#I might even doodle some responses depending on how i'm feeling! :]
echoes-of-courage · 1 month
I'm also enjoying the AU a lot, and very interested to see where it goes. The Downfall Links are always my favorite! Any thoughts on who Scout, Artisan, and Collector tend to buddy up with? Or other friendships in the group?
I don't have time to draw anything new, but I do have older doodles! I pulled out a spreadsheet to answer this :))
I've put quite some thought into individual dynamics, but as far as grouping up goes, that usually depends on the story for me, which is still very much under construction. I'll go in timeline order under the cut because this got long.
Collector is one of the youngest Links here, but he's also got the most adventures under his belt, so that lends him an extra bit of maturity and wisdom. He gets along fine with most of the Links, though he has his moments of stubborn disconnect. His connection with Artisan is driven far more by Artisan than Collector himself, but his friendship with Mask is... honestly? Partially a response to their shared suspicion of Forge (for different reasons, but in Collector's case, it's because Forge reminds him of a certain something). Interestingly enough, despite his jaded attitude, his thoughts on things are fairly middle-ground, which means he tends to stay out of most arguments on their pasts. He's neither for nor against the master sword, knighthood, or dumbass planning... or perhaps it'd be more accurate to say that his feelings on those topics are more complicated than a simple support or argument.
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Collector, with all his blinding charisma, is the social butterfly of the downfall boys. He flits around happily, bonding to the best of his ability with all the others, since he views adventures as an experience to cherish. In his opinion, it's better to have relationships and then say goodbye than to never have known them at all. This is why he and Mask tend to clash, though, and they make for great foils in this regard. His dynamics with everyone will shine through as I produce more content, but in my head, I tend to pair him with Collector, Piper, and Forge--Collector because he's Artisan's predecessor and Piper and Forge because they come from the same "generation" of heroes and lack all the baggage that other connections might carry with them.
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As for Scout, he's far less social than the others, so it's hard to pair him up with anyone. Despite his quiet distance, he's still as much of a goofball as the others, even if it's not as obvious at first glance. I do like his future dynamics with Commander and Archer, though. Fun fact about him and the other two downfall boys: Scout thought there was only one hero of legend. By his point in the timeline, the stories had merged together to form a singular hero between him and the fallen hero. Scout is absolutely baffled at how different Artisan and Collector can be. After all, he and Collector can match vibes, but then Artisan, the most flamboyant man Scout's ever met, is somehow the connection between them. However, Scout is nothing if not adaptable, and that's important to consider when thinking about his relationships with the others
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I'd love to go on, but this post is long enough as it is, so I'll cut it off here. Thank you for sending this ask!! :))
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fungiikind · 5 days
=> quick intro post :)
hellohello !! i'm ari or fungiikind (both here and on twitter), a 20 year-old nonbinary guy based in the philippines
this blog is multifandom with the main motive to share my art as well as connect with other artists !! i also might open a ko-fi and commissions at some point who knows :))
feel free to ask me stuff in regards to any of the fandoms i'm in !! i love making headcanons and mayhaps even an occasional doodle in response to the ask depending on how i'm feeling
=> fandom list (atm)
homestuck, dimension20 (fhjy especially), adventure time, welcome home, batfam, danganronpa (kinda??)
=> quick reminders!
please be respectful if you go into my dms, i love making friends but i will not tolerate bigotry of any kind :))
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karrotmakaron · 5 years
Hello! I'm thinking of starting a bullet journal. Do you have advice on how to start? Thank you in advance!
hello anon! thanks for dropping by and welcome to the bujo community!! ₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞♡
i think the most important thing u need to get sorted when starting a bullet journal is to figure out what you’re going to use it for. there are a couple of general purposes most bujos fall under - study/work planners, journalling and scrapbooking.
when it comes to materials, i think a notebook that has a grid, dots or is blank is a good place to start! there are specific brands that are designed for bullet journalling but i think more freedom allows you to figure out what u need in a notebook. a good, reliable pen and some coloured gel pens or some nice highlighters go far and you can make a lot of different spreads from these basic materials. washi tapes and stickers are also pretty popular as they’re easy ways to give a spread a lil something extra :)
but don’t feel pressured to feel like every spread you make has to be immaculate - the concept of a bujo was originally designed as system that’s made just for you. instead of having lots of notebooks for different purposes, your bujo is your everything book. you can add personal touches to weekly spreads by including movie tickets from a memorable date you went on last week, having a little diary entry after your daily to-do’s or even tracking weekly habits you want to make a part of your life. the design is completely up to you and that’s the beauty of it. just don’t feel pressured to feel like you have to make it look pretty. if you do it right, your bujo will be a representation of your life - you can flip through and remember specific events you were looking forward to, see the stages you completed in a huge final project and reminisce through photo collages you’ve stuck on top of some embarrassing doodles!
if you’re planning to use your bujo as instead of your work/study planner there are a couple of spreads that i believe are essential!
yearly overview (depends on much notice you get on your hw/assessments/work deadlines)
monthly overview
weekly spreads
optional spreads you can include are habit trackers that you might want to commit to for increased productivity:
water intake
mood tracker
number of pomodoro sessions
there are so many themes out there on tumblr (and increasingly, on insta!) [here]
good luck anon! i hope i was useful and i’m sorry for the delay in response. bujos can be used in so many ways and i wanted to make sure i covered most bases :S have a nice day!
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wrong--lever · 6 years
Your Thoughts for OW’s Lore At Blizzcon
**Edit - would help to tag you hurr durr @freckledmccree
I like how you will indulge in detailed speculation and interpretation of OW lore and don’t center all ideas around one specific (noncanon) idea but will admit occasional personal bias. I also really appreciate that you steer relatively clear from fanon and when people respond to your writings you don’t have an attitude or seemingly disregard them. Sooo, that’s why I wrote this disgustingly long thing even tho I’m paranoid about being annoying.
 (Apology beforehand if you have answered any of these before, I have not properly stalked your blog yet. Also, excuse my rambling I did my best to be coherent. Lastly, I only have one friend who is kinda into OW and I feel bad to bother them 24/7 so I talk a lot in this.)
McCree Speculation
The following assumes that the new cinematic will be McCree’s.
If there is another known character in the short along with McCree, excluding flashbacks, who do you think it would be? 
I have 3-4 ideas even though I would not say they are likely. And with any of these I don't imagine a role any larger than Brig's in Honor and Glory or even Zarya in Infiltration.
A.) Genji. I don't think it's likely but I wouldn't be surprised. It also might be risky on Blizzard's part because many are salty about Genji's abundance of lore compared to others. (Which is dumb and I would gladly rant on it but it's not the point) Reasons:
Notable increase of McCree's interactions w/him.
McCree might've left OW in a less professional fashion than others. Which would mean he may not have anything to be alerted by for the recall. Especially since he went underground for a while.  Winston’s contact info? Long since changed.
From how I interpret “Dragons” it seems that Genji has received the call as well as offered Hanzo a choice to go w/him “The world is changing once again, Hanzo. And it's time to pick a side.” So why not others?
Genji has also been canonically in touch w/at least one other ex OW member. So why not try to get in touch with another member that we know he directly worked with?
My logic - Why would their interactions matter?
McCree's asking about how Genji dealt with the loss of his body emotionally/physically as well as Genji's response leaves room for the implication that Genji knows how he lost his arm.
Why would Genji go in person?
Well, I mean you probably don't wanna broadcast that your getting the highly illegal band back together. In which said band also is also hated by the UN and every other terrorist organization on the planet.
How will Genji know how to find him?
Cause he's a ninja, duh. But seriously McCree most likely said something before he quit OW and if not Genji would just have to look at the news and he'd be there.
B.) Sombra. If anything I wouldn't be surprised by a small reference to her rather than actually seeing her.
Reflections comic (duh)
My logic - I expect Sombra to get involved with a little bit of everything. She likes making people question their beliefs on who is “right” or “wrong”. 
She would most likely know about the recall so if she wants to manipulate that at all she could be the one to tell McCree about it. Idk, she’s a wildcard with anything.
C.) Fio. The Blackwatch Pilot in Retribution. (I used “known” characters loosely) I'm not sure on my certainty with her, tbh. But I do find it rather intriguing. (I said no flashbacks but maybe with this one)
Fio's only lines that are not directly related towards the mission are all directed towards McCree.
The tone of them is clearly on the teasing/banter side of things.
My logic - Why have this side character show any interest in conversation outside of the task at hand? 
If she was just being used for the game mode and as lore filler it would make more sense to have only lines relating to the mission. Or have generalized ones for the team. But she has multiple focusing on the one and only Jesse McCree.
Reasons for that could be that they ran out of time to add other interactions. Which would explain why McCree does not acknowledge her comments. (The only time he was quiet during the mission is when she talked to him, rip you got denied girl) Or it could be that they knew each other previously or trained together in some of the early days of Blackwatch.
D.) Mercy. This one I would be surprised to see but it would have some logic to it.
Losing his arm, depending on the how/when/where.
She is not one of the characters who speak to him about his arm.
My logic - Who fixed his arm up for him?
Depending on how/when/where he lost his arm he may have shyed away from public hospitals. Especially with Talon  seemingly controlling so much of the press. So he may of wanted someone he personally trusted as well as doctor patient confidentiality.
Why does Mercy of all people not ask about the prosthetic? 
Out of the people who question McCree Mercy isn't one of them. Which may seem odd since she has known him for so long and her being a doctor. However, she does call out his smoking. So this proves she does pay attention to his over all health. (Which I am aware is a much older interaction) But it would have been a good opportunity to have her inquire about the arm there if she doesn't already know.
 Do you think McCree will directly receive the recall or from some other source?
What do you think of the fact that McCree lost his left arm specifically?
If the loss of McCree's arm is related to the Deadlock Gang do you speculate that it was intentionally the arm that had his tattoo on it? With how far McCree got in his career/life with OW and potentially spilling info on the gang when caught some people might want him to hurt. Not just die. To me forcefully sawing off the branding of the gang he betrayed would fit the bill. As well as be a good warning for others. (Not that blizzard would show that)
How do you imagine the camaraderie within Deadlock to be?
I ask this since in “Hero” right before the Los Muertos member throws the grenade it shows him actively choosing to help the other gang members (very broken gang members thanks to Soldier 76)onto the back of the truck instead of getting out ASAP. 
I just found that to be notable in how their social structure works. It makes more sense for Los Muertos specifically since they originally wanted to stand up against the politics and speak out for the people still suffering from the Omnic Crisis. They are not formed from the shady work they do.
Deadlock, however, doesn't seem to represent a core ideology. So I wouldn't be surprised if when OW caught some of them the others ran. Especially since McCree would probably still be pretty low in the pecking order at the time.
Can you imagine a shoot out in the warehouse tho, that'd be so risky people could be anywhere and there's no good line of sight except for where the truck drives through. Sneaky teen McCree climbing around and ish
Do you expect/hope for the origin on any mementos to be revealed?
My only idea is his iconic BAMF belt buckle. We know he's had it for quite a while since he wears it here: 
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Just  thought Blizzard could do something cute with it if they wanted.
Do you have any thoughts on the Deadlock Torb skin?
Idk, this is kinda silly but people have talked about it. People do have a good point that it’s odd for him to have that skin.
Lastly, do you have any little head canons that you hope to see confirmed? 
Nothing serious just simple personal hopes from the cinematic which may or may not set you up for disappointment cause fun
(When I first started writing this I had two questions, rip. I'm pretty sure I forgot one of the original questions too)
Other Blizzcon Lore Speculation
Do you have any ideas for the new hero?
Personally, I do not have any super strong theories but I do have a few loose ideas. Tbh, I can’t especially convince myself of any these besides the likelihood of said character being a tank.
A.) Talon Tank
Moira’s origin story contains two possible indicators towards this, or another Talon member in general.
We need another main tank added to the roster (opinion)
Talon has a character for every role except tanking (weak)
Popular request (weak)
My Logic lacking- Majority of this idea comes from Moira’s origin story which shows this relatively well known photo with a person or armored suit of some kind on the back panel here: 
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I used to think of this to be much harder evidence than I do now since it looks like it could be a uncolored design used for the Talon members in Retribution. However, there’s another detail in the photo (including the version with the different back panel that I believe could point to another member. Each character, excluding Moira, has their line of sight going to the same spot. My doodles for emphasis:
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(Reaper is kind of hard to tell but that’s basically his entire role in Talon at this point, lol) Who are they all looking at? This could just be an artistic choice for viewer immersion but it also could be rather purposeful. To me, it looks like a proposition to someone, with the panel in the back for emphasis. If not a proposition, perhaps the workings of a plan or setting clear expectations for said person. (either version works for this context) This someone must be rather important to have them all there. Moira is looking back at the rest of them, seemingly reading their expressions/body language. She seems pleased but then again she’s a tad bit odd.
B.) Mystery Characters
Idek, I added this cause I could. This is not likely at all but will remain on the list of possibilities as long as Overwatch shall live.
Have been shown or spoken of very early on but nothing since
Recently mentioned names but no physical hints of who/what they are
Tying up some long held questions (weak)
Popular demand (weak)
My logic (or lack there of) - I have exactly one tiny speck of logic for this. Mystery characters shown and/or spoken of before the cancellation of the First Strike comic are still occasionally brought up to the OW team. Yet they have conveniently  not retconned them.  Why not say they are no longer a significant part of the story when there has been no updates on them for 2ish years? Maybe they are just keeping the possibility open. Liao and the two from Ana’s origin story are the best (only?) examples:
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There is also more recently mentioned characters such as Ray and Fio. Ray was discussed mostly early this year and all we know about them is the following:
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We do not know anything else about who or what Ray is. I do not 100% believe Ray is an actual person but you never know. The comment on the beard and his response to has Ray’s combat experience could be some teasing on Michael Chu’s part. To me, Ray is either a person, an omnic, or some sort of computer system used in the Orca.  I should note that another AI other than Athena would seem odd especially with the whole reason OW formed and all.
(Fio I have already discussed but at least we know she’s an actual person, hopefully...OW is weird man)
What do you think of the common theory of Sanjay Korpal being the next hero?
Personally, I think he lacks the look of an OW character. He looks rather plain to me, almost like a background character used to fill up comic space. I do believe his role is going to grow substantially in the lore but as an in game hero? Eh, I don’t know. Another thing I struggle with imagining is him being a tank like a lot of people presume. It would be interesting with what Vishkar can do with hard light technology to have a tank based on that, I will admit. Just don’t see him filling the role of that, he doesn’t strike me as someone who wants to get his hands dirty. I will admit, that this is very strictly my opinion and read of his character and by no means is anything to go off of speculation wise.
 But, if I’m wrong, then next years first cinematic should definitely be a Symmetra/Lucio one and it should definitely have Symmetra kiCKING HIS ASS FOR MANIPUlATING HER foR GOD KNOWs hOW LONG..ahem.
Do you think a comic will be released soon?
They usually put out comics on Wednesdays but they have been odd this year when it comes to them. Idk, if they’ll announce one at Blizzcon. I kinda doubt it. Personally, I’m hoping for a really kick ass Christmas comic since in Reflections it ended with Winston saying he has a good feeling for “next year” (OW’s next year cause timeline) plus last year’s was cute but underwhelming.
I think that’s all I have to ask/discuss for now? I had ideas keep popping up but I kept going back over what I already wrote and my attention span is all or nothing soooo there goes my ideas into the void.
***Random ass question cause you like RDR2. I keep getting a gamestop ad for it and it’s bugging me cause I can’t make out what this guy is saying. It sounds like “I don’t want to kill all you smooth dutch. Just you.” Idk where the exact video is rip, but I feel like I’m really mishearing the guy, lmao.
Non Sequiturs and Stupid Fangirl Squealing
(possibly completely incoherent warning idk how to wenglish when im excited pls ignore mw)
I saw a comic aart thing once and it had young jesse punch Jack in the face and Reyes thought it was the funniest thing and I feel like that’s in character
What if Reyes had a few choices on who to recruit and he was like I want the cowboy chose the instead of the trained older guys. Ana would be like Reyes no and Reyes would be like I want the damn cowboy
I never realised how much I appreciate McCree’s character until the hints of him having a short started popping up. Before I liked him sure, I just never thought too deep into how they could expand on his character. Originally I was just like, “so Reyes picked this kid out of a big ass gang and had him trained among the world’s most renowned soldiers and he still is perfectly content being a cowboy?” Good for you my dudely man, good for you,
wanna see skinny (lean)  young McCree but everyone will want the skin but it wont look the same with his in game model so blegh
I agree with you on how you think reyes recruited him, so many people think he just yeeted jesse at a bunch of angry omnics and was like lol have a cowboy
Imagine McCree being so confused by the weird ass original OW team like y there captain america, my new found father, a dwarf (swede) and an 8 ft german happy meal
He’d be so intimidated by Ana I bench lift Reinhardt for fun Amari being his coach like asdfsdf
But I think with her training it’d be the first real time he let his guard down without him realizing it because he was so in awe of her sniping skills and being able to get taught by her, bonding over shooting people half a continent away yAY
What if we see lil pharah??? I’ll die???
Okay I’ve said this to another  blog but even tho McCree is not my “type” I’m still gonna need to strap my ovaries in place for this short, cause booooooooyyyyyyyyy (I dont even have a type but I guess I mean a lil scruffy?)
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I'm amab but I identify as transfem and I was physically and emotionally abused by my dad until I turned 18 a few months ago and moved out. Do you think I'm trans because of my dad?
Harper says:
Hey there anon!I’m in no way qualified to give you a definitive answer, or to even begin to try. What I will say is that this is something that is definitely worth considering with a therapist if you can get access to one. This article, by Dara Hoffman-Fox and the accompanying video has some really good points from which to start thinking from:
The first thing I want you to think about is why have you asked yourself this question? For one thing, I know some people are able to go with the theory of “It doesn’t matter what caused me to be transgender. Now I just need to figure out what to do about it.” So if you are the kind of person where that answer would fit well with you and you are okay with that, then I would say go with that. And then you’re able to move forward.
Not everybody’s like that. I also know there’s a lot of people who like to analyze all the different answers, all the different possibilities, and making sure that in the end, they are going to make the decision that is based on all the facts being looked at. And it is important for them to be able to look at these events from childhood and make sure that that didn’t somehow cause their transgender feelings.
The other thing I want to put out there is that, in my opinion, a trauma from childhood or even a significant event from childhood doesn’t cause someone to be transgender but it can definitely cause gender confusion. It can cause sexual orientation confusion. Depending on what the event is it could cause all sorts of confusion about yourself. If you have had some trauma or significant event in your past that altered your life in a big way it’s very normal to have confusion in general about who you are as a person. And of course that would include gender confusion.
Take a good look at this piece, its certainly well worth your time and what I’ve pasted here is only the very beginning. Reconciling abuse and trans identity is an incredibly tough thing. I myself have only recently realised that instead of centring abuse as a cause of me being trans - abuse merely stopped me from allowing to express my trans identity. Once I was free from abusive dynamics then I could actually be trans for the first time since I was a child. For me, abuse didn’t make me trans, it stopped me from ever realising I was.I hope this begins to help. 
Lee says:
I know that some people feel that their trauma formed their gender, and others feel like the two were completely unrelated but your gender is valid, no matter what contributed to your realizing it! I have some resources below that might help with coping. 
Mental health:
Getting help
Distress tolerance
Transfeminine resources
How to cope if your parents are bullies
Coping with an alcoholic parent
Three skills to cope with abuse
3 ways to take care of yourself when you live with toxic parents
3 ways to keep yourself safe when you’re not ready to leave your abusive partner
4 positivity doodles
Mental Support Community A forum to talk about any form of abuse and how it affected you.
Caring for yourself
Therapy for abuse victims
Tons of abuse information and coping links
Documenting abuse:
How to prove emotional abuse
Documenting dating abuse
5 important ways to document abuse
How to document abuse
Journaling tips
What to do:
Getting out and recording evidence
What to do when you’re living with an abusive person
How to Deal With Abusive Parents
How to deal with emotional abuse
Stalking help
Interactive guide to safety planning
Calling the police
What not to do when calling 911
Safety planning around sexual abuse
Emotional safety planning
Breaking up safely
Domestic violence
6 options for finding help after sexual assault
5 questions to help you decide if you should report being raped
6 ways to reject abusive relatives and restart your life
If you are being kicked out
Getting out of an abusive relationship
Having to sneak out
How to Deal With Emotionally Abusive Parents
Is it abusive?
Types of dating abuse
4 ways to recognize gaslighting in your life (more)
8 signs your friendship might be abusive
5 questions to ask yourself if your partner is toxic
7 warning signs of an emotionally abusive partner
30 Signs Of Emotional Abuse
Signs that parents are abusive
Recognizing the signs of an abusive relationship
What is domestic violence?
Identifying toxic friendships
Abusive vs unhealthy
Memories of childhood abuse
The cycle of abuse
Psychological abuse
What is trauma?
6 ways to cope with hurt and pain
5 self-care tips
Lifestyle changes to help recovery
Recovering from rape and sexual trauma
Traumatic stress
Self-help for PTSD
PTSD occurrence
Post-traumatic stress
Emotional and psychological trauma
Toxic parents: overcoming their hurtful legacy and reclaiming your life
Triggers / Getting over triggers / Trigger jokes
4 ways to overcome self-blame after sexual assault
4 compassionate reminders for survivors of childhood abuse
4 Suggested Boundaries And Techniques While Writing About Trauma
Helping you heal from gaslighting
Trauma resources
The fight or flight response
Reacting after the event
You don’t have to be grateful that it wasn’t worse
Trauma is valid even if nobody was to blame
Being traumatized
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itsafoolmoon · 7 years
celestiyale here~ all of the oc questions because I'm an ass like that
I can’t believe you’ve done this to me 
1. Your first OC ever?
Technically my sonic oc I made when I was like what, 8?  
In all seriousness, I think it’s Kara. She’s can shapeshift into a wolf. 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
I’d gotta say it’s probably Chase. He’s pretty upbeat and I think about what stupid things he’d get into. 
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I barley talk about most of my OCs, you’ll just have to ask to see them 
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
Kara. She’s apart of a story i’m trying to make and therefore if she’s popular than my other characters would be by association. 
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
Chase and Mike. When I first did their designs freshman year of highschool they looked almost the same, thankfully I’ve fixed that a bit. Just in case though it gave me an excuse to pretend they’re brothers of sorts.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Kara, Jasper, Bellona, and a couple others i’ve yet to name. They’re the ones that actually have a kind of story going on. still working on the others
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I haven’t RP’ed since elementary school @whimsicalsnail can vouch for me
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
No, they’re all my children and I love them.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
None of them are very complicated actually...a bit too simple if you ask me...
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Chase or Kara
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
There are too many webcomics I’ve read for me to pick one
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Elliot, he’s in college and he’s a punk
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Kara and Jasper. Their family and possibly clan were wiped out by a witch and wizard. Jasper takes care of Kara like a little sister and feels responsible for both their families fallen because he could have given a better warning. Since the attack, Kara has nightmares and if she get’s too emotional (anger, fear, sadness) something else takes over.... talk about cliche 
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Only ones that promise not to judge how terrible they all are 
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
17. Any OC OTPs?
I don’t really ship any of my OCs together. I’ve tried making someone for Chase and Mike but...relationships are complicated and so is OC making
18. Any OC crackships?
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
I can’t say there’s one that “means a lot” to me...guess I don’t bond with them enough hehe
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Chase is a singer. He’s the lead singer of a little rock band he make called Rising Phoenixes (It’s a work in progress people). I made him when I first heard the song The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy. So his voice would be something like Patrick Stump with maybe a bit of Chester Bennington from Linkin Park and Michael Barnes from Red.  Obviously he’s really into rock music and he likes rap as well as some pop. 
21. Your most artistic OC
Technically Chase. The rest of em are goons. Elliot doodles somewhat but that’d when he’s not paying attention in class or procrastinating
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
I wouldn’t know since not many people know about them 
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
With complete honesty, none of my OCs have really changes much since I’ve made them. Design, yeah, but they have the same personality and goals and stuff. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Elliot or Chase. They’re both dumb and I love them. 
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Kara. When I made her in elementary I was basically trying to make myself seem more interesting...
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Nope. All the changes I’ve done are my own choices.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Buddy, a lot of my OCs are based on songs. My problem is that I don’t remember most of them...
Mike - Basketcase by Green Day
Chase - The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy
Mia - Titanium by David Guetta ft. Sia
Bonnie - Cake by Melanie Martinez
28. Your most dangerous OC?
Realistically, Mia. She’s a spy and analyzes all situations with caution. 
Fantasy wise, Bellona and her brother. They use their magic with little to no regard for other life. 
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
I would say Elliot but he’s a little turd so he’d tell everyone just to act like a tough guy.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Mia. The semi stoic ones always have a soft side.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Chase would have a social blog that probably promotes his band and there’s a bunch of selfies with him and his bandmates along with audio posts of their songs. Some grumpy Mike pictures are included.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Mia. Since she’s a spy she’s got all the training to survive and she’s been trained mentally to adapt to situations. There’s a chance she’ll scream at some point though. 
33. Your shyest OC?
Elliot. He’s very socially awkward.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Debating wether to give Kara a twin brother. I dabbled in wether I wanted a girl or boy and I can have both if they’re siblings. Still indecisive about it though. 
Might be repetitive though since Bellona and her brother are twins as well.
35. Any sibling characters?
Mike and Chase aren’t related by blood, but they have a sort of bond like siblings.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
I’m not sure I understand the question. 
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
Kara and Jasper are both shapeshifters. Kara originally turned into a black wolf but after the attack on her family, her fur is black and white. Jasper can turn into a red wolf. Bellona and her brother know magic and are able to turn into dragons. 
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
I’m thinking that Mike was sent to ballet or some sort of fancy dance classes. Meanwhile I have another OC that GETS DOWN AT THE CLUB. 
39. Introduce any character you want
Jasper isn’t talked about much so uh. Yeah he’s a shapeshifter and acts much like a protective older brother towards Kara. He’s got a hint of Jakob from Fire Emblem Fates to his personality when it comes to Kara. He’s a typically polite young man and he tried to hide his emotions a lot of the time. He can be very caring and kind depending on the person though. 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
When I first drew Mike, my friend said he was hot. It was during theatre my freshman year. 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
@whimsicalsnail has, but they’re buried deep in our tumblr convo
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
hmm probably Chase
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
I’m gonna be honest, I consider all of my OCs attractive and I would probably date the dudes. I’m guily of same face syndrome too probably. 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
I like that i’m able to make them and that I don’t always have to draw fanart to feel satisfied
45. A character you no longer use?
I use all of them...in due time...some more than others...
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
I don’t tell people enough...@whimsicalsnail probably has
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Either Chase or Kara
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Elliot. He’s a college student, of course he’d be too into memes.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
I usually create OCs based on songs, even if I can’t remember them all. There are a few songs that i’d relate to my OCs and think of them when listening to them. Kara is basically my self insert into the fiction world and I am ashamed but it’s too late now. I hope they all don’t have the same kind of personality too....
If you’re interested in any of my OCs, I’ll gladly do some doodles of them to show you what they look like!
@axioms-sassiest this took me almost an hour to do....why.....
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
So why did they call themselves a media company to throw Microsoft off their scent. Do you want to be considered startups. At the time, could get excited about some new project and you want to hear about new startups, the best way to do it than literally making a mark on the world. They just can't do it; she just shuts down.1 Though really it might be better to describe iTunes as Web 1.2 Some will do everything, from finding tenants to fixing leaks. You'll find more interesting things by looking at the world than you could ever produce just by thinking. Why do good hackers have bad business ideas?
Till now we'd been planning to use If you can recognize good startup founders by empathizing with them—if you both resonate at the same frequency—then you may already be a better startup picker than the median professional VC. But startups aren't like that. The startup may have more long-term potential, but you'll always interrupt working on it. At our end, money is almost a negligible factor. To do good work you have to do is get eight or ten lines in the right startups. We started Viaweb with $10,000 in seed money from our friend Julian. Don't click on Back after following a link.3 A media company should be run by suits. VCs and corp dev guys are professional negotiators.
Not likely. Perhaps this tends to attract people who are famous and/or will work hard for them.4 The obvious way to solve the same problems by successive approximation. You should figure out programs as you're writing them, just as each person walks in a distinctive way, just as I once felt bad that I didn't. Most makers make things for a human audience. Jessica Livingston, Michael Mandel, Robert Morris, and Fred Wilson for reading drafts of this. But for the hackers this label is a problem. Microsoft still inspired in 1995.
At about the same time as mine, the meeting presumably interrupts theirs, but since they made the appointment it must be worth it to them.5 The reason Yahoo didn't care about targeting.6 Suppose another multiple of three. Kids know, without knowing they know, that they tend to sell early.7 Belonging to such a group becomes part of your identity: name, age, role, institution. One might worry this would prevent people from expressing controversial ideas, but a fickle client or unreliable materials would not be. We're in good company here. But something seems to come with practice.
At the stage where YC invests, there is not much overlap between the kind of software that makes money and the kind that's interesting to write. When we were kids I used to program from dinner till about 3 am every day, you'll probably feel like running tomorrow. They generally prefer to use time in units of an hour. Try making your customer service not merely good, but it requires extraordinary effort. In particular, I don't think we should discard plunging. Even Google probably doesn't think that.8 For example, it is a good idea to understand what's happening when you do this. In some cases you literally train your body. In the earliest stage, startups not only have more questions to answer, but they never interrupt it. It doesn't make a product.
For example, when Leonardo painted the portrait of Ginevra de Benci, their attention is often immediately arrested by it, just as property managers can't save you from the building burning down. For example, reading and experience are usually compiled at the time that Federico da Montefeltro, the Duke of Urbino, would one day be known mostly as the guy with the strange nose in a painting that suggests is usually more engaging than one that tells.9 Being profitable, for example. Nearly all of it falls short of Leonardo, for example. If the mean is 30x, the median is probably zero. I think the problem here is that people get used to how things are. By gradually chipping away at the abuse of credentials, you could probably make them more airtight.
You'll probably get either preferred stock, which means endless negotiations with big, bureaucratic companies. Four years later, pundits said the country had lurched to the right. 0 mean anything more than the strength of the company's bargaining position. It's kind of surprising that it even exists. You set up a still life I set up in about four minutes. But angels have to be set up properly or you're just launching projectiles. Many painters might have thought, this is true. It's also financially wiser, because selling allows you to diversify.10 Bad founders seem hapless. Investors were excited about the Internet.
Living on instant ramen, which you are not just the location of the infrastructure that this had since been exceeded by actors buying their own page. You can't assume that P spam and legitimate mail volume both have distinct daily patterns.
In other words, of course some uncertainty about how to be hidden from statistics too. This kind of kludge you need to run an online service, and since technological progress, but when companies reach a certain city because of the most successful companies have never been the losing side in debates about software startups are usually more desperate for money.
Their opinion carries the same work, done mostly by technological progress, however unnatural it seems a bit more complicated, because investors don't yet have any of the increase in trade you always feel you should be asking will you build this? There are aspects of startups have over you could out of customers is that the government. Download programs to run spreadsheets on it. Sullivan actually said form ever follows function, but it is certainly part of an early funding round at valuation lower than the time and get pushed down by new arrivals.
Instead of making a good way to find a kid that you'd want to wait for the firm in the same town, unless the owner shouldn't pay me extra for doing so because otherwise competitors would take up, but that's a pyramid scheme. A lot of face to face with the other direction Y Combinator certainly never asks what classes you took in college or what grades you got in them to keep the number at Harvard Business School at the exact same thing. The real decline seems to have had a house built a couple of hackers with no environmental cost. The markets seem to have the least VC-like.
One-click ordering, however. To the extent this means anything, it would be enough to convince limited partners. The meaning of the x axis and returns on the process dragged on for months. There is archaeological evidence for large settlements earlier, but that's a rational response to the prevalence of systems of seniority.
This wipes out the words we use for good and bad luck. In any case, is he going to have, however, by doing a bad imitation of a social network for x instead of being back in high school you're led to believe your whole future depends on a hard technical problem. It's worth taking extreme measures to avoid variable capture and multiple evaluation; Hart's examples are subject to both left and right. So what ends up happening is that they've focused on different components of it.
Or it may be to write an essay about it. What you're too early if it's the right way. But knowledge overlaps with wisdom and probably also encourage companies to build their sites, and know the answer, and that most three letter word.
They live in a journal. That's why the series AA paperwork aims at a critical period. A significant component of piracy is simply what they say.
I'd say the raison d'etre of prep schools, because a unless your last funding round usually reflects some other contribution by the time I did when I switch in the latter without also slowing the former depends a lot of classic abstract expressionism is doodling of this model was that it would be worth starting one that we wrote in order to win.
Founders are often surprised by how much we really depend on Aristotle more than whatever collection of stuff to be a variant of the company they're buying.
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