and it was a judgement free zone
• Jaehee had managed to hop from one foot to the next and was extremely proud mind you because “look MC I didn’t fall this time”
• And while you encouraged her a lot you really wanted to show her what you knew how to do so when the club allowed some space for the more experienced skaters you immediately pushed yourself off the wall and started to skate
• You slowly built yourself up until you pulled off a triple loop, the scarf around your neck twirling with you as you landed perfectly and skated back towards Jaehee
• She was definitely a little enchanted by how graceful you looked and clapped the loudest amongst everyone in the group
• Vowed that you two would go back weekly just so you could teach her how to do that
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• He’d had the sudden idea of opening a cat themed skating rink (especially since he’d seen you looking fondly at your pair of ice skates)
• You were so excited (you honestly didn’t care if it were alligator themed you just wanted to skate) that you asked if the other RFA members could join????
• He strongly opposed but ended up giving in anyways
• He also mainly wanted to see Zen suffer from his cat allergy but that was his own selfish gain and not yours
• It was extremely private and everybody was having fun just lazily gliding across the ice (Jumin stayed by the bleachers with a glass of wine he would not be caught dead ice skating)
• And then you finally finished lacing up your skates and you were so excited you almost fell on your way onto the ice
• “MC please be careful; maybe you should sit with me a little longer?”
• He suddenly was wondering if maybe you hadn’t skated in a while because you weren’t that good at it??? Since you almost fell before you even got on the ice?
• “I’m fine Jumin I know what I’m doing.”
• “Alright as long as you—” And he was cut off because you were suddenly gracefully gliding circles around everybody else (who suddenly stopped skating and just grabbed on to the nearby wall to watch)
• Then you suddenly did the flip maneuver (you wanted to do something a bit more extravagant but you didn’t want to fall on accident knowing Jumin would forbid you from skating ever again if you got hurt)
• “Excuse me MC do that again” He pulled out his phone to take pictures and videos (you swore you saw a slight blush and knew he was impressed)
• They all ended up blurry but luckily Saeyoung had managed to take a few photos for him
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• He’d recently binge watched an anime (you can guess which one) and he was suddenly obsessed with the idea of ice skating
• “MC let’s go ice skating” “What???”
• “PLEASE I know this amazing rink and we can drive one of my baby’s every day to get to it please MC?!?!?!”
• You figured saying yes wouldn’t hurt since he never stayed fixated for more than a month
• And it gave you a chance to get back into doing what you used to be so passionate about
• Of course he knew that you used to ice skate (due to that totally legal background check haha don’t worry about it MC) so he figured you’d go along with it
• He was right damn it
• He beat you on the ice immediately and fell like three times but he didn’t care because he was going to get it down even if he broke a leg to do it
• “Saeyoung please I am not strong enough to carry you back to the car if you hurt yourself”
• You smiled though because it was fun to see him slowly get little jumps down here and there
• “Hey MC can you show me one of your favorite moves?? I wanna see if I can do it!”
• “Okay but it’s gonna be a bit more advanced than I think you can handle right now.”
• “Oh please—” Before he could even finished you pulled out the most stunning triple lutz he’d ever seen??
• He begged you to teach him and you promised you would as long as he kept it up for longer than a month (and you got to come with him of course)
• He tried to pick you up to do a trick with you after two tries and it took you screaming like a banshee for him to put you down “because you will kill us Saeyoung” (he didn’t try again)
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• After he’d had the surgery he decided to pick up photography again
• A family friend had wanted him to take photos of his son’s skating for his portfolio for future events and shows
• He’d mentioned it in passing, not knowing how much you loved skating and was a little surprised at how quickly you’d asked if you could come along
• Of course he said yes why would he ever say no to you????
• Once you’d gotten to the rink you tried your best to stay calm since obviously he was there for work and not just pleasure
• But of course you’d brought your skates just in case there would be a bit of down time where you could skate
• There was but only because V asked for it when he saw how excited you were to be there
• You had never laced up your skates so fast, but you were careful because you could feel his eyes on you
• You’d brought your iPod with you for some simple music; it was quiet enough to where it didn’t echo throughout the rink, but it was loud enough that both you and V could hear it
• It was soft piano music, and as it played you gracefully started to skate along the empty rink
• V was completely entranced, and when you decided to do an axel jump in the middle of the dance a small gasp escaped his lips because wow how did he get so damn lucky???
• You were nervous, finishing off the routine and slowly skating back towards V who was on the bleachers with his camera sitting beside him
• “Get any good pictures?” He blushed and looked down slightly embarrassed
• “I uh, no—would you mind doing that again?”
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• You both suffered from major anxiety and the only way you managed to get through it was to skate it out at least once a week
• But he didn’t know that so when you would leave the house for hours on end he was starting to get worried (though he would obviously never show it)
• So he decided to follow you one day without you knowing (and he forced his poor brother to go with him smh)
• “Saeyoung help me find out where MC is always going”
• “...you could always ask her I mean—”
• “No. Shut up and help me.”
• They of course followed you and saw you walk inside the skating rink (though Saeyoung refused to leave his car)
• Saeran stayed hidden in the shadows while you slowly stepped onto the ice and glided around for a moment, rolling your neck and shoulders to loosen them up
• And then you were off, the entire place silent except for the sound of your skates cutting into the ice as you raced around the rink
• You did multiple jumps from an axel, to a lutz, without missing a single step
• He was beyond mesmerized, his eyes focusing entirely on you (he didn’t even realize when he’d started to slowly shift out of the shadows to get a closer look at you)
• Each move was extremely aggressive, and it was then he could tell that you were letting out every frustration and worry in this routine
• Then to tie off the routine and let go of all your anxiety you let one of your legs bend out behind you while you leaned backwards, bringing your arms up for balance as you spun faster and faster and then slowly came to a halt while standing upright.
• You were breathing hard, chest heaving as he let out a soft wow
• “If you’re done spying on me; can I come sit with you?”
• “I wasn’t spying MC” He grumbled, refusing to look you in the eye while you made your way over and sat next to him you reveled in how he blushed at being caught staring
• You apologized for worrying him and pecked him on the cheek, while he looked away again and wrapped an arm around you and brought you closer still couldn’t hide that blush tho huehuehueheuue
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shnuggletea · 4 years
InuKag Week 2020
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Some nice, fluffy moments for you in this chapter. As well as a lemon but ya know. Day Five of InuKag Week: Instinct. @inukag-week​ here is my contribution for today. Hope you all enjoy!
Thank you to all of you for reading and reviewing. It's nice to know where I stand on this fic.
Chapter 5 of 8  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
It took a year and a half but frankly, I was surprised it took that long. I may be inexperienced but I'm not an idiot and I know how these things work. When I missed a period, I wasn't even upset or confused. And the at-home and doctor's positive tests were just extra. I knew I was pregnant.
We didn't even try to be careful. Inuyasha never wore a condom and I wasn't on the pill. And we fucked constantly. With Inuyasha not even pulling out, I had to assume he didn't care if he knocked me up.
I still didn't say anything to him though. I didn't really know what to say. I wasn't his girlfriend or wife. We weren't even lovers we just had sex. I didn't know anything about him outside the house either.
I did know his moods. One glance and I knew what to expect. I knew his laugh, his tender touch, how he could be excruciatingly kind. How he was overprotective to an obnoxious amount sometimes, another good reason not to mention my pregnancy.
I had his dick memorized. How he liked it touched, licked, and sucked. And the slight curve it had and how it felt inside me. Inuyasha knew my weak points too, the spot on my shoulder, licking the inside of my thighs, how hard to suck my nipples or my clit.
I knew every inch of his body as he knew mine. Which made me wonder how long it would take him to notice? I said nothing, not even to the staff. But the cook noticed my change in appetite and the maid noticed my vomit in the bathroom.
The weather went from cold to hot again, passing the two-year mark and Inuyasha either didn't notice or was saying nothing. Even as I developed a little belly under my belly button. My clothes were getting tighter and the only thing Inuyasha had said about it was sending someone to get me new clothes.
I didn't tell him I was going out regularly to see my doctor but it was my only excuse to get out of the house. With my pregnancy showing, I couldn't even have Sango over. What would I tell her? I couldn't even find the words to tell Inuyasha!
Particularly irritated, I sat on top, grinding hard on Inuyasha's cock. Our nightly meetings had never changed and now without periods to break them up, they never faltered.
Inuyasha was lying still, his arms under his head watching me. There was no hiding it anyway and I no longer cared, one hand on his knee to steady my angle to get him deeper and the other on the peak of my swell as I rocked. The extra weight was a little uncomfortable without support in this position.
I was close to getting rid of my horny irritation, my orgasm beginning to start as I took out my frustrations on Inuyasha's penis. "You aren't...seeing anyone else?"
Now I was even more irate because Inuyasha's random question made my orgasm fly out the window. Coming to a stop, I righted myself on his pelvis and glared down at him. "Excuse me?!"
"You aren't seeing anyone besides me? Dating, fucking, sleeping with someone besides me?"
I rolled my eyes as hard as I could, making sure he could see it. Another thing I learned was Inuyasha's weak-ass communication skills. This was his way of asking me if the baby was his. Which only infuriated me.
"When? When the hell was I able to date or fuck anyone but you?!"
As skillfully as I could at six months pregnant, I swung my leg and myself off of him. He hissed as the cold air hit his dick, losing my warmth and my wetness which only made it cooler. Grabbing my robe off the floor where I left it, I tried to be clothed for this fight. I felt less intimidating naked.
Inuyasha didn't move save for pushing up on his elbows to follow my movements. "Maybe when you worked at the club?!"
Crossing my arms to sit on my chest and small bump, I glared at him hard. "I'd already given birth if it was someone from there. The kid would be at least a year old by now!"
"I know that!" He screeched.
"Then why did you ask?!"
"Maybe it's when you sneak out of here a few times a month?! Did you really think I wouldn't notice?!"
I was shocked because I sincerely didn't think he had. Shutting my mouth, I quickly swept away my angry tears and tried to stop my shaking. "I'm going to see my OBGYN you ass hat! Not a lover! The only dick I've ever known is you!"
He didn't hesitate, continuing his rant right along with mine. "You shouldn't be going out, not even to see your doctor. Especially looking like that…"
Even though I swore I was over Inuyasha's need to keep me hidden away from the world, it now felt like an elephant sat on my chest from time to time when it was brought up. Now being one of those times. "Like what? Like a knocked up sex slave? If you are so ashamed or worried or whatever then maybe you should have worn a condom!"
"Maybe you should have gone on birth control!"
"When?! I'm not allowed to leave this fucking prison and they don't mail that shit to you!"
I was so angry the room was spinning and all I saw was red. I was trying to storm back to my room but for some reason, I was in Inuyasha's hold. "Kagome?! Are you alright?!"
My arms felt like jelly as I pushed at his hold. "I'm fine. Don't touch me. You've touched me enough!"
The room was still spinning and I was struggling to breathe. Then the room went from red to black.
"It's her blood pressure. It was way too high."
I woke to the sound of voices, in my bed, with Inuyasha and my doctor standing over me.
"High blood pressure? She's 23!"
"And pregnant. Pregnancy causes a lot of changes in a woman's body and sometimes it affects their blood pressure."
"What can I do?" I stared at Inuyasha, unknown by him as he looked and sounded like a scared little boy. "What can I do to keep them safe and healthy?"
I'd never seen Inuyasha like that, terrified and helpless. He'd always seemed sure and strong no matter what was going on. It was strange to see it now after two years. And a part of me was far too happy at his acknowledgment of the baby.
"Is she under a lot of stress? What was she doing when she fainted?"
Inuyasha shifted his weight, his arms crossed across his chest like when he wanted to protect himself. "We were...fighting. It's my fault."
I couldn't stand being spoken of anymore so I slowly sat up. My doctor was quick to my side but Inuyasha was quicker. "Whoa, now Kagome. You gave us quite the scare there. Let's take it easy, yeah?"
"I'm fine."
"Jesus, Kagome, listen to the damn doctor!"
Inuyasha was upset but I could tell it was partly out of fear and all at himself. Even if I hadn't heard their conversation. It all had me forgetting my earlier slights and irritations with the man now sitting near my legs on the bed.
Leaning over, I gently stroked his cheek and he greedily took the comfort. "It's okay. I'm okay, Inuyasha."
"It's not uncommon or even unhealthy for couples to fight. But maybe tone it down until after the baby is born?"
Inuyasha saw the doctor out, who promised to return for her next visit so I didn't have to come to her. Something Inuyasha must have set up while I was out. I was trying really hard not to be upset about it as Inuyasha returned to me.
Sitting in the same spot he had before, he looked me over carefully and thoughtfully. "You set up in-home visits with my doctor?!"
His eyes went to the floor but he still nodded his answer.
"Why is it so important to you…"
"Because you're important to me."
Anything and everything died in my throat. I had nothing to say to that. Inuyasha still wasn't looking at me, wringing his hands between his knees as he hunched over.
"My mother died when I was really young. She went out one day and never came back. My dad said it was his fault, that they killed her to get to him…"
"Who's they?"
He shrugged, "no clue but dad killed them in return. That's… all I really know about it."
I held my breath because now I'd learned a lot more about Inuyasha in a few shared words. His mother was murdered because of who his father is. Meaning not only did Inuyasha have overprotective tendencies that verged on obsessiveness but he came from a family that others wanted to hurt.
Inuyasha was rich and powerful.
Which meant he was either one of two things: mob or politician. Given his interests and investments, I'd have to guess mob. I was having a baby with a mob boss.
Oddly enough, it didn't bother me. Mob boss or not, Inuyasha was a nice guy to me. I'd never seen him do bad and so it was easy to ignore any misgivings. I struggled to imagine Inuyasha hurting anyone.
"Going to the doctor..it wasn't a big deal. I was safe. There was no harm and it was an excuse to go out…"
"Didn't you hear what I just said?! Someone killed my mother just to spite my father. For kicks, because they wanted to weaken him." Turning, Inuyasha showed me his angry eyes. They always looked like they were on fire when he was like this. "The people who want to hurt me, they'd take one look at your pregnant body and see Christmas. And they would have no struggle killing you and sending me the fetus."
I broke. It was all too much. Because I wanted to go out, to be normal and free. But Inuyasha was scaring me. So I wept, clutching my swollen body like a jewel that others were trying to steal.
Inuyasha clutched it just as hard, wrapping around me to either comfort me, himself, or both. "The house sits on five acres. There's a pool, tennis court, hell there's even a zen garden. All of it is yours. You can have Sango come over and spend time with you, I don't care. Just please, don't go out broadcasting our child around town for all to see."
I was relaxing in my bed when it started. Inuyasha was still at work since the day had barely begun. The book in my hands was not being read as my mind was miles away. Thinking about the night before.
Inuyasha and I had just had gentle but satisfying sex, he bent me over the bed so he didn't put weight on my belly while rubbing my clit as he throbbed inside me from behind. At my size, sleep was a struggle. I couldn't get comfortable. But sex always helped because it tired me out.
It must have been the baby that woke me, waking up exhausted to see her foot or hand trying to escape my uterus. I could actually see my skin rise as she pushed with all her might against her cage.
That didn't bother me in the slightest, I thought it was cool even though annoying. What had my mind tumbling even till morning was Inuyasha.
He rolled over to me and put his hand over my belly, gently rubbing the spot the baby had been pressing. "Shhhh...calm down or you'll wake mommy."
Inuyasha clearly had no clue I was already awake and I continued to be as he spoke to the baby through my belly.
"I'm excited to meet you too but it's not time yet and you and your mommy need to rest. You've been a bad girl lately, getting all wild whenever mommy tries to rest. That's not nice." I wasn't sure if it was his touch, voice, words, or all of it but the baby calmed back down and stopped her escape attempts. "That's a good girl, Moroha."
We hadn't discussed a name and yet, Inuyasha had one picked out already. I liked it. It was repeating in my head all day long. The entire 'conversation' was. The whole thing was so sweet, it brought me to tears each time I let my mind hear Inuyasha's voice as he spoke to my belly. With so few instances in which Inuyasha showed interest in our child, that one moment showed me just how much he wanted this baby. And it mirrored me.
But, as Inuyasha said, it was still early. Three weeks from my due date. Which was why I ignored the tensing of my muscles around my swollen belly and uterus. Even as they squeezed close to pain. I kept hoping it was Braxten Hicks and that they would go away.
So I said nothing, even when Inuyasha texted me midday to check on us. It was good he didn't call like usual, he always said I was a terrible liar, even on the phone.
When I didn't come out for lunch, it was brought to me. And of course, I had another contraction with the maid there. A big one. It was starting to seem as though these were the real deal. This only added to the fear in my veins, doubling over myself to try and take yet another contraction. This one felt as if my muscles were trying to pull me apart from the inside out. My only reprieve was that they weren't that close together yet. I had a good 30-minute break between each one.
Which timed it perfectly for when Inuyasha burst into my room.
My open, in shock, mouth served to allow a loud whimper to escape as my muscles tensed and pulled at me. Curling into a ball did nothing but I did it anyway for some reason. A bodily reaction I had no control over.
Inuyasha was at my side when I opened my tear-filled eyes, kneeling on the floor next to my bed and brushing strands out of my face. Taking in his appearance, it was clear he had raced here straight from work. It was the first time I'd seen him with a tie on, he usually had it off by the time I saw him.
"You lied to me. You fucking lied, Kagome!" He was mad, even as he tenderly brushed my skin with the pads of his fingers. "The doctor is on her way. How far apart are your contractions?"
Getting over my shock at his apparent knowledge, I took a dry swallow, "30 minutes."
"Good, then there's still time." He got to his feet but kept his eyes on me. "I'm just going to go change, I'll be right back."
True to his word, I wasn't even close to another contraction when Inuyasha reappeared in some jeans and a t-shirt. Chuckling to myself, I wondered if he wore jeans just to keep from being in his usual 'let's fuck' outfit.
He helped me sit up but just as he did, another contraction hit. His hands still in mine, neither of us let go and he let me squeeze as hard as I could without so much a whimper of complaint. When I continued to push up to stand, he complained then.
"What are you doing?!"
"The doctor will be here soon...and my contractions are less than 30 minutes apart….I should take off my underwear…."
It was surprising how out of breath I was like I had been running when all I'd done was face an onslaught of pain every few minutes or so.
My legs were shaking so Inuyasha sat me back down on the edge of the bed and worked my panties off my hips for me. I giggled when he got them to my ankles, lifting my feet for him, and he looked up at me with a smirk. He already knew what I was thinking, how life was like a revolving door of sorts. The very act that caused the life about to be born, taking off my panties, was now being done again for a completely different and still the same reason.
Inuyasha remained crouched before me, his warm hands on my knees when another contraction hit. He shot up, his hands on my shoulders to steady me. I grabbed his shirt, gripping it and close to ripping it since his child was trying to rip out of me.
"I got you. I got you, Kagome."
A dark laugh spilled out of me, a mixture of pain and hormones that had my emotions all over the place. "You got me...INTO THIS MESS...you damn well better….be here to GET ME OUT OF IT!"
I was panting but the contraction was over, Inuyasha still held me tight though. "Please don't call having my baby a mess. Besides, the real mess starts after the baby is born."
By the time the doctor arrived, my contractions had stalled. She kept checking but my cervix hadn't dilated past seven centimeters. Inuyasha was beginning to pace.
"Isn't there something we can do? The baby could be in distress!"
That made me nervous and Inuyasha cringed, stopping his little walk to sit beside me and hold my hand. The doctor said something to her nurse and then answered his question. "The baby is fine. We went over all of this when we prepped for a home birth. Remember?"
She was scolding him and if it were another time or place, I would have laughed. He was the one who pushed to have the baby at home, changing my birth plan completely. I wanted to have her in a hospital surrounded by doctors and people who knew what the fuck they were doing! But Inuyasha had his reasons.
"Sorry." He mumbled to her and to me.
Hours passed and finally, my labor started again. But I almost wished it hadn't. I thought the contractions were bad. No, pushing a six-pound person out of my vagina was worse. Things were tearing and all I could do was continue to push and tear more.
Inuyasha was still at my side, letting me squeeze whatever I wanted to death in payback. At one point I had grabbed his shirt and pulled him in close to hear me growl. "I knew you were going to ruin my vagina."
He smiled and I almost punched him so he tried to lean back but I held on tight. My brain flip-flopped with emotions and I found myself crying. Inuyasha thought it was pain, using his free hand to brush wet strands from my face and cup my cheek carefully. But it wasn't the pain exactly. It was something else. It was fear.
"I don't...I don't want to do this alone….I don't want to raise her on my own…" I sobbed.
Inuyasha glanced over at the doctor and then back at me. "You aren't alone. You'll never be alone, Baby."
It was strange, hearing a term of endearment from him but I was too wrapped up in the situation to care. More sobs ripped from me and they hurt all the way down to my aching vagina.
"When I first saw you," Inuyasha whispered in my ear, "...up on that stage; you were terrified but you didn't back down. It was your eyes, Kagome. Your bright teal eyes and I couldn't look away from you. I wasn't there to buy or anything. You were not my purpose that day. But I couldn't leave you. I still can't. I wish I could say I was sorry but I want you more and more each day, Baby, so I can't let you go."
His words had another sob come out with a whimper but he cut it off, kissing me sweetly and not caring about the others in the room.
"Alright, Kagome. One more big push."
The bassinet Inuyasha bought months ago had yet to be used. Mainly because I was too afraid to move Moroha after she fell asleep. The last thing I wanted was to wake her.
So she slept next to me. With one arm wrapped around her head and the other poised over her, I kept her safe and eventually got used to the uncomfortable position. At two months she was far from rolling but I still felt paranoid about it.
I don't think I had really slept since she was born. Or before then when my size made me too uncomfortable. It was why when the lightest touch came to my arm, I nearly jolted out of bed.
"Kagome.." Inuyasha whispered, standing over me and looking down at the two of us.
Going around, he removed my homemade cage and gently lifted tiny Moroha into his hands. She used to fit in just his hands alone, stretching across his palms as he held them together. But now he had to put her in the crook of his arm to carry her. I was overjoyed she was growing, so small when she was born I wept for days, but she was growing fast.
Now still asleep in her bassinet, Inuyasha slowly climbed into the bed next to me. On my side and him on his, we stared at one another for a few silent moments. Then we met halfway in a tentative embrace that quickly turned up the heat.
We were ripping clothes off without a thought. It had been a while and Inuyasha had been very patient. And patient still, his tip pressing to my entrance and freezing.
"Are you okay? Are you ready?"
He was frantic. Wanting to fuck but not wanting to hurt me and the two were colliding together at the moment.
I grabbed his ass, digging in my claws, and whispered in his ear. "Fuck me hard now."
Obeying my command, his tip hit my womb so fast it made us both dizzy. A few seconds of fast pumps and we both came. Which was the fastest either of us had ever finished and stars filled my room.
We were both still a little out of it, Inuyasha still hard and as deep inside me as he could go, when Moroha fussed a little beside us. Neither of us moved and I was sure we had no clue how much noise we had made during our fast and needy fuck.
When she settled back to sleep, Inuyasha turned his attention back to me. "I meant for the two of you to sleep in my room with me."
I shook my head at him. "She keeps me up most of the night. And you have to work in the morning."
His arms around me, he gave me a squeeze. "I want to have more."
"More sex?"
"No, I mean yes that too. I want to have more kids. With you."
"Easy for you to say. I'm the one that went through hell!"
"But you can't tell me it wasn't worth it."
Inuyasha was looking back at the bassinet while I was watching him. The glassy look in his eyes and the smile on his face. If I wasn't already in love with Moroha, blissfully happy with my life, and actually thinking about at least two more children then the look on Inuyasha's face right now would have changed my mind.
"Yes. It was worth it."
I feel as though having a baby is pretty instinctual. Not the wanting to have a baby part but the growing and birthing in general.
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reifromrfa · 5 years
Be Happy: Zen x MC
MM Angst week Day 3: Danger | Death
Hey guys! Here’s my entry for day 3 of @mmangstweek ! This was both thrilling and heartbreaking to write, and I hope I was able to deliver the idea and message clearly! There’s a song that accompanies it, which I totally urge you to listen to on loop as you read the story.
You can listen to the song, “Take Her to the Moon” by Moira dela Torre, HERE. She’s a Filipina artist and I really love her style and her songs ^^ Don’t worry though, the song’s in English! If you don’t want the song on repeat, I advise you to play it when you see the ♪ in the fic :) 
I hope you guys enjoy the fic, and happy angst week! ;)
Be Happy: Zen x MC
He doesn't notice when the city buildings turn to trees, when the day turns to night. Everything passes by him in a blur, his crimson eyes watching the road but at the same time, seeing something else. In his mind, all he can see are a pair of hazel eyes, twinkling in the moonlight.
Zen revs the engine and his motorcycle speeds past the main road and onto the path leading to his secret place, the place only a handful of his friends know about. An ironic smile crosses his face; the CEO-in-line is one of those people. But his heart clenches when he remembers Jumin standing beside him that day.
That day...
He shakes his head. Not yet. Not now.
Zen closes his eyes and listens as the sounds of the guitar fill the room, a serene smile plastered on his face. His head is propped on the arm of their sofa, body stretched out as the warm afternoon sun filters in from the small basement window. The voice of an angel fills the room and he can't help but fall in love with her all over again. 
"...So before we say I do, would you please hold me close tonight
Be with me"
Zen opens his eyes and gazes at MC, sitting on the other end of the couch by his feet. Her brown hair is piled messily on top of her head, her eyeglasses slipping down her nose as she leans forward and hastily scribbles musical notes and lyrics onto her notebook. Then when she's done, she straightens and readjusts her guitar on her lap.
But when she notices his eyes on her, MC turns to her boyfriend and giggles. "What?"
Zen grins. "Jagiya, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"
MC's cheeks turn pink but she nudges his feet with her leg. "I think you mentioned it before, but I don't mind hearing it again." Then she laughs. "But not when I'm like this! I didn't even comb my hair today!"
Zen sits up, his eyes bright. "Ya, Jagi, this is exactly why you're beautiful. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to dress up or even comb your hair." He moves his legs and scoots closer to MC. Zen's fingers brush her cheek and he sees her get redder. "You're an angel, MC. My gorgeous angel."
MC reaches up and touches his hand, then turns her face so her lips can kiss his fingers. "Hyun, I love you. You're too sweet and charming for your own good, mister! I don't want to be an angel though, I just want to be a simple girl who's in love with a handsome knight~"
Zen traces her lips with his fingers and he feels her body tensing, her lips parting as she inhales sharply. "No...you're definitely an angel, MC. Maybe an angel who lives on the moon. And every time there's a full moon, you'd come to earth and grace the knight with your presence."
MC pouts, grabbing his wrist and pulling his fingers away from her lips before she combusts on the spot. "But Zenny, that's too tragic. It means I won't get to see you all the time?"
"Don't all love stories have a little bit of tragedy in them? Besides," Zen says, inching closer to her. "One day, the knight will find a way so the angel doesn't have to go back to the lonely moon. And they'll spend the rest of their lives happily on earth, together."
MC is grinning from ear to ear, knowing her boyfriend is now lost in the script he's created. "But Hyun, what if the angel has friends on the moon?"
Zen pretends to mull it over, his face scrunching up in concentration. He shrugs and says, "Then I guess the knight will have to find a flying horse so he can take her back to the moon. And when they're flying, she can hold onto his waist tightly." 
MC laughs out loud. "Hyun! She's an angel! She can fly!"
"I know, but she'd want to be as close to the knight as possible, right? He's so good-looking that she won't be able to resist the excuse of holding onto him tightly."
MC lightly smacks her forehead with her palm before nodding seriously. "You're right. I didn't think of that. She'd totally bury her face on his back and take the opportunity to feel those abs under the knight's shirt..."
A wicked grin spreads on his face. "His abs...? Jagi...didn't I tell you all men are wolves? Even the knight will end up unleashing his beast on the sweet, innocent angel."
MC winks. "Maybe the angel wants to be corrupted a little~"
"She does?" He shifts in his seat until he's only a few inches away from her. MC shakes her head.
"Ya, ya! Hyun, I need to finish this song by this week!" MC protests, scooting away. But Zen reaches for her waist and MC squeals as he pulls her closer to him.
"But my angel," he says in a low voice. "When the morning comes, we'll have to part once more." His crimson eyes are full of sincerity and MC has to remind herself how to breathe. "So tonight...grant me this moment with you."
His lips find her neck and MC gasps, then moans as he sucks on her collarbone. "H-Hyun..."
Zen grabs her guitar and takes it off her hands, placing it on the floor before he reaches for the hem of her shirt...
"Mmm?" he murmurs, tongue playfully licking her skin. He feels MC's hands on his shoulders as she pushes him away. Before he could ask what's wrong, MC has already stood up, heading for the kitchen.
"Jagi? What's wrong?" Zen asks. He moves the guitar so he doesn't step on it and that's when his eyes notice the drop of blood on the smooth surface of the instrument. "Jagi?" Zen stands and goes to his girlfriend, who's reaching for a hand towel.
"Sorry, babe. Just a nosebleed. Total turn-off, I know!" She laughs.
He reaches his secret place and Zen finds a spot to park his motorcycle. Then, the silver-haired actor walks to the edge of the cliff that overlooks the city. In the dark, the lights twinkle and glisten beautifully. Once, he found them beautiful. Hell...MC called this view "dazzling". And she's right, it is. But it's not the same now...
Zen swallows the painful lump in his throat but he can't stop the stinging of his eyes as hot tears begin to blur his vision.
The day MC got that nosebleed was the start of it all...the start of the end. The nosebleeds got more frequent until he took her to see a doctor...where they were given the news that MC was sick. 
Zen remembers all those damn tests, being in and out of the hospital. How MC started to look paler, thinner. The entire RFA doing their best to help. The CEO-in-line even bought them plane tickets to see the best doctors in different countries.
But their diagnosis never changed. The numbers did...the numbers that sent fear into Zen's very core.
"Two years."
"Nine months."
"Twelve weeks."
They all said they could do the treatments, of course. Different treatments that could help ease her pain, help her get better. Who knows, maybe their predictions were wrong...miracles happen everyday after all, right?
In those days, Zen realized that hospitals all smelled the same...hospitals all looked the same. No matter where they were, he saw the same, familiar white walls. God, he grew to hate those white walls. But it didn't matter, because the woman who brought color to his life would be there, in that dull, colorless room, smiling at him.
Zen reaches inside his leather jacket for his pack of cigarettes, grabbing a stick and putting it between his lips. Taking his lighter in his hands, he raises it to the cigarette but hesitates. MC always told him to stop smoking, that it isn't good for his health. She's right, of course...but...
With a sigh, Zen pockets his lighter and puts the cigarette back into the pack. MC would be sad if she saw him smoking again. Instead, he plugs his earphones into his ears and goes to her playlist.
The one she specially made for him, the one she left for him.
He clicks play and shoves his phone back into his pocket. Zen lays his arms on the metal railing, leaning forward and continuing to stare at the city skyline without really seeing. Because now he lets his tears flow freely down his cheeks.
"Zenny! Haha...babe. If you're listening to this right now, you must be missing me. I miss you too, Hyun. I hope you've had your meal, and that you're somewhere warm and comfortable. But if you're on the subway, then be safe, okay~? And I hope you're smiling right now. Because I'm about to serenade you with my beautiful angelic voice! So..." MC makes a show of clearing her throat and Zen gives a small chuckle, imagining her face. "Without further ado, here's MC's top ten billboard hits!"
His ears are filled with the strumming of the guitar strings and Zen closes his eyes, picturing her in their living room, tirelessly working on her songs. He imagines her messy hair, the loose strands he's always itching to brush away...the crease between her eyebrows when she struggles with her lyrics or the chords. Her lips parting when she's staring at her notebook, lost in thought. The way she scratches her nose when she's annoyed or frustrated.
Song after song, Zen keeps the image of his beloved MC in his head, until the playlist goes to the last track and his heart twists painfully in his chest.
This was the last song she sang publicly...
"Zen, let's go to the cafe tomorrow."
Zen looks up from his phone, eyes focusing on MC beside him in their bed. The hospital released her, saying she could stay home as long as Zen watches over her and she takes her medications. Her next treatment is already scheduled and Zen's just grateful to have her home, so MC doesn't need to be trapped in that stifling hospital any longer.
"Tomorrow?" Zen glances at the calendar on his phone --Wednesday night. "Tomorrow is open mic, Jagi. You want to see the new performers?"
MC shakes her head. "I want to sing, Hyun."
Zen stares at her, processing her words. Slowly, he nods. He wouldn't be the one to stop her from doing what she wants, not now. In his head, he's already thinking about the medications he'll need to bring, where her thick jacket is.
"Okay, babe. Sure, let's do it!" He smiles and kisses her cheek, wanting to stay positive for her. "I want to see my girlfriend perform."
Zen announces it to the RFA, of course. And the following night, everyone is there, seated around a table as the lights dim and MC walks up the stage. Zen watches her by the side of the stage, heart swelling with pride. Under the small spotlight, MC is glowing. He's certain the cafe patrons wouldn't even notice how loose her sweater is, only how beautifully the brown-haired singer is as she sits on the stool and adjusts the microphone.
"Good evening," MC says into the mic, her cool voice making the cafe clients turn their heads to her. "I'd like to share with you an original song I've been working on for quite a while now." MC smiles. "I dedicate this to someone special...a knight who likes to gaze at the full moon."
Zen's eyes widen.
She laughs into the microphone. "I know this probably doesn't make sense, but it's a silly tale my boyfriend told me. And...and I'd like to dedicate this song to him. I hope you all enjoy."
MC's fingers start strumming and her body sways slightly as she gets into the mood of her song. Zen stands there breathlessly, awaiting the moment her voice reaches his soul. Finally, MC opens her mouth and starts singing.
♪"I know it's been a while since our eyes last met
Too many words were left unsaid
Your head was poking out of the driver's seat
Eyes full of tears, I couldn't leave"
Zen can feel dread seeping into his bones, but even if fear is making its way into his heart, he can't look away from the angel pouring her heart out on stage. The entire room is quiet, everyone enchanted by MC. 
♪"No matter what I do I still feel you coming back to me
When I know that you never will
So before I say goodbye, would you do one last thing for me
Be happy"
"No...no, babe. Don't say goodbye. Don't say goodbye. I can't be happy without you."
♪"And take, take her to the moon for me"
"Her? MC...Jagi, no."
"Take her like you promised me"
"You still remember the knight's promise to the angel? Haha...Jagi, you're adorable."
♪"Say you love her every time like how you told me the last time"
"But what are you saying? This is...no. Why are you telling me this?"
♪"Someday I know we'll meet again
In heaven by the rainbow's end"
"Yes, Jagi. Yes, I'll be there with you, I'll meet you there."
♪"And I only wish you happiness
Until we meet again"
"But MC please. You have to know...You have to know you're the only woman I'll ever love."
Zen leans against the wall as the words sink into his head, into his heart. The song...her words. He understands what she's trying to tell him. To find another, to love again when she...
God. Zen bites his lower lip to keep himself from crying. He's still holding out hope that everything will be alright. He knows his MC will pull through this, they'll be able to overcome this. So why...why is she singing this? Why is she telling him this?
He can feel the glances from the RFA's table but he can't tear his eyes away from the love of his life. Her enchanting voice resounds around the room as she begins the second verse.
♪"Wish I could stick around and fight back your tears
Tell you 'My love, I'm still here'"
Zen feels his tears slipping down his cheeks. The weight of their situation hits him and the truth is suddenly too real, too suffocating. He finally allows himself to understand...
♪“Someday we'll understand why I had to leave
But for now I need you to set me free"
...that he may need to live the rest of his life without her by his side.
♪"No matter where you are
You'll always have my heart"
Zen smiles sadly, nodding to himself. His love knows him too well. She knows how he's been in denial of their situation, how he's been trying so hard to stay positive, to reassure her that everything will be alright. But he knows, he knows what she's trying to say.
♪"No matter where you are
I'll love you from afar"
"Zenny, there's a chance you'll have to let me go. Whether we like it or not...we'll be parted. But know that it's you, it's you I'll always love. Don't be scared, Zenny. This is only temporary...don't be scared, my knight."
Zen is smiling despite his tears. She is a woman like no other he's ever met in his entire existence and even in this terrifying moment of uncertainty for their future, her future...he can't help but love her more. In this moment, as she bares her heart out on stage, he wants to run to her and hold her in his arms and tell her again and again how much he loves her. To scream to the cafe, to the world how much this woman means to him, how she is his and he is hers, forever.
The room is silent, no one dares to break the solemn moment, the beautiful, heartfelt melody of the woman touching each of their hearts.
Jaehee is already crying, her heart breaking as MC's message rings around the space. Yoosung has his head bowed, eyes hidden. But there's no mistaking that his shoulders are shaking. Saeyoung puts an arm around Yoosung's shoulder, pulling the youngest member to him and giving him a gentle squeeze. His own eyes are wet, but Saeyoung swallows his tears, not wanting MC to see him cry too. 
Jumin has his eyes closed, arms crossed in front of him. Jihyun knows his best friend must be aware of the message behind MC's song. He sees Jumin swallowing, eyebrows knit, and Jihyun swipes at his cheek to wipe away his own tears. His turquoise eyes search the room to find Hyun. He spots the actor near the stage, tears streaming down his face. But there's a faint smile on Zen's face, his attention riveted to his love.
♪"No matter what I do I still feel you coming back to me
When I know that you never will
So before I say goodbye, would you do one last thing for me
Be happy"
"I'll always love you, my angel...my princess...my MC. Jagi, I get it. I get it. I'll still fight for you, I'll fight for you until the very end, MC. I'll pray for that miracle.
But loving another...taking another to the moon. Haha, sometimes I feel like I don't deserve such a wonderful, brave, talented, amazing woman like you. I'm sorry...I can't take another to the moon. Because if...if...if you leave me...
I know you'll be there on the moon, waiting for me. For your knight.
Thank you, Jagi, for wanting happiness for me. I'll be happy...don't worry, I'll be happy. As best I can. But you're the only one I want to take to the moon. The only one I'll go to the moon for. Silly girl...I love you so much, MC. I love you."
They had seven more blissful months together before she was taken from him. Zen listens to MC singing in his ear, the voice he misses so much so close and yet...so far out of his reach. He gazes at the full moon in the clear sky, eyes glistening with tears.
"MC," he says out loud, as though he's talking to the moon. "My moon angel. I did what you asked...I took the love of my life to the moon. That's right...one year ago today. I took her to the moon. She was smiling at me before we parted."
Zen sniffs and smiles before he continues. "I told her everyday how much I love her. I still tell her, in my dreams. And you know what, Jagi? I also told her...that no matter where she is,
she'll always have my heart."
His heart is aching, longing for the one he loves and Zen breaks down, allowing himself to cry. Today is her death anniversary, after all. He's allowed to cry, he's allowed to let himself miss her and be weak. The actor braves each day without her by his side...and he tries his best to live, to be happy like he promised her. Even though he has to walk each day alone, he doesn't mind; he's still very much in love with the woman who infiltrated their chatroom so many years ago. 
As the song comes to an end, MC's laugh rings in his ears.
"Tada! I may have changed the lyrics for this song a little, Hyun...But I love you too much to let those genes go to waste! Haha, so love, don't be afraid to love again, okay? Hyun...I know our time was cut short but know that I love you so much and you made me so happy. Everyday was a wonderful melody with you, my knight. I love you..."
"No matter where you are, MC," he whispers, voice trembling. "You'll always have my heart. No matter where you are...I'll love you from afar. And one day, we'll meet again, like we promised, babe. I'll go to the moon if I have to. I know you wanted me to find a girl, so I wouldn't be alone...but I already have someone I love. I'm just waiting for the day we meet again."
Hyun Ryu stays there for a while longer, gazing at the moon and wondering if she's watching him from the heavens. 
When it was time to leave, he takes a deep breath and wipes his tears. She may be gone, but his love for her will never fade, never wane. And someday, they'll meet again...he honestly believes that. But for now, while they're apart...he'd like to keep one promise that she asked from him.
MC’s fingers hovers over the stop button. She wanted her last words to him to be positive. No more goodbyes, no heartaches...no pain. She wanted him to remember her with that dazzling smile on his face.
She grins despite the tears in her eyes. Leaning into the microphone, she says:
"Hyun Ryu, you'll always have my heart. I love you. Be happy."
She ends the recording.
"Be happy."
I’d love to know your thoughts for this ^^; Thank you so much for reading, guys <3 More angst to come!...if I can finish them on time hahaha :))
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (ᵔᴥᵔ)
I’d be honored to write your story <3*
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zensbae · 5 years
Finding your feet again.. {Zen x mc}
Part II of "The Penthouse"
Takes place in Jumin's route, so spoilers, sweetie~
Teen - Swearing
2090-ish Words
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, mental health
~{This is my headcanon "bad-story ending" for Jumin's route, where you {the mc} leave the penthouse with Zen}~
~*~*~*~ Jumin's side of things ~*~*~*~
Entering the lobby of his apartment building, jumin feels on edge. Why is mc ignoring his texts? Deciding to dial her, the director steps straight onto the elevator, his back to the lobby, as he presses the button and begins his ascent to the top floor.
No answer, voicemail. This is unlike mc to neglect her phone this way, she always has it close by with how active she is in the chat room. He rings Jaehee.
"Yes, Mr. Han, what is it?" her soft voice answers back.
"Miss Kang, have you heard from mc recently? She won't answer my texts or my calls, I'm beginning to feel strange." Jumin admits.
Jaehee clears her throat, "No; isn't she still at your penthouse?"
"She hasn't been in the chatroom either, I left work early to come check on her. I feel complicated.." He says with a slight irritation in his voice.
"Jumin, are you all right?" The assistant asks, concern to her tone.
"Um, no- to be honest, I'm not all right. I will be in touch with you after I've seen that she's safe, until then, thank you for your concern Miss Kang, excuse me."
"Goodbye Mr. Han, I hope she's safe.."
He hangs up as the elevator reaches the top floor, doors opening to the reassuring sight of his bodyguards still posted at their stations.
"Mr. Han, sir? That was very fast." The chief bodyguard steps forward to greet him.
"I beg your pardon?" The director asks.
"Not long ago you said you were taking mc home to see that she continues her work?"
A wave of a feeling he can only describe as panic washes over Jumin Han, "Excuse me chief, I didn't inform you I was returning early from work.."
Entering his pass code urgently, he steps into the penthouse, mc's shoes are gone. Elizabeth can be heard mewing loudly from her cage in the background. He runs to the bed, no sigh of mc or her phone.
"AAIIISH!!" he hisses as he throws the blankets back sinking his weight into the bed, hands covering his face. She's gone. Quickly he gets on his security computer and pulls up CCTV footage, he rewinds the footage to where he sees mc go to the door, is that.. himself entering?
mc leaves holding the man's hand in the footage. The time on the footage makes that about 8 minutes ago.
Dialing Luciel, he bites down on his thumb nail.
"Jumin, what's up, meow?" The redhead answers by the 2nd ring.
"Luciel, now is not the time for pleasantries. My CCTV footage is acting strange, I saw a man.. resembling me, leave with mc 8mins ago on the playback feed. Only that's impossible because I just arrived here moments ago."
"Ohhhhhh?? Let me see.. hold on a sec-" 707 can be heard typing vigorously over the line, "HMmmM.. let's zoom in and get a good look, shall we?"
"You're 184cm, correct?" The hacker abruptly asks.
"That is correct."
"The man in the footage is 182cm tall.. you have a shorter doppelganger on the loose!"
A sick feeling in his gut again washes over the C&I heir, as he runs to tell the bodyguards of Luciel's findings, "Thank you for the information, Luciel. Continue searching and find out who it is, my bodyguards have begun a search in the building."
Just as he hangs up, something catches his eye.. there is a single silver hair on the floor. Upon closer inspection it is not one of Elizabeth's hairs. Clenching his jaw, he keys in Zen's number.
It's already afternoon, wow it was a long drive from Jumin's Penthouse.
Stopped at a traffic light, Zen's phone is ringing. The actor pulls his phone out of his pocket and you both see that none other than Jumin Han himself, is ringing.
Tightening your grip around his waist, slight anxiety makes its way to the forefront of your mind.
Zen returns in kind, pocketing his phone, gently caressing your hands with his, "Babe, are you hungry?"
"Yes, starving actually.." you admit to his back.
"Okay," The light turns green, he lets go of your hand and once again the motorcycle rolls forward.
Wind nipping at your arms and hair, you still feel anxious, but Zen's presence alone is comforting.
He pulls off at a barbecue place, you don't know this, but it's close to the theater he rehearses at often. You get off the bike with a hand from Zen and the two of you make your way inside the restaurant.
Seated in a back corner near a window, the actor tells the waitress he'll have his usual, winking at you as he makes a two with his fingers.
"Never in my entire acting career, did I ever think I'd be portraying that jerk." Zen sighs as he takes his hair down from the tight bun he had it in, fixing his loose locks back into a low-pony. He undoes his tie next, slinging it out of his collar, tossing it on the table. Lastly, unbuttoning the top 3 buttons on his pin-striped dress shirt, "Aaaahhh, MUCH better.."
He shifts his gaze back to you, you're looking out the window. Fixated on the street bustling with traffic outside, your hands cupping your chin.
"mc, are you all right?" He asks, eyeing your reflection in the window, "It's okay if you're not.."
You breath out a shallow sigh, "I'm better now, I just can't help but think he's going to try and take me back.."
"Jagiya, I'll worry about him when he does, for now I'm worried about you." he smiles faintly at you in your reflection.
Focusing on your own reflection, you suddenly realize how disheveled you look. Hair is frizzy and tangled, shirt collar is all bunched up under the blazer Zen loaned you. You try to straighten your shirt out atleast, taking the blazer off and sitting it beside you.
Then you finally meet the handsome actor's gaze. He's so breath-taking in person, and his eyes, wow.. they almost don't look real, deep Ruby and crimson with flecks of Amber mixed in.
"I didn't even get the chance to introduce myself, it's so nice to meet you, Zen.. I'm mc" you extend your hand to his, he takes it and gingerly encloses yours in both of his.
A warm smile crosses his lips, "It's nice to finally meet the mysterious party planner behind the screen. I'm so sorry it had to be like this;;"
Shrugging, you say, "It is what it is, I'm just glad you were there for me when I needed you.." a light hue of pink dusts your cheeks. The actor's hands are so warm, his skin soft too.
An array of raw meats thinly sliced, seafood, and vegetables make their debut at your table. Dipping sauces, side dishes of kimchi, rice, and other pickled veggies decorate the table. More plates come out for serving. This is a feast, good thing you're hungry.
Without skipping a beat, Zen begins to dress the grill with veggies, and some meats for you. "A girl has to eat," he says affectionately, flashing you his signature smile.
You smile back, "Well hurry up, cause this girl is hungry~"
A while later after you've both eaten your fill of Korean BBQ leftovers in tow, you make it back to Zen's place. Upon your arrival there is an unnervingly familiar face there to greet you both.
You glance at Zen worriedly and he squeezes your hand reassuringly, letting go to step towards the other man.
"Ah, it's Mr. CEO-in-line. What brings you here?" Zen feigns ignorance.
"I'm here to collect mc, she's important to me and I need her." Jumin says, crossing his arms and stepping toward the actor "I have to admit masquerading as me to get her was clever, but the masquerade is over, hand her to me."
"No. I can't do that, Jumin. You can't just cage her up against her will and expect everything to be okay. That isn't how this works!" Zen says shooting him a disapproving scowl
Jumin frowns, "Then I'll have to do this the hard way. Chief! Please lend me your assistance."
Chief of Jumin's security and 2 sidelining bodyguards step out from the shadows and go to grab you, but you lunge out of the way. Scurrying to your feet, you run to Zen.
The bodyguards surround the two of you.
"JUMIN!" You yell his name, shaking. "I don't want to go back with you!!"
The director falters for a moment, "Then what would you have me do, mc?"
"Go back to your penthouse, let Elizabeth out of that damn cage, and GO TALK TO SOMEONE!" You shout, your gaze piercing his.
"You're making a SERIOUS mistake if you keep going with this shitty kidnapping plan of yours," Zen barks out, you can hear his heart pounding in his close proximity.
Jumin steps back and clears his throat, "Oh my God what am I doing? Chief, hold back.. I need to think."
Stepping towards Jumin, you take a deep breath mustering up your courage to face the business man. Zen goes to reach for you but you brush away from his touch, making eye contact with a worried glance, he reads you and nods.
"I won't go back with you, but even though I haven't been with the organization that long.. I can see that you really do need help, Jumin."
Jumin meets your eyes with his own, ashamedly, "mc, I want to formally apologize for my behavior, I am truly sorry.. I'm not in my right mind, I'm under so much stress.. it's stifling and I have never felt like this."
You smile softly at the downtrodden business man, "I have a party guest confirmed to attend who specializes in dealing with emotions in a healthy way, if you want to see him?"
The director nods in agreement, "Yes that would probably be wise, please forward me his contact information." and with that Jumin straightens his tie and steps toward the actor waiting behind you.
"Zen I must also apologize to you, I put mc in an unfair position and in doing so ignored advice from you and the others. I'm truly sorry. I must also thank you for taking mc's safety more seriously than I."
Watching, you see the fire slowly extinguished in Zen's crimson eyes, he strides over to Jumin, "Ha.. I didn't expect an apology. I've known you for a long time, but I was truly worried you'd gone off the deep end."
The both of you see Jumin off with Driver Kim and the Chief bodyguard. The two other bodyguards stay behind to guard you while you're at Zen's, for his peace of mind.
Spending the rest of the evening at Zen's proves to be a therapy in itself for you. He lets you close to him so effortlessly, and it feels as if you've known him a long time. After today you are so relieved things ended this way, leading up to it you feared the worst.
When Mr. Han gets back he sends Driver Kim again for you, and you return to Rika's apartment at last to finish the planning for the party. Smiling softly to yourself as you boot up your computer you think, beyond that cool exterior Jumin Han has a beating human heart with feelings like the rest of us.
Jumin takes steps to getting the help he needs dealing with his emotions in a healthy way, he actually goes away for a while to meet experts in a foreign country. Unfortunately missing the party, and not being present very often in the chats, but it gets him out of his betrothal, as the Choi sisters are not accommodating to his mental health.
Jaehee informs you of updates on Jumin while she looks after his cat in his absence, Elizabeth the Third still manages to escape and go missing like in Zen's foresight dream, but Seven manages to find her in his own search for the hacker. You and Zen start dating shortly after the party.
A whirlwind of events to get you here, but you smile back on the tribulations that have transpired leaving you all a bit better off than you started.
~{I'd like to make one big note, I'm a softy and Jumin deserves peace and happiness, even if it's not from mc ❤️}~
originally I planned a spiral downward ending for Mr. trust fund kid, but I couldn't do him dirty like that~
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god7072therescue · 5 years
Mafia: Chapter One
Hey guys!! I am super excited to share chapter one of the mafia AU!! Now, this fic is just going to get darker from here. so ... buckle up!! It’s going to get wild! And I have plans for everyone that is in the poll so don’t worry about that! I hope everyone likes this and I hope the rfa guys are mafia enough for everyone! Please enjoy!! 
Masterlist  Prologue 
Trigger Warnings: Language, mentions of violence, mentions of prostitution, sexual themes. 
You can feel how heavy the atmosphere is around the area as you stare at the entrance in front of you. A dark, sleek glass door keeps the pedestrians on the street from being able to see inside. You have passed by the building a couple of times during the day, but you have never gotten chills by the mere sight of the door. 
 Until now. 
 Only the elites are able to enter this club. The only other way to enter is to be invited by the owner. You never want to be invited. The outcome is always grim. But now you are one of the ones to be invited. 
 You can only pray that you will not have the same outcome. 
 The club looks completely different during the day. There are no lines of cars up the street, no bouncer to keep you out, and there are no flashing lights that blind you every time the door opens. You used to be curious about what is behind those heavy doors. But now all you want to do is run. 
 Because you know what ever is waiting for you behind those doors is going to destroy you. 
 You have heard stories of the man that waited behind those doors. Rumors that are meant to keep the teenagers in your neighborhood inside at night. Tales that make the boogeyman seem like an old friend. Reports of how this man monster broke your father. Recounts of how this monster tore your father to pieces, forcing him to sacrifice the only saving grace your father had. 
 You have never known what hatred felt like before your father was forced into giving you away. You are now well acquainted with the feeling. Hatred hasn't left your side since your father told you he forfeited you. At first you were furious with your father since he was the one who sacrificed you. But now, you are filled with a seething hatred for Jumin Han. 
 The name fills you with animosity. 
 And terror. 
 You let in a shaky breath as you step towards the door. You grip the handle for a moment before you finally build up the courage to open the damn thing. The door opens with ease. You half expected it to be locked. But sadly, it is open. 
 You look around the club in astonishment as you enter the main entrance. You can feel the stares on your back as you walk further in. The inside is well lit, allowing you to see the sheer amount bodyguards surrounding the interior. Is this a fortress or something? 
 The main area is filled with luxurious furniture surrounding the dance floor. There is also a stage with a steel pole directly in the middle. Just looking at the stage makes you sick. Will you be forced to dance on that stage one night?
 You cast your gaze towards the bar. There are so many bottles of liquor, you doubt you can name them all. So many of the brands are foreign to you. You are so wrapped up in your thoughts, you do not expect the teasing voice that speaks behind you. 
 "You must be our newest ... addition." 
 You are jolted out of your thoughts as you spin around to look at where the voice came from. You see a man with long, alabaster hair peering down at you. He gives you a devilish grin as he looks you up and down slowly. You notice that he has a light bruise forming on his left cheek. You are then caught off guard by his rare eye color as he studies your figure. Garnet. 
 You swallow at the unwanted attention. His fierce gaze causes you to look away, frazzled because even if you are extremely uncomfortable, the man is insanely attractive. And judging by the cocky grin on his face, he knows it. You shift your weight from foot to foot as you wait for his hungry gaze to leave you. Normally, you would tell him to leave you alone, but you have no idea who this man is or what his capabilities are. 
 "I was told to come get you. Boss's orders." 
 His voice seems pleasant as he speaks, but you are sure that it is deceiving to his true character. The pale man sneered when he mentioned his boss, but you do not dare make conversation. You just wait for him to tell you what to do. Taking orders is going to be your life now. You might as well get used to it. 
 "Follow me. We can have formal introductions after you meet with his royal highness." 
 He gives you another grin before he begins to walk away. You hesitantly follow. The tension the man in front of you has towards Jumin is obvious, but you refuse to make any inquiries. His heavy footsteps echo throughout the club as he leads you to a dimly lit hall behind the bar area. You force yourself to contain the tears that form in your eyes. 
 You feel as though you are being led to slaughter. 
 As you walk up the stairs, you realize just how long the man's hair is. It ends well below his waist. Wouldn't that get in the way of fighting? You do not dwell on the thought too long because you almost run into the man in front of you. You stop in your tracks when you realize he has stopped moving. Your muscles tense when you hear a quick knock. 
 The door opens and you are shocked to see a man with blue hair open the door. His glasses are tinted as dark as the windows to the club. How can he see? Your question is soon forgotten when you see the blue haired man step aside, allowing you and the other man into the room. You watch as the men walk further inside. 
 You take a long inhale before you step into the room. The office you have entered is in immaculate condition. There is not a book out of place, a speck of dust on any surface, or a stray piece of paper strewn on the grand mahogany desk. You barely have anytime to process this, because your eyes are glued to the man standing behind the desk. 
 Jumin Han. 
 You stand still as you take in the sight before you. There was the man you were taught to fear since he had opened the club down the street from your home. He is a lot different than you had imagined. He is beautiful. 
 The devil was also beautiful. 
 His gray eyes stare into yours, forcing you to hold his piercing gaze. You cannot look away as you feel him already testing you. Testing to see if you will look away. Trying to see how easily he can put you into submission. 
 You refuse to look away. 
 The corner of his mouth twitches when he sees that you will not submit so easily. He holds an emotion in his eyes that is indiscernible. 
 "You must be MC. Here," he gestures to one of the leather chairs in front of his desk, "Have a seat." 
 If you had not already known who this man is, you would have believed he is cordial man. His voice is thunderous but does not seem hostile. But you know exactly who he is. His kind front may be how he draws people into his ruse. 
 His eyes flash up to the white-haired man as he says in a much colder tone, "You may leave, Zen." 
 You don't turn around to see Zen's reaction, but you are pretty sure it isn't pleasant by the sound of the door slamming. 
 "Jihyun... follow him. I'd like to speak with MC alone." 
 Your blood runs cold when you hear the door close a second time, much quieter than when Zen left. Being left alone with Jumin causes your heart to race. You slowly walk towards the chair and you take a seat. You sit up straight as you look into his stormy eyes. You do not look away as you cross your legs in an attempt to make yourself comfortable. 
 You purposefully chose an outfit that did nothing for your figure. You figured a formless brown sweater and dark baggy jeans would not be appealing to the mob boss in front of you. You also just let your hair air dry after your shower so it would not look styled at all. You do not want to be attractive to this man at all. By the look on Jumin's face, it seems he knows your clothing choice was on purpose. 
 His ability to guess your thoughts is unnerving. 
 Jumin sits down in the lavish chair behind his desk before he analyzes you. While he takes the liberty to analyze you, you do the same. You scan the expanse of his face, his hair, his suit, and the rest of him just to realize that he has no flaws. His skin is clear, his features are perfectly sculpted, there is not a wrinkle on his suit, the ornate rings on his masculine fingers are expertly polished...
 You spend the entire time trying to find an imperfection on the monster in front of you, but you find none. 
 "I am not what you expected..." 
 His voice sounds amused, but his facial features remain the same as he finishes analyzing you. You feel your face redden because of how vulnerable you feel in his presence. You feel exposed because you are already aware that he owns you. Jumin's eyes flick to your cheeks before he continues to speak. 
 "I am going to make a deal with you MC..." He thinks about his choice of words for a brief moment before he says, "No... I am going to have mercy on you." 
 You feel your eyes widen as he speaks in his low timbre. Mercy? 
 "I have a critical task for you to complete. And you are the only one who is able to do it as of right now." 
 You hang on to every word he says. Father told you that Jumin would undoubtedly begin to pimp you out to his clients. By the way Jumin is speaking to you... it does not seem like that is the case. You immediately lean back into your chair a bit because Jumin leans forward.
 "You are going to infiltrate Mint Eye. You are going to give me information on the bitch leading it."
 You cannot hide the initial fear on your face as he mentions Mint Eye. Mint Eye is the rival mafia on the south side of the city. You have heard horrible stories of Jumin's mafia... but you have heard even worse stories about his rival. Jumin Han will kill you... but Mint Eye will torture your children and leave them on your front step as an example. That was only one of the many rumors you have heard regarding them. Jumin ignores the fear etched on your face as he continues to tell you of your new duties. 
 "Until that entire mafia is turned to ash, you will do everything I say. And you will do it without complaint. You will have a room to yourself here and you will have access to all of the benefits members of my mafia receive." 
 You are already trembling by the time his eyes pierce yours. You lean further back into your seat as you try not to let the tears forming in your eyes fall. You will not let this monster have the satisfaction of seeing you cry. You can feel the menacing energy exude from him as his voice becomes more and more belligerent.  
 "When that bitch and her little lackeys are dead, I will give you your freedom." 
 You are too overwhelmed by the entire ordeal to react in any positive way, but you know this is unheard of when dealing with Jumin Han. He never lets people out of his grasp. He enjoys the power over people too much. You open your mouth so you can express your appreciation for his kindness, but you snap your mouth shut when you see his gaze turn into a seething glare. 
 "If you ever dare oppose me, I will keep you here.”
 His eyes darken as his voice morphs into a softer yet threatening tone. A ghost of a smile appears on his lips as he notices the tears beginning to stream down your flushed cheeks,
 "You do not want to imagine the things I will do to you if you defy me."
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a-walk-in-silence · 6 years
A Princess By Any Other Name Pt. 2
Tumblr media
Pairing(s): OC x Fem!Princess!Reader, Coleman!OC x Fem!Princess!Reader, Duke!Harrison Osterfield x Fem!Princess!Reader, Lord!Tom Holland x Fem!Princess!Reader
Word Count: 6.5k
Summary: You’re just an ordinary girl, or so you thought. When your grandmother shows up and tells you otherwise, your entire world is thrown upside down as you work to find your place in this whole mess.
Warnings: Bullying, teenage angst (a completely necessary warning), one (1) curse word ‘cuz it’s Zendaya, embarrassment (and a scene in a bathroom that is bad for everyone), barely edited
AU: Princess Diaries
A/N: Ayyyy ya girl here with Part 2 of that top secret fic series! Just your daily reminder to enjoy this fic! Also if y’all catch my lil Marvel joke somewhere in this, I’ll love you forever. Okay, go have fun reading! Oh, and if you see Zen Garden or Bongo in place of Zendaya or Bobby (a secret character), it’s completely intentional (I don’t want messages about typos, they’re just insulting one another).
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 3
Y/N - Your Name
Y/N/N - Your Nickname
Y/E/C - Your Eye Color
“Dear, I would not lie to you about this,” your grandmother said, still fazed from your previous outburst. “Your necklace bears the Genovian Crest and has been passed down through many great generations. You are a princess if ever there were one.” Her final decree was said, and silence reigned over the small party of servants and body guards that were outside with the two of you.
You shifted awkwardly in your chair, slender fingers gripping at the edge of your seat as your mind continued to run on the fastest speed possible. You wanted to ask more questions, but it seemed as if your grandmother was done arguing over your lineage at the current moment and you didn’t want to make her upset. So instead you silently stewed, your mind creating new thoughts and questions before you could begin to start processing them.
The sound of approaching feet crunching on grass made your head snap around. Standing a mere twenty feet away was a boy with toffee brown curls, tousled lightly in an oddly perfect kind of way. His chocolate brown eyes beckoned you closer, and you seemed to be at a loss for words at the boy standing before you.
A sudden look of disgust crossed his face, and the trance and illusion that had glued your eyes was long gone with his sour face. “What on Earth is that thing?” he questioned, his heavy British accent very apparent in his voice. The rude question coupled with his disgusted voice caused your jaw to drop open in shock at just how blunt he could possibly be. “Oh do close your mouth, we wouldn’t want you to catch flies.”
“Thomas,” she said, a small warning tone edging her voice, “this is my granddaughter, Y/N. I’m sure your Uncle has mentioned her before.” Although the words she spoke were pleasant, there was an underlying tone of anger and annoyance in the Queen’s voice, and it brought a small smile to your face. Turning to look at her, you saw her gesturing vaguely to the boy who had walked over to join you two, standing off to your side. “This is soon to-be Lord Thomas Stanley Holland. Thomas, this is Y/N Ramona Taylor Rothschild, the crown princess.”
Hesitantly, you lifted a hand out to him, trying to be polite despite his rude introduction. However, he ignored your hand and focused his attention on your grandmother. “Uncle Barnaby has requested that you and Benjamin take over my lessons tomorrow. He says there is a very important meeting with someone from Spain.”
“Yes, of course,” she responded, waving her hand in dismissal as she took the time to take a sip from her cup of tea. “Only if you promise to help me with my lessons with Y/N.”
“What?!” the two of you questioned in unison. Disdain started to build up inside your chest at the thought of having to work with someone so vile and mean for no other purpose than because he wants to be.
“Hold on!” you practically shouted, seeing as how Tom was about to start talking himself.  You wanted to be the first one to have any say, just so that he would be annoyed. Luckily, it worked. “I never agreed to any lessons on anything. I only just found out that I was a princess! You can’t expect me to now want these lessons! I just want to live a normal life! I was happy being invisible! No one saw me and I didn’t have to interact! Plus I have final exams next week! I can’t be a princess!”
“How anyone can be invisible with that hair and those eyebrows, I’ll never know,” Thomas muttered under his breath, but you managed to push his stupid voice and his mean remark to the back of your head.
Your grandmother, however, did not let his remark go unnoticed. She gave him a dirty glare before turning her attention towards yourself. “How about I talk to you and your mother tomorrow about this then, hmm? I’m sure you have a lot to think about.” Glancing down at her watch, she suddenly jumped to her feet. “I am terribly sorry, my dear, but I have a meeting with Greece that I simply must attend to. I’ll have Benjamin show you out. I will stop by early tomorrow morning to discuss things further.”
With that, she left, leaving you alone with Thomas Holland. To make matters worst, he decided to sit opposite of you, casually leaning back in the lawn chair until he was comfortable. He let a few seconds pass by in awkward silence before he decided to open his mouth. “You’re no princess, you know,” he said, taking your half-drank cup of tea from it’s saucer and taking a sip.
“And you’re no lord, either. Yet here you are, taking other peoples things and being a jerk. God, what is your problem?” You stood up at that and turned to walk back to the house. Behind you were accompanying footsteps, though you couldn’t be sure who they belonged to just yet. You didn’t care though. Your mind was focused on grabbing you bag and leaving on your bike.
However, a firm hand grabbed onto your wrist, stopping your forward movement. You turned around, ready to yell at whoever it was until you met the kind eyes of Benjamin. You relaxed slightly, still wary of the fact that the snobbish “soon to-be lord” Thomas could show up at any moment and ruin everything. “Please let go of me,” you whispered, giving your hand a good tug before sighing. “I just want to go home. I’ll get on my bike and leave, but I don’t want to be here anymore.”
“I was asked to see you home,” he replied curtly before releasing your wrist.
“No, you were asked to see me to the door. I have my bike, I can make it home myself, really. I’ll be fine.” Before he could react or say anything to try and stop you, you dashed into the living room, swooping your bag up in one fell-swoop and escaped out the front door. A few shouts from the people at the desk followed you, but you ignored them, grabbing your bike and rushing towards the great black gates that were starting to open as you approached.
Once through those giant gates confining you to the building, you hoped on your bike and took off, pedaling as fast as you could. Your hair was whipped around by the wind created by your fast pace and sharp turns as you hurried to return to your brightly colored house. Several cars swerved to avoid you, their horns blaring throughout the San Francisco Streets, accompanied by the shouts of the angry drivers of those cars.
Your tires screeched as you suddenly slammed on the brakes of your bike, coming to a stop right outside of your house. Anger started to bubble under your skin as you thought about how everything in your life felt as though it had been yanked from your hands without any warning. No one bothered to tell you this major bombshell was flying towards you, ready to explode and obliterate you without a seconds warning. No one bothered to even mention that maybe, just maybe, you were more than just an average girl in the suburbs. That you were a freaking princess.
Clambering off of your bike, you stormed into your house, letting you bike drop to the floor as you slammed the door behind yourself. Your mother, who was currently sitting on a stool in front of a canvas, suddenly jumped up, giving you a weird look. “Y/N? Are you-”
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” you shouted, tossing you bag onto the closest couch. “Why didn’t you tell me that my father was a prince and that I’m a princess? Why did you keep this a secret? Shouldn’t I have been given the chance to know this for myself?” Your mother visibly flinched at the tone of your voice, but you weren’t about to stop. “Why was I the only one not informed about this? Why?”
“I’m sorry,” your mother mumbled, and you took a moment to study her face. A deep frown was settled on her face, her brows furrowed together. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears as her bottom lip ever so slightly jutted out in a pout as the corners of her mouth turned down. “All three of us agreed to tell you when you were 18, but your father’s passing sped up the process. I’m sorry...”
You wanted to feel sorry, you truly did, but you couldn’t help but still feel betrayed by everything that had happened in the past few hours. So, instead, you turned on your heels, pulling your bike up until it was upright, and heading for the door.
“Y/N, where are you going?” your mother called after you as you forcibly opened the door.
“I’m going to the auto shop to check on my baby,” you called back, malice dripping in your voice. Once more, you slammed the door closed and took off down the streets, navigating through the many blocks until you happened upon the shop where Zendaya’s brother, Bobby Coleman, worked. It was because of him that your car was getting any attention at all. It was because of Bobby that the amount of money that it would cost to repair your car would be less than anywhere else.
You pedaled as hard as you could, your mind swarming with intrusive thoughts of anger. You huffed as, pushing yourself harder and harder to try and push those thoughts from your mind. Your grip on the handlebars tightened as you centered your thoughts on the exercise you were putting your body through.
Up ahead, you caught sight of the auto repair shop just a few blocks ahead. Leaning forward, your feet sped up their pedaling until you came cruising to a stop in front of the open garage where, inside, the loud sound of a drums and a screeching guitar filled the air. You jumped off your bike and pushed it into the garage.
Bobby was at the keyboard, his skilled hands moving as m&m’s bounced up in the air as he pressed on the keys to the melody of the music. His curly dark brown hair bounced with every bob of his head, hiding his dark brown eyes momentarily. His white button-up hugged his skinny frame, accenting what little he did have. A few kids were loitering around, listening to the band as they performed. A few of Bobby’s fellow seniors were playing with him, his best friend, Marcus, was currently bobbing his head as he slammed his drumsticks into the drums.
You propped your bike up against the wall, offering Bobby a friendly smile as he saw you. An awkward smile settled on his face as he tossed an m&m into his mouth quickly before returning to playing the keyboard. You shook your head before moving to the office where the owner, Ronnie Lark, was currently sitting at his desk, filling out paperwork.
“Hey,” you said, closing the glass door behind you. Instantly, the office was drowned in silence, the sound of the band washed into the background. “I figured I would stop by and see how my baby is doing.”
Ronnie chuckled, looking up from his paperwork. “Once they’re done playing, I’ll get Bobby and we’ll talk about your car,” he responded. Tilting his head to the side, you followed his gaze to see him staring out the window behind you. “It looks like they’re about done with their rehearsal. Come on.” Standing up, he came over and placed a hand on your back, leading you back into the main part of the garage.
The kids who were listening to the band cheered as the song came to an end. Bobby wasted no time as he jogged over to where the two of you were standing, a wide grin on his chocolate-colored skin tone. “Hey, Y/N, you’re here.” His hand timidly shook as he glanced down at his feet. “So uh, you here to see the Mustang?”
“Yeah, just wanting to see how much money I’m gonna need to pay when she’s finished.” Satisfied with your answer, Bobby lead the way to where your baby blue ‘74 Ford Mustang was resting, the hood of the car propped up while one of the workers was currently working on adjusting something to do with the motor.
“Well,” Ronnie said, slapping the roof of the car as he came to lean against the side of the car, “currently we’re just about wrapped up with all of the repairs. Everything in total was around $1,000 but you’ve already invested $300. So that leaves $700.” He gave you a toothy grin before looking towards the hood. “Hey Davey, you about done there?”
The man jumped, clearly not expecting the voice. “U-Uh, just about another hour of work a-and... it’ll be done,” he mumbled awkwardly before returning to his work.
You let a smile take over your face as you smoothed a hand along the top of your car... your baby.  $700 was a big order, though, and it almost made your smile disappear. “$700...” You couldn’t possibly come up with any ideas of how to come up with that money, especially not before your birthday in 3 weeks.
“Ya know,” Bobby said, pulling you from your thoughts, “I can make it to where the work I did doesn’t account for the total. It’d drop the price by about $100.”
“Bobby! No!” you quickly shouted, causing everyone around you to stare at you in shock. You quickly retracted under their gazes, staring down at your hands. “I-I can’t ask you to use your pay to try and help me. You need that money for college next year.”
“Ya but... I want to.” He gave you big puppy dog eyes, so hopeful that you would take up his offer to try and help.
Shaking your head, you place a friendly hand on his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. “Thank you. It’s a very sweet offer. Really, it is. But I can’t ask that of you. I’ll find this money myself, okay?”
He sighed in defeat before nodding. “Yeah, okay,” he mumbled, staring down at his feet. “Whatever you say.”
You turned your attention to Ronnie, who was currently giving Bobby a weird look. Something was nagging at the back of your head, telling you that you knew exactly what that look meant, but you didn’t want to deal with it at the moment. “So,” you finally said, turning Ronnie’s attention back towards yourself, “I’ll probably have to break it up into a couple checks but I should have that payment done by the end of this month.” Just in time for you sixteenth birthday.
“I know you will, which is why I’m gonna let you take it home with you when you bring me that first check.” He gave you a knowing wink before leaning against the drivers-side car door. “Just make sure to not wreck it. Don’t wanna have to up that price anymore than it already has been, do you hear me?”
“Y-Yes! Yes, of course! I’ll be extra careful while driving.” Ronnie chuckled at your enthusiasm as you practically tripped over yourself to shake his hand and pull him into a hug. “I swear I’ll be the most cautious driver out there.”
With that, they shooed you out of the garage. All your previously pent up anger was gone as your thoughts focused solely on the car that, providing you got a check to him soon, would be yours before you could even bat an eyelash. Your bike home was so much more relaxing as your mind filled with images of you driving around San Francisco, the hood down on your Mustang as the wind whipped your hair around.
In the back of your mind, you knew you would be upset with your mother the moment you entered the house. However, you let yourself enjoy your bike ride, taking your time as you filled your head with happy thoughts about your baby. Anything to do with being a princess was long forgotten as you leisurely made your way through the streets of San Francisco.
That was the life you wanted.
The sound of talking distracted you while you got ready for school the next day. You were standing in front of your mirror, part of your daily ritual, when you heard the front door open and close downstairs. The sound of people talking filled the otherwise quiet air, and you couldn’t help but groan at the thought of dealing with the people downstairs. You were certain that you were aware of who was downstairs with your mother.
Your grandmother.
Sighing, you grabbed your book bag and you phone, throwing a look over to La Chatte Mari, curled up on the corner of your bed, her chest slowly rising and failing with each breath. “I gotta go, kitty,” you murmured, kneeling beside her and brushing a hand along her head. Instantly, her head popped up and followed your hand, begging for more attention. You smiled sadly, running a finger under her chin and scratching gently. She purred, and the sound was a great relief from the muffled voices coming from downstairs.
“Y/N! Please come down here! You’re going to be late for school!” your mother called. Sighing, you stood up, throwing one final look at yourself in the mirror.
“Well, this is as good as it’s ever gonna get,” you mumbled before dragging your feet across the floor as you approached the fireman’s pole located in the back of your room. You gave your cat one last sad look before sliding down the pole.
In front of you was your mother, sitting opposite of your grandmother at the kitchen table. You shook your head before grabbing the trash bag sitting on the edge of the table. “I’m going to school,” you muttered coldly, turning away from the two of them. “Unless you have some new thing to tell me, like how La Chatte Mari is a princess in Wakanda or something like that.”
Your grandmother sighed, her eyes close momentarily as she gathered her thoughts together. Once they reopened, she offered you a smile. “My dear, I have a proposition. There’s a state dinner at the end of this week, and a press conference a week later where we shall announce you as Crown Princess of Genovia. I would like to ask that you attend some classes so that we may work on so that, at the very least, you will be ready for the press conference.”
“What?” you practically shouted, turning your hostility towards your mother now. “I don’t want to be a princess! I’ve told you this! I don’t want these stupid classes!”
“Y/N, relax!” your mother practically shouted, silencing your semi-temper tantrum. “You would just do these classes until the press conference, where you can choose to take the role of princess or not. Okay?” She gave both of you a hard stare, the dark circles under her eyes evident in the fluorescent lights of the kitchen.
Not wanting to continue this problem any further, you shoulders slumped forward in resignation. “Fine,” you grumbled, your grip tightening on the plastic trash bag. “Can I go to school?”
“Yes, about that,” your grandmother said, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, “I have a driver who will be seeing you to school and to the mansion right after. Just so you know, your... socks and shoes... are not proper attire. I’ll have tights and heels delivered to the mansion in your size so that you may change after school. The driver is Benjamin, the man you met yesterday.”
You groaned, for the hundredth time since this whole fiasco started. “Fine, whatever. He can drive me. But I demand to be dropped off and picked up a block away from school. If anyone sees me in a limo, I’ll be bullied for the next twenty years.”
“As long as Benjamin is okay with this, I see no problems with your request.” Your eyes rolled, and you were sure that both your mother and grandmother had momentarily only seen the whites of your eyes with how far back into your head your eyes seemed to roll. “Well then, you should be off to school, Little Miss. You have a big day ahead, what with your studying for final exams and your first... princess class, as you put it.”
“Whatever. I’m off, bye.” You didn’t wait for them as you stormed out of the brightly colored front door, easily tossing the white bag into the tie-dyed trash can. In front of the house was two jet black limousines where Benjamin, the man from yesterday, was casually leaning against the passenger side door. He was clad in a black leather jacket, black turtleneck, and black slacks. Perched on the edge of his nose was a pair of black shades, barely concealing his had brown eyes as your next door neighbor, Mr. Alkaseltzer, starred at the limos in pure shock as he somehow managed to stutter out questions.
“S-So, are you a spy or sumthin’?” he drawled, trying to reach a hand out to touch Benjamin.
With lightning fast reflexes, Benjamin grabbed Mr. Alkaseltzer’s hand, stopping his hand from moving any closer. “I’m not a spy,” he muttered, his voice cold. His eyes starred down the writer as he scurried away, mumbling something along the lines of, “only a spy would say sumthin’ like that.”
The sounds of heels walking behind you announced that your grandmother had followed you out the door. “Ah, Benjamin, there you are,” she smiled warmly, crossing in front of you to greet him. “Y/N has requested that you drop her off a block from the school, and I see no reason to disagree with her request.”
A smirk tugged at the man’s lips as he removed his sunglasses and placed them in his pocket. He glanced over to you, studying you for a moment before shrugging. “If it’s what she wants then I will gladly oblige. Is there anything else I can do for you?” His question was directed towards yourself, and his need to suddenly encourage you to talk made you want to trip over your feet.
“U-Uh, could we pick up my friend, Z? She lives about two blocks from here, and it’s on the way to the school. Besides, I’m sure she’s probably waiting for me to bike and I don’t want her to bike alone to school.”
“Sounds fine to me. Princess.” His choice of words, calling you princess, made you want to turn right around and go back into your house. You wanted to curl up in a tight ball and basically die on the spot. However, Benjamin seemed to pick up on your unease as he quickly corrected himself. “Apologies. Miss Y/N. If you’d please get inside of the limo. I do believe I will need some help to getting to your friends. These San Francisco roads are still new to me.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his genuine kindness despite the fact that you were clearly acting like a brat to both your grandmother and mother. “I think I can navigate you safely through the streets.”
Pleased with your answer, he opened the back door to the limo, holding it open for you. Your feet shuffled along the cement as you scurried into the backseat of the limo. Your grandmother gave you a smile and, for once, you felt like you could genuinely return it. There was something about Benjamin that just made you want to smile and be sweet. Maybe it was calming presence that seemed to outweigh the scariness of person.
Once you were settled, Benjamin moved around into the front of the limo. “Just so you know,” he said as he buckled up, “you can call me Ben.”
“What about Benny?” you asked, a small giggle escaping your lips at the nickname. In the back of your mind, you tried to imagine associating the man in front of you with the name Benny and it was such a silly idea.
“Haha, no.” His voice deadpanned at the no, giving you a small stern look through the rear view mirror before smiling. “Ben will do. How do we get to your friends house?”
“It’s just down the street. You just go straight. You’ll find a white house with a black iron gate that a girl will most likely be leaning against.” You pulled your phone out of your bag and pulled up a picture of Z, her curly hair up in it’s usual bun. “This is what she looks like.”
He chuckled momentarily, taking in the picture. Once he had it memorized, he handed the phone back to your. “Your directions are very precise, you know. White house, black fence. Very descriptive.”
A smile tugged at the corner of your mouth as the limo started to move. “You’ll know the house. It’s a pristine white. Probably being power washed as we’re speaking. Mr. Coleman prides himself on a clean house.”
He hummed in response. Music filled the silence, a song you had never heard before. You assumed it was a song well known in Genovia and let the gentle melody drift the air as the car pulled up to the Coleman’s house. Sure enough, Z was lounging against the fence, watching in confusion as the limo came to a stop in front of her.
Before Ben could jump out and run around to open your door, you jumped out, surprising the shocked Z with a tight hug.
“Woah!” she shouted in surprise before wrapping her arms around you. “Holy crap, Y/N/N, what’s this?”
“It’s a limo, courtesy of my grandmother for the time being,” you responded, not really wanting to spread the whole princess thing around just yet.
“Y/N!” Ben shouted as he came jogging around. “Y/N, I’m supposed to open the door for you, you know.” He shook his head before holding out a hand to your friend who was clearly shocked. “Benjamin Martinelli. I’ll be seeing the two of you two and from school while the two of you are still in attendance for the next two weeks.”
Zendaya’s mouth dropped open in shock as she took his hand. She looked around for a moment, as if in disbelief. Maybe she was looking for cameras, or maybe she wanted to see if other people were equally as shocked to see a limo. Finally, she returned her focus to Ben. “Wow, yeah, that sounds so cool. I-”
“Zen Garden! Is that a limo?” shouted Bobby, leaning out of the second story window of their house. “Is that Y/N?”
A groan came from Z as she shook her head, turning to look at her brother. “Why should it matter to you, Bongo? You left school a week ago. This is our new ride to school.”
Bobby disappeared from the window and, a minute later, he went slamming out of the front door, a button-up shirt hanging loosely around his shoulders. His hands worked on buckling his black dress pants, and his dress shoes were tied up together, hanging loosely around his shoulders. “I actually promised I would help one of the teachers at school, Zen Garden. Is it cool if I catch a ride?”
“Bongo-” Z started but you interrupted her.
“If you promise not to be your usual annoying self and don’t antagonize Z, then I don’t see a reason. I mean, we’re all going to the same place, right?” You gave Zendaya an apologetic look as the pure look of hostility that seemed to spark in her dark eyes as you welcomed her brother to join the two of you in the car.
Sighing, your best friend slid into the car, and you followed suit. The last person to get into the car was Bobby, and he purposefully tried to lean as close to the door when it was closed. You figured he probably wanted to get out as soon as possible to avoid his sister’s wraith and didn’t bother to ask questions. Instead, you turned your attention to Z, who was silently giving dirty glares to her brother.
“Hey,” you mumbled, grabbing her hand, “I figured it would be easier. I’m sorry. If you don’t want me to let him ride with us after today, I won’t.” You made sure your voice was quiet enough that Bobby, who was now listening to music via earbuds, wouldn’t hear.
“It’s whatever,” she muttered in defeat, leaning back into the seat. “I know why you did it, I do. I guess I just wanted to get to talk to you in the limo and now he’s here so I can’t...”
You gave her a comforting smile, squeezing her hand tightly as the limo purred to life and took off down the streets of San Francisco. Ben skillfully weaved through traffic and arrived at the school.
As the three of you got out of the car, Bobby now thankfully fully dressed, you turned to look at Z. “You ready for hell?”
“As ready as always.”
“Y/N, dear, you simply must straighten your shoulders,” your grandmother chided as he walked up behind you. She placed a hand on each shoulder and gently eased them back. However, due to years of horrible posture, you couldn’t help but flinch and instantly curl your shoulders back in on themselves. Your grandmother sighed and once more moved them back. “Really dear, if you can’t balance a stack of books on your head, you will be ridiculed in the media.”
“I’m not used to this,” you whined, stomping your foot on the ground. The awkwardly new angle of your new heels made the stomp hurt even more than normal. You cringed but resisted the urge to curl up in a ball. You forced your shoulders to remain as your grandmother had put them.
Every nerve in your body was on edge, although you were sure it had to do with the fact that Thomas was sitting casually in one of the elegant chairs located in the room. His hair was just as you remembered, and the cruel smirk was poorly hidden on his face as he watched you with amusement glistening in his dark chocolate eyes. “Maybe we could surgically fix her posture,” he teased.
You shot him a dirty look but following your grandmother’s directions on how to walk in a straight line. You did your best to copy her posture and the even footsteps that she made, but the heels, no matter how short they were, made it extremely difficult to do anything other than fall.
“Hmm, maybe she needs new feet, too. And eyebrows, and hair. We could do away with the whole thing if it would be easier.” Tom’s voice set your teeth on edge, and you now felt even more compelled to get this walk right in spite.
“Shut up, Tommy,” you shot back, glaring at him. At your nickname, his eyes started to burn with hostility as he suddenly stood up, walking closer to where you were currently.
The look in his eyes and the threatening way he stalked towards you caused you to stumble back until you were pressed against the wall, his arms encasing you and preventing you from moving. He studied you carefully, his stare calculated yet filled with so much aggression. “Don’t. Call. Me. Tommy,” he hissed before pushing away from you.
You glanced around the room to look at everyone’s reactions. Elenora’s jaw was dropped in pure shock at the boy’s behavior. Ben looked ready to murder the kid right on the spot for both being a jerk and for scaring you like he did. Your grandmother definitely looked the most annoyed of the three, and you couldn’t figure out at who. You wanted to believe it was at Tommy but you couldn’t help but think that she was annoyed at you for something he did.
“If the two of you are done acting like children, I’d very much like to continue.” Just as you had guessed, she was very annoyed. Luckily, it was at the both of you, so you at least knew that Tommy was feeling some kind of remorse for making the Queen of Genovia annoyed. After a few moments of silence passed, she continued on with your lesson.
Once you were able to walk with one book balanced on your head, everyone was clearly becoming hungry. You never meant for your lessons to last so long, but walking was hard. Plus every comment that came out of Tommy’s mouth resulted in a small argument that stopped anything from happening for the next minute. You even threw around his favorite nickname a few times, and it resulted in similar situations from earlier. The only difference was that you held your ground, meeting his fiery eyes with defiant ones.
“Your Highness, the cook has just alerted me that dinner is done and the table is set for four,” Elenora announced as she walked in, her phone in her hand as she read the text that the cook has sent to her. “Should I tell the servers to get ready before we settle in?”
“Yes, thank you,” you grandmother said, throwing a thankful glance to Elenora who quickly left to give out orders. She glanced at both yourself and Thomas and motioned to follow. “Go on, go to the table so that you can eat. I’ll go grab your Uncle, Thomas, and I’ll be back soon.”
And so the two of you were left alone in the large dining room, throwing glares in each others directions. You were instructed to sit at one end of the table by Elenora who stated that, “Your grandmother will sit at the head and she instructed that you sit exactly opposite of her.” This left for Tommy to sit to your left.
Neither one of you spoke until both your grandmother and his uncle, a man with graying hair that framed his balding head and a big midsection that almost bulged out of his suit. In your grandmother’s hands was a scarf. You gave her a confused look until she walked up behind you and used it to tie your shoulders back to the chair. “Um?! What are you doing?” you practically shouted, using your hands to claw at the tight fabric.
“A proper princess never slouches to eat her food,” was her only response as she calmly walked to the other side of the table and gracefully took her seat. You awkwardly patted at the table, trying desperately to grab a fork. You mentally cursed at yourself for not having the chair pushed in fully as it made your job of reaching for you silverware ten times harder than it should have been.
A snicker came from Tommy which earned him an angry glare from both yourself and your grandmother. His uncle only shook his head, a smirk settled on his lips. You wanted to question why he was smirking, but instead were now focused on the food placed in front of you.
“For your soup,” your grandmother commanded from the head of the table, “you’ll want to use the spoon the furthest on the right. You work your way in with your silverware, so the spoon, knife, and fork closest to the plate will be the last that are used.” You nodded your head and were, thankfully, pushed a little bit closer by one of the servants that had just served food. You grabbed the proper spoon and used it to consume the mildly warm soup.
Dinner progressed about as well as you would have guessed. Your grandmother would constantly command you on what to do, correcting the errors you seemed to make without realizing so. By the time the last course was served, you were ready to bolt. Thomas and his constant snickering were starting to get to you, so much so that you even stopped calling him Tommy. Your grandmother’s disapproving looks at the smallest of things made you want to hide, but the stupid scarf made it impossible to do anything.
The moment the scarf was untied, you quickly jumped to your feet. “Please say I can go home,” you almost begged your grandmother. Your feet were killing you from wearing heels for the first time, and everything felt so freaking restricted. You wanted to bolt home yourself and change into the comfiest clothes that you owned.
Frankly, you just wanted to shrink away.
“Yes, of course. I’ll have Benjamin drive you home. I would change back into your shoes, you look as though you’re about to faint on your feet.” You gave her thankful look as you quickly grabbed your bag and ran to the closest bathroom. You flinched as you kicked of the heels. You peeled away the pantyhose that were starting to stick to your skin due to sweat and sat down on the toilet seat to rub your raw ankles that were free from both the heels and the uncomfortable pantyhose.
The door to the bathroom suddenly opened and you screamed as Thomas walked in. Clearly he wasn’t aware of the fact that you were in there until you screamed because his shocked eyes were suddenly looking at you, wide and filled with terror as he took you in. You quickly dropped your legs and crossed them, your face burning from embarrassment. “Get out!”
You didn’t have to tell him twice as the door suddenly slammed shut, followed by a shout of, “Lock the door next time!”
“Knock next time!” you retorted, voice dripping with malice. Shaking your head, you quickly pulled out your shoes and socks, pulling them on as fast as you could.
When you stood up, it felt weird to suddenly be on solid ground. However, it wasn’t an unpleasant weird. You shoved the heels and stockings into your bag before rushing out of the bathroom. Right outside was Ben, who was giving you a weird look.
“What was that shout?” he inquired, leaning against the wall as he examined you. You were currently walking a bit weirdly, still not used to being back on solid ground after having strutted around in heels for the past four or so hours.
“Nothing!” you shouted before pausing to gather your thoughts. “Sorry. It was nothing. Can I go home?”
Ben nodded, but the question was still there, hanging in the air. You sighed and started to leave, but a voice stopped you in your tracks. “Oh, so you’re done with the bathroom and trying to blind people now, are you?” Thomas asked snidely.
Once more, your face started to burn as you pushed past Ben and headed out the door. You hurried out to the waiting limo, bundling yourself into the corner of the backseat of the limo. Ben slid into the front seat, throwing you a look in the rear view mirror.
“So, it was nothing, huh?”
@spidey-pal @dodie-y3llow @musicgirl234 @thequeensardine @capttiger @i-dont-wanna-go-mr-stark @casuallytumblingdownthestairs @hollands-poppet @thedaydreamingwriter @hollandroos @starksparker @youreafangirl-harry @peeterparkr
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pikapegasus · 7 years
Starmora-53 wedding day with exchange of rings and vows, 54-big wedding celebration on Xandar, and 55-Wedding night and off to the honeymoon they go.
53. “Do you take this man/woman to be your lawfully weddedhusband/wife?” // 54. “May I have this dance, wife/husband?” // 55. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’mso happy I can finally call you my wife/husband.”
wao this is almost 5k words long um,,,,, i got another prompt asking for 53 + a wedding ceremony so here’s to both of you anons!!!
so yeah anyway. here’s a humongo jumbo starmora wedding fic ;)))
It’s somewhat of a big deal, the marriage of two three-time galaxy savers. At least,that’s the impression Gamora gets, judging by the enthusiasm and helpfulness ofthe Xandarians (and even Nova Prime herself?)when she and Peter announce their desire to be wed upon arriving on theirplanet.
It’s a couple of days of planning and organizing andassembling the people important to them, even the Avengers all the way fromTerra (with whom they’ve been on fairly good terms with since defeating Thanosmonths ago).
And then it’s the big day. She sneaks Peter one lastfarewell kiss in bed before running off with Nebula to get ready.
The Nova Corps had been generous enough to offer them roomsto stay in during the whole ordeal—their way of saying, “Thanks for getting ridof Thanos for us,” Peter had guessed—and Nebula pushes Gamora down in a chairin front of a vanity. (Because, apparently, Nebula helping bring down Thanosresulted in her criminal records getting expunged as well, and Peter tried togive her a congratulatory high-five for it, but she interpreted it as an attackand simply hit him in the face in return. Gamora couldn’t stop laughing fornearly ten minutes.)
“Hair is so troublesome,” Nebula says with a tsk sound, but starts doing Gamora’shair anyway. For whatever reason, despite having no hair herself, Nebula usedto do Gamora’s hair for fun when they were younger. Sisterly bonding, they’d called it in hushed whispers during thelate hours of the night, Nebula fascinating herself with all the different waysshe could braid Gamora’s hair. “What a disadvantage in battle.”
Gamora relaxes into Nebula’s touch with a smirk. “Yet,somehow, you are talented when it comes to doing it.”
She pictures Nebula rolling her eyes as she parts Gamora’shair and starts weaving the pieces together. It’s familiar, it’s comfortable,and, for once, Gamora finds herself able to truly enjoy their quiet momentstogether without fearing Thanos or his guards finding and stopping them.
“Any specific requests?” Nebula asks.
“Just do your best,” Gamora says with a shrug. She may havehair, but styling it has never been one of her interests (well, except coloringit). That’d always been Nebula’s department.
And Nebula truly does take creative license with it thistime, braiding it carefully before pinning it into a loose bun, slightlyoff-center. Then she takes things even further,reaching for the small vase of flowers they’d received as Congratulations! from the Nova Corps and pulling some of the whiteflowers out. They remind Gamora of the ones she’d seen on Terra with Peter—daisies, he’d called them through hislaughter as she’d sneezed.
Fortunately, these ones don’t have obnoxious pollen and aresmaller than Terran daisies. Nebula weaves a couple of them into her hair and,honestly, the fact that this whole wedding thing is even happening and Nebula’shere to support her as her sister andshe’s doing her hair and Thanos is dead and gone forever and—
Gamora takes a deep, grounding breath. It’s a lot.
“There.” Nebula steps back, meeting Gamora’s eyes in themirror. “If you mess it up, I’ll kill you.”
Turning her head slightly, Gamora sees some of Nebula’s workin her reflection and it really isher best, because Nebula had never done anything quite as intricate as this when they were children. Gamora smiles.
“Thank you, Nebula,” she says quietly, suddenly overcomewith an emotion she can’t quite identify. She turns around to look at Nebula.“Thank you for everything.”
Nebula dismisses her gratitude with a roll of her eyes, butthe emotion there is visible. Gamora stands up and pulls Nebula into a hug,and, for a moment, they’re not adults, they’re little girls trying to survivetogether in a galaxy that had taken so much from them. She knows Nebula isfeeling it, too, because when Gamora ends the hug moments later, Nebula’s handfind hers, just like old times, and Gamora squeezes it reassuringly.
We’re going to beokay, Nebula, a young voice echoes in Gamora’s mind. Someday.
 “You should finish getting ready,” Nebula says, clearing herthroat and pulling her hand back to herself. “Wouldn’t want to be late to yourown wedding.”
“Yeah.” Gamora smiles.
From there, she puts on a simple white dress she’d gottenback on Terra after defeating Thanos, when she’d mentioned plans to eventuallymarry Peter to a very curious Natasha Romanoff, only to find a dress tuckedinto her things the next day with a teasing note written in the Terran languagecalled “English.”
(You’ll be needingthis soon. You’re welcome. –Nat, it read, according to Peter, who’d justgiven her this look upon reading thewords and glancing at the dress.)
It’s nothing grand, more of a sun dress than anything else,but that’s just how she and Peter operate, really. Simplicity.
Nebula helps her with the zipper in the back and Gamorablinks and suddenly she’s holding flowers and walking down an aisle—the aisle—with Nebula at her side.
They’re in this beautiful garden, close to the Nova Corps’building. All sorts of flowers and plants surround them, providing a colorfulbackdrop to the ceremony. Kraglin and Mantis cheer loudly from their front rowseats, earning them some curious glances from the few Nova Corps officialswho’d come to support. Dey just nods with this small smile on his face. TonyStark is filming with his weird Terran phone device while the rest of theAvengers just watch expectantly. Natasha’s beaming.
And, of course, Peter’s down at the end of the aisle withNova Prime herself, who’d offered to officiate because, well, why not, and therest of the team is there, too. Drax is shirtless, Rocket’s in his usual outfit(at least it’s clean for once), andGroot at least had the decency to put a bowtie on.
Then there’s Peter, who’s in a nice button-up shirt anddress pants, looking at her with this expression of awe and raw emotion andGamora finds herself walking a tad faster, this dumb smile on her face.
“Maybe he’s not as much of an idiot as I thought,” Nebulamurmurs to her, looking a little less stone-faced than usual. Gamora takes itas a win, affectionately bumping her shoulder against Nebula’s.
Finally, finally, theyreach their destination, and Nebula gives her shoulder a little squeeze beforestepping off to the side. Gamora takes a deep breath and stands beside Peter, glancingup at him. He smiles and sneaks his right hand into her left. She shifts herflowers to her right and looks up at Nova Prime.
“Thank you all for coming here today,” she begins,addressing the crowd. “We’re here to celebrate the union of Peter Quill ofTerra and Gamora of Zen-Whoberi.”
As Nova Prime continues, Gamora can’t stop herself from watchingPeter out of the corner of her eye. He blinks quickly, his smile tightening,before glancing at her again, and she grins.
Somehow, it’s already time for the vows, Nebula taking herflowers from her as she turns to face Peter properly and, yeah, okay, he’scrying before he even starts talking, and Gamora can’t help but laugh at him.
“You should be joyous,” Drax scolds from behind Peter. “Itis your wedding day.”
“It’s just kind of emotional, man,” Peter manages, snifflingas he looks back at Drax like he’s crazy. “How can you not cry at your own wedding?”
Drax looks unimpressed. “I was too joyous.”
Rocket rolls his eyes and Groot just lets out this softgrunt, offering his sympathy to Peter.
“Alright, alright,” Gamora cuts in, carefully brushingPeter’s tears away with her thumb.  
“Thanks.” Peter clears his throat, holding her hands again.“Uh, anyway, vows. Yeah. Okay. Here we go…For those who don’t know,” he looksout at their small audience, “Gamora and I first met here on Xandar when I wastrying to sell this Orb I stole, and then she tried to steal it from me so she could sell it, and then Rocket andGroot over here got involved—“
“You had a bounty on your head for forty-thousand units!”Rocket insists.
“That was our bounty!” Kraglin adds from the audience.
“Yeah, okay, thanks, anywaywe all fought and totally caused this huge public disturbance,” at that, NovaPrime gives Peter this look, and heclears his throat again, shaking his head, “and what I’m trying to get at here is you never really know how some stupidlittle thing you do could change your life, because I stole the Orb looking toget a quick buck out of it, but instead I got this team, this—this family, and then Gamora was just…she wasthe most beautiful out of all of us in this little group, y’know? I’m prettysure if you ask anyone on the team, they’d agree. Not just beautiful on theoutside, I mean, on the inside, because she’s the one who pushed us to give upthe Orb for free to protect people, rather than sell it for money, and…”
He trails off, pressing his lips together. She squeezes hishands.
“And we haven’t looked back since,” he continues. “She’s thereason we are who we are today, honestly. And she’s the reason I’m who I amtoday, too.”
“Quill was already an asshole on his own, pre-Gamora,”Rocket whispers oh-so-quietly toDrax, who barks out a laugh, and Groot just looks between them inembarrassment, and, and—
It really wouldn’t be their wedding if nobody was being anasshole rather than respectful, so Peter just ignores them.
“I love you, Gamora,” he says, looking at her intently. “Morethan I ever thought you could love someone. And here I thought I’d never findthis, find happiness like this, afterI left Earth, but then…here you are, with me, and there is so much out there Iwant to do with you, more Earth music I have yet to discover and dance moves Ihave yet to learn, and the things that meant so much to me before suddenlyaren’t fun unless you’re there with me to experience them. We’ve been through alot in the time we’ve been together, and there’s no telling how many moreobstacles we’ll have to overcome in the future—probably a lot, knowing the team—but what I do know is as long as we’re together, we’re unbeatable, and Ipromise to always have your back against every enemy and challenge we face, foras long as I’m able to, because you’re worth it. You deserve so much, so many good things, the entireworld, err, galaxy, even, and I just want to stand by you through it all.”
He concludes with a deep breath, his eyes misty again, andnow Gamora’s the one choking back tears. She notices Mantis hugging Kraglin inthe front row, while he sniffles and her antennae glow as she cries his tears.Rocket’s making a point to look down at the ground, carefully swiping a pawover his eyes while Drax nods solemnly, approving Peter’s words. A few tearsstreak down Groot’s bark, but he offers her a smile.
“Gamora?” Nova Prime prompts softly. Gamora nods, quicklyblinking away her tears and taking a calming breath.
“Thank you, Peter. Your words mean more to me than I couldever describe.” He smiles at that, and she swears her heart melts a little, asit always does when she’s with him. “I also find our…unconventional meeting tobe a very endearing part about us and our relationship. It makes it special, ina way. We were just two thieves trying to find places for ourselves in anunforgiving galaxy and, as fate would have it, those places for us weretogether, with our friends, teaming up to protect people. And for someone whogrew up terrorizing others, always surrounded by enemies, you uniting this teamthat’s readily accepted me was a gift far larger than any other I’d receivedbefore.”
She briefly looks over at the others, who are all watchingher with small smiles. “Love was something I thought I’d forgotten long ago.Yes, I could be an ally, perhaps even a friend,but a lover? A wife? That had alwaysbeen out of reach for me, something I’d never even considered a possibility, no matter how far away I could get fromThanos. But then you showed up with your Terran music and warmth and openheart, challenging me to become the ‘best version of myself,’ as I believe youput it once. We were two lost souls wandering the galaxy for our entire livesbefore we met, and I’m so grateful to be able to call you home. As you said, we’re stronger together, and we can overcome anychallenge we face. I don’t remember much from my home world, but what I do know is, according to my people, thisunion is eternal, larger than life itself. As we bind ourselves—our souls—togethernow, we will forever be bound, even in the stars once our lives come to an end.I promise to love you to the best of my ability, both now and beyond this life,and I look forward to spending eternity with you.”
Drax can insist there’s no crying at weddings all he wants, butGamora doesn’t care, because the stray tears that escape her eyes during herspeech are worth it. And now Peter just wraps her up in this tight embrace,holding her against him as he shudders with a soft cry. It’s a dramatic andsomewhat unconventional display in the middle of a wedding, sure, but it’s forgood reason. They’ve truly been through a lottogether, overcoming their pasts while dealing with the monsters of thepresent, and it’s groundbreaking to think that today is just a pure victory for them.
“Peter,” she murmurs with a soft laugh after a few moments,patting his back, “we aren’t even married yet.”
“Yeah, I know, sorry, I just…” He laughs a little, too, andpulls away from her, swiping at his eyes with his hands. “I really love you,y’know?”
“I love you, too,” she murmurs.
“I am Groot,” Groot says, sounding so much like his youngerself in that moment, little tears escaping his eyes as he holds Rocket againsthis chest, who’s trying to get his crying under control.
Rocket waves his paw blindly at them with a sniffle. “Justignore me, just—finish the d’ast wedding already, will ya?”
“Idiots,” Nebula mutters from behind Gamora, but Gamoranotices the way her voice catches on the word.
“What is wrongwith all of you?” Drax looks around at each of them.
Nova Prime’s just patiently waiting for them all to get theirshit together (as Peter would eloquently put it) when Gamora turns herattention back to her. Peter smiles sheepishly. “Sorry, sorry, no more vows,let’s just keep going.”
“It’s an emotional day,” Nova Prime says with a small smile.“Do you have rings?”
“Groot,” Peter says, turning back to Groot, who holds hishand out toward them. He opens his fist, revealing two silver wedding bandsGamora’s pretty sure Peter sneakily picked up while they were on Earth.“Thanks, buddy.”
“I am Groot.” He smiles as Peter picks up the rings, handinghis to her.
They look to Nova Prime, who nods before continuing.
“Do you, Peter, take this woman, Gamora, to be your lawfullywedded wife?”
“I do.”
The two words make Gamora’s insides dance, as her heartbeats more quickly and she’s pretty sure her hands are shaking.
“Do you, Gamora, take this man, Peter, to be your lawfullywedded husband?”
“I do.”
“Now, the rings,” Nova Prime directs. “Do you remember whatto say?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Peter reassures her, sliding the ring ontoGamora’s finger. “You are the love of my life and you are my very best friend.”
Gamora’s so focused on the new feeling of the ring on herfinger—though she has many other rings, none of have felt quite as important as this—that she nearly forgets to return thegesture. She quickly slides Peter’s onto his finger. “You are the love of mylife and you are my very best friend.”
Nova Prime looks between them then, smiling. “Then I nowpronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Peter, of course, doesn’t hesitate on that, pulling herforward and meeting her big smile with his lips. She somewhat registers thesounds of everyone cheering happily around them, especially the team.
It’s all so surreal, she’s not even sure how long she kissesPeter for before he’s tugging her back down the aisle with this playful giggle,nearly dislodging the flowers carefully placed in her hair.  
“Idiot!” Nebula yells after them, almost affectionately.
The reception in a rather lavish ballroom (almost too fancy for a group as rowdy as them,Gamora thinks) consists of food, dancing, dancing, and dancing, and…did shemention dancing?
She has about all of twenty minutes to eat food and cut thecake and then eat the cake beforePeter’s pulling her out of her seat with, “May I have this dance, my lovely andwonderful wife?”
“I think I’m starting to like ‘babe’ more,” she says, butshe follows him anyway, intertwining their fingers.
Taking after Terran tradition, they have their “first dance”together as a married couple before opening the dance floor to everyone else.Fittingly, they dance to “Fooled Around and Fell in Love,” as Peter claims it’sbiographical of their relationship, but it’s also nostalgic for both of them,forever a reminder of their first mission together to defeat Ronan.
And, well, that was a while ago. Gamora has yet to sit downsince Peter first pulled her up, as she’s been talking to the various guestswho attended and taking turns with the other Guardians to check on the foodtable, making sure Rocket isn’t still sneaking food from it. (It’s becomesomething of a game, apparently.)
Finally, she catches a break when she runs into Drax on thedance floor and, in a very, very rare moment, he offers her his hand.
“It would be an honor to dance with the bride,” he says, andshe has to force herself to stop gaping at him.
“Drax, I know how you feel about dancing—“
“This is a very special occasion, Gamora,” he explains. Sheplaces her hand in his. “Tonight is for celebrating you and Quill, and dancingis something very sacred in your relationship. It’s how you communicate yourfeelings.”
“Uh-huh…” She just stares at him as he places a hand on herhip.
“You are both very important to me,” he says. “Let me conveythat through dance.”
And he does, as they sway slowly to whatever Terran song isplaying now from Peter’s Zune (which, since traveling to Terra, has been upgradedto hold more songs). Drax dances with her like a father dances with herdaughter, she thinks, swallowing against a lump forming in her throat, and shereally, really makes sure to cherisheach moment of what will probably be the only dance they ever share.
When the song ends, he releases her with a rare smile, whichshe returns with a shaky, “Thank you,” because maybe she’ll never get to dancewith her own father from her childhood again, and maybe Drax will never get toshare a dance with his own daughter, but, at the very least, they’re able toshare this moment together.
Later, Rocket comes by, grumbling about being bored withnothing to tinker with—Dey had apparently stopped him from taking apart someNova Corps equipment—and another slow song starts playing over the speakers.Gamora silently debates with herself before remembering Drax’s words about thisnight being special, and she bends over, offering her hand to Rocket.
“Would you like to dance?” she asks. “Perhaps that will easeyour boredom.”
Rocket looks taken aback as he stares at her, wide-eyed. “Whoa, look, I ain’t no homewrecker—“
“It’s fine, Rocket,” she says. “Dance with me.”
He hesitates for a few moments before groaning, placing hispaws in her hands. “Sure, fine, whatever, just don’t come whinin’ to metomorrow when your back’s killin’ ya.”
It’s challenging, admittedly, having to lean down closer toRocket’s height while, but it’s not entirely uncomfortable. They fall into alighthearted conversation while they’re swaying, Rocket’s paws grasping herfingers with a sort of gentleness she’s never quite observed in him before. Hesnickers over this and that, telling her all about the wedding thus far fromhis (apparently, very different) point of view.
“I swear, Quill wouldn’t quit cryin’ this mornin’!” he says.“He was damn near inconsolable before the d’ast ceremony even started!”
“You say this as if we didn’t all see you cry.”
“Hey, at least I was able to make it down the frickin’ aislebefore I got emotional. He was practically cryin’ the whole way down!” Helaughs. “Quill’ll always be a crybaby.”
“He’s ourcrybaby,” she says.
“Your crybaby.Like hell am I taking responsibility over that humie,” he says with a shudder.
As the song ends, Rocket scampers off in search of alcohol,leaving Gamora to roll her eyes. She’s ready to find Peter and retire to theirtable when Groot approaches her, holding a glass of water.
“I am Groot,” he says, offering her the glass.
“Thank you,” she says, accepting it and taking a few quicksips. “Are you having fun?”
“I am Groot.”
“You’re right, it is pretty hectic,” she says, studying thecrowd with Groot. She catches sight of Peter then, talking to Tony Stark andthe other Avengers who came. Thor pulls him into a tight hug. She smirks asPeter’s face contorts in pain. “I’m glad you’re having fun, though.”
“I am Groot?”
She looks up at Groot with a nod. “Yeah. I’m having fun,too. This is a big night for Peter and myself. And everyone, really.”
“I am Groot.”
“This family is not very conventional, but I agree. It’s agood family.”
For whatever reason, Peter apparently has an affinity forthe slow Terran songs, because anotherone starts playing. She sets her glass down on a nearby table and turns toGroot with a knowing smile, holding out a hand. “May I have this dance, Groot?”
His expression brightens considerably, which is saying alot, considering how much he’d already been beaming during their conversation.She briefly recalls Groot’s younger self dancing enthusiastically to just abouteverything, so it’s no surprise whenhe readily takes her hand and pulls her closer. They start dancing togetherslowly, and, honestly, Gamora finds herself missing little Groot just a bitmore in that moment, because he just grew up so quickly, and she’s not exactly sure when or how it happened.
“I am Groot,” he says as he twirls her. She laughs a little.
“Peter taught you well.”
“I am Groot.”
She almost wishes the night would last forever, too. It’s sopeaceful, so tranquil, just a night dedicated to celebrating them and dancingand not having to worry about any threats to the galaxy or how to make enoughmoney to pay for fuel for the Quadrant or whatever. At least the memories ofthe night will be ingrained in her forever.
“I am Groot?”
At Groot’s question, she looks at him curiously. “Are youafraid things will change now?”
He nods.
“Don’t worry, Groot,” she reassures him, offering him asmile. “They won’t. Yes, Peter and I will be gone for the next week and you andthe others will be on your own during that time, but nothing’s going to changebetween all of us, especially betweenyou and me.”
Ever since Groot’s baby days, she’s had a special kind ofrelationship with him, maternal, in a way, and it’s somewhat carried over intoGroot’s adulthood. He smiles at her words, and as the song comes to an end, shegestures for him to lean down closer to her.
“Thank you for dancing with me, Groot,” she murmurs,wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him. He carefully reciprocates,pushing his forehead against hers with a soft grunt. She pulls away after a fewmoments.
“I am Groot.”
“I love you, too.” A loud yell—Rocket, she rolls her eyes—draws her attention then, and she looksaround Groot to see Drax pick Rocket up to remove him from the food table for,what, the fourth time?
Before she can say anything, Groot offers a quick, “I amGroot,” before heading in Rocket and Drax’s direction, probably to diffuse thesituation. She sighs, retrieving the glass of water Groot had brought her andtaking a quick sip.
“Hey, babe,” Peter greets as he walks up to her, wrapping anarm around her waist and pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
“Hey,” she returns, offering him her water. He accepts ithappily, downing the rest of it. “Rocket’s terrorizing the food again.”
“It’s fine, I think things are winding down soon, anyway,”he says with a shrug, putting the empty glass down on the table. “I kinda wishit would never end, y’know?”
“Yeah.” She smiles up at him. “Thank you.”
“Uh…you’re welcome?” he says, eyebrow raised. “What did Ido?”
“This,” she exhales, gesturing to the entire room. “It’s…Idon’t even know how to describe it.”
“Well, this is just as much your doing as it is mine,” he insists, pulling her closer. “Thank you for marrying my dumb ass.”
She rests her head against his shoulder, closing her eyesfor a quick moment of rest. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,Peter Quill. I’m so happy I can finally call you my husband.”
Her words seem to take him aback, as he turns his head tolook down at her.
“For once in my life,” she continues quietly, “when I askmyself if I’d change anything about my past, undo anything that’s happened tome…my answer is no.”
When she opens her eyes to look back up at him, his eyes arewet again—she can almost hear Rocket’s bark of laughter from earlier ringingthrough her ears—and he just nods, understanding.
“Yeah. Me, too,” he manages shakily, and she turns her bodyto properly embrace him.
It’s strange, to think this night of celebration has come toan end, after so many shared moments with her friends and family in a settingshe would have never predicted (her wedding,the words still sound foreign to her, even after it’s over), but as she and Peter pack up their things for their earlydeparture the next morning, she realizes this isn’t an end, but a beginning.
A completely new beginning, following the new beginningshe’d achieved with Nebula in defeating Thanos months ago. The beginnings neverend, really, as each day provides her with the start of some new thing, newchance to make memories with Peter and Nebula and the others.
“I suppose I’ll keep an eye on your idiots while you’regone,” Nebula offers, her generosity carefully guarded behind her grumbling.“Make sure they don’t do anything foolish without you.”
“Wow. Thank you, Nebula, that’s really nice of you,” Petersays a little too happily, promptingNebula to roll her eyes. “You can stay with us after that, if you want.”
When Nebula looks over at her, Gamora shrugs. “You could.”
“I’d rather not be driven to insanity,” is all Nebulaanswers before stalking out of the room.
Peter turns to Gamora, a stack of his shirts in hand. “Isthat…a no?”
“It’s a maybe,” she says, handing him her shirts.
“Awesome.” He packs them into his bag together. “Hey, wannago scope out the leftovers? I’m pretty hungry from all this packing.”
“I thought there weren’t any leftovers,” she says, crossingher arms.
“I mean Rocket’sleftovers, since he kept sneaking food from the frickin’ table.”
“In that case, yes.”
Last they’d seen Rocket, he’d passed out on the couch underGroot’s watchful eye. Peter takes Gamora’s hand in his to lead her out thedoor, and as she feels the smooth texture of his ring against her skin, sheducks her head, smiling to herself.
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vivysummer · 7 years
Love Me Not
Your fingers tingled softly, sliding down her soft skin and feeling her body shift ever so slightly as she slept. The sun peeked through the curtains, the sheer white color only adding to the beauty of the girl within your arms, her lips softly parted and slightly wet. Your muscles ached with the need to smooth back her chocolate colored locks, hands itching to rub across the supple curve of her cheek and lean closer to close the distance between your lips. You had to restrain yourself, afraid of waking her and losing this warmth pressed against the side of your body.
 Your eyes wandered around the room, mouth twitching with a slight smile while your mind reminded you of memories that were somewhere between happy and worrying. This room, with its whites and creams should have made you nervous, but in the end it was emptied and turned into her apartment, not Rika’s. All those important documents were now under your lock and key, with assistance from Jumin, even though it left you with such high anxiety. It had been a few months, and the new system was working just fine, no problems to been seen yet. The apartment was now decorated with cute mascots and colorful shades, meant to fill the almost blank void,
 Her body shifted, hands stretching out while she yawned softly and the sound alone made your heart skip a beat. She smiled at you, and your found yourself leaning in closer, a smile hurting your cheeks before your lips touched hers for what felt like the first time even though you’ve both shared so many. Her hands clenched at your jacket and you wanted to fling it off your body just so her hands could clutch at something closer to your body. You reluctantly pulled away, sitting up while laying her down gently still. “Aiiiigo, you can’t go being that cute, or I won’t be able to control myself! Sometimes I swear you do it on purpose.” You fumbled round the dresser for your glasses, sliding them on in time to watch her sit up with a grin.
“Yeah, maybe it’s on purpose. Or maybe everything I do makes your inner beast excited?~” She slid her legs to the edge of the bed, standing and stretching her body long, breasts high to the air. You shifted your gaze down, but you caught her stomach, pale and smooth and so, so ready for your hands. You reached for her slowly, hands ready to caress that forbidden skin, and the doorbell sounded, startling you. You turned for the door, hands falling to your side once more as you listened to her shuffle off to the bathroom. You checked the CCTV screen and the small door peephole, watching Jaehee adjust herself in what she saw as ‘going out clothes’. She wore a cream colored blouse, with brown slacks and coffee colored pumps, looking way more put together than your gray tank top and black jeans with what may have been a oil stain on them.
‘Oh well,’ you tell yourself, ‘if my princess likes it, who am I to judge myself?’ You open the door for Jaehee, grinning from ear to ear.
“Jaehee! Did Jumin send you for me? Did he finally agree to make me his cat food model?”
Her face scrunched up, and she pushed her glasses up, taking a deep breath.
“Saeyoung, good morning. No, Mr. Han has decided to go with someone else for the commercial. I came to help with getting groceries, since I hear you are busy.”
Before you could let some witty joke slip from your lips, the bathroom door opened and you turned, her lovely form causing a hitch in your breath, making your heart skip another beat, sending your whole soul up to space and then pulling you right back down so she can grace you once more.
You took in every inch of her, the long legs that led to the cutest shorts which were almost covered by one of your sweaters, the one with the headphones whose cord trailed into a heart toward the bottom. Of course, the best part was seeing her eyes shine with such happiness, and for a moment you could almost feel her love fly to you, carried by a plane-- no -- a UFO. She walked to you and gently tapped your face, bringing you back to reality.
“Ah, yes. Jaehee is here for you, princess. Please, be safe and return to me soon, or I won’t be able to concentrate on my work.~” You gave her hand a gentle kiss, letting her put her shoes on before seeing her out the door. You would just have to trust that Jaehee would bring her back safe. After all, there was no danger anymore, and Saeran would be in soon enough help you work.
 The only comfort you could find was a picture that you had taken with the other RFA members. Surprisingly, it was the only photo she seemed to have framed, but you supposed it wasn’t to strange. After all, that’s what phones are for, and you each had plenty of photos together. Your fingers traced her face lightly, a smile spreading across your face. You set the frame down and turned to the desktop, finally able to work.
 It was evening by the time you looked up from your desktop. There were crumbs of Honey Buddha chips strewn around and you had gone through cans of PhD Pepper but only one bottle of water. Your phone screen was a beam of blinding light, coming from the top of the bed, and you groggily rose to get it, shuffling over. Zen’s photo stared back at you, along with a text notification from Jumin.
“Yo! Zen-” He cut you off, his words a jumble, but you could make out the two important ones.
“She’s hurt.”
You stopped him, hand rising to push your hair back, your entire body feeling hot and clammy.
“One more time… Slowly. What.. what happened to her?”
 By the time you’d gotten there, you were drenched in sweat. Your car was parked haphazardly outside somewhere, and you’d just run in, looking for Zen in the waiting area.
“Where? How is she? Can we see her?” You grabbed his shoulders and practically pushed him towards the front service desk.
“Saeyoung! You need to calm down. She is fine. Jaehee woke up and has been by her side feeling guilty this whole time. For her sake, please calm down.” He redirected you to the elevator, hitting the 5th floor button. You made a note of it, just in case. Only in case she didn’t walk out of here today.
“They’re still looking for who did it. The only thing Jaehee can recall is that the attacker was dressed in blue, and then they were gone. She keeps saying that she should have watched her, she shouldn’t have let her go outside alone…” Zen leaned his forehead against the elevator wall, and you could only stand in silence waiting for the doors to open. Jaehee wasn’t doing well either, you understood that. She felt awful about it all, and you knew that, so why were your insides still tight and waiting, like you were going to burst?
Jaehee was already up and walking, which seemed wrong but also so much like her. Jumin’s face showed only calm, but his body betrayed that, every limb looking so stiff, almost uncomfortable. Yoosung was seated next to her bed, his hand holding hers. It was as though the room was a screen, loading in bits and pieces. You saw Yoosung and then their hands, her chest rising and falling, and your eyes began to see the bruises. Faint purples and dark blues that painted her neck and continued up to her swollen cheeks, bandages covering so much of her, with spots of blood seeping through here and there. You didn’t really see who sat you down, your eyes were still taking in the sight of her beaten body.
“I should have done more. She said she would be right back, that she would be gone for a few seconds. I got distracted, and didn’t realize until I heard the commotion outside… Saeyoung please… Say something.”
The floor was blurry, so you blinked to clear it up, and then your cheeks felt strange. Crying was something you didn’t want to do, because then you would have to explain. How could you explain this feeling? Such anger and sadness, combining to make a feeling so intense it’s as though you’ll be sick? What kind of emotion is that?
“It’s… not your fault, Jaehee.” A weak smile crossed your lips as the tears welled up again. “I… the defender of justice, should have given her something for this.” You gave a weak laugh, the end of it becoming a sob. That’s all you would allow. You would not fall apart, because this was something unforeseeable.
 From his place next to the hospital bed, Yoosung made a small noise, his head turning to look at the frail figure in the bed. She stirred, her eyelids fluttering softly before adjusting to the bright fluorescents.
“The lights.” You manage to croak it out, your throat dry and your hand already reaching for the switch to turn them off.
When she can see again, she smiles at you sweetly and suddenly your ball of emotion melts away and you can feel her warmth once more.
“Thank you, Seven. That’s so much better.”
It crushes you, your whole body giving a small jerk in response. The whole room is tense, and all eyes are on you.
“Seven… You called me Seven. Do you… remember who I am?” She giggled, the sound a blessing to your ears but the meaning a curse to your soul.
“Of course I remember you, I remember all my friends at the RFA. You… are the defender of justice! 707! Our prankster, my friend.” She meant to smile but her cheek caused her pain and the bandages irritated her. You felt someone tugging your arm and you pulled away, ready to be hysterical, ready to cry like a child and not care anymore because your world was suddenly torn from your hands. She didn’t remember you, not who you really were. Just your fake self, a lie that you thought you had abandoned long ago. Two arms lifted your body, half dragging you into the hallway as she watched you with confusion in her eyes. Jaehee stood in the corner with Yoosung at her back, her body hunched and shaking. Crying… she was crying.
“Saeyoung… The doctor mentioned that this would be a possibility. Her amnesia should not be permanent, it’s going to be fine. We can stay here near her… but we need you right now.” Zen’s face screamed with concern, but his eyes stayed serious, almost heavy as they rested on you. “You need to double check our security on the important information. Jumin will go as well-”
Your lips were chapped, and your voice cracked while you stood what ground you had left. “No.”
Jumin pushed off the wall, moving to stand next to Zen.
“You don’t have a choice. This is clearly means we or her are being targeted again, and we have to do something. We need your skills again, and then we can start worrying more about her lost memory. I’m sure it’ll come back.” His usual calm was replaced with what looked like determination, except you could see the shake in his hands. He was just as shaken as you, just better at hiding it. This… would be fine. The doctor said it should be temporary and that gave you enough time to deal with the security and find out who hurt her so terribly-- your princess laying there so broken and fragile-- It was enough to kick your senses.
“Yes. We have to figure this out. For her, I’ll do everything to figure this out.” Heart racing, mind racing, you sorted through all your steps, and in the midst of it somewhere you remembered Saeran, probably looking for you and feeling abandoned once more. Your heart sunk again, and you reached for your phone, fumbling to press his contact image and call him. His voice was panicked as he answered.
“Saeyoung! Where is the room? I don’t know her last name, I can’t ask the front desk!” You tapped Zen’s shoulder and showed him Saeran’s photo, hoping it’d be enough of a hint for him to go and retrieve him from the main floor. He took it as it was, hurrying down the hall to the elevators.
“Saeran… Zen will bring you here. I’ll need your help with some things after all of this.”
“Is it true? Does she… really not remember about you? Anything about who you really are?”
“She… remembers me as Seven. I don’t know if she’ll remember you, Saeran. She can recall all of the RFA but… We just aren’t sure.”
His face grew worried, brow furrowing as he knocked softly on her open door.
“May I come in? Sorry for intruding.” You followed behind him, eyes darting over to Jaehee, her eyes red but no longer watery from crying. She was on the other side of the hospital bed, holding tightly to a small hand. It felt like this morning was a dream, a haze that you might have fabricated from having too many sodas.
“Oh Saeran…” Jaehee dabbed at her nose once more. “I’m glad you could make it.” She let go of the small hand, and you found your eyes travelling up the arm, looking at your love’s face once more. Her eyes were all for Saeran, and you could feel the bile of panic rising once more, waiting for her to break into hysterics. Instead, her rosy lips, even surrounded by the blackish blue of the bruises, broke into a smile, hands reaching for Saeran.
“My love… You’re here at last. I was waiting for you.”
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