#I met lee hwi jae
enterenews · 2 years
Heo Joon-ho finds the body of a missing child, but his life is in danger
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'Missing: They Were There 2' Heo Jun-ho is in danger of losing his life while searching for the missing bodies of Kim Seo-heon and Lee Cheon-moo.
In the 10th episode of tvN's 'Missing: They Were There 2' (hereinafter referred to as 'Missing 2'), which aired on the 17th, Jang Pan-seok (played by Heo Jun-ho) was portrayed as being in danger.
On this day, Noh Yoon-gu (Kim Tae-woo) met Kim Pil-joong (Jung Yoon-jae), who was the boss of the drug gang pursued by Kim Wook (Go Soo). Piljoong Kim wondered, "How long will you be in Korea?", and Yungu Noh said, "It's been a while since I've been here, so I'll go sightseeing and look for my stuff."
Kim Pil-joong reported, "I put it well. It's in the name of the boss," and Noh Yoon-gu said, "There's something bigger than that. The one that disappeared three years ago. Was it for oil? No news from him yet? Gulp what to do," he said, referring to Oh Yoo-yong (Kim Dong-hwi).
Noh Yun-goo asked, "Isn't it something you really don't know?", and Kim Pil-joong nailed it, saying, "If you knew, you would have been caught already. How much does that cost?"
In particular, Piljoong Kim suddenly appeared in Soul Village. Kang Eun-sil saw the ring Kim Pil-joong was wearing and recognized his identity, and got angry, saying, "You're the one. He did something bad to Ilyong. Ilyong did that. The guy he believed to be a friend stabbed him with a knife."
Kim Pil-joong assaulted Kang Eun-sil, and Kim Wook (Go Soo) and Oh Yoo-yong, who had just returned to Soul Village, heard Eun-sil Kang's screams and headed to the supermarket. Oh Yoo-yong insisted, "Where is my body?" and fought.
Kim Pil-joong thought he was alive, and confided, "I stabbed you because you said, 'What are you doing? You're shucking things up and turning yourself in.' . At this time, Piljoong Kim disappeared from Soul Village again.
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faruangeldiary · 5 years
My Journey of Never Give Up
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I was born on 27th July 1989 with Cerebral Palsy disease; a neurological disorder which affected my right side of body including speech. I had experienced verbal bully and child abuse (of every kind). I attempted suicide many times. My first suicide attempt was in 5th grade of primary school. I hurt myself many times. I didnt accept the way i was born.In 2009, I had a motorbike accident  due to which i am facing consequences till now. After one month, I had my first epilepsy attack in home. I fainted for almost 30 minutes. Later, It was diagnosed that i have epilepsy disease by my family psychiatrist. I started my treatment. In 2010, I discovered Kpop during my treatment process which changed my whole life. I started smiling again. It changed my perception about myself and my diseases. I accepted my myself the way i am. In just two years, I left all medication. I got free of epilepsy.
In 2012, I got recognition for my promotional documentary from Korean rookie artist “JJUN” and Korean news portal like Herald and Naver. I was the first Pakistani fan whom received  signed poster and albums from singer himself. Unfortunately, he is not active these days.It seems he left music.
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In 2014, I went into depression after my university graduation. In 18th of December i undergone into abdomen surgery which is still a nightmare to me. My struggle with depression continued after my surgery too. I started working to get busy myself. I spent most of time watching Korean dramas and movies. If I wasn't a hallyu fan i would have died at that time.
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                                            Before Surgery
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                                                 After Surgery
In 2016, my life took a new turn when i won the preliminary round of KBS Quiz on Korea 2016 and went to sponsored South Korea trip to represent Pakistan in final round. The 7 days were the happiest day of my life and still it is. I met myself there. I interacted with participants from different countries and explored their cultures. I met my Korean friends for the first time. I attended KBS Music Bank. I met Monsta X, Lee Hwi Jae and Sistar’s Bora.
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                                      I am with Monsta X
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                          I am with Lee Hwi Jae (famous Korean MC)
After returning back from Korea, i felt i was thrown into cage again. My brother left home to marry his girlfriend. I ended up in hospital. I was suffering from panic disorders and epilepsy again.(after 5 years). I faced domestic violence when my brother left home.It wont be wrong to say that 2017 and 2018 were worst years of my domestic violence. Due to this, I tried three times to go back Korea for studies but failed.  In 2018, my mental health started deteriorating day by day. I committed suicides by taking sleeping spills. I deleted my previous Facebook page of over 1k followers. I deleted all my previous YouTube videos too. Then i decided to go somewhere else to safe myself. I applied in Malaysian University, Limkoking University of Creative Technology. and got admission there. Now my mental health is stable though sometimes i get stress out but i know how to take out myself from it. I am studying the course which i was passionate about so many years. That is Master in Digital Film and TV.In Malaysia, I am free to live my life without any fears. Chinese and Malaysians are very friendly and cooperative with me. I am sure I will go back to Korea one day and get chance to work with Korean filmmakers. Fighting
[UPDATE] I took the challenge by directing hearing-impaired boy in my debut film "Love Yourself". The inspiration of this film came from my personal experience in life working with hearing-impaired students. I have written the script and produced my film as well. It got selected in UK based film festival "First Time Filmmaker Session 2019" organized by Lift-Off Global Network. It gives the platform to independent film-makers to showcase their films at Pinewood Studios, Raleigh Studios, Hollywood. I got into Top 5 with public voting on online screening at Vimeo, out of 100 short films in my category. I won the free Intermediate Membership with Lift-Off Global Network for one year. With this achievement, I would like to break the glass ceiling attach with physically challenged people in Film industry. I would like to be a source of inspiration for the unheard people. It was not that easy task for me when I initiated this project. I started this project with the strong self determination and aim to fulfill my career goals in life.
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Happy Dae Hwi Day~01/29/2019
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In which Dae Hwi’s 18th birthday comes with a little surprise.
Just finished a take home quiz for today and I’m pooped. But wanted to write a little something for our magu magu member of Wanna One. Happy Birthday, Lee Dae Hwi! Your future is bright and I can’t wait to see what you do with it ^^
Due to the link issue with tumblr, please go to my blog page for the master list.
Dae Hwi scribbled some more words onto his sheet before turning back to the electric piano to play a few more notes, turning right back to scribble a few more lines, completing the verse. Setting down his pencil, he reached his arms up to stretch, noticing Woo Jin on his phone.
“Hyung, did you come up with the rap lyrics yet? You know we’re supposed to have this done by tomorrow.”
Woo Jin nodded absentmindedly, still on his phone. Dae Hwi sighed and looked down at his notes before picking up the pencil again, twirling it in his fingers as he tried to come up with more lyrics for the song Rhymer was expecting. He was slightly sad that there wouldn’t be anything exciting for his birthday this year. After all, they were working hard on producing songs for his and Woo Jin’s debut later on. 
From the corner of his eye, Dae Hwi saw Woo Jin stand up and leave the room, answering his phone as he did so. Who was he talking to? Probably one of the hyungs? The thought of Woo Jin talking to one of them made Dae Hwi slightly sad, but he quickly shot the thought out of his mind. It wasn’t like it was the end of the world; he’d see them all again at future music shows.
Little to Dae Hwi’s knowledge, Woo Jin was indeed on the phone with “one of the hyungs” but that wasn’t all. He was given the signal that all of Wanna One had gathered to surprise Dae Hwi for his birthday tomorrow. Looking at the time on his watch, it was a mere 5 minutes before the clock struck midnight. As he walked into the lobby of their building, he saw various things happen at once.
Min Hyun and Sung Woon were helping light the cake, Jin Young and Ji Hoon were passing out noisemakers to everyone else, while Ji Sung fussed around, making sure that everything was ready for the surprise. Woo Jin walked over to Ji Sung and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Hyung, relax. He doesn’t have any idea you’re all here.”
“Woo Jin, you have no idea how hard it was to get everyone here! Now that we don’t have the same drivers anymore, it was such a struggle!”
“Ji Sung hyung, keep your voice down. What if Dae Hwi hears us?” Seong Wu shushed as he walked up to the frazzled leader. Guan Lin also followed suit and patted the leader’s shoulder reassuringly.
“It’s okay, hyung. Everything will be okay!”
“How can you all say that when Jae Hwan isn’t here yet???”
Woo Jin looked around and noticed that Jae Hwan indeed wasn’t there yet.
“Wait, I thought you said everyone was here.”
“That’s what I thought until I Min Hyun told me that Jae Hwan was late. Why did he take the subway tonight of all nights?”
Suddenly the lobby door opened and they all turned to see Daniel walk in with Jae Hwan in tow. Daniel was smiling and went over to appease Ji Sung, while Jae Hwan looked really apologetic for being late.
“It’s okay Ji Sung Hyung, Jjaeni is here now! I met up with him at the subway an led him here.”
“Sorry Ji Sung hyung...I didn’t mean to be late. My manager couldn’t drive last minute so I had to take the subway.”
Woo Jin looked at his phone again and saw that it was 11:59 pm. Looking up, he quickly ushered everyone towards the practice room.
“It’s okay Jae Hwan hyung. You’re here so let’s head in, we have a minute left!”
Thankfully the cake was done and thanks to winkdeep, everyone had a noisemaker ready.
Dae Hwi was just about to go looking for Woo Jin before the door burst open and all of Wanna One walked through the door singing him happy birthday. He couldn’t help but get teary-eyed as he waited for the song to end before blowing out the candles. 
Sure, it might have been a quieter birthday than last year, but he knew he wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore. It was good to finally be 18, and Wanna One would be there for him whenever he needed it.
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fy-skz · 6 years
[Thanks To] I am NOT: Bang Chan
Hello! I have finally had my official debut! There’s so many people who helped Channie get to this point, and I’m really so thankful! First my family in Australia, my dad, mom, Hanna, Wonnie (Lucas)! Thank you for trusting me until the end and always cheering me on.. waiting must have been frustrating and distressing, so thank you so much for holding out until the end.. As much as you had to wait, I will become a successful and admirable son and older brother! Love you always! Thank you so much to my relatives in Korea as well. I cannot see you guys often, but thank you so much for becoming a great strength to me from anywhere and anytime!
And another precious family … JYP FAMILY! Really thank you so so so much! First our Park Jinyoung PD, President Jung-Ok, Vice President Jo Hae-Sung, Vice President Byun Sang-Bong, Vice President Pyo Jang-Wook, thank you so much for always understanding me despite me still being lacking and thank you for watching over me as I came all the way here! I will become an admirable Channie  who can show proper behaviour and a good image! It’s a promise!  Now, our Training Team who has been with me for 7 years! I can never ever forget you guys. Jeeyoung noona, Young-goonnie hyung, Anjin noona, Yeongsik hyung, Yeoljin hyung, Sungha hyung! There are people who have seen me for a long time, and some who have met me recently, but the amount of time isn’t important! I’m just thankful and I love you guys.. The people who helped me get here, thank you so much for helping me! Thank you so much to the many teachers who taught me along-side the Training Team! First, Sujung teacher who is like a mother, Yumi teacher… thank you so much for always being with me! Alli teach! No.. God-Alli teacher! Thank you for teaching me a lot of things!
Shin ?mi teach, Hyungju teacher, Seongun teacher, Youngsam teacher, Jisook teacher, Jaesung teacher, Sae-ie teacher, Doobu teacher, Jinhwan teacher, Jaeyeob teacher, Jinhoo teacher, Jinwoo teacher, Youngoh teacher! Thank you for teach for always teaching me lots of new things! And the Casting Team which is like a family!
Hankyung noona, Sieun noona, Blacc hyung, Donghwannie hyung, Jin-noo noona (not the casting team anymore), Ji-yoon noona! Thank you for always watching over me!
Also KJ, Ki-jae hyung! I can’t forget you guys~ And our Narae noona too! I love you! Jungeun noona, Heoni noona! I still remember you! Hang teacher who taught me language, Kyujeong teacher, Taya teacher! Thank you for always teaching well!
Through this time as a trainee I’ve learned so many things from my hyungs, noonas, friends, and youngers! Thank you to all the people who have been with me through that time! And the current trainees, the sight of you guys always practicing hard is so good to see, and you have to keep working hard!
The dongsaeng I hold dearest and works hard, Yao-chun, you’re doing well, right? I’ll always be supporting you! After graduating from the training center the environment has changed, but seeing the lots of faces made me relieved! Also, I love our Stray Kids team!
Hong Ji-eun president, thank you so much for trusting me and my teammates and letting us go forwards! Jeonghannie hyung who I will keep seeing in the future, Eunyoung noona, Jiyeon noona! Take care of us well, we will always follow you guys well! And the unforgettable A&R Team! To Sujin noona, Yoonjung noona, Sunmi noona, Jihyung noona, Jane noona, Jungmin noona, Bohyun noona, Ara noona, Jenna noona, Dayoon noona, Taeeun noona, Jungeun noona, Shi-Sae noona! Thank you so much and we have to see each other often~ Soon-hyungie hyung?ㅋㅋㅋ My hyung who is like my big brother you know I love you right? And our cool engineer hyung and noonas! Team Leader Tae-sub, Hye-jin noona, Sehee noona, Min-ji noona, Han-sook hyung, Hong-jinnie hyung, and Sangyup hyung thank you always and let’s see each other often! Thank you so much to the 1HQ 2PM Team hyung and noonas as well! Team Leader Chae-yoon, Soo-yeon noona, Mi-hee noona...I’ve only memorized those names but I will try to memorize everyone’s names! I will show a good and hard-working image! Performance Team! Nam-eun teacher, Hyung-woong teacher, Tae-yoon teacher, Gwangyeon teacher, Hwi-so teacher, Da-seul (teacher?)ㅋㅋㅋ Thank you so much to all the team members who helped us! I hope we can see each other often in the future~
Deputy Chief Kim Hwiwon, Deputy Chief Moon Ho-Yoon, Jaeho hyung, Team Leader Eun-Ok, Team Leader Park Chan, Team Leader Park Wook, Ji-Hye noona and Ye-Jin noona! Thank you for knowing me! I’ll only show good sides! Ah ha~ Our Publishing Team’s Boss Lee Jung-Yoon, Da-ye noona and Hyunwoo hyung! Thank you for helping me so well! And Kang-Soon hyung! I love you ㅋㅋ Thank you to my senior artists as well! Sometimes I see that they’ve written to me and now it’s my turn! Our 2PM sunbae-nim who we always look up to, thank you for always taking care of us! I will become an admirable artist like hyungs! And Yubin sunbae-nim who takes care of us well! And thank you to Hyelim sunbae-nim too! Thank you to Fei noona and Suzy noona for teaching me lots of things when I was younger! I will work even harder in the future! And our Ah-yeon noona, Yerin-ie, Jimin-ie, Bernard hyung, and Somi! Thank you so much! Thank you to GOT7, DAY6, and TWICE sunbaenims who practiced with me and made lots of memories! Jaebummie hyun, Jinyoung-ie hyung, Mark hyung, Jackson hyung, Youngjae hyung, Yugyeonmmie, BamBam, Sungjinnie hyung, Jaehyung-ie hyung, Young K, Brian, Yeol-Hannie hyung, Wonpil-ie hyung, Dowoonnie hyung, Nayeon noona, Jungyeon noona, Jihyo noona, Momo noona, Sana noona, Mina, Dahyunnie, Chaeyoung-ie, Tzuyu! Thank you all and I feel really happy since it feels like a family come together~ I love you! Ah I love our Boy Story sunbaenim/cute dongsaengs too! Thank you to the composers who worked with us for the Mixtape album and I am NOT! Composer Armadillo, composer Earattack, composer Trippy, composer Won-taek, composer Garden, composer Real Man, “School Life” composers, composer Hong Jisang, composer Yeo Woomin, composer KimParkChella, composer Glory Face, and composer This N That! Thank you for working with me and teaching me lots of things! And thank you so much to High Quality Fish director for making our Music Video and Performance Videos so pretty! And Bookography who made our photos so cool! Thank you so much! PD hyungs who took care of us during the ‘Stray Kids’ broadcast, writer noonas, camera hyungs and noonas, thank you so much! I miss you all! Thank you so much to the hair and makeup noonas who always went around with us and took care of us! Thank you always! And thank you to the stylist hyung and noonas who give us cool outfits! Thanks to you guys we get strength! I’m so thankful to my friends in Australia who always trust me and make me laugh, and thank you to my friends from school in Korea! I miss you all~ Love ya all! And our Stray Kids members! Woojinnie, Minho, Changbinnie, Hyujinnie, Jisungie, Seungminnie, Felix, and Jeonginnie! Really without you guys I wouldn’t be here..I’m always thankful and let’s go together~!ㅋㅋ
And.. Finally most importantly our fans! Thank you so so so much! Thanks to our fans we get lots of strength! We will run hard for our fans! We’re still very lacking and don’t have lots of experience but thanks to the constant support from fans we gain lots of energy! We have a long way to go now and I believe we will have a fun time together! Run with us! Flip it all~!
I love everyone and sincerely thank you!
Translation: Candace @ Stray Kids Worldwide ; take out with full credit
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honeybearloco · 7 years
“...Right In.”
Requested by an anon. A cutie. 
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The only way the guys could desribe the two of you was, made for each other. You’d fight one day and flirt the next. All of them were tired of you two playing like you weren’t at all in love each other. Everyone could tell. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Even people you guys didn’t know could tell just by looking at the two of you.
The first time you met the guys was through your good friend and former classmate Park Gyu Jung. Unlike most of your friends back in school, you and Gyu Jung stayed close friends and continued to keep in touch with each other. You were his biggest fan. You’d brag to some of the girls you knew he liked GROOVYROOM. You were a huge fan of Yelows Mob and Gyu Jung could see that from a mile away. He asked you if you wanted to meet them, you screamed yes and hugged him tightly.
He texted you the address of the hangout. After work you made your way to the hangout. You knocked on the door. Gyu Jung was the one to open the door. “There’s my girl.” He always called you his girl ever since you were in grade school. He continued. “Come on, I was just telling the guys about ya.” He opened the door wider so you could walk in. 
You walked in and looked forward to see all of the crew standing at you. “Guys, this is my friend Y/N.” Gyu Jung introduced, putting an arm around your shoulders.
You gave a small wave and smiled. You were a little shy meeting them at first. Sung Min’s eyes widened. He heard Gyu Jung talk about your beauty before but he was stunned. In his eyes you were a beautiful angel sent straight from heaven. 
“Y/N. These are the guys. From right to left, that’s Jung Gwang Min, Sik-K, Hwi Min, Lee Gwang Min, Mac Kidd, Naeezy, Jae Hoon, Thomas, and the last one, Sungmin. Now don’t get the Gwang Mins confused. Jung Gwang Min is the twin of Sungmin. Lee Gwang Min, the one without a twin and lip piercings.” Gyu Jung explained.
You nodded. “So Jung Gwang Min is the one with the twin, which is Sungmin on the end. And Lee Gwang Min is the cute one with the lip piercings.”
“What? Am I not cute?” Jung Gwang Min asked. “No, No. You’re adorable, it’s just Lee Gwang Min is more, how do I say-”
“Attractive. He’s her type.” Gyu Jung teased nudging your shoulder. You hit him hard in his chest and he winced in pain. Sungmin stared at the younger Gwang Min, who had a smirk on his face as he checked you out, staring at you up and down. “NO! If anyone is my type it would be Sungmin.” You admitted.
Sungmin looked at you with a surprised look. “You hear that, Sungmin? You got a little admirer.”
After getting closer to him, you got very comfortable with him. You hang out with Sungmin more than you hang out with Gyu Jung these days. The crew was preparing for a show at a club. Of course you were at work, but you felt like you were there because you were skyping Sung Min.
“Y/N, when are you getting off?” He asked.
“I don’t know but it will be very late.”
“Very late, as in you can make it to our show?”
“I don’t know, Sung Min. Maybe, maybe not.” You answered. He groaned and pouted. “Please, babe. Please!” He whined and pouted.
He only called you babe when he really wanted something of you. You sighed. “I can try to make it. Maybe I’ll even stop by for my lunch break if they’ll let me in.”
“Of course they will. Just say you’re my girl and they’ll let you right in.” He said. You rolled your eyes. “I need to go before the manager see me not working. See you later, Sungmin.” “Later babe.” You pressed the end call button, sighed with a smile.
Noon, lunch time. You took your lunch break and made your way to the venue for their show tonight. The security stopped you at the door. “Ma'am, no one is allowed in. We’re preparing for a show.” You thought back to what Sungmin said. “Oh, I’m Sungmin’s girlfriend.” “Ah, Y/N, right?” ‘HE TOLD THE SECURTIY I WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND?!’ You thought. He opened the door and you looked around. It was actually bigger than you thought. “Woah.”
“Y/N!” You looked in front of you to see Sung Min with a huge smile on his face. He rushed over to you. “Glad to see me?” You asked. “You wish. There’s food in the back if you haven’t already ate.”
You and Sungmin walked to the back where everyone else was. “Guys! Y/N’s here.” Sungmin said. You wave and said your hellos. You grabbed a plate and got some food. Gyu Jung pulled up a chair to the table for you. You sat in between him and Lee Gwang Min. Sungmin sat on the opposite side of the table of you, in between his brother and Hwi Min.
Little did the both of you know, they all had this planned out. You’d sit by Lee Gwang Min. And Sungmin would sit on the opposite side of the table of you. It was all part of the plan to get Sungmin to speak up about his crush on you. As you were eating, you felt a hand on your thigh. You tensed up a bit to feel the unfamiliar warm hand on your thigh. “How’s your day been?” Gwang Min asked.
You swallowed the food that was in your mouth and looked at him. “It’s been good.” “That’s good. You seem a bit tense, you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just it feels a bit weird that your hand is on my thigh.”
He raised his hand slowly up your thigh and moved closer to you so he could whisper in your ear. “It’s not be Sungmin’s hand. Mine are softer.” He whispered. His voice sending chills down your spine. He continued to move closer, until his nose touched your ear. “Gwang Min~!” You whined. Sungmin saw it all. Anger filled him. His blood was boiling. 'What does he have that I don’t?’ Sungmin asked himself in his head.
Gwang Min whispered sweet nothings in your ear, earning a little chuckle from you. He could’t take it anymore. Sungmin shot up from the table and stormed around the table to grab your wrist. He pulled you away from Gwang Min and walked out of the room.
He let go of your wrist and stared you down. “What the hell, Sungmin?!” “Don’t act like you you’re innocent! What was he saying to you? What was he whispering in your damn ear?”
You stayed quiet, folded your arms and looked off the right. “Why are you ignoring me?! Are you into Gwang Min?! Do you like him? How can you like him when I like you, Y/N!” He shouted. Your eyes widened. You looked at him. “You like me?” You asked.
“I thought it was obvious! I like you. I’ve like you since the first time I saw you. When Gyu Jung opened the door for you and I could see you. I love everything about you. Your smile, your beauty, your personality. Everything!”
“Sungmin, shut up.”
“No! I’m tired of hiding my love for you! And I’ll be damned if you end up with Gwang Min!” He yelled.
“I don’t like Gwang Min. I like you, just as you thought you were being obvious, I thought I was being obvious. That’s why I hit you all the time. You don’t see me hitting Gwang Min in his shoulder. I really like you Sungmin.” You explained.
Silence filled the area. Neither one of you knew what to say. You looked at your watch, your lunch break was almost over. “I should be getting back to work. I’ll be back for the show.” “You promise?”
“I promise. Don’t speak to any girls, you belong to me now. Understood?”
“I’ve belonged to you since first sight.” He added. You chuckled and kissed his cheek. “See you soon, babe.”
As you began to walk away, he slapped your butt. You covered your butt in embarrassment. “SUNGMIN!”
“What did I? It’s mine now.”
I don’t know what to say. Have an amazing day/night. Love ya~!
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kpopdancings · 5 years
" Perfume" Ko Won-hee faced with Shin Sung-rok as a nostalgic side effect
New Post has been published on http://www.whatsupkpop.com/perfume-ko-won-hee-faced-with-shin-sung-rok-as-a-nostalgic-side-effect/
" Perfume" Ko Won-hee faced with Shin Sung-rok as a nostalgic side effect
The first KBS 2TV monthly drama ‘Parfum (directed by Kim Sang-hwi, Yoo Gwan-mo, and Choi Hyun-ok)’ was broadcast on the 3rd.
Jae-hee (Ha Jae-sook), who failed to commit suicide, tried to commit suicide by taking medication again before her husband came. However, a courier who came to notice her extreme choices came to her and said, “Providing that we meet together will make our life meaningful.” The courier says, “Do not lose your courage, but wait until the thousand people are done.”
Jaehee returned to his room, checked the courier, and said, “I am going to rescue you today.” Jae-hee said, “Is it really my courier?” I suspected, and I thought the parfum of doubt was in the box. Jae-hee took a scent of perfume once, sprayed on his body, and made a fascinating look.
Due to the parfum, Jae-hee moved to another unknown space as if in a dream, and received warm sunshine from the blue fields. But suddenly the cloud fell, and lightning struck and Jae Hee fell on the spot.
When Jae-hee opened his eyes again, he was transformed into Min-Yeerin (Kwon Hee-hee) rather than Jae-hee. Jerin looked at the mirror and shouted, “Who am I?” He reminded me of the past in his photographs, which he had been thin before spraying the perfume, and was amazed, shouting, “I am not anyone else.” “I am not a dream,” said Jerin, who reaffirmed her appearance dozens of times. Jerin went to the shop without knowing himself, seeing the pretty dress she wore only in her dreams.
At that time, Park Jun-yong (Kim Ki-doo) showed up and saw Scandinavia as a stage to be put on the fashion show immediately. Hanjina (Chae Yorin) checked the point as soon as she saw Jerin, and was conscious of Seo-do with a phobia. Jerin was greatly impressed by the fact that she passed the model.
At the time, she first met Seodae, who was repairing a model ‘s clothes on the spot. Jerin looked at the image of the idol that had been repaired as if it had become a scissors hand, admitting himself and falling into his own knees. As soon as I saw Jerin, I ran away and shouted, “What are you?” He said that he would not put it on his stage, and Jerin could not even step on the stage for a while.
Jerin remained silent about modeling, which was a dream of her childhood, and was given permission to look at the rehearsal behind the stage in favor of Gina. The main model was out of the stage during rehearsal and was not able to stand on stage, and Jerin was raised instead.
She was transformed into a model, but in her eyes she was able to see Jae Hee, who was in the mirror, and she was fluttering. I heard the news, and I found a hiding place in Jerin. “I am a beauty alchemist, a talented person who can make beauty blessing.” “I will make you the most confident model in the world from now on,” Lee said to Jerin, who is said to be a “lump of inferiority.”
“I am not Min-jae-hee, food waste,” and Yeolin stood on the first runway stage. However, because I was too nervous, I was surprised to see the monitor, which had fallen down on the finale stage. As you know, overdose of sleeping pills was a problem. When I heard the news of Jerin, who seems to be sleeping on stage, I was angry at the reality that ruined my show.
Jerin was the first portal site in the West as a fashion show, and thanks to this, the island became a hot topic. It was a surprise. Ido, a power keeper, was delighted.
Jae-hee looked into the mirror and noticed that she could live again in the form of a young day through perfume. “I can live again with this scent, and I can challenge my life again,” said Jerin.
The thinner Jerin came to the West. He stopped the car in front of him and asked him to “model it.” He eventually took Lee to his house, asking him to get a job, and did a cleaning test.
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When the cleaned Yelin was resting alone, suddenly her body began to blow. In the meantime, Lee arrived at home, watching embarrassed home, and soon she fell asleep and realized that she was turning into a fat, rejuvenated body. I was embarrassed that Lee would come close. I met with the island in the form of.
On the other hand, ‘Perfume’ is a drama about a man who devoted himself to his family by devoting his whole life to a middle-aged woman who has fallen into a despair and destroyed a family and has lost his courage to challenge his love.
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honeybearloco · 7 years
“...You Thought What?”
Requested by an anon. Another one. I love Min Sik. 
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You sucked at introductions. You sucked at first impressions. Just meeting new people wasn’t really your thing. Your first time meeting Min Sik was awkward enough. But he loved how awkward you were. 
He never knew he needed you until you smiled. Now you got to that point your relationship where he wanted to tell people about you. ‘It’s only been 8 months, it’s still so early’ you thought. He’s been wanting to show you off for quite some time. But he knew he had to wait it out to see if you were in it for the long run. And of course you were. 
You met Min Sik at a show. Yelows Mob was performing at a club you worked at, at the time. You didn’t care for rappers, nor did you really care for hip hop. It just wasn’t your thing. You were the bartender. Your outfit was to, as your boss would say, “look good for the customers.” Which in other words meant, dress up for mostly the horny men. 
Of course you were in need of money, so you got paid more than the other female bartenders because they didn’t have the same body you did. You looked more “attractive” in shorts and a tank top then the other girls. 
You lost count of how many times guys have tired their hardest to hit on you. But you’d never fall to deep, but you have played a couple of men just for a couple of more bucks. But it never went too far. 
As Min Sik was performing for his little groupies in the front row, he could barely keep his eyes off you. You were tending the bar in only a tight tank top and dark blue denim shorts. 
You often had fun mixing drinks. It was a hobby. But if it was a sport, you would win all the time. He called Gyu Jung over. “Gyu Jung, take over. I’ll be back.” Min Sik said before exiting the stage and making his way over to the bar. Luckily his groupies didn’t see him, making it easy for him to make his way over to you. 
The bar was of course usually filled with men a couple of girls when you were at work. You could see him making his way over but you focused back on your job. He sat in the empty stool that happened to be right in front of you. 
“Yo, Miss Bartender, can I maybe get a Sex on the Beach and maybe if-”
“Don’t try. Do you know how many times I’ve heard that joke? ‘Can I maybe get a Sex on the Beach, and maybe some sex with me’ It’s hella annoying. Get off that fuckboy shit. Any man who pulls that line can never get with me.” You sassed. 
He chuckled at your mouth. “Woah, easy there. I was joking. But I’d still take a Sex on the Beach.” He added. 
You rolled your eyes and made his drink. You put it in front of him. “Drink up, fuckboy.” 
He didn’t leave the bar. He just stayed there staring at you. Of course everyone noticed, even you did. You walked over to him  and sighed. “Dude, what can I do get you to at least leave?” 
“Give me your number and I’ll be off.” 
“Fine! But I need a pen and a piece of paper.” You replied. 
He quickly got a piece of paper and a pen. You put your name and number on it. You handed it to him. “There!”
He looked down at the name written on the paper. “Y/N? I like that name.” 
It’s been 8 months since you and Min Sik have been dating. And it was that time period that you really didn’t want to come. He wanted you to meet his crew. Of course you were scared. Meeting his crew was like meeting his family. They are his family. He spends a lot of his time, when he’s not with you, with them. 
You wanted them to like you! If they didn’t like you, you knew your relationship probably wouldn’t even last without their support.
But you weren’t like girls Min Sik had dated. You were different. You were more reserve and harder to crack open. It took you a long time to actually fall in love with Min Sik and let him even love you back. 
You were pacing back and forth in the living room of Min Sik’s apartment. “Babe, why are you pacing back and forth? You’re gonna make yourself tired. Is this about meeting the guys?”
“Maybe. What if they don’t like me? I don’t want them to hate me! I really love you Min Sik, what happens if they don’t like me?! Do I have to change to be with you? I hate not knowing! It’s too early for me to meet them!”
He walked up and put his hands on your shoulders. “Babe, relax. They we’ll love you. I promise.” 
You took a deep breath and and hugged him. “You promise they’ll like me?” 
“No, I promise they’ll love you.” He answered, kissing your head. “Let’s go. They are waiting.” He said excitedly. 
You both hopped into his car and rode to the his crew’s hangout. You didn’t even really know why it was there hangout. There was no studio. It’s like an apartment but sort of not.
Finally you arrived and hopped out of the car. Your body was tense, you were fiddling with your fingers. Min Sik turned off the car and walked around the car, to grab your hand. 
“Relax a bit babe. I promise it will be okay.”
He began to walk inside, dragging you behind. Finally he walked into a big room, filled with his friends. All of his crew was there. Jung Gwang Min and Sung Min were in the corner looking at something on their phones with a drink in hand.  Gyu Jung, Hwi Min, and Lee Gwang Min were sitting on the couch discussing some girl Gyu Jung met at the market. Mac Kidd, Naeezy, Jae Hoon, Thomas, and Sundhc were on the way drinking and talking. 
You hid yourself behind Min Sik. “Guys! I want you to meet someone.” Min Sik said grabbing everyone’s attention. You slightly peeped over Min Sik’s shoulder. Everyone was focused on Min Sik so they didn’t really see you. Gyu Jung looked over toward his shoulder to see you peeping. His eyes widened at the sight of you, though he can only see your eyes, forehead, and the front part of your hair. 
“Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.” He said trying to move to the side but you followed, scared to show yourself. “Babe!” He whined. 
You slowly peeped over his side to make yourself slightly visible. “Woah, she’s really hot.” Hwi Min admitted. Gyu Jung nudged Hwi Min’s shoulder. You blushed slightly at his compliment. You didn’t often to compliments like that, Min Sik wouldn’t allow it. 
After a while you personal introduced yourself to all of them. You took a liking t Gyu Jung, of course because he was the first one who saw you and wanted to know the most about you. Min Sik walked to the fridge to get two beers. One from himself, another for you. 
“You’re really chill, you know that? I thought you would just be another girl. But you’re very different. We’re happy you and Min Sik found each other.” Sung Min added. 
You smiled. “Wow. That’s really nice of you to say. And to think, I actually thought you guys hated me.” 
“Wait! You thought what?” All of them except Min Sik asked a loud. 
You couldn’t tell which of them to look at so you looked down, very embarrassed for thinking the way you did. 
“Give her some slack. The girl did say she was terrible at introductions. And she did say she’s always overthinking.” Jae Hoon defended. 
All of them took another drink of their beer. 
Min Sik finally came back with your drink and handed it to you. You popped the top and took a huge gulp of the beer. 
“We could never hate you. You’re really cool and chill. And you’re with Min Sik, so you a part of this family. You are like our sister so we must respect and protect you.” Gyu Jung concluded. 
“Thanks Gyu Jung Oppa.” 
“No problem.” 
School is really kicking my ass. I really hope this was semi good or something like that. Sorry for any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading. 
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faruangeldiary · 7 years
I Left My Soul In Korea
When I leaving for Korea
It seemed i am going to Heaven
When I sat on my seat
The Thai Air hostess peeked on Ji Chang Wook image on my Tab Home Screen and smiled.
When I landed on Thailand Airport
I stepped foot on the land where i felt myself free from cage
When I was looking around the Thai Aiport
I was breathing freely with my consent.
When I landed on Hong Kong Airport
I had crush on lots of Male Staff
When I took another flight for Korea
I met adorable Korean guy ( i asked about some questions related to K-food)
When I went to Immigration Staff
Ahjussi shocked and showed my passport to his Colleague. ( As i was appearing on the KBS Competition “Quiz on Korea 2016″)
When i went out from the Incheon Airport
The person was holding the play card of “KBS Quiz on Korea 2016″
When he was taking to the Taxi Van (the most expensive taxi in Korea). The same van idols usually go in for schedules.
I fell in love with him at first sight.
When i sat on the Taxi with humble Ajhussi and handsome dream guy.
I was continuously talking to him about Korea. He gave me so much information related to quiz. I was happy i would meet him soon (i mistook him as KBS staff but he was the airport staff).
When he revealed he is airport staff
I was shocked and felt disappointed. My heart was broken into pieces.
When I reached to Somerset Palace
The Korean coordinators welcomed me.
When i reached to my hotel room around 11:00PM KST ( i had 12 hours of flight) from Pakistan to Korea
I was jumping on my bed and screaming “Finally i am in Korea”
When i didn’t wake up on time.
The Korean coordinator called us on phone for orientation.
When I started introducing myself in orientation
I was excited to meet new people but i was nervous too because i was accompanied with my younger brother. All other participants even younger than me came alone from the far without any hesitation. I felt outcast at the moment
When my brother called me handicap in front of others.
I felt offended and i wish i could slap him on his face. I was again outcast and my confidence scattered away.
When  i was silently sitting in the room
The participant from Nepal approached me and started talking about Pakistani Music.
When i went to Han River.
I ate chicken without any worries.
When my brother came late from the washroom.
I was waiting for someone to help me in walking down the steep roadside. My Korean coordinator held my hand and then i walked down the steep road side.
When everyone was going for Yacht.
I was waiting for someone to help me. Someone reminded about me to my brother. He then came back to help me.
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When i was playing Tuho- The traditional game of Korea.
Participant from the Morocco rushed towards me and hold my sticks.
When i was going towards Daechon Beach.
My Korean coordinator helped me in rolling up my jeans
When i was going into the water alone.
The same girl from Morocco held my hand immediately for the support.
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When the adorable participant from Laos was taking pictures of me
I turned myself into Model XD
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When I was meeting with myself and having fun.
Someone was making memories of mine from their cameras.
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When adorable EXO fan (participant from Spain) came into my room on the night before the competition.
I had fear in my mind if I lost the competition, I had to face domestic violence again but I had to hide my scares in front of her. Actually I had fun with her. I wish I could laugh more but I had to goodbye her because I was in pain. I didn’t want to get hurt again and reveal my dark side. I wanted to keep her innocent and adorable image in my eyes.
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When I was nervous at the backstage
I had conversation with participant from the Uruguay. He gave me confidence to stand on the stage. I had deep conversation with him, the photographer didn’t waste his time to capture this memory. If that participant wasn’t there with me. I might ended up with another attack of Epilepsy when i realized KBS mgmt didn’t provide English translation on screen. He saved my life once again. They changed the pattern of quiz in fortnight.
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When 1st Round of KBS Competition Quiz on Korea 2016 started
I became dumb because I didn’t know what she is saying.
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When I didn't qualify for the 3rd round
I cried alot in secret but i pretended that i am alright when Indonesian participant hugged me.
When a guy asked me for the help in taking picture with participant from Mongolia
The first time someone asked help from me during my trip. 
When i met my Korean friends for the first time
I hugged them and cried.
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When I met Lee Hwi Jae, Monsta-X and kissed Song Joong Ki and Park Bogum
It seemed I was dreaming.
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When my Korean coordinators got confused when i ordered beef burger from McDonald
I wish i could tell them truth about myself.
When someone asked me about why i didn't answer of any questions in Round 1 ( it was in Korean language) in a sarcastic way.
The Nepali participant stood by my side and answered on my behalf that she did not know Korean much. Afterwards he revealed he voted me for Friendship Award. I was overwhelmed from his gesture. I went back to my room afterwards and cried loudly.
When i was leaving Korea
I cried at Airport and throughout on the flight.
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When I went back to Pakistan
I felt I was caught and thrown into cage.
When my mom yelled at me
why I didn’t wear any scarf/stoll to cover my chest. When she got know that someone gift me alcohol as my friend mistook me non-Muslim. (it was slip of tongue when she saw empty alcohol plastic bottle). As it was the unique, it could be used for decoration, so i emptied and washed it. I wish i should have lied about the bottle to the mom.
When I was beaten and mentally tortured by my parents
because I didn’t wear scarf and received alcohol gift (which I had not taken even a sip of it). They physically and mentally abused me when I told them that I wanted to go Korea for studies.
When everyone refused to help me in getting scholarship for Korea.
I got another Epilepsy after 5 years. Then I ended up asking assistance from the strangers for the scholarship.
When my younger brother left house for not allowing him  to marry with the girl whom he wants by my parents.
I ended up in hospital and diagnosed that one of my nerve got narrowed which affected my whole body. I wish God should have given me silent death that time.
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When I got realized the no one is damn care about my feelings.
I ended up in isolation again and now I went back where I started from.
When I received call from Embassy that I didn't get scholarship.
I ended up in that phase where I cannot say if I am living or am just a dead body.
I had a great time in Korea. I met myself over there. I was free. I ate whatever i want. No one was interfering in my personal space. I was living with my real identity. When they didn't let me in, God sent a girl to cheer me up. When I was nervous at the backstage, God sent the angel to motivate me to fight against the odds. When I didn't qualify for 3rd round, God sent someone to hug me and let me met with my Korean friends for the first time. When i was sad, God turns my dream into reality of meeting one of my favorite kpop group Monsta-X. I am proud of myself because I had reached there on my own. I didn’t go any institute to learn about Korea and its language. I studied about Korea by myself despite of strong criticism. I felt outcast because of my brother. I wanted to go Korea by myself but once again my family proved me that i am stupid insane handicap who will always be dependent on others.
Though Korea has many social problems. I don’t need any friends to be with me for 24/7. For me just one smile even from stranger is the enough food i need, to live my life freely forever. At least I can live with my real identity. I left my soul in Korea. I am living in fears. I should say I am waiting for my death.
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